#[[visible ooc]]
ask-the-rag-dolly · 5 months
you know i think the only thing that will bring light into the unending void that is my life at this point is to have the ragatha cardboard cutout in the japanese tadc pop-up store which is located in tokyo , shinjuku marui annex . i'll give it a nice warm home in my oven
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whosayscrimedoesntpay · 2 months
((I'm learning how to darn holes! I'm tired of wearing through my clothes quickly because of my work boots or thick thighs, so I'm finally learning how to properly darn a hole. First vs second attempt, and I think I'm already getting the hang of this!))
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pierced-princess · 5 months
I’m a lesbian
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Because if the old bastard dies, Jude's not sure what he'll do.
Right on cue, Marc steps inside, baseball cap pulled low over his brow, his scarred hand tucked into his pocket. He orders a beer and smacks Jude on the shoulder affectionately.
"Good to see you, boy."
He glances at Laertes, looking faintly suspicious.
"Who's the new kid?"
"I'm Laertes! Pleasure to meetcha." A vaguely amused expression takes up her face. She's less and less sure of who this man actually is or how he knows Jude, and he finds the growing weirdness and confusion hilarious.
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
((yeah sorry I have to be the one to make this post but I saw some shit a minute ago that I need to fucking address))
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((to all the minors reading this post, let me make something 1000% clear:
If an adult wants to do even mildly sexual roleplay with you and insists that they'll "stop if they go too far", that is predatory behavior. "Too far" is an adult knowingly roleplaying sexual content with a minor full fucking stop. You, as a minor, cannot give consent to an adult, and any adult that insists you can is a predator.
@ask-uwu-gurl has nuked all of the sexual RPs with Devi from her blog since being called out for this shit by other community members so I really don't have anything more than this to show you but let me be clear: this is not a safe person for minors to be interacting with. This is what a predator looks like.
To all the adults in the community: please keep an eye out for this stuff. This was happening in public and it took all day for anyone to catch on. If you want to RP suggestive content between other adults in the community, that's fine. Keep it properly tagged, don't let minors engage with it. Basic courtesies. But it's our responsibility as community members to make sure this shit stays between adults. Check ages before engaging in sexual content with another blog, and if you see an adult engaging in sexual content with a minor, call that shit out immediately. Do not let it go unseen or unnoticed. Do not be a bystander to a predator in broad daylight.
sincerely, I am so goddamn tired.))
((UPDATE: in case you were wondering if it could get worse: it can! These DMs were sent long before this post was made:
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((thank you @midnightclover btw for sharing this
so yeah! she was called out on it previously and still did it! don't let her back into the community she is a confirmed predator this isn't just a silly little misunderstanding she's actively and knowingly roping kids into sexual roleplay.))
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funarisjournal · 29 days
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My mind keeps wandering back to this frame. It's just so funny to me. This is the quietest, most passive "No wait, this isn't what I wanted." reaction I've seen lmao
We all know it works out in the end, and they have that really important talk the next episode, but at that moment...Kasuga was definitely having a "not according to plan" moment once Nomoto started talking about vegetables 😅
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
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idk why I thought of this cute drawing crossover idea for pride month but fuck it ! and it’s understandable if you can’t do it but pls take care of ya self !
Kim Pine swimming underwater in a blue aquatic doodle background alongside the Bull Shark Pup aka the shark protagonist from the game Maneater and Kim be casually normally petting its snout while sneakily finding it cute as it nuzzles intelligently back with its snout.
and the Bull Shark Pup has cute waterproof lgbt lesbian flag blanket wrapped around its dorsal fin
and be equally nuzzling it’s snout against Ramona Flower while she was scuba diving allowing her to gently feel the bull shark pup’s. damaged scarred dorsal fin and sneakily use a underwater camera to take picture of its cute unknown existence.
Details: the ref images I sent were to help show what Kim Pine and Ramona Flowers wear while underwater and the in game design of the Bull Shark Pup.
Kim Pine be casually holding her breath underwater cause she can and secretly skilled at it. While wearing a green teal style long sleeved zip swimsuit and red diving mask on her face with a snorkel mouthpiece attached to it. and wearing pair of black red diving flippers.
Ramona Flowers would also secretly dye her hair in the Bull Shark Pup’s unique red blue colour pattern after finding out about its existence and it surviving in a public swimming pool due to Kim Pine discovering it first normally.
While Ramona be wearing a black blue short sleeved zip wetsuit diving flippers and diving mask on her face with a scuba tank on her back
while Ramona breaths from the scuba regulator oxygen mouthpiece in her mouth while holding gently onto a underwater waterproof camera.
i still don’t know why I came up with this and sorry for bothering with this cute idea but pls remember to take care of yourself and have safe day or night !🦈🤿🪸🏳️‍🌈🫧🎸
wow you came prepared
Yeah, bit too much detail/elaboration for me to really do- especially given I haven't played or seen much gameplay for Maneater just yet- BUT! I did do some sketches based on/around what you've given me here!
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+bonus Scott doodle because that's genuinely how I think he'd react to the hair colors shfkshdkfhe
(And here's just the shark, in case anyone wants it- although I will note that it's blown up to fit the canvas, so sorry if that nerfed the quality.)
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robert-modification · 6 months
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happy trans day of visibility!
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2018wattpaduser · 2 years
Simm!Master: *sits at the table* *puts head down* AAAAAAAHHAHHA
Simm!Master: *stands up* starts walking around* AAAAHAHAA
Simm!Master: *lays down to the ground* AAAAAAHAHAAA
Ten: What are you doing?
Simm!Master: Officially, it's called "visible suffering".
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ace-the-fox · 23 days
Hcs of Mpreg latter (howdy’s brother) of Mpreg beeya (howdy’s brother in law and seeya husband)
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Hi!!! Sorry, FINALLY getting to these. Thought I'd stick them together because they both involve the same character in some way lol.
I couldn't find all that much on them bar from Tumblr, and I also haven't actually been following Welcome Home in AGES lmao, but I have some notes and some art to make up for it :D
(Cba to find my banner but, as always, ⚠️SFW INTERACTION ONLY⚠️)
He looks grumpy, but he's excited I promise :)
Latter Pillar
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He's just busy coming up with a sophisticated, poetic baby name lol
From what I can tell, he seems a bit... left out in the family. He hopes starting a new one will make him feel less lonely :)
He's hoping for a girl, but it doesn't really matter <3
Beeya and Seeya
(Pretty sure they canonically have twins lol)
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Seeya gets big baby brain lol. For the last few months, she spends it doing the nursery, buying baby clothes, thinking up names.
Beeya's happy too, ofc, but twin pregnancy is draining and sometimes it is a bit... much
She rubs his sore back in return, so it's not all bad lol
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kotaromita · 10 days
Open Thread
Kotaro's thin eyebrows twitch nervously in the dressing room mirror, conflicted seeing himself in the outfit suggested to him. The way it fit his body, the skin it showed—was it too much?
He had only recently started to experiment a little more with how he dressed, given he was pretty picky with the genre of street fashion he wore. Having someone else choose for him was a surefire way to get him wearing something outside that comfort zone. But seeing his exposed forearms and collarbones made him wary.
Even so, he felt obligated to show them how he looked given they'd given him their assistance in the first place. So he steps out from behind the curtain. "So, does it suit me?"
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bravevolunteer · 25 days
i DO think teenage michael should get picked up by the scruff by the way ( literally or metaphorically ) ( in the holding him back from being an idiot or adopting him way. or both. )
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graviconscientia · 3 months
It was a ritual. Every Sunday night, you'd sit at your vanity, curling your hair, painting your lips red, making yourself as beautiful as possible. From there, you'd wait for a message from your beloved, with as much patience as you possessed, and once you received it, you'd dress yourself in green (to match his eyes) and send yourself across time and space to fall into his arms. He gave you every one of his Mondays for as long as he could, and you were so happy to have them. Every week, the same coordinates, the same giddiness, the same promise of a future together.
You never forgot those rituals. Not then, not for 66 sweeps, and not now.
There had been an uneasiness creeping through your bones, unhappiness in every fiber of you, and a sickening longing that was leading you to dangerous questions, and even more perilous answers. You've been lucky enough to fall in love so quickly, and to have the opportunity to tend to such wondrous loves. You know this. You know that this is good fortune, unearned. It will end. You hope it won't, you know it will. After all, your luck in love has run out before. You lost three breathtaking, brilliant, once-in-a lifetime loves in one go. It could happen again.
And those loves that you held for so long (and still. still.) remained tethered to you, your heart holding onto them by a single thread, thinner than a strand of hair, frayed in many places, but never broken. Kanaya had spoken of holding candles-- wax-wicked lights, she called them-- for the people she loved that vanished from her life, just like you had. To hold so many, she said, was exhausting, but she had done it. And you had done the same. Three candles, still alight, still burning bright, but for how long?
For each of those loves, you've decided to find them, to follow every trail to its end. Kanaya. Rufioh. Theodore. There is no moving on until you know what happened to each of them. This was not decided overnight, though. You have been planning on doing this since the first night of The Unbinding. The moment you were separated, you began your search. Coordinates were written down daily to prevent forgetting, lists of locations were created for when you regained your freedom, questions were asked of scholars and sorcerers and scientists. These were the rituals you did when you could not perform others.
Kanaya had provided to be the simplest search. She was exactly where you left her, and had moved so far from where you had seen her last. Seven years. A little over three sweeps. She said it was nothing in comparison to 143 years. Perhaps, but you didn't feel that way. Seven years is a long time to hold space for someone, to keep the flame of a candle burning. She still speaks with kindness and humour and enough of a bite to remind others what she's capable of, still shines like the stars you wished on every night, but her eyes are tired, her voice is sharper, her heart is far more battered. Part of it is because of age. Part of it is your doing. And for that, you will spend the rest of your life working to repair what you ruined.
Rufioh was next, a search that led you across planets and timelines, doomed and dead and desperate to find him. Night after night, you bounced from location to location, finding pieces and clues he'd left behind. A name, a scrap of fabric, a memory in someone else's mind. On one planet, the Summoner was stoking the flames of rebellion, on another, he hadn't been seen for eons. He was with a large group of rowdy men here, a dangerous woman in blue there, but never long enough to spot him, never long enough to know he's alright. The last planet you follow him to, they tell you they know the name, they know the face, but they haven't been able to track him down either. You use your last resort then and there, a bracelet with trans-dimensional travel capabilities, one that connects you to the person and not to a place. When you hold the bracelet against a pulse point to use it, you close your eyes and think of him. You remember his beautiful stained glass wings, his cocksure smile, his laugh, his kindness, his passion, every wonderful bit of him you've kept in your heart for ages, and you hope the bracelet will bring you right to him.
When you open your eyes, you are back in your room, holding a shirt of his that he left in your room many moons ago. The tears that pour from your eyes, your heart, stain his gorgeous rust with teal. You wail his name for hours, but it doesn't bring him back to you. It never will.
The last is Theodore, and he proves to be the most difficult. Kanaya and Rufioh are trolls-- wherever they were wouldn't be all too alarmed by your appearance. But Theodore is human… Human in a time before trolls have made their presence known. Human in a city with many eyes and just as many dangers for those who have never been before. But you have. You went every Sunday night. Still, you had to wait for one key component. When your children send you your perception disruptor-- a ring of alexandrite and gold, one that cloaks your appearance to the naked eye-- you have all you need to begin.
You ask before you move, if anyone has been to New York City recently. You ask, too, if anyone is willing to accompany you. (you frame it as a date for current lovers. you do not tell anyone that you might not be brave enough to face past lovers on your own.) The answers are all kind, and you are struck with guilt when you understand how genuine they are, and how none of it matters when you have enough nerve to go it alone.
The first evening was for information. Does the city still stand? What are the people like now? Are Roxy and Rose around? What about Arthur English? Does he still live where you used to visit every Monday? Does he still live? You walk through the Upper East Side, trying to push through the haze of memories to stay on task, to make sure your mission is completed. But you find yourself grabbing a meal in a diner you used to frequent (and take just one coffee to go, not two), you change your path to pass by a brownstone that had grown beautiful pansies years ago (and still does), you wander into a bookstore that you had been regulars at (and find that Dr. Theodore Scratch is writing biographies of New York mobsters now, and signed a few copies for purchase. you do not hesitate in buying one that has his signature inside). To walk around the city like this, it's so easy. It's just like you remember. It's just like you would do on Mondays. But it's not the same. Your left hand is empty. And even in the summer, the city is so much colder without Theodore next to you.
The next evening, with nerves steeled and bravery threatening to flutter right out of your throat, you sit at your vanity, curling your hair, painting your lips red, making yourself as beautiful as possible. Just like before, you check how you look as a troll, then switch to see what others will perceive. You haven't changed the settings on your perception disruptor in 66 sweeps; your human appearance is fair-skinned with freckles, bright orange-red hair, and blue eyes with just a touch of green. The scars on your skin and the grey in your hair still show, but so does the red on your lips. You don't wait for a message before you slip on your dress (green, to match his eyes) and grab a wax-sealed letter before sending yourself to coordinates you never forgot, ones that place you outside of a high-rise, on steps where you frightened a group of drunken young girls with your troll visage and had to be rescued by him once, where you stumbled on the way up and fell into his arms rather often, where you kissed each other on the very top step hundreds of times.
It's still the same. You know everything has changed, but the building still stands. His name is still on the buzzer by the door. You are still hoping that he'll want to see you, that he hasn't forgotten you, that he might still love you.
You fiddle with the letter for a moment, chin tilted up as your eyes are locked onto his window, all the way at the top of the building, and you think you see movement behind curtains. Something compels you to go to the other side of the street so you can see the window better, and your heart nearly stops when Theodore steps out onto his balcony. There's a glass of wine in his hand (white, like you used to drink with him), and glasses on his face (handsomely styled, as always), and you can hear him laughing so many stories above you. There's a glance over his shoulder for someone, and you think you can hear Roxy yelling from inside, but you do not recognise the other person who steps out onto the balcony and presses a kiss to his cheek. It's hard to see who it is when your vision is blurry with tears, tears you don't even realise are streaming down your cheeks. You wonder if he reconciled with his ex-wife, or if he found someone right after you vanished, or if he waited for you. Wonder all you want, you think, but what does it matter? You can wonder for the rest of your life, but you will never get an answer.
There is one more laugh, one you are so lucky to hear-- one you will hold onto forever-- and he heads back inside with his companion, closing the door behind them, but leaving the curtains open. You watch the silhouettes of people pass by the window for what feels like seconds and hours simultaneously, the longest moment you've ever felt, and you can't recall exactly when you ran out of tears. You are only pulled out of your reverie when the curtains close, and the lights behind them go out. He's gone to bed for the night. He's gone to you, forever. You will not ask him to return to you, but you wish, oh, how you wish, he would.
The letter in your hands is heavy, now that he's gone, and you think of its contents. You wrote an explanation, you wrote of love, you wrote of wanting and waiting, but now it feels wrong to give that to him. How cruel of you to come back and wound him like that. He's moved on with his life. But maybe… maybe he'd want to know. Maybe he'd want to know what happened to the girl he fell in love with twelve years ago, the girl he lost four years after that. Maybe.
So you find yourself back in your bedroom in a blur, frantically writing something new-- an apology, more than anything. There is still an explanation, but the only love you place in it is at the very end, right above your name. What good would any more sentimentality do for him? There is a mention, though, that you will not resent him if he never reaches out to you. You know how long he's been waiting. And you know humans don't get all that long to live…
Once it's sealed, you're back on the steps, back at the buzzer, and you practically slam the letter into his mailbox, the original draft still tucked into your pocket. The letter is out of your hands now. It will end up in his soon. Let it be one last thing you share. Let it be something he holds onto for just a little longer. Let it be a beautiful memory at the end of a beautiful love. You might not be the love of his life, but you still think he might be, he absolutely could have been, yours. Lost in thought, you stand by the door for a while, only pulled out of it when a young woman's voice can be heard on the other side of the threshold. It could be Roxy. You do not stay long enough to find out if you're right.
You're gone in a flash, pressing your bracelet to your wrist, but you've gone right from the frying pan into the fire. Now you've ended up on another lover's stoop (another twisted ritual, it seems), and you wish, so terribly, that you had the foresight to go home first, that you had changed out of your dress, that you had turned off your perception disruptor. So when Simon-- kind, tender, caring, perfect Simon-- greets you, with nothing but love in his voice and concern in his eyes, you feel nothing but overwhelming shame and sorrow.
And nothing, not even him holding you close and whispering gentle words of comfort, can stop you from howling in grief in his arms until exhaustion wins and your voice turns hoarse.
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darabeatha · 4 months
/ I think f.ate moved way too fast on o.dysseus
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millenniumdueled · 6 months
"Can't sleep, Partner?"
Yugi opens his eyes to find the spectral form of his other self, a ghost only he can see, sitting at the edge of his bed. He makes a face as he sits himself upright against the pillow. "you too, huh?"
Suddenly, the Other Yugi straightens, like a cat on high alert. Yugi's own eyes widen. "so you heard that too--"
Silence falls between the two, and neither moves a muscle. Then it comes again, the sound of a woman's voice calling for help. But this time, in the stillness of their bedroom, a realization hits the two of them: is isn't their ears hearing the cries, but their heart.
No sooner does that thought occur to them, the bedroom falls away, the sudden change of scenery hitting them both with whiplash as the impossible, escherian stairs of the Other Yugi's soul room surround them on all sides.
"oh," Yugi says softly as he looks around himself. "this is your...."
"Mm. Someone is in here."
Yugi's attention snaps back to the other man beside him. "in here...? in our heart???"
The Other Yugi doesn't answer. As another cry for help rings out, echoing clearly through the maze of stairs and doors, he takes off running to try and find the source. "wait up!!!" Yugi calls, running after the Other.
The two race up and down impossible stairs, throw open doors to nowhere. The Other Yugi grabs his Partner's hand as he starts to reach for a door that he already knows is no good and shakes his head, before the two run off to try another.
The search seems tireless as both Yugis race back and forth throughout the unending maze of the Other Yugi's soul room. As they meet again in the place where they started, in front of the door to the void between their rooms, Yugi looks exasperated. "i don't hear her anymore..."
The Other Yugi doesn't answer. Instead, a different, familar cry, like some kind of pokemon, catches his attention, makes him turn on his heel.
Sure enough, atop one flight of stairs, bounces the furry little fiend. Once their eyes meet, however, the furball turns, bouncing into the darkness, chirping its "kurikurii~!" the entire way.
"does kuriboh want us to follow it?!"
The question hasn't even left Yugi's lips before he's racing after his Other Self in the direction the monster had gone. The escherian staircases fall away, the expansive walls grow narrower, as Yugi realizes they're following the Kuriboh down a blank hallway now. And this... This is new. He's only been inside of his Other Self's room a few times, but it's never been anything other than those stairs and many, many doors....
His eyes widen.
The hallway ends suddenly with a single, heavy, metal door. Though Kuriboh turns to bright light and slips easily though the keyhole, the Yugis both skid to a stop.
The Other Yugi neither hesitates nor speaks as he reaches for the door's handle.
Instead of the worn, intricately carved sandstone that makes up this room, before them stretches a long hall of black and white, long shadows cast from a blinding, unknown light source. Yugi's eyes go wide and he gives the Other's hand a little squeeze. "has that always been here...?"
"No I've never seen this before," the Other Yugi confirms, voice cautious, eyes narrowed. The woman's voice calls out for help again, and his violet red eyes flash with surprise. Is that the silhouette of a girl dashing between the oversaturated trees? He returns the squeeze. "Stay close and be careful, Partner," he warns as he takes a cautious step forward.
His foot meets nothing. Unable to react in time, he pulls Yugi after him by his held hand.
The place they find themselves is... Unexpected, to say the least. They don't hit the ground, rather their descent slows until the pair are left floating, high above a large castle, surrounded by an expanse of green grass cut by a blue river below. But the serene scene is marred by a dark shadow, a massive orb of radiating darkness looming overhead. at the center of the dark sun, a single, yellow eye stares out, straight ahead at the two floating like ghosts over this new domain. As they watch, monsters, dragons, a siren, are sucked from the forests and fields below, pulled, struggling, into the abyss that hovers over them.
With wide eyes, Yugi gives his Other a glance. "wgat is that--?!"
The Other Yugi's eyebrows twitch into a tightly knit scowl. He doesn't answer immediately, until something inside his heart pulls his attention back to the castle below him. A small sound, somewhere between a hum and a grunt, is the only response that Yugi gets before he finds himself following his Other, floating down, down, down.
They enter the castle through a hall window, joining hands again as they find themselves slowly lowering. The hall they arrive in is massive, though completely empty aside from three statues, resembling dragons and encased in the same icy crystal that had covered the Tablet of Memories back in the museum the day before.
"Three dragons...?" the Other Yugi wonders.
"You came!!""
As they ponder the statues, a voice makes them both jump. They spin on their heels, turning quickly to face--
"dark magician girl?!" Yugi squeaks.
Sure enough, standing before them, a pleading look in her bright blue eyes, is a monster they both know well. She looks nervous, clutching her staff in both hands.
"You're the one who's been calling for help?" the Other Yugi asks.
"Yes..." she answers hesitantly. "I need your help! Both of our worlds are in danger..."
"Tell us what's going on," the Other Yugi demands.
And so, she explains. The Dark Magician girl explains that their worlds run parallel to each other, that this world of monsters was created by the thoughts and souls of the people of Yugi's world. That they exist codependently, a world of magic and a world of the mundane. The two Duelists stay quiet as they listen, a look of nervous wonder on Yugi's face, an unreadable, tight-browed expression on the Other's.
She goes on. That dark sun looming overhead, she explains, has been devouring the monsters of her world, leaving only a handful left to hide within the castle. Other Yugi's expression softens as he feels the sorrow and sympathy inside his Partner's heart.
"isn't there any way to save both of our worlds...?" Yugi asks.
Now, the Dark Magician Girl goes quiet. She takes a deep breath, holding her staff straight and close to her chest as she suddenly rises into the air without another word. Lifting her head, she looks to the statues behind the Duelists.
"These dragons have protected our world since ancient times. But they used up their power in past battles, and fell into deep hibernation," she explains. "No one knows their names, or just how long they've been here...."
Other Yugi's hand tightens around his Partner's. "Nameless dragons..." he mutters. With a light jump, he rises into their air after the Magician, gently tugging Yugi along with him.
"There's a legend about these dragons though. That one day, when our worlds both need it, a True Duelist would arrive. Only they hold the power to wake these dragons..."
The Yugis look at each other. Then, to the dragons once more.
"a true duelist...." Yugi chews on the words as his
"Mm..." the Other ponders quietly. A golden-hilted sword protrudes from the eye of the dragon before them and catches his gaze.
"Masters, I believe you were chosen to free the dragon!" the Dark Magician Girl cries. "Remove the sword and call out its name..."
"You said no one knows their names," the Other Yugi points out.
"The chosen Duelists will know when it's needed of them. Please, you have to try!!"
There's another moment of hesitation.
Yugi just nods confidently, and it's settled. Together, they each reach out one hand, taking the sword at once. And just like that, without any resistance, the sword slides free of the crystal below, and Yugi gasps.
"other me--"
"Yeah." He takes a deep breath.
"Timaeus!!! Awaken!" they call as one.
An ear splitting CRACK echoes through the hall. The crystal falls away, crashing to the floor below as the teal dragon below roars to life. It throws back its head, and the power it emits makes Yugi tremble.
"i can feel it--" he gasps, wide eyed.
"Timaeus can awaken the dormant power of all monsters," the Other Yugi says, awestruck.
The moment seems to last forever as the two hover, gazing in wonder at the great beast.
"Duelists!!!" Dark Magician Girl's voice breaks the two from their mesmerized trance. "Use its power!"
The two look at each other and nod. Side by side, a mirror image of each other, they stretch out a hand toward the mighty dragon. The energy pulses between them, a terrible pressure and a rush of wind, and heat as the dragon roars again--
Yugi sits up in his bed with a start, gasping as his eyes fly open. His breath comes heavy as he looks quickly around himself, trying frantically to get his barings.
A dream.
A dream!
Of course that was just a dream.
He leans back against his pillow, taking, holding, and releasing a deep breath. He can feel his Other Self inside his heart, nothing seems to be wrong. He watches the glow of rainbow lights dance across his floor from the sky light window over his desk. It's pretty, calming....
"what is that light anyway?" he wonders aloud. "an aurora?"
He starts to close his eyes, to drift back off to sleep, to a more relaxing dream, before a suddeb realization has his heart leaping into his throat once again.
Domino City doesn't get auroras.
A monsterous roar from outside confirms his fears. Without another moment's hesitation, he bolts from the bed, grabbing the Puzzle, his phone, and his Duel Disk as he races down the stairs and outside, dressed in only his pajamas and jacket.
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in-omni-scientia · 1 year
OOC post for a sec: I hope the anon who sent me the motor carriage ask yesterday understands what they've done to me. I've been researching cars for the last four hours and I think I might have to invent a brand new steering system just to explain how the Kineema works
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