askbookwormflareon · 9 years
[Varlaja] A Vulpix walks up to Honey, her fur showing signs of having been well-kept in the past but currently in a bit of a disarray. Falling out of the sky will do that to you. She clutches at the pendant she wore on a necklace around her neck as she asks, "Ah, excuse me, I heard you mentioning Pecha berry muffins. My friends are injured and I was wondering, did you happen to bring any Oran berry-derived food too?"
Honey lightly taps the handle on the basket of muffins. “I don’t think I have oran berries with me, but I do have some sitrus berry tarts-which should work much better. You can take as many as need, they’re at the bottom, sorry...”
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Never forget the Princess Bride raticate
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ask-netflixeon · 9 years
Movie Night
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I like movies and all, but, I haven’t actually met anyone here.. Oh.
*Chill the ‘Netflixeon’ has arrived at Arkani and Magnolia’s movie night!
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varlaja · 9 years
Chill: So who's this Zorua, anyhow?
Said Zorua was hiding behind the Buizel, his fur tensing up at the mention of himself.  Warily he peaked out from behind his friend and looked over the strangely red Sylveon.  “Is…  Is that paint?” he asked, clearly confused by Chill’s odd coloration.
“Ah…” Remembering that he had actually been asked something, he faltered for a moment before taking a gulp and stepping out from behind the Buizel.  A heavy-looking bag hung at his side supported by a strap that went around his left shoulder and neck before looping under his front left leg.  Opposite to that leg, around his right, a black bandana was wrapped tightly as if he was injured; yet from the way he walked, it didn’t appear there was any injury to hide there.
“It’s Tenebrae.  Come from a tribe up in Blackdell…  You ever been there?”
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askbookwormflareon · 9 years
Solace@Honey: Honey, was it? I would be delighted to try one of your muffins. I would have baked something myself, but I lack the tools to do so, and used the last of my currency during mewmas this year.
The shiny flareon frowned. “Oh nooooo, do you have enough food to last you for the rest of the year??? Here, take a few.” She pushed the basket closer. “If you need any help getting by the rest of the year, let me know ok?”
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Deckard@Ranger: "Great to see another Electric type out here. You looking forward to watching so many movies? I'm so excited I forgot to bring snacks!... But at least Lighter brought some."
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Ranger: You bet I am!! I’m really looking forward to all of them! There’s nothing better then staying up late watching movies with friends ;w; I brought snacks too, you can share with me if you’d like!
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varlaja · 9 years
An Arrival
The sound of talking fills the plains, Pokemon seeming to congregate from all directions onto the movie screen at its center.  Many of them seemed to recognize each other, clustering in groups and talking among themselves as friends would.
When the symbol in the sky began to form, most wouldn’t notice at first.  Perhaps psychic-types would be drawn to its radiance, waves of power washing off the crisp blue lines of light that were manifesting seemingly on their own.  First to form was an outer circle, then a slightly smaller concentric one inside that.  Curving lines formed through the interior of this second circle, connecting dots that popped into existence like stars in the sky.
It was when runes began to form in the ring between the inner and outer circle that the sigil began to audibly hum with its power.  The runes were in no identifiable language that the Pokemon below could identify, yet each was scrawled delicately by an invisible hand, each stroke connected and leading into the next.  Tension practically filled the air as the runes circled around, until at last the final rune connected to the first.
A wave of energy burst out of the sigil, light radiating from an unseen source.  The ring of runes began to rotate, spinning around the dots and curved lines within the sigil’s center.  Those too weren’t static either, however.  As the ring of runes spun, the shapes within the sigil began to change.  Dots moved and dragged lines along with them, much as stars would move over the span of weeks, months, even years.  The changes sped up the faster the circle of runes spun, until a surprisingly loud booming noise rang out and echoed across the plains, all movement in the sigil suddenly stopping.
All at once the sigil exploded, shards of light seeming to scatter across the plains, harmlessly dissipating as they hit below.  For a moment a rift in space was visible, and for those who could see through it they would catch a glimpse of another world.  For the most part though, that glimpse was obscured by the Pokemon falling out of the rift, tumbling to the ground below in an unorganized mess.
“Fall!” a Riolu shouted out as he grasped at thin air, tattered white bandages flapping from where they were wrapped around his wrists.  “Shrike, got something?!”
“He’s out!” A Vulpix was next, her fur a bright yet deep red in color.  She was reaching through the air to grab a third Pokemon: a blue Mew.  The Mew was unconscious it would appear, blood dripping from wounds across his body and leaving a trail above him in the air that matched his red flowing scarf.
Following shortly behind the first trio of Pokemon, another three soon tumbled out of the rift as well.  “Ah, falling!” a Zorua shouted in a panic as his legs wheeled at the empty air, the arms of a Buizel wrapping around his body to little effect; after all, he was falling as well.
“Thanks for the news!” the Riolu shouted up, turning down to look at the rapidly approaching ground.  “How’s Simon?”
“Out cold,” the Buizel responded, straining to reach an arm over to the final Pokemon: a Quilava.  Like the Mew wounds were cut across his body which fell limply, unconscious.
“I’ve got this,” the Vulpix said, a paw clutched around one of the Mew’s.  “Everyone try and gather close.”
In an instant another sigil had formed, sprawling across the ground below.  Unlike the first, the lines that made up this one were red in color and the overall design was much less complex, without the spinning runes.  Still, it began to glow just the same, in sync with the Vulpix’s eyes.  Gold in color, those eyes glowed with arcane power as the Vulpix channeled energy into the sigil below; any Pokemon within its boundaries who hadn’t already fled would find themselves seemingly weighing much less as localized gravity weakened.
So it was that the six plummeting Pokemon managed to avoid splatting into a thin red paste; instead, they softly touched down onto the grass.  The Vulpix even managed to land on her four feet, while the others just sort of collapsed.
“Ground, yay!” the Zorua practically squealed, huddling close to the dirt as if it was about to drop out from underneath him.
“Hmm...” With a frown from the Vulpix the gravity-affecting sigil disappeared and weight returned in force, pressing the Pokemon down as seemed proper.  She glanced up in the air at the rift in the sky above just in time to watch it close, the edges of reality sealing and pressing back against each other as the tear was mended.  A slap on her shoulder interrupted her thought, causing her to flinch as she glanced over to see the Riolu standing there.
“Sweet job, thanks for that,” he said with a grin before pointing to the unconscious Mew and Quilava who now rested on the grass.  “Don’t mean to ask for too much, but think you can check them out now?”
“...Right,” she responded with a shake of her head.
"Hey...” It was the Buizel who had spoken, having pushed himself shakily to his feet.  A belt hung around his waist and a sleeveless vest draped over his shoulders, waving around as he spun in place to look at the Pokemon that surrounded them.  “Where are we...?”
The Zorua walked up close to the Buizel, adjusting the bag he wore against his side nervously.  “Good question...”
Shrike the Mew is unavailable for asks
??? the Riolu is available for asks
??? the Vulpix is available for asks
Simon the Quilava is unavailable for asks
??? the Buizel is avaialble for asks
??? the Zorua is available for asks.
((This is all a bit sudden so excuse the lack of any reference material for the second trio on here.  I’ll try to get stuff added for them!  Really, I need to revamp the reference section entirely...
But yes, as of...  NOW I’m opening this blog up as a proper ask blog!  Rather than taking place in Varlaja, it’ll be set in the “Communal Askblog World” that most askblogs seem to share.  Feel free to ask the group stuff about who they are or where they come from!))
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pikku-adventure · 9 years
Event asks?
[[Now’s your chance to have Pikku bug you! Lemme know who you want it too! Or Message me, It’s cool!]]
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askgothitelle · 9 years
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I’ve got my coat. I think those pillows will be much more useful for you.
...And yeah, Carlisle’s a dork.
[ @rosezangoose ]
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askbookwormflareon · 9 years
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“...maybe I can give some to the other mons attending the movie night. Do kids even LIKE muffins???”
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[rosezangoose] Rose@Ranger: "Hey! You also brought popcorn! Now I don't have to share mine with as many people. Anyway, what's in the basket?" Rose asks, eating popcorn.
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Ranger: I figured popcorn was a fitting movie snack! Ah, the basket just has various berries! I just brought a bunch because I wasn’t sure which kind all the ‘mons liked OwO
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askgothitelle · 9 years
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[ @askarkani ]
[ + @askmodelsylveon‘s Napoleon and @ask-atlas-golurk‘s Atlas ]
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