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sketchyonlooker · 2 months
The Case of Akazawa Shiho (working title):
A maw filled with teeth larger than her snaps up a schoolgirl running beside her, her scream quickly silenced by the crunch of bone. Other creatures - familiar creatures she'd only seen in Duel Monsters - continue their slaughter within the Domino City Subway Station.
A young child screams for his mother as the raptors tore him limb from limb.
An old man is trampled over by the crowd - and then shredded apart by a worm-like creature with concentric teeth from below. Like watching a sink garbage disposal in action.
The brutal scenes multiplied as the monsters continued flooding in from the tunnels and entrance.
She's gonna die.
She's gonna die.
There's no way she's surviving this.
No matter how much she runs with the crowd. Sooner or later, safety in numbers was not going to be enough, not with everyone here betting on it.
Where can she run to? The subway tunnels - where there was already so much blood pooling it could fill a lake? The entrances - where the monsters are coming from? The trains - that proved effortless for the monsters to break into? Does it even matter now? She doesn't have the luxury of choi-
Something latches onto her wrist. And then she feels something catch across her ankle. The moment she realized she'd been tripped was the moment she fell face first onto the ground. As she looked up, she could see a middle-aged man in a suit running with the crowd but continued to face her with a grin-
Before she could curse him out in her final moments.
...That sound. Like a tuning fork.
She's heard it before.
A in C minor.
The man's triumphant gaze becomes confused and unfocused - as if he were staring through her - but then quickly shifts into panic. She doesn't see his fate as the monsters that were chasing the crowd suddenly leapt over he-
Her foot. Just got stepped on by a two-headed dinosaur - Two-Headed King Rex, the Duel Monster - You fucker.
She's going to be a Rex anti-fan from now on.
...At least she still had enough of her mind to make shitty jokes, not that this was the appropriate occasion. Or maybe it was the perfect occasion now that she was so thoroughly fucked.
A likely broken foot she can't feel cause of the adrenaline. Surrounded by a hoard of man-eating monsters.
A lizard-like monster - Masked Chameleon - darts its tongue towards one of the runners in the crowd; its barbed tongue pierces through the man's leg - and retracts backwards with such force that it tears the leg off. The moment he stumbles down is the moment he is chomped apart by the chasing monsters.
The Masked Chameleon's eyes turns its beady eye towards her, and her breath catches her in throat as she forces herself to be very still.
It flicks its tongue slowly - was it like a snake? Did it sense body heat? It approaches slowly at its slow crawl, and she feels her heart thump harder and harder as it closes in.
But it then walks past her without fanfare. As soon as it was a good distance, she released her breath, the lightheadedness she'd been ignoring making her woozy.
They didn't notice her. The monsters - the dragons - the lizards. They ignored her completely just like the dwindling people still alive ignored her.
Why? Among all of the people who died here, why was she still alive?
...She had a feeling she knew why.
That sound. A in C minor.
She's heard it before.
Back when Sketchy barged into that white-haired guy Bakura - she remembered his name from the Battle City Final's - and the creepy zombie-looking guy's duel. And of course, the horrible outcome of watching zombie-guy's flesh disintegrate into black goop in high-definition. Thanks for the nightmares, Sketchy. BEBD really should stop giving advi-
Her head turned towards the broken escalator, only to find a dog. Its matted long fur was so dirtied that she couldn't see what breed it was, but it was a small dog. A dog that none of the monsters seem to have noticed despite its hyperactive hopping.
And it was walking towards her when nothing else here could see her. It probably should've raised more alarm bells, but at this point, as long as it wasn't scaly, she was willing to trust it.
The smelly dog sniffed at her carefully.
It then tugged on her sleeve.
"...Do you want me to follow you?" She wasn't scared of talking. Not after accidentally screaming in front of a Raptor that lunged a little too close trying to eat the man that ran close to her.
She doesn't hesitate as the dog begins running towards the broken escalator. Pain sears through her foot as she limps her way forward. She knows she can't stay here anyway. Whatever providence is happening right now might not last.
Her hands briefly pat against her trusty blue mage's hat. It fills her with a bit of comfort and courage.
She has to get somewhere safe.
If that meant taking a chance by following a dog that seemed to know what it's doing, well, it's not like she hasn't been cheating death all this time.
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7roaches · 8 months
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this is canon right
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arom-antix · 6 months
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A companion piece for my first @viktuuri-week piece because we can't have Yuuri without Viktor, now can we?
Credit to J XIV / Jesa Padayachy on Musescore for the transcription of Duetto: Stammi Vicino, Non Te Ne Andare used.
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millenniumdueled · 2 months
"Can't sleep, Partner?"
Yugi opens his eyes to find the spectral form of his other self, a ghost only he can see, sitting at the edge of his bed. He makes a face as he sits himself upright against the pillow. "you too, huh?"
Suddenly, the Other Yugi straightens, like a cat on high alert. Yugi's own eyes widen. "so you heard that too--"
Silence falls between the two, and neither moves a muscle. Then it comes again, the sound of a woman's voice calling for help. But this time, in the stillness of their bedroom, a realization hits the two of them: is isn't their ears hearing the cries, but their heart.
No sooner does that thought occur to them, the bedroom falls away, the sudden change of scenery hitting them both with whiplash as the impossible, escherian stairs of the Other Yugi's soul room surround them on all sides.
"oh," Yugi says softly as he looks around himself. "this is your...."
"Mm. Someone is in here."
Yugi's attention snaps back to the other man beside him. "in here...? in our heart???"
The Other Yugi doesn't answer. As another cry for help rings out, echoing clearly through the maze of stairs and doors, he takes off running to try and find the source. "wait up!!!" Yugi calls, running after the Other.
The two race up and down impossible stairs, throw open doors to nowhere. The Other Yugi grabs his Partner's hand as he starts to reach for a door that he already knows is no good and shakes his head, before the two run off to try another.
The search seems tireless as both Yugis race back and forth throughout the unending maze of the Other Yugi's soul room. As they meet again in the place where they started, in front of the door to the void between their rooms, Yugi looks exasperated. "i don't hear her anymore..."
The Other Yugi doesn't answer. Instead, a different, familar cry, like some kind of pokemon, catches his attention, makes him turn on his heel.
Sure enough, atop one flight of stairs, bounces the furry little fiend. Once their eyes meet, however, the furball turns, bouncing into the darkness, chirping its "kurikurii~!" the entire way.
"does kuriboh want us to follow it?!"
The question hasn't even left Yugi's lips before he's racing after his Other Self in the direction the monster had gone. The escherian staircases fall away, the expansive walls grow narrower, as Yugi realizes they're following the Kuriboh down a blank hallway now. And this... This is new. He's only been inside of his Other Self's room a few times, but it's never been anything other than those stairs and many, many doors....
His eyes widen.
The hallway ends suddenly with a single, heavy, metal door. Though Kuriboh turns to bright light and slips easily though the keyhole, the Yugis both skid to a stop.
The Other Yugi neither hesitates nor speaks as he reaches for the door's handle.
Instead of the worn, intricately carved sandstone that makes up this room, before them stretches a long hall of black and white, long shadows cast from a blinding, unknown light source. Yugi's eyes go wide and he gives the Other's hand a little squeeze. "has that always been here...?"
"No I've never seen this before," the Other Yugi confirms, voice cautious, eyes narrowed. The woman's voice calls out for help again, and his violet red eyes flash with surprise. Is that the silhouette of a girl dashing between the oversaturated trees? He returns the squeeze. "Stay close and be careful, Partner," he warns as he takes a cautious step forward.
His foot meets nothing. Unable to react in time, he pulls Yugi after him by his held hand.
The place they find themselves is... Unexpected, to say the least. They don't hit the ground, rather their descent slows until the pair are left floating, high above a large castle, surrounded by an expanse of green grass cut by a blue river below. But the serene scene is marred by a dark shadow, a massive orb of radiating darkness looming overhead. at the center of the dark sun, a single, yellow eye stares out, straight ahead at the two floating like ghosts over this new domain. As they watch, monsters, dragons, a siren, are sucked from the forests and fields below, pulled, struggling, into the abyss that hovers over them.
With wide eyes, Yugi gives his Other a glance. "wgat is that--?!"
The Other Yugi's eyebrows twitch into a tightly knit scowl. He doesn't answer immediately, until something inside his heart pulls his attention back to the castle below him. A small sound, somewhere between a hum and a grunt, is the only response that Yugi gets before he finds himself following his Other, floating down, down, down.
They enter the castle through a hall window, joining hands again as they find themselves slowly lowering. The hall they arrive in is massive, though completely empty aside from three statues, resembling dragons and encased in the same icy crystal that had covered the Tablet of Memories back in the museum the day before.
"Three dragons...?" the Other Yugi wonders.
"You came!!""
As they ponder the statues, a voice makes them both jump. They spin on their heels, turning quickly to face--
"dark magician girl?!" Yugi squeaks.
Sure enough, standing before them, a pleading look in her bright blue eyes, is a monster they both know well. She looks nervous, clutching her staff in both hands.
"You're the one who's been calling for help?" the Other Yugi asks.
"Yes..." she answers hesitantly. "I need your help! Both of our worlds are in danger..."
"Tell us what's going on," the Other Yugi demands.
And so, she explains. The Dark Magician girl explains that their worlds run parallel to each other, that this world of monsters was created by the thoughts and souls of the people of Yugi's world. That they exist codependently, a world of magic and a world of the mundane. The two Duelists stay quiet as they listen, a look of nervous wonder on Yugi's face, an unreadable, tight-browed expression on the Other's.
She goes on. That dark sun looming overhead, she explains, has been devouring the monsters of her world, leaving only a handful left to hide within the castle. Other Yugi's expression softens as he feels the sorrow and sympathy inside his Partner's heart.
"isn't there any way to save both of our worlds...?" Yugi asks.
Now, the Dark Magician Girl goes quiet. She takes a deep breath, holding her staff straight and close to her chest as she suddenly rises into the air without another word. Lifting her head, she looks to the statues behind the Duelists.
"These dragons have protected our world since ancient times. But they used up their power in past battles, and fell into deep hibernation," she explains. "No one knows their names, or just how long they've been here...."
Other Yugi's hand tightens around his Partner's. "Nameless dragons..." he mutters. With a light jump, he rises into their air after the Magician, gently tugging Yugi along with him.
"There's a legend about these dragons though. That one day, when our worlds both need it, a True Duelist would arrive. Only they hold the power to wake these dragons..."
The Yugis look at each other. Then, to the dragons once more.
"a true duelist...." Yugi chews on the words as his
"Mm..." the Other ponders quietly. A golden-hilted sword protrudes from the eye of the dragon before them and catches his gaze.
"Masters, I believe you were chosen to free the dragon!" the Dark Magician Girl cries. "Remove the sword and call out its name..."
"You said no one knows their names," the Other Yugi points out.
"The chosen Duelists will know when it's needed of them. Please, you have to try!!"
There's another moment of hesitation.
Yugi just nods confidently, and it's settled. Together, they each reach out one hand, taking the sword at once. And just like that, without any resistance, the sword slides free of the crystal below, and Yugi gasps.
"other me--"
"Yeah." He takes a deep breath.
"Timaeus!!! Awaken!" they call as one.
An ear splitting CRACK echoes through the hall. The crystal falls away, crashing to the floor below as the teal dragon below roars to life. It throws back its head, and the power it emits makes Yugi tremble.
"i can feel it--" he gasps, wide eyed.
"Timaeus can awaken the dormant power of all monsters," the Other Yugi says, awestruck.
The moment seems to last forever as the two hover, gazing in wonder at the great beast.
"Duelists!!!" Dark Magician Girl's voice breaks the two from their mesmerized trance. "Use its power!"
The two look at each other and nod. Side by side, a mirror image of each other, they stretch out a hand toward the mighty dragon. The energy pulses between them, a terrible pressure and a rush of wind, and heat as the dragon roars again--
Yugi sits up in his bed with a start, gasping as his eyes fly open. His breath comes heavy as he looks quickly around himself, trying frantically to get his barings.
A dream.
A dream!
Of course that was just a dream.
He leans back against his pillow, taking, holding, and releasing a deep breath. He can feel his Other Self inside his heart, nothing seems to be wrong. He watches the glow of rainbow lights dance across his floor from the sky light window over his desk. It's pretty, calming....
"what is that light anyway?" he wonders aloud. "an aurora?"
He starts to close his eyes, to drift back off to sleep, to a more relaxing dream, before a suddeb realization has his heart leaping into his throat once again.
Domino City doesn't get auroras.
A monsterous roar from outside confirms his fears. Without another moment's hesitation, he bolts from the bed, grabbing the Puzzle, his phone, and his Duel Disk as he races down the stairs and outside, dressed in only his pajamas and jacket.
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graviconscientia · 16 days
It's been quiet. A calm that seems endless, longer than you've ever had at one time, one you should be so very grateful for. You aren't.
You keep track of the days. You keep track of the hours. You watch the moons shift in their phases, chart the stars as they move across the sky, monitor the shadows a blazing sun casts every day. Things move. Life moves. Planets, oceans, leaves, creatures, people, everything moves. You don't.
You have stayed in the same rooms for perigees, pacing the same hallways, locking eyes with the same photographs, the only changes in your surroundings coming as gifts from others. Tokens of affection from lovers and friends in the forms of food and flowers and fabric… Fine as they are, pieces you are grateful for, but is it enough? It isn't. You wouldn't dream of sounding unappreciative of any of them, but the hive you're holding onto is becoming a museum, full of artifacts of a lost life you're afraid to forget and a new life that you're afraid to live fully.
When you ran into the forest, you thought something would shift. You thought you could ask the the trees your questions, you thought they'd tell you the same things they always had: "you're safe here. this is home. this is where you need to be." They didn't. They offered their embraces, but they stayed silent. You ran to your dad, too, and hoped he'd have something for you. Hoped he'd have wisdom, or at least kindness: "you're safe here. this is home. this is where you need to be." But it didn't happen, not like that. Quiet rumblings, warmth that didn't quite reach your heart, words that didn't match what you thought you needed. What do you need? What are you missing?
You run to the ocean, you wait for something to happen while you stand at the waves' edges, watching the ships in the distance with narrowed eyes. It's dangerous to venture further than this, to test the waters so very literally, but you slip off your shoes, leaving them in the sand, and walk into the water, slow, measured, eyes kept upward even as you slip underneath the surface, listening to what the sea says to you. What do you do? What needs to change? All it says is: "you're safe here. this is home. this is where you need to be." But you know that's a lie. You leave, drenched, angry, frustrated you even asked, and more desperate than ever for an answer.
Nothing changes when you enter your home. The same silence you've become so used to greets you, the same emptiness fills every room and seeps into your lungs. It steals your voice. It steals your breath. It's quiet. You can't stand it.
Messages find you, and they manage to pull you out of the loop of madness you've made for yourself, even if their efforts are short-lived. Your heart softens for their writers, but your mind spends a little too much time with them. You talk of peace. You talk of calm. You talk of quiet, unearned.
"sometimes, peace is welcome. to have the time to be idle. to not have to do anything. it's good, isn't it?" "usually. i can appreciate quiet, but restlessness is usually what i get out of too much of it, yeah." "then we should do something about it."
You decide to do something about it.
You sent a letter, to Asidea, a few days ago. A short one, a frantic flash of words, written through lonely sobs for faces you miss so terribly, on a day where you felt your failures so acutely. There was no response, then. You don't deserve one, you know that. Still, you're trying again. Another letter, longer, with a pair of requests. You send it off, and sit by your transportaliser, waiting for hours. You're giving them three this time. It's terrifying to leave your coordinates unlocked for so long-- what if they come through in person? what if they make demands i can't meet? what if they pull me back before i'm ready to go?-- but you trust your children. You trust that they will not move until all of you are ready.
Before the three hours pass, there's a flash of green, and a box sits atop the transportaliser pad. It's unassuming, a brown box wrapped with a dark red ribbon. You are careful in unwrapping it, nervous that it is a trap laid by someone else, but it is exactly as you had hoped. It's from your children, only, with six letters inside. Your hands are delicate as you hold each sheet of parchment, all held far away from a face wet with tears as you read them. dear mama, they all start, and they all end the very same way. love, forever, always, from the moons and back and beyond. Five letters, written individually, and one penned by Virago with words from all of them. The last letter is heavier. The last letter answers both requests.
Inside the envelope is a stack of photographs, copies of originals kept in albums locked away, pictures of the life you left behind and the people still there. Selfies of your family that you managed to sneak in taking, candids of young people enjoying moments between duties and responsibilities-- Virago and Jagara doubled over and laughing in beautiful ballgowns, Perygl grinning by an arrow in a bullseye, Cyther Kaiser and Haakon smearing frosting on each others' faces, Izerti excitedly pointing to a book with her name printed along the bottom edge. More photos of them posing by statues, reading in nests of pillows, holding onto each other in snow, on shores, in sand, on sofas… And there you are, in some of them, pressing kisses to their cheeks, beaming proudly as you stand behind them… There are a few that you've never seen before: one has you looking out a window in your imperial regalia, another is of you giggling with your ex-husband in plainclothes, a third is one taken of the five remaining royals, all of them smiling warmly and holding each other tightly. The date is written on the back of it; it was taken six days ago. It was prepared for a day they knew mattered to you. It was prepared for their mother.
The photos were the first request, and if that was all they gave you, it would've been more than enough. But the second part was answered, and at the bottom of the envelope sits a ring, golden band with cut alexandrite atop it, exactly the same as it was 67 sweeps ago. You slide it on your finger gingerly, then press one of the gems. Slowly, you stand, and glance at your reflection in the mirror in the hallway. It still works. Your perception disruptor still works. There you are, human, with bright blue eyes surrounded by white, a shock of red hair, freckles and scars smattered across pink skin. This is not who you are, but it's what you asked for. An option. A change. A choice.
Everything that's been sent to you is returned to the box, brought to your room, and placed on your desk between a beautifully wrought dragon in a gardenia, and a tiny pillow with a crisp game-like module resting on it. Paper is pulled out of a desk drawer, and teal ink is drawn across it, letters swirled along with frenetic speed, a simple message dressed in verbosity. i love you. i miss you. please wait a little longer. i need more time. i want to see you soon. i promise, we'll be together again. somewhere, somehow. Folded carefully, sealed with wax, monogrammed on the back, you send it off, and you're quick to lock your coordinates. You fiddle with your necklace for a moment, eyes fixed upon the transportaliser, staring at the numbers you've input from memory.
You think this will be one of the last letters you need to send. You think, as well, this is one of the last times you will do this song and dance of scrambling your coordinates, of locking the doors behind you.
Something has to shift. Even in the quietest moments of life, everything moves. Now, you must too.
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nameless-brand · 1 year
@creepy-crowleys , @hulizi , @witchofthescions , @strikingskeletonsiege, @thetopben , @capucapo, @redeyesandchilifries
*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*
Eyyyy. Welcome to my small corner of the Tunglr blogosphere. I'm your gracious, amazing, beautiful host Sato. Hold your applause! 👏
That joke really doesn't work when they're no room for someone to chuckle, so you can't reply "but that's not the punchline?"
Anywaaay, I'm Sato. Nice to meet you all and hopefully in good health. And I guess my icebreaker question based on my recent activity would be "what is your favorite meme as of right now? And show one!"
Mine currently are creative "solutions" to the Trolley Problem:
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Musharna Mail!
Someone else's dream. It's not quite a nightmare...
You've been wandering the castle for hours. Grand hallways, polished black tile, endless rich tapestries and marble pillars. You can hear the sound of water running, like there's a fountain just around the corner. You should know this place like the back of your hand, but you must've taken a wrong turn somewhere, because nothing quite looks familiar.
You need to get back. You have duties to attend to–a child to care for. He's all alone again, he's been alone for too long, you need to check on him but you just can't find your way back. It was stupid to wander off–if you can just find someone they can point you back towards the throne room and you can find your way from there but there's nobody here.
The hallways all look the same. Beautiful. Cold and empty. The lights are bright, but never bright enough to make you forget you're underground.
You keep walking. You have to find your way back.
Had a few weird dreams last night. Guess it's better than my regular nightmares. Which, on second thought, I hope didn't go anywhere.
That castle... I was never in it. Didn't have any reason to be. But I think I have a sense of whose dream this is. Or at least a one-in-two guess, anyways. ...It must have been isolating down there, too.
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devondespresso · 1 year
the feminine urge to apply my weightlifting knowledge and dark heath buff past to every steddie post i see. one day it'll take over.
(spoiler alert, if you read the tags you'll find that it has, in fact, taken over)
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 3 months
Porygon says we're talking to the internet now? Hm. Well...
I'm worried about my humans. Anthea hardly shows her true pelt some days, and lately Concordia keeps dropping her illusions when she doesn't mean to, and N's so far away and was never any good at illusions at all... He has packmates of his own to protect him, though. The Storm of Ideals is strong, and Fog is swift and cunning. He'll be okay even though he's far from this pack.
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luckyfiona · 1 year
“ you can’t or you won’t? ”
                  ❝ ——  Oh. Hm. ❞
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                                          ( Uh-oh. )
Lawless Lucky talked a big game around the bonfire last night. She wasn't too oblivious to pick up on the fact that her being scandalized and upset by the boys' violent sides was beginning to grate on them. So, when all of the boys were talking about the gruesome things they'd like to do to the people who made their lives hard in The Other Place, she forced herself to laugh along, and even took the opening to spin a tale about how she was planning to poison her old employer's food. And, oh, those rotten pirates? Well, she would do the same to them if she had a chance.
So busy seizing on the moment, she didn't consider that she would actually have to put her money where her mouth was.
It would shatter the illusion of Neverland as her luxurious, peaceful, happily-ever-after paradise if she had to see any real carnage with her own two eyes, much less deal any of it herself. But here was dear Peter, ever the altruist, granter of all her wishes, suggesting she come along to their next raid of the Jolly Roger. Lucky's pretty sure he knows this is out of her comfort zone, if he's paid any attention to her — and he does, of course he does. Why else would he go through the trouble of bringing all of these troubled souls to the island if he didn't empathize and care about all of them, right? She can't imagine any motive but love and sympathy. — It's funny, considering how anxiously, meticulously sensitive she tries to be to his boundaries. There was something maybe endearingly boyish about his disregard for hers.
She reasons that she should be grateful for his investment in keeping things fresh and interesting. This is what a sensible, healthy relationship looked like, right? Balancing energies was a major tenet of Celtic magic— it was the key to harmony and prosperity. A passive, supportive person worked best with a person who was a little more... challenging. It would be too stagnant or too chaotic any other way. She gives a fond half-smile to her love, her true love, convinced he's only looking out for her best interests. She would find a way to explain to him that this doesn't really interest her... another time.
               ❝ Well, I suppose I would... ❞ 
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Lucky? Morally opposed to it? No sir, you've got the wrong lassie. You must be thinking of that prude from Chicago, Fiona Comisky, who used to dote and cry and sermonize Nate Larsen any time he got injured in a fight with some low-class brute he should've run away from. She had no qualms with clodhopping bullies who started barbaric fights. Didn't find it tasteless in the slightest.
She was opposed to tagging along for much more modest, supportive, team-playering reasons, to be certain. The same reasons why she declined Nate's offer to teach her how to use a bow and arrow: why would the Princess of Neverland get her dainty, dignified, not-at-all-labor-calloused hands dirty learning how to hunt when her boys got such a thrill out of slaying those innocent animals?
                ❝ But why bring a girl along to steal all of the attention?                        I'm not as strong or as sneaky as you. I may ruin the... Element of surprise. Or... distract everyone when they have to keep me out of harm's way. And there’s really— there's so much I could do back here. I thought I should make some sort of victory banquet for the boys to come back to. ......Besides... ❞
Lucky's fingers sidled over to his, tips brushing over his knuckles, as if timidly asking permission to show tenderness before making any sudden moves. Peter was a bit strange about physical touch. She could never tell if he was enjoying it, or if she maybe wasn't doing it right. When he didn't immediately swat her away, she gingerly placed her palms in his, intuitively careful not to scare him away like a baby deer too shy for human touch, or startle him like a scorpion ready to plunge a stinger into her at any moment. She has experience with his type. She has nothing if not patience and willpower to break through to them. She has hope that one day she'll be able to fully embrace him. If she's really as lucky as everybody says, maybe she'd be able to fully-fully "embrace" him.
                ❝ I love when you tell me all about your thrilling adventures. You get such this 𝓅𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓉𝓌𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓁𝑒 in your eye... It's the same one you had when you first found me— the one that I saw and thought, 'Oh, there it is: my 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫. At last, I can see it!' ❞ 
She boldly ventures to show a little more affection while she pleads, but not enough to push him too far, just enough to remind him that he can touch her back any time he's ready. (If he's rallying her to come out of her comfort zone, maybe this is a good time to encourage him to be a little more adventurous, too.) Her fingers, ever-so-lightly cupped over his hands, gently lace themselves into the spaces between his. She's not naïve enough to believe she's going to get out of raids forever. She just wants to experience feeling truly loved and close to him, just one time, before she has to see him at his absolute nastiest.
           ❝ Oh, Peter, won't you please let me see my 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 again when you fill me in later? ❞ 
( Won't you please let her be so lucky as to skip out on this? )
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lastcompact · 9 months
-eyebrow twitch -
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millenniumdueled · 9 months
the one at the crossroads.
questioning yourself again? well it's a hard choice is it not. you always decide you've made your mind but you seem to nevertheless return to this state of uncertainty. are you good or evil? dark or light alas? alas, I am not fit for such details in morality. In my slightly skewed sight of it, neither truly exist. they are but a mindset, but mindset or not, they still give you quite the anxieties hm? you are one who has lived in fear, your heart is hidden, and you don't know who to trust. you doubt you can even trust yourself. the caustic words of poisonous people have corroded into your skull. "you are evil. you are a monster. you are bad." well that is indeed a bunch of poppycock, mind my language, for the only one who may decide that is you.
my dear, you are torn between never allowing others to hurt the ways you hurt, and from running away from all who might harm you again, with gnashing teeth. you are a cornered animal who has been kicked by the ones it trusted. you do not know whether to trust again, for your mind is screaming, don't. but if I may, you can be both. it is not the question of whether you are good or evil, it is the question, what do I deserve and how might I reach that? you do not deserve pain, correct? so never chase that, instead kindly decline and flee from those like your past assailants, but trust the ones who you know are good. sometimes you will find people to be a messy combination of both pain and love, but so are you and I.
my advice is to simply be kind, but be willing to question. always question, always wonder. do not give away your heart on a silver platter my dear, it is worth far more than the sun himself, but don't fail to allow healing. you deserve good things in life. so as you stand between two roads, walk between the third you just now have noticed. life seems to be made of entirely preposterous choices, but if you look close enough, you'll reveal the right ones that are normally hidden from sight. breathe my dear, things will be well. trust yourself, and carve your own path.
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graviconscientia · 6 months
>You can't remember the last time you moved this quickly. You can't remember the last time you've been this scared.
>Medical kit, he said. Bloody, he said. I am not afraid of blood, you said.
>You held back But I am terrified of losing you.
>You don't even think about what you look like, only making sure you put your hair up. Blood. He's hurt. Be sterile. Hair out of my eyes. Wash everything. Stitches. I can do that. It's going to hurt him. I have to do that. He's conscious. Was he not? How long? What happened? Does it matter?
>You grab the kit he mentioned from the kitchen, then move to the bathroom, where he said he'd be. You told him not to move. It was a coin toss if he listened. He did. And he was right. He was bloody.
>Memories flash through your vision-- soldiers covered in every colour, violet seeping into your floorboards, your own teal dripping from your shoulder, your waist, your face, teenagers with sour expressions and wounded pride and shallow injuries-- as soon as you see his gold splattered every which way. The wings that he has sprouted are an afterthought; he is bleeding, and you must make it stop. He needs help, and he asked you. You won't fail him.
>It's quiet, how you approach him, soft in your speech, and gentle in your touches to his hair. Everything will be fine, you say. Everything is going to be alright, my love. Your heart is in your throat, and you feel tears burning your eyes. But this is not time for tears, and there is no room for fear, and you will not leave until you have fixed what you can. So you clean your hands, keep them light against such fragile skin, warm water and soft cloth washing away blood and sweat. You wrap the base of his new extremities in gauze, extremely careful in wiping his feathers of viscera, brows furrowed as you listen for any sort of discomfort. There can't be any more. You will not be a source of it.
>You're methodical, checking his back, his arms, every bit of him that you can see. Perhaps, if you focus on the task, and not how it makes you feel, you'll be able to hold it together. Just until he can't see you. In the silence, as you brush his hair away from his forehead, and hold fast to his hand, you wonder how frightened he must've been, how much pain he's faced today, and why, of all people, he contacted you first.
>But those, you think, are questions for another day. For now, you sit on the bathroom floor with Davyd, watching, waiting, wishing that he never suffers like this again.
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capucapo · 10 months
(( continued from here. consider this an epilogue lollll. no dueling here, just a summary of it and then the aftermath. not super long !!! I promise!!
Seto Kaiba @blueeyesking , me as Noa, Mokuba, and the Yugis. Wyatt @seashaper , Hika @nameless-brand , and Pyre as Joey @redeyesandchilifries ))
[ Noa explains the Deck Master system, allows Seto to choose his and then shuffle. The rooftop arena falls away as volcanos rise from the void instead, an ocean of lava surrounding them, confining each Duelist to a small, stone platform as the cages containing their friends hang overhead
Noa also explains that he was born, that he was Created, weak and sickly. That Gouzaburo deemed him too frail to ever hope to run Kaiba Corp, had hidden him from the public eye out of shame.
As they Duel, that scenery changes with the cards that Noa plays. When he activates Giant Flood, a massive wave overtakes the field, washing away the lava as Noa babbles on about the Seven Days of Creation. A great ship rises from the tides, and Noa announces the arrival of his deck master, Shinato's Ark.
And Noa had vowed to prove his father wrong, to make him proud. He worked hard and studied hard and pushed himself hard to refute his place as heir.
From oceans to dense jungles and fields where dinosaurs roam, his Seven Turn prediction seems to liken the biblical legends to the more scientific phases of the Earth's natural history. Meteors rain from the sky, and the jungles freeze, ushering in the ice age.
So hard that his body finally gave out, just as Gouzaburo had finally seen some spark of potential in him.
As the ice age melts away to reveal lush, open fields of grass, Noa's confidence never wavers.
He explains the virtual system that his consciousness was transferred into. The virtual world that had been designed by the newly adopted heir of their company, as a final project of sorts to prove his own worth. A training simulator developed for the US Military, but Gouzaburo had found a different way to utilize its advanced technology.
The fields decay, turning to concrete below the Duelists' feet as Domino City rises up around them once more, Kaiba Corporation growing and towering behind Noa.
Noa explains that with his mind digitized, he was able to rapidly gain knowledge and information from both Gouzaburo's systems and the expanse of the internet. That he had run a million and a half simulations within his little world that showed how Kaiba Corporation could become the most powerful company on the planet-- it would only take a World War significantly reducing the planet's population! From there, he would rebuild as he alone saw fit. Ruling the new world as its God, as its Creator.*
Or its destroyer.
Even with all the assets that Seto had sunk into the ocean, Noa bets he could destroy the earth in, mmm 31 days.
He gets cocky though. For all his planning, for all of his deckmaster's ability to raise his lifepoints, to render the graveyards useless, Noa makes one tiny miscalculation.
He had anticipated Seto's Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. After all, he'd summoned it against his own little brother. What he hadn't anticipated was the Dragon's Rage trap card, allowing Seto to inflict piercing damage with those hits. With nothing left in the graveyard, Noa suddenly finds himself losing control of the situation. But he puts his hand on his hip, smirking still as he looks up smugly through his thick eyelashes.
Until the second the attack hits, and his lifepoints drop to zero.
And finally, Noa's eyes go wide with the bitter realization.
He had hoped to use Mokuba at this exact moment. To summon up the baby brother at his beck and call, to stop Seto's attack in its place and buy him the time he needed to perfect his Creation strategy. But enraged by the betrayal, he had locked Mokuba up so tightly, even he would need to run the necessary processes to summon the teenage shield again. And even then, would it work?
That card's already been played.
Noa shakes with rage as his LifePoints hit zero. But his legs give way, as do the cages that hold the Kaibas' friends. He collapses to his knees, all his confidence and boasting shattered like glass ]
Rook didn't see the duel, or the shifting landscape around them. All they saw were the bars, the shouts of declared attacks drowned out by echoed screaming and burning pain. Shortly, they slide down the bars behind them to huddle on the floor of the cage, eyes fixed blankly on nothing as they sink into their helpless memories.
Seto takes the victory; the cage vanishes and Rook tumbles to the semi-real ground, the impact knocking them out of their trauma-trapped trance and making them gasp, hand reaching for their clasp again. The sorcerer blinks back into the moment at the seemingly positive outcome and shakily pulls to their feet, too dazed to taunt the villain and his loss, unfortunately, but looking around to make sure everyone is okay, or..at least not actively in danger, in Tristan's case.
Seto turns to see Mokuba's friends and Yugi's troupe fall, not even giving Noa the respect of facing him in his defeat. Noa knows the Kaiba family attitude toward Loss. He searches the sky for his brother, who surely also should have been released...
[ From where he kneels, broken, eyes wide in shock still, Noa begins to laugh. Some quiet, hollow, detached chuckle that builds and builds, until the fallen Kaiba is laughing hysterically, sitting back on his knees and head turned up to the sky. ]
Seto quickly snaps his attention back to Noa.
"What are you laughing at?!"
[ Noa's eyes fall to the side, staring at Seto with a manic smile, his head still thrown back.
"You might have beaten me... but... you still lose, Seto. You know what happens to losers in our family... But... there's only one way that I can truly die..... The countdown is already set. Do you really think... You can find Mokuba and a way out before this facility sinks? In only 25 minutes, Seto...?" ]
Seto's eyes narrow at Noa, and he bares his teeth, barely suppressing the urge to heel-stomp the blue-haired, arrogant child. He would be a child for the last 25 minutes of his life, and know he had lost... Seto doesn't need to stoop so low as to add true injury to this loss. But he still strongly considers it.
"Yes, I believe we can. You'll die here, Kaiba Noa- known by few, having left no mark on the world or your family's legacy. But we will live on and make it better than you could ever have dreamed... unless you had been anyone but Kaiba Gouzaburo's son."
Seto crosses the street to approach the Yugis, and stands calmly as their friends gather, before speaking.
"This boy doesn't have a creative script in his code; I'm certain he's keeping Mokuba in KC Tower still. Likely at the top, where he could force him to watch our Duel. Once we rescue Mokuba, he and I should be able to work with this old system to free us all, somehow; we'll work out the details when he's safe. Agreed?"
Immediately upon being freed, the two Yugis had frantically occupied themselves with checking in on their friends. Yugi had gone to Rook, who had seemed especially distressed by the cages, and Levant and Téa who had landed nearby. While his Other Self had rushed to the side of Joey, Tristan, and Duke, where their cages had fallen on the opposide end of the arena.
But they both step away from the rest of their friends as Seto approaches, Yugi's sympathetic expression softening. The Other One gives him a respectful nod.*
"Agreed. I don't trust that Noa's out of tricks yet, we should all stay together and move quickly. Lead the way, Kaiba. The rest of us will support you however we can."
High above the scene below, somewhere in the towering Kaiba Corporation Headquarters, Mokuba sits alone on a concrete floor, in a dark stone dungeon. Chains restrict his wrists and ankles as he stares at the floor with an unfocused gaze.
He knows this prison. It's the same dark cell that Pegasus had trapped him in. But this time the iron cuffs fit a little too tightly, biting into his skin. The chains are a little too short, preventing him from moving more than a few inches, rather than the couple feet that Pegasus had granted him.
He had seen the Duel. Most of it, at least. Projected against the wall opposite where he sat in chains, Mokuba had watched, listened as Noa explained his origin to Seto.
When the video had first gone dark, it had filled the teenager with hope. Last he saw, Seto had made what he thought must be the final attack against Noa. He had cheered! But the metal cuffs didn't relent. Mokuba hadn't yet been freed.
And so all he could do was sit, and stare at the ground of his cell. Wondering, hoping, distressing, panicking. Accepting the worst.
Maybe Noa had won after all.
Maybe this is how he would die. Alone and cold, abandoned by both brothers and friends alike.
It's my fault, he thinks. It must be. If he were stronger, smarter, better. Maybe he wouldn't get kidnapped again. Seto must be so disappointed... If he's even still alive.
Mokuba wants to hug his knees to his chest, but the chains won't even give him that.
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nameless-brand · 11 months
📑 (THOUGH I UNDERSTAND if youd rather not since they haven't talked a whole lot yet)
Kalim al-Asim - oasis-makcr
Kalim al-Asim is a student at Night Raven College, which is likely a prestigious school given Kalim's personal identity and further descriptions of it. He is the heir of a founding family, which is part of the Sultanate / government. Beyond the initial contact and some reply and answer interactions, we have not interacted all that much, though the stuff I do know is interesting.
I suppose that's what happens when we throw 5+ paragraph replies at each other.
It is unclear if Night Raven College is at the Scalding Sands (where his family is located) or a different location altogether. All I know is that the college sounds prestigious, for powerful folk simply do not send their heir to a second-class place.
Just the name of a single class of their school suggests to the degree of how much their Magic has been made into a Science: "Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic: Changes and Comparisons." Most magic from what I've read on Tunglr is taught in terms of broad topics - Abjuration, Elementalism, etc. Something hyperspecific like that suggests that there's a genuine effort to understand how magic works. It's hard to determine how advanced the coursework is using my own world's education system, given I don't know Kamil's age, but the fact Kamil was in a class called Practical Magic at the time and his friend Jamil (assuming closeness in age) is in the earlier mentioned class suggests this AHA likely is closer to an elective class of the same grade level.
The fact that magic can be fused into technology also suggests advancements in turning magic into a science. He also mentions having a laptop and batteries, so the technological level is equivalently modern-age technology - whether they have microchips or a magic equivalent is hard to tell.
Part of this development may be related to the fact that magic seems to be relatively common when compared to the presence meta-humans of my world. Assuming Kamil's family is representative of the total population, 1 in 35 is close to 3% of the population.
The presence of Blot - some sort of corrupting force - is a strange factor when it comes to the usage of magic though. The name sounds like it stems from the presence of Ink. Which makes me wonder if the whole Magic being associated with language is related to the generation of Blot as Ink is like the written word. There's little data though - I can't be drawing conclusions from the name of a classroom and a cursory explanation of magic.
Kamil sounds like a kind kid?young adult?adult. It's hard to discern his age. There is an immaturity there, but there is also a core of steel hidden underneath it. He knows that indentured servitude is wrong but doesn't have the means right now to change it - and is willing to change it when he is finally at the family's head.
I doubt the power transition will be peaceful. He's too passive. One might argue too kind. I suspect his bad time in RSA - which likely is another academy - stems from those two things. Someone was likely causing trouble for him, and he didn't respond because he seems like the type to endure things when it comes to himself.
Assuming he is as open in his world as in Tumblr (bad assumption but you never know), the troublemakers were likely smart enough not to target other people or his friends because that would be counterproductive to showing Kamil as weak - since he will likely respond - and show what a great ally you get by befriending him. He probably got moved to Night Raven College, both as a way to keep him safe and to make connections.
He is not very confident. Or at the very least unwilling to accept compliments.
Writing style overall is casual with an emphasis on conveying his emotions through writing. There are plenty of variety in punctuation marks and ellipses.
The consideration here is to figure out how to keep him alive during the likely shaky transition in power. Given that I am not a magical spaghetti monster that has the power to cross worlds, what I can actually offer is limited.
Given that he's in the equivalent of a boarding school, he was likely given enough money to show off his wealth but not enough to actually make proper investments.
As for advice, I feel "you're too nice" or "you need to be more suspicious of people" is rarely wanted or even useful. It won't change his inherent nature, and frankly it's an unpalatable option for me.
The best thing to do is to increase his circle of friends, whether it be from his world or from Tunglr. More friends mean more options. Just as he can make up for what they lack, they can make up for what he does, especially since there are far more ruthless people in this world than there are kind.
He is likely in a way more valuable to his friends than his friends are to him in that regard.
Kindness is just as good a weapon as cruelty; that is because most people believe in reciprocation. You show me kindness, I'll show you kindness. You show me enmity, I'll show you enmity. Showing kindness to the right person can make you a loyal ally for life; showing cruelty to the wrong person can make you an eternal enemy. Starting off with kindness first also gives one the ability to take off the psychological breaks afterwards; this is why every organization that is trying to root out traitors will offer genuine mercy first - because once that offer is declined, they can kill any traitor on the basis that they gave them a chance.
Anyway, I digress. I do believe that making friends is likely the intent of his father sending him to school in the first place.
Negotiation Considerations:
Bullying tactics honestly. Show overwhelming confidence and power with a slightly raised voice. Aggressive body language such as leaning in, bared teeth grin, etc. If my read is correct, so long as the negotiation isn't for other people and just involves him personally, he'll probably won't be able to negotiate well, heir to a merchant family aside.
Of course, I could be smacked by a hidden depths scenario, but that's the sort of thing I'll probably be able to pick up by a meet-up in person.
Anyway, if the negotiation is for other people, bullying tactics will likely backfire badly. He likely will negotiate with someone else rather than deal with someone who threatens his friends. So instead, play the part of the ally.
Logical arguments will probably be a more potent weapon on him - I suspect he may be conditioned to accept them - I doubt I'm the only one he told his aspirations to help his indentured servants too, and those people would likely beat those ideas down with their so-called logic.
Strawman arguments - mischaracterizing his arguments - takes advantage of his inherent hesitation. Bandwagon arguments will likely do the same - the whole "this has been done for x amount of time, or do you have a solution then?" - if he's not doing anything right now while feeling so strongly about his beliefs, he's likely the type who wants to have a perfect solution first.
Maybe getting a proper list of logical fallacies may help him. At least give him a better idea of when someone argues in bad faith aka not intending to win through their argument but other means.
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namelesschurch · 11 months
Weekly notes 6/30/2023:
Lev: Been testing Impose with the assistance of Sylph. Results have not been promising; admittedly, seeing her fail makes me feel a little relieved. The moment Lev starts really finding a direction in earnest is likely the moment she'll probably be getting into a lot of danger. I haven't really mentioned Crow to her, though she'll probably be reappearing in the next week...I should probably warn her.
Chi: Still do not get her unusual drive for school. Why school specifically? She does not seem to understand her own reasons or just doesn't want to tell me. I'm hoping school doesn't disappoint her...
Kris: His godhood is unusual in the sense that he retains his human characteristics. Usually, gods embody a concept such as rage or order - etc - and are usually engulfed by it. Just goes to show that the multiverse makes things different.
He however can still get bored, tired, listless, etc. Not sure what I have to offer - other than letting him go ham here. And though he does enjoy hanging out with Chi and Lev, it's probably not -fulfilling- he mentioned he likes to feel useful - probably to feel like his extraordinary powers - and potential suffering to get it- had purpose. I mean, I guess letting him deal with crime here would be useful - even if he's restricted by the World Boundary here, he still has the experience and technically can't die for real. It's not like this is the world I knew anymore, and the circumstances that led to the first timeline imploding are not present anymore.
Stupid Radiance. Stupid Dream.
Madison Ruarc (note the name change): He seems to be doing better after encountering two annoying bits of anonymous magic, which is concerning. Is he being targeted because he is an angel or is it something else entirely? The second one seems to be particularly ill-intended/problematic requiring someone else that I cannot recall off the top of my head to partially halt the effects.
He is currently living with some sort of entity known as Sarandiel - or at least was in the same room at one point - they seem non-hostile. What is of concern is that it does not seem that Mads may have his place of work anymore, which he seems to derive happiness and comfort from. He also doesn't like being off-world so-to-speak. Maybe create something that doesn't really require a time requirement here - like an animal shelter here with his assistance welcome as needed?
Chi seems to have already attracted another dog to the Inn on her walk with Lev. So we now have a chicken, 2 ducks, 2 dogs, and two cats (even if one of them is a ghost).
Random note, I am just going to admit this in the privacy of my own head.
I think it is an utter shame Gotham did not employ the Nameless City's stance on dog killers.
Erna: Met one of her friends online, Tataru. From the sound of it, considerations would likely have to be modified since it sounds like there's someone on it. As expected Scions is a close-knit group. Learning Erna having the capability to fight the equivalent of gods in her world is also surprising. Seems to be straining herself in regard to her comatose friends though if convo with Crowley is any indicator.
Crowley: Continues to deal with the hivemind algae thing. Lack of online presence is likely secondary to that. Her plan is interesting in that there's a way to somehow restrict said algae thing to make it seem like it is an ordinary, if probably toxic (red algae blooms?) algae. Makes me wonder how many supernatural things are being hidden in plain sight.
Hermes / saintworks: Still not sure how the "Datalight" went past the World Boundary, still theorizing. He is currently finding a new planet? to inhabit. What's left of his company after the attack seems to be a whole bunch of misfits and malcontents that are working together for the mutual sake of survival and potential new business.
Not quite sure how to approach, given Datalight for some odd reason passes through the World Boundary for no reason. The whole "don't want to draw attention until I figure out what's going on" to the "I can't figure out this person who bounces between rational and guns-glazing" to the whole "cross between AI and human body with some sort of very high-level technology that can pass as magic in any other world.
At least his cafeteria sounds decent. And they have food and housing. Safety, not so much.
Bruce / something-in-the-wayne: Upon my review of the dashboard later at night, he suddenly got very serious when talking to a kid that seemed like she was self-destructing and apparently entering into a dangerous situation. Probably because he's a father himself.
Other than that, not much changes other than some interesting advice from his own perspective as starting out with his inherited company. Which is useful. Unions could be used as a means to deal with annoying shareholders - the problem is I don't have any shareholders for them to deal with. Still cross-training is an interesting concept. No one really aspires to be a grocer after all. I can believe Farmer, but...grocer...Anyway.
And apparently he started using Grindr? again?
Not much happening on his front.
Nata: She seems to be healing from the wound she received (cracked horn) from Damara. And whatever aches and pains she's been feeling - perhaps just from a strenuous day - it seems that even deity / near-deities can still have aches and pains, though Kris also does prove that. Seems like Hermes can port things to her world too. She seems to be doing fine hopefully.
She does singing, which is interesting, though it does not seem like often enough - and the act itself has a special meaning to her.
Yugi: Introductions with Sarandiel have revealed some more of his hobbies, though the favoring of analog games over video games is expected. Seems to be more of a social creature, willing to do more things outside of his comfort level, if his friends are around. Friendship seems to be a big thing with Yugi - companionship and all that. This is assumed to be the main Yugi and not the other Yugi.
Clarification on the "Island Sinking." - so Yugi is not as dangerous as Lev made out. Lev made me believe that Yugi summoned a monster in a duel that accidentally took out the island with it - either that or this was just her exaggerating, which is likely.
Siege - strikingskeletonsiege - Backtracking on the dashboard - was likely one of the sources for Chi picking up the Flesh Suit thing. Also of note, Siege knows Nata - at least assumed given how he commented how Nata gets really stupid anons. He has a very lively personality as seen in his introductions with other people.
Lex Luthor - Earth-3 :: An interesting note that Lex has dill-emma's father's phone number - and used it to make sure dill-emma would be retrieved safely from a Joker (clowningachievement). Not much to report on this front though beyond that. He does note himself to be primarily doing meta-gene research and biology? except the way it was put like there's a supernatural element to it.
Lee (ultra-rage) - Well, his username matches his demeanor to say the least. Sounds like Lex really has a handful with him - sounds like that Ultraman (father?) really made a very bad impact on him. Superpowers and being easily provoked are not a good combination unfortunately.
Provocation seems to primarily stem from the feeling of being mocked? Or pointlessness. There's just a lot of disproportionate aggravation with his interactions involving dill-emma.
Has a soft side with Dove. Guess every lid has its pot.
Nightwing - slightlylessdarkknights - Haven't interacted much beyond the initial encounter. Seems to share a universe with thedarkestknight? and maybe kalkalicious? The times he is on, I suspect he is on patrol in the city as a superhero. Has an interesting mindset when at work - that everyone can be redeemed, and I'm assuming he is someone who will not kill another criminal.
His post (assuming again about dill-emma who is the inciting force of this week) is likely referencing her about how he cannot stand being drowned out by someone else. He doesn't like people who don't listen.
Ember and Jack - emberoops and cyberneticlagomorph - Linked due to the interaction. It is interesting that Ember works for Jack in some sort of "desk?" job. And that Ember gets PTO for an unspecified surgical procedure - or maybe it was specified and I missed it. But apparently he can divide into multiple bodies with a shared? consciousness - does having one part work and three part recreation memories lower the strain due to the proportion or amount of time lived?
As for Jack, apparently a somewhat lax boss who gives decent PTO. The kids are interesting, especially Egg who seems to be like in the terrible twos stage or something but perpetually. Jack is managing though. His world is especially interesting too - the Moon producing milk? Talk of fae, etc.
Miscellaneous: I'd been under the impression that Grindr is a branch of the Tinder dating website. I am technically correct. It is a dating site, but it is one that caters to the LGBTQ+ community. This explains Bruce's, while maintaining some level of jovial, somewhat taunting / somewhat "shame on you" posts.
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