#pov me waiting for the cashier to ring up my groceries
eshacchi · 2 years
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 3 years
Who live next door? : Dragon next door (KSJ)
Author note : Finally, I’m back you guys. My uni decide to move my final exams schedule for the third time. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first os after break. 
Shout out : The plot belongs to Hybrid Prompts @Ungnyeo in wattpad. (I think you also have your blog here, but I forgot. Sorry.)
Summary : Your ancestor was a well known dragon hunter. However, now is 21st century and you decided not to continue training. You moved out from your hometown and started a new life in a city. What you didn’t expect was your handsome neighbor/love at first sight will turn out to be a dragon. Not to mention that he is a sassy one.
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Author pov.
“Be safe, dear.”
“Don’t forget to visit us, y/n.” Those were the last sentence from your parents before you left the house. Inhaling the fresh air for the last time and mumbling a goodbye for the last time, you jumped onto the bus.
You tried to calm your nervous self down by plugin the earphone into your ear and listen to music. Gazing out the window, you sighed. Many thoughts ran in your head.
Is your decision correct?
Will you have friends there?
Will your neighbor like you?
Train of thought lost you from reality. You didn’t realize yourself until a voice calling you.
“Miss, can I sit here?” You just nodded and moved a little for that someone to take a seat.
“You seem nervous. Perhaps, are you from out of the city?” Now you looked up and find a guy sat beside you. The beauty of his face made you quickly looked down and flushed. What a handsome guy.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s..I...nervous.” Your stutter made him chuckle.
He seemed to use lots of effort to strike a conversation with you. However, thanks to your stutter, it made things awkward. Still, he continued talking to you and ensured that you were doing great.
“And here we are, our stop.” 
“Oh, I forgot to mention it. Your address is next to mine.” He scratched his nape and glanced at your house. He then jogged toward his house and turned around.
“Welcome, new neighbor.” Giving you the last wave, he entered his house.
There my heart, shaking as if it wanted to come out. You think you have a crush on him.
A week later everything seemed to be good. You found a job at a local bookstore. The owner was so kind and gave you the job without any interview. Saying that it isn’t common for someone in the town to want a job here.
“Namjoon-ah where should I put this box?” You stood still at your spot. Waiting for the boy to give you an order. 
“Oh over here.” He ran toward you and picked the box out of your grip. 
This boy was the grandchild of the owner. He was as sweet as his grandpa. Having you as the employee, he didn’t let you work much. All you need to do was the cashier work. He became your friend here in no time besides.
Your neighbor, Seokjin, which you got to know his name three days after your first encounter, was great. He was really helpful and always walked with you downtown.
Despite his warmhearted persona and stunning face, you noticed some odd things about him. First, he always wore a beanie or a hat when he hanged out with you. Secondly, no matter how hot the weather was, he would always wear a jacket or some days layer it all. 
Finally, his body temperature seemed to be warmer than usual. You once joked around with him and clung around his arm. However, you felt hot so you suddenly ask whether he has a cold or not. He said that it was normal.
Another week later you guys plan to have a movie marathon and sleepover. Honestly, you tried to convince yourself to act normal and not to imagine that this was an indirect date. 
Ring... Ring...
“Oh you ar...rive” You glanced at pillows in his embrace. You didn’t mean to look as if you were judging him. Counting the number, he carried 4 pillows from his house.
“You don’t need to carry them here since I have mine.” Now Jin was panic. He forgot that you didn’t know his secret yet and it was the reason behind his weird act.
“Ummm I just don’t want to use your belong that much since I always see you do laundry 3-4 times a week.” 
‘Wow, he notices?’ You impressed and got distracted a bit.
“Can I go in?”
“Oh sure.”
Watching a movie wouldn’t be fun if there was no Jin. He could turn every serious moment into jokes, even if it was a scene in a horror movie. Both of you now cuddled on the sofa. The pillow he brought become useful since they all fluffy. It made the place fluffier and more comfortable.
“Tired?” Jin asked. Notice your body that busied cuddling with him and wiggled in his embrace to get sleep. Your eyes were half open and seemed to not focus on the screen anymore.
“hmmm,” You only hummed with a nod.
“Good night then, blossom.” He bent down and kissed your forehead to you who already drifted to dreamland.
Next morning
You woke up because you heard a growl and mumbled of someone. The realization then hit you. Looking around. you were in Jin’s embrace. All the growl and mumbled sounds came from him. 
“Mine...” Your eyes widen when you got to hear those sounds. Every question started answering on its own in your head. Connecting all dots, you got the final answer.
He is a dragon.
“No!” You got out of his embrace by pushing him. Seokjin was awake and looked at you with eyes full of confusion.
“What happen blossom? Did I do something wrong?” He asked with a sleepy voice.
“You...you are a dragon.” Now he was fully awake from his beauty sleep. All of sudden he felt his heartbeat drop.
“Uhhh I can explain i-”
“You tried to fool me, did you?”
“No, I di-”
“I am very disappointed in you, Kim Seokjin. I thought we were a friend and it turns out you fool me. Perhaps, you want to kill me? Why yo-”
“Stop! If you are going to accuse me then stop. Ok, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I trust you, y/n, but I also know you were a hunter. What do you expect me to when I meet you the first time and find out that my mate is also the dragon hunter?”
Now it was your turn to be shocked. First, you fired your anger toward him. Second, you accused him without thinking straight. Now, knowing a piece of new info that you were his mate.
“Seokjin, I a-”
“Save it, I know this will happen. Sorry for bothering you all this time and I won’t do it again. Have a good day.”
And he left.
2 weeks later
“Namjoon I fuck up.” 
“For the hundred of time, when will you stop saying this to me? I suggest you go to his house and apologize to him.”
“No, it isn’t that easy. You know I...” You told Namjoon the full story without missing any detail. You trusted him when it comes to advise.
“Now I know. I’m not surprised that hyung feels upset. I will all feel upset if that happens to me as well. We only have one mate in a life time s-”
“Wait right there, what do you mean we?” Namjoon then chuckles with your reaction.
“I thought you know about this city.”
“I have no idea.”
“Y/N-ah This is a dragon city. Most people here aren’t just human. The ones who look like normal humans are mostly not human either. You are one of a few citizens here that are pure human.”
Namjoon then explained more about the town and promised to bring you and meet his friends. 
“Now go to him and apologize to your man.”
Ring... Ring...
“Who dares to interrupt my bea- huh?”
“Is Jin here?” You asked the guy who opens the door. You assumed that this must be one of his friends. He nodded and let you inside.
“Upstairs, turn right.” You bowed as a thank you before went to the room according to the direction.
You gathered all your courage together and knocked on the door. Waiting there for a while, there was no answer. You dropped all the manner and entered Seokjin’s room.
“Yoongi, I swear I’m not hu- oh it’s you. What brings a little missy here?”
“Jin, we need to talk.” You spoke and tried to be calm.
“And what do you want to talk about? How I will kill you? How you will kill me?”
“No Jin it is no-”
“So what is it then? I didn’t pay for the grocery bill last time that we hang out? Oh no, I brought some of my food too. Let me think again. I parked the car too close to your entrance?”
“Jin stop, I come here to apologize, ok? I fucked it up, yes. I will admit that. I just want to correct things between us. I know I said those words and you are upset. I want to apologize for that. I didn’t know why I got so angry when I found out you were a dragon. I shouldn’t do that. Hell, I should be happy because I am your mate and you are my crush from the first day I arrived here. You might not forgive me and that’s fine. At least, remember that I am sorry for everything.”
Jin froze in his place. He didn’t know how to act, what to say, or even what is his feeling right now. He felt the guilt eating him because of his attitude toward you minutes ago yet his heart full of delight when he heard that he was your crush.
The moment of silence made you upset little by little. His face showed no emotion. You assumed that you were too late.
“I’ll go now and sorry again.”
The moment you opened the door, it closed immediately. The door slammed shut and then your body toward it. Jin towered your body and stared deep into your eyes. You felt like he was searching for your soul.
“I love you blossom.”
“I...” You didn’t get the chance to reply when his lips connected with yours. The kiss was heat and rough yet passionate. He continued to savor the sweet taste of your lips without caring that you were now out of breathing. 
Your hand tried to push his check as a signal. His lips left yours with a string of saliva. Your face was flushed. Your heartbeat echoed in the room. Jin then grinned widely before carried you to his bed.
“Wh..what are you doing?”
“Cuddle.” He answered and placed you on the mattress. Kissing your forehead, he wrapped his arm tightly around your figure. Making you feel secure.
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow then”
“Hmmm just sleep for now blossom, I’m tired. Besides, you have your whole life with me anyway.”
“Nah, you didn’t ask me out yet, Seokjin.”
“Very well, then be mine?” You turned around and faced him. You decided to tease him a little by peck him before answered.
“I’m yours.”
“Bold and eager are you?” He flipped then hovered you. 
Guess what? No nap time for both of you.
Author note 2.0 : I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll see you next story(not sure whether it’s going to be in this series, but will write something soon). Thanks a lot and take care of yourself.
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Marco Polo
Whole Wheat
Words: 1254
Summary: Stiles and Peter from the POV of an onlooker
On AO3
This was meant to be a 5 +1 type thing, but then it kind of got away from me. But ya, this is basically just fluff and crack.
Claire let out a sound of frustration, looking between the three packages of pasta in their hands. One said whole grain, one said whole wheat and the other said multigrain. They just wanted a healthier option, but with there being so many options, they were so lost. Pasta was a cheap option that they could afford on their college student budget, but they didn't know the difference between all of the kinds of pasta in front of them. How were they supposed to know if what they were eating was actually healthy?
Claire grumbled again, about to just give up and buy ramen. They've survived two years on it so far, they could probably go for another two. If they kept pushing themself how they were now and graduated early like they wanted, that would be even less time their body had to keep running on ramen. Which was just another motivator to keep going.
Just as they were about to put the pasta packages down, a guy came walking down the aisle, pushing a grocery cart filled to the brim. The way he was looking around made it look like he was looking for something, and from the look on his face, he wasn't finding it.
His eyes looked a little crazy, clearly having been looking for whatever it is for a while. His short brown locks were pointing in every which way as if he had just rolled out of bed or had been pulling on it an awful lot. And he had the sleeve of his red flannel caught between his teeth, which Claire was sure would start fraying soon is he kept it up.
The guy dropped the sleeve from his mouth, starting to mumble as he did so. Claire couldn't hear about what exactly, but they picked up on a few words like "stupid wolf," and "needs a damn tracker." Finally, he stopped walking, looking resigned as he rolled his eyes and let out a sudden shout.
Claire was about ready to call the looney bin, cause the guy, although extremely cute, seemed a little bonkers. But then, from somewhere in the store, the distant reply of "polo" was heard. The guy tilted his head as if assessing the direction that it came from, before his face fell into a glare. Then he turned to Claire, pointing a finger at them.
"That came from the wine aisle didn't it?"
Claire thought about it, and yes, it did sound like that was the direction it came from. They gave him a nod, not really knowing how else to respond to him. His glare hardened, moving to start walking in that direction, before he stopped again and turned back to Claire.
"What are you making?"
Claire blinked a couple times, completely lost on the guys thought process.
"The pasta. What are you making?"
"Oh! Uh, I found a recipe for a creamy Caprese pasta."
The guy nodded, taking the multi wheat and whole-grain packages from their hand and putting them back on the shelf.
"Get the whole wheat one. If you're trying to be healthier, never use multigrain, unless it specifically says whole multigrain. There are no standardized regulations or definitions for the label multigrain, so it can be added to any packaging as long as the food inside it contains more than one type of cereal grain. Something can be multigrain and still be processed, bleached, or refined in a way that removes any real nutritional value.
"The whole wheat label means the wheat in that product hasn't been refined so healthy components like endosperm and bran are left intact. Unrefined products also have many more nutrients like B vitamins and trace metals like iron, zinc, and copper. This isn't to be confused with things that say they contain a hundred percent wheat, that only means it's completely made of wheat, not that said wheat is unprocessed. Along the same lines, something labeled whole grain is made of unrefined cereal, like barley, rice, oats, or flax.
"So just make sure to read your packaging and nutritional facts, some companies like to be sneaky with their wording so you assume you're eating something healthy."
As he was saying all this, the guy flipped over the pasta package in Claire's hands, pointing at the things they should be looking at. Claire just blinked a couple of times, trying to take in that knowledge vomit.
"Um, thank you. That's actually really helpful."
"No problem, I hope you enjoy your pasta. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go stop my husband from buying ten bottles of wine when we already have so many at home."
And with that the guy pushed his shopping cart out of the aisle, heading towards the wine. As he was leaving they could hear him, although the whole store could probably hear him as he wasn't being too quiet, talking.
"Peter Michael Stilinksi-Hale! I swear to gods, if you have more than two bottles in your hands, I'm letting Scott pick what's for dinner for a week!"
Claire just shook their head, a faint smile on their face, as they placed the whole wheat pasta in their cart. Maybe eating cheap healthy food wouldn't be too hard.
They saw the guy again when they were checking out, this time accompanied by who they assumed was his husband. Peter, if they remember correctly. They noted a few things. One, that there were, in fact, three bottles of wine in their cart, two, the guy was very aggressively and angrily placing his items onto the conveyer belt, and three, Peter had a very smug look on his face.
Finally, after everything was on the belt, and they were just waiting for the cashier to ring it all up, Peter slinked (yes, slinked) over to the pasta guy. He turned him around so they were facing each other, wrapping one arm around the guy's waist, and using the other to cup the guy's cheek. There was so much love in Peter's eyes, Claire almost felt ashamed for watching and intruding in on that moment.
He didn't say anything, and neither did pasta guy, they just looked at each other. After a moment though, the guy broke and gave Peter a small, private smile. He brought his arms up, wrapping them around Peter's neck, before placing a chaste, but clearly, heartfelt kiss to his lips. Peter smiled too, rubbing circles into the guy's cheek with his thumb.
"I love you, Stiles."
(Stiles! Finally a name, now they can stop calling him pasta guy in their head.)
"I love you too, moja miłość."
Stiles pecked Peter's lips again, before turning to pay for their groceries. Peter stayed wrapped around him though, pressed firmly to Stiles' back with his arms wrapped around his waist. They were clearly truly in love, which made Claire happy. It wasn't too often you saw true connections like that, ones that will last for a lifetime and then some. They could only hope to have something like that someday.
"Scott is still picking dinner for the next week though, dear."
Peter visibly deflated, a scowl falling onto his face. He just sighed though, obviously too stubborn to back down.
"Yes, sweetheart, whatever you say."
Stiles smirked, twisting his arm back to pat Peter on the head, which Peter playfully snipped at Stiles' fingers in return. Claire sighed longingly, handing over their debit card to the cashier as they watched them walk out, hand in hand.
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camelliacats · 7 years
It's Just a Little Fling
Another Jamus drabble because I can't help myself.
Fic: "It's Just a Little Fling" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: James Potter/Remus Lupin, James/Lily Evans–Potter
Rating: light T
Words: ~400
Additional info: romance, slash, Marauder era, 3rd person POV
Summary: James has his reasons for bouncing on his feet. He's got the life…
                "Oh, you're a newlywed, aren't you?"
                "Yup," James replies as he grabs an extra apple to add to his basket, his wedding band glinting on his left hand. The grandmother beams at him as he heads to the checkout line. He smiles to her and then to the girl ringing him up. "Life couldn't be better."
                "So no babies yet?" the grandmother asks, and the cashier chuckles at the matronly attitude.
                "Not yet," James says. "But, hey, there's my wife, the house, the little picket fence, and even a dog."
                "Oh, what breed?"
                "A mutt."
                "That sounds lovely," the cashier comments as James pays. He thanks her and wishes them both a lovely day. At home, Lily gives him a confused look. "The milkman seems to think we have a dog," she tells him, bewildered.
                James scoffs. "What? That's absurd. Must be thinking of another couple." He kisses her and gives her the groceries. "Oh! I forgot to drop something off to Remus. I'll be back in a bit." Lily lets him go, and James takes that extra apple with him, biting into it after he's Apparated to Remus' old apartment, the one everyone else knows Remus sold. Which is true. But he bought it back for these purposes.
                Though James wonders what he'll be to Remus and Remus will be to him years down the road, he can't help but smile as he tosses the apple and Remus catches it, a cute, disgruntled look on his face. "Feeding me again, are you?" But he bites from where James was eating anyway.
                James grins, his arms snaking around the other wizard's waist as he steals the bit of fruit from his mouth with his own. He dances them backwards into the "empty" apartment. "You've got to have some meat on your bones, Moony."
                Remus smirks as James nuzzles his neck, half hidden by his open collar. "Actually, I'm about to have my boner in some meat."
                James laughs as they absentmindedly hang up their cloaks and start to undress one another. "By Godric… You've learned some new tricks, haven't you?"
                "You're about to see, James." Remus pauses. "Wait—'tricks'? You haven't been telling people you have a dog again, have you?" He sighs his sigh that has always grabbed James' heart.
                James kissed him sweetly. "You know I love you, pet."
                Remus snorts, but his blush gives him away. "Yeah, yeah…me, too."
XD Yeah, this was a smattering of puns…but funny ones. ;} GAH! I just can't stop writing Jamus! XD
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Thank Merlin 2011 me went on a Jamus-writing streak. This shit is funny. XDDD Poor Rem, tho, dealing with the likes of either James or Sirius as his love… ;]
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