#pokemon trainer julianna
puyondraws · 1 year
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For no reason whatsoever, I made a Paldean PLA era professor. This is William Clavell II. He was left head of the board of science at the Paldean Academy as more experienced scientific talents obsessively researched the Great Crater of Paldea.
I’m not sure if I’m gonna use him for anything… he’s not even properly mentioned in ch4 of CC/CC, mainly because nobody’s heard of him yet.
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Oh yah, here he is in the lineup of the other PLA professors I designed (with the exception of Laventon of course). I made some adjustments to their designs between last time I posted this lineup since I wanted to feel like all of them stood out in some way (so that Laventon wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb).
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fruifruit · 30 days
i can’t find a way to transform this into a comic right now but i truly believe “i don’t want to battle you anymore” is one of the worst things that mc can say to kieran
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funakounasoul · 2 months
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Just wanted to draw a little something for Leigh. The idea here is that they went on a date to Nimbasa, but crowds were also around and they got separated. Carmine gets worried, Robin HATES crowds, and eventually they do reunite (conveniently near the ferris wheel).
But this was definitely the "OMG I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY" moment. Hair kinda blocked expressions but honestly? I think it works here
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bottle-of-harpoons · 3 months
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Bruv, this took soo fucking long.
New AU dropping, boys.
So basically it's a hybrid between the 'toxic chain/possessed Kieran' AU and the 'Kieran is Ogerpon' AU.
In this AU, the events of the teal mask play out normally.
After Kieran looses his fight to Julianna, he starts hearing a mysterious voice in his head. It starts playing with his insecurities and telling him he needs to be stronger.
"That's why the oger didn't want you as a trainer. You were too weak".
Thanks to the voices advise and 'encouragement', Kieran quickly rises through the ranks of the Blueberry League and becomes champion. However, he also becomes a massive jackass.
The voice tell him that everyone is beneath him. He starts bullying other club members until the point were everyone is too imtimidated by him to hang out with him.
He is distant and aggressive towards the Elite 4. He doesn't even attend meetings and barley does any of his champion responsibilities, causing Amarys and Crispin to step up. Lacey was too busy helping Cyrano with academic duties. Drayton dedicated all his time to helping out the trainers Kieran bullied.
Kieran started skipping classes and dedicated all his time to training. The only person who still talked to him was Carmine.
However, after months of trying to reach out, Kieran finally snapes at Carmine, causing her to retreat from him. After this, Kieran finally realises he is truly alone. But thats when the voice makes a deal with him.
He could continue living his life alone and unloved or he could dawn the mask and start a new life. Kieran takes the mask, not fully understanding the deal. He ends up loosing his human form and turning into an Ogerpon. It is then that the voice reveals itself as Pecharunt and it steals Kieran human life.
Because of Kieran's shitty behaviour, he suspended from the academy for one month and 'Kieran' is sent back to Kitikami.
Kieran is left roaming around the Terrarium, dealing with the fact that he is now a pokemon and a whole fuck load of self esteem issues.
However, he is eventually found by Carmine and the new exchange student, Julianna.
Some notes in this AU -
Kieran isn't evil. He's a young child who needs help and the only people who notice are also children themselves. (Carmines doing what she can but she's still young and inexperienced)
Pecharunt has no control over Kierans actions or emotions. He basically says things to Kieran to encourage his negative thoughts and continue his unhealthy downward spiral.
I didn't explain this earlier but when Kieran put on the Ogerpon mask, he left behind a human mask that represents his human form. Pecharunt is currently wearing it.
Pecharunt wants a family again. He woke up many years later to find the old couple he used to live with had died. He wanted a family again but he wanted to live equally among the humans as well. So he started scheming to steal Kierans human life.
His plan just consists of him manipulating Kierans life until he was completely cut off from his friends and family. Once Kieran has nothing, he could trick Kieran into trading him his human life, then he could rebuild Kieran's life from the ground up.
Kieran's not having fun adjusting to life as a pokemon but he believes it's his punishment for being a dick to everyone.
Juliana's meowscarada is called Verde (haven't figured out what the rest of her team consists of yet). Carmine's mightyanna is called Subarashi (Suba for short), her sinistchi is called Chia, morpeko is Kamu and ninetails is Kyu (I used google translate for this, sorry if they're weird). Kieran's furret is called Shippo and his hydrapple is called Ringo.
Fun fact - This plot concept was taken from an old submas fanfic I started writing but never finished. Short summary was Ingo coming back to modern day Unova but he still has amnesia. His and Emmets relationship becomes very strained. Emmets ends up making a deal with Giratina to help turn him into a zorua and use hi illusion powers to get close to Ingo again. (I may post a full summary of the story one day)
Because of this, in the original draft, Kieran was going to turn into a zorua. I changed it just incase I ever wanted to revisits the old fic. Also I thought it would be funny if he turned into ogerpon.
This was heavily inspired by the Kieranpon au, the possessed Kieran au and the movie 'a whisker away'.
Sorry for any spelling errors. No excuse just can't spell for shit.
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
ooo, sentence starters! if Pokemon Scarlet/Violet requests are still open, could I get one with Kieran and one of the protagonists (i forgot their names rip) with the sentence starter “I’ve never heard you laugh before”? Thank you so much! :D
(sorry if this is worded weirdly, i’ve never asked for a request before haha)
AHH KIERAN!!! I wasn't expecting a prompt for him so I'm so, so happy right now EJJEJRKEJKREJK I've gotcha covered, anon! :D (And no worries at all- you did great! :3)
For the protags, I decided to go with Juliana cause why not? :3
“You know? I’ve been here for..what, three days?” Juliana mused, leaning into her folded hands as she stared at Kieran. “And yet- I’ve never heard you laugh before.”
“That’s…true.” Said boy paused between his words, brows furrowing in thought. “I guess there isn’t much to laugh about lately.”
“Not even at the festival?” When Kieran shrugged, Juliana’s brows furrowed, a frown pulling at the corners of her lips. “That won’t do…”
“It’s not a bad thing! I just- what are you doing?” Kieran leaned back when Julianna leaned forward, inches from his face. “Juliana?”
“Laugh.” She pulled a face, crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. Kieran stared at her like she grew a second head.
“What are you- stop that!” His lips twitched when she pulled another face, wrinkling her nose and raising her eyebrows. “It’s not gonna work!”
“I see you smiling~” The girl teased, grabbing his knees and squeezing. “Come on! Laugh for me, Kieran!”
“Eehehe! Nohohoho, don’t dohoho thahahaht!” Kieran yelped, doubling over and grabbing her hands. “Juhuuhuhuliahahahana!”
“There it is!” Delighted, Juliana pressed on, switching from squeezing to skittering and further sending the smaller trainer into hysterics. “Listen to you, you sound so cute when you laugh! Come on- I wanna see you smile!”
“Nohohoohhooo! I dohohohohon’t wahahhahant tooohoho! Kieran tried to cover his face, turning away from her. This proved to be his downfall as Julianna shot her hands up, squeezing the space beneath his ribs. “AH! AHHEHAHAHAHA JUHUHUHUHULIIHIHIHI!”
“Oo, we’re on nickname bases now? What’s wrong, Kiki? Does it tickle?” She cooed, pushing him on his side as her fingers danced along his stomach and ribs. “Does it tickle lots? Huh? Come on- show me your smile! Show me!”
“AEHAHHAHAHA!” With some reluctance, Kieran reached out, grabbing her shoulders with a squeaky “STAHHAP!” Only then the tickles came to an end. “Ehehehe..ehehehe..thehehere! Hahahappy?” He groaned, his cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
Juliana took it in, something soft in her eyes as she reached out and poked his flushed cheek.
Send me a pairing a sentence starter and a pairing and I'll write a 300 word dabble for it!
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Speaking of Teal Mask, I have thoughts about Kieran.
Teal Mask kinda made me feel the same way Isle of Armor did. The DLC is designed to be doable at any point in the game. It takes place in its own little pocket of continuity, divorced from the main game. Which makes playing it post-game feel... a little off?
Because. Like. At this point in the main story, I am the Pokemon Champion. Or, in Scarvi, Champion ranked or certified or whatever because Paldea has Champion as a class of Trainer rather than a specific individual. But still. The fact that Gloria/Julianna is a Champion is a significant piece of context that has to go unheeded by the continuity pocket.
So as I progressed the story, I watched Kieran gradually tear himself into knots as his own personal sense of self-worth became wrapped up in his ability to beat Julianna. But. Like. In their region, Julianna and Nemona are the top-ranked end-all be-all supreme battle goddesses in all the land. And there is no option to explain to Kieran why she is not the yardstick he should be using to measure his self-worth.
That's like basing your self-worth on whether or not you can win a fistfight with Son Goku. (Which some people do! And it's inadvisable for them too!)
I just. Just like Isle of Armor, I'm left feeling like this is a story that would make a lot more sense as a mid-chapter in the journey to becoming Champion rather than a post-chapter. But the nature of DLC is such that most players will encounter it as the latter.
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ooc: All ocs I’ve ever created
In case anyone was curious about how many ocs I have. lol Some are repeated as they have multiple verses and also some are on this blog while a lot of them are not. If you are interested in any of them not on the blog, feel free to tell me.
Original: Kyatana (Kyana) Aeira (Wannabe Heroine with fire powers who is hyper and determined) Christina Terrwyn (Sorceress in training, reckless and carefree) Katie Terrwyn (Middle sister, tech genius and overall very smart but also very shy) Cathy Terrwyn (Youngest sister, always optimistic and wants to be like Christina) Felcia (The Reincarnation of the goddess Fortuna whose powers are dwindled to giving good and bad luck to others) Elliot (Traveling merchant who runs into Felcia, friendly but draws bad luck to him) Chloe Thaleia (Thief from a family of thieves, playful and mischievous) Aiolos Thaleia (Brother of thief who decided to become a knight, noble and kind) Cheza Quatrez (Fire Princess of Aquos Kingdom, quiet and anti-social) Christiana Quatrez (Queen of Aquos Kingdom, strong-willed and stern) Aemula Lasin (Half-demon child, easily frightened and quiet) Failin Lasin (Human mother of Aemula, serene and down to earth) Miciru Lorine (High Priestess who is overly caring and tends to put others needs in front of her own) Shay Pierina (Sand cat girl who is playful and fun-loving and loves fish) Nikki Irving (Strange girl with water powers and the ability to talk to sea life) Tali Lin (A young fairy child with wind powers) Melanie and Charnette (Telepathic twins, rivals with Christina, mean tricksters who tend to act creepy) Hazel (A witch, friend of Christina’s, tries to keep her out of trouble) Jack Li (Leader of a gang of humans that can change into animals) Kyle Minou (Leader of a rival gang against Jack) Zakki (Abused frail girl who can turn into a white tiger. Saved by Kyle) Tammi (Lost little girl who can turn into multiple small animals. Found by Jack)
Colette Eirina (Air-headed hopeless romantic princess, has Konosuba verse) C.h.i.s.a. (Android that looks like a human girl who loves to sing) Aiux (Cold assassin with shadow powers) Kishi MacAuley (Wannabe pirate captain of the S.S. Fishermen, boy crazy) Madeline O’ Raleigh (Maddy, first mate of S.S. Fishermen, always grumpy) Julianna Jana Frost (Julia, navigator of S.S. Fishermen, a worry wart) Olivia Filligan (Cook of S.S. Fishermen, motherly but can be scary when mad) Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy) Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk) Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much) Beatrix (Scorned woman who got turned into a vampire) Linxy (Silly cat-girl maid who loves tuna) Sophia Augustina (Lost Angel with no memories but believes she needs to help someone) Fawn Darona (Wannabe Reporter) Ai and Xia Malificia (Twin sisters with plant powers, one is evil and manipulative, the other like a Disney princess) Zalira Deona (Succubus in training who is kind of lazy and loves human culture) Ourania Thanos (Dragon girl with the elements of light and darkness) Momo (Moon Bunny Goddess who owns a rice cake shop) God Eater Burst: Rosella "Rosie" Tsuritsa (Haunted by her families death by an Aragami. A Blood Unit God Eater)
Ursa Miela (Bear Faunus girl who can shapeshift into an actual bear, acts a mixture of tsundere and kuudere)
Gwen Favete (Rabbit Faunus girl who can summong and control weapons with a baton, air-headed but friendly and hyper) Yugioh: Christina Terrwyn (uses a Dragon deck, playfully aggressive and overly confident) Katie Terrwyn (uses a Spellbook deck, shy genius) Cathy Terrwyn (uses a Madolche deck, optimistic and cheerful) Miyuki Tenshi (uses an Angel/Fairy deck, kind and sympathetic but also naive) Rin Marion (uses a Machine deck, tough on the outside, soft-hearted on the inside) Kristen Till (uses a Warrior deck, head strong, independent and loyal) James Laroy (uses a Ice Barrier deck, moody at times, smart alec, has a crush on Kristen) Aku Yazoi (uses a Dark-End Dragon deck, goofy, hot tempered, and terrible at picking up girls) Sasha Yazoi (uses a Plant deck, older sister to Aku, can be a bit clumsy, nice, and is used to her brother’s antics) Iyumi Akuma (uses a Darklord deck, prissy, whiny, stuck-up, and thinks she is a queen (good verse), psychotic, obsessive, and calculating unless angry (evil verse)) Lucrecia (uses a psychic deck, manipulative, evil, and cruel) Fairy Tail: Shay Pierina (Earth Dragon Slayer with Sand Make magic. Cat-girl who is a wandering merchant) Alyssa Astrum (Celestial Spirit user who uses the Chinese Zodiac, a little moody and looking for a guild) Code Lyoko: Reine Benoite (shy, easily frightened, and bullied girl. Has cat-girl Lyoko form) Andrian Smith (kind, smart and secretly likes Reine. Has knight Lyoko form) Dot Hack/SAO/Log Horizon: Marie/Aislynn (Shadow Warlock player who becomes new user of the Avatar Fidchell or is just a new player. Loves to roleplay in character and acts mysterious) Anna/The Illusionist (AIDA Possessed girl stuck in ‘The World’ in a place she calls paradise) Kingdom Hearts: Xia Malificia (Flirtatious Nobody with plant powers) Ai Malificia (Somebody of Xia, kind and gentle and nothing like her Nobody) Diana Fotieni and Vico (Keyblade chosen who travels with her moogle companion who fights for justice) Aiux (Heartless of Xia who is cold and distant) Jet Set Radio Future/The World Ends With You/K Project: Tia “Usagi” Faye (Girly-girl rollerblader who can do amazing jump stunts, has electric/magnetism powers in K Project verse) Pokemon: Sakaki Cleo (Gold-hearted trainer from a family of contest participants) Chiyumi Muzai (Beginner trainer who is clumsy and easily scared) Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who believes she is a magical girl) Peeps (Altaria gijinka who can't speak well and only says Peep but is super friendly and loves to give hugs) Shock (Luxray gijinka who is flirty and loves to be fashionable) Soul Eater: Kayleen Baxter (Meister with a strong fear of witches, kishin and darkness) Jace Kami (Weapon who lost an eye protecting Kayleen) Zoids/Voltron/Gunpla: Casey Sanders (Zoid pilot whose father went missing. In Voltron verse her father was taken from her by Zarkon. Adventurous and determined)
League of Legends:
Shay Pierina (Cat-girl from Shurima who wishes to serve Azir one day but at the moment traveling the world) Fate Stay Night: Emilia Clarimond (New mage of the Holy Grail Wars, a bit tempered, mischievous and clever) Monster Hunter: Jinouga (A humanized Zinogre who loves to hang around Yukumo village and mess with hunters) Warframe: Trinity (A Tenno wielding the Trinity Prime frame who is usually calm and motherly-like) Nier Automata: 10B (A Battle Unit android who shows way more emotion than she is supposed to including some Yandere tendencies) Naruto: Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy) Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk) Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much) My Hero Academia: Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (Quirk: I am Fire! Able to manipulate and summon fire. A bit hyper, excitable, and a fangirl of heroes. Has Endeavor's Daughter verse) Overwatch: Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (A fangirl of the Overwatch team who has gloves that produce fire and wishes to become a member of Overwatch) Chisa (A humanized android stolen by Talon who somehow managed to escape them and is looking for her creators) Final Fantasy XV: Diana Fotieni (A self-proclaimed knight who wishes to become a Kingsglaive like her mother. At the moment traveling and helping people against the Empire) Digimon: Christina Terrwyn (An adventurous, overly confident Digimon Tamer whose partner is Dracomon) Dragonball Z: Christina Terrwyn (A human who loves to fight and was given some strength boost by a Kai)
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ooc: All OCs I’ve ever created
For anyone who is curious about all my ocs as not all are listed on the blog:
Kyatana (Kyana) Aeira (Wannabe Heroine with fire powers who is hyper and determined)
Christina Terrwyn (Sorceress in training, reckless and carefree)
Katie Terrwyn (Middle sister, tech genius and overall very smart but also very shy)
Cathy Terrwyn (Youngest sister, always optimistic and wants to be like Christina)
Felcia (The Reincarnation of the goddess Fortuna whose powers are dwindled to giving good and bad luck to others)
Elliot (Traveling merchant who runs into Felcia, friendly but draws bad luck to him)
Chloe Thaleia (Thief from a family of thieves, playful and mischievous)
Aiolos Thaleia (Brother of thief who decided to become a knight, noble and kind)
Cheza Fenghuang (Phoenix Princess of Nansong Kingdom, quiet and anti-social)
Kyrene Quatrez (Queen of Nansong Kingdom, mischievous and cunning)
Aemula Lasin (Half-demon child, easily frightened and quiet)
Failin Lasin (Human mother of Aemula, serene and down to earth)
Miciru Lorine (High Priestess who is overly caring and tends to put others needs in front of her own)
Shay Pierina (Sand cat girl who is playful and fun-loving and loves fish)
Nikki Irving (Strange girl with water powers and the ability to talk to sea life)
Tali Lin (A young fairy child with wind powers)
Melanie and Charnette (Telepathic twins, rivals with Christina, mean tricksters who tend to act creepy)
Hazel (A witch, friend of Christina’s, tries to keep her out of trouble)
Jack Li (Leader of a gang of humans that can change into animals)
Kyle Minou (Leader of a rival gang against Jack)
Zakki (Abused frail girl who can turn into a white tiger. Saved by Kyle)
Tammi (Lost little girl who can turn into multiple small animals. Found by Jack)
Colette Eirina (Air-headed hopeless romantic princess, has Konosuba verse)
C.h.i.s.a. (Android that looks like a human girl who loves to sing)
Aiux (Cold assassin with shadow powers)
Kishi MacAuley (Wannabe pirate captain of the S.S. Fishermen, boy crazy)
Madeline O’ Raleigh (Maddy, first mate of S.S. Fishermen, always grumpy)
Julianna Jana Frost (Julia, navigator of S.S. Fishermen, a worry wart)
Olivia Filligan (Cook of S.S. Fishermen, motherly but can be scary when mad)
Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy)
Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk)
Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much)
Beatrix (Scorned woman who got turned into a vampire)
Linxy (Silly cat-girl maid who loves tuna)
Sophia Augustina (Lost Angel with no memories but believes she needs to help someone)
Fawn Darona (Wannabe Reporter)
Ai and Xia Malificia (Twin sisters with plant powers, one is evil and manipulative, the other like a Disney princess)
Zalira Deona (Succubus in training who is kind of lazy and loves human culture)
Ourania Thanos (Dragon girl with the elements of light and darkness)
Momo (Moon Bunny Goddess who owns a rice cake shop)
Kalliphae Myressei (Moth Princess, stern and noble. Has a My Hero Academia verse)
Poppilina "Poppy" Puddlington (Slime girl, talks in 3rd person, cheerful and curious about the world)
Orabella Kalon (Scholar and summoner, very shy and easily flustered but very smart and wants to be a teacher)
Fenagari Selene (Wolf girl who grew up homeless on the streets since she can remember, can't remember family)
Shui Kyma (Goofy water fairy who loves berries. Can be someone's familiar)
Naelodie Ephlila (Dark fairy, emotionless for the most part, strange, tends to float around and tries to make jokes poorly)
Adelaide Maidie (Pink fluffy cat who is magical and can turn herself human. Loves fish and attention but also loves to play videogames)
Miyu Neraida (Fairy or angel version of Miyuki. Sweet and kind with a gentle heart)
Delphi Hermes (Goat girl who is a mail lady. Has a tiny goat buddy named Djani)
Emilia Clarimond (Wolf girl who has prophetic visions and can read the future through fortunes)
Josephina Adrahagan (Cat girl princess with a fat cat pet who ran away from home. Has a FF14 verse)
Penny Ceres (Magical girl who can change parts of her into animal parts)
Lavender (Sleepy princess with narcoleptic problems)
Lilliana (Lost Dragon princess)
Iyumi Akuma (Wannabe bratty queen who wants to find a king to be with. Secretly submissive)
God Eater Burst:
Rosella "Rosie" Tsuritsa (Haunted by her families death by an Aragami. A Blood Unit God Eater)
Ursa Miela (Bear Faunus girl who can shapeshift into an actual bear, acts a mixture of tsundere and kuudere)
Gwen Favete (Rabbit Faunus girl who can summong and control weapons with a baton, air-headed but friendly and hyper)
Christina Terrwyn  (uses a Dragon deck, playfully aggressive and overly confident)
Katie Terrwyn  (uses a Spellbook deck, shy genius)
Cathy Terrwyn  (uses a Madolche deck, optimistic and cheerful)
Miyuki Tenshi  (uses an Angel/Fairy deck, kind and sympathetic but also naive)
Rin Marion  (uses a Machine deck, tough on the outside, soft-hearted on the inside)
Kristen Till  (uses a Warrior deck, head strong, independent and loyal)
James Laroy  (uses a Ice Barrier deck, moody at times, smart alec, has a crush on Kristen)
Aku Yazoi (uses a Dark-End Dragon deck, goofy, hot tempered, and terrible at picking up girls)
Sasha Yazoi (uses a Plant deck, older sister to Aku, can be a bit clumsy, nice, and is used to her brother’s antics)
Iyumi Akuma (uses a Darklord deck, prissy, whiny, stuck-up, and thinks she is a queen (good verse), psychotic, obsessive, and calculating unless angry (evil verse))
Lucrecia (uses a psychic deck, manipulative, evil, and cruel)
Fairy Tail:
Shay Pierina  (Earth Dragon Slayer with Sand Make magic. Cat-girl who is a wandering merchant)
Emilia Clarimond (Celestial Spirit user who uses the Chinese Zodiac, a little moody and looking for a guild)
Code Lyoko:
Reine Benoite (shy, easily frightened, and bullied girl. Has cat-girl Lyoko form)
Andrian Smith (kind, smart and secretly likes Reine. Has knight Lyoko form)
Dot Hack/SAO/Log Horizon:
Marie/Aislynn  (Shadow Warlock player who becomes new user of the Avatar Fidchell or is just a new player. Loves to roleplay in character and acts mysterious)
Anna/The Illusionist (AIDA Possessed girl stuck in ‘The World’ in a place she calls paradise)
Kingdom Hearts:
Xia Malificia  (Flirtatious Nobody with plant powers)
Ai Malificia  (Somebody of Xia, kind and gentle and nothing like her Nobody)
Diana Fotieni and Vico (Keyblade chosen who travels with her moogle companion who fights for justice)
Aiux (Heartless of Xia who is cold and distant)
Jet Set Radio Future/The World Ends With You/My Hero Academia:
Tia “Usagi” Faye (Girly-girl rollerblader who can do amazing jump stunts, has electric/magnetism powers in My Hero Academia verse)
Chiyumi Muzai (Beginner trainer from a family of contest goers who is clumsy and easily scared)
Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who believes she is a magical girl)
Peeps (Altaria gijinka who can't speak well and only says Peep but is super friendly and loves to give hugs)
Shock (Luxray gijinka who is flirty and loves to be fashionable)
Soul Eater:
Kayleen Baxter (Meister with a strong fear of witches, kishin and darkness)
Jace Kami (Weapon who lost an eye protecting Kayleen)
Casey Sanders (Zoid pilot whose father went missing. In Voltron verse her father was taken from her by Zarkon. Adventurous and determined)
League of Legends:
Shay Pierina  (Cat-girl from Shurima who wishes to serve Azir one day but at the moment traveling the world)
Fate Stay Night:
Emilia Clarimond (New mage of the Holy Grail Wars, a bit tempered, mischievous and clever)
Monster Hunter:
Jinouga (A humanized Zinogre who loves to hang around Yukumo village and mess with hunters)
Trinity (A Tenno wielding the Trinity Prime frame who is usually calm and motherly-like)
Nier Automata:
10B (A Battle Unit android who shows way more emotion than she is supposed to including some Yandere tendencies)
Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy)
Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk)
Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much)
My Hero Academia:
Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (Quirk: I am Fire! Able to manipulate and summon fire. A bit hyper, excitable, and a fangirl of heroes. Has Endeavor's Daughter verse)
Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (A fangirl of the Overwatch team who has gloves that produce fire and wishes to become a member of Overwatch)
Chisa (A humanized android stolen by Talon who somehow managed to escape them and is looking for her creators)
Final Fantasy XV:
Diana Fotieni (A self-proclaimed knight who wishes to become a Kingsglaive like her mother. At the moment traveling and helping people against the Empire)
Christina Terrwyn (An adventurous, overly confident Digimon Tamer whose partner is Dracomon)
Dragonball Z:
Christina Terrwyn (A human who loves to fight and was given some strength boost by a Kai)
0 notes
All of my OCs that I've ever made!
It's a long list and also categorized for ocs that are series based. Original: Kyatana (Kyana) Aeira (Wannabe Heroine with fire powers) Christina Terrwyn (Sorceress in training, reckless and carefree) Katie Terrwyn (Middle sister, tech genius and overall very smart) Cathy Terrwyn (Youngest sister, always optimistic and wants to be like Christina) Felcia (The Reincarnation of the goddess Fortuna. Main character of Good Luck story) Elliot (Traveling merchant who runs into Felcia) Chloe Thaleia (Thief from a family of thieves) Aiolos Thaleia (Brother of thief who decided to become a knight) Cheza Quatrez (Fire Princess of Aquos Kingdom) Christiana Quatrez (Queen of Aquos Kingdom) Aemula Lasin (Half-demon child) Failin Lasin (Human mother of Aemula) Miciru Lorine (High Priestess)
Shay Pierina (Sand cat girl) Nikki Irving (Strange girl with water powers and the ability to talk to sea life) Tali Lin (A young fairy child with wind powers) Melanie and Charnette (Telepathic twins, rivals with Christina) Hazel (witch, friend of Christina’s) Jack Li (Leader of a gang of humans that can change into animals) Kyle Minou (Leader of a rival gang against Jack) Zakki (Abused frail girl who can turn into an animal. Saved by Kyle) Tammi (Lost little girl who can turn into multiple small animals. Found by Jack) Colette Eirina (Air-headed hopeless romantic princess) C.h.i.s.a. (Android that looks like a human girl) Roxy (six tailed fox girl) Aiux (Cold assassin with shadow powers) Kishi MacAuley (Wannabe pirate captain of the S.S. Fishermen) Madeline O’ Raleigh (Maddy, first mate of S.S. Fishermen) Julianna Jana Frost (Julia, navigator of S.S. Fishermen) Olivia Filligan (Cook of S.S. Fishermen) Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy. Also has Naruto version) Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk. Also has Naruto version) Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much. Also has Naruto version) Beatrix (Scorned woman who got turned into a vampire) Linxy (Silly cat-girl maid) Sophia Augustina (Angel) Fawn Darona (Wannabe Reporter) Ai and Xia Malificia (Twin sisters with plant powers) Zalira Deona (Succubus in training who is lazy and basically a N.E.E.T.) Momo Kaoru (Moon bunny goddess who wants to run a rice cake store and serve rice cakes to mortals) Jake Vermillion (Bad guy of mine who shows up in random stories) God Eater Burst: Rosella "Rosie" Tsuritsa (haunted by her families death by an Aragami. A God Eater)
RWBY Ursa Miela (Bear Faunus girl who can shapeshift into an actual bear)
Gwen Favete (Rabbit Faunus girl who can summong and control weapons with a baton) Yugioh: Christina Terrwyn (uses a Dragon deck, reckless and carefree) Katie Terrwyn (uses a Spellbook deck, genius) Cathy Terrwyn (uses a Madolche deck, optimistic and cheerful) Miyuki Tenshi (uses an Angel/Fairy deck, kind and sympathetic but also naive) Rin Marion (uses a Machine deck, tough on the outside, soft-hearted on the inside) Kristen Till (uses a Warrior deck, head strong, independent and loyal) James Laroy (uses a Ice Barrier deck, moody at times, smart alec, has a crush on Kristen) Aku Izaoi (uses a Dark-End Dragon deck, goofy, hot tempered, and terrible at picking up girls) Sasha Izaoi (uses a Plant deck, older sister to Aku, can be a bit clumsy, nice, and is used to her brother’s antics) Dark Miyuki/Iyumi Akuma (evil form of Miyuki, uses a Darklord deck, psychotic, obsessive, and calculating unless angry) Lucrecia (uses a psychic deck, manipulative, evil, and cruel) Fairy Tail: Shay Pierina (Earth Dragon Slayer with Sand Make magic. Cat-girl) Alyssa Astrum (Celestial Spirit user who uses the Chinese Zodiac) Code Lyoko: Reine Benoite (shy, easily frightened, and bullied girl) Andrian Smith (kind, smart and secretly likes Reine) Dot Hack/SAO/Log Horizon: Maria/Aislynn (Shadow Warlock player who becomes new user of the Avatar Fidchell (see About Page for other forms))
Anna/The Illusionist (AIDA Possessed girl stuck in ‘The World’ in a place she calls paradise)
Final Fantasy 12: Marion Tonomi (Wannabe sky pirate)
Kingdom Hearts: Xia Malificia (Flirtatious Nobody with plant powers) Ai Malificia (Somebody of Xia) Diana Fotieni and Vico * (Keyblade chosen who travels with her moogle companion) Aiux (Heartless of Xia) Jet Set Radio Future/The World Ends With You : Tia “Usagi” Faye * (Rollerblader who can do amazing jump stunts) Pokemon: Sakaki Cleo (Trainer from a family of contest participants) Chiyumi Muzai (Beginner trainer) Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who believes she is a magical girl) Peeps (Altaria gijinka who can't speak well and only says Peep) Artemis (Rowlett gijinka who is very book smart and is a writer) Soul Eater: Kayleen Baxter (Meister with a strong fear of witches, kishin and darkness) Jace Kami (Weapon who lost an eye protecting Kayleen) Zoids/Gundam/Voltron (new one): Casey Sanders (Zoid pilot whose father went missing) League of Legends: Shay Pierina (Cat-girl from Shurima) Fate Stay Night: Emilia Clarimond (New mage of the Holy Grail Wars) Nier Automata: 10B (Battle Unit who is a lot more flirty and expressive than regular androids. Can be a bit sadistic and over protective) Overwatch: Chisa (Android built to look, act, and do everything like a human. Loves to sing and was captured by Talon only to break free later on) Kyana (wannabe heroine who wants to find and join Overwatch who she admired for a very long time)
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