#powerfull mind
redraven393 · 1 year
Philza have once again shown us that he is a very powerfull figure in the qsmp island.
the old Man have broke the 4th wall multiple times.
permited loop holes on missions plenty.
have his demands fulfiled more than any other member of the island, unconditionaly I'm might add.
like who else have this kind of power?
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joskippy · 3 months
Tv glow has officially earned its way to the spot of movies that left me stuck with a overwhelming sense of dread so intense I felt sick hours after my viewing
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purple--queen · 1 year
I think the reason why Goose wasn't in endgame was because she would have eating Thanos & nobody could've stopped her
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autism-corner · 1 year
sexuality has gotten an update: im not uncomfortable with the bisexuality label =w=b
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Fast Brain Booster Dietary supplement
Sharper Mind, Sharper Days: My Experience with Fast Brain Booster
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Feeling a bit fuzzy lately? Struggling to remember names or focus on tasks? Well, I was in the same boat! My job requires a lot of mental juggling, and lately, I felt like I was dropping balls left and right. That's when I decided to give Fast Brain Booster a try
Finding Focus and Clarity
Fast Brain Booster is a natural supplement that claims to improve memory, focus, and cognitive function. I was a bit sceptical at first, but after reading positive reviews, I decided it was worth a shot. Within a few weeks of taking the daily dose, I noticed a real difference. My mind felt sharper, and I was able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without getting sidetracked
Boosting Memory Power
The most impressive change was in my memory. I used to struggle to recall names and faces, but now, they stick in my mind much easier. It's a relief not to have that constant nagging feeling of forgetting something important. Fast Brain Booster has definitely helped me feel more confident and on top of my game.
A Safe and Natural Solution
Fast Brain Booster is made with natural ingredients, which was a big plus for me. I'm always wary of taking harsh chemicals, and this supplement fit the bill perfectly. There haven't been any side effects whatsoever, just a noticeable improvement in my mental clarity
Overall, a Thumbs Up!
If you're looking for a natural way to boost your brainpower, I highly recommend Fast Brain Booster. It's made a real difference for me, and I'm confident it can help you too. Give it a try and see if it doesn't sharpen your mind and improve your overall cognitive function!
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today, i read about the american civil rights' movement. my history teacher asked us to search some specific cases. it's so powerful, yet so sad to see that we needed to protest and get arrested and killed to have basic rights like vote and eating on a dinner...
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uvtale · 3 months
Welcome to the first ever UVTALE FAQ post! here i'll be answering some basic info of the au, there will probably be another one in the future, or maybe not! who knows :)
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so, what is it about?
Uvtale is an Undertale au where the the humans casted a spell on the underground that prevents any sort of non-monster magic source of light from reaching the caverns, which makes everything really dark and cold! that, plus the spell was very unstable causing it to corrupt.
when the spell was corrupted due to the powerfull(and forbiden) magic that was used, it created a dark thick fog that spread across the entire mountain. This fog is alive, and acts like a sort of hivemind. their objective is to get everything in the underground to join it and the only way to avoid getting infected by it is being in places that are lighten up!
is there anything that's inmune to the fog?
yes there are things inmune to it!
since the spell is made of human magic, human souls tend to be more resistant to it! humans themselves are not in danger of being affected by the mind control, however if a human soul is corrupted enough (with a lot of LV), the fog might try getting to them through the hate in their soul.
Human souls can also help cure monsters that have been infected by the fog, if exposed to their magic for long enough, the effects will ware off. depending on how much time passed since the monster was being mind controlled, there might be long term effects from it(lower stats, weaker soul, etc)
So, are humans living in the underground?
yes, to some extend! most of their locations are unknown, and the people who do know where they are don't like to share. human souls are valuable for multiple reasons.
humans usually prefer hiding from monsters. not all of them though, there are exceptions such as chara.
The Queen, Toriel, prefers to let them free. too busy with her own mind to take care of their locations. Not that she doesn't has an idea of where they are, but to her is none of her business (it is though)
What about the royal guard? how does it work?(+ loactions info)
the royal guard work mostly as search and rescue teams! of course, while still doing their duties to making sure everyone is safe and secured.
usually monsters get lost in the dark, which gets them exposed to the fog and eventually to get mind controlled. Most of them are located in Snowdin, since they also have a lab/shelter there, its convenient for everyone.
Waterfall is mostly unhabitable, as beautiful as it can be its extremely dark and dangerous, but there are rumors of a hidden village somewhere in it.
Hotland, even without lava, is very lighten up and overpopulated, since its one of the warmest places of the underground(as warm as it can get).
New home faces a similar situation with overpopulation
The dunes are a place that exists, remember this IS an uty au too! it is a very cold and desolate desert but also, it has one of the safest zones in the entire underground (the wild east town) this because of a certain human with a bright powerful soul that happens to live there..
and thats pretty much everything I can reply to for now, this post is an edited thread i made for twitter this morning with added extra things and better wording(i was very sleepy when i first made the thread whahah)
any other questions that have not been answered here(character related questions for example) will most likely be answered in lore posts! that I will begin uploading in due time(after Im done with commissions probably)
Thank you for enjoying UVTALE! it really makes me want to keep going with it :,) -Jewel
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well @flagonking I'll blame you for this one
Emily: "Sir Pentious! Is that a laser canon!?"
Sir Pentious: "What? What, no. Of courssssse n- OH THISSSS canon! Ah, I, ah- I wass jussst dissssmantling it, oh mighty sssseraphim!"
Emily: "Dismantling- does it still work?"
Sir Pentious: "P-perhapssss, but ah...." (falls face down) "Pleassse! Do not ssssssend me back or rip the wingsss FROM my back!!!! I prosssstrate mysssself before you! I am a worm at the hem of your sssscelesstial sssskirtsss! I beg of you have merssscy! I-"
Emily: "I need you to do a terrorism for me."
Sir Pentious: "...I... beg your pardon?"
Emily: "Vaggie collapsed at last week's meeting and hasn't been fully conscious since-"
Sir Pentious: "WHAT! Vagatha!?"
Emily: "-Charlie's tried everything in hell she can think of but nothing's helped and she's finally broke her promise not to tell anyone in heaven and I really really wish she would have done that SOONER because Lute stormed out of the meeting just a few minutes before Vaggie went down and since then I haven't seen Lute anywhere and Sir Pentious, I NEED you to draw her out in a HURRY, Lute I mean, so I have a chance of finding what I think she's been hiding when I slip into her place while she's off confronting you-"
Sir Pentious: "What."
Emily: "I'm sorry, but we can't go to Sera for help. I don't trust her not to give Lute a heads up and enough time to get rid of any evidence before she's searched and Vaggie won't be safe again until we catch Lute red handed and make sure to get it BACK from her- That's the main point, everything else comes later-"
Sir Pentious: "Theesse are too many wordsss! I don't underssstand! Me dissstract her?! Vagatha very expressly told me NOT to draw the pathetic bi-, the ah, lieutenant'sss ire! It wassss a direct order!"
Emily: "I know and it's dangerous and she'll be furious with us both afterwards but Lute can't get away with this!"
Sir Pentious: "Thisss what? What issss she-"
Emily: "I think she has Vaggie's halo, from when Adam took it."
Sir Pentious: "Her halo..?"
Emily: "I think Lute's been hurting her with it."
Sir Pentious: "Oh..."
Sir Pentious: "...Undersssstood! Where in heaven ssshould the terrorisssm take plassce?"
Emily: "As far from the Exorcist barracks as you can manage- maybe, also as far from Adam's suits as you can make it too? I don't know where else she'd feel safe enough to do something like this from, so we'll start there."
Sir Pentious: "Ah... The gatessss ssssshould be a good disstance from both, yesss? And an attack on them would be MOSST alarming."
Emily: "Perfect, Pentious! That's perfect."
Sir Pentious: "Ma'am! When ssshall we commenssce the opperashhion?"
Emily: "Now. Right now- I have no idea what this is actually doing to Vaggie, if it IS what I think it is, but it can't be good and it needs to stop."
Sir Pentious: "Then I sssshall attack at onsssce!"
Emily: "Wait! Sir Pentious, I won't let Lute hurt you either- Take this with you."
Sir Pentious: "Y- YOUR halo-? NO! I cannot!"
Emily: "I'm authorizing you to. It's MY blessing to give. You'll be under my protection with this- As long as you hold it, anyone who tries attacking you will be attacking me too."
Sir Pentious: "But what if, sssshe attacks anyway?? I, I don't know if I could ssssurvive, never mind sssafeguard your-"
Emily: "If she comes for you, use my halo to shield yourself."
Sir Pentious: "Ah! Ah, but-"
Emily: "No buts. Promise me?"
Sir Pentious: "But you are ssssso much powerfuller and more important than I am! You are helping with the hotel! We ssshouldn't risssk-"
Emily: "Your friends lost you once, Pentious. You died for them."
Sir Pentious: "W-well. I would have preferred not to..."
Emily: "But you did and we're not putting them through that again. If Vaggie can survive Lute's sword cutting her eye out of her skull, I'm sure I'll manage a dent in my halo or two."
Sir Pentious: "... very well, ma'am."
Emily: "Please, it's just Emily."
Sir Pentious: "Ah, err, missss Emily? If you are sssscertain..."
Emily: "Good, then take it and good luck!"
Sir Pentious: "AH! You asss well!!!"
Emily: "Try to keep Lute arguing if she doesn't go straight to trying to kill you!"
Sir Pentious: "I will! I sssswear I will give you asss much time for your sssssearch ass I can!"
Sir Pentious: "...."
Sir Pentous: "Oh dear."
Sir Pentious: (hastily gather up laser canon) "Oh dear oh dear- oh thisss would be ssso much fasssster with my eggssss!" (juggling emily's halo) "Ah!"
Sir Pentious: (slithering quickly) "All thisss time. The crusty exorcist leader.. doing things to Vaggatha's halo..?"
Sir Pentious: (HISSES)
Sir Pentious: "I DO hope Charlotte MURDERSSS that bitch...."
Random Angel: "What?"
Sir Pentious: "AHHH!!!! I- I sssaid- OH DEAR! I SSSSSEEM TO HAVE AN ITCH! I ssshall jusst go and ssscrape myssself very inossscently againsst the gatesss of heaven, la la la, do not be alarmed! ....YET!"
Vaggie: "...?"
Charlie: "Oh-!"
Vaggie: "...charlie...?"
Charlie: "Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Why'm I... lying down."
Charlie: "Shhh it's okay, you're just resting a bit-"
Vaggie: "Weren't we, doing something... You're... crying..?"
Charlie: "No I'm-" (wipes face) "D-do you know where you are right now?"
Vaggie: "Our room..."
Charlie: "Right, that's right. That's good. You know me and our room and it's, okay. You're safe here and it's okay. Just rest."
Vaggie: "But the... meeting..?"
Charlie: "That was days ag- never mind. It's not important. Can I prop your head up for a second? Can you try a sip of water? You, you should drink a little while you're still awake-"
Vaggie: "I was... sleeping? Am I going to. Fall back asleep... again?"
Charlie: "I don't-" (voice breaks) "-I, I don't know. Maybe. You weren't really talking when you woke up before. Here. Drink?"
Vaggie: "Not thirsty. Not tired. What. Happened?"
Charlie: "You've been resting-"
Vaggie: "Charlie you've been crying. You still are. What's wrong?"
Charlie: "Oh m-maybe nothing, now you're sounding like yourself again... How's the headache?"
Vaggie: "It's..."
Vaggie: "...Gone?"
Charlie: "Gone? You're sure? Please don't hide it this time-"
Vaggie: "I'm not, sweetie. I feel okay."
Charlie: "And not even tired, mm?"
Vaggie: "Alright fine. A little tired. Probably not as tired as you though."
Charlie: "I'M not the one who's been-"
Vaggie: "When did you last get any sleep?"
Charlie: "... Husk and Angel offered to sit in while I tried napping, yesterday. But it felt wrong. You were just, laying there next to me so still, you only moved when another fit started."
Vaggie: "I've been having fits?"
Charlie: "A few. Four, I think? But only since yesterday." (shaky sigh) "Everyone's been trying to help, so don't get mad at them about me losing some sleep. I kept jolting awake scared I would miss- something. Not be there when you... the next time you woke up."
Vaggie: "...well I'm awake now."
Charlie: "You shouldn't strain yourself, okay? Just. Try to rest. Do not try getting up."
Vaggie: "I won't. But I could use a hug."
Charlie: "Me too..." (snuggles gf)
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "...Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "Hm? Yeah?"
Charlie: "J-just checking."
Vaggie: "I swear I feel okay now. Whatever all, that, was, I think it's over."
Charlie: "Okay. Heh."
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "Maybe I worried Emily over nothing after all."
Vaggie: "You didn't tell her-"
Charlie: "It's been a week, Vaggie. I'm sorry, I know I promised- but I didn't know what to do."
Vaggie: "A week? Oh hun... then that's my fault for freaking you out." (hugs) "Don't be sorry. The only angel you told was Emily, right?"
Charlie: "Yes. Just her..."
Vaggie: "That's fine. She's not. The worst."
Charlie: "Someday you'll admit that you like her~ You think she's niiiice and want to hold haaands~"
Vaggie: (snorts) "Definitely fucking not. You're loopy from lack of sleep, babe, and that's the only reason you're saying that. But I trust her."
Charlie: "You do?"
Vaggie: "She stood up to heaven with you. That's good enough for me."
Charlie: "I want you to be the one standing with me, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Does laying down with you count too?"
Charlie: "For now I'll take it."
Vaggie: "Very generous of you sweetie. Can you take a nap for me too?"
Charlie: "Maybe. You'll... get better soon now, right?"
Vaggie: "I will. "
Charlie: "... and if I drift off, just for a moment, you'll be awake when I wake up?"
Vaggie: "I promise."
Lute: "I plead innocence."
Emily: "Innocence? Lute, you admitted to it! You basically bragged about doing it!"
Lute: "There's no shame in doling out righteous punishment."
Emily: "How can you call this righteous!? She couldn't even defend herself! She didn't even know what was happening to her! And you- describing every scratch and dent on this halo, talking about how you dragged you sword's edge across it at first until it drew sparks, and then how you just started hacking at it- You had better PRAY when Charlie hears about this-"
Sera: "Hell will not be informed of the matter."
Emily: "Sera- they are the wronged party here! Of course we have to tell th-"
Sera: "No. We will not."
Lute: "Thank you ma'am."
Sera: "You will hold your tongue, exorcist. Did you strike a Seraphim?"
Lute: "... that, filth, the snake hid behind her halo-"
Emily: "As I told him to."
Sera: "So you saw the halo before you struck. And still did so."
Lute: "He was destroying the gates of heaven!"
Emily: "Also on my orders."
Lute: "See!? She's as bad as those SCUM down there are- just as much of a traitor as-"
Emily: "Thank you. I would rather be like her than-"
Sera: "Stop. Lute, you are banished from the inner spheres for the time being. I will summon you once a tribunal is convened to consider your actions."
Lute: "Ma'am."
Sera: "Emily... Go lie down for the rest of the day. I'll check in with you later."
Emily: "..."
Emily: "I knew you would do this."
Sera: (sigh) "Do what?"
Emily: "Part of me hoped you wouldn't, but I knew I couldn't risk the chance you wouldn't care... even when it was one of ours being hurt."
Emily: "Good. Maybe she's safer down there."
Lute: "Not if I having anything to say about it!"
Emily: "I can see that. I'm starting to think even angels aren't safe up in heaven."
Sera: "Go lie down, Emily, please."
Emily: "Fine. I have a headache anyway. Dented halo and all that."
Lute: "Why are you taking the-"
Emily: "Vaggie's halo?"
Lute: "It belongs to- it belonged to Adam! And as the new leader of the exorcists, I-"
Emily: "You'll touch it again over my dead body."
Sera: "Enough with the dramatics. Now I am getting a headache."
Emily: "Let's talk politics then. As the sole volunteer delegate to hell, I am the only one here who can return Vaggie's stolen halo to her, aren't I? Aren't I, Sera."
Sera: "... you may as well."
Lute: "Seraphim please- you can't show mercy to Adma's killers-"
Sera: "I am left cleaning up the mess Adam and you have caused yet again, Lute, and I am becoming tired of doing so. Go."
Lute: (glares) (leaves)
Sera: "...and Emily... I won't be able shield you from your own actions forever. I am only one of heaven's seraphim- Please, do not do anything to condemn yourself in the eyes of our fellows. I cannot out rule them all. And some of them have been listening to Lute..."
Emily: "Including you."
Sera: "That is my duty."
Emily: "Well, maybe protecting people from angels like you is mine."
Sera: "Emily-"
Emily: (flies off) (still carefully cradling vaggie's halo)
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aryxchse · 2 years
being a freshman in ua but hanging with the big kids is whats on my mind rn
ok so our lovely bakusquad is at their 3rd year in ua and youve just started. lookin all sweet and cute in your new uniforms, quickly gettin all the attention.
you had a powerfull quirk and a sweet personality with a kind heart and one day you had an accident where it lead you to meet mina. the most populer 3rd year in ua.
we all know that mina has a friendly personality and so are you, it wasnt very hard the two of you became best friends. your personalitys matched.
mina one day asked you to meet with her other friends and you were more than glad. she take you to their seat in cafeteria and thats when you met the one you always admired, bakugou katsuki.
"guys this is y/n, y/n this is everyone! i guess you know all" mina said with a sweet smile. you smiled back, "of course i know, you guys quite famous here."
bakugou didnt talk and you didnt mind, you knew his personality. but little thing you dont know is that the reason hes not talking is not his personality, its you.
you are so cute and tiny in his eyes and that made his heart go faster, doesnt even know why himself.
you were outgoing and friendly and kind and talkative and its just that, idk he loves it.
and everyone notices that he likes your presence. because the big mean bakugou is so nice and gentle to you. for example:
he says sorry a lot. like if hes being too loud or too mean to someone. not apologizes from the person hes being mean to, he apologizes from you.
he holds your hand while your going up stairs or struggling while hopping kirishima's big ass mountain car.
he usually fixes your uniform or dress. and if youre fixing it he covers you.
and he holds your hair while you eat something. little things like that yk
look the type of relationship im talking about is big mean boy and sweet tiny girl, thats why he thinks you wouldnt like him.
man is a whole ass god of war and youre like,, aphrodite so hes like "nah she needs a better man."
bitch i thought you were the best
anyways you guys start dating with a little help of deku and mina's jealousy plan thats all
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thefanartisthoho · 7 months
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One more under da read more 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I ALSO HC THAT SHE GOT MORE INTO HIS ANATOMY BCUZ SHE NOTICED A WEIRD PURR LIKE SOUND AND THOUGHT THAT IT WAS THE MACHINES, BUT ALAS, ITS HORDAK (she just discovered that bcuz she was hiding on the ventilation pipes and the noise stopped)
ITS NOT AN ACTUAL ORIGINAL HC BUT HEY, FANFIC THATS EVEN BETTER 😈😈😈😈😈 (made by @solcaeruleus aka the entrapdak CEO)
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justalittledumb · 8 months
How would Yandere! Ancient cookies go about sharing you?
🍪 Congratulation! Not only did you somehow manage to get some of most powerfull cookies out there to fall for you, but also managed to get them not to kill each other over you. So... What now?
🍪 Well, they share you of course! Specificly they pass you around their kingdoms, every month you are in a diffrent one.
🍪 It's not Perfect, it requires a lot of Traveling to be done, but it's better than having them fight. Besides you don't realy have a choice
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⚪ First 2 Months (2 becouse there's 2 of them) you spend with Pure Vanilla and White Lily. (I put these two together since White Lily doesn't have her own kingdom)
🟡 Pure Vanilla is on the more Overprotective side of things, constantly making sure you are comfortable and healing any injuries you might have somehow gained, no matter how small they are.
⚪ White Lily on the other hand is Possessive of you, of course just like Pure Vanilla she also is protective of you, but not nearly as much. She will make sure that nobody that doesn't HAVE to see you, won't.
🟡 Both of the cookies refuse to give you any privacy for your entire forced stay with them.
⚪ You are constantly with at least one of the pair, and even that's rare. If it's possible both of them will make sure you are at arm's lenght at all time.
🟡 It's also rare that you'l get to leave the castle. They are PARANOID about your safety, it doesn't matter that Vanilla Kingdom is Has Basicly no threats.
⚪ You are also forced to share bed with them, every night you are sandwiched between the 2 cookies, and believe me, they will CLING to you during sleep.
🟡 Escape is impossible, just don't even try, you won't get anywhere. Even if you somehow manage to escape the 2 cookies, the entire kingdom is constantly floating in the air, so unless you are ready to take the plunge, you wouldn't make it far.
🟡⚪ Overall, your stay at Vanilla Kingdom isn't good... But Hey, it always could be worse, right?
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🔴 After you're not so pleasant stay with Pure Vanilla and White Lily, you are sent directly to Hollyberry Cookie.
🔴 In Hollyberry kingdom you will have the most freedom. While the kingdom's ruler is very much protective with you, she is more than confident in her ability to protect you.
🔴 The thing that makes her diffrent from other yanderes is that she won't try to hide you, quite contrary realy. She will show you off to everyone she can!
🔴 Hollyberry will also allow you to roam around her kingdom freely, you can go anywhere and talk with anyone you want! As long as you won't try to escape or flirt with anyone that is. It's almost enough to make you forget you are Basicly held captive.
🔴 She will also want you to meet her grand child, Princess Cookie! She is sure she'l love you ;)
🔴 Hollyberry Cookie will even give you your own room for your stay! Isn't that just so considerate of her? :) Ignore the fact its positioned right next to her's.
🔴 When it come to escaping... Well you definitly have a better shot at it here than in Vanilla Kingdom. Chances of succes aren't hight mind you, and even if you do manage to escape who's to say you manage to bit get caught again? She might even Ask Pitaya dragon for a small Favor if she fails to get you back for longer enough.
🔴 Either way, the stay at Hollyberry Kingdom is not too bad! Or at least no too bad when compared to others. Who knows, maybe you'l even manage to relax and forget you are essentialy trapped?
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⚫ Next in the "getting to have Y/N over in their kingdom" line is Dark Cacao Cookie.
⚫ Dark Cacao Cookie like most of his friends is Overprotective and Possessive.
⚫ He doesn't want to lose you, whether it's to you escaping or getting hurt it doesn't matter, he will protect you. Even from yourself.
⚫ His protectivnes is actually somewhat justified, the Terrain where Dark cacao kingdom is placed isn't the safest place out there
⚫ He only allows his most trusted subjects to get near you, and Has them keep an eye on you whenever he can't do it himself.
⚫ Speaking of which, Dark Cacao Cookie makes you spend most of your time in his kingdom close to him, while he isn't very touchy he enjoys being this close to you.
⚫ He probably would make you wear a crown (Is it a crown? Well It look like one.) similiar to his one.
⚫ Escape altho theoreticaly not impossible, would be extremely difficult. There are many cookies patrolling the surrounding area, all of which are loyal to their ruler.
⚫ The stay at Dark Cacao Kingdom isn't very pleasuarble to say the least, but Hey there some positives. I mean, maybe you'l manage to befriend some of the cookies that were meant to keep an eye on you. They won't help you escape of course, but its always nice to have someone to talk to!
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🟠 Finaly after staying with dark Cacao for a month you get to (by "get to" i mean are forced to) move once again. This time to Golden Cheese kingdom.
🟠 Golden Cheese Cookie is well... Greedy, and she doesn't want to share you or your attention with anyone else.
🟠 From the very moment you'l step into her kingdom she'l shower you in expensive gifts and other riches.
🟠 She'l force you to change whatever clothes you were wearing to ones that match her clothes.
🟠 Golden Cheese Cookie WILL show you off, but she wants your attention to only be on her and her alone.
🟠 She will always keep you close, no matter what she's doing. or if you even want to be close to her.
🟠 No one other than her is allowed to touch you, they can look all they want, but privilage of having phisical contact with you is only for her.
🟠 You also aren't given your own room, you are simply forced to share with her.
🟠 You won't escape, there just is no way when she is constantly right next to you. And even if you try to make a run for it. She can fly, and even (and that's extremly unlikely) you manage to escape from her kingdom, good luck getting through the dessert surrounding it.
🟠 Altho constantly being under her survailance isn't the most enjoyable thing, its always important to find the best in bad sitiations. In this case "the best" is the fact that Golden Cheese is more than happy to give you anything you want aside from freedom of course she won't give you anything you could use to help you escape, but it's still nice.
🍪 And so the cycle begins again, after the month you spent In Golden Cheese kingdom, you are once again transported to Vanilla Kingdom. The whole cycle will continue repeating over and over again for the rest of your life. Well, unless you somehow do manage to escape...
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My first cookie run set of headcanons! I realy enjoyed writing these! And from now on I'l be also taking requests for Cookie run :3
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jaguarhome · 6 months
Hi, I always end up with silence but it’s like we learn about "  " but we only have peace ? I mean how you guys experience whatever you want ? Like waking up as a millionaire ? Because I feel like it’s just for "peace" that we notice that we’re " "
What do you understand by " "?
" " isn't a feeling, or a thought or a experience,
" " is everything/nothing.
It's like when you are dreaming, you interact with people thinking they are separate from you, yet you wake up and realize it was all made by your mind, and all of them were you.
Now, if you become lucid in the dream you notice this, you notice everyone and everything is you made by and of you. Now you can do bend this dream however you want.
It's the same with this seemingly real life, you just believe this is real because you are labeling it as real, this life have the same veracity a dream have.
The moment you observe you are a millionare you are already being so.
You are being the person being a millionare, the millions, the feelings, and the thoughts (you are aware of them = awareness can not be separate from these = they are one and the same), the thing is that you are adding one thing more in this equation; the desire.
You are not only being aware of the person being a millionare, you are also aware of a person desiring to be a millionare. You see how much of a powerfull omnipotent being you are? You are being multiple things all at once with no effort at all!
You just have to let go of the idea of there being a process, or you need to wake up as, you already are it! Stop forcing yourself to be a star when you are the whole universe!
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delta-06 · 27 days
Future poly 141 (if I wanna continue this or y'all want to know more abt this)
Small note: I took some inspo from the work "mages and monsters" by @thegnomelord . (hope its ok) and here are some warnings: major injury, depiction of blood and....uh...heartbreak cuz of love (?)
The human kind always escribed phoenixes as mythological birds capables of incredible doings, capable of being almost immortals and representing good omens. Their golden orangesque wings and their red markings made them re symbol of the sun, therefore, life.
It is said that a phoenix once fought in the trojan war, along side Achilles and Patroclus giving them protection alongside their allies. The man was taller than any human could ever be, some text described him as 2.40 meters tall (7 foot 10) with short black hair and skin tattered with flames patterns on his hands, feet, back and shoulders. His golden eyes and deep lucent black irises were always focused on the enemy, never leaving them out of sight and using his personal spear and bow to gain casualties to laugh about. But the most outstanding feature were his wings, big and slender, filled with bright golden orange and red sharp feathers used as weapons.
It was you who did all of that, it was you who had a personality that had you killed many times and then be reborn until the modern days.
You had been alive for more than 2000 years in a constant cycle of life and death, the more you lived, the more you knew how to brawl, study and everything making you a respected being. But only one thing you didnt learn, and that was how to love. You tried over and over again, falling and then watching them die or cheat or abandon you.
There was this one girl, a princess of a powerfull kindom whom you really loved. It was clear she did the same as after some years she offered her body for you to worship and have a child, or so you thought. One evening, as she spoke of tussling in the sheets, she mentioned that she really needed to know if your love was true by chopping off your wings and offering them. The ones that made you fly into the scorching sun, between the lush green mountains of their pearly white peaks. You listened to her, with half lidded eyes and a gone mind too captured by her demeanors and features didn't notice the sharp pain scattering itself from your back. Your breath itched and then was gone, and so were your wings. Thick golden rivers of blood flew your open lacerations, carving paths of your lover back and forming deep lakes on the marble floor.
You couldnt yell from the pain, only managing to fall on the ground and squirming like a worm as your mind was becoming more foggy by the minute. You managed to shoot them open for a split second and you caught a glimps of the guard’s bloodied swords, they were beautifully adorned by your golden essence. You spat out a ‘’traitor’’ and an ‘’I will end you’’ before closing your eyes and feeling death wrapping itself inside your now broken heart.
You loved and that was how you were repaied. You woke up in your den on the peaks of the mountain you were once born. The cave was simple and you always hated that, wanting more was the reason you left it for years before coming back there everytime you closed your eyes, now you wanted nothing more than to sleep in it forever.
Tears rolled off your eyes and you screamed at top of your lungs, animalistic rage speaking and screaming. Your wings were no more, your essence was no more, what was a phoenix without its wings? Nothing. Fake love tore your wings apart and that feeling nestled itself in your soul. Never again you would’ve loved someone again.
From fists, to spears, to daggers, to swords to guns you made your way into the world. Now you were in the military, you decided that this was going to be your forever life. Generals wanted you for your skills, sharpened for thousands of years and your reflexes, your knowledge and your loyalty as you had noone to be loyal to.
From humans to monsters was no easy passage. Seeing their bodies slowly mutate into feral ones wasn’t a shook to you, you saw and felt worse. Your mind didn’t care about your ‘’friends’’ of the battlefield, not until you saw a one winged dragon discussing with a wraith.
You were boarding on a plane towards Urzikstan, voices told that there was a new wanna-be-lord to be taken care of and you were chosen along many other people. As you had your head low and fixated into nothingness you heard some commossion, looking at that direction you made eyecontact with that green dragon. You sneakered and laughed, mocking its inability to fly and the way he was compulsively smoking before boarding the cargo plane.
He eyed your form before crumbling his cigar into smoking bits and yelling you to fuck off. As you sat on the metal seat, squished between other captains you felt some weak embers leaving your hands and falling off your fingers as they become just a non-existing spark.
That was bad, you did that only when you felt yourself falling for someone, that was not happening. Not anymore.
Little did you know that from love you lost your wings, and from love you shall recieve your wings back. In a way. Or another.
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kaivenom · 11 days
Hi! I love the way you write characters sm! I wanted to ask if you could do some sfw and nsfw headcanons for mihawk ❤️ (thusis my first request ever so i have NO idea how to make one 😩)
Dating Dracule Mihawk HCS
A/N: Well, thanks for the compliment and for letting me be your first request. Here are your headcannonns (i think it got long, i really like this man)
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I think the reason you both met is becuase an argument: with you and other people or with him and you, physical or ethical it doesn't matter.
The thing is that your spirit makes him seem you worthy for a chat.
That chat transformed in ocasional meet ups and then in exchanging den den mushis.
If you confess first, he will just nod and kiss you slowly and gently.
If he confesses first, he will try to do it like the old way: setting up a date, buying flowers and/or chocolate and ask you formaly.
But that would take sometime cause he knows he is a wanted men, even if he is powerfull he knows that life isn't for everyone.
It doesn't matter if you are a pirate, a marine or just a simple villager, at first your relationship will be long distance.
He will ask you to move in with him eventually, because he travels a lot and plus he lives in a castle (i have a whole post about him asking you to move on, check it out) so, after staying multiple times at your places, he decides that you should be in his.
He is a very loyal and capable lover, he knows you like the palm of his hand, somehow.
He may not be the biggest on comunication but he is an excelent listener, even if you didn't think of it at first. Something you said months ago, check, a gift you wanted and you even forgot, check.
He is a big yes on gifts and little details, he lefts them all over the castle for you to find.
He loves your noise, i mean, he is a very silent and calm person but you bring a whole new world to him and that makes him love you, even if he didn't join you in your noise he likes to watch it.
He won't be a lot into iniciating PDA but he won't complain if you do it. In fact, you were nervous at first about him not iniciating it but when you learned that, you just sit on his lap and hug him while he lays his hand on your back.
His kisses aren't savage or animalistic, they are more studied and deep. If he kisses you one time in a heated moment, he will leave you breathless, like he has kissed your soul.
Things with Mihawk take time and comunication, even if it's non-verbal comunication, but it's completely worth it.
His favourite nicknames for you while probably be just to formal or traditional: my love, my partner, my pair, my husband/wife. He is a man of manners, but a little possesive too.
Speaking of jealousy, he says he isn't, he says that you are a grown adult and you can do what you want. But in reality, he can get a little frustated, speacially if it's Buggy or Crocodile.
Crocodile is as cold as him but it's a little more sarcastic and Buggy it's "noisy" so you laugh a lot with him, and that makes him a little mad because you don't laugh like that with him.
You say to him "it doesn't matter, i prefer the silence with you" and he just wants to marry you right there.
Marriage it's just something that doesn't cross his mind a lot. You are his partner and you are happy with him, you both live in a castle, etc but,
If you value marriage he will propose to you. The ring, the ceremony and all the honey moon stuff, but when you came back everything will be the same.
Except that you are now officially his partner and if you are happy with that then he is.
From time to time you try to make him laugh with bad jokes, you even started to research about every kind of humour and started doing experiments... at the end he laughed about some stupid thing his discipule Zoro did with his crew.
You just love his laugh so you are always present when he is reading the news from that moment.
He isn't very comunicative thru words and getting to know his likes with his body language it's really difficult.
So, you are very nervous about getting intimate with him, you don't know if he is even interested in that.
One day he just sees you getting lost on your thoughts and asks you about it, you tell him about your concerns about it and he just say "hum".
You couldn't believe how he was so bold about it, and you got even a little mad.
Then, a couple of hours later you were doing some dishes and he approached you from behind. His hands roaming your body and his mouth leaving wet kisses on your neck. You were really flustered and he just pressed himself against you, with his hard on.
Since that moment, you started to get more and more the little details which demostrate his need for you.
His eyes darkening in a strange way, like when he goes into battle, it makes your skin get goosebumps; his touches staying a little longer or a little tougher on you; his abruptly necesity to have you next to him all afternoon; how he spreads his legs instead of keeping his perfect pose.
He doesn't do any sound in bed at first. One day you had to aproach him about it and then he started to make some noise... mostly grunts, groans and gasps.
Like i mentioned on the top, his kisses are deep, all his afection his deep.
Make up sessions with him makes you breathless, he couldn't kiss you as much as past lovers but the sensation it's the triple.
You swear you can just come with his touches and kisses. Picture yourself with your face pressed against a wall while he kisses your neck with intensity and dry humps you with his fingers pressing into your erogenous areas with precision.
Definitely an ass men, he will make you walk in front of him sometimes just to check you ass. *with respect*
In fact, your ass is the only thing that makes him a pervert. He will come home from a long journey and just lay on the bed placing his head on your ass... which can later lead to other things.
I think he is a grower and that means you were surprised the first time you both do the deed, but being so good with his fingers and mouth makes him good with his dick too.
In reality he prefers to pleasure you with his tongue and hands than his dick. I picture him seeing sex as a form for people to use each other. He knows he can be a men a little difficult so he wants to pleasure you as much as he can with making you feel validated.
Sir or Mister kink, Dom/sub dinamics, a little sword and blood kink (never hurting you in reality) and even a little roleplay but never degradation or humilliating kink.
He likes to see your face and expresion so missionary, cowgirl or any other position with your eyes meeting is good for him.
He says he likes the bedroom but he is the owner of a whole island sooo he may sometimes just have a slip and take things out of the chambers (until Perona came)
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autism-corner · 2 months
My wife so cuteee
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magmythedevil · 7 months
Since the absolute solver is definitely not getting defeated for good this season, cuz theres is just no way you set up this type of powerfull villian just to kill It off that fast;
I think that what will happen exactly in the season finale is that Uzi will find some kind of inner peace, wich will make her able to control her absolute solver infection in a way the hive mind cant have any actual influence on her anymore.
And then in the second season she can developt her own unique version of the absolute solver, (the purple one that she alredy has) And then season 2 is about her gaining enough knowledge and practice to become powerfull enough to acctually defeat the creature, and maybe become even more powerfull than It?
A classic "only with a modified virus you can defeat the virus" situation
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