#poor Hidaka he's a good boy let him be happy
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Can write something about the relation takeru x hidaka?♡
I imagine Takeru being the first guy that Hidaka's really got a serious crush on, like even before Hidaka realized how cute Fushimi-san is he originally was crushing on Kusuhara. Initially it was just him wanting to be friendly to this kid, Takeru seeming pretty young and inexperienced and Hidaka's natural big brother instincts wanting to help him out. They get along surprisingly well though, Kusuhara easily goes along with Hidaka's boisterous personality without being a pushover and he's obviously really happy to have made such a fast friend. Hidaka wasn't really expecting to get so attached to Kusuhara, it's like they just click and he wants to spend more time with him talking and laughing. Hidaka realizes he's got a little crush soon after and he finds it a bit funny, that a guy like him who's always been way into girls should be having real serious feelings for another guy, especially one who shouldn't be anything extraordinary the way Kusuhara is. Even so there's like something in Kusuhara that draws Hidaka to him, they can spend so much time just hanging out without it ever feeling awkward or forced and he just finds himself thinking sometimes that it would be fun to kiss him.
The first kiss they're in Hidaka's dorm, Gotou's out for the weekend on some big antique shopping spree and Kusuhara's just supposed to be helping him hide the ancient cursed statues and maybe drinking a little beer. Kusuhara holds his alcohol better than Hidaka would have expected and it makes him grin, like who knew a little guy like you could manage to drink so much. Kusuhara notes that Hidaka's drunk even as he takes another can himself, Hidaka's like hmm yeah probably, flopping back onto the floor and laughing to himself. Kusuhara's watching him and smiling, saying that he thinks Hidaka's a really amazing guy in his own way. Hidaka's surprised by that and Kusuhara says it's more like Hidaka's someone who wants to make everyone feel a part of the group and that it's a nice way to be, it's like he's a big fluffy puppy. Hidaka laughs at that and is like you could at least say 'dog' instead of puppy. Kusuhara isn't sure about that and Hidaka sits up, suddenly serious as he leans in close and says he's definitely more of a dog than a puppy. Kusuhara doesn't seem concerned as he's like if that's what you say and that's when Hidaka just leans in and kisses him. The next day Hidaka's probably worried that he like took advantage of Kusuhara while drunk, Kusuhara shakes his head and is like you know despite how I look I'm not a puppy either.
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leatherbookmarking · 4 years
I HAVE BEEN TAGGED 27 years ago..
(by @ameliarating, thank you so much!!!)
Top 3 Ships: at the moment all i have in my brain is cql, cql and also cql, so, in no particular order:
lan wangji/wei wuxian - I MEAN. everything is here. the “why am i so attracted to you again”. the mutual “does he....? or.... not.....?” -- listen, everyone and their grandma loves to call wwx out on his idiocy re: not figuring out that lan zhan doesn’t like mianmian, but i’m just sitting here, tender and sad, over this poor stupid boy for whom “being loved” is such a goddamn foreign concept. being SOULMATES -- actual soulmates, not government fate assigned first love. us against the world! the yearning. the fact that they got another chance and a thirtysomething lan wangji, the hanguang-jun, is making heart eyes at a loon, and committing theft and minor vandalism for him. “i still am”. THE way they say each other’s names. paradoxically, the fact that they part at the end of the series, and then meet again, because now they both know they’re going to meet again and i... am just... emotional, thank
lan xichen/meng yao - 「二哥,你陪我一块儿死吧」do i. do i need to say more... they hurt me, and i love it. the contrast between how, excuse the naive words, pure and sweet they seemed at the beginning and how they were at the end is ruining me, and as much as i love to think about and read aus where things go differently and they have their happy ending, at the back of my head there’s that awareness that a lot, a lot would need to change and 99% of that lot would be my’s worldview, and that’s. well we sure wish it would happen, don’t we. but (and this is what kind of makes their story so devastating, i have a feeling) even after everything jiggy’s done, even after he literally drags lxc off to Create Chaos and Death-Causing Environment and says stay with me, let’s die together -- this could have gone differently, with lxc having a very unfun realization that it’s over now! he isn’t what he used to be! and yet. and yet, or perhaps because, he does stay, ready to die with jgy. and that’s precisely why he doesn’t, in the end. idk man, that just fucks you up on many levels!!!
can i cheat and say it’s a draw? between xue yang/xiao xingchen and jiang cheng/wen qing
the former because yeah! it’s fucked up! but at the same time, the epic romance elements are like the fattest, wiggliest worm on a hook, and i am but a stupid hungry fish. also, xue yang’s theme song. fuck that shit, man!!! (i said, adoringly)
and the latter because again, it started so innocently, and then look what happened. the fact that despite being a proud bastard and hating the wen sect, he still wanted to save her, offered her help? i die.
now that i think about it, all of these could be summed up with, like, “you’re good, and i want to keep you away from everything that could hurt you (so you could be mine and mine only)” and :-)
Last Song: be my doll by adrian von ziegler, from this playlist; it’s v nice
Last Movie: dear god, probably fatal journey, in late march.
Currently Reading: from things that aren’t thesis-related or fanfiction, does the flower bloom?/hana wa saku ka by hidaka shouko. big rec, best bl manga etc etc
Food I’m Craving: mcd’s cheese bites :’( 6 months left :’(
People I’d like to get to know better: ok so i am very bad at tagging people due to my ᴏʜ ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴀᴍ ɪ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ illness, but if you haven’t done it before, if it’s not a problem, if i’m not being rude etcetc etc @bilboo, @sweetlittlevampire @meng-yao-murderbaby @paradife-loft ?
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
Nurse Café - Chapter 6/6: “Back to Normalcy, If Normalcy There Is“
Fic Summary: Life could have honesty been simpler than that for Hokuto, a second-year Liteature major. There’s, however, someone out there willing to just make it easier on him.
Fandom: Ensemble Stars! (College/Coffeeshop AU) Ships: HokuAn (Anzu/Hokuto)
AO3 version available here.
Chapter Summary:  After recovery comes coming clean to your friends about where on Earth you've been lately.
Chapter Wordcount: 1.7K words
Chapter Notes: Let Subaru Enstars Say Fuck. Writing Hokuto and Subaru banter has no rights to be this fun, I swear. Anyway! I started work on this chapter right after finishing the very first chapter in, what, July? I believe the first paragraph of this is older than the entirely of chapter 2, in fact. More on NC's origin story in the end notes. Because of how long this chapter has actually been in the works for, I'm afraid it sounds a little reconstituted and mashed together. Y'know, casual "I spent 6 months on this" issues and whatnot. I'm still terrified this is OOC, as I've honestly not watched Enstars in months by now and got carried away by my headcanons and AU-ing, but oh well. I hope you'll like
Hokuto was walking down to his first class of the week, the one whose presentation he had eventually surrendered to and asked to postpone (not his proudest achievement), when he heard a very familiar sound: Subaru Akehoshi’s signature high-pitched voice resonated through the corridors, accompanied by ferocious-sounding footsteps rushing in his direction, lacking any kind of discretion or concern for whomever else may have had the misfortune to be sharing this very corridor with him.
Akehoshi jumped on him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and almost making him tumble and fall. If his face wasn’t so naturally inexpressive, someone else would have noticed the panic suddenly enlacing his mind.
“Back off, Akehoshi,” he responded to the assault, watching his friend get down and walk next to him.
“You usually bite harder than that, Hokke! What’s up? It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!”
“…it’s been, what, a week at most? I wouldn’t call that ‘a while’.”
“It’s just not the same without you, Hokke! I’ve missed you friend!”
To be fair, he had missed Akehoshi and simply didn’t want to admit it to the latter’s face. Doing that was like yearning to be discredited. He’d have to work on that dishonesty of his later.
“I suppose so,” he replied with some doubt lingering (truly, someone as much of a social butterfly as Akehoshi couldn’t have missed him that much, right?).
 “Hey, Hokke, tell me something! What’s happened to you? You’ve disappeared from the surface of the planet, Ukki and I got worried, and Sally wouldn’t tell us anything about your whereabouts! Anzu seemed really worried about you too…”
Oh God, was this guy really going all out on him? Was it legally allowed to embarrass someone in public like that?
“It’s a long story,” he half-heartedly replied.
Akehoshi’s glaze didn’t let up. He was coming for actual answers and Hokuto wasn’t all too keen on giving it to him in public like that. He had somewhat of an image to keep as a student representative in the university, he found that important to keep for himself, and this excitable boy wouldn’t do that. Not while he was alive, at least.
 Suddenly, more footsteps came in their direction, prompting them to both turn around. Coming towards them were Anzu and Isara with Yuuki trailing not far from them. All shone a smile, to which Akehoshi replied with more excitement. Truly, this guy seemed unstoppable and always full of energy. Hokuto suddenly found himself somewhat envious of this, before focusing back on the incoming conversation, wondering how he’d unbury himself from having to reveal why he had gone missing for an entire week.
“Hello everyone!” Anzu said in their direction, her lovely smile as on point as always.
“Hi everyone!” Yuuki continued, waving at them, Isara doing the same right afterwards.
Akehoshi rushed towards them. Well, there was nothing better to do than follow him, he supposed… At least, it’d be a good way to begin returning to normalcy.
 As they walked back in the direction to their classes, questions rose up.
“Ah, Hidaka, you’re back!” Yuuki noted with a bright smile. “Where have you been all that time?”
“Yeah, Hokke, where in the world were you?! Our routine doesn’t work the same if it’s without you, y’know!”
He didn’t know if he should have been flattered or offended to that remark.
“I had…” How was he supposed to lie about the reason without actually lying about it either? “I had a lot of things to take care of.”
“Still,” Yuuki makes another note, albeit his tone drops in happiness, “you weren’t there on Tuesday for your own presentation! The prof didn’t know what to do with you missing, he hadn’t seen that coming.”
“Frankly, never did I,” Akehoshi added. “A day without Hokke around isn’t a normal day!”
They were pushy, but he couldn’t hold it against them. He had vanished for an entire week, after all, of course they’d ask about it.
“Hokuto, I think it’s time you tell them what’s actually happened. We’ve respected you not wanting us to do that on our terms, but… These two were worried sick you know!” Isara finished to convince him.
 Despite the embarrassment already piling up in the back of his mouth, Hokuto nonetheless cleared his throat and tried finding the exact right words. He’d have liked to keep that awkward week in the sands of time, but alas, the peer pressure happened to be a little too strong to withstand.
“I, hmm…,” yeah, no, that remained hard to put into words, “may have collapsed last Friday night.”
A thick silence settled. While Isara and Anzu exchanged slightly awkward glances, Akehoshi and Yuuki had be shut for good, the former blinking furiously and the second staring with a distraught expression and agape mouth.
“W-wait, really?! L-like, collapsed-collapsed?!”
“Yes, that kind.”
“What the fuck Hokke.”
“Huh… Y-yeah, what h-he – what Akehoshi said,” Yuuki added with a tiny, clearly confused laugh.
 He scratched the back of his head. This was making him maybe more nervous than the entire process of making that cancelled presentation…
“I don’t exactly remember much from it.”
“Let me do that recap for you then,” Isara suddenly chimed in. “Friday night, you went into a café, realized you picked the wrong one, ordered an espresso at eleven in the evening, passed out on Anzu who was supposed to close the shop, and she tended to you for most of Saturday afterwards.” (Did he have to mention that? He could see Anzu growing red as he said that). “I think that’s all you need to know guys!”
Hokuto wanted to bury his face in his hands and disappear right here and there; alas, miracles didn’t exist, did they.
 “You do look much better than when I last saw you, though, Hokuto!” Isara resumed the conversation.
“Mao is right! You really do look better, I promise,” Anzu added, and if it wasn’t his fever coming back, then he didn’t think he’d like to acknowledge what it was. “You still look a little tired though, are you sure you should be attending class right away?”
“It’s only a couple of lectures, nothing I can’t pull through.”
“…Do I need to remind you that you said that about your presentation too, Hokuto…?”
 That made Yuuki jolt in place.
“Wait, you ran yourself sick just for that presentation?!”
“Unlike what Isara is saying, it’s not just that presentation.”
“Speaking of that presentation, Makoto, do you remember for what subject it was?”
“I think it was for the History class. I mostly remember the prof looking kind of pissed…”
“So that was the subject this was for! Hokuto didn’t quite remember it and I was curious.”
“Wait, Hokke, you didn’t remember that when Anzu asked?!”
“Man, Hidaka, you really must have been exhausted to the bone to forget something like that…”
Everyone was trying to kill him, especially Akehoshi’s barely contained amused giggling.
“Anzu, why did… That didn’t amuse you back there!”
She gave him a glance, suddenly much calmer, her smile dropping.
“That was because it meant there was a ton of problems on your end, Hokuto. Come on, do you think that was a normal thing?”
“I never said the opposite…”
“I know. I just try to make that amusing because, frankly, you scared us all to death, not just Mao and I.”
“Oh, yeah,” Akehoshi added, “you don’t even know how much Ukki and I asked about you for days! These two really wouldn’t tell us much even if they did!”
“Sorry for that again, guys. Hokuto really insisted on us not telling, or at least, he mumbled about that in his sleep…”
“I actually remember asking you that, Isara. I wasn’t entirely braindead.”
Akehoshi and Yuuki looked thoroughly confused. This was at least proof that they had successfully been kept out of the loop.
 “Still,” Yuuki asked, “why didn’t you want us to know? We’re friends, aren’t we?”
“I don’t think you’d ever want to see what unfolded there.”
“Well duh! Of course we don’t wanna see you be sick beyond your mind or somethin’ Hokke! Anzu and Sally talk about it as if you were gonna die!”
“Plus, we’re friends. Isn’t the whole point of friendship to help each other out in times of need?”
“They’re right, Hokuto,” Isara completed their argument. “You were also helping your grandma at the time, right? The poor woman looked worried for your life back there!”
“This was merely me fulfilling my obligations as her grandson. Still, I suppose you are right. I obviously couldn’t have survived that alone.”
“I think we can all testify to that…” Isara seemed a little jaded, but nonetheless smiled again as he put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “So, next time, don’t hesitate to call for us when you need help, ’kay? We really don’t want you to run yourself to the ground like that again!”
The three others hummed and nodded almost in unison. All he could react with was a sigh and a tiny smile (that was most likely not even visible on his stiff face).
“Lesson learnt.”
 Their conversation eventually took its usual course, deviating (to his relief) to other topics. By the end of the main hallway, he found himself with only Anzu, the both of them heading towards different rooms almost facing each other.
“Ah, before I forget. Thank you very much for… all of this, Anzu. I don’t even want to know where I’d be right now if it wasn’t for you.”
“As much as I also don’t want to imagine that, I’d have said an ER. Again, really, Hokuto, you don’t need to thank me so politely! It’s a normal thing for friends to do. You’ve done that for me before, haven’t you?”
“That’s true…” (And these weren’t such good memories, as it mostly reminded him of bitter concern).
“Just avoid doing that next time you feel in a pinch, okay? I’m sure we’ll all be glad to help. I know I will…” Her voice trailed off and so did her eyes, looking in the distance. He naïvely started doing so as if someone or something would arrive.
“I’ll make sure to, then.”
 They stared at each other, red, for a couple moments before Anzu snapped out of it first.
��Ah, sorry, my class starts real soon! See you around, Hokuto!”
“See you later then.”
As they went on their separate ways, he could only confirm something: if his heart was beating this profusely, it had to mean he had very clearly come down with another illness altogether. In hopes that, just like his collapse, Anzu could help him fix his own issues…
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everythingiwatobi · 6 years
Can I ask for a senario of a young Rin meeting a young girl in Australia. And after a couple of years when Rin is older, going back to Tokyo, him meeting this girl again and getting together or something like that .. Thank you 😙
Hi anon! Thank you a lot for your request! So since it’s my first scenario on this blog, I’m going to appologize because oh boy I really don’t know how it went. I mean, I was pretty confident with my headcanons but I am definitively not with scenarios. I hope it’s okay ^^’
And also, if there is any grammar or punctuation errors in there i’m really sorry. English isn’t m,y first language and I learnt english by myself so I only know basic grammar and a few “rare” words. Like I have to check out classes notes if I want to be sure, but I’m too lazy tonight. I really hope it’s okay ._.
ps: I randomly chose a name for the character, If you’d like for me to put y/n instead just tell me.
Untouched feelings - Rin x Female character scenario
approx. 1,7k words
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    It had already been two weeks since Rin arrived in the beautiful and modern Australia. His english skills were clearly tested, but he didn’t mind at all. For the two weeks he had passed, he was enjoying himself and he felt like his swimming had already improved a lot. Everything was fun here. The only thing he was missing was having friends. The other children did talk to him but he still wasn’t any close to them. It kinda felt like he was just a foreigner who wasn’t that good in english yet. The poor boy regularly enjoyed his lunch alone. It was for this exact reason that when the teacher announced the first team project, he was nervous a countless number of thoughts travelled through his mind. When his gaze roamed across the room, he saw the smiles of friends being happy they were in a team together. When he accepted the thought that he was going to end up alone, he looked down, pouting. At this moment, a young girl approached the red head.
    “Do you want to be in a team with me?”, she asked, a little nervous herself. Rin looked up, his eyes widened. He didn’t thought someone would ask him this. When she saw he wasn’t moving, she offered him a slight smile, tilting her head a bit.
    “Uh… I.. I don’t mind” he stuttered with his accent. He had the same face since she had asked him. The girl seemed to be happy when he gave his answer. Seeing her joy, Rin finally relaxed. “My name is Rin, what is your name?” he asked, his usual smile now returning to his lips.
    “I know that”, she giggled. “I’m Charlotte.” She smiled to him again before the teacher called back the class to silence. Following his instructions, the different teams in the class brought their desks together, and so did Rin and Charlotte. It was starting from this class that their friendship grew. Thanks to their creative ideas brought together, the project was a success. Charlotte helped Rin with his english from time to time. At one point she thought Rin would find her annoying since she was always correcting him, but the boy only found her impressive instead. After Charlotte, Rin had a less trouble integrating the class. He had more friends and he also always had the same smile on his face. Even if Rin had more friends to hang out with, he was still spending some time with the young girl. Sometimes, she was even going to see him in his practices. The first time she went to see him, she was so fascinated by his strokes that she decided to start swimming herself.
    Then one day, Rin had to go. She knew he would eventually go back in Japan, but she still felt sad. As decided, Charlotte and Rin said their goodbyes in a park close to the school. The young girl silently stood in front of the pond when Rin walked towards her. She turned around just after he called her name.
    “Rin” she said, looking at him. She was trying to hold back her tears but the boy didn’t notice. “It’s already time to say goodbye, huh…” She avoided his eyes. “Thank you Rin for being my friend all this time. It truly made me happy”. The more she talked the more she wanted to cry.
    “Charlotte…” he muttered, biting his lips. When he placed his eyes on her again, tears were falling down her pink cheeks. His eyes widened. “You shouldn’t cry like this. We’re definitively going to see each other again! And we can have a race!” He happily said, trying to cheer her up, even though he also felt sad. Since she wouldn’t stop crying, he quietly pat her head before his hosty family called for him. “I… I have to go. Goodbye!” He stayed in front of her for a few seconds and walked back to the car, leaving her still crying. She didn’t seem to be able to stop her tears. She was wondering when she would get to see him again.
    A few years later, Charlotte enrolled in Hidaka University in Tokyo. She was still a swimmer who wanted to make her dreams come true. There were many reasons why she had applied to an University in Japan, and one of these reasons was to see Rin again. After so many years, they had lost contact and she didn’t knew where he was… until she met Haruka. Haru was someone she knew even before actually meeting him. She remembered the conversations she had with Rin about him. He kept saying he was the best swimmer around, so she was glad to finally meet him. That was also when she learned that Rin was back in Australia. She didn’t even need to ask him when he would come back, Haruka already knew she would ask him.
    It was after her discussion with Haruka that she started working even harder so she could get to challenge him when he would come back. When the day arrived, the girl felt nervous, but she was quite excited at the same time. With the help of Makoto, she set up a meeting with him in a park in Tokyo. When he went there, Rin thought he would be meeting Makoto. He had no idea that it was in fact Charlotte that was waiting for him there. Charlotte looked around to see if he came to meet her. When she found him, she smiled and walked to him.
    “Rin”, she called. He turned around and looked at the girl. He frowned, not remembering the girl. Charlotte giggled, the same way she would a couple of years ago. She thought she would feel mad if he didn not remember her, but she couldn’t be since it had been such a long time. They both had changed a lot.
    “Charlotte… how?” Rin was surprised. He never would have thought that he would meet her at this time and place. He remembered one of the first things he did the time when he went back to Australia after high school : he knocked at her old house. Even if there was only slight chances that she would still be there, he still had knocked because he missed her. When the door opened, a stranger was standing on the other side. That day, he felt sad, wondering if he would ever see her again, but there he was, standing in front of her in a park in Tokyo. The girl turned around and showed her Hidaka hoodie. “Hidaka… That’s where Haru’s studying.”
    “We’re on the same swimming team.” she said in Japanese before she smiled. “You were right all this time. He’s incredible!” Rin didn’t knew how to react. He had many thought going through his head. He had a thousand things to say. He only smiled at the words she said.
    Following this reunion, Charlotte and Rin were finally in contact again. They had exchanged their numbers. Even if they were both busy, and even if they didn’t had much time together, they still tried to hang out to catch up. They also took the time to race. No eyes were on them and it was better like this. After all this time, they were both stronger. They didn’t knew their strength, they didn’t knew anything, but that’s what made the race exciting. Standing on the starting blocks, they looked at each other.
    “Half past 20 will be our signal. I hope you’re ready”, he said with a smirk.
    “I’m ready. Let’s have a serious race. I’ve waited too long for this, Rin.”, she smirked back and placed her goggles on her eyes before preparing herself. Rin did the same and they both looked at the time silently. When eight-thirty hit, they both dived in the water. Their race had started. Charlotte had prepared for this moment. She put her all in this race, and so did Rin. In the end he had won, but the gap wasn’t big. Charlotte jumped out of the pool first and she laid down on the cold floor, trying to catch her breath. Rin also came out of the pool after a moment and did the samne while standing. He walked towards the girl and reached out his hand to help her get back on her feet. When she placed her hand in his, Rin lifted her but immediately after she stood up, he pulled her in a hug.
    “Rin?” Her eyes widened. Rin broke the hug and looked at her, his hand placed on her shoulders. Charlotte lifted her brows, still surprised.
    “You’re amazing Charlotte. I always found you amazing,” He said almost excitingly. He gave her a slight smile and removed his hand off her shoulders.
    “You’re the amazing one here…”, she answered. Her face had went back to normal, but she noticed his expression. He seemed to be thinking about something, “What’s wrong, Rin?”, she asked out of curiosity. She tilted her head down to try to get a better look at his face.
“I just… I don’t know how to say this.”
“Say what?” She was still wondering but Rin strayed silent.
“I don’t know if I can say it.”, he said after a moment of silence.
“Then you just have to tell me later…”
    “It’ll be too late”, he immediately answered. He felt sad. He knew that he would have to go back in Australia and that she would stay here. He gathered his courage and cleared his throat. “I know it will sound bizarre to you but… I like you Charlotte.”. After saying these words, Rin cheeks became red. He knew they didn’t spend much time together since they had seen each other again, but it was still enough time for him to fall in love, again. He finally had said what he wanted to say a couple of years ago in that park, where he hadn’t been able to gather his courage to tell her his feelings. That day, he only blabbered words and he had left when she was still crying. He felt sorry, but today was different. He had changed but his feeling had not.
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animegirl1363 · 7 years
Belated Celebration
Summary: Fushimi makes sweets for Hidaka.
Based on this post by Rida.
In front of Fushimi was a bunch of random ingredients for chocolate delicacies plastered on the counter top before him. He was good with computers and problem solving. But cooking? He couldn't cook for himself let alone someone else especially, chocolate confectioneries. He pulled up a simple recipe online, but that means nothing if you don't know how to bake.
Earlier that week, Fushimi overheard some of the other squad members talk about Hidaka's birthday.
"What did you get him, porn magazines?" Fuse curtly said.
Enomoto quickly hid his reddened face behind the light novel he was currently holding. "He was sad that Fushimi-san was gone, so I thought that would cheer him up."
"I got him a happiness charm for his birthday." Goto added.
"He probably threw that out…" Fuse murmured.
"Well, what did you get him?" Enomoto asked.
"I got him pens." Fuse simply stated. "At least we got him something. I can't say the same for his boyfriend!"
That last part was clearly directed at Fushimi. As much as they acted like they were afraid of him, they had no problem spiting in his face when they needed to stick up for each other against him. Especially Fuse.
On top of being away of an overseas assignment, he didn't bother saying anything to the poor boy when he got back. Even if Hidaka seemed normal when he got back, Fushimi had this sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. Hidaka had made him a cake and celebrated his birthday with him in his dorm room. Fushimi didn't let it show that it was bothering him. He felt like he should be recuperating somehow, thus bringing him to his current situation.
"Tsk. This is all stupid."
"Hmm, Fushimi…?" Kamo walked into the kitchen. He looked at the ingredients and pieced everything together. "Are you making chocolates for Hidaka-kun?"
Fushimi gave his usual response and Kamo let out a small chuckle. He showed Fushimi how to start everything, but Kamo had to leave some time afterwards. Luckily for Kamo, Akiyama and Benzai were passing by so he told them everything. The two smile and quickly scurry over to help Fushimi with the moldings. After that Reisi and Awashima stop by to take over. Awashima's idea for anko flavored frosting was briskly shot down. With everyone's help, Fushimi had some decent looking chocolates.
Now that all that was over, all he had to do was give it to him. But this being Fushimi, it wasn't that simple.
'This is stupid. The other gifts aren't consumable.' Thankfully, no one else was here to see he visible agony written on his face. Just when he grabbed the chocolate and holding them over the trash can, someone burst into the kitchen.
"What smells good?" Hidaka said. "Fushimi you're cooking. Do you need help?"
Fushimi shoves the chocolates at Hidaka. "Happy birthday and Merry Christmas…"
Hidaka smiled, "Thank you Fushimi."
Hidaka pulled out some chocolates from the little decorative bag he was holding. "I got these from the store as they were a part of your Christmas gift."
Fushimi took a tiny bite and the sickening feeling came back to him. These were better than his cruddy made chocolates. "Tsk."
"Aw come, the one I got you don't taste that bad." Hidaka smiled as he popped one of Fushimi's chocolate's in his mouth.
"Yours are good." Fushimi said. "How does mines taste."
Instead of answering, Hidaka grins and pulls Fushimi close to him, kissing him instead. They stayed like that for a while until Fushimi broke the kiss. He could taste the faintest flavor of the sweet chocolate he made on his lips.
"My boyfriend made great chocolates, don't you think." Hidaka said.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi/Misaru can’t hold back and trying to have sex everywhere but something interrupts Sarumi all the times (poor horny gays😢) funny with happy ending pls
Somehow I can see this happening, like imagine them in their awkward first love enthusiasm where they keep pawing at each other and then suddenly realizing that shit we're in public and about to get caught. Like this definitely happens at least once in their respective clan headquarters, first maybe they're meeting at the bar one day for a date and it happens that Kusanagi's out and the place is empty. Yata asks Fushimi if he wants a drink first and Fushimi just asks for a water, Yata sits down next to him a little stiffly and asks how Fushimi's feeling. Fushimi's all 'fine,' really nonchalant and Yata isn't sure what to do. Finally Yata manages to work up the courage to lean in and kiss Fushimi and that like just opens a floodgate, like first Yata's giving him a kiss and next thing Yata knows Fushimi has Yata's back against the bar. Fushimi's enthusiasm makes Yata feel bolder and he starts to unzip Fushimi's pants. Fushimi's got a hand under Yata's shirt and they're about to climb onto the bar when suddenly there's the sound of skirts swishing and Anna walks calmly down the steps, goes behind the bar, gets herself a glass of milk and then turns to go back upstairs without even blinking. Yata and Fushimi pull away from each other like they've been burned, Yata trying way too hard to act like he didn't just have his hands down Fushimi's pants and Fushimi just hunched and clicking his tongue with a distinct blush on his face. Anna simply nods at the two of them and goes back upstairs, totally unbothered, but Fushimi and Yata are just sitting there in youthful frustration because touching each other now would just be weird okay.
Fushimi finally suggests they go back to his dorm and Yata's like yeah, good idea. They decide to walk and that keeps getting awkward too, like Yata's trying really hard to keep from getting too excited but he's very aware that he and Fushimi almost had sex and even though it's embarrassing he suddenly just really really wants to have sex with Saruhiko. At one point Yata's like okay screw it and they duck into an alley, they're in the middle of making out when there's like a sudden movement and someone runs past them. They hear a voice yelling at them to move and suddenly some of the Scepter 4 alphabet squad is there, it turns out the Strain they were chasing ducked down the alley and there's like this long silence as the alphabet boys realize that Fushimi-san is here and so is his boyfriend and why were they alone in this dark alley. Akiyama coughs delicately and is like you two carry on we'll handle this but Fushimi's got a twisted grin as he pulls out a knife like no it's fine let me (he needs to work off the frustration somehow okay).
So now that they've caught the Strain Fushimi has to write out his report first and Yata has to wait for him, still stewing in obvious sexual frustration and trying not to think about Saruhiko's tight pants and how he's got his coat off and you can see the knife harness and did Saruhiko always look this good with leather straps all over him. Fushimi's having his own difficulty concentrating on the report because Misaki is right there and he wants Misaki over here but he also doesn't want to get caught again. Yata starts creeping slowly closer too, like well everyone else has already left and it's just us and maybe it's kinda exciting and stuff to try and steal a kiss. That turns into Yata sitting on Fushimi's lap and grinding against him a little – and then promptly falling off onto the floor when the door opens and Hidaka comes running in because he forgot to turn in his report. He sees Fushimi sitting there with a red face and breathing hard and Yata lying on the floor looking disheveled and Hidaka's immediately like '….I'll come back later.' He ducks out of the room just in time to avoid the knives thrown at his head. (And then finally Fushimi for once is like you know what I'll finish this tomorrow and he just grabs Yata by the wrist and drags him back to Fushimi's room, making sure the door is locked and bolted before letting Yata pin him against the wall and start back over with the kissing.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Yata birthday special ! Fushimi gets to plan a birthday party for misaki
Okay I'm answering this one out of order because it is Yata's birthday (and mine too :P) after all XD Imagine this is post-ROK and the two of them are dating, Fushimi doesn't really even think about planning a birthday party for Yata and then someone brings it up and now he has to all awkwardly figure out how to do this. Like it's a few days before Yata's birthday and maybe Yata's mentioned it to a couple alphabet boys since they're all friends now, Hidaka's bringing Fushimi some paperwork and he like offhand asks what Fushimi's doing about Yata's party. Fushimi's like 'what party' and Hidaka gives him this surprised look, like isn't it Yata-san's birthday in a few days and you're his boyfriend, you're planning a party right. Fushimi gives him this blank look, Hidaka's getting a bit desperate now as he's like remember how Yata planned your party back in November, you're giving him one too right. Fushimi belatedly realizes that this is apparently a Thing Boyfriends Do and he ends up nodding, Hidaka's all relieved like I thought so, there's no way you wouldn't throw your own boyfriend a party and meanwhile mentally Fushimi's just like well shit.
So now he needs to figure out how to plan a party and poor Fushimi's never done this in his life, heck he can count on his fingers the amount of birthday parties he's had himself. He is now vaguely aware that this is something he should do though, Hidaka mentioning how Yata threw Fushimi a party reminding him that Yata is always so open in his affection and how woefully inadequate Fushimi is at reciprocating. Fushimi decides to go to Bar Homra to see if Kusanagi can give him some advice, figuring that as much as Fushimi would prefer a party for just the two of them Yata would want all his friends to be there (also the only other person Fushimi could think of to ask advice from is Munakata and he immediately gets a mental image of Munakata putting together giant puzzle balloons and just no).
When Fushimi gets there Yata's out on patrol, Kusanagi invites Fushimi to sit down and have a drink. As Kusanagi's mixing the drink he mentions that it's almost Yata's birthday huh, Fushimi nods thinking that maybe this will be easy, Homra will have a party and Fushimi can just be there. Then Kusanagi says they've all been holding off on the party planning assuming Fushimi will do it, Fushimi pauses and is like '….about that.' Kusanagi is surprised when he realizes that Fushimi hasn't planned anything, like wait you haven't even started planning, but he can also see how totally out of his element Fushimi is and how Fushimi's really trying to make this work and finally Kusanagi gives this fond smile as he tells Fushimi to stop by the bar again tomorrow and they'll all get things set up together.
The next day Kamamoto makes sure that Yata stays out of the bar while Fushimi gets to have like a whole committee meeting with Homra to plot Yata's birthday. Fushimi's really uncomfortable with this at first, like this probably brings back bad memories and it's not like he got along great with the Homra alphabet in the first place. Kusanagi and Anna are really encouraging though, they don't let the other Homra guys take over and keep deferring to Fushimi for what he thinks Yata would like or what he wants to do, and when Fushimi gets stuck they offer suggestions to steer him in the right direction for how someone celebrates a birthday.
A couple days later when Yata's actual birthday happens Fushimi's super nervous going back to the bar with Yata after work, like he's trying to act as if this is no big deal and be all nonchalant but really he knows that Yata always tries super hard to make Fushimi's birthdays good and he wants Yata to enjoy what he planned. Yata's probably expecting a surprise party at the bar but he's extra surprised when he gets there and Kusanagi mentions that Fushimi set this all up, Yata's like no way really and Fushimi shrugs and clicks his tongue. Yata just beams though, probably pretty well aware of how difficult something like this must have been for Fushimi and he appreciates it even more because of that. Fushimi catches sight of Yata's smile and he blushes a bit as he murmurs 'happy birthday Misaki' and Yata gives him this proud hug, just smiling and laughing because having Saruhiko plan his birthday made it that much better.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
After being dragged off so many places because of Munakata, it's Fushimi's turn to decide their next date destination.
Poor Fushimi would probably have an unexpectedly hard time with this, like he actually has even less of an idea than Munakata as to what constitutes a ‘proper’ date. Fushimi’s idea of where to go on a date is probably something like 'stay home and sit in your room and also you both do it in your own separate rooms rather than together.’ However Munakata’s decided that he wishes for them to have a proper and equal relationship, and therefore he wishes for Fushimi to choose their next date spot. Fushimi initially just clicks his tongue and is like 'wherever’ but Munakata won’t take that as an answer, he wants for Fushimi to specify with his own words where he would most enjoy going. Fushimi of course has no idea, it’s not like he thinks about this much and he’s previously just left all this kind of deciding to Munakata and then just gone along with whatever Munakata decided. Munakata tells Fushimi to just let him know within the next few days and Munakata will be happy to go wherever Fushimi chooses, leaving Fushimi with like three days to decide what would be an acceptable date spot.
So Fushimi’s thinking about this and maybe he ends up like googling 'best date spots’ at work, trying to find something that isn’t too sappy and isn’t outside or where it’s too cold or too hot and doesn’t involve a lot of walking but also doesn’t have too many crowds. Hidaka catches him and wonders if Fushimi’s planning to take Captain on a date, Fushimi denies this but of course the whole office has heard him and now he’s surrounded by alphabet boys eagerly trying to give him suggestions. Enomoto points out that there’s an anime con going on over the weekend while Gotou suggests a nice underground market that he knows of where you can get all kinds of cursed relics. Akiyama and Benzai are both in support of cafes with good tea and cakes, Kamo suggests a sushi restaurant, Doumyouji thinks they should go to an amusement park and Hidaka’s all about the romantic movies and fancy dinners afterward. Fushimi doesn’t really know what to choose, he knows Munakata would probably pick something like this but they all sound exhausting to him. Akiyama wonders what Fushimi would like, like Munakata probably chooses all these places thinking Fushimi would enjoy them but that he gave Fushimi the choice this time suggests that Munakata wants Fushimi to pick what makes him happiest. Fushimi mumbles that he doesn’t want Munakata to be disappointed and Kamo tells him that surely Captain wouldn’t be disappointed in anything as long as Fushimi is there.
In the end Munakata shows up at Fushimi’s dorm and wonders if Fushimi is ready for their date. Fushimi nods and has Munakata follow him, Munakata’s curious what Fushimi chose. It turns out that everyone else has vacated the dining area for the evening and Kamo’s made them a dinner just for the two of them, the lights have been dimmed and there’s electric candles glowing (no real candles since Fushimi hates smoke). Munakata smiles in amusement as Fushimi wonders if this is fine, he’d rather just stay here with Munakata than go anywhere loud or exhausting. Munakata tilts Fushimi’s head up for a kiss and says this seems to be a splendid date, that he can spend time with Fushimi is always enough for him and whether they go out or stay home he doesn’t care, as long as Fushimi is there with him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
OHHH a twist on the Three Daddies Universe! Homra trio raises Fushimi while the Alphabet squad raises Yata. One day they collide and almost accidentally take the wrong kid home (aka Yata and Fushimi have a best friend their age for the first time ever and keep trying to go home with each other whenever the two clans clash)
Okay but poor Fushimi would have a complex if his family accidentally took another kid home, just imagine him assuming that they must like this other kid better or that they didn’t really want to raise him. This would be a cute twist though, Fushimi being raised by the Homra trio and Yata being raised by Scepter 4 as whole (Munakata would love to dote on him but Yata finds him a little creepy, he prefers his ‘big brothers’ in the alphabet squad and Munakata definitely is not slightly heartbroken by this). Maybe unlike Fushimi who ran away from home Yata lost his family in some kind of Strain-related accident and was saved by Scepter 4 and the alphabet squad. He didn’t have any relatives who could take him in or anything and at first immediately following the incident he’s allowed to stay at Scepter 4. When the time finally comes to like surrender him to the government to be sent to an orphanage or whatever all the members of Scepter 4 have become totally attached to him and can’t bear to give him up, Munakata decides to pull a few strings and they’re allowed to adopt him officially (wait maybe mix and match AUs here and we get tiny Yata who gets hidden in Hidaka’s closet for two weeks until Munakata reveals that he had the adoption officially handled a month ago and he was waiting to surprise everyone).
So then one day the alphabet boys take tiny Yata out for a walk and he’s all energetic and keeps running off, meanwhile the Homra trio have for once managed to get Fushimi out of the bar and are making him get some fresh air (actually Mikoto too, he probably wanted to stay behind and nap and then Totsuka was like King you come too and of course Mikoto can’t refuse that). As long as we’re playing with the timeline maybe Mikoto’s already awoken as Red King by now too and so when they run into each other it’s like the Blue King’s dogs have run into the barbarian Red King and his vassals and everyone’s all tense, like they run into each other in an alleyway and there’s only room for one group to pass and it results in a stare down. A couple of the more hotheaded alphabet boys don’t want to step aside, Mikoto has no intention of moving because it’s annoying, Kusanagi is probably trying to reason with Akiyama and Benzai that none of them want a fight here while Totsuka and Gotou get to be the ones trying to calm everyone down. Hidaka’s annoyed that they have to bow to the Red King and he grabs Yata’s hand all let’s go, just managing to duck past the Homra trio. At the same time Kusanagi sighs and says they should just keep going and he grabs Fushimi’s hand and starts walking, it takes about half a minute before they each realize that they have in fact grabbed the wrong kid (imagine Fushimi just dangling with this flat look from Hidaka’s hand while Yata’s still all happy like cool I’m being kidnapped).
Kusanagi’s surprised that the Blues have a kid with them and Hidaka mutters that he could say the same about Homra. They each try to take their proper kid back but almost as soon as Yata’s hand is free he’s running to Fushimi and clinging like no this is my friend can’t he come back with us. Totsuka’s amused by this and asks Fushimi if Yata is his friend, there’s a very long pause and then Fushimi gives the smallest nod. Kusanagi expresses some surprise at that but I think he’d be happy, like sure he’s not thrilled that the kid picked one of the Blues for his first friend but it’s good to see Fushimi actually manage to have a friend. After this there’s probably a fuss one day when Homra’s number three strolls into Scepter 4 all happy and friendly and totally unaccompanied even though Totsuka’s weak and could be easily taken down in enemy territory. Totsuka’s totally chill though as he asks to meet their King, Munakata wonders what Homra’s Number Three could want with him and Totsuka’s like 'actually…I wanted to arrange a play date for Fushimi-kun’ all sparkling and pleased, Munakata’s glasses shine and he too begins to sparkle as he’s like 'I see…an excellent idea’ and everyone else is probably clustered in the doorway feeling this sudden chill go over them (except for tiny Yata who’s like yay I get to see my new best friend Saruhiko again).
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
The send people to the north pole strain sends everyone to the north pole post ROK but they are all slightly separated. Yata is looking for fushimi cause he doesn't want the man to freeze to death while Munakata scolds Kusanagi saying that Homra is going to cause everything to melt and flood.
The North Pole Strain has been working overtime XD Maybe post-ROKScepter 4 and Homra have been working together to round up the lastof the more dangerous Strains, North Pole Strain is on the listbecause her power could be very dangerous for normal people who don’thave super powers (and even the clansmen that she’s hit with it havebeen lucky that they haven’t frozen to death, when you get right downto it). The cast manages to corner her, figuring there’s strength innumbers and her power won’t be enough to attack them all at once.North Pole Strain is no slouch that and she launches one big blast ofpower at the group – I suddenly imagine her power manifestingitself as like giant snowballs that when they hit someone that personis sent to the North Pole, she sends a giant boulder-sized snowballat the gathered group and everyone gets hit at once.
Yata and Fushimi are standing near each other when they get hit andYata tries to grab for Fushimi’s hand, but when he wakes up in thesnow he’s all alone. Yata looks around and swears as he realizeswhere he is, sighing because he’s going to have to wait until thiswears off and it’s going to suck. He uses his powers to keep himselfwarm and starts wandering off trying to find shelter for the timebeing. He’s walking randomly when he stumbles on some of the Homraand Scepter 4 alphabet squads, also trying to take stock of thesituation and make a plan for staying warm until they get sent backhome. The plan unfortunately involves each Scepter 4 boy having tostay close to their alphabetic Homra counterpart, poor Gotou andHidaka are just going to have to huddle together for warmth. Enomotofinds the way Eric keeps staring at him a little uncomfortable andsomehow Akiyama and Akagi have decided that they dislike each otherand Akiyama keeps ‘accidentally’ stepping on Akagi’s feet and thenapologizing profusely, Akagi’s pretty sure that Akiyama’s doing thison purpose but of course Akiyama’s so nice and sensible abouteverything that he can’t really prove it.
Yata meanwhile immediately gets concerned because if everyone’s atthe North Pole doesn’t that mean Saruhiko is here and is probablyfreezing his skinny nerd ass off. Yata decides to separate from thealphabet squads to go find Fushimi, stumbling through the blindingsnow yelling Fushimi’s name over and over. Finally he hears thishesitating reply and Yata immediately goes running towards the sound,where he finds Fushimi huddled miserably in a small cave created byan overhang, he’s started a fire but his clothes are soaked and helooks miserable. Yata just sighs like seriously, you can just useyour own Red power Saruhiko and Fushimi clicks his tongue and sayshe’s not going to waste energy for useless things. Yata would arguewith him but Fushimi’s face is red and he keeps sniffling which areboth bad signs, so instead Yata crawls into the cave with him andwraps his arms around Fushimi’s chest. Fushimi starts to complain ofcourse and Yata just sighs and is like let me keep you from freezingto death at least, okay dumbass.
The two of them doze off for a bit like that and are woken up by thesound of something like a flamethrower accompanied by Munakata’sscolding voice. They leave the cave and head towards the sound,cresting a particularly high snowdrift just in time to see Kamamotoand a couple other Homra alphabet boys clearing away a bunch of snowusing their fire powers. Munakata and Kusanagi have met up with theirrespective clans and what was a happy little communal warmth colonyis now bitterly divided, the Homra guys have decided to make ashelter by burning off all the snow to reveal the ground beneathwhile Munakata has put the rest of Scepter 4 to work making a tinysnow city of igloos that they can shelter in. Kusanagi’s observingboth while Munakata lectures him on the wisdom of melting the NorthPole, like he has an entire lecture about global warming on handy forjust this situation. Elsewhere Anna and Awashima are making their ownlittle private girls’ igloo. Yata of course has to jump into Kusanagiand Munakata’s argument on the Homra side, saying that it’s not likethere’s not enough snow in the this shitty place it won’t matter ifthey burn some, while Fushimi on principle has to call him an idiotand point out that it’s snowing hard enough that unless they burncontinuously it won’t do any good anyway. Luckily before the groupscan come to blows the situation is settled by the power wearing offand both teams are returned to the middle of the city wet and cold,the Strain search is temporarily suspended so everyone can have a hotchocolate break.
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