#poitive memes
dreamdropcompanions · 9 months
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memes!! with the star of teh show our darling Pawlette-!!
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I was always the very poitive and healthy lifestyle person. I live life in moderation, and was always very happy. Today, I struggle to be that person again. The past two years have been difficult, to say the least. My dad stopped talking to me for something that wasn't a reason to go that far, even though I tried many many times to communicate with him, to let him know my intent was not to hurt him. I had posted a meme on facebook about children from divorced families, and he took it as an attack on him. Then my kids stopped talking, both very stuborn, and one lives in another state. I had my daughters wedding to plan and officiate, knowing that my dad still wasn't talking to me, and my kids still were speaking. I started working out hard and eating lowcarb, lost a lot of weight and gained muscle. I felt great, but also looked a bit to thin, according to my daughter. The stress and emptiness was still high and strong, no matter how much I worked out. After the wedding, which was wonderful and amazing, after Christmas I got covid and lost my smell and taste. I then got bronchitis and then thrush. In March, I had a TIA while on a walk with my husband and dogs. That was absolutly the scariest thing! My brain felt like it short circuited and rebooted. I then got a severe dose of lock jaw, where I had to have surgery and then a series of injections in my face and skull. Today my jaw is almost healed, over 7 months later. Because of all this, I stopped woking out, I've been scared of having another TiA or worse, a full stroke. I'm speaking with my dad, but its not the same. My kids still aren't speaking, with hurts my heart. My life is good, my husband is amazing, and I have many animals that I love to take care of. I just wish I could get back to not being scared and live life freely again.
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alonehuntress · 6 years
there are too many to list so all the poitive meaning colours for the colour meme please minus rainbow for obvious reasons.
[Ya, I'm not listing them either, lol. Thank you though.]
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