thewizzardwithin · 20 days
rincewind: it’s nice to finally be back at unseen university
ponder: I want you
rincewind: what
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sator-the-wanderer · 1 year
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Since my 6 y/o post made a return, have a smol confused proffessor Rincewind and a bashful Ponder
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xylophone888 · 7 months
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polycule sketches for the 14th :)
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lancrewizzard · 1 year
(Just a ficlet for my mentol elf <3)
Rincewind was generally a great fan of faculty meetings. They were very long, very dull, and had very generous tea breaks. Of course, he had to put up with a certain amount of Archchancellor Ridcully’s shouting, but that was par for the course around the university anyway. Generally he could just keep quiet and fade into the background for an hour or two, content in the knowledge that he wouldn’t be faced with anything more exciting than a new variety of biscuit.
Generally the topic of the meeting didn’t strike so close to home.
It had started with the discreet little announcement in the Times that the editors and head iconographer were to be married the following Octeday. That would probably have been an end to it as well if the Senior Wrangler hadn’t been baffled by a wedding with more than one groom. Even then, it could still have been a five minute diversion.
But Ponder had to be helpful. Apparently one of his aunts had been Offlerian and her friend whatshername had married a Tsortean couple, and no one had thought anything of it. “And besides, you all act like an expanded old married couple anyway,” he’d finished brightly.
Rincewind tried to hide under his hat. It was difficult to make out any full sentences in the ensuing uproar, but loudly declaring their heterosexuality and/or general lack of interest in their fellows seemed to make up a decent chunk of it.
Ponder’s “I didn’t mean-” wasn’t quite lost, but it was ignored.
“Mustrum, we’ve known each other almost half a century, so I only think it’s right to let you know. I never liked you in the slightest and I hope the feeling is mutual.”
“It most certainly is, Two Chairs,” Ridcully bellowed. “You remember Esme. You’ve met Esme!”
“And you know Mrs Whitlow. Come to think of it, the way you and Ponder acted back on the island was very odd,” the Senior Wrangler said pointedly.
“Oh, so not fawning over a housekeeper is considered strange now?”
“Whatever happened to the days of women and wizardry not mixing?”
“Esk, I think.”
“I’ve got nothing against it, but it isn’t natural.”
Whatever Rincewind said at this point wasn’t going to make anything worse and probably wouldn’t even be heard. It certainly wasn’t going to be listened to. Might as well get it off his chest, then.
“I’m gay,” he said quietly.
And with the luck he was so known for, his statement coincided perfectly with a lull in the shouting.
All eyes turned to him. Rincewind could feel his cheeks going red. A familiar pit of dread welled up in his stomach.
“And?” said the Lecturer in Recent Runes.
Rincewind peeked out from under the brim of his hat. “And nothing. I’m gay, that’s all.”
“Funny thing to bring up.” The Chair of Indefinite Studies snatched the penultimate chocolate biscuit from under the Dean’s hand. “It’s not as if anyone here is an Orthodox Omnian.”
“You have a point, Chair. How are the Times people supposed to marry in any religious building when one of them’s a vampire?”
“Maybe at Small Gods? Old Windle wasn’t stopped by a bit of hallowed ground.”
“He wanted to come back as a woman,” the Bursar said.
“Really? Good for him- uh, her. Well done, Bursar, a valuable contribution.” The Archchancellor pushed the final chocolate biscuit towards him.
Rincewind breathed out as the faculty’s attention turned away from him.
Ponder caught his eye. “Alright?” he mouthed.
Rincewind nodded.
Rincewind started to nod again, then stopped. “Dinner?”
“Dinner.” Ponder nodded once and called the meeting back to order.
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"Oh, hello Rincewind."
Rincewind is in the library, because even though he doesn't technically work here anymore it's... familiar. Not quite comfortable, because it's the library, but... he's used to it.
But anyway he's in the library, sitting on top of a rolling stepladder reading a book about mineralogy and not incidentally brushing up on his dwarfish and he glances down at...Ponder Stibbons, head tilted to look up at him. When Rincewind meets his eyes, he glances away, at about the third rung of the ladder, if Rincewind had to guess.
"Hello," he says.
"Hi," Ponder says, and bites his lip. "Um. Have you seen the Librarian?"
"Yes," says Rincewind, sticking a finger in the book and closing it, "but not recently." He's not going to climb down quite yet, but he thinks he knows what's coming next...
"Could you - I mean... I'm having trouble finding a book."
There it is. Rincewind replaces his finger with a scrap of paper and climbs off the ladder. "What book," he says. Ponder has followed his progress down out of the corner of his eye, and glances quickly at and away from Rincewind as he names a book.
Rincewind thinks for a moment, then says, "Okay, this way," and grabs Ponder's hand.
There's a moment where Rincewind goes to take a step and feels himself tugged backwards and looks over to Ponder who is staring at their linked hands.
Rincewind follows his gaze. "Oh," he says, "sorry. Force of habit. The Librarian-" he tries to let go but now Ponder is gripping his hand and he has a momentary memory of panic because he can't get away and then Ponder says, quietly, "It's alright," and when Rincewind looks up at him his cheeks are pink and Rincewind is struck by the ridiculous urge to reach out and feel the heat coming off them...
"This way," he says again, instead, and gives Ponder's hand a little tug.
And Ponder follows him.
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betty26blue · 4 years
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sandersgrey · 6 years
A lot of people who are in a dangerous and inconstant job seem to be able to fall asleep/eat whenever and wherever they can because they dont know when will be the the next time they'll be able to (see: soldiers, sailors, heroes in media)* So: Rincewind falling asleep anywhere and everywhere except where theres immediate danger. In his journey he keeps falling asleep on Twoflower, who didn't mind and possibly still has a few pictures somewhere. Whenever he found food enough he kept some in his pockets just in case. After he came back his tendency to fall asleep whenever he could still holds and he keeps falling asleep in the HEM building during that Roundworld business. Ponder now keeps a stash of blankets and pillows there (they probably needed it anyway, with how often students and professor alike keep falling asleep on top of food). He's the only person in the University, besides the Librarian who isn't exactly human even though he's definitely a person, who can tuck Rincewind in without waking him up startled after that. Ponder thinks it's because Rincewind probably thinks he's the least threatening/dangerous person there and is a little offended, but it's convenient and the wizzard does the same for him, so okay. Rincewind also keeps a stash of potatoes in the Luggage and they never seem to go rotten for some complicated magic reason. (* I know neither so keep in mind my pespective comes exclusively from stories and is not to be trusted irl)
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godsquito · 7 years
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lazily made ponderwind snapchats 
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overelegantstranger · 7 years
nodus tollens and ponderwind
Nodus Tollens // the realisation that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you any more
It’s dark and they’re alone, or as alone as anyone can be while Hex hums and fizzes in the centre of the room. All of the students have retreated to the pub, leaving Ponder and Rincewind to deal with the mess the students’ experiment has made of Hex. They have already corralled the mice and cleaned the wiring of spilt jam, and all that really needs doing is to reassure Hex that he’s fine, but that’s what’s taking the time.
“We’re all traumatised,” says Rincewind, perching himself on the windowsill without a window on the north wall. It was, once, a window, but a student had smashed the glass and after that it had been bricked up for their own safety. There was still a windowbox, though the object was rather defeated by now.
“I was talking to Hex.”
“I haven’t refit his listening horn yet.”
Rincewind lifts his foot onto the windowsill, flexing his toes. It’s dangerous, being barefoot in the High-energy Magic building, but he’s been barefoot in worse places and it’s too warm for shoes. It ought to make him feel anxious, vulnerable, but it doesn’t really. Not here, anyway.
“Ponder,” he says, and Ponder looks up at him over his glasses. He’s frowning, though absently, and Rincewind is rather bemused at the flash of fondness that hits him.
“Hex will be alright?”
Ponder rolls his eyes and goes back to messing with a small tangle of wires about which Hex has been complaining.
“Don’t you start,” he says, dry and flat but with more humour than Rincewind had ever expected to be able to discern, “I don’t want a hypochondriac boyfriend as well as a hypochondriac child.”
Rincewind laughs, tipping his head back against the wall, while Hex beeps indignantly.
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tormvnd · 4 years
Broke: Rincewind/Twoflower
Woke: Ponderwind
Bespoke: Rincewind/Death
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drwizzard · 6 years
ponderwind fic will update tomorrow if anybody here follows me from that lol
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wrenchswango · 6 years
im going back to my ponderwind fic finally its been like 6 months l o l
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sator-the-wanderer · 4 years
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ɪɴsᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ | ᴄᴏᴍᴍɪssɪᴏɴs  
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xylophone888 · 7 months
currently in deep heavy thought about rincewind quietly watching ponder running around doing everything someone else didn't do enough or at all barely stopping himself from accidentally jumping out of his own skin carrying the entire university in one hand and the entire discworld in the other during the whole roundworld elves thing all the way up until one day as ponder fully out of both physical and metaphorical breath crashes down on a tiny wooden chair next to hexs huge metallic strangely alive side rincewind carefully inquires from his lab mouse corner: "so sorry to interrupt but since you've been writing so many different things into this registry of yours i cannot help but ask uhhh, isn't the bursar supposed to be doing this? is anything other than the usual wrong with him?" and ponder who was already getting up to start working on something again suddenly feels too weak to even sit up straight and falls down into his chair
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"with a grain of basalt" is one of my favourite geology puns like its not particularly good but it makes me smile
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godsquito · 7 years
I’ve not had much time to draw recently because I finally got a new job BUT if any of yall have some rinceflower/ponderwind prompts I will deffo do some sketches for them ✌🏻
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