#posting Daft Punk. you realize this means we become best friends now right
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Daft Punk, the anti-stars – Published in l’Est Républicain newspaper in 1997 - TRANSLATED
Originally posted by @/DAFTPUNKMX on twitter (but @/Daft_Wub reposted it in better quality so that's the one I'm posting right here)
Headline act of the "Pulsa Groove Party" organized last night at the "Zénith" as part of the Nancy Jazz Pulsations, Daft Punk gets a world-wide success. Interview.
Interview by Alain DUSART and Benoît GAUDIBERT
-What’s the difference between the studio and the live performance?
- We’re truly playing live, in front of the people, to suit to their reactions. There’s nothing pre-recorded. Sometimes one reproaches electronic music with being too static. Even rock bands, on stage, often gets close to their discs. With us, every evening is different because the interaction with the audience is new.
-Behind your machines, how do you feel that you have a good rapport with the audience?
- When people are jumping and screaming. We’re sometime surprised by the people of the first rows. They’re the only ones who are not dancing. Curious or skeptical, they come and check. We can see them think. It’s mostly the case in France. We’ve learnt to look at the back of the room.
"Stay normal"
-Daft Punk, a French band?
- Yes and no. Our music has nothing that is specifically French. On the other hand, we live here. And the foreign audience, the music they’re listening to, it’s ours.
- You have become celebrities. How do you handle it?
- We are not celebrities. The fact of staying in the background, not being filmed or having our picture taken, is a way to stay normal. We don’t want to be circus freaks. You know, we’ve known each other since we’re 11, 12 years old. As soon as we saw that we were dragged into larger distribution, we’ve made the decision to stop. When we were teenagers, we wanted to make music, we had our idols, our icons. We realized that when we met them, we were disappointed. All of this is illusion and we don’t want to give illusions. And we’re happy that a lot of people understand our approach.
"No focus on us"
- A star without a face, it’s intriguing
- Music is the star. We really don’t want any focus on us. The music industry, consumer society, these are matters of looks, of image. We don’t want any of this. And we’ve managed to change the rules.
- No pictures, no interviews… Has Virgin accepted this?
-Presented with the fait accompli, Virgin was likely to agree. This year we’ve given 350 interviews to the press. For six months it’s the only thing we’ve done, in all countries, eight hours a day. Always repeating the same thing over and over, it drove us crazy.
"We have control over everything"
- One million copies sold, does it change your way of working?
- Musically speaking, it develops by itself. Financially speaking, we’re the ones who are in charge of the tour. We’re losing money. There are 15 persons following us, 3 trucks. This tour is a way of making progress in terms of the image system (the same one used by Jean-Michel Jarre) and sound. Money is used to recreate things. This is entirely disinterested, like patronage is. A vast majority of criticism against electronic music, is the kind of amateur way it is being made. Since we’ve got the financial means to do so, we would like to bring up a different way of working. What is enjoyable is being able to do whatever we want to. We have control over everything, the copyright of all the music, of all the videos. We’ve got given good advice, especially legal ones.
Bowie and Lang as fans…
- Do you wish to work with artists? Bowie, for example…
- We’ve had requests but not from Bowie as it has been written. He just liked our music. However Thomas is going to produce the first album of a young friend from Toulouse, Alan Braxe, from the Chicago house, one of the best stuff we’ve heard of this genre.
- You’ve opened a breach in music for house music, and now for techno music. This musical education has found a political representative with Jack Lang, new techno music ambassador. [He was the former minister of culture and the former minister of education in France in the 90s ; he promoted music that was different from mainstream music]
- If he’s sincere it’s okay. The big problems with the [rave] parties ban had started again after the 1995 elections [The government and the police tried to stop people from going to rave parties because they thought that rave parties = drugs]. Whether we like it or not, the current government that came after the dissolution was supposed to be less conservative than the previous one. And in the end, it’s not! The mentalities need to be changed. The more [house] music will work, the more pressure there will be so that people can listen to it.
Self-portrait –
Black buzz-cut, nice face, diamond on his ear, big silver ring (his grandfather’s), black Nike tracksuit, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, 23 years old, is the reserved kind. Calm and rational-looking, a tad tense. His middle school mate, Thomas Bangalter, 22 years old, blond bleached hair, grey sweatshirt, laid back, is definitely wordier. Daft Punk (nickname given by an English magazine at their debut), are two friends rather rational. They sold more than 900.000 albums across the world, got chosen as “best techno music album of 1997” in England and are nominated for the Grammy Awards in the US. Daft Punk avoid journalists, and the photographers and cameras in particular. But with a lot of enjoyment, they accepted to have a camera from L’Est Républicain around their neck. In order to make a self-portrait or a off-the-wall picture. With complete freedom, one of the main values they cherish.
*Under the picture* Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo’s self-protrait. Rare document: Daft Punk avoid journalists and photographers.
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darthsuki · 5 years
Fic Rec Tag Game
Post your fics you are most proud of! No limit on how many, just the ones you look at and just feel so pleased that you wrote something so great! Tag as many people as you like to get them to share their own fics! 2k19 is the year we love our own fics babes!
Though I have been a writer in some form or another for as long as I can remember, I didn’t have any sort of online presence until around roughly 2010;  in fact, my first ever online account was on deviantArt!
I’ve made a lot of strides in the last decade with my writing, both in the craft itself and my perspective on how it can impact people in all sorts of wonderful ways--so below is a list of the works that have been important, beloved, or otherwise influenced my experience as a writer. 
If anyone has ever been curious about my older works or the things that have been imperative to making me the writer I am today, I’d say it’s worth taking a peek--you might find something new of mine to like! ;3c
Truth Within (Star Wars, OC/General Grievous, chaptered fic)
Truth Within was (and still is) one of my most beloved writing projects--somewhat because, fun fact, it’s the first fanfiction I’ve ever written! 
Truth Within is a Star Wars fanfiction based in the prequel trilogy, specifically in the Clone Wars era. It features the adventures and coming-of-age of Sakajin Takio, a young woman with a calling to right the wrongs of her mother and become her own person in the process. Along the way she’s challenged to learn the ugly consequences of war, the pain of loss, and the worth of protecting those she cares for--all while trying to handle being the apprentice of General Grievous as a member of the Separatist forces.
Originally posted to fanfiction.net in the late 2000′s and having been overhauled at least twice since, this piece represents how I’ve matured and improved as a writer. Sakajin has grown as a character in much the same way I like to think I’ve grown as a person, so much that she remains my proudest creation to this day.
I love this fic with all of my heart and have a universe worth of things plotted, planned, outline and half-written for it, though hilariously due to the fandom and the very specific ship it contains (Sakajin and Grievous) it doesn’t attract a lot of readers--still, it remains one of the biggest and most influential projects that I hold dear, and I really hope that one day I can make it into something it deserves to be.
Memories of You (Star Wars, General Grievous, chaptered fic)
Another passion project, but much (much) more recent than Truth Within. The story follows the reader as once a lover of General Grievous when they had been left for dead as a servant. After the general dies and they are left alone, the reader is shocked to realize many months later that he’s actually alive--and is in fact the acting general for the Separatist armies. Drama and tension unfold as the two of them try to figure out how to move forward, having to balance the joy of reuniting with a lover and the reality of war and the danger it presents.
Drabblewatch (Overwatch, fic/drabble collection) [NSFW]
What started as a reblogged prompt list spiralled into something absolutely amazing; after writing so many fills, I decided that it would be smart to make a blog to host the specific content and, one thing led to another, and Drabblewatch was born as the very first of many other writing blogs that I would make for reader-insert content.
Started in 2016, Drabblewatch remains one of my most popular writing blogs and series, pushing me almost entirely into the reader-insert community where I have found no shortage of excitement, fun, satisfaction and encouragement. Though I haven’t touched this blog or fandom in quite a while, there’s still a lot of content for it.
...and, fun fact, I actually met my eventual fiance @blood--hunter because of my Drabblewatch writing ;3c
Just Off the Highway / Just Past the Mountains (WTNV, Cecil & Kevin, chaptered fics)
My entrance into the WTNV fandom is, compared to the rest of the fics on this list, a rather recent event. With the nature of the series and the encouragement of the fans of my writing, I have been able to create a lot of absolutely fantastic things--these two fics are perhaps the best examples of what I’ve been able to create thus far. JotH is a introduction fic putting the reader and Cecil together, while JPtM is similar in intent but pairing the reader and Kevin instead.
As the Sun Sets (Critical Role S2, Mollymauk, oneshot)
The reader is a member of the Fletchling and Moondrop Carnival, taken in when they decide that they may earn more coin for their musical skills on the road than at the mercy of those in their home city. They have grown close to many of the members of the carnival, Molly especially, and the reader learns that they may have more talents in magic than in music.
It’s a simple fic, but one that I absolutely adore--namely because I want to create far more content in the future for the Critical Role fandom. I’ve debated making this a multi-chapter fic, but I suppose only time will tell.
And perhaps, maybe one day soon, I’ll even have a Critical Role writing blog... ;3c
Reader-Inserts: A Guide & Background
 Omegaverse: Everything You Need to Know
These two entries are interesting, largely because they’re not actually fanfiction or such at all--they’re guides, and ones I’m rather proud of at that.
The first one is a guide for reader-inserts, detailing as much information about what they are, ways to write them and other bits of information from my years of experience in writing for the community. Though it’s by no means the only way to write such a lovely form of fiction, it’s a means for me to try and pass on as much of my own knowledge and experience as possible to normalize reader and self-insert fiction in this internet community of ours!
The second one is more of an informational perspective for a specific AU or trope, commonly revered to as omegaverse or A/B/O. It’s half-headcanon, half-background info, and from what I’ve heard has helped a lot of people understand this one interesting AU or universe setting in the fiction around them.
A Day on The Throne (MCU, Loki, oneshot) [NSFW]
If anyone wanted to know what my very first reader-insert work was, then the mystery has finally been revealed: it was with Loki! My first year of writing reader-inserts were a little clunky and utilized the ‘y/n’ system, but it’s interesting to compare this first work with what I write now, especially in making sure that my works are more accessible to people regardless of gender, sex, background or ethnicity. 
I’m certainly not perfect, but it’s nice to see that I’m always getting a little better than before!
Being a Human (Lover) (Daft Punk) [NSFW]
Being apart of the EDM (Daft Punk) fandom I think is actually where the last nail was put into the coffin for me, at least in terms of dedicating a lot of my time to reader-inserts as a speciality. 
The community was small and inviting, and a lot of people really encouraged my work and my potential as a writer to do bigger, better things. I actually met a lot of awesome people through the fandom, and to this day I consider @slowpokemegan one of my greatest friends and I am quite blessed to have met her because of this very fanfiction.
Collection of Suki’s Best Smut(tm)
Below is a list of what I consider some of my best smutty writing, though it’s absolutely not exhaustive since apparently out of the 150 fics I’ve posted to AO3, almost 80 of them are explicit and smutty in some form or another--consider these but a taste of what my writing career has created thus far :3c
Touch Me (RWBY, Ozpin)
It’s Best to Keep Me Pleased (RWBY, Torchwick)
Phone Call (FnaF, Phone Guy)
Silvairre’s Little Secret (FFXIV, Silvairre)
Lay Me Down to Sleep (Fallout 4, Maxson)
Heart-On (Undertale, Sans)
Audio Transmission (Lifeline, Taylor)
Touch Me, Have Me, Make Me Yours (The Dragon Prince, Aaravos)
Just Off the Highway (WTNV, Cecil)
Mine, Mine, Mine (WTNV, Kevin)
Have Me (Voltron, Lotor)
We’re Goin’ Down (LoZ: BoTW, Sidon)
Intimacy (Daft Punk)
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figjelly · 7 years
Dear Therapist.
Every Wednesday (except for the last Wednesday of the month), I write my therapist. I’ll post them here. I’ve been working with this therapist for three years, seeing her once a week. Recently, I decided I wanted to try to reduce my number of visits to once a month but I wanted check-ins. We agreed I could email her. Trigger warnings for everything under the fucking sun for these posts. If you don’t want to be sad, please click this link. Read more after the cut:
Isn't weird how I'm distressed that I didn't write you yesterday? I've sort of let everything fall apart after Wednesday last week. The climate at the office has completely fallen apart and I've given up on caring about it. For the rest of this week and next, my supervisor has outsourced me to every other office. Not that they have much to give me. So, I decided to just spend this week sitting around, getting paid by the hour to barely work and exist in an office that is a dumpster fire. Back when I was working horrible dishwasher job at the retirement community, Daft Punk had just come out the summer of 2013 Random Access Memories, their first album in six years (well, not the FIRST because in 2011 they did the OST for Tron: Legacy, a movie which ended up being a music video for Daft Punk's music for the movie. I was, of course, fine with this.). Anyway, not the point. R.A.M. was inspired by the music of late 70s and early 80s (primarily disco era). So, during horrible time as dishwasher, I listened to R.A.M. religiously. Track #3 is "Giorgio by Moroder" which is spoken word and disco house. Spoken word by whom? Giovanni Giorgio Moroder, pioneer of Italian Disco and Electronic House. During the disco era, he produced a LOT of Donna Summers singles (which is how I was introduced to him, my home filled with a weird mix of abuse and escapist music). In "Giorgio by Moroder," Moroder recounts his early life to the listener: "When I was fifteen, sixteen when I started really to play the guitar  I definitely wanted to become a musician It was almost impossible because the dream was so big I didn't see any chance because I was living in a little town, I was studying And when I finally broke away from school and became I musician I thought "well I may have a bit of a chance"Because all I every wanted to do is music but not only play music But compose music At that time, in Germany, in 1969-70, they already had discotheques So I would take my car and go to a discotheque and sing maybe 30 minutes I think I had about 7-8 songs. I would partially sleep in the car Because I didn't want to drive home and that help me for about almost 2 years to survive..."
I listened to that on the way to horrible dishwasher job and on the way home. It's all I'd ever wanted in life--struggling and taking something day by day to become THE name in my passions. Whatever those were. Are. Who knows. I'm putting this time in my life under sleeping in the car while driving back and forth between home and a discotheque in another country. I'm just doing this to survive. In the meantime, I'm working on where I want to be. I think. Of course, I still get hung up on "You should have just started working on this when you were younger." And then I remember my high school art teacher. I can't remember if I've told you the story. No one knew how to help in in high school the way no one knew to help me in college or grad school. In high school, I took four years of art on top of accelerated math and science classes. I think I met with my guidance counselor once in the four years I was in high school and it was to help find scholarship opportunities. It is not lost on me that my guidance counselor never took me aside for my bloody lips or bruises. I made good grades and seemed okay. That was all anyone needed, I guess. My art teacher was kind. I loved him and my art classes. He never seemed terribly interested in fostering or supporting me. A few other students he'd spend time suggesting sketchbooks or asking about their process. I think he just felt sorry for me. Especially after I went to foster care. He never quite cared about what I was doing. But then, last year of high school, he asked me what I would major in. I was so excited to answer, "Art!" And then That Look(TM) crossed his face. The "wrong answer" look. He said, "I don't think that's really a good fit for you." When I die, someone is going to say something about how I finally "found my peace." And then I'll revive my corpse and scream at everyone that I'm tired to people telling me what is good for me or whether I've gotten something or just... anything. I want people to listen, not talk at me about me. High school me reasoned he knew better than me and that he was right. When I got older, I was angry with him for being so callous. Then, two days ago, I was speaking with my writer friend from Maine--he goes by Sabes--and we were talking about art teachers who've failed us (his experience was an art teacher in college who told him he drew the wrong things--he dropped out of college and it weighs heavily on him). He said that our art teachers were shitty because they were bitter about being stuck working jobs as teachers and that was the source of their ugliness. I didn't argue but it didn't sound right for my art teacher. My art teacher told us a story once in class one day about how he came to be there. His father had worked in a factory. His brother too. He never wanted to end up there. And, yet, years later, there he was in the same type of coveralls with same name in big letters embroidered over his heart. He never told us the details together, but in a separate instance, he told our class about how his brother died of a drug overdose. I think his brother's death is what pushed him to finally go to college and pursue what he loved. He never said so, but that's what I think. That's how much he loved art. I don't think he was ever bitter about teaching us. He loved it. I think he thought he was trying to help me. And, to be honest, I didn't know what I wanted out of life either. An art major just didn't seem to fit the narrative I'd been building for myself. Foster kid ends up valedictorian with a full-ride scholarship? That kid good at all sorts of math and science classes? That kid in practically every volunteer and club group there was (that her parents allowed her to stay in)? No, art school isn't part of that story. So, now I'm not angry anymore. And I hate it. I hate knowing most of my life was probably guided by well-meaning people doing the best they could. That's a more horrible story than finding out everyone was out to hurt me or hold me back on purpose. At least then there are clear-cut villains and I know for certain I'm not a background character--in that case I'm the protagonist who is trying to get to my goal and things are keeping me from it. That's plot and conflict and interesting. Instead, my story is boring. It's boring because it's like everyone else's. Literally, my worst nightmare is realizing that I'm just like everyone else. I'm not. I know I'm not. But it doesn't quite seem like it's shaping up that way, especially working in this stupid, maddening office. I'm mediocre. That's a horrifying reality to be living right now. All my life, I thought at least I'd be striving towards something, sleeping in my car while driving from Italy to Germany and back to reach what I was always meant for. Maybe I'm just discovering that I'm not part of that group. I'm part of a larger mass that is meant to wake up and have routines for years on end. My weekly highlights are wondering when the tv shows I like airs. A popular question that I'm asked often: "Watching anything good?" I want to answer, "Yes. I've got an exclusive, private view of a show called My Life and it is on 24/7. I get to watch this person's life fall apart one second at a time while they labor under the pervasive delusion that they're going to mean something in the world. I already know how it'll end but I keep watching anyway because no one gave me a choice otherwise." Instead, I answer, "American Horror Story is back. I enjoy how campy it is." Until next week.
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