phoenix-flamed · 4 months
"My lord! Will chocolates suffice? Maybe a poppy accompanying it would be nice?" Popshi comments, handing over a small box of chocolates along a plucked poppy lying on top of it. He hands it over, cheeks flushed as he pushes the gift over to the man. It's not nearly enough, but it will have to suffice. "May your love for all burn for eternity."
"W...wait, aren't poppies --" There's no time to finish the thought, in part because of the gift presented to him is so heartfelt -- at least, if the flush to the other's cheeks is any indication -- that he can't possibly even consider turning it down. With a small, fond smile, the box is taken carefully into gloved hands, careful not to shift it too much and topple the flower from its resting place.
"Likewise, my dear friend. Likewise." With just as much care, Elwin leans in, placing an equally as small yet fond kiss to Popshi's cheek. Much the same way that Popshi feels that his gifts aren't enough, so too does the Archduke feel about his offered gift in return. It's small, too small to convey the magnitude of his gratitude, but it will have to suffice for now. "May you never lose your charm and fiery passion."
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ruiination · 5 months
12. Has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
Salty Munday! / @poppydedicant - Accepting
Many times. But the worst one was the certain person in the xvi fandom. One of the only people I've ever done a dni for. I'm pretty easy to make cry, but I've not been hurt like that since I was a teenager. I literally got sick from crying so much multiple days.
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lionheartedscout · 11 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
Oh, it's my turn, uhhhhhhhh--
Besides playing video games and rping, I cosplay and go to anime conventions as a hobby. I mainly frequent events in the Midwest but I'll occasionally go to cons out of state like Katsucon.
The first Final Fantasy I ever played was XIII, but I sadly never finished it. The first FF I did finish was XV and it remains one of my favorite games to this day. I did do a XIII cosplay group with friends a while back and cosplayed Fang.
Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical. I used to watch the 25th anniversary production all the time throughout college and I was lucky enough to go see the touring production about 4 or 5 years ago, so of course I was devastated when I heard the Broadway production was closing. Here's to hoping that it makes a comeback someday.
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seeasunset · 11 months
“I will call it a boat and you cannot stop me.”
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❝.......❞ There's no response from Vasco.
Wanna know why?
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He's ignoring Popshi, acting as if he doesn't exist at all. Despite the strong urge to give some kind of sass remarks, the captain bit down on it.
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strykingshot · 11 months
i watched it. i watched you die and now you're standing here.
"Believe me, I thought I did too." When she got yanked down along with the beast they were able to knock off a cliff she thought that was the end of it. She could still hear his voice shouting her name as she fell. It was by sheer luck as they fell the creature hit the ground first and cushioned her fall, allowing her to barely survive with multiple broken bones.
"I was lucky to have been found by some locals that helped heal me. I'm probably going to be have a permanent limp but I'm not gonna let death keep me from protecting you."
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the-goldxnboy-hero · 11 months
"You look so cute! How come?"
There's a small lag between the words being said and Tang Xuan actually processing them. He blinks a few times before a ruddy color flushes up his neck, cheeks and ears tinted brightly as a show of his surprise.
"How come?" His gaze goes from Popshi, down to his clothes, and then back up again. "No, wait– what do you mean by cute?"
And– what's with that coming so out of the blue?
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valistheanshield · 11 months
@poppydedicant sent : " we both know there's nothing here for me. not really. but you... you have a whole life here, ready and waiting to be lived. " emotional prompts || Accepting
The statement given was...confusing. Sure, this might not have been Popshi's homeland, but the actions the man had given to see it to safety had earned him a place here, whether he wanted it or not. Though, Clive had to admit it might be an insider's view of things that he had. How would one from an altogether different land feel at the celebration that was going on for the liberation of this one?
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"That is..." A sigh slipped his lips, a shake of the head accompanying it. "That is your decision, my friend, I would not chain you here if you did not wish it so." A smile claimed his lips now, meeting the Viera's gaze openly. "But you are wrong. You have earned a place here should you choose it. You fought with us, bled with us. You can't say there is nothing here for you when your own blood watered the crops that grew into what you see before you."
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valiisthea · 11 months
Favourite trope? (I’m assuming something cardio related hehe)
And Least favorite?
Munday Memes!
@poppydedicant && @spiras-summoner since you both asked the same ones !!
Favorite trope: (IVE BEEN CALLED OUT...) yes I am very very very into hearts/heartbeats and will write them into literally everything I do. That said, fanfic/roleplay tropes and all that, I really really love characters taking care of their wounded family/partner/friend in a very high stress low supply scenario.
Least favorite trope: does an AU count because I hate Hogwarts AUs lol. But nah I really am not a fan of any memory loss tropes. I will click out of a fic so fast if that trope is in it.
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
poppydedicant replied: "Well... You could kiss me instead, my Lord <3"
Congratulations, you actually managed to break his brain, Popshi. It's like the gears are trying to turn, but they're stuck on each-other.
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liightwarrior · 2 years
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  “I-- well--” Now, this was an answer he did not expect, and his heartbeat began to thunder loudly in his ears, which both twitched from his nerves. He was, by all accounts, immediately and immensely flustered. “I’m not sure most would agree here...” His face felt all-too warm, and he was attempting to get his words out as best he could.
  “Thank you, though. I’ve never had a compliment as great as that, before. The more I think on it... it may sound delightful, yes!” His ears drooped a little lower, almost ashamed to even admit such a thing, and he immediately tried to back out of saying what had already been said. “I mean- It’s..-- I don’t know...”
| @poppydedicant​ |
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lionheartedscout · 11 months
“we’re alone now, you could kiss me.”
send my muse “we’re alone now, you could kiss me.” for their reaction. @poppydedicant
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Gav's good eye widened in surprise, face quickly flushing a light pink. "You... I... I'm sorry, but whatever gave you the idea that I wanted to kiss you? I mean, I'm flattered, but..."
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seeasunset · 4 months
"Mister seashell... Mister pirate... Mister seaweed..." First, he gives the man a hug. Yes, without asking for permission or caring for personal space. Second, he pulls away and reveals a big box of assorted chocolates. "I saw this on the store nearby and realized you would have no idea what chocolates are -- since you're a sailor and all that -- so I decided to do my good deed of the day. Here! Enjoy these delicacies and accept my acts of affection in this, THE official day of affection-giving!"
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The ridiculous names always made a frown appeared on Vasco's lips. While he is used to people calling him various of nicknames, it didn't stop them from getting creative. Popshi, no less. Even worse that there is a pirate being thrown in there, which is far from the truth. It only made his frown deepened. With a sigh of annoyance slipping past his lips (out of the personal space being invaded and the nicknames), Vasco stood there, frozen in spot. Just for this once, a hug is given a pass.
❝Y'know, I'm not dumb, right? I know what chocolates are. I've had a lot of them as a kid, but not so much as an adult.❞ The twitch in his jaw indicated that this isn't something he enjoyed a lot. Regardless, he kept his voice free of any annoyance and from any harshness. After all, this man came all this way to provide him some candy. On his favorite holiday as well. His gloved hands moving to grab the chocolates, admiring the details of the case. ❝I do appreciate you going out the way to give me this. Thank you.❞
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strykingshot · 11 months
some good old enemies to lovers
@poppydedicant said: “ i don't wanna die. “
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Shit shit shit, how could she let this happen?! She got too cocky, she expected him to keep back and stay safe but she let her guard down and allowed an archer to get past her and fire an arrow that hit him in the chest.
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"You're gonna be alright, I'm not gonna let you die." She quickly dug in her bag for a potion and almost tore the cork off with her teeth. "Here drink this and don't move, I'm going to remove the arrow."
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blindedguilt · 2 years
“Aren’t you happy?”
"I am happy." Lukhege responded immediately.
Though his expression was momentarily expressionless, perhaps even dazed or lost in thought, the slightest semblance of a smile graced itself up upon his lips as his head turned from his work to look off at the camp before him. All different soldiers, of all different kinds fulfilling their tasks - Some were distributing food. Others were staking up tents or honing weaponry for the next battle. He could even spy what seemed to be one commander leading children who looked to be no older than he was when he had first officially joined the Union about, perhaps they were new conscripts?
"Would you look at it?" Lukhege's tone was caught with sentimentality. "Our very world is reaching it's end. If the dragons are allowed to win, what would that mean for we, as humans? ... But even in the midst of such chaos, I still have a home. A family that cares for me and took me in, even after my own blood had turned against them. See-" Lukhege paused. "... They kept their promise. When my village had been destroyed, it was the Union who sheltered us. I trusted them - And because of my faith, they've yet to turn their backs on me now."
Of course there were times he felt as if he was doubted - But it was natural. His brothers, two of them (Though he had every reason to expect Laum's involvement, sweet thing that he was, was at the hands of mere manipulation by the elder and that dragon, possibly even those other "Union soldiers" that followed in those ideals), had turned against the Union, against humanity, and threw their lot in with the man-eating dragons, after all - His standing was too close to be deemed clear of suspicion.
Still, the doubt hurt, the brutal inquisition following his survival by those hands of grace had still haunted his dreams. Even to this day, he wouldn't damn well dare even step near that man named Caim - He had done away with the three of his brothers, was growing increasingly mad by the day, and Luke couldn't shake the growing feeling that he still had his sights set on finishing the job started all those years ago. Yet, the memory of that kind soldier that had stood firm in his faith in him, how he had been given those nods of validation after another hazardous task completed and the words of "Congratulations" still ringing in his ears after his first kill on the cusp of turning 14, he was affirmed in his hope that he was being given a chance. They wanted to trust him, he was affirmed in that hope over and over and over again.
They were just distant. There were always those who knew of his story and would state their doubts as to his loyalty, no matter how hard he worked, but he still had his skin; he was given a home and contribution to the world and a family just as he had always been promised, and it was for that which Lukhege had regretted deeply ever having placed his fear towards the Union when he was just saved.
A hand briefly lingered over the throat that felt as if it were still being choked, the fingers twitching before moving away.
"The Union has passed so much onto me. Where would I be without them?" Dead, he thought to himself. Dead with those brothers.
Riversal... Sometimes, when he dared to think of him, he somewhat missed him. He sometimes imagined a world, late at night, where they would live together in their new family. He tried to think of what he would have looked like, had he grown up - But the bump of his body under his heels as it was dragged off seemed to play itself under his feet when he thought about it for too long.
Lukhege's smile fell. Absent-mindedly, he turned and went back to focusing on his work.
"I am happy." He repeated.
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soulsbetrayed · 2 years
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“My my, what a fascinating world I’ve stumbled upon.” Of course with how strange the cambion can get he might into no amount of trouble. “Eventually I’ll have to get a better look of things for now...”
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valistheanshield · 11 months
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@poppydedicant sent : 4, 5 , 6. Questions for Wulf || Accepting
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
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One of my other favorites, of course, is Geralt of Rivia. Probably my second longest-lived muse. Prior to FFXVI, Witcher 3 was my all-time favorite video game, so of course I settled right into a blog.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
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Not really, and even if I did, I wouldn't abandon Clive to do it. I've learned that I don't have the ability to multi-muse like I did back when I was in college.
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
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Other than the book I mentioned earlier, yeah, pretty much. I never really was part of a poetry group or anything of the sort, though the thought did come up. I was rather embarrassed about my writing when I was younger.
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