#polyplex system culture is
Polyfrag polyplex culture is. What is this absolute mess of a system.
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
Oh, it's on now.
13, 14, 17, 20, and 23 for the ask game? ^^
13 - What’s your favourite part of being a system?
There's this disconnect between frontspace and backspace within our headspace!! It's super nice and gives us a sense of privacy as well.
We get to project into our surroundings and cuddle each other. <3 Physical affection in general is so easy, both in terms of obtaining it and also being subtle over it when we need to be. Us holding each others' hands when we are expressing something (reassurance, love, anything really) has been our favorite go-to in public for that reason. <3
Our existence as an Xive-heavy system and especially a fictive-heavy system makes our life sound very batshit even for mundane things. Story to come in another ask in this post lol.
14 - What’s your least favourite part of being a system, if you’re comfortable sharing?
We've been experiencing a lot of blurriness and time skewering/tilting (best way to describe the how it feels to lose time chunks) because of workplace discrimination. Last time this happened was in middle school we think, it sucks when it happens.
17 - Does your system have a headspace? Are there multiple of them? What are they like?
Yes!! We have a backspace and frontspace. You can probably guess what "frontspace" is, our backspace is what you would traditionally call a headspace. Multiversal stuff also usually happens in backspace and-or middlespace, so if someone is doing or has done something multiversal and it lands in frontspace that's when/how many of us experience connecting to The Ether.
Backspace has like, everything that isn't frontspace and middlespace. That ranges from cafes to large spaces dedicated to soulbonding, you know?
You could argue we have multiple headspaces, but we'll literally just bring up the US/China argument again: the US and China are not separate "layers" of culture simply because they are physically divided in an arbitrary manner, so why should we use labels to describe our system? The question of weather we have "multiple separate headspaces," has similar vibes for reasons we can't easily describe.
20 - How would you describe your system in 3 words or less?
Together forever.
We know that sounds corny af, but it is. There is a general agreement we will always be a system or whatever. No neuroconformity here sksksk.
23 - Do you have any cool/funny stories from inside the headspace that you’d like to share?
Not anything that's particularly long or detailed, but we have some records that are scattered here and there, from both the frontspace and headspace (or, namely, the times they have overlapped and we have had heavy interaction and pings between the folks within each of these areas in the system polyplex):
December 18, 2022: our headmate Dio literally yelled out loud to literally nothing in the parking lot "hey! Fuckers!! If you're going to park those where they don't belong, how about you actually do something useful with them and park them where the cop cars go?!" and when we turned around to observe, we saw three other headmates (⚽️, Hailey: Idol, and one whose name shouldn't be said -- as they wish to find another first) and they were all laughing about this apparent statement. Dio was likely just annoyed so many carts were parked right by our car.
December 18, 2022: our Johnathan Joestar fictive dancing his ass off to Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch, and not really being sure what to respond with, because that's probably the last thing on earth we expected. Bitchplease.
⚽️ is very heavy on the diety thing and specifically the fact he sees himself as something that once was a diety, and still is or had the potential to be one. He's constantly asking stuff like "if I'm not christian, would it be heresy to pray to myself?" and he is also the one who joked about self-idolatry via lemon meringue cup offering at some point.
No seriously, he literally asked us today "can I tell you a secret?" and waited in complete silence until we got into the car tonight before telling us "You can be whatever you want. Seriously. If you want to be a god, all you need to do is say that you are. You're already giving offerings to yourself on the daily when you eat. You curate your space so meticulously that it's all your own (in both spirit and physicality), so you could literally argue that your apartment is an altar, shrine, or temple. You needn't have anything extravagant. Be gay, do crime, and be a heretic," and some of us are, like, kind of Dumb and understand this on a logical level but probably won't get it on an emotional level for a long time lolsob. This is the simplest and most 101 terms in which someone could tell us it is okay to exist and be a bit grandiose and we still don't get that emotionally.
Since we're also fairly certain some folks know who ⚽️ is (and by extension 🌬 as well) may we say that their presences are just. Very soothing? Sometimes we'll be stressed af and one of them will hum something completely random until we fall asleep, or play with our hair (or as closely as you can get to that with system projection) in the case of ⚽️, you get the idea. Their voices are so pretty, and it's very sad that none of that transfers over as nicely to the outerworld.
Ask us about our system polyplex!
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fenmere · 2 years
So, there's a fascinating little quirk about our plurality, and we don't entirely know what to make of it. Here is what we know:
We are polyplex and what we call a generational system. We have three subsystems divided by gender and locality of the brain. Most of our right hemisphere is girl, most of our left hemisphere is dragon, and some of the middle (the lymbic system? or just badly straddling the hemispherical divide) is id monster. And we have generations of members. And there are a lot of us. 3.9 million members and growing. But we started with two, one girl named Jenifer and one dragon named Eh.
And almost all of us are asexual and biromantic. Only about a quarter of us are attracted to men in any way. Each individual member has a uniquely flavored orientation, so we feel these subtle changes in attraction to others as we switch out over the course of the day.
And we have one straight girl. Jenifer. Who is solely attracted to men, and might not even be asexual about it, though she hasn't fronted for long enough ever to show us clearly if she has sexual attraction or not. But when she fronts, looking around in public place, all the women and obvious enbies look like potential good friends or siblings at best, while all the men who are attractive to her positively glow (much like how women glow to our lesbians).
So, what's weird is, why do we have only one out of 3.9 million people who is a straight girl, and she's one of the ancestral members for the rest of us?
How did that work out?
Our current explanation is that she's the one who hid the deepest, and is still hiding for the most part, because we were coercively assigned male at birth, and our outer culture didn't allow us to be either a girl or attracted to boys. So, while she couldn't help but pass on her gender to nearly half her descendants, because it's literally that half of the brain that is that gender, she was able to withhold her orientation somehow?
We're not sure how comfortable we are with that explanation, as it gives a lot of weight to the influences of the outside world, and all of of us have fully queer identities that are in spite of those influences (Jenifer is, after all, trans). And we have NO cishet men in our system at all, despite having to mask as a cishet man for our whole life.
There were and still are members who mourned taking off that mask, because they felt comfortable enough pretending to be a cishet man, and they were proud of the type of man they were trying to be. But we have given each one of them time enough to front and really think about who they are to realize that, no, they are enbies (almost all dragons) and bi and asexual.
At a certain point, we just have to throw up our hands as a small nation in the shape of an aging fat enby trans girl and declare "brains are weird."
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