#pota proximus caesar
wetsocksinbed · 4 months
something I find incredibly funny is that in the current Planet of the Apes movies, the only time apes are villains is when it’s bonobos (Koba, Proximus)
for those who don’t know much about apes in the wild, Bonobos are one of the (if not THE) most docile ape. They are incredibly intelligent and, for a lack of a better word, absolute hippies. they have never been recorded to have ever committed a murder, unlike chimps, who are ironically a very agressive and violent species. They go out of their way to end fights, and make sure to share food. The hierarchy is Female, with families being lead by a matriarch.
Bonobos hate fighting, and become incredibly stressed at the idea of doing so. So instead they fuck. No, seriously. Stress release? Fuck. Want to share some food? Gotta fuck first. Happy? Fucking. Sad? Fucking. If it’s an emotion, it results in getting hot and steamy. Male on male, female on female, male on female, they don’t care. It’s like shaking hands for them.
the writers are accidentally using the Jaws Effect (the jaws effect is where a movie/show/book takes an animal that is rarely, if ever, dangerous, and uses it to be the main antagonist, therefore creating a false narrative that this type of animal is a common aggressor and there’s a high chance humans can be harmed by it. The Jaws movie turned Great Whites into villains, when they’re actually fairly calm creatures, and the movie sparked a massive manhunt for Great Whites. Granted people aren’t out there with guns taking on Bonobos, but I do find it ironic that the one species of ape to be featured in the reboot that was branded “dangerous” is the one that would probably protect humans most in a fight
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tellerficraz · 4 months
Girls when beast
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"There's something that i see in the way you look at me..🎵"
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adiosno · 2 months
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Yeah. She knows.
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And she knows what we want.
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lunasdestiny · 5 months
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pinkgoateeglitter · 3 months
Noa & Mae - You'll be in my heart
Thanks to @emryshart for letting me use their beautiful drawing ❤️🙌
I just watched the movie and here i am. Joining the nomae fandom 🤝
I saw some posts about them and Tarzan so, i had to do this video. Enjoy!
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emacitaas · 3 months
Proximus was like, “Yeah, I got your dad killed and, yeah, I stole your clan, but you’re a really smart ape and I think we can work well together.”
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fragglez · 4 months
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what a wonderful day!!!
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dodddraws · 4 months
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Fun fact, the Planet of the Apes is my favorite scifi franchise and the new Movie reignited the brain rot. And this time around I have the artistic skill to back it up, Yippie
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dunyun-rings · 4 months
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What a wonderful day!!!!!
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lunastar92 · 4 months
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Behind the Scenes with the cast.
Owen Teague/Noa
Lydia Peckham/Soona
Sara Wiseman/Dar
Travis Jeffery/Anaya
Kevin Durand/Proximus Caesar
Peter Macon/Raka
Freya Allan/Mae
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monstatron · 5 months
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i’ve mostly been keeping my planet of the apes stuff between myself and moots but i couldn’t contain my enthusiasm about proximus and silva :P
enjoy a quick sketch i did to get back into art after not drawing for a bit! and to anyone seeing movie, enjoy! i’m seeing it this friday!
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
I’ve seen a few people comparing the 1968 version of Planet of the Apes to the new series and comparing the methods by which humans fell. The reason why the OG PotA movie was all about atomic bombs being the Big Bad, was because during the mid to late 1900’s, nuclear warfare was something that a lot of people feared, considering the bomb has only recently been invented, and the damage it created during WWII. The original Planet of the Apes was released in 1968, still during the time period where people greatly feared the possibility of Nuclear War.
However, nuclear and atomic bombs are built differently today compared to 100 years ago, and therefore the kind of nuclear apocalypse that the OG PotA movies portrayed isn’t as realistic as it could have been.
However, you know what is realistic in our current time? Viruses. Go back and watch the start of Dawn, and compare it to COVID. Keeping in mind the movie was released 6 years before COVID hit, yet it perfectly predicts the way COVID spread, the riots, etc.
The way Rise/Dawn was written is much more plausible in our time, than the atomic warefare written into 1968’s Planet of the Apes
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tellerficraz · 4 months
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adiosno · 2 months
Ok but not Owen trying to teach Freya his moves. And then he gets excited when she does it right and turns to tell everyone but the others are talking so he is the only one following her to make sure she doesn't collide with other people.
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cj-k · 4 months
Make me request from kingdom of the planet of the apes de Noa Mae or anything, I'm dry of inspiration and I want to draw them a lot ósea mucho
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roybattyrabbit · 5 months
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laughing at Proximus’s goofy looking face here so I drew it
Do you guys like apes
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