#poemi (mogeko)
percyhuepsy · 6 months
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Day 19
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vofenick · 1 year
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Old Drawing i still like,,, Its inspired by that Lucky star Screenshot,,,
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lxvermachine · 2 days
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muffinandcream · 1 year
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They're taking a lil stroll
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ledhomeonhigh · 1 year
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Funa Fall Week 2 -Bats
Title: Going Batty Rated: G for General Characters: Licorice, Ivlis, Emalf, Poemi, Pooch
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50232730
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kandyrezi · 2 years
*Ahem* May I request scenarios yandere demons from Ivlis’s world being possessive of their darling?
scenario: yandere! flame demons being possessive over their darling.
(tw: suggestive themes, mild blood)
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If he was at his breaking point before, now he really snapped when he saw the object of his infatuation after a long absence, yet the outward appearance has his blood boiling. Hickeys and bruises adorned your neck as the loose sweater slipped past your shoulder, exposing your collarbones and even more mysterious (not likely) marks. His hair burned a dangerous mix of red and amber, anger so blazing it could threaten to turn anyone to dust if he so desired.
“Where… the hell— what have you been doing?!”
He didn’t have the right to even ask when you weren’t a possession to own— not before he was about to make you into one, evidently when he shoved you down and your back met the plush mattress of his chambers as you yelped from the amount of force he was using, trapping you right where you couldn’t escape.
“You are mine! Only mine! No one else can touch you!”
The edges of his claws were sharp against the juncture of your throat. He wanted to scratch out the marks and leave his own imprints in place of them - there was little restraint in him left with nothing stopping him from ripping off the fabric covering the rest of your body and doing whatever he wanted to you.
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You may be strong physically, but Rieta is stronger - as a result, feels a surge of protectiveness over you; a precious gem to hold closely tucked away lest someone take it away by force.
In the eyes of some, you might be seen as tainted with the stained black halo and charcoal, scarred wings—but to her, you are perfection. A gem even with cracks and blemishes was still beautiful on its surface.
She places a kiss on your neck and all of her is so warm against your body. Her obsidian-like claws are large and could easily entrap you within their cage. Rieta’s hold on you is stronger and almost proprietorial, like you’d disappear if she let go. Huddled together in her room on the soft cushions of her bed and away from the prying eyes of other flame demons.
“You don’t have to worry... I shall never leave your side.”
Her words and touches were surely a telltale sign she intended to show she would keep her promise right here in her chambers as you allow yourself to be pushed down beneath her, both knees pressed snugly against your hips, her gaze filled with desire and wanting not going unnoticed.
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You were trying to shake the flame devil’s daughter off of your tail. She seemed to follow wherever you went. You don’t know why she was so eager for your attention, maybe Ivlis wasn’t giving her enough of it so she sought it elsewhere from someone else? And you just so happened to be the unfortunate victim and with more troubles around the Flame Underworld to deal with than before.
In amid of your venture to try to find a quiet corner to just relax a bit from your assigned duties and that relentless, hopeless pursuer of yours, you don’t concentrate on your surroundings— the feeling of sharp spikes clamping down on your ankle like that of a venus flytrap, the jolting pain causes you to fall down with a pained shriek.
Gritting your teeth as you search for the source of it, finding your leg caught in makeshift bear trap, immobilising your ability to move as blood seeps around the punctured area.
“You stupid buffoon...” you hear a familiar, girlish voice approaching you from above of where you lay, “I’m adorable, how can you not pay attention to me?” she asks, innocently tilting her head to the side as if she hadn’t just orchestrated nearly having your foot cut off.
“Don’t you dare try run away from Poemi again, okay, silly thing?”
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“I’m telling you this because you’re my best friend, okay?”
His hatred is child-like more than anything; explosive, ardent, and difficult to come down from. He’s passive thorough ramblings of your love troubles, arms crossed in dismissive stance and expression passive from mild annoyance. When you approached him initially, his heart had soared at the warmth of being referred to as such a close term of endearment - he could have gotten lost in your sparkling eyes any other time, but now, now - he can’t hold himself back, when with a step forward into your personal space does he snap—
“Why can’t you realize it already?”
Jealousy is an ugly emotion, he was once told, but what was he to do with this knowledge when he didn’t know how to rid himself of it, instead he continues to spew venomous words, “I don’t want to hear you going on about that person. I...” (‘I can care for and love you! Why can’t you see it?’)
Your joyful expression disappears and you look embarrassed then - and Licorice at that moment despises his inability to keep down parts of himself that did not ever need to be brought to surface.
“Oh—!” Eyes widening momentarily, you must realize you’ve been rambling on and on about your silly crush, you never realized he might not actually care, “I’m, u–uh, sorry, I’ll… I should stop bothering you and leave you alone then... excuse me–” you take a step back from him to leave, but in a moment of panic and realization does he grab ahold of your wrist— shocked at his own sudden actions, he slowly lets go when you look at him again (what he’d do just to keep your eyes only on him, not anyone else–).
“No, I didn’t mean it like… I… I don’t want you to leave.”
You’re momentarily confused, but then roll your eyes at the temperamental demon. “Don’t want this, don’t want that. Make up your mind on what you want then, Licorice.”
(‘What do they have that I don’t? Look at me, only me! Me!’)
Words fail him and he can’t bring himself to say it. But... then he would have to make up for it in the form of actions at some point before it would be too late with someone else taking you away from him.
...The empty, below ground cell inside the castle will work fine for that, he thinks.
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Emalf knew of this otherworldly demon who wouldn’t stop hassling you. It was a mistake visiting the Pitch Black devil’s world - now one of the locals at the bar wouldn’t back off no matter how many times you wouldn’t respond to his advantages. He seemed weak enough that Emalf could probably (nah, definitely, without effin’ doubt) knife him to send a friendly message. You were only his and he would set a reminder of it.
The back alley was dark and blocked off by some dustbins and broken two-wheeled vehicle parts. When trying to get ‘im off your trail didn’t work out when you tried to lose him in the alley, Emalf had taken it upon himself to finish off the job, no longer content with holding back on his jealousy and anger of seeing some stooge hanging off of you like a leech.
On the other end, you hear a pained yell, then a resounding thud a few seconds after, like a sack of meat falling over onto hard ground. It's not too off from the truth when you turn around to see your annoying pursuer there, except now he's...
The corpse (or was he just unconscious?) lay face-down on cold concrete, clothes stained with red, a long, deep cut on his waist leading most likely to his abdomen. Your head snaps up at the voice, the casting shadows of the two buildings make it hard to see what’s ahead of you, but you recognize the voice almost immediately.
“Babe, you know I’d do anythin’ for ya, right? If you'd wanted me to kill that guy so bad, you only had to say the word.”
He grins wide, showing dagger-sharp teeth.
"No worries now... I think he got the message after this, yeah?"
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(a/n: decided to add in licorice at the last minute since he TECHNICALLY is also a flame world demon, but vendetto doesn't get a place here until he gets his ass back home.)
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                 academia privada do mar profundo funamusea
ivlis: é meio burro e um pouco desajeitado, mas no fundo ele é muito sério e gentil. seu colega satanick está sempre o perseguindo, ele engravidou e acabou dando à luz, mas no final deu certo. como ele tem siralos como uma base sólida para seu coração ele é muito estável mentalmente.                                        “o bento que o senhor siralos fez é tão gostoso…”.
igls unth:  a irmã mais velha de ivlis. ela é muito carinhosa com seu irmão mais novo. tem peitos grandes. uma estudante de honra excepcional e membro do clube de kendo. ela não suporta baratas. se alguma coisa ameaçar seu irmãozinho, ela sacará duas espadas e os triturará na hora. ela é popular co
senhor siralos(papai):  mãe(pai) de ivlis e igls. um membro muito ativo do grupo de balé das mães. também trabalha como um ídol do sol “siralos-tan”. ele não é um pai superprotetor de monstruoso, mas um pai superprotetor piedoso      "hoje à noite vamos ter ensopado de carne, você está animado, certo?"
satanick: colega de classe de ivlis. originalmente apenas estava o estalkeando, eventualmente ele conseguiu se tornar o namorado de Ivlis (quase à força). ele é o líder de algum clube, e é chamado de “diabo/senhor diabo” por seus membros. “vídeos da b-ba-barata haaah haahh”
licorice:  a personificação do amor de ivlis e satanick. como ele quer ir para a mesma escola que sua mãe quando chega a hora da aula ele cresce.     “mãe, tem um grão de arroz grudado na sua bochecha.” “mamãe…”
fumus: o irmão mais velho do satanick. eles moram juntos em um apartamento barato não muito longe da escola. ele é o líder de um clube separado do de satanick. Ele usa os membros do clube (especialmente Taffy) como brinquedos. “o Taffy, lamba meu sapato agora mesmo."
taffy: o saco de pancadas de todos. ele é do tipo que deixa você **** ele se você pedi. se você não quer pedi, você também pode dar um soco nele que ele deixa. “uuuu…. por favor, vá com calma comigo…. dói... auuuhh..."
adauchi: criado pelas chamas de ivlis junto com poemi. já que ele está no meio de sua fase rebelde, ele está morando nos dormitórios. de alguma forma ele realmente gosta de seu pai. “….pai é um cabeça oca”
poemi: irmã mais nova de adauchi. ela seguiu seu irmão então ela também está nos dormitórios. “Estou com o irmão mais velho!” 
emalf: ele é o melhor amigo de Adauchi e amigo de infância. vivendo a vida do dormitório no quarto ao lado do Adauchi. Depois de perseguir a yosafire ele teve sua foto exposta no jornal da escola e sofreu extremo constrangimento.        “Por favor, não meus óculos de sol! Pare!"
kcalb e etihw: casal super amoroso (casados)                                                      “Eu sou a esposa dele♪” “……”
wodahs:  presidente do Conselho Estudantil, o irmão mais novo de Kcalb              ´´.....´´
grora: uma tábua, é calcinha é branca ´´uh presidente da escola!´´
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wadanohara:  amiga de infância de samekichi ela adora samekichi
samekichi:   amiga de infância de wadanohara ela adora wadanohara
aquela coisa branca:  irmão gêmeo mais velho de samekichi. embora samekichi o faça seu rosto ferver e vice versa ele se importa com seu irmão mais novo
meikai: pai de wadanohara ele é bom em cozinhar e no piano.
old: pai de meikai e sal um asalariado subordinado de meikai
tatsumiya:mulher de escritório colega de trabalho de old desde o começo
helica: chefe do comité disciplinar ela vai empalar qualquer infrator com uma furadeira. 
pulmo: assistente do chefe do comité disciplinar. flutuanteeee
met: chefe do comité de transmissão ela sempre pode ser encontrada grudada no comité do jornal
yonaka: apenas uma colegial comum. ocasionalmente se torna o deus do prosciutto membro do comité da biblioteca
mogeko defeituoso: amante da yonaka parece um bebê
shinya: Ele morreu alguns anos atrás enquanto transava. Às vezes ele aparece como um fantasma.
idate: nerd grosseiro que adora rocma. “senhorita urso polar......hahaha........”
rock: também conhecido como o pinguim das sobrancelhas. puto o ano todo talvez ele esteja menstruado?
shirogane: brinquedo de uma orca perdeu sua virgindade anal
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tarako: também conhecido como: o octo do alto fundo do mar
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cuentamuertaxd · 3 years
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Mogeko March 2022
Day 15: Siblings
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Super late-- sorry 🐌 but here they are!
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pinkb0letus · 3 years
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When I said I was going to post 2 months later I was serious LOL
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POEMI: Emalf, what do we do?!
EMALF [FRANTIC]: I don't know!
POEMI: But you're the oldest!
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lobaoms · 4 years
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I think about this at least once a week, I need the Forbidden Emalf Lore
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Poemi: Dad are you okay?!
Ivlis,crying: Yeah don't worry, I'm just cutting onions.
Poemi: Dad those are potatoes
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crunch-art · 4 years
horny poemi?
She may be-
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aily-art · 5 years
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Mogeko March, day 13: Childhood.
Adauchi and Poemi sleeping in a flower field. o,w,o
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funamusea4kids · 4 years
How was Lucious born?
Lucious was adopted by Ivan after some big old meanies left baby Lucious alone in a basket! He's now being raised by Ivan and his adoptive sister Polly!!!!
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- Mod Sirius
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ledhomeonhigh · 1 year
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Title: Eyes of the Beholder
Rated: M for Mature (mind the tags!)
Characters: Emalf, Poemi, Satanick, Ivlis
AKA Emalf dying inside XD
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