#precious just pure preciousness
butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Okay, but in which gif did she do the heda grrr thing because I just don’t see it 😭
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Baby kitten shows teeth and snarls when she's exerting force 🥺
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lxmelle · 2 months
I love the idea of mutuality that is deeply rooted in the relationship between Gojo and Geto.
I read a tweet that expressed the opinion over Geto’s apparent “selfishness” for being jealous over Sukuna in ch236. It got me thinking that it wasn’t the first time this was mentioned regarding the scene. I’ve read that sentiments along the lines of: “Geto! Ah, how dare you? After you left him and went onto create a family... how dare you be jealous!” etc. (it was meant to be a bit humorous).
I generally disagree with these kinda takes if they’re not in jest. Because I believe that Geto was never the “selfish” type and, imho, Geto left for primarily “good” reasons that prioritised Gojo / others - and the sorcerers he took under his wing, were people in the fringes of the conservative Japanese society), but the notion of jealousy and selfishness makes sense to me. In a positive way.
So, on the topic of mutuality: I think they learnt from each other. They have always been counterparts. Complementary beings. Black and white. Yin and Yang. Wisdom and Compassion. Strength and Weakness. Repel and Absorb.
They have a bit of both in each of them. One shouldn’t really exist without the other. They needed one another for absolute balance. Together, they really could have been the strongest, because being strong wasn’t just about absolute strength.
So, lessons. I think one of Geto’s main contributions to Gojo was for him to learn to love others, and be a little less selfish. This goes along with the take about him having been born with the capacity to have been rather monstrous if his humanity wasn’t nurtured.
If you like, it is a bit like the KFC breakup. Gojo suddenly realised he wanted Geto to be with him/wanted to be with Geto. It wasn’t enough to just be strong on his own. It was kind of pointless to be selfish.
Geto left him behind as if to say, “don’t only consider me as precious”. And the draft almost depicted Geto saying, “be careful not to kill anyone other than me,” which is unlike someone who has a hatred for non-sorcerers - as if to say, “other people’s lives should be precious to you too.”
This is where Gojo, probably for the first time on a mission, hesitated to kill. He realised, through his own experience, the preciousness of life. He learnt about love. This was what Geto wanted him to retain: humanity. And we saw him change and mature as/after he realised this.
Geto, who loved everyone too much, needed to learn from Gojo and be a little bit more selfish. Gojo believed being a sorcerer was “an individual sport”. But Geto was a bit more like Megumi... willing to concede/yield too easily for the gain of the collective force. (So we can see also why Gojo wanted Megumi to learn what he thought could’ve contributed to Geto’s defection).
So one of Gojo’s main contributions to Geto was for him to learn to love himself more and be a little more selfish.
Geto cared too much and sacrificed his own happiness, leading to his own downfall and demise.
And at their ends… When Geto said, “妬けるね” (I’m envious) in 236, that was really something. To many native readers, this was quite a confession... Geto was expressing envy towards Sukuna who was the recipient of what Gojo was expressing. Geto, for the first time, expressing to Gojo what he felt. (Even then, he still said “if you’re satisfied, I’m glad.”) This was Geto being selfish.
The words uttered just moments before, we saw Gojo say, he loved everyone and wasn’t lonely. This was Gojo with humanity. Gojo had internalised humanity, so much so, that he even wanted to reach out to Sukuna as a fellow monster and connect, somehow, as a human being. And he had fun.
Of course, it wouldn’t be satosugu indulgent if Gege (the original stsg shipper) didn’t make Gojo express his selfishness in return and say, “if you were there I might’ve been satisfied”. (Yes, you’re a sulky boy. You have a right to take a jab at Geto ⬅️ pure headcanon 😂).
And thus, Gojo had learned from Geto and Geto also learned from Gojo (i think the latter has something to do with the last words imparted in jjk0. The message seemed very personal and it was something shared only between them, but significant enough for Geto to feel…happy & at peace).
Gojo in HI wouldn’t have cared about other people to his own detriment (e.g. meaning is “for the weak”, wasn’t interested in Riko until the meaning was made evident by Geto, went to kill Toji out of ? revenge? an experiment? ? & might’ve committed mass murder if Geto didn’t stop him), He never did until Geto guided him back on the path of humanity. Geto’s downfall was carrying the weight of caring for everyone that it broke him into pieces.
It’s... really nice that they complemented each other. I’m not saying their were perfect, but they were products of many circumstances and factors, including a twisted jujutsu world. It would’ve been nice to see them sharing the burden and creating a better future together.
Anyhow, I’m aware that not everyone will agree with my interpretation but it just seems to flow and make sense to me.
The subtlety in Gege’s touch can make you miss it, or even second-guess yourself, but once you know, you can’t unsee it. It all seems intentional?
Or it is also entirely possible that I see it with heavily-satosugu-tinted glasses.
Oh well.
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nyashykyunnie · 2 years
Sung Jinwoo x Bubbly Reader
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
・┆✦ Entry : 012 ✦ ┆・
﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
He is whipped. Thats it. Really./j
Your smile, your giggle, that wide grin along with your twinkling eyes that shines whenever you are joyous— He is weak to it all.
Jinwoo will do everything he can in order to protect and cherish that beautiful smile of yours
How are you this precious really? But either way, he wants you to be that joyous all the time.
He adores your sunshine personality, he loves it so much that even the thought of you while he does his work makes him grin stupidly. Look, Jinwoo is really whipped okay?
There’s no such thing as someone who is completely pure and without a taint of “Those Human Emotions”. He knows that, but when it’s you he forgets that. 
Please smile, please do so.
You dont know how much a single grin from you can relieve him of his burden as the world’s strongest hunter and as the shadow monarch. There is pressure in his shoulders even if he looks so casual and nonchalant most of the time. 
Even with just a short glance, he feels as if it is the gentle breeze of morning spring. 
Jinwoo will treat you so preciously. 
No matter how overly hyper you can get, no matter how fixated you can get and how wild you wave you hands around— Or or even shake and pace around!
He will gaze at you with a pair eyes that are just full of love. 
He can’t help it fr. Your energy can melt a thousand old year frozen lake and blossom it into a beautiful scenery of fresh spring. 
Yes, a lot of emphasis on spring.
What is it that you want? Do you love talking about sea animals? He’ll take you to the aquarium or if time is in favor he will take you out on a date to the open seas and fly around atop Kaisel. Do you love books? He will always pass by the bookstore to grab you books, he’s even  asking the cashiers for reccomendations. He would also be taking notes of genres you like and take a long time to pick just so he can make sure you will love that book. Oh, right, he will also be buying the limited edition versions of those books. Do you love to dress up? Wanna go shopping with him when he’s free? He’ll love it no matter what kind of aesthetic you love. Dark academia, streetwear, light academia, cottagore, lolita— Whatever it may be! Do you love art? What medium do you use? He’ll gift you those art materials in a cute boquet. Of course, he makes sure those art materials are safe for you to use! Unless of course you are a digital artist, no problem! He’ll buy you a huge pen tablet or maybe a 12.9 inch ipad. Who’s he kidding? He buys both!
Hm? What’s that? He’s speding too much? Heaven’s no! He has the money and therefore will put it to good use! And part of the good use is spoiling you to bits!
Okay, okay, materialisticness aside— Jinwoo loves to indulge in your warmth. The love that you spread with your presence, that precious sunlight you give out— He really...Really loves it. 
He isn’t a man of words. So he compensates by soft and romantic touches.
Jinwoo holds you gently but also firm enough to have you know that you are in his arms. He actually get’s scared sometimes, he fears that he might accidentally squeeze tight that he’ll crush your bones. Your existence— No matter the height difference between the both of you; He feels as though you are a tiny snowflake that will melt away because of his touch.
Because of the darkness that he embodies.
“How strong do you think I can get?” “You shadow is connected to the darkness. You will become as strong as your shadow’s depth in the dark.”
And we all know that depth is eternal.
He doesnt want to harm you in any way. If anything, he wants to use his capabilities to keep you and his family safe.
You? You’re so precious to him.
Words and actions cannot suffice.
He thinks he’s bad with both but for real, what he does is bayond the bare minimum.
A/N: I might fully come back to tumblr doing both artworks and headcanons<3
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧・゚: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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blueywrites · 1 year
Congratulations on 1k friend!! Happy to see you thriving on here and you & your works getting the love they deserve! 🖤🐈‍⬛
Steve x Reader - angst
"He's dead, again."
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he's dead, again
prompt: angst, steve x fem!reader, "he's dead, again"
you know how sometimes inspiration takes you to a place you wish you'd never gone? yeah. that's this blurb.
please read the tags. this pained me and I am not proofing it because I refuse.
you said you wanted to help broaden my horizons with a very different prompt, and by golly, you succeeded beb haha
additional tags: major character death - twice. heavy angst. mentions of blood. grief. non-graphic depictions of death. no happy ending.
Bluey's Bird Blurbs 1k Celebration | blurb two: he's dead, again (2k)
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Your heart had been with Eddie before. And it would want to be with him now, even after everything. So what else was Steve to do?
He told himself it was to save you. That he’d do anything for you— anything to keep from seeing you broken like you were that day, slumped over Munson’s limp body, wailing like a wounded animal into the shreds of his homemade t-shirt. Your face was smeared with his blood when Steve finally managed to pull you away, contorted almost grotesquely with the force of your anguish. You didn’t seem to notice how much of Eddie’s life clung to your skin; Steve stretched the hem of his shirt to soak it up, to try and cleanse you of it, but you batted away his attempts and curled up into yourself, closed away in the bathroom of that ruined trailer back in the warm light of true Hawkins. Steve coughed up flakes of the decaying fungus he’d inhaled molotoving Vecna as he listened to you whimper and moan on the other side of that wooden door, unresponsive to pleas for you to unlock it. Each one of them tried, and each one of them failed, and eventually, they wandered home to check on loved ones and assess the damage the Upside Down had done to their lives. 
Steve stayed. 
He didn’t have anyone to go back to, not the way the rest of them did— Robin to her mother, Nancy to her siblings, the kids to all their parents. Eventually, he tried one last time, scratching a dirty fingernail along the varnish of the plywood door. “It’s just me,” he croaked. “I’m still here.”
There was a beat of silence, and then another, and Steve’s bones began to numb as you became just the latest in a long line of people who didn’t need him once he stopped being Mr. Mom.
But then you cracked the door. And though the tears had washed Eddie’s blood in unnerving tracks of bare skin down to your chin, like your face was made of him and your skin was just the leakage of your sorrow, Steve still held you on the Munsons’ filthy trailer floor when you collapsed into his arms. He didn’t really know what to say— he never felt good at finding the right words in these types of situations—  but it didn’t much matter anyway. Because all you could do is keep sobbing his name over and over again, little tremulous whispers of yearning and disbelief and pure, unadulterated agony. 
Steve could swear that sometimes he still hears the sound of Eddie’s hollow name on your lips behind that wooden door echoing in his ears, like the wailing of some ghost he still can’t quite shake even now, months after the incident.
Steve was there to put you back together again in those weeks following Eddie’s death. You’d clung to him, the only semblance of solace you could find, and he’d held you, dirty and aching, as you mourned for the boy you’d lost. He knew there’d been something between you, something still tentative and not fully explored, weak but nonetheless precious. Something that surely would have grown into the purest kind of love, tended by calloused palms and soft fingers working in tandem to prune and water and coax that preciousness to full bloom. But calloused palms lay limp, face up on asphalt, never to feel the sweet caress of your lips, or to lift and cradle your cheek, or to dip tremulously to the juncture of your thighs and feel the heat they’ve coaxed inside you.
Eddie could have known the touch of your lips and cheek and inner thighs, but he’s dead. So, now, Steve is the one you kiss and nuzzle and burn for.
Such is the way of things.
It’s why he had to do it. It’s as simple as that: the way of things. Right and wrong. Natural and unnatural. 
How things are and how they’re supposed to be, and what a person can do to make them so again.
Steve stitched you back together after Munson had died. He’d been the one to shush you when the nightmares came to tear you from sleep; to watch over you in the day and night while you existed, limp and listless; to hold you even when the musk of your hair belied how mustering the motivation to cleanse it had become a struggle. You needed Steve, and he gave himself to you. Every ounce of strength he had, every drop of patience, every last shred of virtue within him, he devoted to you. 
And after months of brokenness, the fruits of his labor paid off. No longer did he wake to hear you whimpering Eddie’s name in your sleep. No longer did you float listless and limp through your daily life. You worked. You took care of yourself. You smiled, and you even laughed. 
And most of all, you let Steve love you. And he thinks— he thought— you loved him back. That was the way of things. He’d brought you back, and you loved him for it. It was right. It was natural. It was how things are supposed to be.
He just had to make them so again.
At first, Steve hadn’t known why, when you’d thrown the door to his parents’ house open before he’d even reached it, you looked like you were positively glowing from the inside. When you smiled at him, eyes big and wide and soft, he thought you were just happy it was finally summertime. But when you pulled him inside, fingers wrapped around his thumb to drag him stumbling up the stairs toward his bedroom, he thought— he thought— that maybe it was because you just wanted him. Fully and unabashedly, so much so that you couldn’t wait to peel his Family Video vest from his shoulders before pushing him against his wooden door and pouncing on him to demonstrate the depth of your deep and abiding love.
Instead, you led him to his bedroom, but you didn’t push him up against the wall. No, instead, you let his thumb drop as he stood frozen in the doorway at the sight of Eddie Munson, pale and trembling, dark eyes sunken but alert, calloused palms no longer limp on asphalt but folded in his lap as he sat on the corner of Steve’s bed, staining the comforter with deep, rich dirt.
“Steve,” you whispered, your beloved voice like reverence incarnate. “Look. It’s Eddie.”
No, Steve thought. It’s not Eddie. That thing might look like Eddie; it might have his nose and lips, his lanky limbs and bedraggled hair and cheap tattoos; but the pallor of its skin and the deep ruby red of its eyes belied the creature it truly was. After all, Steve has experiences in such matters.
But of all the things he told himself— that he had no other choice; that it was to save you from more heartache and pain; that it was a matter of right and wrong, natural and unnatural; that he had to put things back the way they were supposed to be— Steve couldn’t quite convince himself that, when you leaned your temple against his dirty curls and traced your fingers over the cluster of bats in his inner elbow, the person you were holding wasn’t Eddie Munson.
He couldn’t quite convince himself, but that wasn’t enough to stop him.
Steve feigned a relieved laugh, folding his arms leaning casually against the doorframe. “Shit, Munson, are you okay?” he asked, succeeding in sounding sincere. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
Eddie’s lips tilt in a lopsided smile, though it’s half a grimace. His voice is husky, creaky with disuse, but still brash and warm like Steve remembers it. “Yeah,” he sighs, “me neither. I’m…” he chuckles weakly. “I’ve been better.” 
Steve could’ve sworn he saw Eddie’s eye’s flash, but maybe it was just something else he told himself after the fact to make the explanation easier. 
“I’ll bet,” Steve said companionably. “Hey, sweetheart—” He didn’t miss the flicker that passed from Eddie’s expression onto yours, as if bouncing from one heart to the next. “—why don’t you go get the first aid kit from the bathroom? I bet Munson here could use some fixing up.”
Steve watched as you lifted your head from Eddie’s shoulder and gazed at him for one short moment— a moment filled with eyes all big and wide and soft, the eyes he’d seen on you at the front door— before you withdrew your arm from his and rose from the bed. “Okay,” you said, smiling at Steve again, face so smooth with innocent trust as you floated by him into the hallway.
The wooden door closed behind you with a soft snap.
You find the first aid kit under the bathroom sink, next to a can of Lysol and a spare box of tissues. You’ve just straightened to your knees when the hairs on the back of your neck raise on end, and that’s the only warning you have before you’re hit with a wave of acute nausea, viscous as it squeezes your gut like a vice. Faintly, as if down the hall, there’s a hoarse cry and then the sound of something heavy falling over, like a giant sack of potatoes thudding in a great, limp heap upon the floorboards.
And then all is silent. 
The wave of nausea passes and the prickles on your skin ease. You rise to your feet, plastic handle clasped in your hand as your knees knock with the residual shock of that fleeting but intense sensation. The physical illness is gone, but a familiar sense of doom lingers— heavy and stifling, like that vest of denim and pins you’d worn every day before Steve draped it to rest at the makeshift grave you and Dustin had dug in the corner of the cemetery. Distantly, as you pad over the carpet of the hallway towards that familiar white-paneled door, you wonder whether it’ll still be there if want to return it to its rightful owner.
You reach the door, but when you jiggle the golden handle, it’s locked. “Eddie?” you call, brows scrunched with confusion. “Steve?” 
A chill shivers down your spine when you hear another thump, lighter than before but similar in sound, like the slump of some other root vegetable. A smaller one. Maybe some carrots.
There is no answer, so you call again. “Eddie? Steve? What’s going on?” You tap your fingernail against the paint of the wooden door. “It’s just me,” you say, wondering if they’ve also become wary of that heavy thump you’d heard. “I have the first aid kit.”
There is a beat of silence, and then another, and that feeling of doom is deepening now— ringing in your ears, louder and louder, until it begins to sound like a ghostly cry, the howling of a familiar name in an equally familiar voice.
But then the door flies open. Steve is standing there: chest heaving, hazel eyes wide, typically-golden face pale and stained with deep red that streaks like teardrops down to his chin. You don’t look at the bat hanging loosely from his broad fist, the one covered with jagged nails that he still keeps under his bed just in case. You don’t look at the dark-clad legs spread in a sickening splay on the floor where they’d fallen, one dirty white Reebok turned out as if in comfortable, lazy sleep. You keep your eyes on Steve’s face— the face of the man whose palms you kissed, whom you let cradle your cheek, whose hands sought the heat between your legs, even as you wished they were another’s. 
His name falls from your lips now as you whisper, “W-where’s Eddie?”
There will be much Steve says later to justify the way he has chosen to make things right, but now, he answers your question with simply this:
“He’s dead, again.”
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venus-is-in-bloom · 1 year
i do have more thoughts on the state of writing in media consumption, though. like... with this recent panic about ai art depreciating the value of the drawn image, i've been thinking about how there really is a sort of mystique that clings to most forms of art. like, when someone points at a painting and says, "anyone could do that" or "i could do that", it's meant to insult the supposed artistic merit of the painting or the skill that went into it. there's a default presumption that you need to be a special kind of person with unique, mysterious talents to produce worthwhile paintings. if anyone could do it, it has no value—and ai art threatens very much to make it so "anyone can do it" for a much wider range of images.
but for the written word, "anyone could do that" is just plain fact. creating a perfect imitation of my writing, or toni morrison or ted chiang or anyone else's writing, is merely an exercise in copying.
then there's all this stuff about supposedly developing a unique style that you then market to people in the hopes of getting picked up as an illustrator, which with the recent panic around ai art has gone so far that some people are throwing around the idea that your unique style could be attached to a copyright—implying a disturbing world where every symbolic body, every association, and every concept is parcelled off like land until nothing is left in common.
after the death of douglas adams, eoin colfer wrote "and another thing", a careful pastiche of adams' books in his style, as a tribute to him. an entire (extremely racist!) genre has sprung up in imitation of j.r.r. tolkien's middle earth works, which he spent his entire life developing, and another (often racist!) genre exists purely to mimic the aesthetic and stylistic tricks of h.p. lovecraft's eugenicist horror. in all art forms, pioneers produce the roots on which entire movements grow... it is only in the matter of writing, however, that it is currently nakedly obvious that there is no difference between inspiration and imitation, and that if there is something truly exclusive or scarce about a writer's "talent", it's certainly not physical enough to be enshrined in law. writing fiction is not a rare or precious power, and that's why only the very wealthy can make any money off it.
it's for this reason that things like chatgpt have not received nearly the amount of negative attention that the so-called "ai art" engines have—only a few people piggybacking off the anti-visual-art side of the movement have attempted to invent a hitherto unheard-of preciousness for writing to possess. for the rest of us, the illusion that fiction writing is prestigious, mysterious, or market-scarce remains faint and unconvincing—we cannot convince ourselves that we'll one day get rich off our beautiful talents. we can only do it for love of the art and its natural powers.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 2 months
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Daily Devotionals for July 10, 2024 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 20:14-15(KJV): 14 It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth. 15 There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Proverbs 20:14-15(AMP): 14 It is worthless, it is worthless! says the buyer; but when he goes his way, then he boasts (about his bargain). 15 There is gold and a multitude of pearls, but the lips of knowledge are a vase of preciousness (the most precious of all).
Thought for the Day
Verse 14 - Haggling over a price is normal in the Middle East and bargaining is an art, but some use their skills to cheat others. A buyer can make a transaction to his benefit by convincing a seller that his goods are worth less than what the seller asks for. If the seller is desperate and without bargaining skills, they can be swindled. This sort of dealing is just as much a form of cheating as a false balance. I am ashamed to say that I have heard Christians boasting about how they took advantage of people to get great bargains - and worse, attributing their success to God's favor! God, however, instructs us to make fair, and not one-sided deals. Before I buy and sell, I always pray that it will bring a fair value so that both we and the buyer may be blessed in the transaction. Negotiations should be honest. It is good if someone wants to reduce the price as a kindness, but bargaining should begin from a fair starting price. There is nothing wrong with offering bargain prices due to overstocks, seconds, closeouts, exaggerated value, etc. as long as the merchandise or product is honestly presented. If items are damaged or irregular, they should be noted as such. The Lord hates deception.
Some businessmen use two financial statements: one, when they want their company to look prosperous (such as when borrowing money) and the other when they want their company to appear less prosperous (such as when paying taxes). It is not wrong to take every tax break that one is entitled to, but juggling the books for dishonest gain is another matter. God is calling businessmen to serve Him, and He is looking for those with integrity.
Verse 15 - The worth of precious gold, pearls, or rubies is not as valuable as one who has the priceless ability to speak with godly knowledge. When we know God's Word and line our words up with its truth, the gracious things that we speak will bring untold blessings to others. The Bible contains pure wisdom, we need to study it so that we will speak truth and become overcomers. "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times" (Psalm 12:6).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, we desire to be like You so we are asking You to help us to be honest in all of our dealings with others. May we be concerned about the other party when we purchase something and not just look at what is always advantageous to us. Help us to overcome selfishness. Lord, help us control the things we speak and speak that are kind and edifying. Deliver us from anger and resentment and let us keep a forgiving attitude when others wrong us. Lord, we trust You to vindicate us when others take advantage of us. Lord, we just do not want to be the ones guilty of taking advantage of another. Could you help us to always be fair and honest in our dealings? I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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jainsuperstore · 7 months
Essence of Agarwood: Benefits and Authentic Sourcing
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In the realm of aromatic luxury, agarwood holds a place of reverence and mystique. This rare and precious wood, derived from the Aquilaria tree, undergoes a fascinating transformation, becoming infused with a resin known for its distinctive fragrance. This transformation occurs as a response to fungal infection, turning the otherwise pale and odorless wood into a dark, aromatic treasure. It's no wonder agarwood, also known as oud, has been celebrated for centuries across various cultures for its unique scent and profound spiritual significance. This blog delves into the multifaceted benefits of burning agarwood incense and illuminates why Jainperfumers.com stands as the quintessential marketplace for acquiring the purest agarwood incense.
The Multidimensional Benefits of Agarwood Incense
Psychological and Emotional Wellness
One of the most celebrated aspects of agarwood incense is its profound impact on mental and emotional health. The enchanting aroma that emanates from burning agarwood has a deep calming effect, significantly reducing stress and anxiety levels. It's a natural sedative that encourages relaxation, making it an ideal companion for meditation and yoga practices. The serene ambiance it creates promotes a sense of well-being and peace, facilitating deeper spiritual connections and introspection. Enhancing Concentration and Cognitive Function
Agarwood incense is not just about tranquility; it also plays a pivotal role in sharpening focus and enhancing cognitive functions. Its scent has been found to stimulate mental clarity, making it a valuable aid for students and professionals alike. The increased concentration and cognitive alertness it fosters are invaluable for productivity and creativity, enabling individuals to perform tasks with greater efficiency and innovation. Health and Healing Properties
The health benefits of burning agarwood incense are vast and varied. It possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, purifying the air and creating a healthier living environment. The smoke from agarwood incense can also aid in alleviating respiratory issues, soothing conditions like asthma and allergies by clearing nasal passages and lungs. Moreover, its analgesic properties can help reduce pain and discomfort, offering a natural remedy for headaches and muscular pain. Spiritual Enlightenment and Ritual Significance
Agarwood's spiritual significance cannot be overstated. It has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals across different cultures, believed to bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual. Burning agarwood incense during meditation or prayer is thought to elevate the soul, facilitating a deeper spiritual connection and attracting positive energy. Its divine fragrance is said to please the deities, making it an integral part of religious offerings. Jainperfumers.com: Your Gateway to Authentic Agarwood Incense
In a market flooded with imitations and adulterated products, finding genuine agarwood incense can be a daunting task. This is where Jainperfumers.com distinguishes itself as a beacon of authenticity and quality. Committed to delivering the pure essence of agarwood, Jainperfumers.com sources its incense directly from sustainable plantations, ensuring that each product retains its originality and therapeutic benefits. Why Choose Jainperfumers.com?
Authenticity Guaranteed: Jainperfumers.com takes pride in offering incense made from 100% natural agarwood, free from synthetic additives or fillers. Customers can rest assured they are experiencing the true essence of agarwood with every purchase. Sustainable Practices: Understanding the rarity and preciousness of agarwood, Jainperfumers.com is dedicated to sustainable sourcing practices. This commitment not only preserves the natural habitat of the Aquilaria tree but also ensures the longevity of this precious resource for future generations.
Wide Selection: Whether you are a connoisseur of agarwood or new to its enchanting world, Jainperfumers.com offers a wide selection of incense products to suit every preference and occasion.
Customer Satisfaction: At the heart of Jainperfumers.com is a commitment to customer satisfaction, offering expert guidance and support to ensure a seamless shopping experience.
Incorporating Agarwood Incense into Your Daily Ritual
Embracing the ritual of burning agarwood incense can transform your daily routine into a moment of luxury and introspection. Whether to start your day on a positive note, enhance your meditation practice, or simply unwind after a long day, agarwood incense adds a layer of serenity and depth to your personal rituals. Conclusion
The allure of agarwood incense lies not only in its exquisite fragrance but also in the profound benefits it offers. From enhancing mental and emotional well-being to promoting health and spiritual enlightenment, agarwood incense is a testament to the beauty and complexity of nature. And for those in pursuit of the most authentic and pure agarwood incense, Jainperfumers.com stands as the premier destination, offering a gateway to the transformative experience that agarwood promises. As the popularity of agarwood continues to grow, so does the demand for genuine, high-quality products. Jainperfumers.com remains at the forefront, ensuring that enthusiasts and newcomers alike have access to the best that agarwood has to offer. In a world increasingly seeking moments of peace and connection, agarwood incense serves as a bridge to tranquility, grounding us in the present and elevating our spirit to new heights.
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liminalnafaza · 11 months
maybe if i start writing, i'll be able to connect with myself. recently i've been experiencing emotions which were kept away from me for years long. as i'm writing this, i smelled refik's smell for a split-second again. it happens to me from time to time. it's completely okay for me, and i accept the course of things. their timeline, their way of unfolding. i accept where i am and i am fine with it. i'm just trying to understand why- why in this particular way, and how should i handle this situation?
i've been having dreams where it's clear that i "killed" the existence of him for myself to not hurt. somehow, i was distanced from my feelings and my awareness about him and my love for him- about us. my subconscious is only now opening up to these feelings. my love for him and our union was always there, it was just buried- against my will. whenever my system senses harm, it protects me by making me believe that whatever might harm me is not real- that it doesn't exist. ever since there was a doubt about our relationship, my mind believed this person to be a phantom. it just occurred like that.
and now, almost 4 years later, i'm able to realize that this "phantom" is a real human being whom i love, and to comprehend the immensity of that fact. the vastness, the beauty, the preciousness. how precious that is. our love and all that happened between us.
i can't say that i gave up on us, for that wasn't my heart. it was my ego which didn't know better. sometimes i'm afraid of parts of myself i cannot control.
why this happened along my path, i'm not sure of. our love was there to show me what love can look and feel like. unconditional, pure, beautiful love. i'll always cherish it and i do feel like a chosen, lucky person- to have experienced it. and to also have such a love right now.
it's just this confusion of what to do with all of these emotions? looking back into the past is important- as long as it's guiding us on how to act in the present and future. and i think i learned immensely from that experience. perhaps it's time to part with that love, finally, after 4 years. to look back at it, allow myself to digest, grieve, feel the heartbreak of parting with the one i love- which i didn't get to do, at least, not properly. i will make my heart understand....
i feel like clarity and honesty are coming my way. i seek to be healthy and to do good for myself and to myself. i want to live and feel motivated. i want to take care of my body and my mind. i want to be honest and open to myself and to those around me.
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bad-beans · 1 year
You guyssss so my brother and his wife had just spent a few months in Italy and she would make these cute lil Instagram posts. This was months ago and it just occurred to me now that my brother is the one taking these photos and like 🥹🥹 he’s literally out there hyping her up and taking all the pictures she wanted and idk I’d never imagine this dude to be taking cute pics for people but like here he is :3 I’m not like surprised surprised bc they’ve been together for a very long time and I’ve never seen anymore more purely and preciously happy than he was at their wedding like they’re so good for each other but idk. Seeing the pics and realizing that my nonchalant big bro was out here making sure his wife was getting all the Instagram hearts and making her feel so pretty (she is btw) like idk I think I’m just rambling now but it was such a precious realization :3
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mayaswells · 1 year
Jesus, Jest & Justice.
The brief exhilarating moment of the seeming feeling of enlightenment, of the lightening of one’s oxen burdens —- must be held always, if not with unhealthy paranoiac Suspicion, then with the right dosage of Discernment.
As such a feeling can equally be achieved momentarily, simply by the mere tying of all of one’s weight around the neck like a noose and throwing it off of a cliff-edge — as one utters the bizarre oath; ‘to hell with it all! I’m going to Heaven!’.
Perhaps this very illusion of enlightenment, is strangely itself the only enlightenment — if consciously embraced — as the embrace of one’s Death and of the Great Death of God, can be the only dialectical route to reversing the adage of; “Life is Suffering” —- precisely through which, into; “Existence Is Pure Joy”.
As shadows pass and are done, but there is that which remains —- meaning that the illusion of Life itself as Suffering, is a true lie, in order to retroactively realise the Truth — precisely through this true lie — that Life is always slowly or not so; Dying — and it is the avoidance of Life’s Suffering which makes it true that Life is Suffering — an avoidance of the void itself, which is itself the very Nirvana-itself of a Bliss of Dissolution.
Dissolution, as this most precious Bliss, is the negation of Objectivity; not into Solipsism, but it’s very totalised inversion — into that ultimate Subjectivity represented by the, absolutely humorous if not hysterical; Ganeshan Brahman of the Hindus —- and of the Godhead who is always beheaded unto the Immanence of a totalising presence which collapses the difference between a totalised absence —- meaning also that there is no possibility for an atheism not always the very dissolution of theism —- as there is no theism which does not lead one eventually to the Passion of Christ on the Cross, God enfleshed as the Son, whose Heart enacts his own monstrously pained self-erasure —- which becomes also the erasure between Man and God through his very remaining as a wounded resurrection —- the wounds of God and Man are the same.
When Nietzsche bombastically asks us what Will wash the blood of our greatest value, of God, murdered —- this blood is paradoxically on Gods own hands exactly the same in a comradeship of friendship that is so preciously devoid of the master-slave dualisms or Power, that it’s such a mundane miracle of which we can not seem to even enable ourselves it’s monstrous recognition —- when whatever implication rest deferred as afeared in our avoidance of the realisation —- are precisely the implications God ‘himself’ absolutely shares with us — including uncertainty.
God! Imagine the whirlwind answer to Job, when imagining oneself cursed with the hysterical nature of uncertainty so certainly inherent to Subjectivity — which is what leads us to desire the farce of such a God all-powerful and satanic —- and imagine what it would feel like for God himself to be facing just this same uncertainty —- without anybody but we hopeless all too human, humans —- yet this is the slight danger and risk, the snake always in the garden — which God faces absolutely and in a covenant of comradely kinship with every one of us, understandably not psychically capable of fully facing such absolute uncertainty.
An inherent certainty to the enactment of all Will, which is inherent to all Love —- as only a God whom loves us absolutely and without remainder — can seem to self-annihilate entirely and seemingly vanish in the divine Love that must be pointlessly Willed for our every breathing moment of Life —- as within of it we slowly are mercifully allowed the space to ween off God as an idol and image of attachment out of fear —- and out of Love, learn of our own Wills — which if so, are always to be the same Will to Love, with a “Love under Will” — a movement of freedom from unconsciousness into the conscious.
It is here I am reminded of Jung when he says that people in modernity can’t believe in God because they haven’t looked deep enough, or lowly enough —- with the humility of the responsibility I shall add in addendum to Jung, not realising that the Leap of Faith would simultaneously unite one in harmony with that God who’s responsibility inherent to his Will would be ineffably monstrous and inconceivable in comparison to what responsibility we ourselves would be taking on, by truly engaging our own Wills, for Loves sake —- God or no God the same, as the only sake worth the seemingly terrible stake of Life and Subjectivity —- in knowingly embracing the necessity of the coincidence of Love and Will, in Creation itself; omnipresently occurring throughout timespace, negligent of any care for Creation occurring ‘back there’ at some Alpha point retroactively imagined so as to then defer the Creation your participate fully in its Magick right now whether consciously or not, as we attempt to then defer this Event to some ever-tarrying Omega point — O! In this mad ‘Eternal Deferral’ of all the Holy Spirit (as the very current of Love & Will in their inherent coincidence; as omnipresent Creation, or Magick.) always offers to ever patiently await our decision to allow ourselves in our deepest wound to become the salve of our highest exuberance —- “in Filth it will be Found.” — so continue to avert your gaze If you Will.
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2023/05/08 English
BGM: Motoharu Sano - Rock'n Roll Night
Oh my gosh, what is happiness? Today was a day off. I went to a hospital I usually go to once a month, and met my doctor. After getting medicines, I went to AEON and spent my time with some thoughts. Today I chose enjoying some music by Lee Scratch Perry or Motoharu Sano's "SOMEDAY"... Yes, like this, my day or my life goes on really loosely. I believe it's alright. Living with these really sweet music, literature, and sometimes movies. Some cruel people might say that I am just a poor loser. I never earn, become greater. I don't even have any family. Just stay rootless in this life as a weed... living every day as "I want to enjoy simply". And also I enjoy reading and learning English as a simple way of gaining mental pleasure. Like that, finally I could learn the final mission or style of my life. But that's not by myself alone. I have experienced many meeting with various people, learned a lot of things from precious chances. The "danshu" meeting, the meeting about autism, etc...
You might think this kind of "I wanna enjoy everything simply" as unserious or irresponsible. Because that sounds too "easy" or too "readymade". Should I think about my future or my whole life steadily, basically? But I believe that my future is completely enigmatic for us. I can not predict what will happen tomorrow. Or, the things what I am doing today humbly must build tomorrow I believe. For example. quitting alcohol and learning English... Today will be the base of tomorrow. Now I do will become tomorrow. Therefore, I want to live "now" preciously. Indeed, I might have to live today in a stoic and steady way to live beautiful or rich tomorrow. However, it's just not my way or my style. And I found this simple fact. I quit any alcohol and started reading and learning English with this clear, hardworking head and body. That's really incredible for me (as a Japanese sociologist Shinji Miyadai says, that gives me a certain, strong intensity of pleasure). And, although this sounds very strange for me, that way of spending my time really "lazily" is, for others, a way of "great study journey". I am just being soaked into pleasure of reading and learning English... is this unbelievable?
This afternoon we had an offline meeting at Saikouji. I talked about "silly desires". I had been controlled by really "silly desires" (it can be called as a "pervert" one). Loving a woman on Discord, and that made me feel a lovesick. That certainly attracted other members. They said "that woman couldn't say any truth about herself", or "that kind of sweet things can be said by ChatGPT". Indeed, they were severe comments. But I felt that this is a true work of pure and trustable friendship, great connection. I am just a tiny person therefore I would do silly or idiotic things naturally. I even can say that my life is exactly a huge cluster of those shameful trials or failures. Even though I am living in such days with full of errors and damages, I tend to think that "I am right" and "why my life doesn't go well?". That makes me sick... this is one of precious lessons I have got today from this meeting. A priest said to me that "but if you erased your desires from yourself, that would work as erasing yourself or your basic existence". That was also precious for me.
After that meeting, a female friend I always trust and respect gave me a warm comment. "You must be the happiest one in this Hyogo prefecture!". Certainly... when I was a child, I had to be bullied at schools. After that, I wondered between books when I was a Waseda student with a wounded heart. Indeed, I got a job but it was really terrible therefore I even became a miserable heavy drinker or alcohol junkie. I drank a lot every day and had a seriously edgy idea. "I shouldn't be here, never be born in this world"... BUT! I met precious and wonderful friends! I met them, and started thinking about my autism which I have to face during my life as my handicap or my mission. Or, I can recall the memory of being praised my English by "dear my teacher in my life". That has given me a great pride for my English so I am now expressing myself to the world in English. I also started my group home and the system of job coaches... what a life! As a survivor of that life, I believe that I must be a lucky one. I got a "golden ring in a ruin" like Motoharu Sano sings in his song? I never thought of any possibility of that. Why could I encounter such a marvelous miracle? "C'est La Vie"?
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ackerfics · 3 years
Okay no but like I freaking love your blog, your writing's so fluffy and sweet and nice and wholesome and ahhhhhhhh😭😭 I've just fallen in love with the way you write levi and how wholesome he is. Like most fanfiction I've read portray levi as someone cold who hardly feels any emotion but isayama even states he's the most emotional out of all the characters. And I just love how much emotion he shows in your works, it freaking makes my heart hurt so much like he's just so sweet😢❤️
aaaaahh just take my heart 🥺🧡🧡 when i saw that isayama said that, my image of levi being this cold person shattered completely 😭 i love this man so much to make him into someone mean — it breaks my heart turning him into that kind of character that i can't help but write him into this soft man who just needs some love 🥺 thank you for everything you've written in this ask, ily !! it makes me write levi some more ✊🏼
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l0vepaint · 5 years
#excuse me while i rant a bit but i'm watching all these minho vids and JTJSFSJKFJSFLJ#i love him so so SO much like really SO MUCH i never loved any human as much as i love him#he just makes me so happy and warm and safe and /alive/ klsjflksj does that make sense#there's times where i feel so dead inside barely any emotions at all and m like okay that's it i'm never feeling anything ever again#but then i see him smiling or doing some cute shit or being funny laughing dancing talking whtghever just him /existing/ skljfks#and i'm like yeah fuck i love this man so much that it even make me tear up i suddenly got so much love in my heart#like for real i legit cry sometimes just bc i love him so much it happens like 80% of the time sjkhs#and it's nice knowing i can actually FEEL rgjhskfsh bc i'm not someone who have so many emotions towards humans#that may sound weird li'e that i can't really explain i just feel i should feel /more/ but maybe it's bc is a diff kind of feeling for him#it just makes me so happy knowing he's out there existing so preciously like this he's such an amazing person#even tho we don't really know him but without even being biased i feel that he's one of the most genuine one like you can#really see he's such a good person?? just looking at his eyes they radiates so much love and warmth and pureness idk tjkhskfs#and he's so inspiring to me which again isn't smth i feel about a lot of people i never really had 'role model' or whatever??#but he makes me want to just be a better and more positive person and do things idk#and let's not talk about how talented he is he just can do anything and he's always improving and working so hard and i'm so proud of him#and i'm so grateful he entered my life i never knew he'd become so important i didn't even pay that much attention to him at first but wow#suddenly it hit me how precious he was and since then i've wanted nothing more but for him to be happy forever he deserves the world#he's my light my north star idk where i'd be without him ig  sometimes i've just kept living to see him smile another day#and gosh i feel like i'm just repeating myself so jhskfhsjk but also i wish i could tell him how much he means to me and how#important he is to so many other people and his existence just bring so much light to people's life??? i hope he knows?????#but even if i get to just see him one day and simply say ily even if it's not much and doesn't even convey all i feel#i'd be happy sjkfhsjfh i really hope i see him in may even from afar#even that would make me so happy just breathing the same air as him and getting to just /see/ him doing what he loves#did i mention how i love seeing him on stage bc he looks the happiest???? skjfhsjfh i could go on forever#omg i didn't intended to write this much and to think i started in all caps at first lmao anyway this is embarrassing bye#i prob reached the limit r.i.p jkfhsjfh it's been so long since i didn't write (almost all) my love for minho and i'm not#doing it anytime soon bc these things embarrass me and i rarely find what to say sjhfs just felt like it now#this isn't even all of it there's so much to say about him but we'll see in 10 years when i write another rant bye
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Daily Devotionals for July 10, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 20:14-15(KJV): 14 It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth. 15 There is gold and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Proverbs 20:14-15(AMP): 14 It is worthless, it is worthless! says the buyer; but when he goes his way, then he boasts (about his bargain). 15 There is gold and a multitude of pearls, but the lips of knowledge are a vase of preciousness (the most precious of all).
Thought for the Day
Verse 14 - Haggling over a price is normal in the Middle East and bargaining is an art, but some use their skills to cheat others. A buyer can make a transaction to his benefit by convincing a seller that his goods are worth less than what the seller asks for. If the seller is desperate and without bargaining skills, they can be swindled. This sort of dealing is just as much a form of cheating as a false balance. I am ashamed to say that I have heard Christians boasting about how they took advantage of people to get great bargains - and worse, attributing their success to God's favor! God, however, instructs us to make fair, and not one-sided deals. Before my husband and I sell something we always pray that it will bring a fair market value so that both we and the buyer may be blessed in the transaction. Negotiations should be honest. It is good if someone wants to reduce the price as a kindness, but bargaining should begin with a fair starting price. There is nothing wrong with offering bargain prices due to overstocks, seconds, closeouts, etc. as long as the merchandise is honestly presented. If items are damaged or irregular, they should be noted as such. The Lord hates deception.
Some businessmen use two financial statements: one when they want their company to look prosperous (such as when borrowing money) and the other when they want their company to appear less prosperous (such as when paying taxes). It is not wrong to take every tax break that one is entitled to, but juggling the books for dishonest gain is another matter. God is calling businessmen to serve Him, and He is looking for those with integrity.
Verse 15 - The worth of precious gold, pearls, or rubies is not as valuable as one who has the priceless ability to speak with godly knowledge. When we know God's Word and line our words up with its truth, the gracious things that we speak will bring untold blessings to others. The Bible contains pure wisdom, we need to study it so that we will speak truth and become overcomers. "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times" (Psalm 12:6).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, we desire to be like You so we are asking You to help us to be honest in all of our dealings with others. May we be concerned about the other party when we purchase something and not just look at what is always advantageous to us? Help us to overcome selfishness. Lord, help us to control the things that we speak and speak things that are kind and edifying. Deliver us from anger and resentment and let us keep a forgiving attitude when others wrong us. Lord, we are trusting You to vindicate us when others take advantage of us. Lord, we just do not want to be the ones guilty of taking advantage of another. Help us to always be fair and honest in our dealings. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller, @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups @GatekeeperWatchman.Org Monday, July 10, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA, https://www.facebook.com/StevenParkerMillerQ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman,
@gatekeeper-watchman https://www.pinterest.com/GatekeeperWatchman1/ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Saezuru chap 28 observations
The parallels between Misumi and Korubane, and Yashiro and Doumeki are obvious in this chapter.  What I find interesting though is in the difference between Misumi’s attitude toward Korubane versus Yashiro’s toward Doumeki.  
Misumi claims to himself that he isn’t trying to replace Korubane with Yashiro, but just like with Yashiro, Misumi tried to keep Korubane as close to him as possible, first by offering him a promotion, and then later, by ordering him not to seek revenge and land himself in prison.  As much as Misumi cared about Korubane, he clung on to him possessively, and tried to keep him near.
By contrast, Yashiro does the opposite with Doumeki.  He tries again and again to push Doumeki away, to let him go, to protect him from himself and the world of the yakuza.
While Misumi’s possessiveness of Korubane eventually gets Korubane killed, and while his possessiveness of Yashiro nearly gets him killed, Yashiro in turn does everything in his power to avoid the same fate befalling Doumeki.  
It’s a really interesting study in contrast between Yashiro and Misumi, then, and the shape of their love.  The saying “if you love someone, you let them go” never was more applicable.  Yashiro’s love for Doumeki is pure.  There’s nothing selfish in it at all, which goes hand in hand with Yashiro’s nature of selflessness.  
And this makes it doubly ironic, and tragic, what Yashiro tells Kageyama at the end, about how Doumeki is like a baby bird, following the first thing he saw.  He implies with this statement that Doumeki’s attachment to him was just something instinctual, that he was only drawn to Yashiro because of his own sweet innocence, attaching to the first thing he saw without really understanding what he was doing, or questioning it.  Yashiro believes Doumeki’s attachment to him is based in a falsehood, then.  That he loves an idealized image of Yashiro, not the “real” him, because Yashiro of course believes he  himself isn’t a worthy object of love, and that Doumeki, in time, will be destroyed by his mistake.  
Yashiro later thinks of that same image of a baby bird, and calls it “precious”.  To him, Doumeki is a precious being, a being of innocence and purity.  And of course, the innocent and pure are easily deceived and lead astray.  And that’s what Yashiro fears he’ll do to Doumeki, with his “shadow”, with his perversion and twisted nature.  He believes about himself that he wants to destroy what’s precious, and yet fails to see the contradiction to that belief, in how much he fights to protect and preserve the preciousness that is Doumeki.  Again, it’s ironic, because as Yashiro sees himself an unworthy of love, as dirty and as a corrupting force, he demonstrates his own purity and kindness, and the purity of his love, by setting Doumeki free.
And herein lies the fundamental difference between Misumi and Yashiro.  Misumi tries to hold Korubane closer, and Korubane dies.  He tries to hold Yashiro closer, and Yashiro nearly dies.  Yashiro loved Kageyama, and he let Kageyama go without any kind of fight, even set him up with Kuga, essentially destroying any slight chance he might still have had with him.  He loves Doumeki, and he lets Doumeki go, pushes him away, even as it robs him of his last and only hope.
Also, the moment when Kageyama asks Yashiro “Weren’t you in love with him (Doumeki)?”, is truly devastating for the look on Yashiro’s face.  He looks at Kageyama with so much shocked disbelief.  Because Yashiro tried again and again to make Kageyama see how he was in love with him, and Kage failed again and again to realize it, or acknowledge it, and yet here he is, suddenly aware that Yashiro is in love with Doumeki.  And right after Yashiro has committed himself to letting Doumeki go.  It’s like having salt rubbed into an open wound for Yashiro, I imagine, to hear the first man he loved remind him of the love he now has to, again, let go.  
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vajranam · 3 years
Human Life
To be reborn as a human being in order to have a precious human body requires a cause, and the cause for this is observing ethical self-discipline. The fact that we do have a human body now is an indication that in the past we’ve acted in a very ethical fashion. Therefore, having met with all these preventive measures of the Dharma now, in this lifetime, it is extremely important for us to maintain very pure ethical conduct. In addition to this, it is necessary to continue to practice such things as generosity, patience, energetic enthusiastic perseverance for what is positive, mental stability or concentration, and discriminating awareness. These things are also necessary.
If we look at ourselves, we find that, instead of being generous and giving, we’re just the opposite, we’re rather miserly; instead of being very patient and tolerant, we are prone to anger and have very little tolerance. If we act like that, it is going to be very difficult to continue obtaining precious human rebirths in the future.
It is difficult to obtain the freedoms and resources Whereby the aims of beings may be achieved. If I do not accomplish benefit with it now, Later, how could I obtain the perfect resources?
Not being born in the eight leisureless states, and being at leisure to practice the genuine dharma, is what is called freedom; and having no freedom refers to the eight leisureless states.
Nagarjuna said:
Hell beings, hungry ghosts, animals, Barbarians, long-lived gods, Having wrong views, born in a time with no buddha, And being dumb: these are the eight leisureless states.
Our life is very precious and we have tendency for take it for granted, this wrong view make us act like the wrong way.
students practioner It’s easy to spot those who did ngandro and those who not, because they don’t see. Preciousness of this life this moment. When World remind us hold on you are not the only show in town..
We need to remind the why this human body is precious, because it’s hard to obtain also when we got it we don’t have necessarily the dharma.
Also like the Buddha quotes to met the dharma is like a yoke and a turtle they maybe met one till aeon pass and met again.
That leave us to understand that when we got that opportunity we must work it with all our energy to realise our Buddha Nature
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