notbecauseofvictories · 9 months
A number of years ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my parents. (I think it was lunch? lunch-ish? but I can't really remember.) Anyway, my father kept insisting that if you have hobbies, you should hustle and turn it into a blog, a podcast---something that would use that expertise, and share it with others. But my mother pushed back; she insisted that doing something is an end in itself. You can just read a book. You can think about what you read, turning it over in your head. Maybe talk about it with your local book club! But you don't need to start a LIT CHICKS podcast and read books every month and offer Blue Apron discount codes during commercial breaks, etc. etc.
You can just read the book.
I find myself thinking about that exchange a lot. I can just take a butterfly pinning class, or a foraging class, or a historical walking tour, and that's enough. The world is for doing things in, learning and meeting and seeing---you do not have to turn that into shareable content or a life's passion to give it worth.
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latinare · 3 months
are you showing your baby cool tumblr posts to help them get ahead in their future shitposting career? /j
Alba non videnda ante duo annos ut aiunt, itaque ea postero anno merdiprodendi disciplinam coeperit.
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sanskari-kanya · 4 months
Superior , inferior , anterior , posterior , lateral , medial , superio-lateral , postero-medial , distal , proximal , dorsal , ventral , caudal , rostra—
are mujhe maaf kar do bhai
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rannadylin · 1 year
rogatio de sententiis antiquis
propter diem linguae nativae loquendae, rogationem sententiarum praebeo: quae est sententia antiqua optima?
(For Speak Your Language Day, I present a poll: Which is the best Latin saying?) (Inspired by the German quotes poll I saw earlier! :-D)
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team-avia · 10 months
one thing that has yet to leave my mind as a Latinist (just like Bela <3) is the title of Bela's second chapter "Carpe Diem". The first time I saw that title I was already yelling about where she'd carp that diem because carpe diem does mean seize the day, but within the concept of epicurism.
To make a very long explanation short epicurists don't believe in the afterlife and don't really care about Grand designs in stiff, their goal in life is to live a good life, enjoyable to themselves (and others). Carpe Diem is a part of a line from Horace and the full line is carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero (Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow) as in enjoy today, live this day not as if it is your last day, but in a way that you would be content with if it was  your last day. (Basically it's the old and slightly more restrained way of saying yolo since epicurists won't go as far as to do dangerous things if it leads to severe consequences)
Epicurists live day by day and don't bother with the busywork others do that only brings them misery. I do not believe an epicurists would ever approach the student council Bela runs and that's what made me laugh as soon as I read it the first time. She does not seem like the epicuristic type (or she hides it very well).
This isn't really meant as a criticism, it was actually really funny to me because it could be read as MC trying dumb shit to enjoy themselves while in that student council, but I did want to share more information about that one little line because Bela's route has me obsessed and I will talk about Latin (and Greek) whenever possible.
CLASSICAL PHILOLOGIST SPOTTED!!! 📑🖊 Thank you very much for the explanation :)
I think Bela should take a slice from the epicurist approach. Maybe she will after the romantic ending.
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alechans-cutetickles · 2 months
🇮🇹:ok visto che mi piacono cosi tanto i pancini pk sono solleticosi e soffici ho deciso di fare qualce disengi su i pancini ^//^💕 e forse....un giorno... vi mostrero il mio pancini O//O (TUTTO SULL MIO ACCOUNT É FAMILY FRENDLY NN POSTERO NIENI DI P0RN0)
🇺🇸:ok everybody so see that i'm so obessed w tummies cuz theyr so fluffy n ticklish i'm gona make some cute n sfw tum-tum pics ^//^💕 and maiby....one day...i will post my belly pics O//O (EVERYTHING ON MY ACCOUNT IT'S SFW I WILL NOT GONING TO POST NSFW)
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
I've talked to death on this blog about VnC and Vanitas's relation to the meaning of "vanitas," but on the topic of latin phrases, I'm also really intrigued by the name of Jeanne's gauntlet: Carpe Diem.
I'm guessing most of y'all have a general idea of what "carpe diem" means (sieze the day), but the original phrase in full is super interesting when applied to Jeanne. It's "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero." Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one. Or in other words, make the most of today because you don't know whether you'll have tomorrow.
Originally, Marquis Machina gives the gauntlet this name when he first gives it to Jeanne, and he makes it pretty clear what he means by it. He tells her to "rampage to her heart's content." Bourreaus don't tend to survive very long, so "carpe diem" in this context is him telling her to make the most of her little remaining time. She could die tomorrow, so she ought to go as wild as possible in the meantime, and her super-powerful weapon Carpe Diem is the medium through which she can achieve that wildness.
Of course, she can't actually "seize the day" in any meaningful way while she's a bourreau, because she isn't allowed to have any desires of her own. Killing as much as she can for her masters does not a full life make. However, her arc so far has in large part been about rediscovering the agency and personal desires that she's been denied, and now her biggest motivation/assurance is kind of a curious reversal of the full carpe diem phrase.
The original message is that, because you don't know whether you'll have tomorrow, you ought to live fully. Death is an uncertain quantity on the horizon, and the threat of its arrival is motivation to make the most of yourself before it catches you. And Jeanne has lately been able to live her life more fully because of the specter of death on her horizon! It's just that for her, death is not a threat, but a comfort.
Since her promise from Vanitas, Jeanne has been able to let go a little bit and make more of her life because she knows that she can die. If she loses control, she knows that Vanitas can kill her. Seize the day, trusting that if the seizing goes wrong, you will not have to face self-made horrors in the next one. The thought of looming death motivates her to live more fully not because she wants to fill her life before she dies, but because the knowledge she can be killed makes her less afraid to fill it. Death becomes not a caution but a safety valve.
It's such an interesting twist on the role and philosophy that were originally assigned to her, and it makes me really curious about where her relationship to this idea might go next.
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dreams-of-mutiny · 2 months
"Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi finem di dederint, Leuconoë, nec Babylonios temptaris numeros. ut melius, quidquid erit, pati! seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum. Sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."
Ask not, Leuconoë, (we may not know) what fate the gods have given me or you; nor try Babylonian calculations. It is better to suffer whatever will be. Whether Jupiter has allotted to you many more winters or this final one, which even now wears out the Tyrrhenian Sea on opposing cliffs, be wise, and mix the wine, because time is short; limit that far-reaching hope. The envious moment is flying now, now, now: pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow.
— Quintus Horatius Flaccus
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xponentialdesign · 2 years
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Leviter inaequales lux fistulæ Hoc compartire et servare dicamus, Verba perpetuo memoriae tradamus, Munus est magnum, quod ante nos sit, Atque posteris donum posteritas dabit. Discamus, hauriamus ex fontibus antiquis, Et de fructu aliorum studia sumamus, Nostrae res memoriam per quae rerum gerendarum, Sint apud posteros monumenta manentia.
Nam cum res effluxere temporis spatio, Verba restant semper, quae tempore non patiantur, Et mentes hominum iungent per saecula longa, Et virtutum exempla ad posteros transmittent.
Ergo haec compartiri et servare memento, Et verba scripta tuis manibus conscribe, Nostraeque res posteritati commendato, Ut futurae gentes nostra meminerint.
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pinguinodirovere · 1 year
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Da oggi si apre una rubrica quotidiana: musica!
Ogni giorno (almeno spero) postero una canzone ( pricipalmente saranno sigle degli anime.. più avanti vederemo se mettere anche altro) sul profilo, la musica fà sempre bene!
andiamo a comiciare??
Ushio e Tora: Season 2 ending full song
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Mi sono svegliato questa mattina con una famosa locuzione in testa: Tempus fugit. Inutile dire che la mente è andata alle Georgiche di Virgilio ma lo prendo come spunto per farvi i migliori auguri a tutti per uno splendido 2023. Vorrei ricordare un passo delle Odi di Orazio che penso possa essere uno spunto importante per vivere questo nuovo anno.
Dum loquimur fugerit invida
aetas: carpe diem,
quam minimum credula postero.
È proprio vero: Mentre parliamo il tempo è già in fuga, come se provasse invidia di noi. Afferra la giornata sperando il meno possibile nel domani.
#studiochirurgicogiovannini #matteogiovannini #buon2023 #buonanno #HappyNewYear #HappyNewYearEveryone #happynewyear2023wishes #siamoconvoi #WeAreWithYou #staywithus #staysafe #StaiConNoi #staresicuro #staisintonizzato
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druzya · 1 year
Sto cercando casa e ho notato una cosa strana. Ogni tanto, nelle foto degli annunci, c'e' un Emiglio piu' o meno nascosto.
Man mano che li trovo, li postero' qui.
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Hugo Simberg 1896
The Garden of Death
Skeletons often make an appearance in still life paintings, usually as skulls, as a memento mori, or a carpe diem quam minimum credula postero (do it today, dont rely on tomorrow). Its less common to see the skeletons cuddling flowers, but I've also seen them cuddling people and animals in other paintings. Maybe they just looked like they wanted a hug?
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Quel est le meilleur conseil que vous ayez jamais reçu ? CARPE DIEM. Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero est un vers latin d’un poème d’Horace signifiant : « Cueille le jour présent sans te soucier du lendemain » … Source: Wikipédia. CARPE DIEM.
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Witness the incredible recovery journey of Nathan Johnson🏃‍♂️✨
After a devastating ACL rupture and a complete tear of the postero-lateral corner during a football match, Nathan faced the possibility of never playing again.
His path to recovery included two major surgeries—an ACL reconstruction with his quad tendon graft and a peroneus longus allograft. Despite the daunting 12 weeks of rest, knee bracing, and intense rehab, Nathan’s unwavering determination brought him back to the field.
Now, 12 months later, witness how Nathan has triumphed over adversity and reclaimed his passion for football. His story is a testament to resilience and the power of never giving up. ⚽💪
Proud of you Nathan!
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"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero"
"Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow (the future)"
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