#pokeman legends volo
grismavessel · 1 year
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The two ways I will ever draw Volo
Silly amateur archeologist archivist nerd volo
And bitter, spiteful, tired of the world Volo (I was messing around with a ‘immortal volo’ design)
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shaykai · 3 years
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Some miscellaneous Pokemon Legends doodles because oop! My hand slipped. A lot. Several times.
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grismavessel · 2 years
Characters Thoughts/Analysis on Volo (pla spoilers)
It’s really easy to turn Volo into a villain. You can make him seem more nasty and malicious.
I feel like he has 3 sides to him, he has a customer server’s act, his real personality, and when he’s been brought to the edge.
He’s friendly and very well spoken. He generous and helpful. Overall he seems like a joy of a character if you can stomach his rambles and info dumping about legends. (I wish we got way more of it, scraping for lore crumbs)
But then, when he’s so close to grasping something he wants. The plates for example, he throws all generosity and kindness out the window. He’s clawing his way to get them. And he says life has been so unfair for him, it leaves you wondering who and what hurt him.
Is it just general unfairness like how life is or is he talking about the ways life was unfair for him only?
And he threatens the life of the player just for that chance. He becomes monstrous, unrecognizable from the Volo that was previously established.
But he’s can’t just be so one dimensional. ‘Life is unfair so I need to remake it’. Why? Why does he want this? You can fit anything into that to answer.
Why? Because he has no one.
Why? Because he hates the world?
Why? Because he wants to make life even better for everyone.
Why? Just so he can see Arceus.
Why is he such a good villain? Because we have just enough pieces we can assume really good reasons, speculate, and make really good fanon.
Why? Game freak didn’t feel like giving more info.
Also, we only get to see Volo like this once. The post game. Afterwards? He vanishes. What if we saw him on that downward slope more? See him react and become colder. Become a little selfish. Become the villain that wants the end of the world in his hands. He drops all niceness and becomes this darker version of himself?
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grismavessel · 2 years
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Gris can still send snaps
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grismavessel · 3 years
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unhinged Volo because everyone around him gets to meet and interact with the legendary deities and he's left out and its making him mad
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grismavessel · 2 years
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More work doodles!
-We got a Laventon w/o a reference
-Gris happy crying, wearing a shirt without a binder w/ their Decidueye
-Ingo with a beanie, a hoodie, and a litwick
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grismavessel · 2 years
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been doodling stuff on the side, working out more things and planning stuff for the comic
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grismavessel · 3 years
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Gris and the gang after a kicking back a cold one in Jubilife
(I swear I’ll finish the comic soon)
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grismavessel · 2 years
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When your ex-friend feels cheated out of the adventure of legends and all the attention you’ve gotten from the gods of distortion and creation
Gris will gladly fist fight him if they weren’t experiencing a whole pseudo possession migraine.
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grismavessel · 3 years
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(the pictures above just to emphasize the writing below the cut)
(Writing is based around my Pokemon Legends AU and an oc)
Dear Dad, Day 78
Gris sat, glaring down at their journal. The quill shaking in their hands. If they didn't start now, there was no way they'd be able to finish it in the next day or two. Breathing in a sigh, they began to write.
"Dear Dad," They wrote. "Day 78 of living in the past." They had started this journal when they figured out it was ancient Sinnoh. Knowing they probably weren't ever going back, Gris decided to keep a log of all their days here in Hisui, on the off chance their father would find an archival book of their entries and if history were forgiving enough.
"It's been a blast so far! Today I got my tenth and final star for the galaxy team, practically making me an admin! Almost. Rei and Akari were a little jealous, I try not to make a show of it but I think they'll be okay," Gris sighed, already feeling the burning sensation begin under the bracelet, the pain throbbing already.
"The twins are doing well," Gris taking a quick glance at the two pokeballs resting on their dresser, one modern the other ancient. "Hisui, the Sinnoh one, evolved today! It's like orange and red with a hat instead of a hood!" They were proud of those two. Being able to raise an Alolan and Hisuian Variant was interesting to say the least, the two inseparable. Like actual siblings, born in different eras.
"I fell asleep last night at my work desk in the main hall again, Cyllene takes care of me though, thinking about it, you'd probably like her a lot. She's so serious with a heart of gold, reminds me of you," They could envision their father, nervously approaching the stern woman. Trying to chat and talk. Thinking back on it, the two couldn't be more different. They smirked through the pain, the sensation travelling up their arm but still they steadied their hand again.
"I met with Adaman and Irida again too, it seems like I'm making better friends in the past than I ever did in Alola," It was a sad truth. Modern-day wasn't as appealing anymore now that Gris made more roots here than in the future. "The people here really are something Dad. Adaman is always a stickler for time, Irida obsessed with having her hair just perfect." They chuckled, strained, the voices slowly returning in their head. Gris shook it away, trying to regain focus.
"Some of my friends are stranger than others, Volo's picked up an interest in collecting Unowns now," Gris grimaced, the sound they made torturing but it made Volo light up like a shooting star. "He's very nerdy," They added on.
"Some friends feel like they're better than a friend," They hastily wrote down, thinking back to Ingo. The two bonded over battling and coming from a more modern era. Neither really felt out of place in Hisui, not when they were together, talking and chatting like they've known one another for years. Gris sighed, returning to writing. "You might think Ingo's old, but he's quite younger than you in fact. I think I might throw him a surprise birthday party just to remind him, but I don't think there's a proper calendar here, or that he even remembers." Their handwriting was beginning to become sloppy. "I'm not sure when my birthday is either anymore, but really I don't care."
"I've had a blast so far. It's rough some days, where I miss you and our house and the warm sandy beaches," Their hand trembled, using the free one to brace it, holding it against the burning bracelet as the two began to scream.
"I hope you get to read these one day. That you'll know I was doing great, living my best life in the woods," Tears begin to spill from their eyes, the throbbing in the back of their skull unbarable. "I'll write more next week, remember, I love you." They quickly finished, letting the quill fall from their hand as it spasmed, tears falling and staining the parchment paper.
"Dammit," They cursed, running a hand into their white hair and gripping it tightly, clenching their teeth as the red veins began to emerge. Somewhere nearby Unowns were beginning to gather, the haunting screech flooding Gris's ears.
A warm, cool golden glow came from the bracelet, fighting the red veins but causing Gris to cry out in agony, their eyes shifting as they began to fill with the darkened void. Two voices were fighting for control and influence. Each shouting, echoed in Gris's mind. One cold and calculated the other volatile and rampaging.
Gris knew this would happen today, waking up that morning feeling like they were a stranger in their own skin. They haven't told anyone this curse. Never bothered to write it down in case it was historically preserved. On the off chance their father were to ever look in a museum or an archival room and find out his only kid was suffering under some deity's control, he'd lose his fucking mind. Gris choked another sob down.
"Keep it together keep it together." They told themselves, falling back from their desk, thankful they were able to be alone in their cabin until how Rei and Akari were forced to bunk together. They weren't going to be able to work tomorrow, Gris already trying to think up excuses to tell Cyllene and Laventon through a shut door.
They thought of all the things that made Gris themselves. Each time the pain resurfaced it became increasingly harder to keep the image clear, to keep the voices from breaking out and doing whatever they wanted.
No one will ever know what Gris was willing to sit through, they vowed it so as long as they lived in Hisui.
(thanks for reading! if you have any questions about the au and story feel free to ask and check out the blog!!!)
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grismavessel · 3 years
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Other Vessels || Part One || Part Two || Part Three ||
Gris isn't alone, but Gris is the only one who really knows.
Well, one of two people that know.
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grismavessel · 3 years
Volo: So, instead of picking me to be your disciple, you pick this imbecile instead! *points to Gris as they trip over their third rock on the way up to kick his ass for messing with space and time*
Arceus: I am a being of creation, how dare you question my decisions.
Gris, tired of their bullshit: You fuckers, you absolute dumb fuckers, y'all are both gettin' into these pokeballs and I'm chucking the both of you into the goddamn sea
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grismavessel · 2 years
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The minute Volo realizes that Gris has connections to both Giratina, the one he uses to bring forth the world he desires, and Arceus, the deity he’s been dying to meet, only for Gris to be disgusted and appalled by either of their powers, he’s gonna snap
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grismavessel · 2 years
I made a Spotify play,it’s for the au and comics, just some general vibes and story beats that set the tone
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grismavessel · 2 years
Legends Arceus Spoilers!
So I beat the post game today (nearly got stomped the fuck out by Giratina's ghost moves) and like, I really wish we got to see more of Volo becoming more and more unhinged.
I know its gamefreak and its the best in terms of what we'll get for a character development, but like, you could do so much with it.
Vessel AU ideas! Volo's Character!
So Volo's had a rough life, enough to the point he wants to get rid of it and rebuild it anew, or at least things haven't gone his way.
He prays and devotes everything he has to Arceus, the one true creator of the very matter he stands upon, but it does not answer.
Something else does.
Giratina, for a moment, is able to rip through the fabric of reality due to Volo's intense hatred and loathing, his aura enough to summon just enough strength for Giratina to pass through momentarily.
It gives him the Spooky plate, and there Volo asks a favor. To cause distortions of space and time to bring Arceus forth.
Of course, Arceus being the all-knowing creator, feels the first ripples and springs to action, calling forth a worthy vessel to act in his place and fix it.
When Gris shows up, Volo is very delighted to hear all about what may have lied behind the rift. Of course, his curiosity is only in his own interest, hoping the traitor deity followed through with the plan.
When the frenzied nobles appear and Gris is able to absorb the divine energy, Volo is surprised. A little jealousy that they could handle such divinity in their fragile mortal body. Until Unowns show up, Gris acting strangely towards them and claiming they could speak.
Volo meets with Giratina once again, his jealousy for Gris's lucky fate getting the better of them.
Once Giratina does hear about the stranger with a z-ring of golden light, it leaves Volo behind and enacts its own plan of rebellion.
Volo then finds out that everyone else, Adaman, Irida, and Gris, were being chosen by the divine legendaries to allow them access into their realm of reality. Without him being involved one bit.
He talked and made friends with Gris, all the while thinking why did Arceus, Lord of Lords, choose this imbecile to be a vessel. They didn't even want this amazing gift, the power of the great one themself, rejecting it and trying to pursue their life as a mortal than the demigod Volo would've become if given the chance.
Like, I don't know if I wanna write Volo getting revenge on Gris or if Giratina host swaps, but there's still so much potential for Volo to show his true colors without revealing too much.
Make him use more sarcasm and be passive-aggressive! He's a bitter dude let him be bitter but also put up a fake facade of being nice and helpful.
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