the-scrybe-of-beasts · 3 months
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challengers (2024)
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cidiper · 5 months
Can you make Merlin and Valen kiss
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"A silent kiss"
the first part is here
It's one of the best things you can get from me dlkgjdflkgd
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foxqueen-katarian · 1 year
Might do a proper bracket style poll to actually figure out which is the most popular Caleb ship (Shadowgast) because that seems low stakes and easy enough that the anxiety won’t take over.
The real question is do I include the poly ships (Shadowidomauk, Shadowblume, Threefling, Widoforjester, Widobrenatto, ect) or keep it to the pairs +Blumendrei.
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bonnashejve-space · 1 year
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Today is 37 years from tragedy on Chornobyl nuclear power station. In Ukrainian language the word "chornobyl" (wormwood) means bitter herb, which has also another name "polyn". Chornobyl catastrophe is predicted in Bible, Revelation 8:10,11 "The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.  The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many died from the water because it was made bitter."
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polynpro · 7 months
Boost Your Immunity Deliciously: The Dark Chocolate for Immunity
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Hey there chocolate lovers and health enthusiasts! Are you ready for a delightful surprise? It turns out your favorite indulgence might just be the secret weapon your immune system needs – yep, we're talking about dark chocolate! 🍫
Now, before you start thinking this is too good to be true, let's dive into the delicious details.
First off, let's talk about what makes dark chocolate so special. Unlike its sweeter counterparts, dark chocolate boasts a higher cocoa content. And guess what? Cocoa is packed with antioxidants called flavonoids. These little powerhouses are like the superheroes of the food world, fighting off free radicals and supporting your body's defenses.
But what about immunity, you ask? Well, studies have shown that those flavonoids I mentioned earlier can actually boost your immune system. They help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, two things that can weaken your body's defenses if left unchecked. So, by munching on some dark chocolate, you're giving your immune system a much-needed boost.
But wait, there's more! Dark chocolate also contains zinc, a mineral that plays a crucial role in immune function. Zinc helps your body produce and activate immune cells, so you can fend off those pesky germs like a pro.
Now, I know what you're thinking – how much dark chocolate should I be eating to reap these immune-boosting benefits? Well, the good news is, you don't need to go overboard. Just a square or two a day can do the trick. Of course, moderation is key – we don't want to undo all the good work with a chocolate overdose!
And hey, let's not forget about the other perks of dark chocolate. It's been linked to lower blood pressure, improved heart health, and even better brain function. So really, it's a win-win-win!
But before you run off to raid the chocolate aisle, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Not all dark chocolate is created equal – aim for varieties with a higher cocoa content (around 70% or higher) to maximize those immune-boosting benefits. And try to steer clear of chocolate loaded with added sugars and artificial ingredients – we want the good stuff here!
So there you have it, folks – dark chocolate for immunity. Who knew something so delicious could also be so good for you? So go ahead, treat yourself to a square (or two) of dark chocolate and give your immune system the love it deserves. Your taste buds – and your body – will thank you for it! 🌟
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the-bassist · 2 years
Jason Todd is his own Antigone
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semolinaart · 1 year
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Artemisia (Полынь, Polyn'), partner of Hibiscus and mother of clan Medusa matriarch
Purebred SandWing
Status: dead
Yep, another clan ancestor
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rya-yara · 2 years
So, let me introduce you to my characters. They're job is fighting evil spirits and monsters.
Bezvusyi (Безвусий literaly "mustacheless") an ex-Cossack
Shuvar (Шувар actually it's name of a plant called "acorus" ) - healer from Carpatian mountains
Yaremiya (Яремія) - priest with scars
Galician Witch (Галицька Відьма) - a scientist
Polyn' (Полинь yep, another character named after a plant "artemisia") - non-binary person, qualified specialist of killing evil spirits
sly Sava (підлий Сава) - the merchant
Drotar (Дротар) - peaceful old man (stronger than you think)
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psycohousecat · 2 months
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Islam isn’t a religion. Islam is a polynational government run by imams. It is so authoritarian that it controls every aspect of life, including religious practices. There is nothing elective about Islam. Although one can voluntarily join Islam one can never voluntarily leave.
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daniela--anna · 7 months
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Royal jelly, polyn, honey are foods offered by bees, which are processed inside the hives (natural bee nests).
Each hive is capable of hosting 50,000 bees, which are well organized and clearly divided
in different castes:
🐝worker bees, queen bees and drones (male bees that die immediately after fertilizing the queen).
🐝Only the queen can generate life in a hive, and she is killed when she is unable to lay new eggs.
🐝Worker bees and the queen bee have the same DNA, genotype, but have completely different appearance and characteristics.
It happens that the nutrients, the microRNAs, the exosomes of royal jelly, exert a positive modulation on the DNA which will make the difference between queen bees and worker bees.
🐝The action of the microRNA contained in the exosomes of royal jelly has also been studied on human stem cells, showing a positive action.
Stem cells are the parent cells of other cells.
In order not to die, the human body must renew itself every day through stem cells.
🐝🍯Honey, pollen and propolis contain exosomes derived from flowers in different doses.
The most current scientific research is offering an explanation to the popular traditions that have lived the food gifts of bees with great respect.
Nature: flowers, bees, humans united and interconnected in their biological life, however remain a wonderful mystery.
Doctor Pier Luigi Rossi.
University professor.
Specialist in Food Science.
Specialist in Preventive Medicine.
📚The treasure chest of nature
Pappa reale, poline, miele, sono alimenti offerte dalle api, che vengono elaborati all'interno degli alveari (nidi naturali delle api).
Ogni alveare è in grado di ospitare 50.000 api, che sono ben organizzate e nettamente suddivise
in differenti caste:
🐝api operaie, ape regina e fuchi,(le api maschi che muoiono subito dopo aver fecondato la regina).
🐝Solo la regina può generare la vita in un alveare, e viene uccisa quando non è in grado di deporre nuove uova.
🐝Le api operaie e l'ape regina hanno lo stesso DNA, genotipo, ma hanno aspetto e caratteristiche del tutto diverse.
Succede che i nutrienti i microRNA, gli esosomi della pappa reale, esercitano una modulazione positiva sul DNA che farà la differenza tra ape regina e api operaie.
🐝L'azione del microRNA contenuti negli esosomi della pappa reale, è stata studiata anche sulle cellule staminali umane evidenziato un'azione positiva. Le cellule staminali sono le cellule madri di altre cellule. Il corpo umano per non morire, si deve rinnovare ogni giorno proprio attraverso le cellule staminali.
🐝🍯Miele, polline e propoli, contengono in dosi diverse esosomi derivati dai fiori. La più attuale ricerca scientifica sta offrendo una spiegazione alle tradizioni popolari che hanno vissuto con grande rispetto i doni alimentari delle api.
La natura: fiori, api, umani uniti interconnessi nella loro vita biologica, restano comunque un meraviglioso mistero.
Dottor Pier Luigi Rossi.
Professore Universitario.
Specialista in Scienza Dell'alimentazione.
Specialista in Medicina Preventiva.
📚Lo scrigno della natura
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shyearthquakedaze · 6 months
Giant Humans Lived In New Zealand 2500 Years Ago, Before Ancient Polynes...
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lunasworld4001 · 11 months
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Polyn sim download
click the link and download "Polyn" at my patreon!! hope you like them🪶🍂
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cidiper · 5 months
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WIP <3
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Factorize complex polynomials. Factorise binomials, trinomials and polyn...
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daizy-vents · 7 months
I’m in a openish poly and I really don’t want to be in it anymore, my partner has had their other partners for a year+ and almost a year I’m the newest one at almost 5 months. When we first got into the relationship I was also dating someone else, but after 2 months he really fucked up and caused a huge set back in our relationship i was dead set at breaking up with him so i broke up with my other partner, long story short me and them didn’t brake it off but it got me evaluating weather or not I wanted to be polyn anymore and I don't I've told him this and he is aware, he said he's thought about it but "he's not going to brake up with people he still has feelings for" most of his partners make him feel like shit and I have to pick up the peaces I'm trying to help him understand that and this is a qoute from him "oh shit, I'm not poly" he's just a people pleaser we can't say no and I'm genuinely at my last straw I need him to make me the only partner like I have him or I will never be completely happy in my relationship
Edit: I've long sence become the only one and although some shit had happened we are doing got nowww
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