#Brain tonic
goodyear2024 · 5 months
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Unleash Your Brain's Potential: Exploring Neurotonic Supplements for Cognitive Enhancement
Do you ever feel like your brain isn't quite firing on all cylinders? Foggy mornings, difficulty concentrating, or occasional forgetfulness can be frustrating and hinder your daily productivity. These targeted formulas aim to support brain health and function, potentially enhancing memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance.
But what exactly are neurotonic supplements, and how can they benefit you? Let's delve deeper and explore the potential these supplements hold.
Understanding the Power of Neurotonic contents
Neurotonic key ingredients you might encounter:
B Vitamins (B6, B12): These essential vitamins support nerve function and energy production for your brain cells. They may also contribute to neurotransmitter synthesis, chemicals crucial for communication between brain cells.
Ginkgo Biloba: This herbal extract has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. It's believed to improve blood flow to the brain, potentially enhancing memory and focus.
Bacopa Monnieri: Another ancient herb, Bacopa Monnieri, may support learning and memory function. Studies suggest it can improve information processing and retention.
L-Tyrosine: This amino acid plays a role in the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter vital for focus, motivation, and mood. Supplementing with L-Tyrosine may help maintain alertness and mental clarity.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats are essential for overall brain health. Omega-3s can support cognitive function, memory, and learning, while potentially reducing inflammation that can impair brain function.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR): This naturally occurring molecule supports energy metabolism in brain cells. Studies suggest it might improve cognitive function in individuals with age-related cognitive decline.
Important to Note: The effectiveness of these ingredients can vary depending on the individual and the specific formulation of a neurotonic supplement. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement is crucial, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
Potential Benefits of Neurotonic Supplements:
While research on neurotonic supplements is ongoing, several potential benefits have been identified:
Enhanced Memory and Focus: Certain ingredients like Bacopa Monnieri and L-Tyrosine may improve memory function and focus, allowing you to learn and retain information more effectively.
Improved Cognitive Performance: Neurotonic supplements might enhance cognitive skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and information processing, leading to improved overall brain function.
Increased Alertness and Mental Clarity: Ingredients like B vitamins and ALCAR can support energy production in brain cells, potentially leading to increased alertness and mental clarity throughout the day.
Support Brain Health: Some neurotonic supplements contain antioxidants that may protect brain cells from oxidative stress, a factor contributing to cognitive decline.
Remember note : These potential benefits are not guaranteed for everyone. Individual experiences with neurotonic supplements can vary depending on factors like age, overall health, and the specific supplement formula.
Choosing the Right Neurotonic Supplement:
With a variety of neurotonic supplements on the market, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to guide you:
Ingredient Profile: Look for supplements containing a well-researched blend of ingredients targeting your specific needs. Research the ingredients and understand their potential benefits.
Dosage and Reputation: Choose a reputable brand with clear dosage instructions on the label. Don't exceed the recommended dosage, and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
Individual Needs: Consider your specific goals and any underlying health conditions you might have. Discuss the potential benefits and risks of neurotonic supplements with your doctor before starting them.
In Conclusion:
Neurotonic supplements offer a promising approach to supporting brain health and potentially enhancing cognitive function. However, it's important to manage expectations, prioritize a healthy lifestyle, and consult a healthcare professional before embarking on a neurotonic supplement regimen. By understanding the potential of these supplements and making informed choices, you can empower your brain for optimal performance.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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Fast Brain Booster Dietary supplement
Sharper Mind, Sharper Days: My Experience with Fast Brain Booster
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Feeling a bit fuzzy lately? Struggling to remember names or focus on tasks? Well, I was in the same boat! My job requires a lot of mental juggling, and lately, I felt like I was dropping balls left and right. That's when I decided to give Fast Brain Booster a try
Finding Focus and Clarity
Fast Brain Booster is a natural supplement that claims to improve memory, focus, and cognitive function. I was a bit sceptical at first, but after reading positive reviews, I decided it was worth a shot. Within a few weeks of taking the daily dose, I noticed a real difference. My mind felt sharper, and I was able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without getting sidetracked
Boosting Memory Power
The most impressive change was in my memory. I used to struggle to recall names and faces, but now, they stick in my mind much easier. It's a relief not to have that constant nagging feeling of forgetting something important. Fast Brain Booster has definitely helped me feel more confident and on top of my game.
A Safe and Natural Solution
Fast Brain Booster is made with natural ingredients, which was a big plus for me. I'm always wary of taking harsh chemicals, and this supplement fit the bill perfectly. There haven't been any side effects whatsoever, just a noticeable improvement in my mental clarity
Overall, a Thumbs Up!
If you're looking for a natural way to boost your brainpower, I highly recommend Fast Brain Booster. It's made a real difference for me, and I'm confident it can help you too. Give it a try and see if it doesn't sharpen your mind and improve your overall cognitive function!
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granvedherbals · 2 years
Best Ayurvedic Brain Tonic for Adult In India
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learnershut · 2 years
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fernhelm · 4 months
pls talk more about narcissa
welll since you asked….
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹🦢⊹₊ ⋆୨ৎ
she’s her mother’s dress-up doll, she’s clytemnestra, she stabbed the dark lord in the back, she’s precise, she made an unbreakable vow to protect draco, she’s a strategist, she just wants to be left alone, she’s the ugly little duckling, she’s a lake that looks placid on the surface, but is raging underneath. if there’s one word for her, it’s bitter. she did everything she was supposed to and got fucked anyway.
narcissa in canon is defined by her role as a mother in a similar way to lily, but she is a mother who is present and therefore is able to disappoint; who sends her son sweets in the mail, but fails to protect him from joining a cult at sixteen….she is so interesting precisely because of those contradictions. she is the devoted wife & mother, ensnared by the same black family allegiances & obligations as the others, but she fights to create her own paradise within that aristocratic hellscape while still obeying its rules. she wants her cake and to eat it too. to belong to a crumbling, stifling magical dynasty and still raise a son turns out okay. her house is her domain (“this is my house, bella, you don’t give orders in my…”), it’s the small bit of power she’s carved out for herself. and you’ll have to pry it out of her cold dead hands.
my narcissa has really intense control issues. i think she has some paranoias & anxieties around eating. she likes to look impeccable so no one can sense the disaster going on inside. she enjoys the riches and prestige of being a black or a malfoy but she’d sell every piece of jewelry in her jewelry box to read a book alone by the sea…to me, she is a lesbian and she knows it, it just isn’t something she’d ever be willing to acknowledge. of everyone, she is in the most need of a rage room. imagine her in vintage dior and a black headband brutally beating the shit out of lucius’ car with a baseball bat (he cheated on her, and she wouldn’t care but he got caught and now it’s tabloid news.) after a childhood of disassociating to cope with her dysfunctional home, she has a hard time identifying her own emotions. she’s a marionette being piloted by a blonde chess prodigy in black patent leather mary janes. its like ratatouille. most of the time when she’s shaking hands and smiling serenely she’s thinking about a ballet performance or fencing or opera or wizarding history (i think she really likes history). in writing her it’s such a joy to explore who she becomes if she gets to do whatever she wants. what does she want anyway? outside of being a mother? do we know?
ALSO, something so fairytale perfect about her and her sisters…a pretty pair of three. she is the exact in-between of the two–if bella is fight and andy is flight, she’s freeze. she’s the little blonde outlier who was paraded around at parties until her face hurt from kissing cheeks. her sisters are the only ones who see through to the core of her. she needs both of them- bella as her shield and andy as her sword. when andy leaves it’s like she gets frozen in time.
my favorite pairing for her is alice, but i can accept lucissa if they’re in the background of a drarry fic. her and alice would live in a sea-side cottage in france and run a winery or something. she’s the ice queen and alice is the knight in shining armor. finally someone wants her to have every good thing she’s ever denied herself. she’s supposed to be a good little lady, and i think alice would make her want to go wild and roll around in the mud. yum.
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linnaealyn · 3 months
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royalnavyart · 1 month
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how peaceful sleep is
your head next to his
no silence or fear
only him
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causenessus · 2 months
cant wait 2 find out the context!! 😷🎁➡️🌹🙏🫶 (no pressure tho..)
AAA THANK YOU!! 😭 I CAN'T WAIT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!! and i love those emojis so much omg i have to tell you again like thank you for your gorgeous mind and coming up with that 😭😭 because it's my favorite thing ever!!! and i will hopefully have the next chapter out soon!!!
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xxbottlecapx · 2 years
Another idea I had for a Steve has seizures snippet
Steve gets temporary amnesia because of a seizure. After trying to ask Eddie out on a date, Eddie gets to tell Steve that they are already dating. 
Steve was going to tear a hole in the rug if he didn’t stop pacing. 
Dustin had wanted to have a party at Steve’s house to celebrate the downfall of the upside down. From what Eddie has heard, the upside down tended to refuse to stay dead. He hoped that it would make an exception to the rule just this once. Eddie wouldn’t say it, but his greatest fear was that he would have to live through it again, which kind of made him feel like a bad person considering everyone else has dealt with it at least twice, but Eddie digresses. 
Anyways, Eddie knew about Steve’s anxiety over the party; or, better put, a small get together. 
Steve couldn’t handle the general ambiance of a loud and brightly lit party anymore unless he took some serious steps to bring accommodations along, which still made him nervous. 
Even so, he harbored extreme paranoia about having a seizure in public. What if someone that knew his parents saw and alerted them? That’s what Steve had told Eddie, at least. 
Fortunately for Dustin, the teenager truly had become Steve’s Achilles heel. Case in point: the second Dustin suggested it, Steve agreed to host a “Congrats, we didn’t die!” Celebration at his house. He even took the cover off the pool and had it professionally cleaned so that the teenagers could turn it in to a pool party, despite how hard it was for him to do so (Eddie had to calm him down multiple times during the process.) 
You would think that the party or the pool would be what was currently making him pace back and forth for the better half of the hour, or maybe his fear that he would have a seizure during the party (everyone knew about them, so it’s not like they wouldn’t know how to deal with it) no, it was none of the things you would expect your neurotic demon-killing boyfriend to get nervous over. It was honestly kind of refreshing. 
Steve made Pasta Con Patate. 
It was his Nonno Otis’ favorite recipe. Steve had a large hand-made cookbook from Otis, which was one of the only reasons Steve had ever learned how to cook. 
The problem was that Steve had never been allowed to share it with anyone. His father thought cooking was a disgraceful hobby for a man, and his mother wanted nothing to do with her Italian heritage, so openly making authentic Italian dishes was out of the question. 
Eddie and Robin were the only ones that Steve has openly cooked for so far (and, for some reason, Argyle. Which made sense upon further examination seeing as he was the least intimidating person that one could cook for. You could give the man a plate filled with stale almonds and he’d genuinely enjoy it. Indisputable fact: There was no possible way to disappoint Argyle.) 
After much encouragement from both Robin (Steve’s platonic soulmate) and Eddie (Steve’s boyfriend) Steve had finally gotten the courage to openly cook for the rest of the group. 
That isn’t to say that the others have never tried Steve’s food before. It’s just that Steve usually lied to them. 
Once, Steve made cantucci for one of Eddie’s DnD campaigns but made Eddie swear to tell the party that the lady in the trailer to his left had made it. 
Eddie was completely and utterly besotted with Steve so obviously he did it, though he didn’t want to. This was a trend that, months later, has still continued. 
“Sweetheart, if you keep stressing about this, you’re gonna cause an attack.” Eddie said as he sat a bowl of cheese tid-bits in the middle of the living room table. He walked back into the kitchen to grab some popcorn. 
“I know, I need to calm down.” Steve continued walking in the hallway, turning left then right, then speeding around the couch. His footsteps made a gentle thudding sound. “But what if they don’t like it?” He rubbed his shaking hands over his face. Eddie couldn’t tell if it was a nervous thing or a muscle spasm. 
“Well, first off, they will like it.” Eddie sat down the opened container of cookies, opening the plastic lid. In the crook of his elbow he awkwardly held two bags of lukewarm popcorn. 
“Second off, I put molding hot sauce in all the Oreos, so anything you make will taste ten times better in comparison.” 
This makes Steve finally stop pacing, taking his hands off his cheeks. 
“Please tell me you didn’t do that.” He said after a second. 
Eddie didn’t look him in the eye as he continued stocking the preordained snack table. “Have I ever lied to you, Stevie?”
Steve moved his trembling hands. “Oh my god,” he sighs, “go throw those away.” He picks up a vintage pillow and attempts to hit Eddie in the back of the head, making Eddie drop half of the Oreos. 
“I’m just!” Eddie ducked, scrambling behind the couch. “I’m just being helpful! I’m supporting my darling boyfriend!” Eddie clung to the couch and placed his hand over his heartbeat, dramatically leaning back until he was almost completing a backbend. “You can’t punish me for this!” 
“Eddie! Away!” Steve threw the pillow and successfully hit Eddie in the stomach. 
Eddie sprawled himself on the clean floor, giving out an exaggerated zombie noise in defeat before grabbing the Oreos and dashing madly towards the kitchen to hide them from Steve’s wasteful eyes. 
Fortunately for Eddie’s cookies, the doorbell rang before Steve could chase him down the corridor, and it immediately sent Steve into Host Mode. 
Joyce is here first. Punctual, as always, carrying a glass tray with her. 
Everyone had been tasked with bringing food along. Eddie thought it would make Steve less nervous if his pasta wasn’t the main course. The last thing Eddie wanted to do was make Steve so stressed that he had a bad seizure. 
Despite Eddie’s wish to continue watching Steve flutter around like a nervous butterfly, Eddie takes the large dish out of Joyce’s hands and puts it on the table in the dining room. She made chocolate babka and (Eddie had been told) Will and Jonathan made matzo ball soup. 
If the list in Eddie’s head was correct, Eleven was making sweet potato waffles, Mike supposedly just bought a tin of muffins from the store, Argyle was bringing mole, Dustin made vegan pudding, Nancy was in charge of drinks, Robin was bringing hotdogs, (he’s sure Murray was bringing vodka) and Max made dandelion salad. 
Eddie didn’t have to make food since he’s the one that made all the decorations (a large “congrats, you didn’t die!” paper banner hanging from the ceiling, a bunch of paper bats taped to the walls, and he was of course in charge of the movies and music.) 
On top of the excitement, the bubbling anxiety of what might happen if Steve overworked himself sat with striking clarity in Eddie’s gut. 
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
“Look at his cute yellow sweater vest. Isn’t he adorable?” Eddie watched as Steve argued with Dustin about whether Grease was better than Star Wars. 
Robin rolled her eyes, standing to Eddie’s side. Half the kids were already in the pool so they had both retreated to the kitchen to hopefully sneak the Oreos back on the snack table without Steve seeing. 
“That’s my sweater vest.” She said. 
Eddie nodded, hands clinging to his heart. “And I love you for it dearly, I truly do.” 
“You’re disgustingly into him.” Robin grabbed four capri suns. 
“I’m not the one actively making a wedding planner with him.” Was Eddie’s come back. It was an overwhelmingly thorough wedding planner. He should know, he helped Steve pick out his wedding dress. 
This of course sends Robin off into a rant about the normalization of platonic marriage as she cuts off the tops of the Capri suns with scissors and pours the liquid into a red solo cup. 
From the hallway, they both hear a subtle bump, followed by a heavy thud.
A second later, Dustin yells. 
“Shit, he’s seizing again!” 
Eddie is running out of the kitchen and tripping over Robin before he can even process that he’s knocked her Capri sun abomination to the floor. 
Luckily, Dustin was probably the best person for Steve to seize around. Dustin had taken to wearing a large winter coat when they hung out together so that he could use it to cushion Steve’s head. 
Despite knowing that Steve would be just fine, it was never easy for Eddie to watch his head slam back, arms shaking, eyes rolling back in his skull. 
Everyone in the party was pretty well-trained in how to help Steve through his seizures when they happened. They’ve come a long way from the first time, which was probably the most traumatic seizure Steve had ever had, simply because of how poorly everyone had dealt with it.  
It had been a focal seizure (who knew there were different kinds) and all he had done was stop moving, eyes rolling back in his skull. Everyone had assumed he was getting Vecnaed and Steve had woken up with the entire party aggressively shaking him and yelling, his favorite song blaring in Max’s headphones. Steve’s postictal confusion (Dustin had taught everyone all the proper terms) only made it worse, leading to him having a panic attack, which triggered another seizure. 
All in all, a terrible way to react. Steve had explained to them later that he was not in fact dying, he just had seizures now (since Jonathan, Eddie knew, but Steve hadn’t said it because he didn’t want to make Jonathan feel guilty.) 
Despite the fact that they were all completely okay with helping Steve through his seizures, Steve himself hated it with a passion. 
Eddie had to comfort Steve on multiple occasions because Steve would get so embarrassed that he would start crying and isolate himself, which Eddie didn’t feel comfortable with especially when Steve had just seized. 
For a while, Steve had refused to leave the house after his first seizure in front of the party. He felt such a deep shame from it that Eddie and Robin hadn’t been able to get ahold of him for a week. 
Robin eventually had the bright idea to camp in front of Steve’s front door for three days (with Eddie leaving every once in a while to get provisions) before they were able to get Steve to let them inside. 
Eddie finds Dustin in the living room, Steve shaking on the floor, having a full-blown grand mal seizure on the carpet. 
Dustin’s sweater was already under Steve’s head, but Steve was large and Dustin was obviously having trouble turning Steve on his side. Robin grabs the small stopwatch from Eddie’s pocket and starts timing it. 
Eddie takes over, letting Robin and Dustin move the snack table so Steve couldn’t ram his arms against it. 
He very gently moves Steve to his side, tilting his head to open his airway, feeling the stiff tendons in his neck. 
You weren’t supposed to hold someone down during a seizure, so though it hurt Eddie to do so, he lets Steve thrash around, grabbing pillows from the couch and placing them around him. He wipes drool from Steve’s face more so for Steve’s benefit. 
The sliding glass door laid open and Eddie could see everyone in the pool watching, but the party knew it wasn’t good to overwhelm Steve so they stayed further away. Eventually they would make their way inside to check on him once he was awake and actually able to process their presence in a positive manner. 
“Its okay, Stevie. You’re safe.” Eddie said, siting near Steve’s head. Robin and Dustin took the couch, talking softly to Steve about some board game they wanted to introduce him to. 
It takes about three minutes and twenty seven seconds for Steve’s tremors to die down, his eyes opening. 
The second Eddie feels it’s safe to, he places his hands on Steve’s head. 
“Hey darling, you had a seizure.” He explained. 
Steve squints at him, eyes blurry. Confusion was pretty common after a seizure, so Eddie doesn’t question it when Steve makes a dazed grumbling sound. 
Robin walks into the kitchen to get Steve a bottle of water and some Tylenol. 
“You’re gonna have an insane headache. You hit your head on the way down.” Dustin pipes up, not getting closer. 
“Can you talk?” Eddie whispers. 
Steve clumsily grapples with Eddie’s arm, trying to pull him closer, so Eddie helps Steve sit up and holds him to his chest. 
After a few minutes, Steve opens his mouth a few times, cuddled into Eddie’s side. 
“Who- who’ryou?” He slurs. 
Eddie lifts his eyebrows, tucking Steve’s hair behind his ear. 
“I’m Eddie.” He says. Sometimes Steve wouldn’t be able to remember things immediately after a seizure. It didn’t happen often but it happened enough for him to not be concerned about it. 
“That’s Dustin, and the one bringing you water is Robin.” 
Steve slowly moves his head, wincing, to look around at them. Eddie supports Steve’s head with the sweaty palm of his hand. 
Eventually, Steve turns back to Eddie. 
“My head hurts.” He had a heavy lisp. 
“You can take painkillers when you’re more aware. I don’t want you choking.” Eddie clarified. 
“You are-“ Steve squinted his eyes as he faced Eddie. Steve inched closer, focusing on Eddie’s features. “So pretty.” 
A baffled chuckle leaves Eddie’s lips. 
“Thank you darling.” He says kindly, and then a second later; “Why are you crying?” 
There was one small tear on Steve’s face. Eddie wipes it off. 
“I’m so sad,” Steve sloppily buried his face in Eddie’s chest. Eddie wraps his arms around him tighter. Dustin was snickering on the couch. 
“Because- I can’t date you, because- I’m straight.” Steve stuttered, acting like this was the worst possible thing in the entire world. 
Now Dustin was full on cackling so hard he had to wrap his arms around his stomach. Robin was loosing it in the corner where she held the water bottle and the painkillers. 
Eddie tried to hold himself together, nodding seriously at Steve. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says, “you are gay.” 
“I am?” Steve squeaks, his mood changing in less than a second. “Will you go out with me?” 
Eddie couldn’t contain his smile, ducking his head to hide in his hair. 
Eddie takes a deep breath. 
“I’m your boyfriend.” He informs. 
 It takes Steve a second to process what he’s saying. 
“You are? Holy fuck.” Steve turns his head, like he’s entirely beside himself in shock. The left side of his body wasn’t moving well, so his right arm came to clutch Eddie’s shirt. 
Then Steve winces, makes another grumbling sound before resting his forehead on Eddie’s shoulder. 
In an hour, Steve would drink his water and painkillers, begrudgingly let himself get checked on by the rest of the kids, and have the entire party enthusiastically fight over who gets his leftover pasta. 
Then Eddie would give him a dramatic rendition of Steve asking Eddie out before even remembering who he is, since Steve has no memory of it. Robin will gently tease him about his terrible taste in men, and Eddie will get to successfully cuddle with his boyfriend without a post-seizure meltdown, for once.  
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saessenach · 5 months
Help I've finished rewatching s2 of the Gilded Age, this time with G&Ts and my mum, and I don't know how I'm supposed to wait another year for s3
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nightmaretour · 5 months
Guess which loser forgot to take his epilepsy meds for a full 24 hours and had a seizure
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Sharper Mind and Deeper Sleep: My Experience with Pineal XT Supplements
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I've always been fascinated by the potential of the mind and the role of the pineal gland. So, when I came across Pineal XT supplements, I was intrigued by their focus on supporting this mysterious little gland. Here's my experience after incorporating Pineal XT into my daily routine:
Enhanced Focus and Clarity
Within a couple of weeks of taking Pineal XT, I noticed a definite improvement in my focus. My mind felt sharper, and I could concentrate better on tasks, especially during those demanding work days. Scattered thoughts seemed to lessen, allowing me to approach problems with a clearer headspace.
Improved Sleep Quality
Perhaps the most welcome change was the significant improvement in my sleep quality. I used to struggle with occasional insomnia, tossing and turning for what felt like hours. Since taking Pineal XT, I now fall asleep much easier and experience deeper, more restful sleep. Waking up feeling refreshed has made a big difference in my overall energy levels throughout the day.
All-Natural Formula
One of the things that drew me to Pineal XT was its all-natural formula. I try to avoid harsh chemicals whenever possible, and the blend of ingredients like turmeric, Schisandra, and chlorella powder felt reassuring.
Overall, a Positive Experience
While I can't claim to have achieved any mystical awakening (though who knows what the future holds!), Pineal XT has certainly delivered on its promise of improved cognitive function and better sleep. If you're looking for a natural way to support your brain health and well-being, I recommend giving Pineal XT a try.
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appleimps · 6 months
slapped some color on that silly doodle of Tonic 🥃🪽
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pittedcasket · 7 months
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Dream art
@multi-purpose-paperclip n other silly
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dykehayleywilliams · 1 year
should I join a nunnery 🧍‍♂️
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ribbitflings · 1 month
love when the head neurologists say that your case is "interesting," they bring in every single resident they have to watch and review the case because you just showed up at the hospital ten hours after you had status that somehow terminated itself and that i was "lucky to come out of" and was noted to be "aware" of everything around while you were in a hell of a postictal state and not retaining shit
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