#polly gray x daughter
toms-cherry-trees · 1 year
Hi Mars, congratulations again on 1.5K, what a milestone :D Here with a gif blurb request for Polly, thought this gif could possibly be an interesting combo with angst. Excited to see what it'll inspire in you :)
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This one was a challenge! So welcome to my first Polly writing ever! I did not know if you wanted it romantic or platonic or filial so I went for a motherxdaughter relationship. Hope this fills up the expectations!
And a most MASSIVE thank you to @runnning-outof-time aka lovely K for proofreading my first ever Polly writing!! ILYSM
Mars 1.5K Celebration
Smoke || Polly Gray x Adoptive Daughter! Reader
Warnings; Angst, some brief description of injuries, minor and major character death
The smacking of the bill stacks against the wooden table feels like a smack directly to your face; the two neatly piled wads before you hold more money than you’ve ever owned before and probably will ever own. But the money does not feel like tickets to freedom and peace; they feel like bricks tied to your ankles, dragging you to the bottom of an unknown darkness. 
Before you, sitting across the battered desk, Polly’s piercing eyes are fixed upon your wavering expression. She still dons mourning attire, even though it’s been long weeks since John and Michael went up in flames and smoke on an open field, each laid to the final rest in vardos and surrounded by every terrenal possession they ever held dear, plus a few lead bullets the coroners could not be bothered to remove. You had personally sewn each bullet wound up with needle and thread, wanting them to go onto the next life as whole persons and not just fleshy colanders. 
The minutes tick by loudly in the clock hanging behind her. While each second clocked in perfect sync, your heart hammers in erratic mess, blood rushing to your head and abandoning your legs, making your stand weak and shaky and threatening to send you to your knees. You have to grip onto the edge of the desk for support, your eyes closing as you focus on your breathing to stop the dizzying spinning of your head.
You exhale slowly to regain your composure enough to speak, but only one word leaves your lips “Why?”
“There is 2500 pounds in there. It is more than enough for you to buy a ticket far away from here, rent a place and get yourself a job” She speaks with the same certainty and professional tone she occupies during company meetings. As if you are nothing more than another employee in their payroll, and not a member of the family for the best part of your life.
“Polly, why?” You plead again, coming to sit across from her, staring straight into those stern eyes of hers through the smoke of her cigarette. With the white swirls around her, the Black Madonna around her neck and that black lace veil over her hair, she looks ready to start a seance. An aura of mysticism and ominousness that always drew you to her as a child, making you follow her wherever she went, hoping in your infantile mind to see her cast spells or speak to animals. 
“If you are ever in need of more, write to me at the office’s address and I will see that help comes to you, but you are not to set foot near any of us or into Birmingham. My driver will take you to your home to pack and then to London, but from then on you are on your own”
Oh, the Shelbys innate ability to ignore whatever others are speaking when it is not convenient for their agenda. But some of that ability had rubbed on you over the years; the key stood in being the loudest and angriest in the room.
“Polly!” You smack your fist against the table, rattling the glass ashtray and the neatly laid pens by the inkpot. Her eyes widen, but the bewilderment lasts only a fleeting second; she soon composes her carefully crafted cold facade again, the same one she has been wearing ever since the bullets rained like hellfire on her son and nephew. 
“Polly, why?” The hurt and desperation laced in your words do little to sway her unwavering indifference “Why are you pushing me away from my family” Your tremulous hands clasp hers tightly, your soul feeling like a boat facing the storm and clinging onto its last mooring for survival.
“We are not your family” Somehow, her retreating her hand from your loving grasp stings more than the words themselves, recoiling from your touch like she were retreating from a thankful beggar to whom she spared a few loose coins “What I did back then was charity, but it is time you find your own way. I cannot keep you under my wing forever”
Charity. Charity. Is that all she saw you as? A ward she took out of pity, and had now grown into a pesky burden?
The full story tangled and fogged in your mind, the fine details having been lost over time and life, but the bulk of it remained clear in your memory. Your parents succumbed to hunger and disease roughly around the same time Polly had her own children snatched away, taken away by the parish and the inherent cruelty they possessed for the poor and helpless. A mother who found herself with her arms empty, and a child who had no one to hold her; the turns of life brought you two together to fill in the gnawing gaps left within your hearts. Polly raised you under her guarding veil, surrounded by her candles and her saints and her prayers, and the quiet cries she often hid in her pillow whenever one of her kids’ birthdays passed. The smell of smoke and sandalwood evoked her memory in your brain. Her tender hands had braided your hair and wiped your tears in the same beat they had fired guns and threatened men and women alike.
The same hands that now pushed you away like a puppy abandoned on the side of the road. 
“I am not stupid Polly” It takes all your strength to not let your voice quiver “This is because of the Italians, isn’t it? Cause of what happened to John and Michael. You think they will come after me too” This has to be it, no? This has to be the reason. You cannot see it otherwise, why would your mother in all but blood reject you so abruptly? The logic feels so solid and obvious it soothes you in a way, and you cling onto that hope desperately. 
Her head falls back, a cruel, cold burst of laughter emerging from her lips “Don’t be stupid, they are after our family, not our employees” Another jab at your heart; Polly Gray is hellbent on picking at every soft spot you possess. And what could be a more sensible topic than your parentage? Taken in, raised as one of them, fed from the same table and dressed from the same clothes. But nothing changed your true status; an outsider. Never a true Shelby nor Gray; you were not her daughter, even if you had filled in during her absence for nearly twenty years
“Polly, you don’t have to do this” Your pleading words and your tearful eyes could barely show the true turmoil you feel inside “I don’t want to leave. I cannot leave you, not now! I can defend myself, you taught me how! Please don’t push me away” You never thought you’d feel pain like this; you had been too young back in the day to understand the grief of losing your parents, but now? You are thankful, for you are sure if you had felt such pain at that tender age, you would have died of a broken heart.
Polly remains silent as she methodically lights another cigarette, taking her time to inhale a long drag. The smoke swirls around her face and stings her eyes it seems; the corners have reddened and they seem watery. But she fans the smoke away with a harsh wave of her hand and picks up her purse “Enough of this. I have to go and so do you. My driver will take you where you need” She stood and slipped on her coat; a coat you had gifted her for her birthday, back when money remained tight. You had personally purchased the materials and tailored the piece yourself to fit her perfectly. 
As she makes an attempt to walk past you, you grab her sleeve, a vice grip around her wrist. But she keeps her back turned to you, one foot set forward and ready to exit the office. She tugs on your grasp, but you are not relenting. She is sand between your fingers and you are futilely clinging to the last grains
“Mother, please” Your voice is small, evoking the same tone you used as a small child, newly come under her care, still clinging onto the dream that someday your parents would return for you. The same vulnerability and innocence, and the maddening desire to not be abandoned again.
But your tears and your pleas do not move her heart. She yanks from your hold with such ferocity the seams of the sleeve snag
“If I see you back into the city, I will chase you out myself”
And those are the last words Polly Gray has for the daughter she no longer has
The whistling of the train urges the travellers to climb, steam filling in the platform as the train employees parade down the long row of carriages, slamming doors closed and helping late comers to haul their bags up. You sit alone in a compartment, your suitcases packed in the overhead shelves and a small pile of notes resting at your side. You have left home in such a hurry you did not have time to warn your landlady, nor your friends nor the woman for whom you babysit every Wednesday. You write letters for them offering sincere apologies and vague explanations, citing urgent work matters, blaming your health, and even adding the appearance of a long lost family member to excuse such a hasty departure. You do not include your new address, for you don’t have one yet; all that awaits for you at the end of the journey is uncertainty.
The whistle blows one last time, another plume of steam shrouding the platform. Amongst the mist you think you see her; black coat and black veil, and shoes brought from Paris, with the delicate heel and the golden crossbar over the foot. You stand so abruptly the letters spill on the floor, the pen shattering and spilling ink all over your hard work. Your hands and cheeks are pressed to the cold glass, but the crystal is fogged and you can barely make out any form outside in the cold winter afternoon. You see the black shadow moving away, and you smash your gloved fists against the glass, chanting her name like a prayer. But it is too late; the engine starts and the station is left behind, alongside your last hope of reconciliation and your home.
You are not sure you saw her, but she saw you. She saw you bent over something in your lap, brows furrowed in concentration and shoulders slouched. It takes a lot of effort to restrain her from calling you out and remind you to keep the shoulders tight, like she did so many times as you grew up from awkward childhood into comely adolescence. Polly wonders if you had time to pack food for the journey, and makes note to comb your flat later to make sure you have not forgotten anything; you are always so lackadaisical, one ought to give thanks your head is glue to your body. In the train travels a trusted aide of hers; he will tail you, wherever you go, to ensure you find a safe home and proper job. Every step you take he will report to her, and every person who crosses your path he will check to keep any wandering enemies away. That much she can do to keep you safe. That, and keep you as far away from herself as she can; the Shelbys are cursed, all of them, and they bring nothing but pain and death to those they love the most.
As the train at last begins to move, she rolls down her veil and walks away from your window. Amidst the steam and under the black gauze and lace, it is easier to hide the tears.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
My refuge
Tommy Shelby x reader (daughter)
Request by @kpopgirlbtssvt Thank you for sharing this incredible idea around, I decided to give it a try, but I highly encourage any other writer who wants to join in because the way I approach it. Might be completely different…
I think this idea was the perfect match to celebrate K @runnning-outof-time 3K followers celebration! 🌹🌷💐🌺🌼Congratulations dear K, I adored your Tales from the Garden theme and had this visual idea of the garden…
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“Daddy? I brought some tea.”
Tommy looked towards the door, where you were standing poking only your head inside his office, his heart still skipped a beat every time he heard you call him that.
“You can come in sweetheart.” He stamped his cigarette in the ashtray.
Michael sighed loudly as you interrupted their conversation, his annoyance didn’t go unnoticed by Tommy.
“Frances helped me bake cookies, I hope you like it.” Y/N smile made Tommy smile as well, how could he reject you something? If his only daughter wanted him to eat a cookie, he’d eat a fucking cookie.
“Thank you love.”
Michael scoffed again, watching the interaction.
“Will you be busy for the rest of the afternoon?” You asked sweetly as your father took another sip of his tea.
“Because you promised we’d go riding.”
Tommy’s expression softened.
He stood up immediately, looking in Michael’s direction. “We’ll see this tomorrow.”
“What? No, Tommy I need y-”
“Michael.” Tommy warned giving his cousin a death stare, he wouldn’t repeat himself.
Turning his back at him, Tommy got rid of his suit jacket, and started rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.
Michael looked annoyed at you and then at Tommy, he felt a strong dislike for the long lost daughter that suddenly appeared, making his cousin a soft, ridiculous, old man.
Michael grabbed the papers from Tommy’s desk and stormed out of the office without a word.
“He’s always angry.” You stated with a giggle, making your father chuckle.
“Let’s go my darling.” He took the remaining of his tea in one big gulp and then the cookies you baked to eat on the walk to the stables.
It was impossible to not feel calmer around you, Tommy noticed. Realizing how full of life he felt, how much he wanted to protect you.
On their way to the stables, you stopped to smell one of the bushes with pink roses. Your Dad, who was usually in a hurry, stopped on his tracks to take in the moment, wishing he could be more like you. But deep down he knew he wasn’t made to enjoy simple moments like those.
“I love your garden, I could spend all day sitting here surrounded by this beauty.”
Tommy felt constantly in awe by the things that made you smile, his mind trying to storage every moment, every word, trying to make up for the time he lost.
He stayed quiet as the two of you were riding, thinking of how much you and the woman he once loved looked alike.
“I shouldn’t have interrupted your meeting with Michael?” You asked worried. “Sorry, I thought you were free.”
“What? No, none of that, you’re my priority from now on.”
“Then why are you so quiet?”
Tommy was forced to look up at you, fighting against the lump in his throat. “You look exactly like your mother.”
Without even knowing, you had started a revolution within him, made him go back in time when he was young and carefree.
“How did you and Mum meet?” The question had been on your mind for a while, you looked in his direction with curiosity, not understanding the reason why everyone looked at your father with fear in their eyes, he was the sweetest man on earth.
Tommy took his time to think of how to elaborate a proper answer.
“I saw her at an Appleby fair, she was dancing with other girls… she was like a magnet, I couldn’t look anywhere else.” For an instant, he was back in time into that very moment.
“What happened then?” Your face lit up, moved to have this little piece of information, for years, you only knew your mum’s side of the story, now, it was time to get both.
“She asked me out to dance with her, then it started to rain heavily and the fair was canceled, we went to my caravan and I’ve never been happier,” Tommy stopped and winked at his daughter, “until you stood in my front door.”
“She always talked about you, until her very last breath.”
“I wish I could prevent her parents taking you both away from me… but when I went to France and sent her letter with no answer, eventually, I stopped writing.” A heavy sigh abandoned his body as he stopped by a tree.
In more ways than he thought, talking about your mother helped him heal a part of his heart that had been broken for a little over two decades.
You came down from the horse and saw how your father secured both next to a tree.
A tender hand came to rest to the side of your face. “I’m just so glad you found me.”
There was a bittersweet look in his eyes, you noticed.
“I made quite an entrance, fighting off the maid, telling her, no I demanded a word with you.”
Small lines appeared around his eyes. “Like the good Shelby that you’re.”
“You never doubted for a second?”
But your Dad was already shaking his head. “No way, I knew it was you in that very moment.” He admitted, in his mind images of that day playing in his mind.
He was running late that morning and as commotion was happening downstairs, he rushed with a gun ready. Even from afar, as he took in your features, he knew it was you.
“But I confirmed it when I saw the broken Black Madonna around your neck.”
You looked at him confused.
“Back then I didn’t own anything,” he explained bending one knee, “so one day I found this broken Madonna relic, it was missing the hook to attach it to the chain, so the owner of the stand gave it to me for free, I tried to fix it and gave it to your mum for one of her birthdays.”
“That’s beautiful.” You touched it, feeling your heart beat under your hand.
Saving these memories in the deepest part of your soul.
You talked for hours, Tommy had never felt more free to speak his mind, his fears , his dreams, he realized his daughter understood him at a level nobody else did. You were his blood, and the exact same image of your mother.
“Good morning, thank you for coming.” Tommy walked into his office not realizing the door didn’t close completely.
“Finally after canceling this bloody meeting so many times.” Michael sighed as Tommy entered the office.
“I like your enthusiasm Michael, hopefully you will still carry that around by the end, ey?”
Leaning back, Michael tilted his head, he was clearly annoyed with the delay.
“Hopefully someone won’t interrupt us this time around over a fucking cup of tea or to go and pick up wild flowers to make a crown.”
The cigarette Tommy was about to light didn’t reach his lips, as he stopped midway.
“What didya say?” Tommy squinted his eyes.
“I said I’m fucking tired of your daughter interrupting us every single time-”
“Y/N, her name is Y/N Shelby.” Tommy dragged his words slowly, leaning his palms on his desk staring deeply into his cousin’s eyes.
“I don’t know you anymore, since when you push everything to the side Tommy? This business demands your full attention an-”
“Since she showed up in my doorstep!” Tommy slammed the desk with his hand, his voice raising. “After being away from me for twenty years, it really shouldn’t be a surprise she has become my priority now.”
“Michael.” Polly tried to warn him.
But Tommy raised his hand, to let him speak.
“I just can’t stand how you immediately turn into a fucking puppy as soon as she walks into any room, her little happy bubble is fucking annoying, this is a serious business and we don’t need a child with a bouncy bow interrupting everyone fucking meeting.”
Tommy remained quiet for a few seconds, his mouth pressed in a tight line. “Are you done, Michael?”
“I mean if you want to take some time apart from the company to spend time to work on your family bond.”
As you took the last step of the staircase, you noticed the voices coming from your father’s office, it was probably your family as you noticed Polly’s voice.
Walking closer to join them and before you could reach the knob, you heard something that stopped you on your tracks.
John couldn’t hold it any longer and started laughing.
“You definitely look like a fucking puppy, you can’t deny it… as soon as you see Y/N you turn into a fucking marionette, she does whatever she wants with you.”
“She turned you into a softy, brother.” The voice of your uncle Arthur pointed.
“Sometimes I wonder what the hell is she doing in a place like this.” Michael stated in a serious tone. “She doesn’t match the Shelby energy. What if someone comes at her? Does she even know how to use a fucking gun?”
Your heart sank to the floor, listening to what they thought of you.
Then it was your aunt Ada’s voice what you heard next. “She’s just a happy girl.”
“Ada knew how to use one at her age.” Polly admitted, you saw her over the slightly open door looking into her purse.
“Little Finn knew how to shoot before he was eight.” Arthur informed them.
“She’s a weakness, Tommy,” Michael insisted, “her happy bubble will lead us all into trouble someday.”
And for the first time, you felt anger building inside your body.
“Even Charlie seems to be more keen to be part of the business.”
With an unknown courage, you pushed the heavy door and stared at each of them. Shock reflected on their faces.
“I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to be happy, and I’m sorry for being in my little, weak bubble, but you’re probably right… I don’t belong here, I shouldn’t be a fucking Shelby.”
You didn’t waste another second to listen their answer, you turned your back at them and stormed out of the office, rushing towards the doors.
“Y/N wait!”
“Shit, how long has she been listening behind the door?” Ada asked.
“Did she really curse?” John asked shocked.
“I hope you’re fucking happy now, look at what you caused.” Tommy spat at Michael, leaving his family to go after his daughter.
But he wasn’t fast enough to go after you, when he reached the fountain, your small figure had already disappeared from his eyesight.
Looking down, he found the ribbon you always wore around your hair on the floor, about to fly away with the wind. Crounching down, he took it between his fingers, kicking himself internally at the thought of you feeling hurt.
“Get me the horse!” He barked, realizing how he wouldn’t be able to reach you by car.
You felt the way your heart was beating, uncontrollably while the tears blurred your vision. Realizing how silly you felt by thinking that you had found your place.
Being a Shelby by name wasn’t enough for them, no, you had to cut people’s eyes and be ruthless and clearly, you weren’t like that.
And you’d never be.
Your legs were burning from running, after moving aimlessly you sank down, finally letting out a sob from the deepest part of your soul.
You felt broken inside, sad because no matter what, you would never be a part of their world, you didn’t understand the family business, didn’t feel familiar with weapons, you were weak according to them.
Perhaps Michael was right after all.
Back at the house Polly scolded her son for the words he said, should mind his own business and stay away from you.
“You have to change that bloody attitude, Y/N is one sweet little child, she lost her mother.”
“She’s not a child and Charlie lost his as well and he doesn’t go trying to get Tommy’s attention all the fucking time.”
“It’s a different dynamic Michael, you can’t expect them to behave the same.” Ada interrupted him.
“Y/N and Tommy have a special bond.” Polly admitted sipping on her tea. “You can see it in his eyes… Y/N’s mother was the love of his life.”
“I don’t remember her much.” Ada expressed pouring herself some whiskey.
“I didn’t even know he had a secret relationship with her.” Arthur sighed.
“They were young and in love.” Polly explained, she had covered her nephew a couple of times from his father for not being around, lied saying she asked him to run some errands. “She was a good girl, but I never saw her again. Guess her parents moved out angry when they realized she was pregnant.”
“I can’t find her.” Tommy announced with his breath caught up in his throat and a panic look in his eyes. “Arthur, John come with me. Ada take the car around,” he clicked his fingers. “Want every single maid looking for Y/N.”
Then, he threw his cousin a death stare. “If anything happens to me daughter… you’re a death man.”
Tommy couldn’t conceive the idea of you being out on your own at night, he needed to protect you.
In his heart he made a promise to your mother the day you showed up in his house with the letter she wrote him, explaining everything; how her parents sent her away to live with an aunt in the mountains when they found out she was pregnant, they let her keep you but under the condition of being raised as a sister and not daughter.
And he was failing.
Defeated, he rode back home, trying think a plan to find you. Where would you go?
He felt desperate and frustrated, about to explode from the worry, after returning to the property finally he stopped to let someone take his horse to drink some water after spending hours looking out for you. Taking his watch from the pocket in his vest he noticed it was close to sunset now and it would get cold.
If only he could tell you how much you meant to him.
They looked for you at the stables and around Arrow House, but you were nowhere to be seen. Tommy started to feel like a lion inside a fucking cage, he needed to calm down to think where would you go, looking to his right, his eyes fixed on a bush and that gave him the hint to go and look at the garden.
Feeling his heartbeat drumming in his ears, Tommy was determined to find you so he entered the maze. He followed the herbaceous border and took a right to find the fountain, walking past the yew buttresses. Wiping the sweat from his chin, he noticed a silhouette sitting by the steps of the gazebo.
And he couldn’t feel more joy in his chest, recognizing immediately it was you.
“Y/N.” He whispered out of breath.
You were pale and didn’t answer him.
Once more, he called your name, finally getting close enough to touch you. “Wake up baby girl.”
“Daddy?” You blinked away a few times, taking in your surroundings.
“You’re so cold.” He took his coat off and wrapped it around your shoulders.
The previous events slowly coming back into your memory. You probably fell asleep after crying endlessly.
“I’m sorry I’m a disappointment to the Shelby name.”
“Oh my darling you could never disappoint me.” He rocked your body slightly, trying to warm you up with his hands. “You have more heart than anyone in that house.”
“I dreamed of Mum… she gave me a hug and a kiss and said it would all be alright, because I’ve you.”
Tommy wasn’t able to answer as the words got caught up in his throat, so he did something he rarely did.
His arms wrapped around your back and he pushed you in a tight hug.
One that was repairing him from the inside out. One that was repairing his broken heart.
“I know my girl, cause she will always be with us.” He kissed your hair and looked up in the starry night thinking of your mother and how much he had loved her. “Let’s get you home.”
From afar, Polly witnessed the interaction knowing nothing in this world would ever tear you and Tommy apart.
“But they don’t think I belong here.”
“You belong here way more than any of them, this is your house and this is your family and they’ll have to learn to accept the fact that you’re the light of my eyes.”
And your eyes lit up by your fathers words, tears of happiness making your vision go blurry.
“I ordered the gardener to create this for you, it’s not finished yet though… I wanted you to feel in this place at home.”
Slowly, you broke away the embrace to look at your father, with a tender touch, he wiped the tears from the corner of your eyes.
“This is for you.” He encouraged with a smile. “It was a surprise I was saving for later.”
Taking in your surroundings, you couldn’t believe the beautiful oasis before your eyes. You haven’t noticed before.
“Daddy!” Your hands flew to your mouth. “That’s white daffodils.”
Tommy chuckled. “Oh don’t expect me to know that.”
“These are peonies!” You were delighted. “And irises.”
Tommy saw you moving around the garden, enjoying the peace you being happy in this place brought him.
Taking you by the shoulders, he made you turn around to face the gazebo.
“I particularly love that… imagined you sitting there for hours.”
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You were lost in the colors and smell, but soon you turned around to look at your father.
“Thank you for giving me this.” Your arms found their way around his body, time stood still.
“I was hoping this would be your refuge.” Tommy whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“Can we join the hug?” Ada interrupted, making you both turn around.
“I’m sorry about what Michael said,” your aunt Pol apologized, “I do enjoy your cheerful energy.”
“It’s a balm to this fucking family madness.” Ada explained.
They each linked their arms around you tenderly.
“You’re a sweet child and I love you.” Arthur blushed but joined the hug as well, behind him, uncle John looked at you.
“When you came into our lives, I knew it was you the one who could make him line up.” John winked at you.
“Come on you two, don’t stay back there.” Ada shouted at Finn and Charlie, who were standing awkwardly a few steps away.
“You’re the sweetest young girl, we love you just like that, Y/N it doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, don’t let this cruel world change you an ounce.” Polly said caressing your face.
And you believed her, them.
She then looked at her nephew.
“You did a wonderful job with this place, Tommy.”
He didn’t need something like this though, since he felt like having you close, was his own kind of refuge. His safe haven.
Master list
A/N: Oops this got a bit long 🤭 but there were so many things I needed to add, I hope you enjoyed it!
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hey 👋 I’m not too sure if your doing requests( if not completely ignore this it’s fine:)) but I was requesting a peaky blinders one-shot where reader is like an orphan and lives in an orphanage and tommy the philanthropist he is goes down to the orphanage with Polly,John,Arthur,and Ada and whoever else you want and they see reader going at it with on of the sisters. You could choose the conflict or their argument but yeah, if you could draw the reader as someone who’s quick and sarcastic with their words like a speak before thinking type of person you know. Also can this be like a tommy Shelby x daughter!reader kinda like a found family kind of trope. Sweet kisses love your stories❤️
Dear Anon,
I hope this does it justice!! I changed a few things because I felt like it fit the story better (I hope that's alright) but there is lots of family stuff. And lots of Lizzie and Tommy - not something I have ever written before so hopefully that's also alright. Sweet kisses back to you love, thank you for this wonderful idea!!!
Warnings: peaky type stuff, religious language? Implied that a priest was going to assault the reader, bad words, not descriptive death of parents, mentioned death of a baby, grief, so much sweetness and hurt comfort and hopefully laughs. I promise it's not as dark or sad as it sounds. Also some Grace bashing / group hate.
Word count: 6606 - may have gotten carried away...
Part 2
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Tommy watched Lizzie closely as they approached the large building. According to his sources it housed around a hundred and fifty children, the building was large but it didn't seem that large. 
It was gray and rainy, much like every day. The dark dampness didn’t bother him as it had seeped into his bones and made a home long ago. At this point, he was convinced that the sunlight would simply cause him to turn to ashes if it ever reached his skin. 
Lizzie looked nervous but that was expected, he felt beyond nervous. Suddenly hoping she would change her mind altogether. Children were overrated, he would know having raised Finn and half of John's kids. But after her she lost the baby, he would do anything to bring some happiness to her. He knew he wasn't the best husband, but he was trying to do better every day. 
Walking up the steps a voice in his mind started to remind him that he would only be bringing this baby into a world of danger and horror. Only going to ruin them so no God would allow them refuge. He pushed them down as best he could, reaching out to hold Lizzie’s hand. She looked taken back at the gesture, another thing wrong with them. Wrong with the situation. 
They were escorted in to look at the babies. They were just as expected, plump, cute, and small. Tommy tried not to look at them too close, no point in getting attached. Lizzie would pick a baby, and he would attempt to be a good father. 
He hated that he knew what it felt like to reach out for parents that were not there to hold you. He was sulking when a commotion caught his attention. 
“For Fucks sakes woman! ” A girl shouted. 
“You listen here. Father Stryker is a noble member of this community and organization. You will do what he asks of you.” A woman responded in a cold tone. 
“We both know that’s not what God would want you old bat.” The girl snapped back and he held back a smile. 
“Now you listen here, we do not know what God wants, that’s not our place. He has a way -” 
“No, he sure as hell doesn't. God would NEVER.” The girl demanded. “I thought God was in all of us, and GOD doesn't want me to be alone with him. In fact, I would say he’s overcome with passion about the issue. It would be a sin for me to ignore his protests.” 
“I will not tolerate such language, you foul girl!” The sound of a slap was dealt out. Tommy felt an odd feeling of unease about the situation. 
“You let this happen! You. And you will BURN FOR IT. Mark my words, you will suffer an eternity for his sins. There are no amount of crosses under the sun for Jesus to croak on that would make up for your grotesque choices you evil witch.” The girl's voice was pure venom, and Tommy was overcome with an urge to protect the girl. What type of place were they running here? 
“I want her,” Lizzie said clearly standing next to him looking at the Sister that was showing them around. 
“Sorry Mrs. Shelby ?” She asked looking for clarification. 
“The girl in the hall.” He looked at Lizzie landing her eyes on a girl that must have been about 15 standing off with the nun in the hallway. Her face was beet red, making her blue eyes seem extraordinarily bright in contrast,  her fists clenched ready for a fight of any size. That girl did not care what happened, she wasn't going to back down. 
“Ah, are you sure? She’s quite temperamental.” She responded looking embarrassed. 
“Excellent, I’ve never seen anyone look so much like my husband,” Lizzie said with a smirk on her face.  
“We’ll take her. And I’d like a word with management.” He asserted firmly. This was not the sort of thing he could look the other way on, plus it would only further the family image. Win-win. 
Another sister came into the hallway. 
“Sister Margret, she has been requested by a family.” She said quickly. 
You were positive this must be some type of trap. But a tall angular woman moved into the hallway. She looked like someone from a painting, impossibly pretty, elegant, clothes worth a small fortune. This was impossible. 
The sister grabbed your arm and pulled you away from that bitch. Far away from the classroom you were terrified of. 
The lady looked you up and down and removed the sister's hand from your arm. She shot her a warning look and the sister apologized. Whoever this woman was, she meant business. 
“I’m Lizzie, Lizzie Shelby.” She said in a voice that belonged on a stage. You introduced yourself feeling embarrassed. 
“We’d like to take you home if you're alright with that.” She asked holding her arm out. Normally you didn’t like being touched for any reason, but being escorted out of the place was a good enough reason for you to make an exception. 
You looped your arm in hers and she strode out of the place with her head held high. 
“The Paperwork -” The sister called out 
“Get my husband to deal with it.” She called back, her voice dripping with power. You accompanied her into a very expensive car. You sat in the back seat beside her and watched her take in your appearance as if it had changed being in the natural light. 
“Do you read?”  She asked you lighting a cigarette.
“I had a tutor before my parents died.” 
“How did they pass?” 
“Car accident.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Me too.” 
“We’ll expect you to go to school.” 
“You’d be a shit parent if you didn't.” You mentally kicked yourself. “Sorry I -didn't” You were stumbling over an apology as the door opened and a man got into the driver's seat. 
“That’s my husband. Thomas.” 
“Hello,” You said feeling completely deflated. “It’s nice to meet you, both of you, It’s nice.” You couldn't remember a time being so embarrassed. You wished that they would just run you over with their expensive tires. There were just too many emotions in such a short period. 
An hour ago a priest was forcing himself on you, telling you God would never allow you to get adopted, and here you were making a fool out of yourself with your new parents. 
That phrase stung so bad you visually imagined pushing it from your mind.
“Did you sort the paperwork?” Lizzie asked in a frosty tone that made you wonder what their relationship problems were like. 
“That and a few other things.” He responded in a tone you assumed only ghosts were capable of. 
“Like what?” She said looking out the window with resentment. 
“Taking the place over.” He responded easily. As if it was no big deal, like spending money on petrol for the car. 
“What do you mean?” This caught her off guard and you watched a bit of hopefulness come to life in her eyes. 
“Saw things.” He hesitated, obviously aware of your presence in the car. “That I didn’t think God would approve of.” You caught a slight smirk on his face in the mirror. His eyes told you it was easier to poke fun at the situation. 
Lizzie hummed in approval, and even though you’d only known them a few minutes it felt like progress. 
They wanted to give you a few days to settle in before introducing you to the whole family. Something you saw as a bit of a red flag. The house was massive, but it was clean and quiet. Both a blessing and a curse. You were too shy to ask for something to do or go explore. Your bedroom was unbelievably beautiful, and warm. 
There was a knock on the door that caused you to jump. 
“Can I come in?” Lizzie’s voice rang through the door. 
“Of course” You responded stiffly. She came in and smiled at you, she pointed to your bed but you didn't understand what she was looking at. Should you not have been laying on it during the day? 
“Is it alright if I sit?” She asked you and you realized that’s what she meant. 
“Yes!” You sat up straight feeling like an idiot once again. You’d had to sit through two dinners each equally painful due to your rambling. 
“How are you settling in?” She asked kindly. 
“Um, fine. It’s nice. I love my room.” 
“What do you get up to in here?” She looked around with a frown. 
“Mostly sitting and thinking.” You responded blandly. 
“Are you sure I can’t take you shopping for anything?” She’d asked at least three times, and you felt horrible imposing on them further. 
“I don't want to bother you.” You finally broke. She let out a strange laugh. 
“Bother me. All the time. Big stuff little stuff, doesn't matter.” She picked a piece of lint off of your bedspread. “Plus kids cost money you know. That’s no one's fault, so don’t carry it like a burden.” 
Your eyes stung with tears. That was not the narrative you had grown up with parents or none. You’d always been acutely aware of the burden your existence placed on people. Her words made you feel like you were special, not something your parents could give you. This brought on a very large mix of feelings. 
“Don’t cry, really all this is-”  Her face appeared displeased with your reaction and it only made your hurt more. 
“Normal. Not for me, it’s not. If you wanted a kid that was used to this you should have had one yourself.” the words flew out of your mouth and she was up and out of the room before you could try to apologize. You felt so much worse, you wanted to pull out all your hair trying to make it stop. 
You stopped trying to hold the tears back and got up off your bed to apologize. An embarrassing apology was better than them shipping you back. 
You followed the sound of her soft crying sounds. Through a door that was slightly ajar. It was a beautiful nursery. They had tried to have their little spoilt children, the guilt only became worse. 
You locked eyes with her and decided the truth was always best. 
“You treat me better than my parents. But they're dead and it hurts. I don't want to bother you both, it's already some kind of miracle that I got adopted at this age, I don't want to push my luck. Or live through you getting bored of me and then tossing me aside.” 
For a moment you thought she was going to shout at you. But she just nodded in understanding. You both were crying, so why not try to risk a hug. You got down on the sheep skin rug next to her and hugged her. 
Her grief wrapped around you with her slender arms. She pushed your face against her chest and kissed the top of your head. You didn't understand, but the hurt in her felt a lot like the hurt inside of you. So you leaned into the feeling crying just as hard. 
“I lost her. She was born and - nothing anyone could do about it.” She said after a long while. The thought made your heart break all over again. “They told me I couldn't have kids. Spent years avoiding it like it was the plague and now, God it hurts.” 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“I’m sorry for you too. My dad left before I was born, mother passed when I was 13. Prostitute till I was twenty.” She let out a sad laugh. “This life.” She motioned to the house with her arm. “Is not the life I came from and my husband doesn't have much. But he has money, so don’t ever feel bad for spending it.” You looked up at her in shock. There was no way she was telling the truth. She looked like she belonged in a palace like you wanted to trust her with the whole world. So elegant, kind eyes. 
“We’re the same then” you whispered. 
“Absolutely not!  If you become a prostitute I will have officially become the worst mother in history.” She said causing you both to laugh. 
“I’m not good with people.” You joked along. Tommy pushed the door open and you stiffened slightly. No matter how you tried to calm down, he made you uneasy. Like he would be impossible to please or get to know.
“It’s not a whore house?” He said with a confused look having caught the end of the conversation. You’d never seen a man look more confused as the both of you were tear-soaked holding each other on the floor. 
“Not anymore it's not.” Lizzie quipped causing him to almost smile. You wondered what made him so stuck up.
“Good lord, how did you guys make all this money again?” You asked cheekily, causing Lizzie to laugh. 
“Just you wait.” She said lightly, but you couldn't help but know already that it was not God’s work that placed them here.
“Come down for lunch?” he asked you both, still slightly put off by the situation. 
“Yes” she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands, you watched her walls of composure surround her once again. 
“Come on. Let’s see how much trouble we can get in before supper.” She said helping you up. 
You stopped by to pick up people on the way to the shops. 
“We’ll get Esme first. She’s John’s wife. Tommy’s younger brother - he made a deal with the Lee family - a bunch of gypsies - Tommy needed men, and she needed a husband. Technically I almost married John. It was a complicated time. But they both get along like a house on fire. She holds him down pretty good, probably the only reason he’s still alive.” You listened as she drove you through the countryside. “Then we’ll get Polly. She’s Tommy’s Aunt. She probably goes up against him the most. She’s some kind of Gypsy royalty, a very peculiar woman, but she means well. Hated Tommy’s first wife Grace. Well, we all hated Grace. Us women tend to stick together. We have to put up a good front against the boys or they raise hell like nothing else.” 
“You’re all gangsters then?” You asked her catching her slightly off guard. 
“Technically he’s a gangster turned politician. But trust me having been on the receiving end of both there really isn't a difference.” 
You blushed at her words and tried to hold your tongue. 
“I shouldn't have said that last part.” She flicked her cigarette case open and lit one up. “Forget I said that.” but you started laughing. You pulled up to a country-style house, chickens squawking loudly at the car engine. 
“Oi! That is not a baby!” A woman with wild curly hair approached the car. She slid into the backseat and you felt awkward sitting in the front. You looked at her looking you over. “Total babe, but not a baby.” She said with wide eyes in disbelief.
“She’s fifteen,” Lizzie responded looking at you like you were a brand new car. 
“Good lord. Going to have to beat the boys off of her. She’s pretty like you.” 
You blushed heavily at her words unsure of what to do with the attention. 
“Eh, as long as we keep her close I think we’ll manage just fine.” Lizzie smiled and turned the car around. 
“I’m Esme, I’m sure Lizzie caught you up to speed.” She lit a cigarette and smiled at you as you introduced yourself. She asked you lots of questions, about how you liked the place. 
“It’s cold. You can say it, love.” Esme blurted out. “It’s a monument to Grace. Should have been burnt down the second she left us.” You could tell this was a part of the stormy ocean of problems that rested between your adopted parents. You put that piece of knowledge into your back pocket. You pulled up to a stylish-looking complex and a woman in a black suit and sunglasses approached the car. 
“I was going to offer to babysit for you when you need a rest - but by the looks of it I’ll be asking you for help, love.” 
“How many kids do you have?” You asked while you waited. 
“Too fuckin’ many,” Polly responded climbing into the back seat. “I thought you asked Tommy for a baby, not a miniature replica of yourself?” 
“Come off it Pol,” Lizzie said starting the car. 
“I’m serious, I thought I was seein’ a bloody ghost. I’ve known you since you were the size of a potato, when I say she looks just like ya, I fuckin’ mean it.” 
You looked at Lizzie and wished you looked even a fraction of how beautiful she was. 
“How's he managing with this then? He was always good with the kids when they were little but I can’t imagine he’d know what to do with her.” Polly said stealing Esme’s cigarette. 
“Eh, like everything else, he’s adjusting.” Everyone seemed to find this funny. 
“You look at me, that boy gives you any trouble you call me alright. I’ll set him straight.” She was strong like Thomas but soft like Lizzie, and something distinctly her own. You could tell she was in charge. 
“Thank you.” You said sheepishly unsure of what else to say. 
“You're welcome, love,” She said kindly. 
Shopping was a lot. You cried on the way home and they had a unique way of comforting you while also making fun of you, making you laugh. Once you started laughing with them it seemed impossible to stop. You assumed that you would all pile into the sitting room, but instead, you piled into the kitchen, which quickly became your favorite space in the house. A large wooden table surrounded by something that felt so perfectly warm. Grace clearly didn’t touch this space much. 
They poured you cranberry juice and set into a bottle of whiskey. The jokes got worse as the night progressed and for once your sharp tongue and misplaced comments brought a great deal of joy. 
“Where did you find this girl!” Esme said between laughs 
“Fighting off a Nun in a hallway,” Lizzie replied still laughing from the joke before. Tommy and you assumed his brothers appeared in the doorway.
“Wow, Looks like you Lizzie, but with Tom’s eyes” John said, or you thought it was him because he went to stand behind Esme and she looked up at him in a way you hadn't seen before. 
“And his mouth.” Esme quipped and you hoped it was a compliment. He reached across the table to shake your hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you” You introduced your self. Arthur came and gave you a crushing hug. 
“They got you out numbered now brother.” He joked letting you go to pour himself a glass of whiskey.
Tommy gave you a tense look, like he was worried about something. He took the seat next to you puting space between you and the boys. 
“Might be enough women to put some life back into this place.” Polly said with twinkling eyes. 
“I’ll try my best.” You responded quickly seeing that Tommy didn’t seem happy. 
He stuck close to your side, sliding glasses of Whiskey away from you as the boys started drinking. His youngest brother was only a few years older than you, and he showed up with a bunch more men that introduced themselves politely before joining into the savagery. 
You scooted your self along the bench to sit closer to Tommy not knowing the others well enough to want to sit as close. 
“Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with such a wonderful girl! May she shine bright for us in these dark times. To the newest Shelby!” Arthur’s voice boomed and your face turned bright red. Everyone finished a drink, but you caught Lizzie and Tommy sharing a look. 
Tommy put his arm around and you were grateful to have something to lean into with all the commotion. They were the loudest and rudest, most funny group of people you’d ever seen. 
“Think it’s time for bed, eh?” He asked you quietly and you nodded. 
“Alright! Clear out you lot. She’s got to get to bed. We can have a proper dinner tomorrow night!” Tommy called out causing a few groans. 
“But we just got here!” Finn mumbled.
Everyone said their goodbyes and goodnights to you moving out of the kitchen. Polly placed a kiss to your forehead. She said something in a different language, to which Tommy responded with a sharp nodd. 
Once everyone had piled out the front door, they took you up to your room. You hit the bed feeling more tired than you could ever remember.
You slowly became more at ease around Tommy. Sitting alone at the table didn’t frighten you nearly as much. You heard him shout at people occasionally and that made you determined to keep your distance. 
It wasn't until Lizzie stayed away for a night getting stuck at Esme’s due to a storm. You assured her that you ate dinner and that everything was fine. In reality, you'd been sitting by the front window praying for her to come back. You hated storms and you’d just trusted that she’d be there and know what to do about it. 
Eventually you decided to retreat to your room to avoid any conflict. 
“Goodnight.” You poked your head into his study. 
“Night, love.” He responded kindly looking up from his papers. You thought about bothering him for a moment, telling him that you were scared. You decided to slip up to your bedroom instead. Girls your age didn't get scared of these types of things. 
Without Lizzie, there was an impending sense of doom about the place. Like there was pressure pushing down on you. Listening to things creak and shift, you had an idea that maybe without Lizzie here Grace’s ghost would try to snatch you up. 
Laying there listening to the storm and the house, your mind cooked up a story of revenge. Grace would kill you to get back at Lizzie for stealing her mourning husband. Maybe that’s why Lizzie’s baby wasn't born right. Your heart started to race as your stomach twisted.
There must have been some deeper story, Lizzie always seemed like she was very hurt by Grace, despite having come into Tommy’s life after. But Polly’s known Lizzie since she was a baby….
Questions were swirling in your mind non stop trying to make sense of it all. Your door made a horrid sscreeching sound and you let out a scream in response, pulling the blankets up above your head. 
“LEAVE ME ALONE GRACE.” You shouted hoping that it was enough that you could see it was her this whole time. She’d be deterred by your cleverness and the quilt Polly had made you. 
The quilt was tugged away from your face and you balled your fists ready to fight her off. However you looked up at Tommy’s horrified face instead. 
“I don’t do well with storms” You blurted out hoping that would make it better. You both looked at eachother for a moment.
“Let’s make some tea.” He said firmly. You knew that you’d fucked up and the last thing you wanted to do was have tea over the situation. You got up and he pulled your quilt around you, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you moved down the stair case. 
You watched him light a fire in the kitchen and grab two glasses and fill them with whiskey. 
He passed one to you and sat across from you, he took off his glasses and placed them on the table.
“Why do you think my first wife is out to get you?” He cut right to the chase.
“I got scared of the storm, and Lizzie is trapped, Grace- it’d be the perfect opportunity to get revenge on Lizzie for stealing her mourning husband.” You rushed the words out wishing you were dead. Tommy actually chuckled.
“That’s the story you’d been told then?” 
“No, just the one that made sense.” 
“How so?” He took a sip of whiskey. 
“Everyone says this place is some kind of shrine for her, Lizzie hates it. Hates her, why exactly,  I’m not sure but I know it’s because she’s hurt.” 
“Lizzie is hurt by Grace?” He asked with a wrinkled brow, you didn't think he was capable of such emotions. 
“That’s obvious.” You said sadly. He made a humming noise.
“I didn’t intend to marry Lizzie. She got pregnant and I married her.” He answered easily, suddenly you were very angry at him. Happy he did right by her and married her but - 
“Doesn’t mean she hasn’t always loved you.” You argued. 
“Is that so?” 
“Obviously. Have you ever looked at her? This place, the family, everything, me. Obviously.” You were dumbfounded. How on earth could someone so smart and sharp be so daft. “She puts up with a lot of shit around here. Not once has she ever mentioned leaving or hating you.” 
“Perhaps I should talk to her about it.” 
“You’d better. Everywhere we go men look at her.” You said trying to scare him into doing the right thing. 
“I’m sure they do, she’s a pretty woman.” He answered tensly. Suddenly you started to worry that maybe he wont ever love her, and if that was the case he would certainly never learn to love you. Panic started to wash over you.
“Do you want to watch the storm then?” 
“How?” You answered even more uneasy. He got up and you followed him through to the dark sitting room. He pulled the curtains open adding the slitghtest bit of light to the room. You helped him turn the couch around to face the big window. 
You watched him pour more wiskey and sit down motioning for you to do the same. Wrapped in Polly’s quilt you sat next to him and he put his arm around your shoulders.
“The only way to stop being scared is to face the thing that scares you.” He explained easily. He held you close to his side as you watched the dark figures of trees swaying violently. The lightening causing you to jump. Eventually things calmed down but you found yourself wishing that it would continue on so you could spend more time sitting like this. He just sat with you tucked into his side sipping his whiskey. 
“ I do care for you and Lizzie. More than anything.” He kissed the top of your head. “Things in the past weren't always easy or safe. Keeping her at arm's length seemed like the best way to keep her from ending up like Grace.” 
You listened to his voice in the dark, feelingthe pain in his words. 
“However, I would hate for her to leave me for a man at the shops.” He said lightly and you snorted. 
“Sorry for overstepping - I didn’t mean that she looked back at them” 
“S’alright.” He answered easily. Suddenly you saw headlights coming up the drive. You felt his body tense. “Hide behind the desk,” he said seriously. He grabbed a gun hidden in the paneling on the wall. You could hear the door open and to your relief, you heard Lizzie’s voice. 
“Fuck sake, Thomas! A gun! Scared the bloody life out of me!” She started to scold him but suddenly she stopped. “Are you alright? Where is she?! I knew something was wrong! Where-” her voice was muffled and you assumed it was because he was holding her.
“She’s fine, in the sitting room” He answered calmly.
“The sitting room at this hour!” 
You got up and moved back to the couch hoping that they might sit with you a while longer before going up to bed. 
“Why is the couch the wrong way?” She asked sitting down pulling you against her. “Miss me enough to sit up at the window like a couple of dogs.” 
“Something like that.” You said enjoying the way she held you tightly. Tommy came to sit down on the other side of you. His arm came across your shoulders pulling Lizzie towards you slightly. 
“Did you give her whiskey? She smells like distillery.”
“One glass to calm her nerves, won’t hurt her any.” You felt him reach over you to kiss the top of her head. 
“Alright. But don’t you go turning into your father.” She said sternly causing you to laugh. 
You sat for a while with the them till eventually the gray sky started to brighten with the sun of the next day. 
“Let’s get to bed. We can all get in a nap before the day starts.” Tommy said. Lizzie followed you through to your room to help you into bed and make sure you were okay. After you were settled you heard them talking down the hall and hoped that he was ready to face his fears. 
The next day you all had breakfast around noon in the kitchen. Lizzie and Tommy seemed in better spirits, might have had something to do with the marks on her neck, but you hoped he’d talked to her about the situation. 
After that night things were noticeably different. You went to school and tried to get along with the other kids, your marks were not great, leading to long nights in the kitchen studying extra with various family members. Esme was the best person to sit with, having learned maths and reading from her mother. She knew how to encourage you without stressing you out. 
Tommy on the other hand would look over the material and already look stressed. He always tried to keep his temper in check, but it was unbearable feeling him be frustrated with you. Eventually he caught on that you did worse with him there because of the added pressure, he learned to just sit next to you and work on his problems and offer you help when you needed it. 
It took a lot of struggling but eventually you were caught up and getting good marks. 
Things were going well till some old business needed to be handled. Tommy was to go away for two weeks, something that seemed to crush Lizzie. 
To her surprise he called her everynight. You’d watch her sitting on kitchen counter talking and occasionally laughing. Then he’d talk to you about school and the weather, telling you that he missed you. That was when you realised that something must be very wrong. He was clearly in a great deal of danger where ever he was. Polly came to stay at the house with Arthur, you enjoyed having them around but it only confirmed your suspicion. Everyone seemd it was best to keep you in the dark on the whole thing. 
 When he came back he was very different. Somebody, or some people, were most certainly dead. A great relief fell over the family and something was different about him. He had a smile on his face when she rushed to the door to greet him. You watched how they held eachother and thought back to when you’d first met them. Things were very different. You eventually butted into the hug feeling left out. 
Extra Blurb. 
Eventually the unthinkable happened. The boy you had your eye on at school asked you out. Not knowing what to do or what the rules are you decided to get some more information on him make sure he was worth the risk of asking. 
Finn laughed at you.
“Not from the best family. But not a rival either, Tommy’s sure to have a fit, and Lizzie, I’m not sure. All in all, I don't mind the guy, you might be better off not telling them.” He said looking out the stained glass window of the Garrison. “If he gives you a hard time, come see me yeah? Don’t let him take you out of Small Heath” He looked at you seriously. 
“Sure thing.” You said getting up. You shouted a thank you over your shoulder rushing out of the pub. 
You thought long and hard about the situation. He made you laugh, didnt seem to care to much about your last name or who your dad was. Didn’t care that you were adopted. He was very polite, but enjoyed your peculiar sense of humor and misplaced words. 
You thought about turning him down. It was too complicated and anything that would upset your parents was too much of a burden. Thinking of what you would say to him, your heart gave a painful wrench. 
You went downstairs towards Tommy’s study. God this boy better be worth it or you’d put him in the ground. 
You poked your head in to see him writing and Lizzie sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. 
“Erm - So.” You started and watched them both look up at you. 
“What are you wearing?” Lizzie said smiling at your dress. 
“Go upstairs and change” Tommy cut you off before you could respond.
“Theres a boy -” You watched his face fall into his hands. “And he’s picking me up in a half hour if that’s allowed.” You fumbled with your words, wanting them to say yes badly.
“What boy” They said at the same time, giving eachother a glare. 
“Noah Solomons. I met him at school.” you responded expecting an explosion. 
“No. absolutley not. No way on earth am I sending you anywhere with him.” 
“Finn said he’s alright.” You started by stopped once he let out a sigh. 
“Finn! Fucking bastard.” He pinnched the bridge of his nose. 
“Where is he taking you then?” Lizzie asked
“Just around Small Heath for dinner. I told him that I can’t be out late.” Your face got red and you looked out the window.
“Put on a longer dress. The purple one, and put your hair up -” 
“Tommy! Don’t make her wear the purple one” Lizzie started to argue but stopped once she saw the look on his face. Her eyes narrowed back at him. 
“How bout I wear the red one -” 
“The black one is fine” They both answered suddently. 
“Just put on a cardigan,” Lizzie said getting up. “I have a nice one upstairs.” You followed her up to her bedroom. She pulled out a nice cardigan and some less opaque stockings. After you’d changed you looked yourself over, more modest, but that wasn't a bad thing. Especially if it got Tommy’s blood pressure back down. Lizzie got your hair up and you were grateful for her help. 
“Do you think dad will let me go?” You asked as she fixed your make up. 
“Dont think he can stop you. But, we’ve done business with his father. I think he’s worried this is apart of some elaborate plan.” 
“I don’t think so, but I’ll keep an eye on him” You were even more nervous now. Lizzie gave you lots of advice and you felt bad making her this worried. When you walked down stairs you could see Tommy talking to Noah at the door. 
You loved the way his face lit up when his eyes landed on you, he looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. You watched the front door swing shut, keeping him on the other side. 
“No.” He said firmly looking at Lizzie.
“Going to have to let her find her own way sometimes.” 
“No I don’t. Not with boys, not dressed like that.” He responded angrily. 
“Look, I told Finn where we are going, he said him and Isaiah would be around to keep an eye out. I’ve known him for the past two school years. I - please” You looked up at him in what you hoped were puppy dog eyes. You saw the conflict rage in his eyes.
“Fine.” He sighed in defeat. “But you don’t like something, anything, you call me from the restaurant and -” You cut him off with a big hug. 
“I won’t be out too late. Love ya” You said flying out the door before he could change his mind. 
He kissed you on the cheek on the door step, promising to take you out again next weekend. After saying goodnight you watched as he drove down the drive way before opening the front door.
You were surprised at how quiet it was. You slipped your shoes off and followed the lamp light into the sitting room. Much like the day with the storm, they sat on the sofa turned around to face the large window. You moved towards them to see your dad looking beyond relieved, and mum asleep on his lap. 
“So how was it then?” He asked you handing you the last bit of whiskey in his glass. You sat down next to him, watching him look you over for anything out of place. 
“Felt a bit like the Queen to be honest. More Blinders than people in that restaurant. Not to mention people watching from their windows.” You gave him a look as he started out the window. “But he was nice. I -He is nice, I enjoyed myself”
“Just for food then straight back?” 
“You already know that’s what happened. Can you help me get the pins out of my hair?” You turned away from him and felt him struggle to find them, pulling slightly too hard. 
“What? No, this is my job hands off.” Lizzie said groggily. “What did I miss? Tell me everything.” You felt the two of them shift and Lizzie's expert hands start bringing your hair down. By the time she’d gotten it brushed Polly and Esme had showed up for a full debrief in the kitchen. 
You were giggling like mad for hours with them, hearing their stories about past lovers. Some sweet, other cautionary. Eventually it was time for bed and you stopped into Tommy’s office before going to wash up. 
“Dad.” He gave you a shocked look then you realised what you had said. You didnt feel like apologizing though, too tired to make a big deal of it. You leaned over and gave him a hug. “Thanks for letting me go tonight.” You felt his arms wrap around you tightly. 
“I don't like it, and there will be lots to talk about tomorrow. But I'm happy that you're happy.” You kissed his cheek then headed up to bed. You knew that he’d probably already called Noah’s father, a tense conversation awaited you, but you had no doubt it was because he loved you.
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remuslupinsdaughter · 4 months
New Masterlist
Here’s where you’ll find everything I’ve written 🙂
Natasha Romanoff
The winterwidows child
Bucky Barnes
The winterwidows child
Frank castle
Protect her
Part one part two part three part four
Criminal minds
Miss momma
Will LaMontagne Jr
Miss momma
Derek Morgan
Hospital stays and side effects
Aaron Hotchner
All too much
Hiding from school
Sons of anarchy
Part one part two part three
Happy Lowmann
Harley Lowmann
Part one Part two
Bloody hands
Mayans M.C.
Angel Reyes
Daddy’s girl
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Scared me
Under the weather
Not good enough
Dad Remus headcannons
Scared of the bad man
Sirius Black
As long as you need
Scared of the bad man
The Walking Dead
Scraped knees and kisses better
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Molly Shelby
Part one Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
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alimosblog · 1 year
Hey, guys!
My friend wants to try to write a fic on Peaky Blinders. Could you write a few requests in the comments?
Mostly with Thomas Shelby!
Thank you in advance💋
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simplyundeniable98 · 8 months
look at me t.s.
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Pairing | Thomas Shelby x Female reader
Summary | When Mrs. Shelby requests Tommy in the room with her for the birth of their first daughter everyone is shocked. Men aren't supposed to be in the room with their wives as they give birth, it's just not how it is supposed to be... well all men aren't Thomas Shelby.
Warnings | Mentions of childbirth, pain obviously she's literally giving birth, maybe ooc Tommy? idk. Reader is a little mean to her doctors but she's in pain cut her some slack. MDNI because I said so. Foul language.
Word Count | .06k
~This is loosely based off of the scene in Queen Charlotte when they won't let George into the room to see Charlotte. If you know what I'm talking about I love you~
All dialogue in italics is spoken in Romani.
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"Mrs Shelby forgive me but husbands aren't usually in the room during the birth" The doctor spoke hesitantly as his eyes flicked nervously around the room.
Everyone seemed to speak hesitantly around her. I guess that was what you get when you become a Shelby. Everyone around you is constantly terrified to tell you no or disagree. It was like being royalty in a sort of fucked up way.
Polly Gray cut the doctor a look as she walked over to you and put a reassuring hand on your forehead.
"Polly please" you cried in pain "I need him here." Nothing from the old wive tales could compare to the pain you were feeling. You had been pushing for hours now with Polly at your side but nothing was working. Your daughter simply just would not budge. Polly had made the comment early on about her already showing traits from her father.
"I don't care what usually happens. If Tommy Shelby is not in this room in the next five minutes, I will personally end you." You spoke with a hiss pointing at the doctor.
You weren't usually this aggressive, but given the fact you were in pain and used to getting what you wanted all the time, the circumstances were different.
Polly sighed as she looked down at you and began to head out of the room.
"What's wrong, is she okay?" Tommy spoke immediately as Polly exited the doors of your room.
"She's requesting you Thomas" Polly spoke in Romani so as to not alert the other doctors of your request.
"She wants me in the room with her?" He spoke hesitantly as he looked towards the door.
Polly nodded and Tommy immediately started towards the door.
"I'm sorry Mr. Shelby but I cannot allow you to be in the room." The doctor outside of your door spoke as his eyes flicked down to the floor to avoid Tommy's sharp gaze.
"Tell me, doctor, do you like your job?" Tommy spoke with a raised brow as he waited for his response.
When he didn't reply Tommy bent down to reach his gaze "Hmm? I asked you a question doctor, do you like your job?"
"Yes. Yes I like my job" He murmured still avoiding the sharp blue eyes that were currently staring daggers at the man.
"Well if you intend on staying alive long enough to keep it, I suggest you move out of my way." Tommy stood up straight and tilted his head towards the door.
The doctor nodded and stepped aside, letting Tommy enter the room. "If I hear one more word from anyone about my presence in this room, I will have a peaky blinder on each and every one of your doorsteps first thing tomorrow morning" Tommy spoke before anyone could protest.
"Tommy" you gasped as you finally laid eyes on your husband. "I've been asking for you"
"I know, I know. But I'm here now eh? I'm here now." Tommy bent down to give your forehead a kiss as you winced.
"I cant do this Tommy" you cried "I want it to be over"
Tommy's heart broke at the sight of you. His wife. He wished he could just take all of your pain away and keep it for himself.
Tommy bent down to kneel at the side of your bed as he cradled your face in his hands.
"Look at me. Hey, Look at me, love." He spoke softly as you turned your head to gaze at him with teary eyes.
"You can do this. I know you can. You are the most headstrong women I know, and ill be damned if you give up now." You giggled at his lighthearted teasing and nodded.
"And you don't really have a choice love. This baby has got to come out in one way or another." He smirked at you as you rolled your eyes at your husband.
"Okay Mrs. Shelby its time to push" Your doctor spoke as Tommy placed a kiss on the hand he had ahold of and nodded at you.
"Let's meet our daughter Mrs. Shelby."
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solomons-finest-rum · 11 months
“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 2
SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you to everyone for words of encouragement and for waiting for the update 💗💗💗💗💗 Goodness, that was one hefty break. I hope the next part won't take me as much, but I can't exactly promise it will be fast, sorry about that. I think this is a part 2 out of 3 and then I'll do an epilogue, but that is still more of a draft than a plan.
WORD COUNT — 2,708
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Tommy sat beside Polly in utter silence, watching the cigarette slowly burn between her fingers to the point where the heat nearly touched the skin. Tommy observed it with morbid fascination because it was something other to do than to stay with his own thoughts. And he would not dare to speak to Polly first—not after the news he had brought her this evening.
The clock chiming in the hall let them know it was nearly three o’clock in the morning, but still neither of them moved. The fire went out long ago and Tommy wondered in his solemn silence if Polly would accept a blanket.
“How could you tell me she was dead?” Polly suddenly asked the question Tommy had been dreading for the past hour and then she flicked the cigarette butt straight on the carpet. 
Tommy dared to look her in the eye then and immediately regretted that decision when he was met with nothing but hurt and steel-like anger.
“They told me she was, Pol. I went to the parish myself, saw the documents myself,” Tommy replied calmly.
That signature state of calm didn’t come to him as quickly as it used to, he noticed. These days it required more and more effort; or perhaps the things he chose to do got worse with time.
“Fucking nuns,” Polly hissed and shook her head. “You should have pressed them harder! Should’ve made them talk!”
“Then what, hm? Threaten them? Put a gun to their head, eh? There was nothing else they would have told me, Pol, they didn’t know.”
“I don’t care what! We shouldn’t have just abandoned her like that. Now look what happened, she’s a hostage with another fucking monster, just ready to put his paws on her whenever he pleases!” Polly stood up abruptly and Tommy wondered for a moment if perhaps he shouldn’t slip some laudanum in her drink. She looked frenzied, her hair in disarray and eyes bloodshot. The way Tommy saw it, she was half-ready to walk to Margate on foot and kill Alfie herself.
“Polly,” Tommy moved to stand in front of her just in case she had any ideas. He put both hands on her shoulders to reassure her. “Polly, look at me. Alfie Solomons, yeah? Alfie Solomons is just about the last man you’d find putting his hands on anybody that didn’t ask for it, all right? I swear this much.”
“Jesus, I don’t care what you swear anymore, Tommy!” Polly scoffed and tore herself away. “The man is insane, you said so yourself—many times in fact! We all remember what he did to Arthur! Or have you forgotten?!”
“No,” Tommy replied stiffly. “Perhaps he’s insane, but he’s not cruel to women, Polly, never has been. He doesn’t have the reputation.”
“Well, neither do you, that doesn’t mean one wife’s not buried, the other’s escaped!”
Though Tommy would never admit it, that hurt immensely. That was the problem with people who loved him, he supposed. They knew exactly where to hit to draw the most blood. He willed his face to return to the stony mask it was before.
“But your daughter is not buried and she isn’t gone,” he said. “She’s alive, Pol, I saw her with my own two eyes. She’s alive and we can get her back.”
“Well, that’s not exactly possible now, is it?” she scoffed and turned her gaze back to the fireplace as if some ghostly apparition beckoned her to it. “You said she didn’t know you, I bet that fucking animal has her caged.”
“That’s not true. I saw her, Pol, she looked well.” Tommy felt like stressing that might help. “She has your eyes and your wit and I swear she cooks somethin’ awful, but she’s no prisoner. Alfie is…” He hesitated then, because it wasn’t exactly a comfortable thought to consider. “She’s got him wrapped around her little finger, Pol. You can’t say no to her, eh? Just like I can’t exactly argue with you neither.”
That brought Polly back, even if just to glare at her nephew with fury.
“Pol, I swore to you once I’d bring your children home and I haven’t changed my mind.” Tommy took her hand in his and to his relief this time Polly didn’t pull away. 
“I don’t think Alfie harmed her,” he insisted. “I don’t think she’d let him. Polly, she looked tough. Hardened by life. She’s a woman grown, Pol, and I know she can take care of herself. You said so yourself, eh? It’s grandfather’s gift, reading people. Well, I read her tonight and I know Alfie, too. Something happened to her, that much’s clear, but there’s nothin’ evil happenin’ to her in that house.”
That seemed to satisfy his aunt because she finally took a deep breath that actually made Tommy feel like he could breath himself.
“Why would he tell you to lie to me, Tommy?”
“How do you mean?”
“Why would he think you wouldn’t tell me? That you’d play his game.”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “But I know what he wants in return and to be honest his plan wasn’t as delirious as I’d take him for.”
“I don’t care what you discussed with that man, that’s of little consequence,” Polly scoffed. “We are going to get her and we are going to get rid of him once and for all, Thomas, because no one fucks with the Peaky fuckin’ Blinders and no one fucks with the family! Do you hear me?!”
“I hear you.”
“Good. Now get up!”
“So we’re goin’ today?”
Tommy nodded and gently navigated her back into the armchair. He rang the bell for the maid. In the agitated state Polly’s house was currently in, Tommy was sure the servants weren’t really sleeping.
“And get Michael,” she ordered. “I don’t care what that peroxide tramp says about it, he’s coming with us.”
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Alfie stood on the porch and smoked his pipe. He let you squeeze his arm in anger while trying to sneak concerned glances in your general direction. Tired of being treated like a spooked horse, you glared at him until he stopped with all the concern. You were tougher than you looked and you would very much appreciate it if Alfie finally admitted it.
“You alright?” Alfie asked you for what must have been the twentieth time and you nodded stiffly instead of a reply.
“Darlin’, I mean it, all right, ‘cause if you ain’t tryin’ to make me bloody worried then you’re doin’ a splendid job regardless, yeah?”
“Shut up.”
“Right, that’s just fuckin’ uncalled for, that…”
“No. Someone’s coming.”
You pointed then to the faint shapes on the horizon, which, judging by the noise, must have been the Shelby Bentleys.
“Get the binoculars, Alfie.” 
“I’ll get the fuckin’ shotgun is what I’ll get.”
“I’ll do as I damn well please in my own house, woman!”
“So your brilliant means of operation is just bullets, is that it? What the hell did you expect, that Tommy would just listen to you?”
There was a clear measure of challenge in your words and all you two did then was just size each other up, trying to see who would call the bluff first. Finally, your husband grumbled his best catalogue of swear words and brought you the binoculars you asked for. 
“It’s the Shelbys,” you confirmed.
“Like clockwork, that lot,” Alfie scoffed. “You tell them one thing, they go the opposite fuckin’ direction.”
“Some clock that’d be,” you chuckled. “We knew they’d come. That’s why we’re here.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
The pipe now abandoned, Alfie checked the barrel of his favourite handgun and reassured himself with the number. The only problem was the Shelby threat looming on the horizon and what looked like three cars, no doubt packed to the brim with Tommy’s henchmen.
“And you’re certain he will help us?” you asked.
“‘Course. Like I said before, right, Tommy’s nothin’ if not reliable.”
“That’s quite generous coming from you.”
“Just ‘cause he shot me doesn’t mean we ain’t kin now.”
“I am many things, dearest, but a Shelby isn’t one of them.”
“Ah, well, too bad. And too late to call the cavalry off, I reckon. If ya changed your mind…”
“That’s not what I meant.” It was your time to scoff. “These people are not my family. You are.”
On a rare occasion when Alfie Solomons found himself something close to emotional, three black Bentleys finally arrived at the quaint Margate cottage. You instinctively grabbed your husband’s arm again. He didn’t flinch, not even when you dug your nails into the skin, hard enough to draw blood.
“Right, gentlemen! And lady. What a lovely surprise, innit.” Alfie beckoned with his other hand, waving the gun about and leaving very little doubt as to the quickness of change in his intentions were the Shelbys not to play along. “Let me simply say: shalom… All right. Welcome. Yeah, that is the message for today, or so one might hope.”
What would undoubtedly be another inspired monologue had to wait, however. As soon as Tommy escorted Polly out of the car and her eyes met her daughter’s, Polly’s knees gave out. Tommy and Arthur caught her just in time and held her up on both sides.
“Anna!” Polly cried. “Oh dear God, it’s really you! Anna!”
You stood still like a statue, at which point even your husband turned to look at you with a mix of concern and fascination. You let go of his arm and focused on Tommy.
“Mr. Shelby. You brought an army this time. Am I to expect a shootout?”
As cold and unmoved as Tommy tried to be, it proved to be hard with a sobbing woman on his arm.
“Or am I to understand you’re here to kidnap me?” you pressed. “Please don’t say my chicken was that spectacular, I won’t believe it.”
“Anna.” Polly squeezed Tommy’s arm and took a step forward. Alfie uncocked his gun. You sighed and wished he hadn’t, since the entire Shelby ensemble now followed with the same.
“What the fuck is the matter with you, you fools! Put the bloody guns down!” Polly seethed and marched towards the house with a newfound purpose in her step. “Anna. Come down from there. You’re coming home with us.”
You looked at the woman you knew was your mother, though now only by name. Your heart didn’t know her and your head was too preoccupied to care.
“That might pose an issue,” you answered. “Because I am home.”
The next person that got out of the car, however, seemed to finally make you shake off your stony demeanour. You couldn’t quite help it, because his face was the first you could actually say was known to you.
“Michael!” you whispered and then rushed down from the porch before anyone could stop you. “Oh dear God, you’re alive!”
You fell into your brother’s steady embrace and though the force of it nearly made him stumble, he held you firmly and wouldn’t let go—not even if the devil himself tried to claim you both again. 
The tearful reunion was so quiet that no one apart from you and Michael could know what words were exchanged. While the Shelbys weren’t exactly the type to interrupt, you could tell that Alfie was out of patience. 
“Are we just about finished, then?” he inquired. “Forgive the interruption, yeah, but it’s gettin’ li’l too chilly for my taste.”
Polly took that opportunity to point her gun directly at Alfie’s head.
“Now then, madam,” Alfie chuckled and stood his ground, though he didn’t raise the gun he was holding. “I’d only ask ya to aim better than your nephew, all right, ‘cause I can’t exactly take no more of this.” He pointed to the injured side of his face. “Once was enough, yeah, so if you’re certain that’s what ya wanna do, I won’t stop ya.”
“Shut your mouth,” Polly hissed. “You shut your mouth!”
“Polly.” Tommy took a step towards them. His voice was full of warning and he ordered his men to stand down with a single wave of his hand. “Polly, think about what we’re doin’ here, all right? We came to get your daughter,” he turned to point at you, who now looked toward her husband with a horrified expression. “She’s safe now, Polly, we can take her home. There’s no need for violence, Pol, not today.”
“Like hell you will!” you protested. “Can you stop talking about me like I’m not even here?! No one’s taking me anywhere.”
“Now then, Tommy,” Alfie sighed. “There I was, mate, thinkin’ we had an understandin’, you an’ I. After all these years of friendship, right, you come to my house, guns blazin’, and with your lovely aunt no less, all in pursuit of justice I can’t exactly give, mate, ‘cause I ain’t the one who took Anna away in the first place. So…”
To everyone’s surprise Alfie turned his back to Polly and opened the front door as casually as one might when having a gun pointed at you turns into something of a daily occurrence. 
“Might I offer you a drink then, uh, Polly, is it? Right, lemme just say that, yeah, I ain’t exactly one for close family ties, you see, that’s just not somethin’ I was brought up with…”
Alfie’s voice disappeared somewhat as he walked further into the house, completely ignoring the chaos on the porch. You tried to rush back towards the house and stomped on Michael’s foot with all your might when he wouldn’t let you go. Michael roared with pain and you took your chance to run, but this time it was Arthur who stopped you and who, all things considered, presented a much sturdier guard than your brother.
“You let me through,” you hissed. 
“Nah, I don’t think so, luv. You’re comin’ with us.”
“Like hell I am!”
Polly, still stunned, turned towards her children and lowered her gun, creating an opportunity for Tommy to catch up with her and take it out of her hands.
“Not today,” he repeated softly. “There’ll be time for vengeance and there’ll be time for justice. But not here, Pol, not now. Arthur, let Anna pass.”
Polly shook her head and spat on the bluish tiles of the porch, thoroughly worn out and bleached by the seaside air. Only then did she notice the curious mosaic right before the front door and the gentle arch forming the words “lethe”. 
“I’m not leaving without her, Tommy,” she warned.
“I know you’re not.”
Out of options and out of bullets, Polly crossed the threshold and she hoped the choice would truly erase the anguish from her memory—if only for a moment.
Alfie’s gambit must have been exactly that from the start, Tommy mused, because as soon as the rest of the Shelby clan entered the house, they were welcomed by the maid with a tea tray. Alfie, now comfortable in his usual armchair, gestured for his guests to sit. 
Judging by his calm and calculated demeanour, Tommy doubted him and his family had been so unexpected. In fact, he just about acknowledged he had let himself be manipulated not once but twice in what was perhaps the strangest forty-eight hours in a long time.
“Right, now, we don’t know each other well so I don’t know exactly what everyone drinks…” Alfie waved at the maid dismissively and she started to serve the tea as if it was any other ordinary occasion. “Feel free to peruse the bar if you so prefer, Tommy, right, but not you.” Alfie settled his only seeing eye on Arthur, though the elder Shelby brother didn’t seem as prone to anger as Alfie remembered. That was almost disappointing. 
You entered the house last, holding your brother’s hand. Michael smiled down at you fondly as if you hadn’t just caused him severe bodily harm. Tommy and Alfie both noted the scene, though neither exactly for the same reasons. Alfie looked just about done tolerating all that whispering between you and your brother and it seemed so was Tommy.
Though neither, exactly, for the same reasons.
“Right then,” Alfie announced. “Should we discuss the terms?”
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thehardy-boys · 10 months
The Platform (Tommy Shelby x Reader)
Hey! Its literally been like forever but I've had some time to myself and actually written something. This was not requested or anything but I just got inspired with all the new content recently. Anyways, pls enjoy. It's a series so there will be more parts to the story.
Warnings: Sadness, negative thoughts, flirting if you squint (In the future -- smut 😏)
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Part 1
(y/n) hadn’t planned on ever coming back.
“I’ll put your tea here then mum. Alright?” (y/n) spoke fairly loudly so the elderly woman could hear. She was nearing eighty and she had lost most of her sight and hearing. She was a ghost nearing on a corpse. But there was no one else to look after her. As these kinds of responsibilities usually fall on the women, the daughters, they fell on (y/n) just the same.  
“I’m heading to work. Mrs. Iona will check in on you from time to time, alright?” The bedroom door was almost closed when she heard the slight mumble coming from the shriveled woman.
“Not supposed to be here. Don’t want her here. Take her away.”
She paused only for a moment suddenly hit with a wave of the past. The tide so strong it almost pulled her into its murky depths. But with the door closed and the sight of her mother taken away (y/n) turned her back and softly made her way out of her mother’s house.
She waved to Mrs. Iona as she shut the front gate and walked back down the street towards the main road. Her shoes already collecting the terrible coal dust.
She hated it here. The heavy air that the sunlight could never quite penetrate which resulted in the town being in a constant gloom. It made her skin crawl. The unhappiness was crippling. The drunkards already stumbling around the street at eleven o’clock in the morning, the starving children running back and forth, the haggard mothers one step closer to the grave and the dark alleys that were haunted with glistening knives, illegal pistols, and razor-sharp caps.
Get me out of here. Get me out of here. (y/n) screamed internally but she only pushed open the heavy wooden door of the newspaper agency and kindly greeted Mrs. Kelley the receptionist before making her way to the back of the building and sitting down at her desk. Another day. More editing. That was her lot in life: never to be the one writing and creating but only a ghost in the machine, a minion behind the scenes.
By the end of every long day at the newspaper house the words would blur into one huge muddle. She’d pack up her small bag, wish a good night to her boss Mr. Beavers, and head home. Her eyes would be sore and her brain throbbing with a headache. But that was just Small Heath, barely living.
(y/n) felt that she had something missing. She knew she had it when she was younger because of all her memories. The vibrancy of the trees she climbed, the scent of baking in the kitchen, the damp fur of their pet dogs after a rain storm. Everything was so vivid back then and full. Her eyes open and wanting, now she was shuttered, fragile, and tired. Her knees often ached and her neck sore from hunching over papers all day. She was decaying, slowly.
“(y/n)!” Her head popped up from her desk at the sound of her name. Polly Gray was making her way towards her. She was as formidable as (y/n) remembered. She rose up to return Polly’s hug.
“Mrs. Gray, It’s so nice to see you!” Polly squeezed a bit tighter. The warmth of her body rubbing off onto (y/n). She welcomed it. It had been so long since she had received any kind of touch.
“When the hell did you get back?”
“About a year now.”
“A year!? A whole year and you didn’t bother to drop me a line?” Her outrage wore the mask of humor but (y/n) could tell there was genuine worry, genuine hurt lurking behind it.
(y/n) shook her head in apology, “I know. I know. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting to come back here and then a lot happened and I’ve just been so busy Mrs. Gray. I’m really sorry.”
“No, I know (y/n). I heard what happened. Awful stuff. I had no idea you were here dealing with it all. You should have asked for help.”
(y/n) began to shake her head and ward off Polly’s offer when her boss’s door opened up behind her.
“Ah, Mrs. Gray and Mr. Shelby do come in.” He gestured warmly into his office.
Polly rubbed her arm before stepping inside.
A tall man had been standing behind Polly. (y/n) hadn’t noticed him in the frenzy of the greeting but she didn’t need an introduction. Nobody in Small Heath did. He was just as the ladies described him at the grocers she went to weekly: cold, inscrutable, foreboding, and dangerous.  
(y/n) had lived in Small Heath only until she had turned thirteen and then her family had moved away. Her father had been close to Polly and consequently (y/n), over the years, had played with the young Shelby brothers. (y/n)’s older brother had gotten along well with Arthur and if she concentrated hard enough, she could remember playing hide and seek with Thomas and John Shelby. But it was all so long ago, and she realized she hadn’t seen any of them in over fifteen years. And yet she knew it was Thomas. She knew.
She wondered mildly if he remembered her, “(y/n) (l/n).” That was all he said with a quick nod he passed her by not glancing back and nor did she.
Polly left first and, on her way, reminded (y/n) to drop by. An hour or so later Thomas came out, as well. (y/n) was neck deep in the upcoming Sunday issue so she barely registered the figure standing next to her desk.
“Oh, Mr. Shelby! Did Mr. Beavers ask me to get you any forms?” She pushed away her paper hurriedly and stood up.
He shook his head slowly and continued to stare at her, hands deep in his pockets.
She tilted her head as a question, and he only shrugged slightly.
“I was trying to remember why you left, all those years ago.”
(y/n) sat back down. A flicker of fear coursed through her at the reminder of their family’s departure. A broken window, her father’s bruised face, and her mother’s hands constantly trembling.
“It wasn’t my decision; it was my parents.” She didn’t look up at him and instead pulled her papers back towards her. She didn’t want to sift through all those years. She could barely make it through the present.
He must have sensed the finality because he bid her good day and left but his stare stayed with her all day and even into the night. The frostiness of the blue. The condemnation they held for humanity.
Mr. Beavers explained the next morning that they were starting a partnership with Shelby Limited. They would be expanding their sports column to include more articles on the races. Mr. Beavers excitedly described the hope for a few informative articles on the intricacies of horse racing, training, and breeding. But it wasn’t just about horses Mr. Beavers went on, being attached to Shelby Limited allowed them an easy avenue for new stories and information. It was a ready-made news source.
“All this in exchange for what?” (y/n) asked.
“We give Mr. Shelby’s races publicity and well…occasionally we would publish or not publish certain articles for the company.”
(y/n) crossed her arms, “So they can censor us? What stops them from completely taking over the paper? What if next week they decide they don’t want the Theatre column? Evan and Nate would be out of the job.”
Mr. Beavers frantically shook his head, “It’s not like that, not like that at all. I know Mrs. Gray and I trust her. The company is not interested in that kind of control. I mean we’re only a small agency, (y/n).”
And thus, the partnership began and now not just (y/n) felt the steely stare of Mr. Shelby, but the entirety of the agency did.
It started slowly but Thomas began to come by once or twice a week. It was usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (y/n) learned from Mr. Beavers that they were working on a contract. She would here the tell-tale sound of expensive shoes on the marble floor and know even without looking up who it was. Thomas Shelby walked with such authority in his three piece suits all the young ladies at the agency were already gossiping about him during their lunch breaks. But (y/n) kept her distance.
She had always been an outsider in Small Heath. The community never welcomed her family, something to do with their Jewish ties. And now, after returning, people were even more wary. (y/n) could tell there were whispers behind her back. She ignored the fake apologies about the missing invitation when she caught her colleagues out for a bite to eat all together. It didn’t bother her, not really.
“Mr. Shelby, Mr. Beavers will be right out. His previous meeting’s running a bit late. Please sit down if you’d like.” She gestured to the few arm chairs by the window. He only nodded and sat. He lit his cigarette and did what he always seemed to do around her, stare. And she ignored him in favor of the monumental stack of paperwork in front of her.
“How much do they pay you here?” He asked out of the blue. His deep voice easily cutting through her concentration.
She looked over, “Minimum wage.”
“For all that?” He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
(y/n) shrugged.
“You edit, organize, design, and manage each issue and only get minimum wage?”
“I’m not in a position to be picky, Mr. Shelby.” She bristled a bit.
He took another drag and let the smoke column upwards. He did look beautiful with the sunlight streaming in behind him. It caught the contours of his angular face and she thought yeah, I think I get it now.
He cleared his throat and sat back satisfied her attention was now on him, “Don’t you remember me?”
“Yes. I mean we were just kids.” She shrugged lightly.
“We met on the platform.” He took another inhale of his smoke, “After the war.”
(y/n) blinked.
“Yes, we did.” Her throat had gone dry.
He opened his mouth to continue but “(y/n)! I need the consumer reports.” It was Evelyn from the market section. Her plump red lips perking up at the sight of Thomas. (y/n) had the feeling Evelyn already knew he would be here; the reports weren’t needed until the end of the day.
“Yes. Here they are.” (y/n) sifted through her desk and handed over the packet.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me?” Evelyn asked. She played with a few loose strands of her hair.
“Oh. Uh-Mr. Shelby this is Ms. Lowe. Ms. Lowe, Mr. Shelby from Shelby Limited.”
“Ever so pleased to meet you, sir.” She placed a sneaky hand on her hip and shifted her weight a tad to conform her body into an elegant pose.
And she was attractive (y/n) had to admit. She was young and full of vigor. Her hair always done to perfection and makeup never smudged. She looked like a movie star. She looked like a woman all men would fall head over heels for. (y/n) inwardly cringed. She could only imagine what she must look like next to this creature of beauty.
But when (y/n) looked over to see Thomas’ reaction, he seemingly hadn’t stopped looking at her. Only when their eyes met did Thomas glance over at Evelyn and give a slight nod.
“Mr. Shelby! Please come in, come in! I do apologize about the delay!” Mr. Beavers rushed out and hurriedly greeted the businessman.
After the door closed Evelyn let out a huff. She handed back the packet to (y/n).
“I don’t even need these. I just wanted him to get a look if you know what I mean.”
(y/n) gave a small smile hoping to be rid of the superficial woman but she had one last request.
“Put in a few good words for me, will you? He always comes by your desk. Just drop in a few hints?”
(y/n) sighed and re-organized a few papers, “I’ll try my best Evelyn, but I can’t promise anything.”
A few hours later, Evelyn really did come and collect the consumer reports but lucky for her the office door opened and the two men appeared.
“And wonderful (y/n) here will get the correct form for you to sign Mr. Shelby. Let’s organize a convenient day for her to drop the upcoming issue down at your office weekly.”
Evelyn who was too quick easily swooped in without any hesitation, “I can help, Mr. Beavers. You know that I have a much more open schedule than (y/n). I’d be happy to deliver the issue.” She smiled blindingly.
(y/n) just sat there watching the whole thing unfold. In fact, she was actually grateful Evelyn was sticking her nose into it because she didn’t want to see more of Thomas than she already had these past few weeks.
“That is true, Mr. Beavers. Evelyn has a bit more time on her hands these days.”
The boss was beginning to make the face of agreement before, “I’d like Ms. (l/n) to be the one making the deliveries.”
And there was no room for argument with Mr. Shelby.
“Of course, whatever works best for Mr. Shelby. Let’s say every Thursday?” Mr. Beavers heartily clasped the man’s hand and then beckoned Evelyn into his office for a round up on the recent reports. (y/n) didn’t miss the venomous look the other woman shot her.
(y/n) opened her desk drawer and took out the mentioned form that needed the signature.
“Just here, Mr. Shelby.” She held out a pen for him without bothering to look up. This turned out to be a bad idea because she jumped in surprise as he partially leaned over her to sign the paper. He smelled of oak and whisky. He carried the scent of the past.
She remembered seeing his eyes in the sea of green uniforms on the platform. And she knew. She just knew. After all those years. She had walked towards him. He stood there waiting for her. His beautiful blue eyes. That beautiful face.
“(y/n) (l/n).” He had said her name then with such certainty like it was law. Like it had some kind of divine meaning and not just a jumble of letters.
“Is that all?” He asked setting the pen down.
She cleared her throat, “Yes.”
She expected him to be on his way, but she looked up when she never heard the retreating footsteps. He still stood next to her one hand on the back of her chair. Looking down at her.
“Did you not expect me to remember you?”
She clenched her jaw, “Why would I expect you to remember me?”
He furrowed his brow and walked away.
Part 2
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evita-shelby · 10 months
Reader insert Masterlist
Part 2
(Masterlist 1)
Ran out of space lol
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Tommy Shelby
Only Joys will come (part iii of nights on the January)
Happy wife Happy life (drunk!Tommy x wife)
Promise (tommy x sick!reader)
Chance (tommy x ex!reader)
Ths Red Room (tommy x reader x eva) vampire!au
Torture (tommy x wife!reader)
Fatal Attraction (tommy x assassin!reader)
Cuddling(part 2 for happy wife happy life)
Death shall set you free (tommy x wife!reader)
The Devil of Small Heath (kelpie!Tommy x witch!reader)
A Dull Party (Tommy x Eva/Reader x Tatiana)🔞
Moon (tommy x witch!reader)
Lamb(sequel to moon)
Dad!Tommy fics
Ghosts of New Year's Past (Tommy & Diane(oc daughter) & Polly’s Ghost)
Luca Changretta
Persistence (luca x shelby sister)
The fabulous miss shelby (part 3)
Two for One (Luca x reader x Eva)
Jack Nelson
The professor
Hunt(vampire hunter au)
Michael Gray
Finn Shelby
Preacher's Daughter (kid!finn x Jeremiah's duaghter!reader)
Isiah Jesus
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marvelous-llama · 7 months
Non K-Pop fics recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
<<next chapters
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
Top Gun: Maverick - Bradley Bradshaw
It´s Always Been You by @confused-pyramid
Bradley x fem!reader (wc - 5.7k) friends to lovers, mutual pining - smut, fluff As Iceman's daughter, you and Rooster grew up together, but your friendship transforms when you are assigned to train for a dangerous mission that's never been accomplished before.
Heat by @clints-lucky-arrow
leave me breathless by @callsignhoney
Bradley x fem!reader (wc - 3.8k) coworkers to lovers, mutual pining - smut rooster is wholeheartedly convinced you have no interest in him and you’re just dying to prove him wrong
talk to me, lucky series by @callsignlucky
Bradley x fem!reader best friends > strangers > ? - fluff, angst, hurt/comfort You're Maverick’s kid. You’re also Bradley Bradshaw’s best friend—or at least, you were. What lies between you two now is uncharted territory. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin
Fuck You, Hangman by @mothdruid
Jake x fem!reader (wc - 4.7k) enemies to lovers - angst, smut jake had always pissed you off, but today was the final straw. but who knew you had some type of fondness for the resident ass. and even though you never accepted his apology, you might have accepted him. 
Do Not Engage by @clints-lucky-arrow
Narcos - Javier Peña
La Parca series by @cowboy-turtle
enemies to lovers trope by @javier-pena
Javier x fem!reader (wc - 1.3k) enemies to lovers, agent!reader - angst, smut, fluff(ish)
Lay It On Me series by @lavendertales
Worth The Wait series by @kteague
Peaky Blinders - Michael Gray
Better Together by @mysticaldeanvoidhorse
Michael x fem!reader (wc - 3.6k) strangers > friends > lovers, mutual pining - angst, fluff, hurt/comfort You grew close to Polly shortly after you lost your parents and she lost her children; she was a mother to you.  But Michael comes back into her life and you don’t know how to navigate life with him.  He is cold and distant.  You still spend time with Polly so you aren’t sure what to do with him there.  However, after taking enough of his aloofness, you confront him at the Garrison and discover the truth. 
Sehnsucht series by @caelys
Star Wars - Cassian Andor
Man on the Moon by @jadore-andor
Cassian x fem!reader (wc - 2k) enemies to lovers - angst, smut
Rescue Mission by @inlovewithquestionablecharacters
Cassian x fem!reader (wc - 3k) friends to lovers, mutual pining - angst(ish), fluff
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look-at-the-soul · 8 months
The choice
Tommy Shelby x reader
An evening at Arrow House (2K followers celebration) my dear Lee @zablife I love the theme you choose for this celebration and congratulations once more for reaching 2K followers! That’s a bunch and you deserve each one of them and even more! THANK YOU for sharing your incredible talent and kindness in this fandom, I’m so grateful to have met you on here ✨
Request: From anon, darling I don’t know a lot about the super hero world, but this idea kind of sounds similar (?) I hope so! Please let me know what you think and feel free to send another request if you don’t feel pleased with this
Summary: Tommy is losing Ruby from consumption, so he rushes to ask for help to a woman he had heard owns some kind of special power. But changing the course of things around has consequences.
⚠️ Mentions of people passing away, spirits, Gypsy curses, witchcraft.
Word count: 2,118
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This had to be a mistake.
God, no please no… anyone but his little Ruby.
His hands were shaking, his stomach in a tight knot.
“I want another opinion.” His statement was adamant.
“Mr. Shelby I wish I could give you a different diagnose, unfortunately-”
“Nevertheless I want another opinion.” Tommy stated firmly and left the Doctor’s office without another word.
He’d pay anything to make Ruby feel better.
Torn between the common sense and this need to get answers, he suddenly remembered of a woman Polly was always going to, she had told him a couple of times she owned a special power but he was skeptical about it.
Stopping his car at the modest neighborhood, Tommy’s hand wrapped around the steering wheel tightly. Knuckles white from the force, he was fighting the tears back.
“Go inside Tommy.” Polly’s voice took him by surprise, moving his head up, he found his aunt sitting in the backseat.
“You’re running out of time, Thomas.”
In a blink she was gone and Tommy felt his chest heavy.
Clearing his throat, Tommy knocked on the door and took a step back, but no one opened so he waited a few more seconds until he noticed the small curtain moving abruptly.
“I don’t owe the Peaky Blinders anything.” A female voice shouted from the other side of the door.
“I need to talk to Y/N Y/L/N.”
“You’ll led me to trouble, Mr. Shelby.”
Tommy started banging on the door desperately, forcing her to open up before the entire block could notice.
“My aunt, Polly Gray talked to me about you.”
“I only helped her sew a few buttons.” She covered her face under the hood of her cape.
“No… you helped her to see Anna one more time, you helped her to say goodbye to her daughter.” He pointed out firmly, breathing heavy, heartbeat drumming against his ribcage.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She was shaking her head profusely, and in a hurried attempt, she tried to close the door, but Tommy’s hand made it impossible then he squeezed his shoulder in the small gap between the door and the doorframe. “Mr. Shelby!”
“I need your help… please.” He struggled with his voice, shoulders tense. “My daughter is sick.”
He never asked for help, never begged for anything.
But a lot of things were different lately.
“My daughter, Ruby s-she is sick, the doctor said it’s consumption.” He looked away as his eyes filed with tears. “And I think she’s cursed.”
“I’m really sorry to hear this, Mr. Shelby… unfortunately there’s nothing I can do, I’m just a seamstress.”
Tommy tried to look at her, but she was hiding her features behind the shadows. The small hopes he had been holding were shattered in mere seconds. He was lost for words, felt helpless, powerless.
“My aunt said you have some kind of power, guess she was wrong… anyways sorry for bothering you.”
She reached out her hand for him as he turned around, noticing the worry in his voice, his request seemed genuine and it was so so hard to watch him leave defeated.
Even though she had the best intentions to help people in need, sometimes she got in troubles for that same reason. Just like everything, there was good and bad in witchcraft, it wasn’t something to take slightly or as a joke, you don’t want to mess up with a spirit. Having the power to change the course of life was something she had taken seriously and used her gift with caution. But she needed to be careful. Loads of witches had been hanged or burned alive for this exact same reason.
To keep her mind busy, she started working on the jacket resting by the chair, it was from her neighbor, the poor man lost his wife weeks ago and when she heard the news and rushed to the house next door, Beth demanded to let her rest in peace, she had already dealt with enough problems all her life to make her come back from the death. But before Beth left, she pointed at the jacket and showed her a hole in the pocket, so here she was hunted down by her restless soul for almost a week for not sewing it yet.
“There you go Beth, you can now rest in peace.” She exhaled loudly and left the jacket by the door, to give it to Harry in the morning.
Turning around, she gasped as another restless soul took her by surprise. “Fuck.” She covered her heart with the palm of her hand as the soul approached her.
“I need to ask you for another favor, Y/N.”
“Polly you shouldn’t be here.”
She was used by now to seeing the souls of people who passed away already, they were everywhere, looking for the chance to communicate with those who they used to love, she was just an instrument, a bridge for them and those who were still alive.
“I know darling, but you really need to help my nephew… little Ruby she’s been feeling poorly.”
“Polly I can’t change the course of life and death, you know that.”
“Are you sure? She’s just a girl, a great kid… she has big dreams, a bright future in Hollywood.”
“If I promise to check, will you let me sleep?”
“Thank you.” Polly smiled and disappeared in a blink.
But of course, Y/N wasn’t able to rest for a minute, all night tossing and turning in bed, hunted by the sadness she found in Mr. Shelby’s eyes as he asked for her help. So it was still early when she left her home and headed to the hospital, rushing past the empty corridors, packed with all the souls stuck there, trying to reach for her to make contact with their loved ones, asking for mercy, some of them didn’t even understand they didn’t belong to this world anymore.
But soon she found the room she had been looking for, a beautiful girl with dark long hair resting with an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth, battling with some cough. Sensing someone approaching, she rushed to hide around the corner of the hall, catching the fabric of a black coat, she observed the man who visited her last night, getting rid of the gloves and taking a deep breath he closed his fits tightly as if he was trying to collect all the strength from the world before entering his daughter’s hospital room.
Tiptoeing, Y/N got closer to the door and her heart broke into a million pieces as she heard his words.
“My little girl, I’d give anything I own to see you well and healthy, you know that?” He was holding of her small hands, not wearing anything for protection. “Anything, this life… it doesn’t makes sense without you. I’m so sorry for getting you involved in this bloody curse, my little love hang in there for me, will ya? I’m going to look for Esme, she’ll now what to do.”
And as she saw that imposing and relentless man break down and cry by the feet of his daughter’s hospital bed she knew right there she had to do something.
Or at least try to.
Y/N hid in the corner again as Mr. Shelby stormed out of the room.
It took her a good part of the day to get to the girl, since a couple of nurses walked into the room after Mr. Shelby left, then a slim, tall woman entered wearing a mask, her eyes were teary and she was holding a handkerchief. She brushed the girl’s hair and held her when she started coughing badly. It was until the Doctor called her to her office that she left, giving her the opportunity to step in.
Eventually, as she reached the bed, Ruby opened her eyes.
“Are you here to take me to heaven?”
“No, Ruby I’m here to cure you.” She smiled as the girl nodded.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” Lizzie exploded, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Tommy stopped, rain pouring down heavily. His heart stopped beating, blood ran down to his body, he felt dizzy and angry.
The nightmare finally became a reality, he had been dreaming of this for so many nights, Ruby was gone. His daughter was gone.
Lizzie hit him in the chest. “Ruby, Ruby she’s so sick and you left us alone!” She charged against him again.
At least she was still alive.
Leaning against the closest wall, Tommy felt like he didn’t have anymore strength left in his body, legs giving up and he slid down to sit on the step. Noticing Lizzie’s breakdown he could only wrap an arm around her shoulders in some kind of comfort.
Looking up, his eyes found a shadow at the other side of the street, someone with a long cape with a hood stared at them. He had to blink a couple of times to register what was happening, but she walked away before he had time to react.
“Mr. Shelby? Can we have a word in my office please?”
“What happened?” Demanded Lizzie standing up.
“It’s about your daughter, sh-she’s cured I don’t understand how this happened, there’s no medical evidence of her illness anymore.” The Doctor took off his glasses and wiped his chin.
Tommy couldn’t believe what he just heard, there was no medical evidence of the damage the consumption could’ve left in Ruby’s lungs, she was sitting on her bed with a wide smile on her face trying to hide the fact that she wanted to jump on the hospital bed and leave already to go home, Tommy rushed to her side and cupped her face between his shaky hands. Was he dreaming of this moment?
He looked from the Doctor to his daughter again in disbelief.
“I’d suggest a couple of days to run more tests.”
“Ruby, Ruby.” He chanted, feeling like his heart could come out of his chest any minute now. “Yes of course, Doctor.”
As Lizzie proposed she should stay for the night with her daughter, Tommy agreed and left the hospital but instead of heading home, he drove somewhere else.
Almost an hour later, he was knocking on the door, the place was only illuminated by a small lamp. His hands were shaking, he wanted to kick the door already.
“Mr. Shelby it’s so late.” Y/N stated but moved to the side to let him come in.
And for the first time, he realized of her features consuming a few seconds to fully take in her. Beautiful and delicate features. It was like getting a sharp hit in the gut. Her beauty was out of this world, he took a step back as he wasn’t prepared to find such rare and unique beauty in one person. Lavender pupils staring back at him, he had never seen another pair of eyes like those guarded by thick eyelashes a deep contrast to the pale skin but in complete harmony with the curly dark locks around her shoulders.
“I’m just here to give you this.” He took a small sack from his pocket, he opened and showed her gold.
“I can’t take it.”
But he pressed one more time. “Please, it’s the least I can do.”
Y/N shook her head folding her arms. “Mr. Shelby I’m not supposed to change the course of things. It’s a delicate thing to do to take a soul from the death and now I’ve to ask you one thing.”
“You have two more sons…” he just heard about Duke thanks to Esme, but immediately he knew he had his blood. “Which one of them will you give me?”
Tommy looked at her in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“I stopped Ruby from dying, it’s a life for a life. Which one of your sons will you give me in exchange for your daughter’s life?”
It was one of the hardest things to do, but she had to in order to keep the spirits at bay.
Swallowing hard, Tommy felt a vein pulsing on his forehead.
Y/N looked at her hands for an instant.
There was no way he could choose between Charlie and Duke, they were opposite in so many ways but they were both his sons, and he loved them more than he could express.
“Can you take mine instead?”
“Yes… but what about your wife?”
Tommy shook his head, still too startled by her to form anything coherent. Her cold palm came to rest on his cheekbone, in a tender motion.
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”
Master list
A/N: I’ve always wanted to write something like this! The idea felt so easy, I tried to create a mix between a good witch and a medium (if you don’t believe it’s just fine) but I’ve always found so intriguing those people who have the gift to communicate with people who passed away… if you liked it and you have a couple of minutes don’t forget to leave your valuable feedback ♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
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geekwritersworld · 2 years
Where the daisies grow
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Pairing : Tommy Shelby x You
Warnings: Angst, description of injuries(mention of blood and cuts)
Summary: as stated in the request below. @luvlyencanto
I wanted to ask a story about: "having Polly Gray as the only mother figure". The reader would be a girl who was abandoned at an Orphanage (hell on earth) she only has bad memories of there. However, Polly and the Shelbys came as a light in her life, the reader is be between 8-9 years old when she's brought to them. And even though she was "adopted", she was always loved, raised and welcomed like a Shelby. Polly kind of adopted her as her daughter, making sure she was always dressed and having what she wanted, and she even bestowed the name Shelby on her. She was a Shelby, because if anyone tried to disrespect or harm her, they would have to deal with the wrath of them all. Ada, Arthur, John and Finn treat her like a sister and Tommy... well, maybe he could have some romantic interest in her??
A/n: let me know what you think :)
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He was 16 when the 9 year old child was left in his aunt's care one day. He hadn't even known until he walked in to his aunt's house one evening to see a young girl in his aunt's kitchen.
Tommy had become protective of his siblings during the time that his mother had further grown unstable and his father had become an abusive alcoholic, which made him cautious of the child that had showed up in his aunt's house with no warning.
It was later that Aunt Pol told her leery nephew who was staring at the girl hunched in her chair "Edith dropped her here from the orphanage"
"why?" Tommy shot back, not allowing his gaze to falter from you.
"Because the orphanage treated her horribly knowing who her father was, Thomas" Pol said frustrated," I tried fighting her father to let me care for her after her mother died but he wouldn't let me, let the orphanage drag her away before he left for the country side"
"Why'd the orphanage take her when her father was alive?"
Pol grew more and more impatient at her nephews incessant questions "Because he paid them off to do so"
"makes no sense" Tommy turned away leaving his aunt in the hallway.
You remembered the orphanage in all its unforgiving transparency. The harsh words uttered to you by the caregivers still echoed in your head on dark snowy days. You were 13 now. Having lived with Pol for almost 4 years you'd become one of the Shelby's and were treated as such.
The Shelby siblings came around occasionally, and then more frequently until one day they moved in with Polly. Which you soon learned was because Martha Shelby had drowned in the cut.
Tommy was quiet; dealing with her death and the baby she left behind. Arthur would sometimes snap out of anger, Ada would spend her time doing generally anything to occupy her mind and John wasn't home often.
Then they began to recover to a certain extent; they laughed a little more than before. Tommy laughed, a lot. And often it was because of John.
On your 13th birthday Tommy got you flowers- daisies, you learned they were, not knowing what else to get you that he could afford. The rest of the family did their best to make your birthday special with the little money they could afford to spend at their leisure and you cherished every single moment.
Tommy and Ada occasionally spoke of their mother, and never of their father, which you realized was one of the common grounds you had with them- your very strong hatred for your fathers.
You'd been accepted completely as one of them by each of the siblings. Finn seemed like a little brother to you and you'd grown protective of the little boy.
Pol taught you to sew and Arthur would teach you new games, though you felt he was trying to busy his mind in doing so. John took you on walks and Tommy accompanied you to book shops and sat while you read since you couldn't afford to buy a book. He'd grumble a lot of course about how boring you were for reading. Ada was the older sister you never had. The one you talked to about everything.
At 17 you sobbed, chest heaving and hiccups erupting from your mouth, you clung to Tommy last of all, not wanting to let go. You'd refused to let go of John and Arthur- hoping maybe if you held on to them tight enough they wouldn't go.
But Aunt Pol, shedding tears herself, softly asked you to hug Tommy as well and bid them goodbye.
So you did. And Tommy held your shaking body as you cried into his coat and begged him to stay.
"It'll be alright" he had a few tears rolling down his cheeks as well.
You tearfully watched the Shelby boys except Finn board the train bound to take them, to what you were sure, was their ultimate demise.
Ada busied herself with Finn, Pol was trying to make enough money for the four of you and you- you spent your time sobbing, staring at walls, and watching the door, hoping any of the 3 boys would come barging in, telling you the war was over and they were home for good.
But the war wasn't over, no it had been 2 long years, and you heard enough women wailing in the streets, in their homes, in the shops and flower fields, for their husbands, brothers, sons, uncles and fathers who had become casualties, to know better.
Everyone knew that the families of the dead soldiers received letters, informing them their loved ones were 'killed in action'. And you dreaded those 3 words.
2 years turned in to 3 and then 4, and you feared if maybe they were never coming home at all, maybe the letters were on their way to inform you of it.
And then you heard it one day.
Cheers on the streets outside Pol's door. Cheers of the war being over.
And you froze. Your heart, you were sure had stopped. Turning to look at Ada who'd been sitting next to you was looking right back at you, eyes wide.
"D-"Pol threw open the door, making Finn drop Arthur's hat he'd given his baby brother the day he left.
Ada rushed to the door with you following closely
"The war- its bloody over" Pol sobbed, thick tears streaming down her face. Finn immediately rushed into his aunts arms, and Ada hugged you, crying.
You stood there in shock and wrapped your arms around Ada, wondering when the boys would be home.
"Pol" you finally rasped out " do you suppose they'll be back soon then? the 3 of them?"
Polly looked up, Finn still clinging to her "we haven't got a letter like so many, I suppose they should be home soon then" She let out a sob and then "all 3 of them" she smiled.
So you waited. And on your 22nd birthday, you wished yourself a happy birthday in the dark of the house and downed your glass of liquor before blowing out the candle.
But you didn't fall asleep.
It had been 4 months since the war was over, neither of the boys were home and there wasn't a letter either.
Maybe, you swallowed the lump in your throat, maybe there were so many casualties that the boys were just lost among them. Too many bodies to identify maybe, they were just laying somewhere-gone buried under the rest of the hundreds of dead soldiers.
letting out a shaky breath you turned over, covered your ears and willed yourself to sleep.
"We come home from war and she fuckin sleeps"
Shooting up from your cot, you turned around.
You leapt into John's arms sending him stumbling slightly as you latched on to him like you did when they were leaving. And you cried. And cried harder still when you saw Arthur behind John and nearly fell over your own feet in a hurry to hug him.
You were afraid, that you'd wake up and this would all be a dream. John chuckled behind you, you didn't have to see him to know it was forced.
Arthur hugged you tighter as well. John slipped out to where Pol and Ada were, whom he'd already seen.
"Arthur" your voice wavered " Where's Tommy?" you legs felt shaky at the thought of the fact that he probably never returned.
"He's outside, with Pol and Ada" Arthur led you out to where Tom stood, bickering with a sobbing Finn.
Looking up at the sound of your footsteps he asked Finn to give him a minute and hurried over to you.
"Tommy" you whispered hugging him tighter than ever. You'd convinced yourself he was going to tell you he had to go back, so you gripped him tightly.
Pol ushered everyone into the house, wiping her face. She placed down cups for tea and lit a cigarette between her lips.
Finn was now in John's arms and Ada poked his side telling him he was too big to be carried around now.
Sipping on their tea, everyone was sat around the old, wobbly wooden table.
You constantly kept placing your hand on Arthur or Tommy, who were sat on either side of you. They both knew you were trying to assure yourself that they were really there. Sipping his tea, Tommy watched you quietly, as a shell of a man he once was, at the woman you had become.
Tommy's horse trotted next to him quietly. The streets hadn't changed all that much since they'd left, Tommy noted.
Moreover the betting shop was doing well. It cost him a lot of nights and early mornings but he was only grateful for the nights he had something to occupy his mind.
He tucked the flowers in his coat and tightened his grip on the horse's leash.
You didn't see him home often. Occasionally he'd come home for a cup of tea, but otherwise he remained busy at the shop or the Garrison.
You knew the war had changed all 3 men. You knew they'd seen unspeakable things and it made your heart ache that you couldn't do much to help them.
It didn't go unnoticed by you that Tommy had changed the most by far. He didn't laugh- rarely even smiled. Arthur and John tried to use humor to cope where Tommy used silence. He hardly ever spoke to anyone anymore. When he did though, he spoke only of the business he'd indulged in weeks after returning.
He'd grown more observant, careful and on edge. He would watch you converse with Finn from the doorway and then quietly slip away. He came home late most nights, you knew this.
But the boys were trying. There were parts of them that died at the war, that was buried under the dirt and blood in the trenches. And here all the way back at small heath, they were barely surviving with whatever they had left in them.
Still as time went on, the business grew more chaotic and dangerous. Pol had now begun working in the betting shop and Ada would disappear for hours each day and you didn't bother asking where.
You, like Ada, weren't allowed to work with the rest of the Shelby's in the shop, so you occupied yourself at home with the little that you could. You took to teaching Finn and looking after him, occasionally you'd walk to the book shop and wander, until one day the owner offered you a job there. Having consulted Polly, the two of you agreed it would be good for you, so you'd begun spending most of your days working at the book shop.
Though not too many people bought anything you didn't care since it gave you time to read.
Closing the door, you walked past the kitchen table to pour yourself a glass of water. You weren't expecting anyone to be home soon since it was still evening and everyone usually returned towards the night. And Finn was with Pol so you had the house to yourself.
Before you could sit though, you heard the front door open. Looking up you leaned a little to get a better view of the door way "how are you home so early Tommy?"
Slipping his coat off and hanging it, he turned to face you pulling the flowers out of the coat he just hung "came to give you this"
Walking over to where you were seated he handed you the bouquet of flowers.
White Gerbera daisies. The ones you knew grew at the edge of small heath. The same ones he gave you when you turned 13.
You let out a breath and smiled slightly "I'd forgot I was turning 23 today" you chair scraped the hardwood floor when you got up to place the flowers in water.
"How come?" He leaned against the kitchen top, watching you.
"Don't know, Doesn't mean as much as it did when I was younger" Tommy hummed but said nothing " I suppose it was a exciting getting to grow older when I was young, now it's just a another year wasted and gone"
"yeah" you sighed "wasted. I haven't done anything with myself or helped anyone or changed anything. So wasted it is."
He wouldn't tell you. Not yet. Maybe not ever. It wouldn't be appropriate would it? He was almost 9 years older to you. He couldn't tell you.
In the following months he would linger around at home more often. When Ada had Carl and Freddie died, you helped Ada. You were the only one she spoke to every now and then and the only one she would meet with, because you weren't a Shelby by blood. Tommy would ask you how she was doing, and you'd tell him knowing he probably already knew.
You and Tommy spent time together more frequently, after he hired you as his assistant because he no longer felt you were safe working at the book shop, after what had transpired between the peaky blinders and their enemies.
Of course in the process of convincing you Tommy lost the leisure of getting to spend time alone though he didn't mind spending time with you, since you agreed to work with him if he swore to spend time with you more often.
You feared that you'd made your feelings too obvious to him with your 'non-negotiable precondition' but luckily he never caught on.
Polly did however, and rolled her eyes "And I thought you were too smart to fall for him" she said once Tommy had left the house.
Your face grew hot but you feigned ignorance " Don't know what your talking about" mumbling you got up and put your cup away.
"it would do you good next time to be more careful" you were walking home after having worked with Tommy the entire day. But you weren't sure if you were even moving at all leave alone walking.
The ground was rough underneath your sore palm. The dirt and water of the ground seeped into your cut palm as you tried to stable yourself. All you felt was pain. Everywhere. So much pain.
Your left eye was swollen shut, your nose, you think, was bleeding. You weren't sure but you felt something wet dripping down your lip and you assumed it was blood because you didn't have the strength to lift either of your hands to check.
You couldn't breathe, it hurt and you had to take shallow breaths to avoid the pain shooting across your chest. And when you thought it was finally over, your jaw was gripped. Tightly, roughly, straining your wounded lip.
"Tell Tommy it's not over" you couldn't see who it was. Your right eye was blurry and you sure as hell couldn't open your left eye. Your jaw was let go off and your already pounding head thud against the wall.
Letting out a small whimper you let your arm fall from your lap and slouched even further against the wall behind you.
"John, have you seen Y/n?" Tommy had come in sometime back and looked for you wanting to ask you about the letters he'd had you send out that afternoon.
"No, thought she was with you or Pol?" John put down the cigarette to look at this older brother.
Shaking his head, Tommy didn't say a word instead he grabbed his gun off of the table where he placed it only a second ago and slammed the door shut behind him meaning to go to the betting shop to see if you'd gone back for some reason.
You'd left almost an hour before him, Pol was still at the shop with Arthur and he hoped you were there too. He hated the idea of you out this late at night, but you threatened to snip his coats if he persisted on the idea of you being accompanied home.
His heart pounded and his fingers were turning numb from the cold. He hadn't taken his overcoat when he left in a hurry to find you. All he had was the suit coat he had on which didn't help much against the harsh cold and the rain that was beginning to pour.
"Pol?" he called from the door way of the shop not bothering to go in if you weren't there.
"What is it Tommy?" Pol asked, a pile of papers in hand
"Is Y/n here?" His eyes took in the surrounding hastily hoping to spot you.
"She's not here, didn't she leave an hour ago?"
"Yeah, she's not home either- ARTHUR" upon hearing his younger brother practically bellowing his name, Arthur almost choked on his liquor before quickly swallowing and rushing over to Tommy.
"Come with me" Tommy spoke quickly "Pol, send John out to look for her at the cut" Arthur followed Tommy and Pol rushed to close the betting shop.
It shouldn't have taken you more than 15 minutes to cross over two streets and get home, Tommy worried. He was breathing heavy and he walked frantically across the two streets and came into view of there home.
Arthur kept squinting, walking into alleyways to see if you were there, and every time he did, Tommy grew more and more uneasy. If you were spotted in any alleyway it would involve you being hurt in some way, and Tommy could barely cope with just the thought of you slightly bruised he didn't want to think of anything worse than that.
It was only when they were at the last damp and dark alleyway right before their home, that Tommy heard it; a small thud. Barely audible over the pouring rain Tommy heard it loud and clear. There were a couple of people walking past who paid it no attention.
Arthur and Tommy immediately ran over into the alley and Arthur watched his younger brother fall to his knees in front of your body.
Arthur couldn't tell if you were even alive or not. You white shirt was drenched in blood, your eye swollen shut, your arms had cuts all over. Your lip was cut deep and looked swollen and your ear was split from the impact of someone hitting your head on the ground. You weren't moving.
Tommy was kneeling next to you desperately feeling for a pulse, the water and blood off the floor seeped into his pants where he kneeled and he wanted to throw up.
He'd seen a lot, but nothing made him shiver the way the sight of you limp, bleeding, cut up, beaten and bruised against the wall in the dark cold alleyway did.
His hands shaking, Tommy slipped off the coat and wrapped it around your shoulders then took his hat and put it on your damp hair to shield you from the rain.
"Arthur" Tommy shivered " bring the car around- now"
Arthur took off immediately towards the house to get the car parked in front.
"Come on love, please" he whispered slipping one arm around your shoulder and the other under your knees, picking you up he walked towards where Arthur was bringing the car.
It took everything in Tommy to not give in to the quivering in his legs. He carefully sat you in the back of the car and then slipped in beside you himself. And Arthur sped to the hospital the moment the door was shut.
Tommy kept caressing your hair. Arthur watched him do so, his breath shaking as well. He knew his younger brother was doing so because if you weren't going to make it and you were in fact slipping away in his arms as it seemed, then Tommy wanted you to know you weren't alone in the ghastly cold alleyway anymore, and were now in his arms; safe. He wanted you to know you weren't dying alone. He wanted you to know it would be alright.
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K’s Reading List - MAY
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
May was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
🌸 - denotes a story written for my 3K follower celebration — check it out here!
and her name is… - Tommy Shelby x Reader
1924 - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains slight 🔞 NSFW themes!
always been us - Tommy Shelby x Reader
late nights with the shelbys - Tommy Shelby x OC
the root - Tommy Shelby x OC — 🌸
superstitions - Modern!Tommy Shelby x OC
Dangerously In Love - Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — some chapters contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Blind Date - Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader — some chapters contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
I’ll See You Again - Tommy Shelby x OC — 🌸
Only Joys Will Come - Tommy Shelby x Reader (part of a mini series) — 🌸
Not Everything Lost Can Be Found - Tommy Shelby x Reader, Alfie Solomons x Reader — 🌸
Close One - John Shelby x Reader
Clementine - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸 — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
An Unexpected Client - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Empty Spaces - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Stranded with John Shelby - John Shelby blurb
Injuries - Arthur Shelby x Reader blurb
Peonies - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Far across the distance - Alfie Solomons x Reader — Titanic!AU (completed)
Wildflowers - Alfie Solomons x Reader — 🌸
The Power of Words - Alfie Solomons x Reader headcannons
White Tulip - Arthur Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Chelsea’s Gardener - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Come Inside Love - Tommy Shelby x OC — 🌸
Dance With Me - Tommy Shelby x OC
Airdrop Nudes - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Wildflower Girl - Tommy Shelby x wife — 🌸
This Unlikely Heaven - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Shelby Company Ladies - The Peaky Women with a hint of Tommy x Reader
Homemade Dynamite - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
In the Past - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Meeting the Parents - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Good Morning Kiss - Jay Halstead x Reader blurb
what i hate about you - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Irene’s Delights - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Lily - Tommy Shelby x OC — 🌸
The End of the Affair - Luca Changretta x Reader
Afternoon Tea - John Shelby x Reader blurb
Co-workers - John Shelby x Reader blurb
Smoke - Polly Gray x Daughter!Reader
Withered - Arthur Shelby x Reader — 🌸
From Blood We’ll Grow - Arthur Shelby x OC — 🌸
Sweetest of the Sunflowers - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — 🌸
fille de joie - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
You Can’t Change Fate - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Ring Around the Roses - Alfie Solomons x Reader — 🌸
Unveiled Hearts - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Night Terrors - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB's Recommendation List: March
Welcome to March’s recommendation. Down below is the link to February’s part 2 featuring Peaky Blinders, Bucky Barnes, and more. March is a very busy month for me, I’m traveling all over to see specialists, so there may be more stories than usual, or there could be fewer. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, or your stories, or even just your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. I hope you are enjoying the new theme on the blog for March, as St. Patrick’s day holds a special day in my heart. My folks got married on that day in an intimate ceremony and again in July in a bigger ceremony many years ago, before many of your parents got together.
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🌹 Feb. '23 Pt. 2
March '23 Pt. 2 🍀
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A Handsome Stranger >> John Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Me and The Devil >> Alfie Solomons x Reader (Moodboard)
In Death's Realm >> Fortunate Souls Playlist, "Death has feelings, death weeps, death feels anger, death has hopes and dreams, and death has a heart."
Have It All by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Keep Us Safe by @zablfie >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Make A Good Thing Bad >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella (Moodboard)
My Darling Tommy (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader "I do not think such a smile or happiness will be known till we are in each other's arms once more."
Lighthouse Vacation (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
Happy Birthday Buck (Moodboard + Drabble) >> Bucky Barnes x OFC!Sparrow Lake
How About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Polly Gray x Aberama Gold (Moodboard) "Across the vast quantity of multiverses, Polly Gray always fell in with Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold himself fell madly deeply in love with Mrs. Gray."
The Blackbird and The Lionheart (Playlist) >> Polly Gray x Aberama Gold
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Being Finn's Twin Sister by @mindful-of-ideas >> I loved seeing more Finn Shelby on my dashboard.
Fireflies by @acewritesfics >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Extended version of her Moodboard and Blurb. | Did I cry? Yes. Would I read it again? Yes, times a million. It's such a beautiful story, yet so sad.
A Handsome Stranger by @zablife >> Vampire!John Shelby x Reader - Summary: You meet a handsome man one night in a club who makes you feel a powerful desire for him. The events of the evening grow increasingly strange and difficult to comprehend. | I did not see that end coming at all, but then again, with all of Lee's writing, she always takes me by surprise with her endings! I hope to see more vampire!Shelby family.
Pizza and Champagne. by @peakyscillian >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: A peek into your and Tommy's life. | So good, and I would love to have a night like this with Modern!Tommy.
Three's A Party by @peakyscillian >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Ginger!Lady - Summary: You and Tommy have a threesome with a frequent female patron from The Garrison. Tommy thinks he just might be in Heaven. | This is so very hot. Please enjoy it.
Keep Us Safe by @zablife >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Family history repeats itself when your daughter is taken by parish authorities. This time Tommy won't let them get away with it. | This story will make your eyes water and your heartache, but you will see a father's true desperation to do whatever it takes to make his family whole. Lee, you did such an outstanding job with this story.
What About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy has been hard at work with your children Charlie and Ruby, planning something extra special for you. | This is very beautiful, and I absolutely adore it. Tommy puts so much effort into doing something for his significant and evolving his children. Be still my heart.
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Request: Ties and Baton by @dameronscopilot >> Steven Grant x f!reader - Summary/Request: Okay, but now that you’ve mentioned it, Steven using his tie and batons on the reader. | I read the warnings, I promise I did, but I still did not expect it to be as hot as it was.
Favorite Kind of Trouble by @amhrosina >> Frank Castle x Reader x Matt Murdock - Summary: Frank and you get up to no good at a gala event, and Matt’s enhanced senses can’t help but focus on the pretty sounds you’re making from across the room. | Be prepared to read something that has just the right amount of spiciness to it.
Present by @crazyunsexycool >> Alpha!Stucky x Reader - Summary: Reader has never presented as a beta, alpha, or omega, but she still managed to find the loves of her life. If she isn't presented, then why is she in the middle of a mission, cramping and hunched over, craving her two loves so badly? | If you are looking for some spicy Stucky x Reader, look no further. This will have you covered.
Push & Pull by @milkymoon2483 >> Frank Castle X Plus Size Jewish OC Hannah Friedman - Summary: You’re going back to your small town for your father’s funeral and Shiva. You know you’re about to face family drama, but what worries you the most is that you’re going to see HIM, your dad’s long-time friend and probably the most attractive man you have ever met. When Frank finally sees you and realizes that you’re all grown up, he struggles with accepting his budding feelings for you. | Please do yourself a favor and go and read this, especially if you are on a Frank Castle kick or if you are a sad bunny like me. This story is just perfect. The emotions that are portrayed through the writing are just beautiful.
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Can You See His Silhouette? by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: You get your period and without anything to help you with it, you're mortified. Luckily Joel is there to help. | This is really sweet, leaving me wishing for Joel to take care of me.
Compass by @frenchiereading >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: You receive an unexpected visit that threatens to tip over the fragile balance you’ve been trying to maintain for the sake of your love, your family, and your marriage. Set about a year after the events of the movie. | Grab some tissues for this one, folk, because let me just say, you'll need them.
Crossroads of His Heart by @jake-g-lockley >> Frankie Morales x reader - Summary/Prompt: “would you acknowledge my feelings for you if i kissed you right now? you can’t seem to take a damn hint, [name]”, Glancing at you but immediately looking away when you catch them, Almost kissing, but someone walks in. | Can you tell I'm on a Triple Frontier kick, and I'm getting my fix? This was so adorable, especially the cotton candy scene.
Lush by @javierpinme >> Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!Reader - Summary: You buy a sex toy and accidentally send a request to your hot neighbor to join in. | Is this really hot? Yes. Did I need to splash cold water on myself after reading? Very much so.
Stay by @dameronscopilot >> Kacey Dutton x Reader - Summary: When a downtrodden Kayce arrives on your doorstep at nearly midnight on New Year’s Eve and shares unexpected news, reigning in the feelings you’ve harbored for him for years becomes exceedingly difficult. | I'm a big fan of Yellowstone, and Kacey is my favorite character, so I freaked out when I saw this. It's something I didn't know I needed and I want more of in my life. Please go read if you are a fan of Lukas Grimes or Yellowstone!
Worth the Risk by @melodygatesauthor >> Santiago "Pope" Garcia X f!Reader - Summary: You're visiting your hometown on college break, and you are staying overnight at your best friend's house. You never realized how attractive her dad was until that night. You wonder if he feels the same. | An Oscar Isaac character *chefs kiss* and some spiciness, just what everyone needs.
The Wow Factor by @movievillainess721 >> Frankie Morales x Plus Size!Female!Reader - Summary: You now owe Santi a favor. | Can something be adorable and hot at the same time? Well, this was.
*Grays Part 1 & Part 2 by @fuckyeahdindjarin >> Frankie Morales x Hairstylist!Reader - Summary: Frankie wants you to cover up his grays. You want to knock some sense into his salt-and-pepper head. | I only give you the summary of part 1, but trust me, you will want to read both parts. Part two is spicy, but part one is the teasing, and I just love this so much.
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Arthur + Wedding by @acewritesfics >> Arthur Shelby x Reader | Arthur and Reader sneaking off just warms my heart. I need more Arthur in my life now.
Men (Modern AU) by @dreamlandcreations >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Alfie Solomons - Blurb | TOMMY'S WHAT?!? Alex does a wonderful job making your jaw drop. Beautiful moodboard.
Your Eyes by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby - Poem | Such a beautiful poem and moodboard, Selene.
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@acewritesfics - Ace was one of the very first Peaky Blinder writers I followed on Tumblr when I returned, and I'm so glad I did. I don't just follow her peaky content. I follow because Ace is so kind in her feedback on other people's content and just encouraging. She is definitely someone you want on your dashboard.
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dreamlandcreations · 11 months
Chapter 1 - Lost in Time
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King!Alfie Solomons x archaeologist!Reader
Summary: You are stuck in the past after you interfered with the events of history and missed your window to return home…
Warnings: injury, tension of all kinds, a tiny bit of reader description (of having long hair) and more of an implied description by supposed relation (you'll get what I mean or see the tags for spoilers), a long Tommy-Alfie interaction (yes, that's a warning), tenses might be messed up
Series masterlist • Next chapter
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Oddly, the first thing you are aware of isn't the pain but the presence of someone else in the room with you. It is as if he can sense you waking up, his own eyes open from the light sleep he was lulled into as your own flatter open and widen in fright at the sight of him.
You gasp in pain as you try to sit up to put some distance between you, as if you could run away from this colossal screwup and pretend it never happened. You do not get far though, he reaches for you and helps you sit up.
"Careful, little dove," the king murmurs. His hands still under your bent knees and behind your back where he supported you to be able to move without tearing at the stitched-up wound.
It is as if time stopped, you are both frozen, just gazing at each other with fascination and disbelief.
He moves first, and with a featherlight caress, he brushes along your cheek with the back of his hand and it reminds you how he was holding you in his arms after you've been stabbed. Your thoughts only wander away for a second or two, then his palm envelops your nape and he leans closer, slowly, giving you time to pull away.
Your breathing gets erratic just as your heartbeat, which you can hear drumming in your ears. His lips barely brush against yours but the touch sets you on fire and it seems he feels the same way because you both move to pull the other closer.
He deepens the kiss, tangling his fingers into your period-typically long hair as you grab onto his shirt to keep him close. It's desperate and wild and you quickly get lightheaded so you have to pull away but you can tell he would chase after you if it wasn't for the doors bursting open with a shattering thud against the wall.
Two loud men enter the room, talking at the same time.
"I'm sorry, my lord. He wouldn't listen..."
"What in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
You flinch at the sudden yell of "Shut up!" coming from the king beside you, who still hasn't moved away. He sighs heavily and with a last longing glance at you, he turns to the intruders.
"Ollie," he addresses the younger man, "be a good boy and leave us." It looked like the boy wanted to argue, but he quickly shut his mouth in response to the stern look he received from the king.
"Oh, and tell the doctor she is awake." The king yells over at him as an afterthought.
Ollie exits in a hurry, shutting the door behind him, leaving you alone with King Solomons and the man you recognized as the recently crowned Thomas Shelby from the neighbouring kingdom.
"Tommy!" the king grumbles his name as a warning and a question.
"I came here to see how my cousin feels," he nods in your direction, "and to give her this."
Your eyes widen at the sight of your watch and Tommy doesn't hesitate to approach you after you silently asked for it by reaching out with both hands. You grab it as soon as it's close enough but he doesn't let it go, forcing you to look up at him and meet his gaze as he nods meaningfully, trying to let you know that he is well aware of what the object is and who or more likely what are you. When he gets a subtle nod as a reply, he lets it go.
While your thoughts run wild, you examine the watch and try to figure out how to avoid causing more damage. But the two kings start to argue over you.
"Your cousin?"
"Yes, Lady Gray is Polly's daughter." Came the calm answer to the accusative question.
"Polly's daughter? The one who died years ago after she and little Michael were kidnapped to be raised by the enemy so they can use them against you. That daughter?" King Solomons asked, with every word dripping a ridiculous amount of mocking scepticism.
"Yes, Alfie, that is exactly what I'm saying." He crosses his arms over his chest with a disapproving expression as he goes on. "Now, if you could behave like a proper royal and put some distance between you and the lady, that would be much appreciated."
Alfie huffs but doesn't argue with the request and moves to sit back in the chair beside your bed while Tommy takes a seat on the edge of the bed, putting himself between the two of you.
The following conversation between them is like watching an intense game play out, with all the quick back-and-forth of questions and answers as Alfie tries to catch Tommy with a lie.
"I precisely remember you telling me that she was dead. Would you care to explain this miraculous resurrection?"
"I thought she was dead. We only found her recently. And I did not want to subject her to the court, yours or mine, until she had a chance to settle down into the new circumstances."
"In that case, what was she doing here, on a ball among so many people?"
"She wanted to come with me. It was a masquerade ball, she could have remained unnoticed through the whole night..." For the first time, Tommy hesitates and you think he might have difficulty coming up with the rest of the answer but you realise it was very much deliberate as he continues. "I don't know what happened."
But you don't have time to fully calm down because his convincing performance put the attention directly back on you.
"Well, why don't we ask our little lady?" Alfie inquires as he turns to you, still not convinced but asking with the ulterior motive of finally hearing you speak.
They both look at you expectantly and for a moment you can't find your voice.
"I didn't mean to cause any trouble." The little panic in your tone is absolutely real, as you fear you might screw this up even more.
Alfie takes your hand in his, assuring you with a soothing tone that "It's alright, dove. You are not in trouble. Just tell us."
And you are pretty sure he means to tell him the truth about everything but you decide to go with your instinct and play the innocent girl card while actually trying not to lie. You had a feeling you couldn't deceive him, even if you wanted to.
You look at Tommy as you start. "I know I should have kept my distance but I just couldn't help it. After all the stories I've heard, I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me."
Alfie immediately asks "What stories?" but you just shrug, pretending to be shy and look away, hoping he would let that go and he does.
"And the man with the blade?" He interrogates you further, with his playful demeanour gone but you know his well-hidden anger is not directed at you.
"He was acting strangely," you say with a frown as you try to remember exactly what happened. "He bumped into me but didn't stop or even look my way. His attention was entirely aimed at you, in a very unsettling way and... I don't know... I didn't even realise what I was doing until I felt the pain and..." you are breathing hard as you relive the incident and you don't know what else to say so you look at Tommy but it seems he has nothing else to add.
Alfie just nods and you think that was it but he finds another hole in the story Tommy started.
"A man called after you from the crowd but he disappeared since then."
Thankfully Tommy replies for you. "He was there to protect her and when he failed, he came to find me. It just took time to get through your people."
'"Really?" Alfie's tone indicated doubt, in that mocking way of his that you were starting to get used to. "And why was he calling her another name? Isn't she supposed to be Anna?"
You can't help but smile at that. He was clever, not saying the name, your real name, and expecting Tommy to fail this test but you intervene, quickly turning back their gaze to you from their stare-down, saying your name like you are asking Alfie to confirm what he heard. He silently nods with narrowed eyes but his harsh look quickly melts as you smile at him and simply state, "It's my middle name, I prefer it now."
Tommy sighs, feigning annoyance at what you suspect to be relief, acting like he had had enough of the game and asks, "Are you done with the interrogation?"
"For now," Alfie concludes just as the doctor arrives.
You are examined again, thankfully in private but by the time he is done all your energy leaves you and you are fighting to stay awake. With the doctor done and reporting to the two kings, you had a minute to think.
You need to find out what Tommy knew and you even ask for him but he sees how exhausted you are so he assures you that there will be time to talk later.
"Rest," he commands as he squeezes your hand in reassurance, "I will be here in the morning, I promise."
With that, you close your eyes and sink into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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onyondump · 4 months
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