#pmd games are peak
team-heavenly · 11 months
Chapter 22 - Part 2
Lest you've lost your way, click here to progress (regress?) back to Part 1.
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...Okay, now I'm officially worried.
Meanwhile, back in the Real World™️ (shout-out to my buddy @kantochampred!):
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Alright, I'm about to go off on a small side tangent here but I promise it's worth it-
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(Sorry to post your sins on main, Red 😔)
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(Why Do I Climb the Mountain? is a reference btw)
LMAO OKAY thank you for bearing with me, now back to the main show:
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Good job, neither of those two things is correct!
...Okay, Cherrim has replaced Drifblim, yes, but. Imagine this tiny seed holding Teresa and Andrea by their little stubby hands while riding the wind down the mountain.
I had to look up a walkthrough to identify that little Riolu to the right. Normally, that's an Exeggcute! (And the backup for Team Frontier, apparently).
The Third Station Pass was dubbed Great Turn, while the clearing was called:
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Admittedly, I had no idea what an "oubliette" was, so I did a quick search and...
Wait a minute, are you freaking kidding me-
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(Apologies for the small text at the start, let me know if I need to add an image description!)
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...No >:l
The only reason I left this in is because this happened:
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Oh my God yes PLEASE-
So fun fact, I actually did a dry run of the first few dungeons before doing it for real and taking photos. And the first time around, this gift was an Escape Orb? Which isn't bad, but I would 100% take the Reviver Seed over that any day.
The 4th Station Pass was named Sad Peninsula. (Florida? Dat you?) And the 4th Station Clearing? See below.
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But then!
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(Handsome Desolation? Is this where the handsome men in uniform... perish?! 😓)
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I feel like a large, prehistoric rock dino should be enough to scare most things, but I guess taking the even larger rock snake as backup can't hurt.
So we go through the 5th Station Pass, Sandy Way... (Only one letter different from Sandy Bay.)
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I. Don't remember why I took a picture of this. The downfalls of not immediately composing posts after the playthrough...
But yeah, those giant two-room dungeons with guaranteed MH's and a huge mass of enemies in the other room aside is definitely a theme and I hate it.
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Andrea consumed enough Gummis to obtain this IQ skill, which is awesome since Max Elixirs are so hard to come by.
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Look at this!! I'm pretty sure Blizzard only had 7 PP before! Yee haw!
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I wonder which Pokémon are the ones bothering Sneasel Pichu?
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OH NOOO!! I'm imagining this grisly scene where all these Combusken are just pecking Pichu to death.
Team Frontier happens to beat us to the punch:
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I love that Onix is so big that she blocks Nidoran F.
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Like all territorial encroachments in Mystery Dungeon, everyone just jumps right into the fray without listening to anyone 🙄
Honestly, all of Team Frontier was pretty based. Jolteon had an ability that allowed him to attack twice in a row (I think because the weather was different?) and he consistently used X-Scissor. Nidoran F had Sesimic Toss (55 damage) and Ice Beam. Deoxys had Attack Order, Seed Flare, Rock Wrecker(!), and Swift, the last hitting for 120 damage on a critical. Combined with Teresa's Chatter (when we finally got there, because you start off a ways from everyone), they didn't stay up for much longer.
Also Jolteon shielded me when Teresa got low on HP 🥺️
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"We owe you..." -> Yet another line from this game that never made any sense to me. (Unless it was sarcasm ig?)
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💀You what
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Hey, speaking of... I know Onix is huge and all, but have y'all seen Pichu since the fight started...?
(Beep boop, click here to advance to Part 3)
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iruludavare · 2 years
{ ooc. I'm waiting for migraine meds to kick in so hell yeah why not
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X }
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I've gotta ask: what's your opinion on the Mystical Forest theme from Super? I think it's severely underrated
ARGH thank you for reminding me this track EXISTS it's gotta be one of my favorite in the entire game. i don't know musical terms that well but the notes in threes like at the beginning are just wonderful. i remember really liking it when i played thru psmd (but i liked basically every track quite a lot) but i couldn't remember where it was from. so. thank you for this reminder because it's really really good
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furryfantasies · 2 years
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a pmd rom hack did not make me emotional nope
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wherethelightrots · 7 months
For the next pmd I hope they actually make Zorua a starter (finally) preferably a hisuian one but that's cuz I am incredibly biased. Also I wanna see a hatenna and ralts tbh
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smtfaggot · 1 year
claims to hate pmd eot/d/s -> has also replayed it more than 20 different times
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ifbench · 6 months
Did you know that one of the most obscure PMD items is a simple banana?
In the original Rescue Team games, there's a banana item that, when eaten, acts identically to a regular apple, restoring 50 hunger.
It is only found in four dungeons in the entire game: Mount Blaze Peak, Frosty Grotto, Mount Freeze Peak, and Magma Cavern Pit.
What's more, this item can only be found inside walls. You can't find them with regular dungeon navigation, you have to go into the walls to find them.
They are absent from Rescue Team DX, likely because they serve very, very little purpose.
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onlyhereforghosttrick · 3 months
A bit of a simple question, but is there any piece of media (movie, game, writing, music, etc) you think is underated/more people should know about (or that you just realy recommend). Feel free to answer with more than one if you want to.
I don't know how to determine if something is underrated so uh- prepare for an onslaught of hyperfixations from the past couple years (mostly video games (and even more so DS games as it turns out)).
Ghost Trick
I don't know how to accurately depict how much this one has influenced me. It gave me my love for foreshadowing in twists. And clever gameplay integrated with the story. And flashbacks. And non-linear stories in general. Just one problem: I can't say anything about This game without spoiling just SO much of it. By calling two characters by their accurate name, you can spoil the final twists of the game, so I have to walk a delicate balance I mostly just didn't bother with when recommending the game. Well, this is your push to play it. (It got a remaster last year, which would be the most accessible way to play it, but if you don't mind a bit if illegality or overpricedness, the original release is always an option.)
Professor Layton
One of the less significant interests of mine, it's like a puzzle game mixed with a point and click adventure where you have to solve a bunch of miniature logic, sliding, counting, or other puzzles to progress, ton of fun, would recommend. It's getting its seventh entry soon [despite the alleged 'no further plans for games here in the west' or whatever], and it looks really cool! Might end up checking it out when it releases... sadly, most of the series is relegated to the mobile ports so that's the only place you're really able to find them, aside from their original ds or 3ds games. [keep in mind, I might just be unaware of some obscure ports.]
Ace Attorney
Ace attorney is probably the one the most people will actually know about, this being a visual novel puzzle series where you work out logical contradictions in a courtroom setting to save clients from false convictions. Currently serves as one of the main inspiration for my current biggest project [which I admittedly don't have enough written to link here]. Arguably the easiest to play the full series of thanks to the recent collections coming out, spinoffs included.
The world ends with you
Twewy is one of the most recent inspirations on this list, following an amnesiac teenager through a week-long game of life and death. I haven't played the sequel in a while [and I can't anymore, thanks PS plus], so I don't exactly have enough info left to judge it, but the original is hectic multitasking at its peak. ...on the DS. I don't have final remix, so I can't testify as to its quality, although with how it kind of looks to me like they butchered the original's quirkiness thanks to the lack of dual screens, my recommendation would be to play the original on DS, then watch the cutscenes of A New Day [a story epilogue exclusive to Final Remix that preludes NEO] in a youtube video. Maybe I'm wrong about the butchering though- keep in mind, this opinion comes from a guy who think the ghost trick title screen in the remake was worsened by the addition of music. [mainly because it's not even original music, just the main theme- but that rant can wait for another day.]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
This one. Ho boy this one. The biggest influence in a while when it comes to executing non-linear storytelling and compelling characters. It took a while for me to find it and a bit longer to see the appeal, and boy was it worth it. Chances are if you find this blog, much less this post, you already know about pmd, but if you somehow don't, then allow me to recommend you play one of them, because trust me when I say they're ALL worth a try. [I haven't played super yet and I don't plan to play rescue team so I can't quite testify to those, but explorers and gates from my experience have all been pretty good with gameplay and excellent with story.]
Pokemon Adventures
Yes, another pokemon recommendation. No, I swear this is different. There's a chance you've at least heard of this without knowing the name. This being the manga where all the weirdly dark stuff happens, right? You know, like 6 of the unovan gym leaders being CRUCIFIED? [No, really.] While this manga is practically infamous for its content, as you might now, but I swear it's worth a read for the actual character it has, which is usually better than the games themselves at storytelling. And honestly, I'm glad ScarVi learned what made a good story, that being having actual characters involved rather than cardboard cutouts. ...Just a shame the game is tripping over its own feet half the time.
This is a fun one, and I'm surprised not too many people know about it- basically, Ultrakill is a Devil May Cry-inspired First Person Shooter, where you play as a blood-fueled robot blasting his way through hell, where the whole game is designed to be as fast-paced as possible. If that sounds remotely interesting to you, I'd highly recommend you give it a try.
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom hearts, yes, the infamous crossover between disney and final fantasy. Some might argue this doesn't count as underrated, but 1. Did you hear me or not? I said I didn't know how to qualify if something is underrated, so... and 2. I feel like people really only know that Kingdom hearts has a weirdly told story and that very few people actually KNOW that story. So yeah, I'd recommend giving the story a chance if you can- just make sure to pay attention to DDD specifically, because A LOT of people get tripped up there. Oh, and for the mobile games [which yes they are important why do you think this series got the reputation it did], the official source isn't great- watch a fandub instead.
A pretty indie artist I listen to sometimes, great for if your prefered type of music is 'the bpm is a higher number than there are atoms in the known universe'. Some personal favorites of mine are Fire4Fun, Risk! Risk! Risk!, and Re:Concerns.
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm heaven is one of the more obscure games on this list, but it's a good one- basically just a collection of rhythm minigames without any throughline whatsoever, and it's a ton of fun- but also REALLY HARD. Its last entry was Megamix on the 3DS, but it had entries on the DS, GBA, and Wii. Megamix was more a 'best of' compilation for the series to that point, so if you can only get one of them, get Megamix- even if it is by FAR the hardest to get [legitemately] due to the lack of physical releases in most regions.
Sorry this took so long to get done! Hope the answer is satisfactory.
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eldragon-x · 7 months
PMD: Rescue Team Timeline
Gates to Infinity
This timeline is specifically based on Blue Rescue Team since it's the game I own so there may be differences between this, Red Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX.
I'll count vague timeskips to the best of my judgement, the one dungeon = one day rule doesn't strictly apply, and I document every game up until the hero and partner reunite, though I might make additions for post-game story later on.
Introduction Arc
On Day 1, Hero and Partner meet and rescue Caterpie before forming a team. On Day 2 the team rescues the Magnemite and the hero has a dream the following night. Partner shows Hero around on Pokemon Square on Day 3 and the following night, Hero once again has a dream and an earthquake occurs. Dugtrio asks the team to rescue Diglett on the morning of Day 4 and again, Hero has a dream the night after.
Magnemite joins the team on the following day, Day 5. They're also introduced to Shiftry and Team ACT. Nothing happens on Day 6, but on Day 7 Team Meanies introduce themselves and steal the team's mail. Caterpie asks the team to rescue Metapod on Day 8 and Team Meanies confront them in Sinister Woods in an attempt to steal the job.
Ninetales Legend Arc
Jumpluff approaches the team on Day 9 to ask them to rescue Shiftry from Silent Chasm, and on Day 10 the team make their way to Mt. Thunder to confront Zapdos.
The Team meets Xatu in Great Canyon on Day 11 and on the day after, Day 12, Whiscash tells them about the Ninetales Legend. The partner gets so demotivated that they suggest to quit work for the day and the hero has another dream the following night, in which Gardevoir clearly appears to them for the first time.
Day 13 marks the day on which Gengar reveals to Pokemon Square that Hero is a human which turns the town against them.
Run Away Arc
In the early morning of Day 14, the team takes off to flee. An unknown but significant amount of time passes before they make it to Lapis Cave. Seeing how they make it through different areas and the distance between Pkmn Square and Lapis Cave is a good bit longer than the path you actually play through, I'm tempted to pin down the trek to Lapis Cave at a lenght of five days, counting in Day 14, marking the day the team makes it through the cave as Day 18.
I choose to apply the 1 day = 1 dungeon rule to this arc due to how lenghty it's meant to feel and how the trek between Mount Blaze and Frosty Forest describes the team going through different areas again. So, on Day 19 the team makes it through Mt. Blaze, on Day 20 through Frosty Forest, and finally on Day 21 they reach the peak of Mt. Freeze to meet Ninetales. Team ACT make their way to Magma Cavern to confront Groudon on that same day.
Now logically, the trip back to Pkmn Square would take days but the game doesn't give you that impression, plus for missions you can go to and through dungeons all the way across the continent within a day so I'll say the team makes it back to Pkmn Square within Day 21.
Groudon Arc
On the night of Day 22, the hero has another dream with Gardevoir and an earthquake occurs that night. The next day, Day 23, Wynaut approaches the team asking them to take care of the Mankey in Uproar Forest. Once you do, it takes them "some days" to renovate the house. Assuming you already got two chestnuts on your first trip to Uproar Forest, you can give those to the Mankey right after to further progress the renovation. I'd put the entire process at a duration of seven days, counting Day 23, which would make Day 29 the day the house is finished, assuming you got two chestnuts right away and don't have to return to Uproar Forest.
Nothing happens for two days until another earthquake happens on the night before Day 32, on the morning of which Shiftry calls Rescue Teams from all over to Pokemon Square to send the best of them off to Magma Cavern to try and rescue Team ACT and defeat Groudon. The team continues with work as usual that day.
Finale Arc
On the very next day, Day 33, the rescuers return from Magma Cavern exhausted and having failed. Partner motivates the present Rescue Teams to not loose hope and make their way to the cavern as well. The team plans to take off the next day themselves. The hero has another dream with Gardevoir the night before the trip.
On Day 34, the team makes it through Magma Cavern and return to Pokemon Square with Team ACT where they're almost immediately alarmed by Xatu seeing an approaching meteor. The team plans to seek out Rayquaza the next day to ask them to destroy the meteor. The hero has a dream about Gardevoir that night, who tells them that they'll have to return to the human world once they fulfill this task.
Day 35 marks the day Hero and Partner make their way through Sky Tower, ask Rayquaza to destroy the meteor, and save the world. Once they're back on the ground and recover from the impact, the hero vanishes to return to their world. However, they are permitted to reunite with the partner and the two are back together on the same evening.
The main story of Rescue Team lasts 35 days or 1 month and 5 days.
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 8 months
If they ever reach out to Toby fox to be a composer for a pmd game, I'll never need another video game in my life. Gaming will have peaked
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team-heavenly · 11 months
Chapter 22 - Part 5
A correction to the previous part:
Part 1 (F*ck You)
Part 2 (You)
Part 23 (Un-Primals)
Part 34 (your)
Part 45 (Dialga)
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...Oh my god, Buizel rose from the grave and evolved just so he could get revenge on Team Heavenly. Which, fair tbh.
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NO, THIS CERTAINLY ISN'T THEIR HOME! Although at this point, I'm just glad my "Koffing and Weezing" prediction didn't pan out, or else this would be...awkward.
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Onix really just went:
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Here's a snippet from the fight (incoming partial voice reveal 😳):
(Er... this video looked much cleaner when I uploaded it... Sorry for the blurry text T-T)
As you can see, this shows the two most important parts of the battle:
Anorith confusing the heck out of everyone with a silly little dance
Click here to watch the sequential scene because I was NOT editing another 70 screenshots, thankyouverymuch >.>
* * *
"And so Team Heavenly, which had successfully climbed to the Sky Peak Cloudy Well Summit, thanked Onix graciously and returned to Treasure Town Nautical Cottage. And on the evening of that day, there was a huge party at Rotom's Cafe. Everyone stayed up until dawn, discussing the exploration..."
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...Wait, we haven't heard from Pichu, have we?
*You hear the faint sound of a trumpet playing Taps in the distance*
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All in all though... Not a terrible time! All that's left is to get the treasure boxes open, stash the cash, consume some Gummis, and check out a few new recruits we picked up along the way.
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At first I thought this was Tiny Meadow, but after some research it seems this was Lush Field. I tried looking up what a "Bend" is exactly, but all I got were results for Bend, Oregon. (Which apparently has the last Blockbuster store in the world?!)
Last but not least, I decided to test out the evolution system on one of our new buddies...
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Yeah, so... Evolution is not randomized. The abilities and stats change, but that's all.
Whew... This took me so long to work on that Teresa and Andrea are both now level 54 from various odd jobs and the Poliwhirl Dojo (more on that next time!). Blizzard Island should be much easier to coast through, so hopefully it won't be nearly as long before a new update comes out.
Until then... Take care!
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ask-obt · 2 years
A question for Woo. Would you enjoy an explorers DX getting revealed on the upcoming Pokemon Day?
// if this hypothetical proposes that this sort of explorers DX would be almost exactly the same in execution to rescue DX then I'd have to say................ no..............
before you bring out the pitchforks, let me explain myself. anyone who attends my streams or catches me in the wild in discord servers knows that I don't really like how the 3d games look. it's not as much a debate on "does pixel art or 3d models look better", but more "which style does chunsoft handle better", which I can sum up how I feel about in one screenshot
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which is to say, my main problem with the 3D games is that the charm kinda got sucked straight out of them. it's true that pixel sprites have limitations- it's why we have portraits to more easily convey how characters are feeling, and your brain can fill in any missing details. but with 3D games, every aspect is able to be rendered out, and if you aren't going 100% all in, it's a lot more easy for the intended emotions to fall through. we have the ability to have pokemon emote like this now,
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so why on earth is this the range that we're stuck with for PMD?
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the simplest answer I can think of is that chunsoft is trying to apply the same strategy they used with sprites onto 3D models... which I think could work in theory, but not in the way they're applying it. as is, they don't have the models emote much and rely on portraits to carry the intended emotion through. the models also have some of the most stiff rigging I've seen in any game to date. I'm sure it has something to do with hardware limitations, but if that's the case I don't see why they couldn't create something that would fit their needs better like pokemon rumble's low poly models. well I know the answer is that they don't wanna actually render new 3D models for a PMD game and just use the library of models they got from gamefreak, but I like to think something like XY or ORAS's overworld models would make for a nicer looking game.
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one pet peeve of mine is seeing folks praise DX for its unique look, which I think is true for the backgrounds!... but not really the models. I don't think putting an outline and paper texture overlay on the models is particularly revolutionary. it's a good direction to start, but far from peak aesthetic.
other problems I have with DX are how the main hub areas look (the grass for pokemon square is so blown out I have to play the game with lowered saturation and a darkened screen), and how the general UI looks in the dungeons. idk if it's because I'm neurodivergent or if it's just a "me" thing, but there's so much useless information being thrown at me at all times in a dungeon that it makes it really hard to focus on what's happening
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I imagine this is mostly a side effect of losing the dual screen ability on the switch and I don't really have a proposed solution, but at least removing the text bubbles that come up every single time you get attacked or use a move would be a good start. maybe just save those for critical hits or smth idk, I don't really need to hear every single thought that comes out of my team.
I also think accessibility features like the auto-dungeon crawl feature are nice for those who want it, but it does feel a little overpowered by (seemingly) knowing exactly where the stairs are in a dungeon, which can take the exploration aspect out of playing the game. I'd also like the ability to disable that feature in a menu since I tend to misclick sometimes and accidentally activate things lmao
I just kinda tore into DX, but there are a few things I do like about it. the gummi system is vastly improved first of all (thank god I can stop grinding for one million gummis), and I think the dungeon environments are some of the best to come out of the series. I also think the models wearing scarves is super cute, I loved it in Super and am glad it made a return here. I'm sure there are other QOL features I'd like in theory but I kinda... didn't get very far in the game due to the aforementioned graphical and UI issues that felt like actual sandpaper to my brain.
if there was an explorers DX, I actually think one fun direction the series could take is something like pokemon cafe remix or paper mario, which is still the energy of a 2D game just using nice looking art assets instead of sprites. I just think a PMD game that looks like this could be really cute and charming...
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and it'd probably be closer to chunsoft's wheelhouse since it'd take notes from how they put the sprite games together! just wishful thinking though. my current crack theory is that rescue DX was just to test the waters for how popular PMD still is and maybe to test out the engine on switch before releasing an original game, a la let's go pikachu/eevee to sword/shield. I doubt they'll make an explorers remake.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
tagged by @itstimetodrew for 15 questions!! thank u!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
i'm not really named after her but i do share a name with an older cousin
2. When was the last time you cried?
last month when i finished pmd eos again. the music and the friendship and the self sacrifice always gets me.
3. Do you have kids?
no & i dont want to for lots and lots and lots of reasons
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play soccer & do swimming when i was young but now the only sports i do are mental gymnastics
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
how they act like are they quiet or loud or grumpy or fun loving or serious etc
7. What's your eye color?
legally blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies. i have a very particular taste in horror so i dont always like them but i much prefer them over like "and then everything worked out & they were happy" endings.
9. Any talents?
qc calls me mad talented whenever she sees my doodles so in honor of her im showing off my art here
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10. Where were you born?
in the us. im a pennsylvania resident for those who didnt know
11. What are your hobbies?
digital painting mostly but i havent done that in a month unfortunately. secondly i LOVE LOVE LOVE messing with vocal synths i may not be good but its like my favorite thing. related i like fucking around in my daw but i dont know shit about music so im just having fun being bad. last year i picked up making character plushies too & this year i want to expand that to trying to make rime's hoodie for myself but i doubt it'll go well lmao. i write if feel like it but its mostly to get scenes out of my head & i dont really try to be good. media wise i like to keep up with the niconico daily ranking for vocaloid songs & sometimes i play video games. i dont like to watch things id rather read books but it doesnt happen often. everyone who follows this account also knows i love to over analyze vocaloid songs too.
12. Do you have any pets?
i live with 4 dogs but theyre more my parents pets than mine.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" or like 162cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school it was english & german in college it was ethics
15. Dream job?
none. i like what i have now where i go in, do my tasks, and get to come home free of stress and paperwork to do whatever the fuck i want. i dont deal with customers or anything. worst thing that happens to me is an egg explodes. peak type of job. but i dont want to do this all my life either.
taggingggg @andromedako @estradasphere @kukiyuuri & whoever wants to do it!
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guiltyidealist · 1 year
Pokémon peaked with Heartgold/Soulsilver and PMD: Explorers of Time/Space/Sky . Quality graph over time is an overall downhill plunge ever since with a few hiccups from the occasional decent game
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doubleddenden · 2 months
I'm going to make a reasonable prediction for the August Pokemon Presents we usually get (nothing has been announced yet, we just usually get one and I feel it in my arthritis)
1. Merch, some kind of collab with a fashion or accessory company. Probably very expensive.
2. Mobile game hype out the wazoo (that I personally don't care about but-)
Basically the following
A. Masters gets a standard new unit for its anniversary, probably a Paldean Alt you don't expect.
B. Go gets dynamax, accessories, some new event
C. Unite gets a new Pokemon. Koraidon, Quaquaval, idk and idc
D. More tcg pocket promotion
3. New special anime like Origins or Generations, or something like Concierge again.
4. Side games
Probably an official reminder that Mystery Dungeon Red is coming to NSO Expansion on the 9th if before or is out if after
Tinfoil hat time- PMD Red was the teaser for a new PMD game or Explorers remake dropping in October or November.
Tinfoil propeller hat and a cookoo clock necklace and swirly eyeglasses time: Colosseum and XD port, now with slight qol features made by a third party company.
At bare minimum I think there will be some side game dropping if for nothing else than revenue.
5. Mainline games
Probably not a lot to expect for this year. However, what I do think will come is this
A. Small trailer for Z-A. Small. Peak at our starters, peak at the setting, not a lot. Probably looks rough but it's here. Keyword, small. Release date is announced.
B. World's will be held in Paris next year to coincide with ZA
C. A surprise
If we wanted to, I could say some kind of online ports of gens 1-3. However I'm doubtful as of right now. That feels like something they'd put off til the 30th anniversary at this point.
But if they do, bare minimum RBY ports, and at best, we'd get RSE and FRLG including the missing E Reader content, access to all the events, and finally access to things we either didn't get overseas or access to features they just never gave out at all, such as Altering Cave. Ideally they'd drop this year to help pad out the wait for info, but again I'm doubtful.
6. Music video that's essentially standard nostalgia bait
If something above isn't mentioned in a Pokemon presents, it could be at Gamescom at the end of the month
I know something is coming, I just wanna know now.
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drizzileiscool · 8 months
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I beat twewy.
10/10. Peak. Very high up on my list of fav games, along with pmd eos and p5r
I'll make a huge post going into detail why I liked it later
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