#poor sera will have to confront her mistakes
araminakilla · 4 months
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A neat detail about Sir Pentious' angelic design is that he now has yellow eyes with red pupils, just like Charlie and her father Lucifer!
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I know for sure those eyes will haunt Sera for a loooong time.
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
I’m the topic of Adam, right sera would realistically go down to earth just to spend time with the reader. (This is based on another ask)
Spoilers for those who didn’t finish the series :)
I know it isn’t canon but imagine Adam wasn’t stabbed by nifty and he managed to survive. I feel like Adam would FINALLY get the chance to speak to the reader, constantly going down to earth to talk to the reader, nitpick all the things he doesn’t like about their friends and family, consistently encouraging them to make time for him even though as it is he’s on earth more than he needs to be and so on. I think this might be an unpleasant time for the reader.
I've seen a lot of people headcanon that since Sir Pentious, a demon, could be redeemed, then Adam, an Angel, could be sent to hell. That would be super cool to see, but I wouldn't count on it.
Anyway, I could totally see Adam getting super giddy once reader goes back to Earth because now he finally has a real opportunity to meet you. Like, he knows Sera probably wouldn't like it, but what is she gonna do, she also goes to Earth to keep an eye on you all the time. But unlike her, she actually has the balls to confront you.
I don't think he'd be the type of person to lie about who he is, even though he realistically should since you witnessed him nearly kill all your friends. He doesn't see a point of doing so, and just welcome himself into your life like a wrecking ball. Of course, he disguises himself, he's not stupid, but that's more so he can go out in public with you and not get stared at.
Unlike a lot of the other male characters in hazbin, who recognize readers poor home life and lack of a father and attempt to become that fatherly figure in their life, Adam couldn't care less. He doesn't have a reason to become your father, he doesn't need to go through that again. That doesn't stop everyone in your life from mistaking him as your dad though.
"Oh my god (Y/n), when did your dad show up? I thought he was a deadbeat."
"Not my dad..."
You thought he came back to Earth to kill you, but instead he just lounges around, eats your food, and nitpick every aspect of your life. He makes a lot of comments about your mom that makes you anxious, why you don't move out, why does she sleep so much, do you want me to kill her? You adamantly refuse, and you hide all the knifes in the house. He also urge you to gossip about your friends at school, and gets mad at your expense when you describe anything relating to bullying.
Regardless, Adam spends a lot of time with you on Earth. It's a way to get off work, its of way to piss off Sera, and it's something he can rub in those idiot demons faces when the time is right.
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saucysheba · 3 months
Fan Fic plotting for @grimgrinnrs/ Burning only pls
Fan Fic
Rough Outline
Chapter 1: Shortly after the battle is won and the Hotel is fixed, Alastor finds his way to Mimzy's jazz bar. Drinking turns to a search for comfort and ends up breaking a deal between Heaven and Hell.
Chapter 2: Fast forward a few weeks, Mimzy has a hunch something is wrong with her. She arranges, and breaks her bank, to get her hands on something from the surface. She is ecstatic with the results. Alastor? Not so much.
Chapter 3: As an extra measure, Alastor extends his weakening powers to confirm Mimzy's news by visiting the surface. While there a hunch is confirmed and mortals sell their souls.
Chapter 4: With confirmation that Mimzy is pregnant, a lot of changes are in store for the flapper. Namely a change of scenery. Oh and her entire lifestyle. Charlie, Vaggie nor the rest of the Hotel are prepared for whats in store.
Chapter 5: Morning sickness coupled with her battled withdrawal symptoms is not a fun time for Mimzy, nor anyone else involved. She's tired all the time, sick, emotional and angry all the time. Doesn't help that a conversation with Alastor leaves her feeling he views their coupling as a mistake, leading her to conclude he views her pregnancy as a mistake too.
Chapter 6: Meetings between Heaven and Hell resumes. Negotiations about Extermination and Redemption are back on the table. Lute is holding a grudge. Emily is keeping a secret. And poor Sera is stuck in the middle of it all.
Chapter 7: While the Hotel has won a temporary truce, Lucifer does move in full-time to provide additional protection. While there, he learns of Mimzy's predicament what all it means for the future of Hell.
Chapter 8: Lucifer is determined to protect Charlie and her dream, therefore the King of Lies cooks up a plan to get the flapper evicted.
Chapter 9: After being betrayed and her 'rehab' stay revoked, Mimzy doesn't know where to turn to...
Chapter 10: Cannibal Town ought to be the last place for an expectant mother to live at, but Rosie and Bonnie and warm and sincere in their offer of help. In exchange for room and board, Mimzy helps Bonnie with her brood of kids.
Chapter 11:An uneasy alliance forms between Lucifer and Alastor. Mimzy gets a visit from the Radio Demon, but it quickly turns sideways.
Chapter 11. 5: After fully breaking ties with Alastor, Mimzy attempts to adapt to her new life in Cannibal Town. In addition to Helping Bonnie, and learning about child rearing in return; she also takes on work at Rosie's shop. However her nightclub is still anchoring her to Pentagram City and must be dealt with.
Chapter 12: As the year draws to a close, Lute is planning a full scale blitz attack against the Hotel, Carmine's weapons facility and Cannibal Town. Meanwhile, Charlie is having doubts about Mimzy's eviction.
Chapter 13: Charlie's search yields no results, so the Princess of Hell ropes others into helping her look. In turn, she finds more than the bargained for.
Chapter 14: Confrontation between father and daughter comes to a head. Now that she knows Mimzy was framed, she visits Cannibal Town, dragging both her dad and Alastor with her.
Chapter 15: Although Mimzy accepted Charlie's apology, she refuses to listen either to the King or Alastor and doesn't want to return to the Hotel since she was so easily tossed out on suspicion.
Chapter 15.5” Charlie and Vaggie have a serious discussion concerning Lucifer and Alastor. Both played a part in derailing one person's attempt at Redemption. Who's to say one or both won't interfere again?
Chapter 16: A contract holder decides to pay a deer a visit. Lilith makes an appearance and starts her comeback tour.
Chapter 17: With Rosie's help and selling off her bar, Mimzy has paid off her debts and has a small home for herself and the baby, once it arrives. However, she soon finds herself plagued by playful shadows.
Chapter 18: Reunions lead to more questions and rising conflicts as Charlie feels her dream is being attacked on all sides.
Chapter 19: Camilla Carmine and daughters unearth a spy and a meeting is called. Bring on the Vees!
Chapter 20: Mimzy calls Alastor, asking for a name.
Chapter 20.5: Family Dynamics
Chapter 21: Just as Charlie feels her dream is a lost cause, Emily breaks ranks to confess.
Chapter 22: Lute, also, breaks rank and starts the first leg of her attack.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable ( Jungkook x OC) Chapter 2
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!! [ bet you’ve never seen all of this in one fic before? ]
[ Some notes : Born Vampires stop aging when they turn twenty five.  Turned vampires stop aging when they’re turned. ]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
“You alright?” Somi asked gently, watching me fling  my backpack into the corner of the room with enough force to dislodge one of the wooden panels on the wall, the shelf crashing and bringing down the two potted plants on it. The sound of ceramic shattering made me wince, regret churning in my stomach. 
“Yeah...yeah. Oh, God. I’m so sorry, Somi.. I broke your pots-”
“Never mind the pots...why do you look so upset? Have you been crying?” She demanded , reaching for me, hands curling around my wrists and drawing me into a hug and I swallowed, my throat dry and eyes swollen from all the tears that I’d wrung out of them. 
Outside the room, Namjoon stood guard, at the door and I felt guilty remembering how the past three hours had gone. 
After confronting Jungkook, I’d stormed off in righteous indignation and poor Namjoon had been forced to follow. 
He had kept a discreet distance as I climbed to the tallest ridge on the roof, scaling the gables with ease and I knew he had been terrified at the prospect of me falling. 
Immortal or not a three hundred foot drop to the ground would be something that would hurt.
And it was my bodyguard’s job to make sure I did not get hurt. 
When he wasn’t busy fucking other women that is. 
I gripped my sister harder, fingers curling into the fir of her coat as I tried to catch my bearing. 
“Do you know Helena?” I whispered, pulling away to look at her. Somi’s face fell,eyes filling with sympathy.
“Oh, no. Was she here?” She asked gently, reaching out and cupping my cheeks and my lips wobbled. 
“Why didn’t you warn me that he was in a relationship?” my voice shook and Somi shook her head. 
“He’s not!! God, Helena doesn’t do relationships. Jungkook and her.... well, I’m not sure but they’re just fuck buddies..... barely that. You know she’s from the Kim clan right? Those bloodsuckers never settle for one partner. “ She muttered. 
I stared at her.
“He called me a child and then told me he’ll tell dad if i try to make a move on him.” I whispered. 
Somi flinched.
“It was humiliating and painful and I don’t ever want to think about it, ever again.” I muttered. 
She sighed. 
“It’s not like you don’t have men dying for a glance from you, Sera. You forget that you’re literally the most beautiful woman in the clan. If he rejects you, you’re definitely not the one missing out in that equation.” 
I nodded, misery seeping into me. My sob-fest on the roof hadn’t been wasted. I was angry at first but now, a sort of resigned acceptance had taken the place of my anger. 
 The look on Jungkook’s face had been too real, the emotion behind his rejection too potent for me to get over. I wasn’t sure I could change his mind.
Wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. 
“Was he very hurtful ? You know, if you tell dad, he’ll hire someone else and-”
“No.” I said immediately. “ I won’t do that. It’s not his fault, it’s minge. I acted out like a...well a child to be honest. He doesn’t owe me anything and he’s always been obvious in his disinterest. I was just too blinded my own attraction to consider that it wasn’t reciprocated.” I grimaced. 
God, I’d been an idiot and Jungkook’s words had knocked some good sense into my head. But I did care for him and his son and they needed this job. I wouldn’t put his job in jeopardy just because I didn’t get my way. 
I was better than that.
“Alright... Dad wanted to meet you for breakfast tomorrow.... He sounded serious. Do you know what that’s about?���
I groaned, when I remembered the reason my dad wanted to see me these days. 
“Dad wants me to start meeting men now. He thinks I’m old enough now that i’ve turned 21. He’s been badgering me for a whole entire month but I kept putting him off because of...well, because of Jungkook.” I admitted. 
Somi looked worried.
“You want to ? If you don’t we can talk to dad and-”
“No-” I shook my head.” I’m just gonna agree.” 
Somi looked surprised.
“Are you sure? Sera you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to-”
I smiled weakly. 
“I’m not going to be allowed to stay single forever Somi. Especially not when the entirety of dad’s day is spent trying to chase suitors away from the door. Do you know the Count from Jeju Do...dude’s a whole seven centuries old and he looks like a toad. He apparently tried to ask about me and Dad’s been freaking out.  “ I shuddered. 
Somi laughed.
“ That’s what you get for being you. But dad’s right. Keeping you away from everyone is only inviting more interest. And we don’t want you to be with someone insufferable.” She ruffled my hair and I hugged her again sighing into her shoulders.
No I didn’t want to be with someone who just saw me as some kind of a possession to be owned. I wanted someone nice and kind. A handsome man who did the right thing .  Someone who maybe, worked hard to give his kid a safe and protected life, someone who didn’t shun away from hard work and was a gentleman as well. 
Someone like-
“Someone other than Jungkook.” Somi said gently reading my mind. 
“I really liked him.” I whispered softly, feeling tears spring again. 
God, I thought I was all out of tears for Jeon Jung Kook but apparently I was wrong. 
I took extra care with my makeup the next morning, because my father usually had a ton of business meetings during his breakfast. I didn’t usually bother but , I was going to agree to his suggestions today and well, nothing wrong in delighting my father. And nothing made him happier than seeing me prance about  with pretty feminine clothes . 
My dad, for all his jovial cheerful air, loved his position as the head of the Hwang clan. And as his most prized possession , I was the apple of his eye. And while he didn’t treat me as an object or anything ( my dad loved me deeply and his affection was always evident. ) , there was no mistaking the fact that my dad enjoyed the power that came with being my guardian. Powerful men were willing to bend to his will, just for a chance to be with me. 
I sound insufferable, don’t I?
Trust me I’m not. 
The vampires that court me are usually assholes. Entitled, brain dead assholes .  When I opened the door in the morning, dressed in a short summer dress and ready to meet my dad, I was surprised to see Jungkook standing guard outside. He straightened away from the wall where he was fiddling with his phone, his gaze flitting to me, eyes cold and blank. 
I bowed lightly, not smiling.
“Mr. Jeon. I have a breakfast date with my father and then I’ll be heading to the cottage. I’m also meeting a friend of mine at the Art Museum in the evening so i’ll need the Mercedes brought around to pick me up maybe at 5.00PM.” I said briskly, glancing at him. 
My face flamed red when I noticed his gaze, fixed steadily on my ass. I cleared my throat angrily and his eyes met mine, a slow lazy grin playing around his mouth. 
“You look different.” He commented , shamelessly giving me another once over. 
The nerve. 
I swallowed, willing myself not to blush harder.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” 
He chuckled.
“That dress barely covers your butt, angel. You sure you want to head to daddy dearest, dressed like that?” The way he said daddy made my skin heat up. 
I felt my jaw come unhinged. 
“That’s...that is none of your damn business.” I said shrilly.
He gave me another once over.
“Okay, then. If that’s what you’re into...fine. Let’s go.” 
Gritting my teeth, i tried to keep my face neutral. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to me. I would not. 
I walked ahead of him , my fists clenched and my jaw tight and I felt incredibly upset because the day had barely begun and I was already wound tight. I was supposed to be relaxed and clear headed while talking to my father but Jeon Jungkook had muddled my brains as usual. 
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. 
“Sera, wait.” His voice made me pause and I stopped, turning around to glare at him.
“What?” I snapped. 
He sighed, deeply. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair, tongue pressing into his cheek the way it did when he was upset. 
“About last night-”
I felt my pulse quicken. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” I said quickly, turning back around to leave but his fingers came around my arm, gripping hard . 
“Well tough luck. Because I do!” He said sharply. 
I whimpered, pain blooming up my arm and he swore, loosening his grip.
“I keep forgetting you’re human.” He muttered, “ I’m sorry... I just... I wanted to apologize for how i handled things last night. I was twenty once and I should have been more understanding.”
I closed my eyes. Oh, God no. Please, please for the love of God, let me hate you in peace. Don’t apologize and make me fall in love all over again.
“Its fine.” I choked out. “ You were right. I was out of line.”
“You deserve better.” He said quickly, eyes flitting away from my face and I felt a sharp pang in my heart. God , this was agonizing. 
“It’s just that you’re...well you know who you are. You can’t be with ...someone like me and trust me you don’t want to be with someone like me either. I know its appealing, the whole illusion of stability. older man, has a kid, has his life together .....but that’s not all it means .” He gave me a tired smile.
I bit my lips, ot replying and he went on. 
 “ I have baggage, a shit ton of it and I would have to be especially cruel to unload something like that on a girl barely out of her teens. I’ve done shit I’m not proud of ,....but ruining your life, I’m gonna draw the line there.” He smiled , looking a whole decade younger and I closed my eyes.
I was back to square one, I thought miserably. He had my whole heart. 
“ So we’re good right?” He prompted and I exhaled, giving him a smile.
“We’re good.”
“That’s good. Because my son loves you and I would rather we be friends. You’re just like a daughter to me. ” He touched my face gently, pulling away at once, the small contact leaving fire in its wake and I had to clench my fists . 
A daughter?!! Is he out of his damned mind? 
“Let’s go then.”
“Jungkook, please sit down. You’re like my son and I don’t want you hovering like you’re part of the backdrop. I’ve trusted you with my entire life.” My father beamed, pointing at me and i laughed. 
Jungkook bowed respectfully, taking the chair next to me. 
“How are you , my buttercup?” My father asked softly, fingers gripping mine and I smiled.
“I’m well, father. Do you like my dress?” 
Next to me Jungkook coughed and I shot him a dirty look. 
“It looks ravishing on you. The prettiest flower in my estate is my daughter, do you agree Jungkook?” My father prompted and I swallowed the smirk that threatened. 
Poor Jungkook was going to learn that being my bodyguard meant singing my praises twenty four seven or at least anytime my father was in hearing distance. 
“Uh..” Jungkook’s eyes flitted between the two of us, “ Yes sir. Your daughter is quite lovely.” 
I beamed at him and he looked away quickly. 
Turning back to my dad I held my hand out. 
“DAd, you wanted to see me about something?”
“Yes dearest. You know the Kim clan’s matriarch has been after me. Three of her great great great grandsons have come of age recently. And all three of them are set to take over some very lucrative businesses. They are good men and apparently they’re quite smitten with you. They say you know of them from school?”
I sighed.
“Do you know their names?” I prompted.
“Mingyu, Minjae and Yugyeom.” My father said briskly. 
 “ They’ve asked me out before, yes.” 
“Uh..Excuse me.. Could I get a refill?” Jungkook said quietly next to me and i turned, watching him wave to one of the footmen. 
“Jungkook, are you thirsty?” My father asked brightly. 
An idea formed in my head, wicked and dangerous. 
“Perhaps, he should get a taste of the Hwang Elixir?” I said innocently. 
My father’s gaze snapped to mine. 
A small frown made its way to his face. 
“Are you sure? I’m not sure if Jungkook would be comfortable-”
I turned to him, purposely flipping my long hair off my shoulders exposing my throat . Jungkook’s eyes went to the curve of my neck at once and i felt a sick sort of triumph when his eyes flashed red.
“Oh, no no...” I crooned, leaning in closer. “ I’m sure you aren’t uncomfortable , are you Jungkook ssi? After all, I am just like a daughter to you , aren’t I?” I stared right at him, fluttering my lashes and I saw his jaw clench. 
“Of course, Ms. Hwang.” He said briskly, glaring at me. I played with the small gold chain around my neck, letting my fingers flutter over my pulse , drawing his gaze there.
“Well, that is true ...” My father looked uncertain, but I gave him a gentle nod and a smile. 
“Well, as a special guest, I suppose you can enjoy our hospitality , Jeon. Why don’t you take a drink from -”
I moved closer, pressing up against him and Jungkook sighed, lips closing over my neck, and I felt my eyes flutter shut at the wet warmth of his mouth . 
It was intoxicating, the way he used one hand to grip my neck gently, the other on my waist to steady me and when his fangs pierced through, I could sense the warm liquid flood his mouth and Jungkook’s entire body relaxed, a strangled moan escaping him. 
“---my daughter’s wrist.” My father finished and I felt Jungkook stiffen next to me. 
This time I couldn’t stop the grin that bloomed on my face. 
My eyes dropped to his lap and yup, his pants definitely looked a tad tighter. 
“Did I do good, Mr Jeon? Or should I call you daddy? ” I whispered quietly , fluttering my lashes at him and his fangs retracted and he pulled away from me, shoving me back into my own chair quickly. 
My father was slightly slack jawed. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hwang. “ Jungkook muttered and I laughed.
“I do believe it is I whom you should be apologizing to. It is  my  neck you just mauled. ” I smiled brightly staring at Jungkook and if looks could kill, I would have a thousand wooden stakes through my heart right about now. ‘
Take that Mr. Jeon. 
Daughter, my ass. 
“My apologies , Sera.” He said stiffly. 
My father laughed raucously.
“Ahh, you must be used to the neck, my dear boy. understandable understandable. it is how we used to do it in the old days, after all . These younglings with all their etiquette and feminism and what not....it’s hard to keep up..... But now you must tell me? Is my daughter not the sweetest you’ve ever had?” 
I choked, coughing. Oh God, sometimes my 900 year old father had no idea how he sounded. 
Jungkook looked like he had swallowed a lemon. 
“She’s certainly ...” He stopped, probably realizing that any adjective at the end of that sentence would sound entirely wrong. 
“Delicious?” I prompted, blinking innocently and Jungkook shot me another glare. 
“Well, nevermind nevermind. .... So, tell me dearest, will you be willing to meet the Kim boys?”
I sighed.
“I like Yugyeom. I cannot stand Minjae. I don’t know enough about Mingyu to make any judgement. How about I meet Mingyu and if I don’t hit it off with him, I will allow Yugyeom to court me....” I said softly.
I glanced at Jungkook but he was studiously looking away. 
“Very well my dear. Do you have any plans today?”
“I’m meeting a friend at the museum.”
My father’s eyes widened.
“Well isn’t that a wonderful coincidence. Mingyu's law firm is just a block away if I’m not mistaken. I’ll ask the boy to pick you up afterwards. Have dinner with him and you can tell me tonight of your choice.” My father smiled briskly.
“Yes, father.” 
“Jungkook..” My father prompted and the vampire glanced up.
“Yes, sir?”
“Take good care of her. At the restaurant, make sure you stay at hearing distance. “ 
“Yes sir.” Jungkook bowed and I groaned. 
In other words, let my father know if I behaved appropriately. 
i pouted and my father waggled his finger at me.
“No, no no.. Missy. I’m going to make sure you keep your end of the bargain . You need to give these men a proper chance before you reject them. “ 
I nodded.
“And you must ask Either Somi or Seolhyun to dress you. No jeans or one of those ridiculous gowns that make you look like a pastry.”
There was no mistaking the snort that came from my right and i glared at Jungkook before turning to my dad.
“Yes, father.” 
“Good, now run along the pair of you. “
I stood up, kissing my father fondly on his forehead.
“I love you.” I whispered. 
“You are my whole entire joy, dearest. “ He kissed my hand gently, eyes warm and soft.
As we left the room, Jungkook let out a sigh.
“I am never having a meal with you two again.” He ground out and I laughed. 
“Anything you say, daddy.” I grinned. 
Jungkook groaned. 
As luck would have it,  my friend cancelled . 
So at six the evening, I finished locking up the cottage as the last of the kids left, fumbling with the lock while a tired Joo Won napped in his father’s arms, head resting on Jungkook’s shoulders. I felt myself soften at the picture they made, Jungkook singing softly , fingers brushing his son’s hair back as he rocked him gently. 
“I’ll be a while... I needed to get ready. Why don’t you put him to bed? Who’s watching him tonight?”
“Hwasa and Moonbyul offered. I’ll drop you off in your room and head to the north wing. What time are you meeting the jerkwad?” He said casually.
I blinked rapidly, confused.
“I’m sorry... the jerkwad?” 
Jungkook shrugged.
“It’ just a fact. Most men are absolute jerks at twenty one.” He shrugged. 
i felt myself bristling on behalf of the unknown Mingyu.
“That is absolutely unfair. My brothers were incredibly kind and good.”
“To you perhaps. Because they don’t have to impress you. But men act differently when they’re trying to get between a woman’s thighs. They’re jerks when they want to get laid...” He grinned.
“Is that why you act like a jerk to me? ” I smiled evilly and he rolled his eyes.
“Oh, darling we both know I don’t have to act in any different way to get you into my bed . I just have to do this.” He smirked, curling his finger in a come hither gesture.  
I felt my pulse pound and I tried not to let his words get to my head. He was flirting , yes but it was a joke. He was joking with me because the very idea of being with me was a joke to him. 
And I couldn’t forget that. 
Rolling my eyes, I pulled on the lock a couple more times to make sure the door was well locked. 
“Shall we leave?” He prompted watching me wrestle the backpack onto my shoulders. I grunted under the weight. 
“Of course. Let’s go.” 
We walked in silence for a few seconds.
“So, how’s he doing? With stuff?” Jungkook asked gently and I felt warmth bloom in my chest. 
“He’s very advanced for his age Jungkook. You’ve done a wonderful job with him. He’s able to read and he has a beautiful l writing hand. He’s learned his multiplication tables all the way up to seven and he has the voice of an angel. Which I think he gets from you. ” I smiled, reaching out to brush the back of Joowon’s head. 
Jungkook smiled softly, the late evening sun painting his perfect features in a soft golden glow. 
“Your father was kind enough to support me the first few years when i had him. I didn’t trust anyone enough to leave him with them and well... i needed to put a roof over our head.” He sighed . 
I touched his arm, giving it a small squeeze.
“I understand. I’m glad you’re here. He’ll grow up well in our clan.   “
“And he has a lot of excellent men to look up to here...He needs a good role model, someone kind and amazing who can inspire him to be hardworking and fair. ” He smiled.
I bit my lips.
“I think he’s had that all along. ” I said quietly.
Jungkook’s breath caught for a second and the air between us changed. I licked my lips. 
“Jungkook you’re a good father. You know that right?” I said after a few more seconds of silence. 
He laughed.
“Am I really? I wonder.” 
“He loves you.” I breathed , “  You’re all he talks about.... Today, one of the other kids tried to say that his father was brave because he helped someone who was stuck in an elevator. you know what Joowon did? He listed some twenty different incidents where you’ve helped people out....And he looked so proud.”
Jungkook’s ear looked red in the brightly lit garden. 
“i was just doing my job. Most of those times, I was in danger.” He grunted. 
“And yet, you did the right thing. “ I whispered. “ And your son was watching. And he’s learned the importance of doing the right thing even when you’re scared. That’s a life lesson that isn’t easy to learn.”
“Can’t disagree with that.” He chuckled. I grabbed his arm forcing him to stop. 
I had to tell him this. 
 “ Jungkook, when immortality is on the plate, people don’t give much value to morals. They don’t always care about doing the right thing.... . Its how our kind functions. Consequences don’t mean much when you have a whole eternity to fix your mistakes.....So I always admire vampires who value morals. “ I smiled, “ To see a five year old with such a well formed moral compass... it tells me that you’re an amazing father. Possibly the best I’ve ever met. “ I reached out, to hold his hand, wanting to touch him in some way, to make him believe that I was completely honest. 
“Sera!!!!!!” My sister’s voice made me jump and Jungkook stepped away as well. 
“Dad told me you’re going on a date? I’ve picked out an outfit for you!! But you need to take a shower! You cannot show up smelling like diapers and spit-up.” She called. 
I groaned. 
“Time for the ugly duckling to transform into a swan, I see?” He said gently. 
“Your son’s favorite fairytale.” I whispered.
“He makes me read it every night.” 
“I would like to sit in on that someday.” I laughed.
His eyes met mine. 
“You’re always welcome, Ms Hwang,” He smiled politely. “ Someday soon maybe your kids and my son would be friends.” 
And just like that the wall grew between us. 
His kids and my kids. 
Not our kids because he wasn’t for me. 
He would never be for me. 
I felt the sudden inexplicable urge to cry. 
Turning away, I began following my sister as she waved to me. . 
“I’ll be at your door at seven.” He called out behind me. 
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saintobio · 3 years
bestie; my heart is hurting and this wasn’t even as angsty as previous chapters. gojo was doing so well for a second and he just had to chase after s*ra. i was rooting for him 😩 and her poor heart, at this point i just want MC to leave again to protect her heart. honestly, i want him to find out about her condition so he can feel more shitty and then toji can come in and swoop us away 🥲 though the interaction between him and ieiri was cute 🤍 i 100% ship them now over Toji and MC :) the interaction between Mc and the Ze’nins was super cute but it was also sad, knowing that neither her nor gojo ever got to experience such a wonderful family dynamic. gojo, i’m giving you one last chance, a super slim chance, to fix this because i will not have our precious MC suffer again because of you 😭 toss s*ra to the curb for once, yeet the feetus if she hasn’t yet, and keep trying to earn her forgiveness. i’m sure the serakatsuki wouldn’t mind dealing with you either 🙂
also may MC get the recognition she deserves in the fashion industry and do something she loves for once 🙏🏼 i wish her eternal happiness with or without gojo 🤍 but preferably with him because i love him so much.
Anonymous said
Idk if it’s bad of me, but I honestly couldn’t care less if that bitch S**a is pregnant at this point. I can’t stand the thought of Y/N being hurt again cause I love her so much, but gojo (at least now) doesn’t deserve a single inch of her. I understand that he’s trying to do better, but he’s still hiding things from her (like S**a possibly being pregnant + why he really married her), lying to her, and overall just not showing y/n that he really wants to be with her and love her by understanding her perspective. Y/N is trying to protect her heart (as she should!!!) and Gojo doesn’t have her trust for him to not break it (neither does he deserve it) and he’s blinded by his hurt feelings that he’s still just not really putting her first. And chasing after that little home wrecker??? Really?? After he just said he wanted y/n? And after flaunting her and letting her be all over him in front of his wife and other company? It’s all a very insincere way of showing he really wants her and is willing to work for her. (Speaking of: why did y/n invite s**a anyway?) Anywho, this was an amazing chapter as always Ai, I hope you give your beautiful self and brain time to relax this weekend! I look forward to the next chapter and reading your blog this week!!
Anonymous said
Me after reading chpt 10: Yes cold Y/N, you go girl!
Let me just say I did not expect Y/N to invite everyone to play bowling KDJDKSJ!!!
When Gojou proclaimed that he wants Y/N and Sera had that type of reaction, idk why but it had me thinking that maybe she wanted to try to tell him that she’s pregnant or something related to that matter quickly, and now that he chased after her and we are ought to find out what happens soon?? and things will unfold from there perhaps??!! ya know, him trying to justify or give excuses after excuses.
I don’t know if it would be too soon for this, but maybe they’d get into a huge confrontational argument, Gojou realizes how much of a toxic and manipulative person Sera is, breaks things off (unless she is conceiving his child, oopsie oops) and continue to try and make it up to Y/N. If life has other plans for him, more like KARMA, then his life, reputation, so called goals, etc. would all be crashing down by some plot twist, or huge exposure by someone who would probably have the guts to do so.
I don’t wish for his father to beat him into a pulp, because like that’s a big NO NO, so Gojou this is all in your hands now, make it right, or deal with the brutal consequences of your actions. One mistake can lead to a huge downfall, and it’ll definitely be hard to climb back up again. (Why am I even writing as if I’m a wise person LMAOODJSKSN did that last line really come from me? Brain is a wonder huh?)
Also, likewise, your writing? Phenomenal. Extraordinary. Every synonym okay😭
Cue Lady Gaga’s “talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique……”
Take care of yourself!!! Lots of love🌸
Anonymous said
HOLYYYYY FUCKING SHIT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. (inserts elmo watching the world burn meme). THIS CHAPTER. HOLY SHIT. I can’t even think straight past the whole group finally seeing how shitty Gojo is. Like, ok, yeah, ngl, i cried a bit in the flashback scene cause no one deserves to be abused. And the fact that Gojos grandma was the one to pick him up? HOLY SHIT. imagine this weak, fragile old lady who loves her grandson so much seeing her son beat him to a pulp. That’s real angst right there lol 🥲
But yes, YESSSSSSSSS, Toji gives me such a fucking rush, the whole Zenins do tbh. My heart rests for real in there scenes. (I think I might end up with angina fr after this lmao jk). And tbh I love how despite how we thirst for the man, he is a true friend. Platonic, true, supportive. Like, bish, if my friends don’t help me look good and above an ex, what are we even friends for? (Yes ik Gojo x Y/N are still married but he’s giving off too many teenage angsty boi who dumped his gf who was good for him for a piece of sweaty tits and cheese clit, like fr, Gojo what a downgrade). But yes, I loved SO FUCKING MUCH this whole date twist Reader pulled on Gojo. For real, it was the BEST. I LAUGHED SO HARD AND UGLY LIKE YESSSSSSSSSS
Everyone agreeing that Sera is a yal (I’m from puerto rico, if yk, YK.) is priceless. Like there’s a difference between being poor and being a Yal. Sera may be pretty and hot, but SHE IS A YAL. Nuff said.
Gen, omg, she is The Boss Bitch. The smile tho hnnnngggggggg the THREAT?!! HNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG
I sincerely wish and manifest y’all a friend like Toji (in every sense of the word 😜)
Sweetie, like always. You are so talented and it never fails to amaze me. Hydrate, eat, sleep, and take care of yourself hun! Stretch those hands and make sure you let them rest from typing this chap.
Anonymous said
Welp 🤷🏻‍♀️ gojou redemption arc my ass. He lost his chance. His second chance. She said make it up for the rest of your life. Meaning it's either u put her first and put in the effort. Or just drop it. Not even a month of change and u already lost. The second time. That's ur chances gone. Done. De Nada. Miss girl went thru another episode. This should be a red flag that avoiding Gojo as much as she can is not gonna be enough to reduce or avoid the disease getting worse. It's going to stay and get worse at this point. To avoid problems from spreading, u gotta hack at its core and remove it completely. Either y/n will live with this disease while probably getting worse, or she removes the very reason of her negative heart reactions. Which is to completely rid of Gojo AND Sera from her life. And I know for a fact that a certain sis and father r not going to be happy about this. And I hope they have BIG plans for Mr. Like Father, Like Son and Mrs. Trashtra 2.0.
It's completely mind boggling that hes begging for his gentle, loving wife back when??? Why should a gentle and loving wife come back to a cheating ass hoe who will run after his fucking mistress at any point at all? Cuz apparently to Gojo having a loving and gentle wife back means he will be forgiven no matter how many times he leaves her for his girlfriend. That's why he keeps searching for that 'gentle, loving wife'. But that's never going to happen. There is such a limit to what the human heart can handle, and y/n has passed that ages ago. At this point, the gojo redemption arc has finished 💀 theres no healing at this point. theres no more almost meaningful kisses and saying yes to having time alone. I am highly excited for how Gen is going to ruin him. It was mentioned that we'd feel bad in the end for him? Honey bee I just wanna see justice served hot on a glittering gold Gucci plate.
Also... why da fuk is Sera talking to y/n as if she couldnt ruin her life quicker than Gojo's mom can leave him. I'm a millimetre away from committing murder ☺️
- fuk I forgot what emoji I claimed 💀
Anonymous said
PLS AI, THIS CHAPTER!!! Y/N WITH BOUNDARIES IS THE BEST Y/N AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! There's a few interesting points I've noticed this chapter too!
1. How explicitly you contrast the Zen'in and Gojou family in the context of how well and how badly they affect Y/N. Literally we cannot contest the fact that Y/N finally would thrive more with the Zen'in family so it makes it even more interesting to see how the story would play out at this point. Y/N could either stick with her current development and choose a path with Toji (she doesn't necessarily have to be with him but a path diverging from Gojo may very well be a path to the Zen'ins) or she could choose a path that would meet with Gojo's current development and stay with him but at much better terms (which honestly depends on how much he changes for the better and if Y/N would ever allow even the tiniest of cracks in her willpower to let him in again). Of course, you can write a much different ending where she doesn't choose (or get to choose) either but it's refreshing to see that she has a choice and that it is clear to her that there are options in front of her.
2. I don't like the way Mr. McOrbs "adores" and "cherishes" Y/N. It seems sweet at first glance but when I really thinl about it, he's still being his selfish, self-centered self. I know he has this list of qualities he likes about her but he likes them on the basis of how well they work FOR HIM. He likes the way she understands HIM. He likes the way she still thinks of HIM even after he hurt her. He likes the way she pays attention to HIS needs. But the moment she does this for HERSELF, he loses all composure and suddenly it's all about HIM again. Y/N puts a distance between them and, although he does pay attention tp her and her wellbeing more than before, it's still about how she's a different wife to HIM now andhe can't lose her because HE needs her and he doesn't want her sister to be mad at HIM. Sure he's trying to win her back, but it feels much more for his benefit than than hers. Especially since he still hasn't learned his lesson and still allows Sera to cling to him. If he's truly genuine about his intentions of doing all that he can for Y/N, the first thing he should've done is leave that god forsaken affair.
3. I love how, in contrast to Gojo, Toji is extremely thoughtful of Y/N even at the cost pf his reputation. He knew showing up at that bowling date would sic Gojo into his ass and despite being branded as a wife-stealer, mans just doesn't care. He's there for Y/N and that's all he's about (HOPEFULLY). He doesn't fight Gojo or overly antagonize him because he doesn't want to make the situation worse for Y/N and prior to that, he looked after her when Naoya started running his stank mouth. I understand why people ship them, it's so easy to pair Y/N with someone a million leagues better than Cheater McMommyissues but honestly, she's far better at the moment with him as just her friend because she really benefits from focusing on herself and another romantic interest on top of her failing marriage wouldn't do her good.
Anyways, this was another great chapter and with every one you drop I just get more and more excited for what else you have in plan. Thank you for this read and I hope the next week treats you well, Ai! ❤️
p.s. sorry for mixing up pronouns sometimes, english is not my native language so i still get confused! 🖐️😩
Anonymous said
I just finished reading chapter 10 and amazing as always. Ai you deserve some kind of award for this and please never listen to people who are not positive and do whatever you like.
I love the dynamics of zenin family, how they are close together, reminds me of MC's family, but man I want to fight everyone except Granny and Yuta from Gojou family. First things first, Satoru is so angry with his father and this flashback showed how hurt he was since the trauma and how he hates home wrecks but what does he think about Sera NOW? Because he's finally opening his eyes and he still doesn't see her as someone ruining his life, reputation and marriage? And he can get jealous but Mc can't? Funny, I think he would be mad if he knew about small meetings of MC amd Toji. I really wanna know if MC had Toji as a side piece what Gojou's reaction would be? But it made so angry, that my stomach turned into different shapes when he had audacity to blame MC and Toji? Like wtf?
As for Toji, my mans fine ✋ no cap 🧢. I really want to ship Tojixmc but after reading so many anons say they won't end up together makes my heart break into small pieces. Not because I hate SN Gojou but because he literally shows MC what real happiness and family is and how he cares about her. Imagine being CEO of being company and still have time for small meetings with a person you nearly just met. And the way he protected MC from Naoya. Wow, nearly got men running laps around my room. Also, I necessarily don't think that this friendship between TojiXMC will be intimate but they some kind of show some affection towards each other which sometimes I think is out of friendship line? Idk, maybe it is just my opinion.
For Sera, she wants life of people she thinks is better than her but man she is wrong. Firstly, she has to start improving herself she acts like a whore all the time. Even if someone gave her money she is still narcissistic bitch without any upbringing or any manners, or shame. I unfettered that MC, Ieri and Getou know about u and Gojou but be at least aware that there is someoen new and I doubt that she didn't know how Toji was, she knew she just showed her ugly side again, actually she is ugly from every side, I mostly look at people's personalities and how self conscious they are rather than looks, well that's something Gojou doesn't understand.
As for MC I like her very much, like I lack kindness she has because I'm rather calculative and if I were in her shoes I definitely would make Gojou's life miserable, but she is sunshine of happiness while all around her is road that leads nowhere but sorrow. I actually sometimes get mad while she still thinks about Gojou and that she still cares for him, because I don't know why but I really want to see them in separate ways at least for longer time than a week, because I think she is kind of ashamed to get divorce so soon? And also doesn't want to put to friended families in tough situations? But she should do it, Gojou doesn't deserve her, and it sound so hypocrite that he doesn't want her to go. She should find herself firstly and then love someone else because all those feelings she carries and all that pain hurts me to the core of my existence. Hope she will open eyes wider and see that Gojoy is selfish bastard who wants to change but doesn't know where to start and also doesn't know what he really wants.
Thanks for your bard work.❤️
Anonymous said
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TOJI CRUMBS THEYRE THE ONLY COMFORT LEFT I HAVE CLINGING ON TO IN THIS FIC 😭 HES SO NICE AND PERFECT FOR HER HE MAKES HER HAPPY SO EFFORTLESSLY AND HES A SINGLE ESTABLISHED HEALTHY MAN U CANT DENY THAT CHEMISTRY THEY HAVE!!!! I have a question, is toji even slightly attracted to y/n in that “I want to date u” way? like has he ever imagined her as his partner even for like a split second? or is it merely platonic and friendly.
that aside, SATORU SAID HE’D MAKE THINGS UP YET HES CHASING AFTER HIS MISTRESS AND THE PREGNANCY’S PROLLY PUSHING THROUGH. FUCK YOU SATORU!! FUCK U FUCK U I HOPE UR CRUSTY BALLS GET SQUEEZED LIKE LEMONS AND SERA’S STINKY LOOSE FISHY VAJAYJAY DISAPPEARS FROM EXISTENCE. I have no idea how y/n and gojo would work in the future or in the sequel when sera may have a child (that child deserves a dad and I’m sure y/n wouldnt want that child to live in a broken household even if its her husband’s mistress’ child but aight 🤸‍♂️) I’M STILL BADLY HOPING FOR A DIVORCE THEN Y/N X TOJI. HE’S SINGLE AND PERFECT FOR HER. Y/N OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! PRETTY PLEASE
Anonymous said
Let’s start off with the Zen’in family interaction. I love how Mc finds comfort in them bc that’s exactly what she needs rn, and how she’s trying to protect them from having bad perceptions on marrige ugh. I love that, MC is just to selfless and I love how she’s slowly making changes to that especially when it comes to Gojo and Sera.
Also the dinner with the Gojo family! Satoru was lowkey getting dragged but deserved lol. Ummm his dad having dreams about grandkids, I’m thinking that’s more foreshadowed to Sera just getting pregnant in the future. And how MC saw Gojo holding her stomach, I think she might have know that Sera is pregnant (+ his reaction to what his dad said about grandkids) MAJOR OOP. Plus home girl been knew that they were fuckin so it’s just simple math at this point.
Still manifesting sera not being pregnant tho.
The date! Boss girl move by Y/n (score for making Sera cry and putting her in her place). Gojo is one hypocritical son of a bitch (literally) he said that he wants Y/n but proceeds to run after his mistress, he even has the audacity to say that he’ll talk to her at home😀. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. Y/n doesn’t deserve this shit. But let’s talk about Y/n protection squad for a sec, I know they were standing there secretly laughing their asses off at Sera crying bc I would have been wheezing.
GEN! I love you marry me! “I’ll ruin you.” YES BOTCH YOU TELL HIM!
But real tak. Gojo redeption arc is thrown in the trash burned and burried at this point. Mf doesn’t know how to make up his mind and it seems to me like his priorities are all over the place. I understand that he’s trying and I love that for him but what’s the point of trying is all your going to do is run after your misstress all the whole “proving” to your wife that you want to be with her?
ALSO PLEASE GET SOME REST! YOUR ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS IVE SEEN IN THIS APP AND THANK GOD I FOUND YOU. I also read Romeo & Juliet yesterday and though I had to look back at the word dictionary like a million times it was worth it.
I hope you had a great day 🥰🥰!
Anonymous said
Ai ! Were y/n and gojo wearing their rings in chapter 10? Also did Gen and Naoya catch on something 😳... As always this is so beautifully written !
I'm very glad that y/n could have a change of fresh air in the Zenin state , poor girl probably wants to stay there for ever ! I can see Gojou trying his absolute best to make things up with y/n but oh darling don't you know how hard is it for one to open up to you after what you've done previously ? Everything happening now is parallel and it seems like Gojou has forgotten how he treated y/n previously exactly ,, but damn y/n really did remember every single little part of it !
Did Nana not notice that the married couple weren't wearing rings ? ( If they weren't ) It's just so saddening how y/n has to keep acting to conceal his husband's infidelity. If Gojou was asked to break up with S*ra and stay lawful with y/n he most probably would be in a denial state like what he has always been in , thinking that he still only truly loves S*ra.
Also the car scene ! I felt so bad for y/n she's in a very confused state , probably wondering why would her husband speak such words , the exact same words he would use it to sweeten up his dear mistress!
Do take a well deserved rest Ai! Glad to see that you're enjoying RE !
I like how y/n invited Toji along as well to bowling ! Knowing that with him around , things would be very much different even though shoko and geto around ! Seriously I love how Toji plays the " chillax but mischievous and i know how to get under your skin " role type of guy makes my heart goes VSJSVSKSHSK ALSO THE KISS THAT TOJI GAVE HER OMLLL ,, anyway if ms y/n doesn't want Toji(jk they most prob won't be endgame lol that's just a change of air us reader badly wants) , don't mind me 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
With love ,
@amiarealangel said
Not Sera pulling Rashta's trick by crying urgh :/ I don't mind if she was truly hurt but know your place, fool!!! Also, Gojou is really a coward! If he genuinely wants y/n back then why did he let Sera being so intimate with him. There was no consistency in his actions nor his thoughts. I'm a hopeless type of person and have been rooting for Gojou x y/n since I know they are match made in heaven but at this point I'm giving on him because he doesn't even have the balls to do things his way!!
Ehehehe and I saw that Naoya be saying "It's time for my grand entrace" just like Heinry in that divorce episode from Remarried Empress 👀👁👅👁
Nice chapter as always Ai! I hope you are resting after this and making up for your sleep. Remember to stay hydrated as well because it's summer :) Thank you for feeding us hehe <3
Anonymous said
this chapter was such a fun and satisfying read. idk if this is a real phrase, but this feels like the calm after a storm if that makes sense. but i feel like there's another storm coming because of sera 😭
i hope sera isn't pregnant, because if she is that would mean gojo would have to stay with her but it would probably give our mc another angina attack.
this chapter i felt more like mc than ever. like i see gojo is trying and it gives me conflicting feelings when we're cold to him, but his earlier actions just can't be forgotten. i think it's important to mention that gojo hasn't actually apologized for what he did, he just started acting nice (unless he did apologize and i just don't remember). the blue car game was cute, but man i don't know how to feel 😭
also the bowling scene? perfection. toji's experiment worked a little too well. i'm interested in seeing the aftermath with sera and gojo after he said that he wants mc in front of the woman he claimed to love the most. i reread the ask where you explained love in gojo's perspective, and i feel like that fits more with infatuation than actual love, since it's mostly superficial. just to be safe, i'm going to say he's at least infatuated with mc if he's not in love with her.
im also interested in seeing what will happen now that reader has had an angina attack in front of getou and toji. and you said that the truth about our marriage will be revealed to my family, so i can't wait for that, especially after gojo's talk with gen 👀
anyway, thank you for another great chapter 😘!! you never miss
Anonymous said
as always amazing chapter!!! i love how descriptive you get in the simplest details, like it really puts a reader in the scenery yk??? you’re so talented 😭
from an outside perspective (as in, not the author) do you think gojo even deserves redemption?
after continuously being a selfish hypocrite, if he was real i would genuinely murder him LMFAO he doesn’t deserve shit, and yn deserves better than a mediocre asshole. this anger just speaks to your talent tho, bc for a story to make me feel like this means you’re doing something incredibly right!!! i trust your vision, but just thinking about his bitch ass being so hypocritical and selfish but still thinking he has a right to be jealous pisses me OFF LMFAOOAAK he deserves the death penalty. expeditiously!!
let him die a lonely death please ai 🙏 he deserves no redemption and must always regret not cherishing yn 🙏🙏 toji x yn all the way 😩
Anonymous said
It just makes me so mad that Gojo doesn’t see what a ducking hypocrite he is. For fucks sake you’re out here cuddling with Sera but when y/n and Toji smile at eachother its suddenly this act of betrayal. Like no you don’t get to fucking yell at her or get possessive because she’s not yours. You made that clear since day 1 that you wanted nothing to do with her and when she finally shifts her attention onto someone else other than you, you get mad and act like a fucking child.
Gojo is selfish. He wants both Sera and y/n’s love but guess what asshole you cant have the both of them. I really really hope he goes through so much pain. Does he think a fucking apology is gonna fix anything. And good for y/n to leave his immature ass. It’s so infuriating that she has to continuously deal with this man child. His lack of maturity literally drives me up the wall. I’m literally raging so much right now because of him. I really hope in the future you make Gojo and Sera go more pain because that’s what those butches deserve. And you know what they do deserve eachother.
I actually hope Sera is pregnant just so she and Gojo stay together. I want them to stay together and absolutely ruin eachother. Both of them may love eachother now but sooner or later they’ll destroy their own relationship with or without y/n. Both will just take and take from the other until they have nothing more. Fuck Gojo, fuck sera. And I want y/n to move on. Start a fashion industry, travel, and be with someone that loves her. She deserves that much more than dealing with those two selfish assholes.
I hope Gojo one day comes to the realization that he’s just like his father. Fuck him and his mommy issues. He needs to grow the fuck up.
@bluebunnylion said
Gojo I’m tired of you. You had me soft for a min but for you to get mad and say “I’m trying” and then PROCEED TO GO TOWARDS THE PROBLEM BECAUSE SHES “Upset” pisses me off and y’all were cuddling on the couch and shit🤨 your not really trying if you were you would drop Sera and we all know that. You need to listen to geto, YOU CANT HAVE BOTH. Y/n don’t come home sis let him suffer tonight without you. Let sera sooth his nightmares. OH WAITTTTT SHE DONT GIVE A FUCK. the audacity of this man. Ai your writing is phenomenal it makes me wanna fight the air I swear😫 you had me feeling bad and borderline forgiving him for a sec then I read “Sera” and got mad again🤣🤣 and Sera.....cry me a river bitch you knew you was losing him...I said this in a ask weeks ago but you don’t think of things in the long run 😪 you gonna be labeled as a home-wrecker. I need to join the serakatsuki for real I’m tired of this bitch🤣🤣
@localerenslut said
okay just a few quick things:
1. i feel like we don’t talk enough about the Diana shoes situation??? like i literally think about it all the time and about how much it would’ve hurt my feelings and i’m glad it was referenced in this chapter but he literally HEARD Y/N TALK ABOUT HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY WERE AND THOUGHT “okay my wife likes them a lot so i’ll buy them for my gf” like??? that’s so evil and vindictive and i feel like even though it was during the time of him despising her, it was such a turning point, personally.
2. y/n never got engaged…or proposed to.. like.. that’s so sad? she deserved a proposal that was thoughtful and beautiful. she deserved to be engaged like a normal person and not thrown into a marriage. so i feel like /if/ (and a huggeeee /if/) y/n and satoru somehow figure it all out later on, that he needs to propose to her. backtrack and give her the sweet gesture she was meant to have. maybe even have another wedding ceremony where they could renew their vows and mean it this time and plan the wedding that she always dreamed of and that every woman deserves.
and if it doesn’t work out with satoru cause wtf he sucks??? she deserves that from someone else.
Anonymous said
YN PULLING A NAVIER WHEN SHE SAID “BY PAPER” TO GOJO. GO YN!!!!! i really love seeing gojo suffer make him suffer some more. god i really want to deck gojo in the face for going after sera. how are you going to say that you want to make up for your mistake but still doesn't cut things off with your mistress, which has been the biggest problem since you first got married??? he's stupid fr. im shocked that sera and gojo acted like that in front of toji do they not have any shame?? also sera calling yn wicked... bitch fuck off im so glad that yn stood up for herself and no longer feel bad for sera because that bitch doesn't deserve her sympathy at all. fuck Sera. anyways i really enjoyed this chapter, you just never fail to deliver amazing chapters every week 😭 new chapter drops at 8 am here and i just cant go to sleep before reading the new chapter bc I'd feel restless if i didn't read it as soon as possible 😂😂 thank you so much im really looking forward for the next chapter! hope you're taking care of yourself drink lots of water okay!
Anonymous said
Thing about s*ra is, she’s got nothing to lose.
I don’t think she’ll end up pregnant because she does no the consequences of what will happen to Hoejo and by extension her. I wouldn’t put it past her though to go as far as to fake a pregnancy to keep Hoejo by her side until she gets that ring. Also, does Hoejo know that his dad gave her money? I couldn’t remember if that was stated but if not then I have a theory on why he gave her money and it’s because they were/are FUCCKING!!! There’s no way that money was, “stay away from my son” money because I feel like his dad would be watching them both like a hawk after giving her that check. So they either has something going on and s*ra tried threaten him to go public so he gave her the money or they’re still sneaking around but it’s more so a sugar daddy/sugar baby thing. Idk ignore that last part😭😭
Uh…Hoejo could choke that’s all I gotta say like, how are you JUST now realizing the damage you have done? Roses and expensive gifts is not going to win the mc back. Like I wish more people talked about how he reacted during the real first big blow up. He didn’t want to think about his actions or listen to what the mc had to say because of his pride and rage. His first instinct isn’t to try and fix it, or talk about it or even step away for a bit to cool off, his first instinct when the mc said/did something “out of character” is to hurt her. He’s honestly no better than s*ra because with her, she sees Hoejo the way he’s suppose to be seen; rich, powerful, wealthy and kept together and when he gets out of character with her; i.e. showing actually emotion besides lust, her first reaction is to lash out, push his feelings aside, and gaslight him and Hoejo is no different when he does the same to the mc. He only care for what the mc does for him but he doesn’t actually care about him. Is there that innocent childhood romance still lingering in him? Im sure of it! But Hoejo needs to realize that they are not children anymore but at the same time he needs to still grow up!
Mc mc mc mc mc divorcing Hoejo and become a household name in fashion and business and just loving her best single life when??? Lol no but I agree with anon the best relationship, friendship, partnership, sail ship whatever ship, will always be mc x mc. I just reallly hope she can withstand Hoejo’s persistence now that he “cares” or whatever. Small part of me think it would be cute if there’s a little mc x toji but I think they have more of a friendship if anything but I lowkey still feel a little iffy about Toji idk why but c’mon it’s Toji lol.
Anyways I have a few questions if you could answer them without spoiling anything:
I know you said there will be a sequel to this. Will it still be following Hoejo and mc story or focus on a different couple?
Does Hoejo know about the mc’s mother death? I feel like he should since he’s always using the childhood thing but if he doesn’t then boy is he going to look like even more of a pos because at least his mom is, ya’ know, ALIVE!
And last question:
If the mc could design a dress for anyone who would it be?😊
Thank you for you amazing writing and thank you to all the anon and those the give there theories too. It’s always fun coming to your page know that you’re not the only one ready to fight a fictional character
Anonymous said
All your anons are so smart and have so many good theories, I enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoy the chapters 😭❤️ Seeing you update is one of the best parts of my week
I've wanted to ask for a while, but I don't know if you've already answered before: Is Yuuta the biological son of Gojo Sr, o did he get adopted into the family when his mom married Gojo Sr?
Also, you wrote Sera's inner thoughts and motivations so well, and made her such a complex character and not just "i'm a bitch just because" that I was wondering, are we going to get a deeper look into Gojo's dad and why is he such an abusive bastard? I'm not really good with words, but it was so interesting seeing a few chapters ago how he seemed to love and respect yuuta so much, and then turn around and be so abusive towards his older son
I know this has nothing to do with the latest chapters, i just had been thinking about it for a while lmao.
P.s. I started watching Haikyuu today partly bc I love your fics and they got me interested. I'm loving it so far!
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i am so sorrry i can’t get back to everyone this is the best i can do but thanks sm for submitting these the messages, theories, reactions <33 they are very much appreciated. it took me two hours to go through everything for compilation 😭
58 notes · View notes
mayraki · 3 years
✧ chapter seven: what’s done, is done - b. barnes x oc series ✧
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-> captain-james’ gif
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let’s play fire with fire series masterlist
my masterlist
summary: sera has decided to finally fix her mistakes and take everything upon herself. but that leads to an angry team reuniting with her and a hurt bucky wanting to confront her about the night before.
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That old and white room was all Sera could see. The dark window was in front of her but the more she tried to focus on it, the more it faded away. Even if she tried to take a step closer, it would slowly move away backwards ending up further away than it already was before.
She knew where she was. That cold room where she remembered herself being tied up and finding Angela while Jackson begged for her help. She recognised it immediately. But even if she knew, she couldn’t understand why she was there. She didn’t remember herself walking there or even flying, she just appeared out of nowhere like a cloud moving away and showing her the room behind it.
Her body definitely felt like a feather, she tried to move her hands but the moment her brain told them to move, nothing appeared on her sight when she looked down. So wondering with her eyes, she looked around the room without moving from her place. She tried to see every single detail and to see if maybe she could remember her ending up there, but nothing seem to give her a clue. Until, in front of her eyes, a figure appeared right on the window. She couldn’t quite deduce who it was, so trying to see the person better she took a step closer but instead of her body moving closer, the person moved towards her body letting her noticed that they were tied up while kneeled on the floor. The poor light of the room didn’t let her see who it was, so taking her eyes anywhere else she furrowed her eyebrows confused as a little burning mark appeared on their arm. Confused and surprised, Sera looked up once again to finally recognise the person. But before she could make another move, they moved their head upwards to let the light hit their face and for Sera to finally see the person in front of her.
She had never seen such terror in his eyes before. Tears were dripping on his cheeks while words were coming out of his mouth, but nothing was hitting her ears. She felt her body frozen on her place as a nod appeared on her chest. The room was surrounded by silence and nothing more, until, a deep and dark voice spoke behind her. “Do it.”
As soon as she heard that voice her body shivered under it, but her head didn’t want to turn around to see who it was. Her eyes, still glued to his, saw on their corner that her hand started to lift up while little flames were coming out of it. She could feel her face being serious and angry even if her chest was tight and her head was screaming to put her hand down. But it wasn’t stopping. As her fingers were moving she noticed the little red line going out of her hand and heading towards Bucky, to quickly enter his head and focus on his brain.
Her heart started to beat faster while her fingers didn’t stop moving around the flames. The terror on his eyes was now bigger but mixed with pain as the thin red line was still going around his brain. His veins started to glow illuminating the room better and letting Sera see Jackson standing behind Bucky with a proud smile on his face. The nod in her chest made her open her mouth wanting to scream to stop, but the moment she tried, she wasn’t seeing Bucky anymore. Instead, her eyes were on her.
The anger and the redness on her eyes made her feel shook at her own self. Her fingers were moving with decision while Bucky started to shake in pain as soon as her wrist did a quick movement. The Sera that was now watching the whole scenery wanted to move and save Bucky from herself, but no matter how much she tried, she found herself frozen on the floor.
The sight of her own self was terrifying. Her eyes were glowing as flames were coming out her hands. Her veins were also glowing as fire now surrounded the floor under her as her hair was uncontrollably moving around her. She didn’t look like Sera at all.
“Do it, Sera!” Jackson yelled once again, making Sera’s eyes to be in front of Bucky just like before and feeling her burning hands. “Do it!”
She looked at the pain and horror in his eyes, so deeply that she wanted to scream and stop it. Break her hand away if she had to, but nothing seemed to be working inside of her besides her hand and the flames around her. “Do it!” Jackson yelled more loudly.
“Sera?” For the first time, Bucky’s voice hit her ears making her legs weak under it. She tilted her head to the side and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Taking her hand closer to Bucky, she stopped moving her fingers to hold a little ball of fire on the palm of her hand. She knew what was coming and was trying her hardest to stop it while a single tear dropped down her cheek. “Please, don’t, Sera.”
The nod on her stomach became tighter the more she hold the little ball of fire making her want to get out of that situation. She wanted to run and save him, end it all. But she wasn’t stepping down. “Do it, Sera!” Jackson yelled one last time. Sera’s eyes were starting to get blurry the moment she saw those blue eyes fill with flames and his skin to start making its own burning marks.
Please. Stop it. Stop it. A little voice said on her head but her hand didn’t seem to want to. Instead, it kept going and started to move its fingers slowly filling Bucky’s eyes with even more stronger flames. Her heart hurt so much that she felt like she was going to explode at any second. But before she could, the sound around her became nothing. Just one breathing nose against her ear until it said, softly: “End it.”
The voice screamed but before anything else could be done, Sera’s wrist quickly twisted making the big flames inside of Bucky turn into an explosion while a big noise came out of it making her surrounding all into nothing, a complete darkness- Sera opened her eyes feeling her chest go up and down as the quick air was going in and out of her mouth. She immediately felt the coldness of the rented car she spent the night at and her sweaty forehead making the little hairs on her head to stick to it.
The light was now bright around her letting her know that it was already morning. Letting her head rest on the back of her seat she let out a long breath expecting to feel her heart drop down its speed, but when she closed her eyes and saw the pain and terror on his eyes... her heart dropped to her stomach.
His veins being filled with fire as it was getting weaker and weaker each second under Sera’s power. His breaking voice asking her to stop made her hands shake when she remembered twisting her wrist and doing one of the things that haunted her memories at night. Te guilt running through her body was so strong that she had to repeat herself that it was just a nightmare.
Opening her eyes to see the building in front of her, she read the number ‘719’ next to the front glass door and let out a tiny sigh remembering Jackson’s words. She never planned to go there alone in the first place the moment that he said it the first time they reunited with Sam and Bucky, she never expected to be there to begin with. But she needed to end it. She needed to end it all and doing it alone, fixing her own mistakes was good enough reason to be there ready to face Jackson for the last time. Or she hoped.
After a couple of minutes waiting to see an opening, the moment her eyes looked at a tall man with a fancy suit on she knew that he was going to be her way in. So, without waiting a second, she quickly stepped out of her car to start walking towards the strong man. Once she was close enough, being careful that nobody was around, she lifted her hand and let the little ball of fire grow on the palm of her hand to soon see the man in front of her stop immediately and be glued to the floor.
“What-?” He asked but the moment that Sera moved to see his eyes the man recognised her after a second of being under his eyes. She let out a tiny smile and walked closer to his face for him to listen to her low voice.
“I guess for the look on your face you know who I am, good, because I don’t have to waste my breath on explaining what I can do to you if you don’t do as I say.” She said softly yet intimidating. She was ready to say her next words but the moment she looked up and noticed the gray hair on his head, she slightly tilted her head to the side as her veins burned once she realised. “Wait- let me guess. Tall, muscular, gray hair... likes to trick nice girls, is your name Jayme?” The moment Sera saw that he widen his eyes a little smile escaped her lips. “Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this now.”
After pulling Jayme aside while she told him that he had to take her to the back door, she took down her hand but left the little ball of fire on her palm to keep Jayme on his toes.
A couple of minutes had passed since Sera started walking behind Jayme but the moment he stopped, it didn’t took her long to recognise the back door as it was as big as the one in the front of the building. Without waiting a second, she took Jayme’s arm and pulled him inside before checking if anyone was around. The hallways she found herself in was completely empty, giving her the time to find a room and open the door before pulling Jayme inside.
“Where’s Jackson?” Sera asked firmly.
“Third floor.”
Sera was about to close the door but then stopped, looking at Jayme one last time. “My friend got hurt because of you.” Sera said looking at him dead in the eyes. “You’re lucky I don’t have time for you.”
Before she could notice the terror on his eyes, she closed the door and melted the handle and the lock with just a flick of her wrist. Quickly looking to her surroundings she started to walk inside that white and fully illuminated hallway. As she made her way towards the end, she noticed from a far the door that lead to the stairs. But before she could take a step forward, the noise of three men walking to where she was made her take a step back and hide behind a column next to the wall.
Looking down to her hand as soon as she felt her fingertips burning, she noticed their little glow ready to follow her commands. But before she could move to the side, a big noise hit her ears followed by a punch. She heard one of them falling to the floor soon followed by a scream in pain. Furrowing her eyebrows confused, Sera tilted her head to the side carefully listening to her surroundings and trying to figure out what was happening.
The second that it became all silent, she slightly popped her head out the column and once she noticed the three man now on the floor, she let out a surprised laugh but it was soon followed by a cold metal feeling on her neck.
“Don’t move.” A female voice spoke by her side so Sera lifted her hands to the air while slowly turning to face the strange woman. The first thing that she noticed was her blonde hair under a black hodie, she was looking at Sera like she wanted to know everything about her but couldn’t seem to get anything. “Who are you?”
“Who am I? Who are you and why are you pointing at me with a gun?” Sera dropped her hands to the side of her body but that made the woman to get closer and touch the gun against her forehead. Looking at the little grin escaping Sera’s lips, she looked at her confused. “Do you really think a gun can stop me?” Without waiting another second Sera twisted her wrist and quickly saw how the gun flew out of the woman’s hand, who followed it with surprised in her eyes.
Keeping her body still, the woman went back to Sera and furrowed her eyebrows confused to soon ask softly: “Sera?”
Sera tilted her head to the side confused. “How do you know who I am?”
“There’s not a lot of people who can make a gun fly and then melted it in the process.” The woman said after giving a little look to the now melted gun on the floor and then gaining a little nod from Sera. She was about to open her mouth once again but the noise of more men walking their way made her shut her mouth and turn around. “You should follow me.” The woman said behind her.
“Why would I do that?” Sera asked firmly turning around.
“Because there’s like ten men walking towards us-”
“I can take them down without moving a finger.” Sera said. “Again, why would I follow you?”
“Because I can take you to the thing you want.” As soon as she said those words softly, Jackson appeared on Sera’s mind. Even if she didn’t trust this strange woman, Sera knew that she was more than capable of taking her of herself if anything went wrong. So without waiting another minute, Sera nodded and started to follow the blonde woman once she turned around.
After what felt like a couple of minutes walking, Sera’s eyes followed her hand towards a brown down next to the hallway. Once opened, without checking if Sera was there with her, she started to walk down the stairs to what seem to be a basement. Looking at it strangely, Sera furrowed her eyebrows waiting that electric feeling hitting her veins telling her that something was off... but nothing.
The darkness surrounded the room once Sera finished walking towards the basement but as soon as she arrived, the woman with a quick movement turn on the light to let her see the empty room they were at. As Sera’s eyes wondered around the room confused, the woman took of her phone from her back pocket and typed something in it. Soon later, Sera locked eyes with her to shake her head confused.
“What are we doing here?”
“I told you. I was going to take you to what you want.”
“And this thing that I want... is this old basement?” The woman didn’t respond, she just let out a tiny laugh while taking another gun from under her shirt. Sera looked down at it but when she didn’t feel anything, she just stayed still with her eyes on the strange woman. “Did you really take those man down by yourself?”
“Yeah, wasn’t that hard.”
“Huh, interesting.” Sera said while nodding. “Not gonna lie, that was kinda cool.”
“Thank you, but not like burning a literal gun with your hand.” Sera let out tiny laugh.
“You need to teach me how to fight-”
“Please, don’t.” A male voice she recognised immediately spoke behind her.
Sera turned around to see Sam with his suit on standing there in the dark to soon get closer to Sera and let the light hit his face, soon followed by Bucky who was wondering around the room just like Sera did when she walked in. “Please don’t teach her how to fight.” He said once by her side.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Sera asked ignoring Sam’s comment and turning to the side to face him.
“Saving your ass, what does it look like we’re doing?”
“As you can see, my ass is completely fine. So you can leave.” Sera turned to the woman with the intention to walk away but when a thought hit her brain, she let out a long breath. “Sharon, isn’t it?”
“Nice to meet you, Sera.”
“Why are you doing this?” She turned around to face Sam once again, but without giving her answer he walked pass her and headed towards the stairs. “Sam!”
“What, Sera? I think the time to talk was last night, wasn’t it? But no. You just walked away leaving us with no choice than to come after you to make sure you don’t get hurt.”
“I won’t, Sam, and I left because I didn’t want you or anyone else to get hurt-”
“That’s something that you say to yourself to not see the real big thing, Sera. You know that we can handle it like you do, you’re just afraid because this, the team, became bigger than you expected it to be. And you just ran because you’re scared and before anything else could happen, before you could get hurt you leave, but not understanding that you could hurt people in the process.” Sam did a quick look to Bucky but then turned around to face the stairs once again.
Sera stayed still surprised at his words. Not because she didn’t expect him to say those things like that, but because deep down she knew it was true. She was still worried about her friends getting hurt, ending up deeper than they already were, but the moment that she thought of them leaving her... it caused her even more pain. So before they could leave her, she left first. Like she always did.
Feeling a body behind her, she turned her head to lock eyes with Bucky but it wasn’t with those soft eyes like he looked at her last morning, they were disappointed, sad... or even angry. He broke the eye contact to then let out a long breath and walk behind Sam, who was already going up the stairs.
She definitely fucked up with them this time, and it wasn’t going to be that easy to fix.
“Sharon, we need to know more about this place before we decided to take action.” Sam said as he had everyone following him. “You, better go to the next floor and I will go on the third one.”
“Jackson is in that one.” Sera added but nobody looked at her, they all kept looking at Sam.
“Bucky and Sera, stay here on this floor and see what you can find.”
They all nodded before taking off following Sam’s words. The moment Sera and Bucky were left alone, the tension between them grew on an instant. But before Sera let herself be affected by it, she turned around and kept walking on that bright hallway. Strangely, nobody seem to be around so her and Bucky’s steps was all they could hear.
Even if she tried to keep her mind focus, her mind couldn’t seem to get Bucky out of it. Remembering her words and the way he looked at her, her last actions and then her dream... the noise when she twisted her hand made her heart drop to her stomach feeling the nod on her chest become thighter. The anger on those eyes made her wonder what he was actually thinking. Did he hate her now? After all, he knew her real past, Jackson made that pretty clear. What was he thinking? Maybe about her and her strange powers? How did she manage to control his body? Because, after all, she had never showed him that. What if he thought of her as a freak?
She was getting so lost on her thoughts that she didn’t notice Bucky opening a door behind her and entering immediately to the room, leaving her behind on that hallway.
“Bucky-” She said walking towards him but then stopped immediately once her eyes wondered around the room Bucky had choose to enter. The hotness of it hit her skin as the dark red walls were illuminated by some bright red lights. There was no noise except the machines working non stop, re charging every second that was passing making themselves glow brighter than the light itself.
“Are these-?”
“They’re the weapons Jackson built.” Sera answered his questions before he was able to finish it. She walked closer to one of them and touched it to soon feel it burn her skin and hurt her eyes because of the light directly hitting her sight. She let out a tiny sigh once her mind counted how many there where, only in that room. “Fifteen.” She said almost in a whisper feeling her throat hurt. “I forgot I gave him this much... and I’m pretty sure is not even half of it.”
She closed her eyes letting her head process everything and let her hand touch her forehead, feeling her fingertips burns she let them run through her hair as a deep sigh was coming out her mouth. Noticing that Bucky didn’t move from his place, she slowly turned to him but didn’t lock eyes with him, since he was looking down while his arms were crossed around his chest.
“What did you do that, Sera?” Bucky asked softly making her shut her mouth since she was about to talk again. Sera stayed still not knowing what to say next, like her tongue twisted and her brain couldn’t even think of one word to let out. Bucky locked eyes with her letting her see the pain in them, making her feel the nod in her chest deeper as her throat closed up from the pain. “Why, Sera?”
“Bucky-” Sera shook her head “Now is not the time.”
“And when is?” He asked more loudly getting close to her. “When you decided to paralyse me again? Which, by the way, since when can you do that?”
Sera let out a simple sigh once Bucky was close enough to her face to be able to see those blue eyes even more deeper. “You have every right to be angry, Bucky.”
“Damn right I am. You told us that we were going to do this together, that you wanted to be involved and then you leave? Why? Why would you do that, Sera? Are we not enough as a team for you, is that it?”
“What?!” Sera asked feeling her breathing mix with his. “No! Bucky, that’s not it.”
“Then what is it? Because I can’t understand, one moment we’re completely fine and then you just burst into flames and dig me into the ground!” Bucky let out a sigh to calm himself down and then lock eyes with her once again. They both remembered their bodies heating each other as they embraced each other’s arms. Talking slowly to not wake up Angela, laughing and just... living like there was nothing bad in the world. Just Bucky and Sera. Nothing else. “After that night-”
“After that night what Bucky? Did you expect to, I don’t know, kiss me and then become a happy couple like those people we see in movies?! I can’t give you want you want-”
“How do you know what I want?”
“You just said that you didn’t understand how in one minute we were fine and then I just bursted out into flames in the next one, well, guess what? That’s just who I am, Bucky. That’s just me and how I work. That’s why I’m better off alone because I never know when’s the next time I will turn everything into fucking flames around me.”
“Then help me understand, Sera, help me understand you.” He grabbed her arm but she quickly walked backwards hitting the table behind her.
“You can’t understand Bucky!” She spitted out with anger. “You can’t understand what is like to be afraid of what you can do and what it can do to others! It’s just this dark place where you have to be because if you get out everything just gets out and people get hurt every time! You can’t Bucky, you just fucking can’t!”
Instead of following her words, he stayed silent looking at her eyes with a little bit of sadness in them. Catching her breath, Sera felt a little tear dripping down her cheek but soon wiped it out with her fingers. The silence became unbearable for Sera, but it seemed to not bother Bucky at all. He’s breathing was normal even is he’s eyes said the opposite, he was staring at her eyes so deeply that she felt like he was cutting them in to get into her soul and see everything that body was hiding. “Can’t I?” He asked almost in a whisper. Surprised, Sera let out a little sigh but before either of them could let out a single word the noise of two men talking outside the door made Bucky grab Sera’s arm to quickly move her out of the way and place both of them behind a table, completely hiding themselves from the men now walking inside that room.
“I swear, man. I saw her do all of those things.” One of them said following a prior conversation.
“No way, I don’t believe you that she’s capable of doing such thing!”
“I’m telling you, why would I lie? Why would I lie about the girl the boss wants to fight?”
Sera closed her eyes letting out a little sigh as soon as she heard those words. It was obvious that they were talking about her, and for the way Bucky was looking at her, he knew it too.
The more they talked while moving things around the more fear grew inside of Sera, worrying about what they could say or what that guy even saw her doing. But Sera had a feeling it wasn’t any good.
“I saw her lifting her hand, doing a weird move to then see the guy scream in pain.” And with that, Sera knew that it was worst that she expected. “And it wasn’t like she just did it to get the guy talking, she didn’t stop once he screamed for her to do so and that he agreed to talk while Jackson was laughing behind her.”
Even if she didn’t want to, the memory of that day came to her brain and started playing like an old movie. The anger on her eyes and the flames growing out of her skin, she remembered her insides being filled with disgust and pain, so much that she didn’t remember moving her hand and taking the guy down. But she did remember the reason, what lead to that in the first place, it was strongly graved into her head that for a moment she found herself getting lost in it. But as soon as Bucky moved by her side, she started to hear the conversation again.
“I don’t know man,” as the other one said this, Sera heard him getting closer to her which lead to her moving towards Bucky’s body and feeling his chest touching her back “all I saw is her helping the Winter Soldier getting fire out him, that’s insane if you ask me.”
“My friend was there too! It looks like she just drifted to the other team after leaving Jackson, I also heard she worked with The Falcon but then left him like she did with the boss.”
“Yeah, she doesn’t sound like a good partner to have, to be honest. Always leaving everyone.”
Well, they got that party right. Sera thought.
One of them was about to let out another word but then when a biping sound came from his back pocket, they both nodded to then leave the room after closing the door behind them.
Even if they were gone, neither Bucky or Sera moved from their places. She started to feel his breathing against her neck while her chest hurt from the last words she heard. No matter how much she tried, how much she wanted to heal and forget, her past seemed to always run by and make her remember everything awful that she had made.
“I can understand how that feels, Sera.” Bucky said softly against her neck making her skin to slightly shiver under his hot breath. It was like Bucky knew what she was thinking since those words hit her just where her thoughts were, making her let out a tiny smile even if her eyes were screaming pain in every sense, but without giving Bucky an answer she just got up and looked towards the door to then let out a tiny sigh before heading towards it and leaving, finally, that awful room and the ugly memories those weapons would bring her.
The moment she stepped outside soon followed by Bucky, the lights of the hallway completely turning off made her lift her hand and illuminate her surroundings by some little fire growing on the palm of her hand. But before she could wonder around with her eyes to see if something was happening, the lights coming on again let her see Sam quickly walking towards them.
“The hell was that?” Bucky asked once Sam arrived in front of him.
“No idea.” Sera shook her head. “But I’m gonna say is not something good.”
“We need to-” Sam was saying but was soon cut off by a loud noise coming from the walls and dust falling from the ceiling. They all looked around but before a thought could come across their heads, another loud noise was heard followed by the floor shaking. “What the hell is happening?!” Sam asked quickly.
“My dears!” The voice of Jackson on a megaphone hit their ears. “I’m glad you came all here like I expected you all to come! You’re very smart human beings!” Sera looked around but he was nowhere to be seen, just his voice. “But, now, as you may see and feel, something very bad is about to happen to this beautiful building. Is truly a shame, but, oh well, it has to be done. So, good luck getting out of here my lovelies!”
“Fuck!” Sera yelled angrily and covered her face with her hands frustrated.
“What now?” Bucky asked.
“We need to check if people are inside the building before this whole thing falls to the ground.” Sam was saying as the floor started to shake and more dust fell from the ceiling.
Sera uncovered her face when a little light hit her eyes. She looked towards the room it was coming from, and right on that second, she understood what was happening. “Sam, Bucky-” Sera said after taking a long breath “you better do that because I have something in mind.”
“What is it?” Sam asked but she shook her head before grabbing his arm and Bucky’s.
“No, you two need to leave, now!”
Sam hesitated but soon after opened his wings and quickly left Bucky and Sera behind. She turned to Bucky to lock eyes with him but before she could let out a word, he quickly shook his head. “No, I’m not leaving you behind to do whatever crazy thing you want to do.”
“I can handle it, Bucky, you need to go and help Sam.” As soon as she was finished with that sentence, an electric feeling came through her vein to then see a big chunk of ceiling falling close to their bodies. Bucky, grabbing Sera by the arm, with a quick movement pushed her aside for her to not get hurt.
“I can’t let you do this alon-”
“Bucky, please, just go!” She turned to the side and opened the door to the room they left before the whole building started to come apart. Confused, Bucky followed her ignoring her wishes, and as soon as he saw the weapons now all glowing and shaking, he walked closer to her and asked loudly: “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Get out of here!”
Sera reached her hand towards one of the guns and closed her eyes to let the flames slowly grow inside of her. Bucky, carefully watching every move she was doing, walked closer as his skin started to get burnt each step.
“Bucky!” She yelled once she opened her now red eyes.
“Sera, I’m not going! What are you doing? Let me help you!”
“No, Bucky! These things are going to explode any minute now! Go!” She took her hand away from the gun and turned to face Bucky. “Like I told you before, if anything bad happens to you...!”
“Sera, stop it!”
“You need to leave!”
“No! I’m not leaving without you!”
“Then-” Sera slowly shook her head as her eyes were starting to get watery “you leave me with no choice. I’m sorry, Bucky.” As soon as she was finished with her sentence, she lifted her hand and with a quick movement threw a ball of fire towards Bucky.
He closed his eyes ready to feel the burning against his skin but instead of that, his body flying with speed backwards made him open his eyes and noticed the big shield of fire around him. He was hitting every wall behind him, breaking it until his body was through while it was moving towards the front door. He was moving so quickly that everything around him was blurry, not giving him the chance to see anything surrounding the big shield of fire. But once outside, he could notice the green trees next to him and it didn’t took him long to hit one of them and fall into the ground in the process. Ignoring the pain on his back from hitting the tree, he walked towards Sam once he locked eyes with him.
“Where is Sera?!” Sam asked once Bucky arrived in front of him. He wondered around and noticed the people outside recovering from the building falling apart with dust all over their faces. It was like Louisiana all over again.
“Guys-” Both Bucky and Sam heard behind them as the sound of the building coming apart was still going around them. Turning around to see where the voice came from, they noticed Sharon quickly walking towards them with dust all over her face. But that didn’t caught their attention for long since they noticed the man walking closely behind her. “Is this the guy you’re looking for?” She asked arriving next to them and throwing with a quick movement Jackson into the ground. He had his hand tied up thanks to Sharon, but he didn’t seem annoyed or even afraid, instead, a little smile was glued on his face.
Bucky was about to ask him what was so funny but when a bright red light came from inside the building, he shut his mouth and quickly turned towards the front door with its now all broken glass ready to fall to the floor. “What is going on?” Sharon asked confused getting closer to Sam and Bucky, who did a quick look to each other when the light was becoming even stronger.
“What is she doing?” Sam lifting his hand in front of his eyes to protect them from the light.
“She’s gonna stay there, you know?” Jackson said while on the ground with a grin still placed on his face. “She has to.”
“What are you talking about?” Bucky asked looking down at him with anger, but still couldn’t hide his confusion.
“To save you all and the people around this building she needs to stop the explosion, and to do that, she has to stay under it. No choice here.” Seeing the worry in Bucky’s eyes once he turned around, Jackson let out a tiny laugh but was soon grabbed by Bucky by the neck.
“Tell me there’s a way of stopping it! Tell me!” He yelled but Jackson wasn’t taking, just laughing loudly as Sam and Bucky were completely out of ideas. “Sam,” Bucky said turning around once he dropped Jackson to the ground once again “we need to go inside.”
“No,” Sharon intervened “if you go, you’ll get stuck under the building!”
“What about Sera?! What about her?!” Bucky was starting to feel his heart beat faster as the smoke was now cutting his breathing short. He turned around to face Sam again, but he wasn’t looking at him, he had his eyes glued to the building slowly breaking apart. “Sam?!”
“Bucky, just let me think!”
“There’s no much time to think! Sera is inside that building ready to risk her life for all of us and we can’t stay out here and do nothing!”
“We can’t do much here, Bucky!” Sharon added but he didn’t turn to face her, he was still facing Sam.
“There has to be something! She can’t- there has to be a way out of this!”
“There isn’t!” Jackson yelled. “She’s gonna go down under that building, burn and die under her flames like she’s supposed to! Fire is catching and she knows that! She’s gonna die and there’s nothing you can do about it Winter Soldier!” As Jackson started to laugh like a maniac, Bucky could feel the anger and his throat closing while nothing was coming on his mind to fix the situation.
The thought of losing Sera made his chest to tied up a nod and make his heart beat even more quicker than before. His eyes were wondering around so much looking for a solution that the tears stuck on his eyes were making his brain hurt, he was trying so hard to look for a solution, but it felt like his head was frozen and nothing more than losing Sera was going through his brain.
What if that was it?
Bucky locked eyes with Sam and shook his head slowly when the little hope he had inside of him started to fade away. “I don’t want to lose her, Sam.” He said softly making Sam to grab his shoulders and then add, with a tiny nod: “You won’t.”
But what happened next, didn’t make Sam’s words look good.
A loud noise hitting their ears made them all turn around but before any of them could fully turn their heads, a strong wind flew their bodies backwards. Quickly gaining their feet on the ground, Bucky and Sam both looked up and noticed the big shield of fire around the building. It was letting out tiny sparks as it was growing, trying to see what was happening inside of it, Bucky took some steps closer to it but was soon stopped by Sam, who still had his eyes glued to the shield.
Now silence surrounded them, some people where talking behind them seeing shook what was happening in front of them. But Bucky didn’t care about them, all he had in mind was that Sera was still inside. Ignoring Sam’s arm grabbing his, Bucky tried to take another step, but as soon as he lifted his foot, a big explosion coming from the inside made him cover his eyes from the big red light. Some screams followed the loud sound but for Bucky, it all became silent. The flames growing but not being able to get to the people because of the shield, the smoke going uncontrollably upwards as the walls of the building were falling apart ready to fall into the ground. It all was happening like a slow movie for him, seeing every little piece of that building come apart and break into the ground, just like he felt every little thing in his chest break while Sera was slowly moving inside his head.
The building now turned into dust was plastered all over the ground while flames surrounded it. Smoke covered the entire round shield but Bucky noticed how it was slowly becoming smaller and smaller, making him able to step closer and with his eyes, wonder everything that was now under him. “Sera!” He yelled once the shield became nothing but a single flame joining the others. “Sera!” His voice became louder even if his throat hurt and his chest was now going up and down faster than before. “Fuck!” He let out angrily while his eyes were still wondering around him.
“Buck-” Sam spoke behind him softly.
“No!” He answered. “Sera!” He kneeled down once he noticed a piece of wall under him to grab it throw it away, and soon, do the same with the thousand of pieces left on the ground. As his hand grabbed more and more things to throw around he could feel his chest hurting, his heart dropping to his stomach while his brain couldn’t let it go. For a normal person their arms would’ve start to hurt after picking up so many things, but for Bucky, it wasn’t even bothering him. And he wasn’t going to stop until he found her, no matter how much it would take him.
“Buck-” he heard Sam again behind him but he completely ignored him. When he felt a hand touching his shoulder, his quick movement stopped to then look down and finally catch his breath and feel the tears wanting to come out once again.
“She can’t-” he started to say was cut short by his throat closing up.
Sam kneeled down to be by Bucky’s side and embrace the silence around them, but that didn’t last long, since another laugh could be heard behind them.
“She is gone!” Jackson yelled between laughs. “She’s dead! The girl on fire is finally dead! And there’s nothing you could’ve done! She’s dead and I killed her! I killed the phoenix and the dragon! It was all me! All me! I killed Seraphina Thomps-!” Bucky’s hand on his neck made him shut his mouth and eat his next words. He lifted his body off the ground while Sam was trying to stop, but wasn’t strong enough to. Jackson let out another laugh even though he couldn’t breath at all, he looked down at Bucky and made his lips into a grin, before saying softly: “Killing me won’t bring her back, Barnes.”
“Buck- stop it!” “Bucky!” “It’s not worth it, let it go!” Was all that surrounded Bucky and Jackson, but even that didn’t seem to stop him. He was still with his hand in his throat ready to drop Jackson’s body on the ground.
He wanted to do it. He could feel his clenched jawline while his teeth where hurting because of it, making him remember all those old memories...
“Bucky!” A new voice hit his ears. It took him a moment to recognised it since the anger and pain was consuming all his brain and chest, but once he did, he immediately let go of Jackson’s body to see him drop to the ground and then turn around, to lock eyes with the girl slowly walking towards him. “Don’t kill him yet! Let me get closer first.” Sera yelled jokingly as her feet were avoiding anything that could lead to her falling to the floor.
“What?” Jackson asked confused. “It can’t be! Fuck you!”
“Yeah, well, right back at you!”
Bucky started to get closer to her and noticed her shirt all burnt, letting her shoulders and stomach be out in the open. His heart started to beat faster but the nod in his chest seemed to have faded away the moment he locked eyes with her. A little smile appeared on her lips the moment he arrived in front of his and saw him taking off his jacket to gently place it on top of her shoulders and cover her from any cold wind hitting her bare skin.
The moment they both locked eyes with each other, they felt like there were no words necessary. Bucky felt his inside relaxing seeing those eyes again, it wasn’t just his head or his brain seeing her, it was also his eyes. She was there, and she was alright. He didn’t lose her.
But the moment Sam appeared to hug Sera glad that she was alright, it made them break eye contact and for Bucky to feel something else growing inside of his stomach. And it wasn’t something pleasant.
Once she broke the hug with Sam, Sera locked eyes with Bucky again but then erased the little smile on her face once she saw something completely different. She knew that the first moment of the reunion was gone, she stopped seeing relief on his eyes, instead, all she could see was his clenched jawline and the hot angry breath leaving his mouth. A not very nice conversation was coming, and unfortunately, Sera did not know how to avoid it.
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Hey, it’s me again! ^_^ I hope I don’t bother you too much with my requests, but your posts are so cool I just can’t help it. Upon completing Yakuza 4 I’ve had a lot of thoughts and feels about Daigo and how his character was handled across the series. To be honest, at first I didn’t like him much, because he seemed pretty bland (and his screen time leaves much to be desired), but soon enough he’s really grown on me. What is your opinion on him if you don’t mind me asking?
I definitely do not mind requests! Meta is my bread and butter c: I’ve just been busy for a few days, sorry ^^; And... my opinions on Daigo are not going to be as mindblowing or exciting as my opinions on Kiryu, I’ll be real ^^; And there’s a big advantage in Kiryu being the protag, All of the content is about him ^^; I do love Daigo, I think he’s a super interesting character, but his tragedy is just what you pointed out, he’s underutilized. And he isn’t set up very well to have the position he holds. 
But, so saying, let’s get into my essay on Daigo ^^; 
So, we meet Daigo properly in game 2. There’s little side stories with baby Daigo in Zero which helps build Daigo’s and Kiryu’s relationship and set up for what would later happen, but we don’t really know him until game 2. And game 2 is a LOT about Daigo and his arc and what he’s meant to be! There’s a tumblr text post meme somewhere with a pic of Daigo depressed in his little puffy white coat that says “And I’ll probably become the next chairman of the Tojo Clan. Things like that just happens to guys like me.” and that is totally accurate! Like, it’s a funny thing to complain about, but that’s obviously the struggle Daigo’s having, understanding from a young age that it was obviously his destiny to succeed Sohei, the only problem is uh... well... Kiryu. 
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Dojima Sohei never became chairman of the Tojo Clan. And that’s really wild thinking back to Zero and how powerful he was, he was all but a shoo in for chairman. But then, uh... Kiryu. Kiryu happened. Kiryu, and Majima I should say, are the reason Sera becomes chairman, not Sohei. Forever upsetting the wheels of fate. Given where we see Sohei next, I can’t imagine that he ever really recovered from that upset ^^; And I’m SURE it made him bitter towards Kiryu the rest of his life. And considering, again, where we see him next, I think the canon supports this ^^; 
So what becomes of Daigo’s destiny then? His father had victory snatched away, destiny denied, and everything he had slowly crumbles over time, leaving his son with less and less to inherit, but still with the ideology that he should take this over. That’s an awkward position to be in. 
And then Sera dies. Ooh, golly, I wonder who the next chairman’s gonna- it’s Kiryu. Of course it’s fucking Kiryu, how could it not be? It OBVIOUSLY should be Kiryu. He’s the strongest, the bravest, and who inspires the most loyalty. It doesn’t matter that Kiryu’s never been in leadership before, he TURNS people. Kiryu could get anyone on his side through sheer force of personality, which is hilarious to say about a guy with maybe 3 facial expressions. But tell me I’m wrong. I cannot count the number of part-time antagonists who turned on a dime because Kiryu beat their ass. And anyone who can do that can rule the world. Kiryu was absolutely the best pick for chairman and I will fight the world on this.
(Abbreviated for length, this is a LONG post)
But... then Kiryu makes the stupidest decision of his entire fucking life and renounces the chairmanship. And he has his reasons, feeling unworthy, traumatized from the events of Kiwami 1, unsure if he even wants to stay in the yakuza or if there’s maybe something else he wants to do with his life... he’s going through a lot of intense self-reflection and self-doubt and, I hate to harp on it, but fucking trauma. His brother blew himself up in front of him in a bid for redemption after all but telling Kiryu that all of his mistakes are Kiryu’s fault. Yeah, no, I’m sure Kiryu’s doing FINE with that. So, like, I can see why Kiryu said no, but it was still... fucking nuts. And it irrevocably changed the trajectory of everyone in this universe. Which Kiwami 2 goes out of its way to explore. Kiryu’s leaving? Majima fucking retires, Terada’s suspect, there aren’t any old, loyal hands left to lead the families, and we see how vulnerable the Tojo clan is on every side because Kiryu just up and fucked off. 
(I have A LOT of feelings about Kiryu being chairman and someday I will have the strength to write the AU we all deserve where Kiryu stays as chairman)
So... the wheel of fate turns and oh yeah remember Daigo? Dojima Sohei’s son Daigo? The kid who’s been raised his whole life to take over the clan only to be denied at every turn? How’s he doing? Not great! It turns out, not great! Kiryu, his father figure, killed his ACTUAL father, but didn’t really, took the blame for some other weird guy, leaving Daigo with one badass mother and very little direction in life. Daigo’s been brought up thinking he’ll take over a great kingdom but all that’s left now is a broken wreck about to be demolished and picked apart by scavengers. Great, yeah, just what any kid wants to inherit. And he wasn’t trained to fix this, it’s kinda shitty to saddle him with destiny and then not train him for the thing that actually has to be done and then do it anyway. It’s real shitty actually. And not many people help Daigo. 
Daigo couldn’t have taken the chairmanship directly from Sera, he was still just a teenager then. But it probably would have been nice if Kiryu checked in with him even fucking once since getting out of jail. But no, we never explain on screen to Daigo what happened as far as I can remember. Which, I feel, is a pretty fucking big oversight. How the fuck is Daigo supposed to trust you Kiryu? Or we’re supposed to believe he just figured it out off screen and holds no grudges? Like, I’m sure knowing Kiryu didn’t kill Sohei helps, but he couldn’t fucking tell you that himself? He couldn’t trust you with that information or that conversation? Fuck this. Very understandably, Daigo has his own crisis of faith about the yakuza, very much in parallel to Kiryu’s. Why the fuck SHOULD he go to bat for a crumbling organization that has only proven itself to be a dog chasing its own tail, willing to devour itself at the slightest provocation? It took his father, both his fathers, and he didn’t really get either of them back. Why the fuck should he try to fix that? 
And to its credit, Kiwami 2 does a decent job of articulating Daigo’s motivations there. I could have done with even more, but I think they do him credit in showing him as disenfranchised and lost. And I think it’s refreshing to see someone have to confront the consequences of what’s happened since Kiryu left. Because the games don’t do a good job of showing that this is Kiryu’s direct fault. They never like to make Kiryu’s decisions have consequence, which is poor use of a protag. Rightly or wrongly, their decisions ALWAYS have consequence, or they’re not the protag. You can’t have it both ways. If this person is going to matter then, guess what, their consequences matter. Kiryu turned away. Rightly or wrongly, he did that. Daigo will never get that opportunity. Child of destiny. Not only was he bred and raised for this, he doesn’t know how to do anything else either. He doesn’t have other options the way Kiryu does. And we’re in a terrible vacuum of power. Terada’s namely in charge, but no one’s loyal to him. Even if he wasn’t deliberately fostering this, the Tojo Clan can’t survive without faith in their leader. Daigo, by fact of being his fathers’ son, can bind what’s left. And he has to because Kiryu won’t. Which is... really shitty. So either Daigo does this, or we all hang. And we never quite articulate that this is on Kiryu’s say so. Kiryu could still take over now and fix it he just... won’t.
And on top of this already comfortably stressful situation... we set Daigo up to come into a stable situation of power, where his transition would be smooth. We didn’t give him the tools to know how to salvage. He’s not practiced negotiating with hostile entities or even just people who will resent him because he’s young. And he’s lost a lot of faith, without even charisma and willpower on his side, this is a massively uphill battle. If he doesn’t believe, who else will believe him? Daigo knows this. And we watch that struggle go on, all while Kiryu just cheerleads. He hasn’t decided yet if he’s gonna stay in the yakuza either and he’s lowkey depressed after Kiwami 1. Lowkey he’s just suffering depression and can’t do as much as he normally would. Not an excuse, but I think an important way to read how tired and reluctant he is. Some therapy would really fucking help. 
Anyway, we manage to get through Kiwami 2 and install Daigo as chairman, at which point Kiryu fucks off for good. Now, he kinda/sorta leaves some supports for Daigo, in Majima specifically, but also in Kashiwagi and I wanna believe in Daigo’s mom too. She was so cool and then we just... never talked about her again ^^; Laaaame *sigh* So, I guess, Kiryu did try to fulfill his remaining responsibilities as Daigo’s living father, but mostly it was just an excuse for him to leave and not feel guilty. Mostly it was him foisting off his duties onto someone else. He didn’t stay to teach Daigo everything he knew about the people Daigo would have to control. He didn’t teach Daigo and Majima how to talk to each other, a thing which REPEATEDLY comes back to bite us in the ass. He’s not there for Daigo to ask advice and help. Kiryu is full of confidence for Daigo, he’s not TRYING to make him fail, but Kiryu’s so caught up in his own need to leave, he neglects to people who need him. 
And Daigo, to his everlasting credit, does his best to get by without Kiryu’s help. As much as possible, he never calls to ask Kiryu for help. And he does grow into a quite competent chairman! He does successfully rehabilitate the Tojo Clan, he makes them profitable again, he insists on respect and people don’t run amok under him. He does it, he salvages a dying organization. And he may not even really believe in it, but he has such a sense of responsibility, he does it anyway. He knows there’s no one else. He knows if he goes to Kiryu and says I don’t want this, Kiryu won’t help him. Kiryu didn’t mean for it to happen this way, he didn’t mean to be selfish and put others in a bad position. But he wasn’t there to listen. And I think Kiryu eventually comes to rue that. 
The very unfortunate thing about Kiryu is... he is a dragon. Even though he is kind and generous and not greedy in a conventional sense, he is greedy. As much as Kiryu is a powerhouse because come hell or high water, he does what he thinks is right... this also makes him extremely selfish. He can be blind to other people’s needs and refused to be tied down. Again, for the best of reasons, because he’s trying to raise a family, because this environment is triggering for him, but he just hauls off and does things instead of talking to anyone which... makes him impossible to have a working relationship with. He has to learn to talk and to listen and that he can’t make all of the decisions by himself. The great irony being, Kiryu never wants to, but he doesn’t know how to ask for help. He’s so used to have everything put on him, he doesn’t realize it doesn’t have to be that way... but anyway, I’m getting caught up ^^; The point is, he thinks because he ditched the Tojo Clan they no longer care about him. Which is... naive at best. Of course people still care about you dumbass. Which makes Kiryu a massive vulnerability to the Tojo. In 3 and 4, Daigo makes stupid calls trying to protect Kiryu and trying to protect his interests. And because Kiryu hasn’t left open an avenue for them to talk, Daigo has to make these decisions on his own with bad information and he does his fucking best. But... he doesn’t know how to make the best of what he has, not like Kiryu would, and he fucks up sometimes. 
I really, really love game 4 for that reason. Daigo’s fuck up is SO understandable, SO reasonable. It sounded like a good idea, it sounded like peace and harmony. And he was left without a leg to stand on before he knew it. In many ways, it wasn’t his fault. Kiryu himself says as much. And I may never forgive the end of 4 for letting Kiryu REALIZE he defaulted on his responsibilities but then, instead of changing his behavior in any way, he fucks off back to Okinawa. God... *siiiigh* ANYWAY. 
And this struggle, this lack of communication, but unstated loyalty, comes full circle in game 5. When Daigo is literally drowning, literally knows he’s going to fail this time and there’s nothing he can do, and even when he’s with Kiryu, he can’t bring himself to ask for help. He knows Kiryu won’t or can’t. Instead he asks for absolution. He tries to tell his dad he’s just been doing his best and... he’s sorry for the terrible things that are about to happen. How gutting that Daigo can only see himself as a failure because... he’s not Kiryu. No one’s Kiryu. Even Kiryu refuses to be Kiryu. But Daigo knows if he was just Kiryu, things would be better. He’s not a legend. He’s not a god. He’s not all-powerful or crazy or impossible. He’s just a guy, doing his best because he had to. Because there was no one else. And some days Daigo does great, but a lot of days, he doesn’t measure up. And that eats at Daigo like mold. Kiryu would NEVER look at Daigo this way. Heck, most people at that point would never compare them. It’s in Daigo’s head, but it still hurts. He’s still, even now, looking up to Kiryu and he’ll just... never quite get there. 
This is the only good thing I will ever say about game 6, and it was still 2 or 3 games too late, but Kiryu finally acknowledging Daigo as his son was good. Kiryu saying he was proud and saying he was grateful was good. Again, several games late, but... it still mattered. It still mattered that, in the end, Kiryu recognized his legacy in Daigo. That he understood so much of what Daigo did and does and is and was is for him. That mattered. 
Daigo is a great chairman who takes care of his clan. But he was robbed of his relationship with his father. The games never work on the relationships that exist, strong relationships, for reasons I will never understand. Games 3, 4, and 5 would have been SO much more interesting if we had just like Kiryu talk to his fucking friends. Two would have been SO much easier if Kiryu had just been fucking chairman like he was fucking supposed to be and the transition of power to Daigo came later and smoother, with Kiryu helping to make it. Daigo tries his hardest every day and he’s an incredible negotiator and savior after all the shit he’s had to pull the Tojo Clan through, kicking and screaming and fighting to tear itself apart every damn day. The generation above him is all legends, Majima and Saejima and Kiryu. Daigo isn’t one of them. But he’s better because he was here and because he tries and because he succeeds. We need Daigo. We deserve him. 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Why Misha chose destiel
One heller was very affronted that I was critical of Misha.  Now, on Tumblr there are many anti tags.  Jensen has one.  Jared has one.  Even little Jack Kline, poor baby, has one.  Only the Misha fans demand passionately, as to how we could possibly see anything wrong with this ''smol bean''.  They are very shocked with others for having an anti-Misha tag.  And they get angry with me for not using the anti-Misha tag and blasting his bad behavior in the public domain.  Why should there not be an anti-Misha tag?  And why must you go in there, read all the posts and then complain?  And why must you complain to me about not using the anti-tags?  Hellers are very confusing people.  Anywho, this one, who thinks Misha is ready for sainthood, sent me many messages about a post where I exposed another heller for going into the anti-tags and hijacking the post.  That post is called ''Looking for negativity in the anti-tags and screeching when you find it''.  You can read her drivel there.  This is one of the messages. 
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Why is heller hate Misha's fault?
Misha has been on the show for ten years.  In those ten years, Jensen never told him about NJCon?  He never told Misha about Jaxcon?  He never told Misha about the incessant shipping questions that he deals with.  Misha never asked J2 why there is no shipping and sexuality questions allowed at cons?  Really?  I think he did.  And I think Misha said the same thing heller snowflakes say.  "But Jensen, if you don't go along they will call you a bigot."  And they do.  They kicked up such a fuss about it, and mass media became aware of it.  Universities are aware of it.  Jensen's reputation is in tatters.  So Jensen [Misha's best friend, apparently] never told him about the homophobia accusations.  What kind of a person lets his friend roast on a spit like that, but still saying things like this to incite his filthy goons ''Jensen and I don't write much destiel because we live it''.  Oh, it's so funny.  Misha is such a kidder, right? 
One weird thing I noticed about Misha is that he never distracts from destiel.  Even when he was asked about Megstiel, he said two things.  First ''Meg is the only one who ever flirted with Cas, well other than Dean'' [This is queer baiting]  and second ''Cas has eyes only for Dean''.  He actively killed the Megstiel idea despite the fact that it was his only legitimate canon ship, in favor of a non-canon ship.  What a stupid thing to do?  Why would you do that, if you don't have any agenda?  I have noticed he never pushes sastiel, his only other pairing, unless Jared is on stage with him, flirting with him, in good fun.  Because, with Jared right in front of him, he cant push any destiel and he cant ignore sastiel.  But when he is by himself, he doesn't like to push sastiel.  And I always wondered why.  I mean, Jared is sexually a little more brave than Jensen.  Jared is certainly more touchy-feely than Jensen.  Jared is more likely to kiss another guy on the mouth and not blush about it the way Jensen would.  If Misha had pushed sastiel and not destiel, I think Jared would be less shy in helping to make it canon.  Jensen is shy and no, that is not homophobia.
So why not push sastiel.  I think its because when Misha first came to the show.  J2 and wincest were the big pairings.  If he wanted to create a niche, he had to choose one J or the other.  Although,  he stumbled onto destiel first because that is what he said.  But then when you realize that there is another better ship available with a less shy co-star, why not take that one?  Why take the abrasive, difficult one who doesn't want to be touched?  Misha angers me but I would never call him stupid.  He is not stupid.  He was smart enough to intern at the white house.  So the guy is an idiot.  If he goes up against one J, he is essentially competing with the other.  Even though I protect both my boys equally, I am going to do something that the stans will hate.  I am going to pick up faults in the Js.  Just bear with me okay.  I have to do this.  Besides, no human being is flawless.  Jensen is extremely standoffish.  His personality is a litte cold with people he considers strangers.  However, between the two Js, he is the one that has the most recognition in his field.  Jensen has collected many nominations and awards during his acting career than Jared has.  Jared has equal footing with Misha.  Jared and Misha have the same amount of accolades attached to their acting careers. 
Dean is a louder, far more showier character than Sam is.  In fact, despite being of different ''species'', personality-wise Sam and Castiel are very similar.  Jared suffers from clinical depression, and as someone who suffers from a similar condition, I know something obscure about our types.  We are sometimes disheveled creatures.  Unlike Jensen who is healthier and always makes an appearance, with every strand of hair in place, Jared is sometimes completely untidy and wears a beanie.  Sometimes his clothing looks creased.  I can actually gauge how healthy he is during a panel, just by looking at his attire.  Misha is probably not aware of this.  And this is not a critique of his view on mental health.  Although I have receipts of his hellers mocking mental health.  Between the two Js, Jensen is the one who is difficult to compete with, because Misha is going to have to compete with his acting, his character and his looks.  Jared [and by extension Sam] is an easier option. 
Did they discuss destiel in private?
That is a good question.  Have anyone on staff ever discussed destiel.  Because the only one who seems enthusiastic about it, is Misha.  When Jensen was asked but the Dean Cas dynamic at a previous Jib panel, he said that there have not been that many Dean Cas scenes, which he enjoyed, because he felt the Dean Cas thing was getting out of proportion, and he knew he and Misha didn't play their characters like that.  When Misha was notified of this, he exclaimed ''that motherf*cker''.  So you tell me.  Why the discrepancy?  Why is Jensen saying one thing and when Misha is confronted with it, he reacts terribly.  Oh but he's just joking right? 
Misha was told that there was no need to entertain shipping questions.  He waves that rule during his panel and I have noticed at the recent Denvercon, that nobody asked him about destiel so he nonchalantly mentions Cockles.  Why would you do that, but when you are asked a destiel question, you call the shippers perverts?  You are the one encouraging them.  He doesn't respect the destiel shippers.  He uses them to keep him relevant.  What do the other people affiliated with Supernatural say?  Look at their tweets.  Jim Michaels, Guy Norman Bee, Adam Glass, Eric Kripke, Chad Kennedy, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles all say that there is no destiel.  The only one who says otherwise is Misha Collins.  When Samantha Smith was asked about destiel, she didn't acknowledge it and the fans attacked her on twitter.  Didn't she notify Misha of this?  She kept it to herself?  For what?  The only person who doesn't amend or dispute destiel [as far as I know] is Bob Singer, a slithering snake in the grass, and Sera Gamble's hugest headache whilst she was the show runner.
Does Misha enjoy any harassment that is caused by his meddling?
I have receipts of abusive tweets sent to Jared where he was also tagged.  Jared doesn't respond.  There may be two reasons.  Firstly, unlike Misha, Jared is a full time actor of Supernatural.  He simply doesn't have the time to look through thousands of tweets per day.  I have receipts of Misha reading his tweets and responding to them.  Another equally feasible reason might be that Jared [and I know my condition so I can vouch for this one] has no control over his mouth.  Even though he has the full right to call out bad customer services, there are other tweets that I acknowledge that he shouldn't have sent.  Jared is one of my babies.  But I can acknowledge when he has put himself in a difficult situation.  That is why he constantly says that Jensen tells him ''Dude, you are better than this''.  Jensen even said during a panel ''don't just acknowledge that you will do wrong.  Learn from your mistakes.''  I think Jensen sat Jared down and spoke to him about this.  I think Jared listened because apparently, Jared's online activity has dropped dramatically since.  Personally, I think people like Jared and me shouldn't be on twitter etc.  Its not good for us.  Studies show that SM actually exacerbates depression. 
Jared said, at a recent con, that he is aware that he cant please everyone, so he wont.  I am happy to hear that, because it means heller's online taunts are not messing him up the way they used to.  The biggest proof of Misha's awareness of the situation is William Shatner.  Shatner tweeted that Jared is aware of fans who want him off the show.  Shatner called them out as destiel shippers, and boy did the hellers converge on him for it.  Receipts are on other posts.  So Shatner is friends with Misha, he even participated in Gishwhes, and knows the truth which he blasted on a media outlet, and despite following Shatner and Jared, Misha still doesn't know any of this? Really?  Shatner never spoke to Misha about this?   
So Misha follows Jensen on Twitter, but didn't get an inkling of the filth being spewed at Jensen, only by Misha's fans, because Jensen said Destiel doesn't exist at Jaxcon?  So he read nothing?  And Jensen didn't tell him?  But they are supposed to be good friends, right?  Wouldn't you tell your best friend that you were being bullied by his fans?  What kind of friendship is that?  When Jensen broke down behind the scenes at Jibcon, when he met a fan [that is the officlal explanation] Misha witnessed it, so why would he bring up the same topic when Jensen is on stage, already emotionally fragile.  And then he sits there and watches Jensen fall apart.  It happened in front of his face, backstage.  Why would he pick up the topic again when he is onstage?  If you are such a loving, caring person [and destiel is cockle's fault apparently] why would you do something that heartless.  Fans, including myself, were angry that Daniela came on stage, and poured them brimming glasses of whisky.  She never did that before, to my knowledge.  They had always poured their own drinks and never so much. 
Some people guesstimate that Daniela shipped destiel too, which is why Jibcon was such a ''dance monkey dance'' type of environment.  Remember Misha's fake orgasm and the Hitch dialogue reading.  They didn't choose that.  Jibcon is planned the way it is.  That is probably why 6 months after Jaxcon, Jensen wasn't looking forward to the panel, and he fell apart as soon as it arrived.  Either Daniela poured them alcohol to make Jensen lose his inhibitions more, or she could see that he was tense and wanted him to loosen up.  We may never know because after so many years of Jibcon being seen as a destiel con [a perception she never corrected] after Jensen broke down on stage and Jared cut the panel short, suddenly Jibcon was never a destiel con.  Suddenly she banned shipping questions at Jibcon.  Suddenly the Cockles panel became the J2M panel.  I think Jared told her off after the last Cockles panel.  So suddenly she is neutral now.  And Misha saw none of this?  Really?  He must be the dumbest person ever to have all this happening around him, that he doesn't know.  So he doesn't follow Daniela online?  He didn't see the fighting?  Stop making excuses for him.
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luminis-infinite · 7 years
Non magic AU. Grindelwald is writer. Graves is a cop. They both having a holiday in some sunny place. Percival is having his first vacation in the last 9 years. Gellert writes a short story. They did not met before, but due to problems with hotel room reservation, they are forced to spend their holiday together, sharing one hotel room. Some arguing, bickering and accidental fluff happens.
Ooh very specific! >:3 I make no promises that they’ll actually get to the sunny vacation spot, but I’ll give it my best shot. 
“You’re serious. Absolutely not!”Gellert breaks out of his concentration to a rather loud, rather angry voice. Americans, he thinks, rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his slowly cooling coffee. A swing of his eyes takes him to the desk, where a frazzled and harried boarding officer is shrugging helplessly. The man she’s dealing with looks like a Type A businessman, and Gellert doesn’t mean the normal personality - he means Type Asshole - and he’s rather insistent that there’s been a mistake. “Check again.”The officer checks again, and then shakes her head. The businessman growls, honest to god makes a strange little growling sound in the back of his throat. Gellert blinks at the sound, watching the poor woman behind the desk blanch a little. He stands, shoving his laptop and notes into his backpack before crossing the space in a few quick steps. “Are we alright, here?”The American spins on one shiny heel, piercing Gellert with a glare that should be used to pin butterflies to walls. The boarding officer sighs in relief, visibly sagging. She’d had a nice conversation with Gellert earlier, when she was explaining this whole mess to him. “The flight is cancelled,” Gellert explains softly, trying his best to be as non-threatening and confrontational as possible, “The weather is too dangerous.”As if to prove his point, thunder breaks overhead, a deafening roar that could probably drown out a jet engine. The boarding officer jumps and squeaks a little, going a vibrant shade of red. The businessman just curls his lip, impressively bold brows crinkling into a mighty frown. “I know. I just can’t believe they didn’t tell me before I got to the airport and through security.”Gellert shrugs. It was rather inconvenient, but it was life. “They’ve grounded all flights,” the officer explains, “we have airport vehicles taking people to hotels, the company is covering the cost. You’ll fly out tomorrow, when the weather’s cleared.”The American gives a terse nod, sighing heavily before muttering, “Alright, there goes my vacation. I knew this was a bad idea.”
Gellert takes that as his cue to depart. He resettles in his original spot, waiting patiently for the airporter to arrive. He pulls out his laptop again, trying to remember where he was in his planning. The American, by grace of not having anywhere else to sit, plops into the chair beside him. The man has a presence to him, Gellert will give him that. What he may not have in stature, he makes up for in sheer force of will. It’s almost unnerving. Gellert itches to write his observations down, mind racing with the possibilities regarding this man, he just doesn’t feel the American would take very kindly to being observed. When Gellert looks over, he’s typing on his phone, thumbs flying over the screen. His face lines with creases - frown settling heavily in his forehead. It should make him look old, as the grey streaking through his hair should, but it doesn’t. “Uh... I am looking for a Mr. Graves and Mr. Grindelwald?” A voice calls. It’s a cabbie, rubbing his arm and smiling at them in a harmless sort of way. The man beside Grindelwald - Graves is a fitting name - gets up. Gellert follows. “Is this all you have?” The cabbie asks, gesturing to both of their suitcases. Gellert hums, and Graves nods tersely once more. He still looks as stormy as the clouds outside. The drive to the hotel is made in silence, Graves throwing enough money at the cabbie to cover their fare and then some, before climbing out. He doesn’t seem to care that his expensive suit jacket is getting wet, nor that the dirty runoff might stain his equally expensive shoes. He hikes Gellert’s things out, handing them to him, before getting his own. Gellert follows the American into the - rather opulent, really - hotel. 
It’s like he’s stuck on repeat. Gellert waits as Graves tries to book in. “Absolutely not! You’re shitting me!”The lady at the front desk does not seem intimidated by him, “The hotel is full, Mr. Graves, we have ten grounded planes full of three hundred people each in this area, every room is full. Either you share with Mr. Grindelwald, or you sleep on the floor. Or I can arrange for a cab to take you back to the airport. Take your pick.”Graves looks fit to burst. He clenches his jaw, assessing the woman with a look that should have her writhing on the ground, before nodding. He whirls around to Gellert, who is only now realizing the potential gravity of the situation, snarling, “Looks like we’re roomies.”
Really, it is not so bad. Graves lets him choose his bed - Gellert takes the one by the window - before settling his own things down at the foot of his bed. He shrugs off his damp suit jacket, cracking open his suitcase with a sigh. From it, he pulls a battered leather jacket and a white tee shirt, as well as a pair of jeans so soft and worn they look as comfortable as sweat pants. Gellert blinks. “I came from a meeting,” Graves explains, “Expected to not have time to change before my flight. Guess that’s all gone out the window.”He ambles into the bathroom, the door clicking shut. Gellert can hear the clink of his belt hitting tile, and furiously tries to distract his overactive imagination from the thought of a very attractive man changing just a few feet from him. He cracks open his laptop again, settling it on the little table in front of the window. Idly, Gellert wonders if Graves wears boxers, or briefs, or boxer briefs. Maybe nothing? He looks like a boxer brief sort of man, really. Gellert swallows and squints at the screen. “I suppose I should tell you my name,” a voice comes a moment later, startling Grindelwald half out of his mind. He jumps and squeaks. “Sorry,” Graves says, slipping on his jacket. He looks radically different than he did just a few moments ago - gone is the businessman, replaced with someone who looks equally ready to hand your ass to you, but with a few bruises instead of a lawsuit. “Oh, it is fine,” Gellert says, “I was just concentrating... I... Suppose that yes, I should know your name. I am Gellert.”He extends his hand. Graves takes it, fingers strong and sure and warm against Gellert’s pale, cool skin. Callouses rasp against his fingertips, and Gellert nearly shudders at the tingle of pleasure that races through him.“Percival,” Graves says, “Pleasure to meet you.”Gellert gives him a faint smile, “The pleasure is mine. I am sorry that your flight was cancelled.”Graves shrugs, “It is what it is. I’m having my boss extend my vacation. I guess it’s wise though, don’t really feel like dying in a plane crash.”They both chuckle weakly, and Gellert shrugs. “No, that would not be good. What is it that you do, Percival?”“NYPD,” Percival says, fishing around in his back pocket for a moment. He pulls out a badge, handing it to Gellert to inspect. He does so, thumbing over the silver initials and the crest before handing it back.“Impressive,” Gellert says. Graves shrugs now, looking very much like someone who is told that a lot. “What is it that you do, Gellert?”“I write,” Gellert says, feeling the heat creep into his cheeks. People take the admission one of two ways, whenever it’s brought up - they either scoff, as Papa had done, or they grow wide eyed and immediately want to know everything he’s working on. Graves just nods, humming, “Sounds demanding.”That shocks a laugh from Gellert, “It is, sometimes, when I am up against a deadline. But, I get to be creative, which I enjoy.”Graves nods again, and something like a smile flickers across his face. They settle into an easy pattern of conversation, Gellert finds it surprisingly easy to talk to this fellow. He isn’t nearly as loud and rude as Gellert had first pinged him to be. Really, Graves is a quiet soul, strung out by heavy work, and in desperate need of a vacation. “Nine years?” Gellert whispers in actual horror, sipping on his drink. They’ve headed down to the hotel restaurant for food, and then realized what a terrible idea that was. Graves found a little out of the way Irish pub just a block down the road, and now they’re settled into a booth in the back, sharing good beer and better conversation. “Mhmm,” Graves says back, a true smile on his face now. “How have you survived?”
“Dunno, really. My boss, Sera accuses me of being a workaholic.”“I dare to agree with her,” Gellert murmurs, “I could not do that.”Truly he couldn’t. Gellert loves his work, he loves writing, but sometimes he needs to get away, to do something different. When he was in the Army, deployed for long periods, he often found himself longing to be away. Gellert admires Graves, for being able to deal with some of the worst of society for so long without an interruption. He tells him so, and Graves’ cheeks take on a soft shade of pink that has nothing to do with the alcohol. “You see a lot of the good in society, too,” he admits, “It isn’t all bad.”Gellert learns then how Graves met his subordinate’s future husband, by arresting him and bringing him into the precinct on trespassing charges during an animal rights protest. “The rest they say is history,” Graves leans back and gives Gellert a true smile. Over the course of the night, he’s become more and more open. Already, Gellert can feel his heart warming towards this soul. “You are a wonderful story teller, Percival,” he admits. Graves waves him off, “Not as good as you, I assure you.”Gellert just rolls his eyes. 
They stumble in around ten, laughing and jovial. Gellert steadies Percival, hands on deceptively broad shoulders. Those dark eyes bore into Gellert’s soul, searching for something. Some fuzzy part of Gellert’s brain tells him they’re too close to be formal. “I really want to kiss you,” Percival whispers. Gallery’s heart drops into his stomach, pushed down by sudden excitement. He doesn’t reply, merely leaning forward and sealing his mouth to Percival’s. It tastes of dinner and the wine they’d shared with it, a strange cocktail on someone else’s tongue, but he doesn’t mind. 
In the morning, Gellert wakes to a beam of sunlight. He’s alone, the other bed as empty and pristine at it had been last night when they fell into Gellert’s. But there’s a note on the pillow beside him in handwriting Gellert doesn’t recognize yet immediately knows. It’s a name, and a number. Gellert smiles, and tucks the note close to his chest. 
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thornheartcat · 6 years
Oh boy I have a lot of feelings about BtS episode 3 and they are complicated as fuuuuuuuuck
On the one hand there’s a lot of stuff I liked. I liked the story about Sera and her addiction, it felt really honest and real, same with David’s story about his friend who died. I also liked the confrontation with Eliot, who sorta feels like Deck Nine looked at what haters THOUGHT Warren was and went like “oh you wanna see an entitled nice guy get seriously stalkery and possessive? oh we’ll fucking show you what that looks like” (seriously y’all Warren has a crush but he is the least entitled about it he will actively tell Max to go for it with Chloe if you reject his date and kiss her) and what Rachel’s dad did to “protect her” feels real and appropriately scummy.
Buuuuuuuuuuuut a lot of stuff doesn’t really jive with canon.
If Chloe is expelled from Blackwell and you choose to tell Rachel the truth, there’s no way James will pull that favor with Principal Wells he says he will earlier and Chloe won’t be let back in... which directly contradicts the canon fact that Chloe was at Blackwell in 2011, which you can tell by her report card in episode 1 (granted that report card was flawed because it lists her as having been a junior in spring 2011 and if she and Rachel were juniors in 2011 they would have graduated in 2012 and Rachel would not have been at school in spring 2013 when she went missing but BtS made this mistake too (Chloe and Rachel should be finishing their freshman year in spring 2010 if they were set to graduate in spring 2013, I know this because I graduated high school in 2012) and everyone’s age and grade are fucked up (Max, Nathan, Victoria, Warren, and the rest of the returning cast should be a year younger than Chloe and Rachel, especially to be seniors in fall 2013, so logically they shouldn’t even be at Blackwell in BtS because they should be finishing 8th grade but WHATEVER I am pretty sure I am the only person who’s thought this hard about this) so whatever) so unless James already called up Principal Wells to get you reinstated while you’re off doing all the stuff... but then why would she flip off Wells if he’s still her principal at the end there? I mean even if it’s the last day of school or something that just seems like an exceptionally poor choice...
But even if we assume that Chloe ends up back at Blackwell no matter what your choices there, there’s other stuff too.
Like, if you encourage Samantha to be nice to Nathan, and they’re hanging out at the end, then how the fuck does he have no friends or support of any kind by the time Jefferson arrives a year or two later? Wasn’t Samantha a year younger than them (though if she’s a year younger than them she should be in 7th grade but well we’ve already gone through this haven’t we) so where’d she go since it’s not like she graduated like Steph Mikey and Drew?
Not to mention, how the fuck did we get through this entire game with no interaction between Nathan and Victoria? Even when Victoria passes the fuck out in episode 2, he just stands there? Like excuse me but am I the only person who got the impression from the original game that they had been friends for YEARS? I mean if you defend Nathan in episode 1 and don’t sabotage Victoria’s homework she texts you yelling about how Nathan doesn’t need your help but like... that’s IT? Come ON those two are TOO CLOSE to not be friends yet and TOO IMPORTANT for y’all to do them dirty like this!
Also, Frank. In the original game Chloe is genuinely kind of scared of him, but why would she be scared he’d actually cut her if she knows he saved her life once? I feel like she would’ve mentioned that.
And speaking of Frank, if Rachel’s bracelet was something she’d had since she was born and was so important to her... well I mean it’s a problem if you have Chloe take it and then don’t give it to Sera to get the secretest ending (where Sera presumably gives it back to Rachel) but also if it’s so important why give it to Frank? Was she really that into him?
Also, what happened to Damon? Did Frank... kill him? I feel like if he had, or even if she suspected he had, Chloe would’ve mentioned that too. So where’d he go?
What happened to whatever poor son of a bitch who you called out for snitching on Damon (if you didn’t choose Frank)? Did he died?
Did Eliot take the whole heat for breaking into Mr. Amber’s study? I mean he was obviously kicked out of Blackwell but I mean it’s also clear that Chloe was on the 911 call so like when the police showed did they ask about her? Wouldn’t they wonder where she went or what she was doing there? What HE was doing there? Did he really take all the heat for breaking in there and destroying that evidence and shit? I mean he had to know that wouldn’t do anything for him or get him anywhere with Chloe at that point, not after she bailed. And assuming he did take the fall for her, what was his explanation to the cops for why he would have done that stuff? He has zero motive, and he doesn’t even know why Chloe did it so he can’t even claim her part in it all!
And building off that, wouldn’t Mr. Amber figure out what really happened? Even if you lie to Rachel wouldn’t he pull Chloe aside and ask her what the fuck happened in his study? We all know it was you Chloe, you’re the only person who would graffiti “secret booze stash” on the DA’s desk with no thoughts as to the potential consequences!
Also if you let Drew take the beating and his leg gets fucked up, we never find out if it healed and he still got his scholarship. I NEED TO KNOW THIS BECAUSE I NEED TO KNOW HOW GUILTY I SHOULD FEEL ABOUT LETTING HIM TAKE THE BEATING.
Speaking of Drew’s beating, Sean Prescott paying his medical bills? The reasoning (a student being hurt that badly on school grounds reflects poorly on the school he has invested so much money in and it’s best to keep it all as quiet as possible) is not unsound, and I do like that it gives me an excuse to not worry that my decision to let Drew get beat up so he could keep the money actually hurt them even more because medical bills, but the idea of Sean Prescott ever doing anything even slightly remotely nice for literally anyone is still pushing it LOL
The scene where David opens up to Chloe is really touching and all but I feel like if he’d opened up like that to her their relationship wouldn’t be QUITE as bad as it is in the original. Like that feels like something he would’ve talked about with her in that therapy he was planning on getting them before the storm fucks everything up/Chloe dies.
If Sera’s drug problem was so bad and Rachel knew that then why would she get as into drugs as she apparently did? I mean I’m not saying it’s unrealistic or impossible or anything and people repeat their parents’ mistakes and obviously Rachel never did heroin or anything but speaking as someone whose relative was an addict that’s definitely influenced my own decision to avoid basically all drugs.
And you can say some of those are the results of my own decisions and those decisions aren’t canon but no matter what you do at the end we still see Rachel’s phone ringing in the Dark Room implying that canon comes and dooms her no matter what your choices... so every choice in this game should still lead to the original game’s canon but it doesn’t quite feel like it does...
I mean this game is basically officially published fanfic so I probably shouldn’t even be complaining LOL Maybe I’m just blinded by my own interpretations of things, especially Rachel...
I still liked it though. So there’s my review which no one asked for.
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