#polish beam goooooo
honeymilkbubbletea · 3 months
Oh no, it's too late
They're polish now 😔🙏
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Me after watching Chłopi: I am a patriot once again 🦅🍺🇵🇱 🙏😤
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Ghost of You Chapter 3
Let’s goooooo!! Chapter 3 in my long ass series.
Enjoy lovelies xx
The walk back to the dorms felt far too long and far to strenuous. The tears threatened to spill and thank the lord no one was around to see them leak from my eyes steadily.
Everyone was still at the concert by the time I got back to my room and crashed down on my unmade bed and covered my face tiredly as the weak blubbering forces me to sober up. With a groan, I rise to my feet and walk across my room to my bags still sitting in the middle of the floor where I unzip them carefully and begin to unload everything.
First to come out are all the clothing items that I hang up in my plain white wardrobe that has been built into one of the walls of the room. Then, I pull out my bedding supplies which consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases and bed sheets, all in black and red with different lace trimmings. Soon after, everything from cosmetics to posters, books to electronics and a variety of posters of my favourite bands are out of my bags and in their respective places.
Once I finished unloading all this from my bags, I hear a quiet knock at the door followed by a ‘let me in please’ from a seemingly innocent Carly. I shuffle over to the door and swing it open where she then pushes through me and into my room where she stands in the centre and crosses her arms across her chest.
I turn back to the sheets strewn across my double bed and almost groan in annoyance when Carly sits down on top of the made bed and stares at me with doe-like eyes.
“Why did you leave early?” She asks, her bottom lip pouting out slightly in disappointment. I huff out a sigh in reply and close my door before replying, “Not too into pop… Rock bands I guess.”
“I’m calling bull crap. You’re literally wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and you were singing along to the songs.” She says pointedly as I release a loud groan of exhaustion and crash down on my bed, face first into my pillow.
“Do you know how you can cover this up? How to make me totally forget you bailed on me at that performance?” She asks mischievously as she sits down next to me on my bed.
I moan out a ‘what’ in reply as she lets out an evil chuckle and says, “Come to tonight’s welcome party in the conference centre. They’ve practically transformed this whole room for it and it’s going to be hectic.”
I don’t reply to her request, so instead, I simply sit up and stare at my new found friend.
Her eyes are bulging out of their sockets and her bottom lip is puffed out slightly as I roll my eyes at her and say, “As long as you pay for everything and you choose what I’m wearing.”
She squeals excitedly and immediately runs over to my cupboards and swings the doors open triumphantly. Whilst she sorts through my clothes, I walk over to the conjoined bathroom and begin to sort through my layers of make-up until I find my foundation and moisturiser which I lather on to my beige skin.
Carly then comes skipping into the bathroom where she throws a black bodycon dress with lace-up sides at me with a hot pink coat made entirely of fur.
“Where did you get the coat?” I ask her, my face contorting with horror at the sight of such a brightly coloured coat.
“My room.” She squeaks happily before throwing a clear g-string my way which I deign to catch and watch it slap against the polished white tiles.
“I am not wearing this tonight.” I say as I place it all carefully on the edge of the bathtub.
She pulls an immediate puppy face and I roll my eyes at her childishness before mumbling a string of profanities to which she smiles triumphantly and closes the bathroom door.
I roll my eyes and slip out of my current outfit into the one she chose before resuming my place in front of the mirror.
I layer on a variety of products I’ve mastered for occasions such as these and with a final swish of my deep red lipstick, my face is ready to go. I then pull my hair out of its messy bun and let if fall in waves down my shoulders in loosely organised, blonde waves.
Sighing at my appearance I walk out of the bathroom and back into the main room where I find a pair of black high heels that have a similar lace-up design as my dress.
I slip my phone into my coat’s pocket and with a swish of hair, saunter out into the hallway where I find Carly waiting for me in a bright red off-shoulder dress that she had matched with black diamond heels and a matching choker.
“You look wonderful Carly.” I say with a warm smile as she beams brightly back at me and flicks her dead straight brunette hair over one shoulder whilst looping her arm through my own. She then tugs into me motion as we walk towards the stairs and down the many flights before making our way across campus.
The music pounds loudly as we walk through a tall balloon arch, into the welcome party for the new school year. I immediately lose Carly to a group I vaguely recognize from the tour this afternoon, and I can’t help but feel lost as I stand there nervously, my hands hidden inside the pockets of the great monstrosity that is supposed to be a coat.                                                                                              
After scanning the crowd of writhing bodies carefully, I spot a beverages table that I find myself gravitating towards to as though I’m attached via an invisible thread.
My hand hovers over a variety of liquids but when I can’t decide, someone appears next to me and says, “I’d recommend not touching any of it. It’s all been spiked.”
I don’t look towards the new voice but say, “All the more reason to drink it.”
I hear the voice chuckle slightly as he says, “You always were the adventurous type.”
I immediately snap my head to the right and find one of my old friends Ashton Irwin standing there with a cheeky grin gracing his toned face as his dimples make a prominent appearance.
I can’t help myself when I throw my arms around him with a squeal of excitement as he laughs and hugs me back, his embrace tight never failing until I pull away and finally take a good look at him.
“How are you? I haven’t seen you in what, four maybe five years.” I say stunned, my eyes glazing over with the joy found in seeing one of my best friends here.
“I know right! It’s been ages since we caught up. I think the last time I saw you, you had just come to the band’s rehearsal when we just came back from our short radio tour of sorts. But wow, look at you now.” He says as he steps back and gestures at my whole body.
I look down shyly and say, “What about you! Puberty hit you like a truck Irwin.”
He laughs once more but when his face returns to his usual cheeky grin, he says, “I really missed having you around Shay. We all did.”
I smile at him hesitantly and say, “I missed you too.”
The music intensifies in my ears as the silence between us sets in. He folds his arms across his chest as he looks down briefly with a huff before looking back up at me and saying, “Please come see the guys. We did miss you… A lot more than we probably should have since you spent more time just taking the piss out of a poor band.”
My mind goes into a conflicting war.
To go, or not to go. That is the question.
Why am I quoting Hamlet?
“No.” I reply as I pour myself a large glass full of the spiked punch and chug it down in one go.
“Why not? Have we done something wrong?” He asks desperately, taking my cup out of my hand which forces me to look at him.
“You never talked to me Ashton. None of you. You never visited or texted or called and I was left alone. I had no one in my life for four years except for my Mum.” I reply, the spiked drink already taking the edge off.
He looked at me with glazed over eyes and I just smirked with a huff of a laugh and with a swish of my hair, I walked deeper into the party and the bumping bodies leaving Ashton alone at the beverages table by himself.
I immediately begin to sway with the beat of some bass driven song and lose myself in the moment as songs roll into one another.
The floor is sticky underneath my heels and the dry-ice smoke swirled an array of blues, acid greens, hot pinks and golds. The music played over the dance floor as if it had fused with the bodies. Halfway through one of the songs, I start to dramatically heat up, so I take the initiative to walk over to the temporary cloaking area and drop off my phone and coat where the lady standing behind the counter takes it with a smile and locks it in a locker before I walk away again and pick up another drink.
The music moves me like I’m a puppet on strings, my head mashing so hard my brain is in shut down mode. There’s so much sweat on my skin and not all of it belongs to me. The strobe masks so many of my movements, every clap of my hands like it’s on pause at different moments. There’s fake love in the air, all hyped up and ready to give us a good time. I feel as if my soul will shine so bright my skin will start to glow like my aura would somehow become visible. But the night is so young, my limbs have so much energy that I could dance for millennia and then some more.
 I feel the part of me that’s really me come out to play, to feel the vibe of the music and let my body go free. One moment, one brilliant feeling of togetherness suspended in time. In ten years I’ll still remember tonight, I love the quiet life but I relish the crazy fun times. Music, friends, good times, dance. Then I can focus in class, learn the facts, be the good girl. But tonight, this time belongs to me.
The night hasn’t even begun and when 1 rolls around, someone grabs my arm and pulls me out of the writhing bodies and to the edge of the crowd. My mouth turns into a frown as I look at the back of the man’s head who’s pulled me out of the dancing scene.
Michael Clifford.
“Mikey,” I say, suddenly stone-cold sober. “What are you doing?”
“Taking you back to your dorm.” He says simply as he turns to me with a smile, still walking in the direction of the cloaking area where he picks up my coat and phone.
“Why the pink fluffy monstrosity?” He asks as he hands it to me and I wrap it around my shoulders.
“Why the constantly died hair?” I snap back as he replies with a quick, “Touché.”
I puff up my chest with drunken pride as I ask, “Where are we really going because you don’t know where I’m staying.”
“Taking you back to our place so you don’t end up riding some other drunken asshole for the night.” He says while I feign shock and cover my mouth in mock surprise.
“Because some little dickie bird is a good enough excuse for you to come ‘rescue’ me, you can be assured that won’t happen so please let me go so I can get back to my party.” I say as his grip on my wrist tightens and he leads me to a sleek black convertible with two other guys I immediately recognize as Calum and Ashton, sitting in the back seat.
“No. I told Ashton once and now I’m telling you Mikey. Don’t make me do this. I don’t want to deal with you guys.” I panic as I begin to try and claw his hand off of my wrist.
He doesn’t reply but instead walks over to the car and opens the passenger door and forces me to sit down.
“Welcome princess.” Says Ashton from behind as Mikey climbs in the driver side and starts up the car which growls in response.
I don’t respond to the warm tone from behind and instead, stay cold like the breeze blowing against my face.
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