cendrineartist · 3 months
The PoArtMo Anthology Series: Focus on Marjolein Rotsteeg
Hello everyone! Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology Series, which celebrates the artists whose work appears in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5. Today’s guest is Marjolein Rotsteeg, one of our favorite contributors. She sent us another batch of lovely stories and poetry, including haiku. In this post, she tells us about her most inspiring moment. School was just a stone’s throw…
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writingopps · 1 year
From Auroras & Blossoms - Submission calls for writers and artists
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Founded in 2019 by Cendrine Marrouat and David Ellis, Auroras & Blossoms is dedicated to
Promoting positive, uplifting and inspirational written and visual art, no matter the topic; and
Giving artists (ages 13 and over) of all levels a platform where they can showcase their work and build their publishing credits.
Auroras & Blossoms runs regular submission calls for anthologies, a monthly show, an artistic movement (PoArtMo), an artist collective (PoArtMo Collective), and a series of guides for authors and artists. We have also created several poetry forms and a literary genre. Finally, we pay ongoing royalties to artists whose work has been selected to appear in our anthologies and the projects released with the PoArtMo Collective. 
Here are our current calls for submission
The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 2
The PoArtMo (Positive Art Moves) Anthology is an invitation to artists to share the positive art they have created in 2019-2021. It is now in its second year, after a very successful first edition.
We accept photography, short stories, six word stories, essays, flash fiction, drawings, paintings, and poetry.
Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021.
Submission fee: $6 per piece or $15 for three pieces.
Payment to selected artists: ongoing royalties + complimentary PDF copy + interview on our blog or PoArtMo Show.
Submissions: https://abpositiveart.com/poartmo-anthology
The Written in a Flash Anthology
Written in a Flash Anthology: A Collection of Positive Stories is a new project that seeks to highlight the most inspirational / positive short stories and flash fiction pieces created in 2019-2021.
Genres accepted: thriller, mystery, fantasy, science-fiction, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, young adult, humor, and nonfiction.
Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021
Submission fee: $6 per piece or $15 for three pieces.
Payment to selected artists: ongoing royalties + complimentary PDF copy + interview on our blog or PoArtMo Show.
Submissions: https://abpositiveart.com/written-flash-anthology
The PoArtMo Anthology: 13-16 Year-Old Artists Edition
The PoArtMo Anthology: 13-16 Year-Old Artists Edition is dedicated to young creatives. We want your most inspirational art created in 2019-2020.
We accept photography, short stories, six word stories, essays, flash fiction, drawings, paintings, and poetry.
Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021.
Submission fee: $0; only one piece per participant.
Submissions: https://abpositiveart.com/13-16-year-old-artists/
We look forward to reading you!
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My work is gonna be featured in a poetry anthology!!! It will be the first time I’m in a published work. Them anthology will be the Aurora’s and Blossoms haiku anthology. You can check out their website here https://abpositiveart.com/
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tlhopkinson · 4 years
NO FEE submission call + editor interview - PoArtMo Anthology, DEADLINE: Aug. 23, 2020
NO FEE submission call + editor interview – PoArtMo Anthology, DEADLINE: Aug. 23, 2020
The PoArtMo Anthology is a new project of Auroras & Blossoms poetry journal and is “a digital anthology celebrating the most creative and inspiring art that has been produced in 2020.” They are currently open for submissions of poetry, flash fiction, short stories, photography, drawings, and paintings.
You can learn more about their publishing endeavors here. They have an interesting business…
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lvgaudet · 3 years
Children's Submission Deadlines Coming Soon
Children’s Submission Deadlines Coming Soon
Grins and giggles. Here are a few markets sneaking up on us. Photo by Carl Jorgensen on Unsplash Loose the fuzzy creatures, these submission deadlines are ready to play – children’s markets: PoArtMo Anthology: 13-16 Year-Old Artists Edition – Auroras & Blossoms Deadline: December 31, 2021 (checked Apr 28/21) A Winnipeg publication. Topics / Themes: Anything that is positive, uplifting and…
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cendrineartist · 4 months
'The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5' Is Out Today!
Cendrine Marrouat, David Ellis, Azelle Elric, Marjolein Rotsteeg, Elena Anufriyeva, Deni Weeks, and James Penha are delighted to announce the release of The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5. This year’s volume is a treasure trove of incredible stories, poetry, and visual art. The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5 is available for purchase through most online…
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cendrineartist · 2 months
The PoArtMo Anthology Series: Focus on Cendrine Marrouat
Hello everyone! Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology Series, which celebrates the artists whose work appears in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5. Today’s guest is Cendrine Marrouat, co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms, who has contributed a very unique set of poems. She explains what inspired her pieces. Those who know me are aware that I love challenging myself as an artist. I…
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cendrineartist · 3 months
The PoArtMo Anthology Series: Focus on Elena Anufriyeva
Hello everyone! Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology Series, which celebrates the artists whose work appears in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 5. Today’s guest is Elena Anufriyeva. Elena sent us delightful paintings and in this post, she explains what has inspired her creative journey as a painter. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – I can’t…
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cendrineartist · 9 months
Call for submissions: The Auroras & Blossoms Magazine ( Issue 2)
Like our anthology series, the Auroras & Blossoms Magazine is based on the concept of PoArtMo, which stands for “Positive Actions Rally Thoughts & Momentum.”
PoArtMo follows three major tenets:
Family-friendliness & clean language.
Positivity and upliftment.
Inclusivity and respect for all.
Inspired by NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month), PoArtMo seeks to promote positive and inspirational art and creativity, and has two long-term goals:
Give a voice to projects, concepts, and stories that foster positive discussions and outcomes; and
Build a nurturing, family-friendly community of like-minded individuals (ages 13 and over) around the world.
The Auroras & Blossoms Magazine gives a voice to writers whose work seeks to nurture hope and optimism.
Submission deadline for Issue 2: March 31, 2024
Ages: 13 and over.
Language: English only.
Theme: Auroras and / or blossoms. What do these two words mean to you? Your interpretation of the theme can be literal or metaphorical.
Note that the theme is optional. We will still consider non-themed entries.
What we accept: Haiku and senryu
Number of pieces accepted:
Young writers (ages 13–16): Up to two (2) haiku / senryu.
Adult writers (ages 17 and over): Between three (3) and six (6) haiku / senryu. Submissions that contain fewer than three haiku / senryu will be automatically rejected.
Number of entries accepted per issue: 20–25.
Other requirements:
We will give priority to original and never-published material. If your work has been posted anywhere online (Facebook groups / pages / profiles, Twitter, Mastodon, CounterSocial, Tumblr, Pinterest, blog, website, etc.), it is considered already published. This is acceptable of course, but you must mention it in your submission.
Family-friendly work only! Some of our readers are teenagers, so please take that age group into consideration. Absolutely no dirty words or erotica! Only clean language will be accepted.
Inspire us! No matter the subject(s) addressed, your work must contain uplifting elements. No exceptions allowed.
Be professional. Treat your work and submission the way you would like to be treated as an artist and human being.
Have your work proofread / edited before you send it to us. If we accept it but find too many issues during the editing phase, we will send it back to you for corrections or charge you an hourly fee if you prefer us to proofread it for you.
We are inclusive: As human beings, we greatly value empathy and respect. We believe that diversity makes the world beautiful. No matter who you are and where you come from, we welcome your submission.
There is no fee to submit to us. However, adult contributors (ages 17 and over) interested in receiving a digital copy of the issue are required to make a small donation. The amount is up to you.
A donation also entitles you to:
Receive royalty payments for being published in our digital magazine. Our rate is 1% per accepted piece, up to a maximum of 6%.
Be interviewed, if your haiku / senryu are our favorites for the issue. The interview will appear in the issue as well.
Miscellaneous Questions
Do you accept simultaneous submissions? No, we don’t.
If my work is accepted, do I have to respond to your acceptance email? — If you have not emailed us back within 14 days, we will consider that as an agreement with our publication decisions. Also requests for submission withdrawals sent after the 14-day window will be subject to a fee to compensate us for our time.
Will you produce print copies of this issue? No, we only release digital issues.
Will I receive a complimentary copy if my work is accepted? Only contributors who have donated to us will be entitled to receiving a copy. They will also be able to receive royalty payments.
If I wish to receive royalty payments, what’s the process? Royalty payments are managed by Draft2Digital, not us. You need to open an account with our distributor to be able to be paid. More information here.
Will I lose copyright of my work if it is accepted? A work is automatically protected by copyright when it is created. You retain all of the publishing rights to your work, so feel free to submit what we feature from you in our anthology elsewhere. We just ask for first international publication rights, which then revert back to you after three months.
Where will the issue be available for purchase? Everywhere except for Amazon, because the company has a zero-tolerance policy towards non-original content. If something is freely available on the Internet (and social media), Amazon does not allow you to use it in a paid ebook.
Can I mention Auroras & Blossoms as publishing credits? Absolutely! If you choose to self-publish a collection that contains a piece of yours that we have published, we ask that you mention the title of the anthology in which you were published. This is to ensure you get the opportunity to have a publishing credit listed in your book.
Final note to writers whose work will be published in the anthology. We may minimally edit your published piece(s), if we feel that it will obviously improve the grammar/flow of your work. This will be at our own discretion and we will only do this to ensure your work looks professional when published in our anthology. We will of course respect any style choices you have decided to use within the context/format of your piece of writing.
Ready to submit your work?
We can’t wait to read you!
Writers ages 13 to 16: Click here to download the submission form and save it to your computer. Fill it up, then send it back to us. All sections must be filled.
Writers ages 17 and over: Click here to download the submission form and save it to your computer. Fill it up, then send it back to us. All sections must be filled.
(If you have issues downloading the submission form, please email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to send it to you directly.)
STEP 2: Email: [email protected]. Subject: Auroras & Blossoms Magazine + Your Name.
Please do not use a Hotmail or Live.com email address to send us your work. Your submission will be rejected by our server.
Failure to include the submission form in your email will result in an automatic rejection.
Auroras & Blossoms thrives on positivity and inspiration. We are inclusive and patient, and strive to be as helpful and encouraging as possible to the people who submit to us, no matter who they are. However, our policy is that we cannot promote/publish artists whose behavior runs counter to the way they portray themselves through their work.
Any unprofessional behaviors, threats and false accusations will be addressed in the following manner: automatic rejection of your submission and indefinite ban from submitting to us.
While we understand that mistakes happen, it is your responsibility to read and follow our guidelines. We will no longer contact artists who have incorrectly submitted to us to give them a second chance.
We look forward to reading you!
Cendrine & David
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cendrineartist · 10 months
The PoArtMo Anthology Series: Interview with Azelle Elric
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cendrineartist · 10 months
Today, I answer a few questions for an interview...
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cendrineartist · 4 years
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So excited to share this!⠀ ⠀ Last year, someone at the Canadian Geographic Photo Club had contacted me to inform me that one of my photos had been shortlisted for consideration in one of their calendars. Well, tonight, I learnt that the photo is featured in the Can Geo Canadian Parks 2021 Calendar. How exciting is that? ⠀ ⠀ Here is the winning image. You will find it in the April section!⠀
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cendrineartist · 4 years
Our new Kindku Writing Prompt Challenge is here. Check it out at https://abpoetryjournal.com/kindku-writing-prompt-challenge-4/
We can't wait to read your work. And don't forget, you could be featured in a future issue of the Auroras & Blossoms Poetry Journal!
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cendrineartist · 4 years
Happy Monday, everyone!
We have a great PoArtMo Prompt for you today, check out our post.
Remember that you could be featured in one of our issues or in our upcoming PoArtMo Anthology! Get creating!
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cendrineartist · 3 years
Happy Monday!
We have more fantastic news to share with you. The second volume of our PoArtMo Anthology has been accepted by our distributor and should be released very soon!
However, the huge issues we encountered over the last several weeks led us to implement a couple of changes.
Read our post for more information. https://abpositiveart.com/2021/10/18/poartmo-anthology-volume-2-almost-here/
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cendrineartist · 4 years
Happy Wednesday!
Did you miss our show last night? No worries at all! You can access it anytime on YouTube. See the link below.
Thank you to Patricia Tiffany Morris and Julie A. Sellers for joining us! We loved having you!
Thank you to those of you joined us and left comments in the chatroom! It was great to see you.
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