#poor thing was not getting along well with 3/4 other animals
silverwarewolf · 3 months
Oh, I had asked to see what the party's thoughts regarding the changeling situation were, especially when it came to their lifespans, but I didn't think it would turn out like this!
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GOOD FUCKING JOB, CHILCHUCK. YOU'VE TRAUMATIZED MARCILLE EVEN FURTHER. Oh but I do so love the horrors of this situation of theirs. Marcille babygirl I would like to hug you and have a nice chat.
Anywya, on we go to think about Falin and any solutions that might help us here. Which is great! I love how much foreshadowing there is (in terms of what I've been vaguely told about the manga).
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Laios Touden's problem solving skills, everyone.
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That's honestly the SICKEST weapon design, I'm so on board with you Laios. This could be Kensuke's Halloween makeover. BUT DONT JUST TAKE THOSE MUSHROOMS WITH YOU OH MY GOD
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... was this the opening sequence foreshadowing everyone was freaking out about? was that it? (don't actually tell me, though. if it was it, say yes. if it wasn't, don't say anything)
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no comment here I just love them.
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I just will never get used to elfshi's hands being Like That. But it's also kinda nice to see him and Izutsumi working along so nicely! Like, don't even get me started on how Izu is presented as the pickiest eater of the party (Marcille has been dethroned severely) and usually you'd see that presented as a Hassle, but here in DM, Senshi doesn't even bat an eye. He knows and respects Izutsumi's tastes and preferences and works his meals out around it! That's such a based thing for him to do. <3
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This is a renaissance painting. (I love it when they adapt Ryoko Kui's visual gags and I LOVE when she does zoomed in faces like this. Truly one of the artists ever)
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I did not have "Laios gets Pissed On" on my bingo card but every day I grow more and more convinced that the animators KNOW what they're doing and - OH MY GOD IS THAT SENSHI'S DWUSSY. ELFSHI ALTERNATIVE TO PANTY SHOT.
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Ah, yes, Izutsumi sprawls all over them when sleeping, we been knew, again it's a little unexpected to see it front and center but I guess it works to demonstrate them returning to - THAT WAS LAIOS??? AND CHILCHUCK IS JUST LIFTING HIS LEG LIKE THAT?? OKAY THEN. SURE.
(and then there's a few more seconds of laiosfoot and laios bedhead)
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1) Yep, they're back to normal.
2) Laios I love you and I love Gothsuke but someone needs to be careful about biohazards and it's not going to be you.
3) Add this to the "Marcille Donato gets threateningly close to you in three steps" folder.
4) Truly only they can match each other's freak. When the NECROMANCER is telling you not to do something, don't do it! I know last time you smuggled a "normal" sword, it turned out to be useful, but I'm sure that's not the case here!
5) Poor Laios tho. I'll learn to blacksmith just to give you a cool sword. <3
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I'm so glad they kept this. One of the silliest touden siblings moments. 10/10 no notes. Also, Falin is never beating the blunt force trauma allegations.
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"Why aren't you a twink like I thought you'd be?!" gets adapted! (I'm pretty sure that's the scene meant to be here, anyways)
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I get it, girl.
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Oh dear, they're going to eat Falin. And SENSHI was the one to suggest it! For a guy who was just fighting the doubts of accidental cannibalism a week ago, you're taking bold steps forward.
(I do love how it mirrors Laios' kindness back then, in truth. Even if it's an idea so shocking and dire at first, it comes from a place of reason and logic and love)
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Marcille "I said I wanted to eat her OUT, not eat HER" Donato Izutsumi "That's going to taste gross as fuck" Izutsumi Chilchuck "If it brings her back..." Tims Laios Touden, the man with a thousand things on his head right now, two of which I reckon are "I don't want to eat my sister" and "Dragon-Chicken... what might it taste like?"
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Yes, well. Valid as your concerns are, Laios, because how the fuck would five people eat THAT much meat, you can't just ramble on about what dishes you're going to make out of your sister.
(...I get it, though. I mean if you're going to eat, might as well make it good, right? I know no one wants to grill one of Faligon's ribs but I'll go ahead and say it would be worse to tell them to eat her raw)
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FUCK! we DID lose those scenes about the twin bell that toshiro kept!! forever sad about that.
oh my godddd they're going back into the dungeonnn we're going to reunite with themmm
I know they're really fucking competent, I mean, Namari and Toshiro are already described as pretty formidable warriors (and we've seen it), and Kabru is... admittedly much more geared to fight humans but he's a decent fighter either way. And a good leader!
Speaking of, where the fuck is everyone else.
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I know they're meant to be scary (and I suppose they are! If we have the reference that, firstly, marcille is an excellent spellcaster so these elves could be just as good in their own areas of expertise, yes?, and secondly, the canaries are Well Known)
... plus, Namari, Toshiro and Kabru are wary of them. Namari, Toshiro and Kabru are wary of them.
BUT damn it Lycion, I need to- (gets dragged off stage)
Anyway, while we wait for the next season (WHICH HAS BEEN GREENLIT! WOHOO!), have these wonderful images of chicken falin being a cathedral painting (...if cathedrals ever added dragons, i guess) and my beloveds, who have finally returned!
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misscoolisback123 · 28 days
Things I Find Wrong With Lore Olympus
1. Minthe
I'm just gonna address the elephant in the room when it comes to the webtoon with this one, so don't come bitching at me. When I first started reading LO, I was puzzled that Hades and Minthe were dating in the beginning, but since this was a retelling of Hades and Persephone and Greek mythology all together, I didn't think much of it. When I researched stories and articles about Hades and Persephone, she's not that big of a deal. Yes, she seduced Hades and was turned into a mint plant by Persephone, but that's just it. She's a minor nymph in Greek mythology. Someone on the unpopularloreolympus subreddit said that Rachel Smythe got offended by the Hercules cartoon series in which Hades and Persephone are father and daughter. It's most likely that she got offended by Hades and his affair with Minthe, and so she created a punching bag of a character. Not only that, but her skin tone is red because red is evil to her, yet Hermes is red. I'm not saying she has to be any shade of green but make it make sense!
2. Leuce
Like Minthe, she was created to be a punching bag character for the fandom. Not only is she not canon to Greek mythology, but she didn't exist until the 1500s by an Italian poet. Rachel probably got offended by this as well and did the same thing with her.
3. Misuse of Allusions
What is an allusion? The simplest answer is that it's a figure of speech that makes a reference to literature, people, places, characters, etc. An example of this is from the ABC show Once Upon a Time. Zelena The Wicked Witch of West basically became Persephone she and Hades fell in love. A couple of other examples of allusions of mythology are Naruto and Attack on Titan. Naruto uses Japanese mythology for their power ups and other things. Attack on Titan uses Norse mythology to explain the founding Titan Ymir. Lore Olympus, however, does this very poorly. It might just be a minor detail, but the biggest offense of this is Hera.
I was shocked when I saw that Hades and Hera had once been a thing and were madly in love. Then Echo came along, and Narcissus was nowhere in sight. Basically, Hera replaced Leuce and Narcissus. Leuce replaced Minthe. Morpheus was depicted as a woman or a poor depiction of transgenderism. The founding titan Ymir Fritz was an allusion of Ymir from Norse mythology. Ymir from Norse mythology was the creation God. Ymir Fritz was a little girl who died as a woman. Her three daughters are based on Odin and his two brothers. Ymir from Norse mythology was male. Morpheus from Greek mythology was male. If you're going to make a comic on mythology, then you should get the details of gods and goddess right.
4. Erasure of Sexuality
Lore Olympus was first posted onto Webtoon in 2018. This was during a time when writers of movies, TV shows, series, cartoons, and anime were turning canonically straight and asexual characters gay and lesbian. There was also a very biphobic and transphobic edge to it as well. This was done in order for the creator to appear progressive. This was done to Athena, Hestia, Hera, Echo, and Morpheus. Athena and Hestia are both asexual in Greek mythology, and Hera is straight. Again, Morpheus was male. Echo is also straight as she was madly in love with a man who was madly in love with himself. Athena and Morpheus are both poor representations of transgenderism. Especially Morpheus. They're not trans but the fact that their genders were changed is saying something.
5. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
Lore Olympus claims to be feminist but it's not. Others have explained this in great detail. Persephone before she was married to Hades was actually a much different person. She had her own goals and aspirations. She didn't want to be known as a nepo baby. She was trying to find her own identity. She even begged Hades not to gouge out Alex's eye, but Hades went through with it. But then she started dating Hades, and things went downhill for both of them. Yes, they are the healthiest couple in Greek mythology, but Lore Olympus doesn't depict it as such.
Hades basically became an abusive slave owner, and Persephone became an immature girlboss. When she ran into Alex at the mall and intimated him, she looked as if she would wait until his shift was over to stalk him, corner him, and beat him up. The same with Leuce.
6. Rooting for the wrong characters
From the beginning, readers are led to believe that Minthe is the antagonist. At least one of them. But then Persephone changed drastically for the worst, and soon, people found themselves rooting for her.
7. No other retellings of Greek mythology
Lore Olympus was advertised as being about Hades and Persephone. But the title alone sounded as if it was going to be about others' myths as well. The only retelling of mythology was Eros and Psyche. This is due to Hades and Persephone being a part of their myth. But both myths were dragged for far too long. Psyche revealing that she was turned into a nymph by Aphrodite didn't feel exciting. The same goes for Gaia telling Hades and Persephone that Persephone has to spend six months out of the year with her mother for spring and summer and with Hades during fall and winter. Both of these plots could've been easily wrapped up in season, and seasons 2 and 3 could have been about other myths.
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year2000electronics · 8 months
Actually, I have a lot of questions about your Supernu-trollau.
1 does Bruce still have a family with Brandy?
2 does Branch get close to his brothers just because he wants to get to know them or also because of guilt for what his parents put them through?
3 When Clay decided to leave and find Branch was there any problem with that? I mean, he's one of the executives in hol'n fun and in charge of "boring stuff" like taxes or security. He certainly couldn't leave without some sort of instructions or promise that he'd be back.
4 will John ever have a will of his own? Or will he just do as he's told?
5 How much will the presence of Branch's older brothers change his zing? Will their antics and unusual behavior bother him?
6 How do the brothers feel about each other? Do any of them have a strong problem with John for doing their parents' bidding? Or maybe with Branch? Because he was the only one their parents really loved.
he does! vacay islanders LOOOVE him because he is an absolute PARTY ANIMAL, he loves pulling pranks and summoning drinks for them and stuff, brandy still falls for him because she knows despite his mischievous nature hes still a big softie on the inside!
his kids still exist, its just now theyre part-troll-part-vacay islander-part-imp :]
2. at first hes just trying to keep them out of trouble and protect pop village, but i feel like he actually ends up really happy that he had secret brothers cos he lost the rest of his family!
3. CLAY WOULD NEVER LEAVE VIVA ALONE LIKE THAT!! he found out about branch and like, it was almost like the scene in tbt where clay tells viva "i dont wanna lose my brother either" cos at this time viva probably still thinks poppy is dead... she'd understand that if there was even a CHANCE clay might be able to find this new baby brother and try to introduce himself, hed take it, just like she would go search for her sister (i dont have viva solidified just yet but im thinking either she comes along with clay, OR clay promises to bring poppy to her if he finds her, i definitely want viva to show up at some point, maybe all the bros can visit the putt putt trolls haha)
4. thats what his whole arc is gonna be about i think!! he obviously cares about his brothers a lot besides trying to get the BOY BAND back together, its like jd's canon arc of accepting that he doesnt need to be perfect except like. cranked up to 100. where he doesnt have to make other people happy he can make himself happy and do things for his own sake!!
5. HES GONNA BE REAL SCARED AT FIRST cos in this au its not like everyone in every kingdom is SUDDENLY supernatural, its only a few trolls! some trolls dont even think the supernatural is real but branch was probably raised as the superstitious type so hes always on the look out for what if monsters were real... imagine his surprise when he finds out that monsters ARE real and those monsters are his BROTHERS
6. i think the brothers like each other but not enough that they ran off together or anything! cos they were all in the same situation with their parents but they were each also the only monsters of their kind they knew, so i imagine all of them wanted to find a place for themselves
floyd and bruce probably get along REALLY well
i feel like the brothers kinda pity jd a little bit, jd really thought his parents were sweet people who loved all their kids- he wholeheartedly believes in them in a way the others don't, so all they can do is shake their heads and go "poor guy"
bruce might have wanted to get back at branch if it was a different situation, but now that hes a dad, he knows how important it is to look out for your family, so he goes to find branch because he wants to make friends with him... but cos hes an older brother as well as an imp that manifests in the form of teasing and playing tricks on him haha
i think floyd would be a little jealous of branch
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
~My Thoughts on Wonderful Precure: Episodes 26-30~
This will be updated weekly, so be sure to come back if you want to see my thoughts on new episodes!
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Episode 26 - It’s Dangerously Hot!:
This episode was just more filler.
I usually don’t mind filler episodes, as long as they’re entertaining. Though, I didn’t find this one to be.
To be honest, watching everyone act miserable because of the heat made me feel miserable as well. Especially since it’s also very hot where I am. The desert scenes and the wavy “camera” shots just made me wanna start sweating haha.
There wasn’t really a point to this episode at all. I get that it’s because it’s filler, but a lot of filler episodes still have a problem to solve. For this one, it’s just hot the whole time. The only thing they did to solve the problem was Iroha and Komugi taking walks in the early morning. Even so, poor Yuki and Mayu still have to suffer!
I do have to say though, I loved the little ship moment! Satoru is just so cute! And Mayu being his and Iroha’s number 1 shipper is just hilarious.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 27 - We Want to Find a Tsuchinoko!:
More unentertaining filler… goodie…
Again, I don’t really mind filler, just as long as it’s fun. But I didn’t like this one. Nothing significant happened. We did learn that Yuki’s afraid of snakes, but is that really useful for the story as a whole? No.
It was really cute to see Satoru get all excited about seeing a tsuchinoko. That was definitely the most enjoyable part of this episode.
And last thing: we got a new eyecatch! And this time, it includes Yuki and Mayu! I really like it. The colors are so nice!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 28 - Let’s Play at the Ohkuma Farm:
Once again, this episode was just filler. But, I actually enjoyed it this time!
It was a super cute episode with lots of funny moments. I do feel bad for Mey-Mey for what he had to go through though. Poor guy.
I don’t have much else to say about it, but, I do have the preview for the next episode to talk about!
Words cannot express how excited I am! It looks like the story is finally starting to get somewhere! Not only does Niko-sama hatch, but we get actual villains! I’ve been waiting for that! I’m really curious to what they’ll be like!
I’m not as excited about Niko-sama. It looks like she might be a Fuwa clone. But she’s cute nonetheless!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 29 - Nice to Meet You, Niko-sama!:
I’ve been waiting for this episode!
Niko-sama has hatched, and she’s freaking adorable! As expected, she’s a unicorn. I was hoping she’d be a completely unique creature with a unicorn horn, but oh well. I was worried that she’d just be a copy of Fuwa from Star Twinkle Precure, but from what I’ve seen, she has a well thought out personality! She’s already made me laugh many times.
We also got some actual villains! And not only that, they look so cool! They’re definitely some of my favorite villain designs ever! Their story is really cool too! Extinct animals seeking revenge on humans is something I’ve never seen before!
Zakuro and Torame’s dynamic is pretty typical. The older one and younger one not getting along is something we’ve seen a few times before in Pretty Cure. But I’m not upset about it. I’m just excited to learn more about their personalities!
Finally, it’s officially the first time the Woderful Precure have gotten their butts kicked. And it doesn’t look like Iroha’s taken it too well. But, we’re going to get a power up next episode, so they’ll be okay!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 30 - A Wonderful Castle!:
This episode was great!
First off, I’m pretty sure we got teased for Niko-sama’s human form? Her shadow flashed to the shape of a human, and it’s implied that her current form isn’t her true one. I’m super curious to what it looks like!
We also got a hint to Satoru hopefully becoming a Cure! He wants to be more helpful to the others, and feels like he isn’t doing enough. So this may be a sign! Let’s keep praying!
Another thing we got is a group transformation and pose! I’m so glad it’s back!
Also, we finally got a power up! It’s so nice to see, considering we didn’t get one last season. The outfits are so pretty, they might be my new favorite power up outfits ever! After avoiding the leaks for over a week, I’m definitely not disappointed!
Lastly, I just wanna quickly mention how hilarious it was when Niko-sama casually asked Iroha’s parents if she could stay with them. Also how quickly and easily they said yes. No questions asked, they just allowed a cute unicorn to stay in their home. I love Niko-sama haha!
My rating for this episode:
Overall Score for These Episodes:
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taki118 · 7 months
SuyaLight Master Post Part 17
I really like these two there’s not a lot of content for the fandom as a whole soooo here’s my submission as I get every moment of these two royals who literally share a braincell (and I love them for it) First up this is just on the manga if you are anime only its going to have stuff you havent seen, yes even with what the anime covers (so read it) and there will be spoilers so beware. If you prefer Demon Monk/Cleric/Leo (which I don’t really get) I am sorry this isnt for you. Lets go! Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here Part 4 is here Part 5 is here Part 6 is here Part 7 is here Part 8 is here Part 8.5 is here Part 9 is here Part 10 is here Part 11 is here Part 12 is here Part 13 is here Part 14 is here Part 15 is here Part 16 is here
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So Twilight tries to go on a simple work trip but Suya tags along
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at least this time it was really her fault
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But Twilight realizes just how bad this looks from the outside
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But mostly from how Leo will view it, whom he has to have a video call with
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But he's got a weird supernatural sense that she's around
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Twilight almost manages to get out of this situation but Suya ruins it and Leo like teleports there to freak out on Twilight
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Suya tags along when they visit a like resort casino and I dunno this is cute
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They all get distracted
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Suya is excited about Twilight befriending the owner of this place for her own reasons
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They're just so cute
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But it was a trap and I think its cute they share a bird
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Again Suya has a very good understanding of who Twilight is
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She seems kinda sad for him and his poor self confidence (So she should stick around and protect him from himself haha)
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So the boss who has taken over the demon castle and reveals he's done a better job at managing it than Twilight and Suya judges him (even though Suya isn't making the situation better by constantly breaking and stealing things)
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Someone might say this goes against my point but like again she can objectively look at Twilight for who is is faults and all
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But they find out the Boss really is just a big Twilight fan and did all this to impress his subordinates
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How does Suya know thats what its meant to be?
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So the Boss starts beating himself up showing his self confidence issues are worse than Twilights and Suya is confused by his actions
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But she figures out what his intent was quickly
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She learns....something from Twilight though she doesnt voice it well. Empathizes with others even through something like low confidence is a good trait to have even within a leader. Suya sees that Twilight is willing to let others see his worst side if it will help them.
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Suya seems to sense when Twilight is in trouble for good or bad, its bad here
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See while the Boss was pretending to be Twilight he made peace with Hades and Twilight has to keep up the lie, but he know she might just let it slip, she does causing the two to fight. This causes them to deage a bit and make the line to the underworld thin and have Suyas soul stuck in the underworld........I'm doing my best to focus on the two
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Anyway they go to save her and we get this cause I mean it is kinda his fault
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So they assume Twilights ancestor who started the war with humans captured her, but Twilights just annoyed at how Suya gets herself in these situations
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Turns out all the problems in the underworld are cause by her which Twilight started suspecting before finding her like this
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They try to get her to stop but she won't because she want's to help Twilights grandfather, who has difficulty resting because of the problems he caused in life.
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tavyliasin · 7 months
ATG 14 - Fury? Scorned.
In which an enemy becomes a bedfellow...
Pairing: Mizora/Tav SPICE Rating: 4/5 Content Warnings: Oral sex, light Bondage, rough sex, mild hate-fucking, mild neck grab, light whipping, tail whipping, manipulation, temperature play     
Spoilers Act 3, Wyll's storyline Canon Compliance Canon adjacent with Mizora's offer though some divergence in the scene and what happens after.   Other Notes The names and descriptions of the hells are mostly canon, the feelings when they are used may vary in some ways from the game descriptions but hopefully that is forgivable to just indulge in a little fun with it all. I also headcanon Mizora as feeling cool to the touch in general, both from personality and from her skin being blue to be honest it's just a simple shorthand for "thing is cold colour therefore feels cold".  Click here to read the same chapter on AO3 if you prefer~
Mood/Song Freak Like Me by Halestorm "I'm on the train that's pullin' the sick and twisted Makin' the most of the ride before we get arrested We're all wasted And we're not going home tonight
Covered in black, we lack the social graces Just like an animal, we crawl out of our cages They can't tame us So if you're one of us, get on the bus
If you're a freak like me"
--- --- Full Chapter below the cut! --- ---
Tav paced back and forth across the empty room, floorboards creaking beneath her feet. Was it a mistake? Had she finally made a decision that couldn’t be taken back? She paused. Shaking the thoughts loose from her head, resuming her restless footsteps once more, she turned her mind away from problems and towards solutions. Every devil has a catch, they stick to their laws so you simply have to read between the lines and- “FUCK!” Her own voice surprised her as she cursed the chair that dared to get in the way of where her toes were supposed to be. “Fucking Mizora…” 
“Well, there’s an idea~” That horrible voice that Tav had been trying to avoid crept into her ear.
“Speak of the devil and she shall appear?” Tav turned on her heel, staring daggers at the intruder and sorely tempted to throw some too.
“Oh hush now, there’s no need for hostilities. I’m not here about Wyll, let the pup run and play while he still has the time - we shall call that one a mercy. See? I can be nice, if I want to.” Mizora’s smile was unnerving as she spread her hands and wings in a disarming gesture.
“Then why the fuck are you here, devil?” Tav made no attempt to disguise the disdain in her voice. The others had left to fetch supplies and to begin looking for more signs of the prison that held Wyll’s father. She had remained behind - “to plan” she had told them - but in truth she couldn’t bear to look at the conflict in the Warlock’s eyes any longer. Karlach would look after him, along with the others, but she had been the one to push him too far, to make a decision she knew he would see as selfish.
In the moment of silence, Mizora had stepped closer, circling around the rogue with interest, clawed blue fingers reaching out but stopping short of her shoulder. “Truth is, I’ve had my eye on you.” The smile beneath blazing eyes was ever more unnerving as she continued. “You’re a fascinating little thing, and you’ve been on quite the adventures now haven’t you?”
Tav bristled as she felt herself being undressed by the cambion’s gaze, and not the one she might usually prefer to imagine her naked…although… “Reading my diary, are you? That’s considered poor form, I thought you demons liked your rules.”
“Devils.” Mizora corrected her. “Fiends, if you must. But who has need of your precious little words when I can simply watch ?” With one clawed nail, the devil indicated an eye that burned just a touch brighter for a moment.
“Wyll…his eye.”
“Obviously. I must keep track of the pup lest he wander in front of a carriage or into the jaws of a stray dragon. But enough of him - it’s you I’m here to see.” The fiend’s hand reached out again towards Tav’s cheek, and when she didn’t pull away the cool touch caressed her with a gesture somewhere between a lover and the prospective owner of a prized animal examining the quality of the livestock. Tav gritted her teeth and smiled. This was a game she could play, and she couldn’t deny that - at least on a purely physical level - the bitch did have some level of allure. “Tell me then, Mizora, what is it you think you see in me?” “I knew you were curious, pet.” The smirk that accompanied the mocking term of endearment betrayed the hint of fangs behind soft lips. “Don’t you feel it? There’s something missing. You’re hungry for pleasures beyond this plane, something more satisfying than mortal flesh, blood and bone.” “And that something is you?” Her eyebrow raised, pretending to take the bait. “How very observant! Quick little thing, but not quite. I am your key to that door, if you’re brave enough to open it, of course.” Blue wings stretched up for a moment as she withdrew her hand. “Although, if you’d rather I just leave you to your brooding-” 
“I didn’t say to go, yet.” Tav was wondering if being poetic and overly-dramatic was a specific cambion trait, or if it was instead just coincidence that Mizora shared a few things in common with Raphael. She chased off the thought, Raphael usually had the good grace to play fair even when he obscured the rules of the game. “If you really think there’s something I’m missing, why don’t you show me?”
“An excellent choice, pet.” Mizora’s wings spread wide this time, the circle appearing beneath them both - that familiar and horrifying bubbling tar seemingly made of darkness itself. It was simultaneously boiling and freezing, the essence of every level of the hells distilled into an infernal pool at their feet.
The liquid rose, climbing and surrounding them, enveloping the pair in an instant before falling away and leaving them in a space between worlds.
Tav wasn’t sure where they were, or what to make of it. Everything seemed coloured with a hue she didn’t recognise, something beyond her comprehension, the echoes of music she had never heard tickling the edge of her senses. She couldn’t tell if it was singing or screaming, but there was something hauntingly beautiful.
“There, you see? Can you smell it?” Mizora breathed deeply, as if inhaling the most delicious scent imaginable.
Tav tentatively followed suit, noting something very familiar.
“Avernus,” Mizora confirmed her suspicions, “home of the river Styx, the sweet aroma of spiced wine and rotting offal. Forget the heavens, pet, this is paradise .”
Tav wasn’t certain she agreed with the sentiments, but as she looked around, trying to make sense of the endless void around her she felt the fiend step in closer behind her.
“ Home .” The cambion’s voice carried a note of pride to it, purpose and belonging stirring a loyalty that no living being would ever hear directed towards themselves. “Take your time, take it all in - let me show you the true wages of your sin.”
Wings drew in around her shoulders as Tav felt the stirring of an undeniable lust in her core. Much as she loathed the woman behind her, the feeling of talons caressing her throat, running along her sides and following the curve of her hips… Even the tip of the cambion’s powder-blue tail teasing at her wrist was enchanting her senses.
“I can offer a taste of any of the hells you wish, you know.” The voice in her ear purred with sweet warmth, eloquently suggesting far more salacious ideas than the words alone would suggest. “The blackened elysium of Dis, Minauros the rotting bog, Phlegethos with its molten seas and soil, the frozen oceans of Stygia...”
Tav shivered as Mizora’s hands continued to travel across her body, cool lips pressing deceptively soft kisses along the line of her neck. Sharp teeth and claws nipped and pricked her exposed skin, gentle for now, but the edge of threat lingering. The decidedly unwise rush of adrenaline only served to increase her curiosity and arousal. Each hell that was named came with a swirl of different coloured flames at the cambion’s fingertips, licking at Tav’s senses not with heat but the very essence that each contained. “The infinite desolation of Malbolge, Maladomini’s long forgotten ruins, the mountains of ice across Cania, and finally Nessus, the seat of infernal power that rules over all of them.” Mizora withdrew her touch, wrapping her arms around Tav instead, hands cupped in front now with the illusion of all 9 fires dancing in her palms. “Take your choice, and I will allow you a taste of the satisfaction you have been denied for so long.” Tav reached up, bringing her hands around Mizora’s, letting her fingers drift through the flames as she considered the proposal. “This is…quite the feast.” “A buffet the likes of which most mortals never even get to witness, let alone sample.” The fiend chuckled, kissing her ear and dropping to a seductive whisper. “Go on then, pet, the decision is yours.” “All of them.” She made her decision easily, enclosing her hands around cool blue fingers. “If I have truly been so starved, then I should taste every single one.” 
“You are such a bold little thing, but very well. If you believe yourself able to handle every agony of countless tortured souls, I will show you a bliss beyond that suffering that your frail mortal mind could never conceive of alone.” It was the work of a simple gesture from the fiend to dissolve the clothes from both of their bodies into nothing. “Can you feel it? The heat of Avernus, the fires that consume countless lost souls that stray from the river.”
Tav closed her eyes as the fiend’s hand snaked across them, Mizora’s other hand dancing along the nerves of her skin with heated flames just on the edge of burning. She could hear - almost sense - the Styx, bare toes just touching the water’s surface and finding it to be neither warm nor cold, yet just as intense as if it were scalding her. Pain linked arms with adrenaline, pulling a hint of lust along for the ride as her senses filled with everything that was Avernus.
Tugging at the very edge of her mind, for just a fraction of a second, she felt the slightest hint of cherry and cinnamon like a far off memory that vanished the moment she tried to catch hold of it.
“You wished to taste everything, so let me reward your avarice.” Mizora’s claws raked a line across Tav’s abdomen next, drawing pinpricks of blood to the surface as their surroundings shifted. “Dis, can you feel the darkness now?” Tav nodded silently. Even without Mizora’s hand over her eyes, she could sense the complete lack of light, something deeper than darkness itself. Her skin prickled with the shadows crawling over her like living beings, the fiend’s fingertips chasing the sensations with a teasingly light tough that rose to cup her chest. “The iced mountains of Cania - fitting, don’t you think?” The chill accompanying her words was painful, freezing Tav’s own peak in an instant before thawing her again with a warmer palm massaging across frost-seared skin. “Phlegethos, the molten soils…” The sudden change in temperature drew a gasp from her lungs, words long since forgotten, listening only to the voice in her ear, feeling only the embrace of the hells and the hellspawn who brought her to each one in turn. Mizora lifted her hand away from Tav’s eyes, leaving the vanishing warmth of her palm and the unspoken command to keep them closed. She also withdrew the rest of her touch, stepping back as the atmosphere shifted once again. “The desolation of Malbolge… Can you feel it, pet? The unbearable longing , the yearning for anything but the emptiness.” The fiend was teasing, using the essence of the hells themselves to make Tav needy, to make her desire whatever it was the devil could offer - and it was beginning to work. She almost moaned when those devious hands returned to her body, taking hold of her hips and sliding around behind to dig vicious claws into soft flesh. “Maladomini’s forgotten ruins - ah but you are no ruin, are you? And you certainly won’t be forgetting this.” Indelicate touch shifted, raking lines into her skin and leaving deeper marks. “The rotting bog of Minauros, like the petulant souls of mortal pets who do not know their place.” The breath whispering on the back of Tav’s neck was growing hotter, just as her own body grew more heated with desire. “Stygia’s frozen ocean…” Wicked fingers found her own ocean, slipping inside with a hint of that same cold as Tav felt the bitterly cold air sting her face with mist whipped up from the waves somewhere beneath her feet. “Though far from frozen here. That’s it, sweet little thing, give yourself over to the infernal~” Honeyed poison coated salacious words, fingers beginning to press inside with well practiced motion. Tav felt her strength waning a little, leaning back against the fiend without a second thought. Her head rested against cool skin that carried a bitter scent - something between soured citrus and the hiss of lightning. “And last but never least,” Mizora’s other hand drifted down the rogue’s stomach, her destination matched to her words, “the seat of infernal power itself. Nessus, the most intense, where all rule is decided and control is held.”
Tav whimpered from the intensity. Held in the arms of the devil, her nerves being mercilessly stimulated as the sensations of all nine hells rushed around her like a monsoon. She clung to her fraying sanity like a liferaft, focusing on every whisper and movement, picking apart everything she could use. It was becoming a battle of wills, with only one knowing that she was in the fight, the other just indulging in idle curiosity tainted by a fiendish ego that had a need to prove that none could compare. It would be easy to lose herself, to let Mizora completely take her over, but that essence of Nessus…the power itself coursed through her consciousness, the hint of ambition that drove her to seize the chance. Holding back the edge of her climax by biting the inside of her cheek, Tav let the taste of blood whet her appetite for that same power, the control, the chance to get the upper hand over a fiend who was hellbent on winning. And that started with a lower hand. While Mizora was focusing on Tav’s body, she slipped her hand behind her, tracing along the path of the cambion’s hip to the top of a warm thigh, finding that the woman was not quite as calm and unaffected as she wanted Tav to believe. 
“Cheeky little pup,” Mizora’s voice was coloured by a tint of lust, as Tav felt the response to her touch. “Are you certain you want to play this game?” 
She leaned her head back further, finding a deeper well of hunger for power, lips reaching Mizora’s ear. “Are you going to let me taste all the hells have to offer, or are you going to hold back?” Tav withdrew her fingers and brought them to her lips, finding the cambion’s taste to be complex, almost burning but with a feeling more of ice than fire. It was…intriguing. 
“If you insist, pet, I will indulge your thirst.” Mizora withdrew the touch that had been working so hard to bring her to an overwhelming climax, hands moving to Tav’s hips, turning her around so they were facing one another.
Tav couldn’t tell if they had begun to float or if the ground beneath them had simply fallen away. They were weightless, drifting, the cambion’s wings closing around her like a trap.
“Is this what you want? To resist the pleasure I could give you?” Mizora sounded on the edge of frustration and curiosity, sharpened claws raking across Tav’s skin - a challenge met. 
“You think me so selfish as to not make this a fair trade?” She pushed her luck as far as she thought safe, lifting her leg to wrap it around pale blue hips, pressing their bodies together as the sensations of the hells continued to lick across her own body with invisible flames. “Or are you afraid you might want me back?” 
“I should have put you on a shorter leash.” The fiend growled, pulling her in closer, tail coiling around her knee with a snake-like grip. “Foolish creature, even as prey you’re barely an ant to the appetite of a wolf.” 
“So it’s my appetite you’re afraid of?” Tav smirked.
“Fear, pet, is not in my vocabulary.” Mizora swiftly pulled Tav’s leg away and threw her with a sharp motion of a tail that was stronger than it seemed. Tav felt the rush of air, adrenaline spiking through her body as she was powerlessly flung through the empty space. She didn’t have long to worry for where she might land, however, as the cambion was swooping through the air with wings back like a diving bird of prey. The wicked grin might as well have been a razor sharp beak, the glint of danger shining on the edge of painted lips. 
Mizora caught Tav easily in mid air, arms curling around her thighs and parting her legs. Likewise, she found a grip on cool blue hips, locking the two of them in a new battle of wits. Although this time, sharp tongues were turned to new purpose…
Tav wasted no time, quickly getting another taste of the cambion while feeling the fiend’s hunger already finding a feast between her own thighs. Mizora was relentless from the start, lavishing her senses with more of the essence of the hells. Heat, cold, and even some trying to drain away the strength from her body…but she pulled back to Nessus, using the same power against the woman who was so desperate to bring her to ruin. Sparks of the Weave flickered at the tip of her tongue as she directed the magic into her “attack”. She brought her hand around to thrust inside, curling to find any further weak points in the only part of the cambion that could truly be described as either soft or warm. Tav kept a brutal pace, not concerned for the comfort of a woman who was just as merciless in sex as in the contracts that bound foolish souls to her whims. Mizora almost paused for a moment, tail curling around to take hold of Tav’s arm. Though instead of pulling her hand back, the cambion seemed to encourage her to press deeper, rougher motions. Just like her… Tav thought to herself, redoubling her efforts, digging the nails of her other hand into the base of the fiend’s tail hard to make her point. She felt the grip on her forearm release, but quickly followed by a swift strike to her upper back from the arrow-tip appendage. There was a pleased chuckle that vibrated through Mizora’s tongue as Tav moaned at the sting of pain. The contrast between the pain and the ecstasy kept the ebb and flow of pleasure’s tides moving through both of them as neither was willing to cede defeat. There was nothing but the sensations, the experience, the overwhelming combination of the essences of all the hells distilled into a battle that was more of pride than of flesh. Neither cambion nor elf knew which one broke first - both biting back the sound of their climax, though unable to hide it completely.
Before she had even a chance to regain her breath, Tav felt Mizora’s tail slide around her waist, pulling the two apart and whipping her around face to face again. Taloned narrow blue fingers gripped her throat with just enough pressure to make the point without crushing. “You play with fire, pet. I like that.” 
“Fire? This is a matchstick to a furnace. Is that all you are, Mizora? A sputtering flame?” Tav pushed her luck, licking the taste of herself from the cambion’s own lips, following with a kiss that shared like for like, ensuring Mizora could swallow her own ‘medicine’. “Hm. Perhaps you are merely a rabid beast who needs taming after all.” Mizora caught Tav’s lip in sharp teeth, drawing hot blood as the elf’s pale wrists were twisted behind her back, quickly bound by a coiling blue tail. She struggled momentarily, but with her arms behind her Tav didn’t have the strength to get free. Not that she was particularly inclined to. 
Mizora’s fingers flickered with a myriad of colours, the flames licking around her whole hand, summoning the essences of the hells once more, tracing along Tav’s body. “That’s right, pet, writhe and whine, for the rest of our time your body is mine.” The part of the rogue that wanted to argue was silenced and overpowered by the lust and intrigue that still burned hot. Blue wings enclosed around her as they continued to float in…she wasn’t sure it even mattered. “That’s it, surrender.” Mizora had no intention of being gentle. Continuing to bind her hands with the strength of her tail alone, three fingers thrust inside Tav without warning.
She whined at the intrusion, unsure if the burn was from the stretch or the hells weaving around wicked fingers. The cambion clearly had experience and was willing to play her every nerve to tease out the little gasps that left her mouth hanging open, eyes closed as the sensations threatened to devour her whole. Even the copper-sweet taste of her own blood trickling from her lip onto her tongue was doing little to reduce the heat building deep within her again with the memory of her lover’s sanguine kiss. Although…there was the shadow of something else, the phantom feel of lips where Mizora’s most certainly were not. The quiet echo of her own laugh in her mind, a sending without the stone. “Interesting game, Little Thief, to steal from one such as her… Say the word and we stop, or nothing and we will give you more.”25 words in her own voice, the simple sending betraying the incubus and their game - somewhere in Avernus they had taken her form, and they weren’t alone. She could even feel the edge of the devil’s greed as she pointedly answered the spell with her silence. Mizora had no idea that Tav was leaning back into pure self indulgence, her mind drifting to other tails that could bind her, other lips that could press against her neck, other hands that could thrust with a merciless pace inside her, another thumb that could circle overstimulated nerves- 
The cry that left her lips was not for the woman driving her over the brink, nor even the games of two fiends in Avernus; it was one born from the decision to just take what she could from the experience. It mattered little if Mizora thought she had won, that her sharp voice rang out with a mocking laugh, whispering the gloating of a false victory. Tav had what she wanted, and then some.
It was some time before Mizora was satisfied, and Tav’s legs were barely able to stagger as the cambion brought the ground rushing back up beneath them, the circle of magic bubbling up with the unsettling tar-like liquid that washed over them. While the cambion had ensured her own clothes were returned, Tav was left bare, her outfit appearing instead in a heap next to her bed Mizora deposited her on the ground beside them.
“Really? That is where you were?” Astarion’s voice cut through the silence, though thankfully his was the only presence in the room besides Tav and the gloating devil stood above her. 
“Oh don’t you fret now, I have returned your little toy unharmed. Mostly .” She grinned, sharp teeth bared at the pale elf who continued to pointedly ignore her presence. “Well, I hope it was worth it, darling. Did you enjoy yourself?” He continued only addressing Tav, helping pull a blanket around her shoulders before the cold could bite through to her bones. 
“Trust me, pet, she won’t be forgetting me any time soon~” Mizora crooned, her wings spreading slightly with pride. 
“It was…acceptable.” Tav shrugged, equally ignoring the devil in favour of her lover. “I admit I couldn’t resist trying at least once. She did offer me a taste of the hells, after all.�� 
“And that was not something that your other cambion lover would provide?” He raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk playing at the edge of his expression. “Or the incubus? They seem more than willing to let you experiment, after all.” 
A pleased shiver ran down Tav’s spine. “I don’t doubt that, but what’s life without some variety? You did tell me to sample anything on offer, after all. It would’ve been a waste of a chance.” She finally turned to Mizora. “Although, I can’t see what all the fuss was about, honestly. A fun evening, but I shan’t be pining after your touch for the rest of my mortal days. You can leave.”
“I can WHAT?! ” Mizora snapped, wings rising and flames gathering around her fingers. “Oh, you impudent little-” 
“What in the hells is going on in here?” Wyll’s voice cut across the room like a blade, stopping the cambion before her spell could unleash itself. “Maybe I will leave, I’m sure you’ll have fun explaining to my little pup why you reek of his mistress~” Mizora’s smile returned, cruel and cold, as she turned her back on the two elves now sitting on the edge of the bed. She stalked across the room, clawed fingers tracing along Wyll’s chest as he stood motionless and furious. “Ta ta, pet. Have fun playing with your friends, while you still can.” With a laugh and a swirl of acrid smoke, she was gone. A moment later, Astarion and Tav were laughing so hard they nearly fell to the floor. “You think this is funny? That you were foolish enough to cavort with a devil who would devour your soul faster than you can snap your fingers?” Wyll stormed across the room, eye blazing with anger. “I thought we were at least friends and here you are sleeping with my enemy after convincing me to…to…” 
“Wyll…gods…no it’s not like that. I’m sorry. Astarion, please-” Tav wiped the tears from her eyes struggling to regain her composure as her lover took over the explanation. It took a moment longer for the pale elf to find the words himself, even as Wyll glared down a the pair. “Listen… You should have seen her face. This darling little thing over here looked the bitch in the eye and told her she was forgettable .”
“You… I’m sorry, you said what? ” Wyll’s anger was mixing with pure confusion, the emotions fighting for control over his expression and neither one winning. “She actually thought,” Tav took another few breaths to calm herself. “She truly believed I was going to be some pathetic whining thing desperate for more. I won’t lie, it was unique, but the best part wasn’t anything we did while undressed. It was stripping off her pride and watching her completely lose it.” “She could have killed you!” The anger was winning again, this time with concern rather than rage.
“No, she wouldn’t.” She steadied herself. “Even Mizora has a healthy fear of what we’re up against, she’s not willing to put that at risk. Once it’s over…well, we might have a problem on our hands. But it was still worth it to see that look on her face!” “You are an absolute menace.” Wyll shook his head. “And you shouldn’t encourage this either! Gods, the pair of you…” His frustration, however, was beginning to ease a little. “She really did look more unsettled than I’ve ever seen her before.” 
Tav grinned. “Right? That’s not even the best part, when I-” “Alright, I get it. Spare me the details, please. I don’t need more nightmares.” The warlock seemed at least willing to let it go for now, turning around to leave the pair to their own devices for now. 
“Suit yourself,” Astarion smirked. “Now, about those delicious details…” “At least let me leave the room first!” Wyll complained, quickening his pace to the door. Once it had closed, and the footsteps receded, Tav nudged her lover. “Maybe we should’ve said less, at least while he was here.” “When he realises that you just managed to get right to the heart of his greatest enemy’s weakness, I’m sure he will see the greater good in your heroic sacrifice.” Astarion put his arm around her, reaching down for the book and quill. “Care to fill some more pages, my love?”
---------- ---------- ENDING NOTES ---------- ----------
I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update ATG - I may have been a little distracted by events, one shots, requests, and other series that leapt to my mind from nowhere. I hadn't forgotten, and in all honestly I found this chapter more challenging to write. But it is here, and more will follow again in a few weeks~
I shan't promise a regular schedule, but I do promise that it will continue again. The next chapters will bring Astarion back in as the main romance, and begin to resolve our remaining plotlines to find our way to the ending.
To those who haven't been following my other works, there are a couple of side stories tied to this continuity, and I would love to go back and work in some things like Abdirak who I missed the first time through, and likely some more side stories. The FicFeb works, both the SFW and NSFW ones, contain more of the ATG Tav's backstory and alternate scenarios which I might copy in here at the end as an "extra lore" chapter, and in the series version of ATG as well.
And honestly to those of you who have been on this journey with me since the beginning, I want you to know how very much I appreciate every interaction, every kudos, comment, and piece of encouragement that brings me back to this story not out of duty but out of a very real love and adoration for it~
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Redesigned the Mystery Gang again!
Updated info for a few of them too:
Name: Fred Jones.
Age: 18.
1: Popular fresh boy in school.
2: Son of the mayor, usually doesn’t talk about it due to his father being wrapped up in his own work.
3: He might be popular, but he’s willing to help others in any situation, and handle bullies.
4: Has a collection of mystery/detective films he watched as a kid, his favourite is the Sherlock Holmes ones.
5: Has a crush on Daphne, not because of how she looks, but of who she is.
In fact, he wants to confess to her, but he’s usually had other girls rejecting him and he’s scared she might do the same.
6: His father is unaware he’s part of a mystery solver gang, but he wouldn’t allow it if he knew since he wants his son to be a lawyer.
Name: Norville ‘Shaggy’ Rogers.
Age: 17.
1: Not very popular in school, but luckily isn’t bullied.
2: He’s goes to Drama Club as well as Animal Care.
Usually because he’s wanting to be a actor and help animals as his mom is works at a vet.
3: Shaggy is very good at communicating with animals, people nickname him Doolittle Jr.
4: He’s scared of almost anything, this is from a traumatic event he had when he was 9.
5: He almost eats anything, in fact, he doesn’t realise he accidentally eats dog food sometimes.
6: Met Scooby Doo when he was a stray in the subway, he gave the name to the dog when he got the idea from the cheap dog food name: Scooby Snacks.
7: Him and Fred are childhood friends, they’ve always been even whilst growing up, which explains why he never got bullied.
8: Shaggy and Velma live in the normal neighbourhood, but they never spoke to each other much as he was not very sociable with girls.
9: He doesn’t like it when people call him Norville.
Name: Scooby Doo.
Age: 7 (Dog age).
1: He was actually experimented on for purposes of illegal research, this was at the time when he was a pup. He managed to escape but ended up as a stray.
2: Shaggy took him in and considered him a friend.
3: Scooby hasn’t been able to trust humans much as his trauma from humans is that reason. (He only seems to trust Shaggy)
4: The experiments gave him the ability to speak and understand humans, but doesn’t do it much as it could cause suspicion.
5: He wears a scarf because he doesn’t like collars as he was forced to wear electric shock ones during the experiments, he seems to like it.
6: The gang are aware he can speak, but promise to not tell anyone, unless it’s those that can keep the secret for him.
Name: Daphne Blake.
Age: 17.
1: Popular girl in school, and famous model (Which is done by her parents) there is.
2: Takes martial arts classes in order to defend herself, as she hates the whole ‘damsel in distress’ memo.
3: Actually lost touch with Velma as she went to New York to do modelling for 2 years, she wasn’t quite happy to move from home for that.
4: Her family started off poor, but now they are living in luxury with her mom being a actress and her dad being a doctor, they do care about what Daphne wants but are unaware she hates modelling and wants to do artistic work.
5: She doesn’t seem to like those popular girls that would bully people for no reason, but sadly she’s friends with those popular girls, and is unable to leave them as they would threaten her.
6: Joined the gang 3 weeks after their first encounter with ghosts.
7: Daphne has a crush on Fred, but she doubts herself if he doesn’t want to be with a ‘richgirl’ like her.
Name: Velma Dinkly.
Age: 16.
1: Smart grade-A student in science and biology class, not very popular though.
2: Met Fred when she was getting bullied, she watched his mystery/detective films and both came up with the idea of being mystery solvers themselves.
3: Was childhood friends with Daphne, but both lost touch as they were focusing on other things as they were growing up, but they still get along.
4: She and Fred met Shaggy and Scooby at an abandoned train station, the same place where they encountered their first ghost.
5: She doesn’t make a big deal out of her intelligence, and usually helps people with their grade problems.
6: Seems to question her sexuality sometimes, as she has a thing for girls and boys.
7: Velma loses her glasses sometimes, luckily the others help find them.
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red-tree · 7 months
PART 7 of my insanity (I think it's the final one) PART 6 PART 5 PART 4 PART 3 PART 2 PART 1
again, we understimate Alex's strength
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a little compassion from Alex kills me
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he is such a theater kid
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"Somebody call the cops! He is psychotic!!!"
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the expressions this whole scene are top tier
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this is such a sweet callback I love it also Alex learned how to retract claws!! And how to actually roar, but if I remember correctly we won't hear him roar as an actual lion anymore
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I am glad the penguins helped out on this, but as I heard lions in nature actually hate fish, they can eat it, but if they are very hungry and there is nothing else much more to eat but it's sushi, not any fish! sushi are great btw I really like the detail on Alex's teeth, it's a very neat touch I wonder if others has them as well
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"the kitty loves the fishy!"
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Alex is so embarrassed omg
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Julien giving Alex his crown is such a nice gesture, I really like it oh and also "Thank you freaks"
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The monkeys were on the ship all along!! Poor guys well, now they get to travel with everyone else also look at all this fish!!!
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"Canada! Cheap meds, huh?"
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"Should we tell them the boat is out of gas? nuh, just smile and wave boys, smile and wave" Legends
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And that's all for the movie, but I also really want to point out the credits!! they are incredible and since there are some new and unique animations, it shows how much fun animators have had and how they wanted to stay with characters for a little bit longer the credits are super fun, I miss this kinds of credits nowadays btw the lightning is crazy there as well now it's really all for the first movie I may do the same thing for the second one, since there are as well many things I like so much Thanks everyone for reading this! I hope you had some fun
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
Lol Hunter is not only very comparable to each main or supporting character in Owl House, but also damn comparable to other blorbos.
Anyway I visited my demon son Akira in some episodes of 2018's Devilman Crybaby..
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(this anime is dark, sad, violent at times, thrilling and bleak...also do not watch it unless you're alone because it can get pretty NSFW too)
Wild hair? Dark T-shirts? Sad bois:
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And I was reminded that looking at other stories and similar cases can strengthen my headcanons and metas. Referring to The Hunger Games, since its protagonist and Hunter have the same mental health condition, could convince me that Hunter will spiral into extensive depression after Belos's death before he shows signs of recovery.
But..I hadn't given serious thought to rage being one of Hunter's several grief responses after Watching and Dreaming's final battle..not till now. 🤔🤔🤔
Because Akira is a darn similar personality to Hunter: very gentle, empathetic (in fact, Akira is an empath, literally experiencing other people's emotional pain, feeling it for them when they don't really want to..hence the show's title). And Akira has also never wanted to harm another person. You'd initially expect gentle souls like this to like, never get angry.
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After Akira's mother passes away in traumatic circumstances, his behaviour is such that he puts up a front to appear fine but he isn't holding it together well..
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It's not visually shown but from the first person perspective of Miki (his best friend) looking at her ceiling, she and the audience can hear him screaming in rage and breaking objects in his bedroom right above hers. Right after their chat on the balcony (shown in the previous screenshot). It's one of his bereavement responses. But this rage only comes out when he's in his own space, not with anybody else around.
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Idk..now I wouldn't put it past a poor grieving Hunter in the early months of those 3-4 years, to have at least one very unexpected explosion of rage after some bad trigger comes along. He might subconsciously feel safe enough in the company of the Noceda family, that he'd create a mess in Luz's basement in a frenzy like that. It would happen so fast, seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, he'll feel so awful and guilty after expending that energy, shocked at himself and disgusted with himself. And/or it may happen if he decides to visit the castle ruins.
Or....(and this is sadder but idek)..what if it happens in the early days of him learning the palisman-carving craft? He wouldn't touch and destroy anything made from palistrom wood but some other objects might be pushed off shelves or something. Hunter is someone with a long fuse, but a lot of little frustrations building up could light that fuse. In the case of the carving workshop, him making mistakes and getting splinters on his hands in the process of learning...that might leave him frustrated enough to have a one-off temper flare. He'll feel awful but Dell is very kind and would treat him so well and help him.
I was also told by friends that Hunter would feel very off balance with no more staff to use, since he relied on staffs for so much of his life that they'd feel like an extension of his own body. With no staff, the sense of his physical center would feel different and I wonder if this might feed into frustration that is part of his general grief...to the point that this frustration does indeed build up into a brief rage explosion at some point.
Like Akira, he'd definitely not direct that at any person or living thing. But inanimate objects might be destroyed. 🤔🤔🤔
Our bodies sometimes do instinctive but frightening things out of nowhere to release emotions and attempt to restore psychological balance, and it can happen in a flash. Wails that you can't control which escape your chest, keening, or heaving with sobs, and in this case anger and rage. Anger is the most immediate natural response when our boundaries are crossed. Rage is an especially big outcry after we have been violated, fueled by fear and grief.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
I’m so interested in the persona au but SO confused,, if you haven’t already, would you mind doing a quick little summary of what persona even is??? is it a game???
i think if you go through the tag i have also already answered some terminology questions, but yes, i can explain on a higher level what persona is! (this post is now under a cut because i use way too many words here, whoops.)
persona, the game series, is a spinoff of SMT. it uses the same demon designs, general affinity/element system, and "one-more" turn-based combat system as the SMT games. SMT isn't that important in this conversation other than that they're known for being relatively difficult RPGs that like talking about philosophical ideas of order and chaos and humanity and also jack frost is there, hee ho.
(note to self: this is my reminder to actually beat SMT V, i was having so much fun with it then i did the thing that's always a risk when i play long RPGs, which is that i got distracted and the fact it was no longer the cart that was in my switch meant that it no longer existed to my poor ADHD brain. i was only like, two bosses in i think, and only like one MAIN boss, i need to. pick that back up. anyway if you want vague thoughts on "designs that inspire my monster designs", SMT demons, actually. like some of them ARE just fairly standard but some of them are really weird. also when i was writing stuffed bird i was playing SMT III on and off so. there you have it.)
anyway, persona is a spinoff of SMT, so like SMT, it has a battle system that heavily focuses on knowing your opponent's elemental weaknesses, using buffs and debuffs to take down bosses, and of course, as mentioned, jack frost is there, hee ho. however, it is set apart from SMT both by the fact you have a defined party (as opposed to recruiting demons to be your party members, sort of except for the protagonist we'll get to that) and by various plot aspects. in addition, "modern" persona games (so persona 3 though 5) have a social simulator aspect along with the RPG that sets those games apart from other RPGs and is one of the most interesting parts of the game.
generally, this au is based on 3 through 5, not persona 1 or 2. i need to... actually play or watch those at some point but stuff about 3-5 is more accessible and more of the vibes i'm going for. (this au is like, ESPECIALLY persona 4 influenced, because i really love persona 4 golden, even given all of its flaws. probably less inane anime bullshit than takes place in persona 4 but listen it's about the VIBES.)
so, what typically happens in a persona game? well, your protagonist, for some reason or another, is moving to a new town, where a supernatural phenomenon is happening. in three its the dark hour, in four its mysterious unsolved serial murders, and in five its the mental shutdowns. there, relatively quickly, your protagonist gets roped into the supernatural phenomena by discovering the other world that shadows live in, and forms a team to fight those shadows and eventually prevent Bad Things from happening. also at the end you fight god. it's been a different god each time! but like. you know. this is an SMT game at the end you fight god,
(persona 5 being my first SMT game left an impression given that it's a game that ends with your persona evolving into literal satan, it giving you a giant gun, and then you SHOOT GOD IN THE HEAD. say what you will about persona 5 the style points here are off the charts.)
the party members in persona games have a "persona". this, like any SMT demon, is a mythological or literary figure. this "persona" gives the party member wielding it magic powers while they're in the other world they do their fighting in. to fight, a persona user summons their persona to use its powers. all of the party members but the protagonist have a single persona that can learn up to eight moves. the protagonist, however, has a special ability - the protagonist can get new personas by recruiting shadows. in 3 and 4, this is done via a minigame involving tarot cards, and in 5, they use SMT's demon negotiation system. the protagonist can switch between these personas on the fly, gaining that persona's skills, strengths, and weaknesses.
in addition, there is the velvet room - a mysterious place only the protagonist can enter, manned by a guy called igor and an attendant. with this, the protagonist can "fuse" two personas to get a new, stronger persona, which inherits skills from its predecessors. the fusion system is complicated and there are many spreadsheets about it online! for our purposes the important thing here is "the velvet room exists".
however, this rpg half is not the only part of persona gameplay. persona, at its heart, is actually a time management game. see, each persona game takes place over a single year. every day that isn't a day you do some plot event, you're given the ability to choose what to do with your day. while "go to the dungeon and fight things" is an option, it shouldn't be what you do most days. most days, you are doing the protagonist's high school life. this is because, to become strong in a persona game, you must form bonds with the people around you by spending time with them. this is known as the social links (or confidants in p5).
each "social link" has its own story with ten ranks, during which the protagonist gets to know them and their deal better. in order to do this, however, the protagonist needs to have high enough "social stats" to do this, which are also raised through activities in the game. (for example, a particular confidant rank may require your character to have high enough "guts", so you go to do activities that raise your "guts".) getting fully ranked-up with a social link gives you benefits in the actual rpg part of the game, but is also important to get the full story out of the game!
all of these activities take time, and you can normally only do like, two activities that pass time during a day. plus, there are additional time-passing activities in the real world that do things like create healing items, raise your stats, or get things that will give you good gear. so one of the key game mechanics of persona is normally "there are a lot of things you want to be doing, and you need to manage your time well to get as many of them as possible done". certain confidants or activities are only available at certain days, but on rainy days you study better, so which do you do?
persona as a story is normally both about the supernatural phenomenon and the demons you fight and about the protagonist and their friends growing up in the real world as well. both the real world and the supernatural world affect the story and the "vibes" of a persona game, to me, have a lot to do with the real-world setting - almost more than the supernatural setting that you do most of the RPG gameplay in, honestly!
(part of why i love persona 4 so much is very directly "inaba feels like a real, specific place to me, and i care for it".)
anyway, if any of this sounds appealing to you, persona 5 royal is now out on PC and basically every console, and persona 4 golden is now out on PC! additionally, persona 4 golden and persona 3 portable have been announced to be out for console and PC this january, if i remember the date right. honestly do highly recommend persona 5 - you'll see a lot of arguments over it being "overrated", but it has so much style and is very, very good at being highly playable even if you don't normally like its style of turn-based RPG gameplay. there's a reason it became so immediately popular. also, as stated, i love persona 4, but that one's a bit less flashy/polished if you don't already like long RPGs. if you DO already like them however... i highly recommend it it's a fun game.
so yeah hopefully this helps!
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otp questions fair game list but it’s by an idiot who can’t sit in a chair correctly
“pens you’re alive???!?!??!?” yes unfortunately anyway the list, minus a couple of them because they’re a bit nsfw and im not here for it
i’ll put it under a read more because im not a sadist
1. Who is the most affectionate?
clover. no justification just facts
2. Most common argument?
do u know,,,, what its like,,,, to be AFRAID of yourself??? i could hurt u! i could- (translation: qrow telling clover to Fuck Off before he gets hurt)
3. Who apologizes first?
clover. qrow is emotionally constipated and sits on the roof brooding until clover comes up to find him
4. Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
board game night or some shit, idk. clover always wins
5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?
clover drives and scolds qrow for putting his feet on the dash
6. Who is most likely to carry the other?
clover initially but then qrow gets tired of him showing off and starts Picking Him Up to establish dominance in the middle of combat or something
7. Nicknames?
lucky charm and cloves are the obvious ones. soldier boy. dipshit. idk what clover calls qrow but it’s probably something disgustingly affectionate and qrow gets embarrassed every time
8. Who proposes?
clover probably, qrow is still in his “you dont want the burden of my name” arc
9. Who sings along with the radio?
qrow but in bird form ONLY
10. Who worries most?
probably qrow but poor clover is also pretty fuckin worried about qrow 24/7
11. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?
clover needs content for his instagram (which is private and has qrow’s account tagged with a bunch of hearts in his bio. qrow doesn’t even have a pfp. he forgot the password 3 years ago.)
12. Who likes to playfully tease the other?
13. Who has the weirdest taste in their music?
qrow. his spotify is a mixture of the most emo ass shit, nightcore emo shit, and terraria boss music. 
14. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
clover. qrow remembers too but clover orders so
15. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
im sure clover has some form of trauma after the whole chapter 12 incident. i wouldnt be surprised if there was a fic already about clover’s insecurities around his giant ass chest scar
but like also it’s clover 
16. Who initiates kisses?
clover mostly
17. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
also clover. qrow is too busy Repressing his Emotions to do such a thing but clover holding his hand is like therapy even if he wont admit it
18. Who brings an animal they found home?
clover brings a cat home. they name it lucky. they laugh for an hour then realize how stupid they are.
19. Who holds the umbrella for the other when it’s raining?
clover keeps trying to bring qrow an umbrella, but qrow runs away from it because he needs to brood in the rain
20. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
they’ve got a competition going. both of them are really good at the cocky act though so neither of them have cracked. yet.
21. Who kills the scary bugs?
qrow, with pleasure. clover tries to rescue them as much as possible depending on the bug. cockroaches are on sight tho
22. Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
probably neither of them. they’re old, they need their beauty rest
23. Who hogs the blankets?
qrow. even if he’s overheating he still takes clover’s blanket
24. Who wakes up first?
clover wakes up at like 7:30 every morning and makes breakfast. qrow is both awed and disturbed by how well he has his life together. one time, qrow tries to pay him back, so he wakes up at 5am and makes an inappropriate amount of pancakes. (they have to invite nora over to finish the leftovers)
25. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
qrow emerges from bed at 11am on average. it’s rare to see him out of his pajamas before noon.
26. Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
tea. but see #24
27. Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books?
clover. qrow absolutely didn’t cry watching the lion king, and even if he did, you have no proof.
28. Who gets scared during horror films?
qrow acts all tough when clover’s clutching a pillow in anticipation, but he falls for every jumpscare
29. Who cuts the other’s hair?
qrow is a master of cutting hair. his niece is yang xiao long.
30. Who says “I love you” first?
clover. qrow will pine away but will never say anything for previously mentioned emo reasons
31. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
clover tells his family. qrow’s family tells HIM. yang and ruby get sick of watching him pine 
32. What do their friends/family thing of the relationship?
ruby and yang are just happy that their uncle qrow is slightly less edgy now. winter is happy for clover but will detest qrow until the day she dies just on principle
33. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
clover, i mean havent you seen the ballroom scene in v7? where clover asks qrow to dance and they end up getting married and salem leaves because she cant compete? what do u mean that didnt happen?
34. Who cooks best?
qrow is secretly a good cook but you would never know it by the way he pours milk straight into the cereal box
35. Who wears the other’s jacket?
I would say qrow because there’s no way his skinny man jacket fits clover, but let’s be real, clover doesn’t own a fucking jacket
36. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
clover. have u met the man
37. Who makes the other laugh most?
clover makes qrow laugh a lot, if u count amused huffs as laughter
38. Who needs more reassurance?
39. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
clover is usually the law-abiding half of the relationship, plus he’s part of the military so
40. What would be their theme song?
@synvamp (im sorry for tag syn) wrote an absolute banger for them. thats it. whatever universe it is, that’s the one
41. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
clover usually, sometimes qrow tries in bird form but lucky is one evil cat and WILL try to murder him
42. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
live their lives man wdym? clover sends qrow lots of texts though
43. A headcanon about them that stabs your feels?
44. A headcanon that mends the previous one?
my canon now
if you read all of this you’re a legend, see you in 6 years when i finally finish the next fic chapter
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Happy to help you procrastinate here. <3
Irish breakfast, teapot, and/or pu-erh for the tea asks?
💕💕cheers (for the tea asks)
irish breakfast:what country do you want to visit? I'd love to make it to canada and ireland at some point - I'd also love to make it back to japan.
teapot: music preference?
hilariously varied. My music library's most commonly played includes brandi carlile, the mountain goats, dio, dessa, and the glitch mob; I've had the new djo album on loop recently, along with some hunters & collectors. (....and the medieval folk cover of bad apple. it fucking slaps, ok.)
pu-erh: 3 random facts about myself 1) I once accidentally stole a mob of cattle on horseback. School camp, very poor and vauge directions given, 300+ cattle moved 5km down the road before the guy who was actually meant to be directing us looked at the cattle we were moving and realised we'd grabbed the cattle from his neighbour's paddock and not his, much yelling and swearing (to resounding ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ from all of us), and then all the cattle moved back. Was it, in retrospect, incredibly fucking dubious to get a bunch of city kids who'd literally never ridden horses before that week to move a mob of fucking cattle through the bush in snake season? yeah. kinda. Def not the most questionable choice made on that camp though.
2) I still have some of my baby teeth! in my head, I mean; a couple of my adult teeth never came in and so I just have like. baby teeth. where there should be adult premolars. Every dentist does a double take the first time and then are like Well That's Fucked.
3) I used to regularly wander into a top secret high security floor by accident. When I was teaching games design, for a while the floor three above where our lecture rooms were and two below where our tutorial rooms were was a series of research labs occupied by the aeronautics/robotics/cyber security research folks; as such there was a bunch of defense projects etc there and it was very much a 'two keypass dead bolt security etc etc' kind of floor.
(super weird to have in the middle of what was otherwise the art/games design/animation and similar fields building, tbh; I see why it was there, but also, one floor is actively air gapped and covered in Faraday cages, the rest are like 24/7 LAN parties, one of these things is not like the others)
For I'm-haunted-by-technology-ghosts reasons, I would regularly get onto the elevator to get between lecture hall floor and teaching floor, press the button for the appropriate one, and the lift would stop at the Top Security Floor. To be clear: you literally could not press the button for that floor without a specific keycard, which I, obviously, did not have.
Not having the keycard(s) did not stop me from 1)getting off on the top security floor 2)wandering down the hall towards where my tutorial room was (two floors above) 3)walking directly into a lab full of robots or weird defense projects or aeronautics research 4)looking up from going over my notes and then realising that I had, again, broken into the uni top secret area by accident and then 5) tracking down someone to let me out again.
To be fair, the secret research folks were very nice about it.
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||Do we have a deal Part 5: The protective devil parent, one on one talk||
Hi dears, I am back with part 5 from the Do we have a deal mini series. We continue on after what happened in the last chapter. If you wish to read the last two parts, they are under the chapter tag. But this is a gift for my partner and friend. <3
Part one: Do we have a deal: Sacrifice
Part two: Do we have a deal: Painful acceptance: the tasks
Part 3: Do we have a deal: The first task; spirit hunting, worried demon heirs
Part 4: Do we have a deal: Her training lesson and Jaron's talk
((Your reading part 5 now))
||Drabble Summary||
Melinda's first training lesson was of strengthening it since Sukuna got a small dose of how she trained but was not impressed. So he's trying a more..direct approach towards the training while getting her used to helping with a barrier around Sukuna's domain. As for the devils, they were hearing on what they can do but that leaves Yen-Lo-wang and Illyius or at least finding out of their heirs. If you wanna know, read to find out.
~One on one talk
~Temp blindness is present with blood for a moment
||Guests in the Drabble||
Illyius belongs to my rp friend/partner @demon-blood-youths
The devil Yen-Lo-Wang along with Melinda Brooks belongs to me
Sukuna ryomen (Demon au) belongs to me but comes from the anime jujutsu kaisen
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble. It was written for fun so please understand. Thanks for that and hope you like.))
The next day has come as Illyius has returned to the demon world seeing that the devils were doing their best in order to find some way to get past Sukuna's barrier. However, they found out thanks to some help from Melinda, it's more harder to get through. Seems her telekeneic energy was more powerful than they thought so it got twice as hard.
He didn't blame the poor dear but she was just following orders he gave so Sukuna was having more privacy none the less. It was a pain to see this but Illyius sighed to walk off when he stops to look. He sees Yen-Lo-Wang sitting but he was thinking about his heir(daughter) Melinda and hoping she was alright. He walks over to check on him.
"How are you holding up my friend?" he heard Illyius speak as the devil came back from the real world. He didn't know how he was holding up but slowly tries to calm his thoughts.
"I'm hold on, my friend. That's all I really can do right now. With the situation getting no where or worse since the other devils sees some telekentic barrier around Sukuna's domain." He explains this to see Illyius sighing.
"I've seen and heard. I guess he's really serious about his barrier and his so called privacy. It's like he won't let any other of us in unless invited. Knowing him, that could be a while." He didn't like that and yet, he was sitting by the death dragon devil to see him thinking.
"Even so, I always have told you that everything will be alright though." he said with Yen sighing. He knew that but can you blame him for worrying? He noticed that but Illyius sighed.
"But where did you even go? You were gone for a while..." Yen asked as the other was looking ahead.
"I just came back from the human world to speak to my own heir. He was upset about this whole thing a lot more than I thought he would be. And he's always on the positive note. Seems your heir has touched his heart a lot more than I thought she would. I'm impressed." He crossed his arms thinking about it that Yen looks to him.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Meaning she's really really close with him like he's with her. Which has me wondering how I can thank her for saving him. I would suggest him taking her out. Getting her a present. Or something on his case. Me? I don't know...maybe flowers.." He mutters to think about this to wonder about Melinda.
"Well, even so I'm still worried about her right now. Sukuna has not come to speak to us or update us on her. I don't know what he's doing but he better not be doing something to my daughter-" he stops when saying that but looks quiet.
"Daughter? So you do see her as your own child too now? I know you did lose a few others in the past but seems she's grown close to you." he smiled to Yen who looks quiet after a moment. He did grow on Melinda or she grew on him. Even if he checks up on her he's been told a lot of things from her. About how happy she's been and her training. Even with Jaron and how he makes her happy.
Seems she really has gotten better for herself. Yen sighed but Illyius pats his back to look at him.
"I know it's something to take in but remember, she's strong. You told her to always fight for who she cares for. Even loves who she is. I think our heirs really have gotten closer. I'm still shocked that they haven't went on a date yet." He mutters that Yen looks to think.
"I don't know much about it but..since he's already warmed her heart, I will be alright with her being with him. Seems she only thinks and cares about him so....if they did become closer, I'll allow it." he said but saw Illyius smiled.
"I agree with you." he said as the two were calm again but they saw the devils still talking while looking at a orb floating. Sukuna's domain was still there but it was more heavily protected.
Melinda was just walking around slowly while trying to get used to her eyes healing. She had changed the bandage around them but winces from walking into things. She was learning trying to get used to using her senses. She feels the wall slowly while moving around. However, she feels for the bed and sits down slowly.
"........." She's been walking around all this morning to get used to her surrounds but in some way, she was working on it. Sukuna had told her to work on her senses so far and yet she was already nervous about it. Knowing from here on out the training will get harder and harder. For now, she just lowers her head while feeling the bandages.
Melinda wishes she can see but this was part of her training or till she learned to heal her own eyes. Sukuna was brutal alright but she had to bear with it.
She did wonder how the others were back home and how Jaron was. Melinda hopes he was okay so far and the same for her team too. They had to be deadly worried about her but she was too. With everything. She did sense the spirits from outside the barrier floating around but she then lowers down to try thinking.
As she was doing that, Melinda senses something to make her lift her head up. "Huh?" their was something in the room but she begins trying to sense it. It wasn't Sukuna so what was it. She begins moving around or feeling her way around before she felt something make a yip noise. Okay, something was in there but it sounded like...
"A..puppy?" she mutters but that's when something hops on her head to show a little puppy jackal or a demon one. It was wagging it's tail while resting on her head as she feels for it on top and pulls it down to hold in her hands. She hears the familiar panting but a cute yawn was heard.
".....Wait a moment, it is a puppy but..where did you come from?" she asked now moving to slowly walk back without bumping into something but sits down feeling the puppy jackal in her lap. It was looking up at her wagging it's tail but tilts it's head whining. Melinda blinks but she only feels it nuzzling against her lap being cute that she lowers her head now feeling it licking her fingers.
".....You must be a adorable little baby puppy but where did you even come from?" she asked softly while rubbing it's belly. It wiggles and yet she was relaxing now. However, she feels the baby licks to feel the puppy laying on her lap again. Melinda said nothing but she keeps petting it then had a idea. Did he.....she wonders if this little one was related to the baby lung dragon she left with him? Did he leave a part of him with her?
"......." Thinking about it, she focused to feel the aura around the puppy but it felt familiar that she felt a familiar warmth. A familiar cursed energy.
'Jaron...' she said in her mind but she smiled a little that she wanted to cry but winces from the sting from her healing eyes. The puppy jackal whines to get on it's back legs licking her cheek. This made her smile holding the cutie in her arms.
"No worries, I'll be alright. I wasn't expecting him to leave a part of himself with me. Seems he didn't know but.....at least I know he's with me no matter what.." she feels the puppy licking her happily on the cheek that she hugs the baby and kisses the top of it's head. "Though, I don't want Sukuna to hurt you either. I don't know if you can understand me but if you sense some dangerous cursed energy or smell it, hide alright?" she asked seeing the puppy tilt it's head but yips understanding.
She smiled to boop the puppy's nose. "Good. Hmm, I guess we can rest up but.." However, she stops sensing someone to quickly look in that direction while she hears the puppy growling.
"Oh dear..quick you have to hide remember?" she asked seeing the puppy whine but did as she said to quickly disappear or change while staying close. Melinda heard the door open but senses Sukuna walking in while he was looking to her.
"Well, seems you got some rest. Though, you didn't heal your eyes yet?" he saw her looking quiet to shake her head no. "Tch, this is going to be a long training session in the two months but oh well. Listen, as I said before, your training will still get worse by the day along with you still finishing my tasks. I don't want you to show weakness you hear me?" he said seeing Melinda nod.
"Good. I would ask for another blood sample but..you still might be low on blood. But that should be fine after the medicine I gave you. It should help you make more blood two times fast so I can eat and lucky me..I'm hungry.." he said as Melinda was nervous.
"B..but I thought you said you will get your blood payment ever two demon moon nights-"
"I did and still do but I want to eat now. So stop talking I want to eat." he said taking a step forward while Melinda moves back nervous. She tries to talk but Sukuna was holding her down while looking to get ready to eat from her. However, he looks down only to see her neck bare to chuckle.
"Maybe I could eat from your neck. They say it's the best there." he said to Melinda tensing up.
"N..No! You can drink my blood or eat from my arm or wrist but not the neck." she said but he grips her throat to hold her down. She winces feeling him start to chock her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't give you permission to speak did it!? Either you want me to rip your heart out or better.." he said annoyed but that's when he was about to do that till..he felt something bite him as he looks seeing some dog? Where did this thing come from?! Melinda coughs from her throat but she knew Sukuna found him.
"Wait don't hurt him! Please, it's just a puppy!" she said but he looks to it about to kill it but the puppy jackal disappears to hide in Melinda's arms. Well, seems the jackal was able to pass some of his own cursed energy to her. He sees that puppy growling at him as Melinda tries calming it down.
"....Sneaky jackal isn't he?" he said but Melinda said nothing. The puppy kept growling but she calms him down to Sukuna looking at her.
"Even if that's the case, I still demand to eat..so either let me eat or I'll kill it." he said but Melinda got worried to sigh. She saw the puppy whine but sets him down.
"It's alright...he'll just be a moment.." she said carefully setting the puppy down but Sukuna grabs her arm to yank her over as he tightens his grip hurting her. Before long, Melinda winces from his sharp teeth in her arm. Blood was drawn but he was eating again as she bares with it for a moment.
It still hurts but she bares with it while he was eating even if the puppy was using it's paw to cover it's eyes. He could smell her blood now as he eats but Melinda still bares the pain. In five minutes, he was done as she was shoved back on the bed to her wincing.
"Thanks for the meal. I guess you can keep the little mutt. But again, be ready for the training or else. I'll make your life a living hell silver bud." He said but turns to leave the room so it's her and the puppy. Right away, it jumps to rush over hoping on the bed to whine nuzzling against her.
Melinda said nothing but she was feeling her demon blood healing her as she was weak to move. However, she feels for the puppy to pet it. "I..I'll be okay. He just drained a bit too much...I'll be....." As soon as she said that she passed out tired again. The puppy yips worried but it only whines to try staying close to protect her.
From here on out, her training will being and it's going to be a long one.
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estellamiraiauthor · 2 years
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 4)
Welcome back to my annotated re-read of The Stars May Rise and Fall. If you’ve missed the previous installments and want to get caught up: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
As always, SPOILERS ABOUND, possibly including spoilers for chapters beyond this one, so if you want to join in, care about spoilers, and haven’t read the book yet, get your copy here, or you can also order the paperback from your local indie bookstore!
Chapter 4 is going to be a fun one, folks… Chapter 4 has got a STORY!
In a welcome change from Chapter 3 (LOL), Chapter 4 is one of my favorite early chapters… this is where Teru sings for the band for the first time, and in the final published draft, it’s also the first time we get to “see” them play on-page at all. (A very early draft opened mid-concert, which is probably how I’d do that hypothetical anime, but wasn’t really needed for the book.) And so a lot of this chapter is a fun little nostalgia dive into visual kei.
I don’t know that I have much to say about the first third of the chapter, where they’re just in the sound check. It’s really just setting up how Teru feels and painting a little picture of how the venue looks. It’s fun for me to go back to, though, because those were fun times and I miss them!
The next part, though, when they actually have to play and the crowd is expecting to see Bara? That was largely inspired by something that actually happened.
I used to follow a little indie band called Replicant. When I first got into them, they had a little following… not enough to be filling venues on their own, but I think they were decently known and liked among people who were into indie visual kei. They had three members: a singer, a guitarist, and a bassist, and there was a drummer who wasn’t an official member but played with them. A month or so after I started following them, a different guy joined as their official drummer, and for like a week there were four of them. Then, one night, I went to see them play… and the singer just didn’t show. They actually just played the instrumental parts without the vocals that night, like karaoke tracks that no one sang along to. It was VERY awkward, and I felt VERY sorry for them, and it was really, really obvious that no one in the audience knew that the singer wasn’t going to show.
From other fans, I heard he just didn’t show up, and the other guys went to his house and couldn’t make contact with him. A couple of years later, a guy from another band said he “ran off with a girl,” but that doesn’t really explain playing one show, and then a week later, no-showing for another. A lot of these guys ends up quitting because they get married and want to get a real job, but they usually announce that they’re leaving and have a farewell show and everything. This guy just abandoned the band and disappeared. And I do think he was probably the most popular band member, so they lost a lot of fans after that happened.
The show AFTER that, I think the guitarist tried to sing while he played, and it didn’t go that well. They took a couple of weeks off after that, and when they came back they had kind of rebranded―the original guitarist sang, and played guitar solos on a few songs, and they had another guitarist join them as a guest to play the parts where he had to be singing at the same time. I liked the original guitarist/new singer… he was the band’s main songwriter, and I liked the songs he wrote. His voice was really different from the original singer’s, though, so they had to change their set lists up a lot, and the poor guy looked TERRIFIED during those first few shows. (Sound familiar?)
Ultimately, the band broke up, and the guitarist/singer/songwriter started a new band that played a lot of his old songs. When I learned about that, I went to see them… and this time HE just didn’t show up without notice. Why in the world would someone do such a shitty thing that had been done to them? I have no idea. It was a really bizarre story and I’m SURE I’m missing some key piece of it.
But, anyway, the whole “Um, hi? I guess I’m singing now?” bit was based on something that actually happened, and that I was in the audience for!
It’s also probably a good time to talk a little about the “oshi” culture here… no one called it “oshi” back then, but if you said that you liked a particular band, everyone would ask “Oh, who do you like?” or “Whose fan are you?” And you were expected to have a favorite band member―people would look at you like you were crazy if you said you just liked the music or liked the band as a whole! So if a popular member quit, a lot of the fans would follow them to their new band, rather than continuing to consider themselves fans of the original band. So Bara’s fans would’ve felt cheated, I think, to have come expecting to see him and them have him not show.
It’s a little bit of a fantasy, I think, for Teru to have won over a crowd who were mostly there to see someone else so easily… but what’s the fun of reading if it can’t take you away from reality for a bit?
So then we have the third part, when the show is over and they’re selling their demo tapes and photo sets in the lobby. Yes, bands were still selling cassette tapes into the 21st century here (even though we had texting before the rest of the world, I swear I double- and triple-checked the timing of all the technology and it’s accurate!). CDs were definitely the most popular way to buy music from major-label bands, but CD burners were still really expensive, so most indie bands still sold demo tapes. A lot of people had these little stereos that had a CD player, tape player, minidisc (MD) player and radio, and would buy CDs and tapes and then put the music on MDs to carry around.
The photo sets would just be photos of the band, sometimes taken in a professional studio but sometimes just in someone’s apartment with sheets thrown over the furniture. These days, I think a lot of bands and idol groups use Polaroid-type instant photos so that no two are alike, and they can sell a lot of photos to the same die-hard fans, but at the time they’d just print a bunch of the same photos and sell them either in sets of one of each band member and maybe one of all of them together, or individually.
And of course, also in this part, we meet Kiyomi. Looking at this as a Phantom retelling, Kiyomi is clearly the “Raoul.” She’s a childhood friend who is reunited with Teru here after they’ve both kind of grown, and I think she also sort of represents the class divide that was between Christine and Raoul in the original. I say “sort of,” because it’s complicated. There’s no nobility in modern-day Japan (although I guess there sort of unofficially is; I could have made her the daughter of an old landowning family or a politician?), but she’s sort of in an “upper” class just because she got a higher education (not a super elite one, based on her age and when she started her job she could only have gone to a two-year college, but it places her above Teru’s high school and WAY above Rei’s junior high in mainstream society’s eyes) and has a “normal” (i.e. salaried with benefits) job. She looks and dresses “mainstream” and while she probably doesn’t make a ton of money, she’d have a monthly salary that added up to more than what Teru made hourly, so while she’s not quite aristocracy, I think there is a kind of a class divide here as well―or at least the divide between subculture and mainstream.
And I think she also represents what Teru thinks he “should” be. He “should” like someone like her―why not? She’s pretty, she’s successful, she’s clearly interested in him.
But in the end, of course he rushes off to keep his promise to Rei instead of hanging around to talk to her.
In a lot of ways, of course, Kiyomi isn’t really Raoul at all―Raoul was trying to save Christine from a murderer, and since Rei isn’t a murderer in the first place, Teru doesn’t really need saving. And since Teru isn’t really attracted to her, as much as he thinks he SHOULD be, the final choice he has to make isn’t between Rei and Kiyomi at all, but between Rei and his career.
…but that’s maybe a discussion for a later chapter? ;)
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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musemelodies asked:
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Which muse(s) do you currently have most muse for?
Doc and Blue are the ones who fight for dominance. And do I mean they fight to be the favorite child. Doc usually wins because I've played him the longest so he's the easiest to default to even when I'm tired. Next? Surprising it's Lottie. She's really easy. Poor Ursula is neglected right now but not because I want to. She's loud and desires to be heard. Sometimes it's more of managing time for everyone and balancing my pain. Everyone's pretty easy to get ahold of. My pain can make it difficult so I'll go to the easy muses which are, right now: Doc, Blue, and Lottie.
Name a muse you have written in the past. What was your favourite thing about this muse?
I had a Thumbelina themed OC. I was kind of upset about how very few disabled characters we have and I thought Thumbelina could lend well to that. She was bitter and angry because she realized the prince didn't actually love her for herself, he was trying to change her (adding wings she didn't have) and she was a far cry from Don Bluth's Thumbelina. I really liked her. But because those themes I wrote eventually became real for me and I mean I am really living what I wrote, it got personal... Maybe I'll redo her one day. But I don't know. I do miss her sometimes and my boyfriend loved her. He tells me that she made him a little more in tune to writing more diverse characters. I just saw something that personally bothered me and wanted a change.
What is your favourite fandom to write in? Why?
Currently it's the Disney/animated fandom. I can be as serious or as off the wall as I want. I can have the days where my brain has completely exploded and I can't handle something serious. I can quote Vines (waaah Vine!) or Tiktoks with Vine-energy or I can have fourth wall breaking posts with Doc getting Taco Bell. It's great. And then I can do some real meaty, emotional stuff while flipping off Disney and screaming "and to think you couldn't handle Dopey being disabled" because... yeah. Yeah that's something that makes me wanna rip someone's jaw off. But I have white chocolate and hazelnut so I am appeased. So many of us seem to write out of spite. We know. We know where we come from sucks and we're just here to rescue these characters and plots and ride around on a segway going "LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU!" which feels nice. Also, live action stuff is very, very toxic in my experience. I had people who would force me to go along with triggering things even if I said in my rules I'm not okay with abusive situations because they wanted it and because in their opinion, their character was more popular so I had to do what they said. It's really bad. Like... I'm not going back. I really am not going back. Everyone has their drama, right? But... I'm not going back for the sake of my mental health. Having your life experiences invalidated cause the other rper is so hung up on a pretty face and playing virtual house is creepy. So yeah. Animated rp. Disney rp. Hell even certain video games are okay if you... ignore the weird fandoms. You know who I'm talking about.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
Okay so, earlier I reblogged a post that kinda offhandedly stated--as part of a larger, almost totally unrelated point, which is why I don't wanna be annoying about it to the OP--that in Beauty and the Beast, the out-of-universe reason that the prince (who I will be referring to as Adam) was 11 when he was cursed is because the writers didn’t realize they made him that young until it was too late to change it. So as a huge nerd I wanted make my own post explaining why I believe this is false, actually! Using excerpts from the BATB artbook and from a leaked first draft of the screenplay:
1. In said draft, dated June 14th 1990, Adam is explicitly stated to be eleven years old:
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“In FULL ANIMATION, we meet the eleven year-old child as he is being dressed and fussed over by a slew of harried servants”
Soooo, I’m pretty sure they did in fact know they were making him 11 years old. Honestly I don’t think I really need to elaborate more than this but I’m going to anyway, along with talking about some other things I find interesting.
2. In this version of the story, Adam was really cruel and cold to the enchantress, like I know he’s 11 but damn. He really just got told he cares for nothing and loves no one but himself and said “why should I?”
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Kinda wish more of this made it into the final version of the movie tbh, if only to drive home the point that he truly was an awful kid and didn’t just get cursed for “not wanting to let a stranger in his house”, as I’ve seen some people say.
3. Also in this version of the story, the castle servants were cursed simply for getting in the way of the enchantress’ attempt to punish Adam and trying to plead with her that he’s only a child, and so that he would have to be isolated with no human company.
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4. This is a bit of a tangent but even though I’ve been referring to him as a prince, he’s actually called a duke in this version! Obviously they changed that as the prologue of the movie now explicitly calls him a prince.
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Also, this happens, and I really wanna know how exactly he would explain all of this to Belle in his own words:
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It then cuts to Belle and Adam already having gotten married and being about to leave on their honeymoon and I’m sorry, this is not related at all to the discussion of his age, but I adore this ending so much that I almost, maybe, kinda sorta like it just as much as if not better than the actual ending and I feel the need to share it:
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Belle and Adam literally don’t notice a whole explosion in the east wing because “they’re too caught up in newlywed bliss”, help, my heart--this gives us more time with Adam as a human, is adorable, and just feels so classic and Cinderella-esque. Actually, the original prologue and ending parallel the structure of Cinderella so strongly (especially if they would’ve added the chorus singing the title song) that maybe they thought it was a bit too much like Cinderella, and I wouldn’t trade the unique stained glass prologue and last shot of the final movie for anything, but I still just love every word of this. 
But ANYWAY, one last thing pertaining to Adam’s age:
5. Before even this draft was created, Howard Ashman originally wanted the poor kid to be seven when he got cursed. SEVEN! And I know that because of the Beauty and the Beast artbook:
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Wanted to share this whole section for context, but the most relevant part is that Howard’s original idea, which the directors apparently disliked despite it still making it to the first screenplay draft, was... well, the same thing I showed earlier, except the main character was “a seven-year-old prince”. Which does make me wonder how old Howard originally imagined Belle to be, seeing as Paige O’Hara has referred to her as an adult in her early 20s several times since the movie was released (so no, she’s not 17 and getting with a 21 year old, the “Belle is 17″ thing comes from another drastically different version of the script) and in this draft is described as 18 at the same time that Adam would be nearing 21:
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All this is to say, though, that imo the live action remake doing things like changing the “ten years we’ve been rusting” line, never specifying that the rose will bloom until his 21st birthday, and making him explicitly older + having him be cruelly abusing his political power in the prologue... is interesting and not necessarily bad, just different (and only canon to that adaptation, not to the original animated film!). It places the Beast’s curse in a much different light and makes it seem much more justifiable (though even then it doesn’t justify cursing the servants tbh) than the idea that the enchantress would so cruelly punish not just an 11 year old but everyone else who cares for him in response to him simply being a spoiled, bratty child. I can see why some might prefer him being an adult, and I can also see how some may not realize that he was supposed to be 11 with how much older he looks in the prologue and the painting in the castle (which admittedly is an odd decision to me that I’m not sure of the reasoning for). But I think him being a young child at the time of the curse really helps to show just how unjust his situation is, and also I think the writers definitely knew what they were doing here. If they wanted to make sure Adam was an adult at the time of the curse then really, they only would’ve had to remove/change a couple of lines, but they clearly wrote him as a young child in several previous versions of the script and then... continued to imply exactly that in the final movie.
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