#pollux's ocs
avicebro · 8 months
for both!! ...sorry if i already sent you one??? I was trying to in the petco but the signal there is SHIT
✨: Are they a magic user? If so, how did they come to learn it (born with it, studied, acquired, etc.)? What does their magic look like when cast? If not, what is their attitude towards magic?
CAM's magic comes from the Frain family, and as a result his magic stems in golem-making and maintenance. He is also able to craft smaller, basic robots who exhibit similar properties to golems just with different materials. He primarily focuses on metal materials, as he is a robot and has trouble making golems out of organic material. Further, he has a little bit of proficiency with 'hacking' based magic, which while it can be used to momentarily pause an enemy mage's magic crest, as he was created as a helper to the Master of Chaldea originally, it now manifests as a 'buff' to an ally's magic. CAM was created by combining a robot with the remnants of Roche's magic crests found after his death in Apocrypha. As a result, he is powered by someone he never knew. Further, the Frain family created him as a way to survive after the war, funded by Chaldea, and so he did not get very loving attention from them. As such he's conflicted on his magic. However, with people like Paracelsus and Avicebron, he's growing to appreciate his magic and what he can do.
Armand primarily uses mineralogy magic. Unlike other mineralogy based mages like Tohsaka Rin and the Edelfelts, Armand's magic manifests less in jewels and more with actual minerals and alloys. The Rose family, having been shunned to the rockier parts of Scotland, was forced to work with what they had. Combined with some very basic rune magic, Armand's magic focuses not on the flashy, bright jewels, but on the sturdy, strong rock. The rocks he carries around are close to rune stones for quick bullets if needed, but with enough preparation (rune carving) he can move the earth. He refrains from using curses and other spells associated with big mage families due to his family's history. Further, the rope he carries is braided with volcanic rock. When activated, it can burn its victim. Growing up, he was not the one originally meant to have the magic crest. To him it feels uncomfortable and foreign, which may be why he refuses to use common spells and instead focuses on what he knows - the earth.
💍: Among their current companions, are there any that are narrative foils to your OC? How so?
For CAM's companions, the closest one is definitely Nezha. As both robots awkwardly shoved into their bodies with a mix of memories, the two work together to save the world. However, Nezha is marked with anger, and CAM struggles with being unable to feel that frustration as it was not programmed. They find solace with one another and Nezha tries to help him work with his feelings so he does not follow a similar path.
While Armand's narrative is similar to some of the servants who were originally masters, the closest in terms of foils is with rather with fellow co-master, Poole. Both were both rather not considered by their respected families, and then the title of master was awkwardly thrust upon them. As well, they both have literary servants (Dumas and Jekyll), related to their love for stories. However, while Armand harbors hatred for the original heir, Poole cannot - and this is a point of contention for the two.
😍: What traits, physical and/or mental, do they find attractive in other people?
One of the big things CAM finds attractive is,, for lack of a better word, is a complicated dynamic with what is 'being a human'. He gravitates towards other robots and 'living weapons' within Chaldea. Further, those who have been told they are not human but continue to love humanity/the world he finds extremely attractive. He is curious about the world, and those with knowledge or love to share make his CPU overwork.
Armand would rather die than admit what he finds attractive, but for the most part - he likes those who are charming and know it, may or may not be the most annoying person on the planet and know it. He loves story-tellers. He also just likes people taller than him (that is not hard).
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deadwooddross · 6 months
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Looking through some old art and realizing: I don't think I ever posted some of my favorite Castors? And a couple pollies too Huge mean tarantula woman, her personality is essentially that of Mr. Hyde from the one Van Helsing movie, you know the one. For every character I get attached to and make a little more tender soft, she gets one additonal bastard point added to her mean meter
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hazard-c-horror · 2 months
Old doodles with Hazard and a Host Eclipse
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(4-19-2024) Castor and Polled interaction with Hazard. Hazard suggesting something and they don’t agree
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(4-20-2024) the release of underworld saga (Epic the musical) was coming, which had my favorite song ‘No longer you’ that fits Haz, as they too have future sight.
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(3-8-2024) testing the deformation Hazard had on their host
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(12-18-23 - 3-1-24) Doodles of Hazard’s deformations
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(10-??-2023) comic I don’t remember the context too. Hazard is protecting Lunar from mysterious entities (i believe this is before the astrals or Lunar’s powers were introduced?)
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al-norton · 3 months
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Made a little inventory sheet for my prettiest guy <3
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tinkerbellsgf · 9 months
Cassie Parker
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Daughter of Dionysus
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Her name means “shining over man" which is like super slay and cool
Her last name doesn't really have that much of a meaning
Her mother, Erika Parker literally sucks so bad
She was super neglectful of Cassie
But luckily she had a babysitter and she was with her until Cassie had to go to camp
Her name was Ms. Adriana
But we'll get into that later
Her full name is Cassandra but nobody minus her "mother" calls her that and she rarely sees her mother since she left for camp
Pretty much as soon as she got to camp she was claimed by Mr. D.
He just walked up to her
Took a giant sip of his diet coke, pointed at her and went like
"Yeah that kids mine"
Out of the three Dionysus kids, Cassie was the first one to get there
Then it was Castor and Pollux
Her main weapon is a pole-arm and she's very very skilled with it
She's super super close with the Stolls and Katie Gardener
The four of them sneak out of camp often just to fuck around in the mortal world
Little fun fact: Her brothers are named after the Gemini twins and her zodiac sign is Gemini
Since her dad is the god of madness and insanity
She has control over it
And she's sent several of her mom's boyfriends into the psych ward
She can also control grapevines and has strangled the Stolls and her own brothers with them several times before when they're being annoying
Also whenever Connor makes a move for her wallet (which he does like way too many times)
A grapevine smacks his hand away
All four Dionysus kids have an addiction to a specific drink and for Cassie is Cherry Coke
Most of the time at camp you'll find her sitting on the steps of her cabin, either being pranked by the Stolls or pranking with them
Cassie has some immunity to alcohol. Her brothers have this too but it's more obvious with her because she actually drinks
Her hobbies include, pranking with her friends, losing at pinochle against her dad and yelling at Connor for stealing her wallet for the nth time this week
Her style is a lot of small shirts and big pants
She also has a leather jacket she'll wear from time to time
For training she wears a regular camp-half-blood t-shirt and a pair of shorts
There are a few things about her story that I left out so if I can muster up the creativity to start writing a series about Cassie after I start my Nadia series there ya go
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gayestcowboy · 3 months
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guy who gets scared by a rat and jumps into gale’s arms, crushing him
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More Yuuto and Azul💜💛💜💛
I'm... So very normal
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stephofromcabin12 · 1 month
Re: the last post about bncmap:
Pov: You’re eating dinner next to cabin 12’s table
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I missed him so I drew him w chunky shoes
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ena341polaris · 3 months
Why the Artw boys would suck as a roommate
Arcturus loves cooking and everything hes makes tastes great! But that also means he would make your apartment an ingredients household... want a bag of chips? None! Make it from scratch! Just wat a simple meal that doesnt require cooking? Too bad! All you have is a frozen slab of steak and bell peppers. Also dishes would pile up so quickly and ants would be a huge problem.
Arcturus would definitely bring in lots of stray animals (not that helping strays is a bad thing!) But every weekend, you would be on the couch doing whatever and suddenly arcturus comes barreling through the door with 100 squirrels that have rabies. And Arcturus would be like "No it's okay! I've only gotten bitten 40000 times!" And you'd be like "Arcturus we need to go to the ER now".
Also Arcturus is the type of guy to sleep next to you without you knowing (as proven in his card Spring curve) at first it would be adorable. Until it's the middle of the summer, it's hot and this fluffy ginger boy is sleeping on top of you like a weighted and heated blanket. Which basically means you will get cooked alive from being snuggled up to Arcky. (But tbh I would love to go out like that)
Spica is probably the boy equivalent of a beige mom. Everything is white, carpet, walls, tiles maybe a little tan or grey but mostly a sleek white. Which is aesthetic until you start feeling the effects of white room torture kick in.
Spica has suuuupppeeeerrrr long hair as we know and he would probably leave hair everywhere! Not that it would be intentional but also since his hair is so long it would get on everything he also probably has like 100 hair products taking up most of the shower. Also your house would smell like strong black coffee grounds 24/7 not matter what you did. Febreeze? Nope, didnt work. Opening the windows? Still smells like coffee.
Speaking of coffee, he doesnt sleep much. Which means when your getting you beauty rest Spica is up in the kitchen making his 725th coffee of today. Hes also very busy, hes always on a computer writing and there are files cabinets everywhere, Like absolutely everywhere. You find paperclips in the fridge and pens and pencils between the couch cushions. He would also probably be very bossy, forgot your homework? Spica lives in your household just waiting to scold you for it 😅.
Hes sleeping all of the time. Like all of the time. He probably doesn't do many chores himself but that probably wouldn't matter because he would hire a maid to do it all. He would also 100% fall asleep on top of you keeping you trapped for god only knows how long. He would also never cook, he would. A: Get fast food B: Beg you to do it or C: hire a chef.
But honestly I feel like Alpheratz would be a good roommate otherwise.
You see Pollux could be a good roommate. He seriously could be... if it wasnt for his luck. He could be cleaning dishes and the house would catch on fire. Speaking of houses catching on fire, Pollux doesn't know how to cook and he would probably light the house on fire. Multiple times. Pollux could be looking out the window and suddenly all the power goes out. Hes also a lil broke boy, so he definitely would not be paying a lot of bills. He would also probably blast anime music in his room for multiple hours at a time.
And Castor would probably break into your apartment every now in then to bother you or Pollux. I also feel like Pollux would start accidentally calling you mom and embarrassing you when people come over. He also would ask you for lots of money.
Honestly, I feel like Vega would be a very clean, quiet and calm roommate. He would cook, pay bills, do whatever you expect a good roomate to do. But I feel like Vega, if he moved in with you, would start being very affectionate. Not like a "hi... your pretty" I feel like he would become much more possessive and get mad whenever your brought Sirius over or another guy. He also literally states in his lines that he wants to monopolize you. So for him, you being his roomate essentially means he gets to hang out with you whenever, even when your busy doing something like dishes. He would walk up to you and start talking to you a lot.
We can all agree by default that Sirius is a very creepy and flirty roomate. He would break into your bedroom in the middle of the night to scare you or just bother you. He would steal your soaps in the bathroom, he would basically do all these little things to get you a little upset with him. Despite that, he would pay the bills after you begged him to enough. He would cook (not as good as Arcky but still, he would)
He would definitely turn into random animals or into the household pet if you had one just to get your attention. Also say goodbye to privacy because now that you live with him he wants to know everything about you, what your doing and where your going. All of that. Also he probably runs a mafia so theres probably going to be lots of random scary looking people appearing without warning. Hes also going to be very flirty, I'll let you decide if that's a pro or a con.
He would also try to get you to do some sort of rituals with him or something like that.
Note: I made this at 11 at night so if theres spelling mistakes tell me in the comments
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avicebro · 8 months
💢for both
💢: How quick are they to anger? What is a surefire way to piss them off? What do they act like when angry?
armand's done here!
CAM has not been programmed to anger lol. That's the simplest answer lol. While he can 'overheat', aka run too many processes that requires a reboot, that is often not as a result of anger. As a robotic master, he's been programmed to not get angry. And he doesn't really understand what it means when certain servants get angry, often misreading their anger as another emotion.
However he is definitely one that gets slightly annoyed if someone speaks poorly of his favourite servants - in response, he usually begins rambling with sources from the internet about how they're wrong actually.
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deadwooddross · 6 months
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answering this one oldschool style: I was watching westworld with my friends so this iteration of all of them is western themed, but I cant recall if anything specific from that was part of the inspo? Polly has always been the quiet freaky one to pair with Castors chattier self. They're both usually mercs/bounty hunters/hunting dogs that "answer to" Croc The polly pictured here is the Silent Sniper sort, their poncho is all fabric cut from targets clothes stitched together and with nicely embroidered/embellished bullet holes. Trophy! Here's another pic of them that I apparently never posted here?? More nicely done up
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hazard-c-horror · 12 days
Random doodle of Hazard, the Astrals (that we know) and lunar (Idk why I drew this.)
With a bit of hinting to lore that I’ll make a comic for later
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I have a lot of comics I’m still working on, but production is going a bit slow, since motivation is low. But I’m close to finishing one, so look forward to that
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rynmaru · 1 year
“Friendly reminder to all Lancers that reactor stress is a resource and high heat caps are for cowards. Immolate yourself if you a real one!”
- Echo Creed, seconds before melting their Atlas to slag
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asterbats · 4 months
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blazefirefox · 2 months
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random doai textposts lol, ft. various ocs and aus
the lankmann drawing in the 8th pic is by @arkaix
EDIT: forgot a meme
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