#pole erection machine
1solone · 10 months
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Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag pole down on his Virginia property awhile back? You might remember the news story several months ago about a crotchety old man in Virginia who defied his local Homeowners Association and refused to take down the flag pole on his property along with the large American flag he flew on it.
Now we learn who that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg, Texas . That probably didn't make news back then.
But twenty five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Cyrano, Italy, That same Van T. Barfoot, who had in 1940 enlisted in the U.S. Army, set out alone to flank German machine gun
positions from which gunfire was raining down on his fellow soldiers. His advance took him through a minefield but
having done so, he proceeded to single-handedly take out three enemy machine gun positions, returning with 17 prisoners of war.
And if that weren’t enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.
That probably didn’t make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving In Korea and Vietnam , a well deserved Congressional Medal of Honor.
What did make news was his Neighborhood Association's quibble with how the 90-year-old Veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the HOA rules said it was OK to fly a flag on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot
flagpole were "unsuitable".
Van Barfoot had been denied a permit for the pole, but erected it anyway and was facing Court action unless he agreed to take it down.
Then the HOA story made national TV, and the Neighborhood Association rethought its position and agreed to indulge this
aging hero who dwelt among them.
"In the timeI have left", he said to the Associated Press, "I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference."
As well he should. And if any of his neighbors had taken a notion to contest him further, they might have done well to read his Medal of Honor citation first. Seems it Indicates Mr. Van Barfoot wasn't particularly good at backing down.
If you've read this post and don't share it, - Guess what -You need your butt kicked. I share this with you because I don't want MY butt kicked anymore and I'm tired of seeing those who hate our country yet march in our streets, tear down our statues, burn our stores and loot our businesses have a free hand to do whatever they want.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
The Fall of Fair City - Chapter 6
Two Brains could only stare at the machine before him, his body refusing to cooperate with his brain, his instincts and emotions going haywire. This was insane. He was a scientist for crying out loud. He built crazy contraptions and dangerous inventions every day. 'So why am I so afraid of and angry at this one machine?' Dr. Two Brains thought with concern. He swore he had never seen this gadget before, yet it gave off a dark sense of familiarity and foreboding, making him feel two things at once. One part of him wanted to run for his life right now and forget he ever saw that thing, strangely another part of him wanted to smash it and make whoever was responsible pay dearly for creating the invention. Which only baffled and frightened the mad scientist even further. Dr. Two Brains' body and mind has never been at war with itself this badly before, not even during his arguments between his human side and Squeaky. Speaking of which, he could sense the mouse brain glowing green, but with a sense of caution. Even Squeaky had no idea why Dr. Two Brains was acting like this. The mad scientist was now becoming very frustrated as well. 'This is ludicrous! Why am I feeling this way? I mean it's just a normal machine that is now beginning to hum loudly and the two metal rods attached to the side are beginning to spark, but other than that it's just a..' While Two Brains was deep in thought, he did not notice that by yanking the tarp, which pulled the lever upwards, warming up the machine. Soon the thought finally occurred to him that he had turn on this machine by accident. His eyes glanced back at the rods that were now glowing brightly with electrical energy. "Oops." Was all the mad scientist could muster, before the machine roared and the powered metal poles fired an electrical beam at the still stunned scientist, causing him to hurtle back into a wall. His back hitting some shelves and gadgets before he slumped down, vision and mind fading to darkness. Steven blinked his eyes open and found himself on a bed in a crisp, clean, white room. He saw his dad talking to some doctors, looking very angry and upset about something. The doctors trying to calm his dad down. They were speaking harshly, yet quietly about something. "Dad..h..hello?" Steven weakly called out, trying to get the adults' attention. Luckily his dad and the doctors heard him. His dad's face full of relief, joy, and worry as he hurried to his young child and gave him a tight but gentle hug. "Oh Steven, I'm so glad your okay." His dad exclaimed, elation and pain in the tone of his voice. Soon his dad let go and Steven stared again at the people around him, now fully erect, though still feeling a bit weak from his ordeal. With his mind now finally awake, the young child looked around with confusion at his surroundings. "Where am I? Where's mommy?" Steven asked, a slight tone of fear in his voice. His dad patted his back in comfort, Steven still could see some tears in his dad's eyes which scared the boy even more. His dad was always a happy and calm person, what could have made him this upset. "Your at the hospital champ. Your mom's back home watching your siblings." he answered, calming the boy down. One of the doctor approached Steven with a pensive but sympathetic look towards him. "Do you remember anything before you got her son?" The doctor gently asked. Steven frowned, trying to recollect anything he could before he passed out. "I was helping Uncle Brendan work on something...I fell asleep, but then..I felt my body hurt really bad. That's all." Steven answered with a shrug. "Where's Uncle Brendan? Is he here too?" Steven flinched when a dark expression shadowed his dad's face. His father took a deep breath before answering him, his face calmer now but his eyes were still stormy. "You don't need to worry about him kiddo. Just get some rest now." His dad then reached out again to hug the boy, Steven smiled and reached out to his dad, closing his eyes, getting ready to feel his dad's warm embrace. Steven then grabbed...air? @melodythebunny @drtwobrainsstuff
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archivist-crow · 8 months
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On this day:
On January 16, 1916, after a two-year drought, rain fell in San Diego thanks to Charles Hatfield, "moisture accelerator." Before San Diego, Hatfield had been successful in bringing rain to revive parched farms in California's San Joaquin Valley, filling prospectors' sluiceboxes in the Alaskan Klondike, dousing a forest fire in Honduras, ending a drought in Italy, and proving he could make it rain anywhere in the Mohave Desert. He earned between $50 and $10,000 a downpour.
Hatfield began his career in pluviculture when he realized that large storms often followed great battles involving cannon fire, and the cannons' smoke somehow caused moisture in the air to form drops rather than disperse. Experimenting on his father's Kansas farm, Hatfield mixed formulas in large wooden vats, allowing them to stew under cover for twenty minutes before removing the lid with a long pole and watching the noxious vapors rise until he got rain. Quitting his job as a sewing machine salesman, Hatfield then grabbed his hat and umbrella and went to work.
To bring rain to San Diego, Hatfield erected tall wooden towers by Lake Morena, a reservoir sixty miles from town. Chemicals, water, and acid, 300 times the average strength, were added to the towers. Twenty-four hours later, wicked-smelling vapors rose to the sky, and soon the rain began to fall. It stormed for twelve days over the next three weeks, causing the San Diego Exposition and the Tijuana race track to flood. The rain swept away 110 of 112 bridges, telegraph and telephone poles, and houses, boats, and dams. People and animals died, and hundreds of snakes arrived in the city streets. The city was isolated for a week and refused to pay Hatfield. Hatfield later died and never revealed his secret formula for making rain.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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beaverstrack · 29 days
Beaver Tracks: Premier Crawler Drill Exporter
When searching for the top Crawler Drill Exporter, look no further than Beaver Tracks
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Beaver Tracks is distinguished by its extensive range of products, including Pole Erection Equipment, Water Well Drilling Rigs, DTH Hammers, Button Bits, Drill Rods, and more. Our drills and hammers are engineered to operate as a cohesive unit, ensuring optimal drilling performance. Our dedicated team comprises highly skilled engineers, service personnel, and technical experts, all of whom bring deep knowledge and expertise to deliver superior products.
Commitment to Quality
As a leading Crawler Drill Exporter, Beaver Tracks adheres to stringent quality standards. We are ISO 9001:2008 certified, reflecting our commitment to maintaining world-class manufacturing practices. Our state-of-the-art warehouse is meticulously organized, featuring distinct sections for easy access and safe storage of our products.
Why Choose Beaver Tracks?
Our dedication to delivering high-quality products has earned us a reputation for excellence. We proudly serve a diverse clientele, including notable organizations such as AED, the Central Ground Water Board, Groundwater Surveys, and various development agencies. Our focus on customer satisfaction drives us to provide cost-effective, reliable, and efficient solutions tailored to meet specific requirements.
Our team of highly skilled engineers collaborates closely with clients to customize products according to their needs, ensuring that we meet and exceed expectations. Beaver Tracks' unwavering commitment to excellence has solidified our position as the premier Crawler Drill Exporter.
FAQs about Crawler Drills
Which company is good for drill machines?
Beaver Tracks is renowned for its high-quality drill machines, offering a variety of options suited to mining, construction, and exploration needs.
What is a crawler drilling machine?
A crawler drilling machine is a type of heavy equipment designed for drilling tasks in various terrains. It features a crawler track system that provides stability and mobility, making it ideal for challenging environments.
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whitepolaris · 4 months
Center of the Universe: Tulsa
The Bermuda Triangle. Stonehenge. Crop circles. The world is so wondrous and complicated that there are countless mysteries science had yet to solve. There are places on this earth that seemingly defy we know about its natural machinations, and restore awe and splendor to a jaded populace. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this . . . Tulsa.
One of the country's most intriguing mystery spots sits comfortably in downtown Tulsa atop a pedestrian bridge, connecting First and Archer streets via Boston Avenue. This anomaly, which Tulsans modestly call "The Center of the Universe," is located directly within thirty-inch concrete circle on the ground, surrounded by thirteen concentric rows of worn bricks. Why thirteen? Only the helpful aliens know, but this genuine abnormality cannot be easily dismissed.
Actually, the circle that marks the Center of the Universe was not an original feature of the bridge. Tulsa built the bridge in 1930s to carry cars over the railroad tracks, but closed the span to automobiles in 1983 after a fire damaged a warehouse below. After that, it was refurbished as a pedestrian walkway. The architect of the project claims to have intended his circle design as a metaphor for the linking of the north and south sides of town, but that seems too pat. The circle, in fact, marks the location of an auditory oddity found nowhere else.
To experience the Center of the Universe phenomenon at its fullest, go with a friend. Sit in the middle of the circle and face any direction. Have your friend stand on the rim of the outermost circle of the bricks. If you speak in a normal tone of voice, you will not sound any different to your friend just a few feet away, but to you, your voice will sound amplified and tinny. The more you try to make sense of the sound quality, the more bizarre it'll sound to you. Then, when your friend speaks to you, he will hear your echo but not his own. How could that even be possible? The Center of the Universe consistently tickles visiting schoolchildren and vortex seekers until, of course, it begins to unnerve them.
Just to add to the spot's inscrutability and panache, the Center of the Universe is flanked by a sixty-foot abstract sculpture of a totem pole called Artificial Cloud, or sometimes Unity. American Indian artist Robert Hoazous claims to have erected the structure to commemorate Tulsa's 1991 Mayfest, and not to act as a landing beacon for intergalactic ships, or to summon Nessie.
Tulsa's municipal leaders dismiss the Center of the Universe as a "fluke," or at most, a simple "whisper chamber." One doubt speculates that an expansion joint that bisects the circle underneath the bridge vibrates with the sound of a nearby voice, causing a slightly delayed, metallic echo.
Wait, we hear the echo now. It's saying, "Hogwash." -Craig Robertson
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contextualstudiesd · 5 months
THE CITY IN HISTORY by Lewis Mumford, Reading Report
To better develop the theme of urbanization and its link to nature and ecology I am going to explore the economical political and social roots of the city. How did it change throughout history and when and how its relationship with nature began to crumble. In order to understand this changes I am going to analyse and read “The City in History: Its origins, its transformations and its prospects” by Lewis Mumford (1961).
In the first chapters of the book the writer affirms that cities are influenced by two poles of human life, the want to settle and to move. On one side humans want stability and they renounce to mobility in order to gain that, other trade immobility for adventure. Either options have led to development of new settlement and to the growth of already existing ones. (1961: 5)
In the book before talking about our modern megapolis, the writer focuses on villages, and citadels, which are the precursors of cities. In order to enter the first urban transformation villages went through external and internal changes: the central concerns shifted from the need of nutrition and reproduction to more complex factors. In the village new roles were born thanks to the growth in population and an “higher unity” was formed with the new complexity of life the city was dealing with (1961: 30). The unity, however evolved from a new urban society, where relationships between citizens were based on control, repression and tension: village neighbours ceased to be familiars and equals and were reduced to mere subjects under the ruling of kingship and its subordinates.
However, the rise of civilisation was a key element to the development of the first urban epoch, in which the expansions of human energies, mechanical and agricultural improvementents led to the explosion of technology and electronic invention and later to the explosion of the city. Throughout this epoch the relationship between man and nature shifted: with the mechanical and electronic inventions, men conglomerated into an incredibly strong and compact power that managed to rule the forces of nature. Men, moving as one machine, were able to change river courses, by building canals and ditches; temples and infrastructures were erected and the soil exploited by more intensive agricolture. (1961: 34). Obviously the relationship that existed at the time was not dangerous and precarious as it is righ now, but the power that men used to tame nature has slowly evolved into a certainty of dominance towards this element.
The more urban expansion grows and evolves, the more nature dies out of the urban environment. Mumford towards the end of his book highlights the fact that trough urban sprawl and capitalist economy all the natural features got inexorably wiped out of the city life, even though they are an unavoidable element which is necessary for fortification and phisical wellbeing of men.
Throughout the 18th and 19th century the lack or nature in the city was not bothersome for society and as the writer says, if the upper class was able to have it usual strolls through the main parks once a week there was no need to change and interfere with the development of the city. (1961: 427)
Furthermore after the second Industrial Revolution there was a strong will to keep the progress alive, and noticeable within the city: large avenues and streets were built, they were a symbol of progress, of possible traffic and commercial opportunities. Even though the practical use of these streets was almost non existent, the symbolic power that it hold was stronger and more assertive. By following this way of thinking every rural space, deemed pointless, was believed to stand in the path of the advancing city. Nature was seen more as an obstacle, to defy and overcome, instead as an essential element that betters humans’ quality of life. (1961: 428)
Through the last centuries there’s been a massive urban expansion and congestion in the city. This is due to the growth in population and the competition between people for a limited number of apartments and rooms (1961: 432). This is due to the fact that the industrial proletariat moved to cities and the great European capitals making living spaces more requested. Therefore in the 19th and 20th centiry working class houses were repetitive, crowded and allocated on top of another. Green spaces were unexistent and so were the playgrounds.
To concude I think that I do not have an answer to my original question, which is if a coexistence between urban and natural environment can happen. Right now we find ourselves in a precarious stage. We have embraced a more “green” lifestyle because there are actual dangers and problems that linger around climate change, endangered animal and natural species, sea levels rising, and many more. By reading this book I understand that this complex relationship with nature has been troubled and challenged for a long time now, and most important, it has been a process that worsened through centuries. The fact that ecology and green movements developed fully only in the 60s and 70s should ring a bell for how long this issue has been ignored.
However I have faith that if we actually try and incorporate more natural elements in our cities and megapolis, a more dynamic and healthy lifestyle will be created. Not only for men but also for nature itself. This does not mean that technological and mechanical developments will cease to exist, instead I think the way to evolve our technologies further is to find a balanced merge between nature and the latter. An example can be Singapore’s supertrees. The trees, on top of which grow plants and flowers, are part of the Garden by the Bay Project that cultivates and protects natural flora and fauna from other countries. The trees have essential duties which are generating solar power, electricity and collecting rainwater. (Said-Moorhouse, 2015)
Mumford, L. (1961), “The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations and its prospects”, Secker &Warburg: London
Said-Moorhouse, L (2015), “Solar-powered ‘supertrees’ breathe life into Singapore’s urban oasis” CNN World, available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2012/06/08/world/asia/singapore-supertrees-gardens-bay/index.html
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spwebdesign · 6 months
Revolutionizing Website Development: Unveiling the IoT Impact
In the ever-evolving digital realm of 2024, Website Development transcends its conventional boundaries, propelled by the infusion of state-of-the-art technologies. Amid this technological maelstrom, the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as a formidable catalyst, orchestrating a paradigm shift in the conception, construction, and consumption of websites. Embark with us on a voyage as we unravel the profound ramifications of IoT on Website Development, unraveling its essence, advantages, and enigmatic future.
A New Era of User Engagement
In the realm of IoT-infused websites, the user experience transcends mere interaction, morphing into an immersive journey laden with personalization and convenience. Through the fusion of physical gadgets and virtual interfaces, Website Development metamorphoses into a realm where anticipation melds with adaptability, crafting bespoke content that enraptures the contemporary audience. From smart domiciles to wearable marvels, IoT empowers websites to intuit user desires, evolve in real-time, and unfurl bespoke narratives that captivate and enthrall.
Breaking Barriers: The Accessibility Revolution
Accessibility emerges as the cornerstone of progressive Website Development, with IoT spearheading a crusade for inclusivity, particularly for individuals with disabilities. Leveraging sensor wizardry, vocal commands, and gestural finesse, IoT-fueled websites obliterate impediments, offering equitable access to a treasure trove of information and services. By championing accessibility, businesses broaden their horizons, foster deeper connections, and epitomize their dedication to diversity and inclusivity.
Velocity Redefined: Unleashing Optimal Performance
In an age where immediacy reigns supreme, the performance of websites becomes non-negotiable. IoT infusion equips Website Development with the tools to refine speed, reliability, and efficacy, orchestrating seamless user encounters across an array of devices and platforms. Harnessing the prowess of data analytics and machine intellect, IoT-laden websites dynamically recalibrate content dissemination, streamline operations, and truncate latency, culminating in an unparalleled performance spectacle that enraptures users and propels satisfaction to stratospheric heights.
Securing the Digital Realm: Balancing Innovation with Vigilance
Security emerges as an omnipresent concern in the labyrinth of Website Development, a realm where IoT presents both promise and peril. While the proliferation of interconnected contraptions heralds novel vulnerabilities, it also ushers in avant-garde approaches to cybersecurity. Armed with impregnable encryption, biometric fortifications, and preemptive surveillance mechanisms, IoT-driven websites erect bulwarks against threats, fortifying defenses, neutralizing risks, and nurturing user trust and confidence in the sanctity of their digital havens.
Flexibility Unleashed: Scaling Horizons, Embracing Dynamism
The horizons of Website Development expand exponentially under the aegis of IoT, affording businesses the liberty to pivot and adapt in consonance with shifting tides and technological tectonics. Through the prism of cloud-centric architectures, edge computational wizardry, and modular frameworks, IoT-infused websites morph into chameleonic entities, scaling organically to accommodate fluxes in traffic, embrace novel functionalities, and seamlessly assimilate pioneering features. This agility empowers enterprises to maintain pole position in the race for innovation, seize nascent opportunities, and future-proof their digital footprint.
Unveiling Data's Dominion: From Insights to Inflection Points
Data emerges as the lifeblood coursing through the veins of modern Website Development, heralding a new epoch of informed decision-making and perpetual refinement. IoT emerges as the conduit through which rivers of real-time data flow, furnishing invaluable insights into user behavior, predilections, and zeitgeist. Armed with the arsenal of data analytics and predictive machinations, Website Development transcends the realm of conjecture, sculpting bespoke content strategies, orchestrating personalized user odysseys, and igniting targeted marketing escapades that maximize engagement, conversions, and ROI.
In denouement, the catalytic role of IoT in Website Development stands as a testament to its transformative prowess, sculpting a digital tapestry where boundaries dissolve, and possibilities multiply. By harnessing the symbiosis of interconnected gadgets, data alchemy, and cognitive automation, businesses orchestrate immersive, inclusive, and impregnable online vistas that resonate with the discerning modern denizen. As we gaze upon the horizon, the relentless march of IoT promises to propel innovation, fuel expansion, and unravel vistas of opportunity, charting a new trajectory for Website Development on a global canvas.
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Top Down Arcade Games
I guess these are more like run-n-gun games - you move and shoot in eight directions, running up the screen while blasting soldiers.
The first one I've picked is Shock Troopers. Genuinely, it seems a little cool. The music's nice, and graphically, it looks good. It's got a cartoonish stylisation to it, and the sprites are very chunky. You can use machine guns, flamethrowers, grenades - soldiers scream when you kill them, and everything explodes and shakes the screen... it's just cool. One thing I like is how the game plays with perspective. Soldiers will jump down from "cliffs" to ambush you as the game continues, appearing larger as they are closer up.
Ninja Commando is another interesting one. Artistically, it's very vibrant and colourful game, and you're still running and gunning. What's different this time, is that the world seems way more dynamic. Instead of enemies just charging you from the corners of the screen or appearing from the ground, there's some effort to explain where they come from - usually from a van, skidding to a halt in front of you. The levels have more interaction as well, with gates that can be blasted open to progress.
Out Zone is my third choice. While I don't understand the name, it's a run-n-gun with an interesting sci fi aesthetic. The camera seems more oriented to the top of the character, and objects can appear above or below you. Interestingly, things like exploding vehicles can scar the landscape with craters and scorch marks, which gives the whole thing a bombastic, war-like atmosphere.
Guerilla Warfare is my next pick. Most of the games here seem to be either sci-fi or modern (for the time) military deals, and this is the latter. The jungles and rebel soldiers are probably based on the Contras that were occurring around that time in South America. Interestingly, in this one, you don't just shoot things. There are hostages tied to poles who you can rescue for extra points. The soldiers can also erect barricades in real time.
Mercs is the final game I'm looking at. It's set in some war-torn desert region, where you gun down enemy soldiers with a variety of weapons. The sprite work is nice and somewhat realistic for the technology, perhaps being 32-bit. The unique thing about this game (at least I haven't seen this in other games) is that you can enter vehicles and drive around for some added fun.
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Title: How Scaffolding Shaped Ancient Architecture From Pyramids to the Parthenon?
Especially when you consider that thousands of years ago people were already able to complete structures of monumental size and complexity without the building technology we have today, you have to wonder how they could have done it at all. 
The answer is quite simple: with scaffolding equipment.
H2-  What is scaffolding?
Before we start, we need to ask ourselves a very mundane question: what was scaffolding equipment in ancient times? Because, of course, ancient scaffolding techniques were very different from those we know today. 
However, the definitions of what can be described as scaffolding in the ancient world are hardly any different from those of today.
Scaffolding was and still is a temporary framework or structure erected to provide support and access during the construction, maintenance, or repair of buildings, and other structures. 
For thousands of years, scaffolding has been used to safely climb to great heights, transport materials, and precisely execute complex architectural designs. 
Typically made from wood, bamboo, or later metal, scaffolding has evolved over the centuries, but its purpose remains unchanged - to facilitate the construction process and ensure the safety of those working at elevated heights.
H2-  What types of scaffolds were used thousands of years ago?
Greece without its famous Acropolis? Egypt without the pyramids? Or Rome without the Colosseum? Hard to imagine. 
But without scaffolding accessories suppliers, the construction of these and many other iconic buildings of antiquity would hardly have been possible. 
With the building boom that accompanied the emergence of the first metropolises and the increasingly complex architecture that went with it, more and more types of scaffolding and scaffolding techniques were developed.
1. Scaffolding was an exception in Ancient Egypt
More than 3,500-year-old depictions on tombs and reliefs show how the ancient Egyptians used simple knots of thin willow branches, papyrus, or sisal to tie together wooden beams and planks to build scaffolds for the construction of their most iconic buildings. 
Before they could start erecting the scaffolding, the willow branches had to be soaked in water for several days to make them flexible. Scaffolding was therefore very labor-intensive and time-consuming. 
On top of that, wood was a scarce commodity in ancient Egypt and usually too expensive for simple craftsmen. 
Instead, they used ladders to reach greater heights on their construction sites. 
That’s why scaffolding was only used for important temples and statues, such as those we know today at Luxor. 
It’s also thought that wooden scaffold-like structures were used to build the famous pyramids of Giza.
2. Wooden scaffolding was used to build the Acropolis
With the emergence and rapid development of metropolises such as Athens, the need for larger buildings grew. 
Archaeological finds show that more sophisticated wooden scaffolding was used on building sites in ancient Greece. 
Lifting machines, some of which used scaffolding as a supporting structure, have also been recorded.
The construction of the Parthenon temple on the Acropolis in Athens in the 5th century BCE saw the use of various types of scaffolding, including crane scaffolding, consisting of cranes and ramps, and support scaffolding, consisting of wooden posts and beams.
3. Roman temples, amphitheaters, and aqueducts were only possible with scaffolding
During the Roman Empire, wooden scaffolding was further developed and improved. 
Trestle scaffolding, cantilever scaffolding, and wooden pole scaffolding must have been commonplace, especially in the rapidly growing metropolis of Rome.
Although concrete records of Roman scaffolding are rather scarce, the buildings constructed with the help of scaffolding speak their own language. 
For example, some Roman buildings have scaffolding holes in the masonry, indicating the use of scaffolding. 
But even where there is no visible evidence of scaffolding, the sheer size and complexity of Roman temples, theatres, and aqueducts suggest that scaffolding was used extensively. 
For example, it is thought that trestle scaffolding was used in the construction of the Flavian Amphitheatre, known today as the Colosseum.
Ancient Roman scaffolding also left its mark on the Pont du Gard aqueduct in what is now southern France. 
Stones protrude at irregular intervals from the masonry to which the scaffolding and falsework were anchored during the construction of the three-level bridge. 
In addition to the corbels, there are numerous holes in the ashlars, which were probably used to fasten the scaffolds.  
Traces of the scaffolding used to build the Pont du Gard are still visible more than 2000 years after its construction.
Increasingly complex structures demanded ever more sophisticated scaffolding parts manufacturers in the USA. Over time, wooden scaffolding became safer, more stable, stronger, and more flexible - until it was finally replaced in the 20th century by steel scaffolding as we know it today.
 AAIT Technocraft - Your Trusted Scaffolding Equipment Company in the USA
The evolution of scaffolding techniques and their crucial role in ancient construction is a testament to human ingenuity and determination. 
From simple willow branch scaffolds in ancient Egypt to the advanced wooden structures in Greece and the Roman innovations, scaffolding has been an indispensable part of architectural history. 
Today, with advancements in materials and technology, scaffolding has transformed further, ensuring safer and more efficient construction processes. For all your modern scaffolding needs, trust AAIT Technocraft, a leading scaffolding equipment company in the USA that manufactures trusted and durable scaffolding systems in the USA.
As one of the premier scaffolding accessories suppliers and scaffolding equipment distributors in the USA, AAIT Technocraft is committed to providing top-quality scaffolding parts manufactured in the USA. 
Contact us today for all your scaffolding requirements, and let us support your construction projects with our reliable scaffolding solutions.
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utkarshindia · 1 year
Useful insights on telecom tower types
Telecom towers are a critical part of India's telecommunications landscape, supporting voice calls, data services, and connectivity for millions of mobile subscribers. The constant evolution of tower infrastructure continues to meet the demands of emerging technologies and the increasing need for reliable and high-speed communication across the country. In this article, we will explore some of the useful insights on telecom tower types: 
Lattice towers are a type of freestanding structure that provides support and stability through a segmental design featuring triangular and rectangular base steel sections. These towers are constructed using angular segments, forming a lattice-like structure. They are available in different types and can be designed as either 3-legged or 4-legged structures.These towers are versatile and adaptable, making them ideal for various applications where modification and customization may be required. 
Angular towers are a popular choice for small-scale installations with lighter loads compared to other types of towers. These towers offer a cost-effective solution and are commonly installed on rooftops or other compact spaces. The design of angular towers takes into account the specific requirements of smaller installations, providing a balance between functionality, cost efficiency, and space utilization. 
Tubular towers, constructed using tubular sections, are specifically designed to withstand heavy loads. Poles made of tubular steel offer numerous benefits to utilities and power line projects. Their construction involves factory assembly, ensuring precise manufacturing and quality control. Once assembled, these poles are efficiently installed along the designated right-of-way. This streamlined process saves time and reduces on-site labor requirements, contributing to cost savings and improved project timelines.
Ground-based towers are erected directly on natural ground using a suitable foundation. These towers are designed with a robust load-bearing capacity, making them ideal for hosting various outdoor equipment such as antennas, fixtures, and other installations. Their sturdy construction ensures stability and durability, allowing them to withstand challenging environmental conditions.
Rooftop towers are specifically designed for installation on top of existing buildings. These towers utilize iron structures, columns, and tie beams to secure them to the building's roof. Rooftop towers offer a practical solution for areas where ground space is limited or unavailable.
Before the actual installation of transmission towers, prototype towers undergo rigorous testing at specialized tower testing stations. These testing facilities ensure that the towers meet the required quality and safety standards before they are deployed in the field.
Once the towers have been tested and approved, they can be assembled and erected using various methods depending on factors such as tower height, location, and accessibility.
Are you looking for telecom tower companies?
Explore  Utkarsh Telecom Towers. The company boasts a team of highly experienced and extensively trained personnel who possess in-depth technical expertise. This ensures that every aspect of the tower manufacturing and installation process is executed with precision and professionalism. The company has state-of-the-art fabrication facilities, which are equipped with advanced CNC lines and semi-automatic machines. These cutting-edge technologies enable the company to achieve unparalleled accuracy in the manufacturing process, guaranteeing the highest quality products. 
In terms of production capabilities, the company benefits from spacious facilities that accommodate prototype assembly. This allows for thorough testing and fine-tuning before the final product is delivered to customers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Also, they have extensive hot-dip galvanizing capabilities. With four plants dedicated to hot-dip galvanizing, the company can offer excellent corrosion resistance using special high-grade zinc with a remarkable purity level of 99.995%.
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halteindia · 1 year
The Benefits of Using BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers for Agriculture and Landscape
Are you tired of digging holes for planting or erecting poles?
BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers can help make your job easier and more efficient. Here are some benefits of using BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers for agriculture and landscaping:
1. Saves time and effort: BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers are designed to make digging holes faster and more efficient. With the help of the machine, you can dig more holes in less time, and with less effort. This means you can get your job done faster and move on to other tasks.
2. Versatile: BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers come in different sizes of drill bits, making them versatile for different hole sizes. Whether you are planting trees, shrubs, or erecting poles, you can choose the right size drill bit for your job.
3. Easy to use: BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers are designed for easy use, with a lightweight design and a wheel for easy maneuvering. The petrol engine and air-cooled 2-stroke engine make it even easier to use.
4. Efficient: With a fuel tank capacity of 1.2 liters for the BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Digger 68cc with 12 Inch Drill Bit LG0682 and 1.75 liters for the BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Digger 82cc with 6 Inch and 8 Inch Bits, you can use the machine for longer periods without needing to refuel.
5. Cost-effective: By using BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers, you can save money on labor costs and get the job done faster. This means you can take on more jobs and increase your revenue.
Whether you are a farmer, landscaper, or builder, BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers are an essential tool for your job. By investing in this efficient and versatile machine, you can save time, effort, and money. Order yours today and experience the benefits of using BKR® Earth Auger Post Hole Diggers for agriculture and landscaping. Website : https://jaganhardware.com/
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adventureixx · 2 years
How To Make Tent At Home Without Sticks?
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Camping is a wonderful way to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and connect with nature. Whether you are a seasoned camper or a beginner, making your own tent is an exciting and rewarding experience. With a little creativity and the right materials, you can create a comfortable and durable tent that is perfect for your next outdoor adventure. This guide will show you how to make a tent at home without sticks, using common household items and simple techniques.
Materials Needed
Before you begin, you will need to gather the following materials:
Fabric (such as canvas, nylon, or polyester)
Tent poles (optional)
Needle and thread
Sewing machine (optional)
Step 1: Choose the Right Fabric
The first step in making your own tent is to choose the right fabric. There are several factors to consider when selecting a fabric, including weight, durability, waterproofing, and breathability. Canvas is a heavy and durable option, but it may be too heavy for backpacking trips. Nylon and polyester are lighter options, but they may not be as strong as canvas. Consider your needs and choose the fabric that is best for you.
Step 2: Cut the Fabric
Once you have chosen your fabric, you will need to cut it to size. The size of your tent will depend on how many people you plan to accommodate. For a single person tent, you will need approximately 7 square yards of fabric. For a two-person tent, you will need approximately 10 square yards. Cut your fabric to the desired size, leaving an additional 2-3 inches on each side for hemming.
Step 3: Hem the Fabric
Next, you will need to hem the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying. Fold the fabric over by 1 inch on each side and sew it in place using a needle and thread, or a sewing machine.
Step 4: Attach the Rope
Now that the fabric is hemmed, you will need to attach the rope to the corners of the tent. Cut four pieces of rope, each approximately 8 feet long. Tie one end of each rope to the corners of the fabric, making sure the ropes are taut.
Step 5: Erect the Tent
To erect the tent, simply find four sturdy objects to serve as anchor points, such as trees or tent stakes. Attach the other end of each rope to the anchor points, pulling the ropes taut to raise the fabric into a tent shape. If you have tent poles, you can insert them into the corners of the fabric to add stability.
Step 6: Secure the Tent
Finally, you will need to secure the tent in place. This can be done by tying the ropes to the anchor points, or by using tent stakes if you have them.
Making a tent at home without sticks is a fun and rewarding project that anyone can do. With the right materials and a little creativity, you can create a comfortable and durable tent that is perfect for your next outdoor adventure. Give it a try, and see where your imagination takes you!
Read More: https://adventureix.com/how-to-make-tent-at-home-without-sticks
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nknaiem643 · 2 years
Mini Sewing Machines with Extension Table 
 【 Unique Extension Table 】 Provides an exclusive large sewing table to work for the large design and help to stabilize the mini machine. This handheld machine is elaborate and movable for home use. 
 【 Advanced 201 Version 】 Slot on the bottom, perfect for sewing sleeves and legs. Equipped with erected- in lighting beacon and thread knife, easy to cut off vestments and work under acceptable light source. 
【 rearmost Outstanding Upgrade 】 Strengthened and outstretch the string of pedal; changed needles to good Organ Needles; Equipped AC/ DC appendage with CE mark instrument. 
【 Double vestments and Two Speed Control 】 Large Spool can be used with rewind device for easyre-placement of nethermost bobbin. Low/ high speed button for selection to keep safe and important. Good for newcomers to make craft, home sewing(e.g. lunch bag, apron). 
 【 After- deals Service 】 Please communicate us by EMAIL if there's any issue during operation. We're always then and happy to break the problem for you. 
KPCB Mini Sewing Machines with Extension Table description 
KPCB Mini Sewing Machine:
It's a introductory sewing machine with only one straight line stitching, designed to support some small stuff or simple sewing. It becomes more useful due to its exquisite design, similar as erected- in beacon and thread knife. 
It's suitable for kiddies due to its proper size, but it isn't only made for kiddies. Please trust that the suckers of this machine exists on all age groups. 
For Easy Sewing:
1. Equipped with erected- in beacon and thread knife, guarantee the sufficient light source and demand for cutting thread. 
 2. Features extension table, make sewing smooth and stable. 
 3. Automatically rewinding with erected- in winding pole and thread spool. 
 4. appendage power force or battery power force for selection. 
5. Foot pedal operation, release your hand to concentrate on sewing. 
 Extension Table * 1 
 Needle relief * 1 
 Bobbins * 4 
 Appendage * 1 
 bottom Pedal * 1 
 Needle Threader * 1 
 Applicable Fabric and Needle
 Extensively applicable fabrics similar as Linen, Cotton, Denim, Soft Jeans, Hard Silk, Hard Whool. It comes with90/14 needls, and is also compitible with75/11,80/12,10/16 needls. 
 We'd like to suggest you change the needle according to the consistence or hardness of fabric. 
Wide operation:It's perfect to suture some small or simple stuff with this machine. Some of our guests used it for curtains, cusion, shopping bags, apron, coin bag and so on.
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suryainternational · 4 years
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Pole Erection Machine Manufacturing in India
Surya Group provides the most engineer friendly  Pole Erection Machine Manufacturing in India.
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag pole down on his Virginia property awhile back? You might remember the news story several months ago about a crotchety old man in Virginia who defied his local Homeowners Association and refused to take down the flag pole on his property along with the large American flag he flew on it.
Now we learn who that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg, Texas . That probably didn't make news back then.
But twenty five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Cyrano, Italy, That same Van T. Barfoot, who had in 1940 enlisted in the U.S. Army, set out alone to flank German machine gun
positions from which gunfire was raining down on his fellow soldiers. His advance took him through a minefield but
having done so, he proceeded to single-handedly take out three enemy machine gun positions, returning with 17 prisoners of war.
And if that weren’t enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.
That probably didn’t make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving In Korea and Vietnam , a well deserved Congressional Medal of Honor.
What did make news was his Neighborhood Association's quibble with how the 90-year-old Veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the HOA rules said it was OK to fly a flag on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot
flagpole were "unsuitable".
Van Barfoot had been denied a permit for the pole, but erected it anyway and was facing Court action unless he agreed to take it down.
Then the HOA story made national TV, and the Neighborhood Association rethought its position and agreed to indulge this
aging hero who dwelt among them.
"In the timeI have left", he said to the Associated Press, "I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference."
As well he should. And if any of his neighbors had taken a notion to contest him further, they might have done well to read his Medal of Honor citation first. Seems it Indicates Mr. Van Barfoot wasn't particularly good at backing down.
If you've read this post and don't share it, - Guess what -You need your butt kicked. I share this with you because I don't want MY butt kicked anymore and I'm tired of seeing those who hate our country yet march in our streets, tear down our statues, burn our stores and loot our businesses have a free hand to do whatever they want.
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maxksx · 3 years
Nick Land: (Digression on Horror: If today belongs to terror, tomorrow and eternity belong to horror. When an apparent agency arrives at its zone of non-existence horror irrupts, activating the phobic mechanisms of an entire organic lineage. In relation to this reaction the concept of horror might be dissociated on an intensive spectrum: from ‘hot’ meat- reflex revulsion condensed upon threatened boundaries, to ‘cold’ thanatonic affect fusing into the anorganic plane. Horror films typically trigger recollections of zero-fusional ecstasies associated with body panic, catatonic fugues cut violently with accelerated heart-rate and other somatic emergency signals. When a creature encounters the terminus of its own possibility it recoils in horror, but the entire horror genre – the horror industry – relies on the fact that it does not simply recoil. This in part accounts for the pulp-genre convention that makes horror the demonic destination of lust, a sub-organic tropism to the utterly alien – compared to which any anthropomorphic ‘libido’ is a restriction. (Mother of Abominations!) It also suggests that the truth of horror is drawn from the Thing itself, especially from its antipathy to every aspect of local, specific, or familiar modes of organization. These features make of horror an avatar of the Outside.) ključ RŠ  Nick Land: The difference between parasitism and symbiosis is very slippery, as you suggest. Merely contributing to stability can be construed as a cooperative function, whilst at the other pole the recent movie Parasite Eve anticipates a mitochondrial insurgency – triggered at a threshold of biomolecular science – that unmasks the ‘symbiotic’ mitochondria as strategic parasites. The trend of the Parasite Eve story is to dismantle apparent agencies into ‘deep biopolitics’ or interphyletic collisions. The refrain ‘I waited so long for you’ slides from human lyricism into microbial megatrategy, spanning aeons yet dissociated entirely amongst a diffuse distribution of bioparticles (and patently subverting the story’s romantic resolution). Despite genre differences, GAS seems to exhibit features of Parasite Eve. Both interconnect with Pest, or meltdown-plague, since they conceive strategy as an emergent wave arising out of tactical multiplicities and their ‘coincidences,’ propagating as a hypermutative virus. R. Negarestani: Militant tactical lines as intensity-probes need surfaces and dimensions to flow, conflict and run over each other – Follow their chemical attractions for surface integral, vector fields, surface modifications and 'flux = p/a' (where p is power and a is the representation of surface and dimensionality) – ... the work-ground of tactics is solidus in circulation or solidity through the slope process i.e. Pseudo-flux (See the conversation with Mehrdad Iravanian on Solidus in circulation and its surplus value: solidity ) whose oversimplified mode is that we may call monolithism, rigidity, masculinity or the body of despot. Solidus in circulation propels flows to stream through its metrons, slopes, dimensions, signifying processes and phantom surfaces, unfolding them through streams of fertilization and cultivation ... or the architectonic sphere ... or when the flux surges as the sedimentation processes (fluvial / alluvial) that is to say never-ending dynamism of consolidation processes by means of the sediments in the flux – unsettled sediments – which are distributed all over the unbounded horizon of solidus in circulation and ground to maintain the survival of solidity in an over-cultivated circulation (sediment process as an ever-modernizing process of solidity). Once flowing sedimentation process – working as a dynamic fertilizer and cultivator of solidity – arrives as disguised crisscrossing tides and flows, it genetically embodies (as of assemblages in Genesis) the terrains (terrenus) of solidity or the lattice-works of the sediments (Lands, territories, frontiers, boundaries, terra firma, plain of alluvium, ...) on which the militant (conflictual lines) tactical influxes / outfluxes are disseminated. What could be more efficiently bound to the circulatory hunger of solidity than a vein full of hot streaming manure, than the maneuvering lines investing ground with more slopes and complex fertilizing / irrigating architectures, than non-linear sedimentation and the desertificative (over-cultivating) emissions of fertilizer through the pseudo-fluxes of solidus in circulation (Dynamic sedimentation process is a post-industrial representation for introduction of phallo-erective materials – solids – to everything through the slope- flux, through the pseudo-flux of solidity)? However, there is a fatal twist in the whole panorama that also lies at the heart of Paranoia: all these frantic hungers for never-ending consolidations, filling-in / hollowing-out processes, furious transportations, dynamic sediments and facing processes (white walling / black holing) or the 'republic state of solid and void' (as Plato's Cave: the commonwealth of solid and void as the backbone economy of solidus in circulation) induce an excessive scarring process over the face of solidity ... scaring process (excessive and avert investments of solid and void) lies at the heart of paranoia, the face, the commonwealth of solid and void. 'Scarring process in excess' (auto- collapse of tissue ... fibrosis) germinates moldering infestations of solid and void, verminated depositions, desolated residua of slimed architectures and finally the fibroproliferative mess of rotting lands, tissues, faces, organs and membranes, lost their connective (regulative) tissues and economical nexuses to an epidemic openness (as what you discussed in the depths of biopolitics: the zero-genetic contagia of the interphyletic collisions) as an epidemic, the plague. Fibroproliferation or delirial scarring is triggered automatically in the hunger for the new networks and consolidation processes of solid and void and facing processes (a plague from within and from without), spreading septic, desolated and basically ill compositions of 'solid / void' in a zero-health manner. Fibroproliferation or delirial scarring is imminent to face, sur- face, consolidation, sedimentation process, all healing processes through solidity (Scar is the horror of healing process.) and militant tactical lines; subverting solidity (not through eradication) by activating the loathsome machinery of 'becoming corpse' or where solidity is not purged or introduced to Zero (S=0) but becomes a corpse necrotized by diabolic scarring (S/0), with the defunct dimensions and rotting compositions of solid and void, that is to say, it becomes an unground (ungrund) of mutations, pest technology, Druj's avatars (Mother of Abominations) and a black earth (the New Earth?). This fibroproliferative mess is the swarming multiplicities of terminal tactics from which (as you discussed) a miasmatic plague called strategy rises without genesis. Terminal tactics, terminal lines of multiplicities or black intensities are germinated on the corpse-of-solidus (necrotized solidity) where all attributes, ingredients and modifications of surfaces, metrons, the economical nexuses and dimensionalities (f = p/a) have been messed up under the machinery of fibroproliferation. ... And solidus is overrun by the defacing worms. Corpse of solidus – ungrounded by Anonymous until Now i.e. imperfectable mess – is a good meal for black intensities (terminal tactic). Jungle war, Parasite Eve, Terminal tactics, Strategy and Pest all infect with the horror of Anonymous Until Now or '...' without Genesis (Thing?). Nano-attack has been infested with such an anonymous GAS or unground; each nanite is a tank full of nuclear nihilism, a perforating machine for messing with dimensions instead of challenging them, conflicting or running across them. The nano-attack is the attack of imperceptible; to become imperceptible is to commence a nano-attack. In the wake of such a war (imperceptible war or the war of imperceptible?) how do you see our classic discourses over peace, terror, solidity, masculinity, even nomad war-machines and the New Earth (Deleuze)? R. Negarestani: (from the conversation with Nick Land ... on meltdown, Chernobyl and sarcophagus: "Metallurgical Transmutation of Plants into Iron") "An ancient ruin rises up to reinvent destruction." (Tunnel, W.H. Gass) Paranoid cultures and their artifacts always leave security leaks; they breed more holes and more solids than everyone; neither all these augment nor purge the solidus and grund but leave them as the corpses necrotized by heavy scarring (fibroproliferative mess ) or the chaotic investments of solid and void, entangling to anonymous compositions: ... hole ... solid ... hole ... solid ... solid ... hole ... hole ... hole ... de- faced. Ground is left as the corpse-of-solidus (a cryptogenic intensity), ready to be proliferated, to be putrefied and engineered as mess. Putrefaction is the valor of transmutation. Although the sarcophagus (as in Chernobyl or an ancient death-raum) seems to be an architecture of entombment and surface modification, a metron for dimensioning, localizing and restricting horror (and transforming it to terror), but its fatal architecture is the architecture of excavation and exhumation (it always summons the exhuming forces to itself), messing up surfaces and necrophilia, a snuffed architecture for necrophilic engineers, bringing a terminal contamination cryptogenic between 'arrival and emergence' (your suggested one), ascent and descent so the architecture of collapse into Anonymous-until-Now. Sarcophagus brings the architectonic energy (of solidus) of liveware to an ex-architectural dump: laying waste, rotting erect, oozing pores. "Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl" (Howard Philip Lovecraft) R. Negarestani: Referring to your argument about a crashed car; what do you think about the architectural aspects of a crash and particularly a car crash? Mehrdad Iravanian: Crash is a final stage of producing chain. The realization of exaggerated components and departments. Somehow, it seems the crash product is an error or contradictory to the established aim; since it cannot fulfil the primary program but the object is capable of reprogramming according to the new status. It is not an automobile (as soon as it stops running) but rather a composition of elements. We are usually reprogramming the buildings.... A crashed car is under the title of rehabilitation; it means a program after an actual event. The architectural analysis of the car totally depends on the type of crash and consequently the type of product that comes out of the crash.
When I am pointing to the crash as an entity, I compare the matter with the relativity theory and the subject of an observational entity which is based on coincidence of two or more point-objects at a particular instance of time. Somehow, these definitions remind me of the effective and necessary elements for happening the so-called crash; that is time, space, points, line, and surfaces collide in a very particular and exclusive manner which (by present dimension of analytical ability counted obscure and untraceable) contributes a unique behaviour each single time to a crash object’s elements. After a crash many dynamic elements appear that won’t follow the known linear movement; so many parts broken and live in a suspense situation that can move naturally by means of turbulence. So the crash is not the end of flexural movement but could be the beginning of different types of none linear operandums. An automobile cannot impose any location prior to that moment. It loses its linear movement. As soon as it stops, it’s not more than a crash machine: a mere composition that can simulate a building, a hole, a cave, an anchor object.
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