#pregnancy back pain
andrewsbrian · 6 months
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Navigating Wellness through Physical Therapy
Navigate your journey to wellness with the guidance of physical therapy. Beyond injury recovery, physical therapy promotes overall health by enhancing mobility, strength, and flexibility. Tailored exercise programs and therapeutic techniques address a range of conditions, from chronic pain to sports injuries. With a focus on prevention and rehabilitation, physical therapy empowers individuals to actively participate in their well-being, fostering a healthier and more resilient lifestyle.
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personalcareonline · 1 year
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lilleluv · 1 year
Your Baby at One Week Pregnant: Understanding Early Development
The first week of pregnancy is a time that most women are unaware that they are pregnant. During this time, conception has occurred, but the fertilized egg has not yet implanted in the uterus. Despite this, there are still a few things that women can do during this time to promote a healthy pregnancy. Start taking prenatal vitamins: Prenatal vitamins contain essential vitamins and minerals that…
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aurpiment · 8 months
I had a dream that I was watching The Terror again and it was… a bit different.
There was a plot where Francis Crozier was pregnant. Not by Fitzjames, no; they weren’t close like that. I think by someone who was 1) a casual hookup and 2) dead. He was confiding in Fitzjames about it, though, and complaining of breast soreness. Fitzjames asked him if he was sure he was pregnant and he said yes, that he recognized the symptoms from when he was younger, and then told a story about how his mother had helped him get an abortion when he was a teenager so he could pursue his then-incipient naval career.
Unfortunately, in the dream, I was watching this version of The Terror with my father and brother and they were confused. “But he’s a man! How is such a thing possible?”
“Transgender,” I explained impatiently, because it was obvious this was the direction the show had gone with the character, even though the actor playing him was still cisgender actor Jared Harris.
“But still, no way this would happen,” I added. “I mean, look at him. He’s GOT to be post-menopausal.”
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cherrise-rose · 7 months
imagine a small town having an annual mechanical bull riding contest but for overdue pregnant people
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I had a sudden memory flashing of the Christmas times when I was a child and all was about ballet, Noël Mass and family dinner. All the presents. Everything, surrounded with sparkles, glitters. Baby pinks and blues everywhere. I miss those innocent days. During those nostalgia moments, I desire so much to be a child again.
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thixcy · 1 month
This is not for everybody but for moms who are honest with themselves. This shit ain’t for the WEAK 💪🏾💚
Source: kitarose_ via instagram
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hussyknee · 3 months
Can't imagine ever feeling bad about being single when Reddit exists. Today in cis het men are hot garbage.
Tw for traumatic childbirth, medical trauma, coercion, gaslighting and medical abuse and fucking troglodyte manchild of a husband. Jesus fucking Christ.
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andrewsbrian · 7 months
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Chiropractic Therapy for Seniors: Controlling Pain and Increasing Range of Motion
Chiropractic therapy offers seniors a non-invasive approach to manage pain and enhance their range of motion. With age, issues like arthritis, joint stiffness, and back pain can become more prevalent. Chiropractors use manual adjustments to align the spine and joints, relieving discomfort and increasing mobility. This drug-free, holistic approach is particularly beneficial for seniors seeking natural pain relief and improved flexibility, allowing them to maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Chiropractic care can be a valuable component of overall wellness and vitality in the senior years.
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dark-mnjiro · 3 months
Matt moved my den of blankets and pillows that I have found worked really well for support for my back during pregnancy. I-
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ryanthedemiboy · 7 months
Petiton for surgeons to always prescribe at least a few days of good painkillers after a surgery.
Nobody should ever be told to take Tylenol or ibuprofen only following surgery, with no other option.
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lightwoodsdaddario · 1 year
can't believe I'm gonna have to keep my uterus for another 20 to 30 years because some men think they know more about me wanting kids than I do
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wariocompany · 2 years
Ngl I thought u were a mom after I read the tags on the fuming mom post but then I saw ur age 💀
I largely imagined how difficult it would be to raise a kid based on the fact that you cannot clock off including when asleep, you are emotionally invested and anxious in your performance beyond words, the people for whom you are working have no ability to comprehend or thank you for what you've done, you don't get paid, and everyone antagonises you in public if your kid behaves in a way you can't control. But I could be a mum if I tried maybe.
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
It is always weird for me to have proof that my hell periods are unusual and not everyone has to submit themself to progesterone and depo-provera to the point of mental crisis just to be able to hold down a job
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
How do jock Clarke and cheerleader Lexa comfort each other when they're on their periods?
Lexa gets suuuuuuuper needy during her periods. While in private she's usually much more touchy, during that week she is constantly asking Clarke for cuddles, kisses, hugs, and sex which Clarke very happily delivers. Lexa has some reservations about having sex while on her period but Clarke really doesn’t care, if her girl is horny she'll take care of her no questions asked. She also gets bad cramps, poor baby, so Clarke makes sure to speak Lexa's love language as well and be constantly preparing for her her hot water bag, making her some cinnamon tea and getting her any of the food craving Lexa gets during this time (usually a lot of the sweet things she tends not to eat when shes not on her period).
Clarke has very light periods which combined with the intense exercise she does really helps her not have many symptoms other than her chest getting slightly bigger and her getting a little bloated (Lexa finds her tummy very cute and well, tiddies ya know 😳). She does get emotional which really messes up her cool frat girl rep. So to comfort her Lexa lets her cuddle on top of her and cry her little heart out about whatever it is that is making her emotional while showering her in kisses and i love you's. And sex, Clarke gets really service toppy during her periods and by the end of the 3 or so days Clarke's period lasts Lexa might be eaten out a good five times a day and she feels horrible telling Clarke she's too sensitive because immediately the water works start 🥺
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bredforloyalty · 1 year
every time it's that time of the month i think about getting rid of my uterus
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