#porthos Roseland
lasudio · 20 days
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VeronaHills, Round Eight: Weiss
Woody's lips were on Dixie's, but his mind was on Viola, who walked past the flourishing Weiss garden and called out his name.
Kissing girls - plural - felt like a great reward for leaving the forest and joining human society. Woody had found faerie soirées difficult to navigate in his early teens, when those of the fairer sex were a little more intriguing, but the village humans happily introduced themselves at markets and invited the new family to afternoon tea. Penny was the social buffer, of course - smiling and taking people's hands. Woody recognised the benefit of his big sister's charisma in making his company more attractive to his golden goose: ah, girls.
News of a faerie-human wedding was spinning its way through town in a whimsical web. The townspeople had seen one before in Mr and Mrs Greenman; theirs was a decidedly wholesome marriage that lacked the gossipy potential of a handsome vet bouncing back from a rejected engagement proposal to the bachelor farmer and falling for the friendliest faerie either forest or village had seen.
Soapy string of events aside, Skye approved of his soon-to-be son-in-law. It was gosh darn easy to like a guy who surrounded one's daughter with soft words and hands.
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Uberhood Pics (43) - Kat & Roseland
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Tara Kat found herself a new boo - Andrew Martin. This crush came unexpected to say the least. I am really looking forward where this is going. They seem to have good chemistry .. I just can't decide who to move to who's house. 🤔
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Oh and Tara joined the garden club. 🌻
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Not much happened at the Roselands tho. Cyd Roseland seems to mingle with Jessica Picaso. Jessica and her daughter caught her husband Matthew cheating with Hannah Bell. They are still married but not together anymore. Maybe this pairing is more fitting? I must admit I really like them together. Another unexpected pairing tho.
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randomcartoonbro · 1 year
The Sims 2: Pleasantview + Strangetown Lets Play!
First official episode, here we go! Starting with the Brokes (technically Roseland)!
(Note: captions aren't finished yet. I plan to complete them after work. I will let y'all know when they're finished if that's something that's necessary for you)
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wickedjr89gaming · 11 months
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Despite the 1 fight between Rebecca and Malcolm the party was a huge success!
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vidcundcuriousgoth · 1 year
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Great way to start Cyd’s round.
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not-so-pleasant-sim · 2 years
Roseland Family - Intro
Cyd and Porthos are the founders of the Dognatchi technique, which introduced the world to canine physical training through mental discipline. Together, they prove that Sims and dogs can achieve amazing and inspirational results.
The last household I am playing for this round is the Roseland family. Out of all the stealth neighborhood families, the Roseland household is my favorite. I know Cyd will fit right well in this neighborhood, hence why I let him in.
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One thing that bugs me about the Pets expansion is that they introduce werewolves, and there is no premade werewolf! It makes me so sad. We have the Counts for vampires, the High Witches, even the PlantSim family. I mean, they had a perfect opportunity for a premade werewolf with Cyd.  I am glad sim players and creators make him into a werewolf. It makes me giddy. So that is my plan for this game. I will make Cyd into a werewolf. It helps that he is a knowledge sim, so this will be no problem for him.
First thing first, we looked for a job. Cyd had three career wants, but the oceanography career was the only one of his wants available, so I picked it for him.
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He strikes me as a nature kind man despite being a Arts & Crafts sim. 
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Later in the day he met Florence Delarosa. The two hit it off quite well.
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He is also attracted to her. I can get behind this relationship. They’re both knowledge sims who seem to get on with nature and arts.
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Later in the night, we got a visit from the leader of the pack. In order to become a werewolf, a sim must befriend this wolf and let him nibble the sim. Once the sim is bitten, they become a werewolf.
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Unfortunately for Cyd, the wolf did not that long. Perhaps next time they can strike up a friendship.
And that was the last of my Pleasantview Playthrough introduction round! All I wanted to do was get the Sims settled in their homes and see where life takes them. Here is to the drama coming their way!  
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riverblossom-valley · 8 months
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happenings of the Roseland household: ~ again, not that much to report- Cyd's focus stayed mainly with Porthos as he was unsuccessful at keeping a job in the Medical field
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heromonty · 4 months
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And this my friends, is why you shouldn’t play this game on mute and be looking down at your phone at the same time. Because a burglar will come and set your garage on fire. And then proceed to catch on fire.
Also I would like to say that after the first cop dipped after the burglar caught on fire, a second one came and fined Cyd $500 😐
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Fuck around and find out bitch. That’s what you get. I don’t have a cemetery yet on either side of town so Cyd gets to have this grave as a decoration in his backyard for a bit until I get one.
In happier news, lil’ baby Atlas was born the day before this whole fiasco. He managed to get red hair even with the maxis generics inheritance system :]
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clouseplayssims · 1 year
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The round isn't quite over yet: I've added Cyd Roseland to the rotation!
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penig · 10 months
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The poor Roselands got elected as the white trash Depression Riverblossom family.
Cyd, uneducated despite his Knowledge aspiration because life be like that, moved in aiming to make his living farming, fishing, breeding dogs, and starting a toy store, which he can do as soon as he has a gold badge and the capital to buy a lot.
Well, making toys costs money. Danny and Sarah did their best to help him with the dog breeding but he never had time to befriend a mate for Porthos (buy a dog? Are you crazy?). Farming is not very lucrative when you've got to eat part of your harvest and the growing season is so short, Riverblossom Hills being Winter/Spring/Fall/Winter and greenhouses not being cheap. Biology beats brains and he and his wife LaShawn don't have the education for effective birth control, but dating is such a sure way to cheer themselves up...
Rather than add risky woohoo when I'm only going to want it for some neighborhoods, I have a 20-sided die and sliding odds on whether or not to try for baby. If a parent has a baby want, I just try. If at least half a couple is educated and they have access and privacy to use mechanical devices like rubbers and diaphragms, they try for baby on a roll of 20. The odds might change for married couples with no reason to be reluctant to have a baby, such as poverty or a baby fear or a wife with career ambitions that strike me as feasible. Lack of education, access, or privacy lower the required number 5% each, with access and privacy varying with circumstances. Peter Ottomas fully intends to be faithful to his wife and doesn't carry a rubber around; if he strays in a photo booth with another Romance playable I took out looking for a new lover, she almost certainly left the house with a diaphragm already inserted or in her purse, but if circumstances overcame an uneducated Popularity sim and Peter, she'd have to count days in her head while distracted and a roll of five or better would be a try for baby.
It's a long way to town, you have to ask the teen cashier for the little boxes behind the counter and you know she's gossiping, Cyd and LaShawn have a few misconceptions about how things work (look, even Simone de Beauvoir thought douches were effective, okay?), and they've got three kids. Gordon is a big help with the farm, the fishing, and the dogs these days. Isabel is old enough to help her mother now. Little Petunia will get there. And everybody's going to be too tired for woohoo, because in addition to farming, fishing, school, housework, dogs, and toymaking they need more room in the house and will have to build in spring and fall.
Things got less crowded after Danny and Sarah died on the same day, leaving Porthos and the last of the puppies, Boots. It's been awhile since Cyd fooled with teaching Porthos tricks, but the loss of the big dogs and the lack of cash to make toys with has him doing it again. He's made friends with David Ottomas, who's hired him to tend bar at the Roadhouse to make ends meet.
Any homework that gets buried in the yard will stay buried till thaw, though. Gordon and Isabel have Responsibilities.
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widespot · 2 years
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It’s a pretty good party. Cyd’s anxious for spring to get here so they can get some work done on the house.
This seems to be his life now. It’s not what he expected it to be at all, but it’s pretty good, actually.
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lasudio · 2 months
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VeronaHills, Round Seven: Roseland
Of all the treasures Alex had laid her eyes on, she was most grateful to have found a lucky Penny for Cyd.
Even if long-term romance wasn't really her cup of tea, she could already tell her friends were making a good brew together. (Yes, friends plural - Penny was so darn easy to talk to for someone who had grown up in a forest!). Alex even had the pleasure of being a confidant as Cyd and Penny each privately shared their desire to marry the other.
Such secrets were as valuable as jewels worn by silver Goldstein heiresses on yachts. In this case, Alex wasn't going to throw anyone overboard. Cyd and Penny's monogamous interests opened up Catherine's availability to Alex for wooing: exactly her cup of coffee.
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extraayogurt · 8 months
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230 Ottomas St - CC-free | 2 bed | 1 bath | 19,943 simoleons
Episode 3 of Homes on the Grid is up now :D Don't be fooled by the name of the lot (it just happened to be built on Ottomas St) because this home was constructed for Cyd and Porthos Roseland! This starter home came in at 57 simoleons under their household budget.
Watch Homes on the Grid - The Roseland Family
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corrienteallita · 4 months
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I've been working on creating a save file for TS4 with some recreations of sims from TS2 and other EA sims from the gallery. I needed a couple of sims to run the veterinary practice in Brindleton Bay, so here we have married couple Cyd Roseland and Tara Roseland (née Kat).
TS2 Tara had a high interest in Environment and Weather, so she has gained the Loves Outdoors and Green Fiend traits.
Cyd's bio says that "He believes that a healthy body promotes a long Sim life and will prove it through example" so he's gained the Active trait. He has a knowledge aspiration in TS2, but I wanted him to have the Animal Lover aspiration, so instead he's been given the bookworm trait.
Not pictured are their two cats, Piccolo and Fidget, and their dog, Aramis (because Cyd's original dog was called Porthos).
(no cc was used, I just get the CC icon for all sims I create for some reason)
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wickedjr89gaming · 11 months
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sims2forever · 5 months
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Cyd Roseland is the new neighbor of Kaylynn Langerak, in the Pleasantview Apartments. He just got a job in the Adventurer career, and in this first year just spend time working, playing with Porthos, and in the hottub.
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