#position themselves in ways that make sense
Imagine helping Crocodile discover a new way to use his devil fruit, part 2
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I've decided that I'm going to do a fic for this, instead of an imagine. I don't know about this one, but I'm posting it anyway.
Also, this an afab reader fic, sorry.
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It was late when you left Buggy's party to head home. So late, in fact, that the city had turned off most of the streetlamps. With only every third lamp lit on the main streets, one of Crocodile's brilliant budget cuts left you blindly scurrying between lamps to stay where you could see, cursing as you went. When you finally reached your street you encountered an expanse of broken streetlights leaving you with little choice, but to fumble blindly down the road, with only starlight to guide you. You paused, to give your eyes a moment to adjust and to put on your shoes, before heading off into the darkness.
Only a few steps in, you heard what sounded like sand moving. Without thinking, you called out, "hello?" Your jaw snapped shut when you realized you had just given away your position.
A deep chuckle broke the tense air, it was familiar, "It's quite late for little deers to be out, all by themselves." Suddenly, a bright ember lit up in your periphery, giving you a glance at the man in the dark. A dark cigar with a predatory grin at the other end of the ember, there was no mistaking it.
Crocodile murmured, "I've been looking for you all night."
"Why me?" You asked, taking a step back, even though you knew there was no escaping from him if he really wanted you
"I want to know what else that fucked up little head of yours can come up with." He purred. You flinch as his hand engulfed your neck. The feeling of his sand skittering along your skin made you instinctively go up on your tippy-toes to get away. Sensing your discomfort, his thumb gently caresses your cheek to soothe you. "Easy there, I'm not going to hurt you, yet." Crocodile takes a slow drag off his cigar, the ember glittering in his eyes. He was clearly enjoying the power trip he was getting off on your fear.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and started to ramble off anything you could use sand for. "Water filtration."
"Water is a no-go."
"You could use the technique I previously suggested to make glass. It would be useful for barriers against biochemical attacks, or for stopping up hinges. "
Crocodile hummed, "That would be useful, I'll have to try that later... But ultimately not the thing I'm looking for. "
"What sort of things are you implying?"
"Telling you would deprive me of the pleasure of watching you squirm, so keep trying." He said, tightening his hand around your neck, just enough to make your head spin.
You gasped, "Sand has silica in it, which is bad to breathe in. Uh... I can be used for skin!"
His grip loosened, as he echoed, "for skin?"
"It's used as an exfoliant." You stammered, trying to remain balanced.
"I recall having skinned my knee falling on the beach before I ate my devil fruit." He grumbled.
"You're supposed to add it to lotion or oil. "
"I can use lotion and oil," he chuckled, "I finally have the inspiration I needed. Thank you, little deer, why don't we go try it out." Crocodile released your neck, slid his arm around your shoulders, and guided you down the street.
"What are you doing." You asked, "Where are you taking me?"
The large man pulled you into his side, bemused by your size difference, as he asked, "did I misinterpret the way you look at me when you think I can see you?"
Your eyes flicked up to his, suddenly feeling very embarrassed because you've always taken every opportunity to ogle him in that slutty lil waistcoat of his.
He gave you a feline grin and mused, "I have not misinterpreted anything, have it. I know a hungry look when I see one. So where I'm taking you is to feast at my residence."
Sir Crocodile wasted no time bringing you to his estate, you crossed the threshold, and his grip on you slid from your shoulder to your waist. His hand groped the fat of your hip through the thin material of your shirt, as he led you to his room.
As soon as his bedroom door shut behind him, he removed his coat and gently pushed you face down on the large, plush sheets of his bed. He ordered you not to move a muscle, and you waited patiently, happily taking in the heavy scent of his sheets. You remained there for two minutes, listening to him remove his coat and shoes, he moved to another room for a minute, before coming back and setting several bottles and a large box on the nightstand.
"Up, sit up." He asserted, sliding onto the bed behind you. When you sat up on your knees, one of his large hands pulled you back into his lap. With another hoist and a gasp from you, he had you perched upon the rather prominent bulge in his pants. He had evidently removed his belt and vest well, he sat there in only a crisp button-up shirt and starched slacks.
"Now, why don't we get started with the foreplay?" He chuckled, swapping out his hook for some sort of mobility attachment that allowed him to unbutton his shirt. You leaned against his chest, and looked up at him. The black haired man grinned at the submissive look on your face, and used his now free hand to remove his hook. You watched as his nub and his hand turned into lumps of sand.
"I think the lotion would work quite nicely, don't you?" Crocodile rumbled, depositing several pumps of lotion onto the sand and rubbing them together until it was mixed evenly. The anticipation had caused an ache to grow between your legs. An ache that only grew larger when he shoved his hands under your shirt. You gasped when his fingers pushed up your breasts. The sand was cool at first, but it warmed up the rotation picked up speed.
You reached back and locked hands around the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the strands of hair there, as you arched into his touch. Crocodile let you bask in his touch for only a brief moment, before nudging your head in his direction and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His scent, taste, and touch filled your senses. He smelled like whiskey, smoke, honey, and a natural musk, which left you dizzy. A high-pitched sigh left you, reveling in the moment, completely missing that the noise that had left you a moment ago had made the man under you feel absolutely feral. He let you distract yourself by grinding down on him, and nipping at his lips and tongue, while he gathered more sand. He opened the lotion bottle and mixed its contents with his sand before forming several new arms.
Three large hands pried apart your legs, as two hands of swirling sand massaged the meat of your thighs and calves. Two hands gripped your hips, rocking your clothes slit over his bulge, as two more hands groped at your chest. You cried out, only for Crocodile to use a column of sand to pull you back into a kiss. While his hand, of flesh and bone, made its way between your legs.
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fxirybun · 1 day
🪷 PAC: your platonic soulmate’s personality
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this is a collective reading ! take what resonates and leave what doesn't. i cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. take the pac reading lightly ჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile one 🥀
hello there pile one ! your platonic soulmate is someone who's giving a bad bitch energy and doesn't allow themselves to be taken for granted. whoever this person is i feel that they have a powerful energy within them , it's like if someone wants to bully you your platonic soulmate is more than ready to throw their hands at them lol.
i can see that their tongue is as sharp as a knife , a metaphor for how direct their words are and how others would think that your platonic soulmate is very harsh or domineering. they're outspoken and aren't afraid to voice out their opinions since they believe that their statement holds truth in it.
this person has a confident presence within themselves and i'm getting that they may be into manifestation. it's as if they can turn all their ideas into tangible plans because they have this inner willpower to create those opportunities and they have the right equipment to turn their desires into a reality. due to them having a wide variety of skills , people are jealous of them and would do the means to bring your platonic soulmate down.
this doesn't stop them though 'cause they're the kind of person who seems to thrive in a competitive environment. it allows them to exert more bold effort since your platonic soulmate wants to prove their enemies wrong.
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile two 🪻
hi , pile two ! i'm getting a hint that your platonic soulmate may have gone through a terrible heartbreak in their life and how it brought them a baggage of emotional pain. this experience made them more cautious when letting someone enter their life. regardless of past wounds , they know how to deal with this lingering pain through means of healing. it also allows your platonic soulmate to be wiser and more empathetic.
i feel that they're someone who has a layered personality , similar to an onion. in addition , this person is presumably able to face any havoc that will come their way. they can be both compassionate and courageous simultaneously and how they are being perceived as a source of support for others due to their encouraging words.
they seem to be the kind of person who appreciates forming a mutual connection with others. i sensed that your platonic soulmate is currently in the process of learning to let go of the heaviness that they've been carrying in their back. whoever this person is , they seem to tend to take too many responsibilities that lead them to overcommit.
the good news here is that this person is releasing all this pressure that they're feeling because they're striving to create a balanced life where they are not overwhelmed. they garnered the strength to withstand the mist.
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ෆ⸒⸒ pile three 🦋
hello , pile three ! i can see that your platonic soulmate is someone who just goes with the flow. their personality reminded me of that one student in class who's labeled as the "joker" due to how unhinged or funny their jokes are lmao. they love to spread positivity to the people around them including the environment itself , making them the kind of friend who is fun to be around.
this person is not afraid to explore the unknown just so they can go on board for new experiences , not allowing fear to gain control over them. despite their carefree personality , your platonic soulmate knows how to be serious when it is needed , especially in situations that are not for the fainted heart. this person is aware of balancing their free-spirited nature and their mature side when it comes to confidential matters.
i feel that your platonic soulmate is someone who cares deeply about their loved ones , especially those who are considered dear to them. they have this gentle approach and seem to know how to comfort someone in troubled times. this person is an expert in trying to connect to someone on an emotional level.
i kept hearing the lyrics "you've got a friend in me" from the movie toy story and how it resonates with this reading about your platonic soulmate. you can always rely on them , pile three ! as i'm getting this ride or die , bonnie and clyde , best friends for life dynamic.
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hwnglx · 3 days
hm i tried my best to explain, he has a lot of different facets to him, so reading for him can get a little overwhelming.. hope it's still a nice read 🤍
jake's ideal type
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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shuffled songs: bored by billie eilish young and beautiful by lana del rey “will you still love me, when i got nothing but my aching soul?”
physical traits
natural and classic beauty. harmonious features. deep and intense eyes. color more on the darker side. (like dark eyes you can lose yourself in) fierce gaze. something strong about their features that makes them stand out, it just catches your eye. face that lights up once they smile. (looks colder in a resting position but transform once they break into a smile) keep hearing “부담스러워” meaning burdenful. in this context, used more in an “intimidating” manner. in korean this can be used for people who have intensity to their look, people you can't hold eye contact with for long. he doesn't have an extremely specific type, just needs to feel intrigued.
personality traits
so, jake likes his partners to have a powerful effect on him. what seems to intrigue him in a person, is “reverse charm” where they might look sweet and innocent, but are much more fierce and savage inside. or look intense and cold, but end up being very soft and sweet inside. someone with a captivating aura, who carries themselves with a sense of mystery. a person he looks at and makes him wonder, awakens his interest like.. “oh this person must have such a different side to them deep down.”
jake also likes it when his lovers can boldly challenge him and his beliefs. he wants someone witty who isn't afraid to talk back at him, change his perspectives. someone whose words and actions linger in his mind, make him re-think his own and in hindsight change and transform him for the better. he wants his relationships to turn him into the better version of himself and to provoke him to discover his best self.
another quality he seems to cherish in his romantic partners, is when they're patient, gentle and persevering. he wants someone with emotional intelligence and empathy for people, who looks after the ones they treasure with great care. he needs someone loyal who won't be discouraged quickly, and remains committed to him through every trial. he seems to be quite self aware, so he knows that he isn't exactly the easiest lover to deal with.. whether that's because of his busy schedule, or his more complicated nature. he wants a person with motives and interests selfless enough to be accepting towards his faults, forgiving towards his mistakes. he wants a resilient person who can encourage him to work on himself. honestly, he seems to like his s/o to have motherly energy. he wants someone who will nurture him, coddle him on some levels, but also give him the tough love he needs to grow.
jake wants a person who puts importance into keeping the relationship harmonious. he'd appreciate a person who can balance him out, in a way where they can complete him in the areas he lacks. for instance, someone much more stable and grounded than him. someone who can be more logical or objective and less impulsive when the situation asks for it. i keep hearing “정신 차려”, which means “come to your senses” or “pull yourself together”.
(note; this insight was interesting because i think he's this case of opposites attracting and benefitting from each other. he could grow a lot from being with someone like jay, who has a stellium in taurus, which is opposite jake's scorpio stellium. idk if they're close but despite unavoidable clashes due to being so so different, they have potential to balance each other out pretty well)
jake puts a lot of value into understanding each other on a level deeper than everyone else. he wants there to be effortless communication between the two, almost telepathic, where they know what the other means even without necessarily being vocal about it. the person who seems to know you so well; they complete your sentences, or know what you're thinking or feeling just by one glance at your expression.
he also seems to like his lovers having this duality in personality, where they can be both; cute, playful and kittenish (someone who flirts in this giggly and coy way), but capable of having meaningful and long conversations about deep and serious matters in life. he does seem to love duality a lot, whether that's appearance-wise or character-wise.
him as a boyfriend
+ jake is a boyfriend who loooves making you feel like it's only you and him in this world. he really values alone-time and deep intimacy, whether that's physical intimacy in the form of quality time, or emotional intimacy in the form of deep conversations. he enjoys zoning in on his partners and focusing the entirety of his attention on them.
sweet aspect; he himself can be very moody, but if you need him to be your source of comfort and shoulder to cry on, he can become that for you. he'll put effort into making sure he wins over your trust and you feel comfortable around him. he wants you to feel safe enough to not be afraid of showcasing your emotions, whether that's sadness, frustration, anger.. he likes to see it all. he does enjoy seeing his lover riled up about him lmao, since to him it shows they're passionate about the relationship. but there is this comforting and warm energy to him, where he's good at making you feel seen, and listened to.
he is the type of boyfriend who will want to stick by your side through all storms. he really values what his lovers have to say. let's say you got into an argument with him; once you've both calmed down, he might sit you down, softly take your hand and deeply gaze into your eyes while quietly listening to your side of the story. he'll want to understand your perspective and your heart.
he can be responsible as a lover. it almost feels like a task to him to fulfill his role as a boyfriend, to make you feel like you can rely on him. he wants to lead the relationship, and make you feel secure. it's very much an equal give and take, since he does seem to enjoy leaning on his partner for security at times as well. evidently, he seems to actually like a balanced relationship with no crazy power dynamics.
- hm, some heavy energy here i don't feel comfortable diving into deeply. but i can sense him realizing he has a habit of so strongly clinging to his lovers, due to abandonment issues. which can be quite common for scorpio placements.. he's scared of being left behind and replaced with someone “better”, due to him potentially not being good enough to stay with. there's some lingering fatigue and emotional baggage from the past he seems to struggle letting go of.
jake can put so much pressure on himself to satisfy his partner. he wants them to feel fulfilled and confident in the relationship and makes it his responsibility. it can weigh on him if he feels like his partner is starting to lose the spark, fall out of love with him, and especially lose their trust in him. he wants his lover to recognize how much he cares about the connection, but is self-aware enough to understand it's his own bad habits and impulsiveness that can stand in the way.
i can see him having bad habits like, having wandering eyes or being too charming and.. complementary towards women, where it can border on flirting. blurring the lines (like in his eyes it wasn't flirting but his partner sees it differently). though i can't see him straight up cheating, “superficial” things like that can still understandably rub partners the wrong way. it can easily cause discomfort, conflicts, miscommunication. this can lead to trust issues on both sides. he can just be a boyfriend who requires a lot of patience.
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A to Z ⭒ Jason Newsted (18+)
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Ask Anything you ask for, he's giving it to you. Not in the sense of him coming off as being submissive, but in the way where your pleasure easily and usually becomes his as well. He loves listening to the way your tone and voice becomes heady and heavy, the slurring and intertwining of your words enough to bring him close to the edge, as you mewl out for him and plead for him to slide his hand a few inches up higher on your bare thigh, or to stick his tongue in and curl it up just a little bit further inside of you. By the time you're already falling apart and unable to coherently say and attempt to verbalize another word, he's already drunk off the taste of you, and ready to have you continue to struggle to formulate even more on top of him, and then beneath him again.
Bondage He'd use anything from the classic pair of handcuffs, to the flimsy and nearly see-through fabric of your t-shirt, with the hem and haphazard stitching tickling the insides of your trembling wrists as he'd twist and turn you into the perfect, temporary position. Jason would dislike using anything too harsh like rope or nylon on you, due to him not being in favor of you having marks on your skin that don't originate from his teeth, lips, or curled fingertips edging and indenting themselves into your flesh. He'd use his belt if you asked him to, most likely in a setting that isn't your guys' home or during a quickie, with him behind you and keeping you steady, one fist enclosed over the used leather and the other one gripping your midsection, or cupped around the nape of your neck.
Cunnilingus As much as Jason loves to receive, he enjoys giving even more. He'd take his time with you, the teasing and playful side of his personality coming out as he'd make you writhe with pleasure, most likely only giving in and slowing down once you're trying to push him away or beginning to seize with oversensitivity. He'd make out with your pussy, his tongue hungrily pushing your lips apart after sucking hickeys into each one of them, your prerelease and essence making its way down to drip onto his chest as he holds you up over his head, with your clit pulsing on the bridge of his nose and your stuttered and shallowed breaths fighting to make their way out of your shaking chest. If he's receiving, he'd let you take reign, only thrusting forward and fucking himself into the heat of your mouth if you signal to him and allow him to. He'd be pliant and tense underneath you or standing near the end of the bed, the praises falling from his blood red and bitten lips giving you enough confidence and steadfast to swallow him down to the hilt. You'd instinctively and readily have your mouth wide open and tongue peeking out as he cums, his seed warmly cascading itself thickly down your cupids bow and chin like caramelized honey, with you licking it up like so.
Dirty Talk One of your favorite things is to hear him praise you, each time he does making you flutter around him. Whether it be his dick, his fingers, or his tongue, it gets to you every time. If he's sheathing himself into you for the first time that day or night, his voice is breathy and borderline tense, overwhelmed at the feeling of your vicelike grip around his length. If he's fingering you open and following his digits with an eager and abandoned flick of his tongue, his tone is calm and grounding, deepening as your moans begin to hitch and heighten in sound. If he's tongue deep in you and bearing you open with gripping fingers pushing your tremoring legs apart, he's just grunting, hungrily taking you and barely slowing down to allow you to properly breathe. If you're in turn going down on him, with your mouth trailing and traveling down to the light dusting of hair near his groin, you're filthily whispering how good he already tastes and how you can't wait to get him in your mouth. His answering dopey grin and high blush are telling enough, and so are his grunts and choked sounds of pleasure, once you finally take him in and suck him dry and for all he's worth.
Edging Edging only really happens if you both have time to take it slow or are fully alone together, which is a rarity, due to him mostly being on tour or at the studio with one, or the entirety of the rest of the band. But on the off occasion that you two are, all bets are off, and you two are spending the whole time together in bed, or anything you two can makeshift into one. You both wouldn't be fully satiated or content until you're each exhausted, and almost unable to move afterwards. He'd have you in every position from gripping onto the wood encasing his tour bus bed, to helplessly holding onto his forearm tightly wrapped around your collarbones, as your knees slide off of one of the cushions on a sofa in one of the empty rooms at their recording building. You'd be panting with tears in your eyes every time he'd purposefully slow down or evade your spongelike spot, his usual praises turning mildly degrading as you hungrily cant your hips back and try to grind yourself back onto the whole of his length. Jason wouldn't be too far from where you were once it's your turn to edge him, your earlier desperate expression turning into a mirthful one, as you cockwarm him and slow your riding to a halt every time his ballsack raises and tightens to graze itself against the bottom of your reddened asscheeks. By the end of the night and hours later, you're filled to the brim, and Jason's happily empty.
Foreplay It can be anything from a cuddling session turning into you two shuffling off each other's clothes in a frenzy, to you two purposefully and slowly turning each other on, with slick slides of tongues and appendages on every inch of skin in a mouth's reach. If you want to make it special, you'll wear something lace-like and silky under a normal outfit and surprise him with it once you two are alone, or give him a peek of what you're hiding if you begin to get impatient and are tired of waiting. If Jason's wanting you to himself and you're in public, he'll brush his bottom lip against your earlobe and casually murmur in your ear about how much he wants to take you apart, and remind you of the last time he had you debauched and filthy underneath him. He'd be rubbing slow and careful circles into the small slither of bare flesh above your denim bottoms, the callouses from his years of hard work adding on to and fueling the heat making its way and tethering itself in your middle. "Come on, sweetheart. I know how badly you miss being good for me," he'd grin at the slight jump in your next inhalation and at the unintentional pause in your conversation, the pads of his fingertips tracking their way down to tug onto your belt loops, the motion aiding in pressing your backside against his growing and pulsating bulge. "I want to hear how loud you can get for me again."
Groping He's always got a hand or an arm resting on or around you, whether it be on the small of your back, or on the top of your thigh, with his fingers spread wide and massaging comforting figure 8's into your skin. A straightened elbow resting upon your hip, while his palm goes lax on your lower stomach as he stands behind you and presses your back flush to his chest. If there's alcohol involved, or if he's uncharacteristically feeling bold, he's got a hand fully extended into a back pocket of your jeans, and he's kneading his fingertips into your asscheek, his beer long forgotten in his other. Seeing as to how shy he sometimes comes off as and out of respect for you, he only fully lets go once you two are away from others and onlookers. As soon as you two are alone, he's got you splayed and sat in his lap with your jeans unbuttoned, the hand he once had in your back pocket, now lowering itself past the thin material of your underwear and down to caress your sex. His other palm is sliding up to grasp onto your breast, before sliding your shirt and bra strap to the side and parting his lips for a taste. You've got a hand intertwined and engulfed in his curls, guiding him down and silently encouraging him to take whatever he wants and needs, while your other hand runs itself down the expanse of his back over the fabric of his top, still able to feel where your nails left indentations in his skin from not so long ago.
Hickeys Even though the two or you are in a proud and public relationship, any easy to see hickeys or love bites on either one or you could cause an uproar. Has caused an uproar, after you two made the mistake of covering each other with them in obvious purple and red, proud clusters and hues, before a music award show appearance. The comments and questions thrown around you two while at the public setting didn't bother you too much, but Jason felt overly protective of you afterwards, and got you to agree to no more marks above your guys' collarbones. It wasn't hard for you to get used to, since that one incident had you two getting more comfortable with sucking and biting marks into each other's chests and hips, and everywhere and anywhere beneath. Jason's favorite places to mark you at are your breasts and your groin, even though he often sucks them into your pubic bone and the inner, sensitive skin of your thighs. The public's reactions dwindled down after you two learned your lesson, but became the least of your worries after getting caught by the rest of the band after you and Jason tried to go for a swim in the guys' shared pool at their house, after a long night of edging and teasing, and of course, kissing and biting. The next time you planned to go over to theirs again, you brough a t-shirt, and an extra long pair of shorts with you.
Intercrural On the days where you felt too sore for penetrative sex, but still wanted to be active, you would initiate humping without clothing. The bare friction of Jason's swollen cockhead relentlessly making contact with your clit wasn't as stimulating as him being inches deep inside of you and fucking into you with reckless abandon, but it was still more than enough. Especially with your guys' foreheads nearly pressed up against each other, sharing open mouthed kisses, with your boyfriend's strong and steady hands guiding you up and down his throbbing and erect length. He'd swallow every single one of your stuttered moans of his name, and you'd lap at the taste of the nicknames he'd groan out at the same time you would tighten your calves around his thighs and roughly grind your bare sex down onto him. The sopping wet sound of his precum and your slick would reverberate around the bedroom and somehow complement the shared exhaled whimpers and curses, and you'd fully welcome the slight twinge of pain your body responded with as you carefully sat down on his length and buried him inside of you, right before you both simultaneously came.
Jealousy Jason rarely ever gets jealous, and neither do you. But when it does happen, it isn't a big thing. There isn't any yelling or arguing or name calling, just heavy silence, or the one that's feeling downtrodden and insecure closes in on themselves for a bit. For Jason, he's only ever gotten jealous once, and that was after seeing you interact with a longtime friend that came over once for a family dinner. Nothing happened in between you and that friend, but your boyfriend still felt like he would be a better fit for you or more easily accessible, since he doesn't have to travel as much as he does, and already got along with the people closest to you. You've gotten jealous yourself once or twice before, after seeing the way some fans would grab at him and attempt to jump on him after shows, and during meet and greets and signings. The way that some of them would flirt with him while you were standing near was off-putting and uncomfortable for you both, but also it made you wonder what would have happened if you weren't there. Luckily, whenever these issues and minor doubts occurred, you were both able to open about it soon after and talk it out. No matter what you two thought about yourselves and temporarily doubted due to insecurity, he would be the first person to make you feel better and reassure you, and you would do the same.
Kissing As soon as you woke up, there was a kiss being placed on your forehead. And then on your nose, and then on your mouth. Morning kisses were usually slow, unless one of you woke up heated or weren't able to finish each other off the night before. You two would kiss each other in greeting, even if one of you only went to the other room to grab something, and then came right back. The simple touch of lips ground you both, and is a simple declaration of the other still being there. If you two haven't seen each other due to conflicting schedules, your guys' kisses are much more passionate and long lasting. If Jason is headed out for a leg of a tour and you aren't able to come with, the whole night before and the morning leading up to his departure is filled with you two reminding each other of the way you two taste, and promising each other of what is yet to come. And sometimes, you two just make out for the hell out it. Panted breaths and slick strands of saliva still keeping you two connected, seconds after you two already part. Similar tasting tongues coaxing each other's mouths open and licking up to a roof of a mouth, audible sounds of kiss swollen lips reconnecting after a haste and rushed kiss. You two can barely keep away from each other, and you both wouldn't want it any other way.
Licking If he's got his mouth on you, his tongue is involved. Anything as simple as a brief neck kiss, his tongue is peeking out to wet his lips, and darting back out as soon as his pair make contact with your clavicle. If you've got something on the side of your mouth, he's brushing it away with his finger and then licking his thumb and sucking the residue away clean, his warm appendage wrapping itself around the fingertip to lap it up. If he's having his way with you and he's able to take his time, he's mapping the entirety of your body out with his tongue. He loves to lick along the inside of your breasts and down to your groin in a slow swipe, then lightly blow on your dampened skin and watch as you arch your back and as goosebumps awaken on your flesh. He loves to bite and suck marks down on your then sensitive skin, and place open mouthed kisses on the precipice of your pussy, until you come back to enough to spread your legs wide for him, fighting back a shiver at the look in his eyes, and at the cool air pillowing itself against your soaked sex. He'll continue to lap and flutter and strain his tongue against you after you orgasm, until you're squealing and he's already swallowed and eaten every single drop your body accumulated for him. And when he's back on his knees and towering over you, hard dick smearing prerelease on your jolting stomach, he feeds the taste right back to you.
Masturbation He doesn't find it necessary when he's around, because he's there and present to constantly please you. The only time he's down to touch himself or have a mutual session, is if he's on the road and you guys filmed something together for him to watch and look at while he's gone, or if he's touring and he's finally able to have some time on the phone with you. If he's home or in a nearby city where you're able to visit, he's nearly on you as soon as he sees you, unless he's on stage performing. He sees the fun and excitement in it, and he'd bring it up and offer it if you two ever have enough free time before edging, but it isn't something he'd jump for. He definitely prefers having his own hands on you, and being able to make you feel as good as he possibly can and knows he can. Knowing he's the reason as to why you're falling apart and he can control it, makes it a lot more fun and fulfilling for him.
Non-negotiable He's open minded and willing to try almost anything at least once, except for anything that puts you at risk of getting stuck in the wrong mindset and subspace. Which means no to full on degradation and hitting, as well as harsh deprivation and lack of verbal consent. He loves how adventurous you are and how well you match with him, but you feeling safe and protected is what matters the most to him, as well as your pleasure and making sure that you're well taken care of.
Orgasm One is never enough, and most of the time, you two are too into it to count up and tally the final ending number. Seeing each other climax is one of your favorite things to do together, at least sexually. Jason finds it a privilege to be able to watch you tense and shudder, sometimes to be able to feel you cum around him right before he spills his seed inside you. The way you nearly lift off the bed, the way your legs tighten around his broad shoulders, the way your nails dig in and cling onto his sweat laden skin, the way your mouth parts in a nearly perfect O shape every time, the way your eyes daze yet always stay on him, the way you smile when you come back to in his arms. If seeing you orgasm is a privilege, then seeing and feeling your boyfriend cum is a blessing. The way he grunts your name like a devotion against your bare skin, the way his hands tighten on you and secure you in his hold, the way he pistons himself into you, and then pulls you down fully onto him and presses kisses into your heated and flushed flesh. The way he looks fucked out and drunk afterwards, so satiated and satisfied and relaxed. The way his hair halos out underneath him, once he has you positioned on top of him, with your legs intertwined with his, and your head resting on his still heaving chest, uncaring of the mess you two lie in as you two try to ground yourselves again.
Positions He loves when you're on top, and not even in a selfish, you doing all of the work type of way. With you in cowgirl or reverse, he's able to guide you by the hips easier, and it brings more purpose to the mirror you two have a few feet away from your bed. He can also find his footing on the mattress easier underneath you, and bear himself up into you in deeper strokes than in missionary and doggy. With you having your hands near his head as leverage before you tire, he can bend you in half and be able to hit your g-spot, and be able to rub you against his groin at the same time, so you'll be double stimulated. He also loves the hot seat, which is when he has you sit on him on the edge of the bed, right in front of the mirror, and you both watch as he uses his hands and forearms behind himself to buck himself inside you, only slowing down or lowering you to lightly encircle his hand around your throat, or delicately fist the loose strands of hair from your face, so you can see clearer, and he can properly watch as you're pushed over the edge. He also loves the position of missionary, with your legs over his shoulders and your chests nearly touching, where he can bury himself into you over and over again, and then easily slide down to eat you out afterwards until you're unable to stop crying and shaking.
Quickie You both love quickies, especially after a good performance and after good news. There's always something exciting when it comes to them, and you both find a thrill in the action when you do it in the studio, or in a bathroom backstage at a venue. Although you two love privacy and being able to take your time, nothing beats having your boyfriend's jacket or hand in or covering your mouth as you try to stay quiet, as he takes you from behind or against a counter or sink, and you both struggle to contain yourselves. You from making a sound, and Jason from stopping himself from allowing you to drip all over the bathroom floor, from him to not getting on his knees and eating himself out of you after he finishes. The walk of shame is always fun afterwards as well, with the both of you sharing a secretive smile, and Jason sneaking an arm around your middle if you find it a bit hard to stabilize yourself for a while afterwards. It's always a fun thing to reminisce on, and to also reenact when you both get the opportunity to.
Roleplay Anything from a nurse to a clueless non-fan at an empty concert venue, is something you guys do for fun. Not only because it's exciting and something new to make things even more fun, but it's also funny as hell. Sometimes you'll both add in accents, or you'll take it seriously and end up having the best sex you've had in months. The great thing about being with someone who's as open as you are to new experiences, is that you're able to speak up about what you want to try and test out. It also means you've both spent an absurd amount of money on costumes. Your guys' favorite is strangers meeting up, where you two will pretend like you don't know each other, and then will eventually meet each other halfway, and have amazing sex that almost feels like the first time all over again, just like all those years ago. If you two want to just laugh shit off and have a good time, nurse and doctor, or maid is the way to go.
Sensitivity You're the most sensitive on your lower stomach and in between your thighs, and Jason takes advantage of knowing that fact. So much at times, that you become hesitant with him going down on you, because you already know he's going to make you weak and damn near oversensitive within a few minutes. By the time you're close to orgasming, you're covered in love bites and spit clad, kiss shaped marks, and your boyfriend is licking and sucking and making out with your pussy to the point where you're almost hyperventilating, and his fingertips are purposefully pressing themselves into the marks he's proudly left behind. Jason's most sensitive spots are right near the sides of his upper hips, and right above his groin. You don't tease him as much, but you're still as attentive as he is and make sure to please him in every way he wants and needs. Until he's shaking just like you were, and he's spilling down your throat with his head thrown back, his words slurred and unknown, with the only one coherent enough being your favorite nickname he calls you.
Threesome As open minded as Jason is when it comes to sex, he wouldn't be alright with just sharing you with another man or woman. He doesn't see you as someone or something he owns, but he's in a relationship with you for a reason, and he has a feeling that you would be opposed to him inviting another woman into the bedroom as well. If it were to ever come up or if you were to ask about bringing someone else in, it'd either be a no, or someone very close to him who he knows well. The first person that comes to mind, is Kirk. Kirk's been known to be sexually open and adventurous, and during his drunken ramblings, he's boasted about how good he is at giving oral sex. He also knows that Kirk is attracted to you as well, since it came up in a conversation a few months before you two officially got together. So, he most likely wouldn't be okay with it, but if he were to say yes if you ever asked, Kirk would most likely be the first person he'd say yes to, from his close circle.
Universal Every man loves a good sixty-nine, and your boyfriend is just that. Jason loves to go down on you on his own, but that's only because he likes to take his time, and he doesn't think he'd be able to do you good if you're sucking and swallowing him down as good as you normally do at the same time. But on the rare occasion that you two do sixty-nine, you both have a lot of fun. The mutual muffled moaning both adds to your guys' sensitivity and stimulation, there's a healthy balance of sensory deprivation, and the feeling of the weight of you on top of him is grounding. Plus, he loves it when you sit on his face. The last time you two tried it out, you nearly blacked out from his enthusiasm, and Jason almost gripped you too tightly by your sides after you took him all the way down your throat without even stopping. You both agree though, that tasting yourselves on each other's tongues and then moving on to doggy style soon after, did make the whole experience a lot more memorable.
Vibrator All the way, yes. If you guys are experimenting and trying out new positions and tricks, a vibrator is always used to make sure that you're still able to orgasm. Jason's also allowed you to use it on him once as well. You brought it up once during a conversation, and were surprised when he easily said yes. You placed it underneath his cockhead, right below and on top of the large protruding vein traveling itself down his shaft, and hungrily watched as he fell apart, all while occasionally lapping and licking at his tip for a bit more of added sensation. Watching his balls tighten, and then feeling them tighten up against your spit clad palm as you gently massaged them, had you soaking through your underwear and in awe. By the time Jason came back to and was calmed down enough to praise you and pick you up to place you under him to switch positions, you were already thinking about using it on him again. Luckily, you both had the same thought and idea.
Where Preferably at home, but like I said before, you guys are adventurous. Backrooms, empty bathrooms, studios after recording, the tour bus. Anywhere where you two could get a little bit of privacy, but also have a little bit of that fearful excitement of getting caught, when you're in the mood for that. But most of the time, at home. Where you two can be fully naked and tie each other up occasionally, use toys, be in more flexible positions than just gripping onto a used couch or sink, and take your time with each other. Make and take the time to break each other apart, and then bring each other back together. Multiple times in a row, usually.
X Factor This man loves every single thing about you, but his favorite thing has got to be, that you're where and who he feels the most at home and at peace with. With life constantly changing and the states changing with it, his only real stable thing in his life is his relationship with you. You always make time for him, reassure him, make sure he's feeling wanted and loved, and have treated the rest of his band members and family members like your own. You are his biggest blessing and gift in life, and he treasures the hell out of you. And there's never a single moment in time where he doesn't remind you of that, or treat you the exact same way.
Yes and No Yes to spanking, no to face hitting or smacking. He thinks it's too invasive and disrespectful to you. He's down for all of the biting and sucking and semi-public sex the world has to offer, but potentially bruising you on your face, or making you cry in a way that isn't pleasurable? Absolutely not. He'd rather have it happen to himself than to you.
Zip As cool and as fun as it is to have bathroom sex and sneak around every once in a while, this man wants to hear you. He also wants to eat, lick, suck, bite, be inside, cum inside, and cum outside of you and on you, but he also just wants to hear you having a good time. As much as you enjoy reassurance and knowing when your partner is being pleasured and having fun, so does he. So, let it out. He fucking loves when you're loud, and when you're praising him as much as he's praising you. That's what it's all about.
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expectopatronum18 · 2 days
Hot take on Lily's characterization in this fandom
Ik I've written abt this before but I really cannot understand y this fandom insists on limiting lily's characterization to being good and right all the time and making the narrative sympathetic towards her even when she isn't coz ppl don't want haters for her. And this makes sense coming from the new marauders fandom coz they see all of their favs as incapable of being wrong. But I can't understand y the traditional marauders fandom acts this way too coz they tout themselves as being oh so progressive, but they write lily exactly the way rowling wrote her but in a different sense
Rowling wrote all the women in the franchise with the lens of what she sees as an 'ideal woman', but imo lily gets hit by this the most. She exists to further the narratives of other, more important characters, everything we ever hear abt her r positive attributes (harry goes thru tht phase in ootp where he realizes tht his father whom he looked up to so much was a flawed person, for whatever reason his mother is exempted from this), and the highlight of her life was dying for her son(despite the fact tht james did the same and we do know quite a bit abt him).
The conventional view of women has progressed beyond this now, but i d argue tht the underlying issue hasn't been resolved. I get tht fandom is a space for relaxation and fun, but then y do ppl hv a problem with lily being a tad bit flawed in a bad way when the boys r literally out there murdering each other and becoming fascists? The fandom sees her with the modern lens of what an ideal woman is(intentionally or unintentionally)- she's a perfect sjw who starts off with all the right values and has nothing to learn and grow from- she's an ideal feminist, she's always understanding, sympathetic and accepting, she accepts remus instantly, she's the moral voice in the marauders vs snape debate, she always stands up for the underdog, she doesn't let societal prejudices influence her views and waver her morals, etc etc. And while these r undoubtedly very fine qualities to hv, thts not how things work. Ur not being progressive by writing a woman who has no growing and learning to do like a normal person, and who's never allowed to be wrong in a way tht hurts others without making her sympathetic
Let lily be a catty bitch in a way tht can be interpreted as 'cheeky and vivacious' from an outsider's pov. Let lily not hv any proper female friends because she was a popular, well liked girl in high school who wasn't really a girl's girl. Let her be hated by ppl for reasons outside being a muggleborn and being friends with snape. Let her be friendless coz she's just a bad friend, she literally almost smiled when her best friend was being assaulted. Let her be homophobic coz it was the 70s and her social circle consisted of ppl lyk teenage snape and petunia. Let her not be accepting of remus immediately coz the whole ww was prejudiced against werewolves and she's new to it. There r infinite possibilities and none of them need to take away her good aspects in canon, much lyk they don't with the boys
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sofarsogoodsowhat · 2 years
Tumblr media
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martyrbat · 8 months
my secret confession is i think a lot of current art in comics is pretty but sometimes way too glossy and lifeless... it kinda feels like a sticker sheet where they just swap out generic stock poses that they have on hand for that character rather than the art being reflective of the actual story and moment the character is currently in
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iceyrukia · 3 months
Women’s self-image is as negative as ever despite the “body positivity” wave of choice feminism. Why?
I think one of the biggest reasons as to why women’s beauty standards and self-image are worse than even is because you can preach about unfair beauty standards all you want and tell women not to make fun of another woman’s looks but you can’t take away the social status and praise that women who are “beautiful” get from society (both men and women). You give them clout and praise them. Something both “body positivity” and “body neutrality” feminists do btw despite all the talk about acceptance.
It’s like saying you don’t support the ethics behind a product and yet still consume and buy it. In this case “beauty” being a luxury achieved via consumerism where women become the products (objects) that other women admire and obsess over. There is a demand so there is a supply PERIOD.
Women might not directly pursue beauty (“I do it for myself”) for men but nonetheless it’s definitely ingrained as a sign of status and that’s enough to cause a negative self-image in women who don’t participate. Men might have been the original perpetrators of installing unrealistic beauty standards for women but the victims (women) have also turned into perpetrators who can’t let go of the misogynistic status symbol of having value from appearances because it’s considered “culture”.
#ic.text#this goes for many spaces and#why I low key have little faith that women will every be free form this hyper fixation on looks#so you support hairy women and healthy eating but look at the own you praise#even if you’re not shit talking may women and saying positive words#it doesn’t go unnoticed how certain women are still valued#men don’t have a these self esteem issues because they are largely INDIFFERENT towards even handsome men#and this is why this whole ‘body positivity”’ from libfems to ‘body neutrality’#from radfems is just fake and two sides of the same coin#as long as you have have a constant steam of praise and clout for women#then women WILL be hella self-aware and conscious about their looks#how can’t they when ‘oh women pretty’ is constantly throw on their faces#that’s why women self monitor and all your ‘ x feature is pretty’ or ‘ have a neutral opinion on X feature because we’re human’ will never#work when you turn around and praise ( so raise the status of and regard) conventionally attractive women who perform femininity#it’s the leading cause as to why women pursue beauty - for praise and status - so of course the incentive will always be there#and to me it makes a lot of sense because if tomorrow there arose a kind of culture within society where attractive men who#really groomed themselves where praised to high heavens#whether women finally having standards for men or men casually valuing super handsome men#( without putting any ‘ugly’ men down for their looks)#a lot of men would subconsciously pick up on the new valored social status and want to peruse it#but they don’t have that culture that surround them AT all ( unlike with wome) so you don’t see men#with the bajillion complexes that women have - men have no incentive#they hardly ever get reminded that handsome men are valuable#the way women are valued by BOTH men and women for their beauty#tldr: both body positity or body neutrality are ineffective if you still give status into women who DO fit the standard#women and girls aren’t blind and will absolutely go for whatever gets them praised when if it’s harmful because the feedback/acceptance/#praise/money etc is WORTH it
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crush3dmary · 3 months
I would not wish BPD on my worst enemy.
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clementineskesh · 1 year
i think it's very fun that Crowley "didn't mean to fall" "hung around with the wrong people" "just asked questions" but got kicked out of heaven and said "okay fuck everyone I am doing my own thing forever"
meanwhile the same thing happened with Aziraphale, essentially. By the end of s1, he's been kicked out of heaven, he's called a former angel. But he isn't a demon, and he doesn't know what it's like, and he didn't mean to get kicked out and he only hung around Crowley and he only wanted to save people
and when given the opportunity to rejoin the institution that hurt, betrayed, and abandoned them, Crowley says no and Aziraphale says yes
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phantajam · 1 month
my hot take about descendants is that NONE of the core four were ready for a relationship until maybe like, the third movie (rant in tags)
#they were still adjusting to living life without struggling to survive#a girl should not be jumping into a relationship the same week she just tried her first piece of non-rotten food lol#thats not to say I don't like the canon ships#but mal married literally the FIRST man she met in auradon. at 18.#and even as far as in descendants 2 we see them still struggling to adjust in different ways (mainly mal)#in d3 they seem to have fully assimilated into life in Auradon (as much as a VK can anyway)#so it makes sense for them to THEN seek out relationships if that's what they want.#but disney ofc wanted to act like romantic love just automatically fixes a person's problems ig?? as if a relationship wouldn't just be#added stress given the position the VKs were in in d1#not to mention dating just like. wasnt a thing on the isle (mal even says this)#and I get that the kids are craving to be loved because their parents didn't gaf about them. But I wish the first movie focused more on the#finding that love in each other than romantically with outside people. a sort of “they had love in them all along” moment.#and then this fandom loves to argue about whether Jarlos/Janelos was 'rushed'. at least Carlos (and Jay +lonnie) waited a few months before#throwing themselves into the dating scene. Poor evie had her heart broken within like 3 days of being in Auradon. no wonder she was willing#to help steal the wand lol.#Anyway to wrap up this rant I didn't even mean to go on#I just think that kids who have spent the first 14-16 years of their lives fighting to survive and being put through continuous trauma on a#daily basis don't need dating right away. they need THERAPY.#if anyone here has seen stranger things its kinda an El and Mike situation were its like. the girl grew up in a lab and fell for the first#boy in regular society who was kinda nice to her lol. thats how I view Mal and Ben#same with doug and evie. he was nicer than chad but he still fell for her for her looks and she still fell for him because he was the first#guy in auradon to be genuinely interested in her. also evie had a whole “I dont need a prince” arc and ended up with a man anyway?#my problem with janelos was always that Carlos never quite worked out his mommy issues or his anxiety. I feel like he'd be afraid of hurtin#her even though that boy wouldn't hurt a fly. and we see Jane get pretty stressed out herself- have you ever been in a relationship where#both of you have anxiety? cause it either goes really well (you help keep each other calm) or REALLY terribly (you make each other spiral)#I actually really liked Lonnie and Jay (though I feel like it would've had a bigger payoff if she was in d3. not sure why she wasn't but I#wont dunk on that because it couldve been smth to do with her actress). I think Lonnie is someone who can 'handle' Jay well and match his#energy. And I like the idea of Jay finding someone he's loyal to after being commitment-phobic for 1 1/2 movies and the whole first book lo#and ofc I have to throw this in here: any auradon kid the VKs get with is never going to grasp even half of what they went through.#this doesnt mean they can't try to understand and be empathetic. but it will always cast a shadow on VK/AK relationships.
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bandsanitizer · 3 months
okay shutting up now
#except in the tags#as i usually do#omgdksbdksjfjdjfjjf#bye#alison speaks?#i need to truly shut up#but like#damn#idk idk idk idk#like sure i think they’re mostly better off as soloist (imo liam was built to be in a band)#but like… i think it’s healthy for them to interact with memories and 1d stuff in a positive way#bc it is a very big part of their career no matter what is said#but i think continously pushing that arguement isn’t great either#bc to a certain extent solo fans being upset about it#probably comes from the ever existing seniority complex within fandoms#that was VERY PREVALENT in the 1d community#like that insecurity is probably a fuel to it all#in a way that being an old directioner and them never touching a 1d track or speaking about it EVER would’ve felt in a different sense#but beyond psycho analyzing this….#all i truly hope for is them to be able to process that time#it makes me beyond happy that overall they all seem to hold that time positively#hell i was over the moon to see that zayn had even mentioned it at all#and i think yeah it took time because people are bound to ask#bc back to the other point… it’s a huge part of their careers and will probably always will be#and i get the want for them to be able to step away and continue to build themselves as soloists#but ignoring who they were in the group for the sake of solo work completely misses the point that#they are FULLY themselves when recognized for ALL their parts#X the soloist and X of one direction shouldn’t be to different people#because they’re not#(will continue in rb tags)
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gotta-bail-my-quails · 4 months
i'm a bit too tired to put together an appropriately coherent argument right now, but i feel the need to speak on the 'vote blue no matter who' thing because it keeps coming up on my dash and i'm fucking tired of it.
stop trying to beg a system to get better when that system was designed to hold power over you, when it benefits from staying as is, when it wants to keep you down and on a leash. You are voting for the fucking leash man, not the person holding it. You know why negotiations for a ceasefire have been falling flat? Because Israel never cared about morals--there's no use in begging the colonial entity to have some conscience because we wouldn't fucking be here right now if they could be talked out of genocide. If there are train tracks that both go through hospitals, you don't fucking wonder which hospital has less people in it, you wonder who the fuck designed the damn tracks to go through a hospital! And then you fucking redesign them so that shit doesn't happen! You don't hire the same guy who built the tracks to do it again either because who knows if he's gonna just build them through more hospitals--you rip those rails up yourself, got it?
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You are seriously my favorite blog right now. You opinions and meta for ikevamp are so spot on. You somehow are able to flush the characters more than the canon. I just wanted to say I appreciate all the time you put into your writings and I love everything you have written so far!!!!
In Comte and Leo we trust 🫡
Aww, thank you so much! 💛💛💛
Honestly I have no control over the brainworms, I feel like Ikevamp is so saturated with implications that extrapolating becomes so much natural fun for me. I started writing and analyzing (with no supervision to stop me, big mistake) and I'm still so fascinated with it. I can't believe it's been almost what...four years? Five years? Since I started playing the Japanese version where this all began. I'm frankly flattered a lot of people agree/like my takes, it makes sharing my work really rewarding in ways I never expected~
I don't always have time for more than Comte thirsting and silly quotes these days, but you're more than welcome to enjoy what I've curated here! I imagine I won't stop shitposting until the app is discontinued, and even then I'm not confident I'll shut up 🤣🤣🤣 Comte's the best baby girl I've ever known lmfao
#tysm for such a kind ask! this made my day <333#pureblood propaganda#(people need to stop validating my breaching containment it only makes me more powerful /j)#sometimes I wish the eng ver implemented more of the depth and hank pank from the og more consistently but alas#localizations are a bit of a hit or miss business im afraid#i also love how i've inadvertently created a sad pureblood fan club over the years (not you vlad)#(you can join after you've had your time out like a good boy)#but in all seriousness i find their lives strikingly saturated with complex emotion and subtle tragedy/melancholy#ig for a lack of a better description i just feel like they're relatable?#like yeah if i was leonardo and my abusive family could harass me forever#i would also be incredibly guarded and set in my ways to protect myself and probably hate vampires and their power plays#if--like comte--i felt a sense of identification with the people i was pressured to subjugate#i'd feel lost and empty too; unable to co-exist with my own kind but also inevitably at a distance from humans#both scenarios create an emotional and relational quagmire#and i think what's even harder about it for both of them is that they just have no choice--and rather few allies besides each other#all they can really choose is duplicity if they wish to remain true to themselves and reasonably survive#and i think that's a really exhausting/somewhat self-impoverishing position to be in#comte tries to subsist on ephemeral moments he shares with people--with varying levels of success (little)#leonardo forces himself into stasis bc if he doesn't he'll keep making the same mistakes#aka getting too close to people and getting hurt when their time ends#ive prbly said all this before but idk in light of so much i've learned since starting this blog#the allusions to vampirism being a vehicle for certain 'othered' identities seems boundless to me (domestic abuse/class structures/nd etc.)#vlad is a pureblood but he seems like one of those flat movie vampires pandering to the aesthetic obsessions of a v particular audience#any story needs both flat and round characters--so naturally his existence serves a purpose/function; nothing wrong with that#but i find myself to be too Shrek to be v invested in him (FAVES HAVE L A Y E R S)#ig i just think its very easy and a bit bland to associate vampires with horror/gore/unmitigated violence/extreme emotionality#but much more engaging to explore the status of monstrosity as it relates to oppressed identities and unconventional kindness#or maybe that's just the monsterfker in me--in which case sorry everyone being cringe on main (it will happen again)
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
IT'S LIKE OKAY. literally melanie king and daisy tonner and jon sims. do you get it???? do you get it????????
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worm-priest · 1 year
After years of being a fan of different boy bands i have come to the conclusion that the secret ingredient to making a succesful one is literally just finding guys who like hanging out with women
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