#i would be able to tell you if it was “severely underrated” or not if i was involved more with the pmd fandom but unfortunately
I've gotta ask: what's your opinion on the Mystical Forest theme from Super? I think it's severely underrated
ARGH thank you for reminding me this track EXISTS it's gotta be one of my favorite in the entire game. i don't know musical terms that well but the notes in threes like at the beginning are just wonderful. i remember really liking it when i played thru psmd (but i liked basically every track quite a lot) but i couldn't remember where it was from. so. thank you for this reminder because it's really really good
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regalevansworth · 10 months
The butterfly effect🦋
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Pairing : Chris Hemsworth x male reader
Summery : Elated and thrilled to be able to start off your career in the fashion world, your first assignment is to help create costumes for superheroes. But this elation brings a sudden change in your life's trajectory when a chance encounter with none other than the Hollywood sensation-slash-hunk Chris Hemsworth transpires.
Warnings/tags : Explicit, SMUT 18+, resolved sexual tension, oral sex, anal sex, age difference (you're in your early 20's and Chris in his actual age), size difference, biting, Choking, dirty talking, manhandling, strength kink, body worshipping, Mature themes.
Word count : 6.3k+
A/N : Serving you, my first Chris Hemsworth fic. Despite being so underrated, CH fandom will live. I mean....who doesn't love our good ol’ Hemsy, right? So, here it is- a hot and spicey Chris Hemsworth smutty fic. I profusely apologize for all my mistakes and errors . Nevertheless, I enjoyed writing it and hope you enjoy reading it as well. And fyi, I envisioned Chris single in this fic. But it doesn't matter so you can pretend otherwise. Other than that, it's a legitimately sexy time. Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed. Enjoy <33
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Never in a million years would you have thought of getting an oppprtunity like this. For as long as you can remember, fashion has always been a subject of fascination to you. The puzzle of fabric, needle and thread intrigued you so much so that you decided, at a very young age, that you'd be persuing fashion as a career. Your parents held no grudges on your choice of profession. They encouraged you even.
So here you are today, after 4 years of continuous study with utmost diligence and dedication, bagging your first ever job as the wardrobe supervisor of costume department in a 250Million budget movie. Which, also apparently, happens to be a Marvel Studios movie. The next THOR movie. Hence, to your inner superhero geek, it's a cherry on top.
Your interview with the head Costume designer and other production managers was pretty jarring as they encountered you with several complicated aspects of being a wardrobe supervisor. But you proved your worth with practiced ease although feeling a bit self-conscious of having no prior experience. All in all, your wit and knowledge saved the day. And you could tell from the look on their faces that they were pleased with your talent at such young age. But, today comes your first day at work.
Your list of to-do's for Day #1 is surprisingly not as overloaded as you expected. It just consists of a meeting with the whole crew and the director. It goes considerably fine, save for the revelation part where they delegate you the responsibility of supervising Chris Hemsworsth's entire costume fitting process. Thus, you get extra pressure of work on your shoulder. Nevermind that you are not nearly ready to face any of the stars of the movie and it's surely getting on your nerves.
Having been already moved to Australia, the production of the movie is continuing on full swing. It's the 4th day that the crew finally decides to start work on the costumes of the lead characters. As the supervisor of Chris Hemsworth's costume preparation, you, inevitably, have to accompany the rest of the crew (which is funnily of 3 members) to his trailer.
On the way to your destination, you feel the dread of meeting someone like Chris Hemsworth slowly looming upon you. It's no surprise to you that being gay you've always been attracted to particular alpha male like him. Sure, you had a small crush on him like the vast majority of world population, maybe you still do, but it's absolutely pointless, Isn't it? There's no way in hell he's going to notice much less give his undivided attention to some random guy like you. And he's straight.
Mind occupied with these gratuitous thoughts, you don't notice when the group suddenly comes to a halt in front of a wooden door, nameplate shining with the letters C-H-R-I-S H-E-M-S-W-O-R-T-H. You feel sweat slowly pooling at your neck and collarbone. You pull out your handkerchief to dab at the places and hear one of the crew member saying, “Are you okay, Y/N?” You look up at her and try to give your most calm smile, “Yeah, I'm okay”. She nods and waits with the rest of the crews for the knocked door to open.
God! Why am I feeling so nervous? It's nothing. I'm just going for a purely professional meeting with Chris Hemsworth. Big, handsome, hunk of muscles Chris Hemsworth. Nothing else. It's not like I'm gonna rip his shirt off and and worship him on my knees and then bend over for him at the first opportunity. No. I'm fine and I got this.
Realizing how ridiculous you sound, you pull yourself out of your stupid inner rambling and straighten your posture. When the door opens, you take one last deep breath and follow your teammates into the suit. The trailer finely decorated —as a star's trailer should be— but right now you can't focus on anything else but the man in front of you.
Chris Hemsworth stands before all of you in his all broad muscular glory. From the state of his physical appearance you can guess that he has just finished working-out and didn't take a shower after. Maybe he didn't have the time. However, his short dark blonde hair is disheveled and sweat stains forming all over the tight tank top he's wearing. You can see the outline of his chiseled abs through his drenched shirt. Inhumanly broad chest and fine crafted pecs are heaving in time of his heavy breaths. “Good lord” you mumble breathily at the sight of his arms and biceps that are the size of your entire head. Angry veins popping up from all over his biceps to forearms and you just wonder for a moment, how it'd be like to trace them with your tongue.
You immediately shake yourself off before your mind leaps up to dangerous territory and look over at the head designer who's now having a quick chat with Chris Hemsworth. Then, suddenly he turns his head towards you and beckons you closer. You visibly startle but head over to them nonetheless. “And this is Mr. (Y/N) (S/N). He'll be overlooking your entire costume fitting process” Your cheeks immediately flushes at the mention of your name and you try to make out if this whole ‘making acquaintance’ part is necessary as there won't be any business other than professional.
But, when you look up at Hemsworth you see his blue eyes already resting upon you. So blue you sigh inwardly as he steps closer to you and offers a hand, “Hello, mate”. His voice is so deep and resonant that you feel yourself swooning just from that. Clearing your throat, you take his offered hand to shake it and get instantly captivated by how strong and callused they feel against your soft palm. “H-Hello” you somehow croak out, feeling your cheeks and ear burn to the root. But looking up at him, you, for the first time get transfixed by just how handsome he looks up-close. His Bearded chin and jaw, strong-thick neck, and perfectly curved nose signify his classic but exceptional Australian handsomeness.
His eyes are a whole different story, that are now gazing heavily at you. You can feel the heat behind those deep sea blue eyes as an imperceptive wave of emotion flashes over them. There's a sudden fluttering in your stomache and the sensation is so new that the hairs on your neck stand at alert on their own accord as if detecting a danger.
However, the unknown spell is immediately broken when someone from behind Chris clears their throat and beckons the group to start the meeting. As the chatting progresses you start taking notes from each side of their own opinions and giving your own. But every now and then, you catch Chris staring at you from the corner of your eye. But when you try to look back, he turns his head immediately as if he's caught doing something wrong. I must be seeing things you think as you keep your track with the meeting and wonder just why Chris Hemsworth would be giving you the occasional meaningful glances. That's just too stupid and absurd.
By the time the meeting ends, it's already been 1 hour. After calling it a day, your team start to slowly file out of the room. Not wanting to be the last one to leave, you jump up to your feet in a haste and follow the others out of the room. You covertly take a glance over your shoulder to see that Chris is now talking —more like listening— to the head designer. But then his gaze shifts and locks with you for a moment causing you to jump in surprise and turn around instantly. You hurriedly make your way out without managing to trip over.
It's exactly 6:30 a.m. when Chris' alarm goes off. Groaning sleepily, he shuts off the alarm and sits up. After waking up his first thing to do is to check the day's schedule. Today's list only includes a lot of workout and some interviews then script discussion with Taika and other cast members. Throwing the sheets off of himself, he climbs out of the bed and quickly grabs his towel to take a shower. Turning on the spray, he proceeds to rinse and clean himself.
As he does so, he can't help but shift his mind off to yesterday's events. He'd been notified that the costume team would be on his trailer to discuss some things. Which turned out to be total useless as the team was talented enough to handle things on their own. But he appreciated their concern of his involvement all the same.
But there is one thing from yesterday's occuring that possessed all of his rational thinkings. Well, not a thing but a person. A very beautiful and lovely person at that. (Y/N) (S/N). Yes, that was his name. (Y/N).
The man —more like a boy, he looked pretty young— had a very gorgeous appearance. With his beautiful (s/c) complexion, wavy (h/c) hair, a set of wide (e/c) eyes that he found himself lost in the moment he gazed on them, petal like lips that he knows for a fact that they would feel as soft as they looked. He also had an aristocratic body type. Very slender but sinuous and quite short at height. The sage green cardigan of his attire accentuated his beauty all the more.
Chris is sure he felt quite captivated by the young man and the desire he felt was also quite strong. He didn't feel such attraction towards someone for a very long time and he longs to feel that body beneath him, to hear all the sound he can elicit from him, to feel his heat engulfing him whole.
Not wanting to get hard, Chris quickly pulls himself out of his thoughts and shuts off the shower. Then quickly toweling himself off he wraps the towel around his hips and goes to his suit to get ready for the day.
As expected, the day turns out to be quite uneventful but the meeting with the stars was pretty fun. After excusing himself, Chris makes his way towards his room but stops down shortly when a familiar voice calls out from behind “Mr. Hemsworth!”. Turning around, he catches the sight of the object of his sudden obsession making his way towards him. The young man is looking more delectable today. A cream colored hoodie accompanied with jeans making his appearance just as lovely. He's also wearing rounded glasses today which makes him look rather endearing as they highlighted his doe-like eyes and made them appear even bigger.
You stop Infront of him with a clipboard in your hand, allowing him to take in the scent of your cologne —fresh, and mouth watering sweet. He feels desire pooling in his stomache just being near you again. Having remembered you called him out for some reason, he smiles kindly, “Yes?”. His smile broadens when he sees a high blush rising on your cheeks and going down your neck to disappear under the collar of your hoodie, fully aware of the affect he has on you. You clear your throat and look down on the clipboard, “umm...ahem.....I’m just....here to inform you that we'll be taking measurement of your...umm...body...for your costumes so the team will be in your room in about an hour”. The full time you spoke, your gaze were anywhere but on him.
On the other hand, Chris was mentally devouring you the entire time of your forced rambling and without thinking, he blurts out, “will you be there?” He could've kicked himself for asking you that but the dumbstruck look on your lovely scarlet face, lips parted, eyed widened makes it million times worth it. But he immediately straightens up to make the conversation look professional. You peer up at him from beneath your lashes— a sight Chris is committing to memory— and nod, whispering, “Yes, I'll be there. It's under my supervision”. “Cool. I'll see you there, mate” comes Chris's jovial reply and because he can't help it and he really wants to touch you somehow, he grasps the exposed skin of your neck, squeezing it a bit.
Hand lingering there for a moment, He hesitantly retracts it but the softness of your skin on his rough palm left him craving for more. Images of him trailing kisses down your neck and leaving marks on the smooth expanse flashes through his mind and before he loses his composure, he flashes a wide smile and abruptly turns on his heels before striding away.
You stand there, shaking, eyes wide like saucers. The unexpected touch having made your rational thinkings go hayware. Head spinning thousand miles per second from the feel of his solid grip on your neck. Goosebumps still fresh on your entire body as you feel pulse throbbing on the side of your neck where moments ago his veiny hand rested.
How it'd feel to have those hands roaming all over your smaller frame? Holding you down as he pounds you onto the mattress? He could easily fit both of his huge palms around your hips
You shiver at the thoughts and immediately snap out of your reverie. Still blushing like a lovestruck teenager, you make your way towards the costume department's office, the interaction still fresh on your mind. Chris Hemsworth smiling at you, touching you. The same fluttering sensation returns like a thousand butterflies roaming around your belly. You shake your head again,. He isn't into you, you moron! He's just being friendly. Yes, he's just being his usual cheery self. Stop thinking otherwise. And Chris Hemsworth isn't gay for god's sake!! You mentally chide yourself, slapping at the back of your head once and twice.
It isn't untill one hour passes that you prepare for the impending visit to Chris Hemsworth. Just when you're about to gather your team, one of them walks up to you with an apologetic expression and you immediately know this isn't going to end up to your liking. “Hey, uh, (M/N), sorry to bother you but the other guys will be busy for next some hours with you know, set props and stuff. So, you'll have to take the measurements of Mr. Hemsworth alone” He rushes to explain again when he sees the shocked look on your face, “It's nothing difficult, really. You know how it's done, right?” You take a moment to collect yourself and nod unsurely. “Great! Good luck” He pats you on the back and hurries away.
“Shit” comes the first thing from your mouth and you know that you're gloriously fucked. But you also know that despite your current predicament, this work has to be done as soon as possible otherwise the pressure will grow on everyone. So, after releasing a long defeated sigh, you grab your things and head out. On your way, you pray to whatever higher power is up there to shorten your time alone with Chris Hemsworth and save you from the ultimate embarrassment.
Chris has just finished doing some light push-ups and weight-lifting knowing that it'll help broadening his muscles to make his body susceptible to perfect measurement. Just as he is about to grab a towel and clean the slight sheen of persiperation off his body, there comes a knock to the door. Musing it'll be the costume team, he walks over to the door, shirtless, and pulls it open. There, fidgeting like a nervous teenager, stands (M/N). But when those alluring eyes fall upon him, they widen almost comically. Never being able to focus on one thing, they shift from his face to his chest, abs, arm and every inch of his naked skin. He can't help but smile smugly at that.
Chris then sees you gulping visibly before looking up, face flushed so prettily and for the first time Chris wonders if you are a virgin. “Hey mate, I was waiting for you, come on in.” He moves aside to let you in. Seeing it just you, he asks, “You, uh, alone?” You nod, obviously more than nervous.
After an awkward amount of moment passes, you pull out the measurement tape from your back pocket and look up at him expectantly, “Shall we begin?”. He smiles, adjusting the ball cap he's wearing, “Sure, let me just clean off the sweat. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable” You nod and set down the notpads on the near table. After some moments, Chris comes out of his bedroom looking slightly fresh but the evidence of his chore is still fresh on his bronzed skin.
Unrolling the tape, you move closer to him and a wave of musky scent of sweat and ozone mixed with faint spicy cologne hits your nostrils. The man radiates musculinity and of pure testosterone which is practically overwhelming your senses, making your knees buckle. Trying to calm yourself down, you proceed.
Placing the metallic tip of the tape on his right shoulder, you measure out the length of his arm and then doing the same to his left arm. Following the same procedure you measure out the length of his upper body. Jotting down the numbers after immediately everytime.
Then you move to meter the width of his neck and collar and by the close promiximity you can now feel his hot breath down the side of your neck. Can feel his eyes boring onto the same spot and the delicious heat wafting off of him. You quickly dislodge yourself and move around to measure the width of his muscular shoulders, impressive at that. His eyes trailing your every movement. Gulping nervously, you shuffle around untill you get the measurement of his biceps, forearms and chest, eyes widening from the sheer size of them.
When it is time to get the measurement of his waist and lower body, you begrudgingly have to get down on your knees which seems to be only convenient.
Chris silently observes you getting down on your knees. The sight already having made his blood rushing south, cock thickening inside his shorts. He can feel your breath coming in contact with his crotch even with the barrier of thin fabric when you circle the tape around his waist. He is having an absolute hard time stiffling his groans. Multitude of lewd, pornographic images flashes through his mind, each one dirtier than the other.
You can clearly see the tan line on Chris's skin from where you're crouching in front of him. His low hanging shorts doing nothing to hide the trail of hair disappearing under the waistband nor the obvious swell of of a prominant bulge. You swallow thickly realizing you're eye to eye with Chris Hemsworth's very clothed manhood and how easy it'd be to just tug the ridiculous pair of shorts down and choke yourself on his huge Australian cock.
Chris is also having a hard time restraining himself to just smash your pretty face onto his crotch, fingers twitching from the effort. But when you look up at him suddenly with your wide (e/c) eyes and parted lips, he loses all the battles against his lust.
He picks you up in a flash. Ignoring your yelp of surprise, he smashes your lips together. The force of his kiss almost knocks you off balance. But you pull yourself together from the utter shock and wrap your arms around his neck. He wraps his huge arms around your waist and tugs yourself close even though there is not an ounce of space left between you, chests flush together. You try to kiss back as much as possible but you feel already delirious, mind hazy.
He eagerly sucks on your bottom lip. You moan in pleasure, making him groan and deepen the kiss. Soon his thick tongue seeks entrance to your mouth which you are very happy to comply. He licks the inside of your mouth, groaning from the taste. Tongues enterwining, you both lose yourself in the act. He bites your bottom lip and you whimper in response. His tongue is warm and heavy in your mouth, so as his body against yours.
He soon breaks the kiss and reluctantly pulls away, a trail of saliva connecting your lips. Both of your breath became heavier by now and he looks at you so intensely that you, feeling somewhat scrutinized, look down with your hands still clutching both of his meaty shoulders. Curling a finger under your chin, he tilts your head up and you notice for the first time, that his eyes are completely blown away, the blues of his orbs are blackened by what can be called as raw hunger. You can't help the shiver that wracks down your spine.
Wordlessly, he slowly backs you up against the nearest wall and once more kisses you so passionately as if trying to devour you. Involuntary tears gather at the corner of your eyes from the light suffocation. If it wasn't for him, you never would've known that kisses can be this much pleasurable to bring you to hardness in an instant.
Chris absolutely loves the taste of your mouth as he licks around every cravice. Your heavenly moans and whimpers going straight to his already engorged cock as it's leaking a steady stream of precome inside his boxers. He wants to hear you more, the sounds he can emit from your sinful lips as he makes you his. With this single thought in his minds, he pecks you on the lips one last time and slowly descends down the long column of your neck.
He takes a whiff from the juncture of your neck and shoulder before pressing his tongue flat on the skin. “You smell so good” he purrs in a husky tone and starts to suckle on your neck, pressing wet open mouthed kisses on your skin. You bite the back of your hand to stop yourself from making any more embarrassing noises. But he's just making it so hard from his slow ministrations.
Feeling restless and too worked up, you slowly start to roam your palms around his strong back. Both your hands don't even come together from the wideness of his upper back. As he feasts upon your neck, you rake your nails on his sweaty scalp, making him groan into your skin. So far, you are completely ignorant about how things escalated since you step into his trailer. You just simply can't bring yourself to care.
Chris tugs at the hem of your hoodie, a silent indication for you to remove it. You comply without any question and as soon as it comes off, his touches become more bolder. Pressing both of your naked chests together, he kisses and nips at your collarbone, lavs at the dip of your clavicle all the while letting his teeth graze at the soft skin. He follows the same movement on your throat and jaw before taking your earlobe between his teeth and gently bites down. You whine at the sensation as he kisses behind your ear and issues one demand, “I want you”.
That's the moment you know you are utterly and entirely his to do anything with and you don't even try to hold back the Yes that leaves your mouth in a whine.
At your permission, he settles both of his large hands on your hips and marvles at how they engulf the entirety of your narrow waist. Still kissing, he sneaks his hands down your waist to rest them on your ass before squeezing both cheeks roughly that has you moaning in his mouth.
At some point, Chris aligns both your hips together and thrusts forward and your eyes immediately roll back from the hard press of his large bulge against your own erection. Yes, he is going to split you open and you will absolutely let him.
But first, you need to worship the Greek god in front of you. Trace each dip and swell of his muscles with your tongue, have that heavy cock down your throat and then let him wreck you however he wants.
Mind made up, you try and push him away to make enough room. He looks at you with a puzzled expression and then slowly realization dawns on him, perhaps your needy expression gave you away. But you can only care less as he grins and let his hands fall at his sides.
Having enough space, you move forward to press a shy kiss on top of his left pec. The muscle feeling hard on your lips as a low groan leaves from the person above you. Pleased with his reaction, you grow more confident with your touches and shower open mouthed kisses along every inch of his tanned skin, tongue darting out to chase the salty taste of his sweat leaving a wet trail of saliva in it's wake.
While your mouth is busy worshipping his glorious abs, your hands roam on his strong biceps and equally dense triceps. You can hear him panting lightly as his hands gently pushing down on your shoulders to get you on your knees.
Your knees gently hits the soft carpet and you look up at him wide wide eyes, flushed cheeks and swollen lips. Chris curses at the sight of you and combs his rough, thick fingers through your soft locks and buries your face in his crotch. You grip at his strong thighs for support and inhale his strong musky scent, making you moan and leak inside your boxers.
He's so hard and the press of his hard, long and thick cock against your cheek feels every bit the exciting and terrifying. You can feel the heat of his members even through the fabric of his shorts as you mouth at his covered shaft hungrily.
“Fuck baby, c'mon. Pull it out. I wanna feel your pretty lips wrapped around me”, rasps the man in his deep Australian accent, making you bite your lip from moaning out loud.
You scramble to obey him and tug his already unlaced shorts down to his thighs. And immediately, his engorged erection springs free and slaps you across the cheek. Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you as you take in the size of Chris Hemsworth's beast of a cock.
It's long and as thick as your wrist, the tip is swollen and an angry shade of red with precum beading at the slit, veins running around the shaft and a thick vein at the underside, a nice thatch of dark blonde pubic hair at the base. So big. You drool at the thought of having it in your mouth and look down to spot his heavy looking balls that are not surprisingly also large, hanging between his thighs. They look so full, I wonder how much cum they can produce. You think in awe.
In no time, Chris grips your soft (h/c) locks and tugs you forward. You comply happily and wrap your lips around the thick spongey head. Throwing his head back, Chris groans at the feel of your soft lips on his sensitive glans. So hot and wet.
Pleased with his response, you press your tongue flat on the slit and lick up all the salty-sweet precum constantly dripping from his cock. The taste is strongly exquisite and you double down your effort to taste it more. Swirling your tongue expertly around the head, you try to take him deeper all the while gripping his strong thighs for support.
Chris watches is amazement as you continue to deep-throat him. Occasional low grunts leaving his lips as you bob your head up and down on his thick shaft. Spit and drool covering your chin as you gag and choke on his length. Chris swears at your relentless pace on sucking his cock. Even if you can't take him all the way down to your throat, you compensate with wrapping both hands around the missed portion. Jerking in time of your head movement.
You can feel Chris' thighs shaking as he presses one palm on the wall behind you and you realize that he is close. Moaning loudly around his cock, you continue faster than before and with both hands on his hips, you urge him to fuck your face. Chris immediately starts thrusting inside your warm mouth, a litany of curses falling from his lips.
You choke everytime the tip bumps the back of your throat but you don't give him any sign to stop. Drool making his cock shiny and slick as it travels down the base of his cock onto his heavy hanging balls. Wet slurping and gagging noises fill the room along with Chris Hemsworth's groans of pleasure.
“Fuck baby, I'm close. You want my cum?” Chris groans out between heavy pants as he looks down to see you looking pleadingly up at him.
“Mmm” is all you can say with your mouth full of his incredible cock but it's all he needed to hear before urgently thrusting a couple of more times and finally you can feel the warm rush of Chris Hemsworth's cum on your tongue. The taste of his sweet and salty seed in your mouth coaxing you to moan in delight as you swallow every single drop.
After he stops coming, you pull out his cock from your mouth with an audible pop and lick the remnants off of it. Looking up at him through your lashes as you press your tongue on the slit and wrapping your lips around it to give it a fierce suck to draw out any left behind, already hungry for more.
Chris watches with lidded eyes as his lustful gaze travels all over your body, blown wide pupils zeroing on your face. Cheeks flushed, eyes puffy and glistening, lips parted around his already hardening cock, chin covered in drool and cum, hair in a tangled mess. You're the perfect picture of debauchery and he can't waste anymore time.
With a hungry growl, he picks you up from the floor. Strong hands gripping the underside of your thighs to hoist you up in his arms. Taking the cue, you throw your arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he carries you to the bedroom, lips on every inch of your neck, his coarse beard a delicious friction on your soft skin.
Once reaching the pristinely decorated room, Chris deposites you on the bed, promptly climbing on top of you and claiming your lips once more in a heated kiss. It doesn't take long for him to slide his lips and tongue down your jaw to hungrily mouth on your neck. You can't keep the whimpers of pleasure that leave you parted lips which seems to encourage him to continue with his ministrations.
One hand fisting on the sheets and other entangled in Chris' dirty blonde hair, you arch upward with a high pitched moan as he latches his lips onto one of your nipple. Biting and rolling the hardened nub between his teeth before gently tugging and blowing on it has you writhing in his hold.
“Please what, baby?” Chris growls around your other nipple. You shake your head, tears of sweet torture skipping down the side of your face.
Raising up on his forearms Chris grabs ahold of your face and leans down to whisper hotly, “I want you to say it”
“P-please t-touch me” cheeks aflame, you breath out. Chris smirks but complies. Sneaking his hands past your stomach to unbutton your jeans, tugging them down along with your boxers. His hand immediately wraps around your aching flesh, completely engulfed in his big, sturdy hand. Your eyes flutters shut as a long moan escapes your throat, Chris immediately swallowing it down by pressing his mouth to yours.
With his sure hand stroking up and down your cock, you find yourself running your hands all over his sun kissed muscular body. You can't get enough of off him. The way he dominates you, makes you feel good and the way he overwhelms you with his equally overwhelming figure is something you're sure you'll never find anywhere else again. He completely ruined you—ruining you—for any other man.
It takes a while for you to register that his other hand that wasn't occupied are now busy between you parted thighs. One thick finger prodding at your entrance, making you jolt up in surprise. “L-lube” you choke out, knowing that his big digits won't be comfortable for a dry intrusion and you want this as painless as possible. But the thought appears unconvincing as you watch Chris nod with a smile and gets up to retrieve lube from drawer, his big cock bobbing and swaying with his movements.
Chris returns with a small container of lube in his hand, squirting a generous amount on his digits before coating them nicely and dropping the container on the sheets.
“Relax. Let me loosen you up, hmm?” Chris says with his deep voice that immediately soothes you, allowing you to take a deep breath as the first finger approaches you. Chris rhythmically thrusts his index finger inside you and the initial discomfort fades away as you listen to him saying, “You're doing so good baby. Such a good boy, getting ready for my cock”
Hearing Chris saying those things to you doubles your pleasure but it compare to when his finger hit that sweet spot inside you that makes your toes curl and back arch, silent scream erupting from your throat, eyes wide from the sheer intensity of it.
Chris has a triumphant expression on his face as he thrusts on that spot repeatedly. And before you know, three of Chris' fingers are inside your ass, loosening your walls. Chris watched you as a string of pleas fall from your lips and he knows that you're close.
Suddenly, Chris pulls out his fingers, making you whine at the loss and the emptiness. Chris chuckles, “Don't worry baby. I'll fill you up with something much better”.
With that, you watch as he drops a generous amount of lube in his palm and coats his large flesh with the substance. Chris shuffles closer, pressing the tip to your entrance as he looks at you for permission. You nod without hesitation, aching to be filled with his monstrous cock.
As the fat head of his cock pushes past the ring of your muscle, you already find yourself breathless. Winding your arms around his neck, you encourage him to go on. And he does. Chris pushes the entirety of his large manhood inside you tight channel with one long thrust. “Fuck” Chris grunts from how tightly your walls are gripping his cock “You're so fucking tight”
Meanwhile, an actual scream erupts from your throat as you feel him reaching so deep inside of you, at the same time stretching you so wide. The pain and pleasure making your senses go haywire as a sob rips from your core.
“You're so- so big”
Chris can't response. Not when he feels this good. He can already feel the tingling in his balls, already churning and filling up with cum. He can no longer hold back. He needs to move. To pound into your tight- sweet ass till both of you can't remember your names.
“Fuck, baby. I need to move. Can I move?” Chris grits out, muscles straining from the effort of holding back.
Overwhelmed yourself, you lock your ankles behind his back and can only nod. But thankfully Chris notices as a sigh of relief leaves his lips. It soon changes into a look of determination as he pulls back till only the tip is inside before slamming back in with full force.
It jolts you from you position but soon after Chris' hand grabs your hips in a tight grip and his powerful hips starts thrusting without inhibition. It's like a dam has been broken the way Chris delivers each of his thrusts. Both of you are a moaning and groaning mess.
Chris hits every right spot inside you that makes you toe curl. You watch transfixed as his powerful body collides with your much smaller and petite one. Every single muscle in his body looks on overdrive with each snap of his hips. Sweat sprouting on his forehead, some of it gathering between the slope of his pecs making it glisten in daylight. Every fibre of muscle in his biceps bulging with how tightly he's grabbing your hips, sure to leave marks in it's wake. His abs also glistening from sweat, tightening with tension as a few drops gathering on his dark blonde pubes. In this moment of passion, you realize you have never seen a man so handsome, masculine and equally beautiful in you life. And said man is now giving you the wildest ride of your life.
“You feel so good, baby. So fucking good”
Your response in only a choked moan. But you somehow manage to let out, “Harder, Chris. Please, harder”
“Yeah? You want me to go hard, baby?”
Again, you can only nod. But Chris grants you wishes. With one swift movement, he flips you onto your stomach. Roughly pulling your ass up and smashing your face onto the pillow, he slides back in. Every inch of his glorious cock and starts to pound harder than ever.
You bite onto the pillow to muffle your sounds but Chris leans down and grabs you chin, murmuring in you ear, “Don't cover your sounds. I want to hear them. I want to hear you scream my name baby”
With that, he pulls his cock back slowly, letting you feel the delicious drag of cock inside of you before snapping back in and immediately hitting your prostate. Your eyes snap open as he makes you scream as promised, “Nnghh!!!Chris!!!”
After that, Chris doesn't relent. He jabs at your prostate with his cock mercilessly. His heavy balls slapping against your ass as he thrusts from behind and you push your ass back in time of his thrusts to meet him halfway. Yes yes please please Chris words fall from your lips like mantra.
“Yeah? You like that? You like my big cock inside your sweet ass?”
“Yes yes” you nod your head frantically
“Tell me how much you like my big fat cock”
“So much. Please”
“Yeah? And what do you want?”
“I want— oh yes —I want your cum”
Chris again flips you onto your back. Pushing back in and setting up his rhythmic thrusts, he leans down and starts sucking bruises on your neck and shoulder. By the time both of your breath becomes heavier and pants starts to grow louder, you can't hold back anymore. Without even touching, your cock is ready to explode.
“C-Chris, I'm coming”
“Shit, baby. Me too. Cum with me”
And with one last precise thrust that hits you right in your sweet spot you're coming all over yourself. Cum landing on your stomach and pooling on your lower belly.
At the same time, Chris lets out a low growl and comes inside you in long spurts. You can feels his hot seed coating your inner walls, painting them white. There's so much of it that it starts to leak around his cock, still deep inside you. Your cock gives a weak little twitch from the sensation and then Chris collapses right on top of you. Your lithe body squished beneath his sweaty bulky one.
“That was fucking amazing” Chris breathes out, face buried in your neck.
“Yes. I loved it” you giggle, looping your arms around his shoulders and stroking his sweat drenched hair.
Chris looks up at you and grins. Dorky and satisfied. “Shower?”
You nod shyly. Chris tugs you up by the wrist and guides you towards the end suite bathroom.
On the way there Chris slaps one of your ass cheeks and smirks suggestively down at you. “Next time, I'm eating this out before doing anything else”
You feel your cheeks boil as he laughs his famous booming laughter. But neither you can contain the smile that tugs at the corner of your lips.
Next time
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A/N (2) : phew! At last. I'm sorry guys this fic is too much lengthy. I always feel the need to explain every single situation in my fics also very prolonged and detailed smut. And honestly it's so much tiring and mentally strenuous as fuck. So I swore to myself that I'm going to keep my thought process at minimum from now on. On second note, I don't know shit about a movie's costume making process, i just made the whole thing up. Guilty. Again, I'm sorry if the story longivity bothers you guys, I'm trying my best. See y'all soon with another of my groundbreaking fic Lol ;P
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beansricejc · 1 year
Returning the Favor - John Wick x F!Reader
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⚠️warnings: DUBCON, smut, piv, facial, pressured intimacy, implied abuse (not John), graphic depictions of violence, cursing, alcohol, blackmail, noncon pictures, no use of y/n!, 3716 words.
a/n: it’s me again, back with something I’ve been cooking for a few days. life is wild rn but I hope u all enjoy!
summary: John does a hit for you, at no cost, and now he wants something in return. it’s only fair, right?
John remembers your little face. The way your eyebrows furrowed at his insistence of doing this job free of charge. The split skin on your lip and the bruising on your cheek and wrists, he can picture it clearly.
He pictured you walking up to him in the alley outside of the Continental, where a friend of yours told you he would be.
He recalled the way you asked about his services.
“Who do you need gone?” he had asked, as you handed him a manilla envelope. That’s when he noticed the blue and yellow pattern that littered your skin when you reached your hand out to him to give him the paperwork.
“My fiancé.” you stammered out of those damaged lips of yours. “He’s the chief of police, and I’ve tried getting away, getting protection orders, but he’s able to just get rid of anything I do.” you elaborated.
John’s eyebrows raised at the sound of that. He added the context clues together and immediately understood, especially after seeing your bruises. John assumed you weren’t a kickboxer in your spare time.
He’s still able to admire your delicate features, despite the fact you’re not trying exactly to look pretty. He can still tell that you have gorgeous eyes and long lashes, a nice haircut that frames your well shaped face to perfection. Your skin is smooth and clear, and your body? Even though you’re in a cropped hoodie, you do have leggings on.
Oh leggings. Truly underrated in all aspects. The way the cloth clings to your body, shaping around your hips, thighs, and ass.
Truly beautiful. He can tell.
Maybe he could use this to his advantage? Not necessarily the most morally correct way to get a woman, but it could do the trick.
And use he did. He would use it to his advantage, in a simple and innocent move.
“I’ll do it. No charge.” John replied to you, you’re taken aback by the sudden generosity from him, you’re so shaken by the entire situation you don’t even notice his eyes trailing your entire figure and checking you out.
“Really? No, I can’t let you,” you insist, handing him a duffel bag full of 5 figures of cold hard cash, but he simply refuses it.
“We can discuss it later…” John says, shaking his head and outright not taking the bag. “Keep your money. Please.”
He’s thinking of this encounter as his blade thrusts into your fiance’s throat, finally getting the winning blow after their quite large altercation. As a police captain, your fiancé knew how to hold his own in a fight quite well.
Not well enough apparently.
Your fiancé gurgles as John shoves him against his bed, the blade destroying his vocal chords and windpipe. John makes one swift movement with his wrist, and the blade rips out of his flesh, separating several tendons. The severed arteries cause blood to squirt onto John’s neck and face.
“No one likes a woman beater.” John clicked his tongue at the dying police officer, who crumpled to the floor, blood pooling from his lethal wound and onto the carpet. A bubbling sound echoes from his mouth, the red liquid dribbling from his lips, and in a few more moments, his eyes are drained of any life that was left in them.
John rolled his own eyes and quickly did his best to destroy the good condition of the condo, making it seem like a robbery gone wrong. He grabbed a few things that looked of value, including a few expensive watches and some impressive Japanese chef knives, and went on his way.
You had stayed at your friend’s house in the meantime. Anxiety spiked through your chest, hoping everything was going to plan. You honestly weren’t able to take it anymore, your fiancé had really outdid himself this time. You had gone out with your girlfriends for some drinks on Saturday night, he didn’t appreciate you not sharing your location with him. So the obvious reaction? To beat the absolute piss out of you. You were wearing a sweater in 70 degree weather because of the purple and blue marks that littered your skin, including on your arms, abdomen, and back.
You had enough. Clearly enough to save up money doing side gigs without him knowing and saving enough to pay for a hitman that a friend of a friend told you about. You’re playing something with your friend on her Nintendo Switch as you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
You frantically grab the device, opening it to find a text from an unknown number.
It’s done. Meet me at the Continental’s bar.
Your heart dropped to your stomach. That could only mean one thing. The job was finished.
He was finally dead.
Sighing in relief, your friend raised her eyebrows and turned to you.
“You good?” she asked.
“Huh?” You say out of the blue, shaking yourself out of your solace. “Yeah. Never better.” you force a smile.
John waited for you at the bar, he had changed and showered, washing the blood that had gotten on him from his little altercation with your now ex. The atmosphere is the typical Continental’s vibe, comfortable, upscale. He’s waiting for you at a small table with an open bottle of champagne. John hadn’t been able to get your cute face and nice figure off of his mind since he met you the other day. The day when he said to not worry about paying him.
Well, today he’d discuss another form of payment he was interested in. A favor for a favor one would say. A body for a body.
He wanted you.
His eyes trail up towards you who just arrived, wearing a simple yet oh so flattering outfit, your eyes are glued to your cell phone while you walk in.
John cleared his throat and shot you a little wave of his hand, catching your attention. Your beautiful eyes widen, and you smile at him, slipping your phone into the purse slung over your shoulder as you make your way over to his table. John couldn’t help but check your entire body out. Your face, legs, tits, even the way your hips swayed a bit while you walked made him just want to take a bite out of them.
God, you looked delicious.
Sitting down, you smiled at John.
“Hey, how are you?” you asked him, attempting to disguise the fact that you’re freaking out. Several emotions have been pumping in and out of your brain, you don’t know how to exactly feel. Grief? Safe? Relief? Distress?
Especially in front of the man that solved your biggest issue in your life within a manner of minutes. How do you present yourself in front of him? More importantly, how are you going to possibly defend yourself to the police?
Only time will tell.
John sighs, you sit down. He begins to speak as he pours your light, bubbly glass of alcohol.
“Not too bad, actually.” John answered your initial greeting. “More importantly, how are you, my dear?” John boomerangs your question. Your heartbeat accelerated and you set your purse in your lap.
“Complicated. I’ll figure it out later.” is what you manage to come up with, biting the inside flesh of your mouth, your delicate fingers are silently tinkering with the zipper pull of your purse that sits just under the table. Of course he asked that. This is what he does for a living, he doesn’t think twice about the act.
The two of you engage in small talk, and it’s surprisingly refreshing. John has a lovely smile for a killer, with his nicely maintained dark scruff outlining his cheeks and jaw whenever he chuckles at a quip of yours. His brown eyes are always in a narrowed position but they seem to always glow towards you, never taking them off of your face for a moment.
You don’t know it at first, of course you don't. John’s a professional. He's deliberate in every breath, every shift of his body, in such a way that could only be described as masterful.
You don’t notice him until he has taken forty-five minutes to inch closer to you in his chair, shifting every so often to eventually, be brushing up against your delicate frame, arm to arm.
By now you’re on your third glass of champagne, you simply didn’t want to think about any of your problems, to just enjoy your time with this man that simply did you a favor.
“I’d like to request something of you.” John suddenly says in the middle of a conversation about your hometown. He’s been awfully interested in different topics about your life, you haven’t even thought twice about it. “I can’t tarnish my reputation with the fact that I did a job, free of charge.” John states, his head tilted directly down at little ol’ you, who’s currently sipping your drink.
Your heart drops to your gut while you swallow.
“…that’s fine. I still have the mon-“
“I don’t want the money. It’s not important to me.” John interjected, with his hand suddenly resting on your soft upper thigh, the feeling of his long fingers squeezing the limb almost making you jump from your seat.
The way his thin brown eyes are gazing over you and your figure, it would have sent most people into cardiac arrest. You put two and two together, holding your breath as you maintain eye contact.
“I see.” were the words you whispered while he gave you a soft and endearing smile.
But those eyes? Those eyes were cold. The pair of his told you things you couldn’t imagine repeating.
Before you can say anything else, John’s lips travel to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin as he speaks. The hairs on the back of your pretty neck stand straight up at the knowledge of how close he was to you.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I took the job.” John informs you, his voice low and sultry, only meant for you to hear at that moment in time. “I made sure he suffered. And you owe me for that. Least you could do is… well,” John’s eyes trail down your figure, especially eying your cleavage.
Your heart is breaking. There was a twinge of hope in the back of your mind, aching for this man to be the one. The one to swoop you off of your feet and come save you like the damsel in distress that you were. But men are so disappointing.
“So, are you going to give me what I want? Or do I need to take it?” John sharply asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your blood turns cold at the thought of this killer having his way with you, touching you, fucking you. You were stuck. The anger churned in your gut as you clenched your jaw.
Several minutes pass, and he has led you to his hotel room on the 8th floor, unlocking it and allowing you to enter first. You can only tell the luxuries this man has at his disposal, just from the glamorous hotel room he has brought you to.
The room is dimly lit, with a few candles he begins to light and the moon shining through the curtained windows. You furrow your eyebrows, biting your tongue, as you never imagined John, the killer, to be the romantic ambience type. You suddenly snap out of your head when he calls you by your name.
“Hm?” you ask, eyes wide as he’s turned towards you next to the bed.
“I asked, is there anything you’re uncomfortable doing? And what’s your preferred pace?” John repeated himself, apparently you had been stuck in your own thoughts and didn’t catch it the first time.
Of course there are things you’re not comfortable with in bed. Hell, you’re not even comfortable doing this with a man you hardly know!
You tell him the few things that are completely off limits with you, he ponders this and nodded his head, agreeing to your terms, even though this was a favor you were returning. The man, perhaps 20 years your senior, hasn’t broken eyesight with your figure for the past hour.
You almost feel like a meal that’s been prepared, just for him. Served on a silver platter and sent directly to his room, waiting to be ravaged upon. You wouldn’t be surprised if he began drooling soon.
He wasn’t kidding when he told you he’s been thinking about this since he met you a few days ago. It’s like you’ve tattooed yourself into his fleshy and morbid brain, refusing to let go, tormenting him with every small action you did, unintentionally or not.
But your curiosity is killing you.
“What pace do you prefer?” you shoot the question back at him instead of answering it yourself. You were experienced, sure. You were a grown woman. The past several months were filled with abuse and subpar sex with your (now dead) fiancé. Not that this owed favor would be any better, you’re expecting something that lasts maybe a few minutes just so John can get his stress out.
Of course you’re not expecting John to be generous, especially if this is simply a debt to be paid by your body.
John tilted his head to the side, clicking his tongue in thought while he sauntered over to you, who was on the opposing side of the bed. His eyes linger on you, not blinking even once as he soaks in your features. His rough hands began to undo his black silk tie, unbuttoning his white dress shirt that had already been stripped of its suit jacket. His knuckles are bruised and scabbed, John’s been a busy boy this week.
“It seems I may have grown a bit, fond, of you, this week.” John says, clearing his throat. “Can I show you how I want you?”
Your heart rate goes up, you bit the inside of your cheek, blinking up at the tall and intimidating creature that is John. It’s not like you can say no. You owe him. You owe him your life, he practically saved yours, no matter how unethical this was.
So you nod your head.
Moments pass but it doesn’t take John long to practically rip off your cute outfit, revealing the soft and sexy figure underneath. His bruised hands immediately grab you, he’s completely overtaken by the reminder of how small and delicate you look. Your sheer size difference between you and him, in height and weight, makes him so fucking erect. John shoved you against the fancy hotel wall, attaching his lips to yours, initiating a dance of tongues and teeth, taking your bottom pink lip and nibbling a bit. The move earns a squeak from your throat. John takes a moment to take his hands off of your soft flesh, disconnecting his lips from yours. John unzips his pants, letting them and his heavy belt fall to the floor.
It doesn’t take a second thought for him to reattach his hands to your thighs, grunting as he easily lifted your body up and to his level, with easier access to your lips and… well, your other pair of lips.
In the few minutes that you’ve been kissing, your cunt began to glisten with your arousal, especially now with John’s bare and rock hard cock pressing up to your small entrance.
“Shit, I just know you’re a tight little thing, huh?” John growled, using his innate strength to only hold you up by one arm, spitting into his hand and rubbing the slick between the tiny folds between your thighs. You moan as he delicately rubbed your clit, then giving himself a few pumps to wet his length.
“You gonna give up your pretty little pussy to pay me back? Huh? Gonna be a good hole for me to fuck?” John asked in a gruff and low tone into your ear, while you felt his thick tip push inside. Your breath hitched at the burn of his unexpectedly large dick, your cunt can only adjust so much in so little time.
“Agh! Y-y-yeah, just like that, please,” you stammered, gripping hard onto his muscular and wide back while he began to thrust. John gave you little to no time to get used to his length. You’re quickly able to adjust to his pace while he grabs your hips and thighs, moving you up and down on his cock that he was simultaneously thrusting into. Tonight, you’d be his good little fuck toy.
“Fuck, need to be deeper in you.” John growled, manhandling you and tossing you onto the hotel mattress. Within seconds, he had flipped your body, stomach side down and pulled your ass straight up in the air, giving you a few hard smacks.
You cry out in pain but before you can say anything, he’s already jammed his cock back into your tight cunt, with you squeezing yourself around him, earning yourself a few tender moans from John.
John took his large hand to grab the roots of your hair, pulling your head and neck back while John pounded into you, causing you to go dizzy. He’s fucking you almost like a rabid animal, and for some reason, you love it. The two of you resemble dogs in heat, while he relentlessly thrusted into your already sore pussy, moving his hand from your hair to around your throat. You can even feel his balls smack the cusp of your ass, informing you that he’s been fucking you with his full length for a bit now. You swore you could feel John’s cock in your stomach, moaning and begging out loud for him.
John’s hand tightens around your throat, restricting as much oxygen as possible, quieting your moans and cries for more.
He brings his other hand and spanks your red ass again, it’s gonna hurt to sit down for the next few days, but the sensation along with him fucking you from behind was a delicious combination.
“Good little slut, who’s my whore? Huh?” John asked, spanking you again. The sting of your ass is almost too much to bear.
You struggle to answer, but you do it.
“M-me! I’m your little whore.” Your scratchy voice strains. He flips over your pretty body again, his hands and eyes glazing over the front of you. You’re going to hurt tomorrow. You can only imagine all of the bruises and scratches you’ll be finding over the next few days.
“I’m the luckiest man in the world right now.” John mumbled, spreading your legs all the way to your chest and putting himself into you, thrusting over and over again. The tip of his cock keeps brushing against your cervix, making you whimper and cry out, your nails dig into his biceps, and he couldn’t care less. “So fuckin’ beautiful, just for me…” John grunts under his breath. He lets out an intense groan from the bottom of his throat, pulling out of your sopping wet hole. You almost frown.
Unfortunately, you ended up beginning to like this favor you owed a bit too much. So much so that you begin to whine and pout the second that John pulled himself from you.
The older man bit his lip and raised his eyebrows, forcing himself to stifle his wicked smirk as he peers down at a desperate and needy little thing from below.
That thing being you, of course.
“Oh?” John asked innocently, despite the filthy sin you two were committing at the moment. “What do we have here?”
Remember when I mentioned that you were a meal in waiting?
Well, John was about to devour you.
He’s starving for you, attaching his lips and tongue to the folds he’s been unforgivably pumping into for the past half an hour. The sensation of his calloused fingers gripping and spreading your fleshy thighs apart, with malicious intent, mixed with the gentle and needy laps his tongue is giving your pussy is nearly too much to handle. He even gives your clit a few soft motions with his lips, your vision is blacking out from the carnal ecstasy John is so humbly gifting you at the moment.
Your ears can pick up a soft grunting from him, he’s taking his free hand and twisting it up and down on his shaft, touching himself to the act of him savoring your cunt.
John pushes two of his long fingers into you while he quickens the pace on your sensitive core, earning a sudden scream from you, jolting up and arching your back. John opens his eyes, not stopping, rather just looking at the way your tits bounced when you arch your back.
You were close. Way too close. John’s fingers were skillfully working you up, and you began to unconsciously clench around them.
“J-John, I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me.” John interrupted, his mouth still in your pussy as he kept his movements steady. He let out a few masculine whimpers into your clit while you lost control of your senses.
Your orgasm nearly brings you to the brink of tears, your vision blacks out, this is a completely new way to experience a climax. Your small hands grip the hell out of the hotel bed sheets, John allows you to ride out your orgasm, while you’re still recovering with your eyes closed, he quickly moves up towards you, and you feel a hot sticky substance splash onto your lips and cheeks.
“Fuck.” John catches his breath, panting and trembling along with you as he came on your face.
And there was a ton of it. Your eyes fluttered open, but you immediately shut them again, noticing that he wasn’t done, with more thick white ropes of his seed spurting now onto your nose and brow, painting a licentious portrait onto your delicate features.
You hear a click, and can see the outline of a bright flash through your closed eyes, but with your cock drunk state, you wouldn’t even think to mention it to John.
Besides, now he has a pretty little Polaroid picture of the facial he gave you, just the right size to keep in his wallet for safe keeping.
Now he has a bit of leverage on you, just in case he'd like another favor like this again. You wouldn’t want him to spread such a lewd picture of yourself around the internet, now would you?
He’ll enjoy every last bit of you for every single session you two share together. He’ll take advantage of your vulnerability and willingness to cave at any slight disadvantage you had.
You were his, and you didn’t even know it.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
…so can you expand on the psychological ramifications of stewy being in private equity? that has definitely been lost on me given that i barely understand what private equity is
ok this is an underrated funny aspect of the show imo, and also good insight into stewy and kendall. i'm trying to spare you a bunch of stupid business jargon but basically, maesbury capital (which stewy represents but sandy/sandi ultimately own) is a private equity fund, meaning it's a big pile of a bunch of rich people's money, and stewy's job is to take that money and invest in private companies. a PE fund can invest at a few different points: at the very beginning of a startup's life (venture or angel investing), at a point where the company is trying to grow or restructure (growth investing), or when a company is struggling financially, in which case the fund is usually planning to either dismantle it and sell it for scrap, restructure and go public, or sell it for cash to another company. PE firms like to present themselves as doing a lot of growth or venture investing, but in truth many/most are primarily engaging in this third category of investment strategies, because they're lucrative (and because many startups are stupid, and only good for generating investor payouts).
so, when kendall went and dismantled vaulter in season 2 because logan decided that selling most of it for scrap would be more profitable? that's basically a dramatisation of what stewy does routinely, except of course the exact financial instruments and strategies will differ because stewy represents a PE firm. like, if kendall's venture capitalist schemes tell us about his delusions of creating cool new products and services, stewy is sort of the opposite because his structural goal is usually to dismantle companies and liquidate them however is best for maesbury's backers. it's a total destruction of all use-value and a conversion of it into pure exchange-value in the form of capital (which goes into his pockets and maesbury's). stewy generates money by destroying utility, which is perverse if you think capitalism is supposed to create and sustain human life, but actually completely comprehensible if you understand that capitalism is an insatiable growth machine with inherently contradictory internal tendencies and no raison d'être beyond the endless accumulation of pure capital itself.
many viewers think stewy is insane because he is friends with kendall roy. this is true, but on a deeper level stewy is insane because his job is to participate in the inexorable tendency to more and more abstraction in the capitalist mode of production. it literally does not matter at all to someone like stewy whether people are fed or clothed or happy, or have any of their needs met. the point is solely to create money, to turn all social forms and values into numbers on a balance sheet. this is why, when kendall tries to threaten him on axos at the end of season 2, stewy is able to casually tell him that "it doesn't matter; it doesn't mean anything." he and sandy are convincing shareholders that their offer will be able to make them more money, "and that's all that this is." stewy speaks the language of business differently than logan, because stewy doesn't care about dick-swinging competitions or demonstrating dominance in logan's cringey old catholic military way. which makes stewy more rational in certain ways, but also more insane, in that he operates in a way totally detached from this type of social value system and solely motivated by cold hard numbers.
the irony is that, whilst being detached and disembodied in his business practices, stewy is also better than the roys at appreciating the material fruits of wealth. he eats; he dresses well; he enjoys the "several houses" he owns. kendall is always trying to come up with some grand moral bullshit masculinity reason that what he's doing is noble or whatever, and he's alienated from his body and afflicted with severe catholic martyr disease. stewy just bypasses all that shit, measures his success by his payouts, and enjoys wealth because he sees it as an end in itself and not a means to logan roy's respect.
this is also why kendall's line in 'living+' about "it's enough to make you lose your faith in capitalism" is so funny. kendall can't just accept that business is a bunch of meaningless bullshit confidence games played by coked-up assholes who like to win; he always has to try to convince himself he's making cool new tech shit, or saving the world from the spectre of death itself or some shit. it's like, insane that he made it to literally 40 years old, growing up in a media conglomerate of all things, and still thinks that what he's doing requires actual skill or creates actual social value—but of course, part of the reason he still thinks this is because he deified logan and was therefore incapable of ever seeing logan or waystar for what they really were. stewy would never say that line because he can't be disillusioned this way on account of he already knows the whole thing is bullshit. it's just that to him it doesn't matter, because being bullshit does not preclude it from paying well.
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beloved-daydreams · 5 months
You know, I've wanted to talk about Taryn for a while because I genuinely think she's such an interesting character (and is SEVERELY underrated my god), so here are a couple of things I sometimes think about in no particular order: (and if I'm mistaken about any of those feel free to tell me!!!)
1) In The Cruel Prince, when Vivi brought Jude and Taryn to a shopping mall in order to cheer them up, Jude noted how Taryn is like a chameleon. That if they had to return to live in the human world, she wouldn't be able to adjust as well while Taryn probably could.
2) Despite people often portraying Taryn as a jealous/envious person (which I believe is partly true of course) that part of her has never seemed that big to me and I'm actually more inclined to say she was often on a fine line between being very driven and very desperate. Just like how Jude wanted to find her place in Elfhame, Taryn wanted to find her own through marriage. (Which, I'd like to add, is a totally valid wish in her situation even if it's not considered to be the more "girlboss" choice to make, out of all the things she has done/chosen to do, I don't think this is one if the things she should be shamed for.)
3) Although she accepted Locke's unfair conditions in order for him to take her as his wife knowing that Jude would inevitably get hurt, I believe she has always felt guilty about it deep down which is ALSO why she was so SO persistent with Jude in TCP. She wanted Jude to stop defying the fae because she didn't want her to get even more hurt than how much she already had (+ knowing that the reason Jude's being targeted in the first place is her fault, which is why she felt so responsible in making her stop her defiance.)
4) I'd also like to acknowledge how humiliating this deal with Locke must've been. People always think about how embarrassing it was for Jude but can you imagine how desperate you must be to let your "boyfriend" date your sister? Taryn saw him as a lifeline, as a way to survive and get some sort of power in Elfhame, and while she definitely didn't do it the right way, let's not pretend that she enjoyed it. Who would enjoy having a man play with you and your sister? This is pure disrespect NOT only towards Jude but also towards Taryn, which I find sad. This "relationship" was abusive and unequal from the very start.
5) Additionally, I think deep down Taryn always knew/understood that Locke doesn't especially care about her. It has been hinted at multiple times in the story that Locke didn't actually care which sister he would find that night he came to look for one of the twins and I don't even believe he properly knew how to differentiate them. Near the beginning of TCP there's a scene where Jude's and Locke's eyes meet (at that point Locke and Taryn are already "together") and he smiles at her, possibly because he might believe she's Taryn, and Taryn seeing that their eyes met, tries to get Jude to forget about it. So she HAS in fact noticed that Locke can't differentiate them at that point yet she keeps "dating" him. Why? Well...
6) The sacrifice line in The Wicked King, when it says Taryn looks more like a sacrifice than a bride. I think this was the "goal" all along. Taryn's whole thing is that she keeps making herself small and pleasant and "fitting into the picture". She is also shown to be more like Oriana than Madoc, Oriana who is known for being very careful and making the most "safe" decisions for her well-being and Oak's (+ always warning Jude and Taryn to not go anywhere during the revels and to not interact with the fae because they're humans and weak, and it would be dangerous for them). Taryn is doing the same with Locke, she wants security and some amount of power like Oriana who chose to be with Madoc for her and Oak's safety. Plus, again, Taryn obviously wants a place where she can belong. So ultimately she is "sacrificing" herself to Locke for that freedom.
7) In the lost sisters, Locke tried to make Taryn take pleasure in cruelty by making her dance with that fae boy then stealing her away and making her see how heartbroken that made the boy feel. And it did work somewhat but I believe the reason why Locke and Taryn didn't work out well together in the end is because Taryn is capable of feeling guilt. Locke and Taryn are shown to be similar in the aspect of "being good at telling stories" except Locke likes to make stories happen around him for his entertainment (Drama, basically). I don't think Taryn has that in her just because of that night in the lost sisters, in fact, that might've not even been the cruelty in itself that gave her pleasure but the power she had and was capable of having over a fae for once, instead of them having power over her.
8) Another reason why Locke and Taryn didn't work well together is because Taryn was unequally putting way more effort in this relationship than Locke was. In TCP when Jude and Locke are "dating", he gives her a tour of his estate and it's all mostly empty because no one gives enough of a shit to renovate any of it. Yet in TQN, when Jude is pretending to be Taryn, we see how his estate has changed for the better. Almost each empty room has been filled with furniture and the wardrobes have beautiful clothes in them. Showing how all of this has obviously been done by Taryn. Plus, why did the servant give "Taryn" (Jude pretending to be Taryn) a fairie fruit for dinner? Is it because Locke has made her eat some in front of his guests and Taryn complied to be seen as the "fun/pleasant" wife who does everything her husband tells her to? So maybe, just like how Jude was poisoning herself to build an immunity against poison, is it possible that Taryn was doing the same with faerie fruit? To build an immunity so she can still be somewhat aware of herself during Locke's maze/garden parties?
9) I think in the end, Taryn is more similar to the Ghost which is why they ended up hitting it off. Both of their thing is "being in the shadows/fitting in". Moreover, the Ghost does feel guilt for killing Oak's mother seeing how uncomfortable he got when Jude uncovered that. Plus he's half-human, so that will be easier to bear for Taryn instead of that bullshit Locke was telling her about "fae loving in a different way" to make her comply with his real-life sized drama club.
Overall, I like how layered all of this is if you look for it BUT I wouldn't say any of those conclusions/assomptions are especially difficult to reach if you're careful. I'm just kind of tired of female characters being seen as one-dimensional compared to their male counterparts who will get "understood" much more easily. My very hot take about TFOTA has always been that the truly gray character/problematic female character of the story is in fact Taryn and not Jude. Since Jude is the protagonist and we're always seeing her pov it's not hard for us to understand or be compassionate with her. Despite her actions being "morally gray" in-story, from the readers' pov, I believe the truly problematic female character here is Taryn since we can't actually see the inside of her head. All we get is pieces of information we have to put together.
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hiii!! Could you write a fuma ff? something like is y/ns first time and he helps her with it? maybe first watching a video and than asking her if she wanna try it? She does agree but wants to touch him first ( smut )
No seriously, I love Fuma, he is so underrated. Thank you for requesting, I tried my best. :) I am a proper Fuma fangirl...
First Time - &team Fuma
Synopsis: You are ready to take the next step in your relationship with your boyfriend and ask him to guide you through it.
Warnings: fluffy smut, afab reader, mentions of watching porn (and reading it), handjob, oral (f receiving), fingering, protected sex, I guess that's it but if I forgot something let me know!
Word Count: 2230 (I went severely overboard)
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You had told your boyfriend about your virginity the moment you started dating to make sure he would know. Of course, Fuma being Fuma, he was very nice about it and told you not to rush into anything.
But... after 7 long months, you've figured out how sexually frustrated someone can be. You tried to hide it, but it was no use and today you decided you are ready.
You find your boyfriend on the couch in the living room and sit down next to him. Fuma smiles, putting his arm around you as he continues watching the show playing on the TV. How are you going to bring this up?
You had rehearsed what you would say in front of the mirror all morning, so why couldn't you get it out now? Maybe it was the insecurity speaking, maybe it was the voice in your head...
"Are you okay, darling?" Fuma asks you, realizing you've been zoning out and snapping you back to reality.
"Yes." You say, nodding your head. Fuma squints his eyes at you, he knows you better than anyone, and his gut tells him you're not okay.
"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" Your fingers fiddle with the sleeves of your shirt, trying to get rid of the nervous feeling.
"I... I want to... you know." Now let me tell you, this boy is confused af.
"No, I don't know." Fuma replies honestly. "Could you be a bit more clear, maybe?" His sweet smile almost washes away all your insecurities, almost.
"Nevermind." You're about to stand up but Fuma pulls you back down, a sudden click in his mind told him exactly what you were trying to tell him. But he wouldn't help you unless you worded it to him.
"No, no. Whatever it is you want, tell me. I would never judge you." You look at him for a moment before breaking eye-contact and focusing on the floor.
"I'm ready and I want to..." You curse yourself for not being able to say it. Fuma places two fingers under your chin, lifting it up to make you look at him.
"To what?" Oh, he knows. You sigh, realizing that since he already knows, it couldn't be bad to just say it.
"To have sex... with you." Fuma smiles, kissing your lips gently.
"See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" He asks, smirking. You never knew your boyfriend could be such a tease, but the nice feeling in your stomach told you that you liked it. "Do you have any idea what you like and don't like maybe?"
You think for a moment, sure you've read some things but you're unsure of whether you would like it if it happened to you. So, you shake your head before you remember the video you had seen on twitter the other day.
"Well, I uh... I saw this thing on twitter and... I don't know."
"Mind showing me, angel?" You don't know what you expected but that wasn't it. You nod, reaching for your phone and opening the app. You hadn't liked it and you also hadn't saved it anywhere so you spend a couple minutes searching but when you find it, you hand it over to Fuma.
His hand rubs up and down your thigh in a comforting way as he holds his phone with his other hand. Fuma raises his eyebrows, watching the video with slight confusion. He had expected you to show him something about the girl being pleasured or both at the same time but the video he is watching is a girl giving a handjob to a guy.
"You sure you want to try this, darling?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, I want to know how to make you feel good."
"Fuck." Fuma breathes out, pausing the video and placing the phone down on the coffee table. "I'm honoured, being the first one to feel those pretty lips of yours around them." It was like a light-switch. His tone, his voice, his teasing smirk. Who is this and where is your sweet and shy boyfriend? You don't mind, of course, this Fuma is hot as hell.
He guides you to sit on his lap and leans up to kiss you. This wasn't new, you had kissed hell... even made out a thousand times so you're used to this by now. He pulls away for a brief moment.
"You sure you want to try this now? I'm good with pleasuring you first--"
"No, I'm sure." You reply confidently, yet smiling at the sweetness of your boyfriend. Fuma smiles too, nodding.
"Alright. Don't worry, I'll guide you through it." You nod and before you know it, his lips are again on yours. His hand takes ahold of yours and guides it down over the obvious bulge in his pants. You experimentally give it a soft squeeze. Fuma gasps, pulling away from your lips at the small piece of friction.
Gosh. He's so damn pretty. You slowly start rubbing him over his pants, adding some pressure just as you had seen in the video. A small moan rolls from Fuma's lips, spurring you on only more.
"Fuck, angel, just like that." You've had enough waiting, wanting to know how he would feel on your tongue. Your hands move to his belt and undo it swiftly. Fuma smirks, watching you open the button. "A little impatient, are we?"
"I'm sorry--" You take your hands away, thinking that you might've upset him or gone too fast.
"No, no, darling." Fuma leans forward, grabbing your hands and returning them to the waistband on his jeans. "I was just teasing you, keep going." His mouth places butterfly kisses on your neck, before sucking on a sensitive spot. You whimper at the action, your hands pull out his cock from it's restraints.
He senses your hesitance and places his hand around yours on his length. He guides your hand up and down his shaft slowly, getting you used to the feeling.
"Add a bit more pressure, angel." When you do, Fuma moans, throwing his head back in pleasure. Your confidence grows with every sound coming from him. You lift you hand spitting onto it and returning to pumping his cock just like you had seen in the video. It takes everything in Fuma not to buck his hips up, his hands squeeze your thighs gently. "Fuck, how come you've never done this? You're doing so good."
The compliment boosts your ego, your fingers brushing over the head of his cock, Fuma takes in a breath, his hips involuntarily buck into your hand.
"Feels so good, gonna cum if you don't watch out." You can't believe you've got him this close, the only thing you want now is making him finish. To be able to see his face contract in pleasure all because of you. You start pumping him a bit faster and squeezing him a little harder. "Fuck, y/n--" He's cut off by his own orgasm, his warm cum spurts onto your hand. A long moan erupting from him. You stop your hand movements and bring your hand up to your mouth to taste him.
"That must be the hottest thing I have ever seen." Fuma breathes out, watching you lick your hand clean.
"Did I do good?" You ask, taking his hands and intertwining your fingers together.
"Good? Baby, you did amazing." You smile proudly. "I want to return the pleasure though, will you let me?" You nod, eager to know what he would do. Fuma, smiles, kissing your lips again. "You can stop me whenever you want, yeah?" You nod. "And tell me when you don't like something, not everyone likes everything. Got it?"
"Yep, got it." You assure him.
"Good girl." Oh, now that... that did something to you. Fuma smirks seeing your reaction to his words. Praise kink? Check. He lays you down on the couch, gets between your legs and hovers over you. "Hi." He says, looking down at you with a soft gaze. You giggle.
"Hi." You reply, reaching up and kissing him. your cute boyfriend is still there, even with all the teasing and the dirty words, he is still with you. Always checking in to see if you're okay. His hand strokes over your thigh, inching closer and closer to your clothed core. When his fingers finally make contact with your slit, you gasp into the kiss. The damp spot in your panties grows bigger and bigger the more Fuma teases you.
"So turned on by just hand-fucking me?" He asks, teasingly. "let's do something about this, shall we?" He pulls back, his fingers take the waistband of your panties, he looks down at you. "You sure you want this?"
"Yes, please." Your tone is almost desperate and turns Fuma on immensely. He gently tugs down your panties until they're off and throws the fabric to the floor. He spreads your legs, leaning closer until he's right in front of your aching pussy. His arms wrap around your legs, resting on your stomach.
"Just relax, baby. Let me take care of you." He says before licking through your slit. Your head falls back and a moan escapes your lips at the amazing feeling. Fuma's tongue kitten licks your clit, your hands tangling into his soft black hair.
"Fuck, Fuma!" He smirks against you, his lips closing around your clit and sucking harshly. You squirm at the feeling, Fuma's hands pushing down on your stomach to keep you down in place. His other hand comes down, he prods a finger at your entrance before sliding in. You arch your back at the feeling, your moans grow louder with the second as you tug his hair. A coil quickly forming in your stomach.
Fuma's teeth graze your clit, a jolt of electricity passes through your body, the feeling almost overwhelming. Fuma adds another finger, moving them in and out of you at a steady pace. He smiles against you, pleased with your reactions and your sounds.
"Fuck... Fuma! I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum on, angel. Let it go." He replies, before returning to suck on your clit and curling his fingers inside to hit that spot with ease. You cry out at the intense feeling as you cum around his fingers. He continues his assault on your pussy, helping you ride out your orgasm until your breathing calms down and he pulls away, licking the rest of your orgasm from his fingers. "You look so pretty, angel. So, so pretty."
"Fuma." You breathe out, wrapping your legs around him to keep him there. "Please fuck me." Fuma raises a brow, all the shyness and insecurity left you and is replaced with boldness.
"Are you sure?" You nod, trying to desperately pull him closer against you. He chuckles and reaches into the pocket of his jeans. He pulls out a condom and kicks the rest of his clothes off. He pulls you closer when he has the condom put around his cock and looks down at you. "You can stop me anytime."
"I know." You confirm, holding one hand out, Fuma places his tip at your entrance and holds your hand, intertwining your fingers before pushing inside slowly. Your head falls back, a hiss leaving your mouth at the unfamiliar feeling.
"Does it hurt, angel?" Fuma asks, feeling you squeeze his hand subconsciously.
"No, just feels weird."
"It'll be over soon, promise." His promise turned out to be true. When he is fully positioned inside of you, you're feeling much better. The uncomfortable feeling now replaced by pleasure and all you want is for him to move.
"Fuma, move please." He hovers over you again, kissing your lips as his hips begin moving at a slow but steady pace. His cock hits all the right places, grazing against your walls. You moan into his mouth, your eyes roll to the back of your head when he keeps hitting that spot deep within you. The slight overstimulation causing delicious pain but also makes your orgasm built just that much quicker.
"You feel so good, darling. So warm, so tight." He starts picking up the pace, both of you moan at the sensation.
"F-Fuma, so close." You moan out. He lets go of your hand and lowers it to your clit. The added pleasure of his fingers rubbing your clit and his hips slamming into yours brings you over the edge for the second time. Your back arches into him and your walls pulsate around his cock. He hides his face in the crook of your neck before his hips stop and his cum fills the inside of the condom.
He lays on top of you but makes sure you're not completely squeezed under his body weight. Both of you breathe heavily. You start playing with Fuma's sweaty hair, a tired smile on your lips.
"I love you, angel." You hear Fuma whisper before he carefully pulls out of you. You whimper a little at the overstimulation but calm down when his thumb rubs small figures on your thigh.
"I love you, Fu." Your boyfriend leans over and places a kiss to your cheek.
"How about a bubble bath?"
"Sounds good to me." You agree, letting Fuma help you up and carry you to the bathroom even if you insisted you could walk.
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footy-fictionist · 1 year
Lazy day - Karim Adeyemi
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Pairing: Karim Adeyemi x female reader
Warnings: sugar sweet fluff, some badly translated German
Word count: 1781
Note: As always, English is not my first language. I wanted to write something really cute and I think it turned out just right. Again, I don't know Karim and I have no clue what he is really like, so this is purely fiction. I just can't help but write for this adorable, handsome and underrated man. Please do not copy and/or publish my work, reblogging is totally fine.
The first few days after Karim got injured were very hard. They had to make sure how severe the injury was and how long he would be out for. Then Karim had to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t be able to play with the team and that he would miss the important return game against Chelsea. He was more than determined to be back as fast as he could. But she wouldn’t be his girlfriend if she didn’t tell him he would need to take it slow and not rush anything. Getting back too early could mean getting a worse injury than before. That didn’t stop Karim though, you could find him around the training ground every single day to help out or to train. 
Where she thought he would have some more time to spend with her, he only had even less time than before. She doesn’t hold it against him though, she understands his need to help out where he can. So everyday she makes sure she has everything ready for him to take to the training ground. Which means she gets up earlier to start on breakfast and for making his lunch. Karim is usually still asleep and she lets him get the rest he needs. Recovery is always better with enough sleep and rest. 
So when she hears her alarm go off a week after Karim got injured, she gets ready to quietly slip out of his hold to start on breakfast. And as she softly grabs his wrist to move his arm from around her waist, she stills when he puts his arm right back where it was before. She waits a minute or two before she tries again, but no luck. She carefully turns around in Karim’s hold and finds him with his eyes still closed. She lets her eyes rake over his face, taking in all of his features. She lifts a hand to softly trace over his eyebrows, taking in the arch of his nose and the shape of his lips. 
Her fingers trace from his eyebrows to the side of his face, over his cheek until she reaches those lips. Her thumb runs over his top lip and she feels him purse his lips to press a kiss to her thump. It tickles a little and makes her release a soft giggle. His eyes open a little to look at her sleepily. She admires the sleepy look in his big brown eyes, along with the twinkle that is always present when he looks at her. She’s always liked his eyes best, they really show her everything about his feelings. She gives him a soft smile, removes her thumb from his top lip and presses a feather light kiss to the exact same spot her thumb was on a few seconds before. She feels the way Karim’s lips curve into a smile. She goes to pull away from him again to start breakfast, but he wraps both of his arms around her this time.
“Where are you going? Don’t leave!”
The way he said it was almost desperate. She is confused, he isn’t usually like this in the mornings. 
“I’m getting up to make your breakfast and pack your lunch. I’m assuming you want to go to the training ground again today.” 
He shakes his head at her words, which confuses her even more than before. 
“I’m not going today, Schatz. I’ve been there everyday for the past week. I want to stay with you today, quality time. You also have the day off right?”
“They told you to take more rest, didn’t they? And yes, it’s my day off too.”
He looks at her a little sheepishly, she definitely caught him. He went to the training ground so much that they almost threatened him to stay home. They did eventually manage to convince him to listen to them. The reason being that they questioned if his girl was okay with him being gone everyday. It hit him that he hasn’t spent much time with her lately, yet she never complained about him being gone. So he agreed with the staff and decided to stay home a bit more, to rest and to spend time with his girlfriend.
“Okay, you caught me. But what I said is also true. I know I’ve been gone a lot lately, more than before. You never complain about it, even though you must be a little annoyed. So I promise now, that I’ll be home more and that I won’t be going to the training ground every single day.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that. I don’t complain because I know how hard this injury is on you and that you just want to do as much as possible to help out. I can only admire that, my love. You’re so passionate and I love seeing you do what you love the most. So don’t worry, I will always have your back, even when you’re busy. Because I love you.”
Karim pulled her even closer. Legs tangling (carefully as to not hurt him), foreheads touching. He whispers back how much he loves her and how she’s the absolute best thing that has ever happened to him. They stay like that for a long time, this time with Karim admiring every single one of her features. It’s calm and peaceful and everything they both needed. They soon enough fall back asleep, completely tangled up in each other. And if anyone would see them together like this, they would know. Know that they are meant for each other, heartbeats and breathing in sync. 
After another hour or two of sleeping, they both wake up and they just softly talk about the past week. Anything that comes to mind. He shares his stories of the training ground, whilst she talks about work and what her friends were up to, they always have the best gossip. They don’t get to do this often, so they really make the most of this time together. They get out of bed once they hear Karim’s stomach rumble. She laughs once she hears it, whilst he looks at her sheepishly. They get out of bed but instead of walking out of the room, Karim walks up to her. He puts his hands on her hips and she thinks he’ll kiss her, but instead he throws her over his shoulder. A scream leaves her mouth before she starts laughing. She smacks his bum a few times in the hope he lets her go, but he doesn’t and just carries her all the way to the kitchen. 
He sits her down on the countertop and moves so he’s standing between her legs. A few chuckles still leave her lips and he’s just admiring the joy on her face. He makes a mental note to do more spontaneous things, just to see the joy on her face like this. He presses a kiss to the apple of her cheek. She puts her hands to the back of his neck and pulls him closer to press a kiss to his lips. They kiss for a bit longer, the rumble of her stomach making them both laugh. She gets off the countertops and grabs everything she needs to make breakfast. Once she has everything, Karim doesn’t leave her side. He’s always touching her in some way. 
She hands him his pancakes before they move to the couch, where they put on one of their favourite shows. They sit close together and finish their breakfast within minutes. She puts the plates on the coffee table, before moving back to her spot beside Karim, throwing her legs over his. She grabs his arm, moves closer to his side and cuddles his arm close to her chest. He looks down her way, only to catch the way she leans her head on his shoulder. He intertwines their fingers and asks her if there is a film she’d love to see. She tells him about the new film she heard about and he puts it on the tv. 
Somewhere halfway through the film, the doorbell rings. She looks up confused and Karim just shrugs. He pauses the film and she gets up to walk to the front door. She mentally celebrates that she’s looking a little decent once she opens the door. There is a delivery man in front of the door with a huge bouquet of flowers. The man sends her a smile and hands the flowers to her. She asks him if he’s sure they are for her and he nods at her before wishing her a nice day. She admires the multicoloured bouquet and finds a note between the flowers. She grabs it and reads it. 
Für meinen Schatz. Ich liebe dich.  Dein Karim. 
A few tears fill her eyes as she walks back to the living room.
“You silly man! You got me flowers, for what?”
“Just because. A small way to show you that I love you. I feel like I haven’t done that enough lately.” 
She lays the flowers on the table as a sob leaves her lips, before climbing onto his lap and burying her face in the crook of his neck. She can’t stop repeating the words ‘I love you’ and he smiles whilst softly rubbing her back. 
“Do you like them, mein Schatz? These are happy tears right?”
“I love them, Karim. You really didn’t have to do this. I know you love me. And I love you. Of course they are happy tears, you always make me happy!”
They stay like that for a little while longer. Eventually Karim turns the film back on whilst they’re snuggled up. She leaves between films to put the flowers in a vase. They continue the day with a few more films and some junk food (where they both agree not to tell anyone). When the time comes around for dinner, she gets up and goes to the kitchen to make Karim’s favourite. He follows her soon enough, not wanting to be away from each other for too long. They eat dinner at the dinner table and decide to play some board games to end the day. Both are incredibly competitive so they play until they’re tied in winnings. 
They get ready for bed together and do some skincare. Or she does skincare and forces Karim to do some as well. When they’re snuggled up in bed, they are content with their day. They both give some kisses to each other’s skin, their way of thanking each other for the day. They fall asleep with smiles on their faces, having had the best day together.
(Mein) Schatz: (my) babe/treasure/dearFür meinen schatz: for my treasure/dearIch liebe dich: I love youDein Karim: your Karim
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acacia-may · 7 months
Enough [A Frank Denouement and Kit Snicket Friendship Ficlet]
A ficlet centric on one of my favorite ASOUE underrated friendships: Frank Denouement and Kit Snicket for Woevember 2023 hosted by @asouefanworkevent Day 4: Hotel Denouement. Dewey x Kit is also mentioned. Thank you for reading!
(Warnings: Sparring. Some mild spoilers)
“Hey. Hey, not the face,” Frank protested as he dodged one of Kit’s punches. Another soon followed. “If you give me a black eye again, I won’t be able to pretend I’m Ernest.” 
“That was an accident,” she insisted as he tried and failed to catch her in a hold. “And why do you do that again?” 
Her movements were so quick and agile, he could barely keep up with them—not to mention frustratingly unpredictable even after how many times they had sparred together. He supposed he had an excuse. Since he had been put on “hotel duty,” his sparring skills were severely lacking especially compared to Kit who spent most of her time in the field, but still he had thought that with practice he would’ve improved at least somewhat. He huffed, struggling to catch his breath as he quickly weaved in and out of her attacks. “Listen, when you have a boring desk job like me, you have to find ways to keep life interesting.”
“It just confuses everyone,” she argued as she turned, leaving her right side open. When he raised his arm, however, she effortlessly swerved away from his hand, completely unphased and he was back on the defensive. “If your point was to be deceptive, I could understand, but you just want to mess with everyone—why?” 
“What do you care?” he huffed as he managed to get a kick in causing her to stumble. He gripped her arms holding her in place. “You can tell us apart.” She could, of course, frustratingly enough so he never got to have any fun with tricking her that he was either of his brothers. “So I don’t know why it would matter to—Ow!” 
Frank winced as Kit elbowed him, and within moments she had him pinned to the ground. Pathetic, he thought with a slight shake of his head as he struggled to wriggle free. She was kind enough to practice with him whenever she was around which was getting more and more frequent. That gave him an idea. 
“Before you punch me, picture me as someone you love—shouldn’t be too hard,” he teased with a wink and a grin. Kit lowered her hand and loosened her hold on him. The glare she gave him as she got up from the ground made Frank shiver.  
“Listen, I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just teasing…” he insisted, but Kit huffed, leaning against the wall with her back to him. 
Even though Frank was sure she probably didn’t want him to, he joined her. The roof of the hotel was their favourite sparring place, and probably Ernest’s as well as he insisted it was the least disruptive to the guests. It was one of Frank’s favourite places in general since it had the most beautiful view of the city—especially at night when all of the buildings were illuminated by dim lights and the night sky was filled with stars.
After a long, heavy silence, Kit half-asked, half-stated, “So you know…?”  
Frank’s brow furrowed. “About you and my brother? Yeah.” 
“I had thought that since his entire existence is a secret, he’d be better at keeping one,” she teased with a twitch of a smile in the corners of her mouth. 
“When he’s this happy? Absolutely not,” chuckled Frank. “You are all he ever talks about besides books and the Dewey Decimal System. I guess I just figured that since you were hanging around here a lot more that you two were in some kind of relationship now…” Frank stopped. “Are you in some kind of relationship?”  
Kit frowned. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” 
“Kit, my brother adores you. He would do anything for you—even die for you or follow you into hell if you asked. That level of devotion knows no bounds. I have no doubt that you are the person my brother loves the most in the world, and he is the person I love the most so I…”
“You’re worried about him,” she finished with a sigh. “And you should be.” 
“I wouldn’t say…” 
“You know about me and Olaf…?” she interrupted again, and Frank tilted his head. 
“Well, yeah. Everybody knows about that.” 
“Then you know I’m no good for your brother and that he deserves someone so much better.” 
“Maybe that’s true,” Frank conceded. “But he doesn’t want anyone else.” Frank sighed. “Look, we’ve all done things that we’re not proud of—I know I have so I’m in no position to judge you or anybody else. The way I see it, there are very few genuinely good people in this world, but Dewey is one of them and he deserves to be happy. And Kit..." he paused—meeting her eyes. "You have made my brother happier than I have ever seen him and as far as I’m concerned that makes you good enough.” 
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Looking for some new AU Brio fic reccs, and you've got great taste so please share your thoughts with me
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask. ❤️ I just feel that I’m one of the worst people to ask for AU recs because I haven’t read a lot of them. I’ve historically had such a canonic view of Brio that I had a hard time getting into AU. I’m working on it though! Slowly making my way through the backlog of AUs I missed out on.
I guess I can’t just keep repeating Both Sides of the Law and Delinquents, right? They’re just such rich worlds all in themselves. They almost don’t even need canon. Although, canon does lend them some additional color. But ok, if not these then…
I’m gonna keep repeating the Kingmaker series, which at this point is an AU. I was happy to see she updated a new piece in her series last night and thoroughly enjoyed the work, as I did all the rest. And I know, I keep saying it isn’t for everyone because this author really struggles with choosing what she wants Brio to be. But this work is SO underrated! This is such a beautifully written series of fics. If nothing else, read for the language and the author’s ability to world-build and characterize. I can SEE this universe. It isn’t just that she is able to emulate what the actors embodied. She is able to add value to her Rio character that has impacted the way I view canon. Her Rio is the Rio I see when I watch the performance. She understands her universe and her subjects on such a deep level that I believe who she’s made them be.
Another one I really loved was What a Sight to See. It’s a vampire AU where Beth is a vampire and Rio isn’t. What’s interesting is that the characters were still themselves. Their mannerisms, their speech patterns, their specific proclivities still made them very recognizably themselves. But the flipped power dynamic was perfection. Because Rio, as a mortal, was the vulnerable one in this scenario. And Beth had that quiet confidence of endless strength and power that was then challenged with something new to her — giving a shit about someone, loving someone. I found their relationship extremely emotional, and the outcome of it one of the most satisfying. The writing is always beautiful. “The inviting lift of her skirt, though, that's more of a revelation. All that pallid, pliant flesh; displayed for him. Rio can't not stride forward, grasp the opportunity…” I love this use of language to perfectly capture emotion with showing instead of telling. And how well it captures Rio’s inherent nature! “Grasp the opportunity.” Such a well-placed term.
The King’s Mistress is another good one. And smutty!! I don’t only read for smut, but I certainly love a well-placed pornographic scene. 😁 What I really love about this fic is the open vulnerability both Beth and Rio allow themselves in an AU setting. I don’t normally like too much openness from Beth in canonic works because I see that as OOC, but it’s certainly refreshing to see in a universe that has room for her that way. She doesn’t always have to be on guard. She can be soft sometimes.
I’m so not helpful with these recommendations. 😂 I just don’t have enough experience with the AU genre. In fact, I would be open to recommendations myself. I know several of you have given me some to try. I need to get to reading!
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alwaysxlarrie · 1 year
underrated fics of 2021 + 2022
ok so yes i did a masterlist of my fav fics of 2021/2022 but i wanted to end the year w some fics from 2021/2022 that, in my opinion, are underrated! as a smaller writer, i know how discouraging it can be to see lots of popular writers/fics on everyones’ lists all the time, but never see yours. & that’s no one’s fault! but i wanted to balance it all out a bit w this. just a friendly reminder that not getting many hits, kudos, comments, etc is not an indicator of your talent !!! write something because you want to & it makes you happy -- you’ll find your audience along the way!
i actually didn’t read a ton of fics that came out this year (i was surprised before i remembered that i work in retail & we’ve been short staffed the majority of the year & i pet sit on the side & am a student .... makes sense that i wasn’t able to read nearly as many fics as i wanted to lol.) so i’m incorporating some fics from 2021 as well, just like i did w my previous list & managed to compile a list of my top 15 underrated fics :)
as usual, the fics are in alphabetical order 
consequences of public breeding by @jaerie / jaerie
as someone who’s very passionate about social justice & inequalities, this fic spoke to me. i love the way jaerie writes harry’s internal monologues acknowledging the difficulties & bleak realities of the situation while still allowing himself to be/feel empowered however he can. we love to see it! & the tension & dynamic between harry & louis? top tier!
charm your pants off by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28
i know this was released super recently but i’m counting it anyway lol. from the banter to louis’ immediate flirting to harry’s clumsiness, everything packed into this short fic is so cute and is guaranteed to have you grinning the whole time. 
darling, can’t you see by @tommokat / tommokat
this fic is such a good combination of crack, humor, fluff, hurt/comfort & smut. it was on my ‘marked for later’ list for a while before i finally got to sit down & read it this past week & it was so worth the wait !! plus we love cat mom harry hehe
do you think the tides know by @loveislarryislove / livelaughlovelarry
i betaed & helped out with this fic BUT would i still think the writing & story telling is phenomenal even if i hadn’t? yep! annika’s ability to write the raw emotions, navigation, dynamics, etc of this fic is incredible.
gotta get (me) outta my head by @parmahamlarrie / parmahamlarrie
as someone who has severe adhd, this fic made me feel super seen. i, unfortunately, do not have a lovely dom like harry does, but i am perfectly content with living through harry for this fic. the way bee describes harry’s feelings going from trying to navigate the scrambled mess that is her head to how louis’ praise makes her feel to how safe & protected she feels with louis? amazing. groundbreaking. we love to see it!!!
i need you right now, baby (won’t you come home?) by @non-binharry / enbyharry
this fic is a great representation of the fact that a fic does not need to be long to good!!! things happen fast but they don’t feel rushed. louis & harry’s dynamic right off the bat is cute & sexy. is sexy even an applicable word to describe a dynamic? idk either way i’m going with it lol
know you better. by @wabadabadaba / wabadabadaba
this fic always keeps you on your toes, wondering how the next interaction louis & marcel have will go. the pining, flirting, louis being protective & supportive, marcel opening up & letting louis in & their healthy communication is amazing. i’ve included this fic on some of my previous lists, so it’s a shocker to no one that i love it & would absolutely recommend.
little freak (aka: jezebel) by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours
if you know me, or read some of my fics, you know how pro adopt don’t shop i am (especially for older animals but i digress), so i’m obsessed w the lecture harry’s mom gave him. the whole fic is so cute, funny, cozy & just a lil bit steamy. my cat’s at the vet today, actually, so kind of ironic timing. regardless, if you’re looking for a feel good fic, i 10000% recommend this one !!! (also my house is an acab household so we love louis’ reaction to harry’s joke ab his occupation)
lazy days and pancakes for two by @cyantific / cyantific
i also betaed this fic & know first hand how much work, research & love was put into this. another wonderful feel good fic that will leave you grinning for hours after you read it. larry’s banter, love for the each other, respect for each other, etc. calling it wonderful is an understatement, to say the least, tbh.
making my way downtown by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface
i love how maggie describes louis & harry’s dynamic in any larry fic she writes, including this one. i’ve included this fic in my previous masterlists before & it’s for a good reason !! whenever harry’s internal monologue went into how louis acted with harry at the party, i just wanted to know more!!! and then when louis panic spam texted him?? ugh. so cute. my heart.
where’s the divide? by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2
melanie always writes the funniest internal monologue for louis, you will never get through one of her fics without laughing. this one is super short, sweet & lovely. niall & louis’ friendship dynamic is always top tier, too. there’s so many cute aspects about this one. shoutout to harry going along with louis’ fake chef abilities.
wanna play you like a game, boy (what’s the thrill of the same toy?) by @thebreadvansstuff / thebreadvan
ari already knows how obsessed i am with this fic, but let me tell all of you. i’m obsessed!!! i am normally very much a praise kink type of girl, but the way larry’s dynamic was written in combination w the humiliation kink? louis’ dirty talk? harry thinking he’s been nonchalantly getting louis to go along w his experiment, just to find out louis was -- & always is -- ten steps ahead of him? YUM. WONDERFUL. AMAZING. brb i’m manifesting that part 2 !!!!
when did i first know? i always knew by @panye / eynap
steph is literally carrying the weight of the shiall main pair fics fandom on her back & she deserves more recognition for that. the way she writes the foreshadowing build up to shawn’s realizations, zayn’s observant ass observing correctly & helpfully & niall’s reaction/response?? i absolutely think that even if shawn isn’t your otp, you’ll love this fic. it’s so cute & fluffy & hot & she’s even given everyone a nice dose of larry & ziam on the side.
your head in your hands as you colour me blue by @hershelsue / docklands
this is such a wonderful, cute, raw fic. greta is phenomenal at writing metaphors & bringing anything they write to life. it’s written in first person which i think, instead of putting readers off, it just makes you feel so much more immersed in the fic & the wonderful world greta created.
you make the world taste better by @loveislarryislove / livelaughlovelarry
ok so yes i also betaed this fic bc annika is wonderful to work w but i genuinely recommend this one as well. the psychology major in me is obsessed w the dark & twisted plot twists & the ending. i loathe miscommunication used as a plot device (in some fics, it’s understandable, in others it’s used an excuse to create unnecessary angst, but. i digress) & i cannot tell you how relieved i was when i saw that there was an opening to use miscommunication to create more angst & annika instead decided to throw in communication that was healthy yet understandably withdrawn. the bittersweet ending always gets me conflicted bc like i want a happy ending??? but it’s so good & absolutely makes sense for the fic??? i could go on forever.
in a last second decision (i swear lol),i’m gonna use this as an opportunity to shout out my current wip bc it’s my first chaptered wip & i’m very proud of it so far & i’m excited to continue it (new chapter goes up every saturday! i’m not sure if i’m gonna post this saturday’s upcoming chapter on monday instead bc of new years eve. idk. we’ll see. but other than that, every saturday!):
you are my destiny (you are the reason that i still believe)
“Being a new employee at a company means that you have to learn to brush off the shitty bosses, shitty coworkers, and not getting the credit you actually deserve for things. At least, that's been Harry Styles' experience. Coworkers who steal his ideas in pursuit of getting praise and a raise, and a boss who's indifferent at best and condescending at worst. Harry has learned to expect this reality for the foreseeable future. He's accepted it.
What he hadn't expected was for Louis Tomlinson to waltz into their company, and his life, and change around everything he thought he knew about fate. -- A Cinderella AU.”
as always, if you read any of these fics, please remember to leave kudos & a comment for the talented authors!! i also have more masterlists planned for 2023 bc i have no self control so watch out for those lmao
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jounosparticles · 7 months
Hello o/ i just finished midterm im finally free orz.How are you doing?
I want to asked what do you think about Fukuchi?like his relationship or morality anything in general.Hes such an interesting character i wish ppl talk about him more.
hello! i’m pretty good! finished a read through bsd beast today (fantastic novel btw) and will work on some writing tonight i think!
i hope your midterm went well!! feel free to tell me about it if you’d like :) i’m interested
and ty for asking about fukuchi! i have lots to say about him.
fukuchi - my opinion
first off i will preface this by saying i USED to be a fukuchi hater. he used to really piss me off but looking back it was 100% biased towards the characters he hurt and i didn’t think too much of his motives. i actually really like him now and believe he’s very underrated.
for starters, i LOVE his design. the face scars especially really tie everything together. i also like his silly moustache hehe
his role as a hunting dog was really great and i hope we see more of that—some sort of pre-DoA scenes where we see the hunting dogs work together so i can look into their dynamics more. it seems that he genuinely was a good leader and cared for his squad. he was fun and lighthearted and seemed to be kind to his subordinates.
i really hope we get some sort of scenes where we see him interacting with the other members of the DoA, flashback scenes or something. we only really seen him interact with bram. i feel he would have gotten along well with sigma, since neither of them are bad people. in contrast i want to see him interact with fyodor and nikolai for the very opposite purpose.
i somewhat sympathized with fukuchi when he was fighting atsushi and akutagawa, his view on war clearly messed him up a ton and he just appeared to have a bad approach to solving what was right. i regret to admit i think i let a lot of the general perception of fukuchi hinder my opinion on him here. i understood his motives to a degree but couldn’t like him for that (which has since changed).
i wholeheartedly believe fukuchi is a good person. he is severely traumatized from all the war he had to deal with, which altered his perception on a good approach to solving things.
assuming he is around 45 years old, he would have received the warning of the war at the age of 9. imagine being a small child and realizing you have to save millions from dying? yet throughout it all he kept a great composure and was kind to others. the scenes where he was with fukuzawa as a child showed he was a good kid despite the huge task he would need to complete. this displays immense courage.
now more onto the DoA era.
notice how he turned everyone into vampires instead of just killing them? partially this was likely to build an army, however i assume part of it was to keep people from dying. he doesn’t want any more bloodshed and did what was necessary. he never told anyone about this though, there’s a good chance bram would have been more willing to help had he been open about the plan. maybe?
the way he treated bram wasn’t great though. it would have been cool to see him talk to bram about it and they work together. of course bram didn’t really seem to care too much about humanity before meeting aya, so he may have not agreed.
fukuchi was also incredibly smart for trusting fukuzawa to do what was right. it really shows their bond and how they knew each other. i’d love to look into their dynamics more, especially the scene where fukuchi tries to convince fukuzawa to go to war since there was a ton of symbolism there.
fukuchi and jouno’s bond also intrigues me. we know he invited jouno to the hunting dogs with the goal of him joining the DoA yet jouno was too influenced by good to be able to do it. i wonder if fukuchi would have told jouno the truth in the case that he agreed to join? or did he assume jouno was willing to be a ruthless killer? id like to think that fukuchi believed jouno had the morality to keep the agency safe despite being supposed to act evil; since fukuchi didn’t actually want them dead. ill make a longer analysis about this idea soon actually since it has the little gears in my head turning.
his relationship with tachihara is also interesting to me. i haven’t thought too much into it, but i believe fukuchi said something along of being disappointed in tachihara’s "betrayal". it makes me wonder if maybe he had hoped tachihara’s morality had changed in the mafia so he would never need to face him in battle? i’ll have to reread the chapters and look into this more.
his relationship with teruko also is one that makes me quite sad. she looked heartbroken as she had to kill him. she was also the only one he told other than fukuzawa about his real plan (as far as im aware). they were definitely close.
in the end, fukuchi’s reveal of the truth and everything he had been dealing with for so long made his actions make a ton of sense. he was just a person with a huge responsibility who tried to save things as well as he could. i really wish he could have gotten closure on the world he saved (if he is truly dead). he’s a fantastic character and has a ton of depth. i only scratched the surface here. maybe i will need to make an "in defence of fukuchi" essay at some point.
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polifandom · 6 months
when i first started getting into scream i felt extremely gaslit into thinking the 2nd and 3rd films are actually good and that the 4th one is the bad one. like WDYM???
yes the second has a banger opening scene but the killers are completely irrelevant to the plot, i literally had to watch the second one 3 (THREE) times to be able to tell apart mikey and derek bc they're literally both tall brunette standard cis guys to me and the reporter being billys mom is just a lazy plot twist to me
if dewey was the killer in the second one the movie would be SO much better, like!!!! dewey had motive (sister was killed meanwhile 2 of her friends survived, gale's book thing, he was badly hurt, etc), he knew how he to do it successfully bc he lived through it, and idk i just wanted him to be!!!
so yes, 2 is average at best and boring at worst to me. meanwhile, the third movie is simply a train wreck i hope we can all agree on. there's simply no way roman would be able to pull that off alone, plus they reused the same family relative plot twist (tho i do admit this time it was slightly better, but it doesn't make it any less lazy). if im being very honest with you, there was no point i was truly invested in the story while watching 3.
while 4 i was literally kept on my toes the ENTIRE TIME. best killer reveals since the 1st (charlie included, he is SEVERELY underrated)!!! a killer kills another killer!!! jill motive was sounhinged and im living for it!!! they managed to make the killers have some form of chemistry like stu and billy did without redoing their dynamic!!! it was sidney more interesting plot by far since the first movie!!! jill literally almost got away with it!!!! like dude, that movie is a BANGER!
to me, scream 4 is a very close 2nd in ranking, following the first one (obv)
anyways, i felt like everyone kept telling me 2 and 3 were masterpieces when they very clearly arent. i absolutely love the franchise, but every time i rewatch i have to power through 2 and sometimes skip 3 altogether bc its very clearly the weaker movie out of the 6 out.
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clemkruckinnie · 2 years
bette davis eyes-chrissy cunningham x reader
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request: Hey Clem so I haven’t seen anyone do this yet I think. But it’s a Chrissy x Reader fic.So Chis is datin a older “party” member. And Chris is with the reader when she’s gets taken by Venca. And later on when Reads finds out that music saves said victims, they kinda goes off on themselves. It’s a stench for this
a/n: gotta give my first imagine to my underrated angel <3
relationships: chrissy cunningham x f!reader, mild robin buckley x f!reader if you squint
The Wheeler household is almost never entirely quiet. Even when no one is talking, there’s always something in the foreground-the buzz of the heater, a forgotten game left on the TV. This rings true for your current situation-everyone spread out on the basement floor, exhausted from the day’s events.
You had come close to losing Max—too close. Here she was, though, fast asleep in your arms, Kate Bush’s muted voice leaking from the headphones of her walkman. Being first up for “Max Watch”, it was your job to watch over her. You had practically jumped at the opportunity, citing your resistance to sleep as a qualifier. Even though she’s been through hell, Max looks peaceful as she sleeps, head tucked under your chin. As horrible as it is to admit, you sort of envy her. You haven’t been able to close your eyes without seeing the love of your life, eyes glazed over, bones snapped at angles incompatible with life.
To the town of Hawkins, you and Chrissy Cunningham were the best of friends. Never one without the other, connected at the hip, practically at the very soul. You treasured that closeness above everything else, because no matter how bad things got, there she was, ready to hold you in her arms until you had cried the pain out. It flashes in your brain that she’s gone forever, an obnoxious, flickering, neon motel sign amongst the darkness in the rest of your head.
They had cracked some sort of code today, funding out that music could pull someone away from Vecna’s hold, giving them the strength to fight back and get back to their bodies. That’s why you’ve been listening to Kate Bush secondhand for the past 2 hours-it had saved Max, for which you couldn’t thank the same invisible forces you had been cursing enough. Through the several years of trauma before, you had grown closer to the young girl passed out against your chest. You already felt as if part of your soul was missing, with Chrissy gone. Losing Max would have killed you.
You’re pulled from your thoughts by a soft rap against the wooden table by the couch, looking up into Robin’s eyes.
“Shift switch.” She tells you.”I mean, you probably won’t be able to move, since Max is-“
You smile softly down at her again, then look back up to Robin, nodding. “She’s earned it.”
Robin sits across from Max and you, in an uncharacteristic bout of silence. “I’m sorry, by the way. About Chrissy. I know she just passed, but it already feels, like-overlooked, in a way?”
“Yeah.” You mutter softly. “Out of all the people that could have happened to-she didn’t deserve it.”
“She was an angel.” Robin concurs, “one time, one of those basketball shitheads threw chocolate milk on my favorite shirt. She didn’t even know me, but she stayed in that bathroom with me trying to get it out, then gave me her sweater to wear instead. She never even asked for it back.”
You blink back tears, again, because of course your Chrissy did. Of course she spent an hour of her own time helping out a classmate she barely knew, because that was her-an angel among humans.
“I never told her about any of this.” You start, “but for every bad memory day, every nightmare, she was there. Just ready to help me through something she didn’t even know about.”
There’s another pause, but you speak up again, unable to stop talking about Chrissy, now that you’ve been able to share these memories of her with someone. “I’d have played Bette Davis Eyes.” You tell her, “to save Chrissy, I mean. That was our song.”
You’re too wrapped up in the memories that had made it your song-dancing in Chrissy’s bedroom, illuminated by her string lights, promising to each other you’d make it out of Hawkins, to somewhere where you two could just be. You snap back to the present day when you realize what you had just told Robin.
“I mean-shit, I-“
You rub at your damp eyes with your free arm.
“Y/N.” Robin prompts you softly.
You’re able to bring yourself to look up at her, and there’s no sign of the disgust you were expecting.
“Were you two just friends?” She asks you. You shake your head “no”, biting back the sobs so you don’t disturb Max.
“I loved her.” You cry. “And she loved me. Not in the way that you love your best friend.”
You look back at Robin, and not only is she not disgusted-she’s crying, too.
“Oh, shit, Robin-“
She waves you off, wiping her eyes.
“Wasn’t expecting you two to be like me.” Robin shrugs.
“Like you??”
Robin nods, “Yeah.”
You smile tearfully, grabbing Robin’s hand with your free one, unable to hug her like you wanted to.
“Bette Davis Eyes was so us.” You gush, opening the floodgate. “Cause Chrissy-she had those big doe eyes that looked through your soul, you know? She and I would dance to it, and laugh at the “all the boys think she’s a spy” part, because we both liked to think of guys we talked to as like, covert operations. She loved the references, too- to the old movie stars, she loved old romance movies.” Robin nods, smiling wistfully as you go on.
“She just loved, and cared, so deeply about everyone and everything. She barely even knew Max, but if she were here, she’d be crying happy tears right along with me for her.”
There’s another pause, where you look down at Max again, rewinding her walkman so it’ll keep playing Running Up That Hill.
“That’s why i’m persevering.” You tell Robin, “because she loved me so much.”
And she did.
Your golden girl, your sunshine, the love of your life.
Your motivation to keep fighting-your angel, watching you from somewhere, with those Bette Davis Eyes.
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violets-arepurple · 2 years
Your theory on abilities being a trauma response is actually kind of correct! In the Gaiden light novel, it was stated that people develop abilities after some major event occurs rather than being born with them. I apparently can't send images on anon, so instead I'll copy and paste the specific excerpt I'm referring to (all translation credit goes to profqlasses on Twitter, she really did us Gaiden fans a massive service with her translation).
"Because my ability does not listen to my commands.
My ability lives in the shadow beneath my feet. With almost no definite form and like the shadow itself that wriggles autonomously, it’s an elusive ability lifeform. What I only know is that it has goat-like horns and is a bipedal beast, with nothing more than a black sickle to attack with. Everything else is ambiguous; even if you stare at it carefully, you still won’t be able to make out its figure. I don’t even know what it’s thinking.
I call it the Shadowling.
It’s hiding in my shadow now, thinking of something.
I don’t know when it will reveal itself or whom it will attack.
I don’t even know if it’s an enemy or an ally.
Sometimes when I’m walking down the street, I feel its gaze in my shadows, and my skin would grow cold.
A monster lurking within me.
An abnormality holding my breath behind my daily life.
“Sensei,” I muttered hoarsely. “Have you ever wished you didn’t have your ability?”
“What a very mature question,” replied Ayatsuji-sensei. “I can tell you the answer, but I don’t think a fledgling like you would catch it. You’ll need about ten years of suffering for that kind of excellent question. How many years has it been since your ability first awakened?”
I didn’t need to count with my fingers; the number had always been in my head.
“……Five years.”
“There are lots of obscurities as to when and how people acquire their abilities. But most of the time, there’s a certain trigger. In your case, it was your mother’s death. In Reigo Island’s Serial Murder Case five years ago. If it’s from something like that, it’s no wonder if one or two abilities would get involved there. And it’s regardless whether the person in question wants it or not.”
The Reigo Island Serial Murder Case that happened five years ago.
A case where tourists who visited the island suspiciously disappeared one by one.
Ever since Mother died in that case, I’ve had to deal with this unstable and baffling ability.
My senpai from the Special Division analyzed this ability as “a memento of my mother”. Whatever the reason was, my ability manifested because of Mother, which led me to be scouted by the Special Division. In that sense, it’s all thanks to Mother that I became an agent. In reference to that, Senpai once mentioned, “Think of it as a gift from your mother”.
I remember the moment when the dark and cold figure of the Shadowling pierced the Special Forces members’ chests.
Without even a murderous intent but rather with a transparent and pure will to kill.
This—is a gift?"
It's kind of a long excerpt (so sorry for how much space this'll take up in your inbox), but it's really interesting and important. I'd also like to specifically emphasize the part where Ayatsuji says that "it's no wonder if one or two abilities would get involved there". One or two. This confirms that people can develop several abilities, which is an absolutely fascinating concept.
Anyway, Gaiden is literally So important to overall BSD lore, and it pains me that it's so criminally underrated. So, if you have the time, I highly suggest reading it :)
Thank you for the info Anon
The several abilities part is quite interesting as it could be reminiscent of people having multiple trauma responses/coping mechanisms in the face of trauma
Peoples abilities being uncontrollable at first is also important as for many people who have trauma it can be difficult for them to prevent the negative effect of their trauma and in Bsd it seems to be that the people with the most control over their ability have some sort of support system or recovery. Even characters like Akutagawa who seems to have control over his ability but he in fact uses it in a very self destructive way that only really causes harm to himself and others (this isn’t to say he’s bad due to his trauma that is a contributing factor but mental illness is a reason not an excuse)
This is also has interesting for Dazai as he has one of the most uncontrolled abilities, he’s constantly in defence mode as well as this he is the most obviously traumatised characters, as shown by his constant suicide attempts, manipulation and self sabotage. This means it may be possible that with some character development and healing he’ll be able to turn his ability off one day
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maerinhearts · 2 years
I watched life lessons with Uramichi for the second time and fell in love with Kumatani all over again. Ever since I posted asking for recommendations on which anime guy to write the camping one shot about, I've been lost. But while watching Uramichi again a light bulb went off in my brain and was like "KUMATANI". So here we are. If you haven't watched Life Lessons With Uramichi-Oniisan please do so. It is such a severely underrated show.
Warnings: fem!bodied reader, fingering, Kumatani is possessive, teasing, creampie, fingers in mouth. Let me know if I missed anything.
Word count: honestly have no clue since I typed this all on my phone for once. But it's gotta be over 3k.
A/N: I've been royally sucking at posting lately, but I've had a few great ideas in the last couple of weeks that I will be posting. Please enjoy, even if you've never watched Life Lessons!
Life had been rough the past few weeks. It felt like you and Kumatani didn't have any time for each other anymore. It sucked. And it made the days drag. You had only been dating a couple months, trying to make time for each other whenever you could, but with his work schedule and his friend constantly wanting to go out for drinks, it had been insanely hard to see him. In fact, you barely received texts from him anymore. He made time to tell you good morning and good night every day, but you've never felt more lonely.
And on the one random Sunday he was able to get off, he was sprawled out on your couch, head resting against your thighs, eyes closed. He was soaking up this time with you, trying not to fall asleep as you massage his scalp with your fingernails.
You're trying your hardest not to ruin the moment. You wanted to jump his bones from the second he walked through your door and pulled you tight against his body. You especially had to restrain yourself when he pressed his soft lips against yours in a sweet peck, pulling away to admire the pout you were sporting. You wanted him so bad. If he could tell, he didn't say anything, just stepped around you and flopped his lean body onto your couch. And thats how you got into the position you were in now. He had insisted he needed a pillow, but when you moved to get him one for your room he complained that he needed your plump thighs as his pillow.
"Oh," he finally says, breaking the silence, "Before I forget..."
You raise an eyebrow at him as he opens his eyes to look at you. "Hmm?" You hum in response.
He sighs. "I got invited to go camping with a couple of my coworkers this weekend. They want you to come," he informs you.
You feel your heart skip a beat. An entire weekend with Kumatani? Your heart was soaring. You didn't care that you would be surrounded by his coworkers, you just wanted to be with him.
"Okay," you say in response hoping that you sounded calm enough. "Do you have a tent?"
He closes his eyes again. "I do. I also have an air mattress."
You continue planning out the tent set up and the meals for the weekend, coming to the conclusion that you would bring sheets and blankets for the air mattress. Why? According to Kumatani you had the softest sheets in the world. You felt like that was an over exaggeration, but didn't question it. Later in the week, he informed you that one of his coworkers was taking care of the food and another was taking care of the drinks. You knew him and his coworkers were fond of beer, so you told him you would bring drinks of your own. You also stocked up on your favorite snacks and even grabbed a few of Kumatani's favorites.
When Kumatani arrived at your apartment Friday afternoon to pick you up, you were stocking up your cooler. You close the lid and lean over to greet him with a kiss before he starts loading your things. Much to your dismay, he doesn't allow you to lift a finger to help. So there you were, pouting from the sidewalk while he tried not to glance your way as he worked on rearranging the car to fit your things.
He worked some tetris magic and within 10 minutes, all your things were loaded snugly in the trunk of his car.
"Ready?" He asks as he approaches you.
"Finally!" You exclaim and run past him to launch yourself into the passenger seat.
The ride to the countryside was beautiful. Since you lived in the city, you didn't see this type of scenery often. You were in awe of all the greenery on either side of the car. You guys even passed a lake that had you pressing your face against your window to take it all in. Kumatani watched you with admiration. He loved seeing you get excited over nature and thought it was cute to watch you be amazed over all the sights. You were pointing everything out to him from willow trees and flowers to wildlife. You even spouted off random facts about the animals you saw that had Kumatani impressed.
Suddenly, you gasp. "A tanuki!" You exclaim, pressing a finger against the glass of your window. You watch as it dashes into the trees and turn to your boyfriend who had a brow raised at you. "Did you know that tanuki's are the only canine species that hibernate?"
Kumatani turns his attention back on the road so you don't crash, but raises both eyebrows in surprise. "No, I did not know that."
"They also don't hibernate alone," you continue. "They're communal hibernators and hibernate with other tanuki's! Ugh! Isnt that so cute?! I'm just thinking of all the little tanuki's snuggled together for the winter, sleeping." You sigh dramatically and turn to press your face back up against the window so you don't miss anything else.
Kumatani just chuckles at you, but continues to enjoy your excitement and random facts. You just couldn't contain the jitters as you thought about spending the weekend with him. You were excited to meet his friends, but you were even more excited to get away from the city. You lived in the city your whole life and never got to be around nature much which is why you had so many random facts in your back pocket. You spent a lot of time in your childhood studying nature since you couldn't experience it. Luckily, it seemed to come in handy as you noticed Kumatani seemed to be enjoying your little facts.
The ride to the campsite didn't last much longer and before you knew it, you were helping your boyfriend set up the tent. He protested at first, insisting that he could do it and you should get out your chair and watch him.
You come up behind him as he is bent over driving one of the stakes in the ground and touch his shoulder. He turns to look up at you before standing up and taking you into his arms.
"Let me help," you plead and bat your eyelashes.
"Baby, I got this," he assures you. "Just sit back and relax. Watch me do all the work."
He goes to turn away, but you tighten your arms around his waist and frown. "As much as I would love to watch my hot, sexy boyfriend do all this work-" Kumatani raises a suspicious eyebrow at you as you stand up on your tippy toes to press a kiss against his lips. "It doesn't feel right."
Kumatani sighs and let's his head fall back at your antics. He stares at the sky, hands on your hips as he contemplates what you can do without the possibility of hurting yourself.
He finally brings his chin back down to look at you. "Okay, fine," he laments. "You can put the poles together. But only the poles." You push your bottom lip out in a pout, but digress. Putting the poles together is still doing something. You just hated feeling useless.
By the time his coworkers started arriving, you guys had your tent all set up and ready to go. As far as you were aware, you were the only significant other in attendance. Kumatani's female coworker had a boyfriend that he said she needed to get away from for a few days and thats why they orchestrated this trip. She also asked that you come along so she wasn't the only girl.
As all of his coworkers arrived, you watched as your boyfriend jogged over and started helping them set up their campsites. He was so helpful and caring, it was rewarding to watch him with his friends. The only one he seemed hellbent on not helping, was the blonde. Kumatani insisted he could do it himself while the blonde whined for his help. Kumatani remained stoic at his friends antics. You noticed none of them were actually helping him so you decide to approach the group.
The female of the group saw you first and you swore you could see her entire face light up. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "Y/N, right?"
You smile at her. "That's me. The one and only."
You could see her brimming with excitement before she turns to Kumatani. "Kumatani, you aren't going to introduce us all?"
"Right," he mutters before coming to stand next to you, wrapping a protective arm around your waist. "That is Utano." He starts, pointing at the woman in front of you. "Over there, sitting in the chair spaced out is Iketeru." You turn to your right to see a very handsome guy indeed spaced out. "This is Uramichi." You turn back to see him pointing at a man off to the side lighting a cigarette. "And that's pretty much everyone of importance." He concludes, hand squeezing the flesh of your waist.
"Hey!" A whine sounds from off to your right. You turn to see the blonde again who was now walking over to you with a pout. "You forgot to introduce me!"
Kumatani stares blankly at him. "Who?"
The blonde glares at him before turning a smile on you. "I'm Usahara, Y/N. Pleased to meet you!" He introduces himself and then it clicks.
"Ohhhh," you drawl out before turning to your boyfriend. "So this is the guy who always drags you out drinking after work and cries because he wishes he was funny and had a girlfriend?"
Usahara gasps, offended while Kumatani turns away from you to hide his laughter. "I've never said any of that!" Usahara defends.
"Yes you have," the whole group deadpans.
Usahara glares at Kumatani before you step in between the two. "Usahara, do you need help putting your tent together?" You finally ask. That was the whole reason you approached the group in the first place.
Usahara turns his attention to you and you don't miss the way his features soften when you address him. "I would love some help, Y/N," he accepts.
You step away from Kumatani to help, completely oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend was shooting daggers at Usahara. You innocently saw this as a way to bond with one of his friends.
Kumatani swears he could choke Usahara out solely for the way he looked at you when you offered help. He stood off to the side and watched your guys' interaction like a hawk, ready to tackle him if he got too close.
Helping Usahara was fun. He could be funny in his own way, and he was very sweet. He held the stakes for his tent, but gave you the mallet to drive them into the grass beneath you. You were enjoying that a little too much, getting yourself out of breath and sweaty. When you're on your third stake, Kumatani finally interrupts.
"Okay, I think you've helped enough, sweetheart," he announces. You stand up fully, turning to look at him with a confused face. "Let's get dinner started, hmm? You said we would cook tonight."
You frown. "I don't remem-"
"Come along now, baby," Kumatani interrupts and steers you away from Usahara with a hand on the small of your back. He guides you back to your guys' tent and you swear you can hear Utano giggling at the two of you as you pass.
He opens the tent, stepping inside and ushers you in. You stand with your arms crossed over your chest at him, refusing to budge. With a sigh, he reaches out and grabs a fistful of the front of your shirt and yanks you into the tent. You let out a shriek as you crash into his chest. He holds onto you as he leans down to close the tent so you could talk in private.
You pout at him when he finally straightens to look down at you. "Kumatani, what-" you start, but he interrupts you by grabbing your chin between his finger and thumb and tilting your head back to press a gentle kiss to your mouth.
When he pulls back and looks down at you fondly, you feel your body relax. Without thinking twice, you snake your arms up around his neck and kiss him again. His arms circle your waist, pulling you tight against his chest as his tongue darts out to lick at your lips, asking permission. You open your mouth to him, sighing in content as you feel his tongue reach in to stroke your own. You don't bother fighting him for dominance, submitting to his assault on your mouth with pleasure.
He pulls away slightly, millimeters of air separating your mouths. "Now, what was it you were saying?" He asks breathlessly before moving to trail sweet, hot kisses slowly down your neck.
You let out a tiny gasp as he places an open mouthed kiss right below your ear and smiles against your skin. He knows you're putty in his hands now.
He pulls back to finally look at you. You look at him through heavy lidded eyes, a dreamy smile on your face.
"Kiss me more," you say softly.
He chuckles at you before pressing a chaste kiss against your mouth and pulling back to look at you again. You pout up at him.
"Listen to me, sweetheart," he says, hand coming up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. "You need to be careful around Usahara. Especially when he drinks."
You frown. "Why? Whats wrong with Usahara?"
"He has no shame. He will flirt with you in front of me just to get me riled up," he tells you. "Not only that, when he drinks I'm afraid he'll make a move on you."
You raise an eyebrow at him. "You shouldn't worry about me, Kuma," you tell him, hands moving to rub his chest soothingly. "I only have eyes for my sexy boyfriend." You smirk up at him and he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Is that all I am to you?" He asks. "Just sexy?"
"And hot. And handsome. And wonderful," you continue. He scowls playfully down at you.
"And good in bed," you murmur seductively. This statement catches him off guard and the next thing you know, you're patting his back as he is bent over with his hands on his knees, coughing aggressively. You were normally this sweet, innocent little thing that a comment like that made him choke.
You're suppressing a laugh as he holds a finger up at you and leaves the tent. You follow closely behind and watch as he grabs a bottle of water from the cooler and chugs it. After downing at least half the bottle, he turns a glare on you.
"You think thats funny?" He asks.
You let out a small snicker before pursing your lips and aggressively shaking your head no.
"Kumatani! Y/N!" you turn towards the shouting to see Utano waving you over. Kumatani caps his bottle before waving at you to follow him over.
When you come back to everyone else's campsite, Utano requests that your boyfriend build a fire in the fire pit before the suns gets too low in the sky and it becomes too dark to see. He immediately obliges without questioning it and gets to work on positioning the wood in the ring. While he is doing that, Utano pulls you to the side and asks you to help her with setting up the small portable grill and burner so she could cook everyone a quick meal.
Within the hour, everyone's bellies are full and you're all gathered around the campfire sipping alcohol and sharing stories. The sun had completely set and the moon was bright in the clear sky. You held your drink tight in your hand as you hugged your body. The temperature had dropped pretty significantly with the disappearance of the sun.
"So what is it like working on a children's show?" You ask as a shiver rakes through your body. Kumatani leaves his chair from beside you and heads to your tent. You frown after him, but turn back around with a pleasant face to hear their answers.
"Debilitating," Uramichi answers, lighting another cigarette.
"Uramichi!" Utano scolds.
"What?" He asks innocently around the butt of his cancer stick.
"I think it's quite fun," Usahara chimes in.
You lean forward in your seat. "Tell me more!" At that moment you feel a blanket being draped around your shoulders and you turn to see Kumatani sporting the tiniest of smiles as he covers you with the blanket he brought. You smile up at him and pucker your lips for a thank you kiss, which he dodges, pressing his lips to your forehead instead. You pout at him before turning your attention back to Usahara.
"Kids are just fun," he answers before turning thoughtful. "Insightful little things, too. They can tell when something is off between the cast members. Its weird." He takes a swig of his beer.
"Has there ever been any weird incidents on set with a child?" You ask.
Usahara taps his chin with his finger. "Other than the time someone lost their child in the studio?"
You gawk at him. "Someone lost their kid?!" You exclaim.
"It's happened on more than one occasion," Utano chimes in. "There was the one time they all decided to play hide and seek and Uramichi had to find them all."
"Ugh," Uramichi groans. "Don't remind me."
You ask for the details and Utano launches into a story about how Uramichi couldn't find one of the children and almost got fired for allowing them to play hide and seek. What was even better was that the child was hiding behind one of the camera's, in plain sight. As you all laughed at the outcome, Uramichi grumbled under his breath as he threw his cigarette butt into the fire.
The night continued with you learning more about your boyfriend and even you sharing stories about your childhood. You all continued to drink and, before you knew it, you had a feel good buzz going. Usahara was red faced on your right, clearly drunk, grumbling on about how he wishes he was funny.
"I think you're funny, Usahara," you state lazily, frowning at him.
He perks up at that. "You really think so, Y/N?"
You nod vigorously at him. "And you're sooooooo nice."
At the drawl of the word "so", your boyfriend scoffs. "I wouldn't go that far," he mutters.
"Hey!" Usahara shouts. "If Y/N says I'm funny, then I'm funny, dammit." He was clearly drunk, Kumatani knew this. But that didn't stop him from glaring at his friend.
"Yeah, Kuma," you join in, playfully pushing at your boyfriends shoulder. He turns a scowl on you which you ignore, turning back to talk to Usahara a bit more. "I at least thought your story of Uramichi smashing that melon by your head on the beach was funny."
"That wasn't meant to be funny," Usahara whines as the group stifles their laughter.
"It wasn't?" You ask innocently, frowning.
"He was trying to kill me," Usahara whisper shouts at you.
This causes Utano to burst out laughing, the others following closely behind. Usahara glares at all of them, but especially your boyfriend. Feeling ballsy, Usahara addresses you once more.
"You know, you're really beautiful, Y/N," he compliments.
"Really?" You respond, a lilt to your voice like it was the best compliment you'd ever received. Kumatani stops laughing almost immediately. "Thanks, Usahara!" Your eyes seemed to sparkle under the moonlight. And if Kumatani wasn't so pissed about Usahara making a blatant move on you, he'd admire you for a bit longer.
"If you ever find yourself in a fight with Kumatani, my place is always a safe space," he concludes, puffing his chest out.
You just giggle at him, thinking he is putting on a show. And he is... to piss Kumatani off. Kumatani knew this by the way Usahara was sneaking looks at him to see his reaction. You didn't. You just thought Usahara was being kind to you.
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," you reply, smiling at him.
He beams back at you. "And if you ever need someone else to warm your bed-"
"Alright," Kumatani interrupts, standing, a glare plastered on his face. "That's enough." He grabs up your hand. "We're going to bed."
You bid everyone a good night as Kumatani is yanking you towards your guys' tent.
"What did I say?" You whine at him with a pout painting your pretty face.
When Kumatani shoots a look back at you, you swear you see his eye twitch. You were just joking with Usahara, what was so bad about that? You wanted to get along with his coworkers because you really liked Kumatani. It was important to you to get along with the people closest to him.
He keeps ahold of your hand as you guys stop in front of your tent which was around 50 meters from where the others were sitting around the fire. He bends down to take ahold of the zipper and you turn around to take a last glance at the group laughing together. Utano catches your gaze and stands up to wave dramatically at you. You send a small wave back before you're yanked into your tent and Kumatani is zipping it closed behind you.
"Kumaaaa," you whine again and he swears to himself that he will get prettier sounds to leave that mouth of yours before the night is over. When he turns to address you, you have your arms crossed across your plush chest and a glare aimed at him.
"Just tell me what I did!" You beg, damn near stomping your foot for emphasis.
Without a word, Kumatani closes the distance between the two of you, one hand fisting into the hair at the nape of your neck and yanking your head back to look up at him. A small gasp leaves your lips, your shaky hands fisting into his tee shirt, fingers brushing his abdomen. He stares down at you, pupils blown wide.
"Do I need to show you who you belong to?" He suddenly asks.
You feel breathless. The heat in his gaze makes you blush, blood rushing to your core. Instead of answering, you try to do some damage control. You unclench your shaking hands and press your palms flat against his torso, slowly moving them up his chest to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Kiss me," you whisper. You try to move to kiss him, but he has you locked in place by your hair. You can tell he is at war with himself, caught between giving in to your plea and punishing you for blatantly flirting with his friend.
His lips are on yours in a flash, hand leaving your hair and wrapping around the underside of your chin instead, fingers pressing against your face. You gasp at the slight pain and he takes this moment to plunge his tongue into your mouth. You let out a soft moan at the intrusion, heat pooling in your core as he kisses you. His hand leaves your face and moves to cup your ass fully in both hands, pulling you flush against his body. You feel his hardening member press against your thigh and you reach down to palm him over his sweatpants. He snatches up your wrist and pulls away, chest heaving. You feel your arousal pool in your panties under his gaze and you rub your thighs together, which does not go unnoticed by him. He smirks down at you.
"Flirting with Usahara, but who is the one that has your panties wet?" he taunts. You gulp at his words, unsure of what his next move might be before he turns you around and bends you over the edge of the air mattress.
Your hands catch you and you stare down at the fabric of your sheets, afraid of looking back to see what he might be doing. You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel his hands rub against the flesh of your ass before you relax, closing your eyes at his ministrations. Kumatani smirks to himself as he pulls back and lands a nice smack against your right ass cheek. Your eyes fly open, hand moving to quickly cover your mouth so you don't make a sound. You feel your arousal drip further into the cloth of your panties.
Kumatani is sure his hand print is burned into your skin and moves to pull down your leggings for the proof. You let him, only moving to aid him in the removal of the piece of clothing. He sits back and admires his work, eyes catching the wet spot on your underwear.
He chuckles to himself. "Oh, you liked that, didn't you?" He asks, genuinely curious. He had never spanked you before, but he's thinking maybe he should start.
You don't answer so he moves to flip your back against the mattress and you stare up at him, blush staining your cheeks a pretty pink color. God, he thinks he just might have fallen in love.
Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, Kumatani leans his body over yours, hands on either side of your head holding his weight up. He ducks his head down to press a gentle kiss against your mouth, a stark difference to the way he smacked your ass just moments before. Feeling impatient, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him against you, opening your mouth to him. Kumatani grunts at the force in which you pull him against you, but opens his mouth to you nonetheless. He fights you hard for dominance, the intensity of the kiss picking up, leaving both of you breathless.
You slowly begin moving your body up the mattress to your pillows, and Kumatani follows, lips never leaving yours as he forces your legs open with a knee when your head hits the pillows. You gasp as his lips leave yours to trail hot kisses down your neck, his hands pushing your shirt up to reveal your lace bralette. He breaks away briefly and begins tugging on both of the garments. You finally sit up, taking them off and tossing them on the floor of your tent. Kumatani plants his mouth back onto yours and pushes you back against the bed.
You moan into his mouth as he moves his knee to press right against your core. "Shh," he shushes against your lips. "You don't want them to hear you, do you?" You softly shake your head. You were terrified of anyone hearing you. You normally weren't loud in bed, but Kumatani was being so incredibly hot tonight.
He had you wrapped around his finger. You would do anything for him right now if he asked, and you couldn't decide whether that was a good thing or not. Maybe it was because it had been so long since you last slept together, at least two weeks. Or maybe it was because you were seeing a new side to him. You weren't sure. All you knew was that you liked it a lot.
Kumatani dips his head down to take a nipple into his mouth, softly suckling on it as you arch your back into him. He pinches your other nipple between his thumb and finger before switching sides. You cover your mouth with your hand, hoping to stifle the moans that want to leave your lips. He still has his knee pressed right up against your sex and you were trying to subtly rub against him.
This did not get passed him as he presses his knee further into your sex, delighting in the soft gasp that leaves your lips. He squeezes the flesh of your breasts in his hands as he trails hot kisses down your torso, stopping right in front of your clothed core.
He tentatively runs his finger over your panties and you rock your hips up into him, hoping for more friction as you groan out in frustration. Wordlessly, he pulls your panties down to reveal your dripping cunt. He's mesmerized as he slowly reaches out to run a single finger through your folds, watching the way your slick coats the digit. He continues his slow ministrations over your pussy, enjoying the way you writhe underneath him, hand wrapping around his wrist to push his hand further into you.
He gets the hint and slowly inserts his middle finger into your aching hole, smirking down at you, loving the way your mouth falls open and your head falls back. He pumps his finger into you as he leans over to capture your lips once again in a searing kiss, tongue licking hotly into your open mouth, swallowing your moans. When he pulls his finger out, he promptly stuffs it into your open mouth.
This catches you by surprise, but you grasp his wrist and greedily suck your essence off the digit. Not thinking, he adds his index finger, suddenly aroused by the feeling of your tongue between his fingers. Kumatani suddenly wonders why he had never tried these things before. He had always been careful, gentle. You were always so cute around him and when you had sex before, you always held him tightly against you. But this. Seeing your surprised face, pupils dilated fully with last. Feeling just how wet you were from him being a little mean... he thought maybe he should do this more often.
He takes his fingers from your mouth and he nearly cums on the spot upon seeing the pleading look on your face, eyes wide, lower lip slightly quivering.
He tilts his head back. "Fuck, Y/N," he whispers. "Don't look at me like that."
You grasp at his shirt once again, tugging it. He glances back down at you, eyebrows furrowing. You're on full display for him. And he's trying to commit the way your body looks to memory, but you're pulling his shirt and he can't ignore you.
"Please, Kuma," you whisper, hands fisting tighter into his shirt.
He grabs your hands up in his, pinning them above your head and leaning down so you're eye level. You let out a soft gasp at the feeling of his hips pressed against yours, his hardening cock pressed against your core.
"Please, what, sweetheart?" He asks softly as he leans down to trail his nose up the column of your neck, inhaling your scent as he goes.
You're shaking in anticipation, but you don't think you can get the words out. You wish he could just read your mind and fuck you already. You're too embarrassed and you feel your cheeks heat up.
"Please," you choke out again.
"Use your words, baby," he reminds you, smirking against your skin.
Feeling bold, you roll your hips against his and he stiffens, swallowing back the moan that threatened to leave his lips.
"Fuck me, Kumatani," you finally say, voice clear.
He halts his movements, surprised that you actually said the words. He was going to milk this for all that it was worth until you were a begging mess underneath him. But damn. He couldn't turn you down.
He quickly sits up to pull his sweats down and yank his shirt off, eager to be inside you. As he's pulling his shirt off, you sit up and take his cock into your hands and begin pumping his length. He nearly collapses on top of you at the feeling. You're pressing open mouthed kisses against his abdomen and he's a moaning mess above you, hand fisted into the hair at the nape of your neck, body hunched over your form as you rub your thumb over his leaking slit.
Finally, he gains his composure and grabs your wrists up, pulling your hands away from him. When you look up at him, he is panting heavily, heavy lidded eyes looking down at you in admiration.
In a flash, he has your back pinned against the air mattress again, bare chest pressed against yours as he ruts his hips into you, cock sliding through your folds deliciously, pressing and rubbing against your clit. Your mouth falls open in ecstasy, loud moans falling past your lips before his hand clamps down over your mouth.
His movements have stopped. "Shhh," he shushes you, but his tongue is tracing your collarbone. You roll your hips against him, moaning into his hand as he sucks a bruise into the skin below your jawline.
When he removes his hand, you go straight to begging him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He palms your breast, listening to your pleas as his cock twitches against you.
"How could I say no?" He finally responds. "When you ask so nicely..."
He positions the head of his cock at your entrance and slowly pushes inside of you. You moan at the feeling, head falling back.
He let's out a breathy laugh. "On second thought, let me hear you, baby," he says as he buries himself to the hilt into your dripping cunt. "Let Usahara hear who this pussy belongs to, hmm?"
"F-fuck," you stammer out as he slowly pulls his hips back and slowly reenters you.
"That's it," he whispers, reaching up to brush your hair out of your face.
You grip his forearms, nails digging into his flesh as he starts to pick up his pace.
"You feel so fucking good," he breathes out as he rests his forehead against yours. You whimper underneath him, teeth digging into your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning. And god, you're looking at Kumatani like he held the whole world in his hands. He has to close his eyes before he cums too quickly.
"Harder," you squeak out at him. You feel a warmth spread across your abdomen, the familiar feeling of your climax approaching. You're sure if he were the pick up his pace, you would be sent teetering over the edge.
His hips stutter before his starts fucking into you harder, hips snapping against yours with a bruising force. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer against you.
You moan loudly now, not even trying to hide it.
"You take me so well, baby," Kumatani grounds out, breathless.
Your pussy clenches around him at his praise and he moans. "D-don't do that," he breathes.
He leans back to grasp your hips, moving so he can angle his thrusts upwards into you, right against that spot that has you seeing stars. Your hands cover his as he repeatedly hits that spot.
"Fuck," he curses. "You're so good. Feel so good." Your cunt tightens around him at your approaching climax and he nearly comes undone. Your walls are practically sucking him back in, he can't even pull out. "So tight," he pants.
He notices your moans becoming higher pitched, warning him that you're right on the edge. "Come on, baby," he encourages. "Cum for me. Want you to cum on my cock."
This sends you over the edge, orgasm washing over you strongly, body shaking and twitching against him as he fucks you through it. Your hands are pushing at his abdomen, knees pulling up to your chest in an attempt to close your legs. You're becoming overstimulated when he suddenly pulls your knees apart to watch his cock enter your now drenched pussy. You have his dick in a vice grip and it's taking all his strength to savor this for just a bit longer.
When he looks at you again, your eyes are glossy with tears, your fucked out expression gazing up at him with admiration.
"Cum inside me, Kuma," you tell him, legs wrapping around him once again and pulling him against you. "Wanna feel your cum inside me."
He groans against you. "You can't say stuff like that, Y/N," he complains. "I'm trying to savor the moment. I don't want to cum yet." You pout at him when he looks at you. He averts his gaze quickly, dipping his head down to capture a nipple into his mouth as he begins grinding into you again, movements languid and deep. You swear you feel him in your throat. You tangle your hands into his hair, holding him against you as he slowly builds you back up to another climax. He's smirking against your skin at your moans, knowing full well the entire campsite can hear you. He doesn't care at this point.
Just as your cunt clenches down around him, he feels his orgasm quickly approaching. He picks up his pace slightly, pressing his face into your chest as a string of curses and moans leave his lips. And finally, as you cum around him for the second time, he empties his own orgasm into you, moaning into the skin of your chest as your pussy milks him for all he's worth.
When he pulls out, he takes a moment to watch the way his seed spills out of you, a sense of pride that his cum is in you. You're both panting, trying to calm down when you sigh contentedly.
He presses a kiss to your forehead before moving off the mattress to get something to clean you off with. He finds a wash cloth in your bag and wets it down with the bottle of water that was thrown haphazardly next to it. He presses the cloth against your still hot sex and you suck air in through your teeth.
"Cold!" You gasp out, legs closing around his hand.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he murmurs. "I have to clean you up." He continues cleaning you carefully, brow furrowed in concentration as he wipes you down with care.
When he finishes he tosses the rag aside before covering your body with his once again, peppering kisses across your face.
You giggle at him and try to push him away, but he just nuzzles his face into your neck and closes his eyes.
You massage his scalp with your fingers. "You know, maybe I should flirt with Usahara more often if that's how the sex is gonna be," you muse.
Kumatani slowly lifts his head up to glare at you.
"What?" You ask innocently.
Kumatani pounces you like a predator on his prey, effectively shutting you up and convincing you to never flirt with Usahara again.
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ashcadence · 5 months
kunikida and/or albert moriarty
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
We'll do Kunikida first since I have more opinions about him then I do Albert.
My first impression - What's the deal with that dumb-ass ponytail. I already don't like him.
My impression now - One of my favorite characters. I think he's severely underrated within the fandom. I'm always so excited when there's a Kunikida based episode or arc!
Favorite thing about that character - The fact that he's kind of intense, but still responsible. Most characters who are very explosive, are very unlikable (in my opinion) but the fact he cares for people and his explosive personality is not all he is really draws me to the character.
Least favorite thing - That fuckin' ponytail. I would think he's good-looking if it wasn't for that ponytail.
Favorite line/scene - Right at the beginning of the anime when he's reading off the list of complaints from Dazai's clients, and doing the voices. Then his whole episode with Aya. I loved that episode because it got to showcase his intelligence for once in the entire series.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - I can't really say there are any that stick out to me, so I'm just going to go with the obvious and say him and Dazai.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - I'd like to see more of him, Atsushi, and Kyoka together. I think the dynamics would be really interesting.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - I'm terrible at this question. I never really compare characters from fandoms, so this isn't a character that reminds me of him, but I think Kunikida and Louis from Moriarty the Patriot would get along really well. They could be stressed together lol.
A headcanon about that character - Is really into the fishkeeping hobby. I could see him loving the specifics and science behind it.
A song that reminds of that character - Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons. It's not the lyrics but just the general vibes and sound of the song.
An unpopular opinion about that character - I once got sent death threats over this opinion, but I think he's a better and healthier partner for Dazai compared to Chuuya.
Favorite picture - This used to be my profile pic on TikTok for awhile
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Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Time for Albert! (These answers might be disappointing 'cuz I don't have a lot to say)
My first impression - I hate this character.
My impression now - I still hate him. I appreciate him within the story and Moriarty the Patriot wouldn't be Moriarty the Patriot without him and he's a very interesting character. Doesn't mean I have to like him. And I'm 99% sure the only reason I hate him is because he reminds me of someone I know irl who I hold a massive grudge against. I am glad other people are able to enjoy Albert's character! I would probably like him if it wasn't for my grudge...
Favorite thing about that character - I do like his hair color.
Least favorite thing - If I listed everything, it would literally just be attacking the entire character, and most of it isn't actual critiques.
Favorite line/scene - I honestly don't have an answer for this one.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - Him and Moran. Idk if you've read the light novel where they have a drinking contest, but it's fantastic.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - I need more of him and Moran bantering.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Once again, I don't have one.
A headcanon about that character - He really likes white wine, but doesn't drink it because it's not as aesthetically pleasing as red wine.
A song that reminds of that character - Eat You Alive by The Oh Hellos
An unpopular opinion about that character - Umm... I think me disliking him is probably unpopular opinion enough.
Favorite picture - I actually don't have one for this.
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