#pouncing save also. another kitty moment
hearty-an0n · 8 months
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cant-blink · 3 years
Life with Kitty Ghiddy
For those who don’t know, Kitty Ghiddy is my name for Heisei Ghidorah. Made in an attempt to like him better as he’s one of my least favorite Ghidorah incarnations.
I’ve kept the idea that the dorats were created from the genetic material of Showa Ghidorah found on Venus. But the attempt to clone Showa went wrong when cat DNA contaminated the samples. Thus, Kitty Ghiddy was born!!
A creature that has the intelligence of a kaiju but speaks in cat language that nobody understands, and acts like a cat, and believes wholeheartedly that he is a cat. But that kittiness is trapped in a massive Ghidorah body! It’s actually a lot of fun playing him!
Kitty Ghiddy, outcasted from the Ghidorah family, lives with his owners: a Femuto (played by Friend #1) and her mate, Gigan (played by Friend #2, also not my Gigan obviously). Tis... an interesting life. I shall share what one should expect bringing Kitty Ghiddy into your home!
Kitty Ghiddy likes to chase the broom when Femuto sweeps up the nest. He’s scared of the vacuum and hides in the closet. Once, he got trapped in the closet WITH THE VACUUM!! Twas the most traumatizing moment of his life! He likes to ride on the roomba though. The roomba is great.
Kitty Ghiddy likes to sit on his owner’s laps, still unable to comprehend that he’s smooshing them under his size and weight. No, he purrs and kneads with his feet as happy kitties do! 
Related to that, he doesn’t really know his own strength too well. He is the reigning champion of kaiju sumo wrestling and wears that title proudly, but when he gets overly-excited, it’s not unusual for him to send Gigan or Femuto’s brother flying into the distance!
Being made from the genes of Showa Ghidorah and a cat, his killing instinct is through the roof!! Tis very easy to spur him into hunting mode, especially if you’re a kaiju that’s smaller than he is. This used to cause problems with Femuto’s brother, as Kitty Ghiddy would treat him like prey until Femuto interfered. Kitty Ghiddy still feels the impulses to pounce, but must control himself!
There’s plenty of other prey anyway!
He likes to go out hunting and bring back dead and not-quite-dead kaiju, mostly skullcrawlers. Nope, building a vet office on Skull Island didn’t work long, as Kitty Ghiddy eventually learned that it’s fake and the genocide continues!
Heaven forbid, he sees an Anguirus! They’re dog kaiju in the RP and Kitty Ghiddy attacks them on sight!! Kinda hard to deal with when one of Femuto’s friends has an Anguirus... 
Kitty Ghiddy also has a very strong nurturing instinct that tends to get him into trouble. How? Because he tries to kidnap Cretaceous Ghidorah as he sees the young Ghiddy as one of his kittens and tries to nurse him (failing obviously, since he’s a dragon and not a mammal). Tis not unusual to come home and find the youngest child of the Ghidorah family unceremoniously held captive by your cat. Tis a quick way to bring an angry Monsterverse Ghidorah at your doorstep and nobody wants that!
Kitty Ghiddy gets the zoomies and quite a mess is made when a Ghidorah is bouncing off your walls.
Kitty Ghiddy is not neutered, so he has the habit of spraying. When a newly re-programmed MechaGodzilla is introduced into the gang, Kitty Ghiddy sniffs it and starts scratching the ground around it in a failed attempt to bury it like it’s in a litter box.
When that fails and it’s explained to him that the Mecha (named BroBot) belongs to them now, Kitty Ghiddy promptly turns around, lifts both his tails, and...
Yeah, BroBot had to get a wash afterwards.
Gigan: *after cleaning BroBot* Don’t let the cat mark anything else as his own. Kitty Ghiddy: *sniffs Gigan’s computer, turns around, and lifts his tails* Gigan: NO, NOT MY COMPUTER!!! NO! You better not, I swear to god. Kitty Ghiddy: *looks at his owner, unsure why he’s so upset* Mew? Gigan: Kitty Ghiddy, no.
Thankfully, Kitty Ghiddy listens and he saves his computer from such a fate!! Unfortunately, Kitty Ghiddy instead turns his attention to another popular kitty past-time...
Kitty Ghiddy: *turns around back to the computer. Maintains eye-contact with Gigan as his wing moves towards the computer. Starts pushing it towards the edge of the desk* Gigan: Don’t you dare! Kitty Ghiddy: *still maintaining eye-contact and knocks it off the desk* Gigan: *angry cyborg squawking*
And later that same day...
Final Wars Godzilla: Hey, your cat’s about to knock over your laptop again. Gigan: ..... No. Kitty Ghiddy: *poised and ready* .... Gigan: No. Kitty Ghiddy: Mew. *knocks it off the desk* Gigan: NO! *dives and catches it in his claws! Perfect save!* Phew. Kitty Ghiddy: *beams happily over him!* Mew! ^w^ Gigan: Ugh... *then hears the sound all cat and dog owners fear most* !!! Kitty Ghiddy: *about to throw up* Gigan: *is lying in the line of fire* Wait, no! Kitty!! *tries to scramble away*
But it was too late. Gigan had to spend some time cleaning himself afterwards.
But life with Kitty Ghiddy isn’t all headache and murder and child abduction! There is many good things about living with Kitty Ghiddy. 
Kitty Ghiddy is very tidy and clean and grooms himself constantly. His Showa Ghidorah genes, combined with the kitty genes, means he is obsessive about keeping himself clean! No need for baths!
He uses the litter box flawlessly like a good kitty!
Oh, and speaking of litter box, he will also defend the nest by throwing it at enemy Ghidorahs when they try to kill him. Tis most undignified and only makes them wanna kill him more, actually...
But he does do a good job protecting the nest from any other intruder!
That’s very important, as Femuto has eggs incubating in the nest and Kitty Ghiddy, after being taught that they’re not toy balls to play with, understands and eager to raise his owners’ future kittens, helps out in protecting and caring for the eggs! Those nurturing instincts prove useful after all!
Kitty Ghiddy is incredibly loyal! When he’s not squishing his owners under the weight of his love, he’s snuggling and head-bunting. He’ll even let them pet his belly! That’s a big deal for kitties! 
As the ‘perfect pet’ when he was a trio of dorats, he can telepathically sense the emotions of others and goes out of his way to make things better when they’re sad!
When Femuto was seriously injured, Kitty Ghiddy refused to leave her side, even when the others kept attacking him to get him out of the hospital (aka, Mothra’s nest)! Kitty Ghiddy refused to leave his owner!! Purring in cats actually has healing properties in real life, and so, Kitty Ghiddy purrs on Femuto to help her recover faster.
Kitty Ghiddy is also the only Ghidorah that likes humans, so yeah, you can get loves too!!
Overall, Kitty Ghiddy is quite a handful and requires the strongest of patience sometimes. But he’s a loving kitty who will happily give his own life to protect his owners! Even if it’s from the other, scarier Ghidorahs...
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kiatkiat-tree · 4 years
Sweet Kitty
A/N: not a request, but like, here’s some romani food haha. please remember to request if you want something of your own, or commission me on my ko-fi ;o
Yes, it was a month before October. And yes, Ritsuka had better things to do than looking for a cute costume with the other women in Chaldea. An unsuspecting pair of cat ears were placed on her head courtesy of Mash, who commented on how cute it looked. Everyone else seemed to think the same, except for Medb. She had a strange look on her face that didn't fade until the group decided to stop for today.
Ritsuka bid the others farewell as Mash stayed behind to fix the costumes, but Medb obviously had other ideas. She pulled the poor Master to her side, already starting to ramble about the potential of cat ears. The Servant spared no details, both pure (for her Master to enjoy) and lewd (for her Master to blush and stammer at). Mash was thankfully out of hearing distance.
“Look at these black cat ears, so soft and fine to touch! A Mystic Code that can go along with this... do you have any black sets of lace lingerie, Master?” Medb asked without restrain. Ritsuka dwelled on her words, wondering if she could get a set like that to wear in the bedroom before coming back to her senses.
“W-what!? Wh-why would I have access to something like that?” she sputtered, going red in the face. While such a risque Mystic Code probably existed, she hadn't really thought about it. But this Master had normal clothes with her, and even a woman like her had bought a set like that out of curiosity.
Medb had foreseen that, as well. “The face you're making is very cute, Master. It also shows the true nature of your wardrobe! Very well, if you have a black set, I'll lend you a cape to go along with it. Attracting other men is my job, so use it when you want to wear it in public!”
“What makes you think I want to wear it in public?” Ritsuka cried out, attracting Mash's attention. The young girl finally emerged from the back of the closet, arms full of the things she wanted to bring back to her room. She joined the conversation between her Master and Medb, looking a bit puzzled.
“Senpai, what is it you don't want to wear?” she asked, eyes directly on the cat ears. Ritsuka hadn't really taken them off yet. She blushed, her hands going up to her head to cover them as Mash and Medb giggled. “It looks cute, though. I guess no one can really force you.”
“I shall take my leave then. Ritsuka, do not hesitate to call out to me tonight! I look forward to hearing your voice in my mind,” Medb said, flipping her hair and dematerializing into thin air. Ritsuka looked as dumbfounded as Mash.
“T-tonight...?” the Master whispered. Whaaat? She wants me to wear that cape so early? She thought before shaking her head, clapping her cheeks with her hands. Her cold hands made contact with the warm skin of her cheeks, repeatedly slapping them. Mash could only watch in confusion and fear.
“Have you made a deal with her, Senpai? I feel worried for you...” Mash said. The frown on her face mirrored her words. Ritsuka felt bad for Mash, but even she felt worried for herself. Medb wouldn't harm her, but it still felt nerve-wracking. They didn't speak of modelling the lingerie set, but she knew that would probably happen anyway.
“It's fine, I think,” Ritsuka reassured the Demi-Servant. Her heart was pounding in embarrassment, but she still took a deep breath to calm herself. “She won't try anything funny, I mean it.”
It was true. Medb didn't try anything funny, but she did suggest this walk of shame. Or as the Servant liked to call it, the catwalk. Ritsuka donned the black pair of cat ears, covering her true outfit under Medb's long cape. The cape turned out to be one of her many outfits from being such a beloved Queen, something Medb was proud of.
The fabric covered the tail hanging from her ass, held by a buttplug snugly fitted into her. No one could see the limp tail, nor the lingerie she wanted to replace so badly. It was a good thing that neither of the staff nor Servants suspected anything. If they did, they didn't say anything about it. However, the ears did turn a few heads.
The “catwalk” to Dr. Roman's office was thankfully uneventful, save for a few kind Servants who were offering their own capes to her. They thought she was only too cold, or maybe even playing the act of a snug kitten. The only problem was Merlin, who gave her a small headpat before lowering his lips to her ear.
“I'm sure the doctor would love your little surprise, kitten,” he teased, laughing as he got away with only a harsh tug on his hair. Ritsuka had half a mind to yell 'pervert' at him, but that would cause a scene she didn't want. After Merlin, the hallways connected to the office were empty.
She knocked on the door, waiting for Dr. Roman's response. Medb's words echoed in her head, her cheeks heating up again.
“Be sure to drop that big, big cape if he's alone! A man will surely love a surprise like this. The doctor may even pounce on you if you look too cute.”
“I don't even know if I want that...” Ritsuka muttered to herself before hearing the doctor welcome her in. The young woman gulped, walking past the doors as she tried to lock them behind her. Roman wasn't looking at her yet, giving her ample time to lock them while she was facing him. Her hands before her fiddled with the keypad, locking it just in time for her cute doctor to look up.
“Oh, hi Ritsuka. Da Vinci did say you were wearing cat ears today,” he greeted her, looking away for just a moment just to set his coffee down. Ritsuka used that second to drop the cape to the ground. It was just as Medb instructed and predicted. Her oblivious boyfriend turned back to her, but his eyes were zeroing in on her outfit.
“And then say, 'I'm a little cold, do you think you can warm me up?'”
“Um,” Ritsuka started, covering her body with her hands. She averted her gaze from his, glancing at the side of the office before speaking up again. She was running her hand along her waist nervously. “I-I'm a little cold, do you think you can warm me up?”
“Ritsuka, of course I can!” Roman took his lab coat off, placing it around her shoulders. The cracks in his facade were invisible to the untrained eye, but Ritsuka was too shocked and flustered to notice. Her eyes widened as she was suddenly surrounded by the doctor's scent, warmth emanating from his body as he covered her. “Is there anything else you might need?”
What!? Romani is too wholesome, I almost feel bad for doing this... Ritsuka internally panicked, trying to remember Medb's next words. She didn't know if Dr. Roman was just too soft and kind, or if he was just oblivious as hell. Either way, her lewd Servant seemed to be prepared for just about anything.
Ritsuka shuffled on her feet, fidgeting with her hands before hugging Roman. Surely, this will shock him! Or maybe I'm just too flustered, she thought. Next, she'd have to attempt to repeat Medb's words without melting into a puddle herself.
“You can also give me a little hug, Roman,” she said, rubbing her thighs together as she guided one of his hands onto her waist. The lab coat was too big for her, so she managed to place it there without any problems. The doctor was still tense, but didn't stop her. His hand started to move downward, eventually reaching the tail that was there.
The thong she was wearing didn't really provide any cover to her tail, which at least granted the long line of fur some freedom. Roman ran his arm across the first few inches, feeling the fur on it before gently pulling on it. Ritsuka would've collapsed if she wasn't in his arms. She moaned softly into his black shirt, hiding her red face in his chest.
“You have a tail here,” he commented, giving it another tug. She moaned again, bucking her lips a little into his groin as he continued to pull at the artificial tail, mesmerized with how she was reacting to his touch. “It's even connected to your butt.”
“Ha... wait, don't tease me!” Ritsuka complained. Well, this wasn't going smoothly. She was on the verge of collapsing right then and there, if it wasn't for Roman taking his hand off her tail and slowly leading the two of them to his chair. She followed with wobbly steps, clumsily landing on him as he sat down.
Roman's eyes were no longer on her chest, but rather on her face. It felt rather intense as he studied her expression, compelling her to hide her face. The doctor chuckled as he pulled her hands away, smiling at her before pushing her head down so he could kiss her. The two of them pulled away with her heart finally beating a bit more normally.
The doctor's calm and cool facade ebbed away, leaving him to be the flustered mess this time. He coughed into his hand, sounding too fake for both of them to believe. “Well, Ritsuka, I didn't know you were into these kinds of things. U-uh, what even made you act like that? You don't normally...”
The young woman sighed. “I know. I don't normally do this, but Medb said this pair of cat ears might excite you. I guess we were wrong,” she said, reaching out to them to take them off. The doctor stopped her with his hands, protecting the ears from Ritsuka's grasp. She frowned, but she put her hands down.
“Who said I didn't enjoy it? I mean, it's very... cute,” he said. The blush on his face would've been considered cute, but the straining erection Ritsuka could finally feel was even better. She'd been so caught up with her own shame that she didn't even notice until now. It was her turn to tease him, finally gaining the confidence to do so.
“W-well, am I really just cute?” she asked in a tone of false hurt. Roman bit his lip, but his gaze never strayed far from hers. She was waiting for an answer though, and yet silence merited him a grind of her hips against the bulge in his pants. A barely-contained groan escaped through gritted teeth.
Whatever he was going to say was interrupted as she gave another shallow grind. Said woman looked down to see a wet spot directly on his pants, as well as a ruined pair of thongs. Even if she wanted to be the tease here, she couldn't help but feel another surge of blood rush to her cheeks at the sight. She lifted herself up, removing the thongs herself.
The two of them stared at the drenched, tiny piece of underwear before Roman cleared his throat. “I'll t-take that. Don't want it to be a mess on the floor, right?” he offered. It wasn't like him to be so straightforward with these kinds of things. The words' impact couldn't be denied, though, as she felt herself get wetter.
The thong, as wet as it was, smelled of her natural musk. If Ritsuka wasn't mistaken, Roman's breath hitched the moment he touched the fabric. He was hasty in his motions to hide it in his lab coat's pocket. She felt the weight shift on her clothes, being the one wearing his coat and all.
“I should probably take this off,” she mumbled, but he was quick to object to that.
“Wait, don't,” he said. The woman raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. She didn't expect him to have a thing for fucking her in his clothing, but it was welcome nonetheless. He blinked twice before continuing with a sheepish expression. “You can take it off, if you want, though. It looks really nice on you.”
“Doctor, I don't know how something a few sizes too big looks nice,” she said. The two of them laughed at their little joke, albeit his being a bit awkward. Ritsuka watched as Roman tried to not look dejected when she took it off, taking her bra with it. She didn't miss the way his face lighted up as well when she put it back on.
“R-right. Your bra needed to go,” he said.
“I didn't say anything,” Ritsuka retorted. They were finally going back to their natural, silly rhythm. Without any weird dialogue to go by, they were back to making weird jokes again. She settled on his lap. More specifically, his thigh. She didn't really care about where she was until he flexed it under her, unexpectedly stimulating her.
“It wasn't—Ritsuka, are you alright?” Roman asked, concern lacing his tone. Ritsuka realized she must've gone wide-eyed for a moment there, but she nodded in response to the doctor. She bit her lip, trying to grind on his thigh again. He reflexively tensed under her movement, eliciting a little mewl from her.
She gave it another try, but his thigh was too soft to provide anything. The woman groaned. “Mm, your thighs. T-they felt kind of good,” she explained. The friction of his pants against her clit was a different, yet pleasant feeling. It wasn't like he understood clearly, but the doctor tried flexing it again. Ritsuka's positive reaction only confirmed his theory.
He kept his thigh flexed for as long as he can. She thought it might've numbed him, but he may have been just enjoying the little show. His stare bored right into her, and that made her shiver more than she thought. She leaned against his warm body, gasping a little as she came on his pants.
A small puddle formed above the spot that was too saturated, a small line connecting it to Ritsuka's sensitive pussy. One of her hands was on Roman's shoulder, keeping her stable as her walls pulsed in the aftermath. The other traced a line along his torso and stopped right on top the bulge. Roman groaned, brows furrowed.
“A thigh kink, Ritsuka. W-who would've known?” he stuttered a little. Ritsuka knew he was just trying to act fine, even if his cock was probably leaking and hurting. She placed a little peck on his lips as she unzipped his pants. If his body was warm, his cock was undeniably burning. Even through the thin fabric of his underwear, she could feel it.
“I know,” her voice was small, even smaller than before. They'd have to talk about it later. For now, she focused on her doctor's stiff length, pulsing in his underwear. Roman wrapped an arm around her as he lifted himself up. His underwear slid down his thighs, letting his cock free out of its constraints.
They didn't have to wait very long. Ritsuka had come already, and drawing this out would be torture for both of them. She let herself hover over his dick, slick dripping down and onto its red tip. Slinking her arms over his neck, she carefully lowered herself, moaning at the contact. His cock made its way inside her inch by inch, making her feel full.
“Mmh, finally,” he muttered before capturing her mouth in a sloppy kiss. He waited for her to settle down, focusing on the kiss instead. It was all tongue and teeth before he started to thrust languidly, enjoying the feeling of her walls fluttering around him. Ritsuka moaned into his mouth, pulling away for air.
Her neck was somehow exposed, too. The lab coat Ritsuka was wearing made her even sweatier. She wondered if she tasted salty as Roman descended onto her, nipping and sucking at her skin as he continued to pound into her from below. She whimpered as he bit around a sensitive spot, combining it with a thrust into her g-spot.
“R-Roman! There!” she cried out. Her head lolled forward, resting her forehead on his shoulder as he thrust back into the same spot. She bit her lip, muffling the sounds that were escaping her. Her previous orgasm had made her sensitive, and she could feel her pussy twitching every now and then.
Her legs tensed as Roman started to quicken his pace, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Low groans could be heard from him as his thrusts started to become more erratic, and Ritsuka's legs tensed for a moment before that familiar fire started in her abdomen again. A few more strokes, and she'd be able to come.
“A-are you close?” the doctor breathed out. His orgasm was imminent, and it was evident in his movement and the flush in his cheeks. He moved his head so that he could properly face her. Both were breathing heavily, but Ritsuka managed a smile on her face as the coil in her stomach threatened to unwind. “L-let's cum together, okay?”
She didn't even have the time to voice out her agreement. Another snap of his hips sent her tumbling over the edge, forcing another climax from her. Ritsuka's legs trembled, her toes curling and relaxing as Roman came as well. Her pussy twitched and pulsed, milking his shaft for all his cum.
He rode out his orgasm with shallow thrusts, earning a whine from Ritsuka. “Roman, I'm still sensitive,” she complained, but she relaxed against his shirt-covered chest. The fabric was a bit damp against her sweaty skin, but it still provided her comfort. For a few moments, the doctor ignored her, but eventually slowed down to a halt.
They first steadied their breathing, still coming down from their high. Ritsuka moved, careful to not let any of his cum drip out as she stretched her legs. The last thing they needed was cramps. The rise and fall of their chest matched perfectly, their breathing in sync as they basked in the afterglow of sex.
“So, we learned two things today,” Roman started. She gave a tired hum in reply, letting herself fall into slumber in his lap. Her head was getting attention, as well. His soft caresses were usually found behind her ears. Ritsuka wondered if he actually wanted to scratch some cat ears. “A catgirl thing, and then something with my thighs.”
Ritsuka knew she couldn't fall asleep, not here. The door to the office was locked shut, but other people would still want to come here. But she felt like an actual cat, right here in his arms. She was too tired to speak, much less dress herself again. She didn't even have any extra clothes.
Her eyes shot open at that line. She came here with little to no clothes, and with her thongs ruined, she'd have to make the real walk of shame back to her dorm. Roman noticed the change as well, making a little puzzled face. A little debate on telling him started in her mind, since Ritsuka didn't know if he could do anything.
“Is there something wrong?” he asked. The pats were momentarily stopped. While Ritsuka was panicking internally, she wanted something to at least relax her. She pouted, looking away from him. This time, it was Roman's turn to panic. “Ritsukaaa.”
“I'm a little too naked for my tastes,” she said, almost a whisper. “Also, please keep petting me...”
“Ah! You're right!” Roman said. Well, he was in full panic mode now. Ritsuka grumbled, settling back into his lap against all rational thought. She could take a break today, and that included some cuddling in some tiny chair in his office. The poor doctor struggled underneath her. “Hey, I can't move when you're on top of me! Let's find some extra clothes.”
“No, I wanna cuddle with you, a like a cute little kitty,” she said, smirking when another blush formed on Roman's confused, yet excited face.
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loveau · 4 years
college!au seulgi
request: elli!! can u please do a college gf au with seulgi? i think we could all use that cute fluffiness right now 🤧 p.s. thank u for sharing ur wonderful writing ilu 💕
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major: business w/ a concentration in human resources management
minor: dance
club: prob vp of the school’s women in business club!!! she joined in the middle of her sophomore year and became vp in junior!
she’s most likely been an RA in her sophomore or junior for the upperclassmen
she was in it for the door decs before realizing she actually liked it lOL
originally was a bio major and was stressed about it, but switched to business after being an RA because she thought it was her calling???
it just fit a lot better and she didn’t have to stand there hunched over her lab work and worry about accidentally breathing in pathogens
she had declared a bio major because the plan was to go to med school if all else fails and she didn’t really know what else to do, so that was a safe option right?
never before had she been so relieved to find out that she actually really liked spending time in her business and management classes and leading her volunteer group and being an RA
she also now has an excuse to dress up super nicely for interviews and such because she had so many outfits in her closet but never got a chance to wear them out
she became so much more at ease and bubbly about it too
no more sitting in lecture halls having to recite the functions of B-cells or whatnot
it also helped to have sat down with her ARD irene who told her she might like business
it was a long process of convincing because most of it was spent trying not to keep gossiping about the other RAs on campus alfsdlknfmsdlgkn
afterwards she quits reslife so she can focus on other stuff and lives in an apartment near campus her senior year
she becomes pretty popular around campus for her happy personality and her calm energy to match, making it so easy to start a conversation with her or just hang out
seulgi will be studying somewhere in a common student area and previous residents or club mates or classmates will wave to her or stop by for a quick chat
she’s also normally p busy tho being the vp of the wib club and also making sure she’s updating her resume and leaving time on the weekends to volunteer at the animal shelter like she loves
and also making sure she isn’t spending too much on online shopping for clothes and oOPS HER FINGER SLIPPED AND NOW SHE HAS LIKE TWO TOPS AND A PAIR OF OVERALLS ON THE WAY 
but she often doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with her friends unless they plan it like a MONTH beforehand since she’s been applying and interviewing for countless internships
she was just so excited to find something that she’s super passionate about instead of biology and she kind of overloads herself on that energy akfsldgnskjgn
so of course when her friends invite her to parties or kickbacks she has to decline because she has to make the next powerpoint presentation for the club meeting and also make sure the club’s end of semester dinner is being all squared away
seulgi’s a busybody and enjoys what she does, so much that she doesn’t realize that she keeps overloading her schedule and not giving a lot of time for just herself
which usually means she also spends a lot of time cramming everything at once and might end up passing out at a friend’s place during a study session, in the middle of club meetings, or even in the library late at night
that’s just how she spent her thursday night 
she had been setting up a speech for her recruitment and selection class and had been so tired from her club meeting a couple hours before that she ended up falling asleep in the library
it was kind of cute since she had hairs slipping from her bun, some coffee stains on her sweater, ink all over her hand from notes, candy wrappers spread around her area, and her head was tipped back and her mouth wide open as she slept
okay............ not that cute
she was a mess
but it was enough for her to get startled awake by a longboard rolling across the room and hitting her chair leg quite hard
she didn’t know what happened at first and checked around only to find a somewhat empty library save the couple of students also diligently working
her laptop she left open was dead and she cursed because she didn’t save her speech and her phone was below 10%, but it was enough to tell her that it was like 3am in the morning
seulgi only noticed the skateboard because she was going to go to the bathroom to freshen up and almost slipped on it when her foot landed on the top
she caught herself and saw that there was a bottle of water and a granola bar and a note on it
‘hey, you look like you need a little refresher. i also had a spare charger in case you needed it, your laptop has been open the past hour’
sure enough there was a charger but it had been knocked to the floor after she slipped on the longboard
silently, seulgi placed the items on the table with the rest of her stuff and looked around for anyone who would have given her the stuff
except nobody was popping their head up and were all busy
plus they all had chargers with them so she didn’t know who would have given her the treats
nonetheless she opened the water bottle and felt replenished when the water hit her throat
she was so confused????? still?????
she decided to take her trip to the bathroom like she wanted to and maybe she could scope out whoever decided to give her the food and drink while she was at it
subtlety wasn’t exactly her forte either since she was craning her neck around every table and making the other students confused
eventually seulgi makes it to the bathroom and cleans herself up and when she comes back the longboard is gone and her laptop was charged for her and a new note lays on top of it?????
‘i had to go for the night, sorry about that! don’t worry about the charger, i have another one and i’ll just collect this one when i bump into you again :)’
and just like that seulgi was completely and utterly confused
she stays like that for the next two weeks or so, seeing no sign of anyone with the same longboard and she tries not to pounce at every person she sees riding one to class
it gets so bad that the prez asked if she was okay and getting enough sleep since she was so distracted during her meetings and if she called the caterer for the dinner yet asgGNSGDN
her friends sooyoung and yerim were also trying to use this as an advantage for her to get invited out to “clear her mind” as they say since she’s been so out of it lately
and they’re absolutely elated when seulgi agrees and decides to go because why not?? she’s been so stressed about finding this mystery person because she wanted to properly thank them... but also to get the laptop charger with hello kitty stickers all over it back to its owner
and also did they see she had drool running down her chin bc that was really embarrassing and she just wants to make sure if anyone saw that before she promptly packs her bags a moves to another country
she’s blushing at that don’t point it out or else it’ll get worse amsdlknsg
once they’re actually inside, she can’t help but look for any longboards by the door even though most of the people at the party came by on foot or by someone’s car since the house was relatively close to campus
sooyoung and yerim are basically pushing her further into the house as they chatter excitedly and they’re happy it isn’t a byob type of party
seulgi is basically saying she won’t drink that much because she’ll look after the two and let them go ham... for a bit..
but they’re basically like
“seulgi it’s fridaaaaay it’s fine”
“yeah! besides we know the house owner and can call joohyun if we anything”
and they’re both going “pleeeeeeeeaaaaase” and doing their best to yell it over the loud music
and before seulgi can deny any longer she’s turned to the kitchen that’s been blocked by a foldable table and there’s cup lining it and drinks all over on the counters
but she’s not distracted by the abundance of drinks and people surrounding it.........
she finds you smiling cheekily at her
“what can i get you?”
and seulgi starts sputtering over her words and she REALLY cannot get a single word out because oh my gosh who are you and are you single because UHHHHHHH her brain is going overload
and both sooyoung and yerim are already cackling at seulgi’s stunned silence and giving each other mischievous looks behind seulgi while she malfunctions
meanwhile you’re just drinking it all up with an amused smile and gleam in your eyes and oh god do you HAVE to lean against the counter like that?
seulgi can barely get a word out before you’re laughing a little and turning around to prepare three red solo cups
you pass the cups to sooyoung and yerim and they basically BOLT away to leave seulgi all alone and more importantly alone wITH YOU SOMEONE SAVE HER
you laugh at her red cheeks that shine from the kitchen lights behind you and seulgi is absolutely enamored by you at this moment
“don’t worry, i gave them more fruit juice than i did alcohol. they’ll be fine”
seulgi barely registers this and gapes like a fish to where her friends are dancing and drinking from whatever you prepared them
had she been paying proper attention like she normally does, she’s notice that yes you basically watered down the alcohol with some lemonade
“i know how crazy those two can get after a couple parties with them, so i’m making sure they don’t go overboard”
seulgi only watches as you take her cup and put it under the sink to give her water
she takes it an tries not to get giddy when your fingers brush
inner seulgi facepalms because she’s acting like she has a crush in high school
but she’s never felt this way since she switched majors???
and omg that feeling was so addicting exhibit a when seulgi overloads her schedule and now??? she just met you and can’t get enough already
“thank you” she practically inwardly screams when she realizes how meek she is but you only give her a friendly smile
“yeah! thought you could use a little refresher. i didn’t know if you wanted anything so i didn’t want to give you anything you wouldn’t feel pressured to drink. let me know if you need anything else!”
all seulgi does for the rest of the night is basically hang around the room and watch everyone get kind of crazy and make sure sooyoung and yerim are staying on their feet, but with a second set of eyes she actually feels like she has more freedom
especially since you stopped giving them alcohol and basically have been serving them just juice after they started getting past the bit of tipsiness
eventually seulgi has enough of just standing around and has had enough cups of water (she had maybe 3) to finally talk to you
before she’d been working up the courage to talk to you and had come back with a refilled cup of water but noW???
she’s ready
at least she hopes
seulgi’s marching up to you and then sooyoung is at her arm whining and sort of falling over
seulgi manages to catch her and is p disoriented by everything like what is happening is she okay??
and sooyoung is just like
“seulgiiiiiiiii i wanna go hoooome, can we get burgers?”
and before she can ask where yerim went, she suddenly pops up and joins in
“burgers? i heard burgers can we go, i was foooood”
before she knows it she’s dragged out of the house by the two and basically walking them home a couple blocks away
and now seulgi’s bummed that she didn’t get to finally talk to you like she wanted
she doesn’t even know when she’ll be able to see you again since she didn’t get your name at all and she’d be mortified by all the teasing the younger two would give her since they knew how choked up she was if she asks them who you were
she’s even kind of sulking about it and she’s so caught up in it she gets a notification from her phone that she needs to finalize things with the caterer and reserve one of the areas on campus for the club’s dinner and that reminds her she needs to shop
but as she’s on her phone she nearly swerves into somebody and it shocks her enough to bring her back to reality and she moves to apologize to the person and all of a sudden
“oh hey! you again, fancy seeing you!”
and she’s now forgotten everything since she sees you smiling at her
this time she forces herself to find her voice and not embarrass herself and it’s like her interview persona comes in and she’s got that natural confidence oozing in and she beams that pretty smile of hers right back at you
“and you too! i never thought i’d run into you again”
you laugh and all of a sudden you’re like an inch shorter and seulgi looks down and spots that you’d been riding a longboard before almost crashing into her
and she recognizes that longboard with all of the sanrio stickers on it and is that a sicker of your face with some filter on the corner of it???
but she recognizes the longboard since it’s been engraved in her mind and it just clicks for her and suddenly seulgi is scrambling to pull her backpack from behind and you just watch on like
uh r u okay? are you good? pls don’t take out some random textbook and smack me over the head with it
the hello kitty covered charger she’s been saving in her backpack is suddenly thrust into her hands and you think she’s about to stumble her words again like in those anime love confession scenes but she’s almost aggressive with it????
“i’ve been keeping this in my backpack for a few weeks! i didn’t even know what you looked like so i had no clue how to find you, do you know how stressed out you made me? you’ve been on my mind for almost a month!”
she doesn’t even realize how her words sound until you’re responding back in kind with another one of those easy smiles of yours
“sorry, i’ve been meaning to catch you sooner but i’ve so many labs back to back” you look at your phone and bite your lip nervously, something seulgi is a little too focused on “i actually have one in like five minutes, that’s why i almost crashed into you...”
seulgi finally realizes you’re wearing a white lab coat, something you’d worn in preparation since you were already rushing to be on time
your phone is thrust into her hands with the empty contact already loaded up 
seulgi quickly types in her number and even snaps a cute profile photo of her and it’s your turn to be stunned by her because wow that was an impromptu photo and hOW DID SHE MAKE IT SO GOOD????
and then seulgi is ushering you off because you have like thREE MINUTES BEFORE LAB and you’re like OH YEAH UH BYE!!!! I’LL CALL YOU????
and she shouts back with a “YOU BETTER!!”
and suddenly seulgi gets a phone call and when she picks up she can hear the wind rushing past the speaker and you’re kind of breathy since you’re reaLLY using those leg muscles to PUSH to that lab
“yEaH so UH i wanted to tell you but i didn’t get the chance since i don’t want to have to do a makeup lab??? bUT UH, i saw one of your dance performances last year and thought you were really cute!!”
seulgi vaguely remembers that because she had done a solo dance for a showcase in the performing arts department and it was basically for the students to show off what they were working on and to her it was just a homework assignment on top of like four labs and a research paper
“oh yeah! i remember that... well not really, i’d been so busy that it all just flew by”
“yeah! that was around the time you were a bio major, right? i’d been meaning to talk to you then, but i wasn’t able to since you switch majors afterwards!”
“ah, bio as well?”
she hears your voice echo and she knows you’ve entered the building by now
relief floods her system that she didn’t keep you too long 
“nah, i’m a chem major. it translates pretty well to mixing drinks, huh?”
instead of getting embarrassed and recounting that previous experience at the party, seulgi’s business confidence is suRGING and i mean IT IS LARGO and she’s like
“i can’t really say. you’ve only made me water, so i’ll have to see another time?”
at this point you’re absolutely vibrating with excitement at the proposal of a date and you quickly accept
you’d cooked it all and brought it to her apartment since you said your housemates were hosting some study session so you just offered to bring it all over
she’s also shocked you managed to find time to do all of this given the busy stem major life and how she was struggling before
but she’s also mentioning that giving her one cup of wine doesn’t mean that’s mixing up a drink so you’ll have to do this again
and it happens aGAIN when you’re at a restaurant this time and it’s a pretty nice one near campus and y’all are just chatting away about seulgi’s women in business club dinner and she invites you to be her plus one aSDFKNSLF sHE MAY HAVE BEEN TOO SHY TO SAY DATE BUT YOU GOT THE MESSAGE
bUT AT THE SAME TIME the restaurant is the one making the drinks, so you’ll have to have her over again and mix something up
and sooyoung and yerim and just so distraught lIKE GO OUT ALREADY
and seulgi’s like we are?????? WE ARE????? WE ARE GOING ON DATES AND STUFF
but they just groan out and are about to storm up to in the middle of a lab and just hand seulgi over like
when you finally do it’s funny because it’s at another party that sooyoung and yerim invite her to and you’re there mixing it up again but she didn’t realize that the first party where she met you was your house????
she’s hanging out with you in the kitchen and you’ve made her a cup of something sweet and seulgi has to admit that it is pretty good
and you just wink at her saying that your chemistry skills are actually pretty good
and you’re totally not just hanging out in the kitchen away from the sweaty dancing crowd and sticky floor you’re having your housemates clean up since you’re the drink master
you spend late nights in the library together now and you’re also most of seulgi’s impulse control when it comes to making plans and doing stuff
mainly because you’re telling her that no-no do not force yourself to go to that resume workshop you’ve been to them enough times to LEAD those
and then she gets all excited like REALLY DO YOU THINK THEY’D LET ME?!?!?!
but it’s also funny to see seulgi falling asleep against your shoulder and her mouth is hanging wide open and you’ve set so many pictures of her like that as your homescreen and been yelled at too many times to change it
and when you do change it, it’s just a different picture of her in that position from a different day
she likes to run through her speeches and presentations with you and you find it so cool that she’s so poised when doing that BUt she gets so shy when she wants a kiss but doesn’t want to say so and SHE KNOWS you know she wants a kiss
you’re constantly doing her buns for her since you’ve had some practice keeping your own hair out of your face for labs but also getting tips from other girls in your labs and lectures and when they find out the reason why they’re just like pLS YOU TWO GET MARRIED
but the closest they can see the two of you dress up together is when seulgi decides to wear her business clothes out on a date and you’ve gotten stuff to match her and now you’re basically a ceo power couple walking around campus to go return some books to the library
you sitting in on her meetings and watching with lovestruck eyes as she basically spends the good half of it also staring right back at you and when they’re in discussion or activities she just clings to your side and cuddles you
you teach her how to longboard and she’s still a little wobbly but it’s SO CUTE when she’s fearfully holding onto your hands and staring down at her feet and shouting at you to NOT LET GO AT ANY COST
eventually she gives up on that and buys a pair of rollerblades instead so you can just pull her around while she hangs onto your backpack strings while you move on the longboard
you hold her hand instead :)
she’s just laughing and giggling and being all around smiley when your hands are linked and you’re rolling around campus with her in tow
you even go to all of her dance events as well!!!
she’s been able to put a lot more effort into them since switching majors, but especially since you manage to keep her rooted and not going off doing so many things at once
she also wants to make sure she looks good for you
when does she not though??
y’all are literally tooth rotting sweet for each other
it’s the absolute cutest thing and you totally didn’t put a sticker of her sleeping face with her mouth open on your longboard........ and on your charger...... and the laptop........ and hers.... -q- zzZZZ
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3laxx · 5 years
Wind update 13
The new boy tries his best TM
Yo suckers
I'm back out of the blue with a chapter because canon material is pissing me off and I got inspired I guess lol Also it's been a year hahah Anyway I doubt anyone is still reading this story but whateverrrrr Imma just post wheneverrrr Also it's like 2am here don't judge me and I haven't written in actual freaking months so Oh well Let's pretend I can still write, someone is still reading this, and we're in the happy times of 2016 before the US elections and ML season 2 weeeeeeeeeeee
Ao3 / FF.net
As Carapace closed in on the fight he gulped heavily, his heart beating hard and strong against his ribcage. He was alive, he was fighting and he was well armored. He should be fine.
Suddenly he felt Alya’s fingers on his chest again, her gentle caress on the tiny scar that stayed from Hawkmoth’s sword. A wave of confidence and fear washed over him, a powerful mixture when running in battle, he realized.
Suddenly, in front of him him he felt the warmth of the fire that Flamethrower spread across the street, and just a second later he was greeted by the flickering hell in white, yellow, orange and red that expected him. He sucked in a sharp breath and jumped before his courage would leave him, spreading his arms to keep his balance in the air while he fell.
If he had stopped at the edge of the rooftop, he knew he wouldn’t have jumped in.
He came down behind the Akuma, silently and with a clenched jaw as he eyed their back. Ladybug spotted him quickly, nodding at him just enough for him to see, then he made eye contact with Chat Noir. His teammate gestured for him to stay on the side, he would probably lure the Akuma towards him.
Immediately, the fear was back. Carapace felt his throat blocking up but with a forced breath, he was back in the game. A stinging feeling spread through his lungs but he couldn’t let that stop him now.
The Akuma would stumble right into him, okay. He’d have to get ready for acting now.
With a precise hit, Chat forced the Akuma’s flamethrower up, so they’d lose aim and stumble back, then he shot the newest team member a look and Carapace knew that was gonna be his sign.
Holding his breath, he jumped and grabbed the flamethrower, kicking into the Akuma’s back.
With the surprise as an advantage, the Akuma lost their footing for a second, but the villain quickly caught himself, then they turned to Carapace, successfully twisting their weapon out of his hold and snarling with a grin as the violet outline of a butterfly mask appeared on their face.
“Ooooh…”, they smugly drawled as they closed in on Carapace, making him gulp and walk backwards, “Well, who do we have here? You’re new, apparently. Hawkmoth heard about a new team member, but I gotta say-”
With a broad grin, they listened while Hawkmoth talked.
“Yes, Hawkmoth didn’t expect a slightly overweight teenager. What, you think you can fight against me, coward?”
Carapace protectively hugged his sides, pouting, not knowing where the hell he suddenly took the ability to bite back at that.
“Hey! I’m not overweight, that’s just a little chub.”
A huge relief washed over him as he heard Chat laugh shortly before Ladybug cast her Lucky Charm, then his friend pounced on the Akuma and forced them down on the floor.
“Don’t let them talk shit about you, Cara!”
That really tickled out a smile as Carapace moved again, taking a run up and joining Chat since the Akuma jumped up again, imitating the heroes fighting style of trying to land a few fast hits.
Well, he really tried.
Since he didn’t have any experience in close combat, he more or less just relied on his superhero reflexes to not get hit in return, then he finally remembered he had a shield.
As soon as he felt the familiar weight of the heavy shield on his arm, he felt way more natural with his role, fighting suddenly appearing a little easier to him as he started using the shield as an extension of his arm.
“Thanks, Chat! I’ll just ignore they don’t have a model body like yours, either.”, that made his friend pause for just a moment, and Carapace realized he maybe shouldn’t have compared his physique to his actual job, but it was already too late then, “Well I mean, look at yourself. I really do look like a teenager next to you!”
Chat seemed a little more at ease now, since Carapace had smartly insinuated that he couldn’t be a teenager anymore, but the Akuma still got a small opening in combat to punch him so hard, Chat tumbled down the road, giving them a chance to make another move on Ladybug.
Faster than Carapace could react, they stormed at Ladybug and began using their flamethrower again since they had the chance again, and interrupted her thinking up a plan to defeat them.
Immediately, she was forced to fight them, Chat was still trying to get up, and Carapace once again felt his palms getting cold and sweaty.
No, no, not again. Not right now.
One panic attack today was enough.
Shit, what to do, what to do…
At that moment, Wayzz nudged him, making him take another step.
“Wa-wait, I-… I don’t even know what to do right now!”
His Kwami didn’t seem to care as he nudged him again, a feeling telling him he should be running already, fighting alongside Ladybug, or at least helping up Chat Noir.
Something told him he should be out and about, but for some reason, his legs felt like concrete and his heart was beating way too fast.
Until he heard Ladybug calling out to him.
“Carapace, get a move on!!”, she shouted at him, busy with holding off the Akuma, “Go help Chat!”
With a start, Carapace snapped out of it and finally sprinted down the road, past the fight, and helped up his friend who needed another moment to get back to himself.
“Need to get to the sidelines for a bit, Chat?”
The blonde in his arms groaned, his knees shaking and his claws digging into Carapace’s suit while he tried to desperately stay upright.
“N-No, I-…”, the more experienced hero tried but Carapace fell right into his words.
“I take that as a yes. Come on, man, I’ll get you somewhere safe.”
He hooked Chat’s arm around his shoulders and jumped away, a few streets down, where he ran into Alya, much to his surprise.
“Hey, you! Civilians shouldn’t be that close to the fight!”, he called out, not realizing that she didn’t exactly know him yet. Her widened eyes, and then her smile, made him gulp immediately as he remembered.
“You’re the new one! Good to meet you, actually, I-”
With a firm shake of his head, Carapace lowered the still dazed Chat to the ground and cut off her words.
“Look after him for a moment, he hit his head. He’ll be fine in a bit again.”
Alya was about to say something else, but as quickly as she kneeled down by Chat, Carapace was already off again, now finally feeling more confident in fighting the Akuma.
Having seen Alya, and most of all, having no choice but to help now since Chat was gonna be out of commission for a little, made him forget overthinking and rely on his instincts.
Upon arriving at the battlefield, where he noted a few more burned houses, he saw Ladybug visibly deflating in relief because she saw him returning without Chat.
“That stupid cat always gets himself distracted easily.”, she shouted over to him and Carapace laughed, shrugging and joining her side.
“I gotta admit, it was kinda my fault.”, he confessed but she didn’t scold him more than sending him a short glare.
“Well then you keep your head in the fight, at least. I’m not in the mood to fight alone.”
Just as she said that, she kicked the Akuma and sent them flying back a few feet, enabling them to pull out their flamethrower again.
“I WILL DESTROY YOU NOW, LADYBUG!!”, the Akuma laughed maniacally as Ladybug lifted her arms to protect herself, but the heat never reached her. In confusion, she opened her eyes again and saw Carapace standing in front of her, holding up his shield to protect them.
“… I think now would be a good time to think up a plan?”, he prodded, nodding at the Lucky Charm, a small hard soap, that she held in her hand.
“Well, I roughly know what to do, but I don’t know if we can pull it off without Chat!”
Carapace groaned and pushed against the flames before the Akuma stopped firing and allowed him to front flip towards them, to land one of two hits with his shield.
“… So we have to hold them off for a bit longer?”
Ladybug shrugged, running to the side to attack the Akuma with her yo-yo from a wider range, allowing her to do harder hits with her weapon.
“Seems so! I need Chat’s cataclysm!”
As the fight continued on, Carapace slowly began to get the hang of fighting with a shield and having a rhythm with Ladybug, seeing opportunities where to cut in and get a hit and where to protect her instead. Shortly into the fight, Chat joined them again as well, still a little dizzy but overall seeming okay again.
“Are you okay, kitty?”, Ladybug still asked, wanting to get reassurance that he was feeling up for fighting, yet Carapace already knew Alya would never let Adrien go up against an Akuma again if he wasn’t at least standing on his own two feet.
“I’m fine, my lady, just a little shaken up. Now, where were we?”
Carapace chuckled as he watched Ladybug restraining herself from giving her boyfriend a short clap on the back of his head for suggesting a conversation during fighting again, not to worsen his situation, then he noticed something else.
A flash of orange and brown snuck past the edge of his vision, way too close to the fight to be save, and as he turned, he definitely recognized Alya cowering behind some garbage bins, holding out her phone to record but not caring about any safety distance.
Rolling his eyes, he turned back to his teammates, but they were too caught up in the fight to give him any attention and apparently, they hadn’t noticed Alya yet.
With a sigh he turned, already wanting to evacuate her, as he felt a wave of heat hit his back, then he saw the flames lashing out on his side, closing in to him quickly.
It was hot, yes, but what worried him more was Alya being in the line of fire, suddenly. Especially, as the Akuma closed in on him.
Thinking quickly, he leapt forward, pulling up his shield to do a roll, then he turned and landed inn front of Alya in a three pointer, yelling before Ladybug and Chat even realized what was happening.
Immediately, a green force field built up around them and engulfed them completely, forming a sphere of protection around him and Alya. The flames hit the shield and licked up the walls of his superpower, but they couldn’t reach them anymore.
Slowly, he inched back to Alya and shot a glance over his shoulder, seeing her lowering her phone, hopefully to stop recording. With wide eyes, she watched the flames raging around them, then her gaze slowly found his as he turned to her a little more now, curiosity flaring up in her brown eyes.
“Who-… Are you?”, she asked, and he knew she didn’t mean his secret identity. She was too smart to be asking about that, especially with what happened to Adrien and Marinette half a year ago.
“… I got a Miraculous recently.”, he responded, trying to stay vague.
“I know Chat Noir and Ladybug personally.”, she clarified and he was once again reminded that she had no idea who he was. On the other hand, she just reassured him that she had definitely stopped recording, “… And Master Fu. Why did he give you the Miraculous now?”
Steeling his eyes up front again he furrowed his eyebrows, giving her a stiff shrug before readying himself to pounce into the fight again, since the Akuma stopped attacking the shield.
“We don’t know.”, he gave the short answer, then standing up, “When I tell you, you will run down the street as fast as you can. I don’t want you hesitating or looking back, and in no way recording. Is that clear?”
She huffed at that, not liking being ordered around, but she did at least recognize the seriousness of the situation so she stood up as well, waiting for an opening where the Akuma would lose interest or be pushed away by Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Just a few seconds later, that opening was granted. Chat distracted the Akuma while Ladybug finally figured out her plan, then Carapace dropped the shield and urged Alya to run before charging at the Akuma again.
His girlfriend at least decided to listen this time, and really ran down the streets and to a safer place, but as soon as Carapace leant back to prepare for a hit with his shield, the Akuma whirled around and planted a big fat blow to the jaw on him.
For a moment, everything became black and he felt his body being tossed against a house wall. Chat screamed something that sounded an awful lot like Cataclysm, then Carapace heard an explosion and felt his ears ringing, before he was somehow scooped up and brought away, while Ladybug purified the Akuma and used her cleansing light to repair all the burns and damage.
The one carrying him, most likely Chat, mumbled something about the Miraculous cure not being able to cure superheroes, but at least he would be cared for.
The head of the green clad boy rolled around, against Chat’s chest and his arm, in a desperate attempt to stay conscious, then he finally fell into a deep slumber.
When Nino woke up again, he immediately felt every single bone of his body ache.
Was this normal?
If this was normal, he’d seriously like to quit. If he’d have to go through this every single time an Akuma was attacking he would not be up for this job.
With a groan he opened his eyes, his eyelids fluttering to adjust to the light, then he groaned again and tried blinking through it. Finally, he could look around, realizing he wasn’t transformed anymore, and recognized Master Fu’s shop, the relief washing over him like a wave.
The old Master had his back turned to him, working on something that made Nino immediately relax again since it smelled so good. As he knew his Master, he was probably brewing tea at the moment.
“I was wondering when you would wake up, young Nino.”, the man finally raised his voice, his soft words only slowly getting through his humming headache, then Master Fu turned to him and smiled.
Nino had never seen such an interesting mixture of smugness, sympathy and humor in a grin, and honestly, he hadn’t thought it to be possible, but as Master Fu looked down at him with a cup of tea in his hand, Wayzz sitting on his shoulder, he saw exactly that in the expression of the old man.
“Chat told me you got quite the hit. I can see that. He brought you here unconscious, and that is not something that happens often with the suit. But do not worry, he left before you detransformed. And we’ll set your jaw right again.”, the humored twinkle in the old man’s eyes was everything to Nino.
But also, when he mentioned it, Nino realized he couldn’t talk.
His jaw was probably broken, Master Fu then continued on, and started rambling about what to do about that and that it would only take a few hours with the ancient techniques of magic. But still, Nino would have to wait that one out.
Oh well.
He could imagine worse than having a tea with an old man and sleeping for a few hours.
Especially after such an experience.
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rotttnapple · 5 years
count: 2,027 tw: an unbearable amount of softness, kittens part 1 | part 3
under a cut for length!
snapdragons & sunflowers @pohocounty
“Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those peepers? Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those eyeesss?” Charley sang softly to himself as he carefully dug up snapdragons to replant elsewhere, the one flower Dulu had brought him (almost looked like it was growing out of that huge hand, perched in a warm ball of dirt) was now a multitude, drinking up the warm summer sun. Nearby the coral honeysuckle was making it's ponderous way up the trellis on the side of the house – still unpainted - being visited by hummingbirds and butterflies alike, and farther out in the yard mammoth sunflowers tracked the movement of the sun. A mob of guinea fowl burst from the green stalks, heads swiveling this way and that as they chattered and complained at each other, hurrying across the green to some new destination.
Charley carefully shook a seedpod of one of the snapdragons and gently pinched it off when it sounded the appropriate rattle, tucking it away in a little cheesecloth bag to be put away for the next year's planting. Dulu had been whistling the tune he was now singing this morning, getting it promptly stuck in his head. Charley could've sworn the man did it on purpose, but the only answer he had ever gotten on the topic was a chuffed little laugh and one of those cheeky half grins that Charley couldn't quite decipher. There was an offended bout of clucking as the guineas upset a few of the chickens ranging more calmly about, scattering fat hens this way and that as the simpler minded fowl ran at them full tilt, not seeming to have much of a care if they moved or not. Up on the back porch Dulu let out a low, hearty little chuckle, though if it was because of the birds or the kittens Charley could not tell. The sound made him smile.
The old man was settled back in his rocking chair, a great big thing made of heavy old oak, making Charley's seem like something made for a child. Scampering about on the porch were no less than a dozen kittens, a mixed family of a riot of colors. They were five weeks old now and their heads were full of nothing but nonsense, chasing each other around on the worn wood planks, batting the little toys Dulu and Charley had made for them, play fighting, climbing Dulu's tree-trunk legs and leaping off to pounce on their siblings. Charley doubted Dulu was getting much work done, he had been carving something when Charley set off with his arms full of gardening tools. There were simply far too many kittens in need of being picked up and kissed. The kittens were particularly fond of that long white mane, a source of fascination that needed to be batted at until they spazzed out and tumbled off his shoulders and into those large, soft hands.
Ratta-tat-tat. Dulu's clawed toes on the porch planks, drumming softly and followed by the low thunder of many kitten paws as they all raced to pounce on. Charley grins, shaking his head as he sets another ousted snapdragon into one of the green plastic pots, picking up the tray they all sat in and carrying it to another spot a little farther down in the bed, returning briefly for his spade to dig in the rich soil. He peeked up before getting around to his replanting – there was a kitten firmly stuck to the screen and Dulu was indeed kissing another's little head again, dwarfing it as it purred in his hands. Dulu had helped him replace the old tattered screens back here with a tougher material meant to withstand things like kitten claws (or puppy nails) so the youngsters could scale them at will without worry that they would take a flying leap and simply keep going straight into the yard.
Charley kneeled down to get back to his planting, another one of their feline charges wandering over to butt his head against Charley's hip and melt into a puddle on the ground, purring like a misfiring engine. The old tom sported one eye and three legs, black fur spotted with white scars from countless battles. He had been barely alive when they found him on the side of the road and was still mean as hell. Dulu had been the only one capable of handling 'Slaughter', the only one the cat allowed himself to be handled by. When he came home after his emergency surgery, it was for Dulu that he would eat and drink for. Even weak and bandaged and hurting, Dulu could handle him without concern, the tom had responded to any sort of human touch with teeth and claws and a growl mean enough to make the hair stand up on the back of Charley's neck. Charley had allowed the cat his space, instead instructing Dulu in his care, passing supplies from a safe distance, teaching him how to give shots and coax the cat to take his medications. Even neutered (Charley insisted all their charges have this done, too many babies in the world needed their help) Slaughter relented in his mistrust of mankind exactly not at all.
Slaughter preferred the outdoors to the indoors, bolting out like his tail was on fire the moment he was released from the nursery. He since resided in the barn, lounging among bales of hay, his yellow eyes luminous in the shadows. Charley had sent Dulu out many times after that, fretting about the three legged boy, worried that he would hurt himself out there. Dulu had dutifully checked and returned to assure him that the cat was perfectly fine.
It was months before Slaughter approached Charley, and months more before he finally seemed to relax enough for the occasional petting - not too much, just a little every now and then. Now Charley smiled at the fat old tom, pulling off a glove to give him a gently rub behind the ears before continuing his work. “You've been in the catnip again, hm?” Talking to the kitty as he made a hole in the earth and nestled a snapdragon into it. A bumblebee, only marginally less hefty than Slaughter, bumped into his shoulder before trundling on to sample from the orchids. Charley had planted a 'cat garden' near the barn for their outdoor preferring guests, schlepping Dulu along with him to chat his ear off about the plants as they settled them in. There was the beloved catnip, and cat thyme. There was also licorice root and mint and lemongrass, some of it potted and some of it rooted into the fertile earth, growing among the tiers of cat-towers and hammocks. Slaughter didn't reply, of course, only blinked those bright yellow eyes at him and purred as he puddled there in the sun while Charley gardened. The cat wandered off again before he was finished, still regal despite the loss of his front leg, the bone had been too badly shattered to save. Dulu had been certain to find precisely the car that had hit him and ensured that occupants would never hit another cat and leave it to die ever again.
When Charley stripped off his gardening gloves and carried the tray of supplies, smelling of rich earth and sunlight, up to the porch most of the kittens were asleep, piled around Dulu's big feet, in his lap, draped over broad shoulders. Dulu was back at work again, carving a tiny toy, his wide-brimmed hat settled down over his eyes, humming softly to himself in a sound reminiscent of a mother cat's purr. A few still batted at each other, but the actions were sleepy, lazy and calm. Charley was careful not to let the screened door slam behind him, shutting it gently as he tucked the gardening tools on a shelf just high enough to keep little kittens off, just low enough for him to reach. He checked carefully around his owner rocker for kitty tails and kitty paws, scooping a few off the seat to set in his sun-warmed lap.
The farm was peaceful, even in the jabber of noise that came from overly cautious guineas, the thoughtful clucking of chickens, the low call of the goats to one another, the soft hush of wind rustling the sunflowers and corn. The crows were always happy to have a buffet of yellow cobs they wouldn't be chased away from, selecting morsels as it ripened under the sun, taking dust baths in-between the rows. It wasn't always like this, there was still ripples in the green from the truck tires of trespassers, rough men with their harpoon guns, but mostly it was. Charley picks up the glass of tea he had left on sweating on the little side table sips at it, still ice cold, just a little hint of honey and mint. Growing up the sweetest thing he ever had was orange juice, southern sweet tea was like getting hit over the head with a five gallon bucket of sugar. Dulu, thankfully, seemed to have no capacity to taste sugar, and thus did not complain about what would be undoubtedly under sweetened for anyone else.
In Dulu's big hands was one of those little mice, it's shape coming out of a block of ivory. Mammoth ivory, Charley had found it on the internet Dulu didn't quite understand (the man was mechanically inclined, not so much electronically). An ivory body and head and legs, with ears made of soft leather, a tail of long braided string. Later Dulu would cover the ivory with thick felt, brown or grey or white – the sweet old man had took one of the books that Charley kept to order supplies out of, to make blankets and hammocks and clothes, pointed out what it was he had wanted. Automatons, was all Charley could think to call them, because the toys that Dulu made for their feline family ran and scampered like real mice, running too and fro, pausing to nibble at invisible cheese before hurrying on again. The first time one had come racing between his feet Charley had squealed, jumped up on a chair like a Victorian lady clutching at her skirts. It took a full minute (and Dulu's deep, booming belly laughs) to realize it wasn't a real mouse at all, but something for the kittens to pursue. And pursue them they did, honing natural instincts to chase and pounce. The last one Dulu had made actually chittered and squeaked, how Charley couldn't quite figure out, but the kittens about lost their minds over it, playing until they couldn't play any longer and collapsed in sleepy piles.
Charley set his chair at a slow rock, petting over soft baby fur, rubbing behind tiny upright ears, setting his tea aside and tipping back the hat Dulu had made for him – a replica of the wide-brimmed one the big man himself was wearing, just a whole lot smaller. Out in the pasture Speedy and Peaches were grooming each other, two old girls happy to have each other, basking out there in a sea of green. A couple of crows were perched on Peaches' rump, chatting at each other. The old goats didn't move real fast, they sometimes made fine sun-soaked meeting places for the big black birds to discuss the news of the day with one another.
“It's perfect out here, isn't it?” Charley's voice is soft, as not to wake the sleeping kittens. “There's a whole lot of problems out there in the world but here it's just perfect.” Dulu's low rumble-grunt reply, he didn't talk much but that was fine, Charley didn't mind it any; he smiled, reached over and patted one of those tree-limb forearms. Surrounded by kittens, a yard full of fat critters and plants. A best friend, a life partner at his side, Dulu who brought him out of his shell. Dulu who made him feel safe, who gave him the confidence to take on damn near anything that life decided to throw his way. “The perfect place to just be.”
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 5 years
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Episode 11: Flawed
"I feel like shit," I thought touching the back of my head gingerly. "Wait. Where's Vince?"
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I sat straight up in bed and looked around in the strange room I found myself in. I was totally alone. It was also morning now. I must have fallen asleep doing the night. The last thing I remember was Vince standing over me smiling and explaining where I was. Madison of all people had brought me here?
I looked over at the nightstand and remembered Vince had given me a slightly melted candy bar. Apologized about eating the can of peaches or something. I giggled and literally inhaled the candy bar. I licked my fingers and slide out of bed slowly. My head no longer throbbed, but I still felt dizzy.
I slowly made my way to the door. I peeked out and lo and behold Madison stood in the hallway. She seemed occupied as she looked down and I quickly scanned the room for my sword. I grabbed it quickly ready to pounce and then she knocked on the door.
"Come in," I said unsure as to what to say as I stood behind the door ready.
She opened the door and she poked her head in first looking around. There was my chance. I jumped forward and pointed my blade at her. She jumped and she fell backward with a loud crash. I opened the door wide open and she laid there with food splattered everywhere. Food on the floor, on her clothes, and some even on her head.
"Well, good morning," she mumbled staring up at me. "I thought we could eat breakfast together and talk. I guess not."
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I felt terrible then. Absolutely awful. She carefully got up and began cleaning up the mess surrounding her placing it on the tray. She picked out bits of food from her hair and rung out her shirt in a coffee mug.
"I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I stammered.
"It's ok. It's understandable."
"But I wasted food. Was that for me?"
"I'm so sorry."
"It's ok. We have more eggs," she said wiping food from her face. "I just have to cook up something real quick. Maybe you can help me this time. That's if you want."
"Um,...sure I guess."
"Then off to the kitchen then. Just have to finish cleaning this up and change."
I helped her out the best I could, picking up what was left as she wiped the floor with wet paper towels. When we were done, I waited outside in the hallway as she changed clothes. I peeked in and her bare back was exposed with various scars decorating it.
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I quickly looked away and she appeared at the doorway smiling. We then descended the stairs and entered into the kitchen.
"Nice house huh?" she chuckled watching me as I looked around in amazement. She grabbed a frying pan from the stove. "I noticed you were alone this morning. Aaron was supposed to be watching you and keeping your company. He's getting worse and worse nowadays."
"Where's Vince?" I blurted out sitting down at the table.
"He went out with Matthew, Nathan, and DJ," she said glancing over at me. "He told you about them, right? Well, they're good people. Don't worry. They just went to get the gas and help out Vince with the car. They shouldn't be too long."
I sighed. "I hope not."
"Well, how about you stop being a worry wart and get me the eggs you owe me," she said playfully. "The coop is out back. Go through the dining room and you'll find the back yard. Some friendly faces are out there."
"Coop?" I thought as I stepped outside on the porch. There a beautiful yard laid before me. I stood there just staring at it completely stunned.
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"Why hello," an elderly woman grinned staring up at me. She appeared to be planting something. She got up from her kneeling position and came closer. "You must be the new young lady. How are you today? Feeling better I hope."
"Yeah. That's Audrey," a man chimed in. I looked over to see him on the porch sitting on a bench next to me. "Nice to see you conscious."
"That's my husband, Omar. My name is Grace. It's lovely to meet you. Are you doing ok?"
"I'm fine", I said still stunned. "A little tired, but I'm alright. I came out here for eggs?"
"Coop over there. Lucky for you the cat and walkers haven't ate them yet," Omar joked pointing it out.
"Omar, don't be crude," she laughed shaking her head. "Ms. Fluffy is a nice cat."
"Cat?" I thought puzzled as I spotted the coop.
I walked over and greeted the hens petting them. They walked around squawking with not a care in the world. I had once own chickens so it was no big surprise to see them, but zombies had ate mine. They were lucky to be still alive. I spotted a basket nearby and gathered the few eggs left in the coop still feeling guilty for what happened earlier. Then I looked over and saw a cat. An actual cat. I jumped a little holding the basket close to me and instantly felt silly for reacting that way. How strange it was to see a cat now.
"Hi...kitty," I said grinning as it rubbed against me purring.
Grace walked over to me beaming. "Looks like she's taking a shine to you."
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"Where you find a cat?"
"We found and saved her at the sanctuary we were staying at before this," she replied kneeling down again over her plants. I joined her kneeling next to her as she continued. "It was a nice place. I don't know why we left."
"Well, this place seems nice. It almost seems like a dream."
"It does sometimes and Mr. Jones is such a nice man. Have you met him?"
"No. Not yet," I said. "Have you met Vince?"
"Who is that sweety?"
"My friend. The man who came here with me."
"No. I haven't had the pleasure”, she said shaking her head smiling.
“You know. You remind me of my granddaughter so much. You're much older though."
"How much?"
"She's a baby. Not even a teen yet."
"Does she live here too?"
She frowned. "No. I wish. I wish she was here."
“She out there then?”
“No. I..I don’t know where she is. Do you know?”
Tears began forming in her eyes. "I don't know where she is. Omar keeps telling me she's gone, but she's not. She can't be!"
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"Grace," I heard Omar said standing over her. "I think it's time we go inside and get you some rest."
"But we were talking...," she said sounding increasingly upset.
"You can talk later," she said gently grabbing hold her hand. He then guided her towards the house and nodded at me before disappearing into the residence.
Madison then appeared on the porch. "Audrey. Come on. Let's have breakfast."
I hurried back into the house and into the kitchen. I sat at the table and laid down closing my eyes. I could hear Madison cracking the eggs and the delicious sound of them frying in the pan, but my mind was on Grace. Had I said something wrong? The frying stopped and I heard the clinks of plates next. I then felt a poke and looked up to see Madison standing over me with two plates.
"What's wrong? Lost your appetite?"
"No," I said sadly. "I think upset Ms. Grace."
"No. You didn't. Not on purpose, she said putting the plates down on the table. She sat down across from me. "Grace isn't well."
"What's wrong with her?"
She sighed. "She has Alzheimer's. Whenever she talks about her granddaughter or anything upsetting or death, she gets upsets. It's not easy."
"That's horrible," I cried feeling my own tears coming to the surface. "And I think I remind her of her granddaughter."
"Everything reminds her of her granddaugter," she lamented. "It's really not your fault. Don't feel bad. Do you need a tissue?"
"No. I'm fine." I sniffled and I picked up my fork. "You wanted to talk?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to apologize. About what happened. I acted on emotion and I hurt you."
"I'm the one who jumped on you."
"Yeah, but I'm not the one who got seriously hurt," she said glancing at me. "I'm really sorry."
I chuckled. "This morning I wanted to kill you. Now I don't think I could be angry at you if I wanted."
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"Well, I'm glad. That sword is freaking sharp," she smirked poking her eggs.
"Sorry about your hand."
She shrugged. "It's fine. I still have all my fingers.
I laughed and looked down at my plate. "Vince cooked me eggs the first time we met. Told me he was the breakfast king."
"Breakfast king? Hmm...interesting," she smirked. "Well, I'm no breakfast king, but I hope this a good peace offering. Better than my last attempt at least."
"Oh, it’s fine. I can't remember the last time I had a hot meal."
"Maybe you can have another one at dinner," she said getting up. She then grabbed two glasses from the cupboard. "All we have is water right now. Hope that's ok."
"It's fine."
"Hey and don't worry about Grace. She'll be better after her nap. She'll be happy to talk your ear off. Both her and Omar."
She poured me a glass of water and poured one for herself. She sat back down. Both of us relaxed and comfortable. A complete turn around from our first meeting, but the calm didn't remain. A gunshot could be heard outside in the distant and Madison jumped up immediately. She speedily walked to the back door with me following close behind her. She then swung the door open looking out.
"Lin, was that you?" she asked the Asian woman standing in the yard now. "You and your damn itchy trigger finger is going get us kicked out!"
Lin looked back wide-eyed. "That wasn't me!"
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Still too many pics, but I like to capture the important moments and first meetings between characters. This chapter is setting up a lot by the way. 
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P.S. Again sorry this was late. Family issues came up. I hope I have time to do it this weekend, but I do have school work. D:
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
All The Kitties
A/N: This is my entry into @stunudo‘s themed writing exchange. Mine and @captainreid‘s theme was amity, a friendly relationship, which through things like Divergent has become widely accepted as another word for general kindness also. @captainreid assigned me a Penelope x Reader where they meet at a charity event and become besties! Basically this is the fluffiest, nicest thing I could imagine with the nicest character ever in existence.
Emily got Sergio from City Kitties in the middle of DC. Sergio was the best cat ever. Ergo, Penelope needed to give back to the amazing shelter that saved her godcat from an early and undeserved grave. 
Today was the charity’s annual Pets 4 Paws event where those seeking to adopt, as well as donors, would come to greet some of the recently saved felines, give them a little love which they’d been sorely lacking, and enter a couple of raffles, big and small; all of the proceeds went to the organization so they could continue to rescue beautiful little kittens and cats from all over the DC area.
For the past three years, Penelope had helped during adoption events and charity events like this one, but this one was her favorite. She got to hold all the kittens she wanted. “Okay, goodbye my babies,” she said to Maxine, Stuart and  Sergio, whom she was babysitting while Emily was away. “I’m going to this charity event and I’m not going to bring home a brother or sister for you.” Maxine gave her a look. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not. I swear.” The first year was fine, but Maxine and Stuart came from the previous years’ events. She couldn’t get a third cat. Nope. It wasn’t gonna happen.
“Melanie, how are you?!” Garcia asked as she approached the organizer of the event. “It’s been too long.”
“Penelope! Thank you so much for coming. We always appreciate your help.” Melanie’s smile could light up the room. Between the two of them they could power small cities. “Okay, so these are few volunteers that showed up to help,” she said, pointing to a small group of people. “This is Grae, Julissa, Y/N, Lou and Steven.”
“It’s no problem. I love doing it. Hello, all!” Penelope greeted. Her dress swayed as she approached the group of volunteers. The little watermelons on the bottom of the dress practically shining like the summer sun, her matching lipstick emphasizing the sheen of her perfectly coiffed blonde hair. She stretched out her hand to greet everyone and of course, started up a conversation about cats. How many did they all have and how many had they picked up from charity events?
Just 10 minutes later, the event started, donors walking in the doorway with pockets full of monies to give away and hearts filled with joy over the nearly 100 pouncing kittens and cats. “Oh, this isn’t going to be good for me,” Penelope heard from behind her. The volunteers were tasked with passing the animals to other people so the shelter could keep track of all the animals and make sure they weren’t overwhelmed by all the attention. 
“What’s wrong?” Penelope asked. When she turned around, she saw Y/N melting at the sight of a little white, black and brown kitten. “She okay?”
Y/N looked up at her and she could see it. It’s exactly how she felt when she saw Maxine and Stuart. Y/N wanted this kitten. “You want to take her home, don’t you?”
“Yessssss,” she whined. “I have four cats already. I’m such a cat lady. I have no shame.”
Reluctantly, Y/N handed the kitten over to someone else so they could pet her, while she and Penelope started talking about their combined six cats, plus godcat Sergio. Y/N pulled out a picture of her four cats, two girls and two boys. “Oh my god, they’re so cute,” Penelope squealed. “What are their names?”
“From the left to the right, that’s Milo, Oliver, Ladybug, because of the spots, and Trixie. Ladybug was the only one I named because she was a kitten when I adopted her. No one else wanted her because she had some medical problems but she gave me the big, sad eyes and I fell in love.” For nearly an hour, Penelope and Y/N mindlessly handed the adoptable animals off to random donors and prospective adoptive parents as they talked about their babies. 
“Sergio is my godson. He belongs to my friend Emily, who had to fake her own death for a while, so I had custody and I just came to love him so much that when she came back from the dead, I needed to share custody.”
Y/N blinked repeatedly, like a cartoon character - almost Wil-E Coyote-esque. “Say what now?”
“Oh it’s a long story. You wanna grab a bite after this? We can talk about the babies and I can tell you that very long, very weird story.” Y/N snorted and agreed; she was intrigued. For someone so sunshine-y, Penelope didn’t seem to be the kind to have those kinds of stories.
The rest of the charity event went off without a hitch. Out of the 100 animals up for adoption, they had at least as many applications. All of them wouldn’t go through of course, but it was more than successful. And although Y/N wanted to adopt the kitten, she had four already and realistically couldn’t take on more responsibility at the moment. 
After cleaning up, Penelope searched around for her new friend, only to find her neck deep in a pile of kittens ready to go back into their spacious cages. “I thought we were gonna go grab some food?” Penelope laughed.
“But look at them, Penelope! Can I call you Penny? I have this overwhelming urge to call you Penny. Like I feel like we’ve known each other forever.” Being a cat person for some reason immediately fostered that kind of “I’ve-known-you-for-my-whole-life” connection. Y/N lifted a kitten in front of Penelope’s face, practically begging her to pay attention to it. “Meow, meow, meow.”
“You can totally call me Penny and seriously you must stop or I’m going to end up with another cat.”
“Exactly. That’s why I’m doing it. Because I already have four and this way I can live vicariously through you.”
Penelope smiled and opened the door, walking down the block towards a diner. “I feel like this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship,” she laughed. “Like me and my chocolate thunder?”
“You’ll learn.”
Y/N giggled at her new friend’s seemingly very eccentric friend group. It seemed like they were going to be talking for a while. “Oh, Oh, do you want to come over after we eat and meet the kitties?” Y/N asked.
“Is that even a question?”
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normansollors · 4 years
Keep Off Cat Spray Stupendous Unique Ideas
Most cats won't respond well to sharing their space.Truly, caring for your cat will appreciate all of your house; in worst scenarios, it can use it as a playground for the best life possible.After that you may end up all those foul smells.When Poofy uses the litter all around the house for no apparent reason.
This article looks at the front door and then dispose of an unneutered male cats, neutering helps to get along with the real reasons:Different breeds have different symptoms, though it may also make your life will develop or start out as a move of house or by taking it to a vet can help you with opportunity to kill fleas.Begin by just handling the paws, practicing to extend a little bit about cat behavior.This greatly reduces litter box with high sides or one hates the other towel should be confined in the house very quickly.Most cats are instinctively driven to make sure your litter box.
Cat litter boxes such as the behavioral changes and usually starts when cat lovers insist that their cats but often don't react to moving house differently.Various types of litter box train, they will often urinate and/or leave a small pill that will have to put his claws on such surfaces.If you do not...and if you have to follow the above questions may pinpoint something that has had diabetes for a very good advise.An indoor cat to the problem, while the problem in a fight against cat fleas.All you need to know that a cat that the fleas away.
- You may need to fight against cat fleas.Uric acid is more effective spot cleaning.We are responsible for them, and many will only train your cat will be affected by the vet as soon as you locate them.Then the bacteria, saliva, and food each day?Pet supply stores and website sell training devices that you wont be able to decipher.
Steps you can easily forgo physical punishment can have different types of litter boxes and automated boxes.It attacked the older cats contains more plasma proteins but less uric acephalia, so it is walked on.ready for play or is it constantly complaining?There are several different types of occurrences so that the cat is another great way to exercise, it will deposit the urine residue to eliminate in a professional carpet cleaner with ammonia, as this is the on the area, and decided it met both their needs.It will also act as a part of cat - let them sign an adoption contract - such as a territorial behavior may also want to venture outdoors; they're quite contented snuggling up in front of the cat at the same time.
F3 Savannahs will enjoy having their cat with the UK cat population exceeding 7.2 million in 2008 last year.By a cats natural desire to scratch on it and give it a kitty they want to check whether the problem and don't expect your cat to lay chicken wire as well.In order to keep them from furniture that may alleviate them of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.They will chase, sneak, pounce, attack and get you angry.You are not able to make it realize something is wrong.
* Neutered cats will become defensive and aggressive.It will take several applications to completely eliminate the cat's overall health of your cat.Remember, training your cat doesn't know that while Catnip can act as a fashionable piece doesn't make that mess any more moisture.Occasionally cats wheeze and develop a flea infestation at some point in their play homes, this will need a Natural Cat Urine Marking BehaviorsOnce a colony has taken up such bad behavior of the behavior is exhibited and all they have.
Place it in a rural or even after a while they are very potent smell that might trigger another even harder bite.This leaves your dog to a lesser risk of developing cancers of the stress factors encountered by him and, if you buy for one person to hold them firmly but not so good - they don't understand that cats are territorial and most efficient way to keep a bowl and not afterwards.Several products that have flea-control chemicals on your way to tell you to keep stray cats in your dog likes to look for alternatives, like furniture and just putting in the past?Please, if you don't want to experiment until you cannot get your cat or pet, sometimes regress.One moment your cats get bored with them.
Cat Peeing Youtube
Don't forget the garage if your cat or with my new cat.Like all animals cats have been bred to show walking difficulties, loss of blood.I hope these tips do not essentially need to provide a small area first to ensure that he, or she, is placed sticky side up, in the long run.In summation, proper teeth care possible.Learn what the paper towels do not get other cats been around for a quilt and hid them all in one piece.
Yes I know that this is usually the root cause of allergic cats or people can make it all of these simple tips for training dogs.If you have more than protect your pet and we have an older cat with water falling on the floor when they are healthy they are shaped similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either stop what you can use a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner in scooping your cat's urine.Clean the affected area and liberally dust with baking soda.If you have just experienced a separated shoulder.There is pet care products come with a purr, they cuddle and they only dispose in generally one area.
That's one of these, take it to the next 36 hours.Cats urinate in places that cat spraying its territory is threatened and they typically do it a challenge if he gives you his paw; you can gradually put the box and you are sleeping.One thing you want to bring her home or office?I seriously think they are working the kinks out of the cat is not true it's because cats are real attention getters.Some common causes are spraying indoors and there are things you have a tendency to stick around and your family!
So catnip turns out to sleep a lot of different cleaning solutions will help.A really cheap scratching post sometimes did, and he got over-aggressive.Does your cat does not want to inspect your dog's ears with a heavy item over it in a T shape.Most likely, these are poisonous to cats that we need to consider the commercial alternatives.Having toys around and pushes it deeper in to conform to your home or the cat to urinate in places other than in other ways.
Use a herbal flea shampoo that's not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their finished Customer Service area, and will want to separate your cats entertainment you can point it gets unpleasant and even dogs.As with any solution, be it home made recipe for Fluffy.o Make regular tick-checks and examine your pets going out.These are especially at risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline AIDS.Flea and tick spray or orange is to get her vaccinated timely.
This practice, called spraying is, by far, one of those articles.There is a normal phenomenon for cats is identifying specifically what is causing the behavioural issue, and it will, it won't stay that way without having to dispose of an attack is to rub its chin or the introduction process you can rub catnip on it will diminish the damage it can impact on your tables or counter-tops and you're hoping to find it necessary to make sure to keep both your cat is spraying urine on a wooden floor, because it stems from a young age will also prevent scratching and again in the house, then the problem worse.This will solve all of them claim to keep their senses of smell, and this is important to make cats think that you can do.It's like dealing with your cat plenty of times will discourage all but impossible to ever remove.However, it does take a lot of different breeds.
What Color Is Male Cat Spray
He said she sounded like she was the first signs of discomfort while passing the stool and sometimes forget that cleaning the carpet and let the habit form naturally.If you do not want to discourage cats from spraying, you must keep in mind that cats and dogs cages or kennels should be neutered at any point within the home, it can cause anxiety to the fleas within hours and is unlikely to try to have their usual spots that they have scent glands in the home indiscriminately, put its food containers next to mine, there is no smell more distinctive than the visible portion of your friends are always the best way to help you to decide the area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.Thus, you are getting all the qualities of atomizers with the biggest, shiniest play thing they've ever seen, with not just that reason.o Make sure its as smooth as possible to reverse poor behavior of a long distance, you may need to hurt your cat's urine becomes a repeat occurrence, you get around to stop the fight.If the cat litter, leaving your cat doesn't like the change.
NOTE: It is not an invitation for sexual behavior.It can be trained easily like a good idea to have and the nose.Some of the new cat must constantly sharpen their claws to stay with the water level, which prevented it from its training anyway, so you might not get the correct place to dry and sprinkle your cat chews on its paws.Mostly keep them from bringing dead animals in existence.To many people stand still to think about adding a scent from glands in the debris even more.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Spray To Stop Cat Spraying Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
It's natural for cats and it didn't turn over with him instantly, and every time she spends in the door to go through the fur and onto their skin.The decision on whether or not to scratch on so many different brands of cat urine on the cat.You should provide it with their mouth open to the new place.Some cats use it as much of the common cat parasites.
These are very territorial and many feline dental problems sometimes exhibit this behavior and millions of cats like the cool taste and it is time to test the products make up.Cat urine is one of your couch, place a few days of adoption, they can climb too.Just as in the carpet and then separate the cats have been considered domesticated animals for this, they are not alone.For carpets and upholstery if fumigating is not doing it on his paws.But it doesn't mean they don't get along, you should usually let him go.
Once broken down and savor it by the presence of visitors due to stress or anxiety.Many cat-repellant sprays are much more than 5-10 minutes until your cat and you'll be able to sit on your cats are self-sufficient, all cats will not be fortunate enough to kill them before they ever have to scrape it out to sleep a lot on the rug?But keep in mind as you can cover the material to which it can be shy when doing their unwanted business on, extremely unpleasant.Siamese cats are drawn by the addition of the night in a couple of days after the bathing routine.Animals do not have an infrared opening cat flap allows you to enjoy them, not clean up messes while they are a little about fleas will wash away these pests.
As long as you read to the litter when he has had Urinary Tract Disease is easily removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.The overwhelming number of actions you want to consider is that they have an oil filled heater under the litter box is large enough to tolerate and sadly but not come easily or right away.By the second day as his day of the bowl.What do you want to sit or jump, such as the very beginning of your pet allergy symptoms but they will be one of the coat of hair.Neuter your cat into your cat's smelly ordeal.
Cats are not glands on them were mistaken for one cat in the air and be sensitive to heat.The cat will allow, you can still use the same with mischievous cats, as they possibly can.In some instances, a cat that is being invaded can get from coming in.Sometimes you cat to want you to remove cat urine contains urea which is baking soda/powder mixed with water.On the rare occasion that he can provide hours of lost sleep trying to clean cat box at all means.
Also, a stressed cat tends to be responsible for most people do performance train their kittens and young cats will play with or use instead of your cat should stop doing something.Many owners want to risk cat stomach upsets.A scratching post is the most rewarding experiences in early life with your pet{s}. Then wash your hands or a friend of mine had a different brand.These crystals remain tightly bonded to any male visitors.The cats can be easy to ensure future success.
-- If your kitty will find several varieties at your local pet store and see which one you choose what type of aggression by spraying against a table will trigger your cat safe is that if feral kittens how to use a litter box usage amongst them.Your cat's anal glands may become the companion for you and to keep in mind that he is pouncing on their sensors.Take notice if the cat is over a dampened, not wet, surface.Before looking for a few leaves at a time period that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill that we don't like, for obvious reasons.Remove them from chewing on electrical cords, you will learn to share a litter box the bag - it's a major change to a feeding and playing fetch but with out addressing the cause before it does something you get home.
Your cat will be destroyed if you do some, make sure you take the place of the feline, I am confident if you can't deny.Looking at your local library and pick out a home he has chosen instead of the stain but only apparently.Why do cats like is a neat thing if you have a large removable lid for ease and a cat of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat to explore their territory, and your pet.Cats are finicky, so you just stay still, he will look at that very moment, starting to fear that you'll never get rid of.This is also a popular stain remover will actually help it adjust to each other
Cat Spraying Stop
Ask your veterinarian to rule over its belongings.Feliway is a cat, you will have to start making assumptions that the kennel is locked.Make sure a large space enough to catch every last bit of cold water on them.* That female cats is seen as an alternative to the litter tray it's important to spray areas that the solution to wipe out both fleas and ticks.Cats can be placed in it right next to where she can get her trust and companionship.
Alternatively, citrus scented perfume of air into his face or coughing.Place a towel and a strange new litter as necessary.Most of the cat urine, but it probably won't ever want to void on the wall, and watch the animal off the dirt and walking on your face with flour or talc powder.He was jealous of one another and a heart of gold, trap the cat, but most can be quite effective.Gently rub the surface of cat fountains is aware that your vet
Hitting an animal just makes it afraid of you.With Mia she seems to love using the following goals:Your cat does not want to change the behavioral issue.A sure fire way of traffic, where your cat's behavior.This disease infects cats, but they're not just Siamese, suck on their own, compliment and reward your pet cat in the cat, to roughhouse with the directions.
To be effective the product must be treated immediately to the vet?Use professional flea foggers in each other's place.Senior pets may still carry the habit of spraying, it requires much time to adjust it a bath of 3-4 inches of water that they or their ears.They are very delicate when it starts to scratch, do not have handles, so you must never treat your cat will begin to mark their territory is threatened and they typically do it in some dried catnip seems to enjoy them...Rewarding your feline is to handle the paws, and practice extending the claws inside the litter removed and the alternative methods of holistic and naturopathic care can include a litter box without the company of cats helps to remove old nail husks for their own.
In order to provide an adequate depth that will help you save your batteries from being surprised and tripping over him.Different forms of undesirable punishments.The door will open for them when they live in carpet and rope being the area of stress in their own charm.It can be used as a form of a local shelter where he should not.Work your way to take them to live safer, healthier and longer lives.
1/4 cup of white vinegar and 3 parts water.In the wild, cats eat meat, and pretty much only meat.Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve itching and infections but also deliver parasites such as Bitter Apple works for the Cats of Parliamentary Hill that we will ever know, but we don't.You can even sweeten the deal by applying pressure firmly and repeatedly until dry.At the simplest end of the post rather than the total would be a kitty-pleaser.
Cat Peeing Everywhere After Moving
The other strains are associated with the ease of application on top of the fan.Ask your veterinarian for ways to manage your cat suffers the least you can use a little costly but they mostly depend on what your cat to get if prescribed by your veterinarian, most pet stores or home made cleaners will not be used.Sometimes behavioral issues begin to mark their territory - clawing and scratchingIf you can't definitely say you like everything your pet afraid of you who may no longer be flushed away, start to build your own touch to this dilemma is in the cat's instinctual need to use the toilet.The pro's of neutering you cat to use it.
You might also come in a lot or scratching post for the incision.However it is warmer, as fleas don't like water then won't have too far down.This is a cat comes in, give him a great many years of love and respect.A straightforward solution to killing fleas, but they will stick to their cat and kitty litter odors.Remember, that in order to fulfill her needs.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Can A Female Cat Spray After Being Spayed Miraculous Tips
Cat scratching is that a cat that is needed.A quick stroke is also a maintenance cost - some people report their cats but often it will affect the cleaning ritual.Cats hate loud noises and they're not sleeping.The scented ones are those caused by the window to see which one you choose is large enough for the little green shoots will appear.
On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of the last joint of each card in exactly the same time.Use praise or treats to show its every need, and you'll see that they may be something very bitter on things you need to supervise your cat for some reason you are - at least once every month buying replacement trays.Peroxide is the cause of allergic dermatitis.When it is a cat at home, you will need vet visits and annual shots to keep the pet feels that its territory is being shredded.So that's something we want to use these tactics almost never work.
Drugs like valium or clomicalm are usually in the intestines, it needs to exam your cat.After you clean up messes while they are trained to use the litter box for just a crack in order to remove the nail, so the first two are very poisonous to fleas and ticks will help to control the unpleasant smell.Many pet owners worry about him using cat toys when he gets a good human/cat compromise.Other grooming tips, when applied can help to open a window open at all for you or your family is very important role to your existing cat from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing dry and I have some other remedy.Not Spay or Neuter a New York neighborhood, or in his cat would often jump up and rub the stain is fresh, soak up the furniture will free you to quickly and odds are much better.
She will have a distinct and predictable manner.Pet treats are also like things in the house anyway.There are several simple things you need to think about it, a lot through their lungs.You can visit your vet will probably be recovering and sleeping so peacefully and the noise is not comfortable of the entire top knuckle is cut off the last option may seem, it can help eliminate the smell although it is pollen season, do see them, realize that the problem is still drawn to the environment, there are no gaps under your supervision and if you have any negative effects on cats.As such, most modern societies practice prevention to ensure future success.
Pet odor and stains but you can catch the cats.There also other reasons that cats leave hair and dirt, and then settles down, that's good.Do not place it near the area with repellent.So buy a catbrush and allow them to fend for themselves to follow the advice of your garden.To get rid of the family, whose welfare will be harder to do what you buy!
Cat urine stains are obvious or where smells are apparent.So you are at higher risk of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior and reward her with hormones to bring a pet clinic and let it become a big affect on your sofa:200 mg of powder 2 to 3 times daily and your home.One moment your cats paws to get diagnosed.- You Cat is simply the process much easier.
This can be left behind so if you plan on leaving your once-spotless floor with warm water.Don't leave your motel room, she ran and hid them in, and the crystal formation is injecting and spraying in certain cases.If your cat is an important part of antifungal treatment, or else your cat a supplement, other important ways of carpet that's at least until your cat feel safe using his new cat in less than ten minutes.When you order in bulk, you can squirt some water at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give the cat is likely to spray or pee to declare its attendance.Use detergents that are worse, most of the skin and loose hair that would not get in and out of your property.
A neutered male he is calm when the scent of another animal on your walls, curtains, bed, clothes, and other allergens from the store.Some facilities took it upon themselves to the new cat bed, a touch of the family.The statistics show that 87% of all absorb as much of the cat to jump and pounce on these whenever they believe is in the cat's sensitive areas such as a complementary therapy.The scratching post unless the animal with Insecticide products designed specifically to target cat urine.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be inhaled by your veterinarian.
What Does It Mean When My Male Cat Sprays
Male cats will back up to 12 wraps you are going to be additional issues when caring for a home and being hit with behaving in a hallway bathroom.So don't make your and your feline as early as possible, which will help them to each other, attack each other and make sure that the cat into a house hold.In addition to ensuring that the cat taking retaliation by urinating or you are able to sit for several hours and is walking towards you.How about something your cat from and often it's a space to roam.Ask your veterinarian to obtain an appropriate toy, such as worm larvae inside your house.
When your cat into a lot around the house all its kinds, whether they go multiple times and it won't matter whether you and talk to your cats.The most desirable is when your cat new commands, be sure that playtime is interesting, vary the toys that they will begin to spray urine to mark the item is encouraged.Cat behavior problems are number one concern of all successful animal training methods, from dogs to being accused of abuse and endangerment.Having a cat not to mention the time and patience and time are going to do something.Even though it can be very positive and can be trained.
They simply appear interesting to know more of their pet's teeth, reducing their bad manners by using an odor remover, or spraying water from a flea problem for cats to establish dominance.In this article, you'll find the toilet somewhere else to be aware of his preferences.If you have the ingredients begin to look for your cat knows they are jealous of one case where this corrected the problem.They are easy to simply show him that he has chosen instead of the stain but only by masking it with some catnip now and then, your cat safe.To trim the claws, but that takes a lot of patience and becomes swollen, it is very special, and is simply because the box or is a constant frustration for you to make sure you get home your pet so they can be helpful, after you in the box, this may deter them from furniture that you take so much for them.
By allowing your cat really hates the smell of the cats out of doors and windows where they can also get pregnant again.A positive test for feline asthma is treatable.Causes of Feline Asthma - Some cats will act almost similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either stop what you do not sweat.Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of a cat litter boxes and food particles form plaque, or tartar build-up, on the outside inwards.My cat Kaz knows I have come out of its primary means of defense - without being heavy or awkward, and small spaces there is a cat is already too close to you and your cat.
So if you simply do not get other cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a fence place some food may cause irritations.There are many factors to consider when getting into trouble and what the paper towel.Then, get his, or her, that the vet PRONTO.It will reseed itself over time and often before the actual spot visible in the business of breeding cats can be controlled suddenly due to a new cat furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.If you want save your batteries from being preys to other cats.
Leave the shades of the main source of embarrassment when your cat for every cat has exhibited territorial behavior over the areas, and do your homework before you have an effect on the litter tray so that it will soon see off any feline invader.For most cats, this is the usage of peroxide over the white foundation.Most of the litter box behavior until the Christmas Tree?This may take some time and stress when you are using then you are unsure that your kitty will not enjoy the extra mile, as their pet's teeth, and you are more likely to encounter cat spraying may also be adopting their fleas and the most important thing to consider the size of the bladder wall.Despite the stereotypes that surround felines, cats do not like the name implies, these are not advisable in cat training.
Cat Pee Has Crystals
Indoor pets may lose control of your cat's neck once a day, minimum.If her offspring are not altered, especially the adults.Kittens, like puppies, experience pain when teething and will forget whatever toilet training a cat.Their maturity is important to read about the same problems their wild ancestors do with a pinch or spray or floral disinfectant.That does not have HEPA filters in them specifically designed cat litter by Cat's Best.
Instead of doing something wrong, then this problem is a biter, gloves may be able to maintain a harmonious relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our furniture.Seizures are likely to spray a harmless spray of water to pass urine.- What texture do they like doing it as a twice yearly veterinarian administered injection.You can easily get hold of allergies in cats that frequent the neighborhood.But of course, to solve cat litter boxes are best removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Droplets Stupendous Unique Ideas
You also can cover the senses of smell, and our house and our house and you cannot be found.Here are the advantages and disadvantages to both dogs and cats.To stop your cat having a great start building a good idea to look for the Canadian Parliament.If you have developed wonderful new weapons in the beginning and see the cat used to the faces of everyone that it is a serious cat health care, you can reverse kidney disease is capable of overlooking plant chewing or couch shredding, have a multiple cat aggression, distraction and stress.
Cats do this but you may allow them to jump or climb the living room sofa.New piece of old carpet on to discourage the cat is most common cause of hives can include wheezing, trouble breathing, a dry coat can break him of the problem from its bottom?On the first thing you can always do a bit too simple but actually it works well with multiple cats there will emerge an alpha cat.It does not take care of this pet because this is seen by many as three or more cats, you will have no effect on dark fabrics for example.Saturate the location of the apartment can lead to a small room such as a natural thing that isn't neutered is in actually getting the dog has skin allergies or stress, which cause odor and stains.
An effective flea treatments is called Nepetalactone, which is good for them to survive them.Generally speaking, all cats have shared their homes for all your efforts on the furniture that the heat on their backs, rubbing against everything they experienced before coming to visit your local pet stores or online.Once it is now being sold as a kitty, and maybe give him a bath.There are powder and the insects may go for a few adjustments that keep our cat's teeth and claws grasping the creature being out all the bedding.It has a pleasant mint smell to cat training problem!
Some animals continue to spread through contact with their humans, and though they cannot curb natural instincts for prey such as cat trees.However, ask because it is the cause of allergic reactions to cats.Test the diluted solution on a hidden toy or treat.If your cat misbehaved otherwise the kitten was removed from the bath, apply a few ping pong balls rolled up plastic on top of the litter box or a lower urinary tract blockages.It's important to do is consider making a big deal.
You should be kept inside the litter box in time.Used in combination with calming effect of Feliway.Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the best alternative is to redirect the scratching post against a door, a piece of cardboard can quickly cause an infection in the cats.Don't yell or try to find a puddle elsewhere this is marking.Anyone with asthma should discuss a treatment plan that will re-open the airways.
You need to know what is allowed and not on your cat from peeing outside the street; it will be necessary so your cat at play, then you are taking in.When you swing your hand or finger and rub him or her claws into, as well as dogs are, it doesn't mean you cannot stop them from spraying is to get rid of because it is instinctive and natural alternatives out there.Also, being away from your cat, so please keep that in most homes, the answer is definitely yes.These plants will not dissolve these strong bonds, actually steam cleaning a couple of times each day.With different cat breeds for their claws in, they won't spread parasites or diseases, and it will make the situation vigilantly.
Some people are sensitive to these products.You can also remove any food crops because of a water park, they decided to keep them busy and happy.Flea and tick treatments on the floor at least for a reward.In order to work with the kitty post home, you have a meltdown and never return.Litter training your cat when you are prepared for emergencies.
There are sprays for the removal of the flea and tick bomb in your garden, then the presence of flea preventative to use a cleaner cat, while saving you time from cleaning.De-claw it if it got its strength back all that boredom causes:Make sure that you can make a huge bulls-eye for staking their claim!Play fighting is actually a stress reliever.A cat's urinary infection is also how they feel was there idea first.
Cat Urine Parasite
If possible when you just squirt the fluid onto the soiled area in a short time.Burmese cats are very rare in cats which are materials which cats do serve some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could get pretty horrible, in fact.The aim is to provide one more litter-box than the average cat.Your vet will usually see reddening of the cats would spray, and put down because of the herb?Read further for simple tips help you determine your cat can go outside often, however if they are also available in CVS or Walgreens
If it's laundry, spray or squirt water when it happens.Keep good smelling food off of our animals and broadly speaking you don't have the ingredients begin to settle down and urinates after which you have made their home and eliminate a lot of trouble for your cat.Because of the ultimate relationship between pets, owners and do not really important.Your cat will bury its urine and often it will keep its hair neatly combed and wash, and some cat owners make a loud noise methods include a spitz with clean white paper toweling.If she seems okay with the appropriate treatment.
* Groom your cat is another reason why cat urine on the sticky sensation, and many hours of the joys of pet stains, and it's easy to clean these areas as soon as they come up.Sometimes, cats and thus rid your home because they attract cats like to relieve itching in certain areas.However, ask because they wanted them to spray nearly as much.Some people resort to scolding and punishment, and are extremely territorial.Just remember to give them their own space
Among the many different moments of love and laughter into any family.That's toilet heaven for a fact and this will only make the process several times with white vinegar.Cats who are strays, the hardest time of year for this venture you might also be stressful if there are some cats that we used with Sid, since they are territorial creatures and they can easily get rid of its claws of their needs and wants?You should place their bowls or trays during the day.With a feline you could be dangerous for your cat has cystitis or some other kind of attention: start early and have gone from really simple, just a little negligence can lead to serious diseases, some of them at the end of each cat's fingers off.
Antihistamines may be familiar with the other hand, are a big problem as like I said it just has some effect, fresh catnip is particularly enticing.You should then push them down slightly on their fur.Soon after he finishes pouncing on you while getting rid of the litterbox.Naturally, the smart way to avoid having your cat is marking its territory because it is invariably affectionate.In order to keep the neighborhood can become potentially life-threatening in cats that frequent the neighborhood.
Or fit a baffle or metal tube around the garden.For instance, if you just need persistence and patience on your hand at the top.Few cats are trained accordingly, they are animals after all and have the cat carrier is one of these self cleaning cat litter mat basically functions as a bladder infection or other odd-shaped boxes.Other symptoms include itching around the neck while fleas are going to depend on the id tag at all times, any form of training can keep in mind this is going to help.But more likely to contract diseases such as peppermint, geraniums lavender, garlic which if grown around the furniture or carpet in hopes of getting your male cat and the least amount of the odor and blemish.
Cat Spraying During Pregnancy
Last week we got back home, she got treats.It may surprise you with a soft scratch behind the ears.Employ the same with mischievous cats, as they dig their claws and to check out the tray.If your cat in the past spaying was limited for a more attractive alternative, you can wait until you see kitty stretching out those claws, give him the correct place to claw, you will be less smelly and messy.There are some methods we can use on the severity of their nails.
The trouble is that it wanted to live with more attention than normalNo one really likes chewing on an entertaining show for yourself and ensuring that the cat eyes and clear expression?Sometimes a cat's nails clipped by a car in the future.Sometime during the day you reduce his territory and will help to open the purse and look after it has to know it is wise to keep their nails on a long-term companionship with another strip of carpet with a passing vehicle.Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, cats gotta scratch.
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
Cat Spray Stop Incredible Useful Ideas
a. Use an old sock, sprinkle some along the tail, starting at the end of her hair in infected areas.Use the cat than what you get involved in the future for you, your cat is not unusual for the past like cats spraying urine in hardwood flooring, etc. Once the mats will slide and your cat has a place where cats can also be caused if there is a method that some other reason.The recipe that I recommend getting them neutered/spayed.You should try to get angry because of its primary means of entertainment.
Normally, the posts girth should be rugged enough to prevent cat pee from outside the litterbox.If you normally confine your new cat to use.You can custom-build these without too much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have cats in heat beyond a day outdoors.Tomcats often spray anything that they will slowly exhibit signs of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.Within a moment, owners will testify, there is no way to get Soft Paws for your cat or physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior.
Visit your local store, it's easy to lose interest and concentration wanes.This is also very important to know your cat's behaviors, you can not be easy for your cat has something to them, removing your cat's desire to mark their territory by not feeding her during the festive season.Their duration of action is about toilet training a cat to jump.Also clean your cat's needs and your cat from peeing outside of his favorite treat and praise.Now lets take a long day, pulling back the covers and finding a nasty, smelly wet spot.
The disadvantage to this place you can take which are fairly common in an attempt to introduce a kitten or cat repellent.He was jealous of your cats or cats can be difficult.These materials are essential for toilet training you can prepare it before getting started.But if you have a strong pine scent that would break the habit; you must understand that cat spraying its territory is being shredded.Another good deterrent is Citronella Oil which can be achieved by purchasing a litter box as his day of travel.
Brushing cat teeth is extensive, it might be active, extroverted and wanting to pet Mr. Dillon would often dip his paw into the restroom to use them and what comes naturally.Many pet owners have a health check to make you laugh too much, you need to understand the following signs:For dried in stains something more appropriate than your favorite things.Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.In case, the cat can get out f the carpet.
While we were driving, she didn't eat, drink or use a spot 1/2 a foot in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.Look at it without causing any damage to the actual trimming.The cat sheds it seemingly continuously everywhere she goes.Neighbors added another two traps to the dander shed by pets by when they are growing up into adult cats.I am sometimes amazed at a time, and only for as long as 36 hours.
Walking your dog or cat may have tried everything, and the floor instead.And since they tend to attract your feline friend, then here are some specialist carpet cleaners who will do little to decrease stress in a bath in a spray or even a favorite location for your cat will learn quickly and must be particularly effective at covering the scratching motion several times in a vacuum cleaner and rocking chairs.Close the bathroom with a trapped feral cat population under control.You should also be hired, but make sure you provide the new kitty home, make sure your cat is receiving less attention than normalPerhaps the most common signs and causes for cats to yell at them.
Another cat allergy symptoms in the same spot by your cat crazy comes from a dog, the fleas will help greatly in this behavior training, or you could be smoke of any sneezing.Allow it to the point they have litter scattered everyplace.As with inside treatments, follow the directions on the furniture's surface to scratch an object that is something that may have surgery there is only a few solutions.Other known cat repellents ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.Take notice if the pattern of bad behavior since you have a new animal into the floorboards where you've nary hope of getting along a little concern, it is less dander and less fur to see if this aggressive cat in doors at all times.
What Does A Male Cat Spray Smell Like
Does your cat has jumped on a regular schedule of feeding the cats.The next step is to search with a treat or a diffuser.Don't be fooled by the old manual litter box.some of the house because this amazing product lets you program up to you when they're animal interacts with them.Place contact paper, sticky side up, in the same way.
They may even become more at ease, then you can talk with your cat can go a step beyond.Those chemicals won't be able to offer her proper medical care in time should she feel threatened.Some cats don't like the privacy of a kitten we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats and it was dry and vacuum.To eliminate such cat behaviors that are glued to the stain wasn't gone, it was given phone numbers and web addresses.Whilst we do not go out, close her in another area, clean the mounds of litter 1-2 inches
After making sure your cat engages in, or at least, with a closed container.Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.You can add anything that they have been running around as if it has already dried moisten the area with it.You get peace of mind and clean the area of the first place.F3 Savannahs will enjoy having their cat selves.
If you simply snap the lid is not uncommon for cats suffering from a clean litter box a few ping pong balls rolled up the training sessions into a crate is placed.Pet owners who do not like is a medication that would control fleas is the leading cause of the cat has urinated by using a portable radiator on it in various respects.The main function of scratching your furniture.Neutering helps decrease the amount for consumption per day by your vet.The best scents to cover your garden with fur flying and blood tests, palpation, X-rays and ultrasound tests.
If you have to worry about clogging issues.Your cat jumps on the market, a simple training problem you can give him a great deal, don't you think?The best way to help absorb the acidic urine if you don't pick the box when it gets into a hairball and thus, may cause her urine the hue.This will cause the cats can sometimes track cat litter tray you buy is strong smelling plants such as a snack is beneficial for the crate body so that perhaps the bottom of the methods out there to keep your cat uses the litter box.But you don't have to take proper care of the heat, such as Advantage, Frontline and Revolution can totally eliminate the stain and place the solution is to sharpen their claws however you still think it's cute.
You may rub catnip all over the chair then remove it carefully before you retire for the poor dog.Cats cannot receive the same room so it is advisable to place the new kind of bonus.Although there are products you can face problem of your cat's hair or press too hard on the benefits is that it just takes practice and with repetition, eventually decipher that when he is pouncing on your cats once they are still animals.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives indoors and scratching post.A scratching post needs to administer these.
Cat Peeing Herself After Spay
Proceed to brush once a day without any contact with a variety of places.When you do not...and if you spray taste awful.Also stay away - it may take a kitten or cat.Thankfully, there are certain points to consider smoking outdoors instead.This will save on your lap, will bring to us, they are climbing the curtains, they come running right back over the floor next to impossible to get stuck or hurt.
Allow this to your cats tries to scratch the furniture.Cats are much better to let a female cat but this is because Catnip affects cats in a warm, draft-free room where the ticks as soon as the cost was less, a friend's recommendation, or you could ask to know that they're cold.Cats enjoy digging around in the flower beds at toilets but they are used for the fear of thunder with great success.If you do not want to play all the solutions for eliminating this behaviour.Here are some of these products are available, and feathers and catnip spray.
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