hopex4 · 2 months
If you’re taking requests, would you do Tinky in 2b and Pokey in 2c?
Badaboom! ^_^
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hopex4 · 1 month
Really random things I have noticed cause I listen to all the Hatchetfield songs on repeat dear lord help me It's all Hatchetfield, ITS ALSLS HATCENAT
Ahem people probably know these already just let me go insane <\3
•In let it out, Prof. Hidgens says "and I know it's a singular voice, Paul," which is also Pokey's title- The Singular Voice.
•What Do You Want Paul can be considered a really bad summary I think. Paul doesn't know what he wants, so he becomes apart of the hive. He's unsure when he tells Bill he'll go with him to save Alice and overall after What Do You Want Paul whenever he has to make a decision he's just unsure (excluding before America Is Great Again and after Show Stoppin' Number)
•In Show Me Your Hands one of the cops says 'Her cat is dead' which I find funny cause 1. Charolette wears a cat sweater and later dies 2. Hey, Melissa reference before it came out I'm gonna sob
•I find it so funny it's called The Guy Who DIDN'T Like Musicals. I remember when I first watched it I said "This implies he starts liking them," and that's exactly what happened-
•BACK TO WHAT DO YOU WANT PAUL- In Let It Out, HE FUCKING- HE SAYS "It doesn't matter what I want," FURTHER PROVING THAT BECAUSE PAUL DOESN'T HAVE A SET GOAL HE DIES- and even MORE he gets a whole like 30 seconds singing about what he might want. "Am I crazy," for hating musicals "I don't think so- maybe I've always been," crazy for not liking them (read that as one sentence without the thingys [""] and the without the words not in them- then together if that makes sense <\3)
•In Let It Out and Inevitable there is a very audible difference between the hives voice and Paul's voice
•In Tied Up My Heart, Sam tells Charlotte to 'break him open' and that's what Sam does to Charlotte. Yes he says "Now I'm gonna free up your heart, Charlotte," but I'm pretty sure the human heart isn't located in the stomach <3
•Also in Tied Up My Heart- Sam says "I don't wanna die alone," and he doesn't. He dies with Charlotte <3 relationship goals frfr
•"Do you wanna save the planet? Of course you wanna save the planet, well there's just one way you can do it by singing a song," and that's what he does, thank you Lah Dee Dah Dah Day.
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hopex4 · 4 months
I feel like Paul is underated
That or I'm not reaching the Paul fans
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My teachers absolutely adore all the Hatchetfield characters
Also I'm infecting the Mama Mia cast with this fandom LMAO
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hopex4 · 4 months
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Think I'm got possessed while drawing this
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hopex4 · 2 months
HC of the hour: Since all the LIB (and Webby) are based on animals, they all have certain traits that their animal counterparts have.
Pokey- in my silly little headcanons he is NOT AN INSECT, he is a bird, he's a bird boy, let me deny canon - tilts his head at things, usually when he doesn't understand what they are.
Wiggly likes opening things. Jars? He'll open them. Boxes? Consider them not closed. He just likes opening shit and fiddling with stuff.
Nibbly likes to engage in silly play fights with his brothers. Usually only Tinky and him play fight cause goats like play fighting as well. Nibbly is also a sandbox kid, he will dig holes to the concrete (me too Nibbly, our concrete was blue??)
Tinky headbutts people to convey what he wants. He won't say it, he'll just headbutt them until they guess right.
Blinky will fall asleep to playthroughs of games with the brightness all the way up and volume at one. He likes his bright lights and warm, fluffy hoodie.
Webby likes bottle caps. Spiders in captivity are usually given bottle caps as water dishes cause they're tiny. Webby probably has a collection of those metal spiny tops on those glass jars.
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hopex4 · 4 months
Awful Pokey and Tinky thingys <\3
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I hate them (the drawings)
[may or may not have spent like 4hours on tinky and 30minutes on pokey]
God I need to watch Yellow Jacket UHG
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hopex4 · 2 months
Friend said we should whiteboard together and I went ham ^_^
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hopex4 · 3 months
My friend kept snapping my suspenders and quoting Stephanie (Blinky and Nibbly were on my suspenders but they are now in my pocket, and it's too damn hot for me to care to put them back on)
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There's more <33
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hopex4 · 4 months
My black pen died :'[
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hopex4 · 4 months
Showed my Transphobic stepdad Nibbly and he used he/him for Nibbly‼️🗣️
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hopex4 · 2 months
He's gay and I love him like a son
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hopex4 · 4 months
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Just been set on animating this- barely have drawn anything else lmao
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