#poly!lockwood & co
maarigolds · 2 years
One of the reasons why I think that Lucy, Lockwood and George work so well as a trio is that they very much complete each other, making up for each other's weaknesses.
Like, Lockwood and George are a bit too aloof but Lucy is very emotionally mature. Lucy and George are a bit too flaky but Lockwood is a strong leader. Lockwood and Lucy are a bit too impulsive but George is levelheaded.
They're all very flawed and damaged kids but they raise each other up at every turn, effectively helping the others better themselves.
You know, they just work. They make sense. It's beautiful.
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cyberkombucha · 2 years
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in which anthony lockwood knows how to dance
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Only The Strong Survive
Lockwood & Co. Big Bang 2023/24 Fic
If you were under eighteen, you were old enough to have known some of the worst horrors the earth could provide, but you still couldn’t get served in a damn Wetherspoons. When the Problem started, people barely took it seriously — mostly because the older generations didn’t believe in it. When a majority of them fell victims to Ghost-Touch, they started to realise just how in danger they really were. Safe havens cropped up all over Britain, and many people tried to leave the country. It paid to be selfish in a world like this, and few could be trusted.
The ones with Talent had the best chance at survival. The ones that weren’t so afraid they locked themselves inside their houses the moment the sun began to creep down towards the horizon. The ones who could make a living by finding Sources and trading them for supplies that just weren’t common anymore.
Individually, no one ever really lasted very long after dark. So it was a good job they stumbled across each other when they did.
Or: AU in which the Problem started later and grew out of control more quickly. Merges apocalypse tropes with the Problem universe we already know.
(link in reblog)
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thethinkingcloth · 2 years
the most important room (love is stored in the kitchen)
L&Co Appreciation Week, Day 4: Favorite ship
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"Perhaps the World Ends Here" by Joy Harjo // @/jacebeleren // @/july-19th-club // "Writing Prompts for the Broken-Hearted" by Eden Robinson // The Thinking Cloth (Lockwood & Co) // Lockwood & Co (2023-)
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fromjannah · 2 years
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lucy/lockwood/george btw. in that order left to right. the most lockwood and co picture of all time. like ever. this is literally the annabel possession scene. if you even care
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yua-o · 2 years
george: we need to get through this locked door. lockwood, give me your credit card.
lockwood: Here.
george, pocketing it: Thanks. lucy, kick down the door.
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aberfaeth · 2 years
i call this one anthony lockwood’s terminal heart eyes syndrome
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tiredofthehumanlife · 19 days
I've been macking on our neighbor. Lemme watch?
Barbie dolls: Locklyle x gn reader
Summary: Lockwood and Lucy both think their neighbor (🫵) is hot and hilarity ensues
Warning: poly ppl, um you and Lucy have sleepovers and kiss, a few sex jokes but like what'd you expect it's me, Lockwood is a bit of a horny perv, he doesn't really do anything he's just got a rabid vibe about him, you wear a sweater, it's insinuated that Locklyle is bi4bi but idk, George doesn't make an appearance, Lockwood is a nerd and can't flirt with ppl
Lockwood hated to say it, but his neighbor was hot. Every day as he went out to get the mail, you were leaving your front yard to walk to what he assumed was work. He would stare. He didn’t take pride in it but his favorite part of the morning was ogiling you. Lockwood pretended not to, pointing his head towards the mail in his hands but staring at you from the corner of his eye. 
Even worse he loved to talk to you. You had said hello once and that sparked Lockwood telling you good morning every day. You smiled and replied before stalking off down the sidewalk. Eventually, Lockwood would go back inside with a grin brighter than the sun, lighting up the kitchen. 
Lockwood wasn’t the only one. Lucy saw you every time she went out to water the front garden. She caught you as you were coming home from work. Even tired you were hot. Once she complimented you on your hair and you smiled so wide Lucy thought she might faint. You complimented her in return but she didn’t hear it the blood pounding in her ears was too loud. 
Then you started talking over the fence when you came home. You told her about your work and Lucy told you about hers. Eventually, she got further than Lockwood. She even reached your bedroom for a ‘friend's sleepover’. Granted she wished with all her heart it wasn’t friendly but you had to start somewhere. Lucy left before you had to get ready for work and by the time you were walking out the door, Lockwood was ready to greet you by the mailbox. 
He was next to travel into the friend zone, even getting invited to lunch with you. Not much happened during the lunch, his hand brushed yours when he handed you the salt but that was about it. You just thought that house, and company, was packed full of friendly people. 
After the third or fourth sleepover, Lucy kissed you. You were both having downtime after socializing for hours with each other. You pulled out a book and Lucy started a game of solitaire on the floor. You were lying on the bed while Lucy’s back was pressed to the side of it. Your hand traveled to her hair when the book wasn’t enough stimuli. You twirled a piece of hair around your finger as she worked on her game. It irked Lucy.
It made her want to live on the floor next to your bed forever. She didn’t want to lean because it might make you move your hand. She didn’t even want to breathe wrong. Obviously, Lucy didn’t want to overstep her neighborly boundaries with you but she didn’t want to wait forever for one of you to finish prancing around the bush. She stood up, your eyes following her in surprise. She tipped your head up with her hand and ducked her head down, meeting your lips. You didn’t waste time, flinging your book away so you could pull her up onto the bed with you. You didn’t make it much further than that, but it was a perfect step in the right direction. 
You and Lucy started flirting over the fence instead and often said good night to her with a kiss. Yet, Lucy still had simmering feelings for Lockwood. And Lockwood still hadn’t figured out how to say much of anything to you. You however were conflicted because how do you tell your hot neighbor you were already macking on your other hot neighbor? 
Lockwood, as lovely as he was, was a hot mess. He knew he liked Lucy, he was pretty sure he liked you, but something strange was happening under his roof. Lucy was acting weird, giggly, and offering to go get the mail. Which she did not get the privilege of doing.
You greeted Lockwood all the same and he decided he did like you. Now what to do with this information he wasn’t sure. How does one go about liking two separate people at the same time? 
They caught a case. It was going to pay well too so Lockwood was quite excited to get started. They were waiting for a Taxi. Once it showed up they would pile all their bags into it and head off for their case. Lockwood was anxiously sitting next to the window, waiting and waiting. Then he saw it, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen a more beautiful thing. And then Lucy joined him by the window. She peaked out, pulling the curtain back a smidge. She was currently snacking on a protein bar. She raised a brow at Lockwood and took another bite of her bar. 
“What?” She asked, her voice muffled. Lockwood shrugged, still staring at the mid-afternoon sun catching in her hair. Lockwood shook his head, finally feeling his lungs greet air again. 
“Nothing. You’re just…” Lockwood trailed off, feeling like he shouldn’t voice his feelings if he knew he couldn’t even like one person at a time. Lucy reeled back, furrowing her eyebrows. 
“I’m what?” She asked, obvious hurt lacing her voice. Lockwood quickly leaned forward, realizing his mistake. He shook his arms around, trying to clear the air of her self-doubt as fast as he could. 
“No, no. No. no. No. I was going to say you look pretty but I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just paused at the wrong time. I’m sorry.” Lockwood said, standing straight again. Lucy slowed her bite. She looked Lockwood up and down before nodding. 
“Thank you. You’re um- not horrific to look at.” Lucy said before pulling her heavy bag off the floor and heading towards the door. She poked her head out the door. Lockwood followed after her, stepping out onto the doorstep. They ought to check that it is their Taxi before calling for George, he’d pitch a fit if it wasn’t. They both watched as the Taxi drove right past their door and stopped at the one next to them.
You stepped out onto the stoop, turning around to lock your door behind you. You glanced up at them and waved. Lockwood recognized the sweater you were wearing as the one he saw Lucy wearing last week. He remembers specifically because the way Lucy looked in it made him want to sink his teeth into something and shake his head back and forth. His lips fell apart, glancing at Lucy with a confused look. 
“Isn’t that your sweater?” Lockwood whispered. Lucy hummed. 
“Yeah, we’re-um… Friends.” Lucy said. Her tone made Lockwood raise a brow. You waved your arm harder trying to get their attention. Lockwood was really hating himself at the moment. He liked two people who were apparently already close enough friends to share clothes and Lucy made it sound like you could be more to her. Now he was really up a creek without a paddle. He was flirting and yearning for two people already together. Lockwood and Lucy raised their hands, waving back at you. 
“Hey, beautiful!” You yelled across the distance. Lucy sighed and Lockwood lost his breath. 
“Hi.” Lucy and Lockwood spoke together. You paused your hand and smiled falling. Lucy slowly turned her head back looking at Lockwood. He clenched his jaw and shook his. 
“Thought they said-“ 
“What? Lockwood?” Lucy asked sarcastically. Lockwood nodded, letting out a huff through his nose. Lucy hummed and faced you again. 
“I mean, you’re handsome too. I was just referring to Lucy in that moment.” You said voice raised. Lockwood nodded, wanting to curl up in a ball and sob. 
“Are you fucking getting in or what?” A new voice yelled. All three heads turned to the taxi. The driver was sticking his head out the window and staring at you. You quickly made your way across your yard and sunk into the backseat. 
By the time the case was over Lucy and Lockwood were sitting in the Library together. It had been silent up until that moment but once again Lucy couldn’t stand it. 
“You too huh?” Lockwood looked up from his book and furrowed his eyebrows. “The neighbor,” Lucy added. Lockwood pressed his lips together and stared down at his book though now it was obvious he wasn’t reading anymore. 
“Yeah. Me too.” They both let out a dreamy sigh at the memory of you. 
“Yeah. Rough isn’t it?” Lucy asked, staring ahead at the fire. Lockwood snorted. 
“I didn’t know you two were like a thing, I wouldn’t have said anything to either of you if I had known,” Lockwood said, still keeping his eyes on the book. Lucy hummed, tossing a tiny paper ball into the flames. 
“Well, I don’t know if we’re really a thing. Not to mention I think we’re all a little messy right now.” Lucy said, readjusting her sitting position. Lockwood looked up, pressing his eyebrows together and shaking his head. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” Lucy sighed. 
“It’s just like, You like me and our neighbor. I like you and our neighbor. They like you and they definitely like me. I just don’t entirely know what we’re supposed to do in this situation.” Lucy said, sighing again. This time Lockwood could see her shoulders sinking with the weight of her confusion. 
“You know I like you? And the neighbor?” Lockwood asked quietly, feeling incredibly predictable. Lucy lifted her head, raising an eyebrow at Lockwood. 
“Yeah, dude. You know you’re not exactly secretive, right? You get all giggly and blushy anytime I breathe near you. Not to mention I mean you’re basically shining every time you come in from the mail. I just put two and two together.” Lucy said, looking at the nearest book and deciding it was definitely more up George’s alley. 
“Before you ask, I know they like me because they kissed me back. I know they like you because I’ve seen you two interact and they got all flirty with you so I once again put two and two together.” Lucy said, dropping her head back. 
“You kissed?” Lucy hummed. “Was it hot?” Lockwood asked, feeling like his eye might twitch. Lucy made a low sound that came from behind her ribs. It gave Lockwood the eerie feeling that she should’ve gone into horror movies, she would make a great antagonist with that sound. 
“yes!” She said, shaking her hands in the air. Lockwood snorted and smiled down at his book. 
A few days later all three of you were standing in your front yard. You had a long conversation on the status of your relationship and by the end of it you decided the best way to solve this problem was for all three of you to date. Lucy wondered why she hadn’t thought of that and Lockwood wondered why his plants in the front yard looked so healthy.
As Lockwood and Lucy were heading back inside, You stopped them. You ran all the way around to their gate and stomped up their steps. You latched onto Lockwood’s tie and pulled him into a kiss.
Lockwood felt the ground dip underneath him as he realized all he wanted to do for the rest of his life was kiss you. Your hand found the back of his head and with your fingers twirling at the hair there Lockwood wanted to faint into your arms so you’d hold him forever. You eventually pulled back and headed for your own home, slipping past your front door before Lockwood’s brain could catch up. Lockwood felt a clattering sound scratch its way out of his chest and slip past the barrier of his teeth. Lucy nodded and patted his shoulder in sympathy. 
“I know, baby. I know. Let’s get you some hot tea, hm?” Lucy said, pulling Lockwood inside the house. As it turns out getting the mail and watering the plants can easily be a two-person job if your neighbor is hot enough. 
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shouts-into-the-void · 2 months
Rewatching Lockwood & Co. and Netflix really tried to convince us the canon ship was another straight couple and then made them both go absolutely insane when George got mesmerized by the Bone Glass like I wasn't going to immediately ship Poly Co.
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having big george/lucy (as part of cot3) feelings today.
lockwood gives them some money for dinner. “do you like… italian?”, lucy hesitantly responds “if you mean pizza?” and before she’s even done george, very relieved, goes “that’s exactly what i mean and i know a really good place.” and of course the whole rest of that conversation, the way they shift closer to each other as they keep talking and start to connect with each other better.
that whole thing lucy had with lockwood? “you never said” “you never asked”? this conversation between her and george at “the best italian restaurant [she’s] ever been to” is just them asking and saying. they want to learn about each other.
and then when lockwood is fighting off the mysterious invader of their home, and lucy goes off to look for george, when she finds his glasses in the floor she picks them up to bring to him. she hears him yelling from the basement and runs that few extra steps just to grab him his glasses. and then of course the smug “glad you didn’t get me fired?” and panicked, extremely muffled “please untie me!!!”
the way he stole the skull from fittes, and swiped the goggles from the crime scene and combe carey hall, and the way lucy took annabel’s ring.
and then she offers to take the goggles down the storage for him. and of course this is when she gets her fourth grade from lockwood, and george is all smiley and excited for her.
when lucy goes to put her paper’s in the basement, right before she passes out from the skull talking to her for the first time, george and lockwood and talking about her and george says “someone has to look after her. she’s good and… i think she’s finally starting to get me” all smiley again. and she is! she is starting to get him!
jumping ahead a lot, because i really could go through every single episode like this,
when lucy is trying to escape bickerstaff’s secret basement, she calls for george first, not lockwood.
when she gets out and they all escape the house and catch their breath and she tells them she did find stuff down there, he says “you’re incredible” with the biggest smile.
and of course would it really be a georcy post without “you’re not an oddball, or a weirdo, or whatever it you think you are. you’re the best of us.”
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Lockwood and Co Big Bang 2023!
We're excited to announce the first post-show Lockwood and Co Big Bang event!
A Big Bang teams up authors and artists to create new content for the fandom, and cheerleaders to help them along the way! Artists will create accompanying art for each fic, authors will write a fic of 5k words minimum (there are stages to this, more info to follow!) and cheerleaders will beta read and provide encouragement. We will also be accepting signups for reserve agents, who will be able to step in at the last minute should something happen and a team be left incomplete.
Signups will start on the 20th June and end on the 7th July, and we're looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
The link for signups can be found here (but the form won't be open before the 20th), and if you want more information about the event our rules and schedule will be posted asap, and asks are open if you have any immediate questions!!
The posting date for all the works is pencilled in to start on the one year anniversary of the show, 27th January, 2024.
We're so excited to finally be able to share this announcement with you. Feel free to reblog it to spread the word!
Signed, L&Co Big Bang 2023 mods :))
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maarigolds · 2 years
Lucy, Lockwood and George, after everything.
(show edition. I'm not going by book canon for this one, so don't worry about spoilers)
At 21 or 22, Lockwood is the first of them that starts to lose his talent.
Which makes sense, since he's the oldest. At the beginning he refuses to even acknowledge it, but Lucy and George figure out what's happening soon enough. For a while he's just ashamed and angry and sad all the time. Then it gets better: Lucy and George get him trough it. He also calls Kipps, and they talk for hours, both coming out of it feeling almost at peace (Kipps has gone back to school and is talking about wanting to become a teacher. Which Lockwood feels like should surprise him, but actually doesn't). 
Lucy is next. It breaks her heart a little (because of skull and all other type 3s) and it scares her a lot. But then she realizes how soothingly quiet the world can be at times, and lets herself think that maybe she will be alright. 
George is last. And the thing is, even though it saddens him to lose the one thing that connected him to ghosts, mainly he's relieved. He's been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while, and now that it has, he's ready for whatever may come next.
The jobs get more and more rare as they hear, see and feel less and less. Lockwood knows he could hire new kids to replace them, but in truth he doesn't really want to. Perhaps Lockwood & Co. can be laid to rest at last: after all, they've already achieved more than he ever dreamt. So the next time a client calls, he informs her they've shut down and gives her the name of an up-and-coming independent agency he's heard great things about. He only feels mildly guilty about it. 
Even if they're technically not his employees anymore, George and Lucy stay. They don’t talk about it, but the idea of moving out of Portland row and living lives that aren't intrinsically intertwined feels wrong to all three of them: they're a family, after all, and nothing has to change about that.
Still, they need to make money somehow. So they muse about going far away from London, opening a bakery, living in a small house by the sea. But in the end they stay, both in the city and line of work they're used to. Because they do belong there, it's undeniable. George, of course, goes into ghost research and becomes a leading voice in the field, discovering new ways to help agents all over the country. No one is surprised, but everyone is proud. Lucy one day shows up at Barnes' office to ask him about becoming an inspector. It's the last thing either would have expected, but when he asks her why, she says it feels like the best place to be to help kids like her. To stop people like Jacobs. So he gives her a job. She's determined to change things from the inside. Barnes thinks that if someone could, it's her. And Lockwood... well, it takes a while for him to figure it out. But one evening Lucy comes home talking about a kid left deeply traumatized by a job gone wrong, and suddenly he knows. The next day he calls the bank to open up a pro bono clinic for agents and ex agents in need of psychological treatment. After less than a week they already have their first client. 
Slowly but steadily, it becomes their new normal. 
Lockwood sets up a study in the room on the stairs and works mainly from there. George, on the other hand, works at a lab in the City: he is the first to leave in the morning, but he always comes home soon enough to cook dinner. Lucy keeps slightly more irregular hours, and sometimes her job keeps her away for longer than she'd like. But then again she occasionally gets to come home to the adorable view of the boys fast asleep in front of the tv, so that's good.
One day Flo brings them a stray cat she found while working: they name him Donut and spoil him way too much.
Lucy starts gardening. George grows a magnificent beard (Lockwood is not jealous of it). The fridge breaks down and they have to buy a new one. Airf's son replaces him at the shop. They put up a hammock in the backyard, and spend their vacations piled into it. Mrs Burke from across the street knits them all hats for Christmas. Lockwood adds new framed articles on the walls and new knick-knacks on the bookshelves. 
He's not sure when, but one day 35 Portland Row stops being the home his parents left behind and becomes his home. Their home: his, and Lucy's, and George's (and Donut's. And Kipps' when he comes over for lunch on Sundays. And Flo's when she swings by using her own keys. And Barnes' when he stays for tea after long work days).
So they keep going as they have, day after day, year after year, slowly growing older. Wounds heal and scars fade. The sun shines through the kitchen windows on summer mornings. The smell of persian food fills the air every evening. Old rapiers get dusty in the umbrella stand. There aren't any ghosts between their walls, both real and metaphorical.
Everything is alright.
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cyberkombucha · 1 year
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a little lockwood & co fantasy au thingy!!! george, lockwood, and other side characters coming soon lol
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lines of a living blueprint
Cot3 Soulmate AU Doodle Mirroring
In a world where anything drawn on your soulmate's skin shows up on your own, fate lends a hand in bringing the trio together and fear plays its part in keeping their feelings a secret.
Or: the cot3 doodle soulmate au that no one asked for.
(link in reblog)
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ms-fade · 2 years
We need you
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Request by @superpositvecloudshipper : lockwood x fem!reader × Lucy where they all have a heated make out session after a hard case that leads to maybe more...
Things this fic includes: They dom the reader, this is a smut for angst. I have never writes for a male x female x reader so I hope this turned out okay.
Warnings: Smut, dom couples, female receiving, the use of good girl. Spelling mistakes
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“Son is bitch.” You whispered to yourself as you stretched out your body. Everything hurt and was cramping. There were a few times where cases go as bad as this one, and you came home wanting to sink in a whole and never come out. It wasn’t like you couldn’t handle yourself but on top of everything it somehow ended up with your team saving you.
You shook your head trying not to think about it anymore and you changed into your pjs. Tonight you picked shorts with hearts and a shirt that was soft a thin. It was really comfortable and you needed anything you could get. Looking at yourself in the mirror and brushed your hair, you looked like a wreak.
“Baby, you dressed?” You hear your girlfriend call from down the few steps of your shared room. You and Lucy used to share the room together, then the both of you and Anthony started dating so you changed rooms almost every night.
“Yeah, come in.” Your voice soft and quiet. You were drained and they could hear it in your voice. You saw Lucy walk up and Anthony following behind her. Feeling guilty, you looked away from their faces and looked at yourself. “Do you need anything?” You asked.
You saw them move closer and then right behind you, lucy placed her head onto of yours and threw her hands around your shoulders. You look up at her through the mirror and saw almost a pout, her face so soft and sweet. “We are just checking up on you, you didn’t say much on the ride home. And after.”
You sighed and looked down, the brush in your hand stopped and was placed on the dresses in front of you. “I just- I’m fine.” Pushing down any emotion that almost came out and tried to cover it. They saw right through you.
“I don’t think so.” You felt your chin being moved and your head turned to the side and that’s when your eyes met Anthonys. “We know you better, darling. Tell us what’s wrong.” His voice held so much care.
“I feel guilty, okay? I almost blew the case and then you had to save me- It just seems like I keep getting more useless.” Tearing up, and your voice cracked. You feel embarrassed and ashamed but it was true. In the passed few months you had put the team at risk.
“Don’t you dare think that.” Lucy spoke and put her head in your shoulder and her hands moved down to your waist. “You have saved us more times then we can count, you’re not useless. You are our beautiful girlfriend with such a soft soul, and a smart brain.” You chuckled as she kissed your head repeatedly.
“There’s that smile.” Anthony spoke with a smile. “That beautiful smile.” His hand reacted up to your cheek and rubbed the skin with his thump. His eyes looked down at you and you felt a slight tension when he flicked down to your lips. “We need you so much, let us show you how much.”
He leaned down and kissed your lips and you felt him sigh against your lips. While he moved along with your lips you felt lucy trail kisses on your neck. The arms she had around you tightened and you felt her body temperature get warmer. You moaned into his mouth when she sucked on the perfect spot.
“You okay with this?” Pulling himself back to make sure you were okay, they needed your permission. “Yes.” You grabbed his hand and nodded your head. Heat rises up in your cheeks and go slightly shy as they focused themselves on you.
The lead you back to the bed, it was Lucys because hers was the bigger one but it was also so soft. You looked at lucy and kissed her while you both sat down and lockwood ran his hands up your body. “I love you.” Lucy whisper against your lips and it made you smile. You whisper back to her, your hands going to her waist and down to the button on her jeans.
She grabbed your hands and pulled them away. “This is about you.” You blushed and huffed. “You need pleasure to.” Trying to make a point but your face was grabbed again as lockwood pulled you to him. “This is about you, now don’t get a attitude.” You swollen under his gaze. He only uses that voice when you got punished or he needed to make a point.
“Okay, I understand.” You accepted your fate. Lucy pushed you back onto the mattress and brushed the hair from your forehead, “Good girl.” You felt butterflies in your stomach from the nickname. This night was about you and for them to praise you, show you how much they loved you.
Lucy looked and lockwood and the seems to be thinking the same thing. Who was going to get where? Lucy smiled and pecked his lips, “You better make her feel good.” She smiled and teased him. Lockwood rolled his eyes playfully and moves down to the end of the bed and strokes his hand up your legs.
“Lets get that shirt off you.” Lucy tugged at your shirt and you followed to lift up your arms to get off the thin shirt. The slightly cold air hit your chest and you felt a little cold. Your nibbles already hard and pointed up. “So pretty.” She cupped your breast in her hands and gave them a few squeezes before running her fingers over the nibbles.
You closed your eyes as let out a quiet moan of pleasure. Lockwood smirked and decided it was his moment and pulled your shorts down to your ankles. You gasped and looked down at him and found him with that smirk. “She was having too much fun.” Of course.
He took the shorts off completely and you lifted your hips for him to get the last layer off and then you were completely nude. You finally realize that it was only you who was nude under their eyes and it got you embarrassed. But before you could close your legs Anthony’s hands stop them and his grip is was hard. “To perfect to try and hide.” You looked up Lucy and she agreed with him.
Five minutes later they had you a complete mess you didn’t care about being nude. You just wanted more.
“Fuck.” You whined and moved your hips. His fingers entered in and out at a fast pace. It was so good. While he tended to your pussy, lucy was laying beside you and rubbing your chest and giving your neck kisses.
“Look at her, Anthony. She’s such a mess.” Lucy teased as she wiped the tears off your cheek. The boy looked up with a smirk, “You should see her down here, she’s leaking so much.” You pouted a bit and huffed, they loved to make you embarrassed. Lucy kisses up your neck and then to your cheek, “Such a good girl for us. So pretty and perfect when you cry.” You looked up at her with almost puppy eyes, according to her.
She wanted to coo at you, “You wanna cum? Then why don’t you cum on his fingers for us.” You couldn’t decline because you were so close to cumming.
“Come on my fingers.” He breathy demanded as he picked up his speed. You cried out and closed your eyes and arched your back at him hitting the right spot repeatedly. Lucy watched your face crunch up and how you looked so cute when you got just the smallest stimulated.
She was wet herself and wanted nothing more then have you eat her out. How could you be so cute a sexy at the same time? And the way Anthony fucked you with his fingers got her excited for his cock as well.
Your hands reached onto Lucy’s waist to cling onto her for support as you felt your body about to come undone. They both watched you twitch and the squeal that came from your mouth as your pussy clinched around his fingers.
“That’a girl.” Anthony praised you as he pulled out his fingers and they were coved in your cum. You catch your breath and took a moment to gain yourself back. Opening your eyes you watched Lucy move to lockwood and lick his fingers clean.
Lockwood looked down at her with desire because it was sexy to watch. She was sucking on his fingers just to taste you. “We both need you my, darling.” He looked back at you. Lucy looked at you and finished with his fingers.
“So delicious.”
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
you should never know how easy you are to need
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hello and welcome to the silly little collage shuffle I made for my silly little hanahaki cot3 fic 🫶🏻🫶🏻 they are so special to me !! (fic summary and details below the cut)
you can read the fic here on ao3 !!
cot3 // Lockwood/George/Lucy. 8k. Hanahaki au.
Hanahaki doesn’t create a lot of ghosts. They’re relatively rare, and when they do manifest, they tend to be fairly placid. Technically, they have their own subcategory of Type One, but Lockwood’s never personally seen one on the job.
Hanahaki death glows, though. He’s seen more of those than he can count.
They’ve usually got the shadowed remains of plant matter spread out around them, so the death glows are distinctive. Once, he could see every petal of a wide rose bloom, glowing in neon green right next to the fellow’s fingers. Body long gone, flowers long dead, but the glow was still pressed into the pavement. Lockwood avoids them, as best as he can. Whenever he sees one, it just makes him grimly thankful that neither Lucy or George have as much strength in Sight as he does. That they won’t be able to see his death glow this brightly when his time comes.
It’s bad enough he’ll have to leave them due to something as drawn out as Hanahaki tends to be. Death by heartbreak, and all. Dreadfully boring.
(and yes the screenshotted lines in the collage are lines from my fic. i am helplessly self indulgent)
“I’m sorry,” he manages to say, but Lucy just shakes her head. 
“I don’t want you to be sorry, you stupid boy. I want you to be alive.”
And how is he supposed to tell her that no one has ever asked that of him before?
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