#power of three amphibia au
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Soo Marcy aus! I don't know who made the expression sheets, but lets get into the aus! (See info below the cut on the aus!) ((also, if you have an au in this and don't want it, tell me and I can scribble/remove it out if you want!!))
A1, F1 and F7 (Orginal, Calamity (She go Blep!) and Adult) are all from the original show.
B1 (marky) is from the Fandom, while E7 (Darcy) is heavily inspired from the fandom.
C1, A7, and F2 aus, (Left behind, God and Cursed respectively) were designed by my friend. Left behind is well, being left in Amphibia. God is being a god and Cursed is based off my other expression sheet draw here.
E2 (fantasy au) was created by the lovely @tinydragontoons! Thank you for letting me draw her and lovely Mars! Def. go check them out. They got lots of art!!
E1 (True calamity) was inspired by a youtube video: THIS By the lovely Rezmei Seno!!
A2 (medieval) was not directly from someone but was heavily inspired by many people. There are so many medieval aus I couldn't just choose one!
B2 (PJO aka Percy Jackson Au) is VERY inspired (and also from) the amazing @raqueliie 's au!! I highly recommend checking it out if you have not. Their art is also AMAZING!
C2 and B4 (Good ending and Bad ending) are both from my mini-series "what if"? comics I like to doodle in my sketchbook. Also D4 (beyond Amphibia) is another, (newer) part to my "What If-?" mini series. Its where the trio stay in amphibian and go to the new continent previously undiscovered.
D2 (amphibia as a child) is also very widely popular and I love it.
A3 and B7 (Swap!Sasha and Swap!Anne) are designed by me, but there are bunches out there and its really fun to see what could have happened!
B3 (only Human au) was orginally inspired by one of @themissakat aus. I don't originally recall which one started this particular au, but I do know that if you want to find more aus, go to their page and you will have aus for YEARS! Its beautiful.
C3 is obviously my au. (Lost au) If you want to know more, you can go here. Summary is, its a corruption au but worse. And in context for this, Marcy isn't fully corrupted yet.
D3 (superhero au) and C4 (fairytale au) are also aus of one of my friends. The super hero, they got powers. In fairy tale, I really have no clue where its going, but all I know is that it's pretty gay.
E3 (owl house swap), B5 (Hogwarts) and A6 (UA - MHA/My Hero Academia au) are all fandom swaps and I just adore fandom swaps.
F3 (Ghost au) is also very fandom what if. Probably one of my favorite au ideas, and its certainly fun to mess with. There are lots of people who have added to this au.
A4 (Zombie au) and A5 (Soulmates au, and yes that is Sashannarcy my beloved) are very popular au ideas so I just had to add them. Any people to point to? No, but once again, The Missa Kat does have a zombie au!
E4 (Gender swap) is special. The reason why the gender swap is facing away (not just bc that was in the expression sheet) was kinda just, because they look the same XD. I have no known knowledge of any current aus of that, but maybe there is some that I'm just previously unaware of!
F4 (Power of Three au!!) is one of my LONG TIME FAVORITE aus. I have been a huge fan of this one. Its one of @honneibun 's aus and its so AMAZING! I highly recommend just looking at it. Its beautiful and It will always live rent free in my brain.
C5 (streamer/YT au) is from a fic I read a long time ago which never finished. If anyone can tell me who and where it is, I will be glad and my life will finally be complete. D5 (Author au, NOT COMIC BOOK AUTHOR) is heavily inspired by the time skip and the above (C5) streamer/YT au. As far as I am aware, there are no current aus with this.
E5 (Oversimplified), well. I think you guys can probably guess. On YT there is a Simplified or Oversimplified series (idk maybe its called "So this is basically _____ "or something and I thought, Amphibia should be included!) and so.. yeah!
B6 (opposite au), I.. really do not like that one and will probably or def change it. Idk what was going through my head as I drew/edited it.
C6 (Never went to Amphibia au) is another popular one that I just HAD to include.
D6 is apart of my SCP aus that I also have. If you don't know what SCP is, then.. there's a website. Basically it stands for Sucure, Contain and Protect and it holds all the supernatural and dangerous creatures. (Its not real guys!)
E6 (newt au) is basically swapped Amphibia au. Very popular and I sometimes wished that there were more of them.
F6 (roommates au) however was HEAILY inspired and particially from I think @kyoryu 's au on twitter? I think its the same one. If its wrong than I can change it, but I'm pretty sure I'm right?
C7 (Animal au) I've seen everywhere and soo... I added it. No known (main) aus on it.
Finally, D7 (Alien au) Another one of my various multifandom aus that sit in my BIG BOOK OF AUS in the corner of my work area. Its always fun like that!!
If any of these are wrong or you think that I didn't give any credit to _____, just let me know and I shall change it.
also wow, you read it too here! Impressive!
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
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Three stars burning bright
Come from beyond to expel the night
Should they fight or embrace the fall
Their choice shall determine the fate of all
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tinydragontoonz · 3 months
Ooo I really like your Anne design with the horn-branches! You mentioned the design was for an au, what’s it about?
Thank you!
My AU is a sort of… fantasy AU I suppose? It’s hard to give it a concrete a name since amphibia is already pretty fantastical haha. But it takes more inspiration from some of the beta designs and incorporates the magic of the stones (and magic in general) into daily life. For example, the Plantars specialize in Druid magic to help their crops grow.
This is why Anne’s hair has blue in it: the magic from the Heart gem shows itself much more though her. Also there’s an early design where Anne’s hair was full-on blue like Hilda lol. Each of the trio has magic that they can use. Anne starts to practice hers when she arrives with the Plantars and finds her magic mostly has to do with plant life. Sasha can enter a barbarian-like rage when she gets emotional and this leads to conflict later. Marcy ends up finding a magic staff of sorts with a moth on the end in the woods that she can use to cast magic. It can also speak to her for Lore Reasons :)
I don’t really have a concrete story in place, mostly just bits and pieces. It follows most of the main general arcs the original series has with some key differences. Andrias is known to be a tyrant from the start but he’s also a total recluse. No one has seen him in years so it’s been relatively peaceful (save for the toads and their barbaric ways. They essentially do Andrias’ job for him.) The Core is an artificial god created when the stones were first gifted to the people of Amphibia. The deity had to step in when it got too powerful and, when it was unable to destroy it, cursed the Core to sleep forever. But now that the stones’ power is in the three human girls, the Core begins to stir, especially when Marcy finds that staff in the woods.
Here’s some refs for what I’ve drawn the trio as (Marcy and Sasha refs are old art lol):
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But yeah! Thank you for the ask so much, I absolutely adore talking about this AU, as it’s the one I’ve developed the most. Feel free to ask more about it!!
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tornrose24 · 2 months
(If TGAMM had Amphibia’s plot): Seeing posts about this, I’m quite intrigued. I do have two questions, though:
1. When Molly, Libby and Andrea first become ghosts, do any of them immediately assume they’re dead, and if so, for how long?
2. If Jinx and the Chairman are still the Big Bads here, how do their roles play out in this AU?
So to answer the first question, I need to clarify once again–because of how this AU’s Calamity Box works, anyone who gets sent to the ghost world is turned into a ghost, but they are still alive. However, in order to be part of a Calmity Trio and obtain the powers, you DO need three people.
Anyway, the girls all assume that they are dead at first, but that length of time varies with each girl-
-Andrea assumed she was dead the longest. She got to a point where she just accepted that was what happened and tried to make the best of her new ‘afterlife.’ Though she does secretly miss her parents even if she doesn’t show it that much. She doesn’t realize that she’s actually still alive until she reunites with one of the other girls (haven’t figured out if it’s just Molly or both Molly and Libby, because Molly and Libby reunite, only to get separated once more before we get to the capital/‘season 2’ stuff.)
-Libby was the second longest since she was on her own for a long time, and she was upset about leaving her mom alone. When she explained things to The Traveler/Adia upon meeting her, Adia–who had been doing her research about the box–was quick to assure Libby that she’s still alive. However, if the box sent her and two others, then that might complicate things…
-Molly was the quickest to discover her actual fate because a part of her was optimistic that she couldn’t have died that easily. What proved it? Well, during the first few days she met Scratch, she tried to get him out of a tricky situation and momentarily tapped into her powers as the Heart part of the trio–which also was able to briefly turn her back into a human for a super brief time. (This is a nod to that ‘it wasn’t an error regarding the eyes’ in the first Amphibia episode). This cues her in on the fact that she and the others are actually still alive.
(I also want to add something in case this raises curiosity since I mentioned Adia and Scratch has experience with the box. She found it during her travels and despite several warnings, she took it to Brighton to show Scratch and then things went horribly wrong. Since there wasn’t a third person, they didn’t get the powers. Adia doesn’t assume that she’s dead, based on her research, and her determination to ‘right the wrongs’ is what’s motivating her to find the box. Meanwhile Scratch assumed the worst and was resigned to his fate until he found out that Molly was still alive, which had to mean that he was still alive as well, though it would take awhile before he knows for sure that he DOES want his life back. I imagine Adia would have been aligned with Wit and Scratch would have been aligned with Heart if he wasn’t such a ball of anxiety and depression at the time.)
2. Oh this took a while to figure out, but I do see Jinx and The Chairman as the Andrias and Core equivalents.
See, the previous Calamity Trio were the ones who defeated The Chairman and imprisoned him in such a way that you need the powers of the Trio to free him–in fact, you might need all three. As a final precaution, the box was sent somewhere to the Living World and the barriers between worlds was sealed to keep any ghosts from trying to find it. Over time, the box became a legend and while the ghosts were happy to be free from The Chairman, they were a bit bummed out that they could never revisit the Living World.
Jinx–a loyal follower of The Chairman as per usual–was none too happy for a long time. However, when she found out through Andrea about the Calamity Box and Molly and Libby, she realized it was likely the box returned to the Ghost World. The council were none too pleased about this and wanted the box destroyed (and sent others after it). Jinx secretly played Andrea like a fiddle–tell her to let her friends find the box and bring it to the captial so that all three of them could go home. And because everyone else had their reasons to find the box, they didn’t realize something was wrong until it was too late, when Jinx had the box in her posession.
Though she made the dumbass mistake of harming a lot of people Molly cared about–especially Scratch. And this activated Molly’s powers long enough to face off against Jinx who quickly realized just how much of a threat Molly–and the other girls–could be.
While Jinx was able to keep the box, she wasn’t too keen on letting the girls or Adia and Scratch leave and tried to prevent them from escaping. While she was able to capture Andrea, Scratch and Molly were able to escape back to the Living World–Libby and Adia would have gone with them, had they not been stopped/pulled away in the last few moments. And as a final attempt at a ‘screw you’ Jinx tries to attack Scratch again in some fashion, and this is what ends up causing him to have the problem of having his soul too easily detachable from his human body upon returning to the living world.
Jinx does succeed in freeing the Chairman, but he has to possess Andrea since he is currently too weak to regain his form and full power. Though his return is also what starts to weaken the barriers between the Living and Ghost Worlds.
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sylsoddsandends · 9 months
amphibia wc au?? 👀 👀
Yeah yeah! Lemme grab the info...
Here we go, under the cut!
We begin with three curious kittypets; Lotus, Gladys, and Printer Mishap; who wander into the woods together but get separated fleeing a fox.
Lotus winds up in marshy Frogclan, where two young cats, Sprigpaw and Screechkit, take to her. Their grandfather, elder Hopfoot, promises the leader Mushroomstar that he will keep an eye on her, and she joins the clan as Lotuspaw.
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Some sketches of Lotuspaw, Sprigpaw, and Screechkit (who was originally a tabby but got turned into a tortie).
Lotuspaw is Large, strong, and unusually fluffy (causing detritus to constantly become stuck in her fur). She's also the only one who keeps her collar the whole time.
Gladys winds up in the rocky, hilly territory of Toadclan, where leader Houndstar rules with an iron paw. She sweet-talks her way into avoiding getting kicked out, and is renamed Heronpaw. She takes to the warrior lifestyle very quickly, and after she manages to kill a fox and send its mate running, she gets her warrior name: Heronfang.
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Heronfang and Houndstar feature here. Heronfang is the smallest of the three ex-kittypets, because I think it's funny. However, she puts her stature to good use: she's very nimble and can quickly find her way to your weak spots.
Houndstar attempts to take Frogclan territory, and Lotuspaw and Heronfang clash. Lotuspaw manages to get a deep scratch on Heronfang's cheek, and creative strategies from the Frogclan warriors win them the fight. Lotuspaw earned her warrior name- Lotusheart- for her bravery in the battle.
Printer Mishap fell down a cliff of rocks directly to the beach where Newtclan makes its home. The leader Vaststar took a vested interest in her knowledge of Twoleg objects, and personally took her on as his apprentice, renaming her Cocoonpaw, and soon after Cocoonsight.
Eventually she met up with Lotusheart and family, who had convinced Mushroomstar to let them search for her, and together they went in pursuit of Heronfang (who fled with Houndstar, now Houndstomp, after the shameful loss to Frogclan).
Unfortunately the reunion of the friends was short-lived, for Vaststar revealed his allegiance to the Dark Forest- the time was right for the malevolent spirits to come down and give him such power he drove his whole paw through Cocoonsight.
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Cocoonsight is a tuxedo cat, a little bigger than Heronfang. She has short, well-groomed fur- when she hasn’t just walked straight into some mess.
Starclan sent down its power to allow Lotusheart to fight Vaststar, allowing the others to flee. Unfortunately she could only fight for so long, and used the last vestiges of the power running to catch up with her new family and lead them to her old home.
Lotusheart, Sprigpaw, Screechkit, and Hopfoot took shelter in Lotusheart's old home, resting and recovering from the ordeal. Hopfoot did Sprigpaw's warrior ceremony and Screechkit's apprentice ceremony, and the two became Sprigleap and Screechpaw.
Heronfang stepped up as the remnants of the clans banded together, becoming Heronstar.
Lotusheart and co returned to discover something terrible; at the moment Cocoonsight was struck, the Dark Forest collectively possessed her, preventing her body from dying and trapping her spirit so it couldn't get to Starclan.
After this I don't really have much plot figured out; I'm trying to stick close to the canon plotline though, feel free to suggest your ideas!
Hope you enjoyed :)
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kurozu501 · 11 months
i understand why everything happened the way it did, and i really enjoyed the story we got but i cant lie that seeing sasha and marcy with the powers for the final episode really made me want an AU where the three of them ended up in amphibia together as a group instead of separated and it turned into a shonen anime where they slowly master their powers and fight the empire together.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
WTDW AU Master Post
Nothing Bad Happens AU: The basic shit doesn’t happen and things are nice and wholesome. For the most part. I mean no one is dead, but shit still happens.
Nicholson Twins AU: An AU where Wiatt and Sara are twin siblings. Things are still the same as in canon, but a few twist and turns to keep the story good and going.
Dreamers of Myths and Legends (Pokémon AU): Wiatt and the Founder Trio are the newest researchers for Eric’s Research Facility and to kick it off the four decide to research on myths and legendary Pokemon.
Soul Gem AU/Magia: Take the concept of the Calamity Box from Amphibia, Magical boy/girl series, and WTDW. You get Soul Gem AU! Basically, Wiatt finds a magical box in his grandfather's mansion and after being forced by Sara to open it, the Founder Trio and Wiatt are given magical powers.
Can A Human Date a Merman?: When Lewis Bright was 8-years old he became friends with a mermaid, or merman named Wiatt.
Litho Knows Best: The Founder Trio get kidnapped by Litho, who then erases their memories and makes the three believe they are Litho's children.
Show Me Your Brave Heart (Digimon AU): A small town in Ohio called Happy Hollow has been a hotspot for mysterious creatures for over a year now. This catches the attention of 14-year old Sara Covetman and her drags her two best friends Oliver and Lewis into her investigations. Soon a new kid in town named Wiatt Nicholson shows up, catching the three's attention and it's revealed he has one of those monsters named Dorumon. The new kid reveals the reason why he moved here, and that is to unravel the mystery to why Digimon are appearing in this town.
More Au's coming soon...
You can also read the fanfics over on AO3! Link Here!
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Fragmented AU -- A Major Change
It's funny how after a loooooooooooooong while, I'd start to break down what I've been thinking of back to its base level.
A part of me wanted to go back to the whole 'Second Summer' AU, but I really love the whole 'Stans adopt Twins'!
I was so torn for a while until, I thought:
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Now for the main question: What is changing and what is not changing for the Fragmented AU?
What's Changing
Stan did not save Ford three years early, it more or less follows the original canon. However, there are still differences that I want to incorporate. Differences that I will reveal at some point, just not now. Dipper's stay at the psych ward is significantly shorter (like two weeks instead of two years; doesn't make his experiences less terrifying) The ages of the kids are slightly different (Dipper and Mabel are the same age as Steven, being 13 soon 14)
What's Not Changing
This dimension is still referred to as 46-Delta for obvy reasons Dipper and Mabel's parents still die (but not in a fire) and are adopted by Stan The Steven Universe, Owl House, and Amphibia characters are still going to be present. My ideas for the towns of Roadkill County are still present as well as the tech (again, thanks to McGucket, the appearance of Gems, plus another company) and new mysteries. Ford still has longer hair because I say so. Fight me (Please don't) The kids will still eventually form the Roadkill Mystery Club Powers are still a thing Most creatures will have a more 'realistic' look to them
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discet · 2 years
Amphibia - Scorched Earth AU Questions
Got a couple of these so gonna knock them out in one post
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In Amphibia, scattered about as the lowest rung on the species ladder. 
The premise of the AU is as follows
1. Leif does not manage to touch the box and doesn’t get the vision that sets the events of Amphibia in motion 1000 years ago. 
2. Because of this the invasion of Earth goes off as normal, however Andrias is horrified by the destruction and slaughter done to humanity. With his moral compass and support of Barrel and Leif still by his side, he is confident enough to suggest an alternative to his father/the core. The Earth would be mined out as planned, BUT they would treat the humans as another resource to bring back. 
3. Humanity is brought back as a new servile class (reforms by Andrias move Frogs up to a more mercantile/skilled labor class of living, on par with the toad warrior class) and have been the labor backbone of the empire ever since. 
4,The trio are born into the town of Old Saint which is roughly in the same place as Wartwood is in canon. Sprig and Polly(who as descendents of Leif, are nobles in this AU) end up crashing down into on Sprig’s 13th birthday after testing out one of her inventions. 
‘Scorched Earth‘ is not referring to the military strategy, the Earth itself has been scorched. It is an uninhabitable rock a dimension away. Humanity has survived but Earth did not.
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House Plantar is the highest ranking frog noble family in the empire. Descended from Arch Duchess Leif Plantar. In short, the Plantars are a family of means, lords of swaths of southern agricultural land. They generally are known for being affable and their close connection to the royal family, 
As for our three favorite frogs specifically, 
Arch Duke Hopediah - Patron of the arts, especially the theater, Hopediash is the current head of House Plantar. Had originally passed on the title to his eldest, but after his untimely death, he took up the title once more until his grandchild Sprig can come of age. Tries to be a good lord but is a little disconnected from common life.
Sprig - Age 13 Heir apparent and good natured, if a tad spoiled. Gets into mischief with his sister around the palace and nightmare to Olivia. Has trouble sitting still for his lesson and generally has dreams of going out on adventures and leaving his responsibilities behind.
Polly - Age 8 A child of many talents, has a zeal for robotics and inventing. Close friends with her brother as their station has distanced them from kids their age. While on the surface the two seem to always bicker and fight, they are as thick as thieves. 
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The music box is sitting in the capital powering the empire. It was never taken to Earth. How I think it happens is that after season 1 the girls convince the Boonchuy’s to allow them to do a road trip back to Newtopia  (they would be 15/16 at this point in this AU) to bring Sprig and Polly back home. When they leave they are convinced Sprig and Polly are commoner kids from the capital, so its a big surprise when they arrive only to be accused of kidnapping  and then welcomed into the palace.
So I think the big turn is when Sprig sneaks the girls in to see the magic box as a kind of ‘look at this cool thing.’ and the girls touch it and just absorb the power straight out of the gems and shut down the entire civilization. Like imagine if here in modern Earth if all electricity suddenly just shut off? Cause that’s what  the second half of season 2 and season 3 would explore. 
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glacecakes · 1 year
Today, of all days, see how the most dangerous thing is to love...
Anne sees her everywhere. In her reflections, out of the corner of her eye. Her white glow, the flaking of her skin like the rustling of leaves. Because she is proof that Anne is just a copy, and her destiny is to die of old age and (probably) become a goddess. All while yearning for a land that Anne knows she no longer has the power to see.
But she's fine! Totally! She's so fine! She doesn't need to talk to anyone or worry them, not when she is the only one who is struggling. She can't hold them down.
But perhaps she can find happiness elsewhere.
Pretend it’s still may 14th shhhhhh
Happy anniversary to the episode that made me so mad I cried for 2 hours straight
This work was inspired by the common AU that Anne is haunted by her white calamity form post-canon. In particular I was inspired by the art of Spix_rave, syrasenturi, kyoryuv, and chaska_draws (go check them out on twitter they're fantastic artists). There's a lot of mental illness depiction going on here, so if the tags or writing upsets you please turn away! A huge chunk of this though is my own projection bc I have been Going Through It and this was very therapeutic to write. Lmao.
Please like/reblog/kudos/comment! It helps a lot!
Excerpt under read more:
“I know you’re here.”
Anne stands in front of the mirror in her bathroom. Her fingers grip the sink so tight her knuckles turn white. If she had any more strength it might even crack. Her gaze stares right through her reflection. It’s a familiar sight; curly hair tied back in a ponytail, green work shirt, those damn brown eyes. Brown, brown, brown, her mother always said she had the prettiest eyes, brown like Jupiter, like the sand on the beach, brown like soil beneath her feet. Not blue, blue like the sky, blue like the raging sea, blue like her gemstone. They haven’t been blue in a long time. Or maybe they never were.
“Are you gonna show yourself?” She asks into the quiet. If someone were to walk in, they wouldn’t see anyone. But she’s not alone, she knows it, just as much as she knows her eyes are brown and not blue, damn you for not being blue.
She shuts her eyes. Counts to ten. When they open, she is in the mirror.
“What do you want from me?” Anne asks, for the hundredth, thousandth, millionth time. Or maybe it’s the first time she’s asked. She says nothing, like always. Her hair swoops upward like a lotus flower, eyes like diamonds. Three colors alight her old ratted uniform. Her skin cracks and flakes. Pieces of it evaporate every time she breathes.
Silence rings in the bathroom.
“Why are you here?” Anne asks. “Are you just here to torture me? To remind me of what I used to be?” Used to be, or never was? Is she just an imitation, a flawed copy made in a factory with the wrong serial number? Every piece of her is the same, every digit copied over, and yet the location of the data is different. She is a glitch of code, a rewrite of a file long since erased from the hard drive.
She reaches a hand out. She places it on the mirror.
Anne rears back. Is she trying to crawl through, to claw and tear through reality and death, undo the blessing (curse) that was given to Anne? Is it a mercy? Is it something to fear?
Her eyes line with an indescribable emotion.
“I can’t help you.” Anne rasps. “I’m not you. I’m sorry I’m not you. I want to be you, but I’m not.” she grips her chest. Her shirt wrinkles underneath a shaking fist. “Maybe if I was you, I’d figure out a way to get back. Maybe I’d be happy, I’d still talk to Sasha and Marcy. Maybe I’d see my family again.” Her chest is caving in, it is a black hole, and she is spaghettifying into it, she is a supernova, she is exploding and destroying everything in her path.
She is everything.
She is nothing.
She is immortal.
She never lived.
She punches the mirror.
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barcingmatter · 2 years
Here's an au where the calamity stones basically turn the trio into magical girls (using magical girls gender neutrally)
(Click on the image for better quality!)
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Here we have the first reference sheet of the amphibia magical girl au! From left to right we have:
-Magical girl anne, Pre-amphibia
-Normal Anne, Pre-amphibia
-Normal Anne, during amphibia
-Magical girl Anne, post-heart temple
Her magical girl design changes pre-amphibia to post-heart temple because she learns to be more responsible and self-confident in amphibia. Sure, after becoming distant with Sasha she does have some confidence, but it comes from other people. Her confidence in amphibia is all her own.
She gains powers outside of her transformation, as well. She has powers of empathy that let her understand and slightly influence the emotions of people and creatures around her. She can give motivation to those around her or draw on their emotions for some energy. She also has minor healing abilities based on her own magic.
The trio doesn't get transported to amphibia on Anne's birthday, and remain on earth for a few more years. In that length of time, Anne buys the music box, and finds three pieces of jewelry. She gives them to Marcy and Sasha before Marcy moves away.
Anne finds out how to use the magic from the necklace she found in the music box to transform. By day, she goes to school, trying to figure out her path in life. By night, she's a magical girl that tries to help people however she can.
3 years after Marcy moved away, the trio reunite in the summer, and the three calamity stones send them to amphibia, where a whole new adventure awaits them.
I'm writing a fanfic to go with this, which I'll announce on my story when I post it on ao3. I've also got Marcy and Sasha's reference sheets ready to go up as well.
I need a name for this au that isn't "magical girl au" so any names or suggestions are much appreciated!
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wixelt · 2 years
...that thing about players adapting and Anne as the Grimm Reaper got me thinking
Players aren't just effected by their environment. Think about Doc. His drocs were incorporated from fan design, his horns were incorporated from fan design.
A simmilar thing can be said about Rendog's ears. How often do creators add lore pieces to their skins?
Players are very close to deific, even if they have no divine power. They're affected by belief and what is believed about them. Appearance, power, tendencies
The Calamity trio are all probably going to become players. By the time they leave Amphibia, they're probably already at some between stage due to their tutaliges in player magics. They are that much closer to immortal.
So as time goes on, the three main species of amphibians begin to form hero cults to their respective saviors,
The girls had all gained tendencies of their foster races from their stay so nothing is really notices at first, but maybe the girls start getting unnatural highlights in their hair. Maybe Anne can never keep things from getting stuck in hers. Maybe Sasha starts having hers glow and heat up and blow strangely even without wind. Maybe Marcy's gives way to white almost-fur.
Maybe their eyes start glowing an odd color again. Maybe some powers they never expected to get back begin returning.
After all, of the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes it's way back to you.
But maybe that's not all. Maybe the frogs talk about how good of a Gaurdian Anne will make. About how they know what she'll choose, she simply can't help it with how big her heart is. Maybe they start praying to her because maybe she's already up there, looking down on them and listening.
And maybe that belief becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.
Reaper Anne's her own AU by @wolfinshipclothing that I highly recommend for Amphibia fans. They're really good & absolutely worth a read, but i'm not going to appropriate their ideas.
As for everything else in this ask, though...
Players - as you say - are born partly of not just their environment but also perception. Like some divine beings - though only some players are divine, they definitely border on higher states of being - players self-actualize, their looks - beyond the skin deep aspect of changing clothing - & abilities shifting based on others' views of them & how they in turn view those perceptions.
Doc's the iconic example (though Ren & Stress are also apparent), his form having been augmented repeatedly over time as he chose to embrace perceptions others had of his achievements. That said, something like his robotic prosthetics do not fall into this category, being compensation for getting nerfed after a certain battle he came out on top in.
As may be clear, these changes are only usually by will of the player themselves, & the influence of outside factors can render unexpected alterations, as they would to any non-player.
Regardless, the effect of belief on a player is a cycle. Ideas gain traction - usually factual but sometimes imagined - & if the player chooses to embrace them or is forced to take them on, that change is actualised & feeds back into the belief.
And as their initial adventure in Amphibia draws to an end, this is something Anne, Sasha & Marcy start to learn first hand.
Though the mechanics aren't entirely understood - & the exact final circumstances that led to it for each girl are for now not something we'll touch on - the trio are on the border between non-player & player.
Players beget players, to a certain extent, & each teen's had several Hermits tutor them in one aspect of player skill or another (False's combat for Anne, Scar's magics for Sasha & Mumbo's redstone for Marcy, to name only a few). Past a certain point, those skills become inherent. Ingrained. Something they draw on as easily as breathing.
And around them forms everything else a fledgling player inherits.
The day Anne - months after the invasion - accidentally drops one of her tennis rackets into a weird pocket space & realizes she's "grown" a player inventory is deeply startling for her.
She'll focus on that for now, though - as will Sasha & Marcy.
She isn't quite ready to comtemplate the ramifications of possibly being immortal.
Besides, there's much more to think about in the meantime.
The "hero cults" aren't straight up divine worship. The people of Amphibia recognize these three girls - though their saviors - are not gods. They're mortal - even by the Hermit definition - & flawed. So these "cults" are more a societal idea formed from the gratitude of the folk they saved. A pervasive perception of Anne, Sasha & Marcy that remains in public consciousness. Not idealized, but still given a place of respect & admiration.
And though this doesn't halt physical aging until the girls are much older - actualization is a choice even if its subconscious at times & I imagine the girls would want to grow up - the girls do see the reverence they earned as heroes begin to impact their existence as they take on the mantle of "player" & their forms become malleable.
Things such as the quirks of a given amphibian race are brushed off, at first. These are expected when you spend enough time immersed in a culture & there's a good chance the girls would've picked these up anyway. Regardless, they never really go away.
But Anne does start to notice things, after the initial startling & getting corroborating incidents from Sasha & Marcy. The way she always has leaves in her hair, as when she tries to remove them they come back in similar spots no matter where she is (she barely notices them anyway, as if they're not even there). The way her eyes seem to develop a permanent fleck of blue that grows or shrinks based on her mood, matched by a very subtle highlight in her hair.
And if it wasn't for her opting for sturdier footwear now, she instinctively knows she'd be losing a shoe every other day.
Sasha likewise develops marks of pink in her eyes & hair, & Marcy green. Sasha's hair pulses & dances at times - usually when she's upset or angry - as if driven by an inner fire. Marcy's may or may not develop that highlight of white-ish fur alongside the green (I like the idea, but you'll have to explain the reasoning).
And then, of course, their calamity powers.
The circumstances of the Guardian's "test" are up in the air for now, but coming away from the invasion, Anne notices the power the trio gained in those final moments has - while waning - not entirely faded.
With their new immortality & other factors at play, the Guardian wasn't able to get the successor they wanted, but regardless of whether it was direct intervention (remember what I said about outside forces) or something they simply allowed to happen, these abilities are here to stay, now an ingrained part of their self-image as players.
Because of the things they lost or chose to let go of, they can think of worse things that could've come back around.
Anne decides they need to consult the Hermits over this, & Gem especially in regard to their powers. She's probably the closest match to what they now have, after all.
And as I implied, the circumstances of the finale may not lend themselves well to the Guardian having the ability to easily pick a successor. That said, given the way the offer was presented & shared, is it any wonder at least some of the traits espoused find a genuine place in Anne's outlook going forward, actualization or not?
Because Guardian or not, Amphibia's always going to have someone looking out for them. :)
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jaekaicx · 1 year
design hcs i (try to) follow when drawing the calamity trio:
round face
Face scars (in chronological order: eyebrow scar, scar across the bridge of their nose, and chin scar from all in)
tanner than in the show bc i said so
thick eyebrows
messy, wavy hair
flat nose
i try to make them a lil chubby but im bad at it
they can get a lil bit of muscle. just a little. as a treat
arrow graze & claw scars mostly around his shoulders & upper arms, plus miscellaneous battle scars. plenty of assorted scars from being possessed (port scars from getting plugged into the chair)
ALWAYS gets some form of gloves
hoodies hoodies hoodies
they dont cut their hair throughout amphibia so by the end of s3 its gotten pretty long. he keeps it long for a few months or so post-show, but eventually he cuts it short again
his ranger outfit always had shorts, what do you mean? /j
face scars: forehead/eyebrow scar (top left, inspired by laf au anne), right chin scar, and left cheek scar
cracks appear at the ends of the last two scars post finale. they also show up at the ends of her fingers and feet, plus a few around her chest, neck, and chin
no major scars pre-canon, only various faded scratch marks from over the years thanks to domino
also slightly darker than in the show. sometimes. i think.
brown eyes w little specs of blue from her powers post canon
she did bouldering and tennis and muay thai and lived on a farm of course she has muscle
still on the lanky side
small cuts and scars across her arms & legs from amphibia wilderness (yk like grazing stray branches and thorns and stuff in the forest)
MUST give her the little hair squiggly
sharp chin. long-ish head
straight hair. also less banana colored. got it cut short, and light brown roots start showing around mid/post s3
give him short hair as much as possible, or whatever looks cool. anything to avoid his stupid canon ponytail
large nose, broke it sometime early s1 n its crooked now
narrower eyes
buff. why is this teenager so buff
heterochromia !! gray/blue and brown, with the specific sides depending on how i feel atm (lighter than anne & marcy’s shade of brown)
post-canon piercings: helix on left ear, lobe on right ear, and one on her right eyebrow
face scars: left eye slashed/burned from above the eyebrow to right above his lip (plus the iconic canon scar)
gets a glass eye after the fucked up eye heals a bit. goes from bandages to an eye patch and then the glass eye, but she still wears the eye patch sometimes just cause
lots of various battle scars, mainly littered around his limbs
slightly sunburnt by s3, very tanned
muscle shirts/tank tops, and/or cool jackets
some extra gen notes:
they all lost a bit of weight while in amphibia bc of the new bug diet
marcy especially after getting possessed by the core bc they never feed him or rest or anything. only the bare minimum to keep them alive
all three got a bit tanner after spending so much time in the sun in amphibia
pre-canon height hierarchy: sasha > anne > marcy
height hierarchy during the show: anne (she had a growth spurt) > sasha > marcy
post-canon height hierarchy: depends. anne is usually the tallest though
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 years
Do you ever just wake up one morning and go,
“Hmmm, what if I made an AU with Thomas and Friends and Amphibia?? Like, Thomas James and Percy are all from England, and a magic train whistle with "gold dust" sends them to a magical land?? Thomas is in a steamy town where he is being cared for by Edward and his adopted sons Bill and Ben?? James is sent to the Steelworks with a bunch of rebellious engines run by Hurricane itching to overthrow the rulers?? Percy is sent to the diesel kingdom and becomes buddies with Diesel 10?? AND PINCHY IS THE CORE???????”
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C'mon, this stuff writes itself. You got the Main Series. You got Day of the Diesels. You got Journey Beyond Sodor. It's amazing how well this works.
I think someone may have done this before me, but I'm not sure. If they did, sorry. Maybe we could chat about it and come up with something cohesive together :)
I know that the steamies are lizard-like creatures, the diesels are crocodilian, and the steelworks engines are one or the other with more armor like turtles.
However, I do not have everything figured out. If anyone has any ideas on other roles that can be filled, let me know. I have some ideas, but nothing solid.
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Thomas "Hatt" is probably the most loyal to the original designs. He was not in the industrial apocalypse till the end like in the series. The only thing that's really changed is the design on the shirt and the more steam driven powers over Anne's life ones.
James has much more armor than Sasha, but that's b/c my dude works with giant machine monsters and lots of fire. It's heat resistant, so it's better than just bare skin. He got a burn mark on his cheek during his first scrap with Thomas and hasn't really had time to shave. Also glowy swords :)
Percy is possessed by Pinchy lol. So far, he has been dubbed Pinchy Percy until my sibling and I can come up with something better. He originally did not have eyes, but crashed into one too many walls, so got nine eyes implanted (cuz, like, Diesel '10'). He is also armored cuz giant machine monsters, and he has claw hands since his original arms were super broken due to being crushed instead of stabbed.
I know what I want with these three. Might change the designs, but so far, I'm chill with them.
Have a good one dudes :)
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mdhwrites · 2 years
Martial Master Marcy, Princess Sasha and the guardian of Wartwood, The ArcAnne Archer.
I will ask here as I did on Twitter, HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS DESIGN FOR ANNE BEFORE!?
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And then the ideas began to form. A really big, possibly long idea that I don’t entirely have the time for so why not make it something people can ask me about and I can enjoy rambling about for a day instead of the incredibly long story it could be (and still might be. I am weak after all.) So, AU TIME! What’s the difference? Well, it’s that Anne and co travel to Amphibia roughly five years earlier than they did in canon while Amphibia is actually still the same state when they first arrived there. This means that while our favorite girls are about the same age come time for things to happen, the frogs themselves are about five years older. There is a point to this. And a lot of it has to do with Anne! While still taken in by the Plantars, Anne being obviously more vulnerable and smaller because she’s still a child makes the worrywart not take her to Newtopia during the first chance they get. He thinks it’s too dangerous and that THEY’LL ALL DIE HORRIBLE DEATHS! Or, you know, at least catch a cold. Even as Anne grows up and stronger, Hop Pop can’t help but see his little ball of destruction and so demands that Anne prove herself before going to Newtopia. Fortunately, Anne already expected that. Amphibia doesn’t have the right sorts of bands to make a slingshot Anne sized so when she asks Sprig at about 10 years old for help learning to defend herself, he can’t help as much as he’d like. Not that he can’t teach her the ideas of archery of course but she’s going to need a different weapon. And probably more than a bow because otherwise Polly’s skills with a mace would convince Hop Pop they could be safe. Luckily, Sprig has two girlfriends who might just be able to help! And so Anne gets much closer to Ivy and Maddie than in the regular show as one teaches her Wartwood’s concept of stealth and the other teaches her limited amounts of magic, especially since she’s still learning herself. Thus we get the ArcAnne Archer by 12 years old who actually manages to scare a group of toads off so badly that Hop Pop starts budging but that was only like three toads. The road could have like, you know, A DOZEN! But it is nice after that that the toads keep a wide berth. Why though? In this continuity, by then, rumors are already coming out about the Toad’s ‘ambassador’. A diplomat who keeps getting towns to roll over without even a single swing of the sword. A true princess, or someone who claims to be one. Sasha, of course, is that princess, though it’s not a title given to herself by herself. It instead came from the fact that her being younger made Grime’s soldiers get real upset about locking up a child like he did and so he eventually relented and let her start running about Toad Tower as she wanted with it being the other Toad’s responsibility for keeping her safe and out of trouble. They were only ever successful at half of this, especially as they kept falling over themselves for their nicknamed ‘Princess’, one given to her to make her feel special and welcome. However, Sasha’s manipulative nature eventually began to use this against the toads and Grime saw this and knew it could be a problem. If unchecked, one for him. If worked with on the other hand, it could be a problem for the rest of Amphibia. So he takes her under his wing as Lord Grime! and in return, he offers her something most tantalizing: The ability to fight. “Words and what not are nice after all but you’ll eventually find that blades must be drawn when one doesn’t wish to listen to reason. If you want to still be able to make them obey you, princess, then you’ll need a dagger at their throat before they put a sword to yours.” Still, this training only started about a year ago so she’s weirdly the least combat ready of the three. Which is a problem when the growing power of the toads has them send a specialist to at least evaluate the princess. Yunan gives her orders though that if she thinks her a real threat, kill her. No one even sees the Newt’s greatest scout and warrior, second only to her mother, coming before she decides to play with Sasha. The assailant wants a good story for her mom after all and after everything she’s heard about Sasha, she’s hoping she’s finally met a CR 12 or 13 instead of the fives she keeps crushing. And who else could that be then Yulivia’s daughter: Marcy.
Andrias had MUCH less use for an eight year old than the thirteen year old. Marcy didn’t have as much practical knowledge yet and she didn’t handle not being here with her friends like she was supposed to be MUCH worse. As such, the king doesn’t want the crybaby but Olivia refuses to have the newts be known as a race who would throw a crying baby to the wolves. As such, if Andria won’t pay her mind, she will. However, Olivia is still busy and needs help raising a girl like Marcy, especially since she doesn’t know what to make Marcy do to keep her distracted and happy. That’s where Yunan comes in, claiming that she can take her on her safer patrols. The ones where Yunan is normally bored. It would be no challenge for a general like her of course! But boy was she wrong when she finds Marcy cheering for her every action. So we have two sides of Marcy. The dutiful, regal daughter of Lady Olivia who is being raised to be a noble, in case they can never get her home, and a savage, unrelenting warrior from Yunan. This makes Yulivia clash more and gets them talking more and them bonding over Marcy makes them unable to ignore their feelings. So about a year ago it was made official. Yunan and Olivia were wed and Marcy was adopted. Andrias even officiated the wedding and it was seeing shades of Lief and Barrel in how mad Olivia got from Marcy having a broken arm from her last mission (nothing hurt her, she just managed to kick off a giant monster and off of a cliff in her finishing flourish because... Marcy) and how sweet Yunan actually can be. Not in a “Oh, who’s my wittle baby” way but a “Oh, honey, you have some blood of your enemies on your cheek. Let me get it for you,” way. It makes him wonder if maybe he should just give up on finding a host for the core and try to make something new with those around him, especially as Marcy obviously wants his approval. They all live in the same castle after all and Yulivia still show him so much respect so she wants him to like her so badly. Maybe... Maybe he can give up his goals of conquest and the like. It’s not like he’ll find a vessel befitting a conqueror, one who has the diplomacy, training, and smarts for that. Right? Btw, heads up on any criticisms you may have with the AU: I literally saw that scene of Hunter Anne like two hours ago. I have not seen more than half of the show. I’ve just had a lot spoiled by the fandom which I’ve always been okay with but I recognize leaves me ill equipped for an AU like this. Still, I hope you like it and if you want to poke and prod at anything about it, please shoot me an ask! It’s already being fun to think about and get my brain whirring with.
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sprivy-shipper · 2 years
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Trying to come up with an au,,, I’m thinking the three spend much longer in Amphibia before the finale stuff happens. Marcy (they/them in this au) goes on a ton of adventures for Newtopia while Sasha (eventually changes to he/him pronouns) disrupts a bunch of frog towns for the toads, hoping to a) find his friends this way, b) get control of all Amphibia, and c) use his power to find a way home. Anyway Marcy and Sasha run into each other first after like 5 years in Amphibia and hardly recognize each other + are super angry that they have such contrasting views.
Meanwhile Anne is still with the Plantars. However, instead of finding Sasha, she’s slowly getting close to Valeriana and the olms. Then most of the stuff that actually happens in the show ensues. Sasha tries to take over Newtopia, but then Andrias reveals himself as a villain. The three get their calamity powers and Sasha ends up killing Andrias. This causes more tension between Sasha and Marcy, because although Andrias was a villain, Marcy can’t help caring for him.
Anyway Anne decides to return home to Amphibia, but Sasha and Marcy stay. Sasha realizes that he’s changed so much, he’d rather stay in Amphibia. Besides, he had this big hand in destabilizing it (half of it is/was controlled by his toad army) and feels like he needs to try rebuild. So he and Marcy have to work together to help Amphibia and idk I just wanted Sasha angst I guess? At this point he’s half oc
If you have feedback or thoughts or whatever hmu :)
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