#pokemon celio
pokemanix · 3 months
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Official Celio Cards from the Pokémon TCG
Celio’s Network (88) - EX Fire Red & Leaf Green Celio’s Network (73) - EX Crystal Guardians
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genderglitchix · 1 year
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Pokémon Card artwork:
Celio, Cassius, Molayne
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seaalgae · 2 years
today in pokemon characters you don’t remember who nonetheless have massive transfem vibes
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jadeazora · 3 months
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New Beach-style Holowear was added for Lapras too, not just Glaceon!
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Newly released and upcoming plushies from the Pokemon Center and Takara Tomy!
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Clothing via Celio from the Japan Expo! That Ho-Oh and Lugia jacket is 🔥🔥🔥
And lastly, here's a look at the upcoming Lacey TCG merch from the Japanese Pokemon Center!
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 8 months
see cassius pokemon is pretty gender to me but so is bill pokemon. and celio pokemon. and bebe pokemon. see i think most of the pc admins are pretty gender,
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 5-Pokeball Heist!
Next chapter! Next new team member on the squad! I get excited writing the chapters of the new team members because holy crap I go so in detail on those chapters. This fanfic was 18  pages long and that’s possibly my longest one!
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Eric hummed as he cooked breakfast for his daughter and the researchers. He decided to make waffles and scrambled eggs with some fresh fruit. Carly on the other hand was making breakfast for Ridley, Oddity, and the researcher���s newest member, Sprigatito.
“There. Done,” Carly sighed, finishing making the Pokemon their breakfast. “Okay, breakfast is ready!” She put the tray of Pokemon food down, as Ridley, Oddity, and Sprigatito ran downstairs. “I hope you all like it, it’s Pokemon food sprinkled with fruit and a zest of Oran Berry.”
Ridley and Oddity’s eyes sparkled and started to eat their breakfast, which made them sigh happily at how good it was.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“Aipom!” Ridley exclaimed too.
Before she could eat, Sprigatito wanted to thank the young girl for making her breakfast, “Meow!” She exclaimed as she nuzzled onto Carly’s knee, thanking her for the food.
Carly squeaked and stepped back from Sprigatito and hid behind her father.
Sprigatito was confused and felt hurt wondering why Carly stepped back.
“Sorry darling,” Lewis spoke up as he came downstairs. “I should’ve told you, Carly has a fear of touching Pokémon.”
Sprigatito sighed and looked down. Lewis gave a light chuckle as he petted the Grass Cat Pokémon. It made her feel better.
“It’s okay Sprigatito. I like you, I just can’t touch you.” Carly explained hoping to cheer for the Grass-type Pokemon.
Sprigatito understood and went over to the other two Pokemon eating their breakfast.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed telling Sprigatito to try Carly’s breakfast.
Sprigatito went over and took a bite of her breakfast and smiled at how good it tasted as she started to eat with the other two Pokemon.
Lewis smiled as he sat down and soon Wiatt and Oliver came down. “Morning.” Oliver said, letting out a yawn.
“Morning you two!” Lewis exclaimed. Oliver and Wiatt sat down as Eric and Carly brought over breakfast for the boys. 
However, Eric saw someone was missing. “Uh, where’s Sara?” He asked.
“She’s up in the room. She is waiting for a phone call.” Wiatt said, starting to cut into his waffle and eating it.
Lewis knew what the phone call was and got up from the table. 
“You okay?” Oliver asked, looking up at his best friend.
“Yeah. I’ll be back darlings. Just going to check on Sara.” Lewis said. He left the kitchen and went upstairs to check on the female researcher.
Sprigatito and Oddity looked at one another and decided to check up on Sara too. Ridley watched his friends leave and saw they left some of their breakfast left. He shrugged and decided to eat their breakfast too.
In the researcher’s room, Sara stared at her Rotom Phone and waited for it to ring. She got up earlier than usual so she could look her best for her phone call. Feeling like it took forever, her phone rang and quickly she answered it.
On the video call, was a person with dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy dark brown hair with two white flicks framing their face. They wore a blue t-shirt and wore a purple beanie.
“Celio!” Sara exclaimed.
“Morning Sara! How is everything at Mr. Gale’s research center?” Celio asked.
“Great! We’re currently researching mythical Pokemon.” Sara replied, but she didn’t seem so pleased about it, “wasn’t something I expected but one of the researchers wanted to do it.”
Celio chuckled and soon the sound of bleating came into view. “I know you’ve been excited to talk to her.” They said looking at whoever made the bleating noise. Celio moved their Rotom Phone over to a Skiddo who looked happy to see her trainer.
Sara chuckled seeing her Pokémon looking all happy and healthy. “Skiddo!” She exclaimed.
Skiddo bleated in joy and started to jump in joy seeing her trainer again.
Lewis slowly opened the door and smiled seeing his best friend in her phone call with their caretaker and Pokémon.
“How has she been doing?” Sara asked.
“Fine.” Celio replied, but soon she frowned, “However…” 
Sara was confused as to why her caretaker paused like that. “Is something wrong with Skiddo?” She asked.
“Since you left Skiddo would be in your room all day and wait for you. She’ll eat, but not a lot, and will sleep all day.” Celio explained.
Sara saw in the video called Skiddo walking around before going to the floor and looking down. She frowned seeing her Pokémon like this.
“Aww, I miss you too Skiddo,” Sara replied. “Celio, if you’d like I can make it back home to Santalune City right away! I’m sure Eric would understand.”
“That’s why I called you,” Celio said cutting off their child. “I was thinking of sending Skiddo over to you to help you out with your research?”
Sara’s eyes widened, “but before I left. I left Skiddo with you so you can have help with the DayCare Center.” She explained.
“I know, but I feel like you two need to be together. I’ll be fine, don't worry.” Celio said, reassuring Sara.
Sara felt tears in her eyes and smiled. Her best friend was finally coming along with her. “Alright. Send her over and I’ll go pick her up.” She said, accepting it.
Celio smiled and gave a light chuckle, “Skiddo come over here! I’m sending you to Sara!”
Skiddo overheard and smiled widely as she ran over to Celio, knocking them down. Sara flinched at the scene and worried for her caretaker. “Are you okay?”
Celio had swirls in their eyes as Skiddo looked concerned for them. “I’m fine. I just forgot about Skiddo’s strength.”
Skiddo chuckled nervously, forgetting her strength too.
Sara smiled and chuckled. “I can’t wait!” She cheered jumping from her bed. However, she was so excited she forgot that she was on the top bunk and banged her head on the ceiling, fell off, and rubbed her head in pain.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed running over to Sara.
“Ow. Ow. Ow.” Sara repeated in pain.
“You okay darling?” Lewis asked.
“I’m fine.” 
Oddity and Sprigatito went over to the girl to see if she was okay. Sara gave a small smile and petted the two Pokemon. “Hey you two, would you like to meet a new friend?” She asked.
The Pokemon duo’s eyes widened when hearing about a new friend that would be joining them and got excited. Sara chuckled seeing the two were excited to hear about Skiddo coming to join them.
Lewis smiled, “I’m guessing Celio is going to bring over your Skiddo so she can be part of the research team.” He guessed.
Sara smiled and nodded. “I’m so excited! I’ve been missing her for a long time!” She exclaimed.
Lewis gave a light chuckle seeing his friend happy. 
“Come on.” Sara said, as she grabbed his hand and started to go down the stairs, with Sprigatito and Oddity not far behind, “we got to get to the Pokemon Center and pick her up!”
“But Sara, what about breakfast?” Lewis asked.
“Breakfast could wait!” Sara replied, too excited to eat. She and Lewis passed by the kitchen, which was noticed by the others before Sara came back, still dragging Lewis. “Oliver, Wiatt! Hurry up you two we have to get to the Pokemon Center!”
Wiatt was surprised, he swallowed his food without chewing it. He drank some orange juice to wash it down. “N-Now?!” He exclaimed.
“B-But we’re still eating.” Oliver reminded her.
“No time!” Sara yelled. “Hurry up, slowpokes!”
The boys saw Sprigatito and Oddity following behind and they stopped to tell the boys they were going to the Pokemon Center. “Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed, telling Wiatt to hurry up.
Wiatt and Oliver looked at each other and sighed, seeing the two weren’t gonna enjoy their breakfast after all.
The four researchers were walking to Celadon City when Celio texted Sara that it was the Pokémon Center they sent Skiddo. Sara hummed as she walked ahead of her friends excited to see her Skiddo again. Her friends on the other hand were tired as they didn’t have much breakfast and had no energy.
“Darling, I know you're excited to see Skiddo, but we haven’t eaten breakfast yet,” Lewis said.
“I mean we did, but not enough of it,” Oliver added.
Sara turned to her friends with a glare, “Guys I haven’t seen Skiddo in a while. I want to know if she made it safe here.” She explained.
Wiatt sighed, “Skiddo is your best friend, right Sara?” He asked.
Sara gave a small smile and nodded. “I’ve had her since I was a little.” She revealed. “She helped me through a lot.”
“I guess you two are like me and Oddity,” Wiatt revealed as he petted his Eevee.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed.
“Yeah in a way,” Sara replied.
“I understand why you're so excited, it’s almost like seeing an old friend you haven’t seen in years,” Wiatt stated.
“Right, and I can’t wait for Sprigatito and Oddity to meet her! They’ll love her!”
Sprigatito and Oddity smiled excitedly to meet their new friend.
However, once arriving at the Pokemon Center, Sara screamed, “WHAT?!” so loud that people outside the Pokemon Center heard it.
“W-What do you mean Skiddo didn’t arrive?” Sara asked, shaking like she was gonna faint. The guys stood behind her hoping they would catch her if she fainted.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry, but it's not just you. A lot of trainers have been missing Pokemon using the transporter lately.” She explained looking at the transporter. “When trainers call me to send their Pokemon in or trainers go transport their Pokemon to someone else it glitches a bit, but where the Pokemon goes is unknown.”
Sara looked distraught over Skiddo going lost. She knew she would have left the facility for a bit to see her Skiddo in person.  
Even though Wiatt didn’t get along with Sara from time to time. He knew how close Sara and Skiddo were and would feel the same if something happened to Oddity.
“How did it happen?” Wiatt asked.
“Well, every month the Pokemon Transporter gets checked up every month to make sure it’s working properly.” Nurse Joy explained. “However, a trio of workers came by earlier than usual and told me there was an emergency at all Pokemon Centers and they should be checked. They did their job and said it was all fixed, after that Pokeballs wouldn’t get to their exact location.”
The researchers all looked at each other and nodded knowing Nurse Joy was tricked. “Did you by any chance see who the people were?” Sara asked.
“They were very weird looking, and they left a business card for me in case I call them back or recommend them to the other Pokemon Centers.” Nurse Joy replied. She pulled out a poorly made business card that looked to be drawn by a kindergartner.
The business card had drawings of Team Rocket in a maintenance worker outfit, but even though the card was poorly drawn Wiatt and his friends didn’t recognize the trio.
“Who was hired, professionals or a daycare?” Sara asked, insulting at the art style.
“Beats me. I never heard of them.” Oliver said.
Soon the sound of running interrupted the four researchers as three young boys ran to Nurse Joy with the look of worry on their faces.
The first boy had fluffy light brown hair, pale green eyes, and a bandage on his cheek. He also wore a pink shirt, black trousers, and gray shoes.
The second boy had fluffy black hair and had pale hazel eyes. He wore a dark brown vest over an orange short-sleeved dress shirt, gray jeans, and black shoes.
The last boy had fluffy dark brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a lilac shirt, light blue shorts, and purple sneakers.
From the looks of their hairstyles, the three boys seemed to be triplets. 
“Nurse Joy!” The boys exclaimed at the same time.
“Did our Pokemon come back yet?” The boy with the pink shirt asked.
“Yeah, we need to do more practice battling!” The boy with the purple shirt added.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry boys, I haven’t gotten a word about your Pokemon yet.”
“Aww.” They sighed.
Sara frowned sympathizing with the boys, “Lost your Pokemon too, huh?” She asked.
The triplets nodded in reply.
“This is Jake, John, and James.” Nurse Joy introduced the triplet boys. “They’re regulars at the Pokemon Center, asking questions about Pokemon, and even doing practice battles outside so they come here to heal their Pokemon.”
“Hello.” The triplets said at the same time.
“Hi, boys,” Sara replied. “I’m going through the same thing with my Pokemon.”
“Yeah, we transferred our Pokemon here yesterday, and they still haven’t returned!” Jake explained.
“Look, maybe there’s a logical explanation about this,” John reassured his brother. “Maybe they got teleported to a different Pokemon Center and we just have to ask Mom and dad if they can take us there.”
“I’m afraid not.” Nurse Joy spoke up. This caused the brothers to turn to the nurse. “I’ve called every Pokemon Center in the region, even in Johto, but none have seen the missing Pokeballs anywhere.”
The triplets and Sara frowned and sighed knowing that’s one question answered. “But where have they gone?” James asked.
Meanwhile, miles away from the Pokemon Center, Team Rocket was up to their no-good tricks. Like from the business card, it was them who messed with the Celadon City’s Pokemon Transporter and all the Pokeballs we’re being teleported to them.
“Look at all the Pokemon we got!” Meowth exclaimed.
“I know we’ve done this trick repeatedly, but we were successful this time!” Team Rocket’s James added as he added the Pokeballs into the bag.
“Plus, we made sure our teleporter was away from the city,” Meowth added. “That way we got a headstart to make our getaway.” 
Jessie got done packing her set of Pokeballs and glared to see the guys hadn’t packed up yet. “Hey are you two gonna slack around, or help pack up the Pokeballs?” She asked.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet shouted.
“That means you too!” Jessie yelled.
“Wobba!” Wobbuffet sighed. Meowth and James sighed as well and went back to putting the Pokeballs back into their bags. 
Back at the Pokemon Center, The group decided to have an early lunch since they didn’t finish their breakfast. Sara just stared at her food, still sad as there was nothing to do about her missing Skiddo.
“Darling,” Lewis spoke up.
Sara didn’t even look up and just stared at her food.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Lewis asked again.
Sara sighed, “No. I’m not hungry.”
The boys looked at each other and felt bad for the girl.
“Sara come on, you gotta eat,” Oliver said to his friend.
Sprigatito paused from eating went over to Sara and jumped on her lap. She was surprised till the grass-type Pokemon started tapping her paws on Sara’s chest. “Huh?” Sara asked confused.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito called out pointing at her toe beans.
“You want me to touch them?” Sara asked.
Sprigatito smiled, “meow!” she beamed.
“O-Okay,” Sara said, and she did what Sprigatito told her. The female smiled blissfully as Sprigatito’s toe beans were so soft to touch. As she did a nice aroma smelt the air making Sara feel more relaxed. “This smells good! Thank you Sprigatito!”
“Meow!” Sprigatito replied, as a yout welcome before joining Oddity back to eat.
Lewis leaned over to his Pokemon, “Is that your way of cheering up people, darling?” He asked.
“Meow!” Sprgiatito replied, as a yes. The group laughed, and Sara felt better and decided to eat.
Lewis smiled seeing his best friend cheer up again, and gave Sprigatito a pet on the head. “Thank you, darling.”
Sprigatito smiled, purring at the pets. 
“We are not going all over Kanto by ourselves!” John yelled. The researchers turned to see the triplets having lunch too and discussing ways to find their Pokemon themselves.
“Hey, isn’t that the triplets we met earlier?” Sara asked.
“It is,” Wiatt replied, nodding.
“Come on, someone knows something that happened.” Triplet James said. He then let out a gasp, “If it’s a band of Pokemon thieves, we can take them down and save the Pokemon!”
John looked horrified at his brother, “how do we fight bad guys without Pokemon?” He asked.
“With our Bewear hands of course!” James exclaimed.
John groaned and looked at Jake, “you have any ideas, Jake?” He asked.
“Uh…no sadly,” Jake replied.
Sara got up from her seat and went over to the brothers. “Hi, boys.” She said, causing the boys to turn to her.
“Oh! Hi Miss.” John said.
“You three still bummed out about your Pokemon, huh?” Sara asked.
“Yeah.” The triplets sighed.
Jake looked up at the girl, “Miss. Do you miss your Pokemon?” He asked.
Sara nodded, “Yeah. I’ve had her when I was around your guys’ age.” She said.
James smirked, “So you want to fight Pokemon hunters and get our Pokemon back?” He asked.
Sara chuckled nervously, “Not fight, but find a way to track our Pokeballs down.”
The triplets thought for a bit until Jake got an idea. “What if we send another Pokeball and find a way to track it.” He suggested.
John thought about it, “but how are we gonna track it down?”
“We put a tracking device on it,” Wiatt suggested as he and the rest of the research team came by to join the conversation.
“Great! Now how are we going to find a Pokeball?” James asked.
The triplets and Sara thought for a bit till Jake got an idea. “I got an idea.”
The four turned towards Oddity and Sprigatito with a creepy smile on their faces. The two Pokemon turned white as a ghost as they cried out in fear and ran into their trainer's arms shivering.
Lewis and Wiatt looked at their Pokemon and held them tight as they gave a small glare at the four. “Darling, Sprigatito went through a lot!” Lewis scolded, reminding his best friend about Sprigatito’s past. Lewis looked down and petted the Grass Cat Pokemon, “I’m not gonna put her back in her Pokeball and send her to who knows where the Pokemon have been transported.”
“And Oddity hates being in his Pokeball,” Wiatt added.
“Well, how are we going to track down our Pokemon then!” Jake exclaimed.
Oliver smiled, “maybe we don’t need a Pokeball with a Pokemon in it.” He said.
The group looked at the tallest member of the research team wondering what plan he had in store to find everyone’s missing Pokeballs.
Later, Oliver used a spare empty Pokeball and put a tracking device inside before putting the Pokeball in the transporter. “Now we just put the Pokeball here, and…” he clicked the button to send it over. Once the Pokeball was transported, Oliver went on his Rotom Phone and saw the Pokeball was sent into the middle of the woods.
“Odd, I’d assume the location would be an unknown building, not in the middle of the woods,” James said.
“It could be someone built a handmade transporter and put a device so the Pokeballs would be sent to that location then here.” Oliver thought.
“Come on! Let’s go find our Pokemon!” Jake exclaimed as he ran out of the Pokemon Center, and his brothers followed.
“W-Wait boys!” Lewis yelled chasing after them. Oliver, Wiatt, and Sara chased after the triplets and hopefully, they could catch them in time.
“Don’t worry Skiddo, we’re coming.” Sara thought.
Back with Team Rocket, the trio was done packing up all the Pokeballs. “Finally, that took us forever!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“Yeah. Glad that was the last of the Pokeballs.” Meowth added.
“Alright, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off when she and the rest of the trio turned around to see their transporter send out another Pokeball. Team Rocket looked down at the Pokeball that rolled out of their transporter machine.
“Great!” They both sighed. 
“Well, who is willing to unpack their Pokeballs to make room?” Meowth asked.
Without hesitation, Jessie and James pointed at the Scratch Cat Pokemon. “You!” They both exclaimed.
“Me?!” Meowth exclaimed.
“Yes, you!”
Meowth groaned in disappointment, unraveling his bag and hoping he had room in the bag to fit the last Pokeball. However, due to how many Pokeballs were in the bag, everything spilled out. Meowth screamed and quickly gathered all of the Pokeballs before any of them rolled away. “Phew…That was close.” He sighed.
“Now come on, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off as the recently sent Pokeball opened and showed a tracking device. “Hmm…What’s this?”
“Looks like a tracking device,” Meowth answered.
Soon, Team Rocket heard footsteps coming by and looked up, freaked out. “The Pokeball should’ve teleported right here,” Oliver said. He and his friends and the triplets and Team Rocket stared at each other for a few seconds.
After staring at each other for a while the two parties screamed. “The twerps!?” Team Rocket shouted.
“Team Rocket!” Wiatt and the researchers shouted, knowing it was them all along.
“So you three were the ones who stole the Pokeballs, including my Skiddo!” Sara yelled.
Wiatt growled, “Give the Pokeballs back, Team Rocket!” He demanded the trio of villains
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity added, hoping Team Rocket would listen to him.
Team Rocket glared and decided to jump into their motto now.
“Prepare for trouble, we’re one step ahead!” Jessie started.
“And make it double, don’t lose your head!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“To protect the world from devastation.” Jessie continued.
“To unite all peoples within our nations.” Team Rocket James continued as well.
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Jessie!” Jessie exclaimed.
“James!” Team Rocket James exclaimed, as well.
“Hey isn’t that my name?” Triplet James asked, cutting into the motto.
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!” Jessie yelled.
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” Team Rocket James added.
“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
Triplet James’s eyes sparkled seeing a villain had the same name as him. “Wow, it’s amazing that there’s someone with the same name as me, and he’s a bad guy!” He beamed.
“Aww thank you!” Team Rocket James replied, smiling at the kid.
“Jimmy, you gotta remember whose side you're on,” Meowth said.
“Right, sorry!”
“Same here bro,” John said, reminding his brother.
“Yeah, remember they’re the bad guys and stole our Pokemon!” Jake replied. To make sure he turned to Team Rocket.  “Uh…you're the ones who stole the Pokeballs did you?” 
“What do you think, twerp?!” Meowth yelled. “See all these Pokeballs we stole here from the Pokemon Center! That was us!” He exclaimed. 
“We used a special link cable we attached to the inside of the transporter machine so instead of the Pokeballs being transferred to the Pokemon Center.” Jessie started.
“They’ll be transferred over to us.” Team Rocket James finished.
Wiatt and the group glared at Team Rocket for their evil plans. However, Sara was mad that her Skiddo was in their hands, and wouldn’t give it back.
Seeing Sara angry, upset Oddity and Sprigatito. The two growled and ready to battle Team Rocket to save the Pokeballs.
“Don’t worry darling, we’ll get them back,” Lewis said, determined to get his best friend’s Pokemon back.
Team Rocket smirked and grabbed their Pokeballs too, ready to battle as well. “So the twerps want a battle, huh?” Jessie asked.
“Don’t worry, this will be easy.” Team Rocket James added.
“Alright, Gourgeist let’s go!” Jessie exclaimed.
A super-sized Gourgeist came out of Jessie’s Pokeball, “Gour, Gourgeist!” 
“Carnivine, you're up!” Team Rocket James yelled. However, the second Carnivine came out it went ahead and latched on to James’s head and biting on it. “Seriously! Not in front of the children!”
Carnivine quickly let go and joined Gourgeist to battle against Sprigatito and Oddity. The latter group of Pokemon growled and were ready to fight.
“Let’s go, Sprigatito use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, let’s use Shadow Ball!” Wiatt commanded. 
Sprigatito jumped up and released Leafage from her neck shooting them at Team Rocket’s grass-type Pokemon. While Oddity released Shadow Ball from his mouth and launched it at Team Rocket’s Pokemon.
“Dodge it!” Team Rocket yelled.
Carnivine and Gourgeist dodged the attack, but it went towards Meowth who got hit and dropped his bag filled with Pokeballs.
“Hey you two when it comes to dodging, make sure it doesn’t hit me!” Meowth yelled.
“Gourgeist, use Dark Pulse!” Jessie commanded.
“Carnivine, use Bullet Seed!” Team Rocket James commanded.
Gourgeist fired a beam of dark purple rings from her mouth, while Carnivine shot small little seeds from their mouth.
“Dodge it!” Lewis and Wiatt yelled.
Oddity and Sprigatito jumped dodging the moves, with Sprigatito using dance moves to miss.
“Oddity, use Shadow Ball once more!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity launched a Shadow Ball attack towards Team Rocket’s Pokemon, which pushed them back towards their trainers, also knocking the bags of Pokeballs off them.
“Alright, Sara, go find Skiddo. Lewis and I can battle them from here.” Wiatt said.
Sara nodded and went to the pile of Pokeballs, trying to find the Pokeball her Skiddo was housed in. She turned each of the Pokeballs she picked up to the front looking for Skiddo’s Pokeball as it was different from the others.
Oddity saw the young trainer desperately look for her Pokeball and decided to leave the battle to help her.
“Oddity, where are you going?” Wiatt asked.
The Eevee sniffed each of the Pokeballs until he saw one Pokeball that had a pink flower sticker on it. Tilting his head he grabbed with his mouth and went over to Sara.
“Eevee!” Oddity muffled.
Sara turned and her eyes widened seeing the Pokeball in Oddity’s mouth. It was  Skiddo’s Pokeball.
“Oddity! You found her!” Sara beamed. Oddity dropped the Pokeball in Sara’s hand and in return, she petted him on the head.
“Vee! Eevee!” Oddity beamed.
Sara gave a light chuckle and looked down at her Pokeball. Giving a determined look she was ready to take over the battle.
Lewis and Wiatt decided to let the female researcher battle Team Rocket take over the battle and stepped back a bit.
“Alright, let’s begin shall we,” Sara said. “Skiddo! Let’s go!” 
Sara threw her Pokeball and her Skiddo came out of her Pokeball. Once landing, she turned back and smiled at Sara. The latter smiled, feeling tears in her eyes, seeing her Skiddo was safe and sound.
“So that’s Skiddo,” Wiatt said as he grabbed his Rotom Phone to scan Skiddo into the Pokedex.
Skiddo, the Mount Pokemon. A grass-type.
It’s one of the first Pokemon to live in harmony with humans. It would give people rides on its back to transverse on mountain paths.
Team Rocket glared seeing it was no longer a two-on-two but now a two-on-three battle. “Big deal! You have three twerpy Pokemon, but we can still handle them with our Pokemon!” Meowth yelled.
Lewis and Wiatt were ready to help out Sara and Skiddo but were stopped by Oddity and Sprigatito.
“Eevee! Vee.” Oddity said.
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito added.
“Are you saying you want to let Sara and Skiddo battle Team Rocket themselves?” Wiatt asked.
“Vee!” Oddity replied.
Wiatt and Sara looked up, as the boy gave his friend a nod to battle Team Rocket.
Sara nodded back and turned to face her Pokemon, “Just like old times, right Skiddo?” Sara asked.
Skiddo bleats and smirks ready to fight.
“Gourgeist, use Leech Seed!” Jessie commanded.
Gourgeist launched a seed at Skiddo, but the Mount Pokémon stood still and took the Leech Seed. However, instead of draining energy, it boosted Skiddo’s attack before the Pokemon broke free from the seeds.
Jessie and Gourgeist looked shocked that their attack didn’t do anything.
“Carnivine, use Vine Whip!” Team Rocket James commanded.
“Carnivine!” Carnivine shouted launching vines as Skiddo caught them with her horns, causing another boost to Skiddo’s attack.
“What’s going on?” Jake asked.
Lewis’s eyes widened, “I know what Sara’s doing. She is using Skiddo’s Sap Sipper ability!” He exclaimed.
“Sap Sipper?” John asked.
“An ability Skiddo has, darling. Anytime Skiddo gets hit with grass moves it will boost her attack.” Lewis explained.
The triplets smiled and turned to Sara and Skiddo. “So that means Skiddo is gonna be strong!” Jake exclaimed.
Team Rocket looked frightened as Skiddo was ready to fight. However, Jessie wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Alright if grass moves won’t work!” She started, “Gourgeist use Dark Pulse!” 
“Skiddo dodge and use Vine Whip!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo ducked the Dark Pulse, and soon vines came out of her leafy mane and grabbed Gourgeist. Skiddo then threw the Pumpkin Pokémon into a nearby tree. Due to the double attack boost it hurt Gourgeist.
“Alright, Carnivine use Razor Leaf!” Team Rocket’s James commanded.
Carnivine shouted while launching Razor Leaf at Skiddo.
“Dodge it! And use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo jumped to the left before running over to Carnivine as a yellow aura appeared. She then slammed into the Bug Catcher Pokemon, who then flew back into Gourgeist and Team Rocket, slamming them into a tree.
“Alright, let’s finish this with Bulldoze!” Sara yelled.
Skiddo then stopped her hooves on the ground as a shockwave of rocks on the ground headed toward Team Rocket. The evil team screamed, fearful of the attack headed towards them, and sent them off into the sky.
“If it wasn’t for that tracking device, we’d be winners!” Jessie yelled.
“We would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling twerps!” Team Rocket James yelled.
Meowth sighed, “Wrong catchphrase James. We don’t say that…we usually say…”
“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled as they blasted off into the sky, and a star twinkled.
The triplets cheered for Sara and Skiddo seeing they won the battle and saved the Pokemon.
Heck, even Wiatt was impressed seeing his friend being a very skilled battler. “She’s…good,” Wiatt said.
“That’s Sara for ya, darling,” Lewis replied.
“We did it!” Sara cheered.
Skiddo ran over to her trainer, as the latter kneeled and hugged her Pokemon tight, nuzzling her. Sara laughed and teared up a bit. It was a mix of emotions for both of them; reuniting after being apart for so long, as well as winning a battle against Team Rocket.
By sunset, the researchers brought back everyone’s Pokeballs back to the Pokemon Center. They told Nurse Joy the truth about Team Rocket pretending to be mechanics to fix the Pokemon Teleporter and that the nurse will call the right mechanics to fix it up, and hopefully they’ll have something set up so Team Rocket won’t try the same nasty tricks again.
“Thank you so much for finding the missing Pokeballs.” Nurse Joy said. “I’ll send a notice to trainers who’ve lost any of their Pokeballs that they’ll be transferred over to them at the nearest Pokemon Center.”
“That’s great!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Found them!” The triplets yelled. The four researchers turned to the triplets and saw they had found their Pokeballs.
“Glad you got your Pokemon back?” Sara asked.
The triplets nodded. Then triplet James spoke up, “Hey Miss! Could we battle your Skiddo one day?” He asked.
“Sure, hope you got some strong Pokemon, because she’s strong!” Sara beamed, petting her Skiddo.
Skiddo bleated in reply, ready to take on some challengers.
“Now, now boys. Aren’t you supposed to be heading home? It’s getting late.” Nurse Joy reminded them.
“Oh right! It’s almost dinner time!” Jake asked.
“Thanks again, Miss! Good luck!” John yelled as he and his brother ran home.
“Bye, guys! Hope to see you again!” Wiatt yelled.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity yelled, saying goodbye as well.
Once seeing the triplets off, Sara turned to the boys, “Well, shall we get going?” She asked.
The boys nodded ready to get back to the facility, have a nice dinner, and get some sleep. 
Before they left, Skiddo used her vines to lift Oddity and Sprigatito on her back. The two Pokémon smiled and thanked Skiddo. The latter belated in reply. Skiddo looked at her trainer and used her vines to wrap Sara’s hand almost like holding it.
Sara looked down as Skiddo smiled and belated. Sara smiled back and started to run back to the facility, “come on! Let’s go!” She beamed. She and Skiddo ran giving her a head start while the others followed long behind them.
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sandygastle · 2 months
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so ages ago when i first saw official art of these two out of context i thought these were both women and went "oh i've never seen these characters before but the old games had a few really fun designs for their women!" and found out only afterwards that they were bill and celio.
anyways ever since then, i've seen them as lesbians. bill's a transfem butch lesbian and celio's a transmasc nonbinary lesbian.
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bills-pokedex · 21 days
Hi uh so I have a question. I've heard of people Galar and Hoenn giving their crushes a luvdisc or applin. What Pokemon are a sign of love in other regions?
Any pokémon can be a sign of affection if you're trying hard enough and you have good taste.
Edit: According to Lanette, this is not a proper answer, and I need to address this appropriately and with the disclaimer that your crush may or very likely may not take receiving a grimer as a compliment, even if your crush has excellent taste and appreciates the subtle beauty of a grimer's scent.
In any case, flowers tend to be a common symbol of love around the world, with members of the roselia line being of particular romantic importance in Sinnoh. You would think Hoenn as well, given that this is where roselia are also common, but in actuality, besides luvdisc, the second most common symbol of love would be volbeat and illumise. This is especially true in northern Hoenn, where towns and villages hold festivals during both pokémon's shared mating season.
As a side point, cherrim also holds some importance in Sinnoh—specifically their petals, which they shed in the spring during their own mating season. It's a common romantic trope to confess one's love during showers of these petals, though cherrim itself is not as strong a romantic symbol as its more venomous grass-type cousin.
Meanwhile, in Alola, one may give their crush comfey, but minior are also common symbols of love (specifically, scaling a mountain to catch one for one's crush). Across the globe in Kalos, the flower of choice is of course a member of the flabébé line (preferably flabébé itself), though rumor has it that young Kalosean women really prefer spritzee or carbink these days, if you're going to be giving your crush anything at all. (Contrary to popular belief, meowstic is not a symbol of love. It is, however, common in romance movies because it actually symbolizes domestic bliss.)
You're pretty spot-on about the gift-of-choice being an applin in Galar, and meanwhile, in nearby(-ish) Paldea, most Paldeans actually don't gift pokémon to their crushes. However, it is a long-standing wedding tradition for a groom to present a bride with a gholdengo that he's thoroughly befriended. (As a note, this tradition can indeed be seen in various regions across the globe that had at one time or another been a colony under the Paldean crown, though it's of particular prevalence in Paldea itself.)
As for Kanto and Johto, in both regions, it's actually even less prevalent to gift one another pokémon than it is in Paldea. Rather, we typically give each other food—especially chocolate. As such, we don't consider any particular pokémon to be a symbol of love, but it's not uncommon to give someone your favorite pokémon along with your chocolate.
Is that why all of the eevee you give out are holding boxes of chocolates? —LH
To be clear, a box of chocolates and a pokémon is also a common gift combination to friends and coworkers in Johto. —Bill
Yes, but fancy chocolates? —LH
Fancy? He gave me a bag of Kit Kats. —Bebe
You guys are getting chocolate? —Celio
I got a rock. —Cassius
I'm changing the password on this blog again. —Bill
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Masters - What's a canon character that you'd like to see a Pokemon IRL blog for?
yk i dont know if there’s a canon character i like that doesnt have a blog. like uhhh i like bill as a character but i’m pretty sure there’s a bill blog or two running around here. idk if any bill blogs actually reference his work with the other pc devs like celio and lanette, those are also highly underrated pokemon characters that i poured an insane amount of research into for a story i never ended up doing much of anything with.
i’d say raifort but i am LITERALLY the only semi-active raifort blog on pkmn irl. and part of why im only semi-active is because 1) i am so distracted by my other blogs and 2) i have Canon Character Anxiety /silly
more ppl should interact with her tho send her asks shes so silly and fucking weird as shit shes an underrated character
shameless plug @ruinous-treasures
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raspberrybluejeans · 2 years
I will probably do these all eventually but idk what to do tonight lol. If i do one of the OCs there’s a strong chance it will take me at least 2 days to finish
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pokemanix · 3 months
Welcome to POKEMANIX
Enjoy your stay. I like reblogging pkmn stuff of all kinds! That includes fanart and official stuff
I also post pkmn card posts for every pkmn character. If your favourite isn't up yet, they either don't have a card or theyre in the queue.
Official Pokemon Trainer Cards Easy List;
Gen 1
Red, Blue, Green, Leaf, Ash Ketchum, Mom, Professor Oak, Imposter Professor Oak, Daisy Oak, Bill, Celio, Mr. Fuji, Copycat, Giovanni, Jessie and James, Butch and Cassidy, Sird, Team Rocket Grunts, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance
Gen 2
Ethan, Kris, Lyra, Mom, Professor Elm, Silver, Eusine, Mary, Mr. Pokemon, Kurt, Buena, Archer, Ariana, Proton, Petrel, Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, Clair, Janine, Will, Karen
Gen 3
Brendan, May, Mom, Professor Birch, Wally, Zinnia, Scott, Mr. Briney, Mr. Stone, Gabby and Ty, Lanette, Brigette, Professor Cozmo, Captain Stern, Aarune, Lisia, Archie, Matt, Shelly, Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney, Team Aqua Grunts, Team Magma Grunts, Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate, Liza, Wallace, Juan, Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Steven Stone, Noland, Greta, Tucker, Lucy, Spenser, Brandon, Anabel
Gen 4
Lucas, Dawn, Johanna (Mom), Professor Rowan, Barry, Felicity, Looker, Roxy and Oli, Cheryl, Riley, Mira, Buck, Marley, Bebe, Roseanne, Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Team Galactic Grunts, Charon, Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, Volkner, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, Cynthia, Palmer, Thorton, Dahlia, Darach, Argenta
Gen 5
Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Mom (BW), Mom (B2W2), Professor Juniper, Cedric Juniper, Fennel, Cheren, Bianca, Hugh, N, Colress, Ghetsis, Zinzolin, Gorm, Bronius, Giallo, Ryoku, Rood, Anthea, Concordia, Shadow Triad, Team Plasma Grunts, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, Drayden, Iris, Roxie, Marlon, Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Alder, Benga, Ingo, Emmet
Gen 6
Calem, Serena, Grace (Mom), Professor Augustine Sycamore, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Alexa, Cassius, Inver, Sina, Dexio, Gurkinn, Bonnie, Emma, AZ, Lysandre, Chalmers, Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Marie, Xerosic, Team Flare Grunts, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Ramos, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Wulfric, Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom, Drasna, Diantha, Dana, Evelyn, Morgan, Nita, Kali, Katherine
Gen 7
Elio, Selene, Mom, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Lillie, Hau, Samson Oak, Guzma, Plumeria, Gladion, Team Skull Grunts, Lusamine, Wicke, Faba, Aether Paradise Employees, Phyco, Dulse, Soliera, Zossie, Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, Mina, Hala, Olivia, Nanu, Hapu, Kahili, Molayne, Mohn, Ryuki
Gen 8
Victor, Gloria, Mum, Professor Magnolia, Sonia, Hop, Bede, Marnie, Sordward, Shielbert, Ball Guy, Team Yell Grunts, Rose, Oleana, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, Raihan, Leon, Cara Liss, Jack, Dan, Mustard, Klara, Avery, Honey, Hyde, Peony, Peonia, Digging Duo, Koko
Rei, Akari, Professor Laventon, Kamado, Cyllene, Zisu, Pesselle, Tao Hua, Sanqua, Colza, Beni, Ress, Rye, Cogita, Choy, Anthe, Charm, Clover, Coin, Vessa, Adaman, Mai, Arezu, Iscan, Melli, Sabi, Irida, Lian, Calaba, Palina, Gaeric, Pearl Clan Members, Diamond Clan Members, Ginter, Volo, Tuli, Mani
Gen 9
Florian, Juliana, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Nemona, Arven, Penny, Clavell, Jacq, Dendra, Miriam, Raifort, Saguaro, Salvatore, Tyme, Katy, Brassius, Iono, Kofu, Larry, Ryme, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Poppy, Hassel, Geeta, Giacomo, Mela, Atticus, Ortega, Eri, Carmen, Youssef, Team Star Grunts, Carmine, Kieran, Perrin, Kitakami Caretaker, Billy and O'Nare, Briar, Cyrano, Drayton, Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, Liko, Roy, Friede, Dot
Professor Willow, Candela, Blanche, Spark
Imakuni?, Holon, Trainer Classes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Pokemon Center Ladies, NPCs (1, 2, 3, 4)
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What on earth is up with the Sinjoh mountains?
[May 05, 2022] 
Now looking back at the conversations around that point [the finale of The Wooper Who Saved Christmas], we talked a lot about Bill's connection to the Outsiders may have stemmed from the fact his childhood home was the site of the final confrontation with Team Rocket in TWWSC, and where Rocket Boss Shawn unleashed the question mark glitch on Wooper and gave us time-space-physical manipulation powers. Granted Bill's family didn't live there yet but that doesn't mean there wasn't a lot of lingering glitchwork in the old place when they did.
Kinda funny to realize the rest of his family may not have stayed around long given we know his mom and sister at least moved back to Johto but he stayed in Kanto with his own growing family and stuck to his work.
What's interesting though is Kanto seems to be at the bottom of the "Sinjoh Mountain Range," if you will, which even if not as religiously prominent as Mt. Coronet, the range does seem to include the Sinjoh Ruins, Unown Cave, and Mt. Silver since the mountains appear to go all along the northern border until reaching Cerulean Cape. (Rock Tunnel doesn't directly connect to this since the Cape divides Route 9 from the mountains).
Which for TPP means these mountains likely have some weird aspects to it since we talked about the significance of places like Mt Moon and the League holding powers or gateways or whatever reason there is for our Kanto hosts have that be the place they need to reach for one reason or another.
In TWWSC, we see that the old mansion Bill's family was looking to buy was basically built right into the side of the mountain given how large it is inside compared to what we see later with his house, which may also be why Team Rocket had their headquarters there before Giovanni built the Game Corner.
What does this have to do with anything? Well besides the PC, what does most of Bill's work seem to work with? Link Cable technology. Which wouldn't be a big deal except the canon universe has made the Link Cable and it's core energy so terrifyingly meta powerful, and that Bill canonically knows enough about it to perform time travel in Gen II says something. And in Sevii when he's working with Celio, we see it can be powered by rocks since somehow a Ruby and Sapphire can connect regions to overseas? Gems and Crystals seem to hold HUGE amounts of power in both the Pokemon and TPP world, something he might have learned by living in the mountains.
But Time travel, outside of our jokes with Dialga and Celebi, is often a Glitchmancy standard. Which again, kid Bill may have learned from Wooper and our Mega Stone shenanigans causing our Wooper to physically divide and multiply itself showcasing stone divinity and / or infinity energy (since Wooper was somehow able to Mega without a Key Stone or Trainer) in the days before Fossilism retook Kanto by storm. Which was already pointed out [in some older lore], Bill's dealings with Glitches as a kid probably is what drew him to Dome in the first place.
But that's not all, because we know that Glitchmancy tends to cause fusions or human / Pokemon shifting to occur! And while it may have been an accident, I can't help but wonder if there's some connection between Bill's Clefairy accident, Larry's intentional creations [in Fused Crystal and Bootleg Green], and Old Man Glitchduck [in Anniversary Red] (whatever the hell happened there).
Granted they're all at different points of the timeline, but the similarities make me wonder if it's all connected to Link Cable technology.
Which may or may not have been discovered by Santa :Kappa:
Also with all these fusions or shape shifters, I suppose it doesn't help that "Nameless Glitch" or Decamark we saw in TWWSC apparently has the ability to change it's appearance since it usually poses as a Delibird or outright goes invisible when protecting itself.
And Santa uses those too seeing how he can go invisible and appeared like an old man but changed his look in battle. But did he change to be more intimidating or is that his true self? Tl;Dr - TWWSC's final confrontation opened a big can of worms in Bill's history, and possibly introduced the world to the long-since buried knowledge of Infinity Energy in the form of Mega Evolution and time travel capabilities. Energy that causes Pokemon to warp into their Mega Forms but can also create hybrid monsters in the wrong hands
Also drawing lines between the Fossil Pantheon and Sinjoh Ruins and different Glitch monsters like the ones we saw in Anni Red Battle Tent
...So draw lines between Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos via game mechanics meta :tppLUL:
Goddammit Wooper :pogsire:
Ugh I'm sorry if I'm just rambling and didn't have this organized enough to explain anything. So sleepy :tppNap:
This run has to be the most influential thing on the lore since Olden :LUL:
The Wooper who Saved Lore.
I love the observation about all this magic mountains being all part of the same mountain range in particular
wooper strong and good
im running off to work so maybe ill put more words to this later but i love how mountains as a religious place/place where weird shit happens is like, built so hard into both tpp lore and also has some in regular pokemon lore. it makes me do eyes emoji
Yeah it's kinda funny when I got to looking at the maps. Like years ago I had this clip of Giratina explaining to Pepe about staples in the space-time balance and it came up how "the battle of the mountain must always occur, so the battle of the mountain can always occur, so the battle of the mountain will always occur" but never really had a fleshed out idea of where to put it since it also required the visual gag of showing the different fights whether it be Red and AJ, Napoleon and Cyrus, Jimmy and N , ect.
But yeah I know it's supposed to be epic but there are a ton of mountain battles in Pokeverse
It was only while working on my Blue fic though I got to realizing that Mt Silver, Mt. Moon and Unknown Cave are all likely connected in the underbelly, which lore wise makes sense given Dome and Helix's battle ground and the sacredness of Mt Silver so maybe Mewtwo was drawn out there. But then I realized it goes further than that given layouts and we know Sinjoh Ruins are somewhere north of the map but still seems connected.
My Coronet and Cinnabar may even be part of it too if they're all just a volcanic chain but getting into the islands being considered the same range might be stretching it...
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pkmn-future · 2 years
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Fankidtober Day 13: Pangea (Celio/Lanette)
Name: Pangea “Gea” Nishiki
Verse: Gameverse
Family: Celio Nishiki (Father), Lanette Mayumi (Mother), Hal Nishiki (Brother), Bridgette Mayumi (Aunt)
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender Female, She/Her
DOB & Age: July 23rd, 14
Pokémon Team: Castform
The second of Celio and Lanette’s twins, her twin brother being Hal. Pangea, while interested in computers, thinks less of code, much rather preferring to study how pokemon would act with it. She would much rather be in an actual lab though, experimenting with pokemon and seeing artificially created ones. Her mother has given her a castform to start. She wants to be a professor when she is older, and has already started taking classes, as well as helping around the nearest lab she can.
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jadeazora · 2 days
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A new Pokemon x Celio clothing collab is now live on the US Pokemon Center!
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voidvinn · 1 year
pokemon fire red remake make silver a random npc on the sevii islands who’s staying in celio’s basement
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