#poor Tobirama
pachu09 · 22 days
Madara stared at him with a complicated look on his face. Tobirama couldn't pinpoint what his Husband's expression is...all he can assumed is that the man is...somehow beyond upset.
Izuna looked at him as if he betrayed them.
And Tobirama doesn't know why his Brother in Law was shooting him that kind of look.
All he did was he made a gagging motion as he smelled the tempura Madara had ordered from the Akimichi restaurant. He knew why he reacted like that, but he's not yet sure if what he suspects is actually true.
He would need Anija's expertise to find out if his suspicions are correct but he couldn't cause for another three weeks his Brother is visiting Uzushio after years of not doing so.
He waved his hand at his Husband and pinch his nose as he avoided in smelling the frankly disgusting smell of tempura. (Tobirama silently despaired that he can't eat one of his favorite foods since a few weeks ago).
" Tobirama. What in the Sage's name?. What is happening to you?. Are you *sick*?!. "
Tobirama is weirded out at Izuna at Madara's reaction of the word *sick*. The Brothers had a terrified look on their faces and the Albino thought its the Uchiha extraness that is kicking in again.
He hesitated to tell what's his speculation is. It took a few seconds of silence on his part that Tobirama watches with startled eyes as his Husband burst into tears and asked him with heaving sobs if he's dying.
Izuna clutching his shoulders and shaking him made Tobirama feel all the more nauseous. He had to swat the man's hands away from him to stop lzuna's ridiculous antic.
" Stop!. Stop, Izuna!. For the love of the Sage!. I am not dying! I'm fucking pregnant! You imbeciles!. " He finally snap irritably.
Cue a few seconds of deadly silence...and then Tobirama watches with dismayed eyes as his Husband and Brother in Law fainted together.
Tobirama later found out that the reason why Madara and Izuna looked terrified at the thought of him getting sick is that because their Mother passed away from an unknown sickness after she gave birth to their youngest sibling who also died at birth.
A week later, Tobirama deeply regretted on agreeing that his Husband and Brother in Law can dote on him. Because apparently Uchiha doting is quite...daunting and exhausting. He can't even go out of the Compound without one of the siblings escorting him. Or he can't put any food in his mouth without the two tasting it first ( for just in case scenarios ) , or he can't even talk to any Shinobi he had to talk to ( because, what if they're hidden spies! Wife! ). Frankly, Tobirama didn't know if he can put up for nine months with the non stop hovering of the Uchiha Brothers. He wanted to sometimes snap at them but then he always remembered his Husband's and Brother in Law's terrified faces and he'll be back to square one at enduring their version of pampering him.
For now, he's just clutching at the hope that when Anija comes back, he can straighten out his frankly ( traumatized ) Family.
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bunni-lee · 1 month
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oh no
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nevsclowntown · 1 year
Tobirama sexy no jutsu? 😏
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the situation was dire enough for tobirama to pull his strongest jutsu
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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Listen. Hashirama isn't the prettiest naruto character... I just think it's funny to objectify him.
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paleraledus · 4 months
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@izunaweek day 5
Prompt: Genjutsu Time Loop MXTX AU
This prompt is a little bit tricky to draw, so it's small Izuna who tried to hide in a hole from Tobirama with stollen fish. But something went wrong and he went out in the future (Neko)Konoha and don't like it.
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slrsunfire · 1 year
I’ve been trying to get a little mdtb piece out for Tobirama’s birthday but I don’t think I’ll be able to post it for his actual day :( 
It’s a re-work of a mdtb a/b/o fic I’ve been playing with in the background between all my projects and I’m thinking I’m just going to keep this a one shot due to time constraints. I can always add on to the ‘verse later if I so desire and interest is there. 
Anyway, here’s a sneak peek until I can get this posted: 
Izuna shot up from the desk fast enough his form blurred when the briefest surge of electricity was conducted through the wood, and Tobirama couldn’t help but smirk viciously in vindication at the yelp that followed.
“Ow, what the fuck Tobirama!”
“I told you to get off the desk, Izuna,” Tobirama lightly reminded the man, “it’s not my fault you can’t follow directions.”
Izuna glowered at him for his cheek, and Tobirama smugly rolled up the scroll he’d just completed before standing to walk it over to the outgoing document box that was due to be picked up in an hour or so.
“See if I come to check on you again. I can’t believe you shocked me.”
“I warned you,” Tobirama calmly retorted as he checked to make sure he’d already deposited all of the other vital documents needing immediate filing for the day.
“What is this?”
At the question, Tobirama’s head snapped up and he spun around, just in time to see Izuna pick up the hanten jacket he’d kept stored in his lower desk drawer, it’s furoshiki covering discarded on the floor beside Izuna’s feet.
For a moment all he could do was stare at Izuna in shock before his face flooded with color.
“It’s a coat, what does it look like?” Tobirama waspishly retorted, trying for unimpressed as he glared at his formal rival.
Tobirama had no idea how to classify the stare Izuna turned on him next as the shorter omega shifted to really look at him, his pleasant, almost cinnamon tinged scent unfurling around him with his quickly shifting emotions.
“Where did you get it, Tobirama?”
At the question, Tobirama’s lips pursed as he juggled being honest or brushing Izuna off.
“I don’t know,” he finally admitted after a moment of struggling with himself, “I came back to my office and found it waiting for me on my birthday. Is it really so surprising I’d get a gift?”
Izuna’s expression turned utterly serious, which in turn made Tobirama’s hair stand on end out of pure instinct. Nothing good usually came from such a thing. He’d learned that very well during their constant and repeated battles over the years.
“It’s not just a coat, Tobirama. This is—”
Tobirama watched Izuna pause and take a deep, almost calming breath before he continued.  
“These seals, they’re proprietary Uchiha seals. The coat stitching, too— I’d recognize it anywhere. My mother had a jacket just like this that our father gave her at the start of their courting, made with good Yuki silk like this that our seamstresses wove to make the coat. It’s the first gift you give someone you wish to bond with, Tobirama. It’s a promise to cover you in their protection, and a sign you are already being pursued to any others who would dare to approach you with alternate offers.”
He theoretically understood what Izuna was saying, but Tobirama found himself also doubting he was understanding Izuna properly. An Uchiha was—or wanted to—court him of all people?
“I had no idea,” Tobirama breathed out the moment he got his voice back, certain his eyes had to be incredibly wide. “I haven’t even—how will they know if I agree or not?”
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Drawing suggestion: half naked, sweaty & messy tobirama and Aori answering the door for their neighbors who’re complaining bout the noise 🫠
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Interrupting Tobirama sounds like a terrible idea Ngl💀
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perelka-l · 2 years
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Late Darktober #14.
Haunted by corpses~
Inks used: Sailor 時雨, Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Red, KWZ Sen o Warszawie
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edotenseii · 2 years
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i bet he never even used edo tensei. he just frantically wrote it down in his little shinobi diary and it accidentally fell out in the forbidden jutsus room. he's literally incapable of evil... like he says "?!" because he's so shocked by orochimaru's bs
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seldramas · 1 month
i'm genuinely convinced that tobirama applies to peace the same tactics/mental schemes that he's always seen his father adopt and therefore straight-up imitated in times of war, because while tirelessly negotiating to build peace he himself is a product of violence and conflict and does not know how to function outside of that context. he is paranoid, irritable, always on guard. he reads the room, he anticipates people's reactions, he needs to be in control of the situation both on an individual and collective level and employs every strategy to keep that control steady.
this does not change after konohagakure is built—life is established as peaceful because tobirama never takes peace for granted; never as something more lasting than a temporary respite. hashirama is different, he's the one who challenged butsuma's way of thinking head-on and dreamed of peace as something within reach, some final stone to set that would mark the end of war. he gave his brother hope and reminded him to loosen up when the ghost of their upbringing came back to haunt him, but tobirama has never, never outgrown his child-soldier self
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pachu09 · 1 year
Madara knew his eyebrows were twitching crazily for the last few minutes. He knew without looking that the Elders and Izuna had been eyeing him skeptically for at least close to an hour now. He gritted his teeth and endured their pointed stares. He didn't want to ruin this joyous day with his temper flaring.
" He looks very beautiful. Just like you my Wife. I am pleased to know we have another Omega in the family. " he gently cup his beloved Wife's blushing cheeks. He knew his Omega is quite please at his praise. It almost made Madara forgot the pointed stares at his back.
" Aren't you gonna greet your nephews, Izuna?. " Tobirama confusedly ask his Brother in law. He gently rock the twin babes in his arms who started to fuss about.
Madara nearly snarled, because the face his brother is wearing is starting to make his Wife anxious.
" Don't worry. I find that he's very very cute, Tobira. I'm just disappointed that it took at least four children before you gave birth to him. " Izuna answered with a loud disappointed sigh...
Tobirama stares; utterly confused at what his Brother in Law is talking about.
" What do you mean by th— " Tobirama didn't even finished his question because his Husband had managed to tackle his brother and had proceeded to violently kick him out of their private rooms.
The Uchiha Elders only shook their heads and muttered amongst themselves. Even with their hurried leaving, they managed to respectfully says their wishes and greetings to their Matriarch.
Tobirama blinks confusedly at the retreating Elders. He turns to Hikaku. The man looked like he's the only one who still had his sanity intact.
" What was that all about, Hikaku–san?. " he asked his friend.
Hikaku scratches his cheek in embarrassment.
" Well, the short explanation is...the Uchiha had a superstition that when an Omega birthed a child that looks like them; it means he/she had enjoyed the sex far more than their Alpha or Beta Mate. "
Tobirama looked stump. He looked down at his youngest child who definitely resembles him a lot. From his skin coloring and to the pale tuft of hair on his head. He really looked like a mini clone of him. The largest difference is...his youngest had the typical black eyes of an Uchiha.
" Surely, you're joking?. " Tobirama felt feint at that insinuation. But Hikaku's embarrassed look and avoidance of his eyes tells him the man is telling the truth.
Courtesy of this plot..I posted long ago from the Nart Art server.
There's this weird superstition in my country where if a child of the couple looks like the Mother. Then it means that the Mother enjoyed the sex ( at that time ) far more than the Father.
Apply this to Alpha Madara and Omega Tobirama in an A/B/O AU and out of their 5 children only one got Tobirama's looks.
I can just imagine the sheer despair Madara would feel if the Uchiha Clan had this kind of Superstition...🤣😂
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nogyojutsu · 1 year
When I woobify tobirama, I’m a balanced, wise saint. When YOU woobify tobirama, you are a misguided heathen.
We are the same!
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dahtwitchi · 1 year
Ooooooh TobIru ask! Anything for more TobIru content! Here's a hunch take your pick if you choose to!
Tobirama does not appreciate and gets very grumpy jealous when someone gets too friendly and touches what's his (Iruka).
Iruka sort of confesses cutely by accident when giving Tobirama a week late birthday gift big ass bouquet of flowers maybe?) after plenty of encouragement from his useless troll friends. His head is probably like about to explode while doing this as he blabbers.
Shirtless Tobirama ➡️ Iruka is gone
Shirtless Iruka ➡️ Tobirama side eyes and admires because he's got more control than anyone else but cannot not look at a cute sensei
If you like modern AU, then the coffee shop trope. Spill coffee order, apologises, makes up for it, gets a number? Keeps coming back? ☕️
Whether you like any of these asks or not, either way, KEEP CHURNING THAT TobIru content.
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So many tobiruka thoughts u have~ is a delight to see more ppl being distracted into thinking of (and creating ^^) them :3
As for me, I'm more of the flavour where the self controlled guy getting more distracted than he himself even realise (or realise it and grow frustrated by himself x3). And. How would would ever be me if it couldn't be turned into misunderstandings :3
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Aspect Senju's, but it's just Tobirama being insufferable with his constant curiosity and need to learn about human psychology — which usually results in Hashirama having to be the unwilling victim of his brother's info-dumping.
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tbrma · 2 years
it was running water (pt.2)
Tobirama finds his place in the world.
Content warning: child in poor health
Part 1 | On Ao3
He hadn’t expected much when he had followed that strange man. To be perfectly honest, he had expected it to be a trap of some kind, or a flight of fancy that would soon come to a presumably violent end.
But the soldier could have easily killed him - had been about to kill him, he knew from the killer intent that had pervaded the man’s chakra at the beginning of their fight -, and yet he had given him food instead. He had touched him gently, without any ill intent.
He couldn’t remember when was the last time that had happened. He couldn’t remember a life that wasn’t made of stinking battlefields and fights for safety.
So, he had followed.
The long trip after the man had been scary, but not as much realizing that the place they were reaching had that many alive people in it. He much preferred dead people: they couldn’t hurt him. But he was unwilling to abandon this chance, this one person who seemed to care for his well-being.
He had been rewarded for his trust with warm and fragrant water, so different from the river’s cold currents. It left him feeling cleaner than ever, so much so that he hadn’t even had the mind to be scared once the man helped him strip for the second bath, as he wanted to feel that heat on naked skin anyway. And the man didn’t know that he could control water to an extent yet anyway.
Afterwards, the man had dressed him in the softest clothes he had ever worn and given him that beautiful sword back. That had been comforting enough that even when the man had paraded him in front of countless strangers or when his hands had turned not so gentle as he demanded that he eat his food using sticks, he hadn’t wanted to run away.
Throughout it all, and in the following weeks, the man and his kin had tried to talk to him. He knew, the same way he knew what the river or the trees or a man looked like despite being unable to see them, that they were talking to him, or about him, and he could feel their frustration when he gave no sign of understanding. He was trying his best, but everything they said sounded like undistinguished blabbering to him. 
As of now, the only thing he understood was what they called him: Tobirama. He answered to it whenever he heard it, which, for all of his strictness, seemed to appease the man that had taken him in, and that was enough for him.
There was one person, though, that never got frustrated with him no matter what. In size he was similar to him, yet he could tell by sensing that he was related to the man. And they all lived in the same house,Tobirama included, which apparently meant something for these people.
From the first moment they met, the boy had talked and talked whenever the man wasn’t around to silence him, but he hadn’t expected him to answer. The boy seemed content to fill the silence with his bright voice without a particular reason. And his chakra brushed gently against Tobirama’s all the while in a rainbow of emotions too fast for him to parse, at times outright volatile, but always warm like sunlight hitting skin through the treetops.
Tobirama thought he loved the man for taking him in, but he loved him even more for giving him the boy’s company.
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Heb dini Fründ nöch bi dir, aber dini Feind no nöcher
This is the TobiIzu Body Swap fic for @foundersweek day 3 that I literally just posted on AO3—but this time in Swiss German.
Yes, fucking Swiss German. Look Idk what to say, a few days ago I realized just how many Germans are in this fandom and my Swiss brain instantly went into fight!!! mode, so somehow, my solution for that was to translate my own fucking fic I first wrote in English, which is not a native language for me at all, into my first language, which isn’t even a language but a fucking dialect. Because, obviously, my brain is cheese. (Not Emmentaler tho. Me and my homies all hate Emmentaler because we have actual taste, thank you very much.) (Yes, I’m a fully grown adult btw., in case anyone was wondering. I’m just very tired okay.) (Fuck, I spend too much time on Tumblr.) (Me? Abusing the usage of parentheses? More likely than you think.)
Anyways, the real fic in English is on AO3, this nonsense stays on Tumblr only because I might be insane but I’m not insane enough to upload this on AO3, nope. Also, I feel the need to point out that I practically pissed myself laughing writing this. It’s insane but it’s fucking hilarious, y’all can’t deny that.
If I remember right, someone posted a fic here in German and said “lern Deutsch” to which I manically grinning respond “lärn Schwizerdütsch”. Here’s your chance >:D (But under the cut, because it’s embarrassing lol)
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S’Erste, wo de Izuna märkt, isch wie chli er würkli isch.
Also, sträng gno nöd s’Erste – s’Allererste, wo ihm uffallt, isch, dass er im falsche verfickte Chörper steckt. Aber das isch näbesächlich. Was im Momänt würklich zellt, isch, dass Izuna viel chliner isch als er dänkt kah hett.
Objektiv gseh hett er natürlich immer gwüsst kah, dass er kein bsunders grosse Mänsch isch. D’Uchiha im Allgemeine sind nöd mit ‘nem grosse Wachstumsschueb gsägnet, sind ener uf Schnälligkeit und Beweglichkeit usgleit, und Izuna isch zuefelligerwiis hald no chliner, als de durchschnittlichi Uchiha. Aber das isch okay und stört ihn überhaupt nöd, will sini Persönlichkeit sini fehlendi Grössi wieder wett macht.
Aber de Izuna hett sich no nie chli gfühlt kah. Sicher, er muss immer es bitzli ufe luege, wenn er mit de Senju chämpft, vu dene ihri Vorfahre en Baumgott oder so mal gfickt kah ha müend, um so lächerlich gross und massig gbaut z’sii (s’erchlärt au s’scheiss Mokuton), aber es isch ihm na nie so vor cho, als wär’s so en grosse Unterschied.
Aber wenn er jetzt so us Tobiramas Auge uf Izunas eigete Chörper abe luegt (über was er bemerkenswerterwiis nonig in Panik gratet (villicht isch das die chüeli Wasser-Natur wo ihn ruhig haltet, wer weiss? (Tobirama wahrschinlich, aber s’isch ja nöd so, als wenn er de Senju danach fröge wür)), wird ihm bewusst, wie zierlich er würkli isch.
«Was zum Tüfel hesch du mit däm Jutsu erreiche wölle, Senju?», kücht er, sini Stimm viel tüüfer als sust und falsch, falsch, falsch, so verdammt falsch.
De Izuna hett kei Ahnig, wie de Tobirama es immer gschafft hett, ihn während ihrer Chämpf ernst z’neh; Wenn Izuna jemals gäg en Erwachsene, wo wie e delikati Porzellanpuppe usgseht, kämpft kah hetti – denn genau eso gseht Izuna us Tobiramas Sicht us, was so en huere Scheiss isch (villicht sind es nur Tobiramas Auge, wo sich da irret, das isch durchus möglich) – hetti er sich vor Lache i’d Hose pisst und sin Gägner ohni Ändi verspottet, vielleicht wäri er sogar tötet worde, will er ihn unterschätzt kah hetti.
Aber de Izuna isch au no nie vorher in so ‘nere Situation gsi, er hett no nie uf en Erwachsene abe luege müesse, das isch einfach falsch. Vor allem, wil de Erwachsni, auf de er abeluegt, Tobirama i Izunas eigetem verdammte Chörper isch – oh hey, gseht so us, als öb d’Panik jetzte isetzt.
Tobirama macht en sürliche Gesichtsusdruck, wo uf Izunas schönem Gsicht überhaupt nöd guet usgseht. Izuna hett die üppigste Lippe i allne fünf Elementarnatione, sie sötted zu ‘nem herzige, unwiderstehliche Schmollmund gformt werde – nöd zu ‘nere dünne, hässliche Linie gprässt.
Tobirama murmled öpis, wo de Izuna nöd verstah chann, was sini Geduld no witer strapaziert. «Was hesch gseit?», bällt er und versuecht, en Schritt uf sin läbenslange Feind zuezagh, aber er fangt sich, bevor er über die z’langi Gliedmasse stolpered wie es neugeborenes Fohle und nöd wie en vollwertige Shinobi. En Momänt lang frögt sich de Izuna, öb de Tobirama au i andere Bereich so gross isch, und er chann nöd anderst, als a sim/Tobiramas Schritt abe z’luege und z’versueche, d’Grössi dur d’Chleidig dure z’rate, aber d’Hose isch z’wiit zum öpis gseh, und obwohl de Izuna en fantastische Spion isch – de beste i ihrem Clan sit langer Ziit – chann nöd emal er eifach mitte ufem Schlachtfäld en Blick i sini Hose werfe, ohni unbemerkt z’bliibe.
«Ich ha gseit, ich ha versuecht s’Gedankekontroll-Jutsu vu de Yamanaka nazbilde. Wie du gsesch, hett das nöd eso funktioniert, wie das hett sölle.»
Izuna macht sis/Tobiramas (das faat ah verwirrend z’werde) Mul uf in Unglaube, will: «Werum zum Tüfel würsch du probiere so es Jutsu ellei azwände? Es git en Grund, werum d’Yamanaka es im Champf isetzed, nur wenn sie en Nara und en Akimichi a ihrere Siite hend, du dumme Senju!» Oh wow, er tönt genauso wie sin nii-san, wenn er Izuna über sini Fähler belehrt. Vor allem, will er jetzt e tüüferi Stimm hett. Das isch… peinlich.
Tobiramas Gsicht verzieht sich und – das isch en Schmollmund. Genau eso gseht de Izuna us, wenn er schmolle tuet! Heiligi Scheisse, de Izuna hett gar nöd gwüsst kah, dass de Tobirama schmolle cha. Oder villicht isch er scho immer dezue i de Lag gsi, aber sini eigeni Gsichtsmuskle wüssed nöd, wie sie sich bewege sölled, und jetzt, wo er i Izunas Chörper steckt, chann er tatsächlich Gfühl zeige?
Das isch so chrank. Senju Tobirama, zwei Jahr elter weder er, es ächts Genie (was Izuna nur widerwillig zuegit), steckt i Izunas eigetem Chörper fest und schmollt, will er grad hett zuegeh müesse, dass sis Jutsu fehlgschlage isch. What the fuck.
Izuna sött ihn umbringe. Sie befindet sich immer no mitte imene Chrieg, Tobirama gesht im Momänt zimli verletzlich us (oder gseht Izuna villicht immer eso us? Nei, er cha unmöglich immer so erbärmlich usgseh kah ha, oder? Oder?!), was ihn zu eifacher Büte macht, und wenn Izuna debie au na wege dem Jutsu stirbt, denn sötts halt so sii. Im Chrieg müend sie alli Opfer bringe, und z’stärbe wär immer no s’bessere Ergäbnis, als für immer i dem Chörper festzstecke.
Aber wenn de Izuna sini eigeti Gstalt so aluegt, chann er sich nöd würkli dezue duredringe, es z’mache. Izuna isch eifach z’schön zum sterbe. Wie hett öpper jemals Izunas Gsicht chönne aluege und ihm de Tod wünsche? Sind doch alles Monster.
Usserdem chann er sich i dene zu lange Gliedmasse nöd bewege. S’isch nöd wie bi ‘nem Henge, wo d’Verwandlig uf e Illusion berueht – s’isch en ächte Chörper, und es isch de falschi. Mit jedre Sekunde, wo vergaht, hasst de Izuna d’Situation meh und meh. Erfinder wie de Tobirama sind viel z’fest druf konzentriert usezfinde, öb sie öpis mache chönd, bevor sie innehebed un sich fröged, öb sie es mache sötted. Izuna hett über sis Spionagenetz es paar ghuschti Wort über Wiederbelebig vu Tote ghört, aber er hett immer glaubet kah, dass es nur Grücht sind. Jetzt isch er ener dezue gneigt, sie für wahr z’halte, wenn mer bedänkt, dass de Tobirama tatsächlich versuecht kah hett, e verborgeni Technik z’kopiere (und es au fast gschafft hett, das Arschloch).
Er weiss nöd, wie viel Ziit vergaht, i dene sie sich immer na mürrisch ahstarred, beidi nöd gwillt, de ander ahzgriife, wobie de Izuna villicht namal i unagmässner Wiis probiert, Tobiramas Schwamzgrössi usezfinde (im Ernst, was bringts, so gross z’sii, wenn mer nöd au det guet usgtatted isch, wo’s druf achunnt? S’isch ja nöd eso, wie wänn de Izuna es persönlichs Inträsse dra hetti, näh. Im Chrieg isch alles erlaubt und wie das Sprichwort so seit – heb dini Fründe nöch bi dir, aber heb dini Feind no nöcher (zuegeh, so isch das Sprichwort wahrschinli nöd gmeint, aber de Izuna kännt sich mit schöne Wort nöd eso us wie sin nii-san, also…)), aber es vergaht gnueg Ziit, dass d’Chämpf um sie ume es bizli abflaued und ihri elteri Brüedere zu ihne eiled, beidi mit bsorgte Gsichtsusdrück, nur dass sie uf de falschi Brüeder zuegönd.
«Chumm mir ja nöd nöcher!», kreischt Izuna, was us Tobiramas Mul chomisch tönt, hebt es Kunai drohend i de Hand und gaht sicherheitshalber es paar Schritt zrugg. Uf kein Fall wird er sich vu dem Baumhrin ahlange lah. Us sim periphere Blickfäld chann er gseh, wie Tobirama s’gliiche mitem Madara macht, was, wie Izuna weiss, sin Brüder wahrschinli no meh ufregt, wo nie ufhöre wird ihn z’bemuettere, egal wie alt er isch.
De schockierti, fast scho untröstlichi Gsichtsusdruck vum Baumhirn wür Izuna es schlächts Gwüsse mache, dass ers überhaupt anezauberet kah hett, wenns öpper anderst als de verdammti Senju Hashirama wäri, dem er niemals über de Wäg traue wür. Tobirama zeigt wenigstens ganz offe, dass er ihn töte will, Hashirama aber zieht i e Schlacht, schwäzt vu Friede und chämpft denn trotzdem gäg de Madara. Izuna chann en nöd usstah. Ganz und gar nöd.
«Otouto, was –»
«Ich bin nöd din Brüder», zischt de Izuna, während Tobirama im gliiche Momänt «Anija» rüeft, wodrufhii de Hashirama sofort misstrauisch d’Auge verängt, zu Tobirama i Izunas Chörper übere luegt, zrugg zu Izuna und luut usatmet.
«Oh, nei.» Mit gschwinde Schritt gaht er zum Tobirama übere, ignoriert Madara, wo sich ihm i de Wäg z’stelle probiert, und seit: «Tobirama.»
Oh-oh. Izuna kännt die Stimm. Es isch die Stimm vum grosse Brüeder, wo sin jüngere Brüeder belehrt, wo irgendöpis wahnsinnig verbockt hett, wo au de Madara scho s’eint oder ander Mal bi Izuna benutzt kah hett. Sogar de Izuna muss devor zruggschrecke, und er isch nöd de, wo grad gscholte wird.
«Was händ mir veribart ungtesteti Jutsu ufem Schlachtfäld izsetze?»
Die Art und Wiis, wie de Tobirama beschämt wäg luegt und uf de Lippe chätsched, isch genau die gliich zu dere au de Izuna neigt. Izuna hetti nie dänkt, dass jemals de Tag cho wür, wo er mit sim verfluechte Feind sympathisiert, und doch isch er jetzt da.
De Schlagabtusch macht, dass de Madara stah bliibt und ändlich zu Izuna übere luegt, wobie sini Auge Izuna praktisch durebohred.
«Izuna?», frögt er ungläubig.
Izuna winkt fräch mit de Hand und seit: «Wie laufts, Aniki?», um s’Ganze abzrunde. Madaras Auge sind churz devor, us de Höhle usezsrpinge, was, wenn de Izuna ehrlich isch, ziemlich lustig isch. Bsunders, will er jetzt uf de Madara abe luegt, was e ganz neui Erfahrig für ihn isch. Wenigstens isch Madara für en Uchiha untypisch bullig baut und gseht nöd us wie e zierlichi Puppe wie de Izuna. Werum sind alli elteri Brüdere immer grösser? Sogar Tobirama isch chliner als Hashirama, was i Abetracht sinre sowieso scho unmänschlicher Grossi lächerlich isch. S’isch nöd fair, d’elteri Brüder händ doch scho meh Privilegie, gopf.
«Was meinsch du mit achtefüfzig prozäntiger Chance uf Erfolg? Du weisch, dass das z’wenig isch!», übertreit Hashiramas hässigi Stimm zu ihne übere und laht sogar Madara bi dem Tonfall e Grimasse schniide. Tobirama hett d’Ärm trotzig verschränkt und schint nöd z’merke, dass er s’Sharningan aktiviert hett, i das de Hashirama ohni mit de Wimpere z’zucke ine lueget.
«Hashirama, bring din Dämonbrüder dezue, s’Jutsu uf de Stell rückgängig z’mache», rüeft Madara übere.
«Und du glaubsch nöd, dass ich das scho längst gmacht kah hetti, wenn ich wüssti wie, Uchiha?» – Izuna gfallts ganz und gar nöd, wie sin Clansname wie e Beleidigung us sim eigete Mul usegschlüdered wird – «Jetzt gesehn ich, dass die ganze Haar nur dezue da sind, um vom fählende Hirni abzlänke.»
Madara strübt sich sofort wie es Stachelschwii. «Du –»
Izuna sött sich wahrschinlich im Name vu sim Brüeder beleidigt fühle, und das tuet er au, aber leider tuet er au schnaube. Ganz luut. Was ihm es empörts Luftschnappe vu Madara ihbringt.
«Was? Das isch lustig gsi, okay?!», versuecht er sich schlächt z’verteidige.
«Ich chann nöd glaube, dass mir uf die Wiis ändlich zu dem Waffestillstand chömmed, de ich scho so lang gforderet han. Villicht sött ich dir danke, otouto.»
«Wär hett irgendöppis vu nem Waffestillstand gseit?!»
«Madara, min alte Kolleg…»
«Nänn mich nöd eso!»
«… wie sölled mir denn zu üserem Clan-Lager zruggkhere, wenn üsi Brüdere no immer im Chörper vum andere stecked?»
Das bringt Madara sofort zum schwiige und laht Izuna, wo am Madara grad hett welle säge, dass er dem Senju nöd vertraue sötti, s’Mul mit ‘nem höhrbare Klick schlüsse. Verdammt, s’Baumhirn hett nöd ganz Unrächt.
«Anija», faat de Tobirama ah, nur zum denn inne z’hebe und d’Stirn z’runzle, d’Hand ufem Buch und – oh, nei. Nei, nei, nei, nöd vor Madara, bitte – «Du hesch es Piercing?», frögt er überrascht und fast scho bitz neugierig, d’Auge uf Izuna grichted. Ah, scheisse.
Madara drült sin Chopf lutstarch zu Izuna. «Izuna, ich han der doch gseit, du söttsch der das Buchpiercing nöd stäche lah!»
De Tag chönnt würkli nöd no schlmimmer meh werde. Es wär schön, wenn sich de Bode öffne und ihn jede Moment verschlucke chönnti, merci. «Okay, erstens bin ich erwachse, und zweitens hend hützutags alli Fraue in Kaze no Kuni en Buchnabelring, das isch es ganz normales Accessoire –»
«Du bisch weder en Windshinobi, no e Frau!»
«Aso, das isch sexistisch.»
«Du Goof, wie verfickt no eis chann das sex-»
«So amüsant üches chlises Brüedergezänk au isch», unterbricht Hashirama ihre Striit ruhig, aber bestimmt, sis Chakra mächtig gnueg, zum sogar Madara zum Schwiige z’bringe, «ich wür mich lieber uf e Lösig für die Situation konzentriere, i dere sich Tobirama und Izuna grad befindet.»
Für en Momänt gseht Madara so us, als wür er Hashirama widerspräche wölle, doch denn holt er tüüf Luft, richtet sich uf, gseht wieder wie es gfasstes Clanoberhupt us und git es bejahend, aber zögernds «Hn» vu sich.
«Guet. Also, das isch wo ich…»
Izuna lost nöd ane, sini Auge sind uf Tobirama grichtet, wo viel interessanter isch und… «Hör uf mit mim Buchring z’spiele, du Idiot!»
Tobirama versteck sofort sini Hand und versuecht, en unschuldige Gsichtsusdruck ufzsetze (was mit Izunas Gsicht zimli guet funktioniert), wie wänn de Izuna ihn nöd grad wortwörtlich erwischt kah hetti. «Es länkt ab», murmlet er und wagt es, Izunas Wälpeblick gäg sich sälber ahzwände.
«Mhm, es isch au e erogeni –» Zone chann er nümme fertig säge, will bevor er überhaupt reagiere chann, spriessed Ranke plötzlich usem Bode, wo Izuna fest umschlinget, ihn chnäblet und ihn uf die Wiis effektiv zum Schwiige bringed. Anstatt sich z’verchrampfe, reagiert Tobiramas Chörper instinktiv entspannt, was ihm zeigt, dass das nöd s’erste Mal passiert isch und dass sin Chörper glärnt hett, sich so z’verhalte, dass die Situation für ihn so wenig unagnähm wie möglich wird. Izuna macht s’gliiche, wenn er sin Chörper automatisch mit sim fürige Chakra ufheizt, bevor er ufs Wasser trifft, wenn de Madara ihn i de Koiteich wirft. Dur das Jutsu-Missgschick lärnt de Izuna meh über Tobirama, als er je hett wüsse wölle. Vor allem, dass sie sich für sin Gschmack viel z’ähnlich sind.
Als er sin Blick überegleite laht, findet er Tobirama im genau gliche Griff, sis ganze Wese strahlt puuri Irritation us, will er, genau wie Izuna, nöd i de Lag isch, sich usem Griff vum Mokuton z’befreie.
«Wenn mer bedänkt, dass ihr üch das Schlamassel sälber ibrockt hend, sötted ihr villicht ufhöre, üch wie Chinder z’striite und stattdesse üchi Energie uf’s eigentliche Problem verwände.»
Was zum Tüfel, warum wird de Izuna mit ‘em Tobirama i ‘en Topf gworfe?! Er hett doch gar nüt gmacht, das isch alles Tobiramas Schuld! Hässig probiert er, sich gäg die Fessle z’wehere, schüttled und träted, als – oh. Oh, okay. Gseht ganz danach us, als öb de Tobirama doch i allne Bereich vu sim Chörper gross gwachse isch. Was für en Glückspilz. De Izuna wird definitiv spöter mit dem spiele, um agmässenes Verhalte chümmered er sich nümme meh. Solang er i Tobiramas Chörper steckt, ghört er ihm, und er cha demit mache, was er will. (Und nei, er hett no nie füchti Träum devo kah, absolut nöd.)
Sobald er ufhört, sich z’winde, züched d’Ranke sich wieder zrugg und lönd ihn sanft zum Bode sinke. Izuna grunzt nur i Baumhirns Richtig, seit aber nüt, will er nöd nomal i so en Griff grate will, merci, aber eimal isch gnueg gsi. Sogar Madara gseht beeidruckt us vu Hashirama’s festem Griff, was so peinlich isch, riss dich gfälligst zämme, nii-san.
«Gsehnd er, das isch do gar nöd so schwer, gäll?» De Maa hett keis Rächt druf, so freudestrahlend und unschuldig z’lächle, als hetti er Izuna nöd grad i nem feste Griff kah, wo ihn mit ere einzig Fingerbewegig uf de Stell hetti töte chönne.
«Ich wär dir dankbar, wänn du mim Brüeder nöd namal drohe würsch, Senju», chunnt Madara ändlich zur Izunas Rettig, wenn au scho z’spaat.
«Und ich würs begrüesse, wänn din Brüeder sich uf d’Situation konzentriere wür und nöd uf irendöpis anderes», schüsst s’Baumhirn zrugg und lächled unbewegt, während um ihn ume lächerlichi, farbigi Blueme spriessed, als wänn er en Waldgeist wäri.
«Hmpf.» Und schwupps – de Muet isch wieder wägg. Villicht sötti Izuna de Madara mal i de Koiteich wärfe – er hett jetzt sogar de Chörper, zum’s durezieh.
«Perfäkt. Ich bin so froh, dass mir jetzt ändlich Friede zwüsched üsne Clans schlüsse chönnd. Tobirama, ich nimm ah, du hesch Notize zu dem Jutsu i dim Labor?»
Tobirama grunzt (Izuna will, dass er ufhört, sis schöne Gsicht so z’missbruche), antwortet aber pflichtbewusst: «Ja, Anija.»
«Guet. Ich wird Touka bitte, üsi Truppe zum Gländ zrugg bringe z’lah, und ich nimm ah, du wirsch au öpper ernänne, wo sich mit üchne Chämpfer zruggzieht, Madara?»
Was für en huere Schissdräck. Madara, anstatt Izuna nach dem absolute Desaster vu nem Champf wenigstens z’umarme (was, okay, fair isch, er treit grad s’Gsicht vum Feind, ganz zu schweige devo, dass er viel grösser isch, als er sii sötti, und das muss rächt erschreckend sii – aber trotzdem), wändet sich Hashirama zue, um ihri nögst Plän z’bespräche, also macht Izuna s’einzig Logische; er rückt nöcher a Tobirama ane. De weicht überraschenderwiis nöd zruggt, beäugt Izuna aber misstrauisch.
So sehr sich Tobirama au bemüeht, stoisch z’würke, Izuna hett genau gseh, wo sini Hand vor ‘ere Sekunde no gsi isch. Also grinst er uf sis eigete Gsicht abe, läckt sich über d’Lippe und süslet i nem tüüfe, heisere Ton (wo Izuna sälber z’schaffe macht, wow – wenn Tobirama de Tonfall jemals im Champf benutzt hetti, wär Izuna uf de Stell gstorbe): «Weisch, wenn a dem Ring es bitzli nach obe ziehsch –»
Ehe er sich’s vergseht, wicklet sich d’Mokuton-Ranke nomal um ihn und sis Mul – aber nöd, bevor er gseht, wie de helli Teint vu sim Chörper vu ‘ere schöne Röti überno wird, Tobirama es Hitzgi usestossed und d’Auge wiit ufrisst, was die ganz Tortur absolut lohnenswert macht.
Ja, Izuna wird de spezifischi Feind uf jede Fall vil nöcher bi sich palte.
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