#portable power station lowes
hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Update on May 1st protests and how the french goverment handled them?
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^ The May 1st protests were pretty violent esp. in Paris; two cops were set on fire (they're ok, one has 2nd degree burns), lots of destruction in city streets, and hundreds of injured protesters. The French gov is sticking to its M.O. of denying any police violence against protesters, emphasising protesters' violence and portraying it as mindless anti-democratic savagery rather than the result of their own anti-democratic policies.
There were more people protesting in the streets on Monday than at any other May Day protest in the past 20 years (by a large margin—7 to 10x more people than usual.) And the numbers are still impressive in terms of this current social movement—there were about 1.2 million people at the first protest against the pension reform in January, 900K at one of the February protests, around 1.1M on March 7 and I think 1.2M on March 23rd... We're in May and there were 800K people in the streets on Monday (using the police's probably low estimate). The first marches earlier this year were peaceful; people started destroying shit in March after the 49.3 (=the gov not letting elected representatives vote on the reform); in the following weeks we saw a brutal escalation of police violence + suppression of just about any means of non-violent protest, which results in more violence.
The vast majority of protesters are still peaceful, but in terms of providing context for the increased violence, well—people protested peacefully, peaceful protests got banned. People banged pots and pans, pots and pans got banned and confiscated. People started a petition on the National Assembly website which got a record number of signatures, the petition was closed before its deadline and ignored. MPs asked (twice!) for a national referendum on the reform to be held, their requests were denied. Electricity unionists cut power in buildings Macron was visiting, now he travels around with a portable generator. Unions tried to distribute whistles and red cards (penalty cards) to football supporters before the French Cup finale last week, so the ones who wanted could use them if Macron showed up (he ended up hiding and greeting the footballers indoors rather than publicly on the stadium lawn); the police prefecture tried banning union members from gathering outside the stadium to distribute these items (although the ban was struck down by the judiciary as it was illegal, like most bans these days...)
Confiscating saucepans was already so absurd it felt like a gratuitous fuck you, but now they're trying to prevent the distribution of pieces of red paper. Cancelling petitions that would have had no real impact anyway. Prosecuting people for insulting Macron. Arbitrarily arresting hundreds of nonviolent protesters to intimidate them out of protesting (guess who's left then?). The French gov is systematically repressing democratic or nonviolent means of making your opinion heard, and when people get more violent they're like "This is unacceptable, don't these terrorists know there are other means of expressing dissent??" Where? This week a 77-year-old man was summoned to the police station and will be forced to take a "citizenship course" for having a banner outside his house that read "Macron fuck you" (Macron on t'emmerde). Note that he would have been arrested (like the woman who was arrested at her home and spent a night in police custody for calling Macron "garbage" on Facebook) but they decided not to only because of his age.
So that's where we're at; on Monday two cops caught on fire (well, their fireproof suit did) after protesters threw a Molotov cocktail at them. (The street medic who tried to help them with their burns ended up getting shot by a cop's riot gun a few seconds later—with French police no good deed goes unpunished!) The media talked a lot more about this incident than about the fact that the cop who got most severely injured on that day (broken vertebrae) was injured by an explosive grenade that a colleague of his meant to throw at protesters (you can see it at the end of the video below). If police with all their protective gear get so badly injured by their own weapons, no wonder the worst injuries have been on the protesters' side. (nearly 600 injured protesters on May 1st, 120 severely, according to street medics.) I'm not including images of these incidents in the video but on May 1st a protester had his hand mutilated by a police grenade + a 17 year old girl was hit in the eye by a grenade fragment, may end up losing it (during the Yellow Vests protests, Macron's first attempt at repressing a social movement, 38 protesters lost an eye or a hand).
What you see in the video: cops charging the front of a march to tear a banner off people's hands then retreating and drowning the street in tear gas when protesters throw paint bombs at them (protesters have umbrellas because of police drones); at 0:30, a journalist saying "They're not even arresting him, just kicking him when he's down—they kicked him right in the face!" then police spraying with tear gas protesters who try to fend them off; at 0:46 when a protester being arrested asks a journalist if he's filming and starts reading out loud a cop's ID number, another cop shoves the journalist and throws him to the ground; at 0:54, an Irish journalist runs away from the police tear gas grenades that you hear going off, at 01:08, the incident mentioned above when a cop drops a grenade he tried to throw, which explodes in his group, breaking another cop's vertebrae. There's a lot more I'm not including, like how CNN said "there's so much tear gas in Paris, our foreign correspondent can barely breathe", how another journalist was hit by a sting-ball grenade (he was also bludgeoned on the head so hard it broke his helmet—even though cops know the people wearing helmets are journalists...), and yet another journalist who was calling out a cop for aiming at people's heads with his riot gun (which is illegal) ended up having the guy aim the riot gun at his head from 2 metres away (getting shot with this "less lethal weapon" from that distance would be lethal.)
All of these videos are from May 1st (most of them from this account monitoring police violence.)
So yeah, nonviolent protests followed by violent police repression and bans of nonviolent means of protesting result in more violent protests. The French government responds by a) pikachu surpris, b) condemning violent protesters and praising violent police to the skies, c) continuing to ban everything they can think of. Confiscating saucepans didn't work but confiscating pieces of red paper will do the trick! Let's prosecute people for bashing or burning an effigy of Macron, because banning symbolic violence always works to prevent actual violence! And this week after the May 1st protests we learnt that the gov is thinking of making street barricades illegal, because that'll definitely solve everything. It's going to be interesting for history teachers to teach students about the 1789 revolution that allowed us to take down an absolutist regime and become a republic, under a government that banned barricades because they see them as terrorist anti-republican structures.
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^ Statue symbolising the French Republic (on Place de la République in Paris) dressed with a 'Macron resign' shirt by protesters on May 1st.
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cleolinda · 5 months
I am so fucking pissed. We’re hearing forecasts that we might get FIVE FUCKING INCHES OF SNOW overnight from Monday to Tuesday. In ALABAMA, where we have no snow removal equipment. Like I think we got one bag of sand for the whole town. No snow tires, I don’t even know what those are. This isn’t cute “Haha it’s just barely below freezing! Snowball fight!!!” snow. This is 14° Fuck (-11° Come the Fuck On) snow. FIVE INCHES? We get flurries and the city descends into madness.
What if we lose POWER. Everything runs off USB cord stuck in the outlet charging nowadays. This is why everyone used to run out and buy Milk Bread Batteries. Listen. I have this memory of the power going out during this wild snowstorm when I was a kid--I want to say it was Winter Storm '93. Ask anyone who lived in Alabama at the time. Like we had Desert Storm '92 the military operation one year and Winter Storm '93 the next. It was that serious in our minds, and I'm not sure you can blame us:
The storm dumped several inches of snow each hour on Birmingham, which ended up with officially 13 inches of snow.
Due to the high winds some parts of Birmingham reported drifts 5 to 6 feet deep. One state trooper reported that the roads were in the worst shape he had ever seen. "People can't tell what's road and what's not."
Low temperatures during the storm were in the 5-to-10 degree range on that Sunday.
IN A TOWN WHERE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT A SNOW PLOW IS. I think we had one for the entire county. Like I'm only kind of joking here.
And our power went out.
The snow was so heavy that it pulled down power lines either by its own weight, or by the tree branches its weight broke off. Meanwhile, the power at my house already went off every time a squirrel sneezed. I don't how many days this lasted; it was probably like, 2-3 days, but in my head, I was 14 years old boxed up with my family with no heat and it lasted two weeks. Maybe three years. The four of us slept in sleeping bags layered with quilts, huddled on the floor around a wood burning fire. (In the haunted house, no less.) The carpet was really nice, at least. We had a--do people still call them boomboxes? A big portable cassette player--battery-powered--with AM/FM radio. We listened to whatever TV shows were broadcast from the ABC station at night. We did have hot water; I took a lot of hot baths. We cooked food over the outdoor grill (which we moved to the comfortably large area under the deck, to hold off the falling snow), sometimes using aluminum foil as a kind of thin impromptu frying pan, and kept perishables like milk and meat in a cooler. Oh, did we have a bag of ice for the cooler? No, we used snow. God knows there was enough of it. Of course, I'm sure the refrigerator was perfectly serviceable even without power, because it was TEN DEGREES FUCK ALL.
I remember going outside a good bit and playing, as much as a teenager plays, in the snow with my seven-year-old sister. I remember that all the neighborhood kids got big rubber trashcan lids and used them as toboggans, going up to the top of the hill on our street and pretty successfully sledding down. Maybe it was "lmao snowball fight!!" snow when I was 14. I'm 45 now, and the cold makes me hurt. It makes me hurt all over. Maybe Winter Storm '24 will be a fun core memory for my nephew. I am pissed. And also charging all my electronics.
(ETA: It’s ‘24 now, isn’t it. My brain hasn’t clicked the date over yet. What is time.)
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1971, Vol. 1
A Mixtape
A History Lesson of sorts, Babies.
Composed of actual 45s I bought as a kid during '71, snap, crackle, pop and all. Recorded onto a Maxell C-60 low-bias cassette as a mix some time back in the '90s, the order much like it might have been back in '71 on any AM Rock Radio Station worth its salt, or on a hypothetical "American Top 40" episode.
Transferred from cassette to SSD sometime last year ('23). The old Nakamichi cassette deck don't miss a beat! Tape's in excellent shape, as well. No deterioration in 30 years. Currently listening to it via AM Broadcast, on a Zenith Transistor Radio, as The Gods Intended.
It's being played on a 5th Gen iPod (with the audiophile processor), the little hard drive of which I replaced with an SD card holder and a 256GB SD Card. It's playing over an AM Transmitter I soldered together from a kit about 10 years ago that's been essentially running 24/7 ever since I plugged it in first time.
Sonically, AM had this sort of expansiveness to it, like an automatic-level control with a degree of reverb, of sorts, that had this particular sound that lent itself really well to being listened to on the typical car radio, and on portable radios. The 45rpm "single mix" was always recorded "hotter" than the album track, so it was extra "in your face". That, combined with that reverb/compression inherent in AM was, and still is, Powerful.
It is essentially a Temporal Portal back in time, this experience of hearing them now, just as I heard them back than, on an AM Radio, that imperfect medium that seemed so perfect for this music...it is like being time-machined back.
Blogging about it to finally get the tracklist written down, since in my iTunes it's just 'Side 1 and Side 2' of the cassette xfer. lulz. Figured y'all would enjoy the selections. I'll have to dig through my tapes for Vol. 2 and the rest.
Side 1
1. I Feel The Earth Move (Carole King)
2. Another Day (Paul McCartney)
3. Maggie May (Rod Stewart)
4. Chicago (Graham Nash)
5. What Is Life (George Harrison)
6. Lucky Man (Emerson, Lake and Palmer)
7. Groove Me (King Floyd)
8. Sunshine (Jonathan Edwards)
9. Signs (Five Man Electrical Band)
10. 25 or 6 to 4 (Chicago WHEN THEY USETA ROCK!)
11. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (The New Seekers) (Yes, the Coke commercial song) (goddammit, we were so naive and innocent...why am I cryin'?)
12. Ooh, Child (The Five Stairsteps) (There, there, it's gonna be OK, baby...)
13. Where You Lead (Barbra Streisand)
14. Temptation Eyes (The Grass Roots)
Side 2
1. Day After Day (Badfinger)
2. Draggin' The Line (Tommy James)
3. I Hear You Knockin' (Dave Edmunds)
4. Nathan Jones (The Supremes) (Yeah, after Ross left, Mary and her two new Supremes came out swingin' with this killer song, cheesy phaser effect and bitchin' piano riffs included no extra charge!)
5. It Don't Come Easy (Ringo Starr)
6. Ain't No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
7. Beginnings (Chicago)
8. That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be (Carly Simon)
9. Friends (Elton John)
10. One Toke Over The Line (Brewer & Shipley)
11. Lookin' Out My Back Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
12. Me & Bobby McGee (Janis Joplin)
13. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Chicago) No, really, y'all, there was a time when CHICAGO DID NOT SUCK! REALLY!
14. Power To The People (John Lennon)
15. From The Beginning (Emerson, Lake and Palmer)
So that's Vol 1, and 1971 was an incredible-enough year that it took me at least 3 tapes to get all the killer 45s put on tape. I'll have to dig.
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magz · 8 months
Hardware proof-of-concept projects Magz found interesting, from "hack-a-day-prize 2023, 10th anniversary" event.
Contest where engineers and tech enthusiast, submit their hardware projects.
(Link to "Hack-a-day Prize 2023 event" page)
Video Title. "Open Book: 2023 #HackadayPrize Video" Project Description. "The Open Book: An open hardware reading device that's easy to build, easy to manufacture, and easy to make your own."
(Link to "Open Book" Project page, on Hack-a-day website)
Note: Is open source hardware and firmware. However, "Open book" Reading device only support plain-text file for now. There are many feedback and suggestion to support ePub file and markdown format.
Video Title. "Electromechanical Refreshable Braille Module : HackadayPrize 2023" (thumbnail text. "Open-source refreshable braille") Project Description. "Lowering the cost of Refreshable Braille Cells by using Electromagnetic Cam Actuators & 3D Printing"
(Link to "Electromechanical Refreshable Braille Module" project page, on Hack-a-day website)
Note: $10 u.s. for the first braille cell production, but $1 u.s. per subsequent braille cell material. As opposed to the usual braille cell being $100 u.s. or more, with 40-cell displays costing $4k or more. The prototype have 100-200 millisecond refresh rate per dot, but will be improved with driver update in next prototype version, along with more durable material.
Other interesting project.
"Speak To Me: A Button Box" Project Page
Description: "A project to make life easier for my 91 year old father, who has hearing and eyesight loss as well as severe short term memory issues." ("Dad's 'Speak-to-me Button Box'" Showcase video, Youtube)
"OHMni-Stick" Project Page
Description: "Ultra Low Force and Displacement Assistive Tech Joystick." ("OHMni-Stick" entry video, youtube)
Long Range Weather Station (65€) Project Page
Description: "A cheap but precise Weather Station (Lora transmission)" ("Long Range Weather Station" entry video, youtube)
"Felini - Revolutionary Pocket-Sized Electronic Lab" Project Page
Description: "Extremely affordable pocket-friendly, designed to provide a wide range of hardware testing and debugging functions in a compact and low-cost" ("Pocker-size electronic lab" entry video, youtube)
"OMOTE - DIY Universal Remote" Project Page
Description: "Open-Source Infrared Remote Using ESP32 and LVGL"
"FindMyCat - The Open Source Pet Tracker" Project Page
Description: "The only pet tracker you will ever need. Months long battery life, works outdoors and indoors. It’s Purr-fectly Empowered." ("FindMyCat" Entry Video, Youtube)
"A 'smart' controller for a powered chair or bed" Project Page
Description: "Automates the powered recliner or bed. Ideal for the mobility-challenged." ("Power chair and bed 'smart' controller" entry video, youtube)
"mysoltrk - a solar tracker, reinvented" Project Page
Description: "A different approach for a solar tracker, alternative movements, to be installed on the outside, to optimize the efficiency of solar panels" ("solar tracker" entry video, youtube)
"Portable Sound Visualization AR Device" Project Page
Description: "A portable AR device that superimposes an image showing the location of a sound source on an image captured by a camera." ("Sound AR device" entry video, Youtube)
Can see more Projects At:
Prize 2023 (10th anniversary) Projects Submission Page, on "Hack-a-day" Site
Other Contests and Events, on "Hack-a-day" Site
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macrepairexperts · 4 months
Tips to improve your MacBook’s Battery Performance
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MacBooks have become indispensable tools for work, education, and entertainment. One important factor that often gets overlooked in the quest for the perfect MacBook’s battery life. The longevity of your MacBook's battery can significantly impact your productivity and convenience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of battery life and provide practical tips for finding a MacBook that offers optimal longevity.
Understanding the Significance of Battery Life:
- Productivity: Longer battery life means more uninterrupted work sessions, especially when you're on the go or in places without easy access to power outlets.
- Portability: A MacBook with extended battery life enhances portability, allowing you to work or enjoy entertainment without constantly worrying about finding a charging station.
- Cost Efficiency: Investing in a MacBook with a durable battery can save you money in the long run, reducing the need for frequent battery replacements or upgrades.
- Environmental Impact: Choosing a MacBook with a longer battery life contributes to reducing electronic waste by extending the lifespan of your device.
Is your Macbook battery draining quickly or not holding a charge? It may be time for a replacement. Contact Lappy Maker for professional battery replacement services.
 Factors that Affecting Battery Life
- Battery Capacity: The size of the battery plays a significant role in determining how long your MacBook can run on a single charge.
- Hardware Efficiency: Energy-efficient components such as processors, display panels, and storage drives can help conserve battery power.
- Software Optimization: Operating system updates and power management settings can impact battery performance, with some systems offering better optimization for extended battery life.
- Usage Patterns: Your usage habits, such as running multiple applications simultaneously or streaming high-definition videos, can drain the battery more quickly.
 Tips for Finding a MacBook with Long Battery Life
 1. Assess Your Needs
- Determine your typical usage scenarios to understand the level of battery life required for your daily activities.
- Consider whether you prioritise performance, portability, or battery life when selecting a MacBook.
 2. Research Battery Specifications
- Look for MacBooks with high-capacity batteries or those equipped with energy-efficient technologies.
- Check manufacturer specifications and reviews to get an idea of real-world battery performance.
 3. Consider Battery Life Ratings
- Pay attention to battery life ratings provided by manufacturers, but keep in mind that actual usage may vary depending on usage conditions.
- Look for MacBooks with battery life that meets or exceeds your specific requirements.
 4. Opt for Energy-Efficient Components
- Choose MacBooks with energy-efficient processors, such as Intel's low-power variants or AMD's Ryzen Mobile processors.
- Select SSD storage instead of traditional hard drives, as SSDs consume less power and contribute to longer battery life.
 5. Evaluate Display Technology
- Consider MacBooks with energy-efficient display panels, such as LED-backlit or OLED screens, which consume less power compared to traditional LCDs.
- Adjust screen brightness and resolution settings to optimise battery usage without compromising visual quality.
 6. Utilise Power-Saving Features
- Take advantage of built-in power-saving features provided by your operating system, such as sleep mode, screen dimming, and power management settings.
- Disable unnecessary background processes and peripherals to conserve battery power when not in use.
 7. Invest in External Battery Packs
- For extended periods away from power outlets, consider purchasing external battery packs or portable chargers to supplement your MacBook's battery life.
- Look for compact and lightweight options that offer sufficient capacity to recharge your MacBook on the go.
Lastly, Battery life is a crucial consideration when choosing a MacBook, as it directly impacts your productivity, portability, and overall user experience. By understanding the factors affecting battery life and following these tips, you can find a MacBook that offers optimal longevity to meet your needs. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or a casual user, prioritising battery life ensures that your MacBook remains a reliable companion wherever you go.
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bestoffsetsmokers · 6 months
Unveiling the Best Weber Grills: Your Guide to Grilling Excellence
In the world of grilling, few names command as much respect as Weber. With a legacy spanning decades, Weber grills have become synonymous with quality, innovation, and the unmistakable aroma of a perfectly grilled meal. In this guide, we'll explore the top picks that define the Best Weber Grills, ensuring your barbecue adventures are nothing short of extraordinary.
Weber Genesis II E-310 - The Classic Choice
When it comes to classics, the Weber Genesis II E-310 stands tall. Boasting three powerful burners, a spacious cooking area, and the iconic Weber flavorizer bars, this grill is a backyard staple. The porcelain-enameled cooking grates ensure even heat distribution, making it perfect for grilling enthusiasts who appreciate reliability and consistency.
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Weber Spirit II E-310 - Compact Powerhouse
For those with limited space but a big appetite for grilling, the Weber Spirit II E-310 takes the spotlight. This compact powerhouse features the GS4 grilling system, ensuring reliable ignition, consistent heat, and minimal flare-ups. The fold-down side tables add a touch of convenience, making it an excellent choice for urban dwellers or anyone looking to maximize their grilling potential in a smaller footprint.
Weber Summit S-470 - The Ultimate Grilling Experience
If you're searching for the pinnacle of grilling excellence, look no further than the Weber Summit S-470. This luxury grill is a true culinary marvel, featuring four burners, a dedicated smoker box, a side burner, and a sear station. The stainless steel cooking grates and flavorizer bars make it a durable choice for those who demand nothing but the best. The Summit series is a testament to Weber's commitment to providing a premium grilling experience.
Weber Q2200 - Portable Power
For grill masters on the go, the Weber Q2200 is the answer to your portable grilling dreams. Don't let its compact size fool you; this grill packs a punch. With a generous cooking area and a single stainless steel burner, it's perfect for picnics, camping, or tailgating. The porcelain-enameled cast-iron cooking grates deliver those coveted grill marks, ensuring your meals are infused with that signature Weber flavor.
Weber Original Kettle Premium - Timeless Tradition
There's something inherently charming about the Weber Original Kettle Premium. It's a grill that pays homage to the brand's roots while embracing modern innovations. The classic kettle design is perfect for charcoal enthusiasts, and the built-in ash catcher simplifies cleanup. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a novice, the Original Kettle Premium is a testament to the timeless appeal of Weber's grilling heritage.
Weber Performer Deluxe - Charcoal Convenience
For those who love the flavor of charcoal but crave the convenience of gas grills, the Weber Performer Deluxe strikes the perfect balance. With a built-in gas ignition system, charcoal grilling has never been easier. The Touch-N-Go gas ignition ensures a quick start, while the One-Touch cleaning system simplifies the post-grilling cleanup. It's a marriage of tradition and innovation, catering to the preferences of versatile grill enthusiasts.
Weber SmokeFire EX6 - Elevating the Art of Smoking
If you're ready to take your grilling game to the next level, the Weber SmokeFire EX6 is your ticket to smoked perfection. This pellet grill combines the convenience of a gas grill with the rich, smoky flavor of a traditional smoker. With precision temperature control and a large cooking area, it's a versatile choice for those who want to explore the world of low-and-slow barbecue.
Weber Jumbo Joe - Compact Charcoal Charm
For those who appreciate the simplicity of charcoal grilling but need a more portable option, the Weber Jumbo Joe is a standout choice. With a compact design and a lightweight build, it's the perfect companion for camping trips, beach outings, or impromptu backyard grilling sessions. Don't let its size fool you – it's big on flavor and convenience.
Weber Spirit II E-210 - Entry-Level Excellence
For beginners dipping their toes into the world of grilling, the Weber Spirit II E-210 is a welcoming entry point. This two-burner grill retains the quality and performance Weber is known for, making it an excellent choice for those taking their first steps in outdoor cooking. The open-cart design and folding side table add a dash of practicality for easy storage.
Weber Go-Anywhere Gas Grill - Grilling on the Move
The name says it all – the Weber Go-Anywhere Gas Grill is your ticket to grilling freedom. Whether you're tailgating, camping, or picnicking, this portable grill is ready to accompany you on your culinary adventures. With a push-button ignition and porcelain-enameled cooking grates, it brings the Weber experience to wherever your journey takes you.
Weber Summit Charcoal Grill - Charcoal Mastery
For those who seek the utmost control over their charcoal grilling experience, the Weber Summit Charcoal Grill is a game-changer. With features like a Snap-Jet gas ignition system and a Rapidfire lid damper, achieving the perfect temperature has never been easier. It's a grill that caters to the desires of the most discerning charcoal enthusiasts.
Weber Ranch Kettle - King of the Backyard
For those who believe in the mantra "go big or go home," the Weber Ranch Kettle is the undisputed king of backyard grilling. With a colossal cooking area, this charcoal grill is designed for epic gatherings and serious barbecue aficionados. It's a statement piece that transforms your backyard into a grilling arena, ready to conquer any culinary challenge.
Weber Summit E-670 - Luxe Outdoor Kitchen
Turn your backyard into a culinary paradise with the Weber Summit E-670. This gas grill, equipped with six burners, a smoker box, a sear station, and a rotisserie, is the epitome of outdoor kitchen luxury. The stainless steel construction ensures durability, while the multitude of cooking options caters to the most ambitious home chefs.
Weber Smokey Joe - Compact Charcoal Classic
When it comes to compact charcoal grills, the Weber Smokey Joe is a classic choice. Its lightweight design and affordable price make it a favorite among those who appreciate the simplicity of charcoal grilling. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a beginner, the Smokey Joe is a reliable companion for flavorful outdoor cooking.
Weber Summit Kamado E6 - Versatile Ceramic Wonder
For those who crave versatility in their grilling experience, the Weber Summit Kamado E6 delivers. This ceramic grill combines the best of both worlds – the efficiency of a kamado-style cooker and the innovation of Weber. With precise temperature control and a spacious cooking area, it's a versatile choice for smoking, roasting, and grilling.
In the world of grilling, Weber stands as a beacon of excellence, and choosing the best Weber grill is a journey of personal preference and culinary exploration. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a novice looking to embark on your grilling adventures, a Weber grill promises not just a tool for cooking but a companion for creating unforgettable moments around delicious food. So, fire up your grill, savor the aroma, and let Weber be your guide to grilling greatness.
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ssolson · 7 months
This portable battery station can power your home for 2 weeks, and it's $540 off right now | ZDNET
Not an endorsement!
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joezworld · 2 years
The Devil in Disguise (2/5)
Traintober 2022 Day 28 - Last Stop
Summary - Time for one last ride...
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The 47 screeched with fury and fear as her own motor was turned against her. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m taking you for a ride.” The 307 said as he kept pushing. Inside both locomotives, alarm horns were sounding as traction motors were pushed past their safe operating limits. “You always liked that, didn’t you? Having someone else do all the work for you?”
They rattled across a set of points linking the up and down lines, and the 47 shrieked as she rocked back and forth like a drunk. “You’re going to get me killed! Hell, you'll get the both of us killed!”
“I don’t know if you noticed yet, but that’s the point.” He said firmly, his pantograph sparking wildly as they passed seventy miles an hour. 
“To get us both killed?!” She said, shocked. “Over something that happened thirty years ago?!”
He said nothing more, silencing the warning horns that blared when they raced past his top speed of seventy-five. 
Stevenage station suddenly loomed large in the distance, and he could feel the 47 try to put the brakes on as they hurtled towards the platforms. In response, he reached up through the multiple unit connectors and found the circuit breaker for the diesel’s brake compressor. 
With a horrifying sound, the 47 suddenly found her air brake compressor powering down. Unlike the multiple unit, who had listened very carefully when the men had taken his systems to bits in anticipation for the multiple unit trials, she had no idea what a circuit breaker was, let alone how to turn it back on. She tried frantically to apply emergency braking with the now-limited amount of air she did have, but the 307, having disabled his own air brakes, reached through his own systems and opened up an angle cock located between one of his articulated sections.
With a whoosh, the air came shooting out of the opened valve, and the 47 screamed in terror as all of her brake shoes went limp and unresponsive. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
“I finished what you started.” He gave her a savage bump as he poured more power into his traction motors. They began to get warm and uncomfortable, but he didn’t care. 
Stevenage station came and went in a flash, and a panicked stationmaster made the first report of the runaway as it thundered past him. “They’re going onto the Hertford Loop!” He yelled, as the train rocked through a low-speed crossover at nearly ninety miles an hour, bound for the diverging track. 
The rocking and rolling was causing chaos inside the 307’s empty compartments, and testing equipment and personal belongings began to fly all over. In the forward-most compartment, the computer had already gone onto the floor, its screen shattering into shards, but the printer was more resistant. It was very heavy, and had rubber “feet”, so it couldn’t slide - a truly enormous force was required to make it move, and when the train hit the crossover, it got it. From the printer’s perspective, the table dropped out from under it momentarily, as the car rocked, dipped, and rolled. Inertia working the way it does, the printer hung in the air for a moment, at which point the table rose up under it and fired it across the carriage like a cannonball. It slammed into the opposite wall with a tremendous smash, before landing mostly on top of a knapsack sitting in the seat below. 
The force of the printer landing on it made the bag spring open, and its contents, including a portable radio, fell to the floor. The radio was very light, and quickly slid all the way to the back of the compartment as the train kept accelerating. It hit the wall with a bang, jarring its cheap controls so much that it turned on. 
- music in the air
I should have been away
But I knew I had to stay
Last train to London
“Looks like they’re playing my song…” The 307 muttered to himself as they whipped under the bridge that carried the ECML over the Hertford Loop. 
Farmland raced by on either side of them. They were past a hundred miles an hour now, and it was readily obvious that neither one of them were going to make it much further. 
Just heading out
Last train to London
Just leaving town
But I really want tonight to last forever
His traction motors actually hurt by this point, and the gauges in his cab were pegged at their stops. The alarms kept ringing, even as he kept ignoring them. 
The 47 wasn’t in much better shape. She was trailing smoke from one of her traction motors, and there was a clatter from her motor that was only getting louder. 
I really wanna be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight
Underneath a starry sky
Time was still but hours must really have rushed by
A station appeared in the distance, which one it was he didn’t know. They were on it in an instant, screaming past the platforms like a comet. Their passage caused anything not nailed down to go flying, and a few waiting passengers were thrown off their feet. 
I didn't realize
But love was in your eyes
The 47 had given up on reasoning with the insane lunatic 307 she was yoked to, and was now trying anything she could to get the train to stop. Her brakes were useless, and she couldn’t get her aching motor to do what she wanted. She tried making it stop - one of her fitters had said she had a fuel pump?  - but she didn’t know what to do. 
She tried calling for help from passing trains, but the stupid little multiple units looked at her like she was crazy when she raced past them. 
I really should have gone
But love went on and on
Oh this was hopeless. She could really die! She had to do something! 
Quickly, she wracked her mind for anything she could use. “I’ll tell you what happened to her!” She cried, desperately. 
“Beg pardon?” That didn’t sound like idiotic blind devotion. Didn’t he love that thing?
“Your girl! I know what happened to her!” 
“She died.” He snapped, sending a painful burst of electricity down the multiple unit cabling, ending that particular line of bargaining. 
Last train to London
Just heading out
Last train to London
“Don’t try and stop this.” He said, after a moment’s silence. “There’s no point. Either we get put in a siding, or we go all the way to London and have the smashup to end all smashups. Either way, I win.”
Just leaving town
But I really want tonight to last forever
I really wanna be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight
“But I want to stop! Please!” She wailed. 
“I wanted to grow old with her.” He said icily. “Now stop your crying and keep your chin up. I lived my life, and I’ve got plenty of regrets, but you know what? I’m going to the end with my pantographs held high. Can you say the same?”
But I really want tonight to last forever
I really wanna be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight
She didn’t answer, and a raucous drum and bass line picked up as the song came to its end. 
A mile or so ahead, the end was waiting for them. A group of workmen had been performing work to the embankment next to the line with a dump truck and a sizable Volvo wheel loader. They’d been given the call to clear the line as soon as the runaway had blown through Stevenage, but as it became clear that the train wasn’t able to stop on its own, “Control” had called back with drastic instructions. 
“Park that thing on the line and leg it!” 
“Yes! Do it now! You’ve only got a few minutes!”
The foreman had very quickly fired up the loader, and hurriedly parked it astride both lines, before fleeing the area. He and his men ran for their lives, clambering into the dump truck and driving away as fast as it could go.
The Volvo loader had been left with the motor running, and so the giant, non-sentient machine sat on the rails like a growling beast, a yellow sentinel, intent on protecting London from imminent peril. 
And peril was just around the corner. 
For a moment, the rails sang, the metal warping minutely as a train traveled over it. With slow trains, it could give almost a half-minute’s warning that a train was coming. 
With a fast train, it was only a few seconds. 
The 47 rounded the corner at ninety-six miles an hour. By the time she registered that there was a giant object in front of her, she was only a few hundred feet away. 
She opened her mouth to scream.
In the dump truck, some quarter of a mile away, the collision rattled the windows, before a fireball bloomed, rising into the sky.
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I got two new sprouts from the 3 new pot seeds I planted. Still time for the 3rd to come out. If it does I'll have 6 plants total. I'm still in awe that the one with two leafs left from the cat attack is coming back strong.
Couple of the plants are potentially showing their nodes that determine sex, but it's too early to tell yet if they're female. The seeds are auto-feminized but it's still possible to get a male. But if I get a male I will probably put it with my smallest pot plant to get seeds. I'll keep them separate from the rest.
So right now my plants are safe and happy in the room that my sister furnished for herself and is mostly her room for when she comes with her kids, but also is a guest room on rare occasions. So the plants can't stay there (kids could destroy them, BIL doesn't like pot anyway) So they will eventually need to be moved.
The plan was always the backyard, and in early spring before the leaves came in, I saw how much better direct sun outside grew the plants (that my cat eventually ate when I took them in for a freeze and my mom left the guest room open) So, I only have 3 smaller plants left and 2 new sprouts, maybe 3. The trees have filled in the backyard and now finding decent sun for the length they need is tough. We had picked a spot where we thought simple trimming would give it great sun but there were higher up leaves affecting the light and it was no good. In other areas there are times the sun pokes through and gives decent sun for a while a couple times in the day, but I worry they need more.
Still, they have to go outside. I can't keep them in, I don't have a decent place to put them. Plus my parents don't want an indoor only setup because they pay the electricity.
So I decided I'm going to get a grow lamp and rechargeable power station with a regular plug. I will supplement the light when it's in the shade or on cloudy days. The greenhouse can protect the setup from rain but I wouldn't risk it and I won't want to go out in it anyway.
Since I pretty much spend my days at home, it'll be easy to charge, turn on, turn off and charge again. It probably seems like a bit much, but it's just how it's got to be. I will be using electricity, yes, but not as much if I was to supply all their light indoors.
Plus we really need a portable power station anyway. Last year we had two blackouts that lasted like 4-6 hours. I was able to just watch stuff on my phone but one time my battery was getting low. Luckily sibling was visiting and lent me her portable charger. We haven't had a blackout in a long time, but global warming is causing hotter summers and the blackouts were when the temp was in the high 90F range, which we had A Lot of last year, it sucked.
I'm trying to find a charger that isn't just USB though. It would be mighty handy if it could handle a blackout too so you can plug in anything you might need, like a fan. I'm still shopping around. But in essence I'm buying something I already need to get, and then some grow lamps I can attach to the greenhouse armature.
Really hoping this works. I need to get this to work, because I won't always be able to count on my parents for pot to help with chronic pain and anxiety.
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btcminin · 1 year
Portable Electric Vehicle Chargers Explained
Over the past years we’ve learned to embrace the “plug” – that way your devices can stay charging all the time.
So it’s no wonder that we now see the electric vehicle charger, now commonly referred to as a fast charger, as one of the accessories you’ll want in your car.
If you’re interested in becoming a fully electric driver, it might also interest you to know the charging system in your car will work with other electric vehicles, and some can charge at a higher rate (up to 30kW, for instance) than your local 100-150 Watts station.
So what kind of charger is best for you, if any?
How long does it take to charge?
What is the difference between a station and fast charger?
Let’s take a look at the answers to these questions in this post.
What’s in your car’s charging port?
While many new vehicles have been sold without a charging port, these days there is a standardised port you should be able to expect in your new vehicle – 12-14v DC, 10-12A (12-14A according to some older models).
Some older vehicles may have different charging ports, or even no charging port at all.
If you find yourself in that position, then it’s definitely worth checking your owners’ manual for more information.
Which chargers do you have?
Most fast chargers are a separate device from the vehicle, the charger is plugged into the vehicle and the vehicle plugs into the charger.
So you’ll need to have these devices available – a power outlet, a fast charger and your vehicle.
However, some fast chargers are built into the vehicle (the Chevrolet Volt and plug in Prius have built-in fast chargers, for example), so you don’t need a separate device.
If you’re unsure, be sure to check if your fast charger is built-in before you buy it.
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Can I use the fast charger on any vehicle?
Well, yes, you can use a fast charger with any vehicle if the charging port is the same – though there’s no reason to ever have a charger for a different vehicle.
There have been some issues with incompatibility with fast chargers from different gocharge.tech manufacturers and vehicles, however.
Some can charge most vehicles up to 50%, but no faster than that.
If your fast charger comes with a manual, you can also check which vehicles the charger is designed to work with.
If the fast charger has a display, you can also check which vehicles the charger is designed to work with.
However, it’s still a good idea to make sure your car works with it before you buy.
How do you know if a fast charger is faster?
There’s a couple of ways to work this out.
The first, and easiest is to plug a phone charger into the charger and then plug your phone into the phone charger.
The charging speed of the phone is the same as the charger, and so is the time to 100% charge.
If the phone is completely charged, then it’s a slow charger.
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If you want to be slightly more scientific, look at the amount of watts needed to charge your vehicle.
This is not an exact science, and the range of voltages and amps is a bit wide.
A charger with a higher wattage can recharge your vehicle faster.
However, it’s not an exact science, and most fast chargers on the market are over 10kW.
A fast charger can give you better than 4-5 times quicker charging than a station, but as long as the fast charger is not over 10kW, then it’s probably faster.
How long does it take to charge a vehicle on a fast charger?
With a fast charger, there is no “speed limit” – so you’re not limited to a particular amount of time (though we’re told it’s between five and 10 minutes).
As long as your vehicle is charging, the time will decrease.
It will be shorter if your vehicle has full range and high power, but it will take a longer time if your battery is not fully charged, or if it is low on power (if it can only use 5kW).
When you plug your vehicle in, it should have a little indicator showing the power level and the time remaining.
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Importance of Smart Home Electrical Installation in Denver and Centennial, CO
Almost all developed countries are eager to switch to electric vehicles, an ideal alternative to conventional fuel-based ones. Besides driving them at the desired speed, the car does not generate harmful contaminants that are released into the air either. Termed as an eco-friendly vehicle, it requires a compatible charger to keep it charged before use. Apart from the charging stations, one may opt for Tesla charger installation in Denver and Littleton, CO.
One may use a charging station frequently to ensure the vehicle can be used throughout the day. Unfortunately, such stations remain at considerable distances now owing to the lack of electric vehicles in the area. The auto owner may find it hugely beneficial to opt for having a portable or wall-mounted charger at home or business premises to ensure the vehicle's availability 24/7.
It is essential to check the available products before choosing a convenient one. The home chargers provided by Tesla at present include the following:-
· Mobile Connector- The user is free to opt for a portable mobile connector that can be inserted into a standard home outlet.
· Wall Connector- This connector must be installed securely on the selected wall. It operates via Wi-Fi and ensures speedy charging
· Universal Connector- One may also go for this connector that is identical to the wall connector in a majority of ways. One may use it to charge both Tesla and non-Tesla vehicles, making it an advantageous option for e-vehicle users
The Tesla vehicle owners, in particular, find the Tesla charger to be a wise investment for diverse reasons such as:-
· Quick Charging- It is possible to charge the vehicle much faster with a Tesla charger than a standard charger. Noted for delivering high power output, it is a good investment for dedicated Tesla car users. Charging can be six times faster, depending on the vehicle's model and charger.
· Convenience- One does not have to cool the heels at a charging station to wait to charge the vehicle. The charger installed in the garage at home or on the driveway can enable one to sleep comfortably at home while the vehicle is charged at night.
· Eco-Friendly- One may further reduce the carbon footprint by charging the vehicle with clean and green energy. Plugging the charger within a solar power unit can help one to decrease harm to the planet. The time required for charging the vehicle is substantially reduced, with emissions from the vehicle being low as well
· Home Value- A property with a distinct Tesla vehicle charging point can enable the seller to demand increased ROI. This is a modern addition that is likely to become popular in the future. With more people switching to E-vehicles, a charging point at home is an advantage that is sure to escalate the home value
A smart home is convenient and advantageous for people to live in. Using the best service provider for smart home electrical installation in Denver and Centennial, CO, is essential for a functional home that operates seamlessly.
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medical-experts · 3 days
The Ultimate Guide to Cordless Tire Inflators: Convenience and Reliability on the Go
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is paramount. Whether you’re on a road trip, commuting to work, or simply running errands, the ability to quickly and efficiently address common automotive issues is essential. One such issue that can disrupt your plans is a flat or under-inflated tire. Enter the cordless tire inflator—a compact, powerful, and indispensable tool that ensures you never have to worry about tire pressure again. This article delves into the features, benefits, and considerations when choosing the perfect cordless tire inflator.
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What is a Cordless Tire Inflator?
A cordless tire inflator is a portable, battery-powered device designed to inflate tires without the need for an electrical outlet. These inflators are typically small enough to be stored in your car, making them an ideal companion for emergencies. Unlike traditional inflators that require connection to a car's cigarette lighter or an electrical socket, cordless models offer the freedom to operate anywhere, thanks to their rechargeable batteries.
Key Features of Cordless Tire Inflators
1. Portability and Size
One of the main advantages of cordless tire inflators is their portability. These devices are compact and lightweight, making them easy to store in your vehicle. Their small size ensures they don't take up much space, leaving room for other essentials.
2. Battery Life and Power
Cordless tire inflators come equipped with rechargeable batteries, typically lithium-ion, which provide sufficient power to inflate multiple tires on a single charge. Some models offer the ability to swap out batteries, extending their usability during longer trips.
3. Pressure Gauge and Auto Shut-Off
Many cordless tire inflators feature built-in pressure gauges, allowing you to monitor the tire pressure in real-time. Advanced models include an auto shut-off function, which stops the inflator once the desired pressure is reached, preventing over-inflation and ensuring optimal tire performance.
4. LED Lights
Integrated LED lights are a common feature in cordless tire inflators, providing illumination during nighttime use or in low-light conditions. This feature enhances safety and usability, ensuring you can operate the device effectively in any situation.
5. Multi-Purpose Nozzles
Cordless tire inflators often come with a variety of nozzles, making them versatile tools for inflating not just car tires, but also bike tires, sports equipment, and inflatable toys. This versatility adds to their value, making them useful for a wide range of applications.
Benefits of Using a Cordless Tire Inflator
1. Convenience and Ease of Use
The primary benefit of a cordless tire inflator is its convenience. Without the need for cords or external power sources, you can use it anywhere and at any time. This ease of use means that even those with little mechanical experience can quickly and efficiently inflate a tire.
2. Time-Saving
In the event of a flat tire, a cordless tire inflator can save you significant time. Instead of waiting for roadside assistance or trying to find a nearby gas station, you can address the issue immediately and continue on your way.
3. Cost-Effective
Regularly checking and maintaining tire pressure can extend the life of your tires, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance overall vehicle performance. By ensuring your tires are always properly inflated, a cordless tire inflator can help you avoid the costs associated with premature tire wear and poor fuel economy.
4. Emergency Preparedness
Having a cordless tire inflator on hand is a crucial aspect of being prepared for emergencies. Whether you experience a flat tire on a deserted road or need to help a fellow driver in distress, having a reliable inflator can be a lifesaver.
How to Choose the Right Cordless Tire Inflator
When selecting a cordless tire inflator, consider the following factors to ensure you choose the best model for your needs:
1. Battery Capacity and Charging Time
Look for an inflator with a high-capacity battery that can handle multiple inflations on a single charge. Additionally, consider the charging time—some models offer quick charging features, which can be beneficial if you need to use the device frequently.
2. Maximum Pressure and Inflation Speed
Check the maximum pressure the inflator can achieve, typically measured in PSI (pounds per square inch). Ensure it meets or exceeds the requirements for your vehicle's tires. Inflation speed, or how quickly the inflator can bring a tire to the desired pressure, is also crucial, especially in emergency situations.
3. Durability and Build Quality
Opt for a model that is robust and built to last. Durable materials and solid construction ensure that the inflator can withstand regular use and the rigors of being stored in a vehicle.
4. Additional Features
Consider additional features such as digital displays for easy pressure reading, multiple nozzle attachments for versatility, and compact design for easy storage. Some models also offer smartphone connectivity, allowing you to monitor and control the inflator via an app.
5. Brand Reputation and Reviews
Research brands and read user reviews to gauge the reliability and performance of different models. Established brands with positive feedback are generally a safer bet.
Top Cordless Tire Inflator Models
Here are a few popular cordless tire inflator models that have received positive reviews for their performance and reliability:
1. DeWalt 20V Max Inflator
Known for its robust construction and powerful performance, the DeWalt 20V Max Inflator can handle a variety of inflation tasks with ease. It features an LED light, digital gauge, and auto shut-off function, making it a versatile and reliable choice.
2. Ryobi P737D 18V One+ Portable Cordless Power Inflator
The Ryobi P737D is compact, lightweight, and compatible with the Ryobi One+ battery system. It offers a maximum pressure of 150 PSI, making it suitable for car and bike tires. The ergonomic handle and easy-to-read pressure gauge add to its user-friendly design.
3. BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX Cordless Tire Inflator
With its dual-power capability (battery and 12V DC), the BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX offers flexibility and convenience. It features an automatic shut-off function and a threaded chuck for a secure connection to tire valves.
4. Avid Power Tire Inflator Air Compressor
The Avid Power Tire Inflator is a budget-friendly option that doesn't compromise on features. It includes a digital pressure gauge, auto shut-off, and a variety of nozzle attachments. Its compact design makes it easy to store and carry.
A cordless tire inflator is an essential tool for any vehicle owner, offering unparalleled convenience and reliability. By choosing a model that meets your specific needs and preferences, you can ensure that you are always prepared for any tire-related emergencies. Whether you're a frequent traveler, a daily commuter, or an occasional driver, investing in a high-quality cordless tire inflator is a smart decision that enhances your safety and peace of mind on the road.
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consumerguide · 6 days
Portable Restroom Solutions for All Types of 4th of July Events
As the 4th of July approaches, event planners and hosts across the country are gearing up for one of the biggest celebration days of the year. From intimate backyard barbecues to large public festivals, ensuring guests' comfort is a top priority, and that includes having adequate restroom facilities. That's where we come in! At [Your Company Name], we offer a range of portable restroom solutions to meet the needs of any event, big or small. Let's explore the different options available and how they can enhance your 4th of July festivities.
1. Standard Porta Potties
Our standard porta potties are perfect for small to medium-sized gatherings. These units are designed to provide basic yet essential sanitation facilities, ensuring your guests have a clean and convenient place to go. Each unit is equipped with:
Hand sanitizer dispensers to maintain hygiene.
Ventilation systems to minimize odors.
Sturdy construction to withstand heavy use.
Ideal for: Backyard barbecues, community picnics, and local fireworks shows.
2. Deluxe Porta Potties
If you’re looking to offer a bit more comfort, our deluxe porta potties are the way to go. These units come with additional features that enhance the user experience, such as:
Flushing toilets to provide a more home-like feel.
Hand wash stations with soap and water.
Mirror and shelf space for added convenience.
Ideal for: Mid-sized events, outdoor concerts, and family reunions.
3. ADA-Compliant Porta Potties
Inclusivity is key to a successful event. Our ADA-compliant porta potties are designed to accommodate guests with disabilities, providing them with accessible and comfortable restroom facilities. These units feature:
Spacious interiors to allow for wheelchair access.
Grab bars for stability.
Ground-level access with wide doors.
Ideal for: All types of events, ensuring accessibility for everyone.
4. Luxury Restroom Trailers
For those who want to offer a premium restroom experience, our luxury restroom trailers are the ultimate solution. These trailers are equipped with high-end amenities to make your guests feel truly special, including:
Air conditioning and heating for climate control.
Running water with hot and cold options.
Private stalls with elegant finishes.
Vanity areas with sinks and mirrors.
Ideal for: Large public festivals, upscale private parties, and corporate events.
5. Eco-Friendly Porta Potties
Show your commitment to the environment by opting for our eco-friendly porta potties. These units are designed with sustainability in mind, featuring:
Low-water usage or waterless options.
Solar-powered lighting.
Recyclable materials in construction.
Ideal for: Green events, outdoor weddings, and environmentally-conscious gatherings.
Why Choose PortaPottyPro?
At PortaPottyPro, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality portable restroom solutions tailored to your specific needs. Here’s why you should choose us for your 4th of July event:
Reliability: Our units are meticulously cleaned and maintained to ensure optimal performance.
Flexibility: We offer a wide range of options to fit any event size and budget.
Customer Service: Our team is dedicated to helping you plan and execute a seamless event
Don’t let inadequate restroom facilities dampen your 4th of July celebrations. Contact us today to learn more about our portable restroom solutions and how we can help make your event a success! Happy Independence Day from all of us at PortaPottyPro!
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oftechshop · 18 days
Always Be Prepared With Oftechshop's Portable Electric Air Compressor
Flat tires are a hassle, but with Oftechshop’s portable electric air compressor, you can stay ahead of the curve. This compact, powerful, and versatile device is essential for every driver, ensuring you're never caught unprepared on the road.
Portable and Convenient
The Oftechshop air compressor is designed for easy portability. Measuring just 6.1 x 3.15 x 1.77 inches and weighing only 1.14 pounds, it fits neatly into your glove compartment or backpack. 
Its cordless design allows for hassle-free use anywhere, making it perfect for road trips, daily commutes, and outdoor adventures. Inflate car tires, bicycle tires, or sports balls wherever you are, without needing an external power source.
High-Performance Inflation
Despite its small size, this air compressor is a high-performance tool. It delivers a maximum pressure of 150 PSI and an airflow of 34.2L/Min, allowing you to inflate a car tire from 28 to 36 PSI in just one minute. 
Its efficiency ensures you’re back on the road quickly, saving you from the inconvenience and cost of gas station air pumps or roadside assistance.
Versatile and Multi-Functional
The Oftechshop air compressor comes with four preset air pressure values and four different nozzles, making it suitable for a variety of inflatables. From car and bike tires to swimming rings, this device handles it all. It’s an essential tool for maintaining proper tire pressure, enhancing vehicle safety and fuel efficiency.
Reliable Battery and Additional Features
This air compressor is equipped with a 6000 mAh lithium battery, capable of inflating up to four car tires on a single charge. It also functions as a power bank, so you can charge your phone or other electronic devices in emergencies. 
The built-in LED flashlight, with both bright and flashing modes, ensures visibility in low-light conditions, providing an added layer of safety during nighttime roadside repairs.
Customer Satisfaction is Our Priority
At Oftechshop, we prioritize customer satisfaction. We offer a 30-day warranty with a full refund if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase. Our customers consistently praise the convenience and reliability of our portable air compressor, making it an indispensable tool for every vehicle.
Travel With Peace of Mind
Don’t let a flat tire catch you off guard. Equip yourself with the Oftechshop portable electric air compressor and travel with confidence. Order now and take advantage of our free worldwide shipping offer, available for a limited time only.
Ready to transform your travel experience? Buy now and enjoy smooth, stress-free journeys every time you hit the road.
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blogsintra · 18 days
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense:
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The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is a small development board with a Cortex-M4 microcontroller, motion sensors, a microphone, and BLE – and is fully supported by Edge Impulse. You can sample raw data, build models, and deploy trained machine-learning models right in the studio.
“Explore the endless possibilities of Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense on Blogsintra. Discover tutorials, projects, and insights into harnessing the power of this innovative board for your IoT, wearable, and sensor-based creations. Start your journey into the world of Arduino innovation today!”
Nano 33 BLE Sense (no header) is Arduino’s 3.3V AI-compatible board in the smallest form factor available: 45 x 18 mm!
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is a brand-new board with a familiar form factor. It has a number of integrated sensors:
9-Axis Inertial Sensor: This makes this board ideal for portable devices Humidity and temperature sensor: for high-precision measurements of environmental conditions Barometric sensor: You can build a simple weather station Microphone: to capture and analyze sound in real-time. Sensor for movement, proximity, light color, and light intensity: estimates the brightness of the room, but also if someone approaches the painting
Arduino NANO 33 BLE sensors:
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is a further development of the traditional Arduino Nano, but with a much more powerful processor, the nRF52840 from Nordic Semiconductors, a 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 CPU running at 64 MHz. This allows you to create larger programs than the Arduino Uno (it has 1 MB of program memory, 32 times larger) and with many more variables (its RAM is 128 times larger). The main processor has other great features such as Bluetooth® pairing via NFC and ultra-low power modes.
Built-in artificial intelligence:
The main feature of this board, apart from its impressive array of sensors, is the ability to run Edge Computing (AI) applications on it using TinyML. You can build your machine learning models using TensorFlow™ Lite and upload them to your board using the Arduino IDE.
Arduino developer Sandeep Mistry and Arduino consultant Dominic Pajak have prepared an introductory AI tutorial on the Nano 33 BLE Sense as well as an advanced guide to color recognition.
An improved Arduino Nano:
If you have used the Arduino Nano in your projects before, the Nano 33 BLE Sense is a pin-like alternative. Your code will still work, but remember it runs on 3.3V. This means you will have to revise your original design if it is not 3.3V compatible. In addition, the main differences from the classic Nano are a better processor, a micro-USB port, and all the above sensors.
You can get the board with or without a header, so you can embed the Nano in all sorts of inventions, including wearables. The board comes with mosaic connectors and no B-side components. These features allow you to solder the board directly onto your own design, minimizing the height of your entire prototype.
Oh, and did we mention the improved price? Thanks to a redesigned production process, the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is truly cost-effective. See more
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