#teddy loves apes ☆
teojira · 4 months
[Light] [Noa x GN!reader oneshot]
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Summary: Noa wakes you up at an ungodly hour to go into the overgrown city.
Words: 2.5K+
Warnings: Mutual pinning (neither of you know yet), romance, Reader is insecure, self indulgence at its fucking finest. Gender neutral but Noa thinks you're pretty :)
A/N: I'm so in love with him it actually hurts LMAOO, literally a ache in my chest. I was listening to Light by sleeping at last while writing this <3 hence the title, I hope I got the energy right!
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You weren't quite sure what Noa was planning, he had woken you up early, maybe an hour or two before sunrise.
Groaning and rolling away from his poking, he moves to trail a hand down to your side, jabbing his fingers there.
Your eyes fly open with a yelp, staring daggers into his head. You turn to him, and he has a small smirk on his face, laughing silently about the pout of your face.
He's already dressed in his normal attire, his feathered adorned to his person, a sling wrapped around his shoulder as well.
Noa watches your face take him in, and he hopes to anyone who's out there, to Caesar you can't tell how flushed he gets under your gaze. It's bad enough that everyone in the clan side eyes him because they know of his feelings for you. He hasn't worked up the nerve to tell you himself. He doesn't know what to do. He's both simultaneously enamored with you and your differences, but in the same vein, you're so different.
Sometimes, a part of him wishes he hadn't fallen for you. It'd be easier. It's easier to just be your friend and your protector, but falling for you was as easy as breathing.
You move to stretch out our limbs, groaning as you twist and turn, eyes still half lidded. The noise gaining his attention, his previous thoughts disappearing.
You're pretty like this, he thinks. You always do though, no matter what you're doing.
"What the fu-
Noa shoves a finger against your lips, gesturing for you to be quiet.
'I need you to come with me, important.' he signs, moving to grab at your hand, pulling you up. He forgets his strength a lot and yanks you into his chest. Your head knocks into him, and you yelp. In his defense, he didn't mean to!
"Sorry." He sniffs, using a large hand to rub at your forehead to soothe the ache there.
"This better be worth waking me up."
"It will be, come on."
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Noa leads you down to the horses, a hand on the small of your back, pushing you to go faster.
"Noa, what is the rush? Is everything okay?" You dig your heels into the soft earth beneath you, looking at him with concern.
He's been unusually impatient.
It's early as hell in the morning, no one else is awake. Not even Dar is up and about and that woman is constantly moving.
"Everything is fine, you worry too much."
"I worry a normal amount, thank you very much." You stick your tongue out at him, moving a hand to rub at your eyes, to get rid of the crust lingering.
You both arrive at the hut where the horses are kept, you linger back as Noa goes inside to grab his. He's fast and efficient, checking the satchel strapped to the animal to make sure he has everything he needs for this impromptu trip he's taking you both on.
It's cute the way he gets in the zone, his eyes trained on his task.
Yawning, you're not processing Noa's words until he's right in front of you in the saddle. That was fast.
"Come, come. Do you want to ride with me or ride alone?" Noa always ask, and he knows the answer by now.
You always ride with him, just like you always go with him anywhere.
It's a running joke in the clan that you're Noa's shadow, always at his heels, asking if he needs anything or if there's something you can do in general.
You've come a long way since then, finding your place in the clan. Not needing to follow Noa like a lost puppy, but as it turns out, you can't shake the habit of being around Noa when you can. Without thinking, you find your way towards him.
A part of you is still insecure about your place among them, knowing just how different you are. Noa is your only true companion, you think. Dar is loving, but you're worried she doesn't like you, same with Anaya and Soona. No matter how much they say they love you, years of differences have made you insecure.
So you cling to Noa like a lifeline, despite knowing you shouldn't, surely he doesn't want to be around you all the time. It's not fair to him.
But Noa never let it show that he finds your differences bothersome, you couldn't lift what the others could? No worries, he'd adjust it for you, making you a pulley to help or helping you himself when he had the time.
Or if you didn't know how to fish or hunt, he'd take you and Soona, and Anaya would come with all three encouraging you and helping you learn. He'd ask his mother to teach you how to make garments and how to farm the earth. He always looked out for you, even if he wasn't around.
They never made you feel like a burden, Noa never made you feel like a burden.
How were you not supposed to love him? In every universe, you're sure you were to be in love with him in every single one.
"Help me up?" You ask sheepishly, lifting your arms up so he can grab onto you.
"Of course."
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It's been about an hour or two, give or take on the ride to the overgrown city. Not that you'd know. With the warmth of Noa against your back and the steady movement of the horse, you've fallen asleep again.
Noa snorted when he realized, your body slumped into his, your hand loosely holding the saddles horn in a feeble attempt to not fall off.
He has to wrap an arm around your waist to make sure you didn't fall off or that what he tells himself.
Noa would never admit it, but he cherishes how easily you trust him, how comfortable you are with him, it makes him feel important, makes him feel loved. He'll give you shit for it, but nothing makes him happier.
You're only asleep for the last hour of the ride, breathing softly as Noa leads you both past the overgrown city, the hooves of the horse being the only noise being made.
"Here, wake up." He slows down the horse, pulling to a stop in front of a looming building, covered in greenery. He has not so great memories of it. Almost falling to his death would do that to you. But he won't take you that high. He'd never put you in danger.
His arm slips from your waist, moving to rub up and down your side as he tries and wakes you up for the second time today.
You let out a grumble. He feels it in his chest, and it makes him chuff, but open your eyes, blinking rapidly to get the sleep out of them.
Once he's positive, you won't fall without him propping you up. He demounts with an ease, his feet hitting the ground in a soft thump as he turns around to face you, holding his hands up so you can use him to get down yourself.
You move to grab his hands with your own, ignoring the spark that runs down your spine at the contact.
There are so many differences between you and Noa, too many to even begin to count, but the way his hands are similar to yours, the way he immediately holds you so gently, makes them seem insignificant. Is this what love is? It's weird.
Noa sets you down on the ground, smiling softly at you, then moving to wrap the reins around a piece of metal protuding out of the ground to ensure the horse doesn't go anywhere. Something he didn't use to do, but after the events of the last time he came into the city, he's not going to have that mistake happen again.
"We'll start climbing here." You crane your neck and balk at just how tall the structure is, it's a good couple of stories up, he's insane.
"Uh, Noa, I don't think you remember, but I can't really climb that high."
"I carry you, like I always do." He says it nonchalantly, shrugging with a shoulder.
"Noa, I'm heavy, no." It's always embarrassing when he carries you. It makes you blush, and you're terrified he can hear your heartbeat.
The look he shoots you is devastating.
"You always say that, you are not." He argues, looking offended on your behalf.
There's no point arguing with him about this.
You sigh and gesture for him to turn around so you can climb onto his back.
He does just that, crouching towards the ground.
You're always afraid of choking him out when you get on his back, so you take extra care to gently wrap your around around his neck, sliding your legs around his waist.
"Are you ready? It'll be a bit of a climb."
You let out a 'mhm.' Your brain too occupied with taking in his warmth and his scent, mind all fuzzy at holding him.
"Hold on tight." He squeezes your thigh.
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The climb is uneventful, mostly you filling in the silence with what you've done in thr last few days, Noa nodding and offering a hum here and there.
He finally stops, jostling you a bit to look at what he's come to show you.
A smile creeps along your face. It's Eagle eggs, four to be exact.
Despite the Eagle clan hand raising plenty of the birds, they don't do well breeding with their intervention, so to see a clutch is rare.
"Pick the egg that speaks to you the most."
You stare at the nest of eggs, taking in each one's complexion. It's hard, you have no idea why you have to choose. You figure Noa just wants your input, so you take it seriously.
Within a minute, you decide to point to the biggest egg in the center. The eggshell is freckled, and it stands out the most among its siblings.
"I like that one." You say softly in Noas ear. He nods and scoops it up, taking care to put it in the sling.
"Was that it? Can we go home now?" You rest your head on his own, holding back from nuzzling into his soft fur.
"Yes, this is all I needed today."
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After making a slow descent down the crumbling tower, Noa helps you get back onto the horse, throwing himself behind you. He moves the egg sling to be on his back, in order for you to be comfortable. (He wants you to lay against him so bad again)
The way home is filled with a comfortable silence, only breaking when you see fit.
It's always nice to spend time with Noa, but this particularly feels different, like something is innately changed in your relationship. You're probably imagining things though.
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Noa stops shortly before the village, it not being more than an acre away.
Noa swings a leg off the saddle, falling down and reaching for your waist to lift you down as well.
He breaths out your name, continuing after a moment. "Before we go, I need to give you something. Close your eyes."
You lift an eyebrow at him, but do as you're told. It's Noa, you trust him with everything in you, so your eyes slide closed.
Noa ruffles with something, cursing quietly under his breath. It makes you giggle, you had been teaching him some human vocabulary, alot of curse words included.
You're a bit startled when you feel him brush your hair away from your face, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. The blush that threatens to overtake your face is insane, and you hope he thinks it's just because the sun is beaming down on the both of you.
You feel something be placed over your head, sliding down and stopping at your chest.
Noa takes a second to readjust it, making sure it's snug and resting comfortably on you.
"Open now."
Peeling your eyes open, you're greeted with a blinding smile by him, and your mouth goes dry for a second at it. Yes, he has always been handsome, but the way he's looking at you now, the way his eyes are shining with happiness, it's a lot to take in. He's so handsome and he doesn't even know it.
Noa doesn't notice your internal dilemma over him, nodding his head towards your chest, still beaming with pride.
You snap yourself out of your Noa fueled daze, eyes going down to your chest.
It's the egg you chose.
Confusion fills your brain for a second.
"This is your egg, why am I carrying it?"
Noa told you all about how his egg was crushed the first time he got it, and how a downward spiral that moment had lead to.
Even though he had Eagle son now, you had figured he still wanted his own, to say he had done it for his late father.
"No, this is your egg."
"Your egg, your Eagle to raise."
"Noa, nothing. You are part of us. You get an eagle."
"Noa, I'm not. This is special to your clan. Someone else should have my egg." You try and carefully slip the sling from your neck, but Noa beats you, his hands inclosing around your own to stop you.
"You are apart of the clan." He murmurs, pushing your hands down until they're at your side. His hands then come back to your face, holding your cheeks gently.
"You're not an outsider."
The lump in your throat is suffocating, your eyes well past the point of welling up. Salty tears having no consideration for how embarrassing it is for you to cry over this.
Noa hums, this thumbs coming up to brush them away, still smiling, his eyes willed with warmth and his smile just the more softer.
He pulls you in then, resting his forehead on yours, a hand against the back of your head.
You let out a shuddering breath, smiling so hard it starts to hurt.
"You're apart of me."
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"Noa! My Eagle hatched!" You're sprinting to him, he just got home from exploration with Anaya. You've missed him, even more than usual.
You move to grab his hand, trying with all your might to pull him off to drag him to the Eagle area.
Anaya shoots a look to Noa, a smug smirk on his face.
"Noa you go, your mate needs you." He teases, dismounting his horse, grabbing Noas reins from him.
Noa sputters, quickly signing that no, you two are not mates, at least not yet. He hasn't even asked if you liked him yet! He's told Anaya this on the trip, many times, after many rounds of teasing.
You don't understand their signing that well yet, so you tug at Noas hand again, intertwining your fingers.
"Noaaa, come on!" You whine.
Noa is sure he'd do just about anything you asked of him, and then some. So he gets off the mount and runs with you.
Anaya snorts, shaking his head good-naturedly.
"Not mates, as if."
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radarsteddybear · 27 days
You've heard of the SCTV parody of To Sir, With Love starring Eugene Levy as Ricardo Montalban as Sidney Poitier's character. Now get ready for...a new To Sir, With Love parody starring...somebody...as David McCallum's Illya Kuryakin. Because reasons.
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Nerdy Natasha hcs
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Warnings: Unprotected zex, g!p Natasha, oral, uhhh idk
Pairings: G!p Natasha x fem reader (men and minors dni!!)
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. Nerdy!Natasha who would be so shy the first time you walked past her. Her face would be so red. her mind thinking about you that all the books she just checked out from the library almost fell out of her hands.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would only wear her favorite band and comic book shirts to school.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would be so happy that your Ap English teacher paired your two together for the book report project that was due in a few weeks.
. Nerdy!Natasha who has space and band posters all over her room.
. Nerdy!Natasha who gets so shy around you even though it has been a few months since you two has started talking.
. Nerdy!Natasha who comes over to your house with flowers and a teddy bear from build-a-bear in her hand and asks if you want to be her girlfriend. A small blush would cover her face as her head looks down at her beaten-up converse, her glasses slightly coming off of her face. You obviously say yes and hug her tightly.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would definitely take you out on a picnic date as a first date on top of her apartment building's roof where you would be able to see all of the buildings in the city. When you were done eating the chick-fil-a she bought, she would lay in between your legs and talk to you about different things while you played with her hair.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would not know how to kiss properly because she never hangs out with anyone, so you spend an hour making out with her. Her glass would be crooked and fogged up, but a large smile would errupt from her face when you pulled away from the kiss and hugged her.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would surprisingly work out a few times a week. You found out by coming over to her apartment on a random day, you asked Melina where Natasha was, and she answered in the gym and to say you were shocked was an understatement. She had a nice build too, she would have a six-pack, and lots of muscle on her arms and legs, and her back muscles would be crazy as well.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would get so embarrassed when Yelena called her out for finally getting a girlfriend after 18 years of her life.
. Nerdy!Natasha who is way taller than you, you would be 5'4 or 5'5 and she would be 6'3.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would come up to during free period and talk about her favorite show that came on last night and how you should've seen that episode because it was so cool.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would have the veiniest hands and arms. Anytime she comes behind you and wraps her hands around your waits, all you can do is stare at how veiny her hands are.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would be there every day of your cycle. Bringing you your favorite snacks, watching your favorite movies and cuddling with her.
. Nerdy!Natasha who loves Halloween and made you two dress up in cardboard robot costumes.
. Nerdy!Natasha who has a large display of Fender guitars, she takes time out of her days to write songs about you and end up playing them for you.
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. Nerdy!Natasha who would invite you over to her apartment (with her parents' permission) and would open the door to see you standing there. Your eyes were immediately met with her sweatpants and the big bulge she had. Natasha didn't even know, she's so unaware of anything that has to do with sex it's crazy.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would have the biggest hard-on ever while thinking of you, but she couldn't get off. She tried looking at porn and jerking off, but it just didn't feel good. She was too embarrassed to call you and ask for help so she just waited it out.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would be the biggest virgin ever, she tried to convince you that she has sex with other girls, but she had no idea what she was talking about. It was painfully obvious she was inexperienced, but you acted like you believed her just for her self-esteem.
. Nerdy!Natasha who finally let you take her virginity. You laied her down on her bed and pulled down her pants and saw her raging hard-on, pre-cum was already stained on her boxers as she lifted her hips to get some type of friction. You finally moved her boxers down to her mid-thigh. She would get so shy and try to put her hand in front of her cock, but you slap her hand away. You would try and tease her by giving her a handjob, moving your hand up and down, and having your thumb trace over her tip, but she came as soon as you started. Poor girl barely lasted 30 seconds, her face would be so red, and she would be apologizing profusely to you.
the same thing would happen when she trys to fuck you. Your pussy just feels so good around her. She lasts about 2 minutes which is an improvement but doesn't pull out in time, once again she would apologize immensely to you.
"Oh no, i'm sorry y/n. Please don't be mad." She would whine out to you and place her head in your neck.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would have a big dick and no one at your school knew. She would probably be a good 7-8 inches. It came as a surprise to you when you saw her in just boxers and a wife beater when she came out of the shower. Your eyes started at the outline of her cock, and she wouldn't even know. She's so naive.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would love to make you feel good. after teaching her how to please you, she couldn't stop. She would always sneak into your apartment late at night just to eat you out. You don't even have time to process what's happening until you feel her warm mouth kissing your pussy.
. Nerdy!Natasha who thinks about you 24/7 and ends up getting a boner in class. She asks to go home because she was feeling under the weather but actually went home to jerk off to photos of you. She felt so guilty after, she lied to all of her teachers to go home and satisfy her needs.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would whimper everytime you touched her cock. She would moan so loud too. You have to put your hand over her mouth just so Melina and Alexi don't hear her. This girl would cry as well. Sucking her off for five minutes would have her in tears from ecstasy.
. Nerdy!Natasha who gets walked on by Melina and Alexi because she was moaning so loud when you were riding her. They thought she did something stupid like playing with her cardboard sword and got hurt, but they actually walked in on you on top of Natasha riding her.
You two both got yelled at by Melina and Alexi, and also had a very stern talk about safe sex. Yelena was in the hallway laughing at the lecturing her sister was getting. And Natasha would be so embarrassed, this girl was almost in tears.
. Nerdy!Natasha who finds a stuffed animal you gave to her and uses it as a fleshlight while you're gone on a family vacation because she needs you so bad.
. Nerdy!Natasha who gets hard so fast. IT can be at anything you do too. Sit on her lap - she's hard. Lick ice cream in an innocent manner - she's hard. Touch her thigh - she's hard.
. Nerdy!Natasha who would be so scared when you tell her to fuck you roughly. All she has ever done was ask if this was okay. She never wants to hurt you. But the first time she tries your advice it's like she became a whole different person. She was pounding you from the back and whispering praises into your ear as she fucks you.
. Nerdy!Natasha who breaks her bed a couple of times because you guys fuck so roughly. Alexi would be so suspicious of her lies every time he has to fix her bed.
. Nerdy!Natasha who has way bigger hands than you. So when she fingers you all she needs is one finger stuffed in your tight hole and you feel so full.
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writinandcrying · 7 months
TMNT HEADCANON / how the turtles text
A lot can be said from how someone express themselves through texting, so this is just some crack / light headcanons !
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Not really based on a single version per say, more that turtles have been deprived of social interaction for the majority of their life and I think texting them would be an very interesting experience lol
Idea based on @avery73 last random turtle post (thanks for being one of our strongest soldiers and writing wonderful pieces 🫡) English is not my first language and I didn’t proofread this, if there is any grammatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
🎢 Single texts
🎢 Just like this
🎢 Loads of it
🎢 You got 60 new messages
🎢 in the past 2 minutes
🎢 Loads of gifs too
🎢 And voice memos
🎢Oh look
🎢6 personality tests links
🎢What do you mean you won’t do it
🎢He needs to know what kind of cupcake you are!!!!
🎢 And music recs
🎢 Your phone won’t stop vibrating
🎢 for the next weeks
🎢 After you meet him (Honestly really annoying unless you have a crush on him)
🎢 For the latinos/latinas; if he EVER finds out about WhatsApp and the stickers. Oh you are so done. If you have an older phone that shit WILL blow up / malfunction for SURE
🎢 uses TONS OF EMOJIS !!!!! 😍😍😝🤪😋🤩AND CAPS AS WELL!!! 🥳😽✌️👅🗣️
🎢Mikey live reaction when you ask if he’s upset that you asked him to tone it down a notch with the texting on a busy day:
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🎢 Will lowkey tone it down with the emojis when he finds out some ppl find it cringe, but with his angels cakes ???????? 🫵 YOU BET 🗣️ HE WILL SHOW YOU WITH IT 💋🫦💅🏻🤳🏼💃🏻🕺🏽🙈🦋🌺🧡🌚🌻🔥💥🌟
🎢Will accidentally send you some random ass emoji that wasn’t supposed to be on the context of the text, also the autocorrect is def not his friend
Mikey : how’s it going baby gorila
Mikey: babygirl*
Mikey: I’m sorry
🎢 adds emojis to very contacts in his t-phone:
Leo: Leader of the pack 🐺 🐢 🫡
Donnie: Eistein 📚🧬⚗️ (Raph also shares this name on his t-cell)
Raph: Murderous teddy bear 🧸 🧨
Splinter: Mafia Boss 🪤 (no one knows about this name tho)
April: Chanel N.6 🎤(or World of Apes 🦧 lmao)
Casey: New York Hockey League 🏒
Vern: Some dude (adds 🦅 so he knows it’s Vern and not “some random dude”)
Y/n: angelcakes pookie wookie baby boo boo love of my life !!!!!! 😍🥰👀🧚🏻‍♂️
🎢Mikey live reaction when Raph yells at him to stop flooding the chat, followed by mikey texting him “make me” (they are sitting next to each other):
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🔭Huge blocks of it in the speed of light. many topics, many questions and also explanations at just one sitting
🔭But won’t hold back on a smart ass short cut response for one his brothers (literally has the sharpest tongue)
🔭Will hardly uses emojis, only when it’s a single text to express an emotion (most current used emojis: 🤓when he does something impressive 💜: for y/n 🙄: when venting about something annoying Leo / Mikey / Raph did)
🔭Will want to discuss random ass problems he has encountered in his projects, in forums online, specially if you ever show interest in debating / doesnt hold back into showing your strong opinions
🔭 Has named their brothers as “Failed Lab Experiments” and managed to color code their messages (has the only t-phone that has this feature)
🔭Donnie creating the most unique and smartass way to charge his phone just cuz he can:
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🔭Deadass his reaction when texting his crush 👀:
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🔭 Has modified Mikey’s phone so he doesn’t have access to emojis for a whole week after his baby brother decided to spam him “out of no where” (after Donnie won consecutively 10 Mario Kart matches AND ate the last 2 slices of cold pizza)
🔭Result: mikey spammed EVEN MORE and only spoke to EVERYONE by Japanese emojis. Leo and Raph begged demanded that donnie install his emojis back cuz they were DONE with the whole situation
Failed lab experiment N.4: ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (♡´౪`♡)
Failed lab experiment N.1: Stop.
Failed lab experiment N.4: ┬┴┬┴┤ᵒᵏ (・_├┬┴┬┴ Failed lab experiment N.4: (;﹏;)
Failed lab experiment N.2: You stupid IDIOT Failed lab experiment N.2: look what you've done now he’s sad
🔭 Donnie also has to deal with his brothers thinking he is their personal Google (he will always answer their questions, even out of spite):
Failed lab experiment N.4: Donnie what’s a Cochlear implant
Successful lab experiment: A small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin.
Failed lab experiment N.4: :0 yikes
Failed lab experiment N.4: Okay thanks!!!!
Successful lab experiment: Stop asking me stuff when you can just Google it.
Failed lab experiment N.4: But I like talking to you 🙀😔
Failed lab experiment N.4: You are my favorite turtle Siri!!! 😉
Successful lab experiment: I’d prefer if I wasn’t... Also, why are you curious about cochlear implants?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey!!!!!
(He still doesn’t know why)
🥊 Barely uses emojis. Lowkey barely texts? doesn't see the appeal to it, rather prefer to hang out with you 1 on 1 than being far away from you (will never ever admit to it. maybe after 3 years in a relationship)
🥊as a friend: he wont be the one spiking a conversation, but might keep going if he's truly bored (this is prone to happen during daylight / evening when they still can't go out) but will probably be the one to ask to hang out when he needs an outlet and such 🥊*sees messages* eh i'll reply later *completely forgets about it*
🥊 will effortlessly take the most breath-taking pictures of new york during patrol and send it to you 🥊 if you are already his s/o / someone he trusts: will most likely text you to ask about stuff (if you need anything or something he needs from topside) or to diss / vent / gossip about his brothers 🥊 will send embarrassing pictures of his brothers to you cuz he can't deal with that shit alone lmao
🥊 will either be pretty clueless with the most random ass stuff or out of propose just to tease you: y/n: jniasunoakpfa raph: what was that y/n: keyboard smash? raph: how do i do that y/n: just press anything raph: 7 🥊 Raph Live reaction as soon as he realizes he has feelings for you:
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🥊 Also Raph Live reaction when he comes to terms with this feelings and has an excuse to ignore Leo (even if he doesnt like texting) just bc he can ignore Leo as he pleases:
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🎏 Perfect texts 🎏 looks like an email/letter sometimes 🎏 to most people: 1 message with divided topics. pretty direct 🎏 when he can't reply right away: "Hello. I'm happy you wrote to me. I try to reply promptly but currently I'm not available at the moment-" Like omg bro RELAX. 🎏 to his s/o: 70% direct, the other 30% likes to send little reminders, either with songs or pretty things she has seen during a patrol with a "thinking of you" message. lowkey romantic when he doesn't even mean to be, def shows how thoughtful he is 🎏 prefers to call you rather than texting. especially if you are dating/has a crush on you he might not even realize why he likes calling you so much, until it hits like a brick that he just wants to hear your voice 🎏Leo when he calls you and doesn't know when to "intervene" / his time to talk back (god forbid he's unpolite and interrupts you):
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lowkey him listening to April vent about smth dumb shit Casey did /any human friend venting and he doesnt know how to react lmao 🎏Just like Donnie, has favorite emojis and will only use it in specific situations (this will take time for it to happen, like after years Donnie first invented the t-phone and finally relized he didn't had to be so formal when texting): 🐢 when talking about team work or his brothers / 🪷 for meditating or mindfulness (thinks its peaceful) / 💙 for his boo and his boo only / 😏 only in a relationship, especially when he's feeling scipy (extremely rare for it to happen over text tho)
Group chat (more than one reaction)
💚 catching social cues irl can be hard, you are telling me there are hidden social cues in texting too??
💚 “Nah shut up” group, doesn’t care much about it and won’t change their ways: Leo, Raph
💚 Will research about it, will talk to every single human he knows (yes. you. Vern. Casey and April) Needs to know the social cues. NOW: lmao try to guess
💚 Also needs to know, but for meme reasons, he has to say up to date w the terminology/ slangs: another hard guess /j
💚 Oh btw, Donnie totally uses /j /Tw /srs terminology WHILE he texts fast AND huge text blocks. none of his brothers know how he does it
💚Will over use fresh lingo he has learned overhearing humans on patrol, shows, from his humans friends to the point it’s almost unbearable: Mikey 💚Live reaction of Raph and Leo trying to understand when Mikey or Donnie spamming the group chat with their extremely recent memes or hyperfixations:
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💚the chat WILL be flooded with things related to their favorite basketball teams, show they want to see or dumbass pictures of their daily lifes, example: Mikey: *has sent an selfie*
Mikey: you know y/n
Mikey:If you’re fortunate enough
Mikey: your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness
Mikey: but mine?
April: oh boy here we go
Mikey: Hasn’t. 😏😏😏
Y/n: Oh?
Mikey: *send another selfie flexing muscles* you see when you fight crime everyday-
Raph: yeah he shallowed a glow stick
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lizthewriter · 8 months
thinking about ted logan with studious!reader
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teddy who loves to quietly spend time with you while you study. it could be that he lies on your floor with his walkman, jamming out to his favorite bands (megadeth, slayer, exodus). or maybe he'll sit next to your desk chair with his head in your lap, one of your hands taking notes while the other plays with his hair absent-mindedly.
teddy who pretends to be your student while you try to explain academic concepts to him to help you study, but most of the time he is way too distracted by your beauty.
teddy who comes to every single event you take part in, whatever it is: mathletes, debate, decathlon, etc. he goes to your competitions and cheers you on (perhaps a little too loudly - many have to tell him to pipe down when you get something correct - "'i'm dating them!!! they're with me!!!"). he'll even intend your meetings, if he can manage to sneak in unnoticed. sometimes he fails ("mr. logan, last i recall you were not taking ap calculus. i suggest you take the door out of the classroom instead of the window.")
teddy who gives you kisses and cuddles when you proudly display the large red a on your exams, showering you with affection and complimenting you on how smart you are.
he just loves his smart girl :(
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Cold- Shigaraki x Fem!Reader Part 2
Surprisingly this and the alternative ending only took me today 😅. I finally got an oomph after a few weeks of a writing block and wrote this, the alternative ending, and like 3-4 other things along with some add-ons to a few unfinished drabbles.
Angst to fluff | 1,899 words | Happy ending + an alternative ending if you'd rather have it end differently! <3
Y/h- your height
Warnings!: Shigaraki dusting multiple people, choking (not sexually), mentions of blood, cutting off a limb (an arm), self harm (Shigaraki), breaking down, Dabi x reader but could be seen as platonic, mentions of season 6 (Machia and the Liberation army), mentions of killing heroes. Pls let me know if I missed any!
Part One | Part Two | Alt. Ending
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Shiggy's P.O.V:
Shigaraki paced back and forth in the meeting room, ap hand scratching at his neck. Nothing but guilt consumed him. He's been a complete a-hole to you, treating you horribly. You don't deserve that. You deserve better.
After asking Toga for advice the man decided to apologize and change his sickening behavior. He had only acted like that due to many people criticizing him behind his back. Telling one another what a bad partner he was. It killed him to think that he was.. and so he pushed you away.
He kept you locked away for your safety, there were so many bad people around, he didn't want anything to happen to you. But he couldn't, no. He wouldn't tell you that. He wouldn't act like some over protective psycho who works with people he wants to protect you from.
He took things from you to enforce the rules. He had to keep you safe. He needed you. He said those horrible horrible things to you for what? To push you away further so he would make sure not to be a piece of crap boyfriend? Pathetic.
He only showed his true colors when he held you at night or in the soft hours he was in your shared room. Though you probably didn't even recognize that. He loved you so, so much. And today he'd make it up to you. Today, he, Shigaraki Tomura, would apologize.
Reader's P.O.V:
You grumbled as Dabi picked you up, successfuly avoiding the patrolling heroes.
"Dabi! Let me down!" You whisper-shouted, resulting in Dabi pinching your side. "Ow~!" You whine, smacking Dabi's head as he chuckled.
After the hero passed Dabi sprinted toward the alley across you, pressing himself against the wall, and unfortunately you with him.
"Dabi! It hurts!"
"Will you just- be quiet. For like two minutes." You huffed as you bit back a retort, pout stuck on your face.
After a while of rushing past heroes you both finally made your way out of the city. "Okay y/n. You can talk now."
"Oh can I? Thank you your grace." You bite back sarcastically, e/c eyes glaring into Dabi's turquoise.
"Aww come on now. I was just protecting ya."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Dabi just chuckled before splaying his arm over your shoulders, grasping at your right one as he made his way forward.
"Where are we going?" You ask, following suit as he tugged you along.
"To the bar. I can hopefully get you safe before coming back. And we only have a short amount of time so we need to hurry."
"But.. you're not gonna stay with me?"
"No. You know what I need to do y/n."
"So.. you're just going to leave me?!"
"I'll make sure you're safe and have a way to contact me at all times."
"B- okay.."
Shigaraki's P.O.V:
Shigaraki paced back and forth as he practiced what to say. He had everything ready, but the actual apology. Shigaraki has never really apologized before, so this was quite nerve wracking. After another half hour of practice he decided that it was good enough.
Walking toward his shared bedroom, he shifted his hold as he juggled a bouquet of your favorite flowers, your favorite treat, and three more teddy bears to try and fill the hole of the one he dusted. Not to mention an entire box full of books and a TV he left in his office. Where you would be the majority of the time. E
With him, your husband. Slightly knocking on the door, he stepped in. "Y/n my love I know I messed up, but I hoped that-" he stopped as he looked at the room.
It looked perfect. The sheets were cleaned and the bed was made, the floor was spotless and the clothes were perfectly hung up. But, that wasn't the unusual thing. You were gone. You weren't tucked away in bed like usual, you weren't soaking in the bath, and you weren't curled up with a book.
Panicking, Shigaraki dropped his armful to scour the room, ripping apart the closet and flipping the bed.
"Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!" Shigaraki yelled, starting to hyperventilate. As he realized you weren't in the room he ran out, searching for you desperately.
"B-boss?" A villain huffed, azul eyes glued to Shigaraki's crazed form.
After scouring the place and demanding answers from everyone and anyone Shigaraki found himself back in your shared room, the room a mess from his search. As the reality sunk in he dropped down to his knees, despair overwhelming his senses.
You were gone.
You left.
It was all his fault.
Sobs racked through Shigaraki's being as he clawed at his neck, crying for his missing love. His other half. His reason to live. You were gone. And it was all his fault.
Reader's P.O.V:
You smirked as you passed Dabi, turning to stick your tongue out at him. Dabi just glared at you as he picked up speed, passing you once more.
"Hurry up loser! You wouldn't want to be left behind!"
"Dabi you're such a bully!" He just laughed as he ran down the hill, and into a rice farm. You've been traveling for two days, and are nearing a town that Dabi thinks would be okay for you to shelter at.
Giggling, you ran after him, jumping into his back when you came in range.
"Shh you'll wake someone up!" You giggle, nuzzling your face against his head. Dabi just scoffed before slowing his pace to a safer one.
"Hehe I knew you cared." You tease, poking at his cheek.
"I can and will drop you off here and now you pest." Dabi growled, cheeks a bright pink.
You just giggled before resting your head onto Dabi's shoulder, thoughts of your former lover plaguing your mind. You missed him. A lot. Not Shigaraki, the leader of the Liberation Army, but Tomura. Tomura, the leader of the humble LOV with a soft spot for his lover and partner.
Before you knew it silent tears rolled down your face onto Dabi's shoulder. If he noticed he didn't say anything, instead opting to stay quiet as he made his way across the rice field.
Shigaraki's P.O.V:
Shigaraki awoke to the shuffling of footsteps outside of his room. "Sh-Shigaraki! We have a clue to where y/n san-"
Shigaraki lunged at the man, grasping his arm in his hand as he whispered in his ear, "Don't you EVER utter her name again. Your filthy mouth isn't worth it."
The man screamed as his arm started decaying. As Shigaraki dropped him in disgust another man quickly moved to cut off the limb, stopping the decaying.
"Where is my y/n." Shigaraki demanded, glaring at the group.
"Ti' yoon saw Dabi taking a young lady about y/h outside of the base. She had clothing that looked similar to yours, and he says she had e/c eyes." A woman reports, arms crossed over her chest nervously.
Rage shook Shigaraki as he glared at every member of the group, neck scratching over his blood-stained neck. "Why didn't he tell me this EARLIER?" Shigaraki demanded, crimson eyes glaring.
"B-because he didn't suspect anything... He thought that it was someone else because he didn't know that your chick was disloy-" the man was cut off with a scarred hand to his neck, a finger short from decaying him instantly.
"DON'T EVER INSULT MY Y/N YOU SWINE!" Shigaraki yelled, choking the sobbing man before finishing the job, decaying him instantly.
"Bring me to Ti' yoon. Now."
After gathering as much information as he could, Shigaraki quickly made his way toward where they were headed on Machia, killing any hero that dared try and interrupt him.
Reader's P.O.V:
"Y/n. Give me that back. Now."
"But Dabi! Look at how good it looks on me! I thought it was ugly before but it must of just been you!" You tease, sticking your tounge out.
"Oh that's it. You're dead. " Dabi growled, lunging toward you.
You yelped as you threw yourself into a bush, getting you and Dabi's jacket stuck in the branches.
"Aha! Got you!" Dabi grinned, tickling your form as you shook with laughter.
"Da- Dabi! Come on! Help me up!" You giggle, e/c eyes shining.
"Nah. I'm good thanks." Dabi grinned, pinching your side. Dabi just gazed at you as you cussed him out, trying to wiggle free from the bush's grasp to ring his neck.
You both froze as you heard a familiar voice calling the two of you.
"Is that.." you whisper, eyes moist.
"Yeah.. let's get out of here." Dabi replied, scooping you into his arms. You worriedly looked back as Dabi sprinted away, searching for a hiding spot.
Shigaraki's P.O.V:
Shigaraki had quickly found footprints, and his rage only deepened as he saw them interlap, and yours going as far as to disappear at times. Following the tracks, he reached a rice farm, where the prints were fresher. You were near. His other half was near.
Reader's P.O.V:
Tears ran down your cheeks as you listened to Shigaraki's words. He was going to find you. You knew it. But he was going to kill Dabi. Not only that- but torture him?
"Hey y/n. It will be okay. He won't find us."
"Yes. Yes he will Dabi. And you will die. I'd rather live with the shell of the man I fell in love with rather than flee and have my best friend be tortured. And don't you argue. I know you Dabi."
"Y/n. No. You are not going back to him."
"Dabi.. you aren't going to be tortured just so I can be happy. He hadn't physically hurt me. He's still my Tomura.. maybe one day he'll change."
"Y/n no-" as Dabi reached for you you activated your quirk and froze him, stopping his movement entirely.
"Y-y/n.. no."
"You'll be free by tomorrow. Hopefully I can convince him to not-"
"Y/n! Y/n my darling!" Shigaraki exclaimed, rushing toward you.
"Tomura..?" You ask, hesitation evident in your voice.
"Oh y/n I- I am so, so sorry. Please. Please my Love. Forgive me? I- I promise to do better. To go back to normal. Y/n my dear you are the most important thing to me, please. Please, please forgive me? I promise to change. My love please." Shigaraki begged, moving to his knees and grabbing your hands.
"Tomura.. you hurt me. A lot."
"I know- I know but baby please." "
"Oh baby.. how could I say no? J-just look at you. What happened to your neck?" You ask, a tear sliding down your face.
"Shhh nothing. Don't worry about it my baby." Right as Shigaraki pulled himself up to kiss you, you put a finger to his lips.
"But. Under one condition. I will forgive you if you promise not to hurt Dabi. He's like a big brother to me Tomu. So please?"
Shigaraki growled softly before glaring up at Dabi. "Fine. For you." He hissed.
You just smiled before tip toeing to kiss Shigaraki, entangling your hands into his hair and pulling him down to deepen the kiss. There were so many emotions poured into it.
And most evident; love.
Part 1 | Alt. ending
Shigaraki's masterlist | Main masterlist | Requesting Rules (requests open and appreciated <3)
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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artist-issues · 1 year
As much as I adore Lilo & Stitch: The Series and Kim Possible, I don't think my brain returns to any Saturday Cartoon Adventures more than:
Aladdin: The Series - Remember the one where the cat goddess is kidnapping children and turning them into monsters? Or the one where there's a prophecy that Aladdin will die? Or the one where Genie is being hunted by the last of a race of magic-vampires? Or the one where Aladdin is being possessed by the vanquished sorcerer Mozenrath's (what a name) spirit through his magic glove? Or the one where Aladdin literally crosses over with Hercules?
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The Little Mermaid: The Series - I think about that episode where she gets sucked down into the trippy, surreal Wonderland trench and can't escape probably every week. Go to Disney Plus and find that episode, it's called "Charmed," it's worth it.
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The Legend of Tarzan - Like every episode is burned in my brain forever. The Opar episodes where he'd rather die than choose anybody but Jane, even after he thinks she's dead. The one with the Mad Elephant where Tantor thinks he's contracted the same illness. The one with DINOSAURS. The one where the new radio tower makes every animal go insane and try to kill Tarzan and Jane. The one where a different ape challenges Tarzan for leadership and WINS. The one where Jane's friends come to the jungle to rescue her. The one where Tarzan gets locked in like a prison camp with Teddy Roosevelt?! The one with a magical healing albino gorilla?! The one with Kerchak's old rival Tublat coming to try and take over the gorilla family in a series of traps? ! The one with the giant snake?! The one where Tarzan gets bit by a spider and almost DIES?! The one where Clayton's sister comes and forces Tarzan to choose between saving himself from poison or saving all of his loved ones from several death traps in time?! The one where the African tribes from the Tarzan books help Tarzan find a cure for a deadly disease in special two-part episodes?! The one with a WWII spy coming and trying to steal Jane's affections while simultaneously looking for war information he left in a music box he sent to her?! WHY IS THIS NOT ON DISNEY+?!
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Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Skilled. Courageous. And ever-vigilant. Leaping into action, it's BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, of STAR! COMMAND! I'm tired of having to dig around the Internet to watch episodes like The Wirewolf where an old Space Ranger buddy gets turned into a machine-mauling cybernetic wolf monster by the light of a radioactive moon, or the one where an "energy vampire" named N0S4-A2 tries to eat Buzz's robot friend.
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Come on. We got The Little Mermaid: The Series. That Tarzan & Jane movie isn't enough! WHERE ARE THE REST OF THEM, DISNEY
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I know this might be kinda stupid but. do you have any music recs. specifically of the child abuse variety because I'd be very interested in that.
*sweats* ok so here's the thing- I have a playlist called "Abuse" and its full of music that is either explicitly about abuse, related to abuse thematically, or just has Abuse Vibes to me (some of which is likely inexplicable to other people)
im also kind of self conscious about my taste in music, cause sometimes it's like. i dunno. the steven universe soundtrack or a fnaf song i really like. and thats CRINGE! and really any genre of song can be about Child Abuse so it's like. idk if you'll like any of the things i recommend.
THAT BEING SAID, here's a selection i guess!! because I'm flattered you would even ask haha. a lot of these are pretty well known already tho so idk how helpful this will be. anyway this got hella long so. under the cut!
songs explicitly about or including themes of child abuse/having shit parents/having familial issues:
Guiltless by Dodie
Black by Okkervil River (narrative about a guys girlfriend telling him about her dad sexually abusing her. one of, if not the first, song i ever heard about CSA and it holds a special place in my heart)
The Mute by Radical Face
Ripple Effect by Scott Helman (kinda more about generational trauma & healing if im honest. i dont listen to it as much as the others on this list)
Poplar St by Glass Animals
Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood
Twin Sized Mattress by The Front Bottoms (classic i know)
The Family Jewels by Marina and the diamonds
Family Line by Conan Gray
Christmas Kids by ROAR (ok technically not about the kids but i find the subtext of how the kids are used in this abusive relationship horrific. also, it reminds me of my parents)
Other Abuse songs:
labour by Paris Paloma
This Hurts by Mindless Self Indulgence (my ex wife says i listen to this song to go joker mode and i hate that because i know she means Straight Joker and not Camp Joker but i do really like the song)
I'm your puppet by Gregory And The Hawk
Eric by Mitski (REAL GOOD)
Believe Me by James and the Shame (more about spiritual abuse sort of)
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
Thermodynamic Lawyer esq GFD by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross (less about abuse and more about, like, a healing relationship. still i think you can easily read into the alluded past abuse or sexual issues going here)
Fuck About It by Waterparks
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths (this is just such an abused person song)
This Hurts by Mindless Self Indulgence (my ex wife says i listen to this song to go joker mode and i hate that because i know she means Straight Joker and not Camp Joker but i do really like the song)
Sex With A Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I Cant Handle Change by ROAR (obviously)
rotting by vivivivivi
rook by sardonica
My favorite "Abuse Vibe" songs (NOTE: some of these songs might be about abuse or toxic relationships but um. im not very smart or good at sorting so. they ended up here):
Animals by Stomach Book (SEE ABOVE)
Youth by Daughter
Duck Or Ape by ROAR
Million Dollar Gold Digger (idk what it is about this remix im not even a huge fan of either of the songs its mixing. this is the VIBES part of the rec list i don't have to explain myself)
I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young
Gooey by Glass Animals
Breaking Down by Florence & The Machine
Moby Dick by Jakey
Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon (hard to justify but this song just brings such vivid "abused kid failing to be normal while hanging out with someone and further isolating themself" vibe. yes im projecting. leave me alone)
The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid (sometimes you just wanna kill your parents)
I'M GONNA WIN by Rob Cantor (this one just feels like anger and bitterness and being suspicious of anyone who tries to help you. I listen to it when im fucking going through it. its also a bop but you prolly already know that, i think it's pretty popular? idk)
It's Alright by Mother Mother (stereotypical i know)
South Dakota by Jakey (honestly i dunno. i dont even know where south dakota is)
My Blood by Twenty One Pilots (for all you sibling havers out there)
My Play by AJR (my parents arent divorced but man i wish they were. Also, this just brings up very vivid memories for me trying to show my parents things and it is fucking crushing haha)
Best Of You by Foo Fighters (idk just more shit that reminds me of my parents)
The Woods by San Fermin (this one is just very "I should have died as a child"-core to me)
JUVY ft. Julia Bard by Nnamdi Ogbonnaya (this guy is weird and i didnt like his stuff at first but then... i came back... and now he holds a place in my heart)
Grape Gil by Nnamdi Ogbonaya (i think this is my favorite song of his. I nearly made an owl house animatic to it)
Obsession by OK GO
Better Than Me by The Brobecks
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS by Tyler The Creator
Dumb Dumb by Mazie (honestly this one just reminds me of thinking "i hate it here everyone is so dumb" and then maladaptive daydreaming for hours to escape the situation hah)
Stone Wall, Stone Fence by Gregory And The Hawk
Never Wanna Fall in Love With U by Nelward
Another New World by Punch Brothers (this one is such an explicit and straightforward narrative i really can't explain it other than like. the emotions.)
Julep by Punch Brothers (once again, the emotions)
Always Sayin' by The Littles Man Band
A NIGHT OUT ON EARTH by Waterparks
Consequences by Lovejoy
Scum by Lovejoy
SMELLS LIKE TEEN SECRETS by lil boodang (another hard to justify one. idk. it just feels like it ok. sue me)
anyway i'm sure there's more but thats just a quick selection from my Abuse playlist. and by quick i mean you better appreciate this cuz i put way more effort into this than i needed to.
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anarchiii · 6 months
Happy birthday Buzzard —TOG AU
Oneshot | warnings: fluff, I’m not even kidding you this fic has one swear word| Rowan x Aelin
Summary: it’s Rowan’s birthday, he doesn’t want to do anything for it but Aelin thinks his birthday should be celebrated. Whether Rowan wants to or not, Aelin is going to do something special and Rowan can’t stop it.
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
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Aelin’s POV
“Seriously Aelin I’m not”
“Seriously Rowan Yes. You. Are.” She mimicked.
Aelin glared at Rowan and he glared right back, he was not having a birthday party. The idea of that was absurd, Fae didn’t have ‘birthday party’s’ “fine!” Rowan snapped, he was only saying that to shut her up, he-knew-she-knew why he had said yes. Aelin stuck her tongue out at him, she was so childish and yet, he found himself doing the same. A smile bloomed across her face and he felt this weird sense of pride that he had been the one to bring that smile to her face. “Don’t you worry, all you have to do is sit down and look pretty, okay?” Aelin said innocently while batting her long eyelashes.
She couldn’t believe Rowan had never had a birthday before, that was pure blasphemy. Celaena had recruited a female from Mistward, a seamstress with a passion for chaos. Her kind of woman. She thought with a smirk, her and Daniella—the seamstress—were in a nearby town shopping, Rowan had given them a lot of gold saying ‘if this is what you want to spend your time doing then I won’t stop you’ he was just a big teddy bear. She looked down at her shopping list to figure out what they needed next.
Cake ingredients
Party decorations
Present wrapping materials
A pretty dagger
Party snacks
Chocolate (very important)
The last item wasn’t needed for the party but it was payment for Daniella and her, ella, thank god. Loved chocolate. “Okayyy” Celaena started “first item on the list is cake ingredients” “what cake flavour are we doing?” Ella inquired “I’m not very sure but I think coconut, Rowan seems like a coconut person, can we add chocolate to it though?” She said. “Probably” Daniella answered. They headed to the general store, gathering the cake ingredients. They’re going to make a chocolate coconut cake, yum. Next item; Alcohol. Which they got very quickly as it was sold at the general store, they got a nice and expensive Faerie wine. “Next up; party decorations” they walked around town to a ‘party shop’ they picked up the decorations and wrapping paper, along with some ribbons and bows. The thing they needed next was a dagger, Celaena thought he could appreciate a nice dagger. She had ordered one a few days before, so they picked it up from the blacksmith, it was a pretty thing. It was a shiny silver, a light gold material wrapped around the handle in the shape of vines, little gold flowers hung to those vines. And In the middle of the flowers there were little diamonds. It might be a little -look-at-me- so hopefully Rowan liked it. They had picked up the party snacks at the party store—when they said they were a party store they weren’t lying— the last thing they needed was some chocolate, they both happily skipped their way to the chocolate shop. Arms full of bags and a smile on their face, they headed into the store, talking their sweet time picking out the best tasting chocolate.
Once back at Mistward they made their way to Emrys and Malakai—Luca if they were lucky— to start setting up the party, Rowan’s birthday was tomorrow, so time was of the essence. Emrys assigned everyone to their jobs. He and malakai were in charge of baking the cake, Luca were in charge of putting up the decorations, and Celaena was in charge of wrapping Rowan’s gifts, and Daniella was in charge of giving her and Celaena and equal amount of chocolate, it was only fair.
Celaena had never really been good at wrapping gifts as she had never needed to, she was a quick learner so it quickly became a mastered skill, she first wrapped a sketchbook—Rowan liked drawing apparently—she covered it in a pretty emerald wrapping paper that reminded her of his eyes, she then tied a ebony coloured ribbon, she then wrapped the dagger tightly, she covered it with a nice silver paper. Adding a matching silver bow to the top. Finally she wrapped a beautiful intricate map of Wendlyn in the green paper. Once she was done she went to help Luca with the last of the decorations. Once it was done she pulled Luca in for a hug and said “thank you for your help Luca, you can go home now” He nodded his head in response and headed out the door, Celaena then started on preparing the party snacks. One hour later and the presents were wrapped, the decorations up, the party snacks made and the cake being iced. The—hopefully delicious—cake was soon enough completed and stored away for tomorrow, the alcohol would be set out tomorrow along with the snacks. The last thing that needed to be done was…eat the chocolate. After saying thank you to Emrys and Malakai, Celaena walked to where Daniella was when she’d seen her last, She had gone home according to the note that was here. She’d say thank you to Ella at the party then. She picked up her share of chocolate and walked back to her and Rowan’s room, snacking on chocolate as she went. She walked into the room and placed the chocolate on the dresser before going into the attached bathroom. Once she had bathed and dressed she headed for the shared bed. Once she was tucked in and warmed by the fireplace she looked to the other side of the bed. Rowan wasn’t back yet, he was at Moonward doing something. Soon enough she fell into a dreamless sleep.
Rowan’s POV
Back at Mistward he flew through the window into his room, shifting as he landed on the ground. He looked around the room to see the fireplace slowly dying, it’s embers still burning, he looked to the bed to see the princess sleeping deep, her golden hair sprawled out around her, her mouth slightly parted emitted a quite snore. He smiled at the sight of the royal so comfortable, he got changed and joined Aelin in bed, he laid closer to her than the appropriate amount. He soon joined the princess in slumber.
The next day
Rowan woke up to the faint smell of sugar, he looked up and around to see the princess was gone, a made bed left in her wake. Right, it was his birthday. He hopped out of Bed and got dressed before following the scent of sugar to the kitchen, he walked through the archway and was met with a— “SUPRISEEE” Everyone yelled as the lights turned on he took in the sight, decorations covering everything. Food and alcohol laid out on tables. Right in the middle of everyone was Aelin, she wore a colourful dress and a matching bow on her head, she looked stunning. “Happy birthday Rowan” Aelin said with a smile, he returned the smile. “Do you want to open your presents or eat your cake first?” She questioned. “Cake first I suppose” he answered. Aelin took him through the crowd—receiving happy birthdays from everyone—to the cake. “Tadaaaa” she said waving her arms around, he looked to the cake and was astonished, the cake was amazing. No one had ever put so much effort into something for him, “do you want to try it?” “Yes” he breathed, Aelin sliced a piece of cake and placed it on a plate before giving it to him. He grabbed a fork and took a bite, it was delicious. He had never liked sweet things but even this was enough to convert him. He placed the place down and flung his arms around her “thank you” he whispered onto her golden head, Aelin squeezed her arms around him in answer.
“C’mon, let’s go open your presents” Aelin said pulling away from him, he followed her to a table where a few wrapped and ribboned up boxes lay. He grabbed one, an emerald green one. He pulled the ebony ribbon till it fell off, opening the lid he found a black book inside. He plucked the book of the bottom of the box and flipped the pages, it was a sketch book—he hadn’t realised Aelin had been paying attention when he was drawing—“thank you” he said before opening the second silver box with a thud, inside lay something covered with a black cloth. He gently lifted the cloth of the item to find a beautiful dagger, it was a true work of art, its handle adorned with golden flowering vines, diamonds inside the flowers. He smiled at the piece, “it’s truly a work of art” Rowan breathed, before placing it on the table, he then opened the last green wrapped box. Inside he found a map, unfolding the map he took it in, it was a map of Wendlyn, its was a work of art. He looked up to Aelin, turquoise eyes meeting emerald he said “Thank you so much Fireheart, this is the best—and first—birthday I’ve ever had, perhaps if I’m with you when it’s your birthday I’ll set you up one” She smiled at that, “c’mon, let’s go get shitfaced. We can’t let everyone else down all the alcohol” she said with a wicked smile. He laughed as he took he arm with his and headed for the drinks table.
“Thank you for the party Aelin, I really appreciate it” Rowan said as lay face to face with the princess. “Don’t mention it” she replied. He moved to her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he said into her neck “I’m so glad I met you” he quickly fell asleep.
Aelin’s POV
Her eyes started leaking salty water as she took in his words, no one had ever said that to her, maybe life wasn’t so bad after all—right now at least—. She knew it was a lot more bearable when she had someone with her. Celaena slid her arms around his neck and pulled him as close as she could. She knew soon she’d have to let him go, but for now, she’d savour the moment.
The End.
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sewers-headmates · 2 months
Caaannnn I request... a TGWDLM Ted perchance?
feel free to ignore my shipping undertones >;3 but i hope you enjoy the big man
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Name: Theodore
Nicknames: Ted, Teddy, Teddy Bear
Last Name: Spankoffski
Age: 35
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 6’0
Zodiac: leo
Species: human
Gender: cis male
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Romantic Orientation: panromantic
Mono, Ambi, Poly: poly
cisIDs: OLD, hypersexual, older brother, brown hair, facial hair, autistic, social, BPD
transIDs: permaBastard, permaCollared, transOwned, permaHorny, transObsessive, transBipoalr
Paraphiles: sadomasochist, agonophilia, timophilia, traumaphilia
System Info
Roles: sexual protector, social protector, caretaker
Source: hatchetfield (Time Bastard, TGWDLM, Hatchetfield Ape Man, Forever & Always, Abstinance Camp, Daddy, Hey Melissa!)
Notable Source Memories/Details:
- has definitely slept with everyone in the office AT LEAST once
- genuinely terrified of emotional connection
- parents skipped out on him after Pete was born so he kinda became Pete’s guardian and (questionable) parent figure
- also the unofficial brother figure for Ruth and Richie (did not stop them from annoyingly having a crush on him, which he dislikes)
- has a complex relationship with Tinky
Front Triggers: his brother, general source stuff, Tinky, goats in general
Sign Offs: -🧡🐐, -🔸, -☕️
Summery: Ted is a horny bastard as described by everyone around him and for the most part he’s true to this description with the exception of when he has to be responsible for Pete. For his little brother’s good he can act mature and serious. He’s silly immature man-whore with big soft spot for his brother and his brother’s loser friends.
Likes: sex, his brother, being seen as cool
Dislikes: actually doing work, responsibility, stress in general
Fun Extras
Typing Quirk: none
Playlist: not mine, 3h27m
Opinion Stances: he likes discorse more then actually having an opinion, though he is pretty much pro anything
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raaaah hope you enjoy him! i love Ted so much
-mod richie
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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“Kit!” Vito shouted to his cousin as she joined them at the bottom of the cliff. Donkey Kong put her down and she walked back to the two other game travelers. Donkey Kong nodded to the girl and waited for Junior to speak.
“Thank you for your help, guys. Kit, I want you to have this.” He handed her the key for Donkey Kong’s cage. She put the key in her bag. “I hope you can save your dad, too. I don't know if the key will help you, but maybe having it with you will be a good luck charm or something.”
“I hope so. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.” Kit turned to the others.
“I think we're good.” Johnny said, looking up to check the score. “Between the tickets I've been gathering since I started playing video games and now, I think we have enough of the go-kart.” He gestured for them to follow him to the arcade cabinet, where it reset to a Defender facade. Kit waved goodbye to the pair of apes and within the blink of an eye, they were back in the arcade. Kit looked at the price rack and saw that the go-kart was still there. They weren't too late just yet. She ran over to Bellamy, who was playing pinball in the corner.
“Hey, Kit. I don't think I can play much more pinball, kind of glad you came back when ya did.” They grabbed their tickets from the dispenser box attached to the machine. “We almost have enough to get the giant teddy bear.” She gestured to Charmy, who was playing a Pac-Man machine and Ken, who was deep in a skee ball game. “Ken is some kinda skee ball savant. Took him a few tries to get the rules right, but it's oddly impressive.” Kit leaned in and whispered.
“We need to pool our tickets. The go-kart is the foundation element.” Kit watched Vito and Johnny explain the same thing to Charmy and Ken. Bellamy nodded and handed Kit a handful of tickets. The others did the same, though Ken seemed reluctant. He pointed to a very large teddy bear, but the overflow of tickets was soon relinquished. Johnny took the tickets Charmy had from Vito, then approached Kit.
“Thanks for helping me win this, kid. I know your old man will get a kick out of learning his kid got to play ColecoVision to save the world.” He chuckled as he was handed the tickets Kit had. “He keeps telling me the Atari 2600 is the better console. Doubt he’ll be able to deny the arcade experience now.” He approached the counter and the change attendant practically vaulted over to serve him.
“Johnny! Long time no see! It's been, like what, almost 12 hours?” She leaned her head on her knuckles, grinning. “So. Did you enjoy the ColecoVision spotlight we've got going on? That was my idea.”
“Yeah! It's not every day you get to play classic video games on one of the best consoles of early gaming.” The words he spoke almost made the change attendant swoon. “Guess what I finally have?”
“Enough to take the go-kart off our hands? I just knew you could do it, Johnny. But you know I got to see the tickets. Dad would get upset if I short changed another prize again because of how cute you are.” She slid the mountain of tickets to her side and began the tedious process of feeding them into a ticket counter. As she did this, she was startled by a slam on the counter and an equally large mountain of tickets. She looked up to see Master Apocalypse push the tickets in front of her.
“Looks like it's a race to the go-kart today. You just have to wait your turn. Johnny was here first.” She was completely unfazed as she counted the tickets. She turned to Johnny. “So, did you see that new game we installed?”
“NBA Jam? Totally! I've been hoping to play a good two on two two basketball game. Did you know that there's a limited edition version that has Michael Jordan in the roster? I hear he has the only copy!”
“I love when you talk about games like that.” She sighed as the counter continued to sing a song of exhausted ticket feeding. “We're also looking to get a new cabinet for Mr. Do!. Can't believe some kid broke it.”
“Right? Some people have no respect for a game that was the first to be distributed as a conversion kit! You're so lucky you know somebody who can paint old cabinets so convincingly. You had me convinced that Mr. Do! was its own cabinet for years!” The ticket counter eventually ran out and Johnny's blood went cold. They were one ticket short. The change attendant saw this and ripped a ticket from Master Apocalypse’s pile. She dropped it into the ticket feeder as he started to protest.
“Would you look at that? Looks like you finally earned enough to get that go-kart! Let me go get it packed up for you.” She turned and headed into the employees only room behind her to get the box. Master Apocalypse turned to Johnny and glared.
“I'm getting that go-kart.” He folded his arms.
“Nah. It's mine. It ain't yours. Go find something else.” The attendant quickly returned with two boxes and a ladder and began to pack up the go-kart. She handed the boxes over to Johnny when she was done. The smaller of the two boxes was silver and had the word “Colecovision” in rainbow lettering. Under this was a card that had a waving tapir that wore a toy soldier's clothes with neat cursive that stated the console was donated by Daydream Toyworks.
“Like I said: I knew you could do it. We'll probably put a TV up there for the next big prize. We'll have to see.” She grinned. “Oh! Almost forgot to mention: The Colecovision is the prize for playing the showcase. Glad you got it and not someone else. Now, can you take your new friends out of here before I have to kick that blonde beauty over there for abusing our skeeball setup?” Johnny gave Bellamy the go-kart and Kit the Colecovision, which went into her bag, and the group left the arcade for the food court.
The area was set up in a circle. In the center of this circle were green metal tables and chairs full of people eating everything from fried chicken to burgers and more. Some of these people had purchases in bags that declared they came from places like The Bon•Bon and Gloamingdales. The area was filled with the same lush greenery that was seen in the center court, with the only items that weren't green being the sunset orange trash cans that dotted the area. At the furthest point, another fountain could be seen, the sounds of the water a calming force. Before Kit could fully take in the scenery, a voice snapped her into the present.
“Give me the go-cart. I'm not asking again.” Master Apocalypse folded his arms. Johnny turned to face himself, mirroring the gesture.
“That is not happening and I'll tell you why. You're in a shopping mall. The best one in Sunset View. This shopping mall has really good security and an honestly eagle eyed guy who loves this place and enforcing its rules more than anything else. The second you take this go-kart from me or make a move to touch it, he's telling the security guard you're trying to steal it. They're not going to believe you.” Johnny headed for the nearest fast food restaurant in the court, a place called Louisiana Crispy Chicken. “I'm going to treat these kids to lunch. You're going to back off.” The aura the cloaked stranger was putting off was oppressive.
“I'm going to get what I need one way or the other. I guarantee you that, by the time you're done with your little lunch, the world around you will be mine for the molding.” He turned to walk away. “Although, I may just have to convince the right people to give your father a wonderful welcome to life in the Awntawp Correctional Center as the prison punching bag. That might be enough of a change to this world.”
“What are you saying, kid?” Johnny folded his arms.
“I know people. The people I know run Awntawp. They can make Emmet’s time in Undar look like a tropical vacation.”
“Are you threatening us?” Bellamy stepped forward, between Johnny and Kit and Master Apocalypse.
“Maybe. I see it as leveraging my assets.” Apocalypse turned to Kit. “Well?”
“Yeah, Kit. Which do you choose? The rock or the hard place?” Bellamy rolled her eyes. Kit held the key she was given by Junior in her hand from in her bag and steeled her gaze.
“What do you mean? You still never told me who you are, so I don't know why I have to see anything you've done as a threat.”
“You really don't need to know. All it needs to be understood between you and I is that we are enemies. As my enemy, I know your weaknesses. Your weakness is your family. I mean, look what you've gone through so far to make sure your father stays out of prison. He's trained you well. But I was trained a lot better. I know people who can make your father's life a miserable mess in prison. Because he let himself be captured, it's only a matter of time before the court puts him away. All that has to happen is one little push. And once he does get sentenced, he's in a domain I can control. A domain I will make sure he will never come back from. I want you to choose, Catherine Brickowski. Choose between the world as you know it or your father. I know what you're going to pick.” He grabbed a chair and sat.
“Kit.” Charmy put a hand on her cousin’s shoulder. “Please think this through. I know you love your father. That's never been a question. But you need to walk away.”
“Your father can take care of himself. The world might not be able to handle the change. Don't be too rash.” Vito added. The pause between words was long and awkward, moving like a newborn deer. Eventually, Kit spoke.
“Master Apocalypse. I'm not playing this game. You can- Hey!” While she spoke, Master Apocalypse had rolled his eyes and snatched the go-kart out of Bellamy's hands.
“Don't worry. None of you are going to remember any of this. No one's going to remember how selfish you are.” A portal opened behind him and he stepped away. The portal closed quickly, causing the others to be unable to chase after. Kit didn't turn to face her travel companions. She instead put her head in her hands. A voice in the distance cried out, “HEY! STEALING IS NOT TOLERATED ON MALL PREMISES!”
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teojira · 4 months
Really enjoyed your headcanons on Caeser and Proximus, do you mind doing the same with Noa?? 😊🙏
[Noa and day to day life with him!] [Headcanons!]
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Summary: Noa takes you back with him to his home, and the clan accepts you as one of them. Even if you're concerned otherwise.
Word count: 1k (Jesus christ)
Warnings: None that I can think of! Can be read as Platonic or Romantic! You and Noa are attached to one another. (Yes, this is me projecting.)
A/N: Noa is so near and dear to me, I literally did not mean for this to be so long, and I STILL cut myself off. This is 1k words worth of headcanons for him, and it is not enough. I'm Noa's #1 fan, I am sorry to all my friends and family who have to hear me talk about him constantly.. Ask me for Noa anything, and I will give you the world.
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Do me a favor and strap the fuck in for this it's alot.
I am so glad someone asked about Noa bc I got ALOT to say.
Noa has had it with humans, Mae put him, his clan, and countless others at risk, he should not trust humans, really he shouldn't, but he can't help it. She also betrayed you in the process, and now you're alone.
You agreed to help him and Mae against Proximus, you're the only one who actively goes up against Proximus as well.
Swinging and trying your best to try and get Proximus off of Noa, yelling and crying while the other apes just stare in fear. (Later on they apologize, but you don't hold it against them.)
It's a huge risk to invite a human with them again, but then he remembers Rakas words, Caesars words, and decides he can't told another's decisions over you.
So when he gently grabs your hand in his, looking down at you with a strained smile, blood seeping from his lips, you follow, back to his clans land.
Now on to the good stuff, it's kinda awkward finding your place among the eagle clan, the elders are gone, his father Koro is gone, there really is no guidance as to where to place you.
You drift mostly, either helping Dar or helping with the young ones, teaching them how to read and write, helping fish, farm, the basic tasks.
Dar loves you by the way, doting on you and making sure no one messes with you in a harmful way. She teaches you their customs and traditions, all the while playfully teasing you about Noa. She's a mom, she knows.
You're happy with your work, happy with your place among the clan. It's genuinely shocking how much they were willing to forgive and to not hold any grudges against humans after one ruined everything.
It helps that Noa takes accountability for you, somehow so trusting that you will not cause harm. His faith in you speaks volumes and you remind him everyday that it won't go to waste.
All he does is send you a sweet smile and ruffles your hair.
You find yourself helping Noa alot with crafting new tools and contraptions, being a second pair of eyes that can catch onto things he can't.
"Very smart." "Thank yo-" "For an Echo." and he does that stupid cute little sniff afterwards and it makes it tremendously hard to hit him.
He's such a little shit I fucking hate him.
You're his shadow when his duties permit, he's taken on a higher role of the clan, sometimes going out for days at a time but you're always at the edge of the Village waiting for his return, anxiously working your bottom lip until you see him in view.
You're both extremely attached to one another, Soona and Anaya become attached to you too, dragging you along in everyone's free time to go climbing, to eat, to hunt, just about any group outing has you as their fourth member.
Noa was worried about them accepting you, but they love you just as much as he does.
It makes his heart swell when he sees you and Soona together, giggling about something surely only you both understand while Anaya groans and complains about being left out.
It's like you've always been meant to be with them, to round out their group.
Soona and Anaya will offer to be the one to carry you this time, they do want to, genuinely, but Noa won't let them 99.9% of the time, He's used to your weight, he trusts that he can keep you safe the best. (Says the ape that literally almost died multiple times doing stupid shit)
"Noa worries too much, they will be fine." "Anaya is clumsy. Can't trust you to carry yourself, much less echo."
He tries not to carry you everywhere, but it is so much more convenient than waiting for you, so he scoops you up often enough that the stares don't bother you anymore.
Remember how in the movie, all the apes sleep together communally? Well you're at first extremely nervous about that, not wanting to ask what exactly are your accommodations because surely they don't want you there with them.
Actually, Noa does, so jot that down.
When you shyly move away, he raises his palm up at you, nodding to the space besides him.
When you don't move, he gently tugs you down, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. The clan hasn't really fully rebuilt and started to gather things needed for shawls and coverings, so it's not strange to him that you cuddle up to him to steal his warmth, peeking an eye open to see your face squished into his side, knocked out.
He wraps an arm around you, incasing you in more warmth.
This is a nightly routine until you finally take it upon yourself to throw yourself on him, he chokes out a breath as you make yourself comfortable.
Soona and Anaya usually join in, he cannot fucking breathe but he's so happy that it outweighs it.
When Mae inevitably shows back up, she sees you out in the distance, you look so genuine happy, so at peace with where you are. You even have some eagle feathers in your hair, integrated into their life that it shocks her.
It's enough to make her put the gun away, grasping at Rakas necklace like a lifeline, sucking in a deep breath to stop her from crying.
Maybe apes and humans can live at peace with one another after all. She hopes you prove her wrong.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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khaicrafts · 2 months
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emilio sakraya, homosexual, male + he/him, mage «—◦—→ well meet, khairi dior! the godling born child of hephaestus. it’s been 27 years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their ambition, wit, + intellect or will their frivolousness, impulsiveness, and overthinking hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
name: Khairi Dior
nicknames: Khai
date of birth: October 30
age: 27
face claim: Emilio Sakraya 
 godly parent: Hephaestus 
height: 5'10”
dominant hand: Left
education level: University Grad Student
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer Intern; GameStop employee and Insta Cart delivery driver
parents: Hephaestus (Biological father)
siblings: Pretty much all the other kids at the Children's Home he grew up in.
pets: Merryweather (Giga Pet Pixie); maybe he'll get an actual pet!
astrological sign: Scorpio
positive traits: Ambitious, Intuitive, Optimistic, Intelligent, Loyal
negative traits: Awkward at times, Sarcastic, Slightly Argumentative, Brutal 
habits: judging stare; primarily since his brain is always switched on analytical mode.
quirks: Several things he likes to almost always carry on his person: His pocket sized PC, Airpods, His Gigapet and a bag of Teddy Grams.
pet peeves: People not putting his things back after moving them. People messing with certain items in his space. Don't touch his lego sets without permission. Don't open his collectibles still boxed. Don't turn him down if he suggests getting ramen & boba. ;)
hobbies: Tinkering and building. Sketching. Gaming. Comics. Anime & Manga. Reading Novels. Legos. Collecting Funko pops and statues. Cosplay. Strength Training & Mixed Martial Arts; gotta stay fit.
sexual orientation. Homosexual. Homoromantic 
sexual position. Vers
clothing style: He always goes for comfort so typically athletic and casual wear. He loves his graphic tees and hoodies. Every now and then, if you can convince him to go somewhere for the evening, he can clean up super nice too.
prominent features: birth/beauty mark 
what were they doing when they hear the song of their godling blood?
Was in the lab on campus working on a supercapacitor.
class: mage. 
Inspirations: Princess Shuri & Riri Williams from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, Belle from Beauty & the Beast (1992), Kronk from Emperor's New Groove; Jimmy Neutron from Jimmy Newtron.
biography: Khairi's biological mother was far from the ideal parent. She was abusive; mainly due to her labeling him 'odd' since he was completely introverted and uninterested in whats she assumed he should. Her alcoholism and attitude escalated the situation and around age 9, he ended up with him being taken away via protective services and placed in a group home.
While there are many horror stories involving youth in the group home setting, Khai was spared heavy damage. He actually lived in a solid operated home with several others around his age. The staff there were super supportive. Although he never had an actual real family, none of the relatives on his mother's side wanted to commit. The one foster family he stayed with when he was finally taken in at the age of 14 wasn't completely hurtful and but they weren't invested in him either. They laid down basic rules, which he did abide by to keep a roof over his head along with whatever luxuries they did provide for him; or rather that they kept up to date on for whenever they got a new kid when he aged out and had to go.
His bonds were mainly formed at school as through his classmates and friends, he discovered his hobbies. What he enjoyed. Life didn't suck too much when he could dive into his fantasy worlds. In school, his teachers also realized his brilliance and they aided in accelerating him into taking AP courses. By the time he finished high school, he had already achieved his Associates of Science in Engineering.
At the age of 18, he was made to leave his foster home since he was no longer a minor. He crashed from friends to friends place until one of his former physics teacher decided to give him a leg up. Khai was offered a spare room while he looked for work. Taking a brief break from school, he found two gigs; one working part-time at GameStop & also making deliveries in the area for Insta Cart. While he stacked up his personal funds, his teacher helped him apply for grans and scholarships while Khai still furthered his education by returning to community college.
He had a goal of going to MIT, which a lot of people who knew scoffed at since it was such a prestigious school. His intellect and diligence worked in his favor, along with programs and projects he participated in with the engineering program at his community college.
He took his courses left for undergrad part-time to balance his schedule. Though when the acceptance for MIT finally came, life was truly on the upswing. He moved to Massachusetts and began his new life. His last year and a half of undergrad courses, he began the graduate program while nabbing an paid internship.
And then he was told that he's a demigod. Let the adventure begin.
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miwsolovely · 5 months
aaaa ur writing is so dksbdndjsbdjdhe smdhd dbshshebdbdhdjdb i literally stalk ur acc on the daily… also the little snippet of the new ichor chapter?????;&$ hello???? the fact that ur not getting bombarded w anon/non anon msgs in ur inbox is surprising to me cuz ur acc is so slsjndndndn
p.s. sorry for thw ramble i just like to talk ahout the thinga that make me happy/make my day aka ur account + fics <33
p.p.s. i read in ur rules that u want emoji anons???!?!,!, ive never been one and id like to be ur first! can i beee your very own teddy anon? 🧸
much loveeee <33
i shed a literal tear oh my gosh. thank u so mucbh for this msg this made my day kdjens i havent actually written written in a while ( like 5 days… ) cuz of school and cfe’s, ap exams ugh, so ive been taking all my ideas and running w them like djnsdn i love that u love my writing. ( gasp my very own stalker oh em gee )
omg yes !!! ive seen so many acc’s w emoji anons n i find it to be the cutest thing ever.
ugh this made my day tysm teddy, mwa mwa <33
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tanzderwhat · 1 year
late, but thank you for the tag @dwalendinhetniets ♡ !
subjective best musicals list:
tanz der vampire! always and forever. this show is everything i love in the world and everything i hold very close to my heart. you know how people sometimes say that the things you were obsessed with at age 11 stay with you forever? this was mine! i don’t even have a good explanation as to why i love it so much. the story, the music, the characters, they are all so fun and beautiful and delicious. this might be one of the few stories ever in which i don’t have a favorite character, because i like everybody so much. the first fandom to produce a fanfic that made me cry, the reason for my tumblr username. other musical obsessions might come and go, and temporarily enjoy the honor of being called my favorite, but i live and breathe tdv forever and ever.
rebecca das musical! if i hadn’t discovered tdv first, rebecca would undoubtedly be my forever favorite, but i’m (un)fortunately very loyal to tanz. i’ve spent more time crying over this stupid gay musical than anything else. ich war ihr nah is the most beautiful thing that can happen in under two minutes. nach dir, rebecca? i’m already on the floor sobbing. it is unbelievable how much emotional damage i can receive in the span of three fucking words. danvers is my favorite person to ever exist in fiction. my obsession also peaked at a time in which i was very unstable and stressed, so it’s kind of like a forever coping mechanism for me now. rebecca das musical is also responsible for leading me down the daphne du maurier rabbit hole, which has been incredibly fun; i love her writing style very much, and i have used the book several times on ap english assignments/exams.
elisabeth das musical! if i think about elisabeth for too long, i start thinking about human existence and time and being dead, and then i start to spiral. the most majestic, beautiful, banger music there ever was. everything about der schleier fällt makes me want to scream until my voice is gone, like that is EXACTLY what i imagine dying feels like. the suffering was temporary, and it has all come to an end, and now everything is wonderful again. also, i named one of my teddy bears der tod.
wicked! another one that has a very special place in my heart, the first musical i ever loved, and the first i ever saw. how much of and about it do i remember? very little, i’m afraid. my love, however, is unwavering.
honorable mentions:
der besuch der alten dame because weißt du noch? is one of my most favorite things ever, and this musical just generally made me feel a lot of existential dread :)
phantom of the opera another musical of which i remember very little, but this was a huge obsession in my life when i was 12 ♡
six she’s so fucking fun.
frozen i am not sure if i was just really unstable during my very brief period of obsession, but i remember feeling INSANE every time i thought about this musical.
matilda i cried to revolting children the other day
tagging: any fellow victims of musical brainrot
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Through the windswept coastal trees
Where the dead come rising from the sea
With a teddy-bear clamped between her knees
She says, where can my loverman be?
Well, I'm down here, babe, with the Eskimos
With the polar bears and the Arctic snow
With a party of penguins who do not know
How I can get back to thee
Well I'm gonna ask you, babe
Hey! Ho!
Oh baby don't you go
Hey! Ho!
Oh no no no
Hey! Ho!
Oh baby, don't you go
All supernatural on me
Once I was your hearts desire
Now I am the ape hunkered by the fire
With my knuckles dragging through the mire
You float by so majestically
You're my north, my south, my east, my west
Well you are the girl that I love best
With an army of tanks bursting from your chest
I wave my little white flag at thee
Well can you see it, babe?
Hey! Ho!
Oh baby don't you go
Hey! Ho!
Oh no no no
Hey! Ho!
Oh baby, don't you go
All supernatural on me
Now I've turned the mirrors to wall
And I've emptied out the peopled halls
And I've nailed shut the windows and locked the doors
There is no escape, you see
And I chase you up and down the stairs
Well, under tables and over chairs
Well I reach out and I touch your hair
And it cuts me like a knife
For there is always some little thing you gotta do
Hey! Ho!
Oh baby don't go
Hey! Ho!
Well baby, no no no
Hey! Ho!
Oh don't you go
All supernatural on me
Hey! Ho!
Hey! Ho!
Hey! Ho!
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