#ppl are allowed to do whatever they want 💗
bunnihearted · 4 months
my upstairs neighbor is actually fucking insane and idk how im supposed to keep living like this 🙃
#it sounds like he's moving stuff and renovating constantly every day#like .... this is not normal and NO ONE would be able to be ok with living like this when it's been over a year of this#it's like that chinese torture method#when you're locked in a room and they let a bucket drip constantly non stop every day#the same noise all the time you cant escape will affect your psyche very negatively#like i cant escape because inside my own home i have to listen to some fucking crazy person#move stuff around all the time#and like i know he does illegal work and has a workshop up there but no one cares#like even if i'd contact the landlord office they wont care or do anything#so im just forced to live beneath some pos who makes noise... all day... everyday. it drives me crazy#like maybe some of y'all think im whiny or stupid or exaggarating but THIS IS NOT NORMALLLLLLLLL#you're not supposed to hear your neighbor have a workshop from home everyday all day#those noises drive me insane i cant live like thissssss i hate it#i dont like being a snitch or whatever but i've started to consider reporting him for the illegal work he does#but im not gonna bc they wont do anything#ppl are allowed to do whatever they want 💗#but if they drive you insane and you snap suddenly YOURE the bad guy and will end up in prison#everyone are insane i hate everyone im going crazy i fkn hate him so much#sometimes i consider just doing the deed and k wording him#then at least i will never be homeless bc i can live in prison. and i'll always have food lol#and i can exercise and write and read... learn languages. yeah sounds cool
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luffyvace · 8 months
Hello again brook! I am the one who asked for the luffy x heroic reader! Thanks for it I liked it a lot! I wanna ask for another headcanons now, a Platonic garp x young fem reader that really look up to him and that work really really hard to achieve her dream to become an admiral and work to change how the marine work (being okay with slavery, allowing some pirates to hurt ppl and do whatever they want while chasing some for doing nothing...) And she manage to become one of the strongest and the barevest marines in such a short time
yay I’m so happy you were satisfied!!! ❤️‍🩹
AWWW your concepts are the cutest!!! I think garp with young apprentice who admires him a lot is absolutely adorable!!
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Idk whether to make this old or young garp really so you choose :P
ENJOY!! You have such good ideas~
You look up to garp so much!!
he’s the hero of the marines who doesn’t?!
you’ve admired him for a long time now and he motivates you even more to achieve your goal!
as soon as you get as good as him, you’ll put an end to all the corrupt things the marines let slide!!
your gonna be a hero in your own way!! 🦸‍♀️
and make things right in the way the government does things!!
to make this true justice!!!
you’ve read all about garp’s past a million times
to the point where you could probably tell it backwards and upside down without reading it 😅
you subconsciously ramble and talk about him a lot
not in a creepy way
in a cute puppy like way where you just like to talk about the one you admire!
you always think “what would garp do?!” in tough situations!
and it works too
he’s the type that comes up with simple yet effective plans that mostly involve brute force
but hey I mean sometimes that works 🤷‍♀️
Garp honestly doesn’t mind one bit that you look up to him so heavily
he wouldn’t care so much if you weren’t his apprentice but you are
And while he doesn’t mind, he does want you to carve your own path, not or just limit yourself to his if you can surpass him
he stooped to one knee, put a hand on your shoulder and told you that one day as you were training
you’ve gotta admit it was the coolest day of your life and you’ll never forget it
you’ve engraved into your mind and make sure never to obsess over becoming like him, but strive to be as good as him
you couldn’t stop thinking about that moment for a solid week
garp could tell because you kept spacing out way more often than usual 😂💗
Ngl you kinda view garp as like a uncle or second father maybe, or even your grandfather (but of course you don’t dismiss that your not actually family)
garp’s training is honestly- REALLY INTENSE 😃
like he does you how he does koby, helmeppo and younger luffy
but WORSE 😆
why? Because he has high expectations for you <3
and while he might come off as too harsh at first, as you soon as you found that out you stop complaining 😂
It’s honestly a good thing your a natural hard worker cuz garp was gonna make you one anyway 😂🤷‍♀️
now he doesn’t have to worry about you slacking or being lazy
but he does warn you about overworking and that rest is just as important as working, as odd as it may seem
your dream to become an admiral seems totally in reach for you to him
your like the perfect specimen to do so in his eyes
You have a moral sense of justice, your strong and hard working
you’d be an ideal admiral!
and the first female one at that!
he honestly hopes you do become an admiral
its time for a change of pace as far as the governmental rules anyway
you’d bring that about perfectly
and give regular people a hope that there is good in the marines, specifically uncorrupted ones they could trust
And you’d teach a good lesson to those darned pirates too!
-according to garp
He’s given you all the training and has set you up to become a successful admiral—just like you wanted!
Now you’d better become one and achieve your dream! Or he’s gonna beat you!
(Fist of love 🤜💥)
literally 😋
he cares so much about you, he doesn’t want you to fail!
so he’ll force you to not to 😊
one way or the other :P
and besides, your practically his successor!!
he ain’t getting any younger (not that you like when he says that) so your gonna have to take over a lot of responsibility from his shoulders when he leaves!! >:(…. (❤️‍🩹)
And if he leaves this earth and you embarrass him by being weak he’s gonna come BACK down here and teach you a lesson!
”YES SIR.” (`_´)ゞ
He’s also straight forward about warning you of the dangers that comes with this job
number one is strong pirates and two is breaking the rules!
don’t be afraid to break the rules because you’ll loose your job, but because HE’S gonna get you >:/
That aside there’s also the grand line in general but the marines have the advantage of special travel routes and technology
So to put it short as long as you ain’t doing nothin you ain’t got no business you’ll be fine :)
the whole slavery thing is beyond garp
Not in the sense that he doesn’t know about it
but that he just can’t believe others are doing that??
like what’s the purpose
if you were gonna do illegal things anyway might as well become a pirate so he can beat you for it
but because they’re in a position of power too it makes it harder
you have to gather solid evidence and go to court and blah blah blah……*tunes out*
(bro just wants to eat his crackers)
but not to worry for the slaves!
you’ve got a plan!
what it is? don’t ask, garp wasn’t listening 🧍‍♀️
but just know you’ll be saved soon! 👋
He understands your want to save others in general
now idk what garp’s drive is
but even though your goals may be different
he totally sees where your coming from
but take some advice from a guy who gets called a hero all the time—don’t get ahead of yourself.
(he knows you won’t he just wants to make sure he tells you in case you do, then he can say he warned you)
lots of people loose they’re way on they’re path to power
but your so headstrong he knows you won’t
as far as the whole thing were some of the marines attack pirates who have barely just started calling themselves so but won’t take down the ones causing REAL chaos
is real phony and bogus to him
and to you too
(it low key makes you giddy when you and garp have the same opinions because you admire him so much 😂💖)
but yeah he personally beats any pirates he comes across, big or small
but he will prioritize the bigger ones
he’s a big shot himself, so he ain’t scared 😎
his missions is never to chase around roaches anyway
he only gets the real deal 💪
garp was so proud when you became one of the strongest and bravest marines
he had no doubt in his mind you could do it
But so soon? He’s impressed!
”guess you worked harder than I thought you did, sport.”
that was your first ever sense of praise from him and from that very second on you never forgot
you think about it every night before bed and during every battle
You let it drive you and push you further towards your goal
which is also when you may have realized his soft spot for you
At first he never really displayed it, but ever since then you knew it was already always there <3
you felt so honored and grateful in that moment
he treats you to some crackers to celebrate 🍻
koby and helmeppo love to train with you!!
they think your so strong
and that it’s cool that your basically garp’s successor
they definitely believe in you, especially since all the times you beat them in training
In fact, they look up to you
btw you, garp and Sengoku are also like a silly little family 💗
your family bond between you, garp, Sengoku, Koby and Helmeppo is adorable, goofy and inseparable all at the same time
he’s proud, you’ll never hear him say it, but he doesn’t have to. ❤️‍🩹🤝
This is my first time writing for garp and it was my pleasure! This was so heartwarming and I’m honored to have done the job <3
I hope you enjoyed these hcs as well dearest anon!
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
interesting so you would say its quite accurate to how they would personally view xyz things? do you then get dreams of them often or not at all? if you get the same info months later then u would know its accurate to what they personally desire or idfk maybe they prefer something else later down the line but i read readings on several groups and theres quite a few similarities among different types of members so leaders seem to be quite possessive maybe tad controlling of their partners, like hongjoong as well for example
I do wonder sometimes bc it is impossible to really know them only from their on screen personality and kpop likes to blur things out that may be considered an imperfection? idk how to describe it but like they cant really be fully themselves so in readings it gives a greater sense of who they are without being too invasive kinda like inside info without doing the stalking that sasaengs do to get such info.
would be so cool to know them personally like u get to see the raw them what they think on xyz subjects not the stuff they cant tell their fans. i bet they have good amounts of gossip about their teammates too. i wonder if their interests in lesser common people stems from the fact kpop is so particular that when theh meet someone entirely different to what kpop is or stands for then it really draws them in to that person or maybe those. i mean with todays technology idols do sometimes have less boundaries or maybe the tendancy to overshare things that dont need to be shared so maybe in readings idols look for people outside of kpop world and maybe thats why they show up in tarot readers dreams so often bc they have particular message or situation going on n they want to show it to someone. sorry for rambling but theyre such interesting ppl.
who in skz do u think would have maybe not a crush on the same person but idk they could have a desire to win the person over from another member if that makes sense?
Hey, so no i don't really dream much about them anymore. But i used to have A LOT of very very interesting dreams with them during a certain period of time. I especially often dream about Lee Know, and i had very interesting dreams with Felix and Hyunjin too. Changbin too but he was kind of a hidden protector and it wasn't really him...ufhfbf i don't know how to explain it but i think I'll make a post someday and love to hear other peoples dreams with them too💗 about your other question with the similarities in readings etc, i did another answer before your where i explain my view a little bit.
And yeah i think tarot is a great way to get closer to the idols - of course consumed and performed in a healthy, respectful way - i believe there might actually be lots of idols that may somehow feel relief through such reading, on an uncounscous level because we shine light on matters they aren't allowed to talk about but would love to express. Like in Chan's case, as i said he seems very eager to "talk" during my readings and is always ready and the first one to spill the tea freely😂 i sometimes can see him giggling and wiggling in excitement, or giving me a spicy side eye or whatever😂
And regarding your question at the end, i still haven't done enough readings on them to be able to just make a speculation, so i layed some cards on it. I don't have a definitive answer but i belive someone was in a relationship and there were 2 members that had their eye on that person. I believe on of the "admirers" was felix. And i have a strong feeling the member with the "girlfriend" was Changbin. Now i put those "" on girlfriend, because it doesnt seem to me that they were necesarily in a relationship, but rather courting? Like they definitely had some give and take at least energetically and in conversations. I cant really tell how far that connection went and if ever really was a relationship but there was def something. And 2 memebrs looked at that person with drool coming out of their mouth😂 felix being one of them, and again i see that weird sleazy energy that freaks me out🥲 its not malicious but its really weird and unnerving, he is very obvious in his liking to that person, but he doesnt take any steps or seem threatening, but his energy is so shameless and direct and penetrating. The other person was more hidden with his liking, but i think changbin still knew. He def knew about felix, and i think he suspected about the other person too. Weirdly enough i dont pick up on him being mad or feeling betrayed or threatened. Quite the oposite actually, i think felt like a boss😂 having "access" or a "chance" with something that others also want. He felt powerful in a way.
*take this with a grain of salt.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
Hi kiki😊 I just wanted to say that I love your blog so much and I'm new so yay! I hate that you get hate and mean asks/comments, you really don't deserve it and seem like a super sweet person! 💜 You are very talented and I love your fics. Please don't let the hate get to you! You have lots of people who love you and your blog and are here for you! Take care of yourself 💜💜😊 English isn't my first language so im sorry in case I messed up on anything
hi friend! you never ever have to apologize about english not being your first language >:( 💗 but thank you! i do have a lot of support on here that im grateful for! also welcome to the blog, v happy to have u love !!!
i try to remember that all of the mean comments i get are about the most minuscule things ever and they always have the same or similar typography (it’s giving v much one person alexa play obsessed by mariah carey lmao). sometimes being on here can be super overwhelming and frustrating. like im not perfect obvi but i do try to be kind to everyone i interact with on here. it’s been getting harder as of late lol, as there are people who just don’t like me and try to find whatever they can cling onto to hate me over like… all this bc i delete my incoherent shitposts at the end of the day lmao?? like i didnt do a single thing to yall!!! and it’s not only weird anons it’s like someone waiting to report and flag every single one of my fics as soon as their posted. just super strange and unnecessary bc i literally don’t even know why like i haven’t done anything to these people aishgsidbsmdn-
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but yeah!! should probably just stop responding to em as it’s taking me out of character n messing w my perception of myself. i do ignore most but it’s v hard to ignore all the time when they actively seek out my blog and obsess over me like im min yoongi or smth lol like i promise there are much cooler ppl to follow with a red thread and pics pinned to a board than me lmao 🤨🤨🤨
yeah again, thank you for the sweet anon!! and thank you so much for reading my fics!! like at the end of the day all i want to do on here is share my dumb lil stories and interact with others who are in the same fandom!! going to be limiting my time on here for the time being, and hopefully that’ll allow me to finish my next fic bc i am PROCRASTINATING WISHSHMEJDJ!! anyways, thank you for being here. i appreciate you a lot, and everyone else on here who makes this space healthy 💗
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hwajin · 2 years
HI! how are youu? 💗
i've been thinking of opening a writing blog, although i'm not sure yet. and i wanted to ask for advice (if that's okay).
do you have any tips on getting started on the blog and writing? also how do you make the little send an ask box thingy cuz i can't find a tutorial anywhere.
have two hyunjin pics as a thank you for your time and patience (also to make you happy hehe <3)
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ayee hihi!! oml defo do start writing, it's never wrong to try it out!! if you end up not liking it much you can always stop but you'll never know if you never try 👁👁 honestly i'm not too sure about tips, i rlly just started as well back then, one thing i would say is to a hundred percent do/ write whatever you want to! like personally i noticed that if you focus too much on requests and other ppls writings you start feeling burned out, but if you enjoy your own works it rlly just is the most fun to be here. and don't be hard on yourself in the beginning, esp if you haven't written too much in the past it takes time to develop a style and all so be patient with yourself!
also i'm not too sure which ask box you mean because you do have an ask box in your bio (everyone has if asks are allowed, it's automatic!), if you want to change the name of it tho (it has a default which just says "ask me anything"), you can do that on your laptop/ computer! just go to your settings and name the "ask box" however you want to! i hope that made sense LMAO <33
and thank you for the hyunjin pics 🤭<333
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delcakoo · 2 years
AAAAAA HELLO BUBS💙💙💙 HOW ARE YOU??? I woke up from a nap and just started eating and its so yummy bro wbU?? we have diff time zones from what i know so you'll prolly get this early in the morning HAHAHA.. what did i miss?? anything you've got to say to me? any updates or literally just aNYTHING IM DOWN WITH WHATEVER. fill me up 😔 oh also, i recently found someone has a crush on me ALTHOUGH I CANT REALLY SEEM TO BELIEVE IT BECAUSE LIKE ITS SO NOT OFTEN. LIKE IDK HOW TO HANDLE IT YESTERDAY THAT PERSON WHO HAD A CRUSH ON ME WAS ON THE SAME GROUP AS ME AND NGL, if u observe his body language hes kinda uh idk he makes joke TOOOOO much. true or not i hope it isn't because like I DON'T LIKE ENGAGING MYSELF IN THINGS LIKE THAT. LIKE I NEVER WANTED TO KNOW UNTIL MY CLASSMATE TOLD ME ABT IT, saying he talks about me and his friends in a gc im not in. whether its true or not i hope whatever he says about me are nice things, idek if hes a good guy like ok ure allowed to like me but if you talk abt me in any way that isn't appropriate, gtfo. BUT ANYWAY DID U MISS ME? because i did and ure my only best friend that i update my days abt so bare with me pls😔 i hope im not like to yk exaggerating if i make u uncomfy soemtimes tellme OKAY??? oh omg we have science tmrw going to lab and do some experiments im vv excited, whats ur fav subj my love?? mines science!!!! daily reminder to take care of yourself ema. i love u okAy BABYEE UPDATE U AGAIN💙
MOONIE THE LOML <3 AHH IM SORRY I REPLIEF SO LATE BUT I HOPE U ATE WELL HEHE I AM GOODDDD! VV BUSY FOR SOME REASON IT’S LIKE PROJECT SEASON AT MY SCHOOL LIKE I HAVE 3 PROJECTS TO DO 😍😍 hmmhmh u didnt miss much !! my life has been very satisfactory rn i dont have any tea to spill 🙄 i love my irl friends so much i’m lucky enough to be in a rlly secure group of ppl so i’ve been super happy and well!! mmm i’ve been listening to on a ride by red velvet, yummy by after school, and anxiety by jvke recently AND OH OH ANOTHER SUPER GREAT THING. at my school u need to have two hours of service in the sports department to graduate for some wack reason, AND CURRENTLY WE’RE HAVING THIS BIG BASKETBALL TOURNEY right? so so me n my friend were like ok. lets sign up for the first thinf we see CUZ WE WANTED TO GET THESE HOURS DONEEE 😭 AND WE THOUGHT WE SIGNED UP FOR SECURITY, BUT APARENTLY ITS THIS THING CALLED ‘HOSPITALITY’ WHERE ALL WE FUCKING DO IS SIT BEHIND THE TEAM AND CHEER THEM ON AND GIVE THEM THEIR WATER AND SHI ☠️☠️ my other friends have to do like refilling waterbottles and concession and shit meanwhile I GOT FRONT ROW SEATS TO THE GAME FOR DOING NOTHING AND I GET MY HOURS ALONG THE WAY LMAOO 🧌🧌🧌🧌 classic ema W am i right 🙏
AND OMFGGGG THATS SO EXCITING DO U KNOW THE GUY WELL? 😭 DO U THINK U COULD LIKE HIM BACK OR NAH ??? AND YES OFC I MISSED U ur such a sweetheart n’ i love getting ur messages :(( <3 YOU’RE NOT EXAGGERATING AT ALL MY DEAR I RLLY DONT MIND KEEP DOING IT ISHSJNDD MWAH!! and. science is like. my least favourite LMAOOOO 😭 MOON TUTOR ME WTF I LITERALLY SUCK ASS AT EVERYTHING SCIENCE 🙁🙁 THAT DOES SOUND FUN THO I HOPE THE LAB WENT WELL!!! my favorites probably english jsjsjs all i know is i’m a english/socials over math/science person 😭😭😭
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fairycosmos · 3 years
what’s up i was gonna send this to you the other day honestly i’ve written like 5 drafts of this. maybe i already sent one. my sister and i made a pact when we were kids actually we called dibs on who could be the first one out. yk. and idk. every time i see you post abt missing your sister i am too heartbroken to leave mine. and i know it’s not intended for this purpose at all. but your vents allow me to glimpse the reality of the grounded earth raw pain bone-shattering grief that would be left behind and idk. your words make me want to try harder to want to be here. to keep being here. idk. i love you. i love you. thank you. i wish it were easier.
it’s the most unbearable thing. not a reality i can put into words. definitely not something to fuck around with if you love and cherish your sister. it’s a finite amount of time you’ve got with her no matter what you do so. and you don’t even get to choose when it ends most of the time. literally every waking hour of my life now is full of pain. im sad ALL the time if im not numb and out of my mind having a ptsd episode - idk what else to call it. she was the only person in the world i was so deeply connected to and she had her whole life to live, it’s so cruel and difficult 24/7. like a nightmare genuinely. not the same reality as before she died. and there’s nothing anyone can do. it’s not the same sadness that comes from mental illness even. it’s something else entirely. so yeah i would really urge you to keep doing whatever you can to prevent more of this feeling in the world. it’s funny because me and my sister would also joke about who would be the first to go, i wish i was the one. everyone does. im proud of you for still being here and i know it’s not as easy as just looking at other ppls hardships and trying to feel blessed and grateful, i know it probably runs much deeper than that. but the fact that you want to try and that you have ppl who love you are both really good signs. love u, thank you 💗
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