#post office monthly scheme
naukrisambad · 2 months
Post Office Scheme 2024: Per month 27,000 in this scheme(couple)
Post Office Scheme 2024: Central Gov. recent announced good news for people. If you are interested in this scheme. Than you can apply this scheme, couple can get the benefit of up to 27000 every month from the account, we have given complete information about Post Office Scheme 2024 interest rate and limit, Benefits, Eligibility. We are glad to inform you that naukrisambad.com is a free platform…
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kokaniudyojak · 11 months
Post Office Scheme : पोस्ट ऑफिसची मस्त स्कीम, भरमसाठ व्याजासह दरमहा 9000 रुपये कमवा.
Post Office Scheme : पोस्ट ऑफिसच्या या आश्चर्यकारक योजनेत, फक्त पैसे सुरक्षित नाहीत तर व्याज देखील बँकांपेक्षा जास्त आहे. या योजनेत तुम्ही ५ वर्षांसाठी Single किंवा Join Account उघडू शकता.  प्रत्येकजण आपल्या कमाईतील काही भाग वाचवतो आणि तो अशा ठिकाणी गुंतवण्याची योजना बनवतो की भविष्यात केवळ मोठा निधी जमा होऊ शकत नाही, तर निवृत्तीनंतर नियमित उत्पन्नाचीही व्यवस्था करता येईल. या संदर्भात, Post…
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sudhartech · 2 years
மிஸ் பண்ணிடாதீங்க!.. மாதம் ரூ.4950 வருமானம் தரும் Post Office சேமிப்புத் திட்டம்!.. | Post Office Monthly Investment Scheme in Tamil
Post Office Monthly Investment Scheme in Tamil Post Office Monthly Investment Scheme in Tamil: ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் ரூ.4950/- சம்பாதிக்கும் தபால் அலுவலகத்தின் ஒரு சிறந்த சேமிப்புத் திட்டத்தைப் பற்றி இன்று நாங்கள் சொல்லப் போகிறோம். அதாவது ஒருவர் வேலைக்குச் சென்று மாதந்தோறும் சம்பளம் பெறுவதை போல, இந்தத் திட்டத்தில் அவருக்கு மாத வருமானம் கிடைக்கும். இப்போது திட்டம் என்ன என்று பார்ப்போம். சரி, இன்றைய…
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bunny-lou · 1 year
Tankhun, oscar winning director
I'm a little buzzed so enjoy this lovely prompt that's running around my head.
So Prapai and Phayu have had such a difficult time dating as the youngest sons in the mafia. Potential partners are scared off by their reputation, their family name, the constant danger that they're in. Or, if someone can see past all that, their fathers/uncles end up ruining it by over interrogating and invasive questions and hostile suspicion.
And Tankhun's heart just breaks. He's witnessed so many amazing love stories on television - and some even in real life! From all of his fantasy couples and OTPs to watching his brothers fall in love with two sweet boys, he simply can NOT have it that his two nephews fall in love. (Yes, two nephews, because any child of Pete's will be spoilt the minute Tankhun walks in the room.)
He just has to come up with a scheme like on television for Phayu and Prapai to have the love story Tankhun deserves to see they deserve to have. Tankhun will be just like a director - he'll write the story and cast the parts and maybe even win an oscar in the end.
First, he has to cast the story, he has to find perfect matches for his nephews. Prapai needs someone who won't let him always get what he wants, someone who has even the potential to be okay with a life as dark as they lead. Phayu needs someone outgoing to bring him out more, someone who won't cower at his overbearing personality. Arm compiles a list of young bachelors and bachelorettes (though he's not sure how the find would react to having a woman marry in) in Bangkok, ones with no connection to rival families, ones that would not be easily persuaded to betray, ones who just may be worthy of holding the hearts of his nephews.
The list is decently long, so then they start to be pickier - only ones that were cute, ones that would look good in future family photos, ones who had nice hands that could maybe carry a family ring one day. It takes a while, but Tankhun divides his time evenly between watching his dramas and creating this drama.
Second, Tankhun has to write a rough draft. He takes a few from the list that he knows wouldn't work and tries some rough ideas out. Phayu is immediately put off by the pretty girl who spills her coffee on him and Prapai doesn't look twice at their cute waitress on their monthly family dinners. There is promise in the boy who stages a minor bicycle accident in front of Phayu and the girl who stumbles into Prapai at the library. Tankhun is working out kinks as fast as he can, writing what he can with the multiple possibilities until -
Third, he has to find a location. And there are a couple of pretty boys and girls from their list that could reasonably bump into either boy - some who work at the local café down the street from Prapai's office or some who have friends who take their cars to Phayu - but there are a few students from Phayu's university who are actually on their list and it's perfect, so many options - tutors, academic rivals, study group partners, meeting at a college party - and Tankhun considers each candidate thoroughly - one girl is voted off when they see her obnoxious Instragram posts, one boy is tossed to the side when they found a history of him filing noise complaints o his neighbors. Nark.
They scour social medias, past report cards, contact very confused neighbors and employers for references until Tankhun has his perfect two. A young man for Prapai and a young man for Phayu.
Tankhun writes the cutest first meet that he can for both - Rain's car will get a flat tire at the same time Phayu will be leaving the compound to head home. Though he could wait until they meet at a university event, but that's plain and predictable and Phayu will note have a boring love story. Tankhun watches from the bushes - well, he's watching on his phone from his bedroom as Arm and Pol film it through the bushes - Phayu is far too chivalrous to not offer to help, just like Tankhun knew! He is charmingly confident and impressive as he works on the car and Tankhun can see the moment Rain is swept off his feet.
Tankhun is pulling the strings for everything - he pays an actor to mention the street race in front of Rain and Sky (because Tankun is already very protective of his future nephew in law and there will be no need for his piece of shit ex to be involved), the guards working the race are instructed to chase Rain and Sky into Phayu and Prapai. It continues on as awkwardly forcing segues with Phayu about this article he read on how to support someone with ADHD or with Prapai about how to be a safe space for people you love. Arm and Pol are there to film all the meetings Tankhun has planned out so Tankhun can keep up with his favorite romcom starring this nephews.
But it's not enough, Tankhun has to experience this first hand, so he just happens to leave a magazine open on a page advertising a car show in Phayu's room at the same time he works up the nerve to go outside the compound - it still happens, but not all the time - and Tankhun had no idea car shows could be so fun, everything is so shiny and sparkly and -
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, my favorite nephew! I came to...buy your uncle Porsche a new bike, of course! Who is this cutie hanging off your arm?"
It's Rain, twenty years old from Korea, only child of two parents married in 1998, an architecture major with a 2.76 GPA, blood type A+, no troubles with the law besides a speeding ticket last year, speaks four languages.
But Tankhun doesn't say any of that out loud. He already approves of Rain, already loves him, and he's going to be the favorite uncle and Tankhun chokes up when he realizes he's the first member of the family to meet their newest member.
And he plans the same thing with Sky - a few weeks later to recharge from going outside - mentioning in front of Sky a new restaurant to offer egg stew (because Tankhun paid them to put it on the menu). He waltzes in as Prapai and Sky get their food and prepare to eat.
"Oh, my favorite nephew! I'm here...to try their new egg stew of course! I saw you and your friend here already ordered some, how is it, scooch over so I can sit with you, move, move."
Tankhun gives Sky his most charming smile and he's already planning Sky's outfit for their Christmas card this year. As he sits there getting to gush over Prapai and Sky, Tankhun chokes up again as he realizes he's a guest star in his favorite show now. He's been a guest star twice.
And he knows how the family can be, so Tankhun keeps orchestrating more meet ups with the rest of the family so that his two new in-laws can grow to accept their quirky family. He takes Chay out and they run into Rain at the library, he takes Pete to bump into Sky at the mall, he takes Kinn to visit Phayu at the garage while Rain is visiting, he invites Kim to find Sky at a cafe by the school because Kim has known about Rain and Sky the whole time. Little shit. Someone should talk to him about how many secrets he's keeping from the family.
I don't know where this is going because I'm a little inebriated, but like, Tankhun plotting out the PhayuRain and PraSki romance because he loves his dramas, but also because he wants to make sure his nephews fall in love with good people and ensure no one hurts them. He uses his decades of knowledge about dramas and on screen romances to create the best love story he can.
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cleolinda · 10 months
Dear diary
I saw a post around here somewhere, not sure where, about how you might feel low and disappointed after something you were really excited about, like a concert, and it's not because you didn't enjoy it as much as you hoped; it's because you actually had an "I used up all my happy chemicals" crash afterwards, and you basically need to take care of yourself. I think I basically did this to myself re: the entire month of October, and now I'm having a post-Favorite Holiday crash. Like, I wrote and posted thousands of words, and now I'm just sort of limp. Which is great, until you say, "Hey, I have a thing where you sign up to read my writing on a monthly basis." I've done Weekend Links regularly, at least.
I specifically feel really fatigued in my... hands and arms? Like, they feel difficult to lift, even? I associate this (and a particular kind of head-hanging exhaustion) with long covid, so it's possible my flu shot and my immune system didn't play as well together as I hoped. But, like, I've been dealing with long covid for years now; it is what it is. Do vitamins about it.
I'm drafting sort of a catch-up post for Dreamwidth, as a way of clawing myself back to productivity. Which, I don't mean "productivity" in a MUST PRODUCE TO JUSTIFY EXISTENCE way, just... I want to produce and write and create, I want to exchange the work of my brain for currency, I gotta figure my shit out.
But November is blah. I just... I don't care much for Thanksgiving (no candy, no gifts, no festive lights, absolutely terrible color scheme, casseroles that my autism can't handle, Pilgrims), and so for me, November is just this big lull between holidays. December is always a lot more fun to me, given that my sister and I both have our birthdays mid-month. Granted, for the last few years, my birthday has tended to be horrific (I will probably write about the one I spent in a surgeon's office. The birthday where we all tested positive for covid and had to go into a two-week quarantine isn't actually that interesting), so I should honestly be a little wary of December. But I love the glittery, liminal, holiday-by-night aesthetic. I definitely want to write about that, if I can think how to explain Liminal Christmas.
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Imagine this: It’s exactly one year from today, Memorial Day weekend, 2025. It’s 94 degrees in the shade, but the fact that the world keeps shattering monthly temperature records isn’t even making the news — and that’s not what has Philadelphians so hot and bothered. It’s been about two months since Donald Trump, the 47th president of the United States, announced Operation Purify America in an Oval Office address, and about a week since a stunned Philadelphia watched an endless convoy of militarized vehicles and federalized troops from the Texas and South Dakota National Guards roll up I-95. After a week of setting up a base camp at the Air National Guard base in Horsham, the actual operation began at midnight the day before, as a parade of Humvees and armored personal carriers cornered off a wide area in Philadelphia’s Hunting Park section and supported federal immigration agents who went door-to-door in the predawn chaos, bursting into homes and asking Latino residents for their papers. Journalists who’d been kept blocks away by the troops now search for anyone who could confirm the rumors of screaming, scuffling, and dozens of arrests. As the hot sun rises, Mayor Cherelle L. Parker, Gov. Josh Shapiro, and several hundred angry protesters gather outside the Horsham gate to denounce the raids. A phalanx of helmeted troops pushes the throng back, firing tear gas to clear the road for the first busload of detained migrants. They are bound for the hastily erected Camp Liberty, an already overcrowded and decrepit holding center on the Texas-Mexico border that Amnesty International calls “a concentration camp.” This might sound like a page from the script of Alex Garland’s next near-future dystopian movie, but it’s actually a realistic preview of the America Trump himself, his cartoonishly sinister immigration guru Stephen Miller, and the right-wing functionaries crafting the 900-page blueprint for a Trump 47 presidency called Project 2025 are fervently wishing for. As polls show Trump in a dead heat nationally with President Joe Biden, and poised to win at least some of the battleground states where Biden was victorious in 2020, the presumptive GOP nominee is making no secret of his scheme for what he calls “the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History.” The audacious goal of tracking down and deporting all 11 million or so undocumented immigrants living and working within the United States is, experts agree, all but impossible. But even the forced removal of hundreds of thousands, or one million, would require a massive internal military operation on a scale not seen since the Civil War and Reconstruction. [...] What’s changed in 2024? Everything. Despite the Hannibal Lecter-ized outward chaos of Trump’s rallies, behind the scenes, Team Trump is focused and determined not only to name the most rabid Trump loyalists to key political posts but also todramatically strip civil service protections andremove recalcitrant midlevel government employees. And this time around, Republicans in Congress are going to be on board with whatever Trump wants. [...] It was somewhat amazing to watch the furious debate online and on cable news this week over the weird incident in which small text about a “unified Reich” found its way into a Trump promo video the ex-and-wannabe president posted on Truth Social. The perplexing part, for me, is that this was discussed as some kind of Sherlock-Holmes-magnifying-glass a-ha moment, revealing Trump’s secret plan for Nazi-style rule. Folks, he is screaming his plan out loud at his rallies! The Trump deportation scheme is really Trump’s blueprint for dictatorship.
Will Bunch at The Philadelphia Inquirer on how Donald Trump's proposed deportation plan is a pretext for a fascist MAGA dictatorship (05.23.2024).
Will Bunch nails it in this Philly Inquirer column on how Donald Trump's fascistic plan for mass deportations is a speed-run for a MAGA dictatorship.
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mtc-4life · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a good day. I enjoy reading your posts about MTC and I was wondering if you could make a scenario between Jyuto and Ichijiku (cause I saw what's her relationship between jyuto on the fan wiki) where Ichijiku already knows about his past Jyuto finds out her past (is this make sense to you cause really need to polish my English right now)
。゚・ Jyuto finds out about Ichijiku’s past - Imagine ・ 。゚
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☆ Author’s notes: Omg I know I took FOREVER to write this, but I sincerely hope you like it. And your english is good, I myself am not a native speaker yet here I am writing for tumblr lol.
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- Is that all you had to report me?
- Precisely, miss.
- Don’t call me like that, sergeant Iruma. Why don’t you stop messing with your boss and take your leave? – Ichijiku glared as she replied.
- You’re really a tough one, huh – Jyuto couldn’t help but smirk at the woman’s rough reply.
- Hmph! Just get going already! When I thought there was such a thing as a little less stupid man…
- Alright, alright, ma’am – the officer walked towards the door – I won’t disturb you any longer.
Still displeased, Ichijiku stared at Jyuto as he opened the door with his red-gloved hand and finally left her in peace.
Jyuto walked around the hall that led to the Police Department’s entrance.
With each and every step, he wondered how could Ichijiku have possibly turned into such a demanding woman. To him, it didn’t seem like she had been manipulated by The Party of Words like other members.
Her hatred towards men always had seemed very intricate to her own personal beliefs. She always seemed dominated by an uncontrollable rage whenever the subject was brought up.
Jyuto was very aware men were no saints, and working in the police has only showed him the crimes many were capable of committing. Yet, he couldn’t figure out why would a woman such as Ichijiku would grow so despiteful of men without any sort of exception…
- Something certainly happened to her… - he muttered to himself as he finally left the building.
It was nine a.m. when Jyuto checked his wristwatch, which meant it was time to go to Chuuoku’s Police Department for his monthly report on the drug traffic investigations. He would once again talk to no one less than Ichijiku Kadenokoji.
The previous month had brought him deep curiosity as to why his boss had such a grudge with men, and thus, he tried to investigate a little bit into her past.
Of course, since she had a very important position in the government, it wasn’t so simple – Chuuoku had extreme censorship methods, especially involving any information regarding its leaders. Carelessly asking about her past could get the officer himself into jail.
Yet that did not mean there was no evidence at all.
Jyuto even questioned himself if looking for such scarce data was worth the effort.
He ended up doing so not simply out of curiosity, but also because a part of him that could never speak up wished to know what the current government was all about.
Who were the people behind the laws he disagreed so much with?
Why these women were so obsessed with rap battle competitions between men they alleged were so ruthless?
What could have possibly triggered the series of unexplained events that led to the installment of a dictatorship like that?
Things happened so suddenly after the war that Jyuto never understood fully what the country he lived in turned into.
If he could find out about Ichijiku’s past, even if just a little, he felt like things would finally make some sort of sense in his mind.
And so, he collected in secret documents from many police districts that mentioned any suspect delation linked to Ichijiku. In Jyuto’s mind, only something as serious as a crime against her could explain such rage.
One of these papers really caught his attention. It was a testimony made by Ichijiku herself accusing a politician of murdering a woman named Karin Shimozaki and her family. Ichijiku alleged it was due to the fact Karin knew about the corrupt scheme said politician was involved in, and since she represented a threat, he demanded a group of man to kill her.
The file had been shelved since then.
If Ichijiku’s testimony was indeed the truth about Karin’s death, then it was really concerning the police did nothing about it. Why would they ignore a murder accusation like that? Jyuto thought it was very suspect…
He pondered about this new discovery as he drove to his destination.
- As you can see, we have cleared out this drug dealing point in Yokohama for good.
- Great. How about the yakuza? – Ichijiku looked up for a second after reading the documents Jyuto had brought her.
- Well, those are a difficult bunch…
- Do not pretend, Iruma. I know you’re protecting that buddy of yours. This Samatoki does whatever he wants if it depends on you!
- Are you serious? – Jyuto looked disturbed – I surely do my job in the most lawful manners, but you cannot expect me to keep Mad Trigger Crew’s leader in prison, can you, madam?
- Lawful? You, Iruma? Don’t make me laugh! I know about your methods. – she replied with a challenging look on her face.
- Then you might as well know they are very effective, thank you – Jyuto said, confident.
- Hmph! So pretentious! You should hold your tongue when talking to superiors!
- But what if those above you are wrong? What if their actions do not respect one’s basic rights?
- What do you mean by this? – Ichijiku raised an eyebrow.
- I’ve read some documents. Karin Shimozaki was murdered a few years ago, but there was no further investigation to arrest the culprit. You reported that a corrupt politician was the responsible for it, but nobody listened to you. Am I wrong?
Ichijiku was in disbelief. How come did Jyuto find such evidence? What was he planning to do by knowing her past?
Jyuto looked at her seriously before continuing:
- Did you readily accept your superior’s actions in this case? Accepting a politician to take the life of this woman, whom I assume was important to you? Accepting the police unwillingness to investigate the case?
- I… What do you want from me, Iruma? Do you want to be promoted or something? – Ichijiku replied a bit irritated.
- Well, being promoted is nice, but that’s not my goal with this conversation. You might think I’m trying to use your past against you, but I assure you that’s not the case.
- Oh, very well! Because if it was I would have your past to use against you, sergeant! I know everything about you!
Jyuto smiled:
- That’s expected of you. Always ready for someone to knock you down. All I’m trying to say is that I understand where your grudge with men came from, but is this political system you’re in really a solution? Isn’t The Party of Words harming people’s basic rights anyways?
- You!!!
Ichijiku glared at Jyuto, but that did not stop his words:
- You’re a smart woman. I’m sure you can understand my point. It’s your choice to be in the Party of Words. It’s also your choice to leave it – he confidently stepped towards the door.
- Is that all the nonsense you had to say?
- Precisely. Now, I better leave. See you next month, miss! – he smirked as he opened the office door.
- Bastard!!! I’ve warned you not to call me like that! Always provoking, you’re not jobless because I’m terribly patient! – Ichijiku replied, completely infuriated.
- I know, I know – Jyuto laughed – I’m so competent you can’t even consider dismissing me!
The man finally left, closing the door right in front of an enraged Ichijiku.
Jyuto knew there was much more to her past than just this. It was still unclear to him how much Karin was involved in Ichijiku’s life.
Yet even without knowing this information, he hoped to have at least reminded Ichijiku of her own humanity.
She seemed to have involved herself with something against her own initial reasons to want to change the system.
Jyuto made a dangerous move by telling her such words. It was risky to confront The Party of Words.
But that was an attempt to make life for everybody in his country a little less difficult. That level of oppression was not acceptable.
In that sense, his motives made the risk of confronting Ichijiku worth taking.
Jyuto left the Police Department building with a hopeful smile.
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Sanderson Unboxing
03 - Cytoverse March 2023
Well, this was a vast improvement on the first box. But that isn't exactly saying much - it's still a huge waste of money.
This was the theme I was most looking forward to, because Skyward is my favourite series. I had some really high hopes before I received my first monthly box, but obviously I have since lowered my expectations.
The last box was just a handful of assorted logo-ed office supplies. This box actually contains the sort of things I would expect to find in a book subscription. But... only three.
Considering that this costs more than your average subscription box, and DOESN'T come with a book, I really would expect a minimum of six or seven items of this quality.
The first item is a silicone mould. This, apparently, can be used for ice, chocolate, wax, resin, etc etc etc. It's in the shape of Doomslug, and I'll have a go at making something. My speciality is wax melts, but from experience I really doubt the fine details would come out in anything soft. For resin it would probably work, though.
The next item is a deck of playing cards. It's billed as a "Go Fish" deck, but it's literally a standard deck of cards. Each suit features a different type of slug, and the different denominations feature different foods. These are actually really cute, and the first item I've liked from this subscription so far.
The last item is a diecast replica of M-Bot, the ship Spensa flies in the Skyward series. In my post about my hopes for this subscription, the one thing I said I didn't want was figurines - I'm including figures of non-human beings and objects in this classification. They're so not my style, I just don't want them lying around my house. That said, I can't deny that this is good quality, and there's a lot of Sanderson fans who will lose it over this.
The character pin in this box is of Steris, from Era 2 of Mistborn. I'm really peeved that they're trying to pass these off as box "items"... they were included because a set of 12 character pins was one of the Kickstarter "thank you" gifts. These were not originally planned for the boxes, they were meant to be an extra. To include them in the "value" of the box is not justified - it's not a gift if you're paying for it. Also, I really hate these chibi-esque cheap pins - they're such bad quality and they're just really... dorky?
Honestly, I feel so ripped off by this whole scheme.
The boxes are not even close to being worth the price that was charged for them, and they charged international shipping at three times the rate it should actually have cost for such a small package. I can only assume they're pocketing the rest.
And January's item - the first book - still hasn't even shipped.
This actually just feels like a huge con, one that Brandon Sanderson and his team have made millions on. He's been one of my favourite authors for over a decade, and now I've just completely lost faith. To make such an offer to your fans, to ask them to buy into a project like this, to pay hundreds of pounds up front - and then not to deliver? To just fob them off with, frankly, an embarrassment of a product? It's a betrayal of trust.
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GST Registration vs Composition Scheme in Andhra Pradesh: Which Is Right for You?
GST Registration in Andhra Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax system that has replaced numerous indirect taxes in India. For businesses operating in Andhra Pradesh, GST registration is crucial to ensure compliance with the tax laws and to take advantage of the benefits offered by the GST regime. This article provides an in-depth look at GST registration in Andhra Pradesh, including its benefits, eligibility criteria, and step-by-step procedure.
Benefits of GST Registration
Legal Recognition: GST registration provides legal recognition to your business, making it easier to enter into contracts and conduct business activities.
Input Tax Credit (ITC): Registered businesses can claim input tax credit on GST paid on purchases, which can be used to offset GST liability on sales.
Interstate Trade: GST registration allows businesses to trade across state borders without additional tax barriers.
Increased Credibility: Being a registered entity under GST enhances your business’s credibility among customers and suppliers.
Avoid Penalties: Compliance with GST regulations helps avoid penalties and legal issues.
Eligibility Criteria for GST Registration
Businesses in Andhra Pradesh are required to obtain GST registration if:
Annual Turnover: The annual turnover exceeds the threshold limit set by GST laws (currently ₹40 lakhs for most states, ₹20 lakhs for particular category states).
Interstate Supply: The business engages in interstate supply of goods or services.
E-Commerce: Businesses operating through e-commerce platforms must register under GST.
Agents: Taxable persons who are agents or brokers of goods or services.
Others: Any business that expects to make or is involved in taxable supplies must register.
Step-by-Step GST Registration Process
Obtain PAN Card: Ensure you have a valid PAN card in the business's or the proprietor's name. PAN is a mandatory requirement for GST registration.
Prepare Documents: Gather necessary documents, including proof of business address, identity and address proof of the proprietor/partners/directors, and bank statements.
Visit the GST Portal: Go to the official GST portal gst.gov.in.
Fill out the Application Form: Register on the portal and complete the GST application form (Form GST REG-01). Provide details like PAN, business address, and bank account information.
Upload Documents: Upload the required documents, such as the PAN card, proof of business registration, identity proof of partners/directors, and proof of address.
Verification: The GST officer will verify the application. If everything is in order, you will receive a GST Registration Certificate.
GST Number Issuance: Upon successful verification, you will receive a GST Identification Number (GSTIN) and the GST registration certificate.
Post-Registration Compliance
Filing Returns: Regular filing of GST returns is mandatory. Ensure timely submission of monthly/quarterly returns to avoid penalties.
Maintaining Records: As per GST regulations, proper records of sales, purchases, and input tax credit claims must be maintained.
Invoice Compliance: Issue GST-compliant invoices for all transactions and ensure proper GST recording.
GST registration in Andhra Pradesh is a straightforward process but requires careful attention to detail. Businesses can ensure smooth compliance with GST regulations by understanding the benefits, eligibility criteria, and procedural steps. Proper registration and compliance not only facilitate lawful business operations but also enhance credibility and operational efficiency. For further assistance, businesses can consult GST experts or chartered accountants to navigate the complexities of GST registration and compliance.
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sonalj · 1 month
Savings Plans - Buy Best Saving Plan Online in India 2024
Savings Plan
A savings plan helps you get guaranteed returns against fixed monthly or yearly premiums. Further, these plans also offer a life cover that helps safeguard your family’s financial future.
What are Savings Plan?
An insurance savings plan is a financial tool that combines the benefits of a robust savings strategy with the security of insurance and guaranteed returns. Understanding how an insurance savings plan works can help you build a strong foundation for financial security. The best insurance savings plan offers a systematic approach to consistently setting aside a portion of your income, allowing you to accumulate funds over time. It provides a disciplined framework for allocating resources wisely, managing expenses effectively, and prioritizing your financial goals. By opting for an insurance savings plan, you can also adopt healthy financial habits and be better prepared to handle unexpected challenges and expenses.
Types of Savings Plan Saving money is ideal for financial planning, ensuring a user has a safety net for emergencies, future expenses, andlong-term plans. Savings plans are tailored to meet different needs and preferences. From traditional options like fixed deposits tomoderninvestment avenues like mutual funds, understand the diverse savings plans available in India.
Fixed Deposits Fixed deposits are India's most popular andcommonsavings instruments. Banks and financial institutions offer them as a way to allow individuals to deposit an amount for a fixed period at a predecided interest rate. Fixed deposits also provide capital protection and a guaranteed return, making them a secure option for conservative investors.
Recurring Deposits Recurring Deposits (RDs)are one of the commonfamiliar savings option for people who wish to deposit a fixed amount regularly, often monthly, for a pre-decided period. RDs offer flexibility regarding investment amount and duration, and they are agood optionfor individuals who build savings through disciplined and regularintervals..
Public Provident Fund (PPF) Public Provident Fund is astableand long-term plan the Government of India offers. PPF accounts have a lock-in period of 15 years, offergoodinterest rates, and offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. They also suit people looking for tax-efficient long-term savings with guaranteed returns.
National Savings Certificate National Savings Certificate is an instrument with a fixed maturity period and interest rates offered by the Government of India. NSC offers tax benefits under Section 80C and can be bought from post offices across India. It also provides a safe and reliable avenue for people looking to accumulate savings over a fixed period.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana SSY (Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana) is a savings plan for girls to promote their education and contribute towards their marriage expenses. It offers impressive interest rates, tax benefits under Section 80C, and partial withdrawal options after the girl child is of a certain age. SSY is a great savings option for parents looking to secure their daughter's tomorrow.
Employee Provident Fund Employee Provident Fund is an unavoidable savings scheme after retirement for employees in India. Both the employer and the employee contribute towards the fund, and the amount collated can be withdrawn at retirement or in case of emergency. It also offers tax benefits and is an essential retirement savings tool.
Mutual Funds MFs are schemes that collect funds from multiple investors to put money into a wide-ranging portfolio. They also offer a range of options catering todifferentrisk management profiles and investment plans. Italso offersprofessional management, liquidity, and a great chance for higher returns over the long-term goals.
Unit-Linked Insurance Plans ULIPs combine insurance coverage and investment options, allowing policyholders to invest in various fund options basis on the risk appetite and financial goals. Unit-linked Insurance Plans also offer flexibility, and potential for wealth creation, making it a great choice for long-term financial planning.
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investmentadvisor01 · 2 months
Securing Your Tomorrow: The Complete Guide to Investing in LIC and Post Office Schemes
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When it comes to securing your financial future, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and Post Office Schemes stand out as two of the most reliable options available in India. As an investment advisor in Prayagraj and a seasoned LIC Agent in Prayagraj, I have seen firsthand the benefits these LIC schemes and Post Office schemes offer. With a history of stability and a range of products designed to meet various needs, these schemes offer a blend of security and growth. This guide will walk you through the essentials of investing in LIC and Post Office Schemes, helping you make informed decisions..
Why Choose LIC and Post Office Schemes? :
Trust and reliability are paramount when choosing where to invest your money. As an investment advisor in Prayagraj, I can confidently recommend LIC schemes and Post Office schemes. LIC, being a government-owned entity, has a long-standing reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.
Similarly, Post Office schemes are backed by the government, ensuring a high level of security for your investments. Both LIC and the Post Office offer various products catering to different financial goals and timelines.
Whether you're looking for life insurance, retirement plans, or short-term savings options, there's a scheme that fits your needs. Additionally, these schemes provide attractive returns. 
LIC policies often come with bonuses, while Post Office schemes offer assured returns, often higher than traditional savings accounts. For reliable and comprehensive LIC Agent service in Prayagraj, look no further.
Key LIC Products to Consider :
1. Endowment Plans: These plans combine insurance coverage with savings. They are ideal for those looking to build a corpus over a period while enjoying the benefits of life cover.
2. Term Insurance: For those seeking pure risk cover, term insurance is the best option. It offers high coverage at low premiums, ensuring financial security for your dependents in case of your untimely demise.
3. Pension Plans: LIC’s pension plans help you plan for a financially secure retirement. By investing regularly, you can ensure a steady income post-retirement.
4. ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans): ULIPs offer the dual benefit of insurance and investment. Part of your premium is invested in the market, potentially yielding higher returns, while the rest provides life cover.
Key Post Office Schemes to Consider :
1. Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS): Ideal for those seeking a regular income, POMIS provides a fixed monthly return, making it a perfect choice for retirees or those needing consistent income.
2. Public Provident Fund (PPF): PPF is a long-term savings scheme with tax benefits. It offers attractive interest rates and the security of government backing.
3. National Savings Certificate (NSC): NSC is a fixed-income investment offering tax benefits. It’s suitable for risk-averse investors looking for safe and guaranteed returns.
4. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY): Aimed at the welfare of the girl child, SSY offers high interest rates and tax benefits, helping parents build a substantial corpus for their daughters’ future education and marriage.
How to Choose the Right Scheme :
1. Assess Your Financial Goals: Determine your short-term and long-term financial objectives. Are you saving for your child's education, a house, or retirement?
2. Risk Tolerance: Understand your risk appetite. LIC policies are generally low-risk, while ULIPs involve market-linked risks. Post Office Schemes are highly secure but may offer slightly lower returns compared to market-linked products.
3. Tax Benefits: Consider the tax implications of each scheme. Many LIC policies and Post Office Schemes offer tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
4. Liquidity Needs: Evaluate your need for liquidity. While some schemes like POMIS offer regular returns, others like PPF have a lock-in period.
Conclusion :
Investing in LIC and Post Office Schemes can be a prudent choice for securing your financial future. They offer a blend of safety, reliability, and attractive returns, making them suitable for a variety of financial goals. By carefully assessing your needs and understanding the features of each scheme, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial aspirations. Secure your tomorrow by investing wisely today.
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kokaniudyojak · 1 year
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme In marathi (POMIS) : पोस्ट ऑफिस मासिक उत्पन्न योजना जाणून घ्या .
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme : भारत सरकारने सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रातील वित्तीय बँकांसह पोस्ट ऑफिस योजना सुरू केल्या आहेत. त्यापैकी पोस्ट ऑफिस मासिक उत्पन्न योजना (POMIS) ही अशी योजना आहे, जी तुम्हाला तुमच्या ठेवींच्या गुंतवणुकीवर खात्रीशीर परतावा देते. या योजनेचा लाभ कोणीही घेऊ शकतो. भारतीय पोस्ट ऑफिस योजनांमध्ये अनेक प्रकारचे बचत खाते उघडण्याची सुविधा उपलब्ध आहे. तर यापैकी आपण पोस्ट ऑफिस मासिक…
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slnconsultancy · 3 months
Understanding EPF and EPS E-Nomination: A Comprehensive Guide
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The Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) are crucial components of retirement planning in India. They offer financial security and stability to employees post-retirement. One of the essential aspects of these schemes is the nomination process. The introduction of e-nomination has made it easier and more efficient for employees to manage their nominations online. This article delves into the importance, process, and benefits of EPF and EPS e-nomination.
What is EPF? The Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) is a savings scheme designed to provide financial security to employees after retirement. Both the employer and the employee contribute a specific percentage of the employee’s salary to the EPF account. The accumulated amount, along with interest, is paid out to the employee upon retirement or in case of specific contingencies.
What is EPS? The Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) is a social security scheme aimed at providing a pension to employees working in the organized sector. The EPS is funded by diverting a portion of the employer's contribution from the EPF account. Upon retirement, employees receive a monthly pension based on their service tenure and last drawn salary.
Importance of Nomination in EPF and EPS Nomination is a critical aspect of EPF and EPS accounts. It ensures that in the event of the account holder’s demise, the accumulated funds and benefits are transferred to the nominated person(s) without any legal hassles. This process safeguards the financial future of the employee’s family and dependents.
Introduction to E-Nomination E-nomination is the online process of updating or adding nominees to an EPF or EPS account. This digital approach simplifies the nomination process, making it more accessible and convenient for employees. The EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation) has facilitated this process through its unified member portal.
Benefits of E-Nomination Convenience: Employees can update their nomination details from the comfort of their homes or offices without visiting the EPFO office. Accessibility: The online portal is accessible 24/7, allowing employees to update their details at any time. Efficiency: The digital process reduces paperwork and speeds up the nomination process. Security: Online updates are secure and reduce the risk of document loss or damage. How to Complete EPF/EPS E-Nomination Here’s a step-by-step guide to completing the e-nomination process:
Log in to the EPFO Unified Member Portal:
Visit the EPFO member portal and log in using your Universal Account Number (UAN) and password. Access the Nomination Page:
Navigate to the 'Manage' tab and select 'E-Nomination' from the dropdown menu. Provide Family Details:
Click on 'Add Family Details' to enter the details of your family members. You can add multiple nominees. Nomination Details:
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Once the family details are updated, assign the percentage of the EPF and EPS amount to each nominee. Ensure the total percentage distribution equals 100%. Save Nomination:
After entering the nomination details, click on 'Save EPF Nomination'. E-Sign the Nomination:
To authenticate your nomination, click on 'E-sign' and provide your Aadhaar number. You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number linked with Aadhaar. Enter the OTP to complete the e-sign process. Confirmation:
Once the OTP is verified, your e-nomination process is complete. You will receive a confirmation message. Conclusion The EPF and EPS e-nomination process is a significant step towards digitizing and streamlining employee benefits management. By ensuring that nominations are updated and accurate, employees can safeguard their family’s financial future efficiently and securely. Embracing this digital approach not only simplifies the process but also aligns with the broader goal of enhancing transparency and convenience in the management of provident fund accounts.
Understanding and utilizing the e-nomination facility is crucial for all EPF and EPS members. It ensures peace of mind, knowing that their hard-earned savings and benefits will be smoothly transferred to their loved ones when needed.
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lisakapoorblogs · 4 months
Comparative Analysis: Estimating Returns from Post Office RD vs. EPF Investments
When it comes to secure investment options in India, both Post Office Recurring Deposits (RD) and the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) stand out as popular choices. Each investment avenue offers distinct advantages and suitability depending on the investor's profile and goals. By employing tools like the post office RD calculator, investors can easily forecast the returns on their monthly contributions to a Post Office RD, which is known for its stability and government backing.
On the other hand, the EPF, primarily designed for the salaried workforce, offers a retirement savings plan that not only helps in building a substantial retirement corpus but also provides tax benefits. To estimate the growth of their EPF contributions, investors can use an EPF calculator. This calculator takes into account variables such as the current EPF balance, employer’s contribution, employee’s contribution, and the current interest rate, which is revised annually by the government.
The key difference between these two investment options lies in their nature and the returns they offer. Post Office RDs allow for a fixed monthly deposit into an account, which earns interest at a rate determined by the prevailing government guidelines. The simplicity of the RD scheme makes it an attractive option for individuals with consistent but limited investing capacity. On the other hand, the EPF is not only a savings tool but also a vital component of India’s social security system, offering interest rates generally higher than those of RDs, which makes it highly beneficial for long-term growth.
Moreover, while the returns on RDs are taxed according to the individual's income tax slab, the interest earned and the maturity amount of the EPF are tax-free under certain conditions, making EPF a more tax-efficient investment in the long run. This distinction is crucial for investors when planning their tax liabilities.
For potential investors, understanding these nuances is vital. Using a post office Recurring Deposits calculator helps in setting realistic expectations on the returns from RDs, providing a clear picture of what the maturity amount will be at the end of the investment period. Similarly, the Employee Provident Fund calculator aids in comprehending how one's money grows over time with the added interest, especially with the compound interest feature that EPF offers.
When comparing both, it’s important to consider factors like investment tenure, risk appetite, liquidity needs, and tax implications. Post Office RDs are typically preferred by those who seek less risky avenues and may need to withdraw their investment relatively sooner. In contrast, EPF is ideal for individuals with a longer investment horizon, primarily due to its focus on retirement savings.
While both Post Office RD and EPF are solid investments, they serve different purposes and offer different benefits. The post office Recurring Deposits calculator and Employee Provident Fund calculator help investors make informed investment decisions that match their financial goals and retirement plans. By carefully analysing and comparing these options, investors can optimise their portfolios for long-term financial goals.
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timekhabar · 5 months
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alomaniya · 6 months
Are Lifestyle Loans Accessible to Everyone?
In the bustling modern world, the quest for a comfortable and stylish lifestyle has become a universal aspiration. Amid this scenario, lifestyle loans have emerged as a beacon of hope, offering individuals a pathway to attain their desired lifestyle without the burden of immediate financial constraints. One name that stands out in the realm of lifestyle loans is Al Omaniya Financial Services, a pioneering institution in the Sultanate of Oman, known for its simple, convenient, and affordable loan schemes.
Lifestyle loans are designed to make dreams come true, allowing consumers to purchase their favorite electronic or household products through flexible loan schemes tailored to fit almost anyone's budget. But are these loans accessible to everyone? Let's delve deeper into this question, keeping in mind that lifestyle loans now offer an even wider choice, empowering consumers to own the world's best products that match their lifestyle.
Al Omaniya Financial Services champions the concept of lifestyle loans with a straightforward and user-friendly approach. The process begins with identifying the item or items to be purchased under the Lifestyle Finance Scheme. Applicants are then required to fill in and submit an application form either at Al Omaniya Financial Services Lifestyle Office or at the dealer outlet. Furthermore, submission of a copy of the National ID or Passport, along with proof of an existing bank account, ushers applicants into a world where they can choose their lifestyle, their way.
Lifestyle loans from Al Omaniya are marked by their flexibility, featuring easy monthly installments, simple procedures, and quick processing and approval. This simplicity and convenience are what make lifestyle loans highly accessible to a wide array of individuals. Specifically, lifestyle loans extend their reach to salaried account holders of BankMuscat, NBO, employees of approved organizations, and every salaried individual capable of providing Post-Dated Cheques (PDC’s), showcasing a broad eligibility criterion.
But why opt for Al Omaniya for your lifestyle loan? As the largest Non-Banking Financial Institution in the Sultanate of Oman, Al Omaniya boasts assets of more than RO 136 million. Since its inception, the institution has been at the forefront of offering innovative financial products and services. With a rich history of serving over 66,000 satisfied customers, Al Omaniya's commitment to enhancing the living standards of individuals through lifestyle loans is unparalleled. Their lifestyle loans not only facilitate the ownership of luxurious and essential goods but also ensure a hassle-free and smooth financing process, embodying their motto, "Lifestyle – Live the Difference!"
In conclusion, lifestyle loans indeed offer a gateway to better living by making luxury and essential goods accessible to a wide demographic. Al Omaniya Financial Services, through its lifestyle loans, paves the way for consumers to enhance their living standards with ease and flexibility. Whether it's the simplicity of the application process, the wide eligibility criteria, or the institution's trusted legacy, Al Omaniya stands out as a premier choice for anyone looking to finance their dream lifestyle. Thus, lifestyle loans are not only accessible to many but also a practical and wise choice for aspiring consumers aiming to live their dream lifestyle without financial strain.
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