#potty training step stools
thebirdandthebee · 1 year
Easy As
A/N: Okay ya’ll this is going to have a big time jump! We will be back tracking, but I’m so soft for Daddy Carm and I couldn’t resist a parenthood ask list. Curious if any of you were right about baby genders? I think this kind of scratches the itch below, but I’ve got a few more Daddy Carm requests to work through.
Should we do something special for 30 chapters? LMK!
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Vanessa Monaghan is the great of fresh air Carmen had been gasping for.
Chapter 29: Mush
“And what do we do when we flush the toilet?” Vanessa asked, looming over Gabriel Silvio Berzatto.
“Wash hands,” he looked up at his mother with those same blue eyes as his father, completely disarming her. He hopped up onto his step-stool and hummed along as he washed his hands, itching to get back out to the kitchen where Carmen was cooking up some lunch for the Berzatto babies.
“Good job, Gabey baby,” she cheered, giving him a high-five. Potty training had been hell. Gabriel had no interest whatsoever in using the toilet and he was a real late bloomer in that way. He was walking, running, talking – hitting all the other milestones, but could not care less about potty training. But they’d been making headway and as long as he was fully potty trained in the next few months, everything would be okay. “Should we go see what Daddy has made the wrecking crew for lunch?” She asked.
Gabriel ran back to the kitchen, bare feet slapping agains the hardwood and climbing right up into his toddler tower to help Carmen.
“Okay, now that our sous is back, we can finish up with the accouterment,” Carmen said, looking down at the bundle that was cradled carefully to his chest. “What do we think, G? Peppers, mushrooms, onions?” He asked.
“No mush,” Gabriel countered, picking up his little Fisher Price set and chopping vegetables alongside his father.
“The sous has requested no mush, and while we don’t normally allow for substitutions, we will make an allowance just this once,” Carmen narrated, dropping a kiss to the fuzzy little head peeking out of the sling.
Vanessa could hear the giggles from the kitchen as she pulled on her boots, knowing she’d need to combat the slush on the sidewalks until she could get into the building for her wax appointment.
It would be the first time since baby Myles was born that Carmen would be alone with both the boys. But it’d been 12 weeks since Myles came home from the hospital and she was in desperate need of a brow wax, manicure and pedicure. Carmen would be just fine for a few hours.
She pulled her hair out of the collar of her sweater and tossed it over her shoulders, wiping her fingers under her eyes to catch any stray mascara before exiting the bedroom.
“Look at Mama, look how beautiful she is,” Carmen said, lifting his eyes from the cutting board to see his wife in the archway. “Tell Mama she’s beautiful,” he encouraged.
“Beautful Mama,” Gabriel repeated to the best of his ability, smacking his own vegetables around his blue, plastic cutting board.
“Thank you, my love,” Vanessa crossed the room to drop a kiss on Gabe’s head.
“No sugar for Daddy?” Carmen asked, scooping his peppers and onions across the board and dumping them into a prep container. Vanessa stepped into his personal space, her perfume swirling around him.
“Thank you, Daddy,” she grinned before kissing him gently. “How’s my little baby?” She asked,
“I’m doing okay,” Carmen replied, “slave driver of a chef,” he said, eyes flicking to Gabriel who’d been picking at his sandwich roll.
Vanessa rolled her eyes. “How’s my littlest baby?” She gently pulled the fabric of the baby swing away from Carmen’s chest. Myles little cupid bow lips were pouted, long lashes resting against his cheeks as she slept soundly against Carmen’s chest.
“Still sleepin’,” Carmen supplied. “He’ll be up for a bottle in a bit,” he replied. “Go enjoy your Mama time,” He insisted. “The boys have it locked down here,” he added.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?” She asked.
“I won’t, but I will,” he replied, kissing her once more. “Go ahead,” He said, slipping his hand down her backside and squeezing her ass in his palm.
“Just me and you and Myles, G man,” Carmen said, firing up the range. “Okay, now we toast the buns,” he said, holding up two thick rolls from the Vietnamese bakery down the street. Gabriel giggled upon hearing his Daddy say buns, making Carmen laugh.
“Buns,” he repeated.
Carmen narrated all of his steps, sautéing veggies and reheating some of the meat he’d pre-prepared the week before. With Myles being so young and Gabriel being a bit of a handful, he’d been taking a few hours each week to prep some proteins and veggies they could easily slap into a dinner and make life easier.
He was tickled whenever Gabe would cook with him. For Christmas, he’d gotten Gabe a little apron with his name on it and he demanded to wear it whenever they were in the kitchen together, observing his Daddy move around the kitchen from the toddler tower Nat and Pete had gifted them for Gabe’s first birthday.
Not too much later, Gabe and Carmen were sitting at the kitchen table, both enjoying their sandwiches as Carmen also carefully fed baby Myles his bottle, still snug in his sling.
“What do we think Sous?” Carmen asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Could have used a little more… depth, some umami.” He explained.
“I Gabe,” the little boy giggled, still not always understanding the concept of a sous chef. Carmen watched his son’s curls bounce with his laughter as he swung his legs back and forth in his chair. His blue eyes, his dirty blonde curls. If he didn’t know better, he’d assume Vanessa had nothing to do with Gabe’s procreation.
Myles was different, he was sure of it. Her dark eyes had appeared behind his delicate little eyelids and though he was still very bald, he held out hope that he’d have Vanessa’s dark hair.
“Did you know you’re my best friend, Gabe?” Carmen asked, taking another bite of his sandwich, watching his son. “You and baby Myles,” he added.
“Baby Myles,” Gabriel agreed, “best friend, Daddy,” he replied.
“That’s right, baby Myles is going to be your best friend, too,” he nodded, swallowing a dry patch at the back of his throat. “He’s so lucky to have you as a big brother.”
“Lucky Myles,” Gabriel parroted.
About two and a half hours later, Vanessa closed the front door softly behind her. Myles should be down for a nap and maybe Gabe had joined him as well. She didn’t hear any alarming noises as she slid off her boots and padded into the house. The kitchen and front living room were empty, but she heard the low volume of the TV in the family room humming and quietly slid in.
There, Carmen laid shirtless on the couch, Myles in just a diaper on his chest and Gabriel wedged between his Dad and the back of the couch, out cold and drooling on Carmen’s shoulder.
“Hi,” Vanessa greeted with a whisper.
“Hi Mama,” Carmen said quietly.
“Look at this cuddle puddle,” she grinned.
“I laid out here with Myles for some skin to skin and Gabe also wanted to take his shirt off,” Carmen grinned. “He got jealous and wanted a bottle, too.”
“Sweet boy,” Vanessa cooed, pushing Gabriel’s curls back from his face. Neither of his parents could bring themselves to get his haircut.
“How was the salon?” Carmen asked.
“Refreshing,” Vanessa said, pouting as her husband blocked her attempt to pick Myles up.
“My baby,” he said pointedly.
“Carm,” Vanessa gaped.
“Join us,” he insisted, “there’s room for you, Mama.” He added.
“There’s no way I can get in there without waking up the tornado,” she said knowingly.
“The tornado has requested Mama’s pasta for dinner,” Carmen said, tucking his free hand behind his head.
“Of course,” Vanessa grinned. “Babies are having an early bedtime tonight,” she said, trailing a freshly manicured nail down Carmen’s bare chest, tweaking his nipple. Carmen adjusted on the couch, a pleased smile on his face.
They had decided they didn’t want to wait long between Myles and their next baby, but this would definitely be the last. Vanessa and Carmen would never say out loud they were trying for a girl, but they were trying for a girl.
With Vanessa transitioning, at least for a few years, to staying home full time, they didn’t want to put too much time between babies.
“Mommy and Daddy time?” Carmen asked.
“As long as this one allows it,” she said, placing a gently hand on Myles’ back.
As if on cue, the newest member of the Berzatto family let out a crackly whine.
“Myles,” Gabriel grumbled, twisting against Carmen’s torso and burying his face further into his father’s chest. Vanessa giggled, picking up Myles so Carmen could tend to Gabriel as she walked back to the nursery.
“Are you Mama’s baby?” She asked, nuzzling into Myles warmth, cradling him to her chest against her soft sweater.
“I’m your baby!” Carmen called out.
“Not a baby Daddy,” she could hear Gabriel counter knowingly.
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stevenbasic · 2 years
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GITJ Post 287: A Date at the Movies, p3 (BOOMfood)
You’ll have to haha put him in diapers for real if he keeps doing this, Missy.”
“Yeah the poor thing isn’t potty trained any more!”
<more laughing>
where am I..?
The doctor, a board-certified gerontologist and recent divorcee, began to stir awake. Laying in a booth of bright red pleather, his head on a plush, womanly lap which he immediately knew was that of his new Office Manager, he heard the voices of not only her but several other employees of his. There was also something softly bulky strapped around his waist and hips. 
“Well, I can’t stay forever,” said a smoky, female voice he identified easily as Randi Mongillo’s, who worked at his scheduling desk and managed the office’s social media, “I think I finally outgrew this bra tonight. It’s killing me. When are the new ones for us all coming in?”
He squinted against the overhead lights. 
“Oh haha I don’t know,” answered Melissa Monroe, indeed the woman in whose now-bare lap he’d apparently been sleeping. Her hand, he felt now, was idly playing itself through his thick hair, “it might be a couple weeks?”
“We’re going to need them quick if you two keep this up!” added who he thought was Josie Jensen, one of his new medical assistants. 
“Or if I drink any more of this shake!” quipped Shanette Stevens, over whose lap he now felt his legs and lower body rested.  What was wrapped around his hips?
“They’re so good though!” he heard Stephanie’s voice remark; from his low vantage she sounded like she was sitting across the table, “I don’t know how Bessie’s not five hundred pounds, working here.” 
Roused a bit more by his curiosity, and only now starting to remember what had happened earlier this evening at the movie theater, Dr. J began to slowly raise himself up. Where the hell was he?
“Ooooo look who’s awake!” cooed Shanette, immediately shifting herself a bit to allow him to move. 
“Oh hi sweetie!” sang Melissa, whose strong arm he felt now come behind him and helping him start to sit up between she and Shanette on the booth’s faux leather bench, “Did you have a nice nap?”
Nap? Oh, jeez, yes… he thought, recalling in a sudden rush of shame how he’d been made to explode in his pants in the theater. He must be a mess of-
“You missed the best parts of the movie!” laughed Josie, who - as he was raised up a bit more -  he now saw was sitting across the table from he and Shanette, squeezed in between Randi and the pretty blonde gym-bunny Stephanie. As she addressed him, he looked around, trying to get his bearings. They were all in some sort of restaurant, brightly lit, furnished and accessorized to look like some retro malt-shop soda-fountain thing.  “She-Hulk got so huge and had this crazy fight with Giant Black Widow before-“
“Hey no spoilers!” called Lakshmi, over her shoulder, “He may want to watch it himself!”
He saw that she had just stepped by their table holding some sort of tall milkshake or smoothie, and was taking a seat on a stool pulled up to a counter along a white, subway-tiled wall with several other girls from the office. He couldn’t help but watch her sit. Good lord look at that, how her ass spreads, how far the seat sinks down and bounces...this is Lakshmi? Amazing…
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Still in half-stupor, as he mindlessly marveled at Lakshmi’s rear, Melissa and Shanette continued to help him sit, pivoting his body towards the table. He was coming slowly back to reality, noticing how each girl had their own smoothie in a tall plastic cups, and remembered how he’d borrowed Lakshmi’s hoodie for warmth. She wasn’t wearing it, here. Was it, maybe, what he felt around his wais- ?
“Oh god!” he suddenly blurted, when he finally looked down to see that he’d been wrapped, around his hips and waist, with Lakshmi’s thick white sweatshirt. And not just tied casually around him - it had been put on him like a diaper!! Over his pants, yes, but pulled up around his crotch, secured and looped around his groin, hips, covering some of his upper thighs. It did! It totally looked like a diaper!! “What do you d-?!?” He flushed, blood rushing to his face and head, and in his panic immediately started to try to undo the thing.
“Nuh-uh-uh…!” Melissa quickly stopped him, her hands - and those of her friend Shanette sitting at the end of the booth to his left - grabbing his, gently pulling them away. They didn’t want him to mess with their handiwork. “Shhhhhshhhshhh… we had to,” she continued, “You made such a mess in your khakis. I had to be able to carry you out of the theater without anyone seeing.”
“B-b-but…like this?!?” he stammered, aghast.
“Like what,” Randi snickered, “Like a diaper? What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s humiliating is whAT it is!” he whined, his voice cracking as it tended to do these days, especially when upset. The girls - Shanette and Melissa - still had grasp of his hands, and were now embracing his arms, scooching in to sandwich him.
“Awww but it looks cute on you..!” Josie giggled, leaning in towards him to flaunt a healthy display of cleavage, gently laying her breasts on the table, striking him with the challenge of eye contact.
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“Diaper for the little baby-man…” cooed Shanette, turning a bit in her seat to squish and squeeze his thin arm between her big boobs, squashing them around it and then giggling down into his ear. Her coconut scent was strong and sweet, and calmed the protest he was just ready to voice. 
“Awww…” returned Stephanie, across from him and to the left, having heard Shanette belittle him without complaint and so diving in herself with a smile on her dimpled cheeks and a filling breath for her shapely chest, “…little man.” She cocked her head, watching for his reaction. He had none, really, no retort. He was cowed, she could see, lost and minimized amidst this strong group of pretty women. It was so cool; this was their boss, and they had him nervous and embarrassed like a little boy, a helpless simp.
“Ooo look at you blushing,” Shanette purred to him. 
“Your brain really stops working when we wear revealing clothes, doesn’t it?” Randi quipped, now leaning in herself a presenting her own not-to-be ignored rack. She’d buttoned her black silk top up a bit earlier as the night had become crisp, but to draw his eye she now undid one, then two. “Missy I think you’re getting to be the smart one in this relationship for a change.”
To that Melissa giggled, and felt herself pull in towards him. While Shanette had his skinny little arm between her large breasts, Melissa’s chest seemed to consume his entire shoulder, her cleavage overwhelming his whole right side. “Oh, Randi, be nice,” she finally retorted, “or one of us might fire you.” 
“Oh he wouldn’t do that, now, would he?” Stephanie teased, pushing a lock of long blond hair away from the open neckline of her pink spandex top when his eyes drifted to her. She took a sip of her smoothie. 
“You two love us too much for that,” Randi confidently jeered. 
“We really do..!” Melissa laughed, agreeing. Part of her actually felt a little bad for him, watching the girls play-bully him like this. She cared for him, so much, and could tell he was squirming with the ignominy of their relentless teasing, the poor thing. But she was caught up in it, too: it was just so exciting! Treating boys like this was thrilling, watching them be so helpless. It was only dimly, though, that she realized this about herself, how she acted and even thought a little differently when her friends were around. She was not as protective of him and his feelings as maybe she should be, she was more aggressively dominant. Like, at the movie. What had come over her, jerking him off in his pants right there, in the middle of everyone? She knew that would be humiliating to him, but she felt she was just being playful, and it felt so good to be able to toy with him like that. What she didn’t completely realize was that there was a pheromone feedback loop already deeply connecting her and the other girls. Yes, hers may be affecting them, changing them in actual physical ways, some quite strange…but theirs had their own effects on her, too, making her act and think in ways she otherwise might not. Making her want to, haha, dominate him like the shrunken little subby simp he was becoming for her. Ah it made her need to cross her big legs under the table, just the thought of it!
Yes, she wanted to be the boss, she wanted women to run things. It was - as everyone was saying - their turn. He’d get used to it, he would. And, in the end, she knew she needed to be a good girlfriend for him. It would take him some time, but she could make it so nice.
“Don’t worry,” she cooed, her affection for him bubbling up inside her womanly chest as she took his chin in her right hand and tilted his face and eyes up to meet hers, “I’ll take you home soon and clean you up.” At that she leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth, causing all the girls around her to squeal in delight and his toes to curl anew, his lids fluttering closed. The kiss was full of both promise and the strawberry taste of her own milkshake, her voice soft and syrupy and disguising still just how exciting this was, watching her little boss-man beau, her heartthrob, be utterly surrounded by her friends. They were, all of them in the booth, leaned into him, encompassing him, with him in the little makeshift diaper they’d put him in. He looked so helpless, so adorable! And when she broke their kiss his eyes opened and looked plaintively up into hers. Omigoddddd…she wanted him again! 
“Oh, hey Dr. J, you’re awake. Welcome to BOOMfood..!” they both heard, to their left. He saw Melissa’s eyes look up and she smiled. He turned to see standing at their table one of his new young employees, dressed as a…waitress? Thin, shapely, long brown hair. Simple  girl-next-door gorgeous. Bessie, right? But…what?? What’s she doing here? He blinked, confused, his mouth agape as he was still recovering from Melissa’s devastating kiss.
“Like the uniform?” Bessie giggled down to him, doing a quick pirouette to flaunt her sky blue retro diner-style waitress outfit, short of skirt to show off comely legs, holding a small tablet. “I work here on weekends, still,” she said, beamingly, “it’s fun. And my mom’s a manager.”
“oh…h-hi Bessie,” he finally managed. Had she said ‘BOOMfood’? Is that where they were? He’d heard of the place, vaguely; the girls at work had mentioned it before. A smoothie bar the ladies liked, right?
“You have Bessie to thank for getting you in here,” Randi began, as she pulled her tall drink towards herself and took a long draw through the straw. 
“Yeah usually no boys allowed,” Josie nodded. Indeed, looking around - though the place was busy - his was the only male face in the joint.
“But you were passed out…”
“…and Missy was carrying you…”
“…you really did look cute.”
He knew there were more and more businesses like this these days - restaurants, gyms, shopping centers, banks - that catered to a solely female clientele. It made sense, he figured, if women felt more comfortable sometimes just among their own. It was a trend, and BOOMfood was certainly popular. A franchise, he gathered, as he’d heard there were others popping up across the country. He couldn’t help but suddenly feel even more out of place, as he looked around at the various groups of females. There many like their own, young women hanging out in booths and along the counters that lined the walls. Friends on a Saturday night, a group over there that looked like they just came from the gym. Had they, any of the women in the place, noticed him?
“So, can I get you guys anything more? Some refills?” Bessie asked, glancing around at the partly- or half-full smoothie cups on the table. 
Only Melissa’s was empty. “Yes!!” she exclaimed, pulling the sole menu on the table away from Josie and towards herself and Dr. J. “What one should I get next?” She directed his attention to the glossy laminated list of BOOMfood’s offerings, of which there were but a few, a simple menu. No food, only smoothies. “Should I get another one of these?” she asked him, pointing a long, elegant finger at the first item on the list. 
“The She-Hulk: Get Bigger than Him! Protein to the Max!”
There it was, ‘She-Hulk’ again. He wanly chuckled, but then his brow furrowed as he began to read over the menu, its descriptions. 
“Oh, don’t worry, Dr. J,” came Bessie’s words of assurance, “They’re full of good stuff for ladies.”
“Is this all…legal?” he asked, voice suddenly laden with concern as he read through the ingredients in what all these women around him were obviously drinking. The girls across the table had begun to chat a bit amongst themselves. 
“Oh for sure don’t worry it’s all legal,” Bessie explained, chipper, “It’s just natural supplements, vitamins, enzymes, hormone enhancers…”
Melissa continued reviewing her choices. Such decisions! “Maybe I should get ‘iCute - IQ Enhancer: Because Brains are Hot!’ Mmm, blueberries. Or….ooooo, haha! Maybe you’d like it if I got this one…
“The MILFshake - Ooooo Gaga…! Become Everything Your Good Boy Needs!”
Yikes, he thought, listen to some of these ingredients…Alfalfa, Milk Thistle, Fennel. To him, a trained physician, it sounded like malarkey. But if he’d paid attention in the lectures in med school about natural supplements, he’d know a little bit about the use of these herbs as galactagogues.
“What’s ‘Shatavari Root’?” Melissa asked, getting a shrug from both the doctor sitting next to her and their young waitress.
“I dunno but it’s really good,” Shanette beamed, “you should totally get the MILF-shake, Missy!”
He continued to read the ingredient list, softly and mostly to himself: “Fennel, Fenugreek, Pueraria mirifica…” It was a long list, and a quick search would find many of them listed as xenoestrogens or domperidone analogs. He, spoke with concern, feeling his voice being ignored. “Dong-quai, meta-zearalenone..?”
Bessie, at least, was paying attention. “Yes! All really healthy, natural stuff. Totally organic,” she lauded, as Stephanie across the table was finishing up her ‘She-Hulk’ with extra branched-chain amino acids smoothie and ordering another. “But my mom says that soon, after the election and when laws get relaxed, they hope to be able to add more, like, special ingredients.”
“Is there anything he can have?” Melissa asked, finally looking up from the menu, “And yeah I’ll have the MILFshake.”
“uhhhh…” he began, surprised and not necessarily confident he wanted anything, “I’m, uh, probably n-“
Bessie wrinkled her brow, prettily, and talked right over him. “The only one they’ll let him get isn’t listed there. It’s only on the takeout menu,” she explained, “But I can get one made up for him. It’s a veggie energy shot for men. It’s got kale, ginkgo, red gins-“
“He’ll take a double…” Randi ordered, dryly. 
Before he knew it, Bessie was back with a tray of new “BOOMfood”. His, small and green in a little 6-oz plastic cup, was dwarfed by the extra-large large shakes and smoothies the girls had ordered. While Bessie was away they’d all quickly finished whatever was left of their first drink, and were now eagerly sucking their ways into their second. He marveled a bit at how much these young women could put away; little did he know their bodies were all craving sustenance after their newest post-carnal growth spurt of two hours ago, in the theater. These smoothies, full of protein and calories, were like lifeblood to them, fueling growth, building muscle and fat. 
His drink, on the other hand, looked meager, and was placed unceremoniously before him, a small thing, no straw. 
“You do it like a shot,” Bessie explained, seeing the distaste on his face.
“C’mon, sweetie, it’s probably really good,” Melissa urged, as already he felt his hand reaching for it. A shot, huh? Randi had jokingly ordered him a double, and it looked too big to take in one swig. This would require some gulping. 
“Alright here goes,” he announced, picking up his drink and sloshing as much of it as he could in. As the girls watched, sucking happily on their straws, his mouth was filled with a slimy, slightly salty but somehow sweet…he seemed to recognize that bite…bitterness. He held it in his out-pouched cheeks, and looked down into his cup. He’d taken maybe just-over half of it. 
“Time for you to swallow, precious,” cooed Shanette from above.
His eyes were watering a bit, looking up at her. Okay here goes…
His eyes watered more, and he regarded again the remaining green sludge in his cup. “What do they call this thing?” he asked Bessie, “Does it have a name?”
“Oh, uh, like I said, it’s just listed on the take-out menu…” she said, casually, having started to clear away the old, empty cups, “...it’s called ‘Boner Alert’.”
Thx to H.G .Wells for the ‘Boomfood’ term; I know it’s been used in other GTS stories before; just thought it fit here nicely.
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stormanbates · 2 years
Turtle Tots Headcanon: Potty Training
•Splinter found a book on toilet training while upside looking for things for the lair.
•He decided to try it because he was tired of changing diapers for 4 turtles.
•They were stinky babies!
•While sitting down to discuss potty training, Mikey crawled away, not interested.
•Raph frowned the whole time.
•Donnie and Leo made a silent bet on who would be the older twin based on who would be potty trained first.
•Splinter had to get four potty chairs since the twins kept fighting over the one he brought home.
•Mikey put stickers all over his potty.
•Raph wasn't interested at all, until Splinter said he had to set an example for his little brothers, so after a few days (and many accidents), Raph finally succeeded in using the potty.
•Splinter also convinced Raph to quit diapers when he placed one of his teddy bears on the potty to show him that "even teddy bears get potty trained".
•Despite their bet, Donnie actually got stage fright when being watched going to the bathroom by his dad and brothers. He could only go once alone.
•Or if he had his iPad.
•Leo could control his bladder during the day, but he was a massive bedwetter for years.
•Raph totally showed off his big boy underwear.
•His favorite pair had teddy bears on them.
•Leo and Donnie fought over underwear.
•Mikey potty trained himself.
•One night, as the boys were watching a movie, Mikey suddenly got up and walked to the bathroom. This made Splinter confused as Mikey was usually dormant during movie time.
•He screamed so loud with excitement when he saw Mikey on the potty that Mikey cried. This made Mikey stay in diapers for another month.
•Splinter learned his lesson and wasn't so loud when Mikey used his potty again.
•Whenever Donnie or Leo sat down to try to go, Raph would bring them sippy cups of juice to help them pee.
•He would then run out frustrated and shout "Donnie's not drinking it!"
•Because the toilet was so high up, the boys needed a stepping stool to reach it.
•Once, Leo couldn't find the stool and went to his dad, doing the "potty dance". Splinter was making dinner at this point, but he quickly rushed his son to the bathroom, but it was too late.
•Leo bawled his eyes out when he saw that he peed all over his dad.
•Splinter felt bad, and bathtime was early for Leo that evening.
•Candy was given as a reward for staying dry.
•Mikey saw this and pretended to "go" in order to get candy. Splinter laughed when he saw Mikey sit on his potty with his diaper still on, then say "Did it!", because that's what his brothers did and they got candy and stickers.
•After the boys got toilet trained, Splinter put the diaper changing supplies in a closet, instead of throwing it out, "just in case".
•Once in a while, Raph would relapse and Splinter would have to keep him in diapers for a few days.
•When the twins shared a bed, Leo and Donnie would fight over who wet the bed. That stopped when they got separate beds.
•Leo would get jealous of Donnie whenever his bed was dry in the morning, so he started to pour water on his twin to make it look like he had an accident.
•Donnie would be so upset, but Raph found out and tattled.
•Mikey would climb out of his crib to go potty at night.
•This freaked out Splinter once when he would come in for a midnight feeding and find his son gone.
•Now that potty training was complete, it was now time to convince the boys to behave during bathtime, but that's another story.
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Taxi Driver: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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After months of training Joanna to use the potty, you open that it sticks this time. She is twenty-nine months old, almost three years! Maryann is now three months old, and she is learning so much already. She is different from Joanna at this age, but you welcome the differences. She's more vocal and isn't afraid to speak her mind whenever she gets scared or when she wants something. Joanna was more calm in that way, but no two kids are alike.
Zeus has been extra careful with Maryann, always being around her, protecting her even if there is nothing to protect her from. He's been such a good addition to the family, that it makes you think you should get another dog.
One problem at a time.
Kevin has asked you and the brothers to come over and help him with something, but he wouldn't say over the phone. Joanna is still training, so you'll go over as soon as she uses the potty. She is in the makeshift living room watching cartoons to help her go. The Bunker doesn't have a living room, so you have to make one yourself even if it isn't conventional.
Sam and Dean are packing the car while you get Maryann ready. She coos and kicks her legs while you get her dressed, and you do so without issue.
"There you go, my angel. All ready to go."
You pick her up and kiss her chubby cheeks, and she giggles at the attention.
"Mama, I went potty," Joanna calls out for you.
She gets up and runs over to you without any pants or her pull up on. You walk over to the portable toilet and look inside to see that she did go pee on her own.
"Good job, baby. Did you wipe?"
"Okay, let's go wash your hands." You take her to the bathroom and let her use the step stool so she can wash her hands. "Whenever you need to go potty, you just tell me you need to go. I will take you, but try not to go in your pull ups, okay?"
"Okay," Joanna grins.
Sam and Dean come back, and you pass Maryann to her father while Sam grabs Joanna. You clean up the portable toilet before heading out to the car. Everyone is already buckled in, so when you get into the backseat, Dean immediately takes off for Kevin.
"Kevin, open up! Kevin!" Dean yells when you all finally arrive. He pounds on the metal door, and Kevin opens it slightly, holding a huge cast-iron skillet. He doesn't look so good like he hasn't been taking care of himself. "Whoa! Whoa. Geez. What's going on? What's with the SOS?"
"It's him."
"It's who?" Sam asks.
Kevin opens the door wider and lets all three of you in. It doesn't smell that great in here, and Kevin seems disoriented and unwell.
"Crowley. He's in my head. Do you know what that means?"
"Kevin, are you okay? If Crowley knew where you were, he'd do a hell of a lot more than mess with your head," you sigh. "Where's Garth?"
"On a case or the dentist. I don't know. I haven't heard from him."
"Okay, well, what did you want to tell us that you couldn't say on the phone? Would you put the frying pan down, please?" Dean sighs.
"I translated the second trial from the tablet," Kevin says, placing the skillet on the stove.
"Are you serious? That's good!"
"If Crowley's in my head, he knows."
"Okay, he's definitely not in your head. It's okay. We know you're distressed. Just stay with us, alright? What's the second trial?"
"An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven."
"Rescue a soul from Hell? Like actually go to Hell? How do you get a soul unto Heaven? I mean, how do you even get a soul out of Hell?"
"We're gonna need an expert," Dean smirks.
"This isn't going to end well for them," you chuckle. "Stay here, Kevin, we'll get what we need and then come back."
"Fine by me," Kevin shrugs.
You're not really on board with this place, but if you want to complete the second trial, then you need the help of a crossroads demon. Luckily, you don't have to travel far to summon one. Sam and Dean obviously set up a devil's trap so the demon can't escape, and you're hanging out by the car with your kids still inside.
As soon as Sam buries a box into the ground, a demon appears.
"Winchesters," the demon rolls his eyes.
"What happened to the hot chicks?" Dean asks, facing the demon.
"I'm out of here."
The demon tries to leave, but the devil's trap is what's keeping him in place. The demon realizes he is utterly fucked, but he doesn't know it. Dean doesn't want to do this in the middle of the open area, so with some struggle coming from the demon, he is able to transport him to an abandoned garage.
The demon is tied to a chair, Sam and Dean use a devil's trap to keep him from going anywhere, your kids stay in the car, and you're sitting on the truck on the Impala.
"I'm not telling you anything." Dean dumps some holy water on him, and the demon yells in pain as his skin sizzles. "Bite me."
"Well, then how about another owie?"
The demon yells in more pain as Dean dumps more holy water on him.
"You know, wouldn't it be a lot easier just to tell us how to enter Hell uninvited," Sam says.
"It's a secret," he sighs.
"We promise we won't tell anyone."
"I can't. It's forbidden, man. They're gonna kill me." Sam gets more holy water, and the demon panics inside. "Alright, look, for a price, y'all can be smuggled across Hell's border."
"By who?"
"Rogue reapers. They got secret ways, in and out, and not just Hell. Everything, heaven included."
"Rogue reapers smuggling people? So, what, they're like hell coyotes?"
"Now kill me. Come on, man. Better death than Crowley," the demon begs.
"First you're gonna tell us... everything," Dean grins.
"No, I can't."
"Would you rather we bring her in?" Dean asks, and the demon looks at you.
You smile at him and wave, using your magic to lightly threaten him by having it mist around your hand.
"I'm much worse," you grin.
"Hell no. I ain't going to be a fool for messing around with the Sapphire Witch."
"Glad to know you've heard of me," you shrug.
After some persuading, the demon gave up the information on who to contact to get into Hell. His name is Ajay, and you know exactly where he likes to hang out. He isn't expecting you, so you hope he is going to be in the place where the demon says he works.
Dean killed the demon so if he is wrong, then you can't go back and ask him.
Ajay likes to pose as a taxi driver for humans, but for people who know who he is, he will take them places where they aren't invited. Dean slowly pulls up to the curb where he is, and since you're right next to him, you feel comfortable leaving your kids in the car.
"Ajay. We need to talk to you for a sec," Dean says.
"You know my name."
"And what you do. We want to do business."
"You three are mortal--flesh and blood."
"Yes, well, we want to get into Hell, and you can help us with that."
"No one wants to get into Hell," he laughs.
"Can you do it?"
"It's possible, but I have special skills. I have overhead. It will be pricey."
"How pricey?"
"You three are resourceful. One day, you will owe me a favor, and I might ask the witch for that."
"You say that like you know us," you scoff.
"Of course I do. You're the Winchesters."
"Have we met before?"
"I am the reaper who took Bobby Singer to Hell."
At his words, your entire world slows down around you. Your heartbeat gets louder in your ears, tears brim your eyes, and your hands start to shake. Your dad has been in Hell this entire time? Your bottom lip trembles, but you try to compose yourself.
"What did you just say?"
"No, we burned his bones. Once we did that, it was over. End of story," Sam shakes his head.
"Not necessarily."
"No, no, no, because, see, Bobby was on the good side of things, and good guys go to the penthouse," Dean says.
"Most of the time. It depends on who you know, and what palms get greased. If you're on the King of Hell's no-fly list, there's no way you can cruise the friendly skies."
"Okay, how much for three tickets down and four back?" you ask.
There's no way in Hell you're going to let your father rot down there for much longer.
"Y/N. Come here." Sam takes you and Dean off to the side while Ajay hangs back, unbothered. "What the hell are you thinking?"
"There's no way I'm letting my dad rot in there. I have to go."
"We've gone over this. I have to do the trials solo."
"This is my dad we're talking about here, Sam," you say emotionally.
"You haven't exactly been up to full speed lately, okay? We got one shot at this. We can't miss."
Sam's right. He has to take this one alone. You don't like it, but you can't stop him.
"You bring my dad back, okay? You bring him home."
"I'm not going to miss. I'll bring him back," Sam says, showing the demon knife he has on him. He walks back to Ajay in determination. "I'm in, just me."
"Follow me."
"Wait, how does this work?" Dean stops the couple.
"Not to fret. He'll be back in exactly twenty-four hours. Return for him then."
Ajay and Sam walk off into some alley, and you have no choice but to trust Sam that he's got this. You look at Dean and then at your watch, quickly setting a timer for twenty-four hours. You assume this is the exact place where Ajay will bring him back, so you know when to get him once time runs out.
"Come on, we should get food for Kevin that's not hotdogs," you sigh.
You get food for yourself and the kids when Dean stops to get some for Kevin. You get back to Kevin's place with a bunch of food in your hands, but Kevin isn't anywhere to be found.
"Kevin? Are you here?" you call out.
Joanna runs inside with her toys, giggling and talking to herself, Maryann coos in your arms, and Dean sets the food on the table.
"Yo, Kev, it's us!"
"I believe the closet would be safest," Kevin says from behind you.
"Safe from what?"
"Crowley. He's in my head, Dean, and if he's in my head, he knows where I am! You know, we should move out. We'll find another place."
"Kevin, you need to take a deep breath and calm down. Please, come out," you say gently. Kevin sighs and comes out of the closet. "There you go. Come on."
"Just tell me when this all ends, because that's the only thing I want to hear."
"No, like I told you before, this isn't going to end."
"Dean," you hiss and look at him. "Kevin, it can end. When we close the Gates of Hell, there will be no one after you or your mom. You can go back to college, meet someone, and have the life you wanted. There is an end, you just have to keep your head up right now."
"I'm gonna be in my room. Let me know when there's a good day."
Kevin takes his food and goes back into the closet where he thinks it's safe. Joanna whines when she gets hungry, but you're not in the mood to hear her whine right now.
"Joanna, ask politely about it. You don't whine when you want something. What do you want?"
"I'm hungry, mama."
"Do you want your food?"
"Yes please."
Dean picks her up and sits her at the big table where he gives her food. Maryann has already fed, so she is resting in your arms comfortably. The only thing you can do right now is wait, but you're not going to spend the night in this death trap. There is a motel not far from here, so that's where you're going to spend the night.
Kevin doesn't seem to mind staying here by himself, so when it starts getting dark, you and Dean head over to the motel room to settle in.
Joanna has her toddler bed and Maryann has her crib, and as soon as Maryann is down, she is asleep.
"Mama, I have to go potty," Joanna whimpers.
"Come on." You take her to the toilet and help her onto it since you don't have your potty training toilet with you. "I'll be right outside, okay? You let me know when you're done."
You step outside so you're not watching her. You do keep the door partially open so you can make sure she doesn't fall into the toilet or something like that. When she's done, she hops off the toilet and flushes it, so you take that as your cue to walk back in.
"Good job, baby. We need to wash your hands now."
You pick her up and lean her over the sink since she doesn't have a step stool to help her. When she's done, you wipe her hands on the towel and take her to bed. She can't sleep without a bedtime story, and you know just the one to tell her.
"Your uncle Sammy is going to be a superhero today."
"Really?" her eyes light up.
"He's going to save your grandpa from a really bad place with bad people."
"Demons. You remember how we talked about demons? How they're bad people who hurt others?" She nods without saying anything. "Well, your grandpa is with these bad people, and your uncle is going to save him. He's going to be saved so he can go to Heaven."
"Is Heaven good?"
"Heaven is good. It's where good people go after they die."
"Sammy is a superhero," she grins.
"Sammy is a superhero," you chuckle. "Go to bed, my love. I'll see you in the morning."
You kiss her head and leave the room, only shutting it halfway. You and Dean will take the big beds in the main room, and he's already settled into one. You two face each other, and Dean can see how hard you're trying not to break down.
"How are you doing? I don't want to hear that you're fine," he whispers.
"Then I don't know what to tell you," you sigh.
"Sweetheart, we lost a child. You shouldn't be fine. I'm not fine. I have nightmares about him and the life he'll never get to have. I'm sad that he's gone... are you?"
Of course you're fucking sad. You're destroyed by this loss, but you can't show it. If Joanna or Maryann see you break down, they're going to think that they will need to take care of you. It's what John did to Sam and Dean when Mary died. There is no way you're going to end up like John, so no matter what you do, you can't let your kids see you break down.
"Of course, I'm fucking sad," you sniffle, trying to keep the tears in.
"You don't act like it."
"You don't understand. You should, but you don't. Let's just leave it alone."
"And bottle it down? I'm all for that, but this is one of those things where you can't push it down. It's going to come out one day, and you're not going to like what happens."
"I don't need you lecturing me on grief."
"I'm just saying that this isn't healthy," he sighs.
"I'm fine, Dean."
You turn away from him and let two tears fall onto the pillow. He's right, but you can't seem to find it in yourself to face this.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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firelightfoxes · 2 years
lichen updates!
she turns 12 weeks tomorrow which is exciting! idk why but it seems like a big milestone to me.
she’s been so, so good this week. early in the week we had a couple potty-training mishaps which just kinda helped me fine-tune her potty schedule. she’s doing great now! i believe we’re on day 5 of our no accident streak.
she’s definitely getting better at entertaining herself with her toys instead of Needing My Attention Constantly. i mean, of course she still wants to spend time with me but i can put her in her pen for a bit and she’ll happily play with her toys rather than just whining and/or staring at me the entire time. i’ve been giving her more freedom here and there to experiment with and so far she’s doing great. highly supervised of course, but she has less desire to eat the carpet/rugs/floor, she has not made an assassination attempt at her new bed, and so far she hasn’t been stepping/digging in her water bowl like she used to.
we also had our second puppy class on Thursday! she seriously did amazing. so much fun, so much drive to learn, and of course she’s a bit of a squirrelly little mudi pup, but she’s still very friendly and everyone in the class loves her. she got to meet her pup classmates and their owners and she was honestly perfect. she picks up all the new behaviors we learn in the class super fast, which is great because i hate repetition lol.
yesterday, we took her to an outdoor bar. again, she did wonderfully. very observant, looking around and sniffing around, alert, curious. she was also quiet which is nice, and not nearly as shy as i thought she might be! after seeing our server once, the next time she came back she wanted to say hi to him. a couple people at the bar were staring at her and one nice man came up to ask about her. i told him he can pet her as long as she seems comfortable - and she did!! she loved him and she loved the attention. at some point there was a kid who sprinted right past us and she growled at him because i think he surprised her, but after i comforted her she stopped immediately and went back to sniffing and being curious. she also has no idea how to settle in a public place yet (which i am absolutely not expecting of her - it took Ava quite a while to get there) but she wanted to wiggle and step and climb on me constantly lol.
another random thing is that i’ve been prepping various enrichment things for her and Ava throughout the week, and i’ve been slowly introducing more ingredients (like treats, toppers, liquids, etc), i did so watching her stool carefully to see if anything would upset her but it hasn’t so far. i know puppy tummies can get upset with stuff like that so i’m glad i can continue making enrichment with lots of ingredients.
overall she’s just a dream. i love hanging out with her and spending time with her. she’s so funny, curious, and smart, really just everything i was looking for in a puppy!
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ficks1952 · 4 days
Ultimate Guide to Shopping at Bygge Bo: Your Go-To Baby Shop
Welcome to Bygge Bo, your premier destination for all things baby! Whether you're preparing for a new arrival or looking to upgrade your little one's essentials, our curated selection and expert guidance are here to make your journey into parenthood smoother and more enjoyable. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about shopping at Bygge Bo, ensuring you find exactly what you and your baby need Baby Shop.
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Why Choose Bygge Bo?
Bygge Bo stands out as more than just a baby shop; it's a haven for parents seeking quality, reliability, and a touch of style. Here are a few reasons why Bygge Bo is your ultimate destination:
Diverse Product Range: From newborn essentials to toddler must-haves, we offer a wide array of products carefully selected to cater to every stage of your baby's development.
Quality Assurance: We prioritize safety and quality in every product we offer, ensuring they meet rigorous standards and guidelines.
Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable staff are passionate about babies and are here to provide personalized advice and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
Convenience: Shop online or visit our welcoming store locations for a seamless shopping experience.
Navigating Bygge Bo's Product Categories
At Bygge Bo, we organize our products into several key categories to simplify your shopping experience:
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Create a serene and functional nursery with our collection of cribs, bassinets, bedding sets, and nursery decor. Choose from modern designs and timeless classics that blend seamlessly with your home decor.
Feeding and Nursing
Explore our range of nursing essentials, including breast pumps, nursing pillows, bottles, and feeding accessories designed to support both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding journeys.
Baby Gear
Keep your baby safe and comfortable on the go with our selection of strollers, car seats, baby carriers, and travel accessories. Whether you're running errands or traveling afar, we have the gear to make outings enjoyable for both you and your little one.
Clothing and Accessories
Dress your baby in adorable and practical outfits from our clothing collection, featuring soft fabrics and thoughtful designs suitable for every occasion. Don't forget to explore our range of hats, socks, and shoes to complete their look.
Bath and Potty
Make bath time enjoyable with gentle cleansers, soft towels, and ergonomic bath accessories. Transition smoothly to potty training with our potties, step stools, and training pants designed for comfort and ease.
Toys and Playtime
Encourage your baby's development with our selection of educational toys, plush animals, and interactive playtime essentials. From sensory toys for newborns to imaginative play sets for toddlers, we have toys that inspire creativity and learning.
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Shopping Tips for New Parents
Navigating the world of baby products can be overwhelming, especially for new parents. Here are some tips to help you shop smarter at Bygge Bo:
Create a Checklist: Make a list of essential items you'll need before your baby arrives, and prioritize items based on your lifestyle and preferences.
Read Reviews: Take advantage of customer reviews and ratings to learn from other parents' experiences with products you're considering.
Consider Longevity: Opt for products that grow with your baby whenever possible, such as convertible cribs or adjustable car seats.
Take Advantage of Services: Explore our registry services for baby showers or special occasions, and enjoy perks like discounts, free shipping, and expert registry advice.
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Visiting Bygge Bo
Visit our conveniently located stores or shop online at your convenience. Our friendly staff are ready to assist you in person or via our customer service channels to ensure you find exactly what you need.
Bygge Bo is more than a baby shop; it's your partner in parenthood. Whether you're shopping for essentials, seeking advice, or looking for that perfect gift, we're here to support you every step of the way. Explore our diverse product range, take advantage of our expert guidance, and enjoy a shopping experience that prioritizes quality, safety, and your baby's comfort. Welcome to Bygge Bo, where shopping for your little one is a joyous experience!
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Revolutionize bathroom hygiene with fun training toilets and custom toilet supplies
In today's rapidly evolving world, innovations in every aspect of life are continuously reshaping our daily routines. From technology to personal care, one area that has seen significant advancements is the bathroom. The combination of "Fun Training Toilets" and "Custom Toilet Supplies" is a prime example of how creativity and customization are enhancing our bathroom experiences.
Fun Training Toilets:
1. Redefining Potty Training:
Fun Training Toilets have taken the tedium out of potty training for children. These innovative, child-friendly toilet designs transform the once-dreaded task into an engaging and enjoyable experience. With playful colors, interactive features, and even educational elements, these toilets make learning proper bathroom habits fun for kids. This not only reduces the stress of transitioning from diapers but also accelerates the learning process.
2. Motivating Independence:
These toilets are designed to encourage independence among young children. With features like step stools and easy-to-reach flush buttons, they empower kids to use the toilet on their own. The sense of accomplishment that comes with using a Fun Training Toilet fosters confidence and self-reliance.
3. Eco-friendly Practices:
Many Fun Training Toilets incorporate water-saving mechanisms, teaching children about environmental responsibility from a young age. This promotes a culture of conservation and sustainable living, ensuring a brighter future for the planet.
Custom Toilet Supplies:
1. Personalized Bathroom Décor:
Custom Toilet Supplies allow individuals to infuse their personality and style into their bathroom décor. From custom toilet seat covers and rugs to toilet paper holders with unique designs, these supplies transform the bathroom into a personalized oasis. Homeowners and businesses alike can create a distinct ambiance that reflects their brand or individuality.
2. Branding Opportunities:
For businesses, custom toilet supplies offer a unique branding opportunity. Custom tissue paper with a company logo, branded soap dispensers, and towels with custom prints can reinforce brand identity in a subtle yet effective way. It creates a lasting impression on customers and clients while promoting brand recall.
3. Hygiene and Comfort:
Custom Toilet Supplies also prioritize hygiene and comfort. Antibacterial toilet seat covers, scented toilet paper, and luxurious hand soaps can enhance the overall restroom experience. Customization ensures that individuals and organizations can cater to specific preferences and needs, ensuring user satisfaction.
The Synergy Between Fun Training Toilets and Custom Toilet Supplies:
The convergence of Fun Training Toilets and Custom Toilet Supplies creates a holistic approach to bathroom experiences. For parents, it means making potty training enjoyable and stress-free for their children while maintaining a visually appealing bathroom with personalized touches. Businesses can offer a memorable restroom experience to customers, reinforcing their brand and prioritizing hygiene.
In a world where customization and innovation are valued more than ever, the combination of Fun Training Toilets and Custom Toilet Supplies is a testament to our commitment to improving even the most mundane aspects of life. From instilling good bathroom habits in children to elevating restroom experiences for adults, these innovations are reshaping our relationship with the bathroom. As technology and design continue to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments in the realm of bathroom products, ensuring that our daily routines are more comfortable, enjoyable, and environmentally conscious.
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ysmbaby · 8 months
Benefits of a Baby Double Step Stool
1. Promotes Independence: The ability to reach higher surfaces empowers children to accomplish simple tasks, such as brushing their teeth, washing their hands, or grabbing a book from a shelf, all on their own. This fosters a sense of independence and boosts their self-confidence.
2. Encourages Hygiene Practices: With a Baby Double Step Stool, children can easily access countertops and sinks in the bathroom and kitchen. This facilitates proper hygiene practices like washing hands and face, which are essential for their health and well-being.
3. Enhances Learning and Development: The double step stool allows children to engage with their environment at a higher level. This stimulates their curiosity, encourages exploration, and enhances their cognitive and motor skills.
4. Assists During Potty Training: For parents embarking on the potty-training journey, a Baby Double Step Stool becomes a vital asset. It provides children with the necessary support to reach the toilet comfortably and confidently, making the entire process smoother for both parent and child.
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xyzbay123 · 1 year
Why Every Toddler Needs a Step Stool?
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As parents, we want to provide the best care for our little ones, ensuring their safety, independence, and development. A step stool is one essential tool that often goes unnoticed but can make a significant impact. These seemingly simple objects can be a game-changer in your toddler’s life, offering numerous benefits. XyzBay offers high-quality plastic child footstep stools that your kids will love.
Today we will discuss why every toddler needs a step stool and how it can enhance their daily routines, boost their confidence, and promote their overall development.
Independence in Daily Activities
Toddlers are eager to explore and become more independent. A step stool can be their best friend in this journey. With a step stool, they can easily reach countertops, sinks, and shelves, enabling them to perform various tasks independently. They can wash their hands, brush their teeth, and even help with chores like setting the table.
This sense of accomplishment fosters independence, boosts their self-esteem, and instils a sense of responsibility. Moreover, a step stool can empower toddlers to dress themselves. They can access their clothes in the closet or pick out their favourite shoes from a higher shelf. A step stool supports their decision-making skills and encourages personal expression by encouraging them to take charge of their own attire.
Safety First
Safety is a paramount concern for parents. A step stool provides a secure and stable platform for toddlers to stand on, minimising the risk of accidents and falls. A step stool allows them to access higher surfaces without resorting to precarious alternatives like climbing on chairs or countertops. Look for step stools with non-slip surfaces and sturdy construction to ensure optimal safety for your little one.
Additionally, a step stool can be useful in the bathroom to help your toddler safely use the toilet. It reduces the risk of slipping and supports proper posture, promoting good bathroom habits from an early age. By making the bathroom experience safer, a step stool aids in potty training. It helps your toddler gain confidence in their independence.
Encourages Healthy Hygiene Habits
Establishing good hygiene habits is crucial for toddlers. A step stool allows them to comfortably reach bathroom sinks and mirrors, promoting proper handwashing and teeth-brushing routines. By giving them easy access to these essential activities, a step stool turns mundane tasks into enjoyable experiences.
Furthermore, a step stool can facilitate bathing. It enables your toddler to safely climb into the bathtub and gives them greater control during bath time. They can learn to wash their hands, face, and body while under your supervision, promoting self-care skills and establishing a positive relationship with personal hygiene.
Promotes Learning and Exploration
A step stool can be an excellent tool to foster your toddler’s curiosity and love for learning. A step stool encourages exploration and creativity by enabling them to reach books on higher shelves or art supplies in a storage cabinet. Your child can independently select books to read, engage in imaginative play, and develop fine motor skills.
Additionally, a step stool creates opportunities for interactive learning in the kitchen. Your toddler can join you in meal preparation, assisting in measuring ingredients, mixing, and stirring. This hands-on experience enhances their motor skills and introduces them to basic maths concepts and the science of cooking.
A step stool may seem like a small addition to your toddler’s environment, but its impact can be substantial. From promoting independence and safety to encouraging healthy habits and fostering learning, a step stool is a versatile tool that supports your child’s overall development.
Investing in a quality step stool provides your toddler with the means to explore, learn, and become more self-reliant. So, embrace this simple yet effective solution and watch your little ones thrive in their daily activities, all while gaining confidence and a sense of accomplishment. XyzBay is one of the best platforms to buy plastic child foot step stools, home & decor, pet supplies, and more.
Artical Source : https://www.xyzbay.com/why-every-toddler-needs-a-step-stool/
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babycloudapp · 1 year
Toilet Training Tips and Strategies for Toddlers
Toilet training, also known as potty training, is a significant milestone for toddlers. While every child is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach, here are some general tips and strategies to help you with toilet training your toddler:
Wait for signs of readiness: Look for signs that your toddler is physically and emotionally ready for toilet training. These signs may include showing interest in the bathroom, staying dry for longer periods, expressing discomfort with dirty diapers, or being able to follow simple instructions.
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Establish a routine: Create a consistent toilet training routine. Encourage your toddler to sit on the potty chair or toilet seat at regular intervals, such as after meals or waking up from a nap. Consistency helps establish a habit and makes it easier for your child to understand the process.
Get the right equipment: Invest in a child-sized potty chair or a toilet seat insert with a step stool. Let your toddler pick out their potty chair or decorate it with stickers to make it more appealing and personalized.
Demonstrate and explain: Show your toddler how to use the potty chair or toilet by using simple and clear language. Use dolls or toys to demonstrate the process and explain what is happening. Make it a positive and encouraging experience.
Dress for success: Dress your toddler in loose-fitting clothes that are easy to remove quickly. Elastic-waist pants or dresses without too many buttons or snaps can make it easier for your child to manage on their own.
Provide positive reinforcement: Praise and reward your child's efforts and successes. Verbal praise, high fives, or small rewards like stickers or a special treat can motivate your toddler and make them feel proud of their achievements.
Encourage regular bathroom visits: Prompt your toddler to sit on the potty chair regularly, even if they don't feel the need to go. This helps them become familiar with the routine and can prevent accidents.
Be patient and supportive: Toilet training can have its ups and downs, and accidents are a normal part of the process. Stay patient, calm, and supportive, even when there are setbacks. Avoid punishment or shaming, as it can create anxiety and resistance.
Use positive language: Encourage your toddler to use positive language when talking about their bodily functions. Teach them appropriate terms for urination and bowel movements, and avoid negative or embarrassing language.
Celebrate success: Celebrate each milestone and success your toddler achieves during toilet training. Make a big deal out of transitioning from diapers to underwear or using the toilet independently. This positive reinforcement encourages continued progress.
Remember that every child is unique, and the timeline for toilet training varies. Some children may take longer to master the process, and that's okay. Stay consistent, patient, and supportive throughout the journey, and eventually, your toddler will become comfortable using the toilet independently.
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bizonmark · 1 year
Folding Baby Potty Seat Urinal Backrest Training Chair with Adjustable Step Stool Ladder Safe Toilet Chair for Children Toddlers
  Gender: Unisex Model Number: LYEYP0114 Pattern Type: Solid Material: Plastic Origin: Mainland China Type: Potties Age Range: 0-6m,7-12m,13-24m,25-36m,4-6y Age Group: Babies potty: Toilet seat Children’s pot: children’s potty training toilet Pot chair: step stools Suit Toilet Height: 38-43cm       Folding Baby Potty Seat Urinal Backrest Training Chair with Adjustable Step Stool Ladder Safe…
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toiletgtr · 1 year
Unlike a regular stool, a step stool made specifically toddlers is anti-slip
Types and Styles of Children Step Barstools
The design of an Children Step Chair is simple yet effective. The back on the stool is parallel into the floor and the wide treads present ample stepping breathing space for toddlers. The steps on the step stool are non-slip along with the sturdy riser stops it from tipping over. Custom Potty Training Chair Manufacturers Its weight ability is 200 excess weight, so your toddler won't have to worry about slip off and slipping. The step stool may be easily carried by room to room.
Unlike a regular stool, a step stool made specifically toddlers is anti-slip and comes with a drop shape to relieve the risk connected with tripping. Moreover, one step stool that manufactured from environmentally pleasant materials is a lot more aesthetically pleasing plus functional. You can pick from different colorings and styles, and even obtain a multipack if you wish to keep many a single house. A Children Step Stool is a great option to help your toddler accomplish the bathroom mess up, and they also come in a variety associated with colors.
Another kind of Children Step Stool is a Step Stool, which is sturdy and comes with a hex wrench application for easy assembly. The Step Stool is available in mint color, and comes with a cute textured design for the steps. It is also lightweight, making it easy to hold from one location to another. The height with the stool is beautifully for a toddler to utilize while potty workout routines. It is not necessarily high enough to get a kitchen counter, although.
Another popular sort of Children Step Stool will be bamboo Growing Way up Green Step A stool. This product can be eco-friendly, yet slightly heavier than cheap counterparts. Although this bamboo step bar stool is slightly heavy than plastic competitors, it is easy to place and is lightweight enough for toddlers make use of. Its weight potential is 200 excess fat. Aside from staying eco-friendly, it can also be lightweight and easy to store. It consists of eco-friendly materials, so it's a great choice for families with young kids.
One-level step bar stools are convenient, but most likely are not safe for toddlers to work with. They may definitely not reach the mess up faucet. Adults must supervise them whenever they use a one-level barstool. which features a new sturdy design along with a careful attention to safety. The two-step design provides a strong 12. 5 inches wide of height, which is perfectly for potty training and reaching high shelf.
Before choosing some sort of Children Step The faeces, make a report on your requirements. What materials certain need? The step stool really should be made from high-quality components. Look for non-slip grips and rounded edges. You should also look at the price. A step stool ought to be affordable and tough, but don't make that deter anyone from buying one particular. A great Kids Step Stool is going to be a great asset for your child.
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amvision · 2 years
Constipation in Children
Constipation in Children - A common problem in early years
Constipation is a common problem in children. Children with constipation have stools (also called poops or bowel movements—BMs) that are hard, dry, and difficult or painful to get out. Some children with constipation have infrequent stools. Although constipation can cause discomfort and pain, it's usually temporary. If left untreated, symptoms could get worse.
What is a normal bowel pattern?
Bowel patterns (when and how often stools are passed) vary from child to child just as they do in adults. What's normal for your child may be different from what's normal for another child. Most children have BMs 1 or 2 times a day. Other children may have BMs every 2 to 3 days.
Symptoms of constipation in children
Your child may be constipated if:
• they have not done a poo at least 3 times in the last week
• their poo is large and hard
• their poo looks like "rabbit droppings" or little pellets
• they are straining or in pain when they poo
• they have some bleeding during or after having a poo, because their poo is large and hard
• they have a poor appetite or stomach pain that improves after they poo.
Causes of constipation in children
Constipation in children has many possible causes. Sometimes there's no obvious reason.
Some of the possible causes include:
• not eating enough high-fibre foods like fruit and veg
• not drinking enough fluids
• feeling pressured or being regularly interrupted while potty (or toilet) training
• feeling worried or anxious about something – such as moving house, the arrival of a new baby, or starting nursery or school
• If your child is constipated they may find it painful to poo, which may mean they do not want to try to poo. This can create a vicious circle; the more they hold back, the more constipated they get.
How to prevent constipation
• Make sure your child has plenty to drink
• Give your child a variety of foods, including plenty of fruit and vegetables, which are a good source of fibre.
• Encourage your child to be physically active.
• Get your child into a routine of regularly sitting on the potty or toilet, after meals or before bed, and praise them whether or not they poo. This is particularly important for potty-trained boys, who may forget about pooing once they are weeing standing up.
• Make sure your child can rest their feet flat on the floor or a step when they're using the potty or toilet, to get them in a good position for pooing.
• Ask if they feel worried about using the potty or toilet – some children do not want to poo in certain situations, such as at nursery or school.
• Stay calm and reassuring, so that your child does not see going to the toilet as a stressful situation – you want your child to see pooing as a normal part of life, not something to be ashamed of.
If you'd like advice about taking the stress out of going to the toilet for your child, speak to your child’s doctor.
Treatment of constipation
Your child's doctor may prescribe medicine to soften or remove the stool. Do not give your child laxatives or enemas unless you check with the doctor. These drugs can be harmful to children if used wrong. 
After the stool is removed, your child's doctor may suggest ways you can help your child develop good bowel habits to prevent stools from backing up again.
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dealhidealsdotin · 3 years
LATKALO Ladder for Kids-Ladder Adjustable Foldable for Boys Girls Toddlers Kids-Toilet Seat with Step Stool Ladder-Baby Potty Chair Training Seat-Non-Slip Steps Ladder Adjustable Potty Chair
LATKALO Ladder for Kids-Ladder Adjustable Foldable for Boys Girls Toddlers Kids-Toilet Seat with Step Stool Ladder-Baby Potty Chair Training Seat-Non-Slip Steps Ladder Adjustable Potty Chair
Price: (as of – Details) This kids potty training seat turns toilets designed for grownups into cute kids-friendly ones that make kids want to use: ✔ Built-in wide non-slip step makes this just another fun thing to climb easily and safely. ✔ The contoured seat with splash guard offers comfortable seating. ✔ Anti-slip pads beneath it prevents from sliding off for safety. Specifications Material:…
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aadhishoppy · 3 years
EOWQON® Potty Training Toilet Seat with Step Stool Ladder for Boy and Girl Baby Toddler Kid Children Toilet Training Seat Chair with Padded Seat Non-Slip Wide Step(Blue & Green)
EOWQON® Potty Training Toilet Seat with Step Stool Ladder for Boy and Girl Baby Toddler Kid Children Toilet Training Seat Chair with Padded Seat Non-Slip Wide Step(Blue & Green)
Price: (as of – Details) This Baby Potty Training Seat Does Not Fit Toilet Over 16 Inches Height Or a Square Shape Toilet✅Adjustable Footrest – Our potty training seat is suitable for 1-8 years old,as the footrest is adjustable(2 choice of height) so you can continue to use it when kids grow up✅Training Toddler – These toilet trainer ladder is both suitable for boys and girls with pee catcher…
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