#poor teacher probably didn’t talk to hunter for at least a week after that
teastarfall · 6 months
Can you imagine the Hunter (Ln2) inviting one of the pale city residents to his cabin for dinner or smth and they just see a whole expanding family of stuffed corpses
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i definitely imagined it. wild situation to be in if i say so myself
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Imagine: learning about the supernatural life from Klaus and him asking you too go too New Orleans with him
Author note: this is a request from @nick-1432 who gave me rang too write a Klaus imagine! Only had 3 things she wanted 1) be a Klaus x reader 2) be out by today ( for her birthday if possible) and 3) make it long lol 😂. I just moved back home so (yesterday) so I’ve been busy. But somehow I got this done! I had too for nicks-1432 birthday! So.. since I’ve been moving, and unpacking / packing this isn’t proof read. And I hope it’s good. And long enough! (And also that you wanted a girl reader. As I’m writing this note. I fucking realized you could be a male 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. I should of asked. If you are male I will write a even longer Imagine too replace this one !!! In advance I’m sorry!)
Did I proof read?: No sorry 😐
Rating : pg 13, mentions of death but it’s TVD ppl die lol
Fandom: the vampire diaries/ the originals
Word count : 16,746 ( nine pages lol 😂 hope it’s long enough!)
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Being Elena’s twin was difficult, like when you were int e car with your parents and Her, when it crashed. Elena got out without a scratch, you got out. So badly damaged the doctors put you into a medical induced coma for a few months too help your body heal. When you woke up everything was different. Your world turned upside down. You struggled with your new reality with No parents, your sister being distant and cold and not telling you anything. Your brother soon joined in on keeping secrets from you and trying too distract you from the truth. It soon traveled thru your group of friends, from Caroline , Tyler, Matt, and Bonnie. They all kept secrets from you. Everyone in your life started treated you differently after the accident. Poor damage orphan. Who was on the brick of death. It drove you crazy , epically having too sit back and watch your sister make some..interesting choices. In her life. From Dating Stefan who was Nice and Kind respectful even. Too Damon who seemed like a complete Asshole. Who is Stefan’s older brother.
Luckily the only other person who was in the dark with you was Aunt Jenna. It gave you some comfort knowing you weren’t the only one. Who was clearly in the dark about your family. Jeremy was rarely ever around and Elena was always coming in Late or not at all. You figured she was going too Stefans place. Aunt Jenna was cool about it. Then the unthinkable happened your Aunt passed away. A wild animal attack. It broke you too pieces.
Having your parent gone, then your guardian your siblings were speechless and sad. When your uncle John arrived he lasted a few days but Elena, and Jeremy kicked him out. Having your History teacher and Aunt Jenna’s boyfriend Aleric being your guardian. That was your Tipping point.
You weren’t a huge fan of Uncle John he was. Okay. But at least he was family. And he was stepping up too care for you three. Elena and Jeremy decided for you that he wasn’t good enough that some guy who Jenna dated for a few months was better then blood? You were furious. Done with the secrets, and them dictating what is best for you. You had a teammate. Between their lies, and secrets and them treating you like a kid! Especially Jeremy treating you like a kid. Being older then him it should be you who was over protective of your baby brother! You were in contract with Uncle John Finished with them. Even the new comers the Mikaelson couldn’t change your mind even those. They were close.
Everyone was curious about them. The Dashing. Well dressed Elijah who looked like a Prince in another life strong chin, big brown eyes. Very formal and polite, Rebecca who was the only girl. Blonde hair that was long and shinny, pail reflection like her brothers. A sight attitude but is the only person in the entire town of Mystic falls who will tell you the truth too your face. And Klaus.
Trouble maker Klaus, who pushed everyone’s buttons in your life, Elena, Jeremy, Even your friends warned you too stay away from them. Even Aleric and Stefan and Damon who you weren’t close with all begged you too Not go near them. Of course them being the ONLY people in the entire town besides your aunt too treat you like A adult. You didn’t listen.
One day. Rebecca invited you over for a sleep over. You gladly accepted, you thought it was a sleepover. But they all sat you down and they told you everything. About vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids about your family line being full of vampire hunters, too how Aunt Jenna who recently died. Actuallyq died) about the reasonings, about all the secrets they all kept from you.
Having a huge crush on Klaus didn’t stop the fact he killed your Aunt. You went too leave until they informed you about a ancient Threat that made the ‘original vampires scared” you told them too screw themselves and went home.
Getting home you got Thur the front door seeing No one, Like always they were all gone. Typical.
Hearing your phone bing you looked down seeing it was your uncle Jon getting back too your text. Who you now know is your biological father. And that Alerics dead wife is your biological mother. And that your parents adopted you from them..
Uncle Jon:I’m sorry Y/N I would love too have you but I can’t- I think your siblings need you more. I’m sorry I’ll call on the weekend and we can talk about this okay?I’m sorry kiddo
Reading the text you ended up tossing your phone too the sofa as you turned seeing Rebecca at the doorframe.
“Mind if I come in?”
Turning too her you held your arms, “So that myth about having too be invited is fake?”
“No. Unfortunately.”
You rolled your shoulders, “Fine- come in. If you came too suck my blood. It’s probably too biter to be good right now.” She chuckled weakly. “Please I prefer my meals too be male.” She walked in as she spoke, “how are you?”
You shook your head weakly looking around, “Since Jenna. I’m always alone.. I lost basically All my friends because they all kept me in the dark about this stupid town! And the only person I had was Jenna.. and your brother killed her!”
“I’ve seen Klaus kill thousands of people in his lifetime.. Jenna was the Only one that he felt bad about- He knew that she was all you had-what.. what can I do too help.”
You cried stepping over hugging her. She was stunned but hugged back as you cried. She was always strong but Rebecca was soft As you spoke, “uncle Jon wont take me.. I’m stuck in this Hell hole.- Why tell me.. about all the this?”
Becca hold tighter as she spoke, “we don’t want too see you get killed because you were clueless. We all care for you. It’s one of the factors that have bonded us lately.- When Klaus calmed down and realized what he did.. he destroyed the house. It was the first time we ever seen him remorseful.. he’s truly sorry for harming you. It was the last thing he ever wanted.”
Pushing back. You breathed deeply. Looking at your best friend. You rubbed your face collecting your thoughts as you spoke, “It was Elena, and Stefans, and Jeremy – it was their fault too.”
She was surprised hearing that response, “if they told Us about you, all or about Why your so dangerous- about all the he dangers in this town. Maybe! Jenna wouldn’t be dead! I’m Furious at Klaus but I’m More angry at the betrayal of my own blood!”
“come sleep over we can talk this out, and you wont get a truthful answer from your family.”
Nodding your. Head you agreed too that as you went upstairs too pack.
Collecting your phone before you left. You Got too Rebecca mansion too see Klaus having a glass of whiskey you walked over grabbing it from him drinking it all as you spoke, ‘you killed my aunt!” You hit him as he took it.
Hitting him over and over again you cried. As you fell too the ground Klaus never hit back. He stood there taking your punishment until he crashed down. Next too you hugging you. Gripping up too his shirt pulling him closer as you cried into his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.”
Klaus let you cry your heart felt like it was about too explode, your stomach was so tense you felt like you were about too break. As you bawled. Everyone you loved. Cared for has lied too you.. and it took Jenna’s killer and he’s siblings too tell you the truth.
After crying your phone dinged too see you had a text from Aleric, Elena and Jeremy wondering where you are. You whipped your cheeks as you looked down at them.
“will you kill them?”
That got everyone too tense up, “my family- are you planning too kill anymore of them?”
“No- I need Elena alive,And I swear not too harm Jeremy.” Looking up at Klaus you thanked him and Rebecca took you too her room so you can talk it out.
Weeks passed you weren’t as close with Klaus as you were before. The whole “killing your aunt” really drove a wage between your relationship with him. Which hurt you wanted Klaus around.
You thought you were hanging the trauma and heartbreak of everything. Then Elena turned into a vampire. Of course NO ONE TOLD YOU! You never told your family you knew. Or your friends about all their secrets. It was Klaus who appeared into your room one day. Telling you what happened too Elena. Rebecca ran them over the bridge that your parents died on. Stefan saved Matt and Elena died with Damons blood in her. Turning her into a vampire. You were furious at Rebecca. And Soon Elena started bootcamp too survive being a vampire. Her being turned. Changed your thoughts on Klaus. Then Jeremy Died. you realized. Elena was death.. And she loved being a vampire, but when Jeremy died. She flicked a switch and her humanity’s was gone. Klaus begged you too move in with him for your safety. And you accepted. Elena terrified you. Especially her doppelgänger Katherine who was always around. So you agreed. With the new threat around. Being with murderous honest vampires.. Not so bad compared too your sister.
Before Elena turned her switch she was thriving and back too her bubbly old self before your parents death. She was truly happy. So you forgive Rebecca. It’s been weeks living with them. You just returned from a day of shopping. Rebecca’s suggestion wanting too find the perfect dress for prom. You were exhausted! Stretching out on your bed. Surrounded by bags as Klaus walked by your open door seeing the damage you and Rebecca did on the family money (that Rebecca thankfully offered too pay since your part time job at the grill would pay for one item you got together)
“did you and Rebecca leave anything in the store?” You grinned weakly hearing Klaus’s voice you shook your head. “Barely. Only the mustered color stuff.” He chuckled as you opened your eyes shifting too sit up as he spoke, ‘did you find a dress for the Prom?” You nodded your head weakly. “Yea. Rebecca picked it out.- I’m still unsure.”
Klaus leaned against the doorframe as he spoke, “let me see.”
Getting too your closest pulling out a pink dress, it was a corset top, with a ball gown skirt, every inch was sparkles it reflected softly on the lights in your room as klaus turned around and you realized he wanted you too try it on. You did. Stripping quickly and hopping into it you spoke up, ‘it’s so.. reveling those. I mean it’s slightly low, and my back..”
Klaus turned looking at you as he spoke, “you are a vision. You breathtaking Y/N” smiling weakly you thanked him as he stepped over as he spoke, “you could wear a potato sack and be potato sack and be beautiful.” Feeling your face going red he breathed deeply as he spoke, ‘what unworthy boy is taking you too prom?’
“None- I’m going alone..” that surprised Klaus as he spoke, “really?” You nodded your head, “yea- Matt asked me but that would be too weird.. and with Elena being- bat shit crazy.. and Caroline and Stefan- whatever they are doing and Bonnie.. it’s easier. Less complicated..”
“I’ll take you.”
Smiling hearing that you nodded your head “sure.” He smiled as he went too go as he turned looking at you, “I was going too ask- what are your plans for after graduation? You apply for any schools?”
Shaking your head slightly you spoke, “No- it’s.. I.need a break and too explore.. I’m taking a year off.” With that he walked off.
Prom was perfect. Shortly after Rebecca, Klaus and Elijah were needed in New Orleans and they left you too watch the place. It was only there did you realize they weren’t coming back. It broke your heart. Then graduation came And you were waiting in line too get your diploma, uncle John wasn’t here. Even those you invited him. Elena smashed that idea of having him here. Elena got up and everyone cheered and clapped for her you got up after her getting your diploma when you noticed Klaus in the crowd. He was near the front clapping loudly. With a big smile on his face. You smiled brightly seeing him. Getting off the stage you waited with the rest of your class.
Finishing the ceremony. You leaped off the stage hugging Klaus tightly. “Thank you.” He smiled hugging you back as he spoke, “I couldn’t miss this- Rebecca apologize and Elijah they wanted too come but things in New Orleans are sticky..”
You pushed back holding his face as you smiled brightly. You dreaded today. Having no family with you too celebrate, with Being stuck with Death herself. And your friends who kept you in the dark. You smiled so wide it made Klaus smile back. Looking at you. Seeing this. One kind act make you smile so wide and bright. It made the tough cruel Klaus melt. You were the only person without a motive. He’s meet thousands of people who had motives too kill him or use him. And then their was you. Who just wanted him for himself. It was a different feeling that Klaus wasn’t use too.
You reached up kissing him which surprised Klaus as you pulled back “thank you.”
A huge goofy smile appeared on his face as you dashed over too Elena and hugged her. And your friends. Seeing Klaus changed your mood incredibly. When it was all said and done after Jeremy was brought back too life. (By magic. Which you weren’t sure what happened. He just came back too life) you were sitting on the bleachers with Klaus looking at the football field that held up to be the graduation. Looking out at the field Klaus spoke up, “congratulations Y/N.”
Facing Klaus you smiled brightly reaching over grabbing his arm. “Thanks- and thank you for coming I was dreading this all month-having you here.. felt like I wasn’t alone.”
He smiled weakly as he spoke, “Still going on a grand adventure for a year?”
Nodding your head looking around, “with all the lies and descent and Death around here.the farer away the better.”
“glad too hear that.” Glancing over at Klaus he looked at you shifting too look at you better as he spoke “come with me.”
‘excuse me?”
He chuckled softly rubbing his neck, “Come with me too New Orleans, we all miss you. Especially Me.. Come with me. Let me show you the world. Music , the arts, History music. Let me share it with you.”
You grabbed his hand tightly as you spoke, “Only- if you promise it can be forever.” He squeezed back as he spoke, “you want too turn?”
“Maybe- If I want too.. can you. Be the one?” He nodded his head. You reached over hugging him tightly, “Don’t get your hopes up. On that. But take me with you Klaus. Don’t leave me behind again”
A year passed with learning that Klaus one night booty call got pregnant with. His baby. You and Elijah (who was madly in love with Hailey) you both were on pins and needles wondering how that would play out. You got a Job at a Bar- Mystic Falls was a training area for the big league for Vampires and werewolves and witches. A turf war was going on. The Mikaelson convinced each group that you weren’t involved. That you weren’t some Ploy you were human. So they mostly left you alone.
Klaus has been acting weird lately. You seen the good , the bad, and Now your seeing the awkward. You enter a room and he excuses himself, he spends. Little times around you. Rebecca said you were imagine it. But Elijah noticed and often talked too Klaus about it.
Hope was fussing so you were soothing her as she went back too sleep.
“You’re a natural.”
Turning too Klaus seeing him leaning against the door . You smiled as he walked over helping you put her down .
“do you want this…”
That surprised you. Turning too Klaus you shook your head. “I love Hope- but IM not.. Anywhere Close too being ready for a baby.. I don’t know if I want it. Why?”
“you asked too be changed.” “Maybe.” Correcting him he nodded his head. “If your changed.. you can’t have this..”
“ you impregnate a werewolf… Never say never.”
Klaus frowned hearing that as he spoke, “you know that was a fluke.”
Nodding your head weakly you turned too Klaus rolling your shoulders, “IM not thinking about having babies. Hell- I haven’t had a serious relationship… I’m far too young.-“ he nodded his head looking at Hope.
“is that why you been involving me lately? Your scared I want a baby. And too stay human?”
“I’m Not good..”
“I’ve seen you with Hope- your Goodness is there. Klaus- You shown it with me. From the beginning. You’re the kindest. Person I know. You tell me the truth even if it’s not Kind. But you know how much I appreciate the truth. That’s showing me kindness. Hope is so lucky too have you. I’m so happy too have you.”
“I want more.”
That surprised you as he rubbed his face, “I love you. Always have. Always will.. I want too be selfish and bite you and keep you..”
Nodding your head. You reached over grabbing his hand. “I love you too…I .. I’m not ready too give up my human status.. you okay with that?”
He nodded his head stepping over kissing you. You smiled kissing him back.
You knew eventually too keep. Klaus , Rebecca, Elijah you would have too change. But for Right now. You were happy.
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ussjellyfish · 4 years
Work-Life Balance pt 1/? | AoS | Philinda | mature
(so uh, write all the fics, because the finale kind of begged for it) 
Melinda May has done her best to settle in to her life at the Academy. She has a great apartment, she sees Yo-Yo and Mack as much as she can and Daisy and Ftizsimmons are just a phone call away. Her students are great. Her job is fulfilling.
Except, her apartment's way too quiet and she doesn't have any personal life to speak of and her weekends are empty. She has a plan to fill the void, but then Phil Coulson walks back into her life exactly as she remembers him from Tahiti.
Maybe it is pretty magical after all.
Finale fix-it where I tired to give May a happy ending, and Coulson, and another Coulson and another May.
Many thanks to Tina and Nicole for listening to me.
read on Ao3
Field Work 103 - you should have a life, even if you're a spy. 
Daisy and her team gave him the car keys to a newly upgraded Lola, his wallet, his SHIELD badge and a change of clothes. His former self had a very minimal go bag in the trunk and he'd need more clothes for the rest of the week. He could pick those things up at the new Headquarters, or the Academy and he began a list in his head. Last time he'd been back from the dead he'd had his apartment, just like he'd left it, this time...he had a car.
A really cool car. Maybe too cool. He wasn't entirely sure. 
The very new, very nice, Coulson Academy was certain to have a way to requisition supplies, or he could find a store. Stores existed, even if he felt like he hadn't walked into one in years. Well, that wasn't true, he'd gone into little corner stores, the tiny grocery store in Tahiti, which was a far cry from whatever huge monument to consumerism he'd have to enter for some more clothes here. 
Walking past his own name was weird, the statue was weirder still but at least it wasn't a painting, and at least it was fairly modern. It didn't really look like him in a way that kept him from behind here. Couldn't really walk around a building with your face on it and be subtle. Was that Melinda's doing? He saw her guidance in the layout, how the buildings were tactically arranged, how the grassy mall was large enough to land the Zephyr- a Zephyr, apparently there were more now.
Daisy and Sousa (Daniel Sousa, the Daniel Sousa who was alive now) had filled him hin with as much as they could but he'd been fine for more than a year and the world had changed without him. 
She'd changed. Melinda is a professor now, just like they talked about, training the next generation. He can't think of anyone better, or a better place for her to be after all she's done in the field. She's not going to get hit in the face here and she is the best teacher he knows. It's good, and he's excited for her.
And maybe a little nervous. He just saw her, just held her while he fell asleep, apparently for the last time. Still not the most okay with that, but he's here now and she is and they'll make it work. 
He stops at the little cafe and guys a green tea and a coffee because he's still a little nervous and it's easier to meet her with something. 
Maybe he's stalling. He doesn't even know where her office is or her classroom and he's not sure if he has access. The other him did, the LMD and they're the same. Sort of. It'll be easier to find Melinda after he has coffee. 
"Hi, sorry, you're Professor May's husband, aren't you?"
He blinks. Husband? That's...new. He smiles over the cups as he puts their lids on. "Well, yes, that's right, how'd you know?"
"Your picture's in her office, sir." The cadet smirks a little, holding her books to her chest. "She said you're very busy but you might stop by someday."
"You know how it is, fieldwork." 
"I don't know yet, sir.." She tilts her head to the right. "I can walk you to her class, I have it next."
"That would be great, thanks." He follows her through the crowded corridors, moving through the students as if he's just another agent. Maybe a visiting professor. A lost husband. 
"What class is it next?"
"It's a fun one, sir. Interdepartmental introductory course, work-life balance for field agents. I'm just a first year cadet, but I heard Professor May insisted on it being added to the curriculum. Is that true?" 
It sounds like her,especially after all that's happened, but he has no idea. She's lived two years without him, been through hell, died-- She'd want new recruits to be safe. To look after themselves. 
"She worries." He winks because she'd kill him. "But I didn't say that. 
"Of course not, sir."
Wincing a little, he rounds the corner past more busy classrooms. Must be passing time. "I'm sort of retired, you don't have to use sir." 
"Sorry, sir. Everyone's a sir when you're first year." 
"I remember that." Several lifetimes ago.
"Here we go. Her office is over there in the tall building with the big windows, Victoria Hand Hall but we're going to Mockingbird Auditorium."
Phil has to smile at that. Bobbi was disavowed, with Hunter, but May found a way to honor her. He's going to have to get a map of campus and really look around, find all the little touches. "Great." 
"Do you want to let her know you're here? She's usually early if we have questions."
"Oh no, that's fine, you need your time for questions, I'll just sit in the back and surprise her at the end."
The cadet grins a little, her dark brown eyes soft with amusement. She reminds him a little of Akela Amador, same enthusiasm. "Nice."
"She loves surprises."
"Maybe from you, sir."
Chuckling, he watches the cadet walk down and join her friends taking out her notebook. The auditorium's filling up and there are more cadets near the front than the back, which he remembers from the classes with the more interesting professors. Of course May's incredible. She has to be, and the view's probably better down there. 
May's three minutes early, startling the cadets by coming in a side door. She has her hair up today, which along with the suit makes her exactly what he expects: hottest professor he's ever seen. The room quiets, everyone paying attention as she starts to talk. 
She's different, and he assembles a list of little changes as he listens to her explain why it's so important to have a home base, something you can return to. Maybe that's your parents, your sister, your cat-- something that's outside of SHIELD, because you can't let your work be your everything. You have to find your balance. 
They ask their questions and she answers them, calmly, with great patience. It's a whole room of Daisy's and junior FitzSimmons' ready to change the world, and they're all enthusiasm, all heart. She's reminding them to stay anchored, to keep something of themselves. 
"One last thing before you all disappear to your next class, I know this is difficult. I know you're buried in mock field reports, fitness training, computer training, flight simulator training and languages- it's all right to feel overwhelmed. You're training to save the world, and that's a hell of a thing."
It's good advice, and it wasn't standard when they went to the Academy. New Academy, new ideas. Some of the students crowd the front, surrounding her as class ends. He's a little jealous of them, getting to see her every day and listen to her wisdom. She has so much to give them, and it seems like they appreciate it. 
He saw her three days ago and it seems like a millenia. He fell asleep wrapped in her arms and woke up looking at himself. Kind of a downgrade in the view, really. The students ask their questions and move on and eventually it's just Melinda, standing in the pool of light at the bottom of the room. She takes his breath away, always does, and this time it's all her, not his heart dying inside of him. 
What does he say? How can he make up for the time she's been alone?
She looks up, shutting her briefcase, and she smiles and it's brighter than the spotlight. 
"Well, this is a surprise."
"Brought you some tea, professor." 
She circles the table at the front, heading up towards him. "I thought you were leaving--" 
"I just got back." He holds out the tea but she doesn't take it. Her hand doesn't move from her side. 
"It's you."
She stops like she's been shot, dropping the briefcase with a muffled thud. 
He takes a step closer but maybe that's wrong. Maybe he's too close. Simmons said she had powers, is this it? He completely forgot.
He nearly drops her tea, but manages to set it down on the floor. Holding up his hands in surrender, he smiles a little. 
"It's all right I--"
She doesn't look all right, she's too pale all of a sudden, concerned, her expression's so soft. 
"I'm so sorry May."
He touches her shoulder and she gasps, blinking.
"It's really you."
"It's complicated."
"I just saw you, you left you went--"
"To Zephyr Two, with my team. Well, his, team. That's another me."
"The LMD." She nods and her eyes are too bright. He wasn't prepared for her to tear up. Really, he wasn't prepared for any of it. How could he be? How could she? She  watched him die. He fell asleep but for her, he died. She lived. 
"Sit, please." Melinda's the toughest person he knows but right this moment, she looks so unsteady. 
"I'm all right."
He guides her into one of the seats, kneeling beside her. "You're so pale."
"I wasn't expecting  you ." She takes a breath, grabbing his hand. "This you. You."
"Next time I'll try to stay dead." 
"I'm kidding."
She takes another breath, touching his face, his cheek. "It's too soon for that." 
He covers her hand with his, smiling. "I missed you."
"You missed me? Phil it's been years."
He moves her hand, kissing her palm.  "I asked if I could come back earlier, stay with you in Tahiti, but the timeline--"
"Now is fine."
"I'm sorry."
She leans forward, resting her forehead against his with a sigh that aches. "You are so nervous, I could feel you all through class. Thought the poor cadets had an exam, but it was you." 
"You felt that?"
"And you. You feel so loudly." She rests her hand on his chest, covering his heart. She takes another breath and it's almost a sob. 
Phil focuses on his love. How much he missed her, how much he adored every moment in Tahiti. Melinda gasps, leaning into him, crying. 
"I love--"
"I know, it's all I can feel."
He wraps his arms around her, holds her close and time gives them a moment long overdue. Her tea's only lukewarm when she gets to drink it and he downs his coffee, wishing it was something stronger. 
He pulls his handkerchief from his pocket and daubs her face. "You're great at this."
"Its exhausting."
"You enjoy it."
"A little."
He starts to kiss her cheek, but she turns into it, finding his mouth and it's the sweetest thing he's ever tasted. Phil swallows a joke about being hot for teacher. He'll have time for that later. 
"I hear this is your last class of the dary."
"It would be now."
He picks up her briefcase and offers his arm. "Let me buy you dinner, we've got a lot to catch up on."
"You have time for that?"
"I'm newly back from the dead, unemployed, living out of my car. I've got all the time in the world." 
"You can stay with me."
"I don't want to impose."
"You can't sleep in Lola, you'll ruin the leather." She meets his eyes and there's that little smile. He'd cross oceans and universes for that smile. 
"My couch is nice."
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danetobelieve · 4 years
What’s Fext? || Luce and Winston
Winston had been spending a lot of time working on the problem of Mr Blume. With Ricky in the hospital, the asanbosam dealt with and their former chemistry teacher apparently an anti magic monster who didn’t seem to notice when parts of his face was burned off, Winston was feeling a big manic about the fact that they needed to do something to solve this. They’d only taken a few days to find out that they’d been dealing with a fext, the Scribe’s library helped with that. So they needed a glass weapon to decapitate them, which was a problem, because Winston was sure that a glass sword wouldn’t be structurally sound. But they had a plan for that. “Is there anymore coffee?” they asked as they held a can of some non descript energy drink upside down and watched a single drop plonk into their empty mug that they were now using for everything they drank, “I need caffeine desperately.” 
The last few days had been… weirder than normal, to say the least. Between the weird night shit going away, getting her arms filled with cactus spines, and then the wildly batshit Stripe Club party, Luce was almost glad to go back to the normalcy of plotting to kill her old chemistry teacher. Who was some kind of fucking magical zombie dude who gave zero fucks and wanted to murder both her and Winston on sight. Winston had driven them to Scribe headquarters, filling her in on the details of what the place was to begin with, before they’d really hit the books. Winston had done most of the work, but she was there to help as much as she could. Research just wasn’t generally her thing. “Yeah, I brought a big fucking thermos full. Figured we’d need it.” She said, tipping the coffee into Winston’s mug. Staring at the book that Winston had unearthed, Luce shook her head. “What the fuck kinda glass weapon do we need? And how are we going to get one?”
Raising an eyebrow, Winston tapped on one of the books somewhat manically -- they’d definitely exceeded their caffeine intake today -- “This book says that any glass weapon should do it, the difficulty is that it appears to have to be pure glass so something like polycarbonate wouldn’t work, so we have to find some other way of keeping a glass weapon like stable, which is where this book comes in.” They pulled up some notes on their laptop. “I’ve found some glass panes we can use in one of the stock rooms in the back of the library, looks like we can use this, all we have to do is melt it down and then enchant it so that it won’t break and it will take a shape we want, which in theory shouldn’t be too hard but I don’t know about you, I’m not exactly an expert with working with molten glass.” 
Taking a sip from her own coffee mug, Luce rubbed her forehead. She wasn’t good at this sort of shit. It sounded like they would need to use pure glass and getting it into a shape that would make a decent weapon was getting into alchemy territory… But, as Winston continued talking, mentioning the glass panes, she blinked in sudden understanding. Oh. Duh. Glass was made by heating up like… bits of sand and shit. And fire, heat, that was everything that she knew. “The melting part won’t be the problem. At least, not for me. I’ve never worked with glass but it can’t be that hard.” She said with a nod, folding her arms across her chest as she stared at the piles of books around them. “But, I don’t do enhancement magic, at least nothing substantial. I’ve made wards to protect and basic trigger traps, but enhancement stuff isn’t my focus. Maybe there are some books in here that we could look at?” She said, gesturing to the shelves around them. 
Nodding along with Luce, Winston smiled and scribbled a few notes down. They had guessed that they might well have to do the enchanting and after the last time they’d tried and failed to enchant something they were wary of just how wrong it could go. But no matter, this wasn’t time for hesitation it was time for action and Winston was determined not to put this off for any longer. “I’ve found somewhere that we can do it as well, it’s a basement with a big metal trough thing, we should be able to put the glass in there without it damaging anything and then I should be able to handle the rest.” They had been working on enchanting things for weeks, but theoretically more then practically and this might be the first time they actually got to do it.” They flipped through a few pages, the desk in front of them a mess of books, pages of notes haphazardly scrawled and drawings they’d scribbled onto paper. “I think there is some information about enchanting runes and the process that is required over there. It’s like three shelves along.” 
Luce let out a low whistle, impressed. She hadn’t spent as much time here as Winston had-- she had clients and the shop to look after. And, as much as Fext Mr. Blume freaked her out, she wasn’t going to just put her life on hold. “Damn. This place has it all, doesn’t it? Sounds simple enough. Or, as simple as superheating hot glass, shaping it into a sword, and then enchanting it to not shatter the second we smack it into a bitch is.” She said with a wry grin. Listening to Winston’s instructions, she watched as they looked over their piles of notes and scribbles. “Sounds good, I’ll go grab it.” As she walked down the shelves, she couldn’t help but be amused at how Winston, the kid next door, was out here doing real magic. She hadn’t seen it coming. Grabbing the book from the shelf, she spoke up, “So, how long have you been able to do magic?” 
Frowning once more Winston made nodes and tried to commit things to memory. After all, they would need to do this perfectly or it might not work and the idea of allowing an undead magically evil version of their favourite Chemistry teacher to continue to be around the children who were still at that place was beyond their comprehension. This was something they weren’t going to trust anyone else to deal with either. It had to be done right. “Thanks, I definitely don’t think I could’ve gotten this far without your help, and now we’re actually moving onto the hard stuff,” they let out a semi manic laugh and sighed gently before setting back to work. When Luce returned, they glanced up at her and shrugged. “First time I did magic was the fifth of January of this year, then there was a few weeks of denial, I’ve been trying to work it out since then, sometimes it goes really well, other times not so much.”
“Nah, you probably would have figured something out. You’ve always been smart like that.” Luce said with a shake of her head. If any of the kids she’d grown up were going to start tapping into magic, she was glad that it had been Winston. There were plenty of other people from their high school who would have either been totally fucked or entirely fucked up. Winston had a good head on their shoulders. Waggling the book, she began to flip through the pages of the small volume, eyes scanning for the familiar looking enchanting runes that they would need. Just because she never practiced that sort of magic didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of it. “Huh. Talk about ‘New year, new you.’” She commented blithely. “I’m glad to have you in the know. It wasn’t exactly easy to keep this,” Luce held out a finger, the tip glowing with calm flame, “underwraps growing up. Now that you’re one of us, it changes things. For the better, I’d say.”
“Uh … Thanks, like really.” Winston said genuinely. Luce’s compliment meant a lot and Winston was pleased that she had such a high opinion of their apparent abilities. As they worked, they chuckled at Luce’s joke. “Exactly, my new years resolution wasn’t to learn magic or anything, but if I was going to have something like this pushed on me I’m glad that I found out that I could use magic and I didn’t find out that I was a medium or a hunter or something, of all the random things that life could’ve decided that I was going to become this is definitely one of the cooler options…” despite how terrifying this world was, Winston was slowly falling in love with the marvel of it all. “I’m glad that I know too, I feel like before I had blinders on and now I can see everything that there is to see and it is completely mortifyingly scary, like pants-shittingly-bone-chilling terrifying, but it’s cool as fuck. It’s weird to think you guys could do that when we were kids. Weren’t you ever tempted to show people?” 
“No problem.” Luce said, holding out the book to what she presumed was the correct page. At least, those were what the wards looked like to her. Listening to Winston talk about their own experiences coming to learn about the world around them, she grinned to herself. It was a slightly sardonic expression-- she’d never experienced what they were describing. She’d known about magic, about the creatures that went bump in the dark, since she was a child. It was all she knew. Blinders was a good way of putting it. There was a large part of her that felt a bit bad for all the poor, “normal” people who had no idea how much danger lurked around them at every turn. “Oh yeah. The world is a scary place, but that’s how it’s always been. Nothing really changes just because you figured out that it was real. The only thing that changed is that you’re now better equipped to handle it.” At the mention of showing off, Luce rolled her eyes, “That was our parents thing. Bea’s thing. My magic is mine. It’s for me to use, not to show off. With the exception of a couple bar tricks, I don’t fuck with that.” 
Taking the book from Luce, Winston gazed at them. The geometry that they used in these runes had to have an impact on the way that the magic actually worked, but Winston was still learning about alchemy and enchantment and although they were fascinated by the possibilities, they were also aware that now wasn’t the time for that particular puzzle. “That is perfect, I think I have enough to actually do this now.” They were nervous, they really needed this to work because the glass swords that they’d found online looked highly fragile and much too expensive for Winston’s budget. “I think the world is a lot scarier now that I know about everything, but at least I know what I need to be looking out for, before I kind of feel like I was taking a test that I’d studied really hard for, except I’d only been told about half of what was on the test. Now I at least know to study for everything.” Winston pursed their lips and frowned. “No, that’s not what I meant, I more meant like when you were at school and stuff and someone fucked with you, didn’t you want to curse them or hex them or hit them with a little fireball or something? I don’t think I could’ve managed to avoid cursing some of the bullies I dealt with back in the day.”
“Sounds great.” Luce said, settling down in a nearby chair. Leaning back on two legs, she idly looked around at the Scribe library. It was a run down kinda place, but there wasn’t denying the fact that it was a good resource. Maybe she’d be able to find some books about fire magic… something to aid her own personal ideas. Of course, that wasn’t what mattered right now. Listening to Winston, she grinned. Leave it to them to think of life as some kinda test that they needed to ace. “Never change, Winston.” She said with a nod. But, when they brought up the idea of curses, hexes, Luce slammed her chair back on all four legs, expression serious. “I’d get angry, yeah. But, curses? You don’t mess around with that sort of shit. Magic comes with a cost and you put shit out there like that? Big time cost.” She said before relaxing her posture. “I burned a lot of stuff in our backyard, though. Never at school, but… teenage emotions. They’re a time.”
“I think I’ve pretty much got everything set up if you want to get started on the actual forging of the sword.” Winston didn’t think that forging was really the right word for what they were about to do with molten glass. “I’ll do my best not to Winston,” replied with a shrug and nodded. “Exactly, it is some dangerous shit and honestly I’m surprised that no one in our school fucked around with it more, hell, maybe they did and I didn’t notice but either way.” Winston paused for a moment and gathered the things that they thought they would need in a bag and moved towards the exit. “Come on, its down here.” They led the way through the twisting and turning halls of the Scribe HQ and headed down towards a space that looked more like a workshop then there should’ve been in a giant library, but Winston guessed that the Scribes had maybe once had use for something like that. “The glass is here,” they said pointing towards the panes and moving it towards the large metal trough they’d found and dragged down here too, “I guess we just break them into there?” This was the bit that had been a lot of theory.
“Sounds good to me.” Luce said, dusting off her jeans with a hand before rising from her chair. “And hey. Have more faith in yourself. I’m sure you’ve got this.” She said, giving their shoulder a brief squeeze before following them out of the room full of bookshelves and out to the winding hallways. “Eh. There weren’t too many of us.” Luce said with a teasing wink. There were more people than Winston would know in their coven, but until they were brought into the fold, she wasn’t about to break coven rules and go telling them any more about that. “Hm. Gimme a second.” Pulling out her phone, Luce typed in a couple words and let Google do the rest. Pulling up a website on glass blowing, she resisted the urge to chuckle. “Huh. Well, apparently we would usually need a crucible and a glory hole-- no lie, that’s what it says. But, the big thing it says is we need to heat it up to at least 1000 degrees.” She let out a whistle. “Yeah, let’s break it up into little pieces. Might make it easier.”
Swallowing, Winston flashed Luce what they hoped was their most reassuring smile. “You’re right, I’ve made it this far right.” They chuckled nervously, but somehow the sound was almost hollow to them. Magic was not to be fucked with, they had and were still learning that the hard way. So why did they keep going and fucking with it? Either way, they had to do this. Someone could get hurt if they didn’t. “Are you in the coven too?” Winston asked, suddenly wondering if they had made a mistake saying no to Nell’s offer. It was probably an open offer, maybe it was a one time thing, either way, it wasn’t like Winston was ready for that step yet. They were still figuring out so much and they were very aware of their perspective being shaped by a group of people. “I think we may have to do a bit more work to this then,” Winston nodded towards the trough, “I can enchant it so it won’t melt under the heat but we should probably try not to push my magic to the limits too much.” Winston was suddenly glad that they’d brought a shit tonne of snacks, they were going to need to eat after this was done. “If you break the glass up I can work on the thingy,” they pulled a sharpie from their mouth and got to work drawing runes onto the metal.
A bit surprised that Winston already knew about the coven, the answer came just as quickly. Nell. Made sense, the two had always been close growing up. Luce nodded once. “Yep, I am. Safety in numbers, you know?” She said, though her expression shifted to one of mild concern. Had Winston been told of the witch hunter in White Crest? It was why she was stuck living at Bea’s place, they deserved to know about that kinda shit, now that they were a part of all this. “Sounds like a plan to me.” She said, looking around for something to break up the panes with. The room was pretty dusty, but underneath it all, she was able to find a small hammer, along with some ancient leather gloves. Whoever had last used them must be long gone by now. Shaking them out in case any spiders or bugs decided to use the gloves as a nest, Luce put the gloves on and set to work breaking the glass into more manageable chunks. 
Nodding gently, Winston would’ve been surprised if Luce wasn’t. “What is it like?” they asked curiously as they worked on the last runes. Drawing the last lines as carefully as they could, Winston placed the cap back on the sharpie before looking back to Luce. “Nell made it sound like it was a big happy family, but, and don’t take this the wrong way, I know what your mom can be like and I don’t know if I’m ready to have my perspective so aggressively shaped by someone or many someones when there’s still so much for me to learn…” but then were they wasting valuable resources by refusing to join a coven that could help them? What if they knew about enchanting and could teach Winston more? Maybe they could even help them with their project? Placing a palm on either sides of the trough, they sat cross legged and looked down at their notebook, turning the pages and committing the archaic latin to memory they began to speak, quickly placing a layer of enchantments on the trough to stop it from melting into sludge as soon as they heated it up.  
Still hammering away at the pieces of glass, Luce mulled their question over in her mind. “Family is a good way of putting it. And, like any family, there are quirks. There are rules, too. We do what we’re supposed to, follow the laws of nature, and come together as a community. Magic is a lot of things and one of those big things is freedom. There’s freedom in the flame. But, there are laws that we all have to follow. Because magic comes with a cost, it always does. The bigger the price, the bigger the cost. The coven exists to keep that balance in check.” Dusting her gloved hands together, she watched the shower of glass rain down into the trough. “If it makes you feel better, I’m not exactly a peak coven member. I like practicing back my cabin more than I like hanging around with a bunch of other people telling me that elementalism is for basic bitches.” She said with a scoff. Setting the hammer aside, she glanced at the pile of glass. “Ready for me to kick things off?”
Winston wasn’t sure that they liked the sound of that. An ungoverned unlawful group of magic users deciding what balance was. Were there appropriate checks and balances in place? Were there real contingencies if something went wrong? Was Winston over reacting? The answer to all of these things was a very resounding probably but Winston wasn’t sure that they were necessarily ready to take that chance. “Sounds like it could be a great place,” Winston replied thoughtfully as they wiped sweat from their brow and grabbed a chocolate bar to eat, “maybe one day I’ll join, if you guys will still have me.” They smiled gently, they weren’t ready for any of this yet, but they thought that maybe they were getting there. Just a little slower then they would have liked. “I think that this is as prepared as possible. So whenever you’re ready to start the fire, I’m ready to start the moulding.” 
Tossing the gloves into the corner of the room, Luce rolled her shoulders, wiggling her arms at her side to loosen them up. “Coven life isn’t for everyone. We’ve had plenty of people come and go. I grew up in it, though. It’s all I know.” And, as much as she usually chafed at the idea of conformity, it was a reassurance. To know that there were others who would support her, even if it was on a conditional level, it was something. Closing her eyes, Luce steadied herself. She grounded herself, feet square, shoulders strong, as she reached within to the energy that dwelled inside herself and reached out to the magic that existed in the spaces between. Taking a deep breath in, she drew the energy in. Holding it for a moment, she let the feeling mingle within the burning furnace of her chest before opening her eyes and letting the fire burn. A red ball of flame nestled itself in the glass, the flames burning hotter and brighter as she fed energy into it, palms extended. Red gave way to orange gave way to yellow until a brilliant blinding white mass heated the glass that surrounded the ball of fire.
A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face and her arms ached from the effort of maintaining the constant output. But, Luce’s breathing remained calm and steady. Fire was her life. It was what she’d dedicated so much of her time and energy to. It would never willingly bend to serve her, but with a forceful hand, she could guide it to do what she wanted. And the flames respected that. Soon, the trough was full of molten, liquid glass. Lowering her hands, the weight of the magic fell upon her and Luce’s knees buckled beneath her, her breath coming out in gasps. She fell to all fours and glanced over at Winston. “Do… do the fuckin… thing.” She panted.
Amazed by the torrent of conflagration that exploded from the glass itself and the red began to become a roiling mass of boiling white. Winston could clearly hear that the trough was struggling, but for the moment their enchantment seemed to be holding fast. The glass didn’t take very long to melt, the tiny pieces shimmering and then losing structure and collapsing into a liquid heap. Riffling through their bag, Winston pulled out a chocolate bar and an energy drink. “Here try and eat or something, I always find it helps to get your energy levels back towards what they were, but that was fucking awesome.” Chucking the snacks towards Luce, Winston cracked their neck and fingers before reaching out with their own power. Grasping the molten glass they raised it from the trough and began to shape the sword. Molten glass sloughed off of the lump and it continued to whittle itself down until there was a clear blade. Winston levitated the blade over to the table and began to carve the runes into the surface of it, it took them a while and the runes were done, finally, they imbued them with power and with sweat glistening on their brow, they sighed and slumped back. “It’s done, we just have to do a handle and it’ll be fine. I just hope it doesn’t break.”
Ripping open the chocolate bar, Luce crammed half of it in her mouth before popping open the energy drink. This wasn’t her preferred method of recovering from magic-- usually it consisted of deep breathing, a sandwich, and a brief nap. But, she would take what she could get. “Fanks.” She said through a mouthful of chocolate. The acidic taste of the energy drink clashed with the candy bar, but after a moment, she was able to slide back onto her haunches and watch Winston do their thing. And, she had to give it to them, they were a natural at this sort of thing. Only a couple of months and they’d figured this much out? Damn. Breaking off the bit with her teeth marks, Luce held out the remaining half of the candy bar to Winston. “Fuck yeah.” She said, offering a tattooed fist for them to bump. “A handle. I can do a handle. I think we should be good, if your runes went to plan.” She nodded. 
Sweat trickling down the side of their face from the exertion of the whole thing, Winston gratefully took the chocolate from their friend and chewed on it. The sugar felt good and they immediately felt a little better, but they knew that their bones would continue to feel as if they had a lead core until they got some sleep. Gingerly Winston reached over and took the sword blade up before handing it over to Luce. “Well, you’re definitely the one who knows more about swords then me, so if one of us is going to be the one to use it then it should probably be you.” The blade was simple, just under a meter in length and it almost glowed in the dim light. Winston almost wished that they had made more then one, it would look really cool on the Vural mantle piece. “The runes look fine to me,” Winston admitted before remembering what had happened the last time they enchanted something. There would only be one way to find out if this worked. “I guess if you’re swinging the sword then that means I’m the bait?” Winston wasn’t sure why they were suggesting that, they didn’t want to be bait. 
Now that some of her energy had returned, Luce was able to take in the fine craftsmanship of the glass sword that rested in her hands. It was a fine blade, more similar to a longsword than anything else. Which worked for her, she’d trained with those at The Excalibur before. Rapier was her preferred weapon, but this would do just fine. Running her hand along the razor sharp edge of the blade, she slid her finger out to find the balance point. It was perfectly balanced, if unsettlingly light. “Sounds good to me. I can get that done sometime later today. But, we’re in no real condition to go fight Mr. Fexting Blume today.” She joked as she sat the sword back down on the ground. “I trust you, Winston. The runes will hold.” Luce nodded. As they offered themselves up as bait, her eyebrows flew up in surprise. “You sure about that? Don’t go biting off more than you can chew.”
Swallowing nervously, Winston forced their head to bob up and down in a nervous nod. “I don’t think that I can do today Luce,” Winston was too tired to realise that she had been joking and they felt like their bones were lead. They needed to go to sleep before they did anything else. They were seriously considering going to the sleeping room and just passing the fuck out. “When I’ve slept and when we’re both ready then yeah,” Winston swallowed nervously, “I am sure, I know I am not biting off more than I can chew because just like you trust my runes, well I trust that you wouldn’t let that thing get me before you cut it’s head off.” Winston was terrified, but they knew that Luce would come through for them. A Vural had never let them down after all. 
4 notes · View notes
Yamada Hizashi has been missing for fifteen years after a night out on patrol. Though his body was ever found though most suspected the Voice hero to be deceased until......
*Fifteen years ago, Aizawa Shota married Yamada Hizashi.
*The two of them had an argument one night (caused by Shota's self-doubts or something) which results in Hizashi leaving for patrol. (I love you," The Voice Hero smiled softly at his husband, hoping his words would reach the other and smooth his doubts, but silence was his only answer. It's crushing, but he keeps his smile in place as he leaves; the door softly clicking shut behind him. )
*Hizashi never returns from his patrol. (They never found his body. The only thing they found of the Voice Hero was his shattered speaker splattered with the blond's own blood.)
*Eight years later, a young blonde named Hitoshi Zashi takes the AU entrance test with his adopted bother/best friend: Hitoshi Shinso.
*Hitoshi Zashi is Yamada Hizashi. He doesn't remember anything before being found half dead by a younger Shinso.
*Both end up in Class 1A. (Rescue points for Shinso and Battle Points for Zashi as they worked together. Zashi destroying the robots and Shinso saving anyone caught in the crossfire.)
*Aizawa Shota refused to believe Hizashi is dead and is haunted by his own past decisions/regrets while searching for his husband. He can't help but begin to lose hope of ever finding Present MIc alive after ten fruitless years until Hitoshi Zashi walks into his classroom with a familiar face, familiar smile, familiar glasses, a familiar quirk.
*Shota tries to get closer to Zashi (certain the other is somehow connected with the disappearance of his husband) but Shinso is constantly throwing his efforts as he doesn't like the desperate look their teacher is always granting his (in his own opinion) obvious brother.
*Zashi is a genius and not nearly as Obvious as Shinso thinks he is though where Shinso sees desperation, Zashi sees a soul-numbing sadness that his presence seems capable of lifting; so he tries to reach out so to help ease Eraserhead's burden. (After all, what type of Hero would he be if he didn't at least try to help?)
*USJ still happens though Zashi ends up sharing a hospital room with Shota due to him slipping pass 'the creepy mist dude' and Shinso to chase after his teacher despite being ordered to flee with the others. ("What were you thinking?!" "Honestly, I don't know. I had planned to follow the others," Zashi spoke as a bright familiar smile found its way onto the blonde's face, ", but the moment you jumped my body just moved to follow you instead.")
*Zashi begins to have nightmares/dreams he can't fully recall after the USJ incident. Shinso is worried/overprotective.
*Recovery Girl makes a discovery while running test to ensure here two patients have a clean bill of health and delivers startling news to the faculty of UA. ( The old woman cleared her throat as she stepped forward until she replaced Nezu at the head of the room, "Due to the USJ Incident, I found myself running some basic test on the samples collected by the students caught within the crossfire. By doing so I have unearthed a discovery of most importance," She took a moment to breathe as her eyes slowly drifted the room's occupants before locking onto those of Aizawa Shota as she knew this would affect him the most, "According to the databanks, Hitoshi Zashi has a 100% DNA match to one Yamada Hizashi.")
*The discovery brings about utter Discord.
*Shinso begins to notice the looks the other teachers are granting Zashi and assumes the worse. He's fully convinced AU is full of child predators who are solely attracted to his brother. Shinso finds himself desperate (He can't always be with Zashi and every time he turns his back one of them seem to be trying to make a move on his poor obvious brother) for help and begins to recruit others to his cause.
*After careful observation of their teacher's interactions with Zashi, Class 1-A becomes the 'Hitoshi Zashi Protection Squad' and starts to recruit the friends Zashi made outside of Class 1A to their cause.
*Zashi has a talk with Katsuki Bakugou (The two of them have formed a surprising 'Business Agreement'-coughFriendshipcough- while tutoring each other in subjects they need help with that the other excels at. Bakugou: English, Zashi: Combat experience.) about what he can recall of his dreams. (Zashi doesn't tell Shinso about them as the other seems overstressed lately and he doesn't want to make things worse by dropping his problems on his brother.)
*After a bit of accidentally eavesdropping (If the teachers didn't want to be overheard they shouldn't be talking so loud outside.) Bakugou begins to make a connection between Zashi and the assumed dead Voice Hero: Present Mic. He eventually comes to the conclusion Hitoshi Zashi is Present Mic under the effects of a quirk that was probably meant to kill him instead of dealing him and leaving him amnesiac. Unfortunately, due to not fully overhearing the conversation, the explosive blond also comes to the conclusion the teachers are out to finish the job. ("-after that, Hitoshi Zashi will die and cease to exist.")
*Bakugou becomes an overprotective guard dog to a slightly confused by happy Zashi while reaching out to Mei Hatsume (having been introduced to him through Zashi) for a private commission.
*Moving into the dorms both simplify yet complicates matters.
*The Zashi Protection Squad hold a meeting while Zashi slips away from his current guard: Mineta only to run into Aizawa Shota, Iida Tensei, and Kayama Nemuri. The three end up at a Cat Cafe where the three heroes tell stories from their Highschool years in hopes of jogging the other's memories lose. After the Cafe, the four of them end up at an arcade and to no one's surprise: Zashi is still the DDR King.
*Bakugou, meanwhile, is pissed at the grapefucker as he, Shinso and the rest of Class 1A search for the missing Blond. Said group almost suffers a massive heart attack seeing the blond being 'shepherded' into a deserted, filthy back alley by three people- two of which they're certain are out to kill said blond. (The real reason they were heading that way was due to Shota seeing a stray cat sleeping in said alley and wanting to pet it for a bit.)
*Zashi is confused (He's certain his classmates are lying as he didn't have anything planned with them today), the Heroes a bit confused (All their students keep looking at them as though they were about to murder someone) and suspicious at their student's behavior, and Class 1A is relieved/terrified to how close Zashi came to certain death the moment they looked away. Many of them begin to understand Shinso's desperation.
*The teachers hold a conference back at UA. Most are confused noticing their students suddenly shift in behavior (expect Nezu who knows about the misunderstanding going on the whole time.) and try to figure out what has caused it. (Nezu finds the whole ordeal amusing. )
*Bakugou and Mei bequeath Zashi with dimensional speakers identical to the one's Present Mic owned (Both of them agree, that with them Zashi would be capable of protecting himself for a bit without needing a constant guard dog/extra shadow always by his side.).
*Zashi can use the speakers at the festival due to a loophole. Due to the speakers, the dreams and extra training with Bakugou, Zashi makes it into the top three at the end of the festival. (Aizawa and Ms. Joke are the announcers. )
*Zashi finally(!) get some time to himself without his classmates or brother all but suffocating him with their presences. Wanting answer, Zashi leaves UA and follows an invisible path he could recall from his dreams. At the end of the trail, he finds a strangely familiar house belonging to an elderly Mrs. and Mrs. Yamada. (He shouldn't have knocked, Zashi knew that; but at the same time he felt like he had to. He wanted to. He needed to see whoever was behind this door and he needed it yesterday.)
*Mrs. and Mrs. Yamada recognize Zashi for Hizashi instantly. (Maybe he should have panicked- the woman had practically suffocated him with her hug before rushing him inside of her home and bolting the door shut- but for some reason, Zashi didn't feel threatened. Instead, he felt safe. Even as the woman's crying and screams drew out another woman with beautiful cyan-colored hair.)
*Zashi has been missing for a week, the UA Faculty and the Zashi Protection Squad panic. Meanwhile, Zashi learns about the reason for the attack that resulted in Yamada Hizashi becoming Hitoshi Zashi. (Yamada Hizashi was attacked on patrol, not because he was Present Mic; but rather due to his parents- One by blood and one by choice- being Hunters. Aka: Heroes who hunt other Heroes that had betrayed everything they stood for, drowning in blood they'll never be able to wash away, and can only be saved/stopped by death. His Death was meant to be a vengeance killing against his parents by the Kin of one of their targets. He had only survived due to sheer luck and one Hitoshi Shinso. His attackers weren't so lucky once his parents sunk their claws into them. )
*Despite having searched, his parents don't know a way to reverse the effect of the quirk- they didn't really ask before doing away with what they believed to be their child's killers- nor a way for Zashi to fully remember more than what he dreams about.
*A wild Eraserhead appears in the dead of night.
*Deeming UA unsafe by both himself and Hizashi's parents, Shota finds himself in a difficult position. ("E-excuse me?" Shota stuttered slightly certain he had misheard his mother-in-law. "I said," The blonde meet his eyes head on, "I want you to take Hizashi and leave the country." )
*Shota has to make a decision.( Does he take the mostly amnesiac child that is his husband and abandon everyone else to keep him safe or does he stay and risk endangering the most amnesiac child that is his husband to protect everyone else? )
*Right or Wrong, Shota makes his decision.
 That's all I got right now. So, here is the main question: Should I make a story out of this, leave it as is or see about making it a comic?
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mischiefandi · 6 years
Chapter 5: The Body (Blue Moon Series)
A/N: I totally forgot to do an author’s note wth haha, oh well, enjoy!
Summary: Y/N McCall, Scott McCall’s younger sister, starts her first year at Beacon Hills High School when something unexpected happens to her brother. Her entire world is turned upside down and it is up to her to figure out how to juggle romance, schoolwork, friendship and the supernatural without risking her life (too much)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, Stiles making terrible werewolf puns
Word Count: 7,4 K words
 Chapter 4 & Chapter 6
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6:41, McCall House
Derek rushed to Scott and gripped his shoulders before pushing him against the wall of the back of the room in one swift movement, Y/N shrieking as he pulled her with him. Holding the teenager by the neck and pressed against the wall, Derek leaned in close and shook Y/N’s arm slightly as she tried to get a way as best she could, knowing full well her strength would never compare to the werewolf’s.
“I saw you on the field,” hissed Derek and Scott, panicking, huffed heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
“What are you talking about?” wailed Scott.
Y/N’s heart thumped against her ribs as she kept trying to pry her wrist out of Derek’s tightly closed fist. The man suddenly yelled and it made her whole body freeze, tension running through it at his words.
“You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me, about all of us-” he started but Y/N cut him off.
“-let us go! Stop!” she exclaimed, as she tried to kick him in the leg but he didn’t even wince at the contact of her foot against the crook of his knee, his only reaction being twisting her wrist. She groaned and whimpered, her mouth ridden of any words she was planning to say.
“And then it’s not just the hunters after us, it’s everyone.”
Scott tried his best to exhale but to no avail, Derek’s thumb pressing against his windpipe.
“They- didn’t see anything, I swear!” he tried to convince his aggressor.
“And they won’t. Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday,” he turned to look at a terrified yet clearly angry Y/N, “I’ll kill her.”
After those terrorizing words slipped from his lips, Derek let go of both of the McCalls and jumped out of the window carelessly. Scott fell to the ground, wheezing. Y/N sat on the bed and tried to slow her rapid heartbeat, face flushed and eyes wide.
“Holy shit,” whispered Stiles and she sent him a glare through the webcam.
“Holy shit? Holy shit? Seriously? This is the guy that killed that girl in the woods? This is Derek Hale?” she exclaimed, furious with both her brother and the boy with his mouth left agape.
“In the flesh…”
“Oh my god. What in god’s name did you get yourselves into?” she whined, letting her back fall onto the bed with a quiet thump.
“I think you already know the answer to that Y/N, otherwise you wouldn’t be in this room right now.”
She immediately turned her head to the laptop and Stiles regretted his previous sentence. She got up and walked towards the computer, pointing slightly at the webcam.
“No. You do not get to be a smartass right now Stiles. I’m going to die because of you, dickheads!” She shot around to meet Scott’s eyes.
“And you. You are not playing on Saturday. I don’t care what Allison says, what mom says, I don’t give the slightest crap what Coach says. You are not even going to sit in the bleachers. Got it?” she said, seething.
“Got it,” answered a petrified Scott, still lying against the wall.
“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower. Try not to set the house on fire or conjure up a ghost while I’m gone please.” And she walked out.
“I don’t know who’s more lethal, Derek or your sister.”
Friday, 12:34, Beacon Hills Indoor Cafeteria
A week had gone by since the incident in Scott’s bedroom. Classes were long and tiresome, homework was demanding and time-consuming. However, school was the least of her worries. Unfortunately, even a week hadn’t been long enough for Derek’s traumatizing words to erase themselves from Y/N’s memory, let alone for them to lose their importance in her mind. He was dangerous, that much was clear, and what was even more dangerous about the teenagers’ situation was the fact that they knew nothing about him. All she could think about as her teachers droned on about the concept of democracy and French irregular verbs was- well…literally everything.
Stiles had spent the whole week trying to listen in on the Sheriff department’s calls and he had even tried to log on his father’s computer. The password having unfortunately been changed, his plans had fallen through. He had also spent quite few hours bringing Y/N up to speed with everything that had happened since that fateful night when Scott got bitten. She thanked him, knowing however that the extra information hadn’t given her the feel of peace she thought she would get, instead, it just made her even more anxious.
First of all, because now she knew just how positively dead they were, secondly, because this meant she had more to keep from Carrie. She felt terrible about Carrie being left in the dark about all of this. Truth be told, she wanted more than anything to come clean about her latest “adventures”, hell, even just to ask for advice. How was she supposed to deal with this alone?
“But you’re not alone,” Stiles had told her after she had tried convincing him and her brother to give her permission to tell Carrie the truth. They didn’t get it though. Obviously, they were in on this too, they knew what was going on and they had assured that she was a part of “Wolfie Club” as Stiles had jokingly called it. But still, she felt alone. She needed her friend.
That kind of secret was a burden that her little shoulders just couldn’t carry on her own. One could argue that she didn’t have to listen to her brother and friend, but she was loyal and once promises had been spoken, they had to be kept. No point in discussing it any further.
So the fifteen year old girl sat in her seat at lunch that Friday ignoring Stiles and Scott’s banter, wondering to herself how on earth she was going to manage holding her tongue, helping them out and not imploding due to the giant ball of stress and fear growing in her abdomen, all at the same time.
“-right? Y/N?”
“What?” Y/N snapped out of her daze.
“You agree with me right? We have to find the body. Well- the top part,” said Stiles, tripping over his words.
“I’m sorry, can we rewind?” she asked, rubbing at her forehead.
“Stiles’ dad just installed a curfew. He’s looking for the murderer-” said Scott until Stiles interrupted him hurriedly.
“-meanwhile we know who the killer is!”
“Stiles, we can’t just tell your dad what we know,’ said Y/N.
“Which is exactly why we need to look for proof so that we can get Derek arrested for his crimes and so we don’t need to deal with his death threats anymore!”
Stiles leaned back in his seat and bit excessively at his apple, his anxiety obviously through the roof right then. Y/N felt bad for him. She had been so busy thinking about how this whole “thing” affected her, not even taking a minute to realize the fact that her best friend was probably about to overdose on Adderall.
“Well, yeah, okay I agree but how? I mean it’s not like you’re the best sleuth in the world Sti, you can’t even shut up for more than ten seconds, let alone sneak around in a house with a murderer slash werewolf hot on your trail.”
Stiles sniffed and bit his lip as he furiously tapped his knee against the edge of the cafeteria table. He turned to Scott who was picking at his pasta in silence.
“Hey did you talk to Coach about tomorrow?”
“Scott…are you or are you not playing tomorrow night?” questioned Y/N, feeling her heart beat a little faster by the minute.
“I- I don’t know.” Stiles and Y/N scoffed and groaned but he threw his hands up in defense.
“You don’t understand! Allison’s coming to the game, so is Mom! And Lydia said I had to play or she’d introduce Allison to the other players.”
“Let her! Jesus, Scott! You’re seriously picking your one week long girlfriend over your sister’s life and safety?”
“And yours?” added Stiles, bewildered and annoyed.
“And the poor kid’s life?” hissed Y/N, noticing that people were starting to turn their heads in their direction.
“The kid who’s gonna find himself at the wrong place at the wrong time and who’s either going to die or bleed. A lot,” she said angrily.
“Okay, okay! There’s a lot on the line. I know that.”
Scott slumped back into his seat and closed his eyes. Stiles and Y/N shared a look and frowned.
“Look, we’re sorry about this. Okay? It’s not fair. But you don’t have a choice Scott.”
“She’s right Scott. I’m sorry.”
Scott looked down and sighed but nodded.
“Guess I should tell Allison then,” he said before pushing away his tray and sliding his arm in the strap of his backpack as he walked away.
Y/N sighed and mournfully looked at her club sandwich, still neatly placed in her paper plate. Stiles munched on a large piece of apple as he turned to her and stopped when he noticed her plate.
“Hey, you haven’t even touched that. What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? Really?”
He chuckled and tilted his head in agreement.
“Okay, maybe we are experiencing our fair share of problems right now but is that all this is?”
Y/N paused and looked down at her lap.
“I’ve been a little distant from Carrie ever since this weekend.”
“Because I can’t even look at her without wanting to spill everything about Scott. I mean, you guys are lucky. You’ve got each other, you’re a pair.” Stiles opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off before he could. “And- don’t say that’s not true because you know that it is.  Sti, you’re my best friend and Scott’s my brother, but you guys are brothers as well.
“I can spend as much time with you two as I want, it’s never gonna change the fact that my relationship with you is different from your relationship with Scott. And it’s okay. I don’t mind, I realized that a long time ago. But it means that you’re a pair and I’m a single. I have Carrie, but I can’t bring her into all of this.”
“You can’t be a pair,” said Stiles, nodding his head slowly.
“I can’t be a pair.” Y/N bit her lip as he reached for her hand and cupped it with his own.
“I’m sorry that you can’t tell her all about this, Blue. I really am. I wish you could. Maybe one day, Scott’ll tell you he’s okay with it but for now, it does have to stay between us.”
“I know.”
Y/N squeezed his hand and let go of it, reaching for her sandwich and digging in.
4:02, McCall House
After school, Y/N rode home on her bike and let it fall on the grass of the front lawn, too tired to prop it against the wall of the house. Walking up the stairs after having gotten a water bottle from the fridge, she took out her phone and tapped on the Messages app.
Y/N: hey Car i missed u this week. wanna hang this weekend? watch dumb romcoms and have pizza?
Y/N walked into her room and sat down on her bed, pulling off her little black boots from her sore feet as she yawned. This week had simply been exhausting. Suddenly, she heard her phone emit a ding and she turned it on in a flash hoping it would be Carrie.
Scott: I found something guys, both of you come to my room asap
Y/N didn’t hesitate and went straight into Scott’s room, shutting the door behind her, a pang of disappointment floating around her stomach. She turned around and saw what Scott was doing.
“What happened to your lacrosse stick?” she gasped, rushing towards him and snatching it away from him.
“I went to see Derek,” he answered, looking at his stick, more precisely, at the torn net.
“He’s messing with Allison. I think he’s going to hurt her if we don’t act fast.”
Y/N raised the stick and her eyebrow simultaneously at him.
“He doesn’t know you have replacement string, does he?”
“I think it was more so to prove a point.”
She sat on the floor next to his bed, looking up at him as he shifted over his covers.
“So, what did-“
“-what did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And, yes, I’ve had a lot of Adderall, so-,” Stiles said quickly and loudly as he entered running into Scott’s bedroom. He stopped, heaving and blinking his eyes a couple of times before trying to catch his breath.
“I found something at Derek Hale’s,” answered Scott.
“Are you kidding? What?” interrogated Stiles before turning to Y/N and taking a step back as though he hadn’t seen her, “Oh hey Y/N.”
“Hi?” she replied, the corners of her mouth quirking up a bit at his hyperactive behavior.
“There’s something buried there– I could smell blood,” Scott answered, screwing his nose up a bit.
“Wait what?”
“That’s awesome! I mean that’s terrible. Who’s blood?”
“I don’t know. But when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you guys help me figure out a way to play lacrosse without changing. Because there’s no way I’m not playing that game.” Scott got up as Y/N nodded.
“Sounds like a plan,” she said, pensively.
“We need gloves, a night vision camera, binoculars-“
“-Stiles, we’re not the FBI,” laughed Scott.
“And besides, we’re not going to Derek’s. At least not right now,” Y/N said with an all-knowing look on her face.
“Rrrright,” Stiles said, nodding, “where are we going then?”
“We’re going to the hospital,” she answered the confused boy and Scott and him shared a look as she started explaining her plan.
5:16, Beacon Hills Hospital
Y/N walked into the main hall of the Beacon Hills hospital clutching her wrist with her other hand. After a few minutes of taking the elevator and finding her way, she treaded lightly to her right and peeked at the front desk on the second floor. Sure enough, her mom was there. Sliding her phone out from her back pocket, Y/N quickly typed in a message, hit send and put it away before walking towards Melissa who was busy answering calls.
“Hey, mom,” she said, stepping right into her eyeshot. The nurse looked up and smiled.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” she asked warmly before getting up and making her way around the front desk.
“I hurt my wrist wrestling with Stiles- long story, and I can’t move it much without it being really painful. Could you take a look at it?” she asked, praying she would say yes.
“Well, I’m not really supposed to do consultations for patients without an actual doctor present,” Melissa said, wincing a little and Y/N’s heart sank. “Let’s go.”
She beamed and kissed her mom on the cheek before following her into a patient room a few feet away, looking over her shoulder and winking.
“Okay, let’s do this,” said Stiles as he got her signal, motioning at Scott to go ahead. They both walked slowly in the direction of the front desk and Stiles turned to a certain door. He nodded.
“Good luck, I guess,” he said as Scott pushed the door open and slipped inside, the letters MORGUE written in bold white just a few centimeters away from an arrow pointing in the direction of where he had just gone.
Scott walked into an empty corridor and kept walking until he reached the morgue, a sign on the door signaling that this was where he needed to be. The teenager went inside and started opening the different metal doors, desperately trying to find what he was looking for and scared out of his mind. His heart thumped harshly against his ribcage and he couldn’t help but start hyperventilating when he slid a tray out. On it lay a body covered with a white cloth. Well, technically, half a body.
“Oh god, Y/N, why?” he asked under his breath as he grimaced and flipped the corners of the cloth off the cadaver. A strong scent of blood and slowly rotting flesh filled his nostrils as his eyes landed on the dirty and cold feet of the victim. He could barely stand the smell, it was just too strong and too foul, almost beastly. It was disgusting but Scott concentrated and his eyebrows raised when he recognized it.
Not even bothering to cover the bottom half of the body up again, he slid the tray back in, shut the metal door and ran out of the room, the terrifying image and the gruesome scent following him. When he got to the waiting room, his eyes fell on Stiles, seemingly busy reading what appeared to be a pamphlet on menstruation and he went to tell him he was done.
“Holy god!” exclaimed Stiles when Scott grabbed the pamphlet from his clampy hands.
“The scent was the same.”
“You sure?” asked Stiles as he got up.
“So he did bury the other half of the body on his property.”
“Which means we have proof he killed the girl,” Scott said, nodding his head.
“Okay we have to text Y/N, let her know the coast is clear. Let’s go.”
Y/N’s phone emitted a ding and she suddenly shot up as her mom felt her arm and wrist.
“You know what, mom, it’s getting better. Besides you have a lot of work to do so I’m just gonna go.” Melissa looked at her and frowned, wondering why she was in such a sudden rush to leave.
“Okay, well, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong. If you’re still feeling sore, put some ice on it and it should get better from there.”
“Great, thank you, I love you!” said Y/N hurriedly before pulling the door open and rushing out of the patient room, leaving her mom alone and puzzled.
“So, was it the same?”
“Yeah, exactly that.”
“So, the body’s what you were smelling! That’s good news, great even. We can finally get rid of him and get that girl justice,” said Y/N, grinning widely.
“Okay so what do we now?” Scott asked.
“We’re going to Derek’s,” answered Stiles, determined. Y/N nodded.
“We’re gonna need shovels,” she added and Stiles clicked his tongue in agreement. It made her quite happy to know that they were on the same page practically all the time, they rarely disagreed over important things and that gave her a sense of partnership and teamwork she simple loved.
11:56, Hale House, Woods
Derek’s black car gleamed in the moonlight as it drove away from the clearing where the Hale house stood. After a few minutes, a baby blue jeep took its previous spot and the ignition was turned off. The three teenagers left the car, slamming the doors shut behind them and they started to walk towards the house.
“It was around here somewhere when I came earlier,” Scott said, gesturing at a spot a few feet away from the left side of the house.
“I low-key can’t believe we’re about to dig out a human body,” said Y/N as she grabbed a shovel from her brother’s hand and he nodded with a hum.
“It’s weird though, something feels different,” he said, contemplating the ground.
“Different how?” asked Stiles, stopping his first dig mid-movement.
“I don’t know.” Scott walked closer towards the spot he had pointed at minutes earlier and pushed his shovel in the humid ground. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Agreed. I am not spending one minute more than necessary here. Fucking creeps me out,” Y/N said, shuddering as she started digging on Scott’s right.
The three dug for a while, time slow and taunting as their arms felt heavier and their muscles ached. They didn’t speak during that time, the only sounds besides the incessant scraping of the shovels in the dirt were their grunts and groans as they kept going. No one talked until finally, Scott paused to wipe his brow and spoke.
“This is taking too long,” he said.
“Just keep going.”
“What if he comes back?” asked Y/N, stopping to properly look over at Stiles who was still going at it.
“Then we get the hell out of here,” Stiles answered.
“What if he catches us?” Scott questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion and anxiety.
Stiles shrugged and looked ahead but kept going, digging his shovel in the ground as deep as possible.
“I have a plan for that.”
“Which is?”
He grunted and waved his shovel in the air, almost banging Y/N on the forehead with the metal object.
“You run one way, I’ll run the other, so does Y/N. Whoever he catches first, too bad,” he said, shrugging before starting to dig again.
“I hate that plan,” whined Scott.
Y/N nodded with a neutral expression on her face after having given the so called “plan” a thought.
“Actually, I second it.”
“You seriously think you could outrun Derek?” inquired her brother with a smirk as Stiles scoffed.
“I don’t have to outrun Derek, I just have to outrun one of you.”
The three of them chuckled before Y/N spoke again.
“This is really starting to bore the crap out o-”
“-alright stop, stop, stop!” exclaimed Stiles when he felt the edge of his shovel touch something a little harder than the humid soil beneath their feet. Y/N’s breath hitched as both the boys let go of their shovels and bent down to start digging with their hands.
Their dirty fingers unraveled some string and they both looked at each other, puzzled.
“Okay just get whatever that is above ground, guys, he’ll be back any minute now,” Y/N whispered, her heart beating faster and faster by the minute.
Sure, they had done some pretty cool and forbidden stuff before like when they hung out in the principal’s office when Scott and Stiles were in the 7thgrade at night or like that one time when they had hidden in the storage room of a comic book store downtown for hours before the manager had found them. Those times had definitely made their pulses raise, but they were nothing like what the teenagers were experiencing right then. This was some other level.
“I’m trying. Did he have to tie this thing in like, 900 knots?” said Stiles, hissing lightly as his long fingers desperately tried to untie the string.
“I’ll do it.” Scott knelt further down to help him and sure enough, together, they managed. Opening up the package by pulling off the dirty material, their eyes fell upon a dead black dog.
Scratch that, it was too big to be a dog.
“Oh my god!” yelled out Scott, jumping backwards and landing on his backside, groaning at the impact with the ground.
Y/N shrieked and looked away, covering her mouth and moving her legs in a squeamish fashion as though she were urgently in need of going to the bathroom. Stiles meanwhile gagged and fell back alongside his best friend all the while cursing.
“What the hell is that?” he exclaimed, gesturing towards the disgusting and morbid thingin the hole they had just dug up.
“It’s a wolf,” said Scott, staring at the dead animal with disgust yet curiosity.
“Yeah I can see that!”
“Cover it up, please, please cover it back up Scott!” Y/N whined, trying her best not to throw up due to the vile smell.
Scott shook his head just as he was about to tell her they had to inspect it but Stiles cut him off before he could even utter her name.
“I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood?” said Stiles, annoyed and confused all at once.
Y/N was completely bewildered by what they had just discovered. Why had Derek buried a wolf? Was it a werewolf? If so, had he been a member of the pack? Was it a she? Thousands of questions swam around her head and she almost felt woozy as she tried to focus on one.
“I told you something was different.”
“This doesn’t make sense,” said Stiles as he closed his eyes.
“We gotta get out of here.”
“No! We can’t!” Y/N exclaimed, ignoring the rotten stench coming from the hole.
“Why not?” asked Scott.
“Because! You’re not telling me you’re not even a little curious as to why this is here?”
“No, honestly Blue, we have to go, like, now.Scott, help me cover this up.”
Y/N groaned as she shook her head, rolling her eyes before turning and gasping a little. Her gaze had rested on a flower, partially hidden in the earth, the deep purple petals barely visible through the humid soil.
“What is it?” inquired Scott as she started to walk away from them and towards the curious flora, almost hypnotized by its beauty. “Y/N?”
Y/N ignored him and bringing two fingers down to the stem of the flower, she tugged lightly. Only the flower didn’t detach itself from its roots. Instead, they left their earthy cage with it.
A long line of string followed and Y/N, perplexed, looked over at the teenage boys who were staring at the plant in her hand.
“What the-?”
“-Y/N, don’t touch that!”
“Ugh, it’s fine. I haven’t turned to a big pool of green slime okay? Give the dad talk a rest.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow and she brushed it off, instead inspecting the flower. It really was mesmerizing. Tiny little light green leaves stuck out the side of it and it offered contrast with the purple color of the flower itself.
“What is so special about this flower?” Y/N asked herself. She felt drawn to it, but as to why? She had no clue.
“Not to interrupt your newfound passion for herbology but we really should go. If Derek finds us here, we’re dog food.”
Scott slapped Stiles’ chest with the back of his hand and glared at him.
“Well what? Dog food is more fitting than toast in this case.”
The glare didn’t cease and Y/N snorted, looking away from them only to start inspecting the string attached to the plant in her hands.
“Agree to disagree.”
“Hey guys?”
Y/N slowly backed away from the place she had found the flower all the while staring at the tiny hole in the soil and treaded lightly. Their eyes widened as more and more string left the confines of the earth, leaving a concave trace on the ground but Y/N didn’t stop. Her heart thumped in her chest and she kept going, walking behind Scott and Stiles then making a whole turn around them. And another, and another, and another one after that. Finally, the string came to an end and Y/N looked up, confused. She squinted her eyes at the traces left beneath her feet when Scott spoke up.
“Look,” he said, simply, staring at the grave they had just dug up.
Both Stiles and Y/N rushed over and what their eyes landed on sent a chill down their spines in a matter of seconds, Y/N’s veins turning to ice.
The animal they had found was no longer a wolf, it was a woman. Her top half to be exact.
“Oh shit!” screamed Y/N. “Okay that’s it! We’re out of here.”
“We have to cover it up,” murmured Stiles, his stare not leaving the corpse’s void-filled eyes.
“Yeah, let’s do that, but we have to move fast. Y/N, pass me the shovel!”
She did as she was told and hurried as she grabbed her own, immediately getting to it.
“D’you know what this means?”
“We’ve got him by the tail,” answered Stiles.
Saturday, 4 pm, McCall House
Soft music played through the small orange speaker on Y/N’s dresser as she absentmindedly tapped the end of her pencil on her desk, her tired eyes staring into an abyss while she tugged at her bottom lip with her fingers.
Her empty thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. Stiles’ name flashed on the screen as the Star Wars bar theme played and she frowned, picking it up swiftly and bringing it up to her ear to answer the call. “Stiles?”
“I lost Scott.”
“You what?”she exclaimed, jumping out of her seat, her whole body tensing.
“It’s not a big deal! But yes, I- uh- lost him…”
“I can’t believe you Stiles. Remind me never to leave you alone with my future kids.”
“Hey, I will have you know that Mrs. Terry was very satisfied with my babysitting ski-“
“-yeah yeah, where are you right now?”
“Okay, where did you lose him?”
“Details, Stiles!”
“I had the string with the purple flowers in my bag when we left Derek’s after my dad arrested him and Scott said he couldn’t breathe so I ran out and threw the bag away and I turned around and he was gone! Poof!”explained Stiles, breathlessly.
“Poof?”she repeated, seething with anger.
“I’m gonna kill you Stiles.”
“Look, I’m gonna call him right now, okay? Just try calling the Sheriff’s department, they don’t take me as seriously as they used to.”
“When did they ever?”she said before hanging up and dialing 911.
“Sheriff’s station, what’s your emergency?”
“Maggie! Hey! It’s Y/N, McCall?”
“Did you Stiles put you up to this?”
“No! What? Just- it’s Scott, we can’t find him-,”
“The Sheriff’s department’s got too much on its plate to worry about your game of hide and seek Y/N, have a good day.”
“No! Wai-“ Y/N shrieked but it was too late, the deputy had hung up.
“Good thing I wasn’t calling about a killer in my house,” she grumbled as she slipped into a dark blue pair of jeans and a grey tank top. She grabbed her maroon sweatshirt and her phone before hurrying out the door. She had to find her brother, before it was too late.
6:55 pm, Beacon Hills High School
Y/N’s muscles ached as she sped on her bike, riding as fast as possible in the direction of the high school, the last place Scott could be at. She had ridden all around the town, scraping her knees and burning thousands of calories as she called out her brother’s name, desperately trying to find him. She had been to Stiles’ house, she had gone to Deaton’s, Scott’s boss. She had called her mom to check if Scott was over at the hospital with her, she had been to the comic book store all the way across town. She had literally ridden every square inch of Beacon Hills but the school and she was sweaty, angry and exhausted.
Grumbling profanities and wiping at her brow, Y/N pulled into the parking lot of her school, shivering slightly due to the cool night air and she set down her bicycle, wasting no time to rush over to the lacrosse field.
“I swear you better be here, Scott,” she mumbled.
Sure enough, Stiles and Scott were there, standing next to their coach as he yelled out their strategy, making some of the players on the team groan and whine.
Y/N didn’t even stop to think but instead rushed over to them and pushed Stiles aside.
“What the hell Stiles?”
“Hey Y/N! Oh my god! I’m so sorry, we just completely forg-“
“-you sent me on a wild goose hunt and didn’t even bother to call me to tell me you had found him! What the hell is your problem?”
“I’m sorry, Blue.”
“You’re sorry? Not good enough. My legs are sore and I am this close to crying from pure exhaustion Stiles.”
“-I’m not done talking! I swear to God, if your team doesn’t win the game tonight, I will make it my personal mission to stuff your lacrosse jersey down your throat and do the same thing to Scott.”
“Are you done now?”
“Yes,” she huffed, crossing her arms and exhaling as her shoulders untensed.
“And that is how you motivate a bunch of horny imbecile teenagers! Give it up for- I’m sorry, what’s your name, sweetheart?”
Y/N whirled around only to realize the entire team was staring at her, each and every one of the players utterly shocked and confused as to why she was on the field in the first place.
“Y/N,” she answered, her cheeks reddening immediately. “Good talk,” she added before walking away with clenched fists, a bottomless pit forming in her stomach.
“Oh god,” she muttered under her breath as she walked over to the bleachers and walked a little further up, seating herself right next to a tall and very pretty brunette.
“Do you know him?” asked the gorgeous girl, turning to her.
“I’m sorry?”
“Do you know that guy? Over there? Number eleven?””
“Oh yeah, he’s my brother,” answered Y/N, coolly.
“You’re Y/N?” she asked, a beam painted across her face, making her rosy cheeks wrinkle a bit.
“Uh yeah, and you’re Allison?”
“Scott told you about me?”
“Something like that,” she said, smiling sheepishly. The fact was, ever since the truth had come out over Scott’s new powers, he hadn’t shut up about his new girlfriend, Allison. Both Stiles and Y/N had been shocked and intrigued by the news, wondering how in God’s name Scott had managed to score a date with her in the first place, much to his dismay.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” said Allison, extending her hand, timidly.
“Nice to meet you, Allison,” said Y/N, smiling a little wider this time as she shook it.
Scott’s new girlfriend was extremely warm, her friendliness immensely agreeable. Y/N couldn’t help but want to strike up a conversation but she stopped herself from saying anything, too afraid of scaring her away.
Y/N searched for some familiar faces and found her mother who was waving at Scott with a huge smile on her face. Of course she had come, it was his first big game. She sat on the first bench and set down her handbag. Y/N exhaled slowly. It was at that moment that a certain strawberry blonde seated next to Allison turned her head to her.
“It’s good that your brother chose to step up and play. I hope he makes this game worth our while.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” Y/N muttered under her breath, looking over at the field. Jackson was talking to the coach and Stiles had just sat down in front of the field, obviously looking in the same direction as her. Scott was standing next to the other players on his team and staring back at her. She couldn’t really see his eyes but gripping the edge of the bench on which she was seated, she mouthed something to him.
‘You can do this’
Scott nodded and cracked his neck before placing himself in the right position. The ref blew the whistle. It was go-time.
The ball immediately filled the nets of the Beacon Hills players and for a while, everything seemed to be okay. But something was off. As the maroon players ran around the field, slowly approaching their opponents’ goal, Scott trailed up behind.
“What is he doing?” she asked herself.
Then suddenly, number 10 found himself surrounded by two whites and he cowered, the ball flying out of his net and onto the grass a few feet away due to the force of the opposing team’s defense. Scott whirled his head around, his wide eyes resting on the little white ball and he dove in, ready to catch it with his net. He ran but Jackson caught up with him and shoved him away, grabbing the ball and heading towards the ball.
“They’re keeping him from playing,” she muttered, her eyes fixated on the scene unfolding before the crowd.
Speaking of the crowd, an eruption of cheers echoed through the stands as Shitmore scored and a red digital 1 showed up on the scoreboard right under the letters HOME. Y/N shook her head and cursed under her breath.
Allison and Lydia both got up and held up a large banner with the words WE LUV U JACKSON as they whooped and Y/N rolled her eyes, focusing on the field. She tried to catch Scott’s eyes but he was staring at Jackson. Yep, he had probably seen the banner.
“This isn’t good…”
The team huddled up but the teenager stayed away, looking at them with anger seeping through his eyes. The whistle blew once, signaling the game was about to pick up again. Every player got into position, including Scott, and soon the ref blew his whistle again.
White and maroon jerseys ran towards the player with the ball in his net and he sprinted away aiming at his friend. Each person on the field was in motion, the cool breeze of the night blowing softly through their hair as they accelerated their swift movements, trying desperately to catch the ball with their long sticks. Groans and cheers, oohs and aahs and gasps escaped the mouths of the people in the stands and Y/N’s muscles tensed as she heard Allison talk to Lydia.
“I hope he’s okay,” the beautiful brunette said, looking over at Scott who was hunching his back.
“I hope we’re okay,” said Lydia and Y/N almost snapped.
Standing up yet again, Lydia held up another banner, Jackson’s name followed by a #1 drawn onto it with a sharpie. Y/N’s eyes widened and her head snapped in Scott’s direction. He was going to be furious.
Sure enough, the young werewolf had seen it and cracking his neck again, he straightened his back and stood in front of the white player, both at the ready to catch the ball. The shrill sound of the whistle blew and Scott blocked his opponent’s attempt at taking the ball, sending it flying into the night sky.
He moved in a matter of seconds and took a leap, jumping over another player and catching the ball in his net, taking a run for it. The crowd erupted in cheers and Allison gasped, clapping furiously and beaming.
Scott kept going, avoiding the visitors’ defense and pushing away his attackers, passing through a wall of players and shoving their shoulders with his own. Getting just close enough to score, he didn’t hesitate and motioned his net to the ground, throwing the ball right into the opponent’s goal.
The entire stands jumped up, screaming his jersey number, and applauding his swift moves on the field as the players on his team rushed to him to clap their hands on his back.
Y/N squealed and yelled out his name as her eyes widened in pleasant shock.
Maybe it was all going to be okay in the end.
Stiles was cheering as well along with the other benched players and the team’s coach started yelling out instructions to his players.
“Pass to McCall! Pass the ball to McCall! Hey, that rhymes.”
The game resumed and Scott was on fire. He passed more players and scored more points, running from one goal to the next, blowing everyone’s mind with his talent and athletic prowess. One opposing player even passed him the ball at one point, obviously terrified of him.
The end of the game was nearing, there were only a few seconds left on the clock. The stands were quiet for the first time in the whole duration of the game. Y/N exhaled, incredibly nervous. She glanced down at Stiles who was literally chewing on his gloves, his own eyes fixated on Scott.
The ball was sent to him and the teenager caught it with ease, making his way to the goal. But he stopped.
From afar, he seemed to be looking for a bee buzzing around him, his head turning and moving quickly and strangely. It was like he couldn’t situate himself.
“Scott,” murmured Y/N. “Scott, focus.”
His ears perked up and he looked over at the stands only to see his sister and Allison were both muttering words of encouragement in his favor. He breathed heavily and straightened his back before looking ahead. The goalie seemed terrified, gripping his stick with terror.
Scott raised his arms and sent the ball flying towards the net. Time stopped. Then, the whistle blew for the last time.
Everyone screamed and cheered, waving their maroon banners in the air and chanting “McCall!” over and over again.
“That’s my kid! That’s my son!” exclaimed Melissa, gasping for air as she raised her fists in the air and arched her back.
Stiles ran towards the field and jumped up and down, screaming his head off and everyone followed. The game had been won. Scott had scored for his team, they had won! All thanks to him.
Y/N could barely believe it as she ran down the steps of the bleachers and onto the field to join the cheerful crowd. She joined Stiles and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him in a tight hug as they both laughed and whooped.
“Oh my god! Scott?” called out Y/N, searching for her brother through the crowd.
Stiles and Y/N looked around but no trace of the young werewolf could be seen. Turning to each other, their faces turning white as sheets, they both ran off in the direction of the woods, calling out his name over and over again.
Y/N’s heart was beating so fast, she could practically feel a dent in her skin above her ribs as she ran and yelled for him. Stiles grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the school, running as fast possible.
Rushing through the corridors, Stiles yanked Y/N into the boys locker room but pulled her back immediately.
“What are y-,” Y/N was about to ask when he cupped his hand over her mouth and pulled her a little further into the shadows of the dark room. Bringing a finger up to his mouth, he looked straight into her eyes and she shivered. They were pressed against each other, her body squeezed between her friend and the lockers. The moment was interrupted however when his gaze left her own and he peeked at the scene behind said lockers.
He let her go and straightened her tank top. She looked at him, puzzled.
That was when Allison walked towards them and blushed, her lips a little redder than they had been at the game and her hair untidy.
“Hey, Stiles, Y/N,” she said, smiling timidly as she passed them and left the room, the sound of her boots resonating in the hall as she left the perimeter.
Both Stiles and Y/N made their way around the lockers only to find Scott. He looked proud and a goofy smile was plastered on his face as he waved at them, sheepishly.
Y/N shook her head and laughed, squeezing her eyes shut.
“Oh thank God,” she said.
“I kissed her.”
“We saw.” Stiles smiled all-knowingly at his best friend.
“She kissed me.”
“Saw that too.”
“It’s pretty good huh?”
Scott couldn’t stop grinning as Stiles patted him on the back and Y/N’s lips curled into a smile.
Scott’s eyes suddenly widened and he smiled even wider.
“I-I don’t know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back! Maybe I can do this, maybe it’s not that bad!” he exclaimed.
“Uh, yeah, about that.”
“What, what is it?” asked Scott, his eyes turning to his sister.
“The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found,” explained Stiles, his face turning a little dark.
“He determined that the victim’s killer was an animal, not a human…”
“Which means, what?”
“Derek is not an animal.”
“Let me keep it simple, Scott. Derek not animal. Derek thus, not killer. Derek let out of jail,” said Y/N, exasperated.
“Are you kidding?” exclaimed Scott, fear flashing through his eyes.
“No, and here’s the bigger kick in the ass.”
“The victim was ID’d. Her name is Laura Hale.”
“Derek’s sister…”
Scott gasped and shook his head.
“This can’t be happening!”
The three of them stared at the floor when Y/N spoke up.
“But you kissed Allison!”
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fubukimori · 6 years
Lift-of-the-ground hug
Basicly it was going to be not longer than one page silly attempt at writing in English, but I’ve got carried away a bit ^^” This is dedicated to @crazy-bone-lady​ (Nevia belongs to her), bc she is a nice person dragged me into a bunch of cool people in my current fundom, where I was introduced to so many cool characters i would never know by myself. I really aprechciate this ^^ Since Nevia is my favorite one, I decided to write something she inqluded. I hope i didn’t mischaracter her ^^” (im also willing to write something like this with ataric but not really sure if i capable of that)
Also a reminder that I’m not an English-speaking person, so my apologies to you if you find this writing full of mistakes of different kinds (still need to figure out how to put direct speech into shape properly). I warned ya ;3
It was awfully early in the morning. Barely a few people were slumberly heading to their work places to get prepared for the daily Tower routine. Guardians are rarely wandering here that early, even commander Zavala wasn’t  here yet. Nevertheless Fubuki was already on her feet, cheerful and vivacious after a good “two hours nap” which started yesterday noon and ended just an hour ago. Deserted Tower seemed so nice and unnatural so she was just strolling around, humming random melodies and enjoying the absence of croudy guardians while looking for the perfect place to sit and crochet the shawl she’d promised to Ikora.
Passing by the lord Shaxx’s survey point and obviously finding him here, already boisterous and loud, Fubuki noticed someone on the place commander Zavala usually stood. The Warlock’s poor eyesight didn’t allow her to recognize who was that person, so she called her Ghost out to help. “Ori, who is that over there?” she asked, pointlessly squinting at the stranger. Should’ve taken her glasses. “Oh, that is Nevia. That huntress from the Crucible”.
Usually lord Shaxx doesn’t match kinderguardians like Fubuki with fabled veterans of the Crucible, but some time ago he decided to give everyone a challenge, mixing up together guardians completely randomly. Most of the youngsters immediately started complaining about unfair difficulty since they were supposed to face and fight guardians way more skilled than themselves. Fubuki on a counterverse liked the idea of the challenge, but after some matches, where opponents were literally wiping floor with her, she almost gave up and decided to avoid the Crucible this week. “Just another one and I’m done with this humiliation” she thought, heading to the Nessus special fighting arena. This time was just like the others - she died and died and died… Almost crushed enough to explode and rage quit the match, Fubuki saw an opponent Titan, already speeded up enough to smash fragile warlock against the wall with their shield bash, but suddenly she felt a firm grab at her wrist and then was pulled behind the pillar next to her. Titan’s shield bash slammed loudly against the wall. Fubuki got panicked and threw her pulse grenadine towards the Titan’s direction. Confused Defender shrinked back, but wasn’t fast enough. In a split second Fubuki saw a cloak in front of her and then a flashy sword swing. The Titan clutched his chest plate with a shaky hand then dropped dead on the ground.
“Hey!” the cloak person turned back to an unusually speechless Warlock, brushing blood off their Quickfang. “Watch out where you are daydreaming, nerd!” Huntress barked and headed forward, searching for the other enemies. Fubuki followed her since she had always been told to stick with teammates in the Crucible, especially if they were actually capable of killing others.
Huntress seemed completely unbothered by a “never asked to be” companion, she was concentrated on winning this particular match. When she went through a giant stone arch in the middle of the arena, there was an unexpected foe. Another Hunter was hiding behind, squatting with Tractor cannon. Fubuki was shadowing her, so she met with this enemy Hunter face to face, while he was attempting to finish powerless opponent. Before he managed to shoot down Fubuki in a close range, she slapped him with an Arc charge, hurting him just enough to be finished with a single shoot in the head from the Huntress’ hand cannon. A perfect team work, yet absolutely spontaneous. Fubuki placed a healing rift, recovering the Huntress from that dirty trick. “Thanks” the only thing the Huntress said, reloading her magazine. Fubuki just nodded silently.
“I see you’ve got a little friend, Nevia, hahaha! Mind you, Fubuki, Nevia is a great warrior, but a terrible teacher!” lord Shaxx had been satisfied seeing twenty kills in a row by one of his favorite Crucible fighters and was praising their duo for the last five minutes. Nevia was doing most of the work, when Fubuki was putting all the effort to support her, providing healing, Arc souls and grenades, hitting the right spot barely half of all the times. When the match was over and everyone headed to collect rewards, Fubuki finally got a chance to have a good look at her savior. She was surprisingly very short woman, an Awoken just like Fubuki herself, with a severe gaze and short shaved head. “H-hey!” Fubuki exclaimed with her voice shaking of excitement, though the frown look she gained from the Huntress made her feel chill crawling on her back. Nevia looked up and down at the Warlock and then raised her brow. “Oh, it’s you”. The Huntress had probably recognized messy Crucible Warlock’s armor colored in Metroshift which Fubuki had been wearing during the match, her gaze softened a bit. It immediately brought a delighted expression back on the Warlock’s face. “Yes, it is me, your faithful support from the last match, hahaha!” she responded with a rather high-pitched voice. That’s what she does when she is excited or nervous. “I just hope I was not bothering you”
“Nah, you did fine”
“Hope so. By the way, your name is Nevia, right? I am Fubuki, it was a pleasure to fight alongside with such skilled guardian!”
“Hah, thanks”
Seeing the Huntress wasn’t really in the mood for a chatter, the Warlock got a move on with finishing this little pep talk. “Well, we are doubtedly matching in the next one, so, um… Good luck. May the Traveler's Light shine upon thee” she made a profound bow, spreading her hands in a proper Warlock’s sign of gratitude.
“The same goes for you” Nevia raised her hand, a shadow of a smile on her face. ”See you around”
From now on, Fubuki was meeting Nevia in the Tower sometimes. Every time the Awoken met each other, Fubuki waved her hand in a greeting, Nevia responded with a simple nod. Sometimes they shared a word or two. Amicable Warlock would love to make friends with this gloomy Huntress, but she seemed not really into making friends with anyone, so Fubuki was trying hard at least don’t be obtrusive. However, being in such a good mood, she decided to make a move. Fubuki jumped in the air and glided toward Nevia. Noiselessly landed behind the short Huntress, way taller Warlock grabbed her and then lifted of the ground in a snapshot. “Heya, Nevia!” she cheery exclaimed, holding tiny Huntress on her arms. “Glad to find you here tod…”
In the next few minutes Fubuki learned several lessons. First, never ever mess with Hunters before they are finished with their morning coffee. Second, if you’d spooked them or spilled their coffee, no matter how high you can jump or how many times you cried “I’m sorry!”, you’ll get stabbed. If you’d done both, it is for sure.
Fubuki was always the one learning in a hard way.
When Ori revived her, lord Shaxx, who had seen all the scene, was still laughing, definitely already bursting in tears, if only there was no helmet on his head. Nevia was already missing. “That...wasn’t such a good idea” Ori concluded. Fubuki didn’t say a word to him, only cursed to herself in several languages.
At the end of the day Fubuki was tired and really unhappy. She still felt guilty for the morning incident, and also very stupid. “You must always think first, you stupido. Now she is probably thinking I am mental or something” she rumbled to herself, heading to the vault. “Well, guess I deserved it anyway”
Fubuki didn’t hear someone approaching, so a sudden voice from behind made her flinch. It was Nevia staying behind with her her arms crossed on her chest. “Oh, em… Hi” Fubuki didn’t expect the Huntress to get close to her after she pissed her off. There was an awkward silence for a moment. “That… wasn’t very wise of you. You have to make sure this won’t happen again” she said, shifting from one feet to another. “I know, I am really sorry!” Fubuki exclaimed in response. “I… I just get really childish sometimes, I really do sorry for that”
“Yeah, and I could have played it cooler” Nevia said, lifting her gaze up to the Warlock. “Dammit, why are you such a pole?”
“I… I do not know. I was like this from, well, from the very beginning” the Warlock was a little frustrated, but it seemed the Huntress wasn’t pissed off anymore. And she kinda… made an apology too?
“So, no hard feelings, right?” Nevia asked, her face was less frown than usual. “Absolutely!” Fubuki responded with a wide smile on her face. The Huntress hold out her hand, the Warlock immediately shook it. “Glad we are cool now” she said, squeezing Huntress’ smaller palm. “If you ever need help with, well, some abstruse thing or maybe will need a medical advice, you can always call me for it”
“Sure, thanks. We should go outside the Walls someday” Nevia responded with a smug smirk. “Someone is gonna teach you not daydreaming right in the middle of the battlefield”. Fubuki laughed awkwardly. The Awoken took their leave of and both went where they were planning to. The weight of the guilt finally loosed from Fubuki’s shoulders. She hates being disturbing for anyone and the fact that Nevia had let the morning incident go made her finally feel good again.
“I hope you are not thinking you are already friends, right?” Ori hovered next to her, preaching as usual. 
“We might become ones some day. She is actually nicer than she tries to look like”
“I doubt that”
“You doubt anything, little one”
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unactive-1d · 6 years
my favourite fics in ao3
Ninety-Eight Percent
“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Niall chokes out, actual tears welling in his eyes. Liam hates him. A lot.
“This website is bullshit,” Liam grumbles. “Niall this can’t be real. How am I ninety-eight percent compatible with Louis Tomlinson?”
In which Louis is Liam's soulmate and Liam is really not amused.
Ziam Twitcam
The fans want some real life Ziam action
As He Moves
Zayn thought he wanted to know where Liam worked. Apparently he thought wrong.
Only Place I Call Home
Liam works at a coffee shop; Zayn is a homeless street performer who plays just outside the shop. Sometimes Liam brings Zayn coffee and donuts and in exchange Zayn sings for him.
Wrong Side of Love
Zayn and Liam wake up in each other's bodies.
Burning Away From Inside
They're a little too dysfunctional to be considered superheroes, but they do their best.
Fed up with Zayn and Liam skirting around how they feel about each other, the rest of the band devise a plan to get them to own up to their feelings.
(Or, Zayn and Liam are oblivious and annoying, the rest of the band can't handle it anymore, and handcuffs were probably not intended to be used this way.)
What We Become
“It’s okay if you are,” Harry says seriously. “I mean, I know I would be. Like, if there was ever a date that was destined to go bad, it’s probably this one. Werewolf goes on date with the son of a werewolf hunter, who’s also training to be a werewolf hunter when he’s older, while another pack of werewolves are practically massacring the town, and no one has no idea how to stop them. It's not a question of what could go wrong. It's a question of what could possibly go right, and I'm willing to bet the answer to that is nothing."
Floating On The Water
Liam just wants to get through his last summer working at Malik Resort before University without incident. Of course, life is never that easy, and he ends up getting roped into giving the bosses son, Zayn, swimming lessons. That wouldn't be so bad, if Zayn didn't happen to hate him so much.
Tunnel Vision
In which Zayn is an award-winning popstar with a knack for getting himself in trouble, and Liam is the bodyguard he didn’t want to hire who has a few problems with staying professional.
Not Happening
Zayn and Liam are roommates. They hate each other. (Most of the time.)
Lover Dearest
"First rule, babe," Zayn says, leaning down. His lips slide over Liam's jaw, barely there, just a soft pressure, fleeting and gone as soon as it came. "Never trust a vampire."
He's grinning as he climbs off Liam, heading for the door. Liam watches him go, thinking that he's wrong. The first rule should be to not fall in love with one.
Learning to Eat
Celebrity chef Louis Tomlinson has a problem. He’s opening his first restaurant in 9 weeks, and he has yet to hire a pastry chef- apparently people think he’s ‘standoffish’ and ‘rude’ and ‘quick to temper’. Whatever. He ends up saddled with an annoying, happy-go lucky rookie who also happens to be obnoxiously good looking. His tv presenter and pop star best friends only add to the drama, and for fucks sake would everyone please stop quoting Julia Child?!
Kitchen AU where Harry helps Louis re-learn how to eat. (METAPHORICALLY)
we are honey and the bee
It isn’t his fault though, it is entirely the fault of whichever gods thought it would be a good idea to taunt Louis by dangling a curly haired boy in front of him with a mouth that can’t possibly be as soft as it looks, a mouth that requires further inspection with Louis’ own mouth. Unfortunately, Louis absolutely cannot do that, because it would go against all rules and guidelines in the Golden Handbook of Nanny and Employee Etiquette that he’s pretty sure exists.
au where harry plays rugby at uni, louis needs to hire a nanny, and life is one big cliche.
Turning From Praise (Punk!Harry Christian!Louis)
Louis has had a strict Christian upbringing that he never realized he resented until he meets Harry Styles, a boy who lives to rebel and doesn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks. But the better he gets to know Harry, the more he begins to realize that maybe Harry does care. And maybe “the children who God forgot” are closer to God than the devout will ever be.
if you need a loving hand
Harry and Louis are just two friends who bought a coffee shop and went into business together. They definitely probably do not have feelings for each other.
Follow Me Down This Time
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he's never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
if you'll be my star, i'll be your sky
Louis smiles in the smuggest, most infuriating way, like he knows every thought filtering through Harry’s mind. He probably does.
“I thought you were a student, yeah,” Louis says, voice quieter now, leaving Harry to lean over the baluster somewhat to hear. “But I hoped you weren't.”
(or, Harry Potter AU where Harry takes a teaching post at Hogwarts and gets a little more than he expected when he meets the fit Transfiguration professor, Louis, who looks oddly familiar... Featuring Messrs. Horan, Malik, and Payne as well, along with some familiar faces from the HPverse)
At Least We're Breathing
(Just another mental institution fic!)
Fairly quickly, it becomes obvious to Harry why almost all of them are there; Liam can't control how much he eats-and then can't keep it down-. Niall doesn't talk, Harry himself has tried to end his own life, and Zayn isn't always...Zayn.
Then there's Louis, who no one really knows what he's in for, and Harry isn't even sure he belongs, but maybe he's glad he's there anyway.
Take A Bite Outta Me
Louis truly resents the implication that he is basically Harry’s own version of Bella goddamn Swan, because seriously, no. Just no. But the issue is that even this stupid Meyeresque revelation has done absolutely nothing to dampen his attraction to this weirdly charming vampire man who dresses in 8000 pound coats and hangs around in dilapidated buildings with his merry band of ethical bloodsuckers.
Louis is a slightly inept vampire hunter. Harry is a slightly unique vampire. They meet
Lego House
Louis didn't know what to think when he woke up with a needle in his arm and an unconscious man across the room. He didn't know what to think when he could hear everything. He didn't know what to think when he picked up four boys on his way out. Maybe, just maybe, they could get away.
or where Louis has heightened senses, Harry is basically a shape shifter, Liam can manipulate the air, Zayn can influence people's emotions, and Niall has healing powers. And crazy stuff happens as they wander through the woods.
Title is "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran
Two To Rule
Prince Louis is an intellectual interested in philosophy and human interaction; Prince Harry feeds off of power and wealth because it's all he's been raised to yearn for. Their arranged marriage will be the downfall of them both.
In Dreams
AU. When Harry moves to a new city, his new flat come with a number of sweet, anonymous gifts and surprises that brighten his days. Could it be a friendly ghost? Another friendly presence in his new building is his tattooed neighbor, Louis, who seems determined to put a smile back on his face.
yellow lamps on blackened skies
Louis is the best baker in his apartment building until his new neighbour shows up and threatens his position (and his dignity). It turns out that actually, he might have a competitive streak.
Like Master, Like Pet
In which Louis's cat apparently wants to date Harry's frog, intense studying of eyebrows is a thing, pillows can turn into flamingos, and a lot of really lame-ass jokes are made.
feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream
“Alright, alright. No need to bite,” Harry says, holding his hands above his head in a general gesture of surrender.
Louis quirks an eyebrow and his foot nudges Harry’s as he moves to sit straight. “If that’s what you think biting is, you’ve got another thing coming, Styles.”
Harry blinks at him before he feels his face flush and inside the marrows of his bones there’s pulses of heat, pulses of fire spreading through him. “Is that a threat, your Highness?”
“That’s a promise,” Louis answers just as the car halts to a stop. “One I intend to keep.”
Harry is a journalist with a lot of secrets and Louis is the future king of the United Kingdom; they live together for 60 days.
With the Rising Sun
This idea bloomed after seeing a post of 19-year-old Harry with a picture of younger Louis and I just really wanted to make something where Harry was older.
Louis had been living in NYC for two years now while studying at NYU, and was probably the least social 21-year-old ever. Somehow he got roped into his sister's brilliant idea of getting her college best friend to help him branch out and meet people. Only there was one problem — Harry Styles is like the hottest thing on two legs and Louis' not ready to see a much older version of the boy who filled his fantasies as a teenager.
the value of this moment lives in metaphor
Louis and Harry are best friends and absolutely nothing more. It’s a bit strange that, suddenly, everyone thinks they’re dating.
Or the one where they’re all teachers at a high school and students are more invested in their lives than normally expected.
Baby Heaven's in your Eyes
They couldn’t be more different if they tried. Louis Tomlinson is 17 years old and in his last year of the most prestigious private school in Doncaster. If there’s one thing that completely annoys him, it’s that there is a poor community college right across the street.
Harry Styles is 19 years old, and (once again) in his last year of college. He goes to community college in Doncaster. He never shows up to classes and if he actually bothers to, he’s either high or drunk; sometimes both. His skin is littered with tattoos and if there’s one thing he absolutely hates, it’s the snobby students attending the private school right across from his.
Or a sixth form!AU where Harry is the fucked up bad boy with too many problems, Louis is the perfect rich boy with too much money and their schools are right across from each other. They meet at a party and that’s the last (and maybe the only) thing they need.
put the stars in our eyes
Louis goes to bed having ordered a nineteen year-old husband.
Louis is set to inherit the family farm after the death of his father, but after finding out that he needs to be married in order to do so, purchasing a nineteen year-old, mail-order husband named Harry Styles seems to be the easiest answer.
Louis accidentally gives Zayn a black eye and it sets off the weirdest year of his life. Set in New Jersey.
growing up AU: In which Louis lives far away, but visits every winter; and Zayn falls just a bit more in love each year.
like any real love it's ever-changing
"Do you think if I repeat 'this isn't happening' for long enough it'll make it true?" Louis asks.
The cat—Zayn—moves its tail. Louis doesn't know what that means.
"I have no idea what that means," Louis says.
Zayn turns into a cat. Louis figures some things out.
if not the happiest, surely the luckiest
AU. reform boarding school for the obscenely wealthy, essentially. zayn is new and louis is hot shit.
high hopes
i know it's crazy to believe in silly things, but it's not that easy
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tricksandtales · 5 years
Chapter 17: Fight or Flight
The sympathetic nervous system functions like a gas pedal in a car. It triggers the fight-or-flight response, providing the body with a burst of energy so that it can respond to perceived dangers. – Harvard Health
As luck would have it, Castiel had in fact tracked down an angel that was healing people. It was one that was already on Heaven’s radar though, so it was kind of disappointing. Apparently, the angel went by Sister Jo, and she’d had a thing with Lucifer.
Riley that that was a bit freaky. But then, she had to remind herself that Jack was in fact Lucifer’s son, so maybe not that freaky.
 Jo had not been happy to see Cas and had tried to tear him a new one. But neither had come out of the fight with any serious wounds, and Castiel had decided to leave the other angel in relative peace.
 Of course this was all going on while the rest of the team was ingredient gathering. Which was why he wasn’t in the Impala at the moment. The rest of their little rag tag bunch were heading toward California. Well, not all the way. Sam, Dean, Jack, and Riley were going to rendezvous with Claire and Patience who’d gotten the wood from the redwood trees.
 Gabriel hadn’t been answering prayers for a few days. Probably caught up in Heaven. Riley hoped he wasn’t avoiding her… She hadn’t seen him since the movie night. Hadn’t yet had a chance to talk. But at least he wasn’t just not answering her prayers, he hadn’t come for Sam or Dean either.
 So Dean, Sam, Jack, and Riley had piled into the Impala and taken off. Riley had offered to fly them, or at least herself to meet the girls, but Dean had nixed that idea. “No solo missions. Things have been too quiet lately. I don’t like it.”
 Unfortunately he was right.
 It was the second morning of their trip. The motel they were at was the generic kind the boys seemed to like. Riley was getting used to them, though she didn’t love them. She’d crashed on the couch, much to the chagrin of the boys. But she’d insisted, due to be being the shortest.
 Jack was on a rollout, passed out in only the way teenagers could do. He still didn’t need much sleep, but when he did sleep it was deep. Sam and Dean were still asleep too, but Riley had woken super early and couldn’t get back to sleep.
 She’d tried reading for a while, until she found herself feeling hungry. She tried to remind herself she didn’t need to eat, but after so many years eating, she wasn’t going to train her body not to want food overnight. Sighing, she got up and dressed. Glancing at the boys who were completely out, she jotted down a note, grabbed the keys and headed out of the room.
 She knew Dean had said no solo missions, but this was a food run. She did those all the time alone.
 Standing in front of the glorious vehicle, Riley grinned. “Dean is going to kill me.” Sliding into the driver seat, Riley put Baby into drive and headed out. “Totally worth it.” Hitting play on one of the cassettes, music came pouring out of the speakers as she drove down the road. She started to sing along, hair flipping in the wind from the open windows.
 “He’s going to kill you.” Gabriel said from the passenger seat.
 Riley nearly had a heart attack, as his entrance had been muffled by the music. At least she was used to the angels popping up randomly, so she was able to keep the vehicle in her lane. “Damn it, Gabe.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Don’t do that.”
 “Nope. I’m gonna do what I want.” He winked.
 “Mm. Asshole.”
 “Ooh. She wounds me.” He threw a hand to his heart.
 “What’s up?” She asked, ignoring his teasing.
 “I heard the prayers but couldn’t get away sooner. So, I came to check in and found my favorite angel stealing the Impala. How could I resist such a sexy act.” He waggled his eyebrow. Though what he didn’t say was that he’d been avoiding the little team of hunters intentionally, hoping that time spend away would dull his desire for her. It hadn’t.
 He’d only come because he’d heard Riley trepidation when she’d left the motel. But here she was, perfectly fine. And she’d presented a great opportunity for pranking.
 “Only you would find theft sexy.” She huffed a laugh.
 “Hello…. Trickster.” He snarked back. “Plus it’s the best prank ever. Stealing Dean’s precious baby? He’s going have a hissy fit. It will be glorious!”
 “Not really a prank. I left a note. And I’ll probably be back before he even wakes up.”
 “Mmmaybe.” His lips turned up.
 “What are you plotting?”
 But the archangel was gone when she glanced at the passenger seat.
 Riley didn’t put too much thought into what Gabriel had planned. It’s not like she could stop him. Maybe distract him, but never stop. Dean would probably end up being madder at Gabriel by the end, so it would probably work out for her.
 She was surprised he’d shown up, but she was glad he had. It seemed like things were back to normal. He was his same old flirty trickster self. Her friend, sort of teacher, and sometimes annoyance, was exactly the same.
 Still, Riley wondered if something was wrong. They’d gotten pretty close over the past couple weeks. And there was definitely some things that had happened that they really out to talk about. But anytime it seemed like they were moving toward something….. well, it was like that saying, one step forward and two steps back.
 She didn’t have long to consider, as her destination was only about ten minutes from the motel. She parked at the McDonalds and entered the building to order breakfast for herself and the boys. It was fairly empty, as it was still fairly early. One couple at a table in the back, and an older gentleman over toward the bathroom. There was a young man behind the counter who looked sleepy and bored. But he had her order ready pretty quickly and packaged into to-go bags.
 As she was turning to leave, the door opened, admitted two people. A woman in her 60s, dressed way too nicely for McDonalds at 6 am, and a 14 year old boy. They could be family, but they looked super out of place. Riley didn’t give them much thought, other than an odd look or two, and headed toward the door.
 But her path was blocked by the kid. “Hi sweetie, can I help you?” She decided playing nice was probably her best course of action.
 “Where are the Winchesters?” He was staring at her.
 “What?” She was incredulous.
 “You have their car.” The women stood near the door still, blocking her exit.
 “Listen, I don’t know what you think…..”
 The kid grabbed her arm, drawing her attention back to him. “Where are the Winchesters?” He asked again. This time, when Riley looked at him she saw his eyes turn full black. And she realized his face was not normal - it was skull like.
 Riley did the sensible thing had she been human, and screamed, trying to pull away. The kid pushed her, and instead of stumbling, she flew back into the counter, hitting it hard. The kid was stronger than he looked by a long shot.
 The rest of the occupants in the restaurant started to freak out.  But the creatures weren’t focused on them. Riley lay on the floor, dazed. She watched, terrified, as the kid approached her again. “I will ask you again, girl, where are the Winchesters?”
 “I….I….” She pulled herself to her feet, watching as the kid ate up the distance between them quickly. “I don’t….. I stole the car!” She answered, surprised at herself. While it was technically true….
 The demon paused, “You stole the Winchester’s car?”
 “Yes?” It was a half question. Riley tried to think, tried to figure out what to do. “What are you?” she was afraid she knew the answer.
“Oh you poor child, I will make your death quick.” The kid cackled. “I am a demon.”
 As he approached again, Riley felt her fear drain away. This was exactly the sort of situation everyone had been trying to train her for. And so far she’d been failing spectacularly. ‘Not anymore.’ She thought.
 When the kid got close enough and went to grab her, she dodged and kicked out, connecting with his stomach, throwing him back. He recovered quickly and the other one started toward her.
 “The mouse wants to play.” The woman grinned. “I like playing with my food.”
 Riley reached down and grabbed the holstered weapon from her ankle, aimed, and fired at the demons. She actually hit the women. Though it didn’t seem to faze her in the slightest. “Shit.” She muttered and turned tail and ran toward the other side of restaurant where there was as second set of doors. If a gun wouldn’t take them out, then she needed to draw them away from the civilians and give herself some time to regroup.
 The demons followed her out, not at all bothered by her attempt to flee. In fact, they had a fairly lazy pace.
 When she got to the Impala, Riley turned and faced them. She dropped the gun, still within reach, and she slid into a defense position, hoping she’d learned enough to at least put up a fight. Luckily, when the kid came at her this time she was able to block and counter. But it was clear he was the better fighter. Though he wasn’t able to throw her again. They tussled, with the kid finally pulling back to study to her.
 Riley wiped at her face, finding blood on her hand from a split lip. Her side hurt, where the kid had landed a solid punch, and her back was already aching from where she hit the counter. But none of her injuries were serious. Considering the fact the kid was fighting pretty serious, Riley was kind of impressed with herself. Though she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to keep up much longer.
 The woman watched her, eyebrow raised. “She is not dying?” She…it… asked of the child demon.
 They both considered her. “She has more strength than a human should.”
 “Is she a human?”
 “We have not asked.”
 Riley wiped at the trail of blood that was leaking from a cut on her arm. “I’m right here.”
 “We need to end this and find the Winchesters. They will be close.”
 “Where did you steal the car?” The child asked.
 Riley pressed her lips together. She would definitely not be telling them that.
 “Have it your way.” The woman grinned. “Human or no, she will still die.” She pulled a blade from her sleeve and started to advance.
 Riley was not prepared for a knife fight, especially since her gun seemed to be useless. Riley wondered if she should fly away. But then it would leave civilians at risk. And the car. Dean would actually kill her if she left the car for the demons.
 “Damn it.” Riley sighed, and realized that holding her own was not going to be cutting it anymore. “Gabriel.” She said softly, “A little help.”
 The demons stared at her in confusion, but then the woman screamed as a knife appeared through her chest. The kid turned just in time for the knife to slide into his side. Both demons fell, black smoke erupting from their mouths. Gabriel stood behind them, brow raised. “I leave you alone for ten minutes….”
 Riley sagged back against the car in relief. “I’m really glad to see you.”
 Gabriel’s blade disappeared back to wherever it had come from, and he approached her, pulling her to him. “You okay, Rye?”
 “Yeah. Surprised. Scared. Probably black and blue. But I’ll survive.” She pressed her face against his chest. “So…. That happened.”
 It was a good thing she couldn’t see his face, because if looks could kills, the world would likely burn.  “We’re gonna work on your angelic abilities more. Got to figure out the angel blade situation.” His voice didn’t betray the anger he felt. He was pissed at the demons for ambushing Riley, pissed the Winchesters for not preparing her better….. and pissed at himself, for leaving her alone. If he’d stayed in the car with her, had hung out then this never would have happened.
 “Yeah, that would be good.” Riley was fairly sure she was shaking, the adrenaline no longer pushing her. For a first fight, she hadn’t been bad. But she’d still be afraid. Their faces had been horrifying.
 “Come on sweetheart, let’s get out of here.”
 “The food….” She trailed off as Gabriel snapped his fingers and they appeared back at the bunker, food now sitting on the table.
 Dean had been pacing, but stopped at their sudden appearance, anger on his face. Jack and Sam looked up, concerned, from where they stood. Gabriel gave the three a tight smile, before pushing Riley at Sam. Sam’s arms came around her automatically in surprise.
 “What?” Sam asked at the same time Dean started with “The Hell Gabriel.”
 Gabriel didn’t answer, just grabbed Dean’s arm. “Son of bitch.” Dean said, just before he and Gabriel disappeared.
 Sam stared down at Riley, noticing bruises starting to form and a couple cuts, including the one on her lip. “What happened?”
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