#pokemon nemona x reader
clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Could you do a scenario about Nemona, Penny and Arven with a real who has type null please? Maybe something about it transforming in Silvally?
I have one in Sword who I call "Bestie", and it's carried me through the Crown Tundra DLC. I want it in Violet so badly aaaa
Also this just reminded me of my fic that I wrote prior to Sun/Moon's release. Ya'll can give it a read if you so desire <3
That being said, this scenario will be like a sequel of sorts
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Revealing Type: Null--or "Nully" as you've affectionately called it--to your friends was something you were initially nervous about...
But today was finally the day.
Moving away from Alola to attend school here in Paldea was quite the stressful journey, especially for your masked companion who had never know any place besides stark white labs and sandy beaches.
People kept warning you about how dangerous it was, but you never listened...and now your bond with the mysterious normal type has never been stronger.
Ever since you rescued it from an Aether Foundation facility that exploded due to its rampage, it put its trust in you and loved you unconditionally.
Learning the truth behind that supposedly "good" organization and its leader broke your heart. Although nothing devastated you more than realizing Nully had been held captive there as both experiment and prisoner.
You've tried researching its species, checking for notes and hacking into secret files the foundation kept under lock and key--and you discovered that Type: Nulls were basically created as "tamer" versions of Arceus, even having memory discs similar to the plates manufactured. They were meant to kill the Ultra Beasts should they invade Alola.
Instead, they went on a rampage (of course, that's what happens when humans try replicating a god's powers) and were confined to masks and put into cryogenic stasis. The whole project was deemed a failure.
As tragic as it was...you were relieved to have found Nully when you did and get it away from that horrible place.
Even so the mask still made it feel absolutely miserable, but unfortunately you couldn't find any further information on how to remove it without causing your precious Pokémon serious injury. There were no visible clamps to unlock, pulling it off would only cause it great pain, and cutting seemed too risky.
The only benefit was that it made Nully immune to critical hits, but the cons definitely outweighed the pros.
Maybe one of your friends knew more about the Type: Null species, and so you decided to call them all over for a picnic if they had free time.
All you could do was pray that they didn't lose their cool and scare your companion.
That's the last thing either of you needed.
Arven was the first to arrive, with Mabosstiff at his heels as usual, but he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing the bizarre-looking Pokémon standing by your side. You could tell he was trying not to look too worried, considering the poor thing was hiding behind you now.
Still, it's obvious that he didn't have the slightest clue what he was looking at, so you explained everything to him: where you found Nully, why it looked like a rejected Arceus, and the memory discs you kept in a small folder.
So far, you haven't figured out how to utilize them in-battle. But despite the space they took up in your bag, you refused to throw them away.
"Are you sure there isn't a slot for these somewhere on its mask?" He stared at one of the floppy discs, before glancing back up at Nully, squinting. "It looks like there should be one."
"We've been pals for nearly three years, Arven..I'm pretty sure I would've found the slot by now if there was one." Shaking your head, you took it from him, sighing. "My only option is to get that thing off. The slot's probably on its body somewhere."
"Right...maybe there's a stomach hatch or-"
"¡Mira! You were right, Penny! They do exist!!"
"Nemona, slow down!! They're not going anywhere!!"
Hearing the shouts of two certain ladies from afar, you and Arven looked to see both Nemona and Penny coming over the horizon. The student council president was dragging the poor girl by the arm, with her stumbling to keep up and not lose her glasses.
When they arrived, Penny was dazed and annoyed as she scowled at Nemona, tearing her arm free of her iron grasp. But her attention was quickly set on the peculiar Pokémon who was cowering behind you yet again.
"Wow...I..never thought I'd see one up close before.." Adjusting her glasses, she gazed at Nully with interest.
"You've heard about them before?" You asked.
"Back in Galar, I found some top-secret stuff about Macro Cosmos trying to make their own instances. They literally stole the blueprints from the Aether Foundation."
"...yikes." Nemona remarked, tilting her head as she tried getting a better look at Nully herself. "It seems shy. Maybe a battle will help it-!"
"No battles, at least not right now." You smiled apologetically, patting it on the head as you looked at each other. "I know you're nervous, Nully..but it's okay. They're nothing like the jerks back in Alola who used to pick on us. They're my friends. You can trust them, I promise."
Nodding its head, it relaxed its haunches as it cautiously stepped away from your side, gazing at the trio and seeing their smiles, too.
They weren't looks of pity.
They seemed genuinely thrilled to meet it.
It stood there for some time, taking in everything you've said to it and thinking about how far it's come since you rescued it that fateful day.
Somehow, it knew it was always meant to be your companion--from the very moment you held it as it cried in the Pokémon Center, reassuring it that it's not a monster, but a sweet creature worthy of love and care.
Ever since then, your friendship has grew...and now it feels stronger, willing to put its life on the line for you if need be. Even though most of its powers have been concealed, it didn't feel like some weak and helpless lab experiment.
Oh no.
It was far from that now.
Thanks to your bond, it felt unbelievably strong.
So much so that....the normal-type realized an extraordinary change was imminent.
And you were about to witness it.
"Look! Nully's glowing, [y/n]!" Nemona pointed, her eyes widening as your companion was basked in a familiar light. "Is it evolving???"
"Oh my god...I think so." You gasped, never realizing the possibility of it evolving, but you're now certain that friendship is what triggered it at last.
The most noticeable thing were the cracks that started appearing all over its helmet, pieces of what you assumed was indestructible alien material falling apart. Nully shook its head vigorously, trying to get rid of it as much as possible.
Then it turned its attention to a nearby boulder, letting out a cry before performing a move similar to a Headbutt, ramming into it and letting the rock shatter the helmet completely.
At last, it was free.
When the glow faded, you and your friends gazed in awe as Nully looked back at all of you.
With its mask finally gone, what lied underneath it was a beautiful creature made of both nature and machine, with a beaklike mouth that smiled proudly.
"Nully...?" You murmured, stepping closer.
"Ally." It chirped, walking up to greet you.
Tears began forming in your eyes as your grin widened. "I can't believe it...friendship was all it took to-"
Suddenly, your rotomphone decided to ruin the sweet moment by flying out of your pocket.
It displayed a new entry in your Pokedex, and you grabbed it to read what it had to say, while Arven, Penny, and Nemona checked their own phones.
"I see, you're Silvally now." You gazed back up at Null--Silvally, watching it bow its head respectfully. With a small laugh, you mimicked the gesture, before petting it lovingly as you sighed. "Wow..."
You noticed one of the metal bolts on its face open up like a CD player, indicating that something had to go in there-
"Wait.." Remembering the memory discs, you took one out and held it up. "Do you want me to use this?"
Silvally nodded, although before you could do anything, Arven interjected.
"Hold on, which memory is that?"
"The Dark Memory. It probably just changes its type, but I believe this represents all the pain Silvally had to endure while being trapped in that mask, not knowing what it did wrong or why people shunned it for simply existing." You placed a gentle hand under your companion's jaw. "But now I think it's ready to turn that painful memory into power. So let's see what happens.."
Carefully inserting the disc into the open slot, you watched as it closed up. Then you stepped back, seeing the colors and spikes on its body turn smoky black.
Even its eyes changed, and when they opened they looked even more menacing than ever.
And they stared directly at you.
With a low growl, it crept closer to you, while your friends held back..tense and worried that the pokedex entries were correct: this wasn't something you could so easily control.
There was probably a very good reason for the mask-
Yet any hostility Silvally seemingly expressed disappeared, as it smiled and licked your cheek affectionately, causing you to laugh once more. "Hey, that tickles! C'mere you!"
Hugging its neck, you grinned as you received even more kisses, hearing it purr with happiness. You petted its feathery crest, relieved that it completely trusted you now.
"Wow..it's way cooler than Arceus!" Nemona laughed. "Do you think I can battle it-??"
Silvally just shot her a wary look, and she immediately fell silent, a nervous smile on her face. "Haha, you're right. Not yet. But I swear we're gonna have an epic battle one day!"
"Yeah, one day. But for now, I have something special for this big guy."
You managed to regain its full attention with a simple yet supereffective move of your very own:
It's called "chin scritches", something that none of your other Pokémon could resist receiving.
The mask obviously made it difficult for Silvally to receive proper affection back then...and you vowed to find a way to break it so you can do just that.
Now it was free of that awful and heavy thing, having a brand new life to look forward to: battles, friendships with other Pokémon, and more.
Even better?
Your three closest friends in all of Paldea were here to witness its evolution--a sign that despite all the odds...your bond was unbreakable.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 2 years
Hello!!! I love your writing!!! May I request some cuddling/hugging HCs about the Scarlet/Violet trio of friends (Nemona, Penny, and Arven)? Thank you!!
She loves physical affection, be it from a romantic or platonic source. Her parents were very hands off and weren't physically affectionate so from the lack of physical affection made her rather starved for it.
Her hugs can be a little bit too tight at times, it's because she loves you so much! She just has to squeeze ya to make you squeak like a Pachirisu! She hugs her friends all the time and you're no exception even though you're dating.
Even though her hugs can borderline on the too tight end, they're very comforting and grounding. For both yourself and her. She usually gives you a hug when and after she sees you. It's routine!
She's a surprisingly softer cuddler compared to the hugs she gives, and actually prefers to be held from behind before she drifts off to sleep. Likes her hair that is out of the confines of her ponytail to be scratched and stroked softly with your fingers.
Please kiss her freckles, the laugh and crinkles of her honey colored eyes are a beautiful sight. And she LOVES when you try to kiss every freckle.
She's more relaxed and less energy filled in these quiet moments. Because of you, you're her special person.
She's such an early riser, but will extend cuddle sessions as long as possible and you can hear the whine she makes from her spot next to you when she does have to get up for the day.
Little Penny is not big on PDA, so expect hugs from her in public to be almost nonexistent. She's just very shy and doesn't like eyes on her.
However it is more common for her to initiate a hug when you're alone be it inside her dorm room, or alone on a walk outside town away from people.
They're not too tight, but they're comforting with the way her face squishes up against your shoulder as her glasses are skewed diagonally across her face.
She'll hum when you hug her back and likes when you scratch her back with your fingernails lightly.
Loves to cuddle but sometimes it gets too much for her, especially when you're staring lovingly at her and her whole face just resembles a tamato berry and she has to force herself away to compose herself.
She loves having your arms wrapped around her and her own small hands on your chest while she rests her head on top them.
Enjoys watching you sleep and if you catch her staring she'll be so embarrassed. Just give her space and don't overwhelm her, she'll come back in your arms soon enough.
She loves you a lot and these emotions can be overwhelming.
He didn't get a lot of attention growing up at all, and so it took a little bit of time for the shoulder and back pats to turn into a full on embrace. And once he did, he realized how long it had been since he last had a loving physical touch from another human being.
So, so touch starved, the clingiest person out of them all.
His hugs, even though he's been out of practice, they're so comforting and warm and loving. He gives you kisses on the crown of your head every time he hugs you.
Loves cuddling after some time getting used to it. Likes to cuddle you facing him and for your head to be resting on his outstretched arm or his shoulder so he can still see your face.
Strokes your cheek with his fingertips and traces shapes onto your arm when you're talking. One of the only times his hair is out of his eyes and brushed back on top his head.
Kiss his face and watch it light up warmly before he goes in to reciprocate lovingly. You won't regret it.
He feels so safe with you, the comfort he didn't get from his parents he gets from you. Feel comforted in that, please. That he loves and trusts you with all the love his body can have.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Prompt - Nemona - “What do you mean you can’t hang out? I’m literally at your door.”
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Nemona: At Your Door
The one thing about Nemona that was clear to you from the moment you met her was that she was persistent. When she had her eyes set on something, there was no backing down for her. Though she, more often than not, does not realize that she impedes on other peoples plans. Today was one of those days. You where relaxing in your dorm, doing some research for a project, when you got a call from her.
"Hey, you at your dorm? I'm going to stop by!" Nemona says, excitement radiating from her voice. She has always been one to be on the go, no stopping for her. "I have something I want to show you, so you better be ready for an adventure!"
You softly groaned at the thought of leaving your dorm and the fact that you could hear her right outside your door. Although you could go out on an adventure to whatever the class president had planned, a day in is what you had planned. "Sorry Nemona, I can't hang out today. I have quite a bit of stuff to continue researching and I don't lose track of what I'm doing."
She faltered in her step, stopping herself from knocking on your door. "What do you mean you can't hang out today? I'm literally at your door. Can't you work on that some other time?"
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
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randoimago · 2 years
So something I've realized recently is that I tend to massively overlevel my Pokemon while playing, and as such I usually steamroll my way through every battle. Can I request Nemona from Scarlet and Violet with an S/O who usually ends every battle in just one hit? Like how would she react to having a partner/rival who is just that strong of a trainer?
S/O Ending Battles with One Hit
Fandom: Pokemon: Scarlet/Violet
Characters: Nemona
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: The amount of grinding I did to be able to do some of the outpost thingies and titans before getting to the area that was obviously for beginners and just annihilating them >.<
Thank god the Pokemon games don’t take in the Nuzlocke lore cause I would cry if I ended up killing pokemon cause mine are too strong.
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Can’t help but wince when she sees how easily you defeat a trainer in battle. Just imagining the power difference between your pokemon and their’s causes her to feel bad. Also hopes their pokemon is okay because that was a really strong hit.
She’s a champion so she has her own super strong pokemon, but she doesn’t want to make battle too easy (and doesn’t want to send other pokemon to the hospital).
That’s why she makes sure to have pokemon from each area so she can train them up and use them when needed.
Still cheers you on when you win, but maybe you should switch out pokemon. Try a different team and learn new battle strategies!
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Imagine going on a shopping trip with Nemona. She's eyeballing every PokeBall, potion, revive and vitamin at the Pokemon center, weighing her options carefully. Occasionally she'll turn and ask for your opinion, nodding seriously with every response.
She and the clerk seem to know each other pretty well already; he's pulling stacks of items from beneath the counter, letting her go through everything before restacking and bagging her choices.
Eventually you both make it out of there, her wallet empty and both of you loaded down with everything she had bought "just in case", which needed sorted once the two of you made it home. She smiled and talked at you about different catching methods, pretending to throw a PokeBall and almost falling over herself and the bags.
After getting back without further incident, the two of you went through the bags, counting out items to go in her bag and putting the rest into a box in her room. She shakes a potion at you, laughing as she pretends to mist you before tossing it into her bag.
Never a dull moment with Nemona, I promise.
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brattybede · 2 years
-spoiler free-
rival nemona whose eyes light up when she sees you during your journey. she rushes over to you, excited to see you after so long. as much as she wants to catch up, she knows you both have to keep moving. so, she challenges you to a battle. unsurprisingly to the both of you, you win. she rushes over to you, praising you and your team’s strength. 
then you both part your ways, despite how much nemona doesn’t want you to. she wants to be with you forever. maybe one day, you will be.
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coannaa-bee · 2 years
I saw that you’re fine with poly ships! I’d love to get a poly hc of Arven, Nemona, and their short gnc s/o getting used to each other’s habits or dates :0
Why of course!! I love this so much honestly!
(Read till the end for a note from moi!)
Arven and Nemona Poly Relationship (w/ short reader)
The two are very different when it comes to relationships. Areven is more of a touch starved, sweet, lover while Nemona is also sweet but more chaotic per say.
Their habits are both different making your dates with them to be very different. Arven is the type to take you on many outdoor dates and stargazing dates. Nemona would also take you to outdoor dates but she would take you out to see the many Pokémon and she’d even catch you one too! (She ended up catching you a little Smoliv <3)
Arven would get jealous if you give Nemona too much attention. Really, if you’re talking with Nemona, Arven would feel jealous so quickly. He still loves you two but hey! He’s here too!!
Nemona isn’t a jealous type but does try and get your attention a lot. Nemona would use your head as an arm rest or use your shoulder. You don’t mind, do you?
You all will have a date together as it’ll just be a little sleepover with just the three of you. You’ll have pillow fights, make Pillow forts, watch movies, especially horror, and do many other stuff for fun! But when you all get exhausted, the way all three of you sleep is like a big puddle almost. Nemona is usually on the left while Arven is on the right and of course you in the middle but you would be sandwiched between them making sure you all get comfy before it’s lights out.
>>💎💎Please don’t copy nor steal my work please and thank you!!🌹🌹<<
I’d like for you all to forgive me for my absence as I’ve been caught up with my job, school, and taking care of family business. I hope you understand why I just disappeared but I want you all to know I love you all and sorry if this is short as it wasn’t on purpose but it’s late and ran out of ideas..
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Rules and characters I write for!
Hello hello! This side blog is pretty much just for some short x reader stories while I work on some bigger projects! Please make sure you read this whole blog thoroughly before requesting :)
Below the cut too continue!
- No nsfw requests please! I mainly just like the cute wholesome stuff with x reader stories!
- Please don't nag me into writing for more characters than I'm comfortable with. The list will most likely grow later on.
- If someone gives me a good enough idea I might make it more than a short story, but no promises!
- I am open too lgbtq+ and poly storys if requested.
- If you request please add your preferred gender or pronouns. If you don't specify I'll most likely use female reader stuff.
- You can request up too 3 things in one ask, but keep in mind I'll only use 1. You can request again after a few days :)
- If you request one of the characters that is a minor (ages 15-17 in my headcanon) in the game or show they are in, I will time skip to when they are at least 18. Even though there is no nsfw it's still weird for me to write x readers with teens.
- I do ask that you add some context! Because I have other bigger projects going on its easier too have a general idea of what I'm writing!
Characters I will write for (in order of what I have more interest in doing)->
- Raihan (swsh)
- Leon (swsh)
- Bede (swsh)
- Arven (scvi)
- Nemona (scvi)
- Hop (swsh)
- Adaman (la)
- Penny (scvi)
- Volo (la)
- Marnie (swsh)
Please keep in mind the list might expand once I have decided on some headcanoned personality traits for more characters!
I will make a masterlist once I have a good amount of things written!
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shiny-kaibernyte · 1 month
Arven Headcannons (Romantic)
No warnings: Just pure fluff
There are a few general headcannons in here and a couple of how i think him and Nemona's friendship would be. But its 90% fluff. I actually wrote WAYYYY more than what's in this post but i didn't think people would want to read an entire Essay. So here are a selection!
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This man cannot bake for anything. Give him a grill and bread, he will give you a 5 star meal. Give him a whisk and a cake try he will burn the house down. So don’t expect a homemade cake on your birthday. Or at least don’t expect one from him.
He was Smitten with you the moment you agreed to help him on his Titan Quest. Reluctantly or joyfully, hearing you agreeing made him fall head over heels for you and he didn’t even know it. Maybe that's why he tried extra hard on those Sandwiches. 
Arven and Nemona used to fight over the best friend position, You’d usually have to stand in the middle of them to prevent their Pokémon battles from spilling into personal ones. Arven would later claim the Boyfriend card once Area Zero was dealt with, Nemona was very pleased to cement the best friend spot.
You are the only other person who's allowed to take Mabosstiff out on walks. You're his person, so you get the puppy. Nemona and Penny both tried, it resulted in Arven throwing a tomato at Nemona and Penny slowly backing out of the room. He did mourn the tomato though… he wanted that tomato.
Arven isn’t necessarily Protective, but he is observant. He will defend your honour and voice with every ounce of his being. But he also isn’t a violent person, that's what Pokémon battles are for. 
That being said, if something did happen to you, especially if you fell ill. He would go to hell and back to find some way of helping you. He already proved that much, just don’t bail on him if he needs you most.
Love Language: Gift Giving + Quality time.
If he can, he will SPOIL you. He never had someone love him the way you do. Show him the kindness and compassion that makes his heart sore. If he could give you the world. He’d hand you the Galaxy on a silver plate. But until he can find a Cosmo. A plushie will have to be done for now.
He is not a morning person at all. The only reason you will ever find him up before midday is for one of two reasons: A teacher told him off for being late and he’s only got 1 more warning before another suspension OR Mabosstiff dragged him out of bed by the ankle and forced him to go outside. There is no other reason.
Terrible at video games, absolutely horrendous. Dude can’t even play Minecraft without throwing the controller. Penny tried to teach him how to play Stardew Valley, he got angry at Pierre for the backpack price and hasn’t picked up the game again. Though he’s happy to watch you play and will hold down a button if you get tired. Never ask him to play though… unless you need to laugh, then ask. 
One time you tried to put a bow on Mabosstiff ‘s head. With no recollection how or why, it somehow ended up in Arven’s hair. You have now learnt Arven can rock a manbun and a sparkling pastel pink bow. 
When you first stayed the night, dude slept like a board. He did not move a single cell in his body. It wasn’t until you were resting your head on his chest that he actually moved. He has since loosened up, but it took a while for him to trust himself enough to even touch you when you slept. 
He cannot Flirt. You cannot tell me otherwise.
He bought you both onesies to wear on movie nights. Yes he has to have a Saturday movie night with you or he gets grumpy. 
Sometimes Arven will bring you lunch or make you breakfast so he knows you have eaten at least something during the day. Plus he also uses it as an excuse to see you smile but he will never say that to your face. Only Mabosstiff.
Dude is terrified of Cetitan. Ever since the "mountain incident" Cetitan is his greatest enemy. Arven tries to act tough and unafraid to impress you but, Grusha has and will continue to use this fear to his Advantage any time Nemona drags Arven to the Mountains. You totally didn’t make a deal with Grusha and Nemona, that isn’t something you did… Wink wink.
You don’t borrow his clothes, he donates them. There have been numerous occasions you have opened a drawer or wardrobe to find one of his numbers, jackets, vests, anything! Just something new of his somewhere for you to have. He will even buy different sizes if you prefer baggy shirts or snug shirts.
He remembers everything and yet nothing at the same time. You ask him what day it is, he’ll look at you like you just asked him to explain calculus to a class of year 1’s. Ask him your favourite movie!? Arven will go into excruciating detail about everything to the point you’d think he directed it. Nemona and Giacomo once held a quiz night on Arven just to test how much he did remember. Dude remembered nothing about anyone else, except birthdays… he’s good at that. But you dude could write your autobiography. 
Dude has zero fear of heights, once Miridon learnt how to fly, anytime Arven would join you, he’d always sit behind you so he could hold your waist. It’s been a little thing of his ever since Area Zero, he can’t not do it. Even if he’s the better driver; Dude will sit behind you as an excuse to just hold you.
Almost No PDA he is a private person. He does lean on you though or will stand behind you almost like a bodyguard. If he does touch you in public it's usually a reassuring hand on the shoulder, on the small of your back to guide you somewhere or your arm locked into his. He isn’t a hand holder, he usually is carrying something or needs his hands free so he does subtle stuff instead.
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Penny, Arven and Nemona cuddling HC please some fluff to cheer everyone up with the trio 🙏
Arven, Nemona & Penny (separate) general cuddling HCs [GN!Reader]
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I full heartedly believe that our big sandwich boy is touchstarved. There’s no way that, with the trauma Arven has, that he’s normal about physical touch. But don’t worry! It’s not hard to start a cuddle sesh with him
This boy is warm, a walking furnace if you will. He also smells like sandwiches but also kinda like a dog because if Mabostiff but who doesn’t like the big dog?
When Arven and you cuddle, this boy has the strength of an Ursaring he is not letting go. It’s like being covered in a weighted blanket: super comforting
Honestly, he would probably just stay silent while you cuddle. He doesn’t really know what to say unless you start a conversation and he just likes the comforting silence between you two
He’s more than open to cuddling with you whenever you want to, he’s just gonna have a hard time initiating it himself so it’s up to you to read his body language
If you have a bad day and just wanna relax with him, he’ll happily cuddle you if you want and will even let Mabostiff out for extra support! You can even let your own out if you want! Just let him take care of you
As stated before, Arven is a touchstarved lad and will have trouble initiating cuddles but that doesn’t mean he hates them! Just tell him when you want to and he’ll comply! One day he’ll get better at telling you when he wants to cuddle…
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Nemona is a very hyperactive and energetic girl so I feel like it’d be hard to keep her still for too long. What can I say, she likes to fidget but she’ll try her best to cuddle with you for however long you want
I feel like she’d also be pretty warm. Not like furnace warm but like blanket warm, not too hot and not too cold. She also probably smells like a summer’s day or a flower bouquet
Probably just as strong as Arven when it comes to cuddle grip. When you start, she has no intention of letting go. She likes to fidget with your clothes or you hair, helps her keep still and focus on you
She’s good as a comforting presence but definitely isn’t good with her words and often misses or misunderstands emotional beats. I mean, just look at the game that’s all the proof I need
It’s not her first thought to initiate cuddles since she’s always on the move or thinking about her next Pokémon battle so she may as well forget that she can just ask for cuddles
On that, she’s more than happy to cuddle with you when you have a bad day. She’ll offer some activities or fresh air or even simply some food if you want. If not, she’ll just stay with you while playing with your long/short hair
Even though Nemona has a hard time staying still or asking, she actually likes cuddling with you! It brings a sort of comfort to her that she doesn’t experience often…
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It’s not to much as she’s touchstarved, she’s just really shy about physical touch. Penny knows when she wants physical touch and when she doesn’t but has a hard time getting that point across to her partner
Penny is about as cold as a Glaceon. There’s a reason she wears baggy hoodies! She’s the kind of girlfriend to place her cold hands on your back or her cold feet over your own. Be wary
Penny has very little physical strength so she’s much rather be held than do the holding herself. What she makes up for in strength is comfortability it’s like hugging a pillow
On that note, she’s super comfy to hug. The hoodie does help quite a bit but she’s very huggable. She has a very comforting aura when she’s relaxing
Sorry to say this but Penny will not initiate cuddles or even ask for them. Girl’s just too shy for her own good so you’ll have to initiate/ask for them first
However, if she sees that you’re having a bad day or are just overall not feeling well, she’ll try her best to suck up her shyness and cuddle you. She’ll even get her eeveeloutions to help!
Trust me, Penny loves cuddling with her partner as much as the next trainer but she just can’t bring herself to have enough confidence to actually do so. Maybe one day…
This post was written by mod☕️
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Could I request a reader who has an espathra. Espathra is from Reader's grandma who used to be a model and singer. Espathra is walks like a diva but is an absolute sweetheart. Reader joined the academy as a student and told the trio (Arven, Nemona and Penny) the reason why I joined the academy was because I never liked those private schools as I was always bored and hated dealing with the others as the students tend to annoy reader or be mean.
Tbh when he first saw your Espathra strutting down the streets of Mesagoza, he rolled his eyes.
He's well aware of how sassy and aggressive wild ones can be, but he assumes that even those tamed by trainers aren't any different (and sometimes a Pokémon's personality can rub off on them, too).
Once he gets to really know you both, though, he quickly realizes how friendly your Espathra is around people--even Mabosstiff.
Ofc they're still sassy, although they don't have a single mean bone in their body and don't try to reach across the table to steal his sandwich ingredients.
During lunch, you share how they once belonged to your grandma--who used to be a famous model and singer until she retired, deciding to leave her treasured partner in your care.
Arven never watched much TV growing up, so he never saw her performances. He just shrugs and says "that's kinda cool, little buddy."
But he grows concerned when a random kid intrudes on your picnic, asking about your grandma and wanting to pet the Espathra.
Suddenly the psychic type makes them shut up by immobilizing them on the spot....as he sits there wondering why tf you allowed them to do that.
You explain that's exactly why you transferred schools--specifically from a private one in another region to the Academy here in Paldea.
The students there kept bugging you, asking for your grandma's autograph and getting angry when you refused to take something they wanted her to sign or deliver fan mail as though you're some messenger Noctowl.
In short, they only ever talked to you if they wanted to contact her...and that made you feel quite bored and lonely, never gaining any real friends.
Luckily, Arven was already your friend long before he knew any of this.
He can definitely empathize with people constantly bothering him because of his connection to his "famous" parents.
Not only has she obsessively watched the gym leaders' battles on TV, she also followed each of their social media accounts for years.
And on Tulip's page, she discovers that both her and your grandma did a collab for a new makeup brand inspired by their Espathras.
At the time, she didn't know you at all, but after hearing your last name and seeing your main partner Pokémon--she pulls you aside after class, eyes sparkling.
"So [y/n]..you're related to THE-?"
"Yes." You brush her hand off your shoulder, already knowing where this was going. "If you want an autograph, go to her retirement home and ask for her. I'm not your messenger."
You storm off, your Espathra giving Nemona a soft apologetic look, before they follow you, hair swishing gracefully.
However being the stubborn girl that she is....she eventually catches up to you, huffing and puffing and apologizing endlessly.
All she wanted was a simple battle with your Espathra (she almost called it your grandma's Espathra but quickly corrected herself--something you appreciated her doing).
It takes you by surprise, but you listen to her wishes and end up defeating her final Pokémon with a brilliant Lumina Crash that lit up the night sky.
After the battle's won, you explain that her attitude when you first met reminded you of the kids who bothered you back at your old school--which became the reason you transferred to Paldea to begin with.
You found her annoying.
Now? She was slightly less annoying since she genuinely wanted to befriend you, and not because you're related to a retired celebrity.
Team Star's had their fair share of feisty Flittles invading their outposts, always having to chase them out or risk being attacked just for gathering berries for their Pokémon.
Arceus forbid an outbreak of Flittle ever happened...
Because of that, Penny's always been skeptical around that evolution line, convinced that most Espathras are hostile.
The ones down in Area Zero's caverns especially made her nervous.
However, yours is a special case as they showed no aggression towards her, Arven, or Nemona.
You really owe it all to your grandma, mentioning how your Espathra used to be her partner in concerts and modeling for magazines.
They enjoyed being by her side and were content with retiring to Paldea after she ended her career on a high note.
She always talked about how they've adored singing since they were a little Flittle, and that they inspired her to keep going whenever she felt overwhelmed by the paparazzi and self-doubt.
How you wish you had her confidence at the private school you used to attend...but it became too much to handle after so many kids annoyed you simply because you're related to her.
You begged to be transferred out of there--for your sanity and for Espathra's, too.
After telling Penny all these stories, she definitely sees a different side to the Flittle line now, realizing that maybe not all of them are aggressive sassy berry thieves.
But when a grunt comes over (only overhearing that you're related to somebody they used to watch on TV all the time), Espathra just immobilizes them on the spot.
It frightens Penny, but the ostrich just smiles calmly at her.
You laugh and pet their beak, reassuring her it's nothing to be scared of--that kid simply won't remember ever asking you for your grandma's autograph.
From there on, she sends a message to all of Team Star not to make the same mistake that grunt did.
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
I’m in Pokémon hell so here’s a take on new take on everyone’s favorite imagine
Arven, Nemona, and Penny when you’re locked outside your dorm room.
He gets it. Happens to him all the time.
He just sort of gives you a pat on the back and a “that’s rough, buddy.”
Offers you a sandwich in these trying times.
At one point he offers to let you sleep in his dorm for the night
You accept, but now you’re faced with the classical only one bed trope, right?
You find out that Arven sleeps on the floor, while Mabosstiff sleeps on the bed. They’ve been doing this for years.
You have maybe the most confusing sleepover of your life.
She has a copy of your dorm key. Refuses to elaborate on how she got it.
Being on student council means being prepared for anything!
She’s honestly just happy to help, and honored that you asked her to help.
But she is Nemona. She do Nemona things.
If you want her to unlock your dorm, you’re gonna have to battle her.
At this point you think she may have just taken your key so she’d have an excuse to battle with you.
Many hours and battles later, you are able to return to the comfort of your dorm.
Your actual key is on your desk.
You feel concerned.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
Eventually gives in and picks the lock
Actually incredibly good at picking locks
But if you ask her, she’s gonna have to talk about how hacking is much more her speed.
Def gonna get a talking to by director Clavell, because security cameras 100% caught this on camera.
The two of you get to have fun fun bonding time as you do Clavell-ordered community service.
Penny glares at you when you’re not looking for a few days after this incident.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Nemona | Headcanons | How would Nemona react to finding out that PC is/was a former champion of a region before?
Short and to the point for this one. Hope you enjoy it!
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Nemona: Champions of the Old
The moment she finds out, she's in awe. You are a champion?! She's so wanting to battle you at your fill strength now, no matter what.
Expect normal Nemona pestering for battles, but way worse. She wants to battle the team you took with you.
When she finds out that most regions only have a singular champion, she's even more amazed. You managed to hold your title for so long and never lost?
She's combusting where she's at as she begs to watch some videos. If she finds out you were the champion in Galar, she's even more amazed. That stuff was broadcasted to the entire world.
She's going to watch every single video of you battling in order to get a good grasp on how you battle so she can take you down.
She might also gush if you were young when you became champion and she can see mini you in old videos.
Needless to say, if you thought she was bad before, you had no idea how obsessed she can get with someone.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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cheesus-doodles · 4 months
Star-Crossed by Choice: Chapter 3
Yandere Raihan & Leon with Champion Darling
Pokemon SwSh and SV Crossover
<< Chapter 1 | 2
apologies for the sudden hiatus yall ;-; i've been pulling midnight days almost every day for the past month for work on top of dealing with quite a severe writer block - things has been calming down somewhat so I look forward to ramping up my writing again! thank you for your patience :3
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“You ungrateful little whore,” Raihan all but snarled out, the whites of his gritted teeth glinting in the dim street light as he stared you down.
Your body instantly reacted, attempting to stumble back and away despite having collapsed on the ground, your trembling gaze all but locked on Raihan’s icy teals, unable to turn away. If looks could kill, you wouldn’t be dead, no - the fate that awaited you was so much worse than the kind embrace of death. Your Cinderace let out an uncertain trill as it looked back at you, quickly followed by an annoyed one as it shifted to block your view of the gym leader. The astute Pokemon you had the honor to call your partner was more than well aware of the situation, though its efforts did little to stop the shivers that wrecked your body as you tried and failed to force yourself to get up and move.
Raihan was hardly deterred. “After all I’ve done for you, after all you’ve put me through-” The taller man took a step forward, his towering shadow falling over you, eyes almost seeming to glow in the dark and he stared you down. “This is how you repay my love?” 
It was as if your Cinderace barely existed between the two of you, those narrowed eyes piercing straight past the Pokemon and into your soul, a shot from a harpoon that hooked into your flesh and froze you in place. There was no right answer to his question, even if you could muster the words to reply, because there wasn’t supposed to be one; you were never right. Only wrong. 
The town of Cortando was predictably quiet at this time of the night, with residents and student visitors having long retreated into their beds to prepare for the coming day. You envied them - and you always had - having the freedom that the new dawn would bring to look forward to. And even though you treasured every day you could roam the rolling hills of Paldea, free from the shackled throne you were forced to sit upon in Galar, it wasn’t without needing to constantly look over your back for the monsters that lurked in the shadows.
And now, the freedom you had so carefully constructed for yourself was threatening to shatter before your eyes. 
You gulped, pleading eyes sliding to glance at Nemona, who was still staring blankly at the whole ongoing shitshow. What now? Could you simply give all this up? Go back to the safety of what you knew? You had to, your mind screamed at you. Concede now, surrender and return peacefully before it’s too late, and you could maybe still enjoy some semblance of the miniscule comfort you had before your abrupt escape.
But it was your heart and the sinking feeling in the base of your gut that told you the truth. That it was already too late for you: you had forced the Hammerlocke gym leader into giving up all pretense of playing the persona he was so loved for, and like an awakened dragon, the man you faced was now one usually reserved only for you and your transgressions against him. Allowing others to lay eyes on such a private side of him would hardly be kind to you if Raihan got his way.
“Hey! Eyes here while I’m talking to you,” the man snapped, and your gaze immediately jumped back to meet his, the hair on the back of your neck standing as you realized that you had been too obvious in allowing your attention to waver away from Raihan. If Cinderace hadn’t been between the two of you, you were sure around your neck was exactly where the other’s hands would be at this precise point in time. “Do I mean so little to you now, princess? Just trash to be cast aside, huh?”
What now? What else?
Yet that was hardly the whole sum of your issues at the moment. Allowing your eyes to slide away from Raihan once more as the man continued to vent and rant to himself, and there in the dim yellow light waited another patient pair, Leon looking deceptively relaxed from where he was leaned against an unassuming lamppost lazily scanning his surroundings, just a stone’s throw behind the hoodie-touting gym leader. And as if he could feel your wide-eyed stare, the ex-Champion looked up, catching your eyes lingering on him. Smirking as he dropped whatever it was that he had been tossing from one hand to the other, the purple-haired man leisurely strolled over, clapping one hand over an unusually agitated Raihan’s shoulder. “Calm, Raihan,” Leon smirked, golden eyes having never left yours. “She’s still here.”
Raihan let out an annoyed tsk, shaking Leon off of him, though the gym leader did take a deep breath and calmed down. 
I’m still here, you repeated mentally. So close where they could almost grasp you, your eyes flickering between the two as their shadow only seemed to grow longer and longer, swallowing you up and dragging you further from the light, yet so far away. Your chances to get away were only getting slimmer with every passing minute. Having to shake Raihan off was one thing, with the blue-eyed man’s seemingly dragon-like senses and his ability to read you like an open book, but adding Leon into the equation was a whole different ball game.
But you had to try. Giving up and returning to that life that awaited you, it simply wasn’t an option, if not for you, then for your beloved Pokemon friends. You’ve already beaten them once, you tried to reassure yourself. All that time ago, when you had become Galar Champion, and then again and again every Championship. Slowly, painstakingly slowly, you shifted your hand, dipping into your pocket to pull out a small clicker, all the while wrecking your brains to come up with a plan. You just had to beat them again this time. Give up, those nagging voices at the back of your mind urged again.
Far from the rage that Raihan had worked himself into, Leon was still calm and collected, the tanned man with a mob of purple hair reaching out towards you, offering one ungloved hand as if an olive branch. “It’s time to come home, love,” he reassured. “It’s not too late. Everything’ll go back to normal, same way it always was, if you come home with us now. I promise.”
A lie. You know better to fall for those honeyed words - that hadn’t been a question but an order. You closed your eyes, letting out a shuddering breath. It was all too much for you.
Those amber eyes moved to lock onto your Cinderace. “And you. Return to your Pokeball.”
Your partner pokemon bristled, letting out a warning growl.
Leon had always frightened you, more than Raihan ever did. The Dragon gym leader had always been very obvious, very deliberate with his actions, never bothering to hide his intentions, to the extent of making it public to his leagues of fans the moment you were in his grasp. But you hadn’t even noticed the once-undefeated Champion’s claws wrapping around you until he already had you trapped.
The glimpse of purple hair you kept catching from the corner of your eye had you momentarily thinking of Hop, your oldest and dearest friend that you had left behind in Galar. You wondered how he was doing, whether he still thought of you like you did of him. Whether he had already achieved his goal of researching rare pokemon. Whether he still looked up to his older brother after what Leon had done to him the day you toppled Goliath and became reigning Champion.
You thought about writing to him from time to time, especially during those lonely nights when you camped out in the far corner of some field, stoking a crackling fire under the twinkling stars with your Pokemon fast asleep around you. You remembered when Hop would join you to feast on curry when the two of you were kids, when neither had any worries beyond homework and whether the channels would have the latest episode of your favorite show. But you had always decided against it at the end of the day, worried about being tracked down should Leon get a hold of one - and you could only offer simple wishes up to whatever deity was listening that Hop was doing well. 
Fat load of good that did you.
Your hand moved fast, tapping away on the converted morse paddle key hidden to the side of your body: non-verbal instructions to your Cinderace. Not only was it a system that both you and your Pokemon were well accustomed with, having practiced it again and again throughout the course of the Galar Championships and beyond, but it also took advantage of Pokemon’s natural heightened senses and your two self-established “guardians” inability to understand. And you knew your partner heard you loud and clear, the bunny Pokemon’s ear twitching in acknowledgement despite keeping its back turned to you.
Though despite your best attempts, your unspoken communication didn’t go unnoticed. Leon’s face darkened, in step with Raihan snarling. “Not going to use your words?” “What did I say about clicking?”
Fortunately, right on cue, Cinderace took a quick swipe at them, forcing the two men back a few paces to avoid the tip of its feet before your partner retreated back to stand guard in front of you. 
The breeze had picked up once more, carrying with it the calls of Hoothoot and the rustle of grass from outside of town, the fields alive with nocturnal Pokemon. You shivered in the warm wind, your mind racing. One step down, countless more to go. Could you pull it off?
It was far too obvious that you weren’t giving up the fight just yet, Raihan mused, sharp eyes lasering in on you as you kept your gaze downturned and focused on the ground, his grin only seeming to lengthen with the shadows that danced in the night. Sure, you had always been on the timid, shy side, even to the point of being a selective mute, but he could tell this was one of those rare times where your instinct to struggle against the current bubbled to the surface. You had always been a crafty little thing when you needed to.
Yet the scales were still tipped in his favor.
“Fiery,” the Hammerlocke gym leader all but purred out, pulling your attention out from your thoughts. “You sure you wanna do that though?” He reached into his pocket, and you flinched on instinct. Good.
 Pulling out an all-too familiar Pokeball, the orb was clutched in one tanned hand held halfway out, just enough for the light to catch its top. 
You turned pale, staggering to your feet immediately, your eyes locked on that ball. No doubt you would easily recognise the Pokeball he now held as your own: the once-glossy red surface painstakingly decorated with cute little details that he imagined you carving with the tip of a knife in the light of a campfire once upon a time, far out in the Wild Area and away from prying eyes. “You know who this is, don’t you, lil champ?”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away, tears beginning to well in the corner of your already swollen eyes as you tried to shake your head, attempting to plead silently to spare you the pain. 
Ah that helpless, what a sight for sore eyes indeed. If only you could voice that plea.
And with a quick toss, it was clear to the hooded trainer that he had only confirmed your worst nightmares, Lapras bursting forth and manifesting before Cinderace with a cry. Back when he had let his guard down and allowed you to escape from his grasp back in Galar, you had managed to slip away with just six of your Pokemon - your prized Pokemon to say the least, given those six formed the core of your Championship team. But, Raihan smirked, casually sliding both hands into the pockets of his hoodie, it was no secret you cared deeply for all your Pokemon, and those you left behind were still in his and Leon’s possession. 
Even your Cinderace seemed uncertain of the evolving situation, breaking its fighting stance to glance between you and its former ally. 
Now, what were you going to do next?
Your world felt like it was on the brink of imploding, the very air just a wrong touch away from collapsing around you. That wretched thick black collar that hung from Lapras’ neck, one you were all too familiar with - you could barely bite back the whimper that you felt threatening to escape from your throat. Whatever you did, one wrong move and you would once again be the sole cause of the world of suffering Lapras would be put through.
You shaking met Lapras’ eyes, to which the Pokemon let out a mournful sigh, and Cinderace returned a sad trill. It wasn’t the first time both had found the other on opposing sides since you had your living arrangement forcibly updated at the end of the Galar Championship, but neither liked the outcome. Maybe Leon and Raihan were right. Maybe you should just give in and end the pain. 
“Just leave her alone already!” A sudden interruption that sliced through the silence of the night like a hot knife through butter, and Nemona came stomping over from behind him, an uncharacteristically furious expression painted across the usually cheery girl. “She doesn’t want to go with you!” With a distinct lack of fear in her eyes and a lack of care for who your two pursuers were on the world stage, your friend marched past them without a second glance, putting herself squarely on your side and in your corner.
The Champion-ranked trainer turned to you. “Don’t get me wrong, I most definitely want to have a battle with you once all this blows over,” she declared, pausing for a moment before continuing on. “And I want to know everything. But I’m on your side. Got it?”
You simply nodded.
There was little question that Raihan and Leon would be angry, and you didn’t need to look to know just how downright pissed they were. Instead opting to turn your gaze to Nemona then to the ground, it was as if your mind had connected the dots faster than you could have realized, and you had to take a second look at the uniform-clad girl. Right before it hit you like a charging Rhyhorn, the sudden realization instantly shaking your entire perspective and turning your world upside down. 
You were no longer in Galar. 
Yes, there was no doubt that Raihan and Leon were still Master Class trainers that have conquered the World Coronation Championships, and were most definitely famous even here in Paldea as the famous Dragon Gym Leader of Hammerlocke and the former Galar Champion. But missing were the leagues of women who would throw their weeks away to comb every inch of grass for signs of you on Raihan’s command. And gone were the nosy trainers who would be more than happy to turn over information on your location just for a word of praise from Leon, or the crowds of your self-declared fans who could recognize you turned inside out from a yard away.
They were as good as nobodies here, and so were you.
And now all the wheels began to turn. The modified morse paddle key that served as your clicker went into overdrive as you tried to get your thoughts out to Cinderace as fast as your fingers could go.
You could get away. There was still a way out for you.
Raihan seemed to have caught on to the sudden hope that surged in your veins, the toothy grin on his face dropping as he narrowed his eyes. “Lapras, Hydro Pump,” he ordered.
Lapras resisted, letting out a defiant cry as it rebelled against his orders. Your countdown has started.
Two clicks, and your Cinderace leapt forward, foot extended to land a Double Kick.
You didn’t look to see if the attack landed, attempting to turn out all external sounds from your buzzing ears; the butterflies in your chest already made it hard enough to keep breathing. Instead, you cleared your throat, your mouth moving as you tried to force a word, a sound, anything from your vocal chords. “S-St-” You exhaled, shuddering, your efforts going unnoticed amidst the chaos of the moment.
The Dragon Gym Leader had withdrawn a small remote, a promise, not a threat. “Lapras, use Hydro Pump,” he ordered again.
It wasn’t enough. A full word. All you needed was a single full word. If not for yourself, then for the hell that your Pokemon had been through - there was no other choice. You had to do it.
Nemona’s eyebrows were furrowed as she watched the battle go down, the other three trainers paying little attention to you as you carefully tiptoed over to retrieve your backpack off the ground, the clock in your head ticking down slowly but surely. Tick tock, the nagging voices in your head whispered to you. Tick tock.
There was little time to decide what the right move was, whether you did the right thing; you simply rationalized that you should pick whoever you wouldn’t mind being stuck with again should you have to return to Galar. Raihan did treat you like royalty whenever he wasn't angry at some unspoken rule that you unknowingly broke, and would only increase should you pick him, with the downside being the numerous eyes and constant spotlight that followed the popular trainer around. While no doubt that Leon’s treatment of you would improve greatly if you picked him, the man had always been very demanding, holding you to an impossible standard.
Reaching into your backpack right for your Pokemon as Cinderace dodged the jet of water aimed at him, everything that happened next took but a blink of an eye.
All you could muster the strength to mutter was a single word, yet it was enough. A broken whisper of a single syllabus, mumbled by a hoarse voice that didn’t seem to see much use. “Raihan-”
Both men instantly startled, amber and aqua eyes snapping straight to yours as their jaws dropped. But it was all the distraction you needed.
Click. Your Vileplume manifested, instantly using Stun Spore, with both Vileplume Cinderace being recalled to their respective balls before the yellow dust even touched the ground.
You grabbed Nemona’s arm, yanking her backwards with surprising strength as you clutched your backpack tight to your chest. Another shrill song as Gardevoir manifested, the Psychic pokemon lightly touching its green sleeve-like arms to you, using Teleport.
And in under a minute, your little group was gone, vanishing without a trace from Cortondo.
“She-she said my name,” Raihan mumbled again and again, sounding very much star-struck. “My name. M-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Leon snapped back, annoyed.
Being left sprawled on the ground waiting for the effects of the paralysis to fade didn’t help much with the former Galar Champion’s mood, even less so when you had been just an arm’s length away. One grab away from going back to how life had been with you. And now, Leon had to live with the fact that after years and years of patience, waiting eagerly for a chance to hear your elusive voice. Soft and gentle, like the trickle of a river, your voice had been everything he ever imagined and more - and it was his rival’s name that left your lips first. 
It must be her, the purple-haired man fumed, a soft glow of red as an equally paralyzed Lapras was recalled to its ball by a giddy, giggling Raihan. That stupid Champion-ranked girl with the green highlighted hair. All his time and effort, taming and training you into his love - and she had broken his perfect you the moment his back was turned. All his work for nothing, gone like sand art at high tide.
Letting out a groan as Leon finally felt control of his body return, he could only slam the back of his head into the dust once in frustration before standing. 
Raihan had won this fight, but Leon sure as hell was going to make sure he wins the war.
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
Hey how would nemona,penny and 1of the gym people react to reader pulling the stunt ash did with Mewtwo but with another pokemon? sure they save said pokemon but that doesn't mean they didn't go injury free I'm talking broken legs to needing stitches and a body cast.
You Get Seriously Injured
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Just because she can be reckless, doesn't mean you can
When Nemona hears about what happened to you, she can't process the information at first
Once she does, she immediately rushes to where you're being treated, her heart racing
Nemona is told that your injuries are really serious, a broken leg and the fact that you need a lot of stitches
Her loud personality disappears in an instant when she hears this, and she feels like she can't breath
It feels like time slows down as she sits in the waiting room
Finally, when she's allowed to see you, Nemona isn't sure she's ready to find out what state you're in
Seeing you laying unconscious in a hospital bed makes her want to cry
There's a cast on your arm and a bandage wrapped around a large portion of your leg
She remains silent as she sits by your hospital bed, holding your hand with a frown on her face
She stays with you until you wake up
When you do, she starts lecturing you on how you should be more careful, and how worried she was about your safety
You can see the tears in her eyes as she speaks
Finally, she allows herself to cry as she gently pulls you into a hug, careful not to cause you any pain
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Penny is terrified when she hears the news of what happened to you
She doesn't say anything, but there are tears welling up in her eyes as she rushes to see you
It makes her even more worried when the nurse tells her you're in surgery
She can barely think as she takes a seat in one of the waiting room chairs
She can barely breathe as she waits to be told any news about your condition
Finally, after what feels like forever she's allowed to see you
Seeing your leg wrapped in a cast makes her worry even more, despite her relief that you're still alive
She sits next to your hospital bed, hoping you'll wake up soon
Once you do, she almost starts crying tears of joy
She silently hugs you, just glad to see you open your eyes
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When someone runs up to him in his gym, he wasn't expecting to hear the news that you had been so injured
He immediately makes his way to the hospital, his thoughts jumbled and his head filled with worry
He finally makes it to the hospital where you were being treated, trying not to have a breakdown
When he's finally allowed to see you, he almost can't hold in the things he's feeling
He sits by your bed for who knows how long until you finally wake up
He can't help but stare at the cast on your arm, wishing he had been there to keep you safe
When you finally wake up, he doesn't cry, but he wants to
He simply talks to you, making sure he wasn't dreaming, that you were still alive
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merysdump · 2 years
How Pokémon would help with medical issues
Chansey as nurses is already canon.
Audino would be perfect for hearing issues. It has perfect hearing abilities and would help its owner.
Ice types used as relief when heat strokes happen.
Fire types for hypothermia.
Sylveon commonly found with cardiovascular patients since it’s compenetration would help to detect anomallies.
Stoutland as guide dogs.
Ponyta as therapy horses.
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