malibuzz · 9 months
L’émigration, un autre fléau de mortification du continent africain : l’O.C.D. international fédéralitude Suisse s'en préoccupe
L’année 2023 bat presque tous les records tant en matière d’émigration des jeunes africains au sud du Sahara vers l’Europe qu’en nombre de morts noyés dans la méditerranée. Ce désormais sujet de préoccupation majeure a provoqué d’énormes dégâts et est en passe de devenir un fléau qui gangrène non seulement l’Afrique au sud du Sahara, mais aussi les pays d’accueils qui sont débordés. Ce phénomène,…
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nessvn · 8 months
the most fucked up part abt this is that B***, probably one of the smartest guys in the fucking program, only got an A- on this presentation.....like im so fucked it's not even funny and im going FIRST so i have literally no idea how i will compare to the rest of the class i need to fake my death
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cmondary · 3 months
GLADYS ASSISTANT : votre compagnon domotique
📌 GLADYS ASSISTANT est un logiciel de domotique open-source et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de contrôler vos appareils domotique et d'automatiser votre maison en toute simplicité.
https://gladysassistant.com/fr 📌 GLADYS ASSISTANT est un logiciel de domotique open-source et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de contrôler vos appareils domotique et d’automatiser votre maison en toute simplicité. Dans le monde interconnecté d’aujourd’hui, les préoccupations en matière de protection de la vie privée n’ont jamais été aussi vives. Gladys Assistant se distingue en…
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esidwaya · 4 months
Assemblée populaire du district de Wuyi: le poste de liaison, un moyen de recueillir les préoccupations du peuple
En tournée dans la province du Zhejiang dans le Sud-Est de la Chine, les journalistes africains de l’édition 2024 du programme d’échange médiatique ont assisté, le samedi 25 mai 2024, à une rencontre de l’Assemblée populaire du district de Wuyi. Ce fut l’occasion de découvrir les fonctions du système de poste de liaison des députés. Selon la directrice du comité permanent de l’Assemblée populaire…
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dandanjean · 4 months
Photo de Pixabay sur Pexels.com Si vous n’avez pas le temps de vivre dans l’ici et maintenant, faites de l’espace de votre présence l’objet de votre pré occupation. Puis, faites un pas en avant. * Une chanson de Patrice Michaud – Vous êtes ici Les paroles sur https://www.letssingit.com/fr/patrice-michaud-paroles-vous-%C3%AAtes-ici-v32t4s9 COPYRIGHT – DROIT D’AUTEUR – Daniel Jean – Toute…
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ruemorinpointcom · 5 months
Unissons Saguenay
Préoccupations concernant le déploiement du transport à la demande Continue reading Unissons Saguenay
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coovieilledentelle · 5 months
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Ma mère me disait : “Suis ta propre voie sans te préoccuper du reste.” C'était son credo. Je n'ai pas dévié. Ce sont les autres qui ont changé de trajectoire.
Gayle Forman- (Les coeurs fêlés)
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lisaalmeida · 3 months
Préoccupe-toi plus de ta conscience
que de ta réputation.
Parce que ta Conscience est
Ce que tu es
Et ta Réputation
C'est ce que les autres pensent de Toi
Et ce que les autres pensent de toi
C'’est leur problème ! ....Pas le Tien»
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pixiecaps · 9 months
Pierre told Pomme that Em lost a life
Pomme’s Signs:
Elle a perdu une vie????
welp, il est temps de tuer TOUS les machins à un seul oeil
par n’importe quel moyen ça devient trop préoccupant là
french sniper leur tronche yep
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empiredesimparte · 2 months
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Napoleon V's Garden Party at the Tuileries: The Kick-off to the Coronation Festivities
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°19 | Francesim, Paris, 29 Thermidor An 230
To establish his own style, the young Emperor Napoleon V does not hesitate to distinguish himself from his father. He takes a keen interest in the opinions of the French people, whom he wishes to meet personally. During the garden party held at the Tuileries, he interacted with many guests, including civilians, soldiers, artists, and intellectuals. The event, marking the beginning of his coronation festivities, was an opportunity for Napoleon V to demonstrate his more modern and accessible approach to monarchy. He listened attentively to the concerns of his subjects in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, reflecting his desire to forge stronger bonds with the people.
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⚜ Traduction française
Pour imposer son style, le jeune empereur Napoléon V n'hésite pas à se démarquer de son père. Il s'intéresse de près à l'avis des Français, qu'il souhaite rencontrer humainement. Lors de la garden party organisée aux Tuileries, il a personnellement échangé avec de nombreux invités, incluant des civils, des artistes, et des intellectuels. L'événement, marquant le début des festivités de son sacre, a été l'occasion pour Napoléon V de démontrer son approche plus moderne et accessible de la monarchie. Il a écouté attentivement les préoccupations de ses sujets, dans une atmosphère détendue et conviviale, reflétant sa volonté de créer des liens plus forts avec le peuple.
La Garden Party de Napoléon V aux Tuileries
Les splendides jardins du Palais des Tuileries ont été le théâtre d'un événement des plus prestigieux : la garden party impériale, organisée pour célébrer le couronnement récent de l'Empereur Napoléon V. C'est une première sous le Troisième Empire, feu l'empereur Napoléon IV n'ayant pas repris cette tradition pourtant initiée par Napoléon Ier et Napoléon III au XIXe siècle.
L'Empereur Napoléon V, vêtu d'un costume blanc sur mesure, resplendissait aux côtés de l'élégante Impératrice Charlotte, dont la grâce et la beauté ont fait tourner toutes les têtes.
Madame Mère, Marie-Joséphine, rayonnait de dignité, apportant une sérénité touchante à l'événement. Accompagnée d'Hortense, la sœur cadette de l'Empereur, elles ont charmé les invités, incarnant parfaitement le renouveau de l'empire. La princesse Hortense doit bientôt s'envoler pour l'Ecosse, afin de rejoindre son prince charmant, le duc Oliver de Rothsey.
Le Prince Impérial Henri, héritier présomptif, et son épouse, la Princesse Napoléon Olympia, étaient également de la partie. La distinction du Prince Impérial complétait parfaitement l'élégance sophistiquée de la Princesse Olympia, formant un couple harmonieux.
Les invités, charmés par l'hospitalité impériale, se sont livrés à des échanges chaleureux et des moments mémorables. La Maison Impériale a invité des français de tous les horizons, ayant accomplis de nombreux services pour la Nation.
Plus qu'une simple fête, cette garden party symbolisait une nouvelle ère de prospérité et d'unité pour l'Empire français. Elle démontrait l'engagement personnel de l'Empereur Napoléon V à perpétuer les traditions impériales, tout en ouvrant la voie à un rapprochement et une écoute des Français.
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cmondary · 7 months
Ne pas négliger les questions de fin d'entretien !
📌 Les entretiens d'embauche sont des moments cruciaux tant pour les employeurs que pour les candidats. Pour un candidat, poser les bonnes questions est essentiel pour comprendre le rôle, l'entreprise et l'environnement de travail.
📌 Les entretiens d’embauche sont des moments cruciaux tant pour les employeurs que pour les candidats. C’est lors de ces échanges que les deux parties tentent de déterminer si elles sont faites l’une pour l’autre. Pour un candidat, poser les bonnes questions est essentiel pour comprendre le rôle, l’entreprise et l’environnement de travail. Comprendre l’essentiel Avant de plonger dans les…
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dykeboi · 9 months
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Blaise Drummind, b. Liverpool, 1967. Gewaltige Raume Unerschlossenen Landes [Immensité des territoires inexplorés], 2007. Huile et collage sur toile
Blaise Drummond peint un symbole réalisé par le Corbusier 'Unité d'habitation de Marseille, dans un espace vierge et blanc avec au sol des tâches de couleurs. Une phrase en anglais rythme la façade: [Parfois je fais ce rêve où nous découvrons des pièces supplémentaires dans notre maison, comme une aile secrète. Elles sont presque d'élabrées mais ont un grand potentiel pour un projet d'extension et de restauration Un nuage beige, fait d'un morceau de couverture, surplombe le bâtiment et semble perturber la quiétude du paysage. Cette ceuvre est l'illustration parfaite des préoccupations de cet artiste anglais installé en Irlande, sur la rupture entre habitat et nature, l'homme et son milieu. En reprenant les emblèmes iconiques de l'architecture moderne, Drummond traite de la contradiction entre l'utopie moderniste, son industrialisation et les nouvelles conditions de vie assujerties.
Blaise Drummond paints a symbol made by Le Corbusier, "Habitation Unit of Marseille", in a blank white space with colored spots on the ground. A sentence in English punctuates the the facade: "Sometimes I have a dream where we discover these extra rooms in our house, like a secret wing. They are pretty dilapidated but have good potential for a sort of restoration extension project." A beige cloud, made from a piece of blanket, hangs over the building and seems to disturb the peacefulness of the scene. This work is a perfect illustration of the concerns of the English artist based in Ireland, of the rupture between habitat and nature, humankind and their surroundings. By reclaiming the iconic emblems of modern architecture, Drummond addresses the contradiction between modernist utopia, its industrialisation, and the new conditions of life subject to it.
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coolvieilledentelle · 10 months
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La vie est trop courte pour se préoccuper de ce que les autres pensent de vous... Alors faites ce qui vous rend heureux avec la personne de votre choix... Bonne soirée bonheur
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rebelwrites · 9 months
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Ten: I Have A Confession
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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The sound of my phone vibrating against the small nightstand rudely interrupted my slumber. I tried to roll onto my back and I quickly found I was being pinned to the tiny mattress. Panic filled my body as I tried my hardest to remember the events of the previous night. I knew I had been drinking but surely I hadn’t drunk enough to not remember bringing someone up to the apartment.
Slowly I opened my eyes, quickly trying to pull the duvet over my face to shield myself from the harsh sunlight flooding in through the window, whilst I tried to calm my racing mind. The feeling of sharing a bed with someone other than a toddler was foreign to me, panic filled my sleepy body, the weight of an arm wrapped around my waist was preventing me from making an escape.
My memory of last night was a bit foggy in places but clear images of Pops’ outburst flooded my mind as I laid staring at the door to the apartment. As much as he hurt me last night I was still worried about him.
Finally I managed to reach out to the small nightstand, fumbling around trying to get my phone, wanting to find out who was texting me at the crack of dawn, without waking whoever it was behind me. Squinting at the brightness of the screen, I mentally praised myself for remembering to plug it in last night. Ignoring most of the texts of members of the MC checking on me, I looked for Jax’s name, sighing when I saw I had four new messages from him.
00:34 - Tig has managed to calm Pops down. He is safe and asleep.
00:45 - Think we need to work out what we are gonna tell El. I don’t think we can hide this any longer.
01:02 - Please make sure you get some sleep, Squirt.
06:15 - P.S forgot to mention last night that you and Charles look good together, don’t let this get in between you two.
“Rayon de soleil, il est trop tôt. Retourne dormir. Sunshine, it's too early. Go back to sleep,” a husky sleep filled voice mumbled from behind me causing me to freeze. I didn’t need to turn around to see who was sharing the bed with me, it was a voice I would be able to recognise anywhere. Squeezing my eyes together, willing myself to remember all the events from last night.
Why was Charles in this bed?
Did I get that drunk I couldn’t remember fucking him?
“Nova,” Charles whispered, rolling onto his back. Placing my phone back on the nightstand, I adjusted my position so I was now lying on my other side facing him, “I can hear your mind racing,” his voice was soft as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me against his chest, “take a breath and focus on my heart beat.”
Following his instructions, I took a few deep breaths, resting my hand against his bare chest. The steady beats of his heart allowed me to focus on something other than the voices inside my head. As I laid there everything started to come back to me, causing a wave of embarrassment washed over me.
“About last night,” I paused, taking a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts, “I want to apologize,” I whispered.
“You have nothing to apologize for, your reaction and feelings are valid,” Charles said softly, running his fingers against my skin. “I wasn’t going to let you be alone, everyone needs someone to fall back on.”
A comfortable silence washed over the two of us, I needed to come clean to him, pretending I didn’t know who he was had started weighing me down. If we were going to take that leap of faith, giving us a chance I needed to tell him. Letting my eyes flutter closed I found myself tracing random shapes against his skin, trying to muster up the courage to tell Charles what was on my mind.
“Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe, Sunshine ? What's on your mind, Sunshine?” Charles asked, pressing a tender kiss against the top of my head.
“I have a confession,” I mumbled, refusing to open my eyes, feeling that the moment I told Charles the truth everything would change and not in the way I hoped it would, “I um,” the words were getting caught in my throat, my stomach was churning from nerves, “I know who you are,” I said quickly, focusing on the feeling of his toned chest underneath my fingers. “I know you are Charles Leclerc, one of the best Formula One drivers on the grid,” I was cursing myself mentally at the last part of the sentence, I just wanted to slap myself in the face.
The silence I was receiving made me want to throw up, only a few seconds had passed but it felt like an eternity. Charles let out a small chuckle as he linked his fingers with mine. “Sunshine, I already figured out you knew who I was,” he hummed, with a playful tone in his voice. “People who don’t watch the sport can’t walk into a bar and instantly start reciting Crofty’s commentary to Monza 2019, perfectly might I add, without even watching the race.”
Of course he knew.
Propping myself up on my elbow I looked at Charles with a confused look on my face, “if you knew why didn’t you say anything?” I asked, raising my brow at him.
“You treated me like a human rather than a celebrity, if I’m being honest it was like a breath of fresh air,” he whispered with a large smile on his face, his fingers brushing against my cheek, “you weren't freaking out, you weren't all over me trying to get my phone number or a picture.”
“Trust me on the inside I was,” I giggled, snuggling back down into him, letting the warmth from his body wash over me, “speaking of phone numbers, the morning you came into the cafe I scribbled my number down on a napkin but I never heard anything from you.”
“Nova, I never got your number,” Charles whispered, confusion in his voice before pausing, “that’s what Pierre was smirking at when he took the muffins out of the bag,” he chuckled, “is that why you hardly came over to the table in the bar? Because I hadn’t texted you?”
“I thought you were ignoring me, because I turned you down for dinner,” I admitted, causing another chuckle to escape his lips.
“Do you really think I was trying to ignore you?” he asked, pressing a kiss against the top of my head, “I could see how thinly spread you were so I took a step back giving you some space. There is no way I could try and ignore you, Sunshine,” he whispered, “ever since you burst into the bar on our first night here you have invaded all my thoughts.”
I felt my cheeks heat up at his words, never in a million years did I expect to hear those words coming from Charles Leclerc’s lips, especially as he was talking about me. I felt like a right idiot now for hiding the truth for the last week.
“Oh god,” I whimpered, hiding my face in his side, “I feel so stupid.”
“You are so cute,” he hummed, with a small chuckle, “I’m not going to lie to you Nova, I like you, like really like you.”
“I really like you too, Char,” I whispered, finally looking up, letting myself get lost in his beautiful green eyes, “I just wished you didn’t witness last night's events. Jax told me that Pops flipped out at you after I left. I am so sorry you didn’t deserve that.”
“Don’t worry about it, I understand the situation okay,” he whispered, brushing my cheek with his knuckles, “now I think we should try and get a few more hours of sleep and then see where the day takes us.”
I didn’t reply, instead I adjusted my position in the small bed, resting my head against his chest, my arms and legs wrapped around him as I slowly drifted back to sleep to the sound of his steady heart beat.
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“You know you really didn’t have to do this,” Charles hummed, refusing to remove his arm from around my shoulders as I fished my keys out of my pocket.
“Yeah I did,” I whispered looking up at him, “I want to thank you for last night, so what better way to do that than with my famous pancakes.”
“Yeah Charles she's making pancakes,” Pierre teased his friend in a childlike voice causing me to chuckle.
“Dude, shut up, she didn’t need to invite you, ya know,” Charles shot back, causing Pierre to pout, “don’t feel bad for kicking him out.”
Oh god they were as bad as Jax and I, this was going to be interesting. The moment I put the key in the lock I felt my body freeze, remembering that this was the first time either of the boys had been to the house, “urm, please ignore the sticky notes and please don’t move any of them.”
“Sunshine, arrête de t'inquiéter. Nous n'allons pas juger. Sunshine, stop worrying. We're not going to judge,” Charles whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of my head.
Taking a deep breath, I wiggled out of Charles' embrace pushing the front door open. The moment I stepped over the threshold I instantly felt a heaviness in the air. The sound of the TV was on extremely low but other than that the house was deathly silent. Before I had time to react I was being pounced on by Elenor, luckily I managed to catch her in my arms even if she did nearly send be toppling into the shoe rack, causing multiple pairs of white Nike Air Force Ones in various sizes to fall over the floor.
“Auntie Nova, you’re home,” she whispered, placing her small hand on my cheek.
“Yes, baby, I’m home,” I hummed, pressing a kiss against her forehead, “where’s your daddy?”
“He fell asleep on the sofa,” she nodded, squirming in my arms the moment she saw Charles and Pierre.
Placing her down on the floor she rushed over to the boys, taking both of their hands in hers, squealing something about showing them her race track she made out of lego. Shaking my head at her excitement, I flashed them both a smile, “have fun boys,” I chuckled, kicking my trainers off, replacing them with my slippers before following them into the living room.
The moment I walked into the room, I let out a heavy sigh, finding my older brother passed out on the sofa still wearing last night's clothes. Perching on the edge of the cushion, I gently nudged Jax in the side causing him to stir, “Jax, come on bro, you need to wake up,” I hummed, “we have guests.” Leaning back I provided him the space he needed to stretch his body out, knowing that this sofa wasn’t the comfiest to have dozed off on.
“Who’s here?” he asked sleepily.
“Charles and Pierre,” I said softly, flicking my gaze to the corner of the room seeing both boys on the floor playing with Elenor, they were both sat crossed legged but Charles had Elenor sitting on his lap. All of them were pushing the lego race cars around the track, Charles even going the extra mile making the noises to go along with the car. The sight was enough to turn me to mush, they were both amazing with her, nothing was too much trouble for them.
I couldn’t help snapping a picture of the scene in front of me knowing that it would become my next lock screen.
“Guessing last night didn’t scare him off?” Jax asked, running his hands over his face.
“I think it brought him closer,” I shrugged, turning my attention back to my brother, “so I invited them both round for breakfast as a thank you.”
“You making pancakes?” Jax said, cocking his brow at me.
“Of course,” I nodded, smiling softly at him, “I’m gonna go change first, then you can go grab a shower or whatever.” Pushing myself off the sofa I caught eyes with Charles, who flashed me a heart stopping smile before throwing me a wink. I felt my cheeks heat up from his movements, if the simple things like this caused me to get all flustered god help me.
It was official Charles Leclerc had set my world on fire and I never wanted the flame to die out.
The sound of the front door closing caused Elenor to jump from Charles’ lap to go investigate who had just come into the house. Charles took the opportunity to stretch his body out whilst carefully avoiding the lego race track.
“So, how was Nova last night?” Jax asked, running his hand over his face.
“Emotional,” Charles sighed, he hadn’t known Nova long but seeing her in the state she was last night broke his heart, “she practically passed out in my arms.”
“You won’t hear me say this often but you are good for her,” Jax smiled softly. “A word of advice, if she freaks out and it seems like she is shutting you out don’t panic, she has been burned too many times in the past causing her to build walls around her heart.”
“Don’t worry Jax, I intend to break down those walls,” Charles said with a small smile on his face, “ no matter how long it takes.”
“Just don’t break her heart, because if you do I will happily break your face,” Jax practically growled, causing Charles to gulp. He could tell by the stern look on the oldest Teller’s face that he wasn’t joking.
“Daddy, Poppy is home,” Elenor squealed, running back into the living room.
Charles felt the air in the room change slightly as JT walked in, he didn’t want to make the situation any worse than it already was so he decided to keep quiet, out of the corner of his eye he spotted Nova rush into the kitchen. Pushing himself to his feet he decided to see if she needed any help.
The moment he walked into the kitchen he felt his heart skip a couple of beats when he saw his own number staring him in the face. Seeing Nova rocking the Ferrari hoodie was a beautiful sight, red was definitely her color even if Charles was slightly biased.
“Red has never looked so good,” he purred, leaning against the door frame, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. A smirk formed on his face watching Nova’s skin flush to a similar shade of red. He knew that his next move was a bold one but he didn’t care. Pushing himself off the wooden frame, he slowly walked over to Nova, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder, “need any help my Sunshine?”
“Nah I’m good,” she smiled over her shoulder.
Charles’ heart was racing as she leant back into him, he couldn’t lie it felt good to be able to hold her in his arms. It was in that moment Charles realized how besotted he was with this girl, he never understood when his father used to tell him he would know when he had found his soulmate, until now. At first all Charles was looking for was some summer fun, but now he was realizing he wanted something more, he didn’t want to break anything off come the end of the trip. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself, he hadn’t known Nova that long but the effect she had on him was something he had never felt with anyone else.
It was official he was falling for Nova Teller and he was falling hard.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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coovieilledentelle · 24 days
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« Quand on ne peut revenir en arrière, on ne doit se préoccuper que de la meilleure façon d’aller de l’avant… » ~ Paulo Coelho ~
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lisaalmeida · 2 months
"-Tu es amoureux?
-Non, elle me trouble, me séduit et m'inquiète, m'attire et m'effraye.
Je me méfie d'elle comme d'un piège, et j'ai envie d'elle comme d'un sorbet quand on a soif. Je subis son charme. Je me sens en contact avec un être anormal, en dehors des règles naturelles, exquis ou détestable, je ne sais pas.
-Je te dis que tu es amoureux.
-C'est possible après tout. Elle me préoccupe beaucoup.. J'y songe trop, je pense à elle en m'endormant et aussi en me réveillant, c'est assez grave. Son image me suit me poursuit, m'accompagne sans cesse toujours devant."
Guy de Maupassant
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