#preferably main canon characters
k0nstanta · 6 months
WAIT kotya can turn into a human??
silly answer: actually, kotya is a human. catgirl robot kotya is just her transition ideal. her robotsona, if you will
serious answer: though technically human kotya and robot kotya (smartly named k0tya) are the same character, they are from different universes. there's several of those featured on this blog, and as a rule i tag what's what under every post (formatted as "setting: [x]"). if a setting tag is missing it means it's either an unrelated drawing (not a part of any story) or related to the main "default" universe (which is the only one i often forget to tag... lol)
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japeneselunchtimerush · 4 months
Literally every akafuri fic in 2015:
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Will I ever stop the slander of 2015 AkaFuri? NO.
Also AkaFuri stans I do not hate this ship please do not come after me. I genuinely think that there are some great fics out there exploring their dynamics perfectly but the early fandom really ruined it for me.
Plus I also think Bokushi would not like Furi all that much at first. This is literally his expression
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Out of all the times Ive see him, this is the most expressive he gets. He looks so annoyed at Furi hiding in the bushes.
I think Bokushi would start to acknowledge Furi only after he gets over his fear. Oreshi would feel bad that he indimidates him so much and tries to be friends with him but Bokushi would not.
Bokushi also seems to be more interested in peoole to do not seem to be scared him. Case and point: Mayuzumi.
Again! This is not me hating on AkaFuri!
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pokeworldrevisited · 8 months
idk I've been seeing some people getting upset over Rei being the legends protag so I made a meme:
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oh-meow-swirls · 25 days
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i think this was funnier in my head.
#puppy draws#yo-kai watch#katie forester#jibanyan#whisper#whisper ykw#usapyon#hailey anne thomas#as a diagnosed autistic person i can confirm that the autism evaluation results#just being a picture of the autism creature with text saying you have the tism is accurate#i don't even remember how this idea came to me i think i was just overly tired this morning and then this happened#also ignore the fact that i refuse to accept nate as being canon protagonist katie is like way better sorry besties <3#that's like 80% a joke. every main yo-kai watch character is my blorbo and nate is included in that#i just also prefer katie. playing 3 and rewatching the anime + reading the manga did endear me to nate more though#i like how he's average but also totally bisexual. no i will not elaborate#why do my tags always get so derailed. uhhhh back to autism. hailey is so fucking autistic ngl#there's like at least five different instances in 3 of her just completely failing to read the room#she's totally hyperfixated on sailor cuties and next harmeowny#she has adhd vibes too i think but. the tism is very strong#i can't decide my favorite part of this between the “yippee!! you have the tism” image and jibanyan asking what autism is#he doesn't know because he has autism by default through being a cat he didn't need a diagnosis#i feel like all of them are autistic tbh but that's probably just me projecting. i totally gave katie autism in the rewrite though#i wasn't even trying to i just don't know what neurotypicals are like because i got that autistic rizz. and adhd rizz. mostly the adhd#i am definitely also autistic but i think my adhd effects me a lot more in day-to-day life#since i usually just interact with my moms who know i'm autistic and are also both neurodivergent#and people online. most of who are autistic because it's mostly on tumblr and this is the autism website#yo-kai watch more like yo-gay watchtism amirite-#oh also very amused by hailey just poofing into existence in the second picture. as you do
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backpocketkazoo · 1 year
you want a pn request? alright then, write loboto x reader. yeah, that's right, dr caligosto loboto. let the readers smooch that tall fish-loving dentist
🧠Dr Loboto x Reader General Headcanons🦷
You get me so well anon 😋😋😼
Sorry if this shows up in the main tags 💔
Uh as always not rlly sure if yall wanted hcs or what.. so that's what i did.
These are domestic btw guys I say so
🧠LOBOTO IS CRAZY ABOUT YOU. LIKE. Yeah,, he’s crazy either way but. He’s obsessed with you. You make him so happy you don’t get it guys. You’re everything and he’s just ken /hj.
🦷 Whenever you’re gone he’s just :-(
-> He’ll start heavily sighing until someone finally asks what’s wrong and he’s like “I miss my partner </3”
-> Then whenever you come back he’s like a dog when it’s owner comes back from work. He’s so excited!!
-> You will walk into a room and he’ll gasp and make everyone aware of your presence.
🦷 He is so clingy 😭
-> Loboto has a lingering fear that you’re gonna hate him for everything he’s done or that you’ll leave him. You have to verbally reassure him that that’s not true.
🧠 Love language is definitely physical touch. He is so SO touch starved.
-> Loves loves loves hugs. When you walk into the room he’ll pick you up, exclaiming how excited he is to see you, and pull you into a tight hug. He doesn’t care if it’s a room full of people. And honestly? He probably got tunnel vision when he saw you and completely forgot they were there.
🦷Additionally, he loves holding your hand. Tbh. He loves your touch in general.
-> He’s really gentle with you? It’s as if you’re fine china and he’s afraid you’re gonna break if he’s not careful.
-> He’s weirdly domestic with you and it confuses everyone. “This the same man that stole everyone’s brains🤨🤨🤨⁉️⁉️”
🧠 Hehe.. he’s just sooooo tall so yknow you’ll tug him down by his apron so he’s at your level right? And just give him a big ol kiss.
-> My guy short circuits. Literally intoxicated. He has those cartoony hearts floating around him.
🦷 Loboto MAY be a little bit overbearing at times but he’s trying his best. He doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships with people so it’s all kind of new to him. He doesn’t have a proper frame of reference for these sorts of things. But he’s learning;;,
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
Do you have voices in mind for each of your characters? Like an existing actor or singer they would sound close to? Or more so basic tones and timbre, or slight accents?
Yes! Well, sort of-- I can hear each and every one of their voices so clearly, but I have a hard time pointing to any known celebrities/voice actors that match them. I'm sure they exist and I'm sure I've probably even heard them, but it might be a case where they became a mishmash in my head to fit the tone that I hear for them. And like, with Maia, the absolute closest I can say is something obscure like "It's kind of like if Flute spoke english" (not a fan of the voh anime, but the voice castings were all great, so Flute's voice actress pops into my head with Maia... it's not exact, but it's close). She's got a soft, lightly airy voice that might have a singsong quality to it if not for her rampant anxiety and depression. bummer. Definitely ratchets up higher and higher until cracking like a cat under duress when her anxiety reaches (yelling at Elias levels) In my head, Audric has a deep, somewhat stern voice. Imposing if you don't know him well, definitely reads as "The Adult in the Room"... but still markedly young when he relaxes and you listen with familiarity. To contrast that, he's absolutely the type that breaks into something more like a childish laugh/giggle when amused to the point he can't keep it in. Like a dam break, it'll come out as a biting little laugh, probabyl hidden behind a hand. Largely I think this sticks in my mind for him due to one of my friends who's much the same way. For some reason i can't thnk of a single character to point to "kind of like--". Thanatos from Hades is a better fit below but the timbre/way of speaking is close, it just isn't severe/deep enough. Elias has a similar voice but lighter and without any of the strictness. His tone drags a little, giving off a feeling of someone who's studying you or the situation actively while they're speaking--almost as if plotting. This ranges from a seriousness that most find either offputting or unfriendly, to a more playful version of it (much of what he's been speaking to Maia with for the past chapter). The closest thing i can think of is like Maia where it's not quite right but it's close, which would be V's english VA from devil may cry... maybe V mixed with Thanatos from Hades and Ishida Akira when doing an older/serious role. Elias doesn't sound as actively sinister or [you know, dying lmao] as V though, making it not a full proper fit. The very "^_^" nature of a lot of Ishida Akira's performances though do fit well, even if they're largely missing the right actual timbre, and the casual-hard-to-read of Thanatos fits well. So I guess just mix these three together and it should somewhat sound like how I hear him in my head. Lyra's voice is very Mature but Spunky, and you should know she absolutely would do the full on "nerd laugh" if something gets her particularly good. Persephone's voice actor from Hades has the right timbre, but the performance doesn't match. If spiderverse dock ock were younger and , you know, genuinely more hyper that would fit more the right performance... But, yes. lol Nothing truly matches, but those get close like with the above examples. The fox is easy!! finally an easy one!!
and you know, for the gyekexplosion
And I lied okay, Audun is the ONE CHARACTER I know exactly who/what performance he sounds like that I could point to, but I think I might go to my grave before saying it because i'm oddly embarrassed by it lmao. Look, sometimes you just hear a performance and do a double take and go "THAT'S MY GUY...!?!?!" and your jaw is on the ground because someone captured it so exact that it feels like they crawled into your head and took notes. He has a deep, very "fatherly" voice, a bit stilted in nature but calm more often than not.If you want to attribute the stilted nature to a faint accent, thinking about what he's saying, or making sure he is understood clearly due to the nature of his work, that is up to you. It's the type of voice that can easily still a room if raised, but that's rarely necessary outside of extreme emergencies.
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
Can people ever be like. Normal about shipping for once?
Are we not just having fun with stories and story potential anymore? Making the blorbos kiss and have drama for fun?
Why are so many people treating it like existing in a constant state of war with strangers whose preferences and opinions just happen to differ from ours is part of the package when there's honestly no fucking need for any of it
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#pickle pontificates#i need to find a nice chill blog to follow for a certain fandom because I've been braving the wild west of the tag for a few weeks#and I'm sick and tired of seeing weird braindead discourse that's just rehashing stuff from every fandom ever and refusing nuance#i hate shipping discourse. sick of it#liking a ship or hating a ship does NOT make you morally superior or inferior or say anything about your political opinions#(in and of itself anyway)#like. yeah i don't ''get'' a lot of ships and don't really love any for this particular thing#but like. people are going to ship. they're going to ship things that don't make sense to you.#they're going to ship ''the wrong couples'' and ''the wrong genders'' (???) and there's nothing you can do about that#it's fair to vent about ships you don't care for or understand and it's fair to enthuse about ships you love#what i don't get is discourse with ppl vaguing in main tags back and forth like there's a debate to be had#there's not. there is no debate to be had in matters of preference#if ppl were really debating what makes canonical sense then sure. you could debate that#but there are only like two or less implied canonical ships in this fandom and NO official ones#NOTHING makes canonical sense. SHIPPING IS PREFERENCE. shipping is almost always inherently nonsensical to varying extents#you're not going to change anyone's preferences or behavior by complaining about a widespread cross-fandom phenomenon that's now here#this is an adult/teen story with adult characters aimed at an adult demographic#be an adult and mind your own business instead of acting like it's a moral social justice crusade to engage in shipping discourse#mkay rant over#okay to respond/reply btw i just don't want this in tags
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despairforme · 4 months
oh, so kenpachi is your kinda guy?
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❝ He's a SHINIGAMI. ❞ Oh, the disgust in his voice. FUCK Shinigami. They could all go fucking DIE IN A DITCH. Assholes who thought themselves above him, when they were not! Was Zaraki Kenpachi his kind of guy? NO. Objectively speaking, sure, the guy was attractive. He had a nice appearance. Height, muscles - the kinda build Nnoitra enjoyed. But, he was still a Shinigami.
Nnoitra would never - ever - admit ( out loud ) what the core problem with Zaraki Kenpachi was. He was never going to admit that someone was stronger than him. But Zaraki? He was. As had been proven in the most devastating way. While Nnoitra found strength attractive, the thought of being involved in a personal manner with someone who could beat him? He disliked that. It was off-putting to him.
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gamebunny-advance · 9 months
I'm already getting a good amount of response to today's polls, and now as usual I come to realize in hindsight that my wording of the questions might be affecting how people are voting.
I've really got to be better about that.
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spacedlexi · 1 year
and what the more nuanced opinions about s*yloy?
censoring the ship name 💀 ive been trying to avoid all the post-burning shores drama that seems to be happening in the horizon fandom... ive seen some Nasty stuff getting thrown around and im not just talking about the usual gamer-homophobes (those im unfortunately used to by now)
i think overall theyre cute!! their relationship in this dlc is about how aloy is Truly evolving to accept people into her life on a Deep and Personal level. and i am NOT saying that she doesnt also care deeply for her current cast of friends (i think she might even have Feelings for some of them shes not letting herself be aware of (and im talking since ZD)). but its established in forbidden west that aloy has trouble connecting to people on that deep level, and she more often slips off into the night on her own than choosing to stick by them long term. she cares for them, she'll always help them, but something seems to keep scaring her off
the end of the dlc has aloy saying the idea of a home and tribe has always scared her since she grew up so disconnected from the nora. her development throughout FW (although i had issues with the writing and pacing of it) is about her putting down those walls and Truly letting people into her life. and seyka, being so similar to herself in so many ways yet having a positive relationship with her tribe, is kind of the perfect storm for this new aloy. her feelings are new and clumsy and she stumbles over herself. she doesnt always seem as cool and collected as she usually is and it sometimes seems to even throw her off. its cute!
i dont necessarily have any problem with Them. my problems more so were related to the execution of the writing and pacing of the dlc as a whole. and those problems stem back to the writing and pacing problems ive had since forbidden west... they just kinda got caught in the crossfire a bit (as did some of the FW companions when i first played through but have since warmed up to more). i went back and rewatched my friends stream of it and i found myself less frustrated than i was when we first went through it, but there were still a few moments here and there (between them and in the overarching plot in general) that just made me go 🤨 the execution was messy or weak or strange at times but again thats not just a dlc problem for me. i can at least appreciate the intention of what they were Trying to do with aloy and seyka. and as a plus they hit a number of tropes i really like
i think what bothered me more was the way guerrilla marketed her? its weird because they boasted about how "special and unique" she was when i feel she shares a lot of qualities that aloys other companions also have (down to c-cast characters like ikrie and nakoa). like.. i LIKE all of these characters for these similar qualities! it was just weirdly disrespectful to their own cast? i dont think that was their intention but it was... interesting
especially since i believe this experience with seyka is Massively important for aloy moving forward in regards to her relationships. aloy at the end of the dlc after her time with seyka is Completely Ready to accept what her idea of "home" is, and she realizes thats the connections shes made with the people around her. i really hope seyka gets to escape the dlc and join up with the cast in Horizon 3 (i was already disappointed when ikrie didnt make a reappearance). but since the dlc ended in flashpoints where you could accept or reject her, i Definitely believe this implementation will return in Horizon 3 with our cast of companions (not every aloy chose to kiss seyka so some aloys are returning to base single (but seemingly ready to mingle)). in the past when these flashpoints have come up (like with avad in both ZD and FW) aloy always seems resistant in some way even if you Do choose the heart option. but seyka is evidence that aloy really IS ready for that level of commitment post-BS. and since these are still choices tied to flashpoints, your aloy can do whatever she wants! the point is that regardless of any romance, shes ready to accept her friends as her Tribe
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okay, so I think maybe reading too much fic has affected how I approach actual books, but only specifically when they're star wars books that deal with the star wars main characters, bc I'm reading bloodlines rn (by Claudia Gray) which is about Leia and I am enjoying it! but for some reason reading Official, Totally Canon Leia feels weird even though it's objectively not
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Peeks in.
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captaincolorblob · 2 years
Theres no feeling like going on a content-hunt on multiple social media websites for a really niche fandom that you got into while also having no energy to create content for it yourself, pain and misery
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bakugouisabitch · 2 years
ik we all say fuck canon but the amount of OOC shit i see on tumblr really makes me cry 😭😭😭😭😭
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tanzoshi · 2 years
; 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 . Summoning; Ookurikara.
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Rarely do I bring Ookurikara to make an appearance bc I know his personality is rather difficult to deal with, so i’m always fearing that he might be too much to deal with or rather said,, offer too little to deal with at the start; Ookurikara is the kind of character that doesn’t actively seek to want to get along with anyone nor wants anyone to reach out to him; and he is pretty straightforward about this; he’s incredibly stubborn and with muses that have a strong sense of authority/power this might clash simply because of his nature as a mumeitou ( a sword that lacks its sword smith’s signature which in exchange, brands him as ‘masterless’, and thus, brings him to wander freely without having to settle under anyone’s ‘orders/rules’ ); yet on the other extreme, if someone is also distant like him, then chances are that there will be no development because Ookurikara does not tend to actively seek out to form bonds. I think the key points to get along with him is;;  
-Dont asume anything from him; if you dictate to him how he should react or what he should say, he’ll straight up ignore you. 
-Dont expect anything from him; You might have summoned him but from his point of view, he owes you nothing. He doesn´t belong to anyone, so why should he follow orders?
-Be patient: Because of his own stubborn nature that leads him to stay inside his own shell and avoid reaching out to others, he is the kind of character that would benefit the most from interacting with someone patient; the kind that would wait for a tree to bear fruits despite the adversities.
Summoning Ookurikara means that from the get-go, he’ll present to you all his flaws raw (something I personally find pretty interesting) . It is common to see that characters tend to show the best of their traits on a first meeting, however in his case, you get what characters usually seek to hide; on his case he will not sugarcoat anything (which is curious when u think about it, that what Ookurikara doesn’t show aren’t his flaws, but his virtues), which a lot of times means people end up giving up on him pretty quickly (which shouldn’t be blamed bc Ookurikara himself does not make it easy for anyone OITUROIT). I think for someone to be able to bond with him, they must have a strong heart, a determinate heart- whether you are kind or rude, rightful or have questionable morals matters little to him simply because he does not naturally find himself caring about others, he’s a solitary individual, and the kind that doesn’t seem to suffer from this, however at the same time, he’s never truly experienced a strong companionship, which means that once you earn his loyalty/faithfulness, he’ll probably naturally end up returning it 10x times
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