#poe is absolutely adorable and needs more attention
vagabond-umlaut · 11 months
Your Sukuna fic recs? pretty please? 🥺🥺
ofc nonnie! i nvr ever turn down an opportunity for showing (few of) my fave authors their much well-deserved love, respect & attention! 😊😊🫶🫶
ryomen sukuna x reader fic recs (I)
‣ this is merely a list of works i've enjoyed reading. kindly heed the tags and warnings in each of them and consume content responsibly, at your own discretion. ‣ that being said, i own neither these fics nor the characters. enjoy reading! 🥰
⇌ Conquest (SukunaXReader) (series) by JellyBelly531 on ao3 [I can't say anything on this series here, except, to request you to read this— provided you're fine with the tags and warnings the author has given. This is an absolute delight for those who love Trueform!Sukuna set in a canon-y historical backdrop. A 200% masterpiece, I'm tellin' ya! :))]
⇌ Sukuna with reader whos just dumb (hcs) by @poe-daydreams on tumblr [Humor, Fluff, Humor, Fluff, Humor— Comedy at its finest :D]
⇌ rhymes (oneshot) by @tender-rosiey on tumblr [Tooth-rotting fluff ft. Dad!Sukuna and his adorably menacing attitude xDD]
⇌ Tribe leader/Viking Sukuna (hcs) by @yuujispinkhair on tumblr [Terrifying 'Kuna + Charming 'Kuna + Protective 'Kuna + Soft 'Kuna + Husband 'Kuna + Dad 'Kuna— what more do you need, hmmm? ^_^]
⇌ Black Magic (twoshot) by sukirichi on ao3 [Arranged Marriage with Enemies-to-Lovers dynamics and Scary™️ Househusband 'Kuna— an ALL TIME FAVOURITE FIC of mine, for sure ^_^]
⇌ Little Monster (oneshot belonging to a series) by @lemonlover1110 on tumblr [A sweet combination of the tropes: Dad!Sukuna & Sukuna being Sukuna. I really love the way 'Kuna is in-character in this fic :))]
⇌ to satiate, seduce, and to sin. (oneshot) by @poe-daydreams on tumblr [For the twisted-yet-loving!Sukuna fuckers lovers like me ;)]
⇌ To the end (7 chapters) by @yuujispinkhair on tumblr [One Of THE very best Zombie Apocalypse AUs I've ever read. Please keep tissues close to you for the sad tears, then the happy tears. I ugly-cried while reading this, no kidding :))]
⇌ 7/11 (oneshot) by astreaborn on ao3 [Perfect way to lift your spirits, if you're ever feeling down. The characterizations are so well written... Just go read it, please. You will not regret it— I'm 10^10 times sure of this!! :))]
⇌ "make me (yours)." (oneshot) by @ancient-vivarium on tumblr [Age gap romance with rich older bf!Sukuna, ft. slow burn, fluff and SPICE— this is what one should call GIRL BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER! ;DD]
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kenmolly · 3 years
May I request a favorite meatloaf with a Poly cappuccino (Poe) (Lovecraft) plz
I love the dark and macabre. I love horror movies. I’m shy when you get to know me but really friendly and generous once I get to know you. I’m fearless and I also have a high pain tolerance .
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welcome, first customer! thank you for visiting, i hope you enjoy your meal.
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H0W Y0U M3T ?!!?1
"damn, they're both stinging." you hissed as you scratched the sides of your soulmate marks. you were a little more different than the others, somehow; you have two marks.
in this universe you live in, everyone has a soulmate. it's rare to have two of them. whenever your soulmates are close, the marks will start to sting. the closer they are, the more they sting. the marks will eventually fade away as a new one appears, marking that you've interacted with your soulmates.
currently, you're in the hideout with your own team. so why are both of your marks stinging? it's quite strong, too; that means they're close.
"y/n, head to this place and prepare with the other group now. enemies had found us, we need to prepare for attack." your leader passes a piece of paper to you, showing exactly where you should go.
"yes, sir." immediately, you stood up and rushed to the marked place on the paper. but the closer you got, the more the marks stung to the point where it's burning.
"fuck. what is this? they're both so close? i should focus on my work.." the pain didn't really bother you, but it's the itchiness that is. you simply scratched them but then a voice approached you.
"is.. something wrong with your hand? do you need some medications?" instantly, the burning on one of the marks stopped. but instead, your attention completely moved to the male who just spoke to you.
"no.. I'm fine. do you-"
"uhm.. is poe here? edgar allan poe?" lovecraft's voice could be heard as the other mark on your hand stopped burning. guessing the same happened to the other two males. they both looked at you, then at each other, then back at you, surprised.
"hey u-uhm.. i know this might be a very wrong time to request for this, but show your hands, please?" poe said, showing his first. the both of you did the same, and all six of the marks are the exact same.
"you both are.. my soulmates! i finally found you both!" you cheered.
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they absolutely adore your height!
since you're a lot shorter than them, lovecraft loves to pick you up sometimes, meanwhile poe loves to place karl on top of your head
if you tend to stay up late all the time, lovecraft would be amazed about how you're able to do that without a problem. because unlike him, he's always sleepy
I see poe as someone who always stays up late to write mystery novels, so you both would most likely stay up together!
he'll remind you to drink water and eat some snacks from time to time (karl's the one who brought them snacks, you better thank him >:( )
BUT if you somehow stay up all alone, both poe and lovecraft definitely will find a way to call you to sleep
literally in every way possible
once they've convinced you to get into bed and sleep with them, be ready to get sandwiched in between
alright next!
they would rarely show affection in public unless you ask for it
poe's super shy, and lovecraft is probably.. daydreaming or spacing out
but whatever you ask for, you'll receive <3
on a mission? don't worry, one of them would definitely help you secretly
poe loves it when you tell him about your day or about yourself, he feels so happy when he gets to know you more
also very happy if you love to play with karl often
while lovecraft on the other side, he loves it when you run your fingers through his hair literally at anytime
you can do it at work, at home, when you're watching a movie, when you're on the phone, when he's laying down, you name it
it could put him to sleep immediately
in conclusion, I feel like your relationship would be those that are just enjoying each other's company most of the time
no need to be all clingy or whatsoever, just sit together, work on your own things, and you can already call it a date
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[ make another order/make an order. ]
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freelancearsonist · 3 years
New Addition
Poe Dameron x fem!Reader
Rated PG for literally pure fluff, Poe is good with kids, mentions of trying to conceive, and probably some swear words somewhere
1,472 words
A/N: This is a part of my one-year Tumblr anniversary celebration for the very lovely @poedameronloverx! This is probably not at all what you were expecting but it’s very adorable and soft and I hope you like it 🥺
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“General Dameron, these kids were huddled in an abandoned refugee camp. There’s a transport on the way from Hosnian Prime. Who do you want to have watch them?”
Naturally, your husband’s response is “my wife and I’ll take them.”
No prior consultation with you. The decision is made the second Poe’s beautiful, dark eyes land on the little group of scared-looking kids. 
Needless to say, you’re a little shocked when you walk into your quarters after a long day of work and there’s seven younglings huddled in the bed you share with Poe.
Actually, shocked is a bit of an understatement. 
“Don’t freak out!” He squeaks as he dives at you, wrapping you up in his arms without even thinking about it. It’s become the first step of your end of the day ritual as a couple, and you eagerly melt into his embrace. “They’re refugees from that abandoned camp on Bespin. They needed somewhere to stay until the transport from Hosnian gets here.”
“Poe, you beautiful, sweet man,” you sigh contentedly. “Your heart is bigger than your body.”
He huffs playfully. “Hey! I know I’m short, but you don’t have to point it out.”
You can’t help the laughter that bubbles from you at his joke. “Already making dad jokes? No wonder they trust you.”
There’s a quick parade through the refresher, where you allow the seven little ones to clean themselves up—Poe is tasked with helping the youngest of which who isn’t quite big enough to bathe on his own because he seems to very much enjoy splashing and playing with the water. It’s an absolutely adorable sight, but you let Poe take the blunt of the splashed water and busy yourself with collecting clean clothes for all seven of them.
Dinner is an interesting debacle to navigate—it seems they aren’t used to the kind of full meals that the Resistance provides (a fact that breaks your heart), so more than a few of them go back for seconds and even thirds.
The nice thing about kids is that they can be quite talkative when they grow comfortable with you—you learn all of their names and ages and what the older ones have been learning in school. The oldest is fourteen and the youngest is only three—and they’re the most adorable group of children you’ve ever laid eyes on. It breaks your heart that they are so young and already know the crushing pain of losing their homes and loved ones.
This war has ruined a lot of shit for a lot of innocent people.
More than anything, you adore watching Poe interact with this rag-tag group of little ones. He so naturally falls into the role of caretaker—his face is alight with joy as he listens to their animated voices.
You’ve had a few passing conversations with each other about having kids. How the timing is almost right, everything is settling down now that the war is done and you’ll be in the perfect position to expand your family within the close of the year.
Now, you’re more sure about this fact than you’ve even been of anything in your life: Poe Dameron was born to be a father. And you want nothing more than to help him achieve the role he was made for.
The kids form a very magnetic bond with Poe—they’re practically all fighting for his attention until they realize that he’s excellent at multitasking and can devote himself to all of them separately at the same time.
Perks of being a general in the biggest war of the galaxy’s history, you suppose.
The littlest, however, clings to you—nuzzles safely in your arms and let’s you carry him around wherever the rest of the group goes. He’s very shy with the other kids—while they’re all siblings or cousins in one way or another, this little one is truly on his own.
His name is Nes, that much he could tell you—but he’s really not talkative beyond introduction. You suppose, at the age of three, there isn’t much to say; it’s not uncommon for toddlers to be lacking wisdom and anecdotes. 
Poe watches you with heart eyes as you carry around the adorable little boy—his arms are clasped around your neck and his face is buried in the crook of your shoulder and Poe notes with a hint of amusement that that’s his favorite place to be, too.
Poe curls up on the couch with all of them to watch a movie, and it’s exactly like this that your husband and his seven little admirers fall asleep, all cuddled together.
The thought of moving any of them when they’re so comfortable breaks your heart, so you pull some warm blankets out and make sure they’re all covered before pressing a gentle kiss to Poe’s forehead.
This is how you want to end every day. Except, in your ideal fantasy—now that this sort of life is at the forefront of your dreams—you live in a big house where each kid can have their own room and it takes half an hour to tuck them all in because there’s so many of them and they each need a hug and a kiss and a short bedtime story. And then you’d finally make your way to your own room and snuggle into Poe’s arms and whisper about how you want to make another one.
You wake up to the weight of half a dozen kids and one jumbo sized kid who’s supposed to be an adult swarming the bed, eagerly babbling about breakfast and dreams.
This is how life is supposed to be.
You manage to wrangle everyone to the mess hall, all still clad in plain, standard-issue Resistance pajamas.
“I wish we could keep them,” he whispers in your ear as you luxuriate in the late morning and the sweet bubbling of the kids’ overlapping conversations.
“I know, baby,” you sigh softly. The fact that you’ve gotten so attached to them in less than twenty-four hours is a little concerning. “I know.”
“Would it be so out of the question?” He ponders softly. “Obviously I know we’re not equipped to have seven kids long term, but... maybe one?”
You bite your lip and follow his gaze, already sure of what he’s thinking: Nes. 
All of the other kids are attached to each other; it would be cruel to pull them apart or choose one over the other. But Nes is alone. And the poor darling is in desperate need of a happy, loving family for once.
“Are you sure?” You ask with a soft smile. “I want to, but this isn’t something we can just undo. This is a really big commitment, Poe.”
“Sweetheart, you’re married to the king of commitments.”
He says it with a smile because he knows it’s a bit of a stretch—he was once quite the notorious playboy. But he’s been an ace at committing to you since you first met. And you know that he’s not going to back down from Nes, either. Poe is ready to be a father.
Poe keeps watch over the other six in your quarters when you gently guide Nes to a quiet corner of the room.
“Nes, would you like to stay here with me and Poe?” You ask softly as you brush your fingers through his sandy blond hair. “Would you like to live with us?”
He furrows his tiny brow—a trait that you’re used to seeing on your husband’s face. It’s rather amusing that they share some of their mannerisms.
“New parents?”
You smile at that. “Yeah, I suppose so. If that’s alright with you, Poe and I would like to be your new parents.”
His entire face lights up as he launches himself into your arms, and your eyes well with tears as you nuzzle into his hair.
Poe joins after only a second and wraps the both of you into his strong arms, tears shining in his beautiful brown eyes.
Almost on cue, there’s a knock on the door.
“General Dameron, the transport is here from Hosnian.”
“Thank you,” he calls. “One more thing? Have them prepare adoption papers for Nes K—well, Nes Dameron now.”
Poe’s smile never fades, even through tearful goodbyes and promises to visit often to the other six.
The three of you wait on the tarmac until the transport is out of site, Nes nuzzled snuggly into both of your sides.
Next week, you’ll move into a little house right off base with a big backyard and a few extra bedrooms, because Poe is determined to give Nes a few younger siblings. But for now, you return to your quarters, basking in the joy of this new family unit.
Want to see more from me in the future? Follow @freelancearsonist-updates and turn on post notifications to be notified when I post new fics!
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Is he a good kisser?
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
Summary: Pedro Pascal and you, his co-star are known to be openly flirty since you've met on a previous movie. Currently promoting your new movie "Philocalist" as the lead characters, it quickly escalated.
Most knew that the two of you on set was total chaos, unable to concentrate, and shamelessly flirting yet the undenying chemistry made your characters' even better. Anyone in the businness unware of your friendship was quickly ill-at-ease and wary though, like in this interview.
Warnings: fluff? They are goofballs, tattooed reader, slight language
A/N: tried to proof read as much as my brain let me. Y/F/N = your full name (just in case)
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You came on the white set a bit late, your eyes setting on your handsome co-star talking with the staff.
Handing your phone to your assistant she told you they were already recording for the bloopers and that they were looking for a chair for you because the other one was wobbly.
Pedro smiled seeing you stepped onto the set.
"So I don't have a chair,"
"Hold on," he started to get up his barstool like chair.
"It's alright, I'll just sit here," you climbed onto Pedro's laps, he laughed and hold onto you while you get comfortable.
His left hand hold your thigh and the other find his place on your low back. Your arm circling his shoulder blade for support, you were quite comfortable, he smelled really good, his warmth was soothing, you wish you could just stay here for the all interview.
One of the staff explained the segment, he looked a bit wary about the whole situation, you bet it was a first on the set.
"So sorry for the wait,"
"It's alright, don't worry about it" you reassured the stressed set assistant as he brought a chair.
You slid down Pedro's laps, brushing down your dark mesh dress, finally taking a proper seat.
Pedro pouted "You're far,"
"Oh," eyes searching for the set director you asked if you could scoot closer and he gave you a thumbs up. Before you could hop down the chair Pedro grabbed the chair's edge sliding you to him. A gasp turning into a giggle escaped your lips, you grabbed his bicep for stability when the chair came to a stop.
"Now that's better," he rearranged his cuff smiling at you, this man.
Silence, rolling
"Hello, I'm Y/F/N,"
"Hi, my name is Pedro Pascal, and we are here for the Wired_"
"Autocomplete_" he looked at you to be in sync
"In.ter.view" you both articulate.
His cardboard came first, after a few trivial questions, like were Din Djarin and Poe Dameron were to meet in the Star Wars universe. At which you frowned and explained the entire Star Wars timeline.
"Is Pedro Pascal ... a good kisser" you read out while Pedro removed the adhesive from the cardboard.
"I like to think I am," he threw the adhesive away.
"We previously, for the movie, shared a few kisses." You feigned an hesitation, Pedro nodded at your saying staring back at you "He's a good kisser!" you winked at the camera. Pedro puckered his lips your way and you leaned your cheek in, you frowned a smile as his stache tickled your skin.
Few questions later, they drew your cardboard handing it to Pedro.
Pedro squinted at the letters "Is Y/F/N single"
"Now that's something you'd like to know, little fuckers." You slapped your hand on your mouth as soon as it escape.
Pedro exploded in laughter collapsing on your shoulder, and holding himself on your knee. "Oh I'm sorry!! I am so sorry!"
"It's alright," the director set was chuckling "we'll bip it or edit it out,"
"Thanks, holy hell it came out of nowhere," Pedro recovered, sweeping a laughing tear from the corner of his eye.
"Does Y/F/N got tattoos" you shook your hand trying to get rid of the white adhesive.
"Yeah a few actually," you sighed as the paper finally fell from your finger.
"Do you?" He genuinely asked, as if he didn't know better
"In most of the movies I was in I had to cover them up for the character's sake but my red carpet pictures might show some of them," you shrugged
"How many?"
"They're tiny ones, so I lost count. I'd say more than 13"
"Ooh that's cool!" Pedro threw the cardboard over his head.
Another cardboard came in,
"What is Pedro Pascal's full name"
"José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal" you blurted out not missing a beat. Pedro was speechless a proud smile on his lips.
"Friends know Pedrito," you patted his thigh "friends know,"
"Does Pedro Pascal have a twin"
"Not that I know of," he grimaced
"Pedro Pascal is unique! ... Better that way for everyone's sake, two of them would be mayhem," you both started laughing at your burn.
You continued ripping the next one "What is Pedro Pascal doing"
"Promoting Philocalist with the lovely Y/N!" he chanted excited.
"What is Pedro Pascal zodiac sign"
Pedro looked at you, "you know?"
You looked back analysing his face, "Aries of course! Adorable and adventurous that's you." His arms wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing you against him.
"Is Pedro Pascal a hugger? Absolutely!" He said releasing you and pointing at the camera, you chuckled nodding vigorously.
On your last cardboard a question got Pedro's attention.
"Y/F/N dance scene"
"What, that's not even a question," Pedro frowned
"Oh I see what they're talking about. I had to dance on my own in one of my first movie and I'm an awful dancer. To this day it's the most embarrassing scene I've ever played. Compare to this one," your thumb pointed to Pedro "I'm no dancer."
Pedro giggled "I'll teach you,"
You mouthed a thank you.
Finishing the segment, you were already laughing with Pedro heading back to the dressing room. His arm laced around yours, he looked around entering the room.
"Almost lost it when you sat on my laps," you turned to him a cheeky smile spreading on your face, you sauntered to him placing a promising kiss on his lips. The twinkle in your eye was all he needed, to know you were going to have a long night back at the hotel.
Few days later, the Wired Autocomplete Interview was published on youtube, the bloopers in the end credit with you on Pedro's laps made a huge buzz. Tabloids and fans losing their shit at it. What better way to hide a relationship than in plain sight.
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Ko-Fi (voluntary based)
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
Changes and Surprises
Hiiiii! Finally posting the intro to the series I’ve been on about the past few weeks. 
Life In Lockdown - Series Masterlist
Summary - A stay at home order is issued, you now need to work from home. Your best friend and house mate throws a spanner in the works when she invites her boyfriend and his best friend, who just happens to be your long time crsuh, to move in with you for lockdown.
Warnings - Mentions of Covid
Word Count - 1545
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Lockdown, quarantine, whatever you wanted to call it. It was going to be your new way of life for at least a month. The stay at home announcement had gone live and your work had sent everyone home with whatever they needed to do their jobs remotely. The stay at home notice started at 10pm, giving everyone the chance to sort out what they could. You were lucky, you had a nice house that you shared with your best friend Rose, there was a good sized garden and the house was big enough that you and Rose would both be able to work from home without getting in one anothers way. Rose’s job consisted of her making a lot of phone calls and doing spreadsheet work so she’d texted you and said she would set up her work station in her bedroom, leaving the desk in the living room for you to set up. You were happy with your new work space, it was right next to the large French doors that led out to the garden, giving you a nice view for working. You’d just finished setting up when you heard Rose arriving home. She’d said she would do a food shop on her way home to stock up the fridge and freezer for the first week or so.
“Hey, could you give me a hand with all this stuff?” she shouted from the door.
You threw a pair of shoes on and headed out to her car. You helped her bring her work stuff in then started taking the shopping out of the car. There was double the amount of stuff you normally had for a week.
“Rose, why did you buy so much food?” you asked as you set the last bag down in the kitchen.
“Well… you know that you’re my best friend in the entire world right?”
“What have you done?”
“I resent the fact you think I’ve done anything” she replied “But yeah I have actually done something”
“Which is?”
“Well, we don’t know how long this staying home thing is going to last right? I mean four weeks at least”
“So I maybe, kinda asked Finn to move in”
Rose had been seeing Finn for a year and a half. You adored the guy, he was one of your closest friends and had been for longer than him and Rose had been together. Finn had stayed over plenty of times with Rose but living with him constantly would take some getting used to.
“Right, I mean thanks for asking” You replied, rolling your eyes “I’ll get to play third wheel in my own home”
“Well, about that…”
“He said he would move in, but only if Poe and BeeBee could as well!”
Poe Dameron. Your friend, Finn’s best friend and house mate. Also your long time crush. Living with him would absolutely take some time to get used to. His corgi BeeBee was the cutest dog you’d ever come across so you were at least looking forward to one of your new house guests.
“Poe is moving in?”
“Yeah” Rose nodded “Look, I’m sorry I know you have a thing for him and I’ve probably put you in an awkward position but I can’t go weeks on end without seeing Finn. I know I should’ve told you first but when I heard the announcement while at work I panicked!”
“I’m surprised you haven’t asked Rey and Ben to move in as well!”
“Y/N no offence, but nobody apart from Rey would want to live with your brother!”
You glared at her “Not the point here Rose”
“I know and I really am sorry” she replied “But it’s done now and I really hope you can be alright with it”
“When are they arriving?”
“Anytime now” she replied “Finn said he’ll bring takeout with him for tonight”
“I’ll let you put the shopping away then and I’ll go and sort the spare room for Poe”
You went upstairs and quickly cleaned up the spare room and put fresh bedding on. The room was practically spotless already but it gave you something to do to take your mind off the fact you were going to be living with your crush. The spare room was nice, it was spacious, it had a comfortable double bed and plenty of storage space where Poe would be able to put his stuff. There was also plenty of space in the room for BeeBee and his things. You’d just put the cleaning stuff back into the cupboard when you heard the door. You could hear Rose running along the hall to open it and let them in. You ducked into your room to check you looked alright before going downstairs to face them.
“Y/N” Finn beamed when you made it into the living room “Thank you so much for agreeing to this. I don’t know how I would’ve coped without my girl”
You caught Poe’s eye and he dramatically rolled his and made a face, you smiled.
“No problem Finn, it’ll be fun to have you guys here”
BeeBee was sniffing round the room, getting used to his new surroundings before he ran over and jumped up at your legs
“Hi BeeBee, have you gotten even cuter since I last saw you, I think you have!” you said, bending down to tickle the dog, his tail wagged excitedly with the attention.
“We brought takeout” Finn said “I didn’t know what anyone would want so we got Chinese, Indian, Taco Bell and some stuff from the new Italian down the road”
“I’ll get some plates” You replied
You all sat down at the dining room table and helped yourselves to all of the food Finn had brought with him, everyone chatted away about how strange life was going to be for the duration of the lockdown.
“So what sort of space does everyone need for working?” you asked “I’ve already stolen the desk over there and Rose is going to work from her room but what about you guys?”
“Well I need quiet for my job” Finn replied, he was a high school teacher “I’ll be doing classes online so ideally I could use someone’s room”
“I don’t need privacy or anything” Poe replied “I could set up at this table if that was alright”
“That would work” Rose said, “Y/N over there, Poe here, Finn can use Poe’s room and I’ll use mine. Keep the kitchen clear and we can all eat there together at lunch and use it for dinner for the time being so Poe doesn’t have to re-set up his work station everyday!”
“Sounds good” you nodded “I’ll wash up”
“No, I’ll get it” Poe said, taking hold of your wrist before you could get up “You’ve been so kind to let me stay here so it’s the least I can do”
“Let the man do it” Finn said, seeing you about to protest “It’s one of the rarest things you’ll see in your lifetime, let it happen”
“You’re hilarious Finn” Poe said, making sure to elbow his friends head as he picked up the plates
Finn smiled “Well I’ve always known I’m funny but thanks man, I appreciate it”
After the dishes were done you all watched TV for a while, eventually Finn headed off to bed. He wanted an early night so he was fresh for his classes the following day. He knew it would be a struggle to keep his students motivated whilst they were at home. Rose headed off to bed with him, she gave the excuse that she was tired but you knew she wanted to cuddle with Finn. Poe had been upstairs for a while before Finn and Rose went to bed, he wanted to set up his bedroom space and make sure he left enough room for Finn to work. BeeBee had gone up with him for a while but had since come back down to join you in the living room. You were curled up on the couch, watching a few episodes of a show you loved. BeeBee had wandered over for some attention and you’d lifted the cute dog into your lap where he slept peacefully. You heard the floor boards in the bottom stair creaking. Poe made his way into the room.
“Can I join you?”
“Sure” you replied
“I see the best boy is making himself at home” he chuckled as his dog opened one eye to glance at him before settling back down to sleep. “Thanks again for this. I know it must’ve come as a surprise to you that we were moving in. It certainly came as a surprise to me when Finn sprung it on me when I got home from work”
“Yeah it was a bit of a surprise but at least they’re happy right”
“Yeah” he smiled fondly “I would’ve stayed at home. I didn’t push to come here”
“I’m glad you’re here” you replied “Rose was right, we don’t know how long this is going to go on, but I’m certain it’ll be more than the 4 weeks they’ve said so I’m glad you won’t be on your own”
Poe smiled. It was certainly going to be interesting having him living with you.
A/N - So here’s the intro. Please let me know what you thought. I’m still really new to this, and I’m not totally confident with writing so I’d love some suggestions of how to get better and what you liked :)
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Pairing - Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary - Poe’s been working hard lately. Too hard. When you wake up to find him working late into the night, you decide it’s time to make sure he gets some rest. 
Word Count - 998
Warnings - None! 
You were so proud of Poe Dameron. 
He had taken his new leadership role in stride. You knew that sometimes he missed sitting behind the flight controls of his X-Wing and blowing things up, but he seemed to understand that was not what the Resistance needed right now. No, the Resistance needed someone to stand behind, put their trust in, and inspire them to keep doing what they were doing. 
Poe and Finn were doing that. They spent hours every day in meetings with other systems, sending out help to any still under the First Order’s falling rule, drawing up plans and getting supplies to anyone who needs it. 
So while you were proud of him, you were also worried that he was overworking himself. 
Poe had been gone for a week visiting with a system that was in desperate need of aid. He had returned home, tackled you onto the bed and made love to you for over two hours until you were delirious with pleasure and utterly exhausted. You had fallen asleep, warm and comfortable against his chest with his arms wrapped around you. 
But when you woke up, his side of the bed was cold. 
You frowned. Poe knew how much you hated to wake up alone, and he hated waking up alone too. He wasn’t in the refresher, and the balcony doors were closed . . . 
That was when you spotted the faint light coming from the kitchen. 
Letting out a sigh, you climbed out of bed, reaching down to grab one of his discarded shirts and slipping it over your head, only bothering to button up a few buttons. 
When you padded out into the kitchen, there he was, bent over paperwork that was spread all across the dinner table. His eyes were half closed, staring at a single sheet of paper while his pen moved in lazy motions, circling and underlining things. 
“You look riveted.” You spoke up, grabbing his attention. 
He jumped, startled, and when he saw it was you, sent an apologetic smile. “I didn’t think you’d wake up.” 
Joining him at the table, you glanced down at the work laid out in front of him, one of your hands almost absentmindedly slipping into his hair to brush through his curls. “Poe, can’t this wait until tomorrow at least?” You asked, looking back at him to find his eyes closed at your touch. 
Poe blinked up at you when you spoke, and shook his head. “I’ve got a meeting tomorrow afternoon with the other Commanders, and I need to have this ready.” 
Well, if he was going to stay up and work, you weren’t going to go back to bed and be cold. “Can I sit then?” You asked, innocently. 
He didn’t even bother speaking, nodding as he went back to work . 
Until you plopped down in his lap, placing one of your hands against his chest while the other wrapped around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. “Mhmm, much better.” You murmured, inhaling the comforting scent of him. 
You heard a hoarse chuckle against the top of your head. “You’re a terrible distraction y’know.” A chill went through your body as he put down his pen, and instead started stroking your bare thigh with his large hand. “First you come in here - wearing nothing but my shirt, and then you park that perky ass right in m’lap like it’s nothing.” 
Normally, his flirty comments would have put a smile on your face, but this time, all you could notice was how he kept slurring his words together. You might have thought he was drunk if you didn’t know any better. “Poe?” You said, sitting up so that you could look at him, taking in the dark circles. “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” You asked, placing your hands on his cheeks and brushing under his eyes with your thumbs. 
He sighed, leaning forward and resting his head against your shoulder. “Instead of signing something Poe Dameron earlier I signed it with your last name.” 
A snort left your lips, but you couldn’t help but grin at how adorable that was. “Is that you hinting for a proposal, Dameron? I haven’t even thought about going ring shopping -”
He cut you off with a squeeze of your hips, turning his head to nuzzle into your chest. “Menace, you’re a menace.” He murmured into your skin, letting out a sigh of what you recognized as pure exhaustion. 
“And as your self proclaimed menace,” You reached for his face once more, tilting it up until he was looking at you through heavy eyes. “I’m demanding you go to bed right now.” 
Poe groaned and pouted, looking way too much like a five year old. “I’ve gotta have this ready -”
“I’ll get up early and help you. Baby . . .” You pressed a soft kiss against his lips. “You need sleep, and so do I. Don’t you miss sleeping in the same bed? I know I do.” Okay, you knew it was a little manipulative to bring up how you didn’t sleep well if he wasn’t with you, but you didn’t care if it was for Poe’s well being. 
You thought he was going to fight you on it, but instead he let out a sigh and nodded. “Okay, bed.” After a few moments though he opened his eyes and looked at you. “Sweetheart, you’re going to have to get off my lap for that.” 
“Do I?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Menace,” He repeated, wrapping his arms more securely around you as he stood up with you in his arms and started carrying you to the bedroom. “An absolute menace.” 
“Your favorite woman in the world.” You corrected as he tossed you on the bed, giggling as he climbed on top of you and nuzzled back into your chest, wrapping his arms around you once more. 
“Without question.” He mumbled, already half asleep. 
Maker, you loved him.
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 3 years
Meant To Be [part 1]
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A/n: missed last week buT NOT THIS TIME WRITERS BLOCK😤 written for @autumnleaves1991-blog writer wednesday
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Finn (modern au)
Warnings: swearing, pining, BB8 is a snarky 4 yr old, cuteness, some thirty thots, I don’t know how toddlers speak forgive me, barely proofread, age gap (Finn is 25 and Poe is 34)
Word count: 1.4K
Poe was so tired. He could feel the sweat rolling down the back of his neck, the sun beating down on him mercilessly as he slammed the trunk of his car close a tad harder than necessary. A tiny head peaked out from the passenger seat at the noise. Poe grimaced.
He was really looking forward to handing over Beebee to Han and Leia for the evening and get some much needed rest. But now he was practically stranded in the middle of a desert, sand as far as his eyes could see and a flat tire, puncture kit nowhere to be found.
Dragging his feet back to the front, he dropped heavily onto the driver's seat, huffing in frustration. The radio was playing a pop song he may have heard sometime in passing, but hey, at least the air conditioning was unaffected and they had more than enough snacks packed for the trip. The last thing he needed was a hangry kid crying from the punishing heat.
Said toddler turned to look at him and he snorted at her serious expression and his aviators looking comically large on her small face. Beebee smiled back. "Now are you going to call grampa Han?" she asked.
"Looks like I don't have a choice," he sighed, prompting a round of giggles from Bee.
"He's going to be mad,"
"Little lady, do you think it's funny when your dad gets yelled at by that old man?"
"I'm gonna tell him you called him old man," she giggled again.
"No you won't,"
"Yes, I will," she told him with conviction.
"Snitches get stitches," Poe lurched forward tickling her sides making her squeal with laughter.
"I'm gonna tell him!"
"You always get the same thing! Try something new," Rey groaned.
Finn smiled pleasantly at her irritation, cheerfully replying, "Nope," as Rey parked her ancient looking pick-up truck outside the ice-cream parlour. "And if you get me anything but butterscotch I'll steal your keys," he threatened.
"And then what? Walk home by yourself?" Rey laughed, slipping out before Finn could issue more stupid threats. He pouted in his seat, watching his roommate happily skip into the shop.
Fridays were Finn's favourite. Classes end early and it was his off day too. More often then not Han lets Rey off earlier at the shop so he gets to spend more time with her as well. It was just perfect.
The phone on the dashboard starts to vibrate not a minute later. Finn recognized the caller ID and picked it up. "Hello, Solo,"
"Rey not there?" came the gruff reply.
"Nice to hear from you too, I've been good, how about you?" He asked cheerfully. Maybe the fact that he wasn’t face to face with Han Solo made him a little more bold than usual. Rey swears he is a teddy bear under all that grumpy personality but Finn was yet to be convinced.
"Not in the mood, big deal," the old man huffed on other side.
"I can take a message," Finn folded. Best not to push him too far.
“My idiot godson got himself stranded out in the desert without a puncture kit. I need Rey to go help him out,”
“Aye aye, captain,”
Bee was adorably dancing along to the Peppa pig theme song on her god-knows-how-many episode on the iPad propped up against her knees. Exhaustion was pulling at Poe’s eyelids as he fought to keep them open.
It had been almost an hour since he made that absolutely not fun at all call to Han, who spent fifteen whole minutes lecturing him on the importance of being prepared, especially with a toddler dependent on him. Thankfully Leia had interrupted with an excuse of wanting to talk to Beebee.
Then they had waited and waited. He had already gotten out of the car to stretch his legs about three times, not more than a few minutes at a time, too scared he would melt right into the ground from the heat. One particularly long blink of his eyes later, he noticed a battered looking pickup truck approaching and thought dear lord let them be my savior.
The truck parked on the opposite side of the road and a young woman in a tank top and grease stained jeans hopped out. Must be the one Han called Rey. Poe dropped a kiss on Bee’s forehead, asking to her to stay inside. He pushed the door open and— very nearly tumbled to the ground in his gay panic.
Another person stepped out of the truck, a man maybe a few inches taller than the woman. And goddamn, he was fine. The black band tee stretched just so around his chest and Christ, those biceps.
“You must be Han’s godson,” Rey’s voice snapped him out of his gawking. God, he must have been so obvious. For all he knew, the guy could’ve been Rey’s boyfriend.
Poe slapped on a polite smile before offering his hand. “Poe Dameron. Nice to meet you,”
“I’m Beatrice Dameron, but everyone calls me Beebee,” said a voice in an adorable toddler drawl. When the hell did she get out of the car? Was he really that distracted? “Nice to meet you,” Bee offered her hand mirroring him.
Rey crouched down to take her hand. “That’s a nice name. I’m Rey,”
“I asked you to stay in the car,” Poe hissed after Rey went to get the spare tire.
“I didn’t say yes,” Beebee answered before skipping away after Rey. Are four year olds even supposed to be that sassy? An amused chuckle drew his attention back to the handsome stranger.
“Cute kid,” his smile rivaled sunshine— shut up, inner-monologue.
“You’d think that, but before you know it she would have you wrapped around her little finger and you can’t say no to her,” The handsome stranger laughed again and something fluttered in Poe’s chest at the sound.
“I’m Finn, Rey’s roommate,” Oh goodie, not boyfriend then. “You new to town?” Finn asked. God, even his name was perfect.
“Technically, yeah. But it’s fortunate I got transferred somewhere with people I know, ya know,”
“What do you do?”
“Flight instructor at the airbase,” Poe shrugged nonchalantly. It was a brag, he knew it and judging by the arch of Finn’s eyebrows, he thought it was impressive too. “What about you?”
Before he could hear Finn’s answer, Beebee came barreling into Poe, screaming, “I’m gonna be a mechanic when I grown up!”
“That’s great, honey,” Poe lifted up his kid into his arms. Rey walked up behind her.
“You’re all set,” Poe looked at her on surprise. That was fast. After thanking the her for the help, Rey and Finn departed. He sighed forlornly. If only he still had game or time to date.
“You ready to leave now?” Bee nodded her head vigorously. There’s only so much desert one can tolerate.
Han failed to mention his idiot godson was hot. Quite honestly, ‘hot’ wasn’t even doing justice to the head full of dark, gravity-defying curls either. Finn groaned out loud, tipping his head back into the head rest.
“He’s a pilot, Rey,” Rey straight up laughed at his pathetic whining. But Finn paid her no mind as usual. “Do you think he has those uniforms Air Force officers wear? I bet he looks so sexy in them,”
“I don’t know, you could just ask him,” Rey stated.
“Hell no! He has a kid, what if he’s straight? Or worse, what if he’s married?”
“Don’t say you didn’t see him checking you out! Besides, he wasn’t wearing a ring,” Finn briefly wondered when Rey got so observant.
“He wasn’t checking me out!” Finn spluttered.
“Oh ho ho, yes he was,” Rey exclaimed. “Very nearly drooled, too,”
“It doesn’t matter,” he deflated, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m probably not gonna see him again after this anyways,” he lamented.
“He’s Han and Leia’s godson, of course you’re gonna see him again,” as if on queue, Rey’s phone dinged again. “See who texted?” Finn skimmed through the message Han sent and groaned again. “What?”
“Han invited us to dinner, apparently Poe’s gonna be there too,” Finn swore Rey’s answering cackle could be heard for miles.
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Mini Garcia pt2 /Spencer Reid
Summary: It’s been 2 months since reader started her job at the BAU alongside Garcia. Will a certain someone finally ask her out on a date? 
Spencer x Reader
Warning: Fluff/none
A/N: I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it :)
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Its been about 2 months since i started interning at the BAU alongside Penelope as her Junior Tech Analyst. I absolutely love every moment of this job and everyone here had become my family. From our first encounter Spencer and I hit it off really well, we came to find out that we had so much in common from the genius writing of Edgar Allan Poe to the newest episode of Dr Who it was like we were the same person. I have to admit i do have a slight...okay maybe large crush on him but i mean who wouldn't the man is a genius, kind hearted and very easy on the eyes. I was patiently waiting for Penelope to come into work, it was currently 9am and i still hadn't heard or seen here anywhere. Usually she is the first one here around 8-8:30am. I make my way out of the bat cave and up towards Hotch's office to see if he has heard anything from her. I knock on the door seeing him looking intensely at a case file, he looks up at me with a welcoming smile to come in. "Hi Sir, i was just wondering if you had heard or seen Garcia today, it doesn't seem like she's here" he closes the case file standing up "Garcia is feeling under the weather so she is going to take some time off, have you by any chance taken a look at the LA case file" I slowly begin to walk out with Hotch going towards the conference room "Yes, me and Penelope researched that file last Friday" he hands me a case file "Good because you are going to be our full time Tech Analyst whilst Garcia is sick, your first task is to brief the team" my stomach drops at the words he just said, i can't do this, i'm completely incapable of doing this without Penelope. Just as I entered the conference room I receive a text
Queen Penelope: "Hi my beautiful little Einstein, as Hotch probably filled you in i am sick and wont be coming in for a couple of day, so you are going to have to be Super Y/L and do what i know you do best. I believe in you, just remember everything i told you and you will do perfectly fine. Message me if you need anything my little sweet sugar plum. Queen Oracle Out!
  Receiving that text from Garcia did surprisingly calm my nerves. I open the case file to to refresh my memory as walked up to the plasma screen while everyone else was gathering in "Y/N will be filling in for Garcia as she is sick so all information is to be run through her on this case" Hotch looked up at me "Whenever your ready" I look over to see Spencer staring at me then mouthed "you got this" while sticking his thumbs up. The reassurance from him and Garcia sure did the trick cause my nerves were practically gone.  I grab the remote displaying the images of the victims while handing out the case files to the agents" Okay, latest victim is Tara Farris, 20, she is the third victim in two weeks all found in a freeway off-ramp by commuters, there were  no signs of sexual assault on any of the victims, but all the victims were severely hypovolemic, Tara had less than a pint of blood in her..."  
-- After briefing the team on the LA vampire case, i came back to the bat cave to make sure all the systems were working fine and ready to go. I began researching into the victimology to see if i could find any connection between them. a sudden knock on the door made me spine my chair around "Hey I just wanted to say you done great in there and thought you might need a little 'pick me up' so here is a coffee and bagel" I stare straight ahead at the pretty boy placing the drink and food on my table, my heart melted at how cute that little gesture was "Reid thats so sweet, thank you, i did need this, so you just made my morning"  i couldn't contain the smile on my face, i was just so taken back at how adorable he was "u-m i actually wanted to ask you u-m, ah u-m by any chance um...do you have an extra copy of the victims forensic report, i didn't seem to get one in my case file" I was a little disappointed as i genuinely thought he was about to ask me out, guess i really am in over my head. "Yeah sure no worries, here, Garcia and i always make extra copies of all the reports" he was about to say something before Morgan stormed in "Reid lets go, Hotch wants us on the plane" Reid looks at me and smiles waving goodbye. I turn back to the computer refocusing my attention on the victimology.
REID'S POV I was so close, all i had to do was say 6 words, 6 words and i might have a chance "Will you go out with me" but no i'm such a coward "Reid its been two months already, are you ever planning on asking her out" I turn back to her office to make sure she didn't hear what Morgan just said as we were only a few feet away "lower your voice she could hear you, and what makes you think i like her" Derek looked at the clueless boy with an ‘are you serious expression’ "Reid you can't go five minutes without talking about here, god damn when we are on a case you don't shut up about the things she does, then when you are in her presence you stutter and continuously stare at her. Reid you just bought her coffee and a bagel for christ sake. If i were you i would swoop in before another guy comes along and take your shot" the last sentence made my blood boil. Knowing she isn't mine and she can very well be with anyone else hurts me "Morgan even if i did like her, i'm me , Reid remember, boy genius who doesn't shut up about statistics, what makes you think a girl like that would go for someone like me" Morgan stops in his tracks to confront him about what he just said "Reid i'd be damned if that girl in there doesn't like you. You two talk constantly, she blushes whenever she is in your presence and for your information Garcia might have slipped and told me that Y/N thinks your cute" she what, there is no way, me, the person who's hair is too long, tie always perpetually crooked and not to mention the darkened circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. She thinks i'm cute.  
Y/N POV "Y/N you in yet" JJ said over video call, i was currently trying to hack into Tara's computer. I think to myself, if i was a vampire lover what would i put my password as, then it hits me "that was fast Y/N" i smile to myself "Password was Cullen" I see Reid enter next to JJ staring at the computer screen "Colon?" i laugh a little too loud at his question "No Reid, Cullen, the vampire family from Twilight" He looks at me with confusion "Whats Twilight?" I am taken back by how clueless he "Reid you do realise i'm going to force you to watch all the movies now right" Reid looked a bit scared but chuckled a little -- The case went for two day and let me tell you those were the most tiring two days ever. I mentally make note to appreciate Garcia more cause this job is not easy at all. The team had just arrived back so i decided to go greet them at the elevator as Garcia usually does. The elevator doors open and the first person i see is Reid, his eyes were on the the floor and when he looked up they met mine. An instant smile appeared on his face as he came over an hugged me. I was a little shocked as this was our first hug encounter. He was so soft and gentle, i could have stay like that forever "Hey Y/N, i told you you would do great, how did you find it without Garcia" I looked into his chocolate brown eyes completely entranced "It was an experience and a very educational one, but i do prefer her with me, adds to the excitement" Morgan walked past smiling at me telling me i had done a good job. Just as he was about to leave i saw him nudge Reid and whisper "do it now pretty boy" Reid blushed a little noticing that i had noticed their encounter. "U-m, Y/L, i mean Y/N, I was ah wondering if ah- " i smirk to myself excited about where this is headed "what is it Reid, do you need another copy of the forensic report" i giggle winking at him, he laughed and continue "ha no um i'm sorry about that, what i wanted to ask you was if you would like to go to this Edgar Allan Poe reading at Georgetown, you know like a date...with me" I couldn't contain my smile at all, his attempt at asking me out was so cute i couldn't hold it back "Of course i will Reid, i'd love to go on a date with you" we both smile at each other before parting. i go back to the bat cave to gather my things and as i walking out i saw from the corner of my eye an excited Reid telling Morgan that i said yes to go on a date with him. Here i was thinking he couldn't get any cute. 
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quartzwriting · 4 years
Pairing: Poe Dameron X Fem!Reader
Description: Modern AU! You and Poe spend Christmas morning together all cozy with your blankets and sweaters, and your puppy at your feet.
Word Count: 0.7k
A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! I love you!
Part of my Dec 2020 Holiday One Shot Schedule/Master List
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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The look on Poe’s face when he opened the gift, the one you knew he would love the most, was priceless. You never thought you would get him an ugly Christmas sweater as one of his gifts this year, but once you saw the adorable corgi face right in the middle of it you knew you had to buy it for him. The instant connection was made when he saw the pup that resembled his own, and a huge smile had spread across his face. 
Because of this, you had thrown on your own cozy comfort sweater (that was one of Poe’s that you often ‘borrowed’) and got ready to cuddle up with your man and your puppy on this white Christmas morning. 
BB was currently running around the living room, playing with the leftover wrapping paper and tissue paper from the morning unwrapping. The corgi had a new tug rope and a new squeaking stuffed penguin to play with, but he rather wrestle and tear at the paper that you and Poe did not bother to clean up yet. BB also got a new sweater for Christmas, a little candy cane patterned sweater that fit his little chubby body perfectly. 
Poe was in the kitchen making more coffee for the two of you, while you scouted your shared apartment for throw blankets.
You picked two off of your shared bed, the two fluffiest one in the the whole apartment. They were there for the recent cold winter nights, when the comforter, sheets, and cuddles from Poe was not enough to keep you warm when low temperatures hit. There was one extra that you kept in the closet, so you got that one on your way out as well.
The last one was supposed to be on the couch. But it was not where you left it when opening gifts. After a few seconds of wondering where it was, a bark brought your attention to BB still playing around the floor. The last throw blanket had fallen onto the floor among the dog-mangled wrapping paper, and BB was sitting on it. You pulled on the edge of it, urging the pup to get off of it, and he went right back to running through paper. 
“Do we need that many blankets?” Poe came into the living room with two cups of coffee, seeing you already getting cozy on the couch.
“Yea,” You said, “It’s cold.”
Poe put the mugs on the coffee table. He looked over and saw you pulling your blankets to the side as an invitation for him to join you. With a smile, he sat right beside you, let the blankets cover his legs, and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek. “Warm now?”
You smiled at him, “Yes.”
He slid one hand up to your cheek so he could turn your head and make your lips meet his. You giggled into the kiss, and felt Poe’s other hand rest on your side. 
BB insisted on being involved, so the corgi leaped up onto the couch and climbed onto the heap of blankets. He sat right on your feet, giving you no chance at moving them for the next while.
“Thank you for the BB sweater,” Poe laughed.
“I knew you would love it.”
“It’s perfect,” Poe’s smile was beautiful.
You leaned into him, his sweater making him warm and cuddly. A lazy Christmas morning with your favourite things was just what you wanted. You have your two favourite boys, cozy sweaters and blankets, and coffee. Nothing could be better. You were thankful for everything.
Poe nuzzled into your neck, leaving little lazy kisses wherever his lips touched, “Merry Christmas, baby.”
“Merry Christmas,”
Your plans for the day were to have a lazy Christmas, and you were excited for it. 
“I have an idea,” Poe reached over and picked up his phone. He pulled up the camera and turned it to selfie mode. “A little Christmas pic for everyone.”
You were instantly on board, and you picked up BB to be in the photo too. 
The cute Christmas morning picture of the three of you was absolutely adorable, showing off everyone’s cozy sweaters and holiday spirit. Poe made sure to send it to family and friends, as well as posting it on his Instagram story, all instances with the caption:
‘Merry Christmas from the Damerons’
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
pairing: poe dameron x reader
warnings: soft dad!poe fluff
word count: 2.2k
a/n: i’m starting to think i come up with really good fic ideas when i’m sleeping. this is my first dad poe fic so i hope you like it!
not my gif
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Being a general was an honor to Poe Dameron. He was a natural born leader and he cared greatly for people. The fact that Leia Organa trusted him to be her successor meant a great deal to Poe. But it meant a lot of long days and late nights, with the Republic still in the middle of rebuilding after the years long conflict with the First Order. One of the main priorities was to revisit the mistakes made by the New Republic in the name of neutrality and creating a plan to not make the same mistakes again. That meant appointing the right people in positions of power and creating new policies and procedures should a new threat rise up.
There were little things that made the long days worth it. Poe’s best friend Finn remained his co-general. He was someone who knew firsthand the damage the toll of the war took on the people. Several of the people Poe fought alongside took on promoted ranks within the newly formed Republic, so he saw them often. He was a hero to many, the one who led a squad of underdogs against the large Star Destroyer fleet and won. He had the support of leaders all across the galaxy.
And then there was the support from his two favorite girls.
At two years old, Shara was the light of his life. She was so completely his daughter, from the mess of dark brown curls that sat atop her head to the way she had you completely wrapped around her finger. She was a bubbly little girl who adored the attention of anyone who would give it.
Shara was the light of his life, and you were the love of his life.
Poe knew he was going to marry you the first time you turned him down. You were working in the med bay when he came in with a gash on his leg that needed to be stitched up. After weeks of trying, he eventually got you to say yes to getting a drink with him. You should’ve known that smooth talking Poe was even more charming with alcohol in his system. That one drink turned into a weekly affair, which turned into a relationship. He proposed to you with this mother’s ring three days after the Battle of Exegol.
You knew you were doomed the moment he sat on your table and gave you a lopsided smile. He was a smooth talker, devilishly handsome even with blood and dirt all over him. But you weren’t interested in trying to date during the war, let alone date someone who’s flirty reputation preceded him. You’d never tell him how charming you thought he was as he sat in front of you while you patched him up, or how you would’ve said yes to whatever he asked from you.
Four years and a daughter later, Poe never felt happier.
He found the note in his pocket during a meeting, written by your delicate hands in your familiar handwriting, asking him to snag you some Jogan fruit on his way home. He gladly did it, getting it and leaving it by his jacket so he wouldn’t forget to bring it back with him, though your request was odd to him. You didn’t like Jogan fruit. He knew everything about you and knew that Jogan fruit was not something you liked. Of course he’d get it for you. He’d bend over backwards for you. And for Shara.
Poe loved his job, but he loved being a husband and father more. He’d be crazy not to admit that flying home to you and Shara was the favorite part of his day.
The house was quiet when he walked inside, the only sound of life coming from the hallway. He followed the soft lure of your voice to the nursery, leaning against the doorway when he saw you gently bouncing your baby girl in your arms. Poe stuck his tongue out and wiggled it from the doorway, making Shara giggle.
“What are you giggling at, silly girl?”
Poe tiptoed over to his girls, pressing a loud kiss to Shara’s cheek. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sudden press of Poe’s hand on your lower back.
“Look who’s here!” You exclaimed quietly, passing your daughter off as she reached her tiny arms towards her father. Poe pressed more kisses to her cheeks, her sweet squeals and giggles filling the silence of the room. She absolutely adored him.
“I’m glad you’re home. Someone didn’t want to go to bed without you.” You poked your daughter’s stomach and she squirmed. Poe gasped dramatically.
“Are you causing trouble for mommy?” He asked Shara, who shook her head no before shyly hiding her face in his shoulder, peeking out at her mother. Quiet laughter came from both of you when you heard her tiny yawn.
“Yeah, I know you’re tired Shar. You’re not fooling anyone.” You pushed her messy curls away from her face, adoring the way her eyelids were fighting to stay open. “I’m going to change now that you’re home.”
“I’ll be in soon.”
“Good night, baby girl.”
You kissed her head before leaning up to kiss the underside of Poe’s jaw. Poe knew he only had a few minutes to be with Shara until she fell asleep, so he grabbed her favorite yellow blanket and settled into the chair in the corner of her room. He wrapped the blanket around his daughter and she snuggled into his chest.
“Don’t tell your mom, but I’m glad you stayed up for me,” Poe spoke quietly, rubbing her back soothingly. “I really needed this.”
He rocked slowly in the chair as told her about his day on Coruscant. It felt good to just get some of his frustrations off his chest, even though she didn’t understand a thing he was saying. The deep timbre of his voice was enough to settle her into slumber. He felt the gentle rise and fall of her breathing against him. As gently as he could, Poe stood up from the chair and set Shara in her bed. She fidgeted from the movement but settled in, her tiny thumb finding its way into her mouth. Poe stood by her bed for a moment, finger gently stroking her cheek as he looked at her in awe. He sometimes still couldn’t believe he created something so perfect.  
“Sleep tight, sweetheart.”
He quietly closed the door and turned towards your shared bedroom, expecting to see light coming from it. He saw it coming from the kitchen instead and he made his way there. You stood at the kitchen counter, scrolling through a datapad. Your hair that was down was thrown up in a careless bun, one of Poe’s t-shirts and a pair of sleep shorts laid delicately over your frame. The box full of Jogan fruit had been found and you were already putting pieces into your mouth. You were a vision, even though you were exhausted from a day of work and a night of caring for your restless toddler. Poe leaned against the counter next to you and you peeked up at him from the datapad.
“I heard you mumbling about Coruscant,” you said. “Bad day?”
“Just stressful,” Poe replied, running a hand through his hair. “I hate the politics that comes with being a general. I don’t know how Leia did it.”
“She pushed to get things done and didn’t take no for an answer. Something that you are very good at it.” You teased. “You’re a different kind of leader than Leia but just as good. You’ll figure out how to deal with the politics in your own way.”
Poe took the datapad from your hand and placed it out of your reach. Pulling you against him, he grinned down at you. “Finn is going to cover for me at those meetings I was telling you about, which means I’ve got the next four days off.”
“Four days, huh?” You pondered, your hands running up his arms to clasp around his neck. “What are Shara and I going to do with having you to ourselves for four whole days?”
“I can think of a few things we can do,” Poe smirked, leaning down to kiss gently along your jaw. You ran your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, your affectionate husband sighing contently as you did. “We’ll take it day by day. Just being home with you two is enough for me.”
Poe kissed from your jaw to your lips. He pulled away and caught you eyeing him, a small smile on your lips and your eyes sparkling.
“What’s with the smile?”
“I just missed you.” You shrugged, the smile growing wider. You detached yourself from his embrace and held up the now empty box. “Thanks for the fruit.”
“Since when do you like Jogan fruit?”
“I’ve eaten it before.”
Poe scoffed, taking the empty box from you and throwing it away. “In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve only seen you eat it once and that was when…”
Poe trailed off, turning to observe you. He looked between the fruit in your hand and you as he remembered the last time you had indulged in Jogan fruit…when you were pregnant with Shara. His eyes widened with realization. “Baby, are you pregnant?”
You bit your lip and nodded. Poe felt his heart beating hard against his chest, the happiness he felt bringing tears to his eyes. He crossed the room and took your face in his hands, kissing you with everything he had. You squeaked in delight when Poe hugged you tight against him, lifting you off the ground.
“When did you find out?”
“Last week. I wanted to be sure before I told you.” Poe placed you back on the ground, his arms still tight around your waist. “So you’re happy?”
“Of course I’m happy, why wouldn’t I be?”
“We haven’t talked about having another kid and Shara’s still so young…”
Poe placed a hand on your cheek, softly caressing the skin under your eye.
“Sometimes things that are unplanned become the greatest things in our lives. I can’t think of anything greater than expanding our family.”
You nearly cried. Poe truly was the best father. Of course, you had no doubt Poe would be a great father when the time came. He was such a dad to his droid already. But from the moment he first held Shara in his arms, you knew he being a dad was something he was always meant to be.
“Poe, that’s beautiful,” you said. “You’re such a sap.”
“Only for you, baby.” Poe sunk to the ground, his hand rubbing over the tiny curve of your belly and kissing it over his shirt. “I already can’t wait to meet you. I’m going to have my own squadron again.”
You groaned. “Our kids are not learning to fly until they’re at least ten.”
“I learned when I was six and look how I turned out!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, best pilot in the Resistance, I know,” you smirked, running a hand through his hair, brushing it back from his face. “I also know they’re going to take after you which means I’m going to be outnumbered by a team of reckless flyboys and/or flygirls and I don’t know if I can handle that.”
“I’ll teach you to fly so you don’t feel left out.” You let out a dry laugh as Poe stood up, leaning against the counter next to you. “How about when they’re seven?”
“We’re negotiating now?” You asked, giving him a look as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. Poe nodded. “Fine. Eight.”
Poe considered your offer, his jaw moving back and forth as he studied you. “Eight.”
You pecked Poe’s lips to seal your deal, a tired yawn escaping when you pulled away. Poe chuckled and rubbed your arm. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Poe?” Poe was halfway out of the kitchen when you called his name. He looked back at you, expecting to see something wrong but instead seeing a warm smile on your face. You placed a hand on your stomach. “I can’t wait.”
Poe walked back over to you, wrapping you up in his arms and kissed you, all the love he had for you being poured into it. His tongue met yours and he kissed you deeply, slowly, like you had all the time in the world. His hands slipped under the shirt you wore, your warm soft skin a contrast to his rough hands. You pulled away to take a breath and he pecked your lips for good measure. “I can’t wait either.”
“Four credits says it’s a girl.”
Poe laughed, grabbing your hand and turning off the kitchen light.
“You’re on.”
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mymymadeline · 4 years
•Friendly Dark
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gif by: @chrishemsworht​​
pairing: Hallmark Christmas Movie Au! Poe Dameron x Reader 
word count: 6.9k+ words 
warnings: alcohol cw
Adore You series: 01, 02, 03, 04, ... - AO3
Even though you’re on vacation, you are far from exempt from your work. And nothing is proving that more than the headache you nurse as you continue pouring over document after document on your tablet. Numbers and figures, charts and graphs, blueprints and sketches, even interviews and gossip articles – they’re all blending together after staring at the screen for what’s likely been hours. 
Snoke’s call the night before was not a social one – they never are. He was going on about some acquisition Kylo’s been trying to make for the past few months, and apparently, he was missing something crucial, which is where you usually come in. The two of you have always been a team for a reason. He was more of the passion and ideas, whereas you were better with relations and logistics. 
Snoke had immediately sent over hundreds of digital files for you to go through and find… well something. Most likely some kind of professional blackmail. Some kind of small violation or incident that would really be such a shame if it came to the media's attention. You know, the usual. 
So far, everything they’ve done is up to code, as far as you can tell. But Snoke won’t take no for an answer. He’d have your head for it. So you continue looking through page after page, searching for some dirt, searching for any kind of upper hand on the competition. 
After coming back in that night while on the phone with Snoke, you blew past your parents and went straight up to your room, where you’ve been for almost the entirety of this Sunday. You couldn’t even face them after that absolute embarrassment of an evening. And though this morning you did stalk around the house if only to get a thing or two to eat, you pointedly ignored your mother, only giving your father a small silent nod of acknowledgment. 
Stealing away to your room for a full day of silent, frustrating work was not exactly your idea of a fun vacation back home, but neither was last night. Just the thought of running into Poe again makes you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment and stress. He probably thinks you’re an idiot now. Probably never wants to see you again. And who could blame him if he did? 
If you were a different woman, you’d probably have shed a few embarrassed tears in the solitude of your room, but that wasn’t you. Not anymore. So you rub your eyes once again, and get back to work.
You’re back to staring at a tax filing by the company’s CEO from seventeen years ago when a notification pops up at the top of your screen.
Unknown Number
hey! its rose! i got ur number from when you called the shop lol hope thats not creepy
i was wondering if ur busy tonight? i was thinking of getting drinks w/ some friends at Kanata’s! wanna come? i can pick u up since ur ride is chopped ;)
You blink back at the notification. Drinks? At Kanata’s? 
You can’t remember the last time you actually went out with a group of friends, especially for fun. Taking clients you and Kylo were wooing out to dinner was a common occurrence. But fun? They were never.
Another wave of anxiety washes over you. Friends? Who were these friends? Would they like you? Did you know them? Maybe it would be better to just stay and finish your work. Nothing could go wrong if you did that.
You open the message, absolutely ready to type an excuse why you can’t come, when there’s a gentle knock at your door. You already recognize it as your mother by the way she knocks even before she calls out gently. 
“Love? You in there?”
“I’m here.” You leave your voice flat and emotionless. You need her to know you’re still mad.
“Can… Can I come in?” 
‘No’ dances on the tip of your tongue for a strong moment, but the uncertainty in her soft voice gives you pause. 
The door clicks open slowly and your mother pokes her head in, a small, nervous smile affecting her features. You only look at her blankly from your nest of blankets and pillows that have been on your bed since high school.
She steps more fully into the room, closing the door behind her most of the way. She leaves it open just a little, giving the both of you some air to breathe, but also, in a way, making sure not to lock herself in a cage with a wounded animal. 
And she approaches you like one–cautious, hands visible and apologetic. You huff, curled up in the corner of your bed, and try to look anywhere but at her. But she’s hard to avoid as she sits gently on the far edge of your bed and pulls her hands into her lap, looking down and rolling them over one another contemplatively. You two sit like this for a moment, simmering in the uncomfortable tension, but like hell you’re the one with anything to apologize for. 
She lets out a deep sigh. “I’m… so, so sorry… about my behavior last night. I suppose I just… wasn’t handling your absence as well as I thought I was.”
Despite the small sorrow your heart finds at her small and broken tone, the anger–rage even– that has been boiling since the night before claws desperately to be let out. You breathe deeply, and do your best to keep it still in its place. But that doesn’t exclude the fury that seeps into your quiet voice, as you level your gaze with hers.
“Mom, that was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in my entire professional career. I need you to know this.”
She nods understandingly and looks back to her fiddling hands. “Yes. I know. And I couldn’t be sorry enough. I realized...I– I don’t know how to be your mother anymore.” You blink at this. A terrible lurch in your gut crawls into your throat at the sight of the tears silently beginning their descent down her cheeks. “I don’t know what to do for you when you're a grown woman who’s accomplished so much on her own without me. I miss you, but I’m not really sure I know you anymore.”
She looks up suddenly at you, her face twisted with grief and regret.
“I didn’t mean it like that… I-”
You stop her, shaking your head, swallowing the lump in your throat, willing the sudden strange wetness in your eyes away. Your voice comes out more choked up than you wish. But whatever wall was up is quickly crumbling away.
“No… Mom, I think I understand.” You look down at your own hands now, picking at your nails nervously, silently discovering the lineage of this habit of yours. You smile sadly at the thought. “I feel that way too sometimes… about myself.”
“Oh, love.” Your mother reaches out, placing her hand on your foot, the only part of you she can reach, and squeezes it gently. She smiles sweetly, her eyes and cheeks still wet, though she’s wiped away the tears.
“You’re not my little girl anymore… but you’re still my daughter, and I’ll love you no matter what.”
You nod, suppressing a sniff as you rub at your nose. She squeezes your foot one more time before standing up and making her way back to the door. She reaches for the handle when you call out. 
“I love you, Mom.”
The smile she sends you is genuine, heartfelt, and warming to your core. It makes you realize how much you truly missed your mother, even if she had her difficulties. “I love you too, girlie.”
With that, she closes the door, leaving you alone with your tablet and the unanswered message. But you know your response now. 
Sounds fun! Let me know what time. I’d love to come, if you’ll have me.
You begin entering Rose’s information into your contacts and her response is almost immediate.
Rose Tico
duuuh! ill get u at like 8ish? and we’ll meet them there! cant wait!
You look down at the message and can’t help but feel a little more at home. 
 You run a hand through your hair, adjusting your outfit for the hundredth time. You’ve opted for something more casual tonight. Something a little more friendly, approachable. You suddenly frown at your reflection. You don’t need these people’s approval. Well, no. But it wouldn’t be so bad to be friendly for once would it?
The two voices in your head continue to battle it out, leaving you frozen in the mirror, desperately trying to understand how you feel in this moment. Anxious? Perhaps. Regretful of accepting this invitation? Maybe. 
Your phone chirps, lighting up on your desk. Glancing over, you see it’s Rose. You don’t need to read it to know it’s just her announcing her arrival, but you pick it up anyway, settling down on your bed and slipping on your shoes as you open the message.
Rose Tico
here!!! right in front lol
One moment!
You lace up your boots quickly, practically sprinting out of your room and down the stairs, snatching up your long coat on the way. 
“I’m headed out, I won’t be back until you guys are already in bed. So, goodnight.”
You call out to the living room as you pull on the coat, your parents turning from their seats on the couch, eyeing you with interest.
“And where are you going this late, young lady?” Your father questions sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.
“Out with friends,” you rush, already halfway out the door, spotting Rose in her car and giving a small wave. “Love you, bye!”
Half-jogging down the steps, you cross quickly but cautiously through the snow-laden yard, careful not to slip. As you close the gate behind you, Rose is already opening the passenger door from the inside, beckoning you in.
“Get inside, it’s freezing!”
You allow yourself a small laugh and slide into the seat next to her. Pulling the door closed, you look around, taking in the space of the car, as she starts it back up and pulls away from the curb. 
Like most things in The Base, it’s worn and old, peeling and chafed, likely held together with duct tape and love. But despite all of its imperfections, it’s not only comfortable, it’s cozy. It’s warm and personal, every dent containing a story, every mile meaningful. 
You can’t help but think back to the chill rigid efficiency of your TIE. Sure, it gets the job done, and is mighty stylish while it does so, but you’ve never felt like it was yours. Never felt anything but cool indifference for its sleek lines and dark exterior. 
“So, you’re looking snazzy tonight.” Rose pulls you out of your thoughts with her cheery tone. 
You look down at your outfit, once again tugging at its hems. 
“Am I? I was actually trying to dress down.”
She laughs at that. “You think that’s dressing down? No way, this is dressing down.” She takes one hand off the wheel, gesturing at her own attire: A brown button-up with a sewn name tag and a pair of dark cargo pants. Likely the uniform she wore to work today. Her cool attitude and smooth voice put you at ease, and you can feel your guard begin to lower. 
“I like this on you,” you quietly praise. You pick at your nails, continuing, “Don’t take this the wrong way, please, but… I admire that you can wear clothes like that and feel comfortable. I feel like I have to dress up all the time, no matter what. I don’t know… I- Nevermind.”
You look up at Rose and she pulls her eyes away from the road for a moment to give you a meaningful look. She nods sympathetically, her previous lightness replaced by understanding. She realizes the weight of this seemingly minor admission.
“I get it, I do.” She gives you a soothing smile. “I just hope you can feel comfortable here… with us. We like having you back, even if just for a moment.”
Still smiling, she turns back to the wheel with a light shrug. “Plus, this isn’t Canto Bight. You’ll look great no matter what.”
You groan, half sardonic, half-serious. “Oh, please don’t remind me. You know, I thought I was a vulture, but those people,” you give an audible shiver. “They’re something else.”
Rose laughs melodically. “Oh, do tell.”
 The ride to the bar is short, the car only really needed for warmth, but the company is appreciated. Rose laughs along to your story of once attempting to cover for Kylo’s drunken rage in front of investors, and while it was a very unamusing situation at the time, you find yourself chuckling with her. 
“Well, that’s why we don’t let him have Bespin Fizzes anymore.”
Rose giggles at that, before piping up in her seat a little. “There it is!”
The bar comes into view just ahead, a familiar neon sign reading Kanata’s hanging overhead a small brick building. The parking lot is compact, but practically full, reminding you just how small the town is, as Kanata’s is the only real bar in the whole Base, and as such, is the town’s favorite happy hour hangout. 
She leans up the dashboard, pointing to an old, grey, junky Corellian that’s as familiar to the town as the bar. 
“There’s the Falcon,” she points out with a smile, though you don’t need her to tell which car it is. “They’re here.”
You nod, smiling at the old hunk of junk fondly, before suddenly realizing what the Falcon’s presence implies. She pulls up to the spot next to it as you turn to her.
“Wait, we’re getting drinks with Han? ” You try not to sound upset, only curious, but Rose reads your panic easily. 
“No, silly,” she giggles, and seems to dodge the question, stepping out of the car. You quickly follow behind, stepping out into the chill night air. Closing the doors, Rose rounds the car and you trail next to her, past the Falcon and towards the bar's entrance. She continues her explanation without you having to ask. 
“About five years ago, Han gave the Falcon away.”
“He gave it away? Why would he do that? To who?” 
She pushes open the door, leading you into the dimly lit bar, which you only now realize with its unfamiliar interior, that you never stuck around to be old enough to actually enter it. The lights are low, yellow and red, but not unwelcoming, in fact creating a warm atmosphere. It’s brightest around the bar itself, with neon and string lights, as patrons sit on the stools, chatting over the low playing jukebox on the far side of the room. Near it are a couple of pool tables, busy with players in the middle of games. A few locals drink in booths against the walls, however Rose leads you towards the high tables and stools in the middle of the room. You’re scanning the bar for anyone you recognize when you finally see where she’s leading you– to the only couple occupying the tables, and your heart drops into your stomach as your fight or flight instinct kicks in. 
“To them!” Rose points but once again you don’t need her helpful hand to see what you need to.
At the table is a girl you don’t recognize with a sweet face and dark hair, but it’s the familiar face next to her that makes you want to run.
Finn, your old classmate, but more importantly your old employee, sits smiling and laughing, casual as anything. You knew Finn left First Order – on very bad terms, one would be remiss to forget – after a fateful trip home for somewhere less cutthroat and competitive, but you thought that meant somewhere like Alderaan. You didn’t think he’d come back, and you certainly didn’t think you’d actually see him here.  
Rose doesn’t notice your hesitation, continuing to pull you forward and calling out to her friends. She catches their attention, waving, and you brace for the moment of impact. 
Finn is going to be mad that you’re here. He’s going to be furious. He’s going to stand up and yell at Rose about how awful of a person you are and make sure nobody in this town will even so much as smile at you ever again. He’s going to laugh in your face and tell you to go back to Coruscant and you’ll do it because you’re so deeply embarrassed.
The girl turns first, smiling and waving back at Rose. She grins brightly at you as well, obviously unfamiliar but still friendly. Finn turns second with an easy expression, glancing at you briefly before doing a double-take. His face falls, but not into anger like you expect. It drops to confusion, like he’s making sure it’s you, which then turns into half-smug disbelief, a bewildered smile taking over his features. 
Finn speaks first. “No-freaking-way.”
Tension still wracks your body as he steps off the stool, meeting you and Rose in front of the table. Rose looks between the two of you before dropping your hand and covering her eyes.
“Oh my God, I totally forgot about the whole…” She looks to you apologetically, not towards Finn, which confuses you. “I’m so sorry I forgot to say.”
“No, I- it’s okay. I just hope I’m not intruding.” It seems that this town just loves to leave you at a loss for words.
Finn laughs, seemingly completely at ease. “Not unless you’re here to talk about work. Or to try to win me back.”
“God, no. Not that we wouldn’t love to have you back but,” you glance quickly at the friendly girl still sitting at the table, obviously confused. “I understand that you’re much happier here.”
“That I am.”
“Then that’s all I care about.”
Rose absolutely buzzes with energy at the exchange. “Yay! So we’re all still friends and everything?” Her hands are clasped and her hopeful eyes flicker back and forth between the two of you. 
You turn your gaze back to Finn, hoping that you look as genuine as he does. “I hope so.”
“I don’t see any reason why not,” He smiles warmly at you, offering his hand. “Besides, you weren’t exactly the one that left me with a bad taste in my mouth.”
You take his hand easily, and just barely manage to quell your surprise when he uses it to tug you into a warm hug. The recent bombardment of hugs you’ve received in the past few days is the only thing that gets your arms moving properly, wrapping loosely around Finn for a moment before you part. 
As you pull back, an awkwardness comes to hang in the air as a silence settles between the four of you. You suddenly remember the girl at the table seemingly the same moment that Finn does. He pipes up, turning towards her and half leading you to the table where they were sitting. 
“Right, uh, Rey, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine.” 
You extend a hand and introduce yourself to the woman, Rey, and she lets out an awkward laugh as she takes it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I was a bit, erm, hesitant to intrude on the moment. Seems like there’s a lot of history going on here.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Finn laughs before his nose scrunches up in thought. “Actually, you might have some idea. You know the place I used to work before we met?”
Rey’s face twists in disgust. “You mean that awful tech company? God, you couldn’t stop talking about how awful it was for almost a year. Must’ve been terrible. Did you work there too?” 
She looks to you as your cheeks heat up and you can't help the grimace that creeps into your expression. “I actually still do.” 
Finn opens his mouth but Rey beats him to it. “Oh no, that must be awful. What do you do? Get yelled at all day by some tall blonde woman like Finn did?” She chuckles at her own joke, but she’s the only one. Finn and Rose look like they’d rather be anywhere else. Probably at the bar. With strong drinks. Yet, you feel a chill indifference wash over you. The one you feel whenever you walk through the doors of the First Order offices and meetings. 
“Actually I’m the COO.”
Rey’s jaw slackens with the shock, mouth starting and stopping any words she attempts to get out. “I… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.” Finn has his head fully in his hands and Rose looks like she might die. But you smile softly.
“It’s okay. I’ve heard far worse before. From people whose opinions were far more important.”
The urge to storm out tugs at your gut but your feet stay planted. It’s strange. You’re not quite sure what emotion it is that you’re feeling exactly. There’s anger, but it’s the blow to your pride that fuels it. There’s certainly embarrassment. Mostly, you realize it’s guilt. Guilt that the company you worked so hard to build has hurt people - people that you care about. You knew it happened, probably every day, probably right at this moment, but being faced with the conversations that people must be having behind your back… It hurts. It hurts in many directions. 
“Drinks!” Rose chirps loudly, desperate to break the tension. “I’ll go get us some drinks!”
She spins on a dime and immediately heads towards the bar. Looking between you and Rey, Finn gulps. “She’ll probably need some… help with those…” He’s immediately out of his chair and trailing behind Rose. 
Rey sits quietly, a thoughtful look on her face as you finally take a seat on the stool across from her. The silence hangs for a moment as the jukebox croons quietly in the background. 
“I really didn’t mean it that way,” Rey starts quietly. “It’s just…” She leans towards you, elbows resting in front of her on the table. Her eyes are earnest, kindness pouring forth. “Finn was miserable when we met in Jakku. Work was stressing him out to no end, but mostly… he felt like he was hurting people. He had a stable and successful job but… what did it cost him? All he ever wanted to do was help people.” She sighs, and a small smile tugs at her lips. “I like to think I helped him, but really, he knew all along what he had to do. I’m so grateful that we’re both here now, working with the kids, helping people where it feels like it really matters. I can’t speak for you, but it sounds like you’re proud of your company, and I’m glad but… It just wasn’t right for Finn. I hope I haven’t offended you.”
You’re momentarily stunned by her small speech. Not just the words but her honesty. You can tell from the tone of her voice just how much she cares for Finn and how much she believes in their cause. You find a small stain on the table, gazing at it intensely in thought. You’ve just wanted to help people too, all your life, but making something of yourself always came first it seemed. You told yourself you were helping people, creating new things that made so many people’s lives easier, donating intensely to charities, but how many people were you hurting on the way? How many times can you tell yourself that some eggs must be cracked to make an omelette? How many people have you screwed over, blackmailed, and outright stolen from? How many shady people have you bought from or sold to? How many things have you ignored or swept under the carpet just to keep business running as usual?
“If it helps… Finn always spoke highly of you.” 
You look up as Rey draws you out of your thoughts, something she obviously picks up on going by her smile. 
“Well… He’s a good man. A good friend before he was an employee… I didn’t mean what I said either - about your opinion not mattering. That’s not true, I just…” You trail off, but look up to find comfort and forgiveness in her warm expression. You give her a small genuine smile of your own. “Maybe we should just start over.”
You extend a hand, introducing yourself and she does the same, laughing lightly as she does so. At that moment, Rose and Finn come shuffling over, each balancing a tray with a few colorful drinks and rounds of shots. Placing the trays on the table, Finn eyes your smiles and parting hands. 
“Are you guys… Is everything good now?”
You nod, laughing. “Yes, I think we just got off on the wrong foot.”
“And we’re just here to have a good time and hang out - no work talk.” Rey winks at Finn. He lets out a hearty laugh, clapping you two on the back. 
“Oh, you two are good.”
“Actually, there’s one more thing,” Rose cuts in. She looks absolutely tickled pink, poorly suppressing her roguish grin. Finn and Rey raise an eyebrow in unison, seemingly used to this behavior. 
Rose giggles, “I invited Poe!” 
You instantly feel your heart rate pick up and a gentle heat rise in your cheeks, but it seems your the only one excited about this development. Rey only sighs with an unamused laugh. Rolling his eyes, Finn shakes his head, “That’s not exactly a surprise.” He turns to you. “She invites him out every time. And every time he says no. ‘Too busy.’”
“He never just relaxes,” Rey chimes in. “We’re constantly inviting him out, even inviting ourselves into the shop occasionally, but he’s just so dedicated to his work. It’d be admirable if it wasn’t so annoying.”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Rose waves her hands around, as if attempting to dispel the negative comments in the air before they reach you. “BUT… I told him a certain special someone was gonna be here!” 
Finn and Rey both turn to you, Rey holding an expression of curiosity and Finn looking at you with new eyes, the gears turning almost visibly in his head. Did she mean you? Everyone seems to be looking at you expectantly so… she must be. Sure, Poe seems to like you well enough but… This is behavior that seems to have been going on for years. How could your presence possibly change that?
“Wh- Me?” You ask, turning to Rose at a sudden loss for words. “Why- What makes me special?”
Rose rolls her eyes so hard her head can’t help but follow. “You are so oblivious. And so special.”
Finn nods, with a grin you can only describe as ‘shit-eating.’ 
“Of course.” He bites his lip deviously. “This is gonna be so fun.”
“Really wha-”
You’re cut off by the sound of the blowing snow and wind as the door creaks open behind you. As if on cue, each of your heads swivel to the entrance to see the door swinging shut behind Poe shaking the snowflakes out of his hair, cheeks ruddy from the outside cold. He looks up from tugging his gloves off to see the four of you gawking at him. If he can tell he just walked in on a discussion of himself, he doesn’t show it. He practically beams at the four of you, but lets his eyes settle on yours.
“Hey guys.”
“This is gonna be so fun,” You hear Finn whisper behind you. 
You fail miserably at trying to hide your smile, but you know it’s for the best. 
 “God, I know it’s embarrassing but... that’s so funny.” Rey chuckles with red cheeks, thoroughly amused.
“But it’s so embarrassing,” You exclaim, a little louder than you’re usually comfortable with but the drinks you’ve been slowly consuming for the past two hours have loosened your tongue just a bit. 
Finn continues to shake his head in laughter. “I do love your mom, though. I wanna thank her for that one. A proper Base welcome.”
“C’mon, it really wasn’t so bad,” Poe laughs. 
Once he’d arrived, everyone made quick work of getting him a drink and dragging over a stool, planting him firmly and snuggly between you and Rose. Small pleasantries and catching up eventually turned into you and Poe recounting the previous night's dinner and conversation at the strong behest of the rest of the group. It mostly consisted of you complaining and apologizing to Poe and him simply laughing it off, attempting to placate your worries. Finn, Rey, and Rose simply watched in entertainment, soaking up every juicy detail. 
“Really, you have to stop beating yourself up about it. You’ll drive yourself insane.” Poe places a hand on your shoulder, sending a little shiver of electricity through your body that you desperately try to curb. You look down at his hand on your shoulder and are struck with the desire to see it as often as possible. Meeting his eyes, they are warm and kind and cause you to immediately lose whatever it was you were going to just say. You are now very aware of just how buzzed you are. 
“I’ll… I’ll try.” You give him a small smile and he accepts it readily, his own smile growing. Over your shoulder, Finn must catch his eye because he swiftly turns his head back to his drink on the table and clears his throat. His hand gives you a small pat and quickly retreats back to his lap. His hand makes a loose fist and you miss its warmth. 
“Well,” Rose starts. “It’s getting late and I am so beat. I should get going.” 
Rose gives a meaningful glance at Finn and Rey, “Isn’t it a school night? You guys should get going too. Don’t want to have to show a video tomorrow.”
Finn’s eyes widen a bit and Rey nods fervently. 
“Yes, absolutely. You’re so right, Rose.” Finn begins standing up from his stool. “C’mon, Rey, we should be off.”
Those fucking conspirators. You know you should be grateful - they’re trying very hard to set you up with your high school crush - but all you can feel is panic. You’re an expert at talking to people, from brokering deals to conducting yourself in interviews and even giving presentations, you’ve trained and practiced in the art of discussion. But for some reason, just being in the same room as Poe makes your brain short circuit. Your mind constantly pulls back and forth whether to close off and shut him out or loosen up and actually let him in. It’s barely been three days but it feels like so much longer. And that’s terrifying.
“Uh-Wh- Are you guys okay to drive?” You sputter.
Finn sends you a reassuring smile as he grabs Rey by the shoulders, “Rey might not be in any state to drive, but I’m totally fine. I’ve had maybe two drinks in the past couple hours. Don’t worry.” 
Rose is off her stool too, gathering her coat. “Could you maybe drop me off too? I’d just walk but it’s so damn cold.”
“No problem, Rose.”
“What about me? I’m supposed to walk then?” You interject, flustered. “Rose, you drove me here.”
Rose gives an exaggerated look of cluelessness, giving you a shrug before looking over at Poe.
Breaking his momentary silence, Poe gives you a nod. “Yeah, I can give you a ride if you want.” 
You can only nod along. “Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you.”
Rose lets out a little squeal, scrambling over to give you a kiss on the cheek and skip out the door, calling out goodbyes over her shoulder. You can’t help but roll your eyes and laugh along with Finn and Rey, both of them giving you and Poe sidehugs before taking their exit as well. 
As the doors swing shut and the silence between you settles, you glance around at the bar. There are about half as many people as there were a few hours ago but the place doesn’t feel empty by any means. The few patrons still mill about, some playing pool, some chatting at the bar. You sigh contently at the sight, something Poe catches as he watches you.
“Good to be home?”
You look over, momentarily studying his handsome features in the warm lights as you try to figure out how to answer his question. 
“I don’t know. Like I said before, it’s not really home. And yet it is.”
He nods, thinking for a second. “But are you happy to be here?”
You eye him, a small smile tugging at your lips. “I’m starting to be.”
“Well, I’ll drink to that.” He grins, holding up his bottle. You meet his with your own, both taking a swig with a smile.
As you settle your drinks back on the table, Poe leans over with a lowered voice. Your pulse thrums in your veins. “You know, I actually had a great time last night, so there’s nothing to worry about.”
You sigh with chagrin, momentarily closing your eyes to rub at the spot between your brows. 
“Well, I’m glad you had so much fun at my expense.” 
Poe leans away, shutting his eyes in his own embarrassment. 
“That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry.”
You chuckle lightly, a sound that gets Poe to open one eye before breaking into a smile, laughing with you. He leans in again, still smiling but a serious tone overtakes him.
“I really understand if you don’t want to talk about it but… What was your mother talking about… with Ben?”
You feel like a bucket of water has been dumped on you, ruining the easy-going mood you’d let slowly wash over you for the past few hours, but when you look at him, you can’t help but want to tell him everything.
“I just… I’ve only heard bits and pieces about what happened after you graduated. You really… disappeared.”
“Not disappeared,” you say quietly, with grit in your voice. “They just started paying attention to me somewhere else.”
“I paid attention to you,” Poe murmurs. When you catch his eye, he corrects himself. “I mean, we all did.”
You smile sadly, “Yeah, this is different.”
Poe gently knocks your shoulder with his, making you let out a snicker. Glancing over, Poe levels you with a genuine look, with soft eyes and a smile. “I get the feeling you don’t talk about your life often. So, tell me about it.”
He’s right. You never talk about your life, you certainly never regale your story to whoever asks. Doing that requires you to be vulnerable, it requires self-reflection and introspection. It requires you to think about things that you’ve long locked away inside. But… 
“Well, I’m not sure how well you remember, or if you ever noticed but… no one ever really talked to me. Then one day, Ben did. No one ever really talked to him either, so we made a fast pair. He was odd... but he was a real friend to me. I wouldn’t have traded that for anything.”
Poe nods understandably, encouraging you to keep going. 
“We decided to stick together. We got into Imperial University together and got out as quickly as we could. Neither of us… We couldn’t stay here, not with what we planned on doing with our lives. This town… it just wasn’t for us.”
“Yeah, I hear that a lot. I get that, too.” Poe takes a drink.
“You do?”
He laughs softly. “Yeah, but that’s a story for another time. Keep going.”
“We learned at school that we worked really well together. Our mentor Snoke realized that, too. He led us, taught us, molded us. He helped us build our company, First Order Tech. He was our first investor, he still sits on the board of directors. Kylo… Ben may be the CEO, but Snoke is still in charge of both of us to this day. It’s our company, we created it from the ground up but… We still bow to him.”
You shake your head. Time for the hard part. Might as well get it out quick and easy.
“Somewhere along the way… I don’t know if it was love. It wasn’t love how it should be - I can tell you that. But, Ben and I… were together. And then he proposed. I don’t think it was because he wanted to. I think he just thought… he was supposed to. Just the natural progression of our lives, I guess.”
You don’t realize you’re crying until the teardrops reach your chin, where they hang heavily before dropping onto your lap. You quickly wipe them away, as Poe once again places a hand on your back, but this time it stays there, his thumb rubbing comfortably back and forth.
“You don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to. It’s okay.”
“I just,” You sniffle, wiping your nose. Way to break down just as he was warming up to you, kiddo. “I’ve never talked about this before, not really. I don’t even think I’ve ever cried over this before.”
“Anyway, I somehow became lucid enough to call it off a few months before the wedding.” 
You sniff wetly and press the backs of your hands to your eyes, your makeup no doubt ruined by now. Poe’s thumb keeps its motion.
“I just wanted it so bad,” Your voice cracks. The lump that had been caught in your throat breaks free in the form of a sob. “I let myself be blind because I…”
Your hands are shaking and tears run freely down your face.
“I wanted to be loved. And I thought that’s how I would get it. But I woke up.” 
You drop your hands onto the table, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You clench your fists and your voice no longer trembles.
“And I’m glad I did. We’re both better people for it.”
Only now do you chance a look at Poe. You had kept your gaze down, too scared to find what his expression might be, too scared to read his thoughts on his face. But his hand had stayed planted, comforting you. That had to mean something, right?
Looking up, you see only his warm gaze that had assured you deeply enough to get you talking in the first place. It carries a sadness, a kind of worry in the crease between his slightly upturned brows. But you find no disgust. No pity. 
“I wish I knew what to say.”
You chuckle wetly, “You don’t have to say anything. I understand that it’s a lot.”
His hand makes a broad stroke across your back as he leans in once again. 
“There’s actually a lot of things I want to say, but I’m sure you’d hate all of them considering they all sound like condescending things your mom has probably said to you over the years.”
A genuine laugh bubbles out of you at this, a bright smile pulling up your wet mascara stained cheeks. Seeing this, Poe can’t help a smile of his own.
“Things like ‘you’re so brave’ and ‘you poor thing’?” You giggle.
He chuckles, “Yeah something like that, the usuals.”
“Well thank you for sparing me.”
“No problem.” He pauses for a moment. “But really, thank you for telling me.”
He sounds like he means it.
“Thank you for listening, Poe.”
And so do you.
You sit like that just for a moment, gazing at each other. You take in the small details, admiring the creases around his eyes, the shape of his jaw, the curls in his hair. He seems to be taking you in as well, his eyes flickering across your features. You see them linger on the stains of your cheeks, turning your head away subconsciously. 
“Ready to go?” He asks softly. 
You smile and nod, wiping at your nose with your sleeve. “Yeah, I think I’m ready.”
You wobble just a bit as you get up from your seat, but Poe’s hand is still there to steady you. It stays there as you walk to the door. Stepping out into the cold, you instinctively huddle against him, a move he readily accepts as you walk.
“I’m not always a sad drunk, I promise.”
You feel the rumble of his chest as he laughs gently at your small joke.
“Don’t worry. I believe you.”
The ride is comfortably silent, except for the low hum of the radio as you drive. Pulling up to your house, you want to say something, do something, to thank him for what he did tonight. For driving you home, for listening to you and comforting you as you practically sobbed in his arms, for coming to the bar at all, supposedly just because you were there. 
But you don’t do anything.
“I’ll see you around,” is all you say. 
You hear him swallow as he nods. “Yeah, I’ll… I’ll see you.”
When you finally slink upstairs and collapse in your bed, you still feel the phantom touch of Poe’s hand across your back. 
notes: Whew! Thank you SO much for reading and thanks to all the people who stuck around! It’s been such a long and hard year and I hope everyone is doing okay. I’m determined to make this year great and I hope you all will join me!
I understand it’s been forever so if you’re on the taglist and would like to taken off it, hit me up and I’ll totally understand - and if you’re not on the taglist and would like to be leave a reply or send me a message! love you all <3
taglist: @ikbenplant @jamesdeerest​​ @fortheloveoflamp @operation-spot @asianravenpuff @whovianayesha @ultrunning @nowheredreamer @honestlyjustwow​ @badwolf-212 (for some reason i can never tag you properly :( ) 
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Mandoctober Day 16: Tatooine
ALT TITLE: Stardust, The Force and one big beautiful mess
A/N: at first I wanted to continue the sandcrawler scavenger reader I did (which I will do eventually with or without Mandoctober to guide me) but I went through some personal stuff so I more or less wanted to base this around family and where your roots are from rather than Tatooine itself, which in its essence is that one scene with Luke skywalker standing outside his home with the twin suns and later on down the line, his final resting place along with his twin sister Leia. 
Someone dear to me passed away almost ten years ago now. The anniversary is the day Season two comes out. Which is essentially why I’m so committed to this fandom now. But I also wanted to write something just to get the remaining grief out of my system. 
Mum, this one is for you.
Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum Buir.
Poe Dameron x reader, Nameless!Mother (or Mother Figure) x Din Djarin
also somehow I wrote 5K in two hours none stop...am I Alexander Hamilton? 
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It had been so long since I had been home. It hurt to think of the place where I came from. Hatred had leaked into my very belief system, my culture...even my family. 
I felt like they hated me for leaving... but I was scared that they’d never miss me. That I had only been a ghost in their lives. There for 18 years and then poof! I was gone. 
My father, Din Djarin, the Mandalorian saved my mother from slavery when she was quite young. Around my age to be precise. He had no idea at the time because she had been living with an Ugnaught named Kuill. That’s why my middle name is Kuill. I owe that fateful Ugnaught my existence for freeing my own mother from slavery when she was barely even a woman. 
She had nowhere else to go...and instead of keeping her grounded and sheltered away from the rest of the world. He let her live. 
Growing up you hear stories of people dying all around you, neighbours, friends and yes, even pets. It hurts so much you can’t even comprehend it. You become numb and barren to the pains of the world.
It feels like you don’t care anymore.
It got to a point where I was making things up in my head out of anger. How I would’ve handled things differently, what I wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to go.
But my father had only one strict rule.
Once we set down roots...we can never leave.
I never questioned it after the first time he told me why. 
My mother...on the day I decided to leave, knew that something was wrong.
Lately I had been restless, agitated and easy to anger. 
At first she thought I had fallen pregnant. Something that had made us both laugh at the time. It was a hollow memory to me now. I had no idea if she was dead or alive. 
It hurt. The unknown. Death, life. It didn’t matter. 
What mattered was the fight to live. To help others thrive.
You were raised to be everything the First Order was against. 
So of course you wanted to join the resistance at the first chance you got.
“No means no! Do you have any idea what your mother and I went through to bring you this life, so you could live in the peace that the universe scarcely gives? Do you have any idea how lucky you are?!”
“That’s exactly why I have to go! Don’t you understand that! I love living here. But some people aren’t as lucky. You know that more than anyone in this village buir. Mum knows it too.”
It went deadly quiet for a moment. 
“I did not bring you this life...risked everything with my culture, my creed, just so you could selfishly throw it away...I don’t want you to die like my parents did Ad’ika.”
I didn’t say it then but...that was another reason you needed to go. To make your ancestors and those Mandalorians who came before your father proud. 
It was the one time Din Djarin had let his guard down.
You crept away into the night, leaving only a kiss on your little (in size) brother’s brow and a note next to your mother’s tools.
It was the best way you could’ve said goodbye. 
“I am one with the force and the force is with me...This is the way.” 
Two whole weeks later I found yourself on a planet that was the polar opposite of what I was used to. So much technology that I didn’t know the names of, ships, speeders, weapons and people. 
It was strange how seeing so many people made you euphoric at the time. I was only a rookie, and I had never left home before. Of course I was nervous. 
There was so much to learn! Keeping up with the resistance is what scared you, what if they threw you out? You had trained under your mother’s mechanical know how just to get here but what if-
“Djarin! Y/N!”
“HERE!” You hadn’t realised how loud you had been until all the people turned to look at you funny. Whispers and giggles followed. Maker, this was embarrassing. 
“Good to know you’re here. I’m Poe Dameron by the way. Noticed you weren’t paying attention. You nervous?” Making eye contact with the most gorgeous man you had ever seen was the last thing you had expected. He was a hot shot pilot apparently. You heard a girl giggle behind your head as she winked at him. Oh, give me a break. 
“...A little.”
“Okay well don’t be. You recruited for a reason and according to where you’ve been registered you’re the best mechanic we’ve seen in a long while. Which is why you’ve been assigned to my X-Wing.” 
Jealousy dripped in ugly green buckets. You were quite fond of the colour, with it being the colour of your little brother’s skin. But...it hurt nonetheless. 
“Yes sir.” You whimpered pathetically.
You were doing this for them. Not for some pilot you had only just met. Well...him too. 
Crashing into General Leia Organa with heaps of your paperwork was not how you planned your first day ending.
“Kriffing Bantha fodder! Why don’t you watch where you’re-Oh my god you’re Princess Leia.” 
To say you had been absolutely obsessed with her when you were younger was an understatement. 
She reminded you of your mother in so many ways it hurt to look at her.
Which is why you were so confused when she touched your cheek only to find yourself crying at just the sight of her. 
“So...you left on bad terms with not only your father, but your family in general. Even if your mother never found out?”
“I’m worried that it’ll put a strain on my parents relationship with each other more than anything...I can’t contact them or write. It’s too risky.”
“Your father taught you well.” 
“Wait...you know who my father is?”
“Many people have heard of the Mandalorian that killed Moff Gideon with the dark saber. Some have speculated that it was a myth...now I can see that it wasn’t since you are living proof of what Mandalorians can create.”
“My mother was never a Mandalorian. She was a Mechanic through and through...she just happened to be thrown into motherhood twice along the way.” you joked bitterly.
Your parents had told you the tales of Moff Gideon. It was a fairytale that had been shrouded in mystery. Something you weren’t expecting to hear from the two people you admired the most. 
“I love my family. That’s all Mandalorians care about. Their clan and their people as a whole. I’ve neglected that part of myself for far too long. We had to hide to be safe. It made me angry. I told my dad I was going to leave the night before I did. He said no...I went anyway. It doesn’t matter what he thinks...not right now. I have to put what matters to me in this universe first.”
“Hmm...you sound a lot like a young jedi knight i used to know.” 
“Are you talking about Master Luke Skywalker?” You were getting excited now. 
“No...one of his students he took for a very brief period. You see the child was the same species as Master Yoda but he was already fifty years old. A relationship where a padawan is already older than their teacher? That...now that is strange.” Leia giggled to herself. 
Everytime you glanced at her all you could see were fragments of your own mother. You understood why everyone here adored her. Why she was in command whilst others who thought they deserved it, weren’t.
She was a mother through and through. Whether to her own child or not, you knew she didn’t realise this one fact alone. 
“You remind me of my buir. She has many similar features...not the same just, similar.” 
“I’m honoured you think of me that way Djarin. But I believe that there is an anxious pilot waiting for you in the hangar.” 
“Kriff! Thank you for the Caff General. It's a lot different to what I’m used to but it’s a welcome change.” Getting this out in one breath you bowed somewhat awkwardly before running out of the canteen. 
“Y’know you’re strange right?”
“Kriff!” Banging your head on the bottom of Poe’s X-Wing was not how you wanted this to pan out. 
“You’re annoying, did you know that?”
Watching his face was like observing a painting, depending on your interpretation and the angle the motions you saw were just-
“What...is that some weird curse word or somethin’?” 
“Uh! No, I mean, yes! I mean...maybe.” scratching the back of your neck, you attempted to soothe the bump that was forming there. That was going to be a little ray of sunshine to wake up to tomorrow morning. 
“Hey, let me take a look at that.” Turning around somewhat hesitantly. You let Poe take a look at your ‘wound’. 
“Yikes, looks like a lot of blood.” 
“I’m kidding. It was a joke to get you less stressed out...obviously it didn’t work.”
“Sorry...I’m just anxious, I guess.” 
“Wanna talk about it? My X-wing is in great shape right now by the way, my old mech checked her out before you shipped in. He was a great guy but...he was one of a handful we lost.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Hey it’s okay. Death is a part of life, unfortunately I learnt that at a tender young age.”
“What happened? ...if you don’t  mind me asking that is.” 
“...My mother, she was a pilot just like me. She fought for what she believed in and yet, she died anyway. It hurts but...I fight because of what my parents did.”
“No way! Me too! My parents took a back seat compared to what the resistance did back in the day but my Dad was a total badass and my mum...well, my mum was a slave.” 
The look of shock you saw on Poe’s face was something you mistook for awkwardness. 
“I’m sorry if I overstepped Captain Dameron.” 
“Nah, you did the complete opposite actually...we’re gonna spend a lot of time together for god knows how long so it’s good that we get the emotional baggage out of the way first.”
The smile he gave you made your knees turn to jelly. 
You didn’t know then how taken Poe already was with you, He thought you were cute, but he underestimated how much of a badass you really were. The knowledge of your parents though...he tucked that away for safe keeping right next to the ring that sat against his heart. 
Little did he know then how much emotional baggage you really had...
Although you admired your crew mates sometimes you wanted to rip off their kriffin’ heads. 
Everyone was stressed lately. All three of the golden trio had vanished, out of sight, out of mind. And to make matters worse, Leia was just as worried as you were. 
“Commander Djarin!”
“Poe!” Running to your best friend in the whole freaking universe, you wrapped him in the biggest hug you could muster. You had been so worried about him. 
“I missed you! I was so worried...I didn’t know what to think…” Shame and guilt crept into your very being as Poe stood before you, he was carrying a very solemn aura. Something bad had just happened. You could feel it all around you now. People were sobbing in the courtyard. 
Everyone was upset...but that could only mean-
“No...No, don’t you dare tell me she’s gone.”
“Y/N I’m sorry.” Poe was a mess, just like you.
He held you in his arms as you screamed in agony until nightfall. 
“I’m never gonna be good enough for this. Not like she was.” 
Hearing Poe go through the worst thing he had ever faced once again broke your heart tenfold. More than yours was breaking already. 
“Poe Dameron, you listen to me and listen well okay?” 
Every part of his being was hyper focused on you as you said these next words, it’s like you were commanding them into his brain. 
“Leia loved you. She may have never said it out loud but she said it in the ways any mother would. She was the mother of the resistance sure but she had a real soft spot for you after everything with...Ben.”
Comparing Poe to Kylo Ren was a painful business but everything about grief was painful, it made you focus on the good and the bad. 
“Family is more than blood. That’s what my father’s creed taught me. I will never forget it as long as I live. When this is all over and he’s not going to put a knife through my chest just for leaving I’ll introduce you. Hell, I’d drag you back to my home planet right now if i could...you would love it.” 
“I’m sure I would...Mesh’la.”
“...What did you just call me?”
“I got that right didn’t I? It’s not an insult, it’s a compliment? I thought it meant beautiful I was just guessing off interpretation I didn’t read any mmph-”
You had cut him off by slamming your lips onto his. Sure, it was inappropriate to make out in front of both your mother figure’s corpse but...you knew by now that many times she had told you to tell him how you truly felt when it came to war?
It was now or never. 
She had that with Han Solo and in the blink of an eye he had left. 
But Poe? Poe had been your constant throughout all of this, he loved you in ways you could only imagine and you loved him. Even if the kiss ended up not meaning anything...you knew you would never regret it as long as you live. 
“Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum Poe Dameron.”
“WHA- what, um, ahem, does uh, that mean?” You had flustered him, you felt pride in your very soul for doing that. 
But Damn if his tousled hair didn’t like so fine? Maybe it was the fact you had just clawed your fingers through it like the world was ending...but in a way it kind of was. 
“I will keep you in my heart forever...that’s the Mandalorian way of saying I love you Poe Dameron.” 
You leapt back at this, not the reaction you were hoping for. But it was so ardently Poe you couldn’t help the grin on your face. 
“What about it?”
“That’s your culture! Your language! That’s why you told me your father is such a bad-...ass”
“There a reason you’re just saying ‘ass’ to yourself, General?”
“Oh bantha fodder...I’m gonna have to ask for your father’s blessing to marry you by talking to a Mandalorian?” 
An audible gasp snapped him out of his stupor.
“You...you were gonna propose?”
“Of course.”
The painting had returned. The painting you kept in your heart and sang to every day. The one you comforted when he had nightmares, no matter how close to your body he was, you knew by that point your friendship was long gone. 
You had never put a label on it...but in a way, you had always been each other’s ‘one’.
And now...He was asking you to be his riduur?
“Leia convinced me. She said if I didn’t buckle up and saw what was right in front of me throughout this whole war. I would've killed myself over my love for you.” Confirming that he was in fact, in love with you, was a breath of fresh air. 
Even if the jungle you had been camped out in for months on end had changed your temperament you couldn’t help the tears welling up in not just your eyes but Poe’s as well. 
“Y/N Kuill Djarin. I love you so damn much it hurts to leave you every time I ran to that hangar. I knew everytime I left it could’ve been the last time and it scared me. Because who was I going to be if I never found my forever girl? My mom told me that much before she passed…” 
Shara Bey’s ring. The fact that he had carried the ring of his deceased mother around for years on end just to be close to her made your heart simultaneously sing and cry. 
Not only because the ring was now yours to keep. 
But so was the man who gave it to you. 
That night, before the final battle, your hearts beat as one.
You had won.
Everyone had celebrated, you both drank so much that when you woke up in bed together the next day, despite the crippling twin headaches, all the two of you could do was laugh. 
“I mean...if we think about logically it was only a matter of time before one of us pounced on the other?” You offered into the awkward harmony you had both fallen into. 
“Yeah but I just really wanna know...I didn’t hurt you right?” 
You had never told him, but Poe knew just by the way you had gotten up to get some water, despite the fact he was ready for round two almost instantly due to how the sheets bunched and fell from your figure, that you were a virgin. 
But just from the simple process of illumination of what little you had told him of your life before the Resistance or BP he liked to call it (before Poe), you preferred BB (before Beeps), he knew you had never been in a relationship. Not properly anyway. 
Not with him. 
In a way the thought of being your first filled him with joy...but every time he had imagined it he had expected to be a gentleman, rose petals, lilies, gods, any flowers he could’ve found in that blasted rainforest would’ve been perfect! 
What he didn’t understand was how the drink had addled his brain so drastically that he had just pounced like a feral animal on his precious girl. He wanted to take your innocence on your wedding night (Your engagement hadn’t yet been announced to the Resistance as you both wanted to wait for the onslaught of weddings to die down before the wedding of the century was even announced so in a way, your relationship as fiance’s technically still didn't exist). 
And yet...you realised something during the haze and the blur of everything Poe and you last night. 
You had made a new home here, a life for yourself...and it was good. 
You had done exactly what your parents did and more.
So of course you were emotional. I mean, you two hadn’t even used protection!
Although...you didn’t share this with Poe the thought of a little version of you and him growing within you? It set your heart on fire. So when you kissed him with the passion of a thousand thunderstorms, you didn’t hesitate to return the favour of last night...and then some. 
Shuffling into the cantina had never felt so awkward in all of your three years here. You were 21 years of age now. People hooked up all the time and it’s not like you broadcasted your virginity to anyone here.
That was until the green bundle of joy himself practically flew into your arms. 
“Ad’ika?!” Your exclamation panicked Poe, his hand immediately going to your waist as he inspected the creature wrapped around your neck. BB8 whirled in Ad’ika’s wake, circling the figure of 8’s around the both of you. 
“What, they did?” Ad’ika looked up at you like you had grown three heads. Sure, he looked like a kid. But he was now roughly 90 years old. He was a fully grown child now. You still blushed like a little girl apparently as he continuously giggled into your neck.
“Not important right now buddy. Where are our buirs?” You muttered tearfully. Today had turned into a whole other kind of day. 
“C’MON GUYS HURRY UP I’VE NEVER SEEN A REAL LIFE MANDALORIAN BEFORE!!” Seeing friends of yours running past only to be met with the vision of your buirs brought you the relief that no bacta patch (or in this one specific case casual sex???) could ever give. 
Your mother was vision as always and Poe confirmed it.
“Y/N...I knew the day I first met you that you were beautiful but the fact that your mother looks almost exactly like you right now scares me.” 
“Poe, whatever you do don’t say anything inappropriate around my Da, he won’t appreciate it, at all.” 
Even though you were smiling like crazy, Poe knew you were being deadly serious. You didn’t want anything to ruin today. 
Besides, there was only one reason your buirs were wearing their armor once more. Your father was wearing all of his Mandalorian armor, scuffed and slightly dusty with age (he had clearly left in a hurry) but your mother was wearing her long forgotten robes. Once she was planning on giving to you one day. You realised she looks a lot like Rey right now. 
The dark saber she carried at her side confirmed it. 
But her eyes meeting yours from across the room as she spotted her daughter reunited with your son, caused both you and Poe to tear up once more as she grabbed her Riduur’s hand. 
“Excuse us.” Polite as always, she waited for no one as she made her way to you and only you as she almost tripped over poor Beeps in the process. 
You both laughed a similar laugh that any one around would recognise. It was like Leia had come home but you all knew she was gone...she was never truly gone. She lived on through each and everything the resistance had touched. 
Including you...and Poe.
Din and your mother.
Ad’ika...and Luke Skywalker.
Your mother the day she killed Moff Gideon with a light saber that she did not know she had the untaught skills to possess.
It was like strings were tangling and wrapping and strangling…
Except it was beautiful.
“We missed you so much Ad’ika.”
Looking into the eyes of your buir, his scarred and worn face now riddled with crow’s feet from the happiness you had placed there. 
It was home. 
Drums beating. Heart pounding. Numerous friends and family to you and to Poe squabbling over what hairstyle you would wear. 
Today was the big day. Surprisingly you had announced it a week ago. 
After everything that had happened, when your father showed up, Poe asked right on the spot if he could marry you. Not caring that he had to prove himself in the trials of Mandalore. 
In his heart he had become one with your clan. He had become a son in your father’s eyes, another foundling that had just found his way here. 
“I know men aren’t technically allowed to be in the chamber, but I just had to meet my future daughter-in-law before the big day.” Your breath catching in your throat, your eyes met those of a man you recognised.
Although you had never met it’s like you had a scrapbook in your mind or all the stories, all the little details of what Poe’s Dad looked like. 
He was more handsome than you originally thought, but that was a given seeing as it was the exact same as when you met Poe himself. 
“Surprisingly...not at all.”
“Poe...wanted me to give you this.”
A glance of the ring gave you a flicker of a moment of self-doubt. He would never have his own Dad break things off...would he? 
“Don’t worry. It’s a family thing you know, for father’s to give away their daughter’s. I asked your mother but I had no idea that she was from the tribe of many mothers.” Giggling to yourself at that line, you realised where you had got your spirit from. 
Leia was here with her own family today, you could feel it in your bones.
“It’s sweet of you to ask at all when we have never even properly met.” 
“Ah, you’re wrong there, in a way we have. Poe told me so much about you I began to cry before the wedding even started. Good thing he told me at the bachelor party.” 
Raising an incredulous brow at him, you wondered a silent question. 
“It was just me and him for most of the night before drinks with his friends. Don’t worry, Poe’s not that kind of man.” Smiling to yourself, you knew he was right. You also knew this meant Poe had a terrible influence of friends. You loved them all. Of course Poe asked Finn to be his best man and you asked Rey to be your maid of honour.
They wanted everything to be perfect. 
Although a week made everyone go a bit stir crazy. Someone even came up with the rule that as long as we were all staying on this damn jungle planet. We might as well have a week in between each one to plan. 
You can’t remember how many bridezillas had attacked you over Poe Dameron in your dreams. 
In reality everyone was happy for you, in their minds, if they thought about it you were the perfect match for Poe in each and every way. 
Wait ‘til they found out how short the actual ceremony was. 
“Anyway, Shara, god's rest her soul, would’ve given you this if she were here, but I’m here to tell the tale so I’m giving it to you to wear on the chain she gave him when he was little.”
Feeling tears well up in sympathy for the father and son duo, you couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m getting married so I need to know. How did you ever learn to cope with the pain of losing someone that close to you?”
“Simple...I didn’t. Poe was angry for years. Not just at the world but at the system. It’s why he felt he had no choice but to become a spice runner. The system wouldn’t let him win and he was exhausted from the guilt and the grief. I couldn’t bring myself to reprimand him.” 
Remembering something your mother said to you long ago...you knew you had to tell your future father in law something that had been on the backburner for the last few days of preparation. 
“There’s one small detail in all of this that you should know Kes.”
“What’s that…”
“...I’m pregnant.”
“Goodness! How? Wait no, I know how what I meant was when?”
“About a month ago now?” It was before my parents' surprise visit and Poe dropped the bomb on everyone that he intended to marry me. 
“Let me guess, he asked for your Dad’s blessing?”
“Think of them as an early wedding present.”
“Thanks. Although at least this means I can get out of consummating the marriage.” Laughing nervously, Kes was about to say something else when the door creaked open once more. 
“Hi Dad.” 
“Um..sorry but I’m guessing your Poe’s father Kes?” 
“Yeah, Heard a lot 'bout you and your daughter over the years.” 
Smiling to yourself, you let them chat as your Mother crept from behind your father’s ceremonial cape (It had a red inner lining and fur lining the top, don’t ask) She looked just as radiant as you did. 
“My daughter.” 
“Hi Mum.” 
“Did none of your friends fix up your hair?”
“We couldn’t decide on a style…”
Sadly you knew your time to prepare was drawing to a close, you needed to be as ready as you were when repairing the X-Wings.
“How about...I do your hair like my mother did for me?” 
Tearing up at the mention of your grandmother, god's rest her soul, you wished she were here to see this. 
“Please.” ---
Poe was nervous. No doubt. Finn was panicking and Rey wasn’t helping with all the screaming and waving around the chairs and tables she was doing by abusing the force just to get things done quickly. 
Today...was a mess.
But it was the best kind of mess. 
Jokingly, Finn had put a bow tie made for large Loth Cat’s around Beep’s neck. Poe had agreed that he had never looked so dapper. What they didn’t expect was your Dad’s distaste for droids and his dry humor. 
Poe knew why though, so he didn’t get angry or throw a fit like the first time you met BB8 and was scared to shit. 
It was strange that you had never met a proper droid before that day. 
And wow, now he was marrying you. Time flew, so quickly. 
To break the ice Poe had asked Din the story behind Ad’ika. In a quick attempt to get to his daughter before the ceremony took place, people filing in as he talked and avidly listening, he told the story of how he had come across the beauty that was/is your mother, how he met Ad’ika, how he had saved his life. Why Poe had discovered the secret tattoo of a mudhorn on your back. One that you had received from your Auntie Cara Dune you added fondly. 
Who he would be meeting for the first time today. 
The jungle had never looked so beautiful. You had both decided that the wedding would take place around dusk on the last night of summer, when it was not too humid and yet hot enough that the ceremonial wear had to be adapted to the heat. 
Din had graciously warned Poe about Mandolorian traditional wedding dresses and how your mother had worked night and day to make your dress perfect. Poe quickly learned that your mother was a jack of all trades. 
This was his family now. Forever and always. 
A crescendo began as the miscellaneous Mandalorians dotted around the room beat the traditional drums to a high and demanding tune, light glinting off their multi-coloured helms dancing in the setting sunlight. With the Fur pressing against Poe’s throat he had jokingly said he looked like a king. 
When Din answered back saying since he was a clan leader he technically was choked on his own spit. 
Her fiance, the love of his life, had been a princess in disguise this whole freaking time. 
It stuck in the back of his mind as the music grew too demanding, but as gasps filled the room he couldn’t help looking up. 
Your mother was walking you down the aisle, your dresses looking not so similar yet similar enough that anyone and everyone knew you were one and the same, yet different. 
But you, Gods above, you. 
You looked like a princess. 
Beskar cladded your upper arms, two feathers decorated your hair, matching braids flowing down your neck as your squeezed your mother’s arm in excitement upon spotting your future Riduur. 
You had both made it out alive. And happy. 
Not everyone had been so lucky, but you were doing this for them. To keep their memory alive. 
And as Poe attempted to make love to you that night and you jokingly told him that traditionally you can’t touch the bride for another week if she has already fallen pregnant.
Let’s just say he got a matching bruise on his head from the first time you met.
Yeah, it was a mess.
But you were both finally home.
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userpoe · 3 years
Good morning 🙂
I just stumbled upon your tags about the SW sequels and Doctor Who AU and now I can't stop thinking about the beautiful chaos that would ensue with Poe and Eleven in the Tardis (I bet the Tardis would totally find a way to roll her eyes at these two adorable idiots...)
But I also can't stop imagining how these two would just “get” each other? Like, they both care so much and so deeply about everyone, they refuse to accept that they simply can't save everyone, they both feel like they carry the weight of the universe on their shoulders and then there are all those feelings of guilt about things that they either have no control over or that weren't their fault in the first place 😥
And then there is the image of Poe giving the Doctor one of his special Poe Hugs while he tries to reassure the Doctor that he did the best that he could while, at the same time, Poe most likely wouldn't stop blaming himself if the Doctor said the same to him 🥺
Also, to end this ask on a little less sad note, here is a Poe Hug for you 🥰
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Now this was the best thing to find waiting for me when I woke up this morning. A Doctor Who and Sequels AU has been on my mind for about two weeks now and honestly, any way I twist it, it's just absolutely glorious. What I wouldn't give for a Doctor Who-esque shenanigan filled adventure with one Poe Dameron, honest to god.
I'm convinced that the TARDIS would absolutely try to peace out or the cloister bells (aka the TARDIS' panic button) would start ringing the second Eleven and Poe tried to team up. She would not be having any part of it! She'd take (1) look at Poe and just be like "nuh uh, I've already got one maniac pilot with a penchant for crashing and boisterously orange flight suits causing trouble and bringing home strays I DO NOT NEED A SECOND ONE -"
But you're absolutely right, Eleven and Poe would get along like a house on fire. I've put a lot of thought into their similarities, even before I started my sporadic rewatch of Eleven's era and just started finding a frankly astonishing amount of parallels between the two of them. They would get each other for exactly every single thing you already listed, and also the fact that the same exact thing drives them both: the Doctor's promise ("never be cruel, never be cowardly, never give up, never give in) just rings so, so true for Poe and his motivations, too.
But also! They both hide behind very, very similar facades. Eleven is very chipper, energetic and bright-eyed; he's the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams...but if you pay enough attention to him, you'll see what his infectious smiles and laughs hide: how sometimes those smiles don't quite touch those tired, ancient eyes. How he's filled to the brim with self-loathing, how he'll never touch a gun but never question how far he's willing to go to save the world and especially his loved ones, because good men don't need rules, and Eleven has so, so many.
And Poe hides behind a similar mask, too - which is lampshaded in the comics by Leia after they lose L'ulo. He's eager to jump to the next mission, to the next adventure, to throw himself into the cause and his commitment to it so he won't have to focus on his grief - and she cracks that 'everything's easy for Poe Dameron, right?' And god if that's not something Poe clings to! He has an infectious smile and bright-eyes, he's always the optimist, the one inspiring others and boosting morale, supporting and encouraging them but anyone paying close enough attention could spot that not every smile reaches his eyes - how damn exhausted he looks, how he looks like one more catastrophe might just be the thing to push him over the brink of hopelessness and he won't come back from that.
You know the line from Marina's "Oh No!" where it goes "I always feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best"? Yeah, that's Eleven and Poe (I actually have a lot of thoughts on the contrast of how this presents itself in them both too but this is already getting long so I'm putting a pin in it for now).
Oh dear god, the sheer visual of a hug between Eleven and Poe is just...pulling on every single heart string I have. I need art of that desperately. My two boys....my raggedy man and my flyboy...
Danke for the Poe Hugs, those are always welcome 😌
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tintinwrites · 5 years
sweet mystery of life | Poe Dameron x Reader
Request: “Slow, passionate sex with poooooe with giggling and jokes and just general goofiness” - Anon
A/N: Is this silly and passionate enough IDK
Rating: M
Warning: Smut. Naughty words. Poe and reader are a wee bit tipsy. The silliest banging you may have read.
Word count: 1,362, apparently!!
Summary: You and Poe are slightly drunk, but that means you have even more fun in the bedroom.
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You were giggling softly between the little kisses Poe was pressing to your lips, and he was smiling at how adorably tipsy you were from the one shot of firewhiskey you'd had.
Neither of you were drunk by any means, but you were definitely very happy.
Poe continued kissing you as he searched blindly to open the door to his quarters and not realizing you were pressed up against the door; he fell onto the floor of the room with a soft yelp and you were on top of him, laughing still.
He laughed as well, admiring the sweetness in your eyes as you looked at him from your position like he was the most amazing thing in the galaxy.
"Is this your way of saying that you're falling for me, sweetheart?"
"Oh, shush," you moved off him, reaching a hand down to pull him to his feet.
He might have stumbled into you on purpose, pressed his hips tight against yours where you could feel his hard cock.
You were kissing him, moving towards the bed and hitting a lamp on an end table.
Its crash didn't even register to you, attention on Poe's fervent kisses down your neck as he laid you on the bed.
You laughed and screamed when he tugged down your top to suck hard on the side of your breast, leaving a dark mark. "I'm going to leave a mark on you for that!"
"My mark isn't in an obvious place. Or I certainly like to believe it's not." He pulled your top over your head, placing a kiss on your nose.
"I admit, I've been showing my breasts to someone else." You held onto his soft curls as he pressed amorous kisses down your side to your hip.
"Tell me who you're showing them to."
"He's tall...he's quite aesthetically pleasing...and pretty smart...as shiny as stars..."
"Who is this? I'm an understanding guy, but I might have to kill him."
"I've found a secret lover in C-3PO."
Poe had taken your pants off and was brushing his nose against the hem of your underwear, but soon pressed his face against your thighs as his shoulders shook with loud laughter.
You tried to pretend, but your words were laced with laughter. "Why should my great love affair with C-3PO be funny to you?"
"I can't believe that annoying piece of metal seduced my girlfriend away from me."
"Don't be mean to my lover."
He pinched your thigh lightly and you yelped.
Then he sucked on you through your underwear, looking up at you curiously when your moans mixed with laughter. "What?"
You said a few nonsense words as you tried to speak between laughs and he smiled lovingly at your absolute joy since your breathless giggling was one of his favorite sounds.
Waiting for you to be able to tell him what was funny between your giggles, he pulled your underwear off of you and started to undress himself.
"I was...I was thinking about...what if you...imagine 3PO's confusion if you stormed to him all angry about him having an affair with me."
"You're ridiculous." He moved to you with his pants open, kissing you rather firmly.
"Am I really?"
"Of course you are."
"But I'm your ridiculous."
"That...does not really make any sense, honey."
"That I'm all yours?"
"Sometimes that doesn't really make any sense to me either."
He didn't respond to your furrowed brow, pushing off his pants and moving onto the bed next to you.
It was on top of you with your legs tight around his waist that he acknowledged your confusion, kissing along your hairline.
"This human being with gorgeous hair is mine." He kissed your eyelids. "Beautiful eyes." Your nose. "Perfect nose." Your lips. "Kissable mouth." Your neck. "Soft skin." Your breasts. "What have to be the most amazing breasts on any planet there is." He pushed your legs apart to run his lips across your thighs. "These thighs are soft enough to be pillows." And then he looked at you, running his tongue along your slit from your entrance to your clit. "The tastiest, warmest pussy I could ask for."
You moaned, pushing his shoulders for him to sit across from you and kissing each body part of his that you loved. "Your hair is perfect whether you've fixed it or you've slept on it." You kissed almost every inch of his face. "You're the most beautiful man in existence." His arms were kissed. "These are strong and hold me." His hands. "I love when these touch me." His chest. "Wonderful to sleep on." His thighs. "Fun to grab onto." You gently sucked on the tip of him, licking your lips when you pulled away. "And a cock that could have a bantha's thighs gaping."
Poe might have been looking at you with very dazed eyes, but then he was laughing like you had been as he tried to tell you something.
You smiled, kissing his bottom lip. "What's funny now, Dameron?"
"We need to stop talking now, baby." He was still laughing when he pushed you softly down onto the mattress, face against your neck.
"I like your voice!"
With your legs around his waist, he knew the perfect way to shut you up was to push into you.
You gasped, he moaned, and you were both shutting up, but Poe remembered how much he loved you in his tipsy mind and began kissing all over your face.
He really did love your little giggles.
You pressed your nose to his to let him know you wanted more, and he started a hard pace against you.
There was a bang and then you were gasping in a way he didn't enjoy as much, grabbing onto your head where it had smashed against the wall.
He panicked, attempting to pull away and staring at you like you were entirely crazy when you pulled him back.
"I'm okay. I'm good! Little bump. You were too fast. Go slow. Sloooow." You squished his face and moved to stroke his shoulders.
"Okay, baby."
He pushed in and out of you at a delightfully slow pace; you moaned every time he'd push back in, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He turned his head to kiss your wrist, then continued kissing until his lips met yours.
"Please touch my clit?"
"Like I'm gonna deny that plea." His hand moved between you to rub little circles on your clit, pressing on it to watch you squirm.
"That it?"
He knew you were in sheer bliss when all your words were yes and there, rubbing on your clit a little faster.
You grabbed his wrist much to his confusion. "Love me."
"I do love you."
"Do only that then."
Poe furrowed his brow, but moved his hand away from you and continued his slow pace.
It was when your moans were even louder that he realized you were getting off from being fucked alone, and he almost came in you right then.
Your hand tangled in his hair when he pressed his face into your neck and then your mouth was falling open and your back was arching and he knew you were about to come.
You clenched around him like he knew, hips bucking up against his beautifully, and he was whining like an idiot against your neck as he allowed your own orgasm to spur his own.
He collapsed onto you, kissing along your jaw. "I love you, baby."
"Love you." You turned your face to press your cheek against his.
"I love when you're full of my come, when you ask with those sweet hips of yours for me to fill you up."
"Stop or I'm gonna want to do it again."
"And when your pussy tightens around me and I know your brain is all happy."
You patted his arm and he rolled off, pulling you against him to spoon you.
And you loved each other too much to care that you were both sweaty or that you both definitely had come between your legs and on your thighs, falling asleep with Poe's arms tight around you and your hands stroking his.
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prettyinpymtech · 4 years
Did I Mention
Part 1
Poe Dameron x Princess!Reader
Summary: Poe refuses to agree with General Organa’s decision when she invites royalty to advise the Resistance. Despite his protests, Leia trusts him with her safety during an undercover mission. Maybe there’s a chance to change his misgivings of their new guest.
A/N: Please let me know what you think of this, it’s my very first fic and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing! This chapter is just a glimpse of the relationship between Poe and reader before they are sent undercover. Also wanted to add that you may recognize a particular scene that was inspired by The Princess Diaries 2.
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Unpredictability was an indulgence unfamiliar to a princess.
Despite your best efforts, however, you soon learned the Resistance only recognized the unpredictable nature of the galaxy. 
Months had been spent to ensure every proper detail was considered but, as you watched the conference room dissolve into chaos, you knew there would be no chance to salvage what remained of your plan.  
The only individual who could provide some form of calm was General Organa, but even she was starting to lose her patience with the current situation at hand.
“What is he doing?” she muttered.
It didn’t take long to realize who she was referring to.
Poe Dameron had met your arrival with opposition, questioning the need for royalty to oversee the operation of the Resistance. The two of you had shared more than enough quarrels to create unease between all of the commanding officers. He concentrated his attention on your inexperience, but failed to recognize your dedication to their cause after witnessing the cruel reign of the First Order during a diplomatic mission to a nearby system.
Sensing Leia’s distress, you held her hand in a careful attempt to provide consolation. According to your mother, a princess was required to place the needs of others before her own and you would do all that was necessary to encourage General Organa’s efforts.
You wished you could lose your temper in front of everyone. You wished you could scream and cry after another failure. But that luxury was not yours to have, and so you continued your attempt to center your thoughts to something more optimistic.
Perhaps you were being too juvenile, the mission would surely be a success with Black Squadron leading. Perhaps…
“They’re back!” shouted a communications officer beside you.
Any reasoned thought you had formed was immediately silenced once the announcement was made. You hurried out of the conference room and went in search of the pilot who had disobeyed your orders.
You found him among a crowd of adoring fans congratulating him for accomplishing the task, much to your dismay.
“Commander Dameron!” you shouted.
Poe rolled his eyes when he heard your voice and begun to walk away with BB-8 trailing behind, forcing you to follow at a reckless pace.
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Do you have any idea how many lives you could have risked? I thought we agreed you would stick to the plan?”
Poe turned around at your statement.
“We agreed?”
“Doesn’t sound like me, princess.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Poe rolled his eyes and continued his search for General Organa, forcing you to follow him once again.
“Would you at least listen to me?”
“I did. You said to get the information and we did.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what am I missing, Your Highness?”
Exhausted by his remarks, you pressed ahead and stopped in front of him. “Commander Dameron, you are the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.”
The interruption of General Organa stopped Poe from forming a response.  “What’s going on here?”
Turning to Poe, you were outraged to find he had the audacity to present a charming smile in her direction.
“We got the information you needed, General,” he proudly stated. “Just like we promised.”
Unable to hide your anger, you stepped on Poe’s foot.
Was it childish? Yes.
Did you regret it? Not really.
But he had an uncanny ability to test your patience and, after weeks of disagreements, you had finally lost any power to control your temper.
BB-8 let out a series of angry beeps and rolled forward, demanding an explanation for hurting his friend. Poe stopped him before he could follow your retreating form and turned to General Organa, rubbing his foot.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, commander.”
Poe sighed and followed Leia into her office. Once the doors closed, an uncomfortable silence settled in the room.
“We got the information you needed.” Poe repeated.
Leia frowned at his words.
“Any casualties?”
He avoided her gaze.
“Poe, you had no right to question Y/N. She’s spent weeks collecting information to ensure we walked out of that mission unscathed.”
Poe didn’t respond.
It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate your effort, he could admit you were extremely gifted in your skills. But Poe had met enough senators and dignitaries to inspire a growing amount of distrust in their ability to help those who needed it most.
“I’ll give this information to Connix,” she continued. “Hopefully something good will come out of it.”
Knowing it was time to take his leave, Poe nodded and walked out of her office.
Stepping outside, he found BB-8 eagerly waiting for him in the corridor. Letting out a chuckle, Poe scratched the droid’s round body and allowed his thoughts to return to you.
Despite any doubts he had about you and your plan, he knew he owed you an apology. The problem was, you were both incapable of having a polite conversation.
He could never understand why he felt the need to argue with your ideas.  Poe recalled a time when he had confessed to his friends he found you distracting, though he wasn’t entirely sure why he had chosen that particular word to defend his doubts.  
Poe was quickly snapped out his thoughts when BB-8 beeped in concern. “It’s nothing, buddy. Come on, let’s get some rest.”
Apologies were rehearsed silently but, after he allowed exhaustion to precede his motivation, Poe decided no amount of gracious pretense would resolve your contentious relationship.
The two of you would most definitely never get along and there was nothing that could be done to prove him wrong.
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happybeeps-nat · 4 years
Fluff #2 and kisses #21??? Canon verse if possible???? If not tho modern works :)))
Excited Kisses, "You're so adorable!" (post-ROS)
Poe could spend hours just looking at Finn. Has in fact done so already, but that's details. Details everyone on base was aware of, including Finn himself. They were adults, they were fighters in a war, they could talk about their feelings for maker's sake! They've done that a lot of times, Poe knew how Finn felt about him and he had made sure Finn knew as well. Life was too short, war was too unpredictable to keep these things to yourself. Everyone was on the same page there. 
But they couldn't be more. Not until they could fully be in the first place. And they agreed on that, too. It was easy like that with Finn. 
So he knew Poe loved him, in a way, but there was no time for anything more than knowledge. Words and feelings had to suffice until after, when they could have a chance, a real chance, for the first time ever. There were actually many people on base who did the same, who fought first and loved second.
That didn't make it easy, though. That didn't make the thought of going out there for the big fight any easier. The thought of him being up there in his X-Wing and Finn being down there with Jannah and the rest, being the hero he's always been to Poe. Knowing that some of them might not make it back. 
But it was never about being easy. It was always about being. So he walked up to Finn who was securing his blaster holsters, checking his ammo and grenades with a tactical precision Finn would probably never get out of his system. 
"Good luck out there," Poe said quietly. 
Finn turned to him a genuine smile only vaguely overshadowed by fear and determination. "Thanks, man. You, too!"
They looked at each other for a moment before Poe threw caution and principle to the wind and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Finn in a tight hug. 
Finn's reaction was immediate and he burrowed his face in the crook of Poe's neck to breathe him in. He was in his flight suit that probably smelled stale and sweaty and of adrenaline from ages ago, but that didn't stop Finn. It touched Poe in a way he couldn't describe. 
"Come back to me," Poe whispered and dared to press a soft, lingering kiss against Finn's cheek before burying his face against his shoulder again. 
Finn's arms tightened around him, impossibly tighter, trying to get even closer to Poe, not ready to let him go anytime soon. Poe could relate. 
"I will if you come back to me first," Finn answered, sounding a little breathless here, but maybe that was just because the hug was crushing both of them in the best way. Poe's heart was feeling weird, it was racing and he felt light like he was nosediving his X-Wing, but he wasn't. That was all Finn. And the little kiss. 
He really didn't want to let go. He wanted to quip, wanted to make light of the situation they were in, but he couldn't. This was serious. This was important. 
So he pulled back and looked Finn in the eyes. "Okay, I promise." He dared to press another kiss against Finn's cheek, this one lighter, secret, like the promise he'd just made. 
"And then I get more of this?" Finn asked, his voice no more than a whisper, not needing to be more than a whisper because they existed in their own little bubble while beings around them prepared for take-off to a battle they were not prepared for. 
Poe nodded, looking down at Finn's lips involuntarily, and smiled. "Yeah, absolutely." He felt just as breathless as Finn sounded. He would never understand that, how it was so easy for Finn to steal his breath, but he was certainly not complaining. 
And so, with one last hug, they parted. They went to battle. And they returned. 
At first, there was no time for more, because everything happened at once, and everyone was so happy, and everyone demanded each of their attention elsewhere and so for most of the day after the Battle of Exegol, they didn't get the chance to talk. Or do anything else. 
And then there was a party, and everyone was celebrating with an abundance of stories and alcohol and Poe found himself enraptured by a story Lando told of the old Rebel days, stories of himself with Luke, Leia and Han. And he found himself smiling again, and then he thought about smiling, and then about being happy, and then, inevitably, about Finn. 
Finn. Where was Finn? 
Poe got up from where they were all sitting in a circle on the ground, a few bottles of strong liquor making the rounds but Poe hadn't felt like getting drunk. He didn't want to spoil this. He didn't wanna risk forgetting the most victorious day of his existence. He wanted, needed, to stay sober for his own sanity. 
And he wanted, needed to find Finn. 
"Poe!" came the voice of the man he so desperately wanted to wrap around and hold tight until the end of time. 
He turned around, knowing his face was already lighting up like a supernova. "Finn!"
The other man had a huge smile on his face as he came towards Poe, his steps sure, just a little off, which told Poe that Finn had been drinking. For some reason that made him really happy, because Finn had never really liked drinking, he had always been on the lookout, ready to dive back into a fight, ready to lead, ready to not be intoxicated for his own pleasure and risk a few lives including his own. 
And how here he was, tipsy, because they had won. For once, they could do this! 
By the time Finn reached him, he was laughing. Excited, elated, absolutely ecstatic, and Poe couldn't help but laugh along with him. 
"Come with me," Finn said and took Poe's hand, walking straight past him with a slightly staggering step, and led the way outside where the cool air of the night greeted them with a very welcome change. 
Poe took a deep breath, aware that his hand was still firmly gripped by Finn's. He didn't dare move, he didn't dare speak, he just looked at Finn and breathed. Like he had done for years. 
Before he could release the breath that was straining his lungs, though, Finn turned around and kissed him. Actually, really kissed him. His aim was a little off just like his steps, but that didn't matter, because in no way was Poe wrong about this. Finn was kissing him. 
Not deeply, not for long, because he immediately pulled back and grinned at Poe. "I get to do that now. Right?" He was a little breathless. "You promised that we could, that I could kiss you, and I really wanna keep doing that, so-"
Once Poe's brain finally caught up, he leaned in and shut Finn up with a kiss of his own. A small peck to his lips, a yes in every sense of the word, a promise made and a promise kept. 
"Good," Finn said before moving in again, kissing him, pouring all his happiness, his joy and excitement into these little gestures. Little, yet still bigger than Poe felt he deserved. 
A peck. A lingering kiss that Finn tried to deepen but he had to pull away to smile at Poe, to laugh, and to go back in for the next kiss, chuckling all the way through, and Poe couldn't think of a moment in his life where he had been more filled with absolute love like his love for Finn in this moment. His love for the both of them and what they could be, because this sentiment reached further than either of their existence. He wasn't only in love with Finn but with everything they could ever be. Being in love with Finn was like being in love with the stars. 
Finn kissed him. And kissed him and kissed him, his fingers tangled in Poe's clothes and then cradling his face. He was trying to be serious, trying to sober up, but he couldn't quite get there. And Poe didn't mind, because for the first time ever, Finn was free. Really free. And what he chose to do with this freedom was kiss Poe Dameron. So all Poe could do was laugh along and kiss him back with matched enthusiasm, grab onto him, hold him, not ever let go of him. 
Finn laughed against his mouth, and so did Poe. "You're so adorable," Poe said eventually before pressing another kiss to Finn's lips, his nose, his cheek, then his lips again, his heart beating its way out of his chest and right into Finn's. 
"Let me," Finn chuckled, finally managing to stay away from Poe's numb lips for a second and went in for a hug, just holding onto Poe for a moment. "I'm glad you're alive. And that I'm alive and that I get to do this. Let me be adorable for once, I've never been that." 
"Oh, that's a lie, you've been plenty adorable," Poe countered, moving one hand up and down Finn's back. 
"Yeah?" Finn asked, a little unsure there. 
"Oh yeah. Like that time we escaped and you shot those Ties? Peak adorableness the way you don't hold back on your emotions. And the way you look at your friends. At me. And the way you kiss. Adorable. It's all you, and it's adorable, and I-" 
Finn's lips were on his again, stronger this time, deeper, longer. He was cradling Poe's face again and Poe never wanted to lose Finn's warm hands on his cheeks, his warm lips, his dark eyes. He wanted to stay in this moment a bit longer. 
So they did.
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