#pota Nova
teojira · 3 months
[I look after you.] [POTA headcanons!]
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Summary: Random acts of service I think each ape would do for you!
Characters: Caesar, Noa, Koba, Maurice Rocket, Blue eyes, Lake, Cornelius, and Dar.
Warnings: Caesar and Noa's are meant to be romantic. Dar and Cornelius are platonic as well. The others could be read as platonic or romantic, though!
A/N: These are all just random thoughts I've had today. Some will be shorter than others due to just how many characters I tried to include, so bare with me!
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Caesar has a sixth sense as to when you're gonna get hurt, it's uncanny.
Humans are clumsy and more fragile than others, he knows as such because of his grandfather and Will, seeing them trip and fall over nothing, stub their toe and curse, it's almost as if they didn't have spatial awareness at times.
His reflexes are faster than his words.
So he knows when you're about to slam your forehead full force into a wooden beam, immediately throwing a hand up to soften the blow.
You instinctually let out an "Ow!" Before realizing you're okay, your mates warm hand against your skin. The Chimp raises an eye bridge up at you, looking towards you and then his hand.
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Koba doesn't do anything nice for you without the expectation that you will do something for him in return.
One thing he will do is protect you against yourself, mainly out of pure pity.
Your center of gravity is different than his, and the woods are not meant for you, so get used to Koba yanking you back from a steep drop.
He isn't gentle about it, fist curled into your jacket and roughly dragging you backward, letting out a shrill against his knowledge.
You knock against his chest, his body immediately giving off its warmth to your own.
You're too scared to look up at Koba, knowing damn well he's gonna be glaring down at you, a comment ready to go.
Unfortunately for you, he does it regardless if you meet his gaze or not.
"Should have. Let you fall." He growls, hoping you can't somehow feet his heartbeat pumping out of his chest.
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Noa enjoys caring for you, making your life easier by any means necessary, whether it be by learning how to make you tools that help you fish easier, cooking your meat for you, knowing that your anatomy is different, to teaching you to the best of his ability how to hunt more efficiently.
It's his love language, not that he'd be aware of it. It makes him feel like a good mate, and that boosts his ego.
He gets so mad if you try and wave him off, scoffing at the thought of you not needing him.
What do you mean you're fine on your own? Nuh uh.
Has pouted before and got huffy if you get off of your horse without him helping you down, turning his back to you childishly as he sighs as long as possible.
I hate him.
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Maurice lets you cuddle into him for warmth. His fur is longer than the others, and he runs warm. He worries for you when the winters get rough. There's only so much they can do other than set a fire up and wrap you with animal hides.
Sometimes, it's not enough, and shivering yourself to sleep isn't fun.
Maurice considers you family, being the first first ape to truly take you in, he'd never turn you away from when you need him most.
Never needing permission, you quietly make your way to the Orangutan's nest, trying your best not to step on any leaves or branches.
Gingerly taking your time to settle next to Maurice, lowering your body down.
Taking a glance at Nova resting on his other side, you don't catch his eyes peering open, a hand coming up to sign slowly.
Lifting a long arm, he allows you to curl into his side, finally granting you a good night's rest.
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Blue eyes always makes sure you're apart of the conversation, if he and Ash are goofing around, and you're standing off to the side, he's gonna immediately poke small fun at you to get your attention.
The second he has it, he's gesturing you over to their little circle at the camp fire, asking you what humans think of whatever subject they're talking about.
Baby Blue will shove his shoulder into Ash if he tries to make fun of you, knowing well that you may not take it as friendly banter just yet.
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If you're gonna be with the colony, you'll need a protector, and who else is a better, more loyal one than Rocket.
No ape is being disrespectful towards you on his watch, you're important to Caesar and while that was in fact originally the reason he made it a point to keep an eye on you, he's come to love you himself.
An Ape comes up to you, asking something wildly inappropriate?
Rocket gets up in their face, making direct eye contact and puffing out his chest for them to back the fuck off, daring them to make a move, all while making sure you're well hidden behind himself.
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Lake enjoys braiding your hair for you, the different texture offering a welcome challenge compared to her own.
She's so gentle and light handed, her fingers weaving the strands to the best of her ability, fingers much too large.
It's a bonding experience between the two of you, her downtime, after working with the little ones for hours previously.
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The littlest ape prince is no stranger to clinging on to you at any point in time. Even as he grows older and gets to be too heavy to sit on your lap or climb up your back, he does it anyway. Wrapping his arms around your neck and hiding his face against your skin.
He does it when looking for comfort, but also for when he's being a little shit and his dad is searching for him to chastise.
Cornelius knows that when you're near, you're gonna spoil and baby him, and that's exactly what he wants, hiding behind you.
He is observant like his father, always in tune with your emotions and knows when you need to have company so you don't stew in your own head.
Drags you off to play with the other apes, not taking no for an answer even if you try to. He pulls those puppy dog eyes and it's damn near impossible to deny him.
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Taking on a motherly role for you comes with ease, Dar slipping into it once Noa vouches for you.
She makes sure to take you under her wing, teaching you their ways of life in the a view point of an elder, not just Noas.
Please don't imagine that she'd make you your own shawl, matching her own, literally don't bc I teared up.
She'd be ecstatic to see you wear it around the colony, staring at you. She's so proud of you from how far you've come.
Dar will blatantly introduce you to others as her child, no matter what another ape says. Which wouldn't be much to begin with, became who is gonna argue with her? She won't hear a word of it, waving them off.
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
something I find incredibly funny is that in the current Planet of the Apes movies, the only time apes are villains is when it’s bonobos (Koba, Proximus)
for those who don’t know much about apes in the wild, Bonobos are one of the (if not THE) most docile ape. They are incredibly intelligent and, for a lack of a better word, absolute hippies. they have never been recorded to have ever committed a murder, unlike chimps, who are ironically a very agressive and violent species. They go out of their way to end fights, and make sure to share food. The hierarchy is Female, with families being lead by a matriarch.
Bonobos hate fighting, and become incredibly stressed at the idea of doing so. So instead they fuck. No, seriously. Stress release? Fuck. Want to share some food? Gotta fuck first. Happy? Fucking. Sad? Fucking. If it’s an emotion, it results in getting hot and steamy. Male on male, female on female, male on female, they don’t care. It’s like shaking hands for them.
the writers are accidentally using the Jaws Effect (the jaws effect is where a movie/show/book takes an animal that is rarely, if ever, dangerous, and uses it to be the main antagonist, therefore creating a false narrative that this type of animal is a common aggressor and there’s a high chance humans can be harmed by it. The Jaws movie turned Great Whites into villains, when they’re actually fairly calm creatures, and the movie sparked a massive manhunt for Great Whites. Granted people aren’t out there with guns taking on Bonobos, but I do find it ironic that the one species of ape to be featured in the reboot that was branded “dangerous” is the one that would probably protect humans most in a fight
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gamelpar · 2 months
caesar: *takes a drink from his canteen*
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damnflirtyape · 2 months
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blogthebooklover · 6 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Possible Theories
Okay, I made a list of possible theories regarding KotPotA. Again, these are just theories until the movie comes out (in like 5 weeks!!!! YAY!!!!!)
Underground Human Community
I'm calling it now, I think there's going to be an underground community of humans who retained their ability to speak. So far, we haven't seen any articles about this, beside the fairly recent Slash Films article about the Forbidden Zone and I am 100% certain this will be the underground human community (or I could be wrong). And I think this will be one of (maybe) a few Easter eggs to Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
The Human Mutants in BtPotA worship an atomic bomb, and it's one of the reasons why they're disfigured and have psychic abilities. I don't think Kingdom will go that far. I think they'll have humans that retained their intellect and speaking abilities.
2. Noah and the Ark Biblical Story
Again, I'm calling it now (and I think Wes Ball might have mentioned it in an article). Since the main character is named Noa, and Proximus Caesar's domain seems to be an abandoned naval base or some kind of abandoned shipyard with rusted ships. I think this movie will take inspiration from the biblical story of Noah and the Ark; since the "Caesar" trilogy was slightly inspired by the Moses/Exodus story, and the laboratory from Rise was called Gen-Sys (get it? Genesis???) And maybe just a little bit of the David and Goliath story between Noa and Proximus Caesar 🤔.
3. William H. Macy’s character is either Mae’s father, or a leader of the underground human community
I know William H. Macy will be in the movie, and so far he and the filmmakers haven’t revealed what his role will be. I think he’s either going to be Mae’s father, or a leader of the underground human community, or maybe even both. And I think there's the slightest possibility that he might be a human secondary antagonist, since Proximus Caesar is the primary ape antagonist.
4. Raka Knows Sign Language
Since Raka the orangutan seems to be some sort of religious leader/elder, I think he also knows sign language. And I think Raka or maybe Noa will teach Mae sign language.
5. Mae Is Going to Talk or Learn Sign Language (ASL)
So far, it looks like Mae is going to be a silent character. I do think she going to talk at some point during the movie, whether in the second act or later in the third act. I think she will also learn sign language to communicate.
6. Noa Is A Descendant of Caesar
Okay, I know this one is very obvious, and I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I do think Noa is a descendant of Caesar, mainly because he looks a lot like a younger Caesar and Blue Eyes. And even if he's not, that's okay too.
7. Andy Serkis Might Come Back
I'm taking a page out of the YouTube channel, Ape Nation's book here. I do think Andy Serkis might come back as a different character, or maybe (and this is probably highly unlikely) as Caesar in a possible vision/flashback scene for Noa during a very low point or maybe when Noa discovers the truth about the apes’ history.
8. Mae's Name
The recent IMAX trailer showed Noa shouting out for Raka and Nova. I recently found out that "Nova" is the name that the apes call the feral humans. I couldn't find the article confirming this, but Freya Allan said that Noa also calls her character "Echo" at some point during the movie. Personally, I like the name "Mae" for the character (and there's maybe the possibility that it is her real name, but I digress).
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xplore-the-unknwn · 4 months
No wonder Noa and Mae have insane chemistry-
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Freya Allan(Mae) and Owen Teague(Noa) in KOTPOTA interviews
They get along so well on and off screen, the chemistry comes naturally. Wes cooked with their dynamic.
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cj-k · 4 months
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""In Caesar's time women were called Nova"" or something like that, I just wanted to draw a big Nova being Cornelio's friend, also in my hc she died young because the virus mutated
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violeteclipseboaty · 5 months
Did anyone find it hilarious that raka basically 'adopted' or 'kept' Mae because of Caesar?
He was like "Caesar cared for humans, welp I guess I will care for this one" 💀💀🤣🤣
Also, when Noa kept looking at him weird for really taking into heart Caesars morals? Hilarious duo, poor Noa didn't know the IMPACT Caesar had 🤣
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ape-apocalypse · 6 months
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Poor apes are SHOOKETH!
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dextermayhews · 4 months
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War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) dir. Matt Reeves
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tangeerin · 4 months
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Maurice and Nova.
El lineart me gusta más.
Debo aprender a colorear.
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emacitaas · 4 months
When Noa and Raka found Nova. (Please forgive my terrible crip wlk animation. Lets just say, she can’t dance.)
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
I’ve seen a few people comparing the 1968 version of Planet of the Apes to the new series and comparing the methods by which humans fell. The reason why the OG PotA movie was all about atomic bombs being the Big Bad, was because during the mid to late 1900’s, nuclear warfare was something that a lot of people feared, considering the bomb has only recently been invented, and the damage it created during WWII. The original Planet of the Apes was released in 1968, still during the time period where people greatly feared the possibility of Nuclear War.
However, nuclear and atomic bombs are built differently today compared to 100 years ago, and therefore the kind of nuclear apocalypse that the OG PotA movies portrayed isn’t as realistic as it could have been.
However, you know what is realistic in our current time? Viruses. Go back and watch the start of Dawn, and compare it to COVID. Keeping in mind the movie was released 6 years before COVID hit, yet it perfectly predicts the way COVID spread, the riots, etc.
The way Rise/Dawn was written is much more plausible in our time, than the atomic warefare written into 1968’s Planet of the Apes
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gamelpar · 11 days
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i think the funniest thing about caesar's revenge quest is this being the first thing that happens
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gmilfs · 4 months
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Do not fuck with pota you will start drawing animals
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federfleisch · 17 days
Maurice is such a God tier character. When a little girl who is all alone in the world finds companionship and comfort in the apes she asks "am I ape?" and instead of telling her no, making her feel othered, he says "you are Nova" - giving her a name and identity while simultaneously saying "you belong here". I also adore that he cared so much about Nova that her name remained even ages later, with Raka saying "we name them [humans] all Nova"
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