#poor narrator never stood a chance honestly
starry-teacup · 2 months
ok so my very first time playing the game ever, I got the Stranger for my first princess, bc I hate being told what to do and have strong opinions on ethics and this motherfucker's shady so yeah I trek into the freaking woods screw you not committing murder
But looking back, knowing everything about the Echo and the Long Quiet and the Shifting Mound, this is the absolute funniest thing possible.
Like. Just IMAGINE. Your world is about to end. Your village is dying. Through what I imagine must have been intense and meticulous work, you manage to turn change and permanence themselves into specifically crafted beings so that you can kill an abstract concept with an abstract concept. you dedicate your life to it. hell, you even end your life for it. and then a shard of you sits in wait to instruct your newly born creation on how to save the world.
And then the VERY FIRST THING THAT THIS FUCKING GOD THAT YOU CREATED DOES is to call you emotionally manipulative and lie about knowing where they're going and just generally prove to be an incompetent spiteful idiot and then they just TREK INTO THE WOODS AND AWAY FROM THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES, BECAUSE THEY'RE HAVING A REBELLIOUS PHASE
not only that but that part of the construct was destroyed after we left it so that narrator really got killed by sheer spite itself
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sophieswundergarten · 6 months
@nobodysdaydreams The end of the school year is getting to me, but here are my notes on Chapter 25 of S.O.S.
(Sorry it's kind of short)
Chapter 25!!! Milestone!!! I want to bake you a cake :) 
“He glanced at Number Two. / “Sorry, I’m having feelings,” she admitted.”
I love her
VERY interested in seeing how you write the Two family…
And poor Nicholas trying to stay in-character and also trying to be nice
One! He’s such a weirdo guy /pos
Poor Erika ajsdfjfdk. She’s not paid enough for this.
“You have absconded with a mastermind?” Is also a very hilarious line. It always gets me
I’ll never get over the Two family’s naming conventions. How did that get into the final script, I feel like someone hastily scribbled down possible names and then they just got automatically approved adsjfdjk
I love Reynie and Miss Perumal’s conversation about Curtain. It’s so good. I love it every time, and you’ve done so phenomenally with it
“Nathaniel was sensitive to [being betrayed]” I MEAN YEAH, FAIR. But also have you considered he’s a bit of a lunatic???
“once again allowing his brother to indulge the honor of calling him by his old name, though it held no meaning anymore” You liar
Oh my word, he’s such a guy. His whole mental hoops and rigamarole to make sense of his own thoughts are really… something
I love the little sibling bickering interaction where Nicholas is like “We are in a SECRET location” and then Curtain’s just like “I know exactly where you are” and he go D:
As always, it is fantastically enhanced by your writing
Oooooohh, Number Two time
One is so oblivious. Why is he so very unhelpful? C’mon, buddy, help your sister
It’s really interesting how much Curtain is convinced that Nicholas will always be there to beat him. At least for me, that’s very much a sibling thing. You fight and you get mad and sometimes you feel like you hate each other, but you do that because you always believe that they will be there for you and love you in the end
“any chance that Nicholas- that Nicky- could still hear him” OH OKAY WE’RE GOING THERE THEN
Man, This guy just has so much guilt eating him up. Years and years of it :( 
And once again the narration switching from calling him “Curtain”/”Ledroptha Curtain” and then going back to Nathaniel
“He didn’t have the luxury of feeling” Oh boy this man needs more hugs
I love how Nicholas apologises for the blowdart. It’s so sincere and kind, because most people would forget about it. The audience kind of forgets about it. But here he is, admitting that he’s sorry
(Which, unfortunately, you don’t seem to have any vases for…)
“She might not agree with her mother but, they were family. And they stood up for each other.”
I’m making snowflakes out of all the paper towels in your house
Ohh nooo. Here comes the Jackson and Jillson part.
I feel so bad for them…
And, to a lesser extent, poor Jeepers
I really like his perspective on the kids’ comments adsjafsd
“Unconventional, but true” should be their catchphrase at this point, honestly /j
Constance perspective!!! So happy, so excited about this
Oh. Nathaniel wants to be hugged too. He wants to be included in the family.
And he took the Worldview Wash so politely! He’s getting better at this stuff :D 
Madame Chops and the alpaca. The true main characters of S.O.S. /j /silly
He’s all on his own again :( 
This is like the fifth time, Bods. Just let the man have his family back! /j /s
Curtain and Nicholas both bribe people aakdjfjkas It’s a family trait
Help???? FIre alarms??? SOMETHING???
Ooh, he said “please”
Rhonda being like "You can come in. I'm not saying anyone will like it. But you can come in"
Bods, you are truly spectacular. Just. One of the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to read the writing of. I hope you're doing well. I'm gnawing off all your doorknobs. Have a super day <3
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hello!! i've made a request before but this idea came in my brain and i heard your requests were open. So ive seen a lot of fics of the brothers saving mc, but what about mc kinda of saving the brothers, i mean like badass sword fighting style. Just like a stereotypical disney prince saves a princess mc kinda saves the brothers from getting killed by a lesser demon with a sword and just being badass (and sword) and the bros find it hot (weak humans? never heard of them)
*spongebob narrator voice* 400 years lat’er..... So sorry this took so long! I genuinely don’t know why I couldn’t get it done. When I actually tried, I got it done in like 2 days. My only excuse is that I’m a horrible trash munny >.<
Obey me Boys + Power Princess MC
It offends him that this creature, this being not fit to lick the soles of his boots, would raise their hand to him. The attack was not even what upset him, but just the gall. The utter stupidity of this decision to throw one’s life away. The fact that they had attacked with you around only made him wish to end that pathetic life that much sooner.
“Step back [Y/N]. I’ll deal with this quic—” Lucifer cut himself off when you rushed forward. A bright shining sword in your hand as you lunged. Slashing through the demon, who wailed and instantly turned to dust & ash. “What on Earth was that?”
“Oh. It’s my sword.” You reply nonchalantly. Turning around to show it to him. “It’s a holy arc sword, or something. I can summon it from my bracelet whenever I need it. Cool to know it actually works in a pinch.”
“And where did you get such a magical artifact?” Lucifer asked. Perplexed beyond reason, but trying not to show it.
“Lord Diavolo gave it to me when I first got here.” The demon arched a brow. Lord Diavolo? “It would be really irresponsible of him to just let a human wander around hell without some kind of weapon.”
He paused for a moment. Trying to piece all of what you had just said together. Then he just chuckled. “Yes, I suppose it would be.” And here he thought that he had been the only one protecting you. When all along you could do it yourself.
His hand reached out to pat your head fondly. His breast swelling with pride. “I’ll have to thank him for giving you such a thoughtful, practical gift. We’ll also have to add sword play to your lesson plans. I’d be more than happy to be your tutor.
‘Shit!’ Mammon mentally cursed as he was hit again.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been rough up outside a club. Given his lifestyle, and his gambling track record, he’d been pummeled by a few bouncers in his life. With his immense power, he could easily take them; if he tried. But then he would be banned from the club, and ever other, and that was something he couldn’t handle over the humiliation of being beat up by these clowns. He needed this. It was all he had.
So, he took his beatings from lesser demons when they came around. He’d only wished they’d picked a different night to get their ‘payment’ back since you were supposed to be here soon.
“Come on guys. Don’t ya think you’ve had enough?”
“We’ll tell you when we’ve had enough!” One demon sneered at him, before kicking a man while he was down. Classy. “You owe us. And we’re gonna get back every cent you owe out of your hide!”
The demon reared his foot back to kick him again, and Mammon mentally sighed. Preparing himself for the kick and really being over this since it began. But….no kick came.
The demon let out a loud grunt over the sound of a metal ‘wack’ before the two, even lesser goons beside him suffer the same fate and they all slump to the ground. “Mammon! Are you ok?!”
The silver haired demon looked up at you in shock. The light from the street lamp causing a halo to form around you, highlighting your worried face as you brandished a rusty pipe like some great sword. “Yeah…I’m fine….”
“You don’t look fine! You’re all beat up!” He just sat there as you dropped the pipe and dropped down to him. Fretting over him as you looked him over. He couldn’t hear what you were saying over the beating sound of his heart in his ears.
No one had ever tried to help him before.
Mammon lifted his arms and wrapped them around you. “Mammon? What—“Let’s get out of here.” He interrupted as he hugged you. Standing up, and helping you to your feet, after a moment to walk out of the alley. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I wanna go somewhere with you.”
“But….I thought you wanted to go out tonight. Play cards. You said you were feeling lucky?”
He couldn’t tell if that was a jab or not, but replied, “well clearly I was wrong.” Though despite his bumps and bruises, he did still feel pretty lucky right not. “I just want to get out of here. I don’t need this anymore.” You both decide to head home to help Mammon nurse his wounds. He never went back to that club, or really any club, after that night.
“Levi….I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Nonsense!” Levi quipped in response to your perfectly reasonable, concerned feelings. “It’s just a little further. Besides, I want to see Henry 1! I’ve missed him a ton recently, and want to make sure he remembers me.” It had broken his heart to discover his poor, lost serpent had been down here, all alone, this whole time. So he made an effort to see him every now and then.
“Yeah but…isn’t this still like super-secret for Lord Diavolo’s family and stuff? What if there’s like booby traps and stuff?”
“Come on! There weren’t any booby traps or anything before. Why would he when he has Henry to keep it…..” Levi trailed off as both of you were ingulfed by a long, dark shadow. A low hissing sound growing louder as a gold, stripped serpent towered over you with a menacing glare. “That’s not Henry.”
The snake hissed loudly with bared fangs and an open mouth, and you both scream and run to get away from it.
The serpent of course chased you. Easily able to keep up, and only loosing you when the two of you duck into a narrow corridor. Levi turned around to say something to you, but you were gone. His immediate thought was that the stranger snake had gotten you, and it was all his fault, and he would never see you again!
When he came to the end of the corridor, walking out like a man on death row instead of running, he looked up to see the snake in front of him. Clearly angered by having to chase him. Levi didn’t care. He wanted to die if anything happened to you. He’d rather die than live one moment without you.
Prepared to accept his fate, the demon didn’t move when the snake unhinged his jaw to eat him in one gulp. Only for a sharp spike to thrust out from his mouth a moment later. A strange, hissing gasp escaping it before it slumped down in a lifeless heap on the floor. “[Y/N]!”
“Jesus! Not to put too fine a pin on it, but this place is literally a maze. One minute I’m next to you, and the next I’m in some armory on the other side of the hall 50 feet away. Are you alright Levi?”
The demon scrambled up the snake corpse to stand next to you and wrapped his arms tight around your being. “[Y/N]! I was so scared! I thought this Henry imposter got you, and you were dead, and I couldn’t think of anything!”
“I’m really ok Levi.” You assure him, as he wept into your shoulder. “Do you still want to see the real Henry? I think I spotted where he actually is when I was running back with the spear?” Levi nodded into your shoulder. Still not prepared to let you go.
Satan always tried to be a reasonable man.
He hated being referred to as ‘The Demon of Wrath’. It wasn’t his wrath that had caused him to be born. And he wasn’t any angrier than his brothers, so why did he have to be labeled the ‘bad seed’? So he always tried to be level headed. Calm. Patient. But there were somethings he just could not abide. Like the boorish behavior of someone talking loudly in the library.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said, attempting to remain calm, as he came over to the rude demon two tables over, “could you please keep it down? This is a library.”
“Yeah. I know what it is.” He quipped back rather snippily. “What are you? The librarian?”
“No. Just a fellow book lover.” Satan replied. Grinding his teeth now. “And one who can follow the rules and basic social decorum of keeping my conversations to myself in a place like this.”
“Are you calling me stupid?!”
“No. I’m calling you uncouth. A word meaning undignified, and without manners.”
“Why you!”
The demon rose to his feet, towering over Satan now that he was standing. Not that it mattered. Height was not an immediate representation of strength. Look at Belphie. His younger, shorter brother could level a whole city with a flick of his wrist. Satan could easily dispatch of his imbecile without even breaking a sweat.
He never got the chance though, as just after he stood the demon let out a grunt and slumped to the floor; with you standing behind him on his depleted chair with a book in your hand like you had just pulled it from The Stone. “Bet you’re glad I think Kindles are dumb now.”
Satan had to right himself on what he was seeing, and then frowned at you. “I never said that, and get down.” He insisted. Offering you his hand to get down. You hop down with ease and set your weapon book on the table. “Honestly, I could have handled him without resorting to violence or cheap theatrics.”
“Cheap?? This book was very expensive.” You insist, and Satan had to scoff.
“Be that as it may, please do not use books for more than their intended purpose. I appreciate the assist, but I can’t have you hurting yourself or fine literature in the future.”
“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes Satan…..”
Asmo always loved going to the club. The dancing. The energy. The pulsing music. The people.
Well…usually the people. Some people, usually bro-dude demons, just couldn’t take a hint that ‘no’ meant ‘no’.
“Come on Asmo! Why are you being so stingy?!”
“I’m not being ‘stingy’,” Asmo replied with a frown marring his beautiful face. “I’m just not interested.”
“You were interested last time.” His pursuer replied. Like that somehow gave automatic permission that things would happen again.
“That was a long time ago.” The dusk haired blonde replied. Sipping his cocktail and looking thoughtful across the spacious VIP lounge over to you.
Yes, things had certainly changed. Once where it would take a whole room of people and attention to make him content, these days all he wanted was you. Just you sparing a moment to look at him made his heart feel incredibly full. He had come here to have a fun night out with you, but it seemed no matter where he went his beauty was always causing problems.
The lesser demon frowned, then looked towards the direction Asmo was looking to land on you. “Shoot, just bring them along with us.”
“Excuse me?” Asmo asked. Beautiful expression turning Ignatius as he sat down his drink.
“Bring them along. I’ve never had sex with a human. But there must be something to it if you’re willing to do them. Not that I suppose that takes much….”
At that, Asmo leapt from his chair and grabbing the brute by the collar. He wasn’t normally one for violence. He wasn’t like his dull brothers. But he couldn’t let a slight like that against you slide. “Take it back!”
The two demon’s scuffle. Clearing out the VIP lounge as everyone ran. Scared that they might transform at any moment and literally tear each other apart. Asmo somehow ended up on his back, a position that usually didn’t bother him, as the other reared back to punch him in the face.
Or, at least he would have if he didn’t start convulsing and fall on the ground a moment later.
“Asmo! Are you ok?!”
The Lust Demon looked at you for a moment. Then delicately covered his mouth with both hands. Returning to normal. “[Y/N]! You saved me!!”
“Yeah. This little thing packs a punch.” You replied. Holding out your little pink taser from She-Sword from your clutch. “I couldn’t let this jerk hurt your beautiful face.”
“No one is more beautiful than you my fierce warrior queen!” He praised. Basking in the moment for only a second before you both scamper off before security came.
You both might be beautiful, but you didn’t want to end up on the evening news.
“I want to take up kendo.” Beel announced to you one day. Out of the blue. “I’ve been looking for ways to add variety to my workout. I came across this video on kendo and thought it would be fun.”
Of course, Beel knew you had practiced kendo in the past at school. So he might have also been looking for fitness activities for you to do together. In any case, he really liked seeing you in your little workout outfit. It was super cute.
He also liked you showing him the basics of kendo; stance, footing, basic strike movement. When he felt he had gotten the hang of it, Beel jovially asked for a sparring match with you.
“I don’t know….”
“Come on [Y/N], sparring with someone is the best way to learn fighting.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about that….” He heard you mutter under your breath, but thought that he must have imagined it as you squared off.
Standing across from you in the arena, something changed. The hair on the back of Beel’s neck stood up. Not in the excited way that it normally did when he saw you. But something more….primal. His grip tightened a little more as he realized he might have to get a little serious with you.
It was all for nothing though as the match was over just as soon as it started.
The shinai went flying out of his hands, landing across the room just as Beel landed on his butt. His backside throbbing as his bell was rung clear as day. He rubbed his head as he looked up at you. “I may have forgotten to mention that I was three-time national kendo champ all through school.”
The demon looked up at you with a shiny, sparkly gaze only until now reserved for delicious food. “Teach me sensei!”
He hated being out. He wanted to go home.
Being outside in the sun, with all these…..people was hell to him. Belphie would rather be home, in actual hell, with his blanket and pillow and quiet, rather than ‘top side’ with you for the whole afternoon. Not that it was you or anything. You were the only bright star on this miserable day. He’d be damned if he’d let one of his brothers spend the day with you when he could.
“Belphie, do you want an ice cream? Maybe that will help with the heat?”
He wanted to say that the only thing that would help him was getting the hell out of here. But, he bit his tongue. The demon knew how important this was to you to come ‘home’ now & then and he didn’t want to ruin it for you. So he just nodded and asked, “strawberry please.”
He sat in the shade as he watched you go over to the ice cream truck alone. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he was just a hopeless shut in. Like Levi, only worse. He just wanted humans so much that being around them was making him crankier than normal today.
“Geez, get a look at that side show over there.”
Belphie looked up from his daze at the human who was a few yards away from him. Snickering and staring with his friends in a voice that a regular human wouldn’t be able to hear. “If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck.” Again, he was very cranky.
The human was obviously taken aback at being heard and then called out like that. “What did you say to me?!” He yelled, once he got his bearings on the situation, and took a ‘threatening’ step forward to see if he would repeat it.
“I said ‘If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck’.” Of course he repeated it. “Don’t mutter something under your breath like a coward. Say it like a man, or keep your gross mouth shut.” This was why he hated humans. No spine.
Well, metaphorical spine. If he kept this up, Belphie was gonna prove that he had a spine when he ripped it out and made him wear it as a neck tie.
“You little fuck--!” Belphie, of course, didn’t move when he stomped closer. Not that he needed to, because he was stopped in his tracks rather abruptly when you stepped between then. Holding a knife from your pocket.
“I suggest you get out of here, before the only ‘side show’ around here is your knife swallowing act pal.” The man seemed to frozen for a moment as he tried to process if you were serious. Then his flight instincts kicked in and he took off running with his friends across the park. “Gosh, I think I’ve been spending to much time with you guys. I never would have done anything like this before.” You said after a sigh, then turned back to Belphie.
“My hero.” He cheered softly, in his typical tired voice but still with a soft smile. Seeming extremely proud of the bad influence he was on you.
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bokutosworld · 3 years
i won’t say (i’m in love) | kageyama t. 
pairing: kageyama tobio x gn!reader
wc: 1,935 words. fluff, high school crushes. hinata being a wingman lol. 
summary: an encounter at kageyama’s favorite spot in school leads him to meet someone that makes him feel all sorts of confusing feelings. 
a/n: so if it’s not yet obvious by the title, this was inspired by the song from hercules, i won’t say i’m in love :D this idea has been on my drafts for quite some time and i finally had the chance to work on it yaaay 
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The first time Kageyama saw you, you were in front of the vending machine he frequented.
It was lunch break, and with ten minutes left before the next period, he figured he could get his favorite banana milk. He was walking towards the area that hid the machine away from prying and hungry eyes. Kageyama was confident that no one was familiar with its spot, especially since the machine always seemed to never go out of stock of his go-to drinks. But boy was he wrong.
The instant that he rounded the corner, he heard the recognizable thud of the drink box falling and someone getting it from its confines. He took a peek and saw a glimpse of a student cheerfully sticking the straw to the pack, humming as they take a sip of the milk. With a contented smile, the student walks off and passes him, giving a side glance and showing off a smirk to Kageyama.
How odd, the setter thought. Though he didn't dwell on it for any much longer, opting to get his own share of the milk. However, when he stood in front of the machine, his heart lurched upon seeing the red light that indicated not available. Kageyama's eyes shoot wide open and he whipped his head towards the direction you went, sending a glare to your retreating back as he realized you took the last milk. Oh, he was furious and poor Hinata was on the receiving end of that sour mood for the rest of the day.
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Since that unfateful encounter, Kageyama has been noticing your presence everywhere. And it was an understatement to say that he didn't find you annoying. He remembers how you went under his nose to grab that last box of milk and it still infuriates him.
Whenever you walk by in the hallways, he can't help but follow you with a pointed look on his face. To any outsider, Kageyama looked as if he was sending curses towards your way, at least that was what Hinata thought. But actually, the setter was trying to figure out who you were and why he hadn't seen you in the campus before that day. One day, his curiosity finally got the best of him and he asked Hinata about his concern.
"Huh? What do you mean you don't know Y/N," the orange-haired boy replied. Hinata gave his friend a puzzled look, and as if the cogs in his mind stopped turning, a teasing grin made it way to his face. "Ah, so that's why you've been looking at them like a madman recently. You're so dumb, Kageyama! How could you not recognize them, they're literally our class president."
Hinata was right. That time, Kageyama was dumbfounded when they returned to the classroom and saw you chatting with your friends in the corner. He was entranced by you and the way you were laughing at one of the jokes that he hit his hip in the sharp edge of the desk. He shrieked, causing you to turn your head towards him with worry cast over your face.
It didn't hurt that bad. He was massaging that spot on his hip when you silently stalked towards him. You stood by his side, placing a hand on his back and asking if he was okay. It took all of Kageyama's willpower not to lose his composure in front of you, but Hinata caught on his actions. In that moment, an idea popped up in Shoyo's mind.
"Hey, Pres," he put an arm around Kageyama's shoulders, wiggling his eyebrows at him. "Can I ask you a favor? Can you bring my friend here to the clinic and get his injury checked out? I'm sure it's only minor but we can't be too sure." Kageyama angrily nudged Hinata, a string of stupid, you idiot falling on his lips.
"Yeah, no problem. Come on, Kageyama, let's get you to the nurse."
He was immediately flustered. Kageyama swears his face has never felt that hot when you took his shoulders and wrapped them on your own, acting as his crutch as the two of you walked to the clinic.
Kageyama cleared his throat, his eyes looking at anywhere but you. "H-hey, I'm not completely paralyzed. I can walk on my own."
You laughed, "It's fine. You can rely on me sometimes, you know. Besides, I don't want our star player sitting out of the games." A moment of silence clouds over the two of you on the rest of the way, but just before entering the clinic, you say, "I know you love volleyball. You should enjoy it without any injury."
Kageyama thinks that maybe you were much more than a milk thief after all.
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Hinata doesn't know what happened after he sent you and Kageyama to the clinic. But he has a slight idea about what changed when he sees that his teammate has been talking more to you at every chance that he gets, walking by your desk and starting up conversations when he can.
In mornings, he notices that Kageyama always has two packs of milk in hand. And when you enter the room, he sees how he lights up, a shy smile forming on his face as you wave a hand and walk to his desk. He couldn't believe his own eyes when he watches Kageyama give you the other milk and he comes to a conclusion that he bought it just for you.
In gym class, Hinata observes the way Kageyama is extra pumped up to be against you in the 100m dash activity. He sees the playful taunts he sends your way and how you gladly react to them and indulge Kageyama in his competitiveness. He honestly thinks Kageyama won't let you off the hook but he's shocked, when just a few centimeters away from the finish line, he fakes a trip and falls down on the ground. You pass him in high spirits, jumping up and down as you exclaim that you won against the King of the Court. And Hinata knows that the normal Kageyama would be pouting and pissed off at his loss.
But this wasn't a normal Kageyama. He figures that this was a Kageyama in love. 
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The pair was assigned to set up the net and prepare the gym before practice started. They were in the storage room getting the equipment when Hinata started teasing Kageyama about his little crush.
"I don't know what you are talking about." The taller boy strongly denied all the accusations that Hinata was throwing at him. "Just shut up and help me here."
Hinata chuckled like an evil villain and continued to spew obvious facts. "You give them milk every morning. You unconsciously make them laugh with your not so funny jokes. You look out for them during gym class more than their friends does. You make time before practice to say goodbye before they go home."
"So, what is your point?"
His friend smirked, "Kageyama Tobio, you have a crush."
Kageyama stood frozen, his hands went limp by his sides at the sudden realization. He was aware that in his recent interactions with you, he'd sometimes feel sick, like he'd get nervous around you, his breathing becomes unstable and his palms get sweaty.  He has noticed it himself how the surroundings would turn brighter whenever you walked in the hallways or how his own heart would beat twice as fast whenever you were approaching him in his desk.
He didn't know what that feeling was called. He didn't want to give it a name. But Hinata just had to point it out. Frustrated that his friend called him out on his adoration for you, Kageyama stayed silent and started playfully punching Hinata. The poor boy was only saved when they heard footsteps come in, and Kageyama was quick to push Hinata away and avoid your gaze when you walked in.
Hinata was grumbling as he walked out of the scene, leaving you two some time to figure out your mutual feelings.
Kageyama immediately crouched down and hid his face on his hands, making you laugh at his awkwardness. He inquired in a muffled voice, "How much of that did you hear?"
You answered him truthfully, narrating the moment when you stopped to hide behind the doors was when you heard Hinata starting to tease him about his little crush. "I'm honestly flattered, Kageyama. Though I am also surprised that Hinata was watching us closely. Or should I be creeped out?"
He glanced up at you, standing from his position and going off on a tangent about how he also thought that Hinata was looking into things too much. He complained that instead of thinking about his love life, Hinata could've used that time to practice his spikes and jumps.
At this point, Kageyama was rambling and though you thought it was endearing, you needed him to pause and breathe. "Can you stop talking for literally ten seconds?" This seemed to work as he shut up and straightened his back, his eyes gazing straight into yours.
Kageyama realized, "Why are you here anyway?"
You smiled and brought out something from your pocket. "I wanted to give this to you." It was the banana milk that he loves. "I saw that it was the last one in the vending machine. I figured you'd want to have it. Have a drink before or after practice."
You thought it wasn't humanly possible to see eyes literally sparkling, but Kageyama was giving you proof of that as he excitedly took the drink from your hands. The corners of his mouth turned upward in a soft smile, and you thought that was the prettiest that he has ever been. He remembers the moment he first saw you and laughs, "You didn't have any problems before taking the last available milk for yourself."
It was your turn to get shocked, hiding a blush behind your palms. You also recall that incident, "Stop, I didn't do that on purpose. Was it my fault that they haven't restocked on that day?”
Kageyama scoffed, "Yeah, right." You pouted, crossing your ams on your chest as you looked away from him. "Thank you."
He has put the straw in the opening of the pack, taking a sip of the milk when you asked him for the second time. "So, you like me, huh?" Kageyama almost choked on his drink, and you laughed before patting his back to help him calm down. Some liquid were spilling from his lips and you were quick to wipe it with your hand. The action was enough to render Kageyama speechless, so he put some distance between the two of you.
You were taking some tissue from your bag to give to Kageyama when you also shared a confession of your own. "If it makes you feel any better, I like you too."
"I'm free this weekend. If you want to take me out a date, you know my number." He looked at you expectantly, the words yes, I'd love to go out with you resting on the tips of his tongue but he wasn't able to let it out. Because in a few seconds, you boldly took a step closer and pressed your lips to his cheek. His face felt warm and his heart was beating like crazy.
"I'll be expecting your call, Tobio."
In that moment, the feelings that he kept on a tightly closed lid were overflowing and it was the affirmation that he needed to know that he was already in too deep for you.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okay, onto my liveblog for chapter two of The Hunger Games :
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Katniss’ flashback to falling out of a tree and being unable to breathe is such a good analogy, I steal it all the time in my own fics.
I wish the boy who held her up so she didn’t fall was given a name? Katniss just can’t provide names very easily, can she? 😅
“The odds had been entirely in her favor. But it hadn’t mattered” is actually an amazing quotable moment, someone make an edit pronto 👏
No one’s happy when a twelve year old is chosen but ya know. As soon as that kid turns thirteen, off with them! Fair game! 😭😂😅🙃
Hmmm how many of these kids knew immediately Katniss would volunteer for her sister? The way there was a boy ready to catch her before she fell and the way they all just cleared a path for her...
Katniss’ love for Prim had to be prominent because the other kids all seemed to be aware she would volunteer and Katniss claims this is a completely radical, unheard of thing to do. Sooo yeah. Her school peers probably noticed her a lot more than she realized.
Ooo. I just noticed the word choice in “district twelve hasn’t had a volunteer in decades”
Was there a point in time when Twelve had volunteers?
Awww the mayor being sad that Katniss is probably gonna die because he knows her as Madge’s friend 😭😩🤧.
Awww Katniss got presented a medal when her father died, I forgot 🥺🥺🥺
“Bet my buttons” is the worst phrase in history 🤨😐🤭
I like that Katniss’ dead father still has a reputation around these parts 🤧
Helps my fic writing brain to clock it for future reference
Maybe I’m just not nice but I don’t see how Prim is so wonderful that no one can help but love her. Like idk. I feel like this is just Katniss’ bias leaking through. Which is fine it’s better than some clinically detached narrator I hate those FYI
Omg everyone is saluting Katniss and she’s realizing people adore her 🥰🥰
Also ... does this mean Peeta did the three finger salute to her just before being called himself? Idk random thoughts, ignore me.
Katniss is in danger of crying. If this was me, I’d just be sobbing on the ground already.
Haymitch , the og rebel. Looking right into the cameras and calling the Capitol out.
Also ironic how the first thing Haymitch says to / about Katniss is “I like her!” when he spends the rest of the series pretending he, in fact, does not.
“Oh no, not him” is such a love interest introduction, y’all. Gale never stood a chance.
I like how Katniss considers it bad luck for her that Peeta was called 😅. Like... already taking ownership of the boy, sweetheart?
I feel like this is a good time to remind people that medium height is like 5’10. Stop headcanoning Peeta short. Poor Joshy though.
I like how she has never spoken to Peeta but describes the way his hair falls in waves over his forehead 😭🤧
Seems like Katniss thinks Peeta took being called relatively well.
“He has two older brothers, I know, I’ve seen them in the bakery” why is she already trying to defend herself to the audience like “I wasn’t really paying any attention to Peeta Mellark I just happened to notice he had brothers because I saw them once okay?”
Omg Katniss just outright asserting that Peeta’s middle brother definitively won’t volunteer for him. Girl, you just said you don’t know him or his family 😅😅😅.
“Why him?” Still has such a destined, soulmates feel to it. I know they weren’t destined and that’s what a lot of people admire about their relationship but the writing here has always had such a “this guy right here is her soulmate” slant to it, I’m sorry.
“He’s probably forgotten our only interaction. But I haven’t. And I know I never will.” Still continuing with the soulmate-y narration here, Suz Suz, I see.
Oh my god I don’t even remember this line but it’s so sad 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧😩😩😩😩😩
“The numbness of his loss had passed, and the pain would hit me out of nowhere, doubling me over, racking my body with sobs. ‘Where are you?’ I would cry out in my mind. ‘Where have you gone?’”
I’m so sad now. 😭😭😭
I like that Katniss said “no amount of pleading from Prim” would affect her mother’s depression, as if Katniss easily believes that her own pleas don’t matter but her sister’s are what’s impossible to ignore.
She really needs to stop putting Primmy on this pedestal though it’s not as cute the second or third read around.
“I suppose now that my mother was locked in some dark world of sadness, but at the time, all I knew was that I had lost not only a father, but a mother as well.” I feel like this is just criminally undiscussed. Katniss didn’t know or understand or grasp what depression even was. Like it’s hard enough for kids to forgive parents who abandon them to mental illness when they’re aware what mental illness is. Let alone if you’re just stuck for months / years, not knowing that your mother was sick, instead thinking she just stopped caring for you.
Omg Katniss saying she couldn’t let Prim go to a community home 🤧. Selfless of her. But also sister worry about yourself.
I’m just kidding, I know it’s her character to only be concerned with her little sister above all else.
Mr. Everdeen hating how coal dust settled on everything in the Seam is such a small but interesting detail.
Omg so the meadow is a common place to find corpses of those who starved to death? We maybe should stop romanticizing it.
I like that Mr. Everdeen took Katniss places with him but was like “Hmm, imma leave Prim home, she isn’t cut out for the hunting life”
Idk Katniss being too afraid and shy to go to the Hob without her dad is such a little kid thing though.
Katniss explaining that she was essentially in the merchants backyard
She was essentially dying in Peeta’s backyard 🤧
Wow, I forgot how blatantly violent Peeta’s mother was
Maybe it’s just Katniss’ perspective but every interaction is just her screaming
Aww, his mother called him a stupid creature, why don’t I remember this.
This is so sad omg.
Poor both of them.
One’s starving to death, the other’s utterly abused mentally, verbally and physically.
What’s a weal?
I always read that word as a welt.
Ok I googled it, it’s a big red swollen mark.
So same thing.
Omg now Katniss is saying Mrs. Mellark hit him with an object weapon. This just keeps getting more and more.... sad.
Honestly I haven’t read the books cover to cover since I was a teenager, some of this is a surprise to me.
I always wondered though how that bread was any good, it literally fell onto the wet ground. 😟🤢
Aww, Katniss saying Peeta would get a full beat down if discovered that he burned the breads to feed her 🥵🥵🥵
Okay but if his mother hit him with an object and his eye swoll up and blackened the next day, that could be another reason why he tossed the bread in her general direction and didn’t look at her. I know it was so he wouldn’t be caught by his mother but also he probably couldn’t even see clearly where she was.
The dandelion symbolism 🤧😅😭🥳
Her sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣
Katniss just keeps comparing Peeta to the loaves of bread 😅😅😅
Also she keeps calling him warm and solid and steady
I’m starting to think unconsciously she was already finding herself attracted to him even here.
Him squeezing her hand reassuringly and her chalking it up to a nervous spasm 🙃
I hope when they got married they got a nice screencap of this shot of them on TV facing the crowd, shaking hands.
Make a nice anniversary photo.
Okay, that’s all for my thoughts on chapter two! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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fleckcmscott · 3 years
Out of Sight
Summary: Y/N has an unexpected dash of inspiration. Arthur doesn't require much convincing.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut
Words: 4,221
A/N: This fun little request comes from @sweet-nothings04​​. You're wonderful and I hope this meets your expectations. Thanks for the request - I can't imagine ever writing this without it! 🙈 Special thanks to @jokerownsmysoul​ for agreeing to beta!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Words didn't often fail Y/N, but the admission left her foggy, reminiscent of what she'd experienced after tipping over in a wheelbarrow race at a school fair. Her foot swung back and forth as she sat on the counter. Fiddled with the phone cord and twisted its beige, plastic curls around her fingers. Were there signs she'd missed? Was her gut right in insisting she was a terrible friend?
"Marriage counseling?" she repeated.
Arthur stopped filling his bowl with sandy, pecan cookies, alarm encroaching his features. She waved off his concern, mouthing "not us" before she spoke into the receiver. "I'm so sorry." With a grimace of understanding, he patted her knee and ducked out, sweets in hand. No doubt he'd ask her to elaborate. Not that she had anything to share. Not yet. "I had no idea you and Robert were having problems."
Patricia laughed lightly on the other end. "Neither of us have our bags packed." A whistle came from the background. Vague cheering. Then mild cursing about how terrible this season's Gotham Guardsmen's picks were. She sighed. "The little green monster's dropped-in since your wedding. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't be happier for you if you were my own sister."
Y/N wished Patricia was within arm's reach instead of all the way in Burnside.
"Next month we'll have been married thirty-five years," Patricia continued with a rare nostalgia. "We're a team, Robert and me. But we've both let things go, gotten old. I'd like the spark back before we lose the kindling."
Pursing her lips, Y/N bit back her qualms. Rebutting the steps Patricia had taken was uncalled for, and doubly so when she needed her support. Besides. Y/N understood them. She'd climbed them once, too.
When she'd begun to figure out the direction in which the weather vane of her life pointed, the comfort and confidence she'd shared with her ex-husband had started to wither. Transformed over the years into an awareness that her childish belief in love being enough was inaccurate. It was natural, she thought in hindsight. They'd wed at seventeen and twenty-one. But divorce had been uncommon back then, particularly in a small town in the Bible Belt. The night she'd moved in with a friend (a tactic to delay confessing defeat to her family), Jeff suggested they speak with a professional. Though her heart had known it was over, she cared for him. She couldn't deny them the chance to salvage their union, no matter how remote.
A solitary counselor was available, a disadvantage of rural living. The man claimed to be a pioneer in couples therapy, having begun his practice in the thirties. One forty-five-minute drive later and they'd found themselves squished into a leather loveseat in a smoky, cramped office. Diplomas and certificates covered the walls, the veracity of which she couldn't verify. Dr. Ellis's puffy pink cheeks and offer of sweet tea had been kinder than his approach.
Fountain pens and worksheets were provided with the mumbled instruction to answer honestly. But the questions had not fit her situation. They were for women who desired to be happy homemakers. To plan meals and do the weekly shopping. To nurse children and have dinner ready by six. Responsibilities and life stages that had given her mother purpose - a purpose that mostly eluded Y/N. Every comma and quotation mark inferred fault. And Dr. Ellis had read her responses like a disappointed teacher.
Somehow the filmstrips, accompanied by a crackling LP, were worse. Mr. Provider and Mrs. Housewife were featured. He consistently came home on time. She always wore an apron. The narrator's spiritless voice contrasted with the cheery soundtrack while matching Y/N's mood. A lively ping! cued them to advance to the next still, a duty switched between her and Jeff to practice teamwork. At least the sidelong looks they shared could still connect them.
The slides, the homework, the speeches. They all pointed to one problem: her. Her parents were a model couple. Didn't she know encouraging her husband in his livelihood was her job? That his main obligation was to invite her to share his success? She had to mend her ways. Make herself more attractive. Be grateful he displayed his affection by returning to her after a long day at the office; he could just as easily hang out at The Rusty Boot.
Not a little indignant, she'd stared at Jeff's profile. Downcast eyes betrayed his regret and assured she'd maintain composure, for his sake if nothing else. She fixed her focus on Dr. Ellis and gave the situation a good, long think. Jeff had never questioned her ambitions. Who the hell was this jackass to judge?
She'd covered Jeff's hand, rubbed his knuckle with her thumb. "You're the expert here, doctor. But isn't it possible neither party is at fault?"
"Mrs. Thompson, I've heard that misconception from many of my clients. It's never led anywhere positive. Now-"
"But what if they're both good people?" she interrupted, hanging onto diplomacy by a thread. Her resolve stayed, even as her volume lowered at the prospect of wounding the man she'd loved as a girl. "Good people who've grown apart?"
Dr. Ellis took what she'd learned was his usual position on the corner of his cherry desk. "You're mistaking natural sex differences for incompatibility. Not every husband allows his wife to work outside the home." His paternal smile hadn't diminished the sting of his words. "If you want your marriage to thrive, I'd advise a little more maturity. And I think I have just the book to help you."
Twenty tons of silence festered on the ride home, louder than the pulse beating her eardrum. Distress distracted her from noticing the run in her stockings. And it was drizzling. She cracked the passenger window of the Lincoln Continental, anyway. Closed her eyes at the bite of raw air against her overheated face.
"Look, I don't agree with what that guy says," Jeff started. He pulled at the gearshift and flicked the turn-signal. "Not when it comes to you."
As the car came to a stop, she swiped at her eyes. "I'm not going again." The press of a napkin to her palm prompted a mix of appreciation and annoyance. For his courtesy and that he'd detected her tears. "Do you even like being married to me?"
"Please." She flinched at his attempt to embrace her. "Don't spare my feelings."
Headlights from a passing car flashed in the cabin, revealing his stretched lips. He raked back his thinning hair. The quiet shake of his head when he moved to gaze at her was a relief. "I miss the girl I fell in love with."
She offered a slight shrug and pulled the corners of the tissue. "I don't like it, either."
His rapid blink softened her posture, along with the recognition that the dream they'd had was also out of reach for him. "I'm proud of the woman you've become," he said. "Even if she's not what I need."
"I don't want to be a lawyer's wife." A quiet laugh bubbled up. "The oral arguments are terrible."
He checked his blind spot and put the sedan back into drive. "I'll file the papers tomorrow. We can tell your parents and sister together. If you'd like." After some seconds, she'd slid across the bench seat and put her head on his shoulder, heartened by an affinity she'd nearly forgotten.
Counseling techniques must have evolved, Y/N considered. Perhaps Patricia would find help instead of blame. If not, tips in women's magazines were a tacky if economical alternative. She'd have to check the breakroom at work for forgotten issues.
She hopped off the counter and poured herself another cup of decaf. "Let me know if we can do anything. And how it goes."
"The first few sessions were great. I picked up a few booklets. 'Modern Marriage,' 'The Complete Woman...' Oh!" Paper shuffled as Y/N put back the milk. "'Enrichment & Exploration: Tips for Bedroom Fun.' I tried reading it with Robert the other night, but he left when I mentioned massagers and blindfolds."
"He's sixty," Y/N snorted. "Give him time."
Peeking around the corner, she spotted Arthur in his writing nook. He stood to stretch, then grab his lighter and pack of Stuttons. The low sit of his pajama bottoms was enough of a temptation for her to tuck her lip. An unexpected spasm tickled her abdomen. "Brief me on the blindfold chapter."
Nervous anticipation had kept her feverish for hours, ever since she'd bid farewell to Arthur with a "Save a smile for me" on her way out the door. His clumsy smooch lingered as she changed the date on her rubber stamp. While she cleaned the office refrigerator, she spent a good sixty seconds pressing a cup of expired yogurt to her flush cheeks. When the shoulder strap of her canvas bag gave out, she shrugged rather than cursed and settled the tote in her lap. With her plan in mind, the corners of her lips refused to relax .
After working the grand opening of the Gotham Mall, Arthur had the workshop she'd registered him for, a beginners' seminar for stand-ups. He'd be home right around six. That would give her thirty minutes to change into her mini nightdress with the ruffled hemline, dab musk oil behind her earlobes, and put on an LP. Dinner would be delayed - neither of them would be in the mood if they were too full. If she remembered correctly, they had a pizza in the freezer, the good kind with the real pepperoni and rising crust. She just had to figure out if she should wait in the bedroom or lounge on the sofa like a poor-man's Lauren Bacall.
As she unlocked the apartment, however, there came a muffled phomp-phomp-phomp. The unmistakable sound of a sink plunger. Fuck. This was the third time this month. Pushing through the door, she hoped the super had called a different plumber. It had taken ages to clean up the stray sediment left behind by the last one. Upon entering, Arthur's plaid bag came into view, next to his keys on the counter. A glance into the kitchen confirmed he was trying his hand at the repair. 
"Hey." Y/N hung her coat, glad her consternation was hidden by the wall. "What happened to your class?" she asked with deliberate playfulness. "Did they decide you were too advanced?" She crossed her arms and moved to the doorway. Tried to hold onto the tendrils of fading arousal by taking him in.
A pleased chuckle. "The instructor left a message." Phomp-phomp-phomp."It'll be rescheduled."
"I know you were looking forward to it." The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt and flexing biceps were having the right effect. She ambled towards him. "Let me help."
"It's fine. I had to do this a lot at my old place." The set of his jaw tightened as it gave it another go.
They went through the litany of usual questions. Arthur contently reported the mall had gone well, except for a couple of teenagers who'd given him grief at the start. ("Nothing serious. They were just kids.") Her nine-to-five had been quite low-key, she explained, and had allowed her to catch-up on a backlog of paperwork. ("With the new judge, we keep having to file motions for correction.") But when he asked about this evening, she mused and tapped her fingertips on the counter. Horny, annoyed at her thwarted plan, yet nevertheless itching to seduce him
Water streamed as he turned the faucet's handle, followed by his satisfied hum. He tidied up, then washed to his elbows. Grabbed the nearby dish towel and pivoted on his heel to face her. "What is it?" he asked at her lack of response. He wiped his hands a little harder. "I thought you'd be glad I'm already here."
Seeking to allay his concern, she scooted next to him with a gentle nudge. "You know I am. You've been running through my head all day." She scrunched her nose. "I just had this idea for a romantic evening and wanted to surprise you."
"Oh." Pink colored his chiseled cheekbones and his eyes softened. "You still could. I'd like that." Ardor sparked anew in her belly. Unfurled as he leaned into her, grin cutting across his mouth and straight into her heart. "Would ten minutes be enough?"
Her toes curled. His enthusiasm for her, for them, had a habit of sending electricity up her spine. "Better make it eight," she pronounced.
A sharp nod and a pat to her bottom later, he dashed off. Once the bathroom door shut, Y/N rushed to rummage in his workbag, delighted when she found her prize. She scurried to the stereo and put on one of her soul records. Adjusted the volume to a suggestion instead of distraction. Though the genre wasn't his favorite, it never failed to induce the swivel of his hips. Unbuttoning, unzipping, she made her way to the bedroom. Yanked off her tan skirt and jacquard sweater before carelessly tossing them in the nearby chair.
She'd just gotten settled on the foot of the bed when Arthur sauntered in. Clad in his white briefs and wrinkled socks. "That was five," she said and wadded her pantyhose to hurl at him.
He dodged it easily, stepping forward to gaze at her with hooded eyes, their clear green darkened with need. He licked his lips. "I think it was four." Without further preamble, he knelt between her legs. Scrambling up the bed, she kicked subtly against his hold on her calves. Bit her lip on a giggle as he crawled over her lap to smother her with kisses. She rested on the headboard and nabbed his red and gold Carnival tie from under her pillow.
He quirked a dark brow. "What, you want me to wear it?"
Before any reservation could resurface, she smoothed the broad neck of the tie over her eyes and secured it loosely at her temple. Hesitation floated through the air. Threatened to pierce the veil of desire that enveloped her. She wondered what he was waiting for. If he was wearing that wolfish grin he saved for the bedroom. Or if a modicum of anxiety had spawned. She had sprung this on him without prior discussion. The muffled music from the living room switched to the next song. She attempted to peek under the bottom of the makeshift blindfold, tried to make out more than a vague shadow in the muted light.
But then he sunk into her. Wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed her into the mattress. "If you're uncomfortable, tell me," he murmured into her mouth. "Please."
The implication of his request, albeit more loving than licentious, wracked her with want. She couldn't halt her shudder. Blindly, she reached to cup his face. "I trust you," she promised. To both him and herself.
His round nose dragged down the underside of her jaw. "Where'd you get this idea?"
The caress of his smile on the crook of her neck caused a delicious heaviness to settle in her center. "A pamphlet."
"On what?" He tugged at the knot between her ample breasts. Fondled her through the thin satin. "How to make your husband high-strung?"
She carefully skimmed the rigid bulge in his briefs with her knee. "It was actually on how to loosen him up," she retorted. He always loved it when she paraphrased one of his jokes.
Every hushed kiss, every whisper of him against her flesh was magnified. Forced her to concentrate solely on him, to pay attention to each move he made. His humid, hot breath teased her nipple, prompted it to pebble with a twinge. When she released an embarrassingly desperate whimper, he snorted lightly and slipped his palm to the middle of her back. Following his lead, she arched into him. His soft curls brushed her as he laved her areola, swirled his tongue around it, her skin coming alive at the contact. Weathered hands that had so eagerly learned how to touch her groped her neglected breast, rolled its peak between slender, nimble fingers. She fisted the pillow, tipped her head, and grasped his shoulder with a cry. "Arthur..."
Getting her going usually wasn't difficult. Especially when she'd been thinking about making love for an inappropriate number of office hours. But the suspense of not seeing where he'd next pet her, of every caress being a discovery, had her core already pulsing for him. The intrigue was a treat. The best case she'd ever worked on. His strokes walked a path to every clue.
His fingertips skimmed her inner thighs. Groaning, he hooked them under the waistband of her bikini, tugged until she lifted her rear. He pulled them off hastily. With a gentle pressure, he encouraged her to open herself to him. She did so gladly, splaying her legs without a hint of self-consciousness. The relatively cool temperature of the room hit her hot, swollen folds and she quivered.
Then there was an odd sensation at her clit. Scratchy. Rough like a canvas. And was that a corner? After a few seconds it was clear it wasn't doing it for her. And she didn't think Arthur was trying to wipe away her slick. Reaching down, she found a twisted bedsheet in his fist. She was relieved he hadn't run to the kitchen for ice.
"Not good?" he asked.
She softened the blow. "You feel better."
The pad of his thumb trailed over her patch of springy hair, a faint tease that sent a dizzying current racing through her limbs. She strove towards him but he didn't oblige. Rather, he took her hand and placed it on her labia. Guided her to dip within her inner lips. A short moan left her, at the sensation and the sound of his increasingly labored breathing, tinged by his deep voice. "You look like sex," he blurted.
Laughing, she halted. Whenever something brazen spilled from his mouth, however left-footed, she adored it. She clasped his sides. "What does that mean?"
"If I'd seen you in a magazine," he started, moving to settle over and straddle her. His hard-on grazed her abdomen, leaving a damp trail of his arousal in its wake. Even as she wondered when he'd taken off his underwear, her muscles tensed and she gasped. Playful pecks met her cleavage. "You'd be pasted on every page of my journal."
Her reply slipped out before discretion could take hold. "We better buy a Polaroid." A stitch of reluctance before she added, "Just keep them in your desk."
He uncurled her fingers and pressed her palm to his chest. "Touch me," he whispered, pleaded. Her pulse quickened. With an unhurried deliberation, he guided her over the peaks and valleys of his body. The lean pectorals she loved to nuzzle after a weary day. The freckled indent of his sternum. Downward, to the slightly loose skin around his navel, then the soft, toned curve of his abdomen.
Unable to resist, she stretched to chart the ridge of muscle leading to his groin. "You make me so wet."
He let out a bashful giggle, edged with excitement. The instant he rasped his next words against her forehead, she knew he was doing his damnedest to rival her. He pushed her hand to his erection. "You make me so hard."
She followed the bulging vein from base to tip, encircled him with a firm grip. The vibration of his harsh grunt rumbled through her and he jerked forward. Released her wrist to stroke her vulva and flick back and forth along her aching nub. Focusing on the satiny feel of his flesh, the heaviness of his length, she felt petite. Feminine. Powerful. Her hand glided between his legs, cupped the sensitive skin with care. His practiced rhythm faltered. The elbow beside her ear trembled.
While he was a captivating visual, one she missed, her imagination was determined to compensate for her lack of sight. Breathless moans spun her fantasies. Perspiration tickled her nose, woodsy and sweet, conjuring memories of his taste in her mouth. Then all at once he was inside her, going down on her, sucking at her while fucking into her. Impossible feats that nevertheless caused a fever in her brain. "Oh, god," she mewled. Her wanton writhing hastened. She ground against his thigh. "I want your cock in me."
He took hold of himself as she held herself open. The blunt tip of him slid just inside her entrance, a drop when she needed an ocean. She grabbed his hips and thrust upward, hissing as he stretched her completely. "You're fucking tight," he uttered through clenched teeth.
She smoothed her palms over his back, memorized each notch of his ribs. The odd angle of his distended shoulder. The strong tendons at the nape of his neck. He crushed her closer, until her mouth bumped his clavicle. She nibbled lightly, licked the salty sheen of sweat from its hollow, drawing her name from his lips and rapid bucks of his pelvis. "Fuck me," she said, a command and an appeal.
A creak came from above. She followed his taut arm to find he'd clutched the headboard. It occurred to her, then, that her inability to see had been liberating for him. Enough to let go of his inhibitions, to give voice to the bawdy, wonderful things he'd said, to not worry about his appearance.
She reached to swipe her clit steadily, relentlessly. Tears pricked her eyes as she became weightless. Her frame seized, and she came with a choked cry. She sniffled and laughed into his neck, overwhelmed by him. The way he made love to her as if he sought to erase her earlier trials and replace them with the present.
His throaty, punctuated groans, his fingernails digging into her ass divulged his approaching release. She ran her foot along his calf, relished in his body as its angles pressed into her. He balanced himself on his knees, snapping into her at an erratic pace. Then all at once he moaned sharply and went rigid, cock twitching. She cradled the back of his head while his essence marked her walls, closed her eyes when he sprawled on top of her.
Raking her hands through his loose waves, she swallowed thickly. Although she'd always enjoyed sex, exploring this way hadn't been conceivable with anyone else. Allowing that match to light, allowing herself to fan that flame had been unthinkable. She'd felt inadequate. Unable to live up to others' demands, especially her own. There'd been too many boxes to check. Revealing herself in that way would have been a demonstration of trust she wasn't quite ready for.
Being an established woman on equal footing with her partner wasn't something she'd believed possible. She'd been content to go without and find meaning through her work. Arthur had helped her augment that. She could be tough as old leather or delicate as gossamer without concern he'd see her differently. If expectations were left unmet, their easy discussions and compromises promised they'd never become resentments. They supported each other - authentically and as themselves.
For the first time, she knew she was loved for who she truly was. And she wouldn't have to change to keep it.
Choppy panting gradually ceased, replaced by leisurely, happy sighs. He skimmed her flank, then the curve of her hip. She tickled his midriff gently, only stopping when he reclaimed her lips and slid his tongue against hers. Tenderly, he loosened the knot at her temple. She blinked at the orange, evening light invading her eyes. When his came into focus, they were still dilated, a tad sleepy. And so full of affection her breath caught.
Cheek propped on the heel of his hand, he raised his eyebrows. "How was it?"
"You have to ask?" she chuckled, swatting his backside.
A stray lock tumbled towards her as he bent closer. "I wanna hear it."
"Wonderful." Her thighs tightened, keeping him within her. "What I've been craving all day."
His smile was a slow build, equal parts shy and deservedly smug. Then he stared at his tie. "I- I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear that again."
She snorted and looped it around his neck, secured it with a half-Windsor knot. "You're a professional, Mr. Fleck. You'll manage."
He rolled to her left and yanked open the nightstand drawer to riffle through its contents. "What else is in the pamphlet?"
"Hey!" She batted him half-heartedly, boosted herself on her elbow, and spooned him. "What if I had a surprise hidden in there?"
Undeterred, he huffed. "It wouldn't beat this."
"Patricia told me about it." He stilled and slanted his gaze her way. "I can get a copy."
At first, Y/N assumed he'd contradict her. That he wanted to keep their escapades private. But once a few seconds had passed, Arthur acquiesced with a smirk and snatched a nearby tissue. Wiped himself off and tossed it in the woven wastebasket. He reclined beside her, hands folded behind his head. "Okay. Just don't give away my whole act."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @ithinkimaperson​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​ @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​ @jokerownsmysoul​ @mrscarnival​
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Adrenaline Rush
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1,400 Warning: None Premise: Another stolen kiss. Set after the Kenmore Heist of Chapter 9
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“Great work today, team,” Baz said with a grin and a mock salute. “Enjoy your night.”
The last words he accentuated by shooting Ethan a significant look. Thankfully, Lilac missed it entirely, too preoccupied with switching seats to the front now that Baz was being dropped off. 
Once alone, they drove in a silence that started off comfortable as Lilac fiddled with the radio. When she couldn’t find a station that pleased her, she switched the audio mode to play CD. The monotonous narration of the latest historical audio book he had been listening to filled the car, which prompted her to scrunch his nose at him. 
Ethan chuckled as she turned it off, feeling his shoulders relax. In the silence, he finally thought back on the excitement of the day. There was a part of him that felt reckless in agreeing to her plan in the first place. There was another part, a more insistent one, that thoroughly liked it. 
His mind swiveled to thoughts of their kiss, more proof that his carefully constructed conviction was crumbling. The memory of her lips on his, her body relaxing into his without hesitation despite the surprise, made him suddenly aware of how close their bodies were in the confined space of the car. 
He could feel her eyes on him and unsurprisingly his body flared with heat. She was thinking about their kiss, too. He knew her well enough to know that with certainty. 
The tension thickened until she could no longer take the silence. He also knew she would attempt to dispel it with characteristic humor. 
“So,” she started, the smirk evident in her voice. “The great Ethan Ramsey kissing in supply closets, huh?” 
“Here we go.” He suppressed a grin of his own, gratified he was correct about her. 
Lilac laughed and he could see her hands raise in a gesture of defeat. “I’m impressed,” she confessed. “Besides we all did it.”
Ethan recalled the first weeks of her intern year, when rumors of her and Bryce Lahela were all the nurses talked about. At the time, he felt mildly annoyed that one of his interns ran around stirring up gossip and speculation, even if it made him a hypocrite. Now, he could begrudgingly admit that chagrin might have been something else entirely. 
“Jealous, Ramsey?” The question was playful and terribly accurate. 
Ethan focused on driving, allowing a grin to break through and shaking his head slowly, concealing nothing. 
He didn't care. He was done hiding from her. 
“You must’ve been so popular,” she teased. “I almost wish I had been there.”
“Hardly,” he said. “I was obsessively focused and not exactly the friendliest or warmest. I mostly kept to myself. That’s hardly attractive.”
 Lilac made a sound between a scoff and a laugh. “You are so clueless about the effect you have on people,” she declared. 
He chanced a glimpse at her when it was safe to look away from the road. At the same time, Lilac glanced up at him, their eyes locking together like magnets. Her smile was too deliberately coy and if Ethan was being honest, it had the intended effect. He felt his pulse accelerate, a palpable energy sizzling between them. Perhaps Ethan wasn't that clueless because he could've sworn that the way she looked back at him, wide eyes dark with something left unsaid, she was flirting with him. 
Eyes back on the road, he decided to play along. 
“Jealous, Allende?”
She let out a breathy sort of laugh, one that could ensnare a man forever. “Honestly? Yes.”
He coughed on his reply. Her delighted laugh filled the car, almost musical in the sound of the traffic that whizzed past them. 
“I'm messing with you,” she admitted, unaware of how true the words were. “I'm sure young Ethan Ramsey was a hit. Those poor interns never stood a chance.” She shrugged, before adding, “Besides, my mother always says, 'Lo que no fue en tu año no te hace daño.'” 
Ethan understood the words and meaning well enough, even if he struggled to formulate a precise translation. It seemed Lilac struggled too for she gave up with a sheepish smile that was entirely too endearing. 
“Wise woman, your mother,” Ethan commented in response. 
The red glare of break lights interrupted any response she may have offered. Ethan stepped on the break.  
“Dammit. I forgot there was construction on Congress Street,” he said, mindful of keeping his eyes ahead. Blindly, he reached for his phone and handed it to her. “Do you mind checking if there's other side streets open we can take?”
Lilac opened her mouth, perhaps to argue she could just look it up in hers. However, something on his screen caught her eye. 
“No lock code?” she asked with something close to jest. Ethan was certain she was cataloging this in her mental arsenal of jokes about his age. 
“There's nothing in there I'm worried about anyone seeing,” he replied, glancing at the rear view mirror. 
Except he was wrong. 
As he said the words, he remembered the picture set as his home screen. It was a photo of the Biscayne Bay in Miami at dusk, taken by him from the balcony of their hotel room in the minutes before they kissed for the first time.  
He was certain she recognized it because she stared at the screen in silence. When he glanced at her, he could see all traces of humor had vanished from her face, eyes examining the picture with recognition.
“This is from Miami,” she said in an oddly small voice. Those eyes he loved so much were fixed on the screen, as though she could not drink in the sight enough.  “When we…”
Lilac did not need to finish the sentence to ignite the memories. That night would be seared into his mind forever, not only because it was commemorated on a screen he glanced at every day, but because it was the first time he dared to hope she would want him just as badly as he wanted her. 
Lilac emitted a soft sigh, so quiet he almost did not catch it.
She was thinking about that night too.
 With a stab of guilt, he realized she must also be inevitably remembering how he’d push her away. He had been so convinced then he knew exactly what was best for her that he never bothered to give her a choice. Ethan had decided for both of them with ruthless and unmoving conviction.
Yet, she was there, right by his side. She had forgiven him when all he did was punish her for his own mistakes. His chest felt tighter with a powerful, all-consuming emotion – one he was too cowardly to admit.
But her words broke off into a startled little cry as Ethan abruptly maneuvered into a different lane. The move inspired the shrill honking of several car horns and even one rude gesture from a driver passing them by. 
“What are you–”
Ethan safely parked the car on the side of the road and turned to face her. Wide eyes looked at him with a mixture of confusion and concern. 
Fueled by the sudden onslaught of emotion and the adrenaline of the day, Ethan caught her face in his hands, leaned in, and kissed her. His fervent lips moved against hers almost as if in anguish, desperately holding her to him as though she might disappear. Although initially surprised, she did not hesitate to respond just as fiercely, her lips submitting to his desperation, her hands resting at the planes of his chest. Her sweet, lush need for him made his heart skip, inspiring his tongue to part her delicate mouth. 
When they pulled apart to catch breath, his hands helplessly held on to her, relishing in her warmth. Lilac studied him curiously, a radiant smile illuminating her already lovely face. In the gold glow of the Boston streetlights, she looked ethereal to Ethan.
“What?” he asked breathlessly when she continued to wordlessly stare at him in wonder.
“You've been... loose lately.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows and she huffed a quiet laugh at that. 
“I meant, you’re loosening up.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Ethan asked, nipping at her bottom lip when he couldn’t resist the sight of it.
“I like it,” she admitted, sounding deliciously dazed from the small, sweeping kisses he brushed against her lips. “It makes you seem...happier.”
It was not a strong enough word for what she made him feel.
Author’s Note: Roughly translated, that Spanish saying means something like “if it didn’t happen during your time, it doesn’t hurt you”. I am obsessed with Ethan knowing/understanding Spanish (among other languages).  
Very pointless drabble, I know. But today is a very sad day for my family and I just needed to write to get my mind off things. 
If you made it this far, thank you, as always.
My love and gratitude to every single one of you
Tags:  @openheart12 | @ethandaddyramsey | @noboundariesplease | @silverlitskies | @infinitiestones | @flyawayboo | @paulfwesley | @hatescapsicum | @myusualnerdyself | @thatysn | @choicesyouplayandmore | @chasingrobbie | @trappedinfandoms | @togetherwearerapture | @nooruleman | @caseyvalentineramsey | @axwalker | @parkerattano | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker | @kaavyaethanramsey | @edith-eggs1 | @choices-lurker | @jens-diamondchoices | @tefigranger | @ethanrcmsey | @coffeebeandragon | @senator-adrian-raines-wifey | @aestheticartwriting | @longneckramsey | @binny1985 | @mvalentine | @sanchita012 | @drethanramslay | @ ethanbrook |@ramseysno1rookie | @lion-ess24 | @emotionalswift2 | @the-soot-sprite | @takeharryandgo | @aworldoffandoms | @desmaranj | @ josieplayschoices | @magicalshepherdtreeprofessor | @oofchoices | @ethxnrxmsey | @octobereighth | @colossalpainintheass​
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Let Us Give You A Hand ~ A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
This is a tale of two cheeky boys getting their comeuppance! LEEET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @robbie-lee-zombie @googlee-oliver and @thehostofleetrature
It had been.....a day of mayhem. Cheeky, playful, strategized, giddy, adorable mayhem. The makers of the mischief this time being Robbie the zombie, and the sweet sunflower android Oliver. Recently they'd had a realisation that they had more in common that you may think....an appreciation for the pure things in the world, a happy innocence, a subconscious ability to bring joy to those they loved....and the ability to detach limbs in a non-grotesque, comedic manner. After they both came to this realisation in a moment of squealing joy, they hatched a plan to give some of their loved ones a chance to....smile....whether they wanted to or not. Oliver would plan the strategy efficiently with his hard-drive mind, Robbie would scope out the area by taking out an eye and letting it roll about silently. They were the perfect combination for seeking their targets....and then taking them out.
Their targets would often be carrying out a task and having a minor difficulty with it, and said person would comment to themselves on how they were having a hard time....and then Oliver and Robbie would both ''lend a hand''. At which point, each of them would detach their hands which would scurry forth and launch a brief tickle attack; then the hands would return to their owners who would promptly make their escape whilst cackling with unrestrained joy....whilst leaving one of their loved ones flustered and disorientated. Pretty ingenious and impressive in my opinion....but when you do something like that over and over again....a pattern shows. Targets get together. The targets decide that enough is enough....and a plan is hatched.
'I can't WAIT to get Hosty! He'll be SO surprised!'
Oliver giggled as he skipped down the corridor, hand in hand with his new best friend, a giggling, giddy zombie boy. Robbie was clinging to Oliver's hand with both of his excitedly, feeling so happy that he had such a kind and clever best friend to play with. Not only that, but Oliver would sometimes just....randomly compliment him, because that's what happens when you adore someone, the compliments just fly out.
'Yeah, yeah! Surprise Hosty!'
Oliver giggled as he looked to his friend.
'He'll probably get distracted from how cute you are!'
Robbie's eyes widened as they stopped outside the doors of the library, and the zombie boy whined with embarrassment as he softly head-butted Oli's shoulder.
'Nuuuhhh! Ou cute....'
Oliver giggled and ruffled Robbie's hair before scanning through the door excitedly. They'd been informed by Dr Schneeplestein in passing that the Host needed a hand with something, and they'd immediately jumped on the opportunity to get someone else....the fact that Dr Schneeplestein had been targeted by them earlier that day didn't make them suspicious at all. They were just too excited to notice. Oliver grinned.
'Okay....okay he's sat at his desk. As soon as he perceives us and faces us, that's our chance. Ready?'
Oliver's eyes glinted as he wiggled five of his fingers at Robbie, to which Robbie responded by wiggling five of his back happily.
Robbie felt all jittery and giddy inside, if you'd felt a pulse point he would have felt nearly alive. As for Oliver, his chest core and eyes were shining bright as his circuits filled with energy, which was his adrenaline. They opened the doors....and stepped inside. They closed them and walked forward together, barely containing their grins as they saw the Host's shadowy figure standing from his chair.....he was turning to face them. Oliver and Robbie were ready, so ready....but the Host didn't face them. He spoke first, or rather.....narrated.
''Oliver and Robbie found themselves being ambushed by strong, ghostly hands. They were held in the air by their wrists, ankles, and by the backs of their t-shirts. Numerous other ghostly hands surrounded them, hovering and twitching....warningly.''
The air was filled with a series of surprised squeals and yelps as the Host's words came into reality, and by the time the Host had reached them, Oliver and Robbie were restrained just as the Host had described. They were both struggling and whimpering in their own ways, but Oliver managed to find the nerve to speak, even as he gulped.
'H-H-Host wh-what the hell?!'
Robbie let out a shaky whine as he watched the Host chuckle and sneer at them both with his arms folded at his chest.
'Did the pair of you seriously think that you would not have to endure consequences for your mischievous actions? Bim Trimmer, Dr Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Silver Shepherd, Jackie-Boy Man, and Jameson Jackson have told the Host everything. Everything.'
Oliver and Robbie both gulped and shared a nervous glance, struggling more against the ghostly hands as they realised what was coming for them. Honestly, they hadn't given a second thought to retribution...they'd figured they would be able to pout and say they were just having fun, and then they'd be let off....but they now understood that cuteness could only get them so far.
'H-Hosty....w-w-we s-sorr.....s-so-oorree....'
Robbie stuttered as his cheeks flushed a light lilac....but the Host only smirked.
'Ohhh the Host doesn't think you are, but fear not, the Host here to ensure that your apologies to each of our friends are well meant and from the heart. The Host thinks that the best way to do that is to.....go over exactly what you did to them, yes?'
Oliver and Robbie let out fearful squeaks when the hands around them suddenly became much more animated, all the while the Host calmly clasped his hands behind his back and started to slowly pace around them. His smile was subtle, but it had a truly formidable edge of mischief to it. Basically, the Host's two victims were screwed.
'N-Nonono H-H-Host w-wait let's discuss-EEEEE! Nohoho nohohoho nahahat thehehere!'
Oliver was about to try and see if he could negotiate with their captor, but he was too late. The hands had gotten to them first. Four hands. Two for Oliver's armpits, and two for Robbie's. They scratched and scratched away lightly, but fast, making their victims squeal and giggle in the most adorably high pitched voices. The Host had begun.
'Ahhh yes, Bim Trimmer was the first. It was rather early in the morning and he was hanging up a newly repaired stage light, but it seemed to be proving rather difficult for him on his own....'
As Oliver's cheeks got warmer, the little zombie's squeals echoed around the room as he thrashed about, both trying to stop the tickling AND drown out the Host's voice.
'H-H-Hohohosty shuhush Hohohosty shuhuhuhuuuush!'
The Host certainly did NOT shush, and instead spoke louder so that they would be able to hear him nice and clearly over their giddy mirth. His smile was less subtle now.
'Bim called out, hoping there would be someone nearby who would be able to lend a hand....but instead he received four. Two held his arms up whilst the other two scratched his poor hollows until he was a giggling, squealing mess. The poor man had to have a gallon of tea to soothe himself!'
The Host was almost actually starting to SOUND like Bim with how dramatic he was being with his pacing and arm gestures, as if he was reciting some great speech of Marlowe's to an audience garlanded in finery. In a way though, Robbie and Oliver had their own finery in the form of their wide smiles and bright blushes; they were the most precious to behold, especially when trying to remain strong.
'Y-Yohohou ahare ehehexahaggerating!'
Oliver defiantly called out, meanwhile Robbie was in the midst of trying to land little bites on the scratching fingers in his armpits as he giggled frantically. The Host had finished another circuit of pacing and now stood before his two victims, and he threw a smirk to Oliver as he purred.
'Why, the Host would never!'
The Host ended with a chuckle, before waving one of his hands to relinquish the armpit attack. He clasped his hands at the small of his back, sighing out through his nose happily as Oliver and Robbie giggled residually. They exchanged flustered glances when the Host started pacing around them once more, musing.
'Now who was next....?'
The Host trailed off playfully....before receiving an unexpected, giggly reply.
The Host raised an eyebrow at the giddy little zombie before him in amusement. Robbie had his head bowed with bashfulness as he whined and nibbled his bottom lip, his lilac eyes watery with cute mirth. The Host grinned as he continued pacing, whispering in Robbie's ear softly as he circled by.
'Now, now, it's naughty to lie.....ohh yes, the Host recalls now....'
Oliver's and Robbie's eyes widened when they saw a hand approaching them each, and they squeaked and let out similar high-pitched tittering when they found their waistlines being traced.
'Ohohoho noho....'
Oliver whimpered and trembled as the soft fingertips slid under his t-shirt with ease and teased his soft skin, and only became more flustered when he saw the same happening to Robbie. Then the Host continued his story re-telling.
'The good doctor Schneeplestein has a difficult, packed line of work, so thus it is imperative that he gets a good burst of energy in the mornings before he gets to his clinic. For some reason however....his coffee was a little out of reach....'
Oliver shook his head and tried to crane his neck, endeavouring to gaze imploringly at the Host whilst Robbie shook his head and tried to sound insistent.
'N-Nahahat uhus nahat uhus!'
Oliver squeaked after he heard his friend trying to deny it....he didn't want to risk the Host punishing them even more for lying about their mischief. The Host meanwhile, only found it wonderfully endearing. He snickered, and as if in sync with the Host's mirth, the delicate fingers moved from their victim's waists to the bowels of their hips. This made both Oliver and Robbie jerk about....and shriek magnificently.
'Just as the doctor murmured that he could possibly use a hand to help him retrieve his caffeine....he found himself being attacked at his poor, delicate waist and hips. Needless to say, his laughter woke up everyone else this morning.'
The Host had to work much harder to make himself heard, but it just made the whole thing more fun. The Host adored the sounds of it all. Thrashing, laughing, stammering....such exquisite cuteness.
Robbie cried, the zombie still in awe that the quite man was being such a teasy meanie! Robbie was just a poor mess right now. His normally messy hair was past the realms of unkemptness and nearly covered his eyes, all the while his face shone....purple; a legitimate purple. The Host tilted his head up at the zombie with a playful grin.
'Oh no, the Host assures Robbie that that's where the doctor was tickled. The doctor was very specific in his descriptions-'
The Host paused. Now this WAS a rare occurrence. The Host had been cut off in the middle of speaking.....how....very....rude. On top of that, he'd been cut off by someone who was usually oh so mild-mannered and sweet; the Host felt happy that he was bringing out the sass in little Oliver. However, such rudeness was NOT going to go unpunished. The Host's head snapped to Oliver, making the little droid gulp fearfully.
'That wasn't very pleasant Oliver.'
Oliver knew that as soon as he'd cut Host off he'd made a grave mistake....but nothing could have prepared him for the retribution. The droid's eyes widened when he felt one of his hipbones being kneaded.....kneaded.
Oliver looked to Robbie in shock, gasping in realisation through his own laughter as Robbie's wails caught his attention.....the Host had decided to punish Robbie too, even though he wasn't sassy along with Oliver....this was what true evil looked like. Oliver cried out as he arched his back sharply, mouth and eyes wide as he looked between Robbie and the Host helplessly.
The Host chuckled softly, humming playfully in the wake of Oliver's sweet apologies.
If the Host could have rolled his eyes with affection, then he would have. He settled for a stream of chuckles as he snapped his fingers, allowing for Oliver and Robbie to have a little mercy.
'Ahalright, the Host believes Oliver....goodness, the Host never knew that pacing could be such a workout....'
The Host grinned and turned his back on his captives for a moment, but only so that he could pull up his armchair before them and sink down into it with a satisfied smile. As the Host got himself comfortable....the looks that Oliver and Robbie shared had....changed somewhat. They were happy....because....well, being treated so playfully was rather fun for them....they didn't dislike the situation that they were in. Not only that, but they could both tell that the other was somewhat eager to find out what the Host would have in store for them. They both looked to the Host with soft smiles and tittering voices as the Host laced his fingers together in his lap.
'Speaking of workouts....'
.....Oliver knew what was coming next. Oliver remembered. Ohhh no...oh no oh no oh no. The little android started getting giggly, which ended up making Robbie giggly too as they both squirmed giddily; they didn't have it in them to be defiant anymore, only cuteness remained.
'N-N-Nohoho w-w-wahahait h-hahang ohohon-'
'Why should the Host do that? If anything, waiting would merely make the anticipatory butterflies on Oliver and Robbie's bellies so much worse.'
The Host cut Oliver off, and smirked with satisfaction at the squeaks he received when he mentioned Oliver and Robbie's soft, trembling....vulnerable, bellies. The Host sunk into his armchair more as Oliver and Robbie subconsciously sucked in their tummies....which would not serve to save them from the Host's next assault.
'Now with workouts, personally the Host admires whoever dedicates themselves to such endeavours of fitness. Especially when it comes to Silver Shepherd and Jackie-Boy Man, who have their routines doing pull ups together so they can motivate one another....'
Oliver and Robbie saw that a hand was approaching them each, and approaching them slowly. Oliver felt himself blushing as subtly twitching fingers came closer and closer to his abdomen, whilst Robbie was just whining and giggling already; the anticipation was already tickle inducing. The Host liked a slow approach, it did wonderful things to the nerves. The Host purred under his breath to make the hands slip under their t-shirts and rest on their bare tummies, and he smirked when they both tensed and squeaked with practically perfect synchronicity. The Host next words came slowly too, like his magical manipulations. He drawled out each word and every syllable.
'On this occasion though, both of them were a little tired. However, they were determined to meet their targets and mused to one another about calling for someone to help motivate them....and guess who answered their call?'
And here we see one of the Host's many tickle tropes; a teasy, rhetorical question. In combination with another tactic which was to persist gently so that the true attack would unexpected and more intense, and it certainly worked. Oliver and Robbie in fact let out quite shrill screams when those calm hands suddenly dug into their tummies.
Oliver exclaimed, which caused the Host to muse.
'Mmm, not quite. Namely, it was the pair of you. Ruthlessly targeting their poor abdominals whilst you used a spare hand each to help keep them hanging from their pull-up poles. Truly evil....'
The Host shook his head and tutted in a reprimanding fashion, all the while his poor victims begged and begged and begged....and were rather rude.
The usually mild-mannered Robbie was the one who shrieked those filthy words as he laughed and quivered, his soft tummy was a wonderful weakness it seemed. Now, we all know that the word poopy is as far from swearing as you can probably get, Robbie knew that, Oliver knew that, and the Host certainly knew that....except....it wasn't exactly a NICE word either. Since it wasn't a nice word, this led Host to the conclusion that Robbie....was a rude, rude boy.
'Goodness, the Host was not aware that Robbie knew such foul language....he supposed that Oliver was being a devious influence....'
The Host crooned, and at first Oliver and Robbie sighed in relief at the fact that they weren't getting additional punishment....but Oliver ended up blushing bright at the Host's ending words. Oliver cried out, filled with the most indignation that it was probably possible to feel in one moment.
.....now the laughter of Oliver and Robbie was not the only laughter in the room. The Host was able to predict many things, but the results of Oliver's censoring module was not one of them, and he loved it. He clapped his hands together in amusement as the droid blushed even harder, still laughing with his comrade as their struggles started getting weaker. They both moved in sync again, trying to hide their flustered faces in the wrists or forearms or elbows or biceps, and the Host figured it was time for another instance of mercy.
'Ahhh of course, it must have slipped the Host's mind....'
Oliver and Robbie gasped as the hands crawled out from their t-shirts, drifting away as they trembled and whined. They looked to each other, wanting nothing more than to be able to fall into each other's arms and rub each other's ghost tickles away. The Host could feel it, and his heart utterly melted, it was like they were pining for each other's friendly comfort....and the Host knew they would have it soon, very soon. Now....it was time for the final act of retribution.
'How sweet you both are.....just like another that the Host is sure you both know. Dear little Jamie....'
The Host purred gently, and as Oliver and Robbie looked to the Host, they felt a mixture of emotions. Nervousness, because they knew what tickling came next....but also relief, because they knew that Jamie was the last person they'd managed to have their fun with. They gulped when they felt hands on their shins bending their legs, so they were hovering in kneeling positions as their feet faced sole up behind them. The Host continued.
'The poor thing had misplaced his monocle, until he noticed it gleaming far underneath his bed, and thus he dove under to retrieve it. And retrieve it he did....but then he discovered himself to be stuck. What a bother! Plus, with no socks on, his exposed feet started getting chilly....'
Oliver and Robbie squeaked when they felt their socks being pulled off, their feet wiggling and scrunching in anticipation as they gazed at the Host with utter desperation.
'Plehease....H-H-Hohost plehease no mohore....'
'W-W-Wehe s-sorry!'
'Wehe are w-w-we're s-so sorry!'
The Host snickered at their frantic back and forth begs, and particularly at Robbie's squeal. There was one hand per foot, and each foot had five blunt nails dragging up and down it at a ceaseless, tickly pace.
'Apologies, the Host wasn't quite listening, what did you both say?'
Neither of them could handle their feet being tickled, even if it was gentle it was just pure torture for them. Robbie's laughter was filled with uncontrolled snarls, whilst Oliver's were filled with voice crackles and adorable, metallic hiccups. Either way, they were both hysterical.
Oliver screamed, with Robbie soon following suit, teary eyed as he tried his best to ignore the scrapes at his delicate inner arches.
The Host raised an eyebrow, humming as he fiddled and played with the tassles of his armchair with one hand. With his other hand, he cupped one of his ears, calling out with a playful smile....or was it sadistic...ah well, same thing in this context really.
'Say that again?'
The Host's lips spread into a smirk when the air around him was filled with intense cries and babbles.
Oliver and Robbie were pretty much on the verge of tears, but then it all stopped. The Host waved his hands, making all the ghostly hands disappear, apart from the ones holding Oliver and Robbie aloft. He made the hands carefully cradle the two recovering boys and set them down on the carpet gently, before the Host swept forth and opened his arms, his smile was kind.
'Come here.....come....it is alright....'
Oliver and Robbie had clung to each other almost instantly after being released, and now they crawled forwards hastily into the Host's arms, both whining for warmth at affection. With those wide lilac eyes and shining golden orbs staring up at him, how could the Host NOT care for them?! He brought them to his chest and wiped their tears away, kissing their foreheads and rubbing their backs as soft, whispered words of praise left his lips, Soon, Oliver and Robbie were both smiling and eagerly snuggling, holding each other's hands. Robbie was the first to whisper back to the Host.
Robbie nibbled his bottom lip softly with nervousness, and the Host immediately kissed his temple warmly as he crooned.
'Everyone forgives you both, in fact, they all told the Host that they were very impressed at your brave cheekiness....'
He ruffled Robbie's hair whilst giving Oliver's shoulder a gentle nudge, making them both giggle happily. Then the Host realised something....he was trapped on the floor in their cuddles now. He cleared his throat softly.
'Ah, Oliver....what is the probability of the Host being released from these cuddles?'
Oliver grinned and hummed, sharing a look with a smirking Robbie, before replying.
The Host pursed his lips, and repressed a bashful laugh when their embraces tightened and Robbie growled into his chest.
'Our Hosty forever!'
The Host sighed out through his nose, before musing and holding them closer.
'Well, there are worse prisons.'
And so for the eternity of about a few hours, the Host remained trapped in the clutches of the most affectionate, warm beings on the entire planet. So, all in all, it was one of the best days ever.
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unplacedpodcast · 7 years
Episode Four: Charade (Script)
Episode four script behind the cut! Spoilers, etc. 
NARRATOR: Who knew monsters were real? Not metaphorical monsters that represent the greed inside of all of us, or "man humans can be really cruel assholes" monsters, but brain-sucking leech-blob-parasite things that have apparently been living off of us this whole time?
I should probably rewind a bit, since I cut that last clip short. I accidentally hit the “stop recording” button somewhere in my mad dash to get the unholy hell out of that subway car. Obviously, since I’m here recording, I got out okay. But it was way too close for comfort - that thing hit the window as the door closed and it stuck there for a few minutes, before it went back to being globbed around the man's head.
I stood in the station and watched the subway pull away, with the giant leech-thing still sitting on that guy's shoulders, buried in his head and...pulsing. 
(Narrator audibly shudders)
You know those sucker fish that you buy to keep an aquarium clean? How once they're stuck on the wall, their whole body shakes a little? It was like that. I've never seen anything so revolting in my life. And this guy is just sitting on the subway, staring off into the middle distance, like nothing is wrong.
I don't know any more. I honestly don't. At this point I don’t know if I'm stuck in a padded room somewhere and this is all a vivid daydream, or if I'm not stuck in a padded room and I'm wandering around the streets hallucinating, or what. I mean, this could all be real, but the other two options are probably more plausible, right?
I need to…I need something to do. I need a plan, or I really am going to go off my rocker, on the off chance I’m not already.
Let’s talk through this: I’m invisible. There’s invisible monsters - or at least one monster - that was feeding off of an innocent, oblivious bystander.
So far, no matter what I do, nobody can see or hear me, and everyone I know seems to have totally forgotten about me. My resources are…myself, the internet, and anything I can access in person, assuming I don’t need the help of someone else to get it. So, you know, the library. Or possibly, top-secret government facilities. (snort) There’s an idea.
Given those parameters, what steps can I take to gather more data about what the hell is going on? What questions do I have and how can I answer them?
(Narrator pauses for a beat)
My invisibility (and the side effects of it) seem to be a mystery that I can’t solve right now. I’ve tested the limits in multiple environments and tried everything I can think of it get someone’s attention, and so far, nada. Same results everywhere. Continuing to pursue that line of questioning doesn’t make any sense.
That leaves us with the monsters. Or monster. That, I don’t know anything about. Except that it could see me. Because of course, being stuck in what is effectively solitary confinement with some brain-leeches was definitely on my vision board.
The first question is…is there more than one? I’ve been assuming there is - but I haven’t seen another one, yet. That means the first thing to do is see if there are other monsters or if that one is the only one.
I’m a brain-eating monster, where do I hang out? On somebody’s back, apparently. Can they move around on their own? Do they move around without a host?
Questions for another time. In the meantime…I think the best I can do is…go to where a bunch of people are? More people means more chances of finding an…infected person? A host? That makes sense, right? Let’s try that, then.
(sound of phone being fumbled and recording being turned off, then turned back on a second later in a place with a lot more background noise - can hear people in the background)
I’m back at the subway station. If this is where I saw the first one, maybe I’ll see another one here. In the meantime, I just have to…lie in wait, or whatever. Good thing I brought my Kindle. I’ll turn this off so you don’t have to listen to the ambient subway noises, since I don’t know how long this is going to take.
(ding of audio off then on again)
(whispering) Okay…I think I found one. This woman just got off the train and there’s one of the things on her. Wow, they are just really gross looking.
It’s like…it looks like…well, like I said, a giant brain leech. It’s stuck into the back of her head and seems to be…feeding off of it. (makes grossed out noises) It’s probably three feet long total? It goes all the way down her back…but it looks like it’s only connected at the head. It also doesn’t look like it has a very…solid body? That makes sense. The other one, when I tried to shake the guy, it sort of reared up at me before it attacked, like it was gelatinous or something. You know those monsters in Yoshi’s Island? The blue blobs? Like that.
Video game references aside, I’m following her from probably ten or fifteen feet behind her because I don’t want one of those things to come for me again. We’re heading out of the station…
(background noises change as she moves onto the street)
This lady walks so slow. It’s a real struggle to stay ten feet behind - oh, okay, she’s going into a building! I’ll just duck in behind her, into…oh, for crying out loud. It’s another psychic. Why did I have to get stuck with the new agey monster victim? I’ve never been to a psychic in my life and now it’s two times in a month. Ugh.
(background noise: doorbell tinkles as she steps into the shop. very muffled/quiet sounds of conversation)
I’m standing over in the corner - the woman is talking to the psychic. I’m assuming she’s the psychic anyways, she’s the only other person here.
Do I get closer and eavesdrop or try and give them their privacy? I guess I’m here to gather data, so I might as well go all the way.
(sounds of movement, then picks up on conversation)
WOMAN: I just feel so ungrounded lately, you know? I’m all spacey - I’ve been having these awful headaches, and I’m all lethargic…I know I’ve had that blocked heart chakra before and I don’t know if this is that, or something else.
PSYCHIC: (affecting thick stereotypical Eastern European accent) Ah, yes, I do remember that. Vy don’t ve go take a look, hmm? Let us see what the crystals say.
(sounds of movement - a heavy fabric curtain)
(NARRATOR snorts)
NARRATOR: What a load of crap. I can’t believe I’m wasting my time on this. They went into some back room - I’m not going to creep on that, that’s a little over the line, even for me. I guess since I’m here, I’ll take a look around. Maybe I can play solitaire with her cards until they’re done. Then I can keep shadowing this woman and see if I can get anything useful from this, or if it’s going to be all shiny crystals and chakras. I’ll let you know if anything happens.
(ding of the audio turning off, then back on again)
NARRATOR: Okay. They’re coming out from the back. The woman does look happier, but I mean, placebo effect, right? As far as I can tell, the leech wasn’t affected at all. Let’s get a little closer and see if I can learn anything from this misguided attempt at an adventure…
WOMAN: Ahh, I feel so much better! Thank you! You really are just the best at this.
PSYCHIC: Of course, dear, I’m glad I could help. I did notice you are ungrounded, like you said - would you like something to help with that, ven I am not around? I happen to have some lovely hematite necklaces…
NARRATOR: She’s even upselling this poor woman. What a - wait. The woman just put the necklace on and the leech - it’s recoiling from it. It looks like the necklace is burning it or something. Well, that’s something new. What do you know, I learned something useful today after all. This “psychic” might be a total hack, but I’m glad this wasn’t entirely a waste of my -
(sound of doorbell dinging as woman leaves)
NARRATOR: Oh shit, that was the woman leaving. I better get out after her so I can -
PSYCHIC: (still using fake accent) Hello? Is someone there?
NARRATOR: What? I think - I think she can hear me? Or tell that I’m here? She’s - she’s looking around…hello? Hey lady, can you hear me?
PSYCHIC: (dropping accent) Listen, whoever or whatever the hell you are, today is not the day and I am not the one. I’m tired. Get out of my shop before I make you. I might have crystals for the tourists, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know my shit.
NARRATOR: Uhh - huh. I didn’t see this one coming - I guess now the question is - do I stay here and try to reason with apparently-more-than-meets the eye psychic, or follow the lady and see if there are any other changes?
(something slams in the background)
NARRATOR: O-kay, the maybe-actually-a-psychic now looks pissed and is slamming things around looking for something, so I’m just gonna get the hell out of Dodge for now -
(doorbell jingling as she leaves)
NARRATOR: …and see if I can find that woman again. Except - aw, hell. The lunch rush started, and there are a lot more people on the streets now. She was wearing a pink scarf - she should be easy to find again…
(NARRATOR is walking quickly, starting to sound a little out of breath, background noise of crowd)
NARRATOR: I don’t see her anywhere. Dammit! The closest thing to a lead I had, and of course, this happens. I’ll keep looking and keep you posted.
ding of audio recording going off
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itsjayyyy · 5 years
July 24, 2019 2:19 pm
Have I studied like I said I would? No. Am I in dire need of an update? Yes. Looks like there’s only one option.
okay so I have to go all the way back to june 26th, huh? Well rose REALLY didn’t take the talk about her finances well. She acted as if I was still just mad at her over memorial day, as if she wasn’t a massive burden on our parents. See that’s the difference between rose and I; when I see that I’m a burden on someone else I remove myself from their life so that I don’t hurt them, but rose just doesn’t give a fuck. She’ll be a leech for her entire life and not even bat an eye. Anyways that’s not the point. She wouldn’t say it to my face, but clearly she heard what I had to say. Apparently iris told me that rose was shocked; nobody had ever told her that before. Which is surprising to me, why would mom and dad and iris all tell me about how tired they were of rose being a mess but not say it to her face???? I swear I’m the only person with a spine in this family.
Anyways rose plans to move out in september now, and shortly after she announced that, mom and dad made plans to move back to michigan in november. I haven’t been talking to rose, but I really hope that she sees the direct relationship between the time that she’s moving out to the time that they’re moving out. Since she’s making progress towards fixing her finances, I’d say that issue is a closed case now.
But really, I never looked down on her for her life being a mess. To me, you can do whatever; get a college degree, not get a college degree, work minimum wage, make six figures, none of it really matters to me. I only care that you treat me with respect, treat me like a friend. My issue with her, and not just on memorial day, has been that she doesn’t listen. I told her that on my birthday this year, three months ago, and no change. Memorial day just served to reinforce the idea that I’m just a side character in life to her. She tried to twist it and say “you’re making me choose between you and my boyfriend” which is a load of shit, I’m asking that you DON”T choose between us and rather treat us equally. Or at least, I dunno, say one word to me when the three of us are together so that I know that you still acknowledge me. Or I dunno, maybe not invite your boyfriend to family events when the rest of the family hasn’t explicitly invited him?
Iris has been in town since the whole issue with rose. I hung out with her a few times, but I never saw rose. Iris has told me a few things. I knew that, a while ago, peter proposed to rose and rose broke up with him, for four hours, before she asked him to take her back. He said no, so she bought him an xbox and (according to iris) some weed, because rose said “he can’t say no to me when he’s high.” I really want to say that she meant saying no to her asking for him to take her back. I really want to say that she didn’t rape him. But I can’t. I can’t even say that those four hours were just so that she could think, knowing that she’s cheated on every boyfriend she’s ever had. Honestly I don’t think I can ever look at her the same. Iris wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, saying “we don’t know if she raped him” but I’m not gonna give her that just because she’s a girl, or my sister. Those words came out of her own mouth, after all.
On Saturday, when I got off work, iris and I met up because we planned to see rose at the mall. Iris was leaving on sunday, and she wanted to get a group pic of us. Frankly I can’t stand that iris, despite nonstop talking about how rose is becoming more and more toxic and manipulative, still wants to be on good terms with her. But then iris explained, how when she first moved up to chicago, she thought she’d visit later and see everyone as usual. But before she could come back to visit, her sister in law died. (The main reason for the visit is so that they can help the family fight for custody against the bio dad). She said she was worried that, like her sister in law, she would go to chicago mad at rose and then who knows, what if rose dies while iris is in chicago and they never got closure too? It’s a reasonable fear, but I guess I’m just too hardheaded to feel it too. 
Anyways, we’re at the mall, nick and peter go to gamestop so the three of us could talk in private. This was my plan for how I wanted the conversation would go: I explain that I personally didn’t agree with the texts I sent her about her finances, but that the rest of the family was growing annoyed with her and I was the one tasked with telling her. She would have the chance to tell me what she felt, and what she’s done, etc. We close the finances chapter, and move on to her personality, which I considered to be the ACTUAL issue. I would let her know that I didn’t like that she clearly didn’t care about me. She never listens to how my day was (as in, she’ll be physically present when I speak but she’ll literally be texting peter as I’m talking). She doesn’t take ANY criticism at all. As in, she’ll blow up at you if you even imply she’s not perfect. The whole peter break up situation. I wanted her to know that it’s not okay for her to treat people as machines where she just needs to do xyz to get them to do what she wants. That people have feelings, that people are *human* just like her, and we all deserve to be heard. She never listens to listen, she listens to come up with an argument in response. She lacks empathy.
As you can guess, that’s not how the conversation went. Before I could get two sentences into telling her about how the finances thing, she cuts me off and starts talking about how I “don’t even care about her achievements” and starts talking about how she’s an expert at car pricing (she works for a scrap dealer, they price vehicles by amount of steel) and she knows better than nick, who is an auto insurance adjuster with years of experience. I jump straight to “you don’t listen to listen, you listen to argue” and from there it’s nothing but cutting each other off. Iris tried to keep the peace by making us take turns, but rose cut me off on my turn so I was like ya know what? This bitch clearly will not listen, despite the fact that I’ve tried to listen when she was cutting me off. I give up. So I figured since there was little chance at salvaging the discussion, I said “yeah, you’re right, the whole family is dissapointed in you because you’re twenty two years old and don’t have a degree, a car, a place of your own” and then she stood up and left. It was a really low blow for me to attack her like that, but it’s not fair that she can treat me like literal shit for years but I can’t even dish out a few insults one day. 
Iris, nick and I leave to go to my apartment, where we all calm down, pet mango, look at motorcycles. Then we went to get tacos, then I went home. 
Sunday night, iris says that she’s about to leave town, and wanted to see me one last time. We met up at the starbucks near my apartment. Frankly all of sunday I was just marinating in my emotions, and meeting at starbucks finally let it all out. 
One thing that I’m surprised took me 20 years to realize: rose is actually the root of all of my insecurities. And no, I’m not just saying that to make her look like the bad guy because I’m mad that she cut me off. Think about it. Where did I get the idea of “speak only when spoken to” imprinted into my head? When my parents forced me to be with rose after school and rose and her friends all treated me as an annoyance. How they ignored me, tried to act like I wasn’t there, while they all had fun together. The way they would literally pay me to leave them alone, sometimes. What about my incredibly bad body dysmorphia? Maybe the way her and her friends used to say “oh, you’ll have a glo up some day jasmine” as if I was ugly at the time. How I was just rose’s ugly little sister to them. Or, most glaringly, the time that rose did my makeup when I was 15 or so, and she took a step back to look at it halfway through, started laughing, and said “you just look so ugly.” I cried in the bathroom for 45 minutes after that. And the worst part is that that memory feels so faded, like I almost forgot about it. What else did I forget?
Anyways I tell this all to iris, and she said that I needed therapy. I scoffed at that, of course, because I’m fine. (Narrator voice: She was not fine). I tell myself that I’m okay now, that the emotional trauma caused by rose is nothing but the past, that I’m a well adjusted individual now. Iris bet me $40 that I couldn’t get a date in a month to see how well adjusted I was. 
Easy as fuck, all I need to do is go on straight tinder. Men swipe right on literally anything, so it’d be easy as hell to get a date. I even wrote the most batshit insane bio ever (I literally talked about my issues with rose and the $40 bet), and within 24 minutes I saw that 99+ men had swiped right. I swiped left on at least a few hundred guys, before I finally swiped right on one. Apparently he super liked me, so I said “was the super like by accident or do you just have that poor of taste in women” and yet! we actually made plans. Like kinda plans, like “I’m free tomorrow if that’s not too soon, we could get sushi” so it wasn’t set in stone, but there was decidedly something. And he was cute, too.
Monday morning I woke up and immediately unmatched him, followed by me deleting my account. Followed by me crying violently in bed for two hours, thinking about how he would have thought I was ugly irl, that I really am hideous, and don’t deserve love. That I deserved to die alone, because I have no personality and I’m the ugliest person alive. It sounds overly dramatic to see it typed out, but man, that morning I really wanted to die. That’s when I realized that maybe iris was right, maybe I do need therapy. 
But this is my issue, I don’t like letting people know about my feelings. I feel like I look weak. And it’s so easy for me to just, not tell a therapist things, because it makes me uncomfortable. I tried therapy a year ago, literally all I did was say “yeah I’m fine :)”. I’m starting the online therapy sessions that my college offers, because I don’t have to talk to anyone for it. And on top of that I have all of those things that I’m planning to do that I wrote in the last 2 updates. I want to improve my life, and I’m gonna start on it now. 
Tuesday I texted peter, letting him know my side. He said “I have my own opinions on the matter” and by that I assume he means his opinion is that he’s on rose’s side, of course, otherwise he would have stood up against her. After seeing that I left class an hour early and cried in the bathroom. I thought I was being quiet but this girl in the stall next to me knocked and asked if I was okay (I said yes). 
And yeah, like I said in the last update, it hurts that rose (and peter) are pretty much cut out of my life. They were kind of the only friends I had. But I have to remind myself that this is the exact same situation I dealt with in sophomore year of high school, with jackie. She stopped being my friend, and because of it I lost all of my friends. But this time around I’m gonna be able to meet new people, and a lot easier, since I’m in college. As a matter of fact, I got an email from this sorority I plan on joining today. I need time to heal, but I will heal.
And as soon as I get my braces off, I’m going to maybe try tinder again (no!!!!! I just said I don’t like tinder!!!!!! but maybe I’ll try again when my braces are off......)
Anyways, let me tell you about today, wednesday (we finally reached the end!). I woke up, scrolled through my socials like usual, then watched a few really old music videos. Like, pop punk old. Went to publix, got my waffles, then came home and watched the next episode of ore monogatari, basically as I had planned. But then I just started slacking because I didn’t feel like studying (I still haven’t studied). Went through my main blog’s archive. I really noticed that my blog has been dead exactly since I moved out. I guess I’ve just been too busy. My dashboard isn’t really my style, it’s very multifandom when these days I really only care about bts. I think I’m gonna get back into tumblr, at least it’s more stimulating then scrolling down the same reddit posts 20 times an hour. Anyways I saw my posts from when mono came out and MAN that’s some strong nostalgia. It was only about 10 months ago, but it feels so distant. That’s when I lived with my parents, and they were on vacation so I had the house to myself. While rose went to a halloween party, I stayed home and watched the forever rain music video on repeat while downing 4 beers and doing my econ homework (I got a 100 somehow, despite being sloshed). Anyways I’ve been listening to it on repeat the entire time I’ve been writing this.
Okay it’s 3:44 now. Man, this was a really long update. I think now I’m gonna make my cesar salad that I bought from publix, then study. I mean, the lowest test grade is dropped and I already passed the first two exams, so no big deal. Ugh I wish rose could buy me another pack of cider right now.
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Our Princesses are Definitely in this Castle [Part 1]
With the flaming zombie tornado quelled and ghost hunter badges recollected from Romero and Carpen Town, our Angels returned to a distressed crowed back at the Abbey. From what little information they could give, volunteers and visiting humans reported several prominent Angels missing. Concern piled up once everybody realized that both Strappon and Father Handcuffs failed to return despite the fact that both left Romero and Carpen Town before anybody. Panic set in shortly after and a few grueling weeks passed since then. Many Abbey residents became restless and other theorized possible reasons for the disappearances. To help ease them, Thrones worked on calming the Angels, guiding them in the absense of their leaders. This gave a few others a chance to hold council to come up with a plan. At the behest of Tunic, those with seniority in Daten and military experience were gathered after receiving crucial intel from an inside informant. The group consisted of Duster, Caplet, and Ovr'Kot with guest appearances from Blazer, Hot Pants, and Sukafu. The group at first was confused as to why Demons would turn on themselves, but putting their political strife aside they made haste in formulating a plan. After a few stressful hours, they settled on a plan: Sukafu will become a scout. He shall disguise himself as a Hell Corp. cyborg and relay any useful information ranging from patrol schedules to the locations of their leaders. After the verdict, Sukafu went to work almost immediately. He successfully joined Hell Corp. with the council building upon their plan as information became available. In time, a small strike team was formed for the actual infiltration. Demons had a little less action than Angels. Sure, there was a buzz after the Angels and priests were captured, but they returned to their busy lifestyles after five minutes of mocking. They couldn't risk being off their shifts too long without having their pays docked. A few high ranking Demons did keep close tabs on their prisoners, one Demon keeping a bit too many tabs. It was the informant, Jokki, who would frequent the prisoners. She would often take them for her own projects, mostly cleaning animal enclosures, as a cover to gather information to relay back to Angels. It wasn't long until others became suspicious of her and eventually she was forbidden from seeing them. It was prime time for Shroud to unveil his plans. The week was nearing its end with Demons swamped with work as usual. That or attempting to steal their work from Fundoshi, the poor guy really needs a lengthy vacation. The intercoms turned on, feedback playing through them. "Good afternoon, we are to meet in the training arena within the hour. I think it's about time our guests were shown our true hospitality." As the intercoms turned off, many Demons became giddy. Were they gonna pit them against each other? Sounded like a good form of entertainment! Or maybe they'll fight them! Maybe they'll gain a rank by defeating high ranking Angels. Oh the possibilities! Let's pray to the Lord that nothing bad actually happens. 
DEFINITELY THIS CASTLE. YEP. The Demons of Hell Corp have been summoned to the arena for an extra-special event. --------
Today was clearly a day for celebration, and Hell Corp was practically busting at the seams with excitement. The clamor about the halls was extraordinary- as if there was some sort of free food, a peep show of momentous proportions, or everyone was let out early. Either way, it was clear to the passerby that Hell Corp had one Hell of an event planned (pun intended).   Seats in the Coliseum were filling up quickly, the murmur of excited demons filled the air as everyone whispered about the tarp-covered cages in the middle. They had captured someone from the opposing side, or several, and some could recall a similar event that had happened the year prior. Needless to say, it was worth the excitement.
BRIT:  Shroud stood in the very middle of the stadium with his arms crossed  behind his back, waiting patiently for the seats to fill. He looked so  filled with enthusiasm, the narrator points out with sarcasm.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling stepped into the Coliseum, flanked on all sides by the biggest,  most basic NPC lookin' thug mother fuckers you ever did see. Her own  personal entourage of thugs she had since growing up. None of them  were demons when she had them beating up street rats back in the day.  She fixed that when she joined Hell Corp. The jewelry covered demon  made her way to a seat in the lower middle. Close enough to see the  action, but not close enough to get covered in blood. She just had  this outfit cleaned, you know. Bling folded her arms over her chest  and crossed her legs as her entourage took all the seats around and  behind her. Her eyes narrowed at bit at Shroud.
SALAD ASS:  Tails of course, was dressed for the occasion, if anything  overdressed. He tried to find a seat as close as possible to the show,  knowing he wanted to hear and see and even feel everything that  happens. He was excited to say the least, a sharp tooth grin stretched  across his face, it was rare he ever allowed himself to go out to any  big events but he made this particular one an exception.
OWLIE:  Circlet was slightly annoyed at the fact she had to delay her work.  And as she entered the Coliseum, her eardrums were nearly blasted off  by the other demons' excitement. Sighing, she seated herself at the  middle rows, alone. She's here so she might as well enjoy the show..
KRO:  Well this day has finally arrived and Jokki was a little nervous. Not  because of what they've got in store for their guests, but she was far  more concerned about the possibility of being ratted out publicly for  helping Angels. As if Fundoshi chastising her wasn't enoug.   Hairpin was just as anxious, but he actually had the ability to worry  about some of his friends since he wasnt a
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks walked into the Coliseum with a smile on his face. He  looked around and sees newly faces that he never met. Inside, he saw  some of the hellbents, demons, inquisitors, and of course, the  Absolute. He was finding a seat for himself and took the middle seat  to see the action. With a smile on his face and a little bit of  lolipops that he brought in a lunch bage, he can wait to see what's  going on in the Coliseum.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels was escorted out of her pimped out black hearse,four  tall body guards assuming their position at her sides. Her body  adorned in a lacey black dress. She was sipping the last drop of a  glass of wine and with a soft sigh she tosses the glass in the middle  of the street. With a smirk she sashays inside of the Coliseum. What a  lady.  Her guards crouch down, making a seat for her and with the flip  of her hair SN directed her attention to Shroud.
KRO:  SINCE he wasn't doing much to aid the enemy.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori stretches as he sits down in the very back of the coliseum,  for consideration sake. There was suddenly a bunch of commotion that  woke him out of his mid afternoon nap and he just followed the crowd  here. The sudden jolt from waking up caused a ceiling tile to be  impaled and stuck on one of his horns, not that he noticed. His eyes  still a bit sleepy, and fought back the urge to nap. Jeokori looked  around for one of the five people he actually knows.  Fascinator's eyes quieted in the sunlight, his skin itching and his  retinas slightly burning. It's been days since he last went outside  outside of work purposes and it was a fucking experience. He didn't  really know anyone here, and he felt his chest begin to tighten with  anxiety. His heart began to beat faster and it was getting hard to  breathe. Fascinator sunk into the closest seat he could find, and  prayed that someone who knew him would call him over. Hopefully.  Maybe. Possibly?
SAIYAN:  Bowtie had made her way from her desk all the way through the long  hallways to the Colosseum. She thought back to the last time she was  here. It had been a long time for sure. She made her way to her a seat  that was open next to Jokki and sat down.
 “So what do you think is in the box? Must be important if the  summoned ALL of us here” Bowtie said to her.
KUMA:  Sukajan had heard about the event and decided she'd show up. It would  really be her first time around so many demons. She didn't think it'd  be a significant lead to her father's location, but it was better than  nothing. In very back she spotted a tall, pink, and familiar figure.  Sukajan went next to Jeokori and waved.
TORI:  Ah yes, this was certainly a day for excitement and interest from  demons everywhere. Everybody would be flooding coliseum and gathering  around in anticipation for what was about to occur, though honestly  many probably weren't sure exactly what that thing was. It was just an  interesting day all around, everybody was quite excited for the events  of the day. Well… almost everybody. Not every demon today was as  excited and energetic as some of the others, and that little Demon was  Waist Belt, though he hated that name and just went by Etch. He had  sat himself quite far from some of the other Demons, as they all piled  up at the front Etch found himself a nice little seat where no other  demons had surrounded and sat his butt carefully onto the chair. Etch  was what you would call a paranoid mess, he had a bad feeling about  the day and could only imagine things going wrong, but hopefully that  wasn’t going to be the case. Etch had a lot of reasons more than  just anxiety when it came to sitting far away from the fellow demons,  for one, he didn't like demons all that much. Now sure that may be  hypocritical of him considering he was a demon, but nobody said  anything about him liking himself either. Sitting in the chair legs  swinging slightly in the air as he was far too small to actually reach  the ground with his feet, the little succubus looked around at his  fellow demons. All of them were so scary, sure some seemed nice, and  maybe a few weren't as bad as they seemed, but in the end they were  all terrifying to the boy, every single one of them. Part of the boy  just wanted to be an angel, this was more reason that he separated  himself from the demons around him. He just hoped that he wouldn't  have to talk to anybody today. Hopefully the fact that he was as alone  as he could be wouldn’t attract any unnecessary attention. From his  seat however Etch couldn't help but peek up at the absolute, of all  the scary demons, he was the scariest, he didn't even want to think  about him so as quick as he could he buried his head into his hands  and ran them back into his hair, avoiding the three little horns set  on his head… god he hoped those didn't grow at all.
HITA:  Stretching out its legs, Volto Foglia cracked its neck and adjusted  its mask on its face.  Its bird circled the room briefly before  alighting onto the demon's head again.  Ignoring the rabble of the  others took effort sometimes, truly, but not now.  Its intense focus  was centered solely on the Absolute and what he brought with him to  the Colosseum.  Would it be impressed?  Probably not.  Rarely was it  ever impressed with this Sector.  Though this Absolute had earned its  grandmother's respect, unlike many others, but clearly there was some  lunacy involved in being in charge of this Sector.  Groaning to  itself, VF cracked its neck once more as Cerniera surveyed the arena.  Perhaps it might get to beat someone up today.  Hopefully.
BRIT:  Amulet sat next to Hairpin and leaned in toward him.  "This is going to be just as fun as the last time, sans your sister  getting stabbed." He whispered to him with a short chuckle.
 Fundoshi sighed from the middle of the arena beside Shroud. This was  very different from the last time and he was actually wishing he'd  kept his underwear on. But there it was, implanted in the ground in  front of him as he rested his hands on "Unleashed."  His eyes wandered to Jokki and he gave her a kind of nod in greeting.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori peeked up seeing Sukajan as he waved enthusiastically. He  smiled brightly, the dimples in his cheeks showing as he showed a  paper,  "Sukajan! I wasn't expecting you, I'm happy to see you!"  He got up as he kneeled down to look her in the eyes.
PYROBIRD:  Any opportunity Belt Buckle had to get away from the pencil pushing  was a good opportunity, especially if there was a chance for some  action or classic Colosseum violence. She shoved her way through the  arena's halls with little care for any spilled snacks or falls she  might've caused.
 After making her way to the inner circle, BB scanned the crowd for her  friend Overalls.
 "Damn, must not be here," she thought. After all, Ralls did like to  skip out on these events time to time to follow the roaming pandas.  Instead of wasting more time standing on the steps, BB started to jog  down them towards the front row, just in case they needed some  volunteers. This might be a chance to get back some honor after being  beaten up the last time she was here.
KRO:  Jokki raised a brow at Bowtie, "We all know what's in the box... And  it's not a box of dicks. Well, I guess it depends on the context."   She stops herself before further explaining her joke. The Angels were  dicks. She waved at Fundoshi with a nervous smile. Was she sweating?  Probably. Poor thing, she's got anxiety.
  Hairpin nudged Amulet, "Honey, you're not helping. We both know this  is gonna involve some of my friends so have a little more tact."
KUMA:  Sukajan felt a bit embarrassed by him kneeling down. She knew he  didn't mean anything by it but it was an emphasis on their height  difference, and specifically her shortness. She cleared her throat.  "Yeah its nice to see you too. I'm not... exactly sure what's going  on, but I just figured I should come."
SALAD ASS:  Yeezy of course clumsily and violently made her way to her seat,  finding Tails and sitting next to him with snacks and a mouth full of  hot cheetos. He muddled excited voice was yelling and spiting chunks  of spiciness all over Tails clean and prep and perfect outfit in which  resulted in him shoving the snack down her fucking throat like a  heathen.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes wandered for a bit. She looked up to see the absolute,  the only demon she'll never piss off. Then she here eyes drifted  towards the faces of the other demons in the arena. almost all of them  were total strangers to her... But she saw one familiar face among the  sea of strangers.
OWLIE:  "Hey Dress socks!" Circlet waved, she's practically shouting over the  other demon's noise
SAIYAN:  Dick in a box played in Bowtie’s mind for a moment before she  started laughing as she got the joke.
 “Yeah I guess you could say that! Hopefully we can get a few hits on  them ourselves!” Bowtie smiled as she cracked her knuckles.
 That would be nice, especially since there hasn’t been much in terms  of fun going on. At least this in and of itself was a nice break from  the monotony of paper work.
OSCARK9:  While Dress Socks was waiting for the event to start from the  Absolute, he reach inside the bag and took out his main fave Green  Pop. What can he say, he like sweets. Especially if they're green. "Oh  sweet lime, take me away to a sweet life." Like that, he put it in his  mouth and enjoying the flavor. While enjoying the flavor, he heard  voice that was calling him and a familiar one at that. He turn to see  who it is and it was Circlet. "Oh! Hey Circlet!" He waved at her and  shouted back with a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN yawned softly and crossed her arms, her eyes closed, "Better than  having interviewers make me deepthroat a mic for a half hour..." She  groaned, who knew talking and oral were the same thing for her? SN  opens her eyes and she leans against the arm of her "chair" earning a  small grunt from guard. "No familiar faces either.. There's gotta be  someone as bored as me." SH murmured as she looked around.
EMI:  Mankini strolled into the bench area, wearing some bejeweled  sunglasses and holding a coffee. It had been a long time since he'd  been around and his paperwork had piled up to obscene levels. He  actually barely recognized the crowd at this point.
 He tilted his sunglasses down and looked straight at any demons he saw  under 5 feet tall. Today was gonna be a good day back.
EMI:  Somewhere in the distance, Nightshirt leaned back in his chair, far in  the back. He had a good enough view of everything, at least if he sat  up.
HITA:  Glancing around once more, Cerniera took flight and coasted around the  room, eyes locking onto a small form huddled all to itself.  She let  out a warning shriek (because she wasn't uncultured and could, in  fact, be polite) before landing on the bench next to Etch.  Creeping  forward, she considered the child and handed him one of her feathers.  A great honor, she felt, to bestow on anyone.
 With the bird's take off, Volto Foglia had to follow after its pet to  ensure she wasn't harassing others... again.  Instead, as it took an  almost circuitous route, it spotted several groupings of demons and  sneered beneath its mask.  How sad, it thought, that none of these  demons were worth even half a single South-Western demon.  Though with  this in mind it was frankly surprised to see Cerniera near another  demon, let alone a small and clearly weaker one.  Head tilting, it saw  she had given the boy a feather and it grinned beneath the mask it  wore.  Regardless of its feelings on the matter, its Nan would beat IT  for not protecting a small child.  That in mind the tall demon sat  down beside Etch, effectively blocking him from other demons, and  stretched out once more with a small wave to the boy beside it.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori nods as he pats the seat next to him, the ceiling tile shaking  on his horn. He sits backs down as he points to the covered cage and  handed her another note,  "Something about that."  Fascinator looked down at the floor, self conscious about himself.  Everyone had friends, except him. Perfect. That's fine. It wasn't  fine. He was screaming internally as he wished someone would tap his  shoulder. This is what happens when you don't got friends.
SALAD ASS:  "Stop being a food whore and sit down, Youre gonna ruin the show with  your loud mouth smacking." Tails hissed under his breath, shoveing  Yeezy into her seat a,d brushing all the discharge of food that landed  on his handsome frame.
OWLIE:  Circlet stood up from her seat and sat herself next to Dress Socks,  "Isn't this intriguing?" She asked him, "I wonder what's behind those  covered cages...?"
BRIT:  Amulet's nose scrunched up a little.  "I can't believe you're friends with those rash Angels. They're  unruly." He said, leaning back to his original position. "Ah, well.  Maybe it's just your generation."  He wasn't fond of that idea either.
KUMA:  Sukajan took the seat next to him, happy to be seated for a couple  reasons. She then glanced up at the cages. Her head tilted a little as  she tried to think of what they might be for.
KUMA:  (hit enter too early) "Well it probably isn't to show off a giant  bird,"  she commented.
OSCARK9:  "Yeah." He answers her. He look over to the cover cage. "I wonder too.  Maybe it's a price of something." He guess. "It could be anything. But  for now, want some pops?" He ask her.
OSCARK9:  *prize
HITA:  There was a pause before gloved hands landed with a smack onto  Fascinator's shoulders.  A grin spread over Rose's face as she plopped  onto the seat next to her mother's friend.  Tucking back her hair, her  eyes tracked over the action on the arena below.  How boring, she  thought, though she did lean into Fascinator.  "How's things, buddy?"
KRO:  Hairpin frowned, "If it's any better, I care more for one of them."  Hairpin leans in close, cupping his mouth as if he was a gossiping  preschooler, "It's uh...the one that hooks you up with the goods that  I care more about."   Hairpin corrected himself in his seat, straightening out his suit  hoping that Amulet at least felt sympathy for that bit.
TORI:  Well so much for sitting where nobody will bother him. Etch happened  to notice quite clearly when the weird demon that was Mankini looked  at him, and as quick as he could he did his best to avert his gaze as  quick as he could. Locking eyes with any demon in Etch mind was a bad  idea. Maybe they were like cats and considered that to be a sign of  wanting to fight or something. Regardless of what that demon wanted  Etch would do his best to just ignore him for now, hoping to god that  he wasn’t going to talk to him. However Etch nearly jumped out of  his seat when he heard of what sounded like a fucking bird coming  right towards him, he almost jumped out of his spot before looking at  the bird that hand landed next to him, which had just proceeded to  hand him a feather. Now Etch wasn’t scared of animals like he was  birds, and he was happy to receive such a gift from such a kind  creature, thinking more about it he couldnt help but feel like it was  kind of cute, and took the feather in his hand gently, unsure what to  do he spoke up to the bird. Etch’s voice was very soft and feminine,  his words came out incredibly smooth and his voice to some could  almost be considered hypnotic, maybe he should look into ASMR.
 “Th-thank you…”
 His words were quick, but to the point, however, what happened next  was something that he did not want to happen, nor did he know how to  handle. Looking away from the bird he took notice of something that he  had ignored on accident, but before he knew it, it was too late. Right  next to him was a giant of a demon, was this even allowed, were demons  allowed to be this tall, this seemed illegal, this was no fair, in  fact, being next to him only made Etch feel smaller. However, the  demon waved at him, so reflexively Etch sat up in his seat, his feet  unable to touch the ground still, in fact he felt like he shrank, and  he waved back cutlery before speaking anxiously.
 “H-H-H-Hello… I-I um… Hi… uh…. hhhh”
OWLIE:  "Yep," Circlet replied, taking a red lollipop from Dress Socks, then  she looked over to the center of the coliseum, waiting for the event  to start. She's actually felt excited by now, she hopes to see some  violence.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips as he replies,  "These demons do have giant birds though…"  He began to theorize of possible entities. Perhaps it was son sort of  beast abomination they made in a lab? They caught enemies? Maybe they  just wanted to show off a new cage. Yes, a shiny new cage. He leaned  closer to Sukajan as he whisper noted,  "Maybe they're trying to get demons for lab testing."  Fascinator screamed in shock as he squirmed. Lord, the curse was real.  He didn't think the gypsy was right but he was wrong. He was gonna  die, and none shall mourn his death. He didn't want this- oh wait. It  was a wild Rose. Settling back down he shakily stutters,  "H-Hi! Didn't expect you here. Seems like a crap shoot right now."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "God damn it I swear if its an anim-" She pauses for a moment, making  well, its an ahegao face if any of her guards knew one, before  sneezing. Not just any sneeze, one high pitched enough to break the  wine glass beside her, which was thankfully empty. "I  fuckin..ughhhhh!" She buffs and removes her lipstick tube from her  cleavage, she puts it to her lips. Now to match a dart and a birdy.
KUMA:  "They do? I guess I still have a lot to learn about demons," Sukajan  said legitimately taken aback by that fact. She was also confused by  the mention of the labs. It was really evident on her face. "Oh well  sometimes in gangs if you capture someone from the rival gang you'll  like embarrass them or torment them in front of your underlings. It's  supposed to be a moral boost."
HITA:  Tilting its head, Volto Foglia scooted slightly to the left in order  to give the small demon some space.  Despite its size and general  misanthropy towards others of the Sector, it wouldn't hurt a child.  Flipping out a notepad, it began to scratch out some sort of message  as Cerniera rubbed her face into the small demon's shoulder.  Apparently, she had decided this boy was a good child.  Message done,  VF reached over to pet Cerniera gently for a moment before revealing  the notepad.
 'It is Volto Foglia.  Its bird friend is Cerniera.  She seems to like you.  And wants to protect you.'
 Popping off its mask, the tall demon placed the mask on its lap and  smiled kindly at Etch, knowing its face was probably a kinder thing to  look at than a hunk of metal.  Cerniera let out a coo, wing draping  over the small boy's lap.
 Rose laughed at the scream, amused beyond reason that Fascinator was  so easily spooked.  "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna be neat, at  least, yeah?"  Her hands gestured to the tarp-covered cages at the  center.  "I mean, maybe it's a new ghost!  Or something to beat up?  Who knows, right?"  Her hands gestured more wildly at that, excitement  clear.  She wished her mother was here but apparently she had business  to attend to with Gorgons, something about a turf war with some of the  demons of another Sector trying to take over part of the sea.  Still,  at least something interesting was happening.  "It'll be fun, I bet."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at her as he tried to imagine her humiliating someone  else. Keyword: try. He honestly couldn't see Sukajan doing that, gang  or not. She was a nice hooman. Unlike Fascinator, who does freaky  shit. He shook his head as he snickered a bit as he pats her head,  passing on a note,  "I can't… see you doing any of that."  Fascinator narrowed his eyes at the cage as he hums quietly,  "Maybe, I just hope it isn't a bull."  The gypsy's fortune will be feared. He smiles brightly at Rose as he  chuckles,  "Right, I should cheer up. Doesn't help being blue. Anyways how're you  Rose in this heat?"  He was dying in the sun, his pasty pale skin was use to playing hide  and seek with the warm rays of sun light.
SALAD ASS:  "God this is so booooring when is it gonna staaaart I came here for  fun not, whatever the fuck this is." Yeezy whined in her chain,  shoveling popcorn into her mouth out of boredom.
KUMA:  "Well we haven't really... yet." Sukajan's voice was a bit small when  she said that, but she got some confidence as she continued. "We don't  have any enemies really. We have a plan for what to do, of course.  Just in case..."
BRIT:  Shroud scanned the crowd before turning to the rather quiet set of  covered cages. Birds always quieted down when covered, even if they  needed a little help for the human.
 "Attention, demons: Thank you all for attending this event. I'm sure  you await with bated breath the reveal of our prey. First, I would  like to explain what the event is about."  He walked over to the cages, motioning Fundoshi to pull the tarps off.
 Fundoshi pulled them off to reveal their live prey: Strappon (who had  his mouth taped), Bifocals, Broshades, Father Handcuffs, Undershirt,  and Dermal.
 Strappon struggled with his bindings, clearly a spitfire.
 "Welcome our pincushions, a choice selection of high-ranking Angels  and two Men of the Lord. They will be your entertainment for tonight."  He began again, walking across the cages, "We will be choosing several  of our ranks to show these honored guests our excellent hospitality-  facing off against hem- as punishment for stitching their noses where  they don't belong."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling had her head resting on her hand as she watched Shroud and his  lap dog just stay in the middle of the area, not really doing  anything. She frowned, closing her eyes for a moment in annoyance at  how long they were taking just to pull down a bunch of tarps. She  hoped that meant Shroud was actually an old man and might die of being  an old fart soon or something. So she could jump on his position. She  opened her eyes when Shroud spoke out again. Bling raised her head off  of her hand at the sight of several high and mighty jackasses in  cages. Her brow raised, with the added information that a few people  here were going to be fighting them. She should've figured something  was going to fight something. It's a Collesium.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SUn's pointed ears perked up at the word pincushion, arousing her  curiosity. Hopefully there'd be blood the rocker thought. With a grin  she dug her nails into the back of her guard, at the edge of her seat.  "Wonder who they're gonna pick.~" Sneaker Heels purred to herself as  she watched the angels squirm. A show and bondage? Slow start but for  this it was worth it.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was surprise that the Higher Ups capture the Angels for  snooping. "Well serves them right for doing that." He said. With a  wide smile on his face, he wonders who will facing who. Oh the wonders  of entertainment!
KRO:  Jokki side-eyed Bowtie, clearly upset by the arrangment. She was  worried her behavior today will get her in trouble, but given her  track record she shouldn't give a fuck anymore. She was about to  respond but stopped as the tarps were removed. So it begins.
  Hairpin looked on with one hand on Amulet's which he was fiddling  with.
  Shades somewhat covered his eyes, letting them adjust to the  lighting. As that happened, he couldn't quiet put his finger on where  he heard the Demon Absolute's voice. It sounded a bit too much like...  Like... That was the mayor's voice. He finally found which exact Demon  was the gotdang mayor.   practically plastering himself on his cage's wall he pointed to  Shroud, "So this is where you are! Where's city hall you oompa  loompa!?"   Jokki nearly lost it but Hairpin didn't make the effort to contain  his laughter. Oompa loompa, holy shit.
TORI:  Etch certainly had no idea what to think of the illegally tall person  before him. Were they nice, mean, scary, crazy, kind, who knows  honestly, but Etch was having a hard time fully grasping what exactly  this demon wanted with him. However, Etch took some interest when the  demon began to write in the notepad. Etch had never met somebody who  would just sit next to you to ignore you so he figured this must have  something to do with something. Maybe they couldn’t talk? Whatever  the reason it did not entirely get rid of Etch fear, and he was still  unsure what to think. He did however quite like the bird that was  being quite friendly, though he wasn’t entirely sure what to do, or  if he could touch them. Before long however Etch was able to take a  look at the demon again and saw that they had finished writing in the  notepad. Ah… a message? Etch figured that they probably couldn't or  prefered not to speak, so he didn’t question it. Reading carefully  Etch looked up at the demon still quite frightened and spoke up again.  Though this time he forced a little smile on his face.
 “U-uh i-it's nice to m-m-meet you V-Volto… Foglia... “ He had to  think about how to pronounce the name before speaking it. Despite only  being a demon for a short ammount of time and still possessing a  little bit of a japanese accent Etch was rather good with english.  “N-Nice to um… meet you… I l-l-like your b-bird…”
 Etch was a little surprised to see the demon before him take off the  mask, and although the face underneath still scared him, it certainly  was not as bad as the mask he had on before, and did allow Etch to  find some more comfort. However His attention was turned away from the  demon before him to the announcement that was now to be spoken by  Shroud.
 Etch saw the angels in the cage and despite his demonic nature, his  heart did sink a little. Although he would not speak this Etch was  quite a fan of angels, and really did not want to see them all trapped  up like this. And to hear that the demons would be fighting against  them was well, it wasn't fun to think of. Tapping his feet together  Etch took a deep breath and simple sighed, he was hoping he wouldn't  have to fight anybody today, especially not angels. The angels they  had captured were quite friendly looking and all seemed very kind, not  at all like the demons around him. Etch just felt like hed fit in  better but, he knew that was not an option, and so he pushed those  feelings aside and sat still in his chair, clearly a little  uninterested in the situation.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips, unsure if the whole speech was suppose to be  taken seriously with all the puns. He pursed his lips, unsure if he  ever saw those people but he nudged Sukajan,  "Damn, you were right Suka."  Perhaps she was able to see the future. He squinted his eyes as he  considered this possibility.  Fascinator was about to say something but then voila, the cage was  revealed. He didn't really recognize everyone but then he saw Shades!  He calls out while waving,  "Shades! Heeey! Whats up buddy? What're you doing in a- Oh… wait."  He pursed his lips as he sunk in his seat. Well this was awkward.  Fascinator twiddled his thumbs as a cold sweat dripped down his brow.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked down at the box that was now uncovered. Well it looks  like there dicks in a box after all.
 Undershirt had been rattling a cup against the bars of the cage. The  cup was gift from Caplet that said #1 Dad on it. Why he had it with  him he had no idea. This time cooped up had been so fucking boring and  he had the bejeweled theme song stuck in his head for the past few  days. At least he could now see outside of the cage since the tarp was  removed. He then dropped the cup and looked around at the coliseum  filled with Demons.
 “Holy…” he started to say before stopping himself.
OWLIE:  "Damn, this ought to be good," Circlet said to herself, sneering.  seeing the angels in the cages, she rapped her fingers against the  armrests, excited.
KUMA:  Sukajan groaned a bit at the puns. She wondered how someone could took  all this seriously with those. However, she was very pleased with  herself at the reveal that her guess was correct. She looked back up  at Jeokori and noticed his squinted eyes of suspicion.  "It was just my intuition," Sukajan said with a shrug. "This is also  what tends to happen in movies and stuff like that."  Though she did have some concern about all this. Who were those people  down there in the cage anyways? What had they done. There was now some  unease setting in.
HITA:  Upon the revelation of what was in the cage, Rose grinned, sharp teeth  glinting violently.  "Well... it seems like today is fun!"  Turning  her attention to the question though, Rose smiled softly at the man.  "I'm fine.  I'm built for sterner things ya know.  You an' me, pasty  pal, we'll be all right."
 Humming, VF looked out at the arena, neither agreeing with or  disagreeing with Etch's statement on whether it was good to meet him  or not.  It did try to smile kindly, though its attention was arrested  quite firmly by the ruckus at the center.  Eyes narrowing on the  angels and humans, it sneered in the direction of the Absolute.  So it  was this again.  Joy of joys.
 Tap.  Tap-tap.  Tap tap-tap tap.  Bifocals continued on playing  Bejeweled, the music clearly being pushed straight towards Undershirt.   However, the comment about the Oompa Loompa's made her snort, lose,  and sigh.  Still, with a grin she brought up YouTube and began playing  the very song Shady mentioned.
BRIT:  Shroud's resounding silence at the comments about his height was  deafening.  "Oh, sew you finally recognize me?" He asked, turning to Shades.  "Don't you know where city hall is? I thought that was common  knowledge."  He scoffed and turned back to the rest of the crowd.
 Strappon struggled further in his bindings, kicking as much as he  could.
 "Sew who will be first?" Shroud asked.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori noticed Sukajan's unease and placed a hand on her shoulder. He  writes down,  "I'm sure it's fine. After all, enemy is an enemy."  His eyes lowered as he remembered the many days his mentor smashed  that into his skull. Literally. His left eye socket still burns. He  shook his head, trying to forget as he asks,  "You know any of them?"  Fascinator wanted to agree. He really did. He wanted to say he was  tough, but he couldn't lie. His soft baby hands hasn't done something  violent in months. He makes a stab at himself,  "Yeah, but I'm just a marshmallow though."  He sighs as he lowers his head, it started to sink in how much of a  wimp he was. How did he ever get a boyfriend? He grits his teeth,  trying hard to keep a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN snickers at the Oompa loompa comment, sitting back as she watched  in amusement. She hopped up a bit, quite excited for impending ass  whipping. She thought angels looked better bruised and bloody, its  kinda the whole aesthetic of her tumblr blog. Blood is low key sexy.  SN was resisting the urge to me me me!
KRO:  Shades tried not to laugh as Bifocals brought up the video. It's  appropriate, really. But Shroud's remarks snapped him back, "I can go  first! Me and you, your office! The sewage system??? School lunches?  Come on, I've been waiting months for ONE meeting."   Even in the face of the enemy does Shades care more about politics  than whatever the fuck was going on.
KUMA:  Sukajan felt comforted by the hand on her shoulder. Sure, she didn't  know any of them personally and they could have done something  terrible. There were probably a threat to demons and well, technically  she was at least half demon. A sigh escaped her lips and she seemed a  bit more reassured.  "Nope. None of them look familiar."  Her expression changed to seem more disconnected. It was a calmer look  that suited a gang member.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes were practically glowing with excitement, she secretly  hopes that she'll able to witness some bloody and brutal duel. She  also low-key wishes she'll be able to get into some fighting, even  though she's just recovered a broken rib.
(( OOC: God says: First round will be Circlet v. Broshades ))
EMI:  Dermal glanced around the arena, much less roughed up than his  cagemates. He blew some hair out of his face.
 "My, what a crowd this place is."  He adjusted himself in his seating position. His eyes stopped on the  green haired demon in the bleachers and the grey strands of hair in  the back, and a few other choice demons around. He concealed a smirk.
 "You've done quite a job fixing this place up after the last Absolute,  child, but if you think anyone's going to even touch me, you're sadly  mistaken."
 "Last time we had a Seraph around, he nearly skewered a small child."  Mankini said, tossing his empty coffee cup perfectly in the trash,  seating himself next to a small boy.  "I'd avoid fighting, you'd be quite the target..." He gave Etch a  toothy grin.  "So... You're new?"
BRIT:  Behind the mask, there was probably a sadistic little grin. But you  know, no one could actually see it.  "You want to meet with me?" He asked Shades, "Earn it. It seams you're  a strong Angel. I feel my ranks will put darts in you, pincushion. You  beat one of them, I'll entertain the notion of a meeting with you. Pin  that on me."
 He turned back to thr crowd.  "Our first fight will be this rather loud Angel by the name of Shades.  Who will stand to fight him?" He asked loudly.
 Amulet, from his seat, squinted at the Seraph in the cage.  "Who the fuck is that?" He asked, almost whistfully, "The Seraph..."  He tilted his head but shrugged and kind of smirked as he leaned back  in his seat again, seeming to answer his own question while touching  the hair covering his eye, playing with it a little.
(( OOC: Fight thread: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/172/event-princesses-definitely-castle ))
OWLIE:  Circlet suddenly stood up, impulsively, she said, "I want to fight!"
TORI:  Etch sat a little uncomfortably next to VF and the bird, unsure  exactly what to say. He was certainly not the best at talking and had  no idea what to say to him, but he did appreciate the company to some  degree. Etch was quite focused on the idea of not fighting, but his  attention was very quickly turned to the wicked looking demon sat next  to him. Who… who was this. The fear that had been in Etch’s chest  the whole time as of now shot up to a million, and he was now on high  alert, who the heck was this demon and why was he so scary? His grin  was scary and he had no idea what he was ment to think of this demon.  Scooting closer to VF and in turn farther from this new demon, Etch  poked his fingers together trying to find words, his face a bright  red. He felt not only fear but embarrassment, he couldn't find any  words, and had no idea how to speak, it's as though they had been  taken from him, he was embarrassed. However after some time of him  shuffling around in his seat he spoke, looking at the ground.
 “I-I um… I d-d-d-don't think I w-w-w-want to fight anyw-w-ways  um… I uh… I’d be too...t-t-t-o scared… a-a-and um… yeah.”
 Etch had no problems admitting he was scared, he was after all, but  honestly for more reasons than one at this point. He took another  breath, still poking his fingers together.
 “I um… y-yeah im… im new… m-my name is.. Uh…  E-E-E-Etch….”
 He felt like he would regret telling this demon his name, but he also  realized he had not told it to VF who had been sitting next to him,  feeling bad Etch buried his face in his hands, before shaking it off  and taking a breath, no point in stressing over that now.
HITA:  Smiling, Rose pat him on the shoulder.  "Aw come on, I'll keep you  safe.  I made a new grenade!  It lets out acid fog.  Pretty neat,  huh?"  Poor man, thinking he was in this alone.  "Besides, all else,  you might just fight the human and he can't be too tough if he can't  keep the birds from flying the coop, right?"
 Letting out a soft chirp, Cerniera eyed the newcomer with distaste.  VF narrowed its eyes as well, mouth stretching in a wide grin.  With a  whistle, it signaled Cerniera to do as she pleased.  Her claws struck  out at Mankini and she let out a sort of hissing noise.  From beside  Etch, VF's grin widened as it pulled the small boy close to its side  and let the bird settle between Etch and Mankini.
 "It would appreciate if you would ask before interrupting a  conversation with another."  The double-toned voice sounded derisive  and degrading almost, as if the demon that settled himself down were  nothing better than dirt under its shoe.  Raspy as its voice was, it  was clear the tall demon didn't view the superior demon with much  respect.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Bifocals with annoyance. That fucking song was  gonna be the death of him.
 He also couldn't believe that they were gonna be used as entertainment  for these Demons! It felt so degrading. More so because of the fact  that they were captured in the first place!
 "Hopefully this whole ordeal would be over soon enough" he hoped.
EMI:  Mankini jerked back and glared at the dumb feathered creature.  "No one taught you manners, I suppose." He spat at VF.  His scowl transitioned into a grin when he looked at Etch again.
 "I supposed another time, then, Boy." He said with a bit of a wink,  fixing his hair.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pats her back as he smiles,  "See? No feelings hurt! I think I'll join in."  His sense of empathy was quite twisted. He was almost delighted to  hear of the events, watching intently. Should he join in the blood  bath? Sure, why not? In the spirit of the celebration. He raises his  hand, obviously unable to to call out.  Fascinator sweated a bit, he forgot that Rose made grenades. He shrugs  as he tries to object,  "W-Well I mean I broke my collarbone last fight I was in..."  He was just praying he won't be picked at all. He was a lover not a  fighter. Even then, he wasn't a lover either.
KRO:  Feeling his blood boil, Shades scooted away from the cage bars and  grabbed Bifocals by the shoulders, "Hey knowing me, I don't think I'll  last 3 seconds with a healthy and young looking Demon so if I die...  Tell my fiance and son that I love them, okay?"
 He paused for a few seconds, then spoke, "And I'm being incredibly  serious about it."
 Jokki was close to going into a full-blown panic attack and slid up  next to Shroud, "My Supreme Absolute," she started. It sounded like  she was about to gag just saying that title, "If you wish, I can  assume your mayoral duties and get this particular Angel out of your  hair. Besides I don't think it wise to hurt Angels in the first place,  it'll bring out popularity in the polls down on Earth."
 She doubted that Shroud even cared for Earth politics, but it was  worth a shot.
 Hairpin turned to Amulet briefly, looking at him as if asking what's  up, "What about the Seraph, sweetie?"  Tell him the juicy gossip.
KUMA:  Sukajan's facade was essentially broken when Jeokori said he was going  to fight. He did once tell her that he was a soldier, but she had sort  of forgotten about that. To her he seemed more like well, a gentle  giant type.  "You wanna fight? Really?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels clapped with excitement, watching the slight uproar.  Wonder if this would be okay to put on world star? Who the hell knows  but it was tempting. She sits back and she rests one leg over the  other, she was excited in more than one way. Weirdo.
TORI:  Holding his hands on his face Etch simply happily scooted towards VF,  he had no idea who this other demon was but all he got from him was  bad vibes. This was the first time he had heard VF speak and it was  quite intimidating, but much nicer than this other demons voice for  some odd reason. Looking up at VF Etch spoke up in his usual soft  tone, though he was sort of whispering, perhaps not wanting the other  demon to hear, though he was probably close enough that he could.
 “U-Um… Wh-who is that?” Etch for some reason trusted asking this  scarry demon over that one
 The words ‘another time’ resonated inside Etch, he didint speak to  him, but it made Etch curl up into something of a ball and if you  looked close enough, it looked like he was vibrating, or maybe that  was just an illusion or something. Internally however, Etch was  screaming…. loud.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori tilted his head, confused but kept his hand up as a volunteer.  It seems his decision shocked Sukajan. He shows a small note,  "What's wrong? Only way to get better is to practice."  It wasn't really even blood lust, just a desire to make his mentor  proud any way possible. She always had a small smile when they  sparred. Jeokori has a lot of mother issues. Many issues in fact.  Someone adopt this orphan, he's only 2,300+ years old. Perfectly fine.
BRIT:  Shroud looked up at Jokki for a few moments.  "Last I checked, you weren't my advisor." He said to her, "I'd rather  be the one running this machine. And if you don't mind, I have  Gladitorial combat to oversee."
 He motioned at Fundoshi to open the cage.  "Take the mouthy one out." He said.
 Fundoshi's mouth twitched and he turned to open the cage, grabbing  Shades by the arm and pulling him out promptly before shutting it  again. He leaned in to him.  "Don't fuck this up." He whispered before shoving him toward the  middle of the Arena, but hanging awfully close behind him.
BRIT:  "You, over there. Your name is Circlet, correct?" Shroud asked,  pointing to her, "You'll be our first."
 Fundoshi motioned for her to come to the arena.
OWLIE:  "Yes!" Circlet said, delighted. 'Yes! I get to fight!' She happily  thought while cracking her knuckles. She made her way down to the  arena, preparing herself to what's about to go down.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was waiting patiently to hear who's fighting who. It did  made him dull, just a little, but the wait was over and hear the names  called out and it was his friend Circlet. He turns to Circlet with a  smile on his face. "Have fun in their, Circlet." He said while giving  her a thumps up. "Don't hold back!" This will be fun to watch.
KRO:  Shades could feel his face flushed. Shit, was he overheating?  Medication does that to ya. Or was he just appreciating the chiseled  male figure that was Fundoshi. The guy got pretty close, just like  temptation.  That was actually kinda hot.
 He crossed himself not only to keep temptation off, but so that the  Lord is merciful and lets him live. He missed Father's day for his  son, he kinda owes it to the kid to come back, even if it's with a few  missing limbs.
 "If I lose it's gonna be an embarrassment. Not for my pals, but  because of my rank..." he whispered. It was kind of to Fundoshi but at  the same time kinda talking to himself. He was nervous, okay.
OWLIE:  Circlet reached the arena and saw her opponent clearly. Her malicious  smile nearly faded. Ok, maybe she didn't think this through, she got  nervous at the sight of the higher ranking angel... But then again,  beating him means good to her and humiliation to him. She took off her  namesake and it transformed into a bident, preparing for the battle.
KUMA:  "I mean... you're right," Sukajan said with the initial confusion  leaving her. "I guess to most people practice and training is like  hitting a punching bag or something." She then sort of gave up on that  initial topic.  "So the people down there, are those angels?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Was it weird that she was enjoying this more than she should be? Yeah.  Did SN give a flying fudge nugget? Nope. This was hot and she'd  definitely take pleasure in this fight. She leaned forward a bit to  get a better look and she giggled. "This'll be one hell of a sight~"  SN stop you need help.
BRIT:  Shroud looked over Circlet and turned to Shades. He walked up to him  and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to his  height.  "We should make this a fair fight." He said to him in a low tone, the  whisps of his cape seeming to shift and move around their ankles for a  moment, "You're of high rank, but I think you'd operate much better on  even ground."
 There was likely a sharp pain in Shades' ankles before he tossed him  in front of Circlet.  "You may begin." He said, turning sharply and taking his seat on the  outskirts of the Arena.
KRO:  Shades tried not to scream in Shroud's ear, but he kinda wished he  did. Falling to the ground, he rolled and sat up, shaking a fist,  "Come on, man! I'm an aging guy!"  He sighed, getting up with difficulty, "Now I know how Overwatch  characters feel when they get nerfed," he mumbled to himself.
OWLIE:  Grinning, Circlet charged at the angel with great speed, kicking him  hard with her left foot in the chest and batting him with her bident,  though she knows it didn't do much damage on him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shrugs as the demon went up to fight, maybe next time. He made  a mental note to find out what a punching bag was later but he nods as  he points to the pink haired one,"I think that one is a human, if I'm  not wrong."  There really wasn't a distincation between human and angel but he  heard there were some mortals down there. Suddenly the ceiling tile  came loose from his horn, smashing onto his head. Unable to move his  vocal chords he made gurgling throat sounds in an attempt to speak as  he rubbed his head.  Fascinator bit his lip, silently praying for Shades. The man made good  tweets. May the angel live another day. He sighs as he looks at his  phone, looking for new employment soon since he might not have his  idol money making job. Maybe that's why he was depressed. Nah probably  not it. Proabbly the ice cream he had before he went to bed yesterday.
KRO:  "OOF," his back slammed hard on the ground again and he shielded his  head with his arm as this child batted him. Man, this wasn't different  from gang kids kicking his ass. He tried to grab the weapon out of  Circlet's hand, he was getting close to going into full Dad mode and  chastise her.
 "I know it's the point, but you're gonna splat my brains all over the  damn floor!"
 Hairpin winced at the kick Shades received. How the hell didn't his  heart stop then and there? Miracles, one could say.
OWLIE:  She pulled her weapon free from the angel's grip and used her left  fist to punch him in the chest.... Which only hurt her hand more than  him... she bit her lip to keep herself from wincing.
KUMA:  Sukajan squinted as she looked at everyone down there. She honestly  couldn't tell the difference. She was going to ask if there was  anything that gave her away as a demon hybrid, but she was caught off  guard by the ceiling tile that fell onto Jeokori's head.  "Whoa, are you okay?"
KRO:  That punch wasn't as bad, but he squinted at Circlet, "Instead of the  chest, I suggest the solar plexus. Ya know, where it'll leave people  literally breathless?"
EMI:  "Put your back into it, Spades!" Dermal shouted from the cage.  What a pathetic turn of events for the man. Pretty disappointing so  far.
OWLIE:  Circlet stared at her opponent, dumbfounded. Did he just... gave her  advice? Did he want to die? Snapping out of it, she decided to deliver  a blow to Shade's jaw, punching it hard.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Possibly the only sound someone ever heard from Jeokori and it's  horrible demonic sounds since he couldn't use his voice. It wasn't  like he was in complete pain but still. It fucking hurt?? He rubbed  his head, finally stopping the unpleasant throat sounds. He pointed to  the spot where it hit and wrote down,  "Did it leave a mark?"
KRO:  Shades stared off to the side after receiving the blow. He blinked a  few times, moved his jaw around until a gross pop was heard. Opening  and closing his jaw, he just kinda nodded, "Well, thanks for fixing  what my doctor couldn't?"
 He was getting his ass beat, but it was a win-win for him in this  regard. Girl got to punch an Angel, he got his jaw fixed. It's what he  gets for having dick2bomb.
OWLIE:  Circlet snarled and threw flurries of punches all over Shades' body,  though it seems that he's unaffected by his punches.
KRO:  Sorta sissy slapping the punches out of the way, still getting hit  with a few, he grabbed her by the wrists to make her stop. She was  getting frustrated, he could tell, but he's gotta be real with her.  She was kind of a shitty fighter at the moment.
 "Now hold up! Are you new here or something? Cause your form leaves a  lot to be desired, at least learn how to properly punch. It's like  your fists are opening up mid punch!"  He took this time to straighten himself out, sitting upright on the  floor. Ya know, this isn't that bad, except he may be overstepping a  few boundaries in terms of authority. There's a reason he's not a  trainer anymore and that's because he's a weak fuck.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  This is illegal. Nothings supposed to be this hot, hell she's not even  that hot. She was almost drooling. Pull yourself together sweet lord.  SN shakes her head and gives herself a slap. Keep the undies on.
OSCARK9:  "Woo!" He shouted at her from a far. Hope she can hear him from his  distance. "You've got him on the ropes now!" He was filled with joy  for seeing this fight. Hopefully in the future that he'll get a chance  to fight one of them. For now, all he can do is to grab another pop  from his bag and enjoy the show. This time, it was an Orange Pop.
KUMA:  Sukajan looked up to the top of his head and there didn't seem to be a  mark. She shook her head in a no. "It looks fine but geez," her glance  went back up to the ceiling. "Must be some cheap ceiling tiles... Is  there anything I could do to help?"
BRIT:  Fundoshi scowled deeply. Shades was literally doing his job...  Not that Shroud seemed to be budgeting much in terms of training. Most  of it seemed to go into ghost research.  He squinted, having a feeling this would end badly.
KRO:  He could tell that he got the kid's attention, lowering her guard and  such. Letting go of one wrist, he took her left hand and balled it up  to a fist.  Shades pointed to her knuckles, "See, you were punching with your  fingers. That's kind of a big no-no. They're kinda brittle unless you  do special training. That goes for even us Immortals. What you  actually want to do is punch with your knuckles. They're sturdier.  I mean, only reason why brass knuckles aren't called anything else.  NOW."
 He balls his right hand into a fist, sucker punching Circlet on the  forehead. Wow he felt like an asshole but in all fairness, he was  getting his ass beat by poor form, "That's how you punch."
 Jokki winced at Circlet getting punched, but she hoped Fundoshi was  taking notes on how to sucker punch unruly Demons.
OWLIE:  "Fuck!" Circlet cursed in pain, she gets up and gets into her battle  stance, this time, she'll make him pay
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shakes his head and rubs his temples, patting her shoulder in  gratitude. He points to the fight and shakily scrawls out,  "You watch the fight, I might be a while, okay?"  He gently pats her back, before sinking deeep into his seat. To the  point that he had to bend his knees in order to sink further and that  is couldn't really be counted as sitting.  Fasciantor winced at the punch, but shit that was good form. A a man  who use to be in a not so legal underground fighting rink, having a  good punch will let you live 5 matches. Wait... Maybe that's he can  make money if he loses his job. Realizing this, he began to make plans  (or rather lies) when he goes so loved ones wouldn't worry. It'll be  like when he got into college, and after he dropped out.
KRO:  Finally getting up from the ground, Shades limped over to her, keeping  his hands up in case she tried to hit him as he approached. Until he  saw that he wasn't going to get torn to shreds, he smacked her upside  the head. He could of gone for an attack but he was hurting so it's  not like he was gonna do much damage.
 "In all fairness, it's deserved considering you had shit form."  He crossed his arms with a huff. Kids these days, right?
OWLIE:  Circlet winced in pain as she rubbed her head, Damn this angel,  Circlet was getting pissed. She panted as she stood up. In a strained  voice, she said, "You'll... Pay..."
TORI:  Etch for the most part was ignoring everything, though he did have to  admit that the angel was doing a really good job. He was honestly  hoping the angel won but he figured if he did something bad would  happen, so at the same time he hopped he didin’t. Crossing his legs  to get more comfortable Etch was reminded of his uniform. He hated the  skirt, he was a boy after all, why would his caretaker buy him the  skirt. It made him stand out more than he already did and honestly it  didint suit him. Oh well, back to resting his head in his hands.
OWLIE:  She yelled and slashed her bident across Shades' chest, but it didn't  draw any blood, it just scratched him a bit.
KUMA:  Sukajan nodded at him and hoped he felt better. To be fair she wasn't  paying too much attention to the actual fight itself. Now that she was  actually paying attention, she wasn't really sure who to root for. The  obvious answer would be the demon, but she wasn't that invested in the  conflict. It also seemed like they weren't fighting that hard.  Though Sukajan did have a thought that if she fought someone down  there and won, it could give her an in with some of the demons.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker Heels yawned a bit and she stretched. "Either they're both  holding back or they're tired as hell.." She said as she looked at her  nails, well at that length they were talons. SN digs said talons into  her body guards back and she sighs, pulling them away to pick at the  blood on them. "Boy did I miss that taste.~"
KRO:  Shades was about to make a small little quip about how his money got  stolen when he was captured. Someone owed him $20 and he was gonna pin  that on Fundoshi as soon as he got out of this mess. But the bident  was coming in fast, yelling he tried to move out of the way. He wasn't  unscathed and he rubbed his chest.
 "Hey! This was my favorite shirt, what the hell! It's Gucci!" This  shit costs an arm and a leg, what a little shit.
OWLIE:  "Like I give a damn about your damn shirt" Circlet said, twirling her  weapon,
KRO:  Better judgement was telling Shades to not hit a kid even if they were  a little gremlin. But fuck it. He grabbed her bident and flung her  across the arena. Oh would you look at that, he's still got it.
 "You should cause it literally costs as much as a newborn child!"
OWLIE:  Circlet yelled in was thrown to ground like a ragdoll. She really had  a talent of pissing people off, and it backfired on her.
KRO:  He approached Circlet once more. He helped her get back up on her feet  but then shook her a little. He wasn't exactly gonna attack, but he  was livid as all hell (ha) about his shirt.
 "Listen here you little gremlin, at least have respect for expensive  brands."  After he was done shaking Circlet, he handed her back the bident.
 "And this is yours, by the way."
OWLIE:  Okay....? Like a cornered animal, she quickly grabbed her weapon from  the angel's hands and leapt away from him. She still had one more  shot, she better not fail this time.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at the areana then to Sukajan and then back to the  arena. He was wondering if she was seeing this shit too. This was  suppose to be a good fight, right? Was it the ancient Earth tradition  he heard about, opposite day? But he returned his interest, the fight  suddenly getting interesting. Hopefully the angel now does ancient way  of killing an opponent: Claw-Plach. But he watched in despair as the  opponent helped the demon up. No Claw-Plach today...  Fascinator gasped and placed a hand over his mouth, he was surprised  at the bident flick. Damn son, he didn't think this would happen.  Atfirst, he thoguht Shades was gonna pimp slap Criclet but he was  relieved ( and a bit disappointed) that he was more of a gentleman  than that.
OWLIE:  Taking a deep breath, Circlet threw her weapon towards Shade
OWLIE:  welp. It didn't cause much damage. it only ripped the shirt even more.
BRIT:  "Petty." Fundoshi scoffed, "I thought Angels weren't matierialistic."  He crossed his legs and arms a little tighter, tapping his foot. How  could they call this a fight?
KRO:  Deep breaths Shades, deeeep breaths. He decided to zip up his jacket  for the sake of decency. It was getting a bit chilly too, since ya  know, his shirt was getting ripped apart.
 Hairpin yells from the bleachers, "At least it isn't Prada!"
 Shades turns around to glare, but nods in understanding. The carrot  had a point.
OWLIE:  Gaining a bit of her confidence back, she started moving towards her  opponent, then she ran and gained forward momentum, kicking Shades  flat on the stomach while in mid-air
KRO:  Hearing hurried steps, Shades turns around only to have the air leave  his lungs from that kick. Well, he can't get mad when he literally  taught her where to hit. He flew back and on his side, rolling to face  the ground while holding his abdomen.
 "Damn, that was a pretty good kick," was all he could muster.  Jokki gave Fundoshi a look, hoping he'd understand that this Angel  clearly wasn't meant for combat if a kid's shit form was doing this  kind of damage. She ran up to him and whispered, "I'll tend to his  wounds. Or bones...They're hollow so he's probably internally bleeding  from bone fractures.."
BRIT:  The applause from the demon crowd was phenomonal. A lower-ranked, new  Demoness beat a high-ranked Angel! How incredible!
 Fundoshi looked at Jokki and gave her a nod in acknowledgement before  shooting a look at the Absolute as he stood.  "Circlet is the winner. An excellent display, even for a new spool."  Shroud commented as the crowd went wild - Whatever he meant by 'new  spools' anyway.  Fundoshi didn't hesitate to walk over to clear the Arena.
 Strappon made more noise seeing Shades get taken down. He was not  happy about this, about having one of his own taken out so early in  the game. What was the point of all this??
OSCARK9:  "You did it, Circlet! You beat that Angel!" He said to her while  applauding to her from a far. "Woo!"
KUMA:  Sukajan sort of cheered, only because it'd be awkward to not give any  acknowledgement. Taking down an angel didn't seem that hard. Of  course, the other one fighting seemed to be a full demon. She clenched  her fist as she internally debated actually get in on these fights.
OWLIE:  Meanwhile, despite all the cheering, Circlet fell down on her knees,  she's tired, and at the same time, overwhelmed, she really thought  she'll lose. But she didn't, she won (thank goodness, the guy was so  pissed with her), she sighed with relief, as she help herself up with  her bident, knees shaking.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She clapped for the new demoness, feeling pride. She knew angels were  weak but wow this was defiantly exceeding expectations. "Go Circlet!"  She said and she sat down, pleased with what she saw.
(( OOC: We'll be ending the RP for tonight, so make your final posts! **We will be continuing tomorrow at 2-3 PM EST!** ))
TORI:  Etch to say the least was quite disapointed that the angel lost to a  demon. He was just glad it wasnt him down there fighting. Sure if he  was he would do his best but he wasn't a fighter, his weapon wasn't  even really meant for killing from what he had observed, it was blunt  and there was no way he could kill a person to begin with. He sighed  and closed his eyes. When was this gonna end.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori just silently stared at the arena with an unfazed face. He  wasn't really impressed no matter what. Yes, well placed kick but that  doesn't make up for chorography of the whole fight. He taps his claws  on the arm rest quietly judging.  Fascinator didn't cheer but instead worry for Shade's health. That had  to have dislocated or fractured something. Hopefully no metal plates  have to be used, but hol shit. He was still worried. He'll send  flowers once he learns where he's starying. Maybe a bouqet of sun  flowers.
KRO:  Jokki rushed over to Shades, placing a hand on his shoulder to make  sure the guy was still lucid. Seeing that it's the case, she picked up  the Angel bridal style but before she took off Shades tapped her  shoulder to make him face Circlet.
 He gave the kids a thumbs up as he was taken away. It may be odd that  an Angel was giving a Demon positive reinforcement, but that's a  Northerner for you.  It didn't take him too long before he actually knocked out of  exhaustion. He'll be okay, he's just taking a lil'nap.
OWLIE:  Circlet limped back into the bleachers next to Dress Socks, sure,  she's hurting all over, but she won't miss the next fights, she  slumped back into her seat and waited for the next fights to come.
BRIT:  Fundoshi turned to the Absolute, who seemed to be rather amused with  himself.  "Are we moving on to the next fight, Sir?" He asked, adjusting his  positioning slightly.
 "Yes, of course. It seams the people want more," Shroud said,  gesturing to the crowd of cheering demons. "Are we to deny what they  want, Fundoshi?"
 He looked over the crowd, seeing the slightly concerned faces of his  peers among their midst before sighing and nodding. He turned back to  the cage.
What will become of the Angel's Ranks if this fight continues? Will they win, or will there be another ripped Gucci shirt among their midst? Find out tomorrow, things are just starting to heat up!!
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