#traumatized Uchiha Bros
pachu09 · 22 days
Madara stared at him with a complicated look on his face. Tobirama couldn't pinpoint what his Husband's expression is...all he can assumed is that the man is...somehow beyond upset.
Izuna looked at him as if he betrayed them.
And Tobirama doesn't know why his Brother in Law was shooting him that kind of look.
All he did was he made a gagging motion as he smelled the tempura Madara had ordered from the Akimichi restaurant. He knew why he reacted like that, but he's not yet sure if what he suspects is actually true.
He would need Anija's expertise to find out if his suspicions are correct but he couldn't cause for another three weeks his Brother is visiting Uzushio after years of not doing so.
He waved his hand at his Husband and pinch his nose as he avoided in smelling the frankly disgusting smell of tempura. (Tobirama silently despaired that he can't eat one of his favorite foods since a few weeks ago).
" Tobirama. What in the Sage's name?. What is happening to you?. Are you *sick*?!. "
Tobirama is weirded out at Izuna at Madara's reaction of the word *sick*. The Brothers had a terrified look on their faces and the Albino thought its the Uchiha extraness that is kicking in again.
He hesitated to tell what's his speculation is. It took a few seconds of silence on his part that Tobirama watches with startled eyes as his Husband burst into tears and asked him with heaving sobs if he's dying.
Izuna clutching his shoulders and shaking him made Tobirama feel all the more nauseous. He had to swat the man's hands away from him to stop lzuna's ridiculous antic.
" Stop!. Stop, Izuna!. For the love of the Sage!. I am not dying! I'm fucking pregnant! You imbeciles!. " He finally snap irritably.
Cue a few seconds of deadly silence...and then Tobirama watches with dismayed eyes as his Husband and Brother in Law fainted together.
Tobirama later found out that the reason why Madara and Izuna looked terrified at the thought of him getting sick is that because their Mother passed away from an unknown sickness after she gave birth to their youngest sibling who also died at birth.
A week later, Tobirama deeply regretted on agreeing that his Husband and Brother in Law can dote on him. Because apparently Uchiha doting is quite...daunting and exhausting. He can't even go out of the Compound without one of the siblings escorting him. Or he can't put any food in his mouth without the two tasting it first ( for just in case scenarios ) , or he can't even talk to any Shinobi he had to talk to ( because, what if they're hidden spies! Wife! ). Frankly, Tobirama didn't know if he can put up for nine months with the non stop hovering of the Uchiha Brothers. He wanted to sometimes snap at them but then he always remembered his Husband's and Brother in Law's terrified faces and he'll be back to square one at enduring their version of pampering him.
For now, he's just clutching at the hope that when Anija comes back, he can straighten out his frankly ( traumatized ) Family.
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queenuchiha89 · 3 months
HIII! Anonn requesting the sequel for the Itachi violating little sister fic: *Clears throat*, *speaks into microphone.* YES! It could start slow but definitely happens after he finds out he got her pregnant and starts coming onto her/trynna sleep with her more. Would LOVE it if he noncons his way into making her a willing, brainless bimbo for big bro’s cock. Sasuke’s just (occasionally) watching the disaster happen but always enjoying the show and thinking FOR SURE he’ll say something NEXT time, but next time never comes lol??? Ohh and not to mention will their parents find out what’s going on etc? Will they get strict with her even just after knowing only about the pregnancy? Will they have any suspects in mind??? SO MANY POSSIBILITIES
Seeing as I just received hate for that exact piece of work... *Rafiki voice* it is time! 🔥
*** NSFW ***
*** 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! ***
*** TW. DARK CONTENT!! ***
Part 2.
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⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING: this story contains noncon, incest, voyeurism, forced breeding and impregnation, and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers. Viewer discretion is STRONGLY advised!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
It had been almost 6 weeks since the vicious attack itachi delivered to his little sister Y/N, and for the most part, Itachi went about his days as though nothing ever happened. Y/N on the other hand had not been taking it well. Clearly she was traumatized. Every morning she woke up with it on her mind, and every morning it made her stomach twist, and she would find herself running to the bathroom to vomit. Itachi -while he went about his daily routine without so much as a hint as to what took place- did notice his sister's change in behavior, and began to suspect that he might have gotten his little sister pregnant. Although he thought of the real world consequences of that notion, the thought of him having gotten her knocked up with his fertile Uchiha seed made his cock stir. He had to find out for himself before anyone else noticed.
Y/N sat on her bed, studying for an upcoming test when itachi entered her room with a subtle knock on the door frame. She looked up at him, but quickly looked away not wanting her eyes to meet his gaze. "Little sister, I need to talk to you..." He said as he closed the door behind him. Y/N tensed up in nervous anticipation of what may be to come. "What is it Itachi?" She asked seeming both irritated and terrified. He sat down next to her. "I've noticed you in the morning for the last couple of weeks..." He started looking at her. She refused to make eye contact, not saying a word or making a sound, but her cheeks grew red under the weight of his words. Itachi took a small box out of his pocket and slid it toward her. "here. Take this." He said. Y/N looked blankly at the box that sat on the bed between them. "Itachi I-I.. " she stumbled over her words, deep down knowing he was right. There was a very high possibility that he had gotten her pregnant that night. "Do it... Or I'll make you." He said activating his sharingan. Her eyes widened as she saw Itachi's eyes swirl into a deep red. "Okay, okay! I'll take it just... Please Ita-" she replied, assuring him that she would do as she was told as she took the box and stood up.
Y/N entered the bathroom, her hands shaking from nervousness. She took the test and set it on the counter, following the instructions on the box. Itachi knocked and then entered the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind them. "what did it say?" He asked curiously. "I don't know, it's not done processing yet..." She said softly. The 3 minutes had passed and she reluctantly looked over at the test. "oh my god..." She whispered as all the color drained from her face. She felt woozy. Itachi, seeing her reaction looked at the test on the counter. Positive. Seeing that positive test made a new kind of desire for her growing within him, and he stood her up. "Don't worry little sis. We'll take care of it. Okay?" He said, kissing her forehead making her cringe. "How can I NOT worry itachi?! Y-you got me pregnant!" She said crying into his chest as he held her tight. Itachi lifted her head and forced her to look at him. "Listen to me. You're mine now, understand? I'll take care of the both of you." He replied as he moved her in front of the mirror so she could see herself, and itachi, who stood behind her. He slid his hand slowly along the small pudge in her lower abdomen, feeling his cock stir as he did. "That's mine, and so are you little sis. There's nothing you can do about it now, so you might as well get used to the idea of us being together. God, you're going to look so beautiful round and pregnant with my seed..." She said, his voice heavy with lust as he reached his hand up to grope one of her supple tits. Y/N squirmed in his arms as he fondled her breasts, her nipples hardening under her top as he did. "What did I tell you, little sister? Better get used to it!" He said, his voice more demanding this time. Itachi wasted no time forcing her to bend over the counter in front of the mirror, and before she had any time to protest, his cock was inside of her warm wet pussy. Itachi clasped a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. "Take it sis. You know you like it. Even if you deny it... Your pussy gripping around my cock suggests otherwise..." He teased, his words causing a great deal of shame to rise up from within her. She could at least TRY to stop him, but maybe he was right... Maybe part of her DID enjoy getting used by her big brother. It didn't take long before both of them were cumming together, Itachi collapsing on top of her as he caught his breath. He slowly pulled out of her, and kissed her on the cheek. "You're mine forever little sis. I love you so much." He said as she straightened himself up. "Get cleaned up and you better act normal at dinner. We don't need mother and father finding out about this. At least not yet." He said before leaving her alone to clean herself up.
In the next room, a stunned Sasuke struggles to quickly clean himself up after having jerked his cock off to the sounds of Itachi fucking his big sis in the bathroom next to his room. He felt so ashamed that something so horrible could make him cum so hard, but the sounds of his big sister's cries and whimpers awakened something primal in him every time he heard them. "next time. Next time I'll say something... I swear I will..." He said to himself, as he cleaned the cum off his hand and tried to shake his own shame as he made his way downstairs to join his family for dinner.
A.N: definitely going to keep this one running for a bit. Do I hear a... Part 3??? 👀🤷‍♀️🔥Also, shout out to the artist @Ratsuki_042 for the art! ❤️🔥
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uchihaharlot · 1 month
Heyooo, how are you, bro?
I hope your health is better now!
I have one innocent request.
"How would all Uchiha act if they finds out that you are self-harming?" (Mostly Madara pls😏)
I don't know if it's allowed topic... but yeah.
NSFW; TW self harm; minor mentions of injury; small prologue;
Before I go into this hc, I want to expressly tell anyone who reads this; whether we are mutuals or not. Whether you like my writing, like me or don’t or whatever.
My blog is a safe haven. You can openly message me, befriend me on discord (ask for my handle) or interact in the comments. If you feel like there are people who don’t care enough as they should. I just want to say that, I do. I don’t know who you are, what you’re doing. But I love you. Do not think for a single iota that your existence is merely coincidence, I’m not by any means a holier than thou individual and I’ve had my fair share of this isn’t worth living for: but trust me; it is and then some.
Madara comes from an era where you put your best fist forward when things aren’t right. His level of resolve is steel cut and unwavering…but seeing you hurt yourself as an outlet, doesn’t sit well with Madara. And he’s into good old fashioned methods of healing…sorta. Expect to be tied up to his bed; not in the way you’d like either. For days he will keep you there, turning your body so you won’t get bed sores. Feeding you and letting you up to the toilet fa few times a day, and once at night if needed. All of this until you finally talk it out with him, and agree to find a better solution to figuring out how to express your feelings/pain. Insists on being around you every second of the day.
I won’t lie, seeing you hurt yourself this way; it makes him cry. Do you want Obito to cry!? He’s inconsolable when you won’t even consider him as a vent source. And, while he won’t selfishly make it about him. He will openly admit most (ok all) of his faults in the hopes you would share your own. Whatever it is, Obito is sure that there are far better way to convey the message you want to share. Suffering in silence is only so fool proof.
No. No, no. No. Shisui one hundred percent won’t stand for it, and despite your protests of him almost catapulting himself off a cliff, he will tell you the error of his ways. Undoubtedly will make sure that you understand that even his own potential sacrifice would have been fruitless, and that you shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. And from there, Shisui will spend countless hours, days and nights proving to you just how sacred human life is. He inadvertently blames himself for some of this, you mentioning his almost demise opens old wounds and Shisui takes the opportunity for you both to grow and evolve. He wants to be a role model; not the reason you justify it.
In a way; he’s bereaved. This is highly unusual for you, and Itachi’s keen eyes (and new prescription glasses) catch a glimpse of your fresh wounds as he lightly snatches your arm. ‘Why would you do this?’ and ‘that’s not a logical reason to purposely harm yourself.’ Are a few of his stern words to you. Itachi is a no nonsense man, and he won’t tolerate you hurt yourself. If he was a true jerk, like he tricked many to believe for the longest time; he’d put you in Tsukuyomi and really give you something to think about. But instead, he inundated you day in and day out with his concern. Hoping that if you see one person who cares; you will eventually open up.
Sasuke, traumatized by his older brother—not once but twice and more, lived in excruciating detail his own parents death, several times over. In the matter of three seconds; he understands your grief. Whatever you might be going through, I think when it comes to seeing other people suffering—especially as adult Sasuke, he can’t cope with it, and rarely did for himself. Which is sort of mkes him the besy person for this. He also doesn’t mince words and tells you straight out that you’re only causing yourself more harm in the long run. His method of cut and dry reality checks come in waves, when you think he’s not watching you, he’s right there. Don’t under estimate his capabilities. You’re on his radar and Sasuke won’t hesitate to use his techniques to get you talking; the sooner you find the root cause of your problems. The better, take it from someone who let their pain fester until it boiled over, it’s not worth it.
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narutocharacterpolls · 9 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he is an artist!
his clay models are cute, fun and dynamic!
cool hairstyle and sick eyeliner job
set up the mood for the rest of Shippuden with his introduction + fight with Gaara
4 mouths
wants to kill Oonoki
bombed several lands just for kicks
likes to appreciate art
faced Gai and his team ARMLESS armed with a kunai IN HIS MOUTH and escaped mostly unscathed
trained one eye to counter attack genjutsus
likes birds and winged animals
fought against Sasuke (A HUGE honor of any character Kishi could have thrown at him he chose his GOAT 🫡)
deranged blue eyed blonde representation
can make his mouth hands make out anytime he wants, power move of the century
caught a Jinchuriki and a Bijuu all by himself
wears a crop top
wears black nail polish
lost both arms and didn't bat an eye
almost strangled Obito
explodes anytime he wants
beefed with Itachi
wanted to kill Orochimaru
long haired men
hates the government
he's annoying to everyone
youngest akatsuki member
hilarious one liners
intelligent, strategic, dramatic, hot, cool
looks like Ino
he has one of the most compelling, gut-wrenching and beautiful sibling relationships in the entire anime
despite showing it in a peculiar way he does love Sasuke and honestly that's based
not to sound like a dudebro but his jutsu is honestly incredible and his fights are very interesting and entertaining to watch. Susano’o in particular is very beautiful as well
created Easter Kakashi. Lol
an incredibly intriguing and complex character, there's so many layers to Itachi and all of them are sad
he was groomed from the age of four because the Konoha Elders saw that he had such an intense reaction to witnessing war and realized that they could make use of that
loved his family deeply despite it all
is the reason behind one of the best plot lines and character (Sasuke) of the anime
he gave up his entire life because he thought this was the only way to guarantee Sasukes safety
he stayed with the akatsuki solely so that he could keep an eye on Konoha and Sasuke and to prevent the akatsuki from harming Sasuke by attacking Konoha
pushed Sasuke to his limit in their fight just to be able to get Orochimaru out of Sasuke for good
"you've studied a lot. You're like a snake expert now" is SO funny and he was so genuine about it
he was SO young and had so many voices telling him traumatizing things left and right, and that he was the only solution on both sides
truly genuinely made as one of the most heart breaking characters and character relations to exist
eye bags are real and relatable
men with long hair
he was traumatized and manipulated since his childhood and deserved sm better
he just wanted to make eggs for his lil brother!
idiot fool boy
he's supposed to be a genius but his emotional intelligence is in the negatives
even his father recognized that he was a good kid and had good intentions when he found out about what Itachi was doing
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Sharing the sharingan:
Itachi being like “huh, what? You just told me to kill all the Uchiha’s Mr.Danzo. And this piece of paper clearly says that man is NOT an Uchiha. You’d think the shadow hokage would know how to fucking read.”
What to do when your teammate uses you to commit suicide (a self help guide for the lost, confused, and used)
the book is blank because hey it’s a first for me too kid.
An Uchiha who turns to love rather than hate.
Them taking care of Sakumo’s body and cleaning the blood off kakashi :’(
Kakshi double fisting a weirdly accurate self help book and pure smut while white knuckling his mental health.
Two bros chilling in a one room apartment with a hoard of semi-adopted kids co-writing porn for their little brother’s mental health because they’re not gay
ADHD Hyuga 0-0
Naruto buying Kabuto and scaring him with his teeth cuz he won’t go to any other healer but the Uchiha
“Destroy eyes” pact now including one traumatized dog man
May the lord have mercy on your insignificant soul because I swear to god if I ever see your bitch ass again I will not.
Gordon Uchiha
As much as it hurts to see the light come for his pups he’s so fucking glad they get to live another day, get to break the cycle of the Hatakes (because they are all Hatakes no matter what clans two of them were born into) dying young.
Big Lap Dog problem where the pups grew bigger and Sakumo did not as he is dead, so where two scrawny teenagers and an actual toddler never knocked Sakumo over three ANBU who have long since grown out of the gangliness of youth and have spent years packing on muscle through training very much do.
But you are incredibly correct imagining them as different heights is somehow deeply upsetting and they have to be the exact same height for Reasons
The three friend killers. With phantom blood of enemies and once allies forever staining their hands. The three remaining sharingan users. All of them with a flee on sight status in most bingo books. All of them cuddling in the nearly empty lounge.
The Uchiha: oh yeah…sorry I called you a bitch. The Hyuga: it’s fine. I am a bitch.
So when she knows she can't escape (She was never going to beat them, they have always been better than her no matter how hard she tried) she decides to just.... let their jutsu hit her. To die by her brothers hands is probably the best end she could hope for.
She stands back from the fire at first when the boys finally meet them (too soon. Far too soon) but kakashi spots her in the dark just like he always had. And what chance did she have not to be buried under the weight of her brothers (what were they all eating that they had gotten so damn tall.
one soul in two bodies, the closest someone could be to another person without cracking their chest open to crawl inside (she wondered one day if one of them would. Would take that final step to rejoin their hearts until they were one whole being again.) they had taken different approaches to the hatred
Seeing two Byakugan split between two faces. Knowing that the eyes once called the true heart of a dojutsu user were swapped between the two in actuality.
Sasuke constantly stuck in a game of catch-up he never seems to win. Chasing after distant goals and figures he can barely see, let alone match.
The third teammate in sharing the Sharingan: “But she’s still the outsider, she doesn’t share their strange pack mentality…”. Me: it’s the neurodivergence babe.
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brickercupmasterx3 · 1 year
Now imagine the uchiha all coming back and itachi and all the uchiha tell sasuke its just a prank bro
..... That's messed up. I'm not a big Sasuke fan, but that's just such a terrible move/prank. Sasuke was merely a child when that happened. To find out that he'd been lied to his whole life would just be awful and traumatizing.
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Madara the Ghost of the Uchiha
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I've been watching some videos lately about morticians who have witnessed supernatural events during their work time. An other one was a medium talking about what she saw. A third one was a documentary in Japan about ghosts apparitions after the tsunami of 2013. All those three documentaries where from different platform in 3 languages (english, french, japanese) with people having different sensibility, the mortician was the more scientific, the medium is more in touch with the spiritual realm, and the japaneses were just regular people who happens to have seen ghosts.
Whatever if we believe them or not. What i find intriguing is there are common points in those records. What they call ghosts are always people who suffered and died in traumatic way and for some reason can't or won't leave this world. They are stuck in this in-between dimension and stay haunting the livings, doing exactly what they were doing in their lifetime, with the same dated clothes, same speech. ex : you can see a ghost just reading in a library, walking every night the same path in a park, speaking in an dated english language ect...
the medium said she can see people from far distant past like people from middle age killed in a castle, the mortician has been sent in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and saw those dead still around the place they've been killed just few days ago. And for the 2013 tsunami in japan, ghosts revealed themselves few month after the tsunami, taxi drivers were visit by those phantom customers who wanted to go home. Those ghosts just didn't realise they were dead and where still looking for a way to come back home.
They should not be there, but somehow they're still there...
Do you see now the symbolism with Madara's story? And it's funny that he gave himself this title as if he was aware of his own situation. (I'm almost a believer that Madara breaks the 4th wall, since destroying stuffs is what excite him the most)
He was killed in a traumatic way by Hashirama. Stabbed in the back by his best friend. He used Izanagi to come back but never came back to his "real" life. He never tried to be in contact anymore neither with Hashirama or the Uchiha clan (at least as far as we know). He stayed in this in-between cave dimension for a very long time roughly 50 years. Occasionally he is seen by people who are also close to death like Obito when he had been found under this rock.
And the most important similarity with ghost, there is something he absolutely needed to achieve on Earth even if he already used and abused his own lifespan. And that's why it was so important for him to resurrect. Like those ghost who want to go home and didn't realise there are already dead. And symbolically Madara is "irrelevant" in Naruto's era. During the war, he barely interacts with the main characters Naruto or Sasuke, and even if he did they can't understand him. And in return, they are not interested by his motives while remember how much Naruto spend time trying to understand Pain's motives. In the war, Naruto spoke mainly to Obito because he is from this timeline, not Madara. Tobirama and Hashirama told him that it's not their Era anymore, he should let it go.
But we know how stubborn he is, right? Not only he didn't let it go but he literally haunted the whole fiction, by planning his infinite Tsukuyomi since chapter 1, by using Gedo statue to artificially extent his life, by asking Obito to cosplay him to still "live" as Madara after his second physical death, by resurrecting a third and last time. Bro really doesn't want to rest !😭 Only an Alien woman more deranged than him was able to put an end to his infinite ghostly way of life.
Omg imagine if Madara was aware than Kama exists and he can be immortal? He''ll find a way to have an other "madara" there in Boruto, Zoruto, and Goyuto on and on...
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secret-engima · 4 years
NotEveryDayisAGoodDay: maybe a scene where Ita is being Daded into a better mental/emotional health? And what do the rumors have to say about Yoru being the Bijuu's dad? And about Ita, He's obvs an OldSoul, just with no memory of his lives before. My brain suggested that he's Somnus. Ardyn wonders into town and is oh shit baby bro. There's Angst and Feels before he leaves again. And Yoru knows that something about Ita called to him but couldn't put his finger on it before Uncle showed up.
I will never say no to the deserved dadding of Itachi but first let me just say that Itachi as Somnus But No Memories is BRILLIANT and let’s pretend that’s a thing now. Ardyn blows into town ever few years and always dotes on Itachi shamelessly.
-It’s not long after Yoru realized that the Uchiha had forgotten themselves and Sarutobi was being Even More Of An Idiot because really, there are no wars (Yoru makes sure of that) so why send a FOUR YEAR OLD onto a combat mission? Seriously? He put laws in place against those via Hashirama (that Danzo discreetly hid and Sarutobi is turning a blind eye too for the moment).
-Yoru sweeps in and claims Itachi as a Retainer in a heartbeat after hearing about this, just- shows up in the Uchiha compound in his Formal Getup with his Retinue flanking him and is like “I am here for my newest Retainer” and like- what are the Uchiha gonna do? Say NO??? Yoru is still highly esteemed in many circles even if Sarutobi and Danzo are being Idiots about him and on one hand no one in the Uchiha wants to tick off Yoru and on the other PRESTIGE. Yoru has claimed no Retainer since finding his Aburame and that was generations ago. So Fugaku stiffly summons Itachi and Mikoto stoically packs her son’s bags despite her pregnant belly and tries not to show her heartbreak at giving away her eldest to the unpredictable and ancient forest spirit that has long watched over their village. Mikoto pets Itachi’s hair and whispers to him to be good while Fugaku stiffly orders his son to make the Uchiha proud.
-Yoru watches them give up their child without fighting, without crying, without even hugging, and feels rage bubble under his skin that he will not show.
-Itachi is four and small and traumatized when Yoru takes him back to the shrine. Ignis fusses and Gladio moves the boy’s things into the room he’ll be living in now and Prompto entertains Itachi with his butterflies and for a while everything is fine.
-A few days later the shock factor wears off and it is no longer fine.
-Yoru unhesitatingly picks Itachi up during his silent sobbing fit, having woken up after sensing Itachi’s chakra fluctuate with homesickness-nightmares-sadness-loneliness, curling the boy against his shoulder and walking back and forth through the gardens until the stunned Itachi drifts back to sleep.
-Having a child in the shrine is a welcome return in some ways. Yoru’s and Tsuki’s children are all grown and moved out at this point, some to other parts of the village, some to places beyond in the ninja world. They all take turns making Itachi feel at home, comforting his nightmares, and when he confesses what happened on the mission (killing a man and still dreaming of the blood on the kunai), how it made him feel and how he HATES it, Yoru tells Itachi that while he will learn to fight, he will never be forced to fight anyone. He will never have to be a ninja, never have to go to war unless he chooses to. Yoru will make sure of that.
-Itachi clings to Yoru after that, becomes his little shadow even more than Tsuki’s or Ignis’s. Tsuki teaches him healing, Yoru gives him (adopts him with) magic so he can always feel at home with them.
-Six months in and a little boy named Shisui bumbles in, saying he’s here to check on his cousin. Yoru smiles when Itachi shyly emerges from behind Yoru’s yukata to say hi and is bedazzled by Shisui’s smile. The two are attached at the hip after that unless Gladio deigns playfight with Shisui (which he always does) because Shisui LIKES Gladio and thinks he’s cool.
-About a year later Gladio finally gets impatient with the Uchiha, bangs on the door to Fugaku’s house at like- six in the morning and when Mikoto opens it stiffly (what else will Yoru take from them what else can he but her newborn child please nO) and Gladio gruffly says “Just because you don’t have to feed him anymore doesn’t mean you aren’t still his mother. Make time in your day to visit.”
-And for a moment Mikoto is so furious her Uchiha mask slips and she snaps that Yoru was the one who TOOK HER SON AWAY from her, how was she supposed to know they would permit visits? Gladio just flashes a bit of fang and retorts that she didn’t even protest the removal and didn’t even hug her son goodbye, how were they supposed to know she was BOTHERED by it?
-Mikoto is more than a little insulted but also baffled.
-Mikoto and Fugaku visit regularly after that, albeit with supervision after Fugaku forgets himself and goes on a “You Must Live Up To Being An Uchiha” rant that nearly reduces Itachi to tears later.
-Fugaku is sorry about that after Ignis calmly sits the two down and serenely informs them about all the ways that kind of mentality and behavior can Mess Up A Child.
-They are very understanding and don’t interrupt.
-It has nothing to do with the knives Ignis is expertly sharpening despite his blindness he is sure.
-So anyway yes. Much cuddles and positive reinforcement for Itachi since he was 4, plus LC magic and training in being a medic and he absolutely grows up to be the next Tsunade of his generation (despite being a boy). :D
-To answer your other questions!
-The rumors all insist that Yoru is TOTALLY the dad of the biju, it’s just HOW that varies wildly. Some have him as forming them out of the elements in an expression of his power, others have him being wooed by a demon who shapeshifted into a lovely woman and their affair gave birth to them. There’s a particularly wild one that says YORU is the one who shapeshifter into a woman and seduced a demon and they call Yoru father out of respect even though they should technically call him mother (Prompto just about dies from crying laughter when he hears that one, Gladio is on the floor and Ignis is smirking. Yoru is a Die™). There’s a story among the few who remember the Legend of the Sage of Six Paths (albeit in pieces) that makes him out to be a helper of the Sage and that when the Sage battled the TenTails he was unable to defeat the beast until he sought out and earned the favor of Yoru and his trickster Uncle, who gave the Sage gifts of healing and illusion to finally trick the beast into being defeated and split into the biju.
-There is one particularly fae-like and gentle tale that says that when Yoru was but a young, rash, child spirit himself, his only company were nine toys of different creatures. First a little stuffed kitsune who traveled with him everywhere, then a wooden octo-cow that he set as the guard for his bedside, then on down each biju until he made a little tanuki playmate out of sand and glass. The story then goes that as he grew, he kept the toys and loved them, giving them names and speaking with them as real friends and that in time, when he had reached adulthood, his years and years of love made them magic. But he had since forgotten about them once reaching adulthood, and so the toys became bitter and lonely and took on the forms of living chakra beasts to search for their “father” and that their tails are numbered in order of which one Yoru had first (thus the stuffed fox gained nine tails while the little tanuki of sand and glass only gained one).
-Yoru finds this version oddly charming if sad and Shukaku has more than once loudly grumbled at being compared to a TOY.
-Ardyn’s fav is the one where Yoru is the shapeshifter. Because of course it is. XD
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ramiel-enthusiast · 4 years
Why do you hate Tobirama when he was right about all he said and even tried to channel Uchiha's unstable emotions into something useful and gave power and influence to them when other clans had no such privileges? In his lifetime, a mad Uchiha caused the First World War, crippled his sister-in-law and terrorized the country. Uchiha turned into overpowered vengeful terrorists for the trauma other Shinobi had to deal with. Tobirama should have sent the Uchiha to a madhouse isntead.
what does this mean bro
first of all, all the “First World War” and “vengeful terrorists” shit is like... exclusively madara (and maybe a bit of help from obito)??? just because madara was crazy does not mean the whole clan has to go to the madhouse sdfhlskdjfl
second, wtf do you mean abt channelling their “unstable emotions” like are you saying that all uchihas are born unstable?? that an entire clan is just full of weird crazy bitches that need to be watched over 24/7?? and dont try and act like all the uchiha have that “curse of hatred” going on. the “curse of hatred” is literally just “reacting negatively to traumatic experiences” like... duh youre gonna be angry and upset if something awful happened to you? kagami/mikoto/shisui/etc arent immune to the curse” they just werent traumatized or they happened to be good at coping.
and lastly the uchiha didnt have a bunch of political power and exclusive privileges.. when tobirama made them into the police force he just used that as an excuse to push them to the outskirts of the village. this marginalized the uchiha clan and made them have a poor connection with the rest of the village. he isolated them, hell, even hashirama calls his brother out on this. and the uchiha clan didnt like this!! fugaku peacefully brought up their concerns and requested to be reintegrated into the village and he was shot down!! then they were silenced and pushed further out of the village (which, ya kno, is kinda funny because this whole scenario is oddly reminiscent of what some US cities did to poc... pushing them out and claiming that they were “improving the city” and Totally Not Racist. this shit really just was thinly veiled oppression)
ofc, unless im overlooking something?? when did the uchiha clan ever use their “political power” to their advantage? what unique influence did they have in the village besides ppl respecting the strength of their doujutsu? tbh all i know abt the uchiha clan politically is that madara got cucked out of being hokage twice because tobirama wanted to throw shade + they got kicked to the edge of the village even after they asked to be reintegrated into it.
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snickiebear · 3 years
Snickie!!! Some commentary pls from "Sakura spent her thirty-second birthday in a hospital bed because God Eater or not, if one gets stabbed in the heart with a poisonous blade, one may just die." up until “Dear kami,” Sakura whispered, eyeing the tempura in Sasuke’s other hand. “I think we broke them. Sai, my love, bring me that tempura Sasuke brought me, I’m starving.” from stars in our eyes as we dream of the heavens, pls and thank u!!!
mittens!!!!! oh yes! the Revealment Scene >;))
Sakura spent her thirty-second birthday in a hospital bed because God Eater or not, if one gets stabbed in the heart with a poisonous blade, one may just die.
(She didn’t, obviously, because she’s the Woman Who Ate God. She survived worse than a twisted sword to her heart and some really deadly poison.)
(Tsunade yelled at her for an entire hour about idiot apprentices who forget to dodge because they ate a god. Sakura thought it was hilarious.)
okay so i still find Sakura being stabbed to be literally hilarious. like this motherfucker ate a god, lost her leg, is an ANBU captain and sasori is able to get her. like LMAO cmon sakura wtf bro.
also found tsunade yelling at her to be extremely amusing because my hc is that tsunade’s love language is being mean and yelling, and i ADORE IT. 
The boys walked in to Kakashi-sensei’s mask pulled down as he kissed Sakura breathless, hands in her hair.
AHAHAHA YESSS. okay so the realization i wanted for naruto and sasuke (because sai is actually aware of things) had to be right in the face. so, why not have them walk in to kakashi and sakura fucking making out?? 
tbh i think they thought sakura and kakashi were just really good friends and that kakashi was too lazy to keep up this game of “who is sensei’s wife?” 
“Marry me.” He demanded, kissing her between the words as Sakura giggles, fingers tracing his spine.
“We’re already married,” She pointed out and Kakashi kisses her again and again and again-
kakashi and sakura’s love is consuming and ravishing, so their physical love would be too. they’re still violent things, no matter how domesticated they become, war is carved into their bones and though they are tender and loving, their kisses are demanding and possessive in a way that only they could ever understand. 
plus, if you’ve read Ichor Runs Through My Veins then you also know that kakashi proposing was kind of a running joke 
“So, you really aren’t gay.” Sasuke blurted because his face was red and he really did not want to watch Kakashi stick his tongue down Sakura’s throat. It was worse than walking in on Itachi trying to flirt with Iruka-sensei's picture taped to the bathroom mirror.  
LMFAOOOO OKAY THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. i love a good ole wrap up, so this is direct connection to the opening scenes when they think kakashi is married to gai, which is fucking funny. 
also, i really do love crack ships, so iruka and itachi.. which was also inspired by Masks. I got a few comments saying they didn’t like the ship but i still find it interesting and they have so much potentiol.
I know i painted this scene is a light hearted manner (because it was supposed to be fun with underlying tensions) but iruka who is nothing but a giver, he is a caring, earnest person. he loves freely and thoroughly. and then itachi, itachi who was manipulated and he’s broken, and he’s traumatized. i just think they’re neat. 
“Wait.” Naruto said, flabbergasted and flailing. “You’re married?!”
“For eleven years.” Sai added blandly, giving the two of them a blank look that screamed arrogance.
“What the fuck?” Naruto whispered, squeezing Sasuke’s hand. The Uchiha just stared and stared and stared.
“Dear kami,” Sakura whispered, eyeing the tempura in Sasuke’s other hand. “I think we broke them. Sai, my love, bring me that tempura Sasuke brought me, I’m starving.”
FAMILY!! i just love the dynamics here, and that Kakashi has his mask down and no one’s commented on it because “what the fuck sakura why’d you marry HIM?” is SO FUNNY TO ME. like the fact that the boys adore sakura (and kakashi too, but they’re shy about it) is so heartwarming to me. i love writing mama bear saku and papa wolf kaka with their little cubs.
under sakura’s hand, sai has become an even more little shit who’s a know it all. who really does, know it all. so i loveeee writing him and sakura together, because sai is sakura’s and he revels in it. 
Sasuke and Naruto holding HANDS. YES. i do enjoy narusasu tbh, i think they make the most sense as of canon content (this is entirely my opinion). i try to write narusasu in most things i write because i think the contrast between them and how they mix and compliment each other. they’re very interesting. 
naruto isn’t stupid, no he isn’t. but he is oblivious and naive and i love touching on that in some of my angster fics, but in this one its painted as a nicer and more light hearted thing. 
lastly, sakura is always hungry and of course she isn’t going to let some good tempura go to waste because her kids are stupid lmfaoooo 
i honestly could do an entire commentary on the whole series, i love it so much. thank you for the ask mittens!!!!!
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twinkluvr67 · 5 years
look i love itachi or whatever but you cannot deny that he still gave sasuke a fucking lifetime of trauma outside of just slaughtering his whole clan... like i know he wanted 2 protect sasuke and he couldn't bring himself to kill sasuke but honestly besides the fact that the massacre would've been enough trauma for sasuke anyways, seeing that it was HIS OWN BROTHER that did it and then his brother saying that he'd need to kill his best friend like.... and this was something that was more acceptable to know when i just thought he was a fucking run of the mill evil person and thought he actually killed shisui but after you learn that he never killed shisui and was actually distraught when he killed himself... it's just so horrifying that he would even tell sasuke that he'd have to kill his best friend... like what was the POIIINNTT. there has to be a reason for everything but honestly it just feels like he did that for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. and i knooow i KNOOWW itachi's reasoning was to make sasuke stronger but like.. sis... giving him a serious case of ptsd ain't gonna make ANYONE stronger... and itachi always always pushing sasuke away and always lying and always keeping him at a distance... this man does NOT understand communication and honestly i can't blame him considering he was in an organization that promoted secrecy but STILL... and honestly once sasuke SAW him and knew he was the person that killed everyone... that was IT bro, like sasuke wouldve been better off dead. obviously sasuke is always meant to be alive and always meant to be at naruto's side but you would think that itachi would fucking think "hmm this kid is gonna be really traumatized and i already killed everyone else, i should probably just kill him too" but nooo despite the brainwashing from birth he was still too sensitive to ever kill his baby brother and honestly at this point it's like... what's better? sasuke being dead or sasuke living a life with severe ptsd?
AND honestly like i don't even KNOW what to say about his age like... i know we make fun of him for being a bootlicker but it is so beyond, so incomprehensibly fucked up up and straight up heinous that this THIRTEEN year old was made to kill his whole clan... this literal child was brainwashed since he was young to always protect the leaf and GOD for itachi to be put in the middle of the village and the clan and to serve as a double agent.... none of this is just itachi's fault, it's the fault of the higher ups it's the fault of danzo its the fault of the adult uchihas it's the fault of tobirama for creating a system of distrust for the uchihas and a tension between the clan and the village... and i know itachi definitely can't be deflected of all blame because seriously fuck him but sasuke had POINTS when he said he was going to dismantle the system that let this atrocity occur in the first place...
beyond the massacre point tho is when itachi's character just becomes unacceptable because at this point he's with the akatsuki and he's AWAY from the village and yet he STILL has this fucking crazy desire to protect it... like how deep does brainwashing go that after being with people like the akatsuki you STILL hold affection for a corrupt government... itachi would've been a much more interesting character if he had been allowed to grow and change and realize how fucked up his childhood was and how awful the leaf actually is. but of course this could never happen because kishimoto's idea of villainy is going against the mold and refusing to conform and questioning the status quo and that's why the stark differences between sasuke and itachi is just so perfect, because it allows this man to perfectly illustrate his point and to spread his fucked up beliefs and the message "DON'T dismantle the government actually revolution is bad institutional oppression is GOOD" like...
in conclusion, itachi sucks but most of it is because kishimoto has a boner for genocide
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narutocharacterpolls · 9 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he has one of the most compelling, gut-wrenching and beautiful sibling relationships in the entire anime
despite showing it in a peculiar way he does love Sasuke and honestly that's based
not to sound like a dudebro but his jutsu is honestly incredible and his fights are very interesting and entertaining to watch. Susano’o in particular is very beautiful as well
created Easter Kakashi. Lol
an incredibly intriguing and complex character, there's so many layers to Itachi and all of them are sad
he was groomed from the age of four because the Konoha Elders saw that he had such an intense reaction to witnessing war and realized that they could make use of that
loved his family deeply despite it all
is the reason behind one of the best plot lines and character (Sasuke) of the anime
he gave up his entire life because he thought this was the only way to guarantee Sasukes safety
he stayed with the akatsuki solely so that he could keep an eye on Konoha and Sasuke and to prevent the akatsuki from harming Sasuke by attacking Konoha
pushed Sasuke to his limit in their fight just to be able to get Orochimaru out of Sasuke for good
"you've studied a lot. You're like a snake expert now" is SO funny and he was so genuine about it
he was SO young and had so many voices telling him traumatizing things left and right, and that he was the only solution on both sides
truly genuinely made as one of the most heart breaking characters and character relations to exist
eye bags are real and relatable
men with long hair
he was traumatized and manipulated since his childhood and deserved sm better
he just wanted to make eggs for his lil brother!
idiot fool boy
he's supposed to be a genius but his emotional intelligence is in the negatives
even his father recognized that he was a good kid and had good intentions when he found out about what Itachi was doing
he's so fucking funny
grew up in a horrific ninja cult and somehow ended up more normal than Kakashi
cringefail swag
if Kakashi is a dogboy that's a cat, Tenzou is a catboy that's a dog
he kept Naruto from imploding
he's an awesome stand in for Kakashi
he's beautiful
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara and Gai for the character headcanons! :D
Send me a character and I’ll share my headcanons!
1: sexuality headcanon Either straight as an arrow or gay as fuck, there is no in between and I write him both ways XD
2: otp HashiMada or HashiMito, it really depends on my mood, though HashiMada might have the slightest lead
3: brotp Hashirama & Tobirama or Hashirama & Madara (depending on the pairing), I just don’t see anyone willing to be bros with the god of shinobi aside from these two.
4: notp I can’t think of one
5: first headcanon that pops into my headHashirama is an insatiable beast in the spring time and is prone to rather violent displays of possessiveness due to all the plants coming back to life and an influx of nature chakra in the air. has probably caused at least half a dozen sex pollen-induced orgies in Konoha during this time
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI can be a total goofball, but unlike Hashirama that side only comes out around my friends.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterHe never had the balls to ask Madara out, he seriously called Madara a “gift from the divine”; they were in love and Kishi did them dirty.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Cinnamon roll right up until you hurt his precious people, then you are fucked.
1: sexuality headcanonGay, I just can’t picture Tobirama with a woman.
2: otpMadaTobi, no surprise there XD
3: brotpIzuna & Tobirama, because Izuna has to keep his rival/beloved aniki’s lover close in case he steps out of line. I just think these two would be such great, snarky friends and I wish it would have been canon.
4: notpTobirama/Danzo and Tobirama/Sarutobi. No, just no. I can’t wrap my mind around them together.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headTobirama isn’t the type to verbally express his love for someone, he’s definitely one of the people that shows it through his actions. Also if you hurt his loved ones no will find your body and he’ll have an air tight alibi for the time of your disappearance.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI like to think I’m logical like him, though definitely not to the same extreme; also I’m very blunt like he is.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterThat he didn’t give the title of Hokage to Kagami; I would have loved to see an Uchiha as Hokage and I think Kagami would have been an excellent choice. Also I think Kagami would have kept Danzo in check better than Sarutobi did.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Both, some days he’s a cinnamon roll and other days he’s trying to bring the dead back to life.
1: sexuality headcanonGAY and a power bottom, like I rarely write this man as being the one to do the fucking. He’s an asshole, assholes get fucked
2: otpMadaTobi, again no surprise XD
3: brotpMadara & Izuna or Madara & Hikaku, I just see Madara as only getting chummy with the Senju brothers and other Uchiha and given that I almost always pair him with Tobirama or Hashirama or both, it has to be an Uchiha XD
4: notpMadara and Sakura/Sasuke/Naruto all for the same reason - he met them when they were genin and tried to kill them. Plus if he’s in the future he’s got Kakashi and Gai to bang, he doesn’t need any of the Konoha 12.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headMadara has very nasty scars on his hands (like nerve damage or psychologically traumatizing bad) and thus he always wears gloves.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterWhen my loved ones are concerned I am easy to piss off and when I’m really pissed off I am loud.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterHe’s a dumpster fire, but that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Problematic fave on the outside, cinnamon roll on the inside
1: sexuality headcanonGay, with that much spandex and an ass like his he’s not straight
2: otpProbably KakaGai, but MadaGai has a special place in my heart
3: brotpGai & Lee, they are the most youthful of bros!
4: notpI’ve only ever read KakaGai or MadaGai, so I don’t have one XD
5: first headcanon that pops into my headHe starts his day by screaming YOUTH as loud as he can 100 times
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI guess we both value our friends and want to push others to do their best, or at least I do most of the time (there are totally people I want to see crash and fucking burn)
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterThat he didn’t get to really show off his skills until his fight with Madara, because DAMN I wanted to see him fight like that more often! you know minus the nearly dying part XD
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Gai is the most youthful of cinnamon rolls!
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ffrecommendation · 5 years
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Hoshigaki Kisame/Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Izumi, Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Orochimaru/Sasori (Naruto) Characters: Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori (Naruto), Orochimaru (Naruto), Kakuzu (Naruto), Hidan (Naruto), Akatsuki (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzou Additional Tags: Angst, Lots of Angst, Srsly angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Porn, Tragedy, Self-Harm, Yaoi, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Kisame is a good bro, Uchiha Itachi Being a Good Brother, everyone is bi, Everyone Needs A Hug, Mental Health Issues, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Terminal Illnesses, Chronic Illness, Breathplay, Bloodplay Series: Part 2 of The Ninja World’s Dirty Little Secrets Summary:
-Itachi never answers his question. No matter how many times Kisame asks, the words bounce off as though the boy were made of stone.
Kisame pretends he doesn’t mind. But he always wonders- “Where are you looking with those eyes of yours, Itachi-san?”
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sanjuno · 6 years
I've been trying to figure out how Louise's summoning of Byakuran's son goes. So far: he's alarmed and ready to kill whoever ripped him away from home, but Louise's Flames are broadcasting loneliness and desperation pretty hard. It distracts him from murder-mode enough for him to notice compatibility.
Sounds legit. Louise was pretty much ready to succeed at the summoning or die, because it was her last chance to prove she could make it as a Proper Noble Mage.
“Hayato-kun, I’m short one kitten.”
“I know, Nana. She decided she was going to hide out in her sire’s office, and he’s curled up with her in a sun beam.”
This is adorable and a true vision of the future.
This is about Fire Shall Waken. I just wanted to say, the idea of a 5 sky harmony composed of the vongola bros and bb tsuna makes me /so happy/. I just love it. So much. All these people who had either tragic ends or traumatizing pasts (and presents… and futures… yikes) not only surviving, but /thriving/. Together! All while saying “Fuck you!” to the establishment that screwed them over! It’s amazing. So wonderful.
FSW is pretty much the fix-it universe to end all fix-it universes. I’m honestly just really looking forward to writing the TYL arc for that one, because the idea of not!the!Tenth!Tsuna ending up in Byakuran’s Hell Future and being really confused by everyone thinking he’s got the Vongola Sky Ring is gonna be fucking hilarious.
Tobirama’s canonically an extremely strong sensor, right? So would he notice that his ‘kidnapped brothers’ have different chakra signatures in the Widening Gyre 'verse? Or could it be handwaved from aging/growing up/puberty/training/human experimentation/whatever changing/growing their chakra signatures or something?
Yeah, some of it is hand waved like that. It’s also been 5 years since the last time Tobirama felt his brother’s chakra signatures. Human memory is fallible (unless you’re an Uchiha) and Tobirama hadn’t reached his full potential as a sensor before they “died” either. And maybe with it just being one of them with a family resemblance (like Kakashi and his heterochromatic eyes) plus a slightly off chakra signature Tobirama would have ignored it as wishful thinking. But Madara is also a sensor, if not to the excessive degree that Tobirama is, and Obito-the-mini-Madara has apparently retained enough of his memories to recognize Madara back. And there are five boys here, five lives where there used to be graves.
The most important thing to keep in mind though, is that Tobirama invented the Edo Tensei. The zombie jutsu that gives the Shinigami the middle finger. That’s how determined to get his little brothers back he was. Thinking that all his experiments failed because his brothers were still alive? You bet your sweet ass that’s the explanation that Tobirama wants to hear. Tobirama’s going to be looking for reasons that prove his little brothers are alive and back where he can protect them. Things like Kakashi’s hair being all white, or Obito’s grey eye can be explained away as a result of physical traumas. Being able to use Mokuton and possessing the Sharingan? That’s enough proof of Clan ID in the WCE. 
Remember that it was Orochimaru, acting under Danzo’s orders, who came up with the artificial Mokuton. And there was no successful record of a Sharingan being transplanted to a non-Uchiha until Kakashi. So yeah, while there might be some reasonable doubt and the usual level of Shinobi paranoia about it all being a trap, for the most part there’s no contesting Tobirama’s conclusion that his little brothers were kidnapped and their deaths were faked.
Is Colonello the first of the former Arcobaleno to get pregnant?
Probably. Reborn and Skull are the only other Arcobaleno I have plotted to get in the family way after the curse is broken, and they had to start their romantic relationship from scratch unlike Lal and Colonello (plus Enrico.) 
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fineillsignup · 7 years
Sometimes I just remember how bad of a father sasuke is and it makes me genuinely angry lol. Not even a photo with his wife or daughter? Even if he’s not a photo person he could’ve left some notes or letters behind for his family. And the fact that he was in regular correspondence with naruto but made no attempt to contact his family for a decade? It’s not like it had to be done out of protection because they were parading his clan symbol around the whole time! Fuckin kishi dude
The best way I have to cope with all the post-699 material is to treat it as Kishimoto’s increasingly desperate attempts to release a product so horrible that they won’t ask him to make any more.
Because there was 700 which was not great but not horrible by comparison. Then we got the next Kishimoto-penned piece, which is Gaiden: Scarlet Spring. Yikes. Then, for the Bor/uto movie, they got Kishimoto to do another Gaiden: Full Moon. Y i k e s.
Plus there’s this really gross bros before hos element to the whole thing. Like Kishi might have been going for some kind of “teehee Naruto’s son wants to be like Sasuke and Sasuke’s daughter wants to be like Naruto” thing but what he actually penned out on paper was Sasuke being brutally, inexcusably uninterested in nurturing or training his own kid, despite the following facts:
1. Sasuke is the only other Sharingan wielder left in the world
2. Traumatized Uchiha children have a bad habit of trying to DESTROY THE FUCKING WORLD
3. It’s just a fucking dick move man idk
So yeah. Miss me with Sasuke as Bor/uto’s teacher nonsense please.
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